#UK Companies House
berlinini · 1 year
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Louis' appointment as Director of PPM Music Ltd was terminated on Dec 31 2022, thus ending his active involvement with businesses related to 1D.
Niall, Harry and Liam's appointments were also terminated at the same date.
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georgeshutcheson · 16 days
Companies House
New Post has been published on https://www.fastaccountant.co.uk/companies-house/
Companies House
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So, you’re thinking of starting your own business in the UK but not sure where to begin? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the process of registering your business with UK Companies House. From understanding the importance of registration to the step-by-step process, we’ll provide you with all the necessary information to get your business up and running legally in no time. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or an experienced business owner, this article is here to help you navigate through the registration process with ease. So, let’s get started on your exciting journey towards establishing your very own business in the UK!
Overview of UK Companies House
What is UK Companies House?
UK Companies House is the government agency responsible for the incorporation, registration, and regulation of Limited companies in the United Kingdom. It maintains a database of all registered companies and provides a range of services to businesses and the public. The primary role of UK Companies House is to ensure transparency and accuracy in business information, enabling companies to operate legally and effectively.
Benefits of registering a business with UK Companies House
Registering your business with UK Companies House comes with a range of benefits. Firstly, it provides legal protection by establishing the company as a separate legal entity, which shields the owners and directors from personal liability for business debts. This protection offers peace of mind and reassurance to business owners. Secondly, registration with Companies House enhances the reputation and credibility of the business, as it signifies compliance with legal and financial regulations. This is particularly important when establishing relationships with suppliers, customers, and potential investors. Lastly, registering a business with Companies House enables access to various services and resources offered by the agency, such as easy access to business information, online filing services, and support for compliance with reporting obligations.
Types of Business Entities
Sole proprietorship
A sole proprietorship is the simplest and most common form of business entity. It is owned and operated by a single individual, who is personally responsible for all aspects of the business. While there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business, registering a sole proprietorship with UK Companies House is not mandatory. However, if the business is operating under a name that is not the owner’s legal name, it is advisable to register a “trading as” (T/A) name to protect the business name and establish legal recognition.
A partnership is a business structure in which two or more individuals share ownership and management responsibilities. Partnerships can be either “general partnerships” or “limited partnerships.” In a general partnership, all partners have unlimited liability for the business’s debts and obligations. In a limited partnership, there are one or more “general partners” who have unlimited liability, and “limited partners” who have limited liability and play a passive role in the business. Registering a partnership with UK Companies House is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to establish legal recognition and clarity on the rights, responsibilities, and liabilities of each partner.
Limited liability partnership (LLP)
A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a hybrid business structure that combines elements of a partnership and a company. It offers limited liability protection to its partners while providing the flexibility of a partnership in terms of management and taxation. LLPs are commonly favored by professional service firms, such as law firms, accounting practices, and consultancy agencies. Registering an LLP with UK Companies House is a legal requirement and involves the submission of specific documents and information, including a statement of compliance, a registered office address, and details of the designated members.
Private limited company (Ltd)
A private limited company (Ltd) is a separate legal entity from its owners (shareholders) and directors. It is the most common form of legal structure for small and medium-sized businesses in the UK. A private limited company has limited liability, meaning that the shareholders’ personal assets are not at risk if the company fails. Registering a private limited company with UK Companies House is mandatory and involves the submission of various documents, such as a Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, details of directors and shareholders, and a registered office address.
Public limited company (PLC)
A public limited company (PLC) is a company that has shares available for public trading on a stock exchange. It offers limited liability to its shareholders and operates under stricter regulations compared to private limited companies. Registering a PLC with UK Companies House involves additional requirements, such as a minimum share capital, appointments of a company secretary and qualified auditor, and specific regulations governing the company’s operations and reporting obligations.
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Requirements for Registering a Business
Choosing a business name
When registering a business with UK Companies House, choosing a suitable name is crucial. The business name should be unique, not already registered with Companies House, and should not infringe upon any trademarks. It should also reflect the nature of the business and be easily recognizable and memorable. Before finalizing a name, it is advisable to conduct a thorough search using the Companies House online database to ensure its availability.
Registered office address
A registered office address is the official address of a company, used for all formal communications and legal purposes. It must be a physical address within the same jurisdiction where the company is registered (e.g., England and Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland). The registered office address must be displayed on all company correspondence and must be accessible for public inspection. It can be the company’s actual place of business or a separate address provided by a registered office service.
Directors and company officers
Every business registered with UK Companies House must have at least one director who is responsible for overseeing the company’s activities and complying with legal obligations. A director must be at least 16 years old and not disqualified from acting as a director. In addition to directors, a company may also have other officers, such as a company secretary, who assists with administrative tasks and compliance with regulatory requirements. Directors and officers must provide their details, including names, addresses, and dates of birth, when registering the company.
Company shareholders
In a company limited by shares, the shareholders are the owners of the company. They own shares in the company’s capital and have certain rights and obligations associated with their ownership. When registering a company, the details of the shareholders must be provided, including their names, addresses, and the number of shares they hold. It is important to note that the shareholders’ personal details will be publicly available through the Companies House register.
Memorandum of Association
The Memorandum of Association is a legal document that sets out the company’s name, registered office address, nature of business, and details of its initial shareholders and share capital. It acts as the company’s constitution and defines the relationship between the company and its shareholders. A Memorandum of Association must be submitted to Companies House during the registration process.
Articles of Association
The Articles of Association are another legal document that governs the internal workings and management of the company. It outlines the rules and regulations for the company’s operations, including the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the directors and shareholders. While model Articles of Association are provided by Companies House, companies can also create bespoke articles tailored to their specific needs and requirements.
Steps to Register a Business
Online registration
The easiest and most convenient way to register a business with UK Companies House is through the online registration process. Companies House provides an online platform called WebFiling, which allows businesses to complete and submit the necessary forms electronically. This method ensures faster processing times and minimizes errors by providing real-time validation of information.
Completing the required forms
During the registration process, various forms must be completed and submitted to UK Companies House. These forms include Form IN01, which provides details about the company’s directors, shareholders, registered office address, and share capital structure. Other forms may be required depending on the type of business entity being registered, such as Form LLP2 for a limited liability partnership or Form SH01 for an allotment of shares.
Paying the registration fees
There are registration fees associated with registering a business with UK Companies House. The amount depends on the type of business entity being registered. The fees can be paid online using a credit or debit card, or by setting up a direct debit if multiple registrations are anticipated. It is important to note that the registration fees are non-refundable, even if the application is rejected.
Submitting the application
Once the required forms have been completed and the registration fees paid, the application can be submitted to UK Companies House. If using the online registration process, the forms can be uploaded directly to the WebFiling system. Once submitted, the application will be reviewed by Companies House, and if everything is in order, the company will be registered and receive a Certificate of Incorporation.
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Processing Time and Cost
Standard processing time
The standard processing time for registering a business with UK Companies House is typically around 48 hours. This is the time it takes for Companies House to review the application, process the necessary documents, and issue the Certificate of Incorporation. However, it is important to note that the processing time can vary depending on the workload at Companies House and any additional checks or clarifications that may be required.
Fast-track processing options
For those who require a quicker registration process, UK Companies House offers several fast-track processing options. This includes same-day registration, which guarantees that the application will be processed on the day of submission. Additionally, there is a 24-hour expedited service and a same-day postal service for those who prefer to send their application via mail.
Maintaining and Updating Business Information
Annual filings
After registering a business with UK Companies House, companies have ongoing obligations to provide certain annual or periodic filings. These filings include annual financial statements and confirmation statements. The due dates for these filings are typically one year from the company’s date of incorporation, and failure to submit them on time can result in penalties and potential legal consequences.
Changes to business details
It is essential to keep the information registered with Companies House up to date. This includes notifying Companies House of any changes to the company’s registered office address, directors, shareholders, and other company officers. Updates can be made through the WebFiling system or by submitting the necessary forms by mail. Failure to update the information within a reasonable timeframe can lead to administrative issues and potential penalties.
Reporting obligations
Registered companies have reporting obligations to various government agencies, including HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Companies House. These obligations include filing annual financial statements with Companies House, submitting tax returns to HMRC, and complying with other regulatory requirements specific to the industry in which the business operates. Understanding and fulfilling these reporting obligations is essential to ensure compliance with legal and financial regulations.
Documents and Records
Certificate of Incorporation
The Certificate of Incorporation is a legal document issued by Companies House after a business has been successfully registered. It certifies that the company exists as a separate legal entity and provides its unique company registration number. The Certificate of Incorporation is an important document that may be required when opening a business bank account, entering into contracts, or dealing with other organizations.
Statutory registers
Companies registered with UK Companies House must maintain various statutory registers. These registers include the register of members (shareholders), register of directors, register of charges, and register of persons with significant control (PSC). These registers must be up to date and available for public inspection upon request. Failure to maintain these registers can result in penalties and potential legal consequences.
Annual financial statements
Every year, registered companies must prepare and file annual financial statements with Companies House. These statements include a balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement, and accompanying notes. The financial statements provide an overview of the company’s financial performance, position, and cash flows, allowing stakeholders to assess the company’s financial health and performance.
Shareholder and director resolutions
Shareholder and director resolutions are formal decisions made by the company’s shareholders or directors. They are required for certain significant actions, such as appointing directors, changing the company’s articles of association, amending share capital, or distributing dividends. Resolutions must be properly recorded and kept in the company’s records as they serve as evidence of the decision-making process.
Taxation and Legal Obligations
Corporation Tax
Registered companies in the UK have a legal obligation to pay Corporation Tax on their profits. Corporation Tax is based on the company’s taxable profits, which are calculated by deducting allowable expenses and reliefs from the company’s total income. It is important for companies to understand their tax obligations, keep accurate and up-to-date financial records, and submit their Corporation Tax returns to HMRC within the specified timeframe.
VAT registration
Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax that is added to the price of most goods and services in the UK. Businesses with an annual turnover above the VAT threshold (currently £85,000) are required to register for VAT with HMRC. VAT-registered businesses must charge VAT on their sales, file regular VAT returns, and make payments to HMRC accordingly. Registering for VAT can provide benefit to companies that sell goods or services to other VAT-registered businesses, as they can reclaim VAT on their purchases and expenses.
Employment law and payroll
Registered companies in the UK have specific legal obligations when it comes to employment law and payroll. These obligations include registering as an employer with HMRC, operating a payroll system, deducting and paying taxes and National Insurance contributions from employees’ salaries, and providing employees with certain statutory employment rights and benefits. Failure to comply with employment law can result in penalties and potential legal consequences.
Financial reporting requirements
Registered companies must comply with financial reporting requirements, which include preparing and filing annual financial statements with Companies House. The financial statements must comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and provide a true and fair view of the company’s financial position and performance. Certain companies may also be required to have their financial statements audited by a qualified auditor.
Data protection and privacy
Registered companies must comply with data protection and privacy regulations, especially the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes obtaining consent from individuals to collect and process their personal data, handling personal data securely, and providing individuals with certain rights to access and control their personal data. Compliance with data protection and privacy regulations is essential to protect the rights and privacy of individuals and to avoid potential legal consequences.
Additional Services Offered by UK Companies House
Company name availability checker
Before registering a business with UK Companies House, it is advisable to use the company name availability checker provided on the Companies House website. This free online tool allows businesses to search for existing registered company names and trademarks to ensure that the desired name is unique and available for use.
Companies House WebFiling service
The Companies House WebFiling service is an online platform that allows businesses to easily file and submit various documents and forms electronically. The service provides real-time validation of information, reducing errors and improving efficiency. It also offers additional features such as electronic signatures for certain documents and the ability to track the progress of submissions.
Company search services
Companies House provides various company search services that allow individuals and businesses to access information about registered companies. These services include searching for company details, such as registered address, directors, and shareholders, as well as obtaining copies of company documents, such as annual financial statements and resolutions. The information provided by these services can be valuable for due diligence, research, and decision-making processes.
Guidance and support
UK Companies House offers guidance and support to businesses throughout the registration process and beyond. This includes providing comprehensive guidance on the registration requirements, offering support in completing the necessary forms, and assisting with any queries or issues that may arise. Companies House also provides online resources, webinars, and workshops to help businesses understand and fulfil their legal and regulatory obligations.
Registering a business with UK Companies House is a crucial step for any business operating in the United Kingdom. It offers legal recognition and protection, enhances credibility and reputation, and provides access to various resources and services. By understanding the registration process, requirements, and obligations, businesses can ensure compliance with regulatory and reporting obligations and lay a solid foundation for their success. Whether it is a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, private limited company, or public limited company, UK Companies House is a valuable resource and partner in the journey of running a successful business.
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Rural Houses Rent: Experience Countryside Living
Experience the tranquility of countryside living with our selection of rural houses rent options, offering a peaceful escape from the chaos of city life. Whether you're seeking a cozy cottage, a spacious farmhouse, or a charming bungalow, we have a variety of rental properties to suit every taste and budget. From rolling hills to scenic countryside views, our rural houses provide the perfect backdrop for relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing you to unwind and reconnect with nature. With our personalized service and attention to detail, we'll help you find the perfect rental property that feels like home. Say goodbye to the stresses of urban living and hello to the serenity of countryside bliss with our rural houses rent options.
Buy Rural Properties UK: Discover Your Dream Countryside Retreat
Unlock the door to your dream countryside retreat with our selection of buy rural properties UK options, offering the perfect blend of tranquility, privacy, and natural beauty. Whether you're seeking a quaint cottage, a sprawling estate, or a charming farmhouse, we have a variety of properties to suit every taste and budget. From rolling hills to picturesque villages, our rural properties provide the ideal backdrop for relaxation and rejuvenation, allowing you to escape the stresses of urban living and reconnect with nature. With our personalized service and attention to detail, we'll help you find the perfect property that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Say goodbye to the city and hello to the serenity of countryside living with our buy rural properties UK options.
Buy Apartment on Elmcroft London: Your Urban Sanctuary
Discover the epitome of urban living with our selection of buy apartment on Elmcroft London options, offering the perfect blend of style, convenience, and sophistication. Located in one of London's most desirable neighborhoods, Elmcroft offers a vibrant urban lifestyle with easy access to amenities, transportation, and entertainment options. Whether you're seeking a chic city loft, a luxury penthouse, or a contemporary apartment, we have a variety of properties to suit every taste and budget. With our personalized service and attention to detail, we'll help you find the perfect apartment that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Say goodbye to the stresses of house hunting and hello to the joys of urban living with our Elmcroft London offerings.
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London Letting Company: Your Trusted Partner in Property Rentals
Discover the perfect rental property in the bustling metropolis of London with our trusted London letting company services. Whether you're seeking a stylish apartment in the heart of the city or a cozy flat in a vibrant neighborhood, our team is dedicated to helping you find the perfect home that suits your lifestyle and budget. With our extensive portfolio of properties, personalized service, and expert knowledge of the London rental market, we'll guide you through every step of the rental process, from property search to lease signing. Say goodbye to the stress of finding a rental property on your own and hello to the ease and convenience of working with our experienced team. Partner with us and find your dream rental property in London today.
House for Sale Hampshire: Your Gateway to Countryside Living
Discover the charm of countryside living with our selection of house for sale Hampshire options, offering the perfect blend of tranquility, privacy, and natural beauty. Situated in the picturesque county of Hampshire, our properties provide the ideal retreat for those seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and reconnect with nature. Whether you're seeking a historic cottage, a spacious farmhouse, or a modern family home, we have a variety of properties to suit every taste and budget. With our personalized service and attention to detail, we'll help you find the perfect home that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Say goodbye to the stresses of urban living and hello to the joys of countryside bliss with our house for sale Hampshire options.
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londonnewsnow · 2 months
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ekcs · 3 months
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datagardener · 4 months
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ericonstructionltd · 4 months
Eric Construction: Leading the Way in Construction and Design in the UK
In the dynamic world of construction and renovation in London, the role of construction companies, building experts, bathroom renovation specialists, and commercial refurbishment professionals is pivotal. They contribute not only to the physical landscape of the city but also to the quality of life for residents and the success of businesses.
For more details visit here: https://theomnibuzz.com/eric-construction-leading-the-way-in-construction-and-design-in-the-uk/#google_vignette
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artisan-peintre-paris · 4 months
peintre en batiment paris 20, 75020
Cherchez vous une << entreprise de travaux peinture appartements à paris 20 >>? 
Notre entreprise de travaux peinture à paris 20 est là pour répondre tous vos besoins concernant rénovation intérieure de votre logement situèe à paris 20 pour un "prix pas cher"
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Vous avez un projet de travaux de peinture et 'rénovation bâtiment à paris-20ème' et vous cherchez une entreprise de travaux peinture bâtiment ou des artisans peintre en bâtiment pour établir un devis gratuit pour votre projet de peintrue et rénovation d’appartement à paris-20ème?
Devis gratuit pour travaux de peintrue et rénovation d’appartement à paris-20ème
Notre < entreprise de travaux peinture en bâtiment paris-20ème > est à votre entière disposition pour établir un devis gratuit rapidement. Notre entreprise de travaux peinture et rénovation du bâtiment est présente à paris-20ème depuis plus de 11 ans, pour réaliser tous vos projet de travaux de peinture et rénovation bâtiment pour un prix pas cher. Notre entreprise de peinture paris-20ème vous offre en devis gratuit sous 48 heures. Deplacement pour établir votre devis de rénovation est gratuit dans paris-20ème.
Travaux de peinture bâtiment et rénovation d’appartements à paris-20ème
Nous sommes des "artisans peintres en bâtiment et décorateurs spécialisés à paris-20ème" et île-de-France. Nous offrons également des services de rénovation de bâtiment, d’appartement et de maison, de haute qualité et à un prix imbattable et compétitif pour tous types de travaux.. Nous pouvons également travailler dans un bâtiment aussi bien occupé que vide.
Intervention Rapide.
paris-20ème et Ile de France
(75, 77, 78, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95)
Travaux de peinture à paris-20ème
Préparation des murs, réparation des infiltrations (toile de verre, enduit garnissant, l’enduit fin, rebauchage; décoratif etc) peinture intérieur et extérieur, laquée, peinture mat, peinture satin, peinture glycéro, peinture acrylique, peinture alkyde
Préparation des murs : traitement des fissures, écailles, support farinant, humidité, moisissures, traitement des infiltrations
"Peinture intérieure et extérieur à Paris" : Large gamme de peintures (multi marques), mat, satinée, brillante, laque. Toutes les peintes de peinture vous sont proposées à partir de nuanciers.
Peintures spécifiques : Nous pouvons également vous proposer des créations de peintures naturelles (fabrication à partir de pigments oxydés ou naturels).
'Devis pour vos travaux de peinture et rénovation gratuit à paris-20ème'
• Tous nos devis sont gratuits et détaillés
• Ils sont réalisés après visite du site à rénover
• Ils vous sont communiqués dans les 48 heures par fax, e-mail ou courrier
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Nous réalisons des devis détaillés avec l’ensemble des opérations nécessaires.
Nos specialités pour établir vos devis gratuit à paris-20ème
Démolition ~ Maçonnerie ~ Agencement ~ Menuiserie
Electricité ~ Plomberie ~ Chauffage ~ Isolation ~ Fenêtres
Carrelage ~ Peinture ~ Décoration
Travaux de peinture et rénovation à paris-20ème, nos préstations…
Artisans peintres en bâtiment à paris-20ème, avec 11 ans d’experience dans le domaine de travaux peinture et rénovation bâtiment vous propose ses services pour tous vos travaux de peinture intérieur et extérieur, notament;
* Protection de sol, meuble, gratage, lessivage, impression,
* L’enduit garnissant, l’enduit fin, rabauchage, lissage, décoratif
* Pose toile de verre, fibre de verre, voile de verre
* Ponçage des surfaces, ponçage parquets, vitrification, lasure
* Peinture mat, satin, laquée, peinture sur bois, peinture sur carrelage
* Pose Carrelage, parquets, placo de platre, carreaux de platre,
* Démolition, montage des murs, cloison, agrandissements, ragréage, pose de faux plafonds
* Travaux de plombérie et électricité
Devis et travaux de peinture et rénovation paris-20ème
Entrprise des artisans peintres en bâtiment à paris-20ème met son savoire-faire et son expérience de plus de 11 ans dans la domaine au service de ses clients pour leur fournir la meilleure prestations. Les réalisation de entreprise de peinture paris-20ème sont caractérisées par le dynamisme et la précision de l’ouvrage. Que ce soit pour rénover vos anciennes peintures, donner un coup de peinture à l’enterieur de votre appartement, maison, studio, magasin, boutique, refaire vos sol, nos spécialistes sont là pour vous conseiller et vous fournir un devis gratuitement et rapidement pour votre entière satisfaction.
Grace à notre expérience et savoir-faire, connaissance de l’art de la peinture aquise pendants 11 ans, nous sommes capable de réaliser vos projet de rénovation / peinture dans une façon plus efficace et rapide.
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"entreprise pour tous travaux paris" : travaux de peinture, renovation, parquets, l'enduit.. Nous sommes une équipe de travailleurs professionnels et qualifiés, nous pouvons vous proposer des solutions si vous recherchez une rénovation budgétaire ou si vous manquez de temps. Nous vous expliquerons ce qui est possible et ce qui ne l’est pas. Nous croyons au service à la clientèle et à la satisfaction de nos clients...
Notre « entreprise de peinture d’appartements à paris » est connue pour son travail de haute qualité à moindre prix. Nous essayons toujours de proposer des prix raisonnables. L'équipe de nos "peintres professionnels" est très compétente et efficace. Nous essayons d'organiser les "projets de rénovation intérieure" de la manière la plus efficace. Par conséquent, nous sommes en mesure d'offrir des "prix moins chers" pour votre travail de peinture. En d'autres termes, bien que nous utilisions des peintures de haute qualité, nous parvenons toujours à offrir nos services aux "meilleurs prix de Paris".
Nos « devis » sont très détaillés. Par conséquent, vous pouvez facilement comparer nos prix pour les différents services liés à la rénovation avec ceux d'autres entreprises. Après avoir comparé nos prix avec ceux d'autres "entreprises de rénovation à paris", vous trouverez nos « prix pas cher ».
Nous sommes disponible dans tous les arrondissement de paris : paris-1, paris-2, paris-3, paris-4, paris-5, paris-6, paris-7, paris-8, paris-9, paris-10, paris-11, paris-12, paris-13, paris-14, paris-15, paris-16, paris-17, paris-18, paris-19, paris-20.
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👉 Renovation peinture paris 20, ‘rénovation appartements à paris 20’
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👉  Apartment builders in paris 20 : “apartment remodelling contractors in paris 20 for home, office or apartment renovation paris 20”
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berlinini · 2 years
As of September 28 2022, Louis is a registered officer of the following companies, according to the UK Companies House website:
LT Merch LLP (new)(merch, possibly related to 28 OP?)
LT Touring LLP (tour)
LT Publishing Ltd (songwriting)
Triple String Ltd (label imprint)
78 Productions Ltd (main business/production company, used for his records, AFHF live events and AFHF documentary)
PPM Ltd (One Direction remnants)
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insidecroydon · 7 months
Strike-off scare for company linked to £100m Purley Pool deal
Our business correspondent, ROBERT PESTER, reports on some troubling developments at Companies House Pound a bowl: £84,000 per year part-time Mayor Jason Perry has not yet delivered on more complicated business matters The fragile nature of Mayor Jason Perry’s dealings with the company that is supposed to deliver a 240-home development in the centre of Purley, and provide – for free! – a new…
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ajl1963 · 7 months
Deco Doings - November, 2023
Autumn by William Welsh, 1930. Image from Pinterest. Here is a list of some wonderful Art Deco Events happening this November to enjoy. Metropolitan Museum of Art Art for the Millions: American Culture and Politics in the 1930s (In Person Event)      Thursday, September 7 – Sunday, December 10, 2023, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY   Poster House Art Deco:…
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masterbuildteamltd · 2 years
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onrepeatnet7 · 19 days
Strategic Branding Excellence: Elevating Brands with Professional Brand Studios London
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Professional Brand Studios London: Elevating Brands to New Heights
At Professional Brand Studios London, we specialize in crafting memorable brand identities that resonate with audiences worldwide. As brand design experts, we understand the importance of creating cohesive and impactful visuals that tell your brand’s story. Whether you’re in need of a complete rebranding agency overhaul or seeking top-notch branding services to enhance your existing identity, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. With a focus on authenticity and strategic thinking, we help brands stand out in a crowded marketplace, leaving a lasting impression on their target audience.
Crafting Authentic Brand Stories: Your Partner in Strategy and Design
At our London-based brand strategy agency, we specialize in crafting authentic brand stories that resonate with audiences worldwide. As an award-winning graphic design agency near me, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver bold and outstanding creative execution rooted in solid strategic foundations. Located in the heart of design space London, our diverse talent network ensures the perfect expertise for every task, optimizing value for our clients and delivering excellence.
Elevate Your Brand: Your Premier Brand Identity Agency in London
We’re not just another design studio — we’re your strategic partner in brand artwork and motion identity design company. Based in the heart of London, we specialize in crafting authentic, clear, and versatile brands that stand out in today’s competitive market. As a leading brand identity agency, we believe in the power of storytelling to propel your brand forward. With a diverse talent network covering various disciplines, we ensure that every aspect of your brand receives the attention it deserves. Our personalized approach guarantees dedicated one-to-one service, ensuring that you’re always at the forefront of our collaborative journey. Trust OnRepeat to transform your brand into its best version yet.
Elevate Your Brand: Your Premier Design Strategist and Branding House in London
We’re not just another graphic design agency London; we’re your partners in crafting a brand that resonates. As a leading design strategist and branding house, we specialize in transforming your vision into a compelling narrative. With our diverse talent network and personalized approach, we ensure that every aspect of your brand reflects authenticity and clarity. Let us propel your brand forward with excellence and innovation.
Elevate Your Brand with London’s Premier Graphic Design Agency
Looking to take your brand to the next level. Look no further than London’s top graphic design agencies. Our team specializes in crafting captivating visuals and strategic branding solutions to help your business stand out in today’s competitive market. As one of the leading graphic design companies London, we pride ourselves on our ability to capture the essence of your brand and transform it into something truly remarkable. With our personalized approach and access to a diverse talent network, we ensure that every aspect of your brand’s identity is carefully curated to resonate with your target audience. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, let us be your partner in success.
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Elevate Your Brand with London’s Premier Graphic Design and Brand Strategy Agency
We specialize in crafting brands that resonate, captivate, and endure. As a leading London graphic design agency and brand strategy agency London, we’re dedicated to unraveling the unique essence of your brand and transforming it into a powerhouse of authenticity and clarity. Our multidisciplinary team, fueled by creativity and strategic prowess, ensures that every aspect of your brand journey is meticulously curated for success. With personalized attention and a commitment to excellence, we’re here to propel your brand forward in the global arena.
Elevate Your Brand with London’s Premier Rebranding, Brand Strategy, and Graphic Design Agency
Looking to revitalize your brand and make a lasting impact. Look no further than our boutique rebranding agency nestled in the heart of London. At our brand strategy agency, we specialize in crafting authentic narratives and compelling visual identities that resonate with audiences worldwide. Our team of seasoned strategists and creatives work tirelessly to ensure your brand stands out from the crowd. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, our graphic design agency near me is dedicated to delivering excellence tailored to your unique needs. Let’s embark on a transformative journey together and unleash the full potential of your brand.
Elevate Your Brand: Your Premier Brand Identity Agency in London
In the vibrant design space London, stands out as a beacon of creativity and innovation. Specializing in crafting brand artwork and brand identity, we are dedicated to capturing the essence of your brand and transforming it into its best version. Our award-winning team brings a personalized, tailored approach to every project, ensuring authenticity, clarity, and versatility in every aspect. With access to a diverse talent network, we optimize value and deliver excellence within your budget. Join us on a collaborative journey where your brand always takes center stage.
Elevate Your Brand: Your Trusted Digital Design Company
Looking for design companies near me in London. As a leading digital design company in the heart of London, we specialize in crafting compelling brand identities and strategic solutions that resonate with your audience. Our experienced design by studio team is dedicated to transforming your brand into its best version, ensuring authenticity, clarity, and versatility every step of the way. With our personalized approach and diverse talent network, we’re committed to delivering excellence while optimizing value for your budget. Join us on a collaborative journey to propel your brand forward.
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