#Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
fenfyre · 5 years
Autumn Traditions - A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
Jean had always enjoyed the Sabbats in all their different forms. When he'd still been a child his mother had celebrated them with him in all kinds of different and creative ways that allowed him to have fun with the stories and deities behind each occasion. Then, when he'd grown up to be a teenager, she had taken him to the coven for more elaborate rituals and intriguing festivities that had him asking for his initiation before the year was over.
But even though each Sabbat had their own little details he adored, like how Yule was always so cosy and loving while Ostara focused on the freshness of new life coming back after the dark winter months were over, his favourite would always be Samhain. He'd loved it as a child when his mother had taken him on long walks through the golden autumn forests and used the time to teach him all kinds of things about how nature was changing around them during these months and he'd loved it once they celebrated with the coven and Hanji led some of the most intimate and fascinating rituals he had ever witnessed to this day.
Now that Jean was grown up and lived in his own cottage together with his two mates he still loved everything about Samhain, loved how his entire coven and their loved ones would meet up in his garden on the night of the 31st and celebrate together, loved the food everyone brought  and how they would crash all over his house for the night only to have a big, loud and wonderful breakfast together at the next morning. And he also loved preparing for the festivities, cleaning his home to receive his guests and decorating it in the most beautifully festive ways imagineable.
The presense of his two mates and their enthusiastic participation in his big and small rituals only made him all the more excited. Especially when it meant they could scatter all their tools across the weathered wooden table on the patio and carve up the biggest pumpkins they had been able to find on the patch early in the morning.
The crisp autumn air carefully nibbled at his fingertips but Jean was way too concentrated on his task to consider going inside to fetch some gloves. Besides, he needed his fingers to be nimble and sensitive to carve out the intricate swirls and patterns he had chosen for his latern this year. The array of tools spread out beside him was the largest on the table by far, his many years of experience and practise obvious when compared to his mates. He carefully brushed away a few flakes of the harder outer skin he had grated away to allow the candle to later make the remaining pumpkin flesh glow a rich orange. Then he grabbed a short, delicate saw to move on to another part of the pattern he hadn't worked on in as much detail yet.
A low whistle tore his burning focus away from the work at hand and he looked up, over at Marco who had apparently caused the noise. His eyes were large with wonder as he studied Jean's massive pumpkin, rounding the table to get a better look at the entire front half Jean had encorporated into his design.
"That's the most beautiful pumpkin I've ever seen, Jean", he said, his face bright with admiration as he kept studying Jean's work. The pattern was abstract but reminded of fallen leaves tumbling in the wind with its swooping and swirling lines that were only broken up by floaty shapes that vaguely reminded of foliage. Only half of it was done yet, the other half still only crudely prepared for more detailed work. Jean would still need a few more hours to really mold it into the picture he had in mind. But the compliment still made him feel a soft warmth rise in his chest that chased away the nibbling of the occasional breeze.
"Thanks", he smiled back, only a litle bit bashful when Marco leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek, lips warm against his cool skin. They had already spent a long time outside, Jean noted as he opened and closed his hands a few times and felt his fingers burn a little with exertion. Maybe it was time for a break.
As if on cue Eren stepped out onto the patio before he could even finish the thought, making Jean blink and look around in surprise. He hadn't even noticed Eren had been gone, way too lost in his work to be aware of his surroundings, it seemed.
His mate carried three large mugs topped with whipped cream and cinnamon that smelled heavenly of hot chocolate.
"Come on Michelangelo", he smirked with a glance at Jean's partly finished pumpkin, "It's time for a break."
The mug Eren shoved between his hands was hot, almost too hot against his cool skin, but Jean let out a blessed sigh and wrapped his stiff fingers around the smooth porcellain, deeply inhaling the scent of chocolate and cinnamon. When he took a careful sip a touch of cream got stuck on his upper lip and he licked it off with a satisfied sigh. The drink itself was perfect, rich and smooth and not too sweet, while the whipped cream was sticky and light to set it off.
"Thank you, sweetheart", Marco hummed and warmed his own hands on the mug before swiping at the cream with his tongue. It hypnotized Jean for a second but he managed to tear his gaze away before the others noticed and began teasing him about it. Instead his landed on the two pumpkins lined up on the other side of the table. The weren't as detailed as his own but obviously both already finished.
The one to the right had been carved into the picture perfect image of a classic jack'o'lantern with its toothy grin and slanted eyes, the cuts rough and skewed at places but still with a lot of character and charme. The one on the left was a bit more creative and technically advanced, showing off a pretty witch's hat motif. Some of the lines could have been a bit more relaxed and flowing but overall it was very pretty and would look great lit up at night.
It wasn't hard to guess which one was Eren's and which one Marco's, with the impatience first to start and then to finish basically radiating off of the lantern to the right while the left one seemed more thought through and worked on with more patience and care.
"You're already done", he said, once again surprised by just how deep his concentration had run that he hadn't noticed both Eren stepping away and Marco finishing as well. Looking down at his meticulously carved, half finished lantern he had to chuckle.
"I'll still need a while..."
His apologetic tone was quickly waved away by Marco.
"First you're gonna enjoy your drink", he explained, shooting Jean a stern glance.
"And then we'll count your fingers, just to make sure you didn't cut off any", Eren added, steppig close to wrap an arm around Jean's waist. The warmth of his body could be felt through the layers of both their clothes and Jean felt himself nuzzle into the feeling, welcoming it.
"I wasn't the one stabbing at my pumpkin until it almost broke apart", he chuckled back and enjoyed another sip of rich chocolate. Next to them Marco chimed in with a low, soothing laugh that made Jean's heart throb.
"Yeah, if anyone was in danger of losing fingers it was Eren. Or me, once or twice ... but I was actually careful compared to him."
"Bah, you just got lucky! Obviously I'm the one with the skill!" Eren gestured grandly at the pumpkin with the toothy grin and Jean bellowed out a carefree laugh at the way he waved his hand, as if presenting one of the seven world wonders instead of a carved lantern. Then his gaze was drawn away to the other end of the garden where two brown bunnies were enjoying the still green grass just below the apple trees, only sometimes raising their little heads to look over at them before continuing their feast.
Satisfied with how welcome and at home they felt in his garden by now Jean turned back to his mates who were still bickering, grinning widely at each other. He interrupted them when he leaned down to press a loving kiss to Eren's cheek - way too warm considering the temperatures that were dropping more quickly now that the sun was setting lower.
"Thanks for the drinks", he smiled and watched Eren's adorable fluster before his mate caught himself and gave an almost serious nod.
"Someone's gotta take care of you when you're all up in something again", he explained, still a little haltingly and bashful. Jean kissed him again, this time on the lips that felt even warmer and tasted of sweet cream.
"I'm cold", he admitted, looking over at Marco as well who had wrapped both fingers around his mug and watched them with an air of honest adoration. "Let's go inside and warm up, I can finish my pumpkin tomorrow."
He would still need to collect and clean all his tools if he didn't want them to rust tonight when it got cold and humid, but he could do that later. For now he just wanted to wrap himself up in a blanket and enjoy a quiet evening with his mates after the fun day they'd already spent together. Everything else, pumpkins and tools, could come later.
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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ao3feed-jeaneren · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mJn8XP
by fenfyre (Jace)
Lavender is a tender-smelling herb that is used to bring love, peace and happiness. For many witches it is the first pick in spells ranging from friendship to romance and everything in between.
A collection of Turnera Diffusa Sidepieces
Words: 1122, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Adventures of a Witch and his two Werewolf Mates
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jean Kirstein, Eren Yeager, Marco Bott
Relationships: Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein/Eren Yeager, Marco Bott/Eren Yeager, Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein, Jean Kirstein/Eren Yeager
Additional Tags: Witchcraft, Werewolves, witch!jean, Werewolf!Marco, werewolf!eren, Magic AU, Rituals, binding, Magical Creatures, Faeries - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mJn8XP
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fenfyre · 5 years
Okay, so I've been laughing like a dweeb for the past five minutes about this prompt/idea xD Do you think Jean plays 'little red riding hood' with Marco and Eren since he technically has two big bad wolves in his bed?
Please enjoy this with the proper soundtrack lmao
“What’s that?”
Jean looked up from the package he was just about to open and found Marco leaning in the doorway to the kitchen, a warm smile and a curious expression on his face. For a moment Jean forgot he was currently handling a sharp knife as he noticed his mate was also wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, showing off tan legs and defined muscles…
This was one of the things Jean more than enjoyed about the heat currently plaguing them. There was no time when it was more likely to find his mates looking like they just stepped out of a porno than during the hottest weeks of the year when not even the thick cottage walls could keep the place cool during the day.
Jean caught himself before accidentally cutting off a finger and forced his attention back on the task on hand.
“Remember how Sasha and her boyfriend went to Italy a few weeks ago?”
“I think you’ve mentioned that, yes…”
With a casual air Marco strolled into the room but Jean was well aware of the sheepish little smile Jean’s reaction had painted onto his mate’s face. Marco might not have been as obnoxious about it as Eren could be at times but he still greatly enjoyed derailing Jean’s thoughts and distracting him with as little effort as possible. Granted, that wasn’t too complicated these days, Jean’s mind was easily distracted when his brain was all but being cooked in his skull.
“They sent us a little gift from Florence”, Jean explained as he continued to cut open the package. It had been sealed very carefully and he had to cut several times to finally be able to lift the lid.
Usually Sasha liked to put seals on her letters and packages so Jean would be the only one who could open them. It would be a little puzzle for him to solve, finding out what kind of safety measures she had used this time and taking the right steps to dismantle them. Not that they ever sent each other important things that absolutely required the added protections. But it was a fun way to keep each other on their toes and practise different sealing spells, just in case they would ever actually need them.
This time however any those precautions were absent, all Jean needed to open the package was a sharp knife and some focus. Though his time package had not only been addressed to him but his two mates as well. Which was thoughtful and sweet of her, no question. But it also meant Sasha could not have used any kind of magical seal anyway. She probably didn’t want to end up accidentally hexing Jean’s mates, just in case they got to the package first. A wise decision. Jean would have seen to it to avenge his mates in that case.
“Oh, that’s really nice of them! What is it?”
Before Jean could find out his eyes were drawn away from the box in front of him again and towards Marco, who was leaning over the other side of the table now. His arms looked way too good like that, all thick and strong and … Jean cleared his throat and wiped a drop of sweat from his temple, suddenly even hotter in the thin cotton shirt he was wearing.
Each time it got harder to turn back to Sasha’s present and not examine a whole different gift even closer. But he finally managed to concentrate and flip the lid back completely.
The first thing that went through his head was that Sasha must have used some kind of charm or spell after all. Otherwise the pretty gift basket wouldn’t have stayed as perfectly intact during transport as it had, resting in the middle of the box. But his friend was known to use her magic to help her with presentation as much as with intent so Jean wasn’t exactly surprised to find the bottles of wine unbroken and the box of cookies undamaged.
Carefully he lifted the basket out of the box, admiring the beautiful red bow on the handle before examining the contents more closely. There were two bottles of wine, both deep red but with different labels. Jean wasn’t an expert by any means but he knew enough about wine to know that these weren’t exactly cheap, one bottle Nero D'Avola and an even darker Dolcetto.
Of course the cookies were picked with care as well. The box was coloured paper closed with a smooth string, the clear window in the lid showing delicate little masterpieces, obviously hand crafted. Probably by some kind of traditional bakery Sasha was so good at finding wherever she travelled to.
Aside from that the basket with filled with decorative fabric and a few scattered cloth flowers that must have been enchanted to give off a light, floral scent Jean enjoyed quite a bit. All in all it was a lovely gift and Jean smiled fondly when he handed the basket over to Marco who inspected it with interest.
“Oh wow”, his mate hummed, his appreciation apparent as he studied the labels on the bottles and the delicate calligraphy on the cookie box. “Your friends have amazing taste, all of it looks delicious.”
“Yeah, Sasha really knows her way around food. But don’t ever go to any kind of demo with her. She either knows everything better than the host or starts geeking off with them about the food. I took her to a whiskey tasting once and it was hell. I’m glad there was alcohol to numb the pain.”
Marco blinked at him for a moment, then broke out in amused laughter, only barely managing to settle down the basket before it tipped over.
“No really, she was flirting with the host so heavily I’m sure he went home with her that night. She took a guy home because he knew stuff about whiskey!”
Another bout of laughter before Marco caught himself enough to murmur:
“Oh darling, you took two guys home because you accidentally bound one of them. You really shouldn’t judge how Sasha picks her partners…”
It was said with enough amused laughter in his voice that Jean didn’t take it as actual criticism. He was aware how strange their relationship had started, how strange it still was in the eyes of many people … but he didn’t regret a single thing. How could he regret jumping into bed with not just one but two men he barely knew when in the end it had lead them right here?
Before he could say anything about that though Marco leaned forward to peer into the package and frowned a bit.
“Looks like there’s more?”
He was right. When Jean checked the box he found that it wasn’t empty just yet. There was something else squished against the bottom, some smooth red fabric he pulled out carefully and shook a few times. It unfolded in his hands, far more than Jean would have expected from the crumpled heap it had been before. At first he thought it was a thin blanket or maybe a table cloth.
Then he saw the cords. And the hood.
Part II
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
Part I
"I'm gonna kill her", Jean murmured as his mind put together the pieces, the basket with wine and cookies and now this cloak. As much as this might have seemed like a thoughtful and fitting gift considering where Sasha and her boyfriend had spent their vacation, this last item turned it into an absolute joke and Jean was annoyed with himself that he hadn't seen it before.
"Who's getting killed?", came Eren's voice from the door leading out to the patio.
Jean already knew what he would find when he looked up but his heart still skipped a beat and his hands grew even clammier. Because Eren was naked. Casually and unapologetically so, wearing nothing but a pair of sunglasses pushed all the way up into his hair, an empty cocktail glass in one hand.
Jean should really be used to it by now, considering how quickly his mate started overheating and how fast he was to take off his clothes. It wasn’t anything special to see him stroll around naked in the summer, as long as it was just the three of them at home.
That was one of the many benefits or having no direct neighbours except for a small farm about a mile down the road. But then again Jean doubted Eren would have handled it very differently had they lived in a suburb somewhere with sexually frustrated mums peeking into their garden all day. Eren just didn’t care enough about what anyone thought to not make himself comfortable in his own home.
But no matter how often Jean saw his mate lounge around naked and no matter how those many situations were seldom of sexual nature he still could not keep that flare of heat at bay whenever he looked at Eren’s gorgeous body. It was the confidence, he’d decided at some point, that enticed him more than any amount of naked skin. The way his mate was so unapologetic and unbothered even while he was seemingly vulnerable … it was incredibly attractive.
Jean’s thoughts were derailed for long enough that Eren’s eyes flicked over to the table where the basket was still sitting so innocently, then started dipping down to take a look at the red fabric Jean was clutching. Slowly his lips started to pull into a grin.
Of course Eren would get the joke within seconds and of course his reaction would be just like that. It was exactly the kind of thing Eren found an almost cruel glee in. Just like the incident with the bunny ears a while ago.
“What you got there, Little Red?”, he drawled and the smooth dip in his voice did not help Jean’s already overheating brain come up with a clever answer. A snorted laugh from Marco only made Eren grin wider as he stalked closer, setting down his glass on the kitchen table before he reached out to touch the cloak.
“You should have told us about your role play fantasies”, he teased, tugging lightly on the fabric that Jean wouldn’t let go of. “You know we always love to...”
“It was a gift!”, Jean finally blurted before his mate could say anything else that implied Jean was into something as embarrassing and tacky as fairy tale role play. “Sasha sent me a gift! It’s a joke! And I don’t have any role play fantasies!”
With that Jean yanked at the cloak until it slipped through Eren’s fingers and stuffed it back into the package, knowing full well that now this line of conversation was opened and could not be stuffed back into any box again, no matter how hard he tried.
But instead of more teasing from Eren there was some gentle but firm protest from someone Jean would not have expected joining this so soon.
“I don’t know, darling”, Marco hummed, looking amused and maybe even a little smug. “Would you really protest like this if it never crossed your mind?”
“It hasn’t!”, Jean insisted. At least not until he had found the red cloak at the bottom of the box. It was a dumb joke, sure, but…
“Yeah, that sounds an awful lot like someone is overcompensating for his naughty fantasies...” Eren’s purr was low and sensual and when had he even come this close? Almost close enough to lean in and drag his hot tongue along the side of Jean’s neck. The shirt he wore was loose enough, Eren could just tug the collar aside and dig his teeth into the faded mark he had left on Jean’s shoulder, reinstate his claim just like he loved to in bed...
“I wouldn’t mind being a big bad wolf … especially not if I found a cute boy lost in the woods...”
Jean jumped as another pair of hands found his hips, the warmth and smell of Marco’s body a palpable presence behind him, the steady calm to Eren’s insistent simmer.
A quiet growl of agreement against his neck before Eren pulled back just enough to grin up at him.
“Could chase you around a bit”, he suggested, the suddenly spiking arousal obvious in his eyes, the way he paused to lick his lips, “then show you what we do to a pretty thing like you who’s wandering our territory...”
The arousal was a sweet, hot stab low in his abdomen and Jean squirmed between his mates, unable to think when Eren was mouthing along his neck and Marco nuzzled behind his ear.
So they were the ones into this, he realized when his hands found Eren’s shoulders, the skin warm from the sun and sticky with fresh sweat. It did make sense after all. They loved overwhelming him and taking him apart, playing the big bad wolves hunting down Little Red … that actually did hit some well established kinks, no matter how embarrassing and tacky.
The more Jean thought about it, hands gliding over sticky skin and head rolling back to rest against Marco’s shoulder, the more he liked the idea himself. Getting dressed up in a red cloak and carrying around a basket with wine and cookies seemed a bit ridiculous to him. But if it turned his mates on and ended with him being fucked nice and rough out in the open woods … well, he had a feeling that each of them would get what they wanted out of this.
After all he wasn’t exactly the one to judge. Not after bringing the two big bad wolves home in the first place, as Sasha had noted so sharply.
So while Eren started nibbling on his shoulder and Marco purred some more unfairly tempting ideas into his ear Jean started thinking about which of his outfits would go nicely with his new red cloak.
The End
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part I
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
There was no doubt Jean had grown a lot since they completed their bond, become more and more powerful the more time he spent adjusting and growing his craft. Of course it had taken him a while, learning and re-learning to direct the suddenly much more energetic flow, how to focus his attention and tune in on only the signals and sensations central to the tasks he wanted to achieve.
But with enough time and practise and hardly controlled patience Jean became more comfortable in his own skin once more, felt more stable on his own two feet and found back into the quiet whispers and nuances that had been drowned out by an onslaught of information for quite a while.
Of course he still had bad days, days where he slipped and fell, but getting up again got more and more easy and whenever he had problems finding himself after a misfired spell or failed charm he always had his mates to turn to, who would help him find balance between them in the sweetest and most entertaining ways.
Overall though Jean was growing his craft faster and faster with each passing week, becoming more efficient and focused, advancing his work at a rate he would never have dreamed of before he met Eren and Marco. But with the growing power he commanded came risks.
Risks he had considered and prepared for, renewing and strengthening the wards and protective measures around his house, expanding his grounding and cleansing practises ... but even the most meticulously planned and executed safety measures could never protect him from every single entity that was out there.
Especially not the one that was drawn to the beacon of his power on a hot day in late spring.
It began as a tickle in the back of his mind, the strange, insistent feeling of being watched as he watered his newly planted vegetable garden one quiet evening. He halted in his movements, the soft patter of water drifting off as he straightened up and looked around, tuning into the vibrations of his surroundings.
At first glance everything seemed like it should be. The earth under his bare feet thrummed rhythmically, a familiar sensation that put him at ease, a feeling that was deepened by the steady hum of bees and other insects exploring his herb garden a few paces to his left. At the far edge of the garden, back where the apple trees were standing still and tall, a few small songbirds were perched in the high branches, happily trilling away as the sun slowly made its way lower towards the horizon, drenching the scenery in a warm, golden glow.
It was an idyllic moment, quiet and soft, seemingly perfect. Still Jean couldn't shake the feeling, the itch at the back of his mind, the uncomfortable pull that made the hairs along his arms bristle. Setting down the watering can he turned around towards the house.
In the kitchen he could see his mates, Marco standing at the stove stirring the contents of a large, steaming pot while Eren sat at the table, cutting up some kind of vegetable or another. They were talking, laughing, the sound of their voices drifting through the open door out into the warm evening air.
Jean's heart clenched sweetly but not even that picture could make him relax, could make the uncomfortable feeling fall away from him. Letting his eyes drift higher up the house he finally made out a raven perched atop the roof, beady eyes looking down into the garden as if it was watching Jean specifically.
It was a big animal, especially compared to the ones Jean usually found foraging around his property. It sat there for another moment, looking right at him, before turning its head one way, then another. With a hoarse cackling sound it spread its wings, so dark against the clear sky, and took to the air.
Jean followed the movement of the bird with his eyes, watched as the raven circled the garden once, then headed to the back, over the apple trees and towards the forest. The pretty songbirds didn't make another sound until Jean finished his work and headed inside to join his mates for dinner.
The first thing Jean did after finishing the meal and helping to wash up the dishes was to check on every single ward and sigil and each of the other numerous protective measures in place all over the house. Mostly because he had learned to be paranoid about these kinds of things but also because even though the itch in his brain had subsided a little since he entered the house it had not vanished completely.
After making sure everything was as it should be he gathered a handful of ingredients to cast a few additional wards and protection spells. He then tried his hand at a few easy banishings, cleansing himself as well as his mates and the house and shooing away any energies and spirits interested in entering or lingering.
He felt a bit better after going through his first aid arsenal but when he stepped out onto his balcony afterwards to suck in a few breaths of cool, fresh air, the distant sound of wings fluttering still sent a cold shiver down his back.
Part II
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part II
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece 
Part I
The next morning found Jean working in the kitchen, finishing up a batch of salves and creams that had been ordered in bulk by one of his favourite clients, an older lady who ran a cute little shop a few cities over. As far as Jean knew she wasn't a witch herself, her store focusing more on the all natural, hand made aspects of the different products she sold.
But his wares were still very popular with her clientele and if he put in the occasional magical boost, like glamour charms for face creams or simple relaxation and cleansing spells for his different bath products, well nobody got hurt. On the contrary, he felt like the magically enhanced items sold out faster, had a higher demand and even got more positive ratings than those he didn't put that extra kind of work into.
He had just finished filling a few dozen glass pots with hand lotion and stuck the already printed labels onto the lids when he felt that strange twinging sensation in the back of his head again. It had disappeared almost completely over night, after he had renewed his protections and cast his banishing charms but part of him had still known that this wasn't over.
He finished the last pot, making sure the label was straight, before slowly looking up from his work and out of the window. His heart tripped in his chest, speeding up as he saw the same, suspiciously big raven as yesterday perched on one of the patio chairs. Its glossy feathers and dark eyes were glistening in the morning sun as it seemed to look right at Jean through the glass of the window pane.
A shiver ran down his arms, cool and uncomfortable, and he shifted in his seat, staring back at the animal.
Minutes passed as Jean wondered what he should do, if he should try and shoo the raven away or go upstairs and look for a stronger banishing ritual. Maybe even call his mother, she might know what to do about this uninvited visitor whose presence set Jean this much on edge in his own home.
But Jean wasn't a little boy anymore, neither was he an inexperienced witch still green behind the ears. He didn't want to call his mama every time he was confronted with something new. He had learned much these past months and years, after all. He could deal with a strange spirit raven.
It was that kind of determination that made him get up from his place at the kitchen table and walk over to the door, stepping out onto the sunny patio.
The raven followed each of his steps with intent eyes and a tilt to its head that gave it an almost patient air. It didn't make any movements to fly away or bring any distance between them as Jean pulled out a chair across from it. He was just about to settle down when his eyes were drawn away from the animal by the sound of flapping wings. Another raven, just as big as the first one, appeared from the back of the yard, settling down on the wooden fence Eren had built around the herb garden last summer.
This one was, too, watching Jean closely with beady eyes, giving him the feeling of being surveyed from every angle as he turned back to the first one.
"What do you want?", he asked, unsure if the spirit would be able to communicate like this but unwilling to back down or show even a speck of fear in the face of this arrogant intrusion. This was still his land, his home where he lived with his two beloved mates. Any force trying to disturb them had to answer to him directly and it was best to make that clear from the beginning. No more chanting and burnt down candles and Four Thieves Vinegar. If this spirit wanted to make it personal Jean would see to it they got as personal as possible.
The raven tilted its head even further, rustling its wings and fluffing up the feathers down the curve of its chest as if blustering at the question. Then it hopped onto the table between them, long claws clicking against varnished wood. This sudden closeness was already making Jean's hair stand on end but when the two halves of the long, curved beak parted and a hoarse, barely recognizable voice started tearing through the still morning air he had to fight hard to stay seated and keep looking at the thing in front of him.
"We heard you are looking for a familiar, little witch", the spirit wearing the shape of a large common raven croaked, feathers rustling. Jean swallowed.
"Why?", he asked after a moment, willing his heartbeat to slow down. There was nothing to fear, he reminded himself. "You want to put in an application?"
Part III
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part VII
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
Part I   Part VI
An eerie silence swept over them as Jean looked up at the intruder, Malphas' head twitching from one side to the other as he turned to look at Jean with his right eye, then his left. Jean could see a distorted image of his own face in the dark, curved surface before the transparent membrane flickered over it in another quick blink.
"You?", Malphas repeated, obviously not having expected anything such as this. There was amusement in his croaky tone, amusement and disgust and, if Jean was sensing this right, a wary distance. "You are an insignificant little witch angering powers he can not comprehend. Just another pathetic human who will regret..."
"Yes, I am human", Jean nodded, wilfully interrupting the exhausting ramble, making the demon bristle, silky black feathers down his neck raising up in irritation even though Malphas made no move to punish him for his repeated offence. Just another sign how all of this was merely for show. Show and intimidation, the tactics the likes of him used to capture weaker summoners and bend them to their will. Jean would not be bent.
"I am the creation you are but a by-product of. I carry the blessings of my gods and goddesses, I am source energy.”
The wind picked up around them again and Jean revelled in it, in the cool breeze across his bare arms, the way it played with his clothes and hair like a lover greeting him after too long an absence. How it wasn’t nearly as gentle with his unwanted guest, yanking on dark robes and ruffling darker feathers.
He could feel the thrum of the earth rising up to meet him even through the wooden planks of the patio, could feel the deep, calm breaths of the woods, the supporting chatter of friendly spirits between the trees. Even the quiet whispering of bells that had nothing to do with the clinking wind chimes in his back could be heard, the near silent laughter of curious faeries coming to see what the commotion was about.
He wasn’t alone. And he was definitely not helpless. Judging by the way Malphas’ head twitched around trying to take in the sudden change in atmosphere, the demon was slowly starting to realize just that.
"I was born divine", Jean continued, lazily raising a hand to allow the wind to run through his fingers, smooth and cool and reassuring, "and you vile, lowly creature dare step onto my land and make demands of me? You dare threaten the ones I love?"
Jean scoffed a humourless laugh, strangely smug about the way the wind picked up even more, the sound of bells now palpable in the air as he saw tiny winged bodies flutter around them from the very corners of his eyes.
He had long since found a sort of truce with the faeries living in the far back of his garden, had agreed to share this land with them and give them offerings as long as they respected him, his mates and his guests. He could only imagine how they were feeling about an unwanted intruder in the space they, too, called home.
Malphas twitched, trying to follow the flitting bodies with his eyes but unable to focus with the way they phased into this realm and out of it again. He took a step back and collided with the hand rail right behind him.
"Let me say it again very clearly so you can understand me, Malphas. You do not threaten me, you do not make demands of me and you do not command me. I command you."
With that Jean finally grabbed the vase that had been tucked under his arm the entire time and held it out in front of himself so the demon could see the elaborate sigil edged into the copper. His twitchy, panicked movements fell still for a heartbeat before he croaked out a deafening screech.
"Don't you dare!", the demon screamed, throwing his arms out so the wide sleeves of his cloak were spread like the wings he did not have in this form. He did not, however, dare step forward. "I will end you! I will wipe your entire bloodline from..."
Without pausing Jean grabbed the lid and lifted it, holding the vase steady as he began his incantation.
"Abwûn d'bwaschmâja, nethkâdasch schmach", he called out, loud enough to be heard over the swishing winds and rumbling above them. His Aramaic was a little rusty but this was not about perfect pronunciation. This was about intent, about using the very words that had been empowered over thousands of years and grown into one of the most efficient protection and banishing chants known.
As he recited the words Malphas screeched again, pale fingers clawing at his feathered face as he bent over with an agonizing howl. After a few more words the edges of his form began to blur, bleeding out into the air around them as the dark smoke he used to form his body. Despite the strong winds the black plumes were not scattered though, didn't dissolve into thin air but instead were drawn to the copper container Jean held out.
The dark clouds were all but sucked in and were absorbed by the salt, more and more of the demon's corporeal form dissolving into smoke and being drawn into the vase until all but the raven head remained. It hovered in the air as an unholy apparition, howling and screeching curses in tongues Jean could not understand until it too dissolved into darkness and joined the rest of its energetic presence in the copper vase just as Jean finished his chant with a firm “Amên”.
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part V
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
Part I    Part IV
A beat of silence as Eren's eyes turned dark, pupils dilating as a hot throb of desire made it across their bond. Jean smirked, licked his lips. Had he known it would make his mate this horny if he fought some demons he would have done it way earlier. But now was not the time to lose themselves in this delicious feeling curling low in Jean's abdomen. Now he had to evict an unwanted guest.
Surprisingly light on his feet from the way Eren still looked at him Jean turned back to Marco who was staring at him in a rather similar way, confused but inarguably aroused.
Of course Jean still sensed their worry, their fear of the unknown ringing out as an almost physical drone across their bond. That was at the forefront of their minds right now, unable to be soothed, neither by his carefully laid out plan, nor his unwavering confidence in himself. But underneath all of that he still felt the heat and curiosity in the way they looked at him. It made him feel powerful, to be desired like that, had him stand just a bit taller and even more confident than he'd been before.
"Anything to add?", he asked Marco, one eyebrow cocking up in an almost challenging, smug little gesture that made Marco's pink tongue flick out to wet his lower lip. When his mate spoke his voice was still hushed with fear.
"Just ... be careful out there."
"I promise", Jean nodded. He wasn't just taking his confidence from nothing, after all. He had made all necessary precautions to ensure this banishing would go smoothly and even though he knew there was nothing to fear he still liked to be on the safe side. If not for himself, heavens knew he had undertaken a lot of risky rituals in his time, then at least for his mates whom he needed to protect whatever the cost.
He gave Marco one last, warm smile that was met with a nervous, tight lipped little smirk, before turning back towards Eren and taking a few steps towards the window, vase carried under his arm.
"The bastard still out there?", he asked and Eren peeked out from behind the curtains again, staring through the window for a few seconds.
"At least ... two dozen of them", he murmured, then pulled back from the window to look at Jean. "Probably more, it's hard to count them in the dark."
Jean nodded in grim acknowledgement. According to his research it was likely that the numerous ravens that had appeared in his garden over the course of the day were all manifestations of the same entity. A needless scare tactic to make him feel surrounded and outnumbered but it wasn't all too effective. Not after Jean had found out who he was dealing with, putting a name and according lore to the ravens flocking to his garden.
They hadn't done much, just sat there and stared at him through the windows, leading him to draw the curtains once it had gotten too annoying. Unwilling or, which was more likely, unable to enter the house. That reminded him...
"You two stay inside no matter what", he said, his tone taking on a commanding air as he looked between his mates. Generally he didn't like giving them orders. They were both smart and powerful and could be trusted to decide on their own which would be the best course of action. But he couldn't risk them storming outside and interfering in what he planned to do just because they felt compelled by their instincts to try and protect him. It was his time to protect and their time to listen to his expertise and sit tight until he had taken care of everything.
Marco didn't seem to like that much.
"No matter what?", he asked, sounding suspicious and irritated even though Jean could feel another fresh flare of heat coming from him. Did he like it when Jean took charge? A question for later.
"If anything goes wrong you call my mum. She will know what to do. But you two will not leave the house as long as that bastard is out there, do you understand?"
There was a grumble, an unhappy little noise of protest as well as an almost petulant pulse but in the end both his mates nodded and mumbled their agreement. As much as Jean understood them not wanting to feel helplessly trapped in here the house still provided them with protection.
Jean was well versed in spirit and energy work, he knew how to handle malevolent infestations, knew how to keep the dark whispers away from him and deny these kinds of forces any control over him. He knew how to stand his ground, had been practising for years, after all. Eren and Marco on the other hand ... well, he didn't want to risk exposing them to anything they couldn't handle.
So he gave them each one last, stern look before patting the vase under his arm almost lovingly.
"Alright!", he declared, standing tall as he turned to the door. "Time to collect some trash!"
Part VI
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part XI
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
Part I    Part VIII
His mates didn't look all too surprised about his words. Jean would change that. He set down the vase on the table behind himself and turned to them, determined to really drive his point home.
"They want you to think they're these powerful creatures who can grant you incredible favours or tear down your life and hurt everyone you love. But they can't and they won't. All of the stories you heard about powerful evil forces? Lies. Because here's the thing..."
Here Jean paused again, looking intently at his mates to make sure they were ready to pay close attention to what he would say next.
Marco met his gaze with a slight, confused crease between his brows but the same curiosity he always had when Jean revealed more about his craft and the creatures he encountered. Eren had finally stepped out from behind Marco, much more steady on his legs than a few moments ago. He too was listening closely, head tilted to the side just slightly. The dim light from inside the kitchen illuminated their faces with a soft glow and Jean had never wanted to keep them safe more desperately in his life.
The best thing to arm them with would always be knowledge.
"They are not created by some higher entity, they were not given any dark powers with which to terrorize and command us, even if that's what they want us to think. That's how they get us to defer to them and do their bidding but all of that is just another big lie.”
Marco seemed to become more and more confused with every word Jean uttered, it seemed like he had many questions to ask, eyes narrowing with every word. But they could resolve those questions later when Jen had said what he felt he needed to say.
“Every spirit and thus every demon is created by us, by humans. They're literally born from our consciousness. Whenever we're cruel and hateful that's a spark that can grow and fester. And yes, there are ancient and powerful forces like that, ones that have grown over thousands of years and Malphas here was definitely one of those. But no matter how old they grow or how skilled they get at manipulating us, they will always, always be beneath us."
Maybe he should have come out with this lesson before he’d left the house to carry out his plan, maybe it would have helped soothe his mates and give them more trust in him and his ability to handle this.
That’s a possibility Jean considered now as he watched Eren’s eyes light up with understanding, Marco’s frown melting away. Maybe he had been too focused on his goal and left his mates alone with their uncertainty and worry because he wanted that cocky demon dealt with as soon as possible.
But now that they had time and his mind wasn’t weighed down with all the minute steps of his plan he would answer all the questions they had. He would see to it they never had to be afraid of demons again, not as long as they were with him and not when they were on their own. Because they already had everything they needed to deal with the bastards.
“But … that can’t be everything, right?”, Marco mumbled, apparently still some confusion left about this. “I mean they’re feared so widely and you said it yourself, this one was powerful. They have to have some kind of power or control or...” He trailed off, his eyes landing on the vase behind Jean, shooting it a questioning, suspecting glance. Jean hummed and followed his mate’s eyes to the glinting copper vessel that seemed so unassuming, the intricate symbol on its side nothing but a pretty decoration to the untrained eye.
“Oh, just because most of their influence is based on fearmongering and relies on those dealing with them being misinformed and scared that doesn’t mean they can’t be dangerous. As I said, most of them are masterful manipulators and once they get into your head and spread their nasty ideas and cravings they can use you however they want and you won’t even notice a lot of the time.”
It had never been his intention to tell them not to have a healthy respect for these kinds of creatures, he’d rather have them be too careful than not careful enough. But it was also very important to him that they got this right and understood the natural hierarchy so they could use it to their advantage.
“But if you can recognize what you’re dealing with and don’t allow them to mess with your head too much you’ll be fine. You are more powerful than them and they can only get in if you let them.”
Eren let out a thoughtful little noise and stepped closer, reaching for the vase behind Jean and lifting it up to his face once more. He seemed a lot less intimidated which Jean counted as a good sign.
“Is there a way … we could practise that?”, his mate asked, the question followed by a little hum from Marco who seemed to wonder the same. Jean paused for a moment, then swallowed and reached out to pluck the brass vase from between Eren’s hands. He didn’t want his mate to get the wrong ideas.
“Not with that”, he said quickly, stashing the vessel under his arm as he had earlier when it had still been unoccupied. “He’s a bit too big for now and I don’t want to mess with that more than necessary.”
He had learned a thing or two from his past mistakes, after all.
“But if you’re interested … it’s all just energy manipulation at its core. You either allow them to enter your mind or you don’t, just like I learned to tune into and out of your energy over the bond. That should be something we can practise together...”
A low rumble from Eren whose eyes were slowly darkening again, a soft, thoughtful hum from Marco who was watching them with no less intensity in his expression. Jean sucked in a slow breath, shifting his weight.
He wasn’t the best teacher but something told him he would enjoy going over these kinds of lessons with his mates.
“Let me just … find a good spot for this and I can give you a little sample, alright?” He already sounded a bit breathless at the end of the sentence, quickly turning to slip back into the house. His mates weren’t far behind.
Over the bond that held strong and steady between them Jean could feel a very welcome excitement and curiosity, an eagerness to receive their first lesson that Jean couldn’t help but feel rising in his own chest. Never had the thought of an intro to energy manipulation made him more excited than when he set down the brass vase on a high shelf in the kitchen and then headed out into the hall and towards the stairs.
The End
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part IV
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
Part I   Part III
"Are you really sure about this?", Marco asked that night, voice tight with the tension that had not left him since he'd come home to Jean grimly flipping through books. "Maybe ... if he's as powerful as you say ... don't you think it might be best to get some help?"
As much as Jean appreciated the concern, how both his mates took this seriously enough to join him in the living room for his preparations, he still couldn't accept their help. Or anyone's help, for that matter.
"I'm not dragging you into this more than I already have", he grumbled back, hands working confidently as he filled the hollow copper vase with sea salt, making sure there was some space where he placed the lid. "Besides, I am perfectly capable of handling this on my own, thanks for the vote of confidence."
He didn't mean to snap like that, regretted his sharp tone the moment the words left his lips and looked up from his work to give Marco a soft, soothing smile. It wasn't even that he was nervous or scared, no. He was still oscillating between annoyed and furious about the sheer audacity that vile creature had shown this morning. Someone needed to put an end to that kind of arrogance and teach that raven a long overdue lesson.
"It's nothing, Marco. We'll laugh about it tomorrow", he assured, voice a lot softer now.
"Nothing? Didn't you say he's a prince or something?", Eren piped in from across the room, having taken up watch at the window where he peeked out into the garden from behind the drawn curtains. He seemed uncharacteristically nervous as well, proving how neither of them had any notable experience with these kinds of infestations.
Jean had really done his best to keep them away from the nasty sides of witchcraft for as long as he could and he was a little bit impressed by himself, managing it for such a long while. He could barely remember the last time some errant spirit had latched onto him or buried itself into his house. But of course a lucky streak like that couldn't hold up forever and it was only his style to break it with a bang.
"A Great Prince, yeah", Jean nodded, reaching for the two clips and making sure he could slip them onto the lid and fasten them without any problems. Even as he shook the vase it didn't open. Excellent. He removed the clips again and let them glide into his pocket.
"To me that kinda sounds like a reason to bring in the big guns", Eren murmured, only reluctantly turning away from the window to look over at them, at Marco slowly pacing the room, at Jean finishing up his preparations. For some reason the comment made Jean smile.
He had done his research, found out everything there was to find out about their guest and had come to the same conclusion as Eren. He had planned his actions meticulously before making a phone call, just one, to confirm his plan would work out just the way he needed it to. There had been nothing for Hanji to add and that was all the confirmation Jean would ever need to feel more than just confident in his plan.
He looked between his two mates, noting the way Marco kept chewing on his lower lip, the way Eren’s eyes drifted back to the window every so often in an almost paranoid display of his own tension. He could see their concern as clearly as he could feel it, pulsing through their unwavering connection like a terrified heartbeat.
In all the years they had spent together by now he had not seen one, let alone both, of his his mates this on edge. Usually it was the other way around, them soothing Jean when his anxiety got the better of him. They were old and experienced and powerful … but they never had to deal with intruding spirits, were all but helpless in this kind of scenario, and it was obvious how hard it was for them to be unable to help. Unable to protect him like they usually would.
But that was alright. Jean had relied on them time and time again, leaned on them and trusted them to keep him upright when he was losing balance. Now it was his turn to do the same for them, his turn to protect them from what they could not fathom.
“Eren”, Jean soothed as he grabbed the prepared copper vase he had etched a very specific symbol into, a sigil he had found in one of his oldest, most trusted books. “I am the big guns.”
Part V
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part VI
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
Part I    Part V
The silence was deafening as Jean stepped out into the night, no chirping of insects from the fields surrounding his cottage, no cries of nocturnal birds in the forest ... only the rustling of way too many black feathers as the ravens shifted, clacking their sharp beaks at him.
"You returned", the familiar, hoarse voice croaked from too many directions. As if most of the ravens gathered in his yard were speaking in unison. "Have you changed your mind about my offer? If you have come to pledge your loyalty to me after all I might be willing to forgive the disrespect you have shown earlier."
Jean scoffed quietly, his eyes wandering from one end of the patio to the other. There were birds perched on every surface, on the handrail along the edge, on the table and chairs, the windowsill, the roof, as well as further back in the garden where they were lined up on the fence and old signposts between the herb bushes. Eren had been right though, it was too dark to count every fleck of black he could make out, edges blurring against the dark backdrop of his yard where the dim light from the house couldn’t reach.
“No...”, he said eventually, taking his time to saunter forwards and look right at one of the ravens sitting on the handrail of the patio. “I’ve come to ask why you’re still here even though I told you, in very clear terms, to get the fuck off my property.”
The raven he had picked to speak to raised its head, a thin membrane flitting over its eyes as if it were blinking in confusion.
"Do you really believe you can fight me?", it croaked out, the words repeated and echoed back at him from the numerous birds around them. Jean had to admit it did sound intimidating, especially in the dark of night, interspersed by rustling feathers and clacking beaks. But he knew it was all for show, that this was how they got people to comply. He did not plan to fall prey to these practises.
"I don't think I will have to fight you at all", he shrugged, feeling the assuring weight of the filled vase under his arm and leaning into the thrumming rhythm of the earth and the connection to his mates behind him for support. "I think you will leave now and never return, never as much as lay a hand on those I love, or I will make you regret ever showing up here at all."
A beat of hushed, breathless silence followed Jean's calm ultimatum. He didn't actually expect the entity to accept his offer and leave, that's why he had prepared a suitable vessel, after all. He just thought it was polite to offer a peaceful way out.
A moment later a deafening screech tore through the darkness, echoing from different birds as they took to the air with the flutter of dozens of wings. Jean found himself surprised but did not flinch as they dove down and flapped about his head, dark feathers obscuring his vision as a pale blue glow started emanating from the bird he had been talking to.
Glossy wings turned to thick, heavy smoke that billowed around him and slowly seeped to the ground, through the floor boards of the patio, before rising up again underneath the glowing raven to encompass him entirely. More and more of the obsidian coloured birds took flight, drawing circles around Jean's head before propelling themselves into the cloud of smoke and pale blue light. The screeching never stopped but Jean stood tall and did not waver.
"You arrogant, little human..."
The hoarse growl coming from inside the fluttering smoke grated on his nerves and made his skin prickle unpleasantly but he didn't flinch away. Not even when the smoke started taking shape and solidified into a figure that towered tall above him. The body was shaped like a human's with spindly, long limbs, clad in dark, flowing robes. Only the head was still that of a raven, much larger now to fit its new vessel with a massive beak and big round eyes that looked down at Jean like they could stare right into his soul.
"Do you even know who I am?", the creature rasped, hunching its back so it could lean down and bring its face closer to Jean's in a threatening display. "I am Legion, I am..."
Jean only rolled his eyes though, waving one hand to shut the creature up.
"Oh spare me the bullshit", he sighed, looking at the demon who tried way too hard to be intimidating, slowly blinking up at the towering creature, utterly unimpressed. "I know exactly who you are, Malphas."
The fact that his visitor decided to show himself in the form of a raven of all things had already been an excellent starting point for his research. But the way that raven spoke of familiars, of loyal servitude and of granting him unimaginable powers ... that had made it even easier for Jean to find out just who he was dealing with.
It wasn't like he was used to going toe to toe with Grand Princes of Hell, no matter how calm and assured his outward appearance. But as soon as he'd known what he was dealing with this entire ordeal had already been over. Malphas had already lost before he'd even set a single claw in Jean's garden. Because of all the witches he could have picked to lure into a deal and do his bidding, Jean was one of the least likely to fall for his deceit.
He knew his place in this world and, more importantly, he knew Malphas' place.
"The more interesting question is ... do you know who I am?"
Part VII
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part III
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
Part I   Part II
A beat of silence, the spirit's head twitching, claws clacking. Then a raspy, crooning call from behind Jean, a throaty cackle that almost sounded like laughter and made his head jerk around. Up on the rusty rain pipe perched another huge raven, beating its wings and tapping from side to side in something that almost looked like amusement.
There was another screeching call from the back of the yard and the other two birds joined the distorted laughter with a cacophony of noise that grated on Jean's eardrums just like it did on his nerves.
The raven on the table shook its body, rusting its feathers as the noise died down again, claws clicking as he hopped closer, looked up at Jean and parted its beak to let that gravelly, distorted voice tumble out once more.
"I am not a servant", it croaked and there was still amusement in its tone, beady eyes glinting with it. "But I am willing to offer you my assistance. I can help you find a familiar fit for your talents."
The words hung there for a moment, in the clear morning air between them. Next the raven spread its wings, fluttered up into the air to circle Jean once, twice. For a moment he thought that was it, that the spirit would retreat now to allow him to think on the proposal - not that he had to think about it at all.
But then the black creature dove down again and Jean almost jumped to his feet when he felt sharp claws digging into his shoulder, a heavy weight settling down and soft feathers tickling his ear. The sudden closeness sure made his heart stumble, his breathing fasten, though he made no move to shoo the raven away. Instead he endured the weight, the closeness that made his hair stand on end and the strangely hot, crawling feeling where spindly feet touched him.
His eyes flicked over to the fence where two ravens were perched now, the one on the roof above still clicking its claws again rusty metal. Jean found himself truly surrounded by now, wondering just how many more of these strange animals were hiding in the woods or even his garden.
Despite the squeamish feeling this gave him he tried to stay calm, evening his breaths and waiting patiently for the spirit's next move.
"A companion worthy to follow your command. One that will help you grow even more, grow into the most powerful witch to ever walk this earth."
From the corner of his eye Jean could see the raven move as he spoke, claws shifting, pinching painfully through the thin material of his shirt. The two still perched on the fence were shifting as well, watching the scene unfold with excitement.
"And what do you want in return?", he asked, utterly unimpressed. Not that he would consider agreeing to this proposal even for a second. But the answer to that question might help him later on and so he stayed still, let the raven dig sharp claws into his shoulder, and listened carefully.
"Nothing but your loyalty, of course. A small price to pay for powers beyond any mortal's imagination."
There it was, just what Jean had been suspecting, judging by the way this spirit behaved. He calmly folded his hands and placed them on the table, the way he leaned forward forcing the raven to shift in order to stay balanced.
"I am not interested in making deals with the likes of you", Jean said, face perfectly neutral even though his mind was running a mile a minute. The two ravens perched on the fence were bristling and there was an indignant screech coming from above him, the flutter of several wings making his stomach clench.
“Careful, little witch”, the raven clawing into his shoulder hissed, rough voice almost breaking around the warning. “One does not refuse me lightly.”
But that … that clumsy attempt at intimidation was what finally made his tension spill over and flicker into anger, simmering low in his gut.
“I am not your little witch and I did not decide this lightly”, he spoke, slow and even with just a hint of impatient anger seeping through the words. “I am not interested in what you are offering and I will not serve you in any way.”
As he moved to stand the raven flustered, feathers ruffling as it spread out a wing to help it stay balanced.
“You will regret this, human”, it rasped but Jean didn’t pay the words any mind. Not until “You and your entire coven will burn, your pathetic mutts will pay the price for your disrespect!”
That was the last straw, though. Threatening Jean himself, he could live with that. But dragging his mates and his coven into this ridiculous power play?
Jean growled as he reached up, carelessly grabbing the raven by its neck, delicate hollow bones crunching under his tight grip as he tore the spirit away from his shoulder. The claws left deep scratches on his skin but Jean didn’t care as he looked down at the struggling raven he was holding tightly.
It didn’t look all too intimidating like that, wings caught and slender legs kicking helplessly.
“Leave”, he said, an unexpected, cold breeze following the harsh word, making the small herb bushes rustle and the wind chimes at his door clink together. In the back of his garden the apple trees creaked an ominous warning. “You are not welcome here.”
With that he all but tossed the spirit away from him, letting go of the soft feathers as he did. The raven caught itself quickly enough, tumbling as it spread its wings and took flight.
Jean turned on his heel and went into the house without looking back. The tins of hand lotion were still scattered across the kitchen table but his order could wait. He had research to do.
Part IV
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
We got a glimpse into our witchy son topping, but when Jean does get the chance, how does he play with his werewolf babes? Any fun hcs?
Did you seriously have to ask if I have headcanons about my favourite little witch and his two loving mates? Because hell yeah I have headcanons, they’re just about all I have when it comes to that verse so here we go!
Jean usually does prefer bottoming. He’s just a huge slut for being manhandled and held down and Eren and Marco are just so much stronger and more imposing than him, physically. Not just because of their supernatural extra juice, with them being werewolves and all, being stronger than they should be, even in their human forms. Even though that sure helps in the whole manhandling department. Jean just can’t help thirsting for that and he loves it when his mates take control and claim him.
But of course that isn’t all the sex they ever have. As much as all of them love it when they can be passionate like that and rough each other, and especially Jean, up … it would get boring after a while, always doing it the same way, you know? So they’re all in favour of switching it up once in a while, maybe when it’s closer to new moon and Eren and Marco’s instincts aren’t snarling at them to take and claim.
Maybe unexpectedly so Marco loves bottoming almost as much as he loves topping and doesn’t have any problems rolling over for either of his mates. But he’s also not one to give up control easily, no matter who’s doing the fucking, so he’ll end up calling the shots most of the times anyway. Usually when either Jean or Eren are so shaky and worn out from following his numerous demands trying to make him come he simply rolls them over and rides them, cooing sweet words about how good and beautiful they’ve been for him, how happy they made him trying so hard and that he’ll take care of everything now, that they can just relax and enjoy themselves … a bit like he did to Jean at the end of Attunement, when Jean was already so worn out and desperately trying not to come…
Eren is usually more tenacious in trying to subdue his mate, now and again even manages to fuck Marco into sweet submission, making him let go of his need to please and cater and care to instead just relax and feel. Marco needs that sometimes, even though he loves taking care of his mates in so many possible ways. Sometimes he needs them to take care of him instead.
When Jean takes care of Marco he doesn’t do it quite as aggressively as Eren, fucking him nice and rough until Marco has no chance but to melt and give in. No, when he notices Marco needs a break he starts it rather innocently. Brewing him a nice cup of tea, a special blend with herbs from his garden, giving him a massage, kissing him all over. Sucking him off until he’s whining and quivering before fingering him sweet and slow and deep, everything so warm and relaxed and intimate. Maybe he’ll fuck Marco when he’s all soft like that, maybe he won’t. But he always makes Marco come a nice, satisfying orgasm before the effects of the tea help him fall asleep at Jean’s side, perfectly sated and calm, as Jean watches over him.
With Eren it’s different because he’s more guarded and more careful about when he allows himself to be vulnerable, even when he’s with his mates who are able to sense his distress, his needs. It’s hard for Jean sometimes, feeling how Eren longs to be taken care of, longs to be treated sweetly and lovingly, longs to relax and submit. Feeling all of that like he were longing for it himself but being unable to do anything about it because Eren being vulnerable has to come from him. Eren has to ask for it himself, has to ask Jean or Marco to fuck him, to take care of him.
It was a bit different when it was still just him and Marco, he was open then, more honest. But he’s working hard to adjust and show Jean the same trust Jean shows him every day because he knows his sweet witch deserves nothing less and he wants to open up to his mates again, he really does! And he’s already getting better at communicating when he needs support and sweet touches.
So when it’s Jean’s turn to take Eren apart he does so almost reverently, putting so much gravity and love and respect into every touch and every kiss. Eren would laugh about it, about Jean’s face when his witch sinks into him, about the hushed whispers of loving promises and the fluttery adoration he can feel over their bond … but he can’t laugh when Jean is so damn beautiful in his devotion to him, when Jean makes him feel so safe and accepted and loved Eren wants to cry with it sometimes. He might have, once or twice. Jean did nothing about it but love him even more sweetly.
So when Jean takes control and tops his two werewolf mates more often than not it’s about returning all the love and attention they show him every day. They take care of him so well, after all, and Jean wants nothing but to take care of them, too.
Of course it isn’t always all sugary sweet when Jean is on top though. Sometimes he recruits them for sex magic spells and they just fall into each other, enjoying their time spent together and the intimacy between themselves, going with the flow and simply having fun. Sometimes either Eren or Marco are just in the mood to get railed hard by their cute witch. Sometimes Jean feels restless or frustrated and just wants to fuck either of his mates through the next best flat surface, whoever he can get to first.
Sometimes they love each other out in the garden, when Jean’s fingers are fragrant with the herbs he just harvested or sticky sweet from the berries they just picked. Sometimes they do it at night in the woods because Jean is edgy and adventurous even if it leaves his skin torn open by bushes and the rough bark of trees. Sometimes they fuck in the kitchen or on the balcony or in the bathroom.
Basically, they do it wherever they want, however they want. And just because Jean usually likes his mates to be on top that doesn’t mean they always are or that he can’t be eager to flip the script whenever the mood strikes.
But no matter where they do it, who’s on top, if it’s rough and desperate or slow and loving or giggly and fun: They always make each other feel good, they always take care of each other and they always love each other.
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fenfyre · 5 years
The Fox and the Raven - Part VIII
A Turnera Diffusa Sidepiece
Part I    Part VII
The sound of the copper lid being closed was strangely hollow and echoing, like it was set down on a far larger object than the vase actually was. With the hollow clang a peaceful quiet returned to the garden, the storm cooling down to a playful breeze rustling through the leaves of the apple trees, the hum of the earth and heartbeat of the forest quieting down until they became a comfortable background noise Jean could feel as a supportive presence against his skin.
Even the faeries calmed somewhat, their restless flitting and dashing slowing down to a languid, lazy circle around Jean's body, laughing with a faint sound of twinkling bells. He would have to prepare another offering for them tomorrow, to thank them for their interest and assure them that he would keep their home safe. They liked to feel important.
With a last deep breath Jean carried the vase over to the table and set it down carefully, the copper unusually warm under his fingers as he held down the lid and grabbed the two clips from his pocket to secure it even further. Not that Malphas himself could do anything, could break out from the container Jean had built especially to hold him. But depending on what he would now do with the vase he had to make sure it didn't accidentally slide open and give the demon a chance to slither away and escape.
Jean jumped when there was a knock at the window to his right, Marco's wide eyed face looking at him through the glass when he turned, Eren tucked behind him and peeking over his shoulder. He wondered just how much of this they had witnessed, if they had watched him from the beginning or only dared to pull back the curtains after the winds had died down and the stifling presence of the demon was sealed away.
Now that Jean wasn't as focused on his task anymore, that the impressions he got from the energies flowing around him weren't as overwhelming, he could feel his mates more clearly again, the steady pulse of their bond growing from a warm presence at the edges of his consciousness into a fluttery warmth spreading through his chest all the way into his fingertips.
He sent a loving, reassuring impulse across their connection and then, after having made sure the lid was truly secured and the demon certainly trapped, waved for them to join him outside.
They were hesitant at first, lingering at the window for a moment longer until Eren moved to step out of the door, Marco following him closely.
"That was ... Jean, that was incredible!", Eren stuttered, expression alight with wonder and admiration. "You ... that bastard didn't even know what hit him, you just ... obliterated him!"
"Actually I trapped him", Jean explained, holding out the vessel containing the demon. "I didn't have the tools to destroy something like him and sending him back where he came from seemed a bit risky. What if he comes back to annoy us again? So I'll just keep him safe here until I figure out what else to do with a demon."
An incredulous laugh from Eren who still stared at Jean with disbelief and traces of that same heat he'd already shown earlier. Marco on the other hand, while seemingly impressed as well, looked mostly curious as he stepped forward and reached out with one hand to brush careful fingertips along the shapes of the sigil.
"I've seen this before", he mumbled, leaned down to take an even closer look. "What's it called?"
Jean smiled softly, Marco's curiosity about his craft never ceasing to make him go soft, the desire to preen under the curious attention barely contained.
"It's a variation on the Seal of Solomon, an ancient sigil said to give the wearer power over demons. I guess technically I could try and make him do my bidding now but ... I'd rather just keep him sealed." Jean shrugged and handed over the vase to Marco when his mate reached to hold it, inspected it more closely.
For all but a second or two during his research Jean had entertained the thought of binding Malphas to himself, of humbling the arrogant Grand Prince by making him clean the house and run annoying errands for him. But Jean had come too long a way to fall into old patterns now. Banishing or binding demons was far different from actually commanding them for a longer time and he was not about to get into something that far above his current paygrade, no matter his incredible development.
"So it actually was one?", Marco asked, looking up from where he had studied the clips holding the lid in place and showing the finely etched sigil to Eren. "A demon?"
There was no need to lie to them, his mates deserved to know the truth. Even if it scared them at first. Only like that he could teach them not to be scared with time.
"Then why didn't he do anything?", Eren asked, looking up from where he'd studied the vase from a safe distance. "I mean that transformation looked pretty intense but ... after that he just stood there."
Jean laughed and accepted the vessel when Marco handed it back to him, obviously uncomfortable holding it for too long after his curiosity had been sated.
"Yeah, that's demons for you. Flashy presentation and not much to back it up with. My wards weren't enough to keep him away completely but they zapped a lot of his power when he entered the property, couldn't even make it into the house. And my protection sigils made sure he couldn't mess with me too much either."
As he said the words he became aware that the five circles spanning his back from one shoulder to the other felt a bit weakened, especially the big one across his spine. It was nothing a few hours in the sun wouldn't fix but he had to remember to recharge them as soon as he got the chance if he wanted to keep up their protection.
"But most of all", Jean continued, looking between his mates who were only starting to look less worried now that they saw their visitor safely sealed away, "and this is the most important thing to remember when you're dealing with demons or any other kind of malevolent force or spirit: They lie."
Part IX
Commissions | Kofi | AO3 | twitter | pillowfort
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fenfyre · 5 years
Hear me out: werewolf Marco and eren taking turns between comforting and spanking witch Jean to help him clarify his mind and let out some pent up emotions that he has to deal with because of the whole bond
Release - Part I
“Ah, fuck!”, the curse echoed through the kitchen, making his mates at the table jump, both their heads swivelling over to look at him when Jean dropped the knife with a muted clatter and frowned down at the fresh cut where he’d slipped and sliced into his own finger.
As much as he loved his mother for letting him have some of the sweet potatoes she’d harvested earlier this week, they were still an absolute pain to cut and he had a feeling she’d only left him this many because she couldn’t be bothered wrestling all of her bountiful supply into submission.
The metallic tang of blood was quick to seep into the kitchen air, mixing strangely with the spices Jean had already thrown together for the curry he was making. As soon as Marco got a whiff of it he was on his feet and at Jean’s side, taking the injured hand between his own and examining it closely.
“Jean, baby, where is your head?”, he mumbled as he reached for a paper towel and dabbed at the droplets of blood welling up from the cut. “You’ve been all over the place this week…”
Behind them at the table Eren set down his phone, scooted his chair back so he could turn and get a better look at them, at Jean still accusingly frowning down at the knife and Marco fretting over his finger.
“It’s almost full moon”, he shrugged and watched calmly as Marco finished examining the cut and went over to the cabinet where they kept the small first aid kit for kitchen accidents. “Just a bit much right now, isn’t it?”
Jean’s first instinct was to snap at his mate, to tell him to get back to his stupid game and leave him alone. But then he realised that Eren was right. This past week he had been all over the place, screwing up spells and potions left and right, getting into needless fights with his coven at their last meeting and now almost snapping at his mate who was only trying to help.
And the worst thing was that he could usually control this. He had enough experience by now to make use of the energy swelling and ebbing in perfect tune with the lunar cycle. But when he thought about it the entire month had been strange and it had probably only been a matter of time when he wouldn’t be as in tune with himself and lose his long honed grasp on the overwhelming powers and impressions he was subjected to near the full moon.
“I thought you were used to that by now?”, Marco asked and even though it was well-meaning it stung, a cruel reminder of what Jean should be capable of but obviously wasn’t.
When Marco returned with a small bandaid and the salve Jean had made for minor cuts and burns he almost pulled away, almost declined the loving care his mate wanted to give him. But he also knew that it was just an impulse he got from being annoyed with himself and so begrundingly allowed Marco to apply the salve and wrap the band-aid around his finger.
When Marco was finished he raised Jean’s hand up to his lips, breathing a soft kiss against his knuckle and the sweet, gentle treatment almost broke him completely.
Whenever he thought he had a grasp on this, that he knew how to ride the steady tide of his own powers, it all slipped from right between his fingers and he disappointed someone. His coven, his mates, most of all himself.
It didn’t happen as often as it had in the beginning. They had won good control of their bond and the effects they had on each other. Jean had worked long and hard to incorporate the powers they were feeding into him, accidentally or on purpose, into his craft and had evolved way beyond his wildest imaginations. But in the end he would always have a bad day or a bad week and feel his control slip away, the ultimate reminder that the power he felt since they bonded all that time ago was never meant to be his to wield. And that it would never be completely his, would always end up too much for him to handle in one way or another.
Watching Marco’s shoulders slump hurt as much as losing this desperate struggle again and again but if his mate could feel his utter dejection, if he sensed the sad little tug at their bond, he didn’t say anything about it and waited for Jean to speak instead.
Finally Jean swallowed with a curt nod and turned back to his cutting board to rinse the bloody knife and continue.
“Dinner will be ready in half an hour”, he proclaimed and hoped that would be enough for now.
Part II
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fenfyre · 5 years
Release - Part II
Part I
They were huddled together on the couch later that night, Eren and Jean sharing a fuzzy blanket and watching old romcom reruns while Marco was more or less concentrating on the book he was reading. Now and again he chuckled at a joke coming from the quiet television though, so he couldn't have been quite as captivated by energy manipulation as he probably wanted them to believe.
Jean was still jumpy, still way too aware of his strange mood these days and even Eren's fingers slowly carding through his hair and the occasional, loving nudge of a cool nose against his cheek only managed to calm him down a little. Despite feeling right at home between them, with Eren's arm around his shoulder and Marco's feet in his lap, he couldn't bring himself to settle.
There was the insistent thought that he didn't deserve this yet, that he didn't deserve relaxing with his mates and should instead be working on what troubled him so greatly right now. He should be working on gaining complete control of these powers again. He did it once and just because something threw him off, just because it was harder to keep control than gain it in the first place, that didn't mean he couldn't do it again.
The least he could try was a little meditation, maybe some grounding, cleansing. Routine work that might get him into a calmer mood but he didn't even feel like settling down to work on that, way too keyed up and frustrated with himself and the situation.
He was shifting on the couch for what felt like the fiftieth time since this episode started when Marco closed his book with a resounding clap and reached over them to grab the remote from Jean's lap, shutting off the TV without allowing any room for discussion. The fact that Eren didn't cry out in protest took Jean by surprise.
"Alright", Marco said, pushing both the book and the remote onto the little side table in his back. "Something's still wrong. Talk to us."
The request was more than understandable. Jean hadn't really expected to hide any of this from his mates, not when he was sure they could feel his restlessness resounding through their bond like an electric current keeping them on edge every moment of the day. At least that was what it felt like to him. Too much energy with no way to let it out or dampen it.
And then there was the damn guilt for what his restlessness made him do, snapping at his mates, disrespecting his brothers and sisters when they had done nothing but want to help him with his craft. He was terrible to the people around him right now and saw no way to stop himself from lashing out when he was strung this tightly all the time.
But he couldn't put any of these feeling into words, too nervous and ashamed to admit how he'd lost control once again. So instead of doing as Marco had told him and begin talking he grabbed a metaphorical fistful of what was swirling through his head and stuffed it right into the bond, feeding it into the connection between them that felt raw and frayed around the edges, suffering under his moods.
At his side Eren jumped with a muffled grunt, eyebrows knitting together as the full force of Jean's anxiousness and frustration hit him. It was a sign that Jean had done a good job of keeping his feelings contained this time. At least there was something he could still do, at least he could protect his mates from this, even if he couldn't keep himself from slipping.
"Oh Jean, baby…", Marco sighed and when Jean looked over at him his mate looked pained, fingertips brushing his lips. "It's not your fault. Sometimes it's just hard, don't beat yourself up over it."
Jean scoffed, then reached out through the bond to retract the frustration he'd just fed into it. They knew what he was dealing with now, there was no need to torture them any further. One of them at the edge of their seat with anxiety was enough. He didn't have to ruin their evening as much as his had been ruined.
"It's never hard for you", he grunted and could barely keep from crossing his arms like a petulant child. Eren shrugged, fingers still gliding through Jean's hair.
"We have way more practise."
"And you are way more sensitive and susceptible to these things. You notice shifts we'd never even pick up on and they actively interfere in your craft", Marco added, pulling both knees to his chest to give Jean more room.
"Yeah, but I had this under control. I didn't let that stuff interfere for months and now everything's slipping again."
Warm brown eyes met his, so soft and full of understanding that Jean's heart ached about the sharp tone he'd chosen to talk to his mate.
"Everyone has setbacks."
"Yeah, but…"
"Jean", Marco interrupted, smooth but determined, "obsessing over this won't make it better. It certainly won't help you regain control."
Part III
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