#Unnamed Arctic Fox
wolvesmaw · 1 year
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Frivolous little sketches
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clove-pinks · 7 months
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The Banham Family Magic Lantern Collection. From the auction description:
Of Franklin Expedition and Polar Interest. Thirty-two slides in original box, probably assembled from several sets on Arctic expeditions including those led by Parry and the 'Franklin search'. Single hand-painted glass slides in wooden frames 6 7/8 x 3 3/4 x 3/8 inches.
There are dozens of images, and I recognise some of them from classic polar exploration books like Voyage of the 'Fox' and Parry's narratives. Otherworldly, glowing colours bring the scenes to life.
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'Moonlight in the Arctic Regions', 'Parry's First Meeting with the [Inuit]', 'A Magnetic Observatory', ships overwintering, and 'Funeral On The Ice' for an unnamed British subject.
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myriadeyed · 2 years
I would like to offer this resource for therians, an extensive list of all of Sir David Attenborough’s nature documentaries that are available on soap2day, and a full list of what species* they each (notably, prominently) feature the natural behaviors of, separated by episode, and omitting species that were only shown dead, juvenile or being predated on. This took me a while (I have been working on it since Prehistoric Planet’s release) because I did in fact have to watch every single series in full in order to list all the species and the episodes are around 50 minutes long, but enjoy.
Long post ahead:
Most of these shows have closed captioning, which is why I’ve picked soap2day. Planet Earth is the only one that doesn’t. I did not include Dynasties and Dynasties II because each episode only features one species.
Thank you to Birch (@ambiguousmutt​) for his help (he watched about half of the episodes) so I didn’t have to do it individually. Credit goes to him as well.
*Sometimes Attenborough doesn’t say the specific species and I was too busy trying to get through the episodes to identify it. In those cases I just put the most specific name I could.
Planet Earth
Episode one (From Pole to Pole): emperor penguin, polar bear, caribou, arctic grey wolf, Amur leopard, six-plumed bird-of-paradise, superb bird-of-paradise, great white shark, African elephant, African buffalo, lechwe, baboon, African wild dog
Episode two (Mountains): gelada, walia ibex, Ethiopian wolf, guanaco, cougar, grizzly bear, markhor, snow leopard, golden eagle, grey wolf, panda, golden snub-nosed monkey, red panda, demoiselle crane
Episode three (Fresh Water): giant salamander, grizzly bear, smooth-coated otter, Nile crocodile, dolphin fish, midge, Amazon river dolphin, dorado, piranha, spectacled caiman, crab-eating macaque, snow goose
Episode four (Caves): wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat, cockroach, bat hawk, cave swiftlet, yellow-red rat snake, Texas blind salamander
Episode five (Deserts): Bactrian camel, dromedary camel, red kangaroo, fennec fox, guanaco, long-nosed bat, Nubian ibex, flat lizard, lion, African elephant, locust
Episode six (Ice Worlds): snow petrel, Antarctic petrel, south polar skua, humpback whale, emperor penguin, eider, muskox, arctic grey wolf, polar bear, little auk, arctic fox
Episode seven (Great Plains): Mongolian gazelle, red-billed quelea, wildebeest, snow goose, arctic fox, arctic grey wolf, bison, wild ass, Tibetan fox, pygmy hog, African elephant, lion, baboon
Episode eight (Jungles): magnificent bird-of-paradise, spider monkey, howler monkey, siamang gibbon, gliding tree frog, colugo, red crab spider, African elephant, chimpanzee
Episode nine (The Shallow Seas): humpback whale, multiple corals, banded sea krait, trevally, dugong, bottlenose dolphin, Socotra cormorant, salp, comb jelly, sea lion, dusky dolphin, sea urchin, sunflower starfish, short-tailed stingray, great white shark, king penguin, fur seal
Episode ten (Seasonal Forests): Eurasian lynx, moose, crossbill, wolverine, western capercaillie, pine marten, great grey owl, pudu, kodkod, mandarin duck, cicada, red deer, Amur leopard, tiger, mouse lemur
Episode eleven (Ocean Deep): whale shark, oceanic whitetip shark, common dolphin, Cory's shearwater, manta ray, sea spider, vampire squid, spider crab, unnamed deep sea eel, giant isopod, chambered nautilus, Pacific spotted dolphin, mola mola, frigatebird, sailfish, blue whale
Planet Earth II
Episode one (Islands): pygmy three-toed sloth, Komodo dragon, sifaka, marine iguana, Galapagos racer, Buller's albatross, fairy tern, Christmas Island red crab, yellow crazy ant, chinstrap penguin
Episode two (Mountains): Nubian ibex, red fox, golden eagle, grizzly bear, bobcat, flamingo, mountain viscacha rat, snow leopard
Episode three (Jungles): spider monkey, flying lizard, sword-billed hummingbird, river dolphin, jaguar, glass frog, paper wasp, click beetle, red bird of paradise, Wilson's bird of paradise, indri
Episode four (Deserts): lion, Harris's hawk, shrike, locust, sand grouse, pale chanting goshawk, feral mustang, golden mole, desert long-eared bat, darkling beetle, Namaqua chameleon
Episode five (Grasslands): saiga antelope, lion, harvest mouse, carmine bee-eater, Kori bustard, African elephant, serval, Jackson's widowbird, grasscutter ant, compass termite, giant anteater, bison, red fox, arctic grey wolf
Episode six (Cities): langur, peregrine falcon, leopard, European starling, great bowerbird, raccoon, rhesus macaque, spotted hyena, wels catfish
Our Planet
Episode one (One Planet): lesser flamingo, orchid bee, golden-collared manakin, red-capped manakin, blue manakin, cormorant, booby, common dolphin, shearwater, African wild dog, timber wolf
Episode two (Frozen Worlds): gentoo penguin, wandering albatross, narwhal, Pacific walrus, humpback whale, orca, leopard seal, polar bear
Episode three (Jungles): lowland gorilla, forest elephant, black sicklebill, twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, western parotia, mountain treeshrew, Philippine eagle, black spider monkey, leafcutter ant, Sumatra orangutan, velvet worm
Episode four (Coastal Seas): northern fur seal, compass jellyfish, giant trevally, mobula ray, Atlantic stingray, bottlenose dolphin, grey reef shark, whitetip reef shark, sea otter, California sheephead wrasse, Steller's sea lion, bald eagle, humpback whale, Guanay cormorant, Inca tern, Peruvian booby, South American sea lion
Episode five (From Deserts to Grasslands): Socotran cormorant, Arabian leopard, Arabian oryx, African elephant, cheetah, bison, Alcon blue butterfly, saiga, Przewalski's wild horse, tiger
Episode six (The High Seas): blue whale, spinner dolphin, mobula ray, oarfish, anglerfish, bristle worm, giant petrel, black-browed albatross, wandering albatross, bluefin tuna, sea lion, humpback whale
Episode seven (Fresh Water): Australian pelican, torrent duck, grizzly bear, manatee, giant mayfly, common kingfisher, osprey, jaguar, callipterus cichlid, Siamese fighting fish, hippopotamus, lion, African elephant, sandhill crane
Episode eight (Forests): Siberian tiger, bald eagle, rough-skinned newt, great hornbill, African elephant, African wild dog, fossa, gray mouse lemur
A Perfect Planet
Episode one (Volcano): lesser flamingo, marabou stork, Galápagos land iguana, vampire ground finch, Aldabra giant tortoise, North American river otter, coyote, Kamchatka brown bear, wildebeest
Episode two (The Sun): yellow-cheeked gibbon, fig wasp, arctic grey wolf, wood frog, garter snake, arctic fox, Saharan silver ant, golden snub-nosed monkey, sooty shearwater, humpback whales
Episode three (Weather): straw-colored fruit bat, fire ant, Amazonian giant river turtle, desert rain frog, Bactrian camel, Christmas Island red crab, carmine bee-eater, Nile crocodile, African fish eagle, hippopotamus
Episode four (Oceans): common dolphin, marine iguana, flightless cormorant, flamboyant cuttlefish, eider, bottlenose dolphin, lemon shark, manta ray, blacktip reef shark, trevally, rockhopper pengin, Eden's whale
Episode five (Humans): none
Episode one (Challenges of Life): bottlenose dolphins, cheetah, panther chameleon, orca, brown-tufted capuchin, stalk-eyed fly, hippopotamus, Clark's grebe, giant Pacific octopus, strawberry poison-dart frog, leopard seal, orangutan
Episode two (Reptiles and Amphibians): pebble toad, caiman, basilisk, Brazilian pygmy gecko, panther chameleon, Namaqua chameleon, red-sided garter snake, collared iguana, hog-nosed snake, horned lizard, sea krait, African bullfrog, Komodo dragon
Episode three (Mammals): Weddell seal, elephant shrew, aye-aye, caribou, straw-colored fruit bat, lion, spotted hyena, polar bear, brown-nosed coati, meerkat, African elephant, humpback whale
Episode four (Fish): sailfish, flying fish, weedy sea dragon, convict fish, sarcastic fringehead, mudskipper, Hawaiian freshwater goby, hippopotamus, barbel, silvertip shark, clownfish, sea lion, ragged tooth shark, multiple snapper, whale shark
Episode five (Birds): spatuletail hummingbird, lammergeier, red-billed tropicbird, magnificent frigatebird, red knot, horseshoe crab, lesser flamingo, chinstrap penguin, great white pelican, Clark’s grebe, sage grouse, Vogelkop bowerbird
Episode six (Insects): Darwin’s beetle, unnamed damselfly, monarch butterfly, alkali fly, Wilson’s phalarope, oogpister beetle, mongoose, bombardier beetle, honey bee, black bear, Japanese red bug, Dawson’s bee, grass cutter ant
Episode seven (Hunters and Hunted): ibex, short-tailed stoat, brown bear, Ethiopian wolf, California ground squirrel, star-nosed mole, cheetah, red fox, greater bulldog bat, bottlenose dolphin, Bengal tiger, rattlesnake, orca
Episode eight (Creatures of the Deep): Pompeii worm, Humboldt squid, nemertean worm, moon jelly, fried egg jellyfish, spider crab, stingray, cuttlefish, giant Pacific octopus, sunflower sea star, king crab, cleaner shrimp
Episode nine (Plants): monarch butterfly, purple-throated carib hummingbird
Episode ten (Primates): Hamadryas baboon, Japanese macaque, lowland gorilla, spectral tarsier, phayre's leaf monkey, ring-tailed lemur, Sumatra orangutan, chacma baboon, white-faced capuchin, brown-tufted capuchin, western chimpanzee
Blue Planet II
Episode one (One Ocean): bottlenose dolphin, tuskfish, tern, giant trevally, mobula ray, false killer whale, Asian sheepshead wrasse, orca, humpback whale, walrus
Episode two (The Deep): sea toad, Venus’ flower basket, unnamed shrimp, ethereal snailfish, cock-eyed squid, pyrosome, barrel-eyed fish, unnamed siphonophore, yeti crab, Humboldt squid, fangtooth fish, sixgill shark, scabbardfish, zombie worm
Episode three (Coral Reefs): broadclub cuttlefish, coral grouper, day octopus, multiple corals, green turtle, bottlenose dolphin, manta ray, bobbit worm, saddleback clownfish, marbled grouper, grey reef shark
Episode four (Big Blue): spinner dolphin, yellowfin tuna, mobula ray, sailfish, sperm whale, sea turtle, blue shark, great white shark, multiple jellyfish, Portuguese man o' war, whale shark, wandering albatross, shortfin pilot whale
Episode five (Green Seas): Garibaldi, Australian giant cuttlefish, weedy seadragon, common octopus, pyjama shark, sea otter, tiger shark, smooth stingray, zebra mantis shrimp, common dolphin, humpback whale
Episode six (Coasts): Pacific leaping blenny, king penguin, southern elephant seal, Sally Lightfoot crab, Galápagos sea lion, ochre starfish, clingfish, chain moray eel, Atlantic puffin, arctic skua
Episode seven (Our Blue Planet): none
Prehistoric Planet
Episode one (Coasts): Tyrannosaurus rex, Tethydraco, Phosphatodraco,  Tuarangisaurus, Mosasaurus hoffmannii, pycnodont fish, ammonites,  Kaikaifilu
Episode two (Deserts):  Dreadnoughtus, Tarbosaurus, Velociraptor,  Mononykus, Barbaridactylus, Secernosaurus
Episode three (Freshwater): Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus rex, Deinocheirus, Quetzalcoatlus, Masiakasaurus, Beelzebufo, elasmosaur
Episode four (Ice Worlds): dromaeosaur, hadrosaur, Ornithomimus, Olorotitan, troodontid, Antarctopelta, Pachyrhinosaurus, Nanuqsaurus
Episode five (Forests): Austroposeidon, Triceratops, Carnotaurus, Qianzhousaurus,  Edmontosaurus, Atrociraptor, Anodontosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Telmatosaurus, Hatzegopteryx
The Hunt
Episode one (The Hardest Challenge): African leopard, African wild dog, Parson’s chameleon, nose-horned chameleon, African mantis, Darwin’s bark spider, Nile crocodile, Amur falcon, orca, cheetah
Episode two (Arctic): polar bear, arctic grey wolf, arctic fox, glaucous gull
Episode three (Forests): tiger, American marten, sparrow hawk, Portia spider, tarsier, harpy eagle, chimpanzee, army ant
Episode four (Oceans): blue whale, frigatebird, dorado, sargassum fish, spinner dolphin, Beroe ovata, Chiroteuthis, lionfish, black-browed albatross, sea lion, tuna, copper shark, common dolphin, Bryde's whale
Episode five (Plains): cheetah, caracal, honey badger, termite, bald eagle, lion, Ethiopian wolf, hotrod ant, spoor spider
Episode six (Coasts): bottlenose dolphin, algae octopus, sand bubbler crab, long-tailed macaque, marine otter, grizzly bear, grey wolf, peregrine falcon, orca, humpback whale
Episode seven (Conservation): none
Life In Colour
Episode one (Seeing In Color): Indian peafowl, mandrill, Costa’s hummingbird, magnificent bird-of-paradise, blue moon butterfly, fiddler crab, mantis shrimp, flamingo, poison dart frog
Episode two (Hiding In Color): Bengal tiger, langur, ptarmigan, crab spider, zebra, Cuban painted snail, blue-striped fangblenny, common waxbill, pin-tailed wydah, Augrabies flat lizard
Frozen Planet II
Episode one (Frozen Worlds): emperor penguin, orca, Pallas’s cat, Siberian tiger, grizzly bear, hooded seal, polar bear
Episode two (Frozen Ocean): polar bear, beluga, harp seal, skeleton shrimp, crested auklet, orca
Episode three (Frozen Peaks): high-casqued chameleon, japanese macaque, kea, andean flamingo, giant panda, golden eagle, andean mountain lion
Episode four (Frozen South): king penguin, Antipodean wandering albatross, blue whale, Weddell seal, chinstrap penguin, snow petrel, leopard seal, orca
Episode five (Frozen Lands): grey wolf, arctic fox, Amur leopard, Siberian tiger, painted turtl, Lapland bumblebee, snowy owl, caribou, grizzly bear
Episode six (Our Frozen Planet): none
Episode one (Kalahari): fork-tailed drongo, ostrich, black rhinoceros, Angolan giraffe, African leopard, armored ground cricket, spider wasp
Episode two (Savannah): Agama lizard, shoebill, bee-eaters and rollers, lesser flamingo, African elephant, crowned eagle, African fish eagle, martial eagle
Episode three (Congo): chimpanzee, central African rock python, Angola banana frog, African skimmer, rockfowl, African elephant
Episode four (Cape): emperor swallowtail, giant kingfish, African penguin, monkey beetle, springbok, yellow-billed kite, pied crow, ghost crab, vundu catfish, Nile crocodile, Bryde’s whale, great white shark, common dolphin
Episode five (Sahara): Grevy’s zebra, naked mole rat, barn swallow, Dromedary camel, dung beetle, crocodile, western yellow wagtail, Saharan silver ant
Episode six (The Future): none
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hattiestgal · 6 months
Oh boy oh boy!!!
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Riley Foxglove (They/It/She): Fennec fox full of trauma and mischief. My sona, and the menace of Little Pocket. Bassist and vocalist for her band, BOY GIRL MISCHIEF! (<3 with Violette)
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Violette Burrows (She/Her): Rat equally full of trauma, but also goth sass. Finally feels like she found home after an entire childhood spent traveling the country with her parents for business. Car mechanic and drummer for BOY GIRL MISCHIEF (<3 with Riley)
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Omen Poe (He/They): Raven that is very much the falco type. Employee of a local hobby shop, tsundere but if you called them that they'd punch you, and the biggest egg you'll ever meet. Guitarist for BOY GIRL MISCHIEF! (<3 with Finnegan)
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Finnegan Oakes (He/Him): Red fox soft kind boy. Wildlife photographer and trumpet player, and the carrier of many family legacies. Has a bit of an obsession with with historical aircraft, despite being avidly against war. A baker at heart (<3 with Omen)
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Alex Lyn (She/Him): Spotted hyena washed out uni student who's finally figuring out his life. Avid hockey player, occasional strongman competition participant and ever sleepy. (<3 with Harlow)
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Harlow Reese (They/It/Xe): Black cat equally washed out on uni, but being so silly about it. A complete nerd and appreciator of butches. Occasionally competes in super smash brothers competitions, but otherwise generally collects old obscure manga and video games (<3 with Alex)
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Jack Foxglove (He/Any): Wolf tired gayboy, and older brother of Riley. A kind soul looking to help others by studying to become a therapist. Very full of punk swag and an absolute role model all round
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Cake (She/It): Shiba inu girlthing. Consumer of many burgers and knower of an absurd amount of obscure facts about early generation game consoles. Collects a wide variety of retro games
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Kiera (She/Her): Dragon sleazy cursed artifacts saleswoman. Actually the result of a god's divine punishment turned gender euphoria. While what she sells is cursed, she more realizes peoples fantasies while delivering justice to those who abuse their money
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Lizzy (She/They): Taur arctic fox and the result of one of Kieras cursed artifact sales. Originally down on her luck, becoming a taur allowed her to capitalize on the novelty of being one to attract customers for a wide variety of services. Often appears at parties and is very well fed.
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Lucy Diggs (He/Him): Rabbit loaded to the BRIM with trauma. Caught in a world constantly at war, given a new headmate with lightning powers and then quickly thrusted into the spot of figurehead for a freedom fighting rebellion to topple the system that perpetuates it he's being so brave about it.
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Allison Dudz (She/Any): Albino alligator ex military soldier and mech pilot. Holds down a refuge in the abyss for those who walk it. Is actively on the run by a military force called ELIAS and the sort of kind of parental figure for Lucy. Another figurehead in the rebellion
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(Currently Unnamed) (She/Her): Grey cat full of yuri related injuries. Also ex military but then she like kinda joined back in a way under a new name. Fought her way up the ranks to become the head of ELIAS
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VUL-TURE (It/Its): Robot bounty hunter thats also a bit of a girlthing. Sucks at its job like really badly but tries its best. Has tried to assassinate the head of ELIAS twice to absolutely no avail
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endofherwildsideau · 1 year
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Her Voice by Elsa
| Animal Mode | Bioluminescent Mode | Arrival | Old-Self | Causal | War | Her weapons | Rider | Summer | Companion Pet & Spirit Sister |
Deadname: Istas Nakai
Name: Queen Juno the Arctic Alpha
Name Meaning: queen of heaven. heavenly one. Queen, goddess of heaven. youth.
Nicknames: June, Junie, juniper
Birthday: November 22
Cause of Death: Frozen to death
Age: 180 (die at the age of 16)
Species: a hybrid of Human, Winter Deity, and Snowshoe Hare.
Race: American 🇺🇲, Native American & Inuit.
Gender: Female ♀
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role or Job: Goddess of Winter. Snowshoe Hare Alpha. Ruler of The Frostbite Tundra, and Arctic Alpha. Queen of the Arctic tribe. Nanny and child caretaker. Holder of Crown Jewel pieces. Master of Taming Arctic Animals.
Home World: Earth (Formerly) Miracle Region (Currently)
Kingdom: The Frostbite Tundra, Mount Everest, The Arctic Nest, and Snowville.
Home: Whitehaven Castle
Companion Pet:
Floryn the Deer-Fox
Spirit Animal/Sibling:
Oneida the Giant Stoat (Spirit sister)
Unnamed parents
Jack the Jackrabbit (cousin)
Unnamed uncle
Unnamed aunt
Alpha Physiology
Human Physiology
Hybrid Physiology
Lagomorph Physiology
Leporid Physiology
Ally Empowerment
Animal Companionship
Animal Training Mastery
Animalistic Vocalization
Avian Companionship
Bond Empowerment
Ceiling Walk
Child Caretaking Mastery
Child Companionship
Companion Allegiance
Companion Connection
Creature Studies Mastery
Danger Detection
Declaration Aging
Empathic Link
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Dexterity
Enhanced Hearing
Enhanced Leap
Enhanced Senses
Enhanced Smell
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Stealth
Enhanced Weapon Proficiency
Expressive Ears
Eye Color Shifting
Fur Generation
Glowing Eyes - only when the power is active or glows in the dark.
Hair Color Shifting
Hair Growth
Heart Link - Only on Floryn & Oneida
Infinite Digestive System
Leadership Mastery
Management Mastery
Materialized Guardian
Mind Control - to control other arctic alphas
Mind Link - to control other arctic alphas
Mode Switching - Companion Form, Animal Mode, and Winter Mode.
Night Vision
Powerful Bite
Prehensile Tail
Prey Instinct
Protected Senses
Regeneration Healer Factor
Riders Aptitude - Only Oneida
Skin Color Shifting
Soul Link - only to
Teeth Generation
Tooth Regrowth
Unique Eye Coloration
Unique Hair Coloration
Weapon Summoning
Zoological Mastery
Absolute Zero Inducement
Aerial Communication
Animal Creation
Arctic Adaptation
Arctic Creation
Arctic Lordship
Arctic Manipulation
Atmospheric Adaptation
Atmospheric Freezing
Avalanche Creation
Blizzard Creation
Cold Air Generation
Cold Air Manipulation
Cold Attacks
Cold Embodiment
Cold Empowerment
Cold Energy Manipulation
Cold Generation
Cold Immunity
Cold Manipulation
Cold Resistance
Cold Weather Manipulation
Cold Immunity
Cryokinetic Blade Construction
Cryokinetic Claws
Cryokinetic Creature Creation
Cryokinetic Invisibility
Cryokinetic Polearm Construction
Crystal Absorption
Crystal Arts
Crystal Attacks
Crystal Aura
Crystal Bow Construction
Crystal Conversion
Crystal Defense
Crystal Embodiment
Crystal Empowerment
Crystal Energy Manipulation
Crystal Exoskeleton
Crystal Generation
Crystal Magic
Crystal Manipulation
Crystal Shield Construction
Crystal Solidification
Crystal Wall Generation
Crystal Weaponry
Crystallokinetic Blade Construction
Crystallokinetic Combat
Crystallokinetic Constructs
Crystallokinetic Flight
Crystallokinetic Polearm Construction
Crystallokinetic Surfing
Crystallokinetically Enhanced Condition
Eternal Winter Inducement
Frigokinetic Combat
Frigokinetic Invisibility
Frozen Surface
Ice Artillery
Ice Attacks
Ice Ball Projection
Ice Beam Emission
Ice Blast
Ice Bow Construction
Ice Breath
Ice Constructs
Ice Embodiment
Ice Exoskeleton
Ice Generation
Ice Immunity
Ice Impale
Ice Magic
Ice Manipulation
Ice Negation
Ice Pillar Projection
Ice Shield Construction
Ice Spike Projection
Ice Storm Creation
Ice Teleportation
Ice Transmutation
Ice Wall Generation
Ice Wave Emission
Ice Weaponry
Season Empowerment  
Snow Attacks
Snow Aura
Snow Ball Projection
Snow Defense
Snow Exoskeleton
Snow Generation
Snow Manipulation
Snow Solidification
Snow Transmutation
Shard Manipulation
Snowman Creation
Ultimate Freeze
Weather Sensing
Wind Generation
Winter Embodiment
Winter Inducement
Winter Magic
Winter Manipulation
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athgalla-arts · 2 years
Maybe it would help if I ever bothered to list my OCs but I'll do a quick condensed list of some key ones Dark Lynx Lunarae - an alien lynx connected to aurora stuff Artemis - her mate, a leucistic lynx connected to water Ankito - A bobcat, electricity Nika - A coyote, stars/space Reilia - A wolf, time and sound Kitook - Red fox, fire Anria - Cougar, earth Anakaro - A wolverine, main antagonist Aloka - An arctic fox princess Miruki - Her mate, an arctic fox prince Keno - A wolverine, Anakaro's young son Raila-Kena and Calia stuff (goddamnit I need a title for their story) Sirius Ne-Tana - a young Railan, he's interested in biochemistry but his life gets pretty upended by an interplanetary war Karius Sel-Trana - a young Railan who would like to be a musician, also gets his life royally fucked by war Reniuq Sekkaka - A Railan scientist studying exobiology and related things, a professor at a university. Close colleagues with Karius' sister. Liu Sel-Trana - A Railan scientist studying exobiology and related things, Karius' sister. She has a particular interest in extremophile microbiota on Calia's moons. ??? Again unnamed story but they're grouped together Thunder - Very unhinged raccoon girl, arsoned her childhood home and took up a life of crime Diva - A raccoon and sex worker/dancer, eventually Thunder's lover Tamika - An irreverent and funny hyena mechanic Rhonda - Close friend and ex of Tamika, a very punk striped skunk Honeysuckle - Rhonda's wife and hardware store enthusiast. Extreme barbecue dad energy. Stiller - nonbinary serval, an information dealer Raven Wine: The Mother Fir Keki - a common raven on a journey she's not even sure of the purpose of. very attached to a small kerosene lamp she found once. Suluk - A snow bunting and her close friend. They visit each other a few times a year, typically. Blue Aurora Kaia - A gray wolf trying to start her own pack. Independent, generally good natured. Ragnarok - Kaia's mate, fairly level headed and warm
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andizoidart · 1 year
Part Four of my UTMV character masterlist:
The Warden (Originally a Papyrus, an outcode)
The Observer (Originally a ??, shapeshifter, an outcode)
Daydream (Dream!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Nightterror (Nightmare!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Digit (Error!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Dapple (Ink!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Mocha (Ccino!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Soot (Dust!Sans, from the Nightterrorverse)
Crossy (swap!Cross!Sans, originally from the Daybreakverse, now from in the Nightterrorverse)
Daybreak (Swap!Dream, from the Daybreakverse)
Nightfall (Swap!Nightmare, from the Daybreakverse)
Azure (Swap!Blue, from the Daybreakverse)
Blanche (Swap!Ink, from the Daybreakverse)
Saber (Swap!Horror, from the Daybreakverse)
Vivi(section) (Swap!Killer, from the Daybreakverse)
Viral (Swap!Error, from the Daybreakverse)
Mite (Swap!Dust, originally from the Daybreakverse, stuck in an unknown Multiverse)
Birdsong (child Dream, from Mourning Dove & Nightingale)
Lullaby (child Nightmare, from Mourning Dove & Nightingale)
Mimic (Mimic!Sans, an outcode)
War!Mimic (variant of Mimic, from the warverse)
Dreamer (Hybrid, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Dream (Dream, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Error (Error, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Ink (Ink, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Blue (Blue, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Nightmare (Nightmare, from the Dreamer!AU)
Dreamer!Reaper (Reaper, from the Dreamer!AU)
SkSh!Papyrus (Classic Papyrus, culpeo fox, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Red (Fell!Sans, possum, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Blue (Swap!Sans, skunk, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Mutt (Fellswap!Papyrus, Coyote, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Outer (Outer!Sans, duck, from the Skeleshifter!AU)
SkSh!Pink (Lust!Papyrus, Arctic Fox, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Crooks (Horror!Papyrus, Moose, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Razz (Swapfell!Sans, ocelot, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Cherry (Fell!Sans, raccoon, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
SkSh!Swaps (Swap!Papyrus, chameleon, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
Bitty!Nightmare (Nightmare Bitty, lives with SkSh!Horror, from the Skeleshifters!AU)
CCA!Dream (Dream, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Killer (Killer, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Dust (Dust, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Fresh (Fresh, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Horror (Horror, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Cross (Cross, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Sci (Sci, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Lust (Lust, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Nightmare (Nightmare, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Reaper (Reaper, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Geno (Geno, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Blue (Blue, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Ink (Ink, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Error (Error, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Outer (Outer, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Ccino (Ccino, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Farm (Farm, from the CCA!AU)
CCA!Mimic (Mimic, from the CCA!AU)
Fantasy!Dream (AKA Star, Dream, from the Fantasy!AU)
Fantasy!Ink (Ink, from the Fantasy!AU)
Fantasy!Nightmare (Toddler Nightmare, from the Fantasy!AU)
Fantasy!Error (Toddler Error, from the Fantasy!AU)
Moon(mare) (Swap!Nightmare, from an unnamed AU)
Coddled!Dream (Toddler Dream, from the Boardbook!AU)
Swaddled!Nightmare (Toddler Nightmare, from the Boardbook!AU)
Nightnapped!Nightmare (Child again Nightmare, kidnapped by the stars)
Abdreamed!Dream (Child again Dream, abducted by the bad guys)
Little!Edge (child again fell!papyrus, from a fell AU)
Khonsu (A Nightmare!Sans, from Project Ra Chapter I)
FMNx2!Papyrus (Papyrus, from FMNx2!AU)
FMNx2!Sans (Sans, from FMNx2!AU)
FMNx2!Alphys (Alphys, from FMNx2!AU)
FMNx2!Asgore (Asgore, from FMNx2!AU)
Paprisun (A Papyrus to an Error, an outcode)
Lady Luck (An Error, an outcode)
Dip (An Ink, an outcode)
Dot (An Ink, an outcode)
Kernel!Error (AKA Bomb!Error, an Error, an outcode)
Tiny!Horror (Mortal Child Horror, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Dust (Mortal Child Dust, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Cross (Mortal Child Cross, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Killer (Mortal Child Killer, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Ink (Diverted Path God Ink, currently living a Mortal life, a Child, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Blue (Mortal Child Blue, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Tiny!Geno (Mortal Child Geno, from a Mortals and Gods AU)
Dusty (Child Dust, adopted by Horror and Farm, unspecified AU)
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mediaeval-muse · 4 years
Video Game Review: Assassin’s Creed Rogue (Ubisoft, 2014)
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Genres: action-adventure, third person, open world
Premise: During the mid-18th century, Assassin Shay Patrick Cormac uncovers a First Civilization temple in Lisbon and unwittingly triggers an earthquake that kills thousands. Desperate to keep the Assassins from finding more of these temples and harming more innocents, he joins the North American Templars, whose hold over the British colonies is starting to grow. In the present, research into Shay’s memories triggers a server failure at Abstergo Entertainment, and the unnamed employee from Black Flag must help restore the system.
Platform Played On: PC (Windows)
Rating: 4/5 stars
***Full review under the cut.***
I am evaluating this game based on four key aspects: story, characters, gameplay, and visuals. Because I played this game on a PC, I will not be reviewing the Remastered version, which is only available for consoles.
Content Warnings: violence, blood
Story: Assassin’s Creed Rogue primarily follows Shay Patrick Cormac, an Irish Assassin-turned-Templar who operates during the French and Indian/Seven Years War in North America. Starting as a member of the Brotherhood, Shay is sent to Portugal by Achilles Davenport (the mentor of the North American chapter of Assassins) in order o recover a First Civilization artifact. Unbeknownst to Shay, removing the artifact from the temple triggers an earthquake, killing thousands of innocent people. Furious that Achilles (and perhaps other Assassins) knew this would be a possibility yet refusing to tell Shay, Shay leaves the Assassins and joins the Templars in order to prevent the Brotherhood from accessing more temples and artifacts and from harming more innocent people.
I really liked the overarching story because it gave us clear goals and a clear structure. Shay has one purpose: prevent the Assassins from gaining access to the next First Civilization site. To do that, Shay has to track down and neutralize all of his former Brotherhood colleagues, which adds a level of personal involvement and angst. Structurally, I think this plot made a lot of sense and was well-done, and though it wasn’t as involved as a headliner game (like Black Flag), it did present the player with a straightforward narrative.
The Seven Years War/French and Indian War was an interesting backdrop, though it didn’t have the same entanglement with history as headliners. Shay isn’t really involved with any landmark historical events, but he is responsible for the Templars gaining a foothold in North America, which serves as the setting for Assassin’s Creed III. In that sense, I think this story is more meaningful for people who have played both Assassin’s Creed III and Black Flag. I also think this plot works better for those who intend to continue to Unity, since the end of Shay’s story serves as the beginning for Arno’s.
The main thing I didn’t like was the game’s treatment of Native Americans. While I don’t think it was outright offensive, there was a point in the narrative where Shay had to rescue an Oneida tribe from Assassin thugs, and Shay does have to confront and kill one of his former friends, who is Native. In that sense, Rogue may be triggering for some people, but I personally didn’t find it egregious like the brutal scenes in Assassin’s Creed III. Rogue does contain some missions where Shay has to seek out Native “totems” to unlock some special Native armor, so that could be appropriative, but I’ll defer to Native gamers on that issue.
I also just wish the game was longer, mainly because it’s the only one where we get a full Templar perspective, and it had interesting missions. If it had been a headliner and gotten the amount of time and resources other headliners receive, I think this game could have done really well.
The present-day Abstergo arc continues to be less compelling than the Desmond Miles frame from previous games. I didn’t find the system failure to be very exciting, nor did I think the unfolding narrative about Otso Berg was communicated in a particularly engaging way. I do think the idea of the Assassins confronting the flaws in their belief system is an interesting one, but we barely see any Assassins in the modern day arc, so it’s difficult to feel like there are stakes.
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Characters: Shay is a compelling protagonist in that he has complicated motivations and grey morality. He’s obviously very concerned for ordinary people, even as a Templar, and is very conflicted over the prospect of confronting his former friends. I liked that he seemed to have legitimate concerns about the Assassins and the way their hierarchy is constructed, which made his turn to the Templars more understandable. I liked the opportunity to see why someone might join the Templars, especially if that someone wasn’t completely on board with the authoritarian viewpoint the Order holds.
Shay’s Assassin companions are interesting in that they each seem to have their own combat abilities, which made for unique confrontations. Hope, for example, is an Assassin who is skilled with poisons, and Liam is pretty precise with a firearm. Encountering them, therefore, felt like several different boss fights that avoided repetition. I also think Shay spent enough time with each person at the beginning so that confronting them felt like an emotional challenge. I think the emotional stakes could have been enhanced if the game was longer and contained more time for character interactions, but with what it had, I think Rogue used its time effectively.
Shay’s Templar companions are also well-used in that the game makes clear that Shay feels an emotional bond with them. Shay first grows attached to Colonel George Monro, and it’s clear from the outset that Monro’s fondness for Shay is what motivates the latter to devote himself to the Templars, not necessarily the Order’s ideology. I liked this personal dimension to Shay’s Templar companions because it parallels how people in the modern day become drawn to harmful ideologies or groups: they mainly stay out of fear of being socially rejected. It was a pretty nice touch, and I think it worked better than just having players experience a “gritty” game centered on being unambiguously evil and just wreaking havoc and misery everywhere.
I also liked that we got some familiar faces, such as Achilles Davenport and Haytham Kenway. The conflict between Shay and Achilles serves as background for why Achilles is so broken in Assassin’s Creed III, and I think Rogue does a good job in showing how Achilles’ motivations are just as complex and grey as Shay’s are. Haytham continues to be ruthless, and I liked the budding mentor-mentee relationship between him and Shay. It served as a nice counter balance to the lack of affection between Shay and Achilles, while also giving us more of Haytham’s witty banter.
I will say that I am conflicted on whether or not this game did Adéwalé justice.  Adéwalé was an NPC in Black Flag and a playable character in Freedom Cry, so players who have completed both will have some investment in the character. Since Adéwalé is one of the companions Shay must track down and confront, it may seem like an unfair end to Adéwalé’s story, but again, I’m conflicted - mainly because Shay is supposed to be something of a villain.
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Gameplay: The core of Rogue’s gameplay is not that much different from Black Flag’s: players explore the open world using Shay’s ship, the Morrigan, uncovering chests as well as collectibles, such as Templar maps (which are functionally the same as Black Flag’s treasure maps), animus fragments, pieces of a Viking sword, totems, shanties, and others. The Morrigan is upgradable, just like the Jackdaw, and Shay can use it to attack French ships to acquire resources such as wood, stone, metal, and cloth. Doing so will raise Shay’s notoriety, just as in Black Flag, but instead of lowering Shay’s wanted status by defeating enemies, Shay can only reset his wanted level by leaving an area until things quiet down. This made for a scaled-back version of ship combat and exploration, but it wasn’t a huge drawback to my gaming experience.
I did like that even though Rogue borrowed heavily from Black Flag, it did put its own spin on several gameplay elements to make them feel more integrated with the setting. For example, the weather at sea revolved more around cold weather than tropical weather, so instead of thunderstorms and cyclones, Shay was subject to icebergs and freezing water. Shay could also go hunting and craft like Edward, but the wildlife included new animals such as polar bears, arctic foxes, narwhals, and other North American or Arctic creatures. On land, Shay can intercept assassin contracts instead of accepting them, so instead of killing a target, Shay will have to protect a target by getting to the Assassin(s) before they can complete their mission.
Players are also able to unlock zones on the map by capturing forts, just like in Black Flag, but there are far fewer of these than in the game’s predecessor. Rogue relies a bit more heavily instead on “Assassin gang hideouts,” which function something like the Borgia towers in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood or the forts in Assassin’s Creed III. For each hideout, Shay must complete a number of objectives (like kill the gang leader, cut down the flag, sabotage a poison barrel), which will then unlock the area’s harbormasters and general stores. Doing so will also unlock renovations, which Shay can complete to increase his revenue, similar to how renovations gave Ezio an income in previous games.
Shay can also gain income by managing a fleet, similar to Edward’s fleet in Black Flag. Players capture ships via boarding them during gameplay, and then send them out on missions to “progress the Seven Years’ War.” Aside from the resources, which change a bit, this aspect of the game was functionally the same as Black Flag, so it was fairly familiar and didn’t take long to pick up.
In terms of weapons, Shay has access to the staples: hidden blade, pistols, smoke bombs, rope dart, etc. Shay can dual wield with a sword and dagger (rather than Edward’s two swords), but the change is mostly aesthetic. Shay also has access to sleep darts, berserk darts, and firecracker darts via an air rifle rather than a blowgun, but again, the change is mostly aesthetic. The biggest change to equipment is probably the grenade launcher, which can fire sleep, berserk, and shrapnel grenades to affect multiple enemies, and the presence of gas as an environmental weapon (the effects of which Shay can mitigate on himself by using a gas mask).
In terms of combat and stealth, not much is different. Shay can use eagle vision, hide in bushes or tall grass, whistle to draw enemies closer to him, etc. The only thing that’s tricky is that Assassin gang members will hide randomly in the environment, ready to take Shay out as he passes through. Shay can avoid attacks by listening for “whispers” and using eagle vision to spot Assassin thugs before they jump him.
I think that in sum, the lack of innovation regarding mechanics isn’t as bothersome as some people make it out to be. Because the “flavor” of the mechanics changed, I do think Rogue did a good job adapting what it could in the short amount of time it had. Enough is the same where picking up mechanics is easy if the player has completed Black Flag, but narratively, enough is different to make the experience at least feel tailored to the setting.
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Visuals: Rogue’s primary strengths in terms of visuals lies in the unique settings and Shay’s Templar aesthetic. Although Rogue doesn’t have the beautiful tropical waters of Black Flag, I do think it rendered the snow-covered mountains well and made the world feel like a cold environment. It took the best elements of Assassin’s Creed III (the trees, the city layouts) and combined them with the spirit of exploration from Black Flag. I particularly liked exploring the shipwrecks, which were not underwater, but fused with ice to create fun sites where I felt like I was playing “the floor is lava” (the lava, in this case, was freezing cold water that could kill you).
I also really loved Shay’s Templar aesthetic, which consisted of a lot of fancy 18th century coats and vests, combined with a strong black and red color scheme. Everything from the Morrigan’s sails and captain’s cabin to Shay’s “house” in New York repeats this color scheme, which was a nice change from what we typically see of the Assassins. I also liked that a lot of Shay’s design contained nods to his Irish heritage, from the Morrigan’s hull to the knotwork details on his coat. It was a nice touch which made everything feel a little more personal.
In terms of animations, I didn’t notice anything that set Rogue apart from other games. Shay didn’t have appealing finishers, nor did I encounter a lot of bugs that affected my impression of the game. There are some here and there, but I’ve come to expect bugs in every Assassin’s Creed game, so...
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Final Verdict: Although Assassin’s Creed Rogue replicates much of the gameplay from its predecessors, the complex protagonist, solid narrative structure, and unique settings make it a memorable game that gives players new insight into the Assassin-Templar conflict.
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Niri’s Kitty People
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Pictured: Amari Niusan (Diplomatic Keeper of the banner-ship Hyperion Blue, Union Ambassador)
The Niri's Kitty People (Niri) are a race of primate-like aliens composed of seven separate species that live on the planet Annu and its seven habitable moons. They acquired their interstellar name from Earth, specifically, from The Niri Space Probe, an unmanned exploratory vessel of Earth which entered Niri space in [I don’t have a year for this event yet]. The latter half of the name “kitty people” is somewhat of a misinterpretation seeing as the Niri and the people of Earth had limited contact for some time before their first face to face encounter. The best description the Niri could give of themselves (due to a severe language barrier at the time) was complete nonsense and after some further attempts at communicating, it was established that both races were familiar with the concept of test images and so through a binary message, the Niri transmitted their best drawing of themselves, which was interpreted to be, “As close to a cat as makes no difference at the moment,” by General Clide Hammond of the international organization soon to be named the Planetary Defense Committee. 
In actuality, the different Niri species resemble a few of the possible outcomes of mixing a koala, a fennec fox, an arctic fox, and a ringtail lemur. However, the name “kitty” stuck and because of this individual Niri are often referred to as “cats” or “kittens”.
Niri names are something of a peculiarity among the Interstellar community as their native language is completely unpronounceable to the rest of the Union races. While this is not uncommon for Union races, the Niri have taken a somewhat backward approach to handling these issues. Like other races, they have developed an intermedial language between their native language and the Interstellar Medium Language (ISML). However, instead of using this intermedial language for creating the interstellar names for their people, ships, etc... The Niri have a tendency to simply show up in the Interstellar Community unnamed and let other races name them. 
The most famous example of this is the 12 Niri banner-ships (the largest ships in the interstellar combined fleets) which were, upon completion, simply deposited the ships near the location of the temporary Union Headquarters on the rogue planet Domino until the union, having no way to refer to these massive ships, took to referring to them by the names of  the 12 Titan children of Gaia and Uranus (Oceanus, Crius, Iapetus, Rhea, Mnemosyne, Tethys, Coeus, Hyperion, Theia, Themis, Pheobe, and Cronus). Confused and somewhat disturbed by Greek mythology, the Niri did develop ISML names for the ships based upon a theme of the intermedial names of colors. However, three of these names (the names given to Hyperion, Pheope, and Coeus) featured the word “fire” which, though still a sacred element to some races, is highly offensive to the Ramadadak [due to reasons I will explain when I make their dedicated post] and thus the Titan names of the ships remained, However, they hybridized with the ISML names to create their current name system which has earned the ships the collective name “The Gods of Color” (or “Gods of the wrong color” to the Toga, who are, in fact, colorblind to the “visible light” spectrum). The end names of the ships were (Oceanus Azure, Green Crius, Lapetus Red, Red Rhea, Purple Mnemosyne, Tethys Azure, Coeus Blue, Hyperion Blue, Thea White, Themis Purple, Phoebe White, and Cronus Green) Coeus and Hyperion are often miscolored as Gold due to the fact that most of the Damar races don’t have words for shades of colors (and the “blue” used to represent the two ships is actually a shade of aqua). However, this is rare.
The name of the Niri planet itself is a similar case. The Niri have very specific name syllables which have no connotative or denotative meaning (to avoid imposing any unspoken expectations upon their children). It was decided that the ISML name of the planet must follow that rule, and the intentionally short name Anu was chosen. However, there is a slight issue among Earth culture in making the name possessive in ISML (due to the fact that ISM uses the English Languages general rule for possessives, and parts of bodies of species remain in their native or intermedial languages), so, despite the fact that the name is not uncommon in individual Earth cultures, a second ‘N’ was added to the name. The only recorded opinion on the matter from the Niri was mas made by a cat of the council of the of fleets, Diplomatic Fleet keeper [I haven’t named this guy yet] who said of the human members of the fledgling Union, “They are a slightly selfish sort of inclusive, apparently even among themselves”. That observation made its way into the Guide to Interstellar Conduct and is considered one of the fundamental behaviors of the human race to be aware of in interstellar politics.
The Guide itself is Niri in origin, evolving from a long line of tradition. The Niri are adamant keepers of records, even going so far as to dedicate one of their uninhabitable moons to supporting the framework of the largest library in the world, dwarfing the quantumnet of Earth by an estimated eightfold. The library includes records dating all the way back to the Niri’s ancient civilizations, and as many records as can be obtained on the history of other species in the Interstellar community and is openly accessible to all races within the Union and available in all Union languages. The Guide to Interstellar Conduct was designed to be a single record within which resides all of the necessary information on each race to maintain a stable interstellar political body (the Union). It is continually being updated and maintained by the joint forces of the Union Interstellar Library and the Cats of the Niri council of records.
The Niri have at their own political core The Guide to Inter-Special Conduct, which is the massively simplified offspring of The Guide to Inter-Tribal conduct, the document which helped to bring an end to war and senseless violence on the planet. The Guide to Inter-Special Conduct serves as the basis upon which all laws on the planet are made (much like its interstellar cousin to the Union) and outlines possible issues that may arise due to physical and psychological differences between the seven Niri species. 
The Intermedial language between the Niri's native language and ISML is called Nirine. There is a separate section of Nirine, called Nirian, that is a translation of name syllables found in the native language, and -keeping to the behavior of name syllables- the syllables in this section are found nowhere else in Nirine. The Niri have a well-defined system of gestures that, while they do not form a separate language, function independently of spoken words. This gesture system is referred to as Nirette. In addition to this, there is an entirely gesture-based language present on the planet, which is referred to as Ahnnihnyimn, which translates literally to “We that which shall”, a phrase which, like may Niri translations, doesn’t have a clear meaning.
The Niri are considered a hypersocial race, meaning they are constantly in each other’s company. They are rarely seen in groups of less than five. However, there are individuals who are noted exceptions to this rule. They are friendly, difficult to offend, easy to work with, and willing to adapt their behavior to be acceptable to the interstellar community. The Niri do not have distinct gender roles or use any gender-specific pronouns in their culture. They tend to be pansexual and polyamorous (note: “tend to be”) and will share wives and husbands with one another. It's somewhat complicated to work out who is related to who, so the Niri have essentially given up and treat anyone they meet the way they would treat a brother and every child born of any of their wives or associated with any of their husbands as if it were their own. Not all of the species are sexually compatible, so the species remain genetically distinct. However, marital relationships do exist across species. 
While there is no dominant religion among the Niri, they have almost universally adopted a philosophy not unlike pantheism- a belief that the Universe and everything within it is a single undivided entity. 
They are the most active species in the Interstellar community, followed by the Humans and the Ramadadak Nasgonova. Due to their hypersocial nature, they tend to know everything about everyone and are good sources for obscure information.
There is somewhat of a superstition surrounding the Niri in some of the Union aligned races. It’s commonly believed that if you do something to cause a Niri to challenge you, you and all who know you will simply cease to exist. This is, of course, complete nonsense, but the Niri use it to their advantage. It is incredibly rare for a Niri to challenge anyone, and since they are incredibly small (knee height on most people), and incredibly civil, they find it quite amusing that the other races find them threatening.
And if you’re wondering...
Yes, they sleep in stacks like foxes
If you befriend one, the may let you pet them
They loaf
Jungle cats have prehensile tails (and pouches)
They have big thumbs like a lemur
Desert and Valley cats carry their kittens by the scruffs of their necks
They have two thumbs on their hands and feet
They don’t meow and most of their language is inaudible to humans (it’s too high pitched)
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arrowsbane · 6 years
@shanastoryteller​ @ink-splotch​ If I ever wind up being half as talented as you guys, I’ll be the happiest fox alive. So yeah, this one is for you guys. It’s short, but I might continue it later some time.
*Walking Whales borrowed from Vathara’s fic Embers. Go read it. Go. Now.
Let’s tell a story where Aang isn’t the Avatar who ends the Hundred Year War. 
Let’s tell a story where he doesn’t have that tremendous burden weighing on a peaceful heart, and thin bird-like shoulders; or the misery of war clouding his spirit-filled eyes.
But remember, for all that things change, things must stay the same.
True, Aang is not the hero of the Hundred Year War; he is not the Avatar to bring about peace. But he is still the Avatar. He will always be the Avatar born after Roku. And now he will be the Avatar whose death drops the burden onto an infant’s tiny shoulders.
This is a world where Aang clung to Gyatso like the child he was, seeking comfort in the only father he had ever known. This is a story where the Fire Nation descended upon a temple still housing a child-Avatar and his kin.
This is a story where Aang stays.
This is a story where Aang dies.
Sozin’s Comet roars bright in the sky, and the monks of the Southern temple call up a breeze to chase away the sweltering heat. There’s a crackle as grassy scrub on the cliff-face bursts into flame, and a teenaged monk flutters down to suck the oxygen from the fire. The next thing he knows, he is face to face with an armored body, and fire comes for his life.
He is the first to die – unnamed and unknown in this story. He is one of many faceless children, gone too soon. Murdered because a tyrant dreams of subjugating the world. His death is senseless, but it is not meaningless.
His death warns the others.
The Monks move quickly – Air is Freedom, but it is not always kind. Scything winds cut down soldiers, razor-sharp and blindingly cold. It is not enough. It will never be enough.
The younger children, teenagers and infants are herded into the greater sanctum, and sealed in - safe. The bison take to the skies with bellows of rage and fear. There is chaos. There is death. There is war on both sides.
The children are supposed to be safe.
But this is not a kind story.
This is a world where Aang clung to Gyatso like the child he was, seeking comfort in the only father he had ever known. This is a story where the Fire Nation descended upon a temple still housing a child-Avatar and his kin.
This is a story where Aang stays.
This is a story where Aang d i e s.
Aang stands his ground, and refuses to leave Gyatso’s side. They battle, back-to-back. Aang is kind and good and shows mercy – Gyatso doesn’t command him not too.
He doesn’t need to, not after Aang sees his kin cut down like sheaves of wheat.
Aang has Kuruk’s rage, and Kyoshi’s bull-headedness. He’s got Roku’s red-hot tears on his cheeks, and agony burning in his bones. He’s got Yangchen and Tian, Song and Min Wen. He’s got a thousand voices tied into his being and Rava wound tight around his soul.
He’s got a thousand reasons to stand and fight, and only one to turn and run.
So he stays.
And he dies.
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang - but with a whimper.
A whisper. 
A breath.
One last plea.
The echo of a boy ripples out across the world.
‘Save them’, it whispers, ‘Save my people’.
And so the world answers.
In the oceans, the walking whales* raise their heads and listen, before diving deeper towards the poles – where they will sing to the arctic wolves, the otter-penguins, the polar-bear dogs.
In the air, the Bison soar above the clouds, carrying monks and nuns dressed in tear-soaked robes of orange and saffron.
The dragons rage and roar, and they cast Makoto from their hearts and minds, strip her of her name and self. She-who-was-once-kin is no longer theirs; something Sozin will rage over as his life-long companion withers in mind and being until she is a beast of fire-and-flame-and-nothing-more.
And deep beneath the earth, the badger-moles burrow up to the temples, opening up escape routes for an entire people who are in need of asylum.
All across the world, Air Nomads – benders and non-benders alike – flee into the night, flee on the winds, on sea, under earth and sky. They hide away in the depths of the Northern Air Temple, in chambers deep beneath soil and bedrock, hollowed out by ancient Badger Moles as a hidden temple of last resort. The old stone statues are worn with age – from a thousand-thousand hands carefully cleaning away dirt and grime as the ages passed.
It’s here in this darkness, lit only by flaming torches that are as terrifying as they are comforting, that the shattered nation grieves.
“What about the Avatar?” rumbles an old Monk who had tended to the gardens on the terraces so high above them.
There’s a hiccup, and a muffled sob from the children of the Southern Temple, huddled together for comfort and warmth, and then –
“Aang’s dead,” whispers a boy no older than nine. He shivers and ducks into his temple brother’s side.
From across the chamber, a Nun dressed in saffron robes, her face chalk white, begins to sob inconsolably. Twelve summers ago, she had birthed a son named Aang.
The Monks and Nuns have no mothers or fathers, no blood brothers or sisters, no sons or daughters. They do not mourn for individuals, it is not their way. But nobody says a word. Her temple sister winds a robed arm around her shoulders, and clutches her close in a firm embrace. No shushing noises are made, no reprimands. The cave is silent, but for her gasping cries.
Air is the element of Freedom. People say that the Air Nomads found peace after giving up material possessions and removing themselves from the world…
The sad truth is, that they fled the world, and lost their temples in a storm of fire… it was only when they hid that they found a bare shadow of the promised peace.
What is peace? What is it worth when your children are born never knowing the sun on their faces, or the wind carrying them across the world?
After Air, comes Water, an avatar of change and adaptability. The truth is that change is like fighting an uphill battle in a world on fire.
Nanuq is a curious child, always asking why. Why is the sky blue? Why do the seals call? Why do the polar bear dogs howl at the moon?
Nanuq never asks why the ice cracks in the spring, or why the ocean follows the moon.
Had she lived another six years, the elders would have known to train her. If they had been paying attention, they might have known sooner.
But the world is at war and the sky is filled with black snow, and so Nanuq dies in a raid when she’s ten years old – unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, down by the water, giggling as it bent to her will.
Then Earth stands firm. If only for a handful of decades. Earth is substance, strength and determination – or pig-headed stubbornness, depending on who you ask.
Temujin is born in the rings of Ba Sing Se, and enlists in the Dai Lee when he’s barely sixteen years old. He’s named the Avatar not long after, and his life becomes that of war for the next fifty years.
Temujin is strong and steadfast - and very, very pig-headed. But he is also kind, and has a heart broken by war and famine and sorrow. Even stone walls fail in the end.
Fire is power and will and energy powered by the heat of the sun.
Hiro is both lucky and unlucky in being born into an earth-nation colony.
Lucky because a life under the red-hot iron first of Azulon, who even in his sunset years is every bit dictator of his youth, would have been terrible –
and unlucky because he’s not even seven and already a firebending prodigy when he sneezes and shoots ten feet into the air.
He’s seven, and got the power of the universe at his fingertips and there are angry-starving-raging people who don’t care that he’s a child or that he could be a force for good. He’s Fire Nation, and has the power of the universe in his fingertips and that’s more than enough to condemn him to death.
Death comes on a rusted, blunt farm tool. Death comes too soon.
Fire is power and will and energy powered by the heat of the sun, but even a candle flame can be snuffed out with a pinch of two fingers.
Air comes in the fall, and is gone before spring thaws the world oncemore.
Air that is trapped below ground can only be stagnant and dying.
Air is an infant born sickly, and a mother weeping silently.
Air is a puff of wind, too small to be considered a breeze.
Water is the element of change. Last time, this time, next time.
Water is patient. Water will wait. Water can grind down mountains, carve rivers a mile-wide into valleys, and turn cliff-faces into waterfalls.
Water always, always wins.
Water is change.
The identity of the current Avatar is a mystery – after Hiro’s death, confusion is rampant. Where will the Avatar Spirit go when there is no Air for it to inhabit next?
The truth is, the latest Avatar has no idea that he is a bender at all.
Sokka is a son and a brother and a warrior-in-training. His mother died in a raid, his father is away at war, and his little sister is always off playing with her magic water or listening to Gran-gran’s stories about the old days.
Sokka doesn’t have time for make-believe, or hope, or playing at being a Waterbender. He’s too busy hunting and trapping and fishing, too busy trying to train up a pack of four-year-olds and take care of his entire village – small as it is.
It’s a little bit ironic – because in the end, it’s why he’s going to survive.
Everybody is looking for a bender of great power.
Extraordinary, is the term people use to describe the Avatars.
Funny word, don’t you think. Extraordinary. Extra Ordinary.
Nobody is looking for an (extra)ordinary boy…
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arcademoonlight · 2 years
viktor peculik,,
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"Ah, do you require assistance with something? Someone? If we head over that way we can discuss a pric- ... my name? Just call me Viktor."
Full Name: Viktor Peculik
Additional Title(s): the Arctic Fox of Liyue Harbor
Rarity: ★★★★★
Sex: Male (he/him)
Weapon: Catalyst
Vision: Cryo
Birthday: December 21st (Age 21)
Constellation: Auriga
Nation: Snezhnaya (formerly), Liyue
Affiliation: the Jaded Thorns (formerly), an unnamed gang
Special Dish: Spiced Radish Veggie Soup
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oc masterlist
viktor doc (will contain more information relating to him)
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0 notes
sceletus · 7 years
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                                     ϟ —  FAWN HOLMWOOD
                                                     – –    CHARACTER SHEET
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FULL NAME • Fawn Sofia Reviers-Stanner
NOBLE HOUSE(S) • House Reviers of Boralus
ALIAS(ES) • ‘Coffee’, ‘The Viridian Fox’
TITLE • ‘The Wolf’s Shadow’
OCCUPATION • Assassin, Trader, Seafarer, Surgeon, Cartographer, Mercenary
CLASS • Rogue / Warrior // ‘Corsair’
AGE • 33 - 37 y/o
DATE OF BIRTH • September 19th
AFFILIATIONS  • The League of Lordaeron, SI:7, Subversion Consortium, The Uncrowned
RELIGION • Apathiest
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FACE CLAIM • Barbara Palvin
HEIGHT • 5′4″
WEIGHT • 130 lbs
HAIR COLOUR + STYLE • Maroon-hued, waved, layered texture; often in a variety of styles, whether down or pulled into a haphazard bun
COMPLEXION • Deep-set tan
BUILD • Lithe, slender; physique is built for agility rather than strength - though is changing upon sporting heavier armors
DOMINANT HAND • Left-dominant, though ambidextrous
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES • Tanned skin, freckles, quirked smile, doe-eyes
ACCENT + INTENSITY • Tirasian accent, situational-dependent heavy 
VOICE REFERENCE • Natalie Dormer
SCAR(S) • A variety; most notable: 3-talon scar over right eye, faded burn scars across abdomen and back, unevenly healed scar on right half of stomach, animalistic bite scars on upper left arm and lower right thigh
PIERCING(S) • Two on each ear, stud in left nostril.
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ENNEATYPE • The Reformer
MORAL ALIGNMENT • Chaotic Neutral
ANGER • Easily hot; yet subtle to reveal her temper unless provoked
APPROACHABILITY • Amicable and guarded, yet usually has ulterior motives
POSITIVE TRAITS • Intelligent, quick-witted, resourceful, deceiving, loyal, protective, fearless
NEGATIVE TRAITS • Deceiving, morally bankrupt, selfish, impulsive, deceitful, aggressive, apathetic, cocky,  competitive, untrusting, vindictive, vicious
GOALS / DESIRES • Greed, accumulating wealth; settling down
FEARS • 'Settling down’, restriction of freedom, death of others, flying
INTELLIGENCE TYPE • Inter-/intra-personal
NEURODIVERGENCE(S) • Depression, anxiety
AT RISK • (whether or not your muse is at risk to develop other disorders, either through hereditary or other means) N/A
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HOMETOWN • Proudmoore’s Court, Boralus, Kul Tiras
LANGUAGE(S) • Common, Tirassi, Orcish
LITERACY • Can read / write
LICENSES • Medical; surgery
PARENT #1 • Admiral Edmond Reviers; biological; noble, renowned Alliance admiral
PARENT #2 • Lady Emilia Glasscote; biological; noble, vineyard owner / entrepreneur
RELATIONSHIP • Wedded to Durwald Stanner
CHILD(REN) • soon™?
PET(S) • Menagerie; Foxy-Paw - an arctic fox; Kipper - a Frostwolf; Estella - Ravenholdt Raven; unnamed fel kitten; -- among many others.
RAP SHEET? • Piracy, smuggling, assisting in hiding criminals, trespassing, thievery, contracted assassin, vandalism; etc.
PRISON TIME? • The majority of her offenses were waived by Commander Damian Blackbourne.
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SMOKES? • No tobacco; peacebloom / dreamleaf exclusively.
DRINKS? • Yes -- it’s a pirate’s vice! Mostly ale / rum, yet her mother’s vineyard has adapted her for an exquisite taste in wines.
DRUGS? • Peacebloom / Dreamleaf as a therapeutic measure.
VIOLENT? • Verbally, emotionally, physically -- when prompted.
ADDICTION(S)? • Escapism, alcohol, social surroundings.
SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? • Physically, sexually, mentally.
HABIT(S) • Scratching at her cheek, chewing at her bottom lip, picking / irritating wounds.
HOBBIES • Many; the corsair prides herself on being a ‘jack-of-all-trades’. Notably: sewing, tea brewing, gardening, harvesting, acrobatics, exercise, people-watching, painting, writing.
LIKES • Sea-related gadgets, piracy, adrenaline, adventure, animals, deep conversations, purpose, affection, Northrend, Uldum, nature, killing things, rough sex, lively areas, freedom, gold.
DISLIKES • Boredom, orcs, most Kaldorei, uptight personalities, restrictions, jealousy, others’ feelings, most leadership.
TIC(S) • Eye twitching, hard blinking, tongue clicking, fidgeting / finger flexing.
OBSESSION(S) • Gossip, collecting irrelevant information.
COMPULSION(S) • Losing control, perfectionism.
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HOUSE • Slytherin or Ravenclaw
ARCHETYPE • The Swashbuckler
ZODIAC • Virgo
VICE • Greed
VIRTUE • Humility
ELEMENT • Fire / Storm
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wolfwordfall · 5 years
Story Idea Summaries:
Master list of all the ideas:
**In order of oldest to newest, roughly**
Unnamed (Another damn werewolf story) (ABANDONED):
“A boy moves into a small rural town with his single mother. He is alone and doesn’t know anyone yet, meeting just a single friend and a handful of bullies on his first days of school. The person that captures his attention the most though, is a girl who hangs out on the fringe of society, a girl with a hood always drawn over her head, always at public malls or squares by herself. His peers warn him against her, but curious, he eventually tries to make contact.
Little does he know, she is alone, completely alone. She has no family or friends. As a result of her dark past and inexplicable newfound werewolf shifting ability she has lost control and destroyed all she knows and loves. She is on the run and in hiding. She currently lives alone in an abandoned cottage in the woods. 
She is wary at first, and defensive of her odd secret, but the charming and empathetic demeanor of the boy wins her heart and they bond inexplicably quickly. But she could not hide for long, the boy soon follows her to the cottage in the woods on the most fateful day possible, only to find in shock that the creature was not entirely her. At her shouting plea to leave before she can harm him, he bolts and doesn’t return. She is both relieved and traumatized and no longer makes contact with him.
The boy however, ever emboldened to find out what was going on, continues to search for her. Having not seen a sight of her in public for weeks. Eventually, his search for her comes to and end as he finds her by a solemn lake in the woods, and asks her to explain everything. She relents, confessing everything about her werewolf curse and her lack of control when it takes over.��
He is in shock but acceptance, and agrees to help her through the curse. Together they go on a journey and discover the secrets of her dark past, help her evade capture against the manslaughter of her past, discover more about the werewolf lore and others who are like her, and find a way to ultimately deal with her condition and grow her purpose in the world”
Medium type: Novel
Overarching themes: Additonal werewolf lore; including hereditary werewolf traits, secret were societies, etc.
Reason for being abandoned: Cliche AF, Edgy as shit
St★r M★rked (ABANDONED): (Loosely inspired by “the sight” by David-Clement Davies)
“A young wolf, born with a star-mark, is prophesied to be save the five realms from destruction. Young Kayce is a wolf who grows up learning the dark secrets of the past of his pack, he eventually comes into conflict with a sinister wolf who felt betrayed and abandoned by his old pack, a brilliant-but-vengeful leader who with the help of his army of soulless monster-hybrid wolves known as “Shadows”, is on a quest to become the prince of all five packs. Kayce goes on a journey, met with many allies and the help of his pack, to defeat the forces separating them and unite all five of the packs against the looming threat that was prophesied to be their doom.”
Overarching themes: Forgiveness, family bonds, importance regardless of roles in society, etc.
Medium type: Graphic novel, comic, children’s illustrated comic
Reason for being Abandoned: Too cliche
The World Aftermore (ABANDONED):
“Kasia finds herself inexplicably transported  into a world where she is the last human on an entirely different Earth, after a post-apocalypse that ended the human race and marked the beginning of many others. The story begins as a normal day where she is raised for several years by the eldest member of a tribe of people known as the Linguakins, as she goes about her day amongst her peers who have taken her on as mostly one of her kind, save for a few elders who have been grudgingly pessimistic about the old linguakin woman’s decision to keep her. Things change quickly when a sudden attack brings the tribe into a frenzy, Kasia recalls the hazy dream she had in the morning of a prophecy and visions of what she has to do, and knows she must leave, she packs up and with her devoted friend Damik by their side they go on a wayward journey across the dusty landscape. They meet another unlikely ally, a cryptic and bubbly Oracle girl named Nadair, and together the trio meet and discover the various races and tribes of the land, and learn what they must do to bring peace and balance to their world instead of facing total destruction like the humans of the past ages”
Medium type: Novel
Overarching themes: Racism, Unity, individual wordbuilding/race lore
Reason abandoned: Cliches (racism/unity of races, prophecies)
Tale of Tails(Pending/Semi abandoned):
“Sirius is a yearling wolf that finds himself lost in a snowstorm, crying out for his pack. The clumsy and spirited wolf trips over a rock and blacks out. When he comes to he is in a dim cave lit by the low light of a fire, and peers into the faces of array of canid or canid-like creatures, much like him. Among them is authoritative and brash leader of a thylacine, a kind and caring arctic wolf, A polite but tough maned wolf, a serious and constantly bored hyena, a bush dog with a napoleon complex, a shy and avoidant fennec fox, and a peppy young fox bat. 
The incredibly unusual group helps him get on his feet and agree to help him find his pack again. Little does he know the random collection of adventures and discoveries about them he makes is all the pack he has ever needed. Conflict erupts when he does he find his old pack, and ultimately he makes a decision”
Medium type: graphic novel/comic/ short comic. Children’s illustrated comic
Overarching themes: “the blood of the covenant is greater than the water of the womb”, Star marked lore within this story as legend/story for the characters, interesting facts and traits about each species of canid/animal
On the Spot (Semi-abandoned/Abandoned):
“A young border collie cross dog finds himself suddenly abandoned on the side of a highway. Lost and confused, the intensely loyal and optimistic dog is on a quest to find his human, a young girl of 5 years old who he loves dearly. Along the way the newly strayed dog finds two new friends, a skeptical-but-intelligent pit bull, a three-legged and hot-headed chihuahua cross, and a puppy-brained , woefully goofy, sorta-dumb wolf-dog hybrid named Ravenous. The unlikely group of dogs must traverse the city streets and long roads while avoiding animal catchers and treacherous plights to find their way in the world and their true homes.”
Medium type: Graphic novel/comic, Children’s illustrated comic
Overarching themes: Loyalty, common issues in dog-ownership and stray animal life, dog fighting, loss, family issues, and coping with past trauma
Kennel Story: 
“Spot returns in an unrelated tale, a dog who finds himself dropped off at an animal shelter, he meets many other dogs like himself on death row. Many of complicated pasts and stories to tell. Among his time spent their he meets a particularly quirky cat known as Mischief, who helps him discover and explain the going-ons of life in the shelter. Over the course of his time spent there, he loses friends and allies, with one escape attempt going largely unsuccessful. In the end, he is found by someone and is happily adopted into a new life”
Medium type: Visual novel, comic, children’s fiction
Overarching themes: Life, death, past experiences, individual stories, loss
The Mendeleon Paradox: 
“An independent scientist, played by you, discovers a severely endangered species on creature on the brink of extinction. These animals are called Mendeleons (Panthera Mendeleonus), a feline-type species that appears as a cross between lions/caracals/bees/Pisum Sativum. This is a choiced base or three-path story, and depending on which path or choices one has made, leads to different resulting endings. There are three paths: Sin, Neutral, and Philanthrope.
Sin path- You as a scientist choose to brutally and intensely breed and perform horrific scientific experiments on these creatures. The creatures are severely traumatized, become sentient and aware, and out for revenge, this leads to a dangerous and fateful ending
Neutral path- You as a scientist breed these creatures carefully and selectively, these creatures are well-cared for and maintained, they lead a natural and recreationally stimulated life. These creatures do not become aware, but are intensely intelligent and loyal animals. You are able to market these creatures worldwide as guard animals, military soldiers, service animals, and companion animals. They become commonplace and are actively thriving
Philanthrope path- You as a scientist breed these creatures enough to keep their population thriving and alive. You bond with them as if they were your children. These creatures become sentient and aware, and soon they begin to ask for things that break your heart but you agree to help make plans to help them achieve their dreams, this leads to a very revolutionary and new ending.
In all endings, you end up in a cataclysmic event that causes your demise, you face the god of death himself, Anubis, with his weighted scale as he judges your deeds”
Medium type: Choice-game app, choice-game visual novel, Three separate ending part novel
Overarching themes: References to mendel’s experiments on heredity, Harlow’s research of attachment on monkeys, metaphorical themes about paradox, etc.
Ideation among us (tentative name/unnamed):
“A washed-up student in medical school gets out after a particularly strained one-on-one assessment with a course instructor, learning that he has failed medical school. The devastated twenty-something has decided to walk the long way home in the dark and rainy night only to find himself meeting a particular character along the way, a shady individual by a bridge, who initially thinks he is there to commit suicide. Shocked and reluctant to have the person think he reached such conclusion, he frantically explains his situation, the individual listens to his plight, and without a thought grants him a job offer
Shocked, the young man goes home to his fiance, reluctantly telling her about his grim situation, they both mourn their uncertain future and hold each other in the night. Still perplexed by the odd invitation of the man at the bridge but curious nonetheless, he follows the instructions that were given to him carefully.
He soon learns that the opportunity he had been given was about as shady as the night. The man he soon meets is a dead-eyed man with a graying beard despite his youthful age, and ex-doctor turned underground assisted suicide facility leader, the man has experienced clinical depression for years exercises his only dreams and goals in life by doing what he can’t do to himself for others; grant suicidal people the ability to die. The young man soon discovers his role as an assistant and gets into the gritty and morally-gray, ambiguous world of medically-assisted suicide, helping many clients most of which are rich or easily able to hide their demise via contact through the technological advancements of the deep web, bitcoin, and other shady mechanisms of commerce and business.
The ex-doctor has gone about his business for the last 2-5 years, but he is getting restless, worn, and tired. He feels he doesn’t make enough of a difference. Things become more and more convoluted as an ongoing investigation commences and he slips up more and more, and it is only a matter of time before he gets caught. A disastrous ending approaches”
Medium type: Short story
Overarching themes: The rationality behind suicide, the workings of the deep web and illegal activity
Unnamed fantasy about a boy dragon slayer:
“A young boy and his friend are bullied and forced to leave the field they are playing in. The boy feels anger and rage at the injustice they have experienced. In a fit of disgust, he feels he must do something about it, and tells his friend he is going on a quest. The young boy learns of an ancient legend of a dragon who lives in a cave in a region far from his land, a vicious beast who destroyed many kingdoms and was known for brutality, and the boy knew he must go slay the beast and retrieve a relic to restore rightness to the world.
On his journey, he passes an elderly beggar, a thief, and (situation unknown), and his anger at the injustice of the world only grows colder, and his quest more dire. 
He soon reaches the dragon and his ultimate heroic deed to kill him and restore justice to the kingdom is at hand, but ultimately what is it that he must do when he meets the dragon?”
Medium type: short story, children’s book, illustrated children’s book
Overarching themes: Peace, forgiveness, justice, kindness
Maddie and the afterworld (tentative offshoot of “shedding the mortal bracelet”):
“After an unfairly short life, Maddie is dead. She soon forgets that however as she is thrust into a newfound existence of walking through various planes of reality, space and time intertwine and she can now be anywhere and do anything, Maddie must learn what she can do to navigate the afterlife.
Along her journey, she finds friends and allies, some of which like to meddle in the world of the living. Ultimately though, she finds a like minded soul in the living world, someone she feels intensely connected to and desires to indirectly help them make discoveries about themselves throughout their life. Their bond brings them unfortunately close-yet-too-far, only close enough to bond through their dreams, but far enough that the boy in question forgets about her in the land of his wakeful conscience. Maddie must find out how to help him without harming them both.”
Medium type: short story, novel
Overarching themes: LGBT issues
0 notes
toaster-fashion · 7 years
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unnamed by memequeen1013 featuring quote throw pillows ❤ liked on Polyvore
R13 tee shirt, $68 / H M jersey shirt, $8.64 / Animal costume / Calvin Klein Underwear panty, $32 / ELSE scalloped bikini bottom / Arctic Fox Semi-Permanent Transylvania Black Hair Dye Hot Topic / Northpoint sherpa throw / Quote throw pillow, $27 / Pokemon Diamond Pearl Plush Stuffed Toy 9" Pichu, $110 / Sanei Pokemon All Star Series Skitty Stuffed Plush, 7" / Pokemon Jigglypuff Anime Animals Plush Plushies Stuffed Doll Toy 6" / MacBook Pro & Air Metal Full Body Wraps / Playstation 4 Overwatch: Origins Edition, $56 / Iron on Adventure Time Gunter embroidered patch / Samsung Original Replacement 3.5mm Premium Stereo Headset for Galaxy S...
0 notes
Fantasy Verse Census: Redux
Below is a list of the characters who survived and are now in the time skip. They will be split into species rather than clans as all gods, demons, and dragons are counted as different clans. For dragons I will list what kind they are for reference.
Myrrdin McGrath - Rowena (Snowy Owl)
Rhiannon McGrath
Casey McGrath - Erskine (Ocelot) cirquedeyokai
Brian McGrath - Frederick (European Rabbit)
Sif McGrath - Gunilla (Wolverine), Eira (Bonded Horse)
Guinevere McGrath - Cedric (Southwest African Lion)
Khione McGrath - Altair (Snow Leopard)
Chulainn McGrath - Kelvin (Rock Sparrow)
Brianna McGrath - Druce (Golden Eagle)
Albion McGrath - Llyr (European Hedgehog)
Cairbre McGrath - Jennifer (Red Fox)
Ullr McGrath - Malvyn (Scottish Wild Cat), Cid (Carbuncle)
Eumolpus McGrath - Cecil (Arctic Fox), Lugh (Carbuncle)
Liam McGrath - Sheamus (Mountain Hare), Emil (Carbuncle)
Isolda McGrath - Aislyn (Red Squirrel), Claire (Carbuncle)
Tyr McGrath - Calahan (Pine Marten), Desmond (Carbuncle)
Elpida Vassos
Gaia Vassos - Ismene (White Common Ground Dove)
Nemesis Vassos - Myra (Panther), Cassiopeia (Bonded Wyvern)
Poseidon Vassos - Delphinus (White Common Bottlenose Dolphin)
Amphitrite Vassos - Leviticus (Great White Shark), Aegis (Bonded Wyvern)
Hades Vassos - Atlas (Western Jackdaw), Cerberus (Hell Hound)
Semele Vassos - Ula (Spotted Seal)
Arsen Vassos - Cleon (Transvaal Lion) hanaeemi
Susanna Vassos - Amara (Masai Lion) hanaeemi
Hermes Vassos - Aquila (Red-tailed Hawk)
Melinoe Vassos - Nicodemus (Barn Owl)
Triton Vassos - Lazarus (Angel Shark)
Voluptas Vassos - Nemea (Pampas Fox)
Aesop Vassos - Lici (Masai Lion) hanaeemi
Julia Vassos - Zoro (Snow Leopard) hanaeemi
Alec Vassos - Jase (Carpet Python) hanaeemi
Macaria Vassos - Group of Fireflies, Arete (Carbuncle)
Tyche Vassos - Ophelia (Hooded Sisikin), Lycus (Carbuncle)
Pallas Vassos - Alexios (Gray Seal), Perseus (Carbuncle)
Ra Sabah - Ahkanaten (Saker Falcon)
Mut Sabah - Senusret (Arabian Oryx)
Sobek Sabah - Thesh (Nile Crocodile)
Aerith Sabah - Kalwyn (Southern River Otter)
Tefnut Sabah - Nefertiti (Masai Lion)
Khonsu Sabah - Qa’a (Horned Viper), Mutenhotep (”Bonded Horse”)
Osiris Sabah - Raneb (Apis Bull)
Hera Sabah - Lucina (Green Peacock)
Anhur Sabah - Djoser (Masai Lion)
Mehit Sabah - Semerkhet (African Lion)
Horus Sabah - Khafre (Peregrine Falcon)
Hathor Sabah - Sahura (Egyptian Long-horned Cow)
Imsety Sabah - Sneferka (White Rhinoceros), Muntu (Carbuncle)
Duamutef Sabah - Tiu (Side-striped Jackal), Anpu (Carbuncle)
Qebehsenuef Sabah - Baeufre (Gyrfalcon), Urshu (Carbuncle)
Aten Sabah - Khaba (Egyptian Mongoose), Nekht (Carbuncle)
Ptah Sabah - Amhose (Crested Gecko), Thutmose (Carbuncle)
Qetesh Sabah
Thor Bystrom - Okilinir (Himalayan Brown Bear), Bjorn (Bonded Horse)
Himechi Bystrom - Hertha (Eastern Cougar), Sassa (Bonded Horse) hanaeemi
Balder Bystrom - Brimir (White Mule Deer), Asmund (Bonded Horse)
Ananke Bystrom - Augustine (White Crested Eagle), Asta (Bonded Horse)
Loki Bystrom - Fensalir (Dire Wolf*), Viggo (Bonded Horse)
Yui Bystrom - Kibou (Peregrine Falcon), Senso (Bonded Horse)
Freyr Bystrom - Gullinbrusti (Central European Boar), Brynjar (Bonded Horse)
Hachiman-Jin Bystrom - Yuki (White Turtle Dove), Sarumaru (Bonded Horse) hanaeemi
Freya Bystrom - Sindri (Norwegian Forest Cat), Brynhildr (Bonded Horse)
Tove Bystrom - Ove (Prarie Falcon), Unn (Bonded Horse), Bunbun (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Agape Bystrom - Bifrost (White Siberian Tiger), Brenna (Bonded Horse), Lars (Carbuncle)
Eirik Bystrom - Gustav (European Goldfinch), Hemming (Bonded Horse), Olav (Carbuncle)
Fenrir Bystrom - Embla (Dire Wolf*), Finn (Bonded Horse), Sven (Carbuncle)
Jormungandr Bystrom - Skjalduf (Titanoboa*), Agnar (Bonded Horse), Vathlauss (Carbuncle)
Hnoss Bystrom - Sigrid (Iberian Lynx), Gunnar (Bonded Horse), Otto (Carbuncle)
Gersemi Bystrom - Shy (Japanese Crane), Brunn (Bonded Horse), Lala (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Hel Bystrom - Ingrid (Carrion Crow), Hilda (Bonded Horse), Aslaug (Carbuncle)
Ryujin Totsuka - Arata (Striped Dolphin)
Umi-hime Totsuka - Ami (Hourglass Dolphin)
Hotei Totsuka - Hitomi (Japanese Badger)
Toyotama-hime Totsuka - Mitsuki (Showa Sanshoku Koi Fish)
Fukurojuku Totsuka - Hayate (Japanese Weasel)
Tamayori-hime Totsuka - Miki (Hi Utsuri Koi Fish)
Amaterasu Totsuka - Hikari (White Japanese Sparrow)
Ame-no-Uzume Totsuka - Izumi (Black Pipe Fox) hanaeemi
Tsukuyomi Totsuka - Usamaro (White Japanese Hare)
Susano’o Totsuka - Hiraku (Manta Ray)
Kushinada-hime/Samarah Totsuka - Mayumi (Yellow-lipped Sea Krait) huntersxandxangels
Sakuya-hime Totsuka - Koharu (Japanese Sparrow)
Ninigi Totsuka - Ryunosuke (Shiba Inu), Atsushi (White Pipe Fox), Furusawa (Carbuncle)
Hoori Totsuka - Isamu (Sika Deer), Akuma (Hell Hound*), Koetsu (Carbuncle)
Suseri-hime/Leila Totsuka - Kenji (Spotted Eagle Ray), Asha (Bengal Tiger*), Touya (Carbuncle) huntersxandxangels
Haru Totsuka
Hitoshi Totsuka
Bolin Ruan cirquedeyokai
Lilu Ruan cirquedeyokai
Nu-Wa Ruan - Chang-Pu (Clouded Leopard)
Beiji Ruan - Fai-Li (Chinese Ferret Badger)
Lung-Mo Ruan
Yao-Jin Ruan
Azure Ruan cirquedeyokai
Zhilan Ruan cirquedeyokai
Guan-Yu Ruan - Wu-Tao (South China Tiger)
Xi-Fe Ruan
Po-Shang Ruan cirquedeyokai
Liling Ruan cirquedeyokai
Cho Ruan cirquedeyokai
Ao-Qin Ruan
Li-Fen Ruan - Duan-Xia (Golden Pheasant)
Ao-Shun Ruan
Zhu-Li Ruan - Fu-Zhong (Chow Chow)
Dionysus Ruan - Cyrus (Amur Leopard), Callista (Amur Leopard)
Jin-Hai Ruan
Ao-Bing Ruan
Vonungein Ruan cirquedeyokai
Jade Ruan cirquedeyokai
Hanba Ruan
Meng-Po Ruan - Biming (House Mouse)
Xing Ruan - Liang-Shui (Black Giant Squirrel)
Feng Ruan cirquedeyokai
Zong-Ying Ruan - Tao-Ping (Giant Panda)
Bao Ruan cirquedeyokai
Ren-Shu Ruan - Liao-Ming (Carbuncle)
Kundo-Star Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Aoi Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Yin-Lin Ruan - Yi-Huo (Carbuncle)
Mei-Lin Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Mao-Yu Ruan - Su-Jian (Carbuncle)
Shai-Ming Ruan - Min-Wu (Greater Short-nosed Fruit Bat), Wang-Guo (Carbuncle)
Chung-Tao Ruan - Mei-Wu (Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat), Zhen-Xun (Carbuncle)
Bo-Xiu Ruan - Cheng-Gong (Yangzte Chinese Softshell Turtle), Hoo-Gwo (Carbuncle)
Many unnamed members.
Marduk Nidnantum - Autu (Gray Wolf), Rigiljo (Bonded Griffin)
Benthesikyme Nidnantum - Helene (Commerson’s Dolphin), Sophie (Bonded Griffin)
Dumuzi Nidnantum - Lugalngu (Arabian Oryx), Uras (Bonded Griffin)
Ishtar Nidnantum - Kuwari (Eurasian Otter), Urnina (Bonded Griffin)
Atar Nidnantum - Omarosa (Sumar Leopard), Enusat (Bonded Griffin), Balum (Carbuncle)
Lulal Nidnantum - Humbaba (Striped Skunk), Samuqan (Bonded Griffin), Bau (Carbuncle)
Shara Nidnantum - Sabit (Spotted Hyena), Inanna (Bonded Griffin), Anbu (Carbuncle)
More unnamed members.
Acheron Iblis - Mandala (Canadian Lynx), Bael (Nekomata), Cairo (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Bael Iblis - Merida (Dire Wolf*) cirquedeyokai
Amunet Iblis cirquedeyokai
Eve Iblis
Calypso Iblis - Eerie (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Seti Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ariel Iblis - Houdini (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Alister Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Felisha Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Kufu Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Mei-Li Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Arthur Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Suzaki Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ayato Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Lucas Iblis - Pete (Carbuncle)
Maksis Durand
Maria Durand
Roen (Durand)
Aiko Durand - Roen (Hell Hound)
Lilith Fuza
Urie Fuza - Charon (Hell Hound)
Rem Arlond - Jasper (Hell Hound)
Akemi Durand - Hazel (Carbuncle)
More unnamed members.
Amoxtli/Tatsuya Coaxoch
Ihuicatl/Rei Coaxoch
Anna Coaxoch
Lyra Coaxoch - Cindy (Carbuncle)
Tezcacoatl/Sho Coaxoch 
Mage Himura - Harper (Hell Hound)
Alice Himura hanaeemi
Shuu Himura hanaeemi
Rachel Himura hanaeemi
Ichijo Himura hanaeemi
Hima Himura hanaeemi
Sosuke Durand - Rin (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
More unnamed members.
Regime Abernathy werekxnglives
Dexter Abernathy werekxnglives
Erebus Abernathy - Life (Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox) werekxnglives
Nyx Abernathy - Echo (Golden-capped Fruit Bat)
Tai Abernathy/Wepwawet Sabah - ? (? Jackal) werekxnglives
Kenta Abernathy werekxnglives
Alexandria Abernathy werekxnglives
Mordred Abernathy werekxnglives
Reed Abernathy werekxnglives
Aisha Abernathy werekxnglives
Isaac Abernathy werekxnglives
Yuki Abernathy - Shiro (White Pipe Fox)
Maddie Abernathy - ? (? Pipe Fox) werekxnglives
Hajime Abernathy
Sakura Abernathy
Neville Abernathy werekxnglives
Helios Abernathy werekxnglives
Hypnos Abernathy - Nike (American Black Bear), Chronos (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Demona Abernathy - Raichu (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Cain Abernathy - Deadpool (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Ozalie Abernathy - Thunder (Snow Leopard*), Starlight (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Madoka Abernathy - Etsuko (Carbuncle)
Arsene Lupin
Reah Argyris - Baron (Persian*), Opal (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Impey Barbicane - Sisi (Corgi*)
Menta Barbicane - Tippy (Corgi*), Cupcake (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Abraham Van Helsing
Kaori Kasegawa - Hak (Peregrine Falcon*), Shirayuki (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Victor Frankenstein
Cardia Frankenstein - Garnet (Carbuncle)
Saint Germain - Nicholas (Javan Leopard)
Neith Germain - Itet (Lesser Bird of Paradise)
Markos Thanos - Mirage (Sumar Leopard), Karnak (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Serqet Thanos - Unas (Yellow Palestine Scorpion), Moswen (Giant Cobra*)
Grimm Thanos cirquedeyokai
Syrina Thanos - Sarabi (Jaguar), Nightmare (Bonded Unicorn), Luxor (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Destroyer Thanos - Sherlock (Great Horned Owl) cirquedeyokai 
Hecate Thanos - Arcadia (Least Weasel)
Thoth Thanos - Djaty (Egyptian Ibis)
Seshat Thanos - Dalila (Southern African Cheetah) hanaeemi
Kuk/Riaghan Thanos - Imhotep (Caracal) cirquedeyokai
Sekhmet Thanos - Bijou (White Masai Lion) cirquedeyokai
Makoto Thanos - Chiasa (Ocelot) cirquedeyokai
Bast Thanos - Kakhent (Panther)
Sinbad Thanos
Seth Thanos
Dante Thanos - Mim (Timber Wolf), Archimedes (Timber Wolf), Cali (Ammit Child), Ruby (Hell Hound*), Milo (Phoenix*), Aodh (Dire Wolf*), Vesper (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Wenet Thanos - Kashta (Desert Cottontail Rabbit), Omen (Dire Wolf*)
Viper Thanos - Nagi (White Indian Cobra), Nox (Dire Wolf*) cirquedeyokai
Apollon Thanos - Leon (Forest Raven), Iiakada (Phoenix*), Fos (Pegasus*)
Ming-Chi Thanos - Shiva (White Siberian Tiger), Lin (Bonded Wyvern) cirquedeyokai
Anubis Thanos - Ahmes (Golden Jackal), Kemet (Hell Hound*)
Yue Thanos - Amun (Clouded Leopard), Khan (Bengal Tiger*), Willow (Dire Wolf*) themoondragoness
Zephyrus Thanos - Rhode (Blue Jay)
Iris Thanos - Group of Monarch Butterflies
Eris Thanos - Menwi (Serval), Laika (Dire Wolf*)
Kaito Thanos
Dupree Thanos werekxnglives
Zarah Sabah - Nenet (House Sparrow), Hawkeye (Dire Wolf*)
Asteria Thanos - Balthazar (Dire Wolf/Hoshi-no-Tama*), Areiseus (Carbuncle)
Maahes Thanos - Akudo (Ragdoll Cat), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Kebechet Thanos - Pepi (Golden Jackal), Seka (Carbuncle)
Sah Thanos - Rino (Screech Owl), Evermore (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Citlali Thanos - Chipahua (Margay), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ajit Thanos - Samar (Lion-tailed Macaque), Starsong (Bonded Griffin), Imaran (Carbuncle)
Sati Thanos - Himmat (White-bellied Sea Eagle), Ishvara (Carbuncle)
Esi Thanos - Cleopatra (Eurasian Wolf), Neema (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Dakar Thanos - Ramses (Eurasian Wolf), Khem (Carbuncle)
Orpheus Thanos - Icarus (Harz Roller Canary), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Melete Thanos - Jocasta (Red Salamander), Aurora (Carbuncle)
Pothos Thanos - Aenea (Cardinal), Cygnus (Carbuncle)
Eurydice Thanos - Roxanne (Papillon), Dione (Carbuncle) 
More unnamed members.
Sherlock Holmes - Annabelle (Corgi*)
Xanthe Vermillion - Chamomile (Carbuncle)
Nanase Sabah
Shirah Zaliyah huntersxandxangels
0 notes
sakeandshiro · 6 years
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Do I have any OCs? Yes, but only one have any developed background at all.
 The first is Yuki. And the other one is, well, she’s unnamed. Both are arctic fox Kitsune. They’re also unrelated.
I guess I originally created Yuki as a burlesque dancer around 2011 but these days just random drawings. I draw her the most.
The short haired one was created for Inktober 2017. I was actually on the Trans-Mongolian so I didn’t draw much. I ended up liking her design and kept her.
The elf is Freyja. She’s the only one with an actual background I was happy with. Created long ago for a long scrapped manga idea and she was the only character I was happy with. I’ll probably talk about her in another post. Not a great drawing of her but it’s the only acceptable one I have.
I do have another OC, probably my oldest OC that I have kept but have not drawn him in such a long time so no decent drawings of him. He does not have a name but he is this guy with long hair and a short beard. Very much my type! I probably created him around 2009. 
Yuki, Freja and oldest OC are, I suppose, from the same universe. 
0 notes