#University of West Virginia
ncaapeaches · 2 months
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West Virginia Gymnastics
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athleticperfection1 · 4 months
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West Virginia Cheer
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theinquisitxor · 10 months
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A firestorm starting on Twitter about the reports that West Virginia University (a major R1 university on the east coast) will be cutting programs— including the entire World Languages program. You wouldn’t even be able to take a Spanish class at WVU.
The president Gordon Gee is not liked, and has a bad reputation when it comes to leading universities. I really hope this doesn’t come to fruition, but it paints a bleak picture for the humanities + higher ed in general
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vandaliatraveler · 2 months
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An Easter bouquet of some of Central Appalachia's finest spring wildflowers, courtesy of Core Arboretum at West Virginia University.
From top: cutleaf toothwort (Cardamine concatenata); Virginia spring beauty (Claytonia virginica); Carolina spring beauty (Claytonia caroliniana); sessile trillium (Trillium sessile); twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla); immature golden ragwort (Packera aurea); dwarf larkspur (Delphinium tricorne); Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica), including a rare white-flowered variation; woodland phlox (Phlox divaricata), also known as wild blue phlox; harbinger of spring (Erigenia bulbosa), also known as pepper and salt; Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria); downy yellow violet (Viola pubescens); yellow trout lily (Erythronium americanum), also known as dog-tooth violet; and celandine poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum), also known as wood poppy.
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tjkl895 · 5 months
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britneyshakespeare · 8 months
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You versus the guy she tells you not to worry about
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morganbritton132 · 2 days
My thought process lately with my TikTok saga:
Me: I’m going to make Eddie be originally from my home state and that’ll be fun! I can include little cultural things.
Followed by: What is the culture of the place I’ve lived my entire life????
Followed by: I live so close to the Ohio border, am I even really from West Virginia?? Have I ever truly experienced the culture of (again) the state I’ve lived in my entire life.
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elwenyere · 10 months
"Gordon Gee plans to retire in 2025. I have no doubt his grandchildren will benefit from a private education similar to his own, consisting of a thorough liberal arts education with access to subjects now increasingly reserved for the elite, such as math and foreign languages. They will have their choice of careers in the arts, humanities, government, finance, security, diplomacy, business, or tech. Those who decide what is worth learning, what is worth teaching, what counts as a 'structural deficit,' will never bear the brunt of their own choices.
West Virginians, trapped in the clutches of economic hardship, find themselves mercilessly shackled to a state most can ill afford to abandon, left to suffer the full weight of the WVU administration’s harrowing decisions. We will learn only subjects aligned with the preferences of the rich, driven by their financial motivations. We will work for the oligarchs for the rest of our lives, just like our parents and our grandparents did for the global coal industry. We will continue to amass inconceivable riches for the nation’s privileged elite until our last breath, and we will find our resting place in unadorned cardboard coffins beneath West Virginia soil.
And those condemned to languish within the husk of WVU, who would excel within a capacious and intellectually coherent university, will only find it harder and harder to access avenues of social and economic mobility."
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ncaapeaches · 29 days
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brynn.freehling on Instagram
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athleticperfection1 · 5 months
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West Virginia Cheer
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
I really love everyone’s headcanon that Twilight has a country accent—but because I’m originally from outskirts-of-Appalachia-West Virginia, my first thought is to imagine Twi talking like my grandparents and I LOVE IT SO MUCH
Because I was born there, but moved when I was five, so whatever accent I may have had I lost (I don’t know if I ever had it, since my dad isn’t from around there—I’ll have to ask my mom sometime). My mom also has lost her accent over the years and it only comes out when she’s tired, but she still uses a lot of the same figures of speech. And as my grandparents (and entire side of my mom’s family) still live there, they have the full package, and I get to hear lots of it when I go visit. (Before you ask, yes, they DO actually say “crick” and “holler,” though the vernacular is dying a bit. I hope it doesn’t, it’s kinda nostalgic for me)
Meanwhile, on top of this, my entire side of my mom’s family likes to MAKE UP IDOMS. It usually happens on about a monthly basis that my mom will say something completely out of left field that I’ll ask her to explain and she’ll say “oh I think I made this up with my friends at band camp once” or “your great-grandma used to say it—I think she was getting it confused with another idiom?”
So now I’m just imagining Twi saying things like
“Wild, get yerself out of that crick this instant before you get yer britches wet.”
“Well ain’t he just full of his Cheerios.”
“All y’all are movin’ slower than molasses—“
“Whatever that was set Wind here screamin’ like a banshee!”
“Oh, bless his heart—“
“We might be able to set up camp once we get up in the holler.”
“Over yonder”
“Wars here ran like someone had lit a fire under his behind.”
And etc, please feel free to add on
Also Twi 100% percent sings the “Bushel and a Peck” song to babies and you can’t convince me otherwise
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hubbyalh · 5 months
Do your best in high school. You can get enough scholarships and grants to pay for college. It just takes a shit ton of work. Keep applying for every single scholarship. Sure, $250-$1000 isn’t much, but it adds up quickly and can save your ass from debt that will be highly difficult to pay off. Those smaller scholarships are a lot easier to get too. Go to college right after high school, if possible. You have to rack up those scholarships during your high school years, and not just during college. Do the work. Debts sucks balls. Big, hairy and sweaty balls. Get help if you need to. Don’t be ashamed to ask and get tutors. The hard work is worth it. You can do this. You got this.
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thewildbelladonna · 1 year
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Fleetwood Mac tour, West Virginia University Coliseum, Morgantown, West Virginia, November 21st, 1975.
source: {x}
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Research from West Virginia University students and faculty into how 3D printing works in a weightless environment aims to support long-term exploration and habitation on spaceships, the moon or Mars. Extended missions in outer space require the manufacture of crucial materials and equipment onsite, rather than transporting those items from Earth. Members of the Microgravity Research Team said they believe 3D printing is the way to make that happen. The team's recent experiments focused on how a weightless microgravity environment affects 3D printing using titania foam, a material with potential applications ranging from UV blocking to water purification. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces published their findings.
Read more.
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cinnamoneve · 6 months
"take me home, country roads" makes me emotional every time i listen to it for a reason i cant fathom
something about loving the place you grew up and the personification of it all makes me so emotional it's just a letter to a lover and the lover is nature's bounty hhhHHHHh ouuu OUGHHH
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On May 15, 1953, The Black Castle debuted in West Germany.
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