#Twlight Rambles
twilight-rose-pokemon · 11 months
Late night writing Session with Luna as my inspiration. (Mostly because of the vampire weirdness of the past couple of days). The only problem is Luna is resting her head on my lap and blocking my view of my ApplinTab and I can't reach around her fluffy mane. Man I miss when she was a small Zorua then she could do this without there being a problem. Also this is kind of weird for her she hasn't done this since she was a Zorua. Maybe she's missing her family. I'm sure I would too if I somehow got displaced in time. Or maybe she's just anxious about the vampire weirdness of the past couple of days. Either way something is telling me I should comfort the Zoroark and put my ApplinTab away and give her pets.
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gaym3bo1 · 5 months
is2g if ep 12 starts with a timeskip i will sue
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thingsarentgood · 5 months
Earlier in the show these ideas of pity and obligation were brought up and I think that is Day's biggest problem with Night.
I don't think he necessarily blames Night for the accident as much as he blames the accident for the way their dynamic changed. Like without their father, Day was the so-called "man of the house". He was close with their Mom and had an incredible life to make up for all the ways he saw abandonment in their father or failure in Night. He was the the top of their family and it was undisputed. However, after the accident, Night had to leave his former life of carelessness behind to take Day's old role. So as much as Day blames Night for losing his sight, I think he blames himself for forcing Night into this "big brother" role that he never really had before. I think that they both feel obligated to each other and mourn the paths their lives could've gone down while also feeling this strange power struggle of new dynamics.
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mooninagust · 6 months
me: it's ok they kissed, focus on the happy ending it's fine me: me: me: but the sunflower falling to the ground....
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dramalets · 5 months
I’ve been bumbling around thoughts on Last Twilight for awhile and I figured I’d try and get them out now before the certain clusterfuck that will occur tomorrow.
Remember friends; opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one. I do not think you are wrong for thinking a certain way and I would hope that you would not think me too opinionated in making my own points.
So a lot of the stink I’m seeing mostly revolves around feeling that Mhok has been ‘betrayed’ or, stunningly, that Day shouldn’t have placed his blindness above Mhok.
Day has consistently been a butthole the whole series. We’re very much led to believe that he was also one before he was blind. His friends refer to him as ‘Day the asshole’. The way he interacts with Night before the accident is very much ‘put upon younger sibling with a superiority complex’. (a complex I’m sure was gifted by his mother.)
So why should his blindness change that? It very much tracks that he would feel strongly upset in the moment and act, on the feeling, rather than any after thought. He’s been consistent with that way of behaving.
I think it’s also getting forgotten that Day is very much going through a grieving process of his own. I don’t know how strictly the writers of LT have looked at models of disability but Day, and his family, have been very much following a medical model of disability; they’ve been consistently treating Day’s blindness as something temporary with a cure. Well now they tried that cure and it didn’t work.
For Day that’s going to involve A LOT of working with how he views his disability, trying to move out of the medical and into a more social model of disability (society is the disabler of the disabled.) assuming he has been working on that it’s going to have felt like a huge shock to have Mhok, who up until this point has been someone who works with Day’s disability and doesn’t see it as something to be cured or gotten over, suddenly pitying him in the way his mother does.
Another point I’ve seen with Mhok is that they feel he’s been overlooked in the narrative. But I’d like to posit that his suddenly admitting something awful and painful, in a fit of regret, also tracks for him. Mhok acts and then thinks. In that moment he’s so desperate for Day to listen, to 𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘺 him instead, that he admits to a trauma which deep down he must know he should have raised earlier.
They’ve helped one another to see themselves and I believe they’ve reached the point of maximum help. They need to separate to come back together better. If things had gone another way I don’t think they would have lasted because there’s too much individual work they need to do.
For Mhok he needs to see that he’s more than a fuck up, he needs to move past losing his sister, and not taking her call, he needs to work on himself. I don’t necessarily think that that’s what Day was thinking about in the moment, in fact I doubt it wholly Day is self-centred, but I think in the long term that’s why the split it necessary; for both young men to heal properly, to be the best they can be for one another.
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alldramanosleep · 5 months
Mhok never ended up giving Day a sunflower!
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Do newer Zelda fans really hate Twilight Princess that much or is this just my small circle of twitter homies lol
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betasuppe · 5 months
It occurred to me just yesterday that I still only have a sad ending with Flint & Rinzler & still haven't conceived of how they could have a happily ever after.
A lot of it came from how most people want Rinzler to revert fully back to Tron post-Legacy & like, that's fine and all, but because Rinz has always been my fave guy, I got all sore at it & decided to say FUCK IT, WE ALL HAVE A BAD TIME HERE THEN!!
[long exhausted ramble... otherwise Flint's life sucks, nothing new here lol. feel free to ignore]
Anyways, the not very happy ending I've had in place for ages is that, just like how Tron helped Flint escape the Grid before Clu took over.... in the very last seconds of the human world before rolling over into the new millenia, Rinzler holds up the Grid from caving in as Flint is eked out just before y2k drops & the Grid undergoes a hard reset.
Anyways. When Flint finally leaps back the next day into the digital fantasy world to find even the smallest trace of Rinzler & yo ensure everything is ok & that the Grid survived smashing into the year 2000... Flint quickly runs into Clu & Tron & quite a few other familiar faces who are all in cheery good moods, happy to celebrate the new user year & see Flint too but... no one has any memory whatsoever of anything that took place from far before Clu's regime ever took over, all looking at the user all wild-eyed & in a panic with definite concern.
Considering Flint had started to feel like this world was the closest to home he'd ever known, & now not a single part of the adventure he'd been on, the bonds he'd formed & the times he'd shared were remembered by a single other soul... it's like the rug was completely yanked out from under his feet & Flint finds himself in some unknown Twlight Zone-esque version of the Grid that he had once called home... basically standing around strangers with familiar faces.
So like. Flint tries to spur on some memories with Tron, with no success of recalling anything of his time as Rinzler, & Flint has to come to grips with the fact that YEAH, he really did lose Tron once & now Rinzler too &... it hurts too much to realize that the Tron Flint's left standing in front of is neither parts of the program he'd loved. As is, they're just pals at this point again & Flint feels like he can't run the risk of going through this all once more, just to lose Tron again.
So Flint quickly wraps up everything by wishing his fellow programs a happy new year before dipping out... & a bunch of Flint's digital pals all wondering worriedly if the user is alright, but like that's it.
Flint goes back to the real world & hopes to find some archived Rinzler data hidden elsewhere, but the y2k bs messed everything up & kinda. It's just done. Flint leaves the programming & computer based world behind. He becomes a photographer since he'd always been interested in environmental storytelling & then like. Otherwise he feels the need to make sure he has full proof of what he's seen & done after feeling like years of his life were dumped down the drains in the Grid 😬
Anyways, I feel like it'd be easy enough to have Flint wind up with one of Rinzler's identity discs before he escapes the Grid during it's y2k refresh, but would it even work to restore memories on Tron? Would it even sort of be the same? I feel like that's a jerk move, letting a messed up copy of Rinz parasite onto this poor unsuspecting Tron & it's just. Pretty sucky.
Would Flint just hold onto it as the last memory of the greatest bond he ever had in his life?? Hard to say.
If nothing else, may need to rethink the full ending? Maybe it's possible Rinzler gets dragged out with Flint before the y2k restart? But otherwise, Flint having all the memories & no one to share them with... he could try to rekindle things with Tron from the start button that point, there's no guarantee anything would even happen, I guess. I dunno.
Either way, the only version of Flint & Tron/Rinzler that actually has a happy ending is with evil Flint & Rinz, since they get digitally bonded for life & lock themselves up in the Grid forever & live happily for eternity in their little digital paradise bit otherwise like.
Most every version of Flint & Rinz but one does not end on a happy note... usually with Flint lying face down on his bed, praying to disintegrate & stop existing & all because he gave his whole heart to the same guy TWICE & ruined his life BOTH times & feels like he himself is the one who's ruined Tron/Rinzler's life. It's confusing & awful & dreadful, but. There it is.
Sorry about that, buddy...
[In which Flint ends up sad & alone because he's too tired to give his heart to anyone else after losing his first loves... & at least Flynn gets out of the Grid way earlier than 2010 but still, all sorts of things suck here... I'd like if somehow rinzler could remember but hOWWW]
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kierancampire · 2 months
So a Twlight group post just showed up on my feed, which, I am not into Twilight nor do I follow groups, but every so often they show up and every single post I see is the wildest fucking thing I have ever seen. Like people in these Twilight groups are not okay. They are deranged. They post the weirdest fucking shit. Something is wrong with these people.
A post showed up, and, well, I dunno how to describe it really. It was almost incomprehensible in its rambling and beating around the bush, but essentially, to boil it down to its finer points, someone basically said they were super sexually attracted to Jasper and if Jasper asked them to pick cotton and suck him off, they would, and that they seemingly did sorta have a race play/bizarre kink.
Myself and many others just didn't know what to think, and someone asked in his PFP which one was he, now I hadn't noticed not only had a man posted this, but in his PFP was two men, one white, one black. Now when he was asked which one was he, wanna know his response? It was technically just two words, and, I quote exactly how he wrote it "KNEE-GROW".
Now. If the post itself was a thing, that response? Yeah. Like, in a way I felt relief he went off about cotton picking and being slave when he's black. But man. See, this is what I mean, these Twilight people are fucked in the head, they got issues. I am grateful for them though, any time their posts show up, I feel better about myself. Like people thought Twilight fans were bad back in the day, nah, now that the dregs remain, trust me, popular culture Twilight fans have nothing on these people. They're like severely mentally deranged cockroaches starved of a food source.
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aka-indulgence · 10 months
may I,, write a short thing between Moon Sans and a Twlight!Reader ? (Twilight as in the thing I rambled about in my last ask w/the diff kinds of sunlights)
YA SURE! If you do please tag me because I'd like to see!
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poltergeist-coffee · 7 months
Fantasminha, I love you(platonically)
Mariana wears a corset? HELL YEAH, now we are talking Also if you have anything about them feel free to talk about, I just looked the tag and unless there's things missing there's little about it wich I think is a crime Be it slimeriana, insaneduo, philever, uh... Whoever you like
Mariana acting like she has been a vampire for centuries? YEAH, embrace the vampire vibes If you are going to live for centuries forced to never go out by the day you might as well enjoy the good part of it
I want you to be aware that I am a big vampire fan despite the fact that I will take every given chance to complain about the big plot hole of twilight that was made only for fanservice, vampires can't have children but sudenly they can?? and about how I can't simply find any good piece of media about them, can we get more not sexualized things about them?
Vampires are simply assexuals to me, I mean, they tecnically wouldn't be able to- I think is better to me to stop talking this will become a biology class
AND THANK YOU FANTASMINHA, I HOPE MY ART TASTED GOOD I also have no idea of what's this thing on the shirt I just like it AND YEAH, I WILL DRAW SLIMERIANA Perfect excuse to draw corsets hehe:) I think is funny at least to me that you have this vampire who just- has this whole gothic aesthetic, all emo and dark, and you have her criptid-but-somehow-human-kinda-nerd-vibes boyfriend
- Plate anon(<- don't let them start talking about twlight, will write an essay about the inconsistence of it and how it's not biologically possible to a vampire have children even if they are fictional creatures but as far as I know in twlight it's mentioned-)
i have nothng about them atm BUT when i do you will see it :3c i have some drafts i think i can post.. errgh i will finish them one day i just need to brainrot more... i think i have to in order to add vampire!pac... like he's just akking to be added and who am i to deny him u-u
go off plate anon avjnaksj complain and ramble about vampire all you want im here for it. i've never actually seen or read twilight lol
I LOVE YOUR ART!! IT'S SO YUMMY >:DD i think if your art was a flavor it would be like yogurt. something very smooth and sweet tasting...or maybe like a marshmallow (also i forgot to mention i love how you shade hair, it looks so pretty i love how you do it)
vampire slimeriana are my beloved. slime can and will pick up his goth vampire boyfriend and carry him around like he's NOTHING because he's that strong. he's shorter then her but that means literally nothing. mariana only looks scary but is not when you talk to him kekw
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gaym3bo1 · 5 months
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blueberrythemoth · 2 years
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54 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
The madrigals & thr hogwarts houses:
(Some of these are unpopular opinions I have for thr houses)
Mirabel: hufflepuff
Abuela: slytherin
Bruno: ravenclaw
Felix: gryffindor
Lusia: gryffindor
Julieta: ravenclaw/hufflepuff
Pepa: slytherin/gryffindor
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Agustin: hufflepuff
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57 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Fnf Twlight Sparkle Concept Dusk till dawn analysis
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(More just a ramble about how awesome I think this whole concept/mod is/some head cannons)
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•I like the idea of pinkie being the only survivor if thr ever was an apocalypse in equestria due to her pinkie sense
•she knows that the cartoon virus isn’t actually twilight & her friends so that’s why she still is her cherry self
•Is wearing goggles/a scarf/bandages on her if the virus ever gets her she could use those on time to maybe escape
•uses her cherry self to show pibby & boyfriend that she’s safe
•moves in the same way as glitch/virus twlight to help not make the virus take over in the end of the mod
•says “awesome” when doing well from the smile song to the player breaking the fourth wall
See the full post
80 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
Okay but like:
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86 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
On the positive side Hunter gets to join the bad end friends crossover
126 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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abyssmalice · 11 months
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(a continuation of the other post bc Gotta Ramble About Trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said me, #1 Irminsul Fan Since Day 1 Of This God Damn Game-)
tonitonis vs nahidie vs rhukkie
i hc the difference between the two tonis and Nahida is this:
the two tonis know exactly what they are to Irminsul - they are human-originating, independent branches of the great tree.
due to their initial circumstances of gaining its favor (revival and op powers) in exchange for serving it, Irminsul as the entity views the two as branches of itself. however, technically speaking, the two are not literal parts of Irminsul, more "grafted" with a portion of itself.
Nahida, while being a pure branch of Irminsul, was expressly "cut off" from Irminsul to prevent her from being contaminated from the get-go by forbidden knowledge by Rhukkadevata - and even then, this truth was erased with the retconning of world history, to Nahida "simply having amnesia due to using up all of her powers during the Calamity" rather than being a separate successor.
as such, while Nahida has the abilities to interface with Irminsul much like the two tonis, she is not considered a "part" of Irminsul - both literally and as per the Irminsul etntity. she is her own, essentially very small and independent tree.
as such, Nahida is not bound by Irminsul's rules for itself or its proxies. neither does she have (immediate; she can learn, with time) access to the tree's more esoteric secrets.
now, the difference between the tonis and Rhukkadevata:
Rhukkadevata had similar conditions as the tonis - she was, after all, Irminsul's avatar at the time. to be precise, she was a part of Irminsul's mess of a clusterfuck personality that wanted to and did intervene in the world.
her focus was the betterment of the world - the desire and the hope that Irminsul's power and knowledge could lead to greater happiness and prosperity for the people that carved the history Irminsul watches. the idea that non-intervention, while alright, was the lesser step to take. that it would simply be better to lend its presence to the world that Irminsul, somewhere, surely did love.
in other words, she was a true part of Irminsul - both biologically and to the Irminsul entity - who was given a free pass on ignoring Irminsul's baseline restrictions.
biased? cheating? maybe. lmao. whoever said irminsul was fair and impartial all the way through its long existence, huh? to have a sense of ego means the capability of being egoistic, after all.
nonetheless, Rhukkadevata didn't want to go overboard and just dump every bit of advanced and esoteric knowledge on the world. she truly hoped to encourage the joy and discipline of learning, of the richness of gaining wisdom itself. you could say as such that she was hand-holding humanity as it learnt to walk - helping surely, but ultimately, the effort of standing and putting one foot forward after another was from the people itself. she gave her knowledge (cheat codes) only when the people were truly stumped.
also, on the hypothetical premise rhukka is still around in the same room as the tonis - yes, the tonis are sorta subservient to rhukka in status. not by a whole lot, but still lol
not much info on dainsleif is around currently so this is PURELY 10000% hc and speculation based
specifically, the idea that dainsleif has merged with irminsul in some fashion.
if that's the case, dainsleif is in a very funny position of being Junior Leyline Intern to his senior tonitoni leyline gofers. well in my head he is anyway.
i like to think dainsleif tried to use the leylines to help with his curse, and got cool leyline powers and the ability to observe the world and it's history through it. but this wasn't necessarily bc Irminsul the entity actually determined so - more a case of dainsleif making use of the leylines, much in the same way man figures out how to cook meat with fire, combining whatever man-made or man-learnt knowledge there is towards an advancement.
aka in simpler words dainsleif just did some shit with the leylines and got some stuff out of it on his own. he's not considered a part of Irminsul and is not obligated to serve it.
that said, by being able to peer through the leylines, he's possibly aware of the two tonis and them having some kind of connection to the great tree.
tiny toni the harbingy vs tiny toni the irminsul gofer vs the world
you'd think Irminsul would be more pissed about Tonia being a Harbinger and using her Irminsul-gifted endurance and abilities for what essentially amounts to warmongering with Celestia - but tbh they don't care that much? lol
as previously noted, Irminsul doesn't care if people discover the secrets of the tree and might scientific advancements based on Irminsul - if they get to these things on their own, without Irminsul or its proxies giving away these things themselves.
as such, they will tolerate if civilizations learn to divine knowledge from the leylines and flourish upon the roots - they will tolerate if, say, Abyss Mages tend to take cuttings and sprouts of the tree for elemental usage they otherwise wouldn't have - if third-parties capitalize on the tree and its parts on their own, with their own hands and on their own two feet.
it's why they weren't too bothered when the younger Tonia was taken in by Dottore and experimented on - as long as she didn't say shit herself, didn't give away any knowledge or secrets, they were more or less turning a blind eye. Tonia, after all, is a "branch" of Irminsul. a part of it. that can be studied on, much less like any inanimate part of the tree. she just has the ability to walk and talk and think for herself, which Irminsul was only watching to see if she would leak anything she shouldn't.
callous? certainly. tho, not to say some part of Irminsul wasn't very offended by all of this - surely, some part of it was ragingly upset. remember, they aren't wholly nor perfectly cohesive in terms of having a mind of its own. however, if they were to do anything about it at this point, that would defeat the whole point of putting down a non-interventionist baseline for themselves.
that said, it would seem paradoxical for Irminsul to not care about what happens after - that Tonia had massacred hundreds in her futile jailbreak (one life has so many ripples as is), that she became a Harbinger after and leans on her Irminsul side for her duties. in a sense, it should seem like Irminsul is intervening in the world. she is, after all, paving history with Irminsul's powers.
Irminsul is aware the situation is more complicated for her - Tonia was and is still a young child, only ending up killing all those people due to being mentally out of it from being put through more duress than any normal person would. she was brought forward to the Tsaritsa as a possible tool and as a vulnerable child. none of this occurred with her as a servant and proxy of Irminsul itself.
Tonia's actions and choices that followed were not motivated nor based upon her connections to Irminsul. they were purely due to the girl's personal desires and interests, her human side and not the side that must be devoted to Irminsul.
at the very least, that is the argument that some parts of Irminsul - and her elder counterpart, who holds a fair amount of sway with Irminsul - make for the young girl.
so long as Tonia doesn't cause dramatic changes to the world in her role as Irminsul's servant - not as a person of Teyvat, not as a Harbinger - then fine, they can let things (barely) slide for now.
in any case, the younger Tonia is viewed funnily by Irminsul - as a serving branch at minimum, yes. but she's also considered something of an ineffective branch (has no real will to live, only doing her duties bc she simply has to), and requires putting some resources into being coddled (for the parts of Irminsul that advocate for tiny toni to do whatever she wants bc they don't like feeling regret and also that's a kid!!!! ya stupid heads have some heart and morals!!!!).
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shakespecre · 2 years
i think it’s so vintage of tumblr to be unusable as an app
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scraggly-guy · 5 years
I've had this ready for quite some time now in preparation for today. I haven’t seen the finale just yet (although I have been spoiled on it to some degree, thanks /mlp/.) but I want to put this out now. As for why the ending of the pigeon man episode of Hey Arnold! for the basis and music for this? Because the ending of that episode was kinda bittersweet, Pigeon man’s home is wrecked and he leaves, but he leaves with the knowledge that there are good people in the world. The show may be leaving us but it left us with a community of mostly good people (Every fandom has it’s flaws be they small or massive ones, what can you do?).
It’s amazing how what was essentially a series of 22 minute long toy commercials could create an environment of such unbridled creativity. You wanna see some wholesome adventures with that one background pony? We got at least 30, a romcom for your favorite ship? I can’t count that high! A crossover with a videogame series about living in a nuclear wasteland? You can buy physical copies! You got stories, comics and games even! And this is all STILL going on, almost a decade later. My only regret about being in this fandom is not creating more content for it early on. 
Pony was obviously a big part of my life, it got me interested in drawing again, and curious as to the inner working of cartoons and other creative practices. It lead me dismiss old preconceptions about creative processes (Like the idea a 5 minute cartoon did not take 5 minutes to make and things like that). I’ve learned to be more appreciative of creative efforts, even if they don’t align with my personal tastes.
I want to thank all those that have come and gone, those who came and stayed and those yet to arrive. This may be the end of the show but not the end of pony itself! The ride only ends when you decide to get off, never forget that.
Music by Jim Lang (I believe)
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