#Tuk te suli tsyeyk’itan
mystar-girl57 · 1 year
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
Summary: widowed!jake sully x fem!reader
Warnings: injury, argument between reader and Jake, guns, violence
Notes: welcome babes to chapter 2!! Buckle up for some drama drama drama oh and quaritch. I think so far what I’ve figured out this story to be is reader accepting that they are the kids mother and Jake accepting it too because neither have accepted that Neytiri is gone. Idk- Im loving reader so far and I hope you guys love her too as this story devolopes. I will say the reason why there isn’t much “don’t” and “isn’t” and instead there is do not and since the reader doesn’t know English they wouldn’t know how to shorten words and say each word induvally
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You opened your eyes to a different ceiling now, your body laying in a different hammock. It did not matter that after three years of being “mated” to JakeSuli you were still not used to waking up in the Sullys’ tent. You felt like an intruder in the home, like you were not supposed to be there. It was not supposed to be you helping Tuk with her bathes, or teach Kiri the proper ways to grind up the herbs to use for medicine. It was supposed to be Neytiri, there to comfort Lo’ak after getting another scolding from his father, there to tell Neteyam it was time to take a break and go to sleep. But no matter how many times you prayed that Neytiri would come back and relieve you of your duty and give you back your freedom, you knew that each morning would be the same.
Opening your eyes to the unfamiliar ceiling, Jake’s back to you as he snored and Tuk nestled into your arms.
No. This was your life now, for better or for worse, there was no getting out of it.
Now, you have managed to find some sort of joy in the loveless marriage you found yourself in. The Sully kids. Each one of them had found a special place in your heart and you knew they were there to stay. It was not too hard for the children to adjust to you suddenly being their “mother”, you had already been around often when Neytiri was alive and even when she died you stayed. Tuk was over the moon when she learned that was getting you as her new mother, (which you of course corrected saying that Neytiri would always be her mom, you were just here to help in her absence.) Kiri and Lo’ak were like Tuk with being happy to have a mother figure around the tent now, they did not express it like their baby sister did but you felt the love just the same. As for Neteyam it was a bit more difficult for him to warm up to you, still grieving the loss of his mother. He was like his father thinking that you were there to replace her! But as time went by the young warrior came to realize that was never your intention and he came to accept you.
You never made the kids call you mother or any parental title if they did not want to. You promised that just your name was fine. Like them, you were adjusting too. You had gone from the life of living alone having to only care for yourself to suddenly having a whole family to look after.
Jake though had never come around. He gave you as much respect as any other clan member but that was the extent. No names of affection were swapped between the two of you, no glances stolen. In fact, you had not even properly mated.
After you left Mo’at’s tent those years ago processing what you had agreed to, Jake made it very clear that he did not want to form tsaheylu let alone touch you. And you agreed. You did not wish to connect your queues and feel the loathing he had for you. If he did not truly want you, you would not let him touch your body, you had too much dignity for that, wanting to save your body for someone who truly loved you.
When you moved into the Sully Tent your plan had been for the two of you to sleep in separate hammocks but that instantly sparked questions among the kids, especially Tuk who wanted to cuddle with both you and Jake when she had a nightmare. So the one compromise you made was sharing a sleeping space with him but that did not change your relationship. Once the kids were asleep you would turn your backs to each other and sleep separately, not even your tails daring to brush.
But despite the fact there was no love between you and the Olo'eyktan you had learned to be good actors, appearing together in front of the clan with wide grins, sitting at feasts together, talking to clan members together, trying to pull off the persona that you were a happy mated pair. Never once though did the two of you dance together, even during the songs reserved for more intimate dances.
You had everyone fooled. Even Ewya you liked to think. No more rotting fruits and ashen dreams plagued your days and nights. Maybe you were free from her wrath! Or so you thought.
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“They’re here! The War Party is back!” Tuk bounced through camp, watching with glee as her father and brothers returned to High Camp followed by the rest of the people who had gone on raid. As soon as Jake and his son’s landed and Tuk drew near she could sense something was wrong by the way that her big brothers’ heads were down and their tails were between their legs.
When Jake motioned for Neteyam to go so he could get patched up Tuk made her way to her brother. “Did something happen?” She asked, taking his wrist and moving his arm, inspecting him over. Out of all the cuts and bruises he had, the worse was the one on his back. “Lo’ak happened.” Neteyam huffed with a shake of his head, his beads clacking together. The youngest Sully frowned, she hated seeing Lo’ak get in trouble and she knew how you hated it too. “Let’s get you to Mama,” she urged with a tug of his wrist, “she’ll get you healed.”
When they arrived at the tent you were working busily to apply a healing paste to a warrior's shoulder which had a significantly deep cut. The warrior winced as you touched it. “Here Mom,” Kiri came and crouched beside you, “I know grandma says dapophet is the best but try this instead.” She handed you an amber colored ointment. “It’ll numb the pain, and be easier for the wound to heal.” You muttered a thank you, swapping out the dapophet for the concoction Kiri made and began applying it to the warrior's shoulder. Instantly his body relaxed and you were able to get him mended.
Watching him go, your eyes caught sight of Neteyam and you let out a small gasp at the state he was in. Rising to your feet you came over to where he stood in the corner and cupped his face gently. You tilted his head so you could see the cuts littering his jaw before turning around to see his back. “Your father said you and Lo’ak were going to be scouts.” You turned your son around, grasping his shoulders. “How did you get this hurt if you were just watching the battle?” Your voice was stern but Neteyam could easily depict the worry in your tone. “It was my fault,” he began and you instantly closed your eyes, your ears going down. “Lo’ak.” You finished with a sigh. Neteyam went to rebuke your words and take the blame but he could tell that you would rather not know what trouble the youngest sully boy had gotten into this time. “We’re both safe,” he whispered trying to soothe you in some way. “I got the worst of it, Lo’ak is fine.”
You nodded, pulling away from him, rubbing your temples as the tend flap fluttered and in walked Lo’ak trailed by Spider. “Man, that is awesome!” Spider’s eyes sparkled as they walked into the tent in the middle of the conversation. “I know! The gun was so huge-” Lo’ak started but when you cleared your throat he instantly froze and turned his head slightly to see you standing there in front of his brother. Your gaze instantly made him pipe down, not from fear, but from shame. He knew how you tried to defend him to his father whenever he would get in trouble.
You had told him one night after things got especially ugly that he reminded you a lot of yourself. The both of you had your own hopes and ambitions that you wanted to carry out but there was always some sort of power that was stopping you from reaching that goal, pushing you back to the starting line.
Lo’ak knew that you could not keep fighting for him and he had promised you the last time you came to his aid that it would be his last, that he would do better. And he could see in your eyes the pain you felt.
“Spider Tuk, I need you to both help Jake unload the weapons, Kiri tend to Neteyam and Lo’ak come sit.” You directed. Without any question the little na’vi and human boy scampered out of the tent and Kiri went to Neteyam. While no one said anything they could sense something was wrong. The eye bags under your eyes were growing noticeably and you sounded tired. So tired. The three sully siblings swapped worried glances but stayed quiet in the end.
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By the time you had everyone doctored and the tent cleaned up, you left to go to your own tent. Making your way up the rocky slope your tail swayed tiredly behind you, your ears drooping slightly, you knew that you were not mentally ready for the conversation you were going to have with Jake but at this point they were inevitable.
When your tent came into view you could see him squatted down by his army green boxes with his gun in hand and cleaning supplies laid out. Hearing your footsteps crunching behind him Jake’s ears perked up and he looked over his shoulder. His body visibly relaxed when he realized that it was only you and not some intruder and without a word he went back to cleaning his weapon.
You made it to the tent entrance and stopped. That tired part of you that just wanted the day to end, told you to go inside and nibble on the dinner that Kiri had prepared and then climb into your hammock to drift off into a dreamless sleep. But that other part of you, the more resilient part told you to confront Jake. The latter won.
“What happened to Neteyam and Lo’ak just being scouts?” You asked. Your back still turned to him. You could hear the sharp sigh come from Jake as he paused cleaning out the gunpowder residue from the barrel before going right back to it.
“They were supposed to be scouts.” He responded gruffly and you shifted so you could see him. “But that knucklehead is just determined to be in the fight.” You watched Jake’s movement as he fed the bristled rod into the barrel, his movements quick and aggressive.
“He has a name.” You retorted and the Marine side eyed you while you continued. “Lo’ak just wants to prove himself to you Jake. He keeps on trying to be that perfect little soldier that you are molding him to be!” You knew your words were harsh as you came to stand in front of Jake. “But when you do not notice his efforts, that is when he takes drastic action to get you to notice him! He doesn't care if it is positive or negative! He has already lost a mother, do not make him lose a father.”
It was that there, that did the man in. Jake slammed the gun down causing the rest of the items on the boxes to tip and fall to the ground as he rose to his full height towering you. His ears were back as he pointed an accusatory finger at you. “You do not get to say that.” He growled, his voice dangerously low. “I only let the boys be scouts to deter them from fighting! I do not want them to have anything to do with this war but you know as well as I that if I tell Lo’ak, Neteyam even to stay here while I go out they are just going to follow.” Your faces were close now, your eyes narrowed as your tail lashed dangerously. “Watch yourself before you go spouting off shit that you don’t know.”
You held each other’s gazes for a few more moments before Jake turned away to gather the things that had fallen to the ground signaling that your conversation was done. You shot him one final glare wanting to have the final word but deciding that it was not worth it you shook your head with a tired sigh and made your way into the tent as a loud clap of thunder rang out in the sky and the rain came crashing down.
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The next morning everything was wet from the torrential downpour that lasted throughout the night. Normally you welcomed the rain having always enjoyed storms but this one made you uneasy as you shielded Tuk from the thunder in your hammock that night.
The kids had left early that morning with Spider and Jake was gone before any of you were up leaving you and Neteyam to yourselves. Having no chores to do around camp and no one in need right away you looked to the fifteen year old who sat on the makeshift steps outside your tent. “Let’s go for a fly.” You called to him, your visor perched on your forehead and your mic choker on. Neteyam instantly perked up at this as he looked back at you and it was not long that you found yourself soaring through the skies.
You took a deep breath as you leaned back on your Ikran, Eylan. The name did not mean anything bold such as skull crusher or fire bolt as some Na’vi liked to name their Ikrans, yours was simply named Eylan: friend. Because in the moment you got her to be your companion you wanted her more for a friend than just a pair of wings to carry you.
Looking back you did find the idea to be silly but Eylan stuck for the graceful Ikran. Eylan was smaller than some Ikran but what she lacked in size she made up for in speed and stealth which when you used to go hunting you found to be beneficial.
You looked back at Neteyam who was turning his head to take in his surroundings, the quietness of the sky was calming for the both of you. It was just what you needed. But as you began to signal to Neteyam that it was time to head back after you had been flying for quite some time Lo’ak’s voice rang out in your ears.
You listened closely as he talked to his father reporting how there were maybe six or so na’vi looking people near the old shack but they were dressed in sky people clothes. Neteyam instantly caught on that something was wrong as the two of you circled around in the air. “Lo’ak who all is with you.” You commed in, your fingers pressing the buttons to turn on the mic.
There was a pause and Lo’aks voice came back. “Just Spider and I.” He lied and you instantly caught on. “Where are Kiri and Tuk?” You asked only to be given silence for a few more seconds. “With me ma’am.” Lo’ak responded and you refrained from hissing. Sometimes you yourself wanted to pop him on the back of the head. “Okay son, get out of there now, do not engage.” Jake’s voice cut in. “We’re on our way.”
You took your finger off the button on your choker and looked at Neteyam. “They are at the old shack.” You called and he nodded. “I know a shortcut!” He responded before sending his Ikran into a dive, you and Eylan in his wake.
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By the time you arrived it was past eclipse and dark clouds blocked out any light that the stars provided. The rain started to fall as you and Neteyam landed. You were partially surprised to find Bob already resting there, Jake peeking around a tree. He turned around hearing the two of you land. In an instant you disconnected your braid from Eylan and dismounted, flicking your visor up. Reaching into your pouch connected to your saddle you went to pull out your barbed tipped whip but Jake shook his head.
“Too many trees,” he whispered, “Bring the axe, more subtle.”
“What do we do if we are pursued? Neither of us have a bow on us.” You whispered back, setting the whip back in its pouch and pulling your axe from its sleeve.
“We’ll see when the time comes.” Jake responded before looking at Neteyam. “Stay with the Ikrans, we’ll be back soon.” At his father’s words Neteyam wanted to ask to come but you gave him a gentle look that read “stay” and the boy sighed but backed down, staying back and watching the two of you disappear into the jungle.
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With each step that you took, leading you deeper into the woods the worse that the rain got, thunder rumbling overhead blocking their scent. All you could smell was wet wood and mud as you skillfully made your way through without slipping.
When the shack came into view, you could see the kids standing stiffly, each of them in front of a soldier as their queues were held harshly in their grasps. You could hear Tuk’s sniffles and Kiri’s quiet prayers to Ewya. You and Jake swapped glances before nodding and splitting up, circling around the group. The two of you never got along, nor understood each other but when it came to the kids that was something you were willing to set aside your bitterness to protect them.
Keeping low you krept up on an avatar, his back turned to you. You jumped up, covered his mouth and buried the sharp side of your axe into his neck, holding him by the neck until you were sure he was dead, his head lolling to the side. You eyed his gun for a moment. You had seen Jake use his before, maybe you could use it? But you shook your head at the thought. Never did you want to use what the sky people made, especially one of their weapons.
Making your way over to another soldier you reached up to grab her but this one happened to turn around seeing you. And that was when the chaos broke loose. The avatar woman fired her gun and you managed to drop down to your belly in the mud just in time avoiding getting hit. At the sound of the gun fire the men got out their own weapons and started firing blind.
Had the kids not been in such danger you would have laughed at how uncoordinated they were, neither you or Jake having a single bullet come near you as you went to rescue the kids. Jerking the queue of the avatar that held Kiri they let out a grunt of pain and instinctively let the girl go. The avatar in turn though reached back and grabbed your queue long with a fist full of your hair causing you to yelp and snarl as he forced your head back. “Not so brave now are you mama?” He sneered. You tried to snap at him but it was a pathetic attempt at being fierce.
“Let her go!” A voice shouted and there came Lo’ak tackling the avatar causing him to let go of you. Once you were free you grabbed Lo’ak pulling him off the military man before the teen could do any real damage. “Go!” You hissed, “make sure that they get out!” Lo’ak hesitate and you snarled, causing the boy to run.
But you were not able to watch him for long when your attention was drawn away hearing Kiri’s screams coming from a different direction of where Lo’ak left. You found yourself running down the trail, dodging roots and using some branching to swing to get you up higher where you heard Kiri. When you finally got to her it looked like she was trying to get to someone who was down below but with the gunfire getting closer you knew there was not much time before you were under fire again.
“Kiri we have to go.” You said sternly taking her by the hand trying to pull along but Kiri pulled back. “No! I will not leave Spider!” Her voice cracked with a fearful sob and you then understood that it was Spider who had fallen. You were torn. Spider was technically safe seeing as he was human while you and Kiri were in danger, but Spider was also like family. You were not given much more time to think as another gunshot rant out, this one too close to you both.
“Kiri sweety I am sorry but we have to go.” You urged getting behind her and shoving her down the path forcing her to run. As you ran away from the spot you were just at you heard it be overcome with avatar and Kiri let out a sob knowing that was where Spider was laying helpless.
“I am sorry baby,” you whispered looking up at the sky as you both ran asking Ewya why she was showing her cruelty once more.
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It was a quiet ride back home, Kiri’s arms around your waist while Tuk rode with her father and Lo’ak was with Neteyam. You felt that fear that you had three years ago when being forced to mate with Jake. That fear that backed you into a corner and suffocated you. You knew this was Ewya, you knew she was mad and that scared you.
Your home was no longer safe. No longer was it a sanctuary where you could let your guard down and live in peace. No. Ewya’s wrath had almost taken Jake’s children from him. You knew what needed to be done as you looked around at the glowing forest below, blurred out by the rain crashing down on you all.
When you landed back in high camp everyone still remained silent. Tired and wet was what you all were feeling, mixed in with your exshuastion. You let the kids go in first before turning to Jake.
He stood there, looking down at the dirt with his hands on his hips as he contemplated what to do. When he looked up at you, you nodded in agreement. Jake did not need to say anything to you, you knew.
You needed to leave.
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© 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫-𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬
🏷: @fanboyluvr @mashiromochi @newjeansbonnie @cleverzonkwombatsludge @atxara
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
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They’ve all got mamas smile ☺️
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avatarkv · 1 year
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A passage from Tuk-Tuk’s diary.
now playing: fourth of july, sufjan stevens. (for the feels!)
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It has been 972 days since Neteyam died— or so I think. I’m not that good in counting, so I carve sticks on the walls of our house so I can remember. Sa’nok isn’t really fond of it. She says I’m dirtying the hut and forbids me to do it again. I don’t know how to tell her that it’s a way for me to remember without saying my brother’s name because if I do, sa’nok cries.
I don’t like when mama cries. and she cries all the time.
In the dead of night, when everyone is asleep and snoring, she cries. I hear her call for Eywa— but most of the time, she calls for Neteyam and I don’t know how to remind her that he isn’t here anymore. So I let her.
She cries when she makes meals and she thinks she’s alone. Ma forgets that I don’t have that many friends here at the reef yet, so I always stay close to home. I hug her tight. Sometimes, she wraps her arms around me too, but most of the time, she stares at nothing and I’m left to dry her tears myself. I think she gets embarrassed when I see her, so I lie and say I’m off to play with Kiri by the shore— but in truth, I stay behind, just in case she needs someone.
Sa’nok always makes Neteyam’s favorite and everyone always makes room for him at the table. I don’t know how to remind them that he’s not here to eat anymore, so I leave the empty plate alone.
Lo’ak cries too. He thinks he’s being sneaky when he takes too long to look for his things, but really, he just looks down because he doesn’t want anyone to see. Lo’ak doesn’t play with me anymore; he trains a lot more and he’s tougher— he’s like you now. I wonder if he’d swim with me in our Ilus again, but he always drifts off to see payakan, so I don’t think he will.
He’s more easily frustrated. Hurts himself when he misses the fish while hunting or when his Ilu is being difficult. I think he’s being too hard on himself, so I try to keep an eye on him. I don’t want to lose another brother— I promise I’ll look over him this time, great mother, just don’t take him away like you did with Neteyam.
Besides, he also has Tsireya. I think he’s in good hands.
I don’t mind that everyone cries. I cry all the time!
I hurt myself once when I was looking for shells. I scraped my elbow from the nearby rocks and it bled a little— it stung, but then I remember how Neteyam would pick me up and tell me that I was the strongest; that wounds like these wouldn’t last. He said he’d protect me as long as he’s near. Now that he’s gone, I think I have to look over myself now.
I rubbed the bleeding scratch until it became a red patch. As long as it hurt, I would hear him. As long as it hurt, I could feel my brother’s tight embrace.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one who doesn’t see him. Everyone seems to carry on with their life with hints of him; Lo’ak would carry two bows (his and neteyam’s) Mama has his necklace and Kiri uses his hair beads. I wish I had something of him— but then I look around, and I see him everywhere.
His empty hammock, his favorite wooden bowl, and his songcord.
I look for you everywhere, brother, and I see you. I miss you so bad and I can’t talk about it, because if I do, everyone gets sad. Everyone misses Neteyam.
I think it will never get better. I think everyone will cry from now on.
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☆ mauve here! posting something light before eventually carrying on with my series and stuff. just something to gather everyone's attention again! i fear i am flopping </3 anyway, hope everyone enjoys this mini series of tuk! i love her so much.
tags: @aonungsmate
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skylarstark4826 · 4 months
I loved this other Fanart of Lo'ak and Neteyam with his dad Jake when he was still human. And honestly I think it's funny to see what Lo'ak is taking him in the meantime Jake... his dad is extremely embarrassed because they are taking him as if he were a little boy and that since neither Lo'ak nor Neteyam know it they think that his dad is hurting something but his dad is still sorry they are asking them to take him down to the ground
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By the way, this Fanart of theirs is not mine and the credits are not for me but I warn you that right here I am going to leave you the link of the true creator of this masterpiece of Avatar on Twitter
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
neglected sully
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Summary: There was a family motto that Jake had taught all his children that sully stick together and that their family is a fortress. Well, that was not only true for the one sully child neglected all her life. She didn’t get the same love her siblings had and had always been seen as less than by her parents and clan, soon banished and disowned by her own family for an event that was out of her hands. The daughter will quickly start a new life, being seen and loved by others, but soon, the people from her past will return.
other information
meeting kawwney
the triplets
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kondensaduhhh · 1 year
inspired by @dirtytransmasc ‘s Spider Te Suli Tsyeyk’itan AU
where, since because this Spider grew up being fully adopted and loved by the Sully family, the ‘son for a son scene’ where Neytiri holds a knife to Spider doesn’t happen, what happens instead is a ‘if I can’t have him, no one can’ scene with Quaritch, where instead of Quaritch getting a hold of Kiri, it’s Spider.
Everyone is frozen.
Kiri is holding Tuk, Jake being torn between shooting Miles, but risk shooting his son too, and obeying his demands. Lo’ak and Neteyam are there, a few scrapes, cuts, and bruises on them but otherwise whole. Jake holds out his arm in front of his other two sons, knowing his mate’s burning desire to protect pumps in their veins, ready to lunge.
And Neytiri is prowling.
That demon has her son, her firstborn under his sharp knife, already cutting his delicate skin, she sees his blood smear with each struggle, causing a growl deep within her throat. Every bone in her body aches to lunge and attack the monster hurting her baby, but her mate’s arm stops her, she sees the pleading look in his eyes that yells, ‘please, think clearly’. She wants to scream, she needs to do something, but the situation is much too delicate to take such a risk.
“What will it be, kid?” Quaritch says, knife still against Spider neck, “The Sullys, who left you, abandoned you for months?” cries of protest from his siblings at the words spoken, “or me? who took care of you after they left you for dead?”
With no breath of hesitation in his voice, “Them! They’re my family! Not you! Never you!” Spider screams. Irritation pinches Quaritch’s face, he sets his jaw, “Then so be it.” and he cuts.
He cuts through Spider’s jugular, leaving to fall, blood sputtering through his fingers as he tries to add pressure. Everyone screams, scrambling to help Spider. The demon walks away with a limp in his step.
“Lyle, blow this pla-“ short, rapid fire gunshots, cut through everyones eardrums, the Sullys’ attention snapped to the cause of the beast’s death for a second. They were met with the image of Neteyam, gun in his arms, tears in his eyes, he drops it immediately and rushes to Spider’s side.
“Neteyam…” Kiri holds her hand out to him, her voice watery and scared, he takes her hand, and inches closer towards his brother, Tuk tucks herself onto him, wailing onto his chest, Lo’ak has both hands pressing on Spider’s neck, their dad is speaking softly to him, stroking his hair, while their mother is begging for Eywa to keep her son alive, to not take him away from them, from her, no, not yet
Spider is apologizing and they don’t know why, they just hold on to him and their siblings, “im sorry, im sorry… i love you, im sorry,” he coughs, blood splatters on his mask, dripping down the sides of his lips, “i just wanted to sa-…” He closes his eyes. The it’s like the world stopped spinning, everyone is silent, waiting for Spider to keep talking, because he always does, he always has something to say, but Jake has hung his head already.
Kiri was the first to talk Spider, “Monkey boy? Spider? Spider, what is it? Spider! What were gonna say?!” her voice gets shakier as she talks, her voice breaks at the end along it is her, curling into Spider’s chest.
“Spider? Wake up! C’mon, you’re scaring me!” Tuk, oh, little Tuk-tuk, she pleads, “Neteyam, do something!” She sobs. Neteyam can’t fix this one, he can’t lead them on this one, Neteyam doesn’t know what to do, instead her cries, not quietly, like Lo’ak, who is staring at his hands, covered in Spider’s blood, tears just running down his cheeks, but also not loudly, like Kiri, who demanding answers from the Great Mother, he just… cries. Holding the rest of his siblings in his arms.
Jake is on the opposite side of his children on Spider’s body, he wants to wipe away the tears and blood off of his son’s face, to remove the mask and clean his face off, he tries, but his daughters’ panicked screams of ‘Stop! He can’t breath with out it!” broke his heart further. Lo’ak cries like him, quiet, almost catatonic, a contrast to his mate who has screamed and wailed for it to not be true, sobbing for Eywa to not do this to them. With no protest fro Kiri, and little from Tuk, Neytiri holds Spider, sobbing louder when his body that was always warm, especially compared to their na’vi bodies, was starting to cool. Kiri and Tuk held onto their mother as they cried.
Jake neared his mate, gently pulling her towards him, as their remaining sons was held by their father, both boys leaning on Jake.
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liliesonpandora · 1 year
Kissing Them Goodnight
Jake Sully being a loving dad, post-atwow
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Jake watched as all his children slept peacefully. He returned from his hunt very late, missing the opportunity to tuck them in and kiss them goodnight. But the one thing he learned is that he would not live with regrets when it came to them. He would kiss them as many times as he could… before it was too late.
He often thought of Neteyam, taken from them too early. He was just a boy with so much more life to live. Jake tried hard to not let the past consume him. Of course he missed his eldest son, the pain was always there. But he had three more children who needed him, children who needed to grow up with a present and loving father.
Jake walked towards the hammock where Kiri slept. Her breathing was slow and even. He leaned down so that his face was level with hers, and he caressed her cheek. She opened her eyes and smiled softly at her father. Jake felt sorry to wake her, but he wanted to hear her voice… it always calmed his heart when he needed it the most.
“Hi Dad.”
“Hi babygirl.”
“I missed you today,” she said with tired eyes. Jake smiled when he heard this and it warmed his heart.
“I’m sorry I took so long, babygirl. But I just wanted to say goodnight and tell you that I love you.”
“I love you more,” she said before hoisting herself up and leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek. Then she laid back down, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.
Jake looked at her for a little while longer. She was so beautiful and sweet. Although she was now a teenager, she would always be his little girl. He was still unsure how he and Neytiri were blessed with a gift like Kiri. But he knew the great mother had a plan for her… he just wasn’t sure what it was yet.
Jake finally left Kiri’s side and moved to the second hammock where Lo’ak and Tuk were sleeping. Tuk was glued to Lo’ak’s side as he snored lightly. She was supposed to be sleeping on her own, but she always managed to sneak into someone else’s bed… craving the touch of someone else while she slept. Jake thought it was adorable, but Neytiri thought she should learn to sleep by herself sometimes.
Jake put a hand on Tuk’s cheek and rubbed it gently to rouse her. “Baby, wake up,” he whispered, trying his best not to wake Lo’ak.
“Hi, hon” Jake began to lift Tuk out of Lo’ak’s hammock.
“Daddy, I wanna stay with Lo’ak tonight,” she whined.
“Shhh baby, let’s let your brother sleep comfortably. He’s had a long day. You’re gunna come sleep with me and mama.”
“Okay,” she said with some disappointment, probably annoyed that she was woken up only to be removed from her big brother’s side. She rubbed her eyes while Jake held her to his body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist before finally rested her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and then ran his hand through her hair.
Lo’ak woke up during this exchange.
“Hey, son. I was just getting Tuk, I’m sorry we woke you. You can go back to sleep.”
“Thanks. Last time she slept with me, I woke up with her leg on my chest and I could barely breathe.”
“Hey!” Tuk cried, having not yet fallen back asleep.
“Sorry Tuk,” he apologized.
Jake laughed lightly at their brief interaction, glad he could save his son from his youngest’s reckless sleeping habits. He needed rest, things had been difficult for him lately.
“Lo’ak?” Jake called to his son quickly before he fell back asleep.
“Yeah, Dad?”
“I love you.”
Lo’ak smiled and replied “I love you too, Dad. Goodnight Tuk.”
“Tuk Tuk, give your brother a kiss goodnight.” Jake lowered her to peck Lo’ak on the cheek. “Night Lo’ak,” she said softly before Jake lifted her back up again.
He gently rubbed his son’s head before walking over to his and Neytiri’s sleeping mat to put Tuk down. He set her gently on her stomach in between himself and his wife.
“Daddy, Tsireya gave me the prettiest shells for a necklace today. But we have to finish making it, it’s not done yet,” she said with pursed lips and closed eyes as her face was squished against the mat.
Jake smiled at the way she updated him on her day. He wished that she could keep having more innocent moments like this.
He rubbed little circles on her back and whispered “You can tell me all about it tomorrow, baby. Go back to sleep now. I love you.” He told her before kissing her temple.
Once her breathing slowed, Jake leaned over to place a kiss on Neytiri’s eyelids. They twitched slightly, but she did not open them. ‘She must be exhausted’ he thought. But almost immediately, she spoke with her eyes still closed, “Ma Jake?”
Jake chuckled to himself before responding, “yes, my love?”
“Why is Tuk not in her own bed?”
“I should ask you that. She was sleeping with Lo’ak when I got here.”
“She’s sneaky… and she sleeps badly, take her please.”
Jake smiled as he knew this would be his wife’s request. He gently brought Tuk over to his other side where he could shield Neytiri from her nighttime antics.
He wrapped an arm around her so she wouldn’t roll too far in her sleep. At the touch, she moved slightly and gripped his arm with her tiny hand. Just then, Neytiri’s arm slipped around his waist and he felt her warmth as she pressed her body into his side. Jake rubbed her back with his free arm, hoping that she got a restful sleep.
There wasn’t much he could do now. Both his girls had a hold on him, so I guess he would be sleeping in this position for now. But this was just the way he liked it, he would hold them close and not let go. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
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xxoxobree · 1 year
Little Troublemaker
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Just a little blurb ?
Warnings- none? Pregnancy?
W.C- 800
Lo’ak x Mom Reader? Jake & Neytiri x Reader
It had been nine years since Jake and I had arrived on this planet, and things had changed dramatically since then.
I glanced down at my swollen belly, my hand resting gently on the curved surface. It was hard to believe that I was now in my avatar permanently, something that had seemed like a distant dream all those years ago. But that was the magic of Pandora; a planet that seemed to thrive on the impossible.
As I walked through the forest, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my children playing. I smiled as I watched my two boys, Neteyam and Lo'ak, chasing each other through the trees. Neytiri was watching them intently, a baby tucked gently into her chest , while little Kiri sat watching as well.
We had started a family on this planet, a family that included Neytiri. We had four children, with one more on the way. Neteyam and little Tuk were Neytiri's biological children, while Lo'ak was mine. We had also adopted a little girl named Kiri, who was the light of our lives.
I watched the kids playing with pure joy etched on their faces, a smile creasing my own. As I approached Neytiri, my heart swelled with affection for her, and I wrapped my arms around her, leaving a tender kiss on her cheek.
"How are you, my beloved?" I inquired, gazing into her eyes. She beamed at me and placed her hand on my swelling belly, causing our unborn child to stir in response.
"Looks like someone's eager to meet you too," I chuckled, and we shared a moment of laughter.
"I think I'll head inside and whip up some dinner," Neytiri said, nodding towards our cozy abode. I agreed with a nod, my hand resting on my stomach as I hummed a happy tune.
I sat down with Kiri as she crawled in my lap, her head on my chest. "Hello sweet pea, are you okay?" I asked, caressing her hair.
"I'm okay, Mom," she giggled.
"Hello boys, be careful," I shouted as Neteyam and Lo'ak continued to play.
"Hi, Mom, look," Neteyam said, effortlessly swinging through the trees, causing me to giggle.
"Wow, Neteyam."
It wasn't long before Jake arrived, a smile on his face, happy to see us.
“Hello my love.” He said crouching kissing me on the forehead.
“Daddy.” Kiri screamed jumping in his arms.
“Hello baby girl.” He said hugging her tightly
The boys came down shortly to greet their father but of course not without getting into a little argument. As they bickered, Jake and I exchanged a knowing smile, these small squabbles were just a part of the family. The boys being boys.
I guess we let the bickering go on for too long because now the boys were sending kicks into each other's legs. I rushed over to the commotion Neteyam, and Lo'ak, in a heated argument.
"Boys no." I pleaded strongly, my voice shaking with emotion.
"Lo'ak kicked me first, mom." Neteyam said, tears welling up in his eyes.
"But you started it by calling me names!" Lo'ak countered, his face turning red with anger.
“You should go inside babe, I’ll handle this.” Jake offered.
Lo'ak was a little troublemaker, but he was also the apple of my eye. I watched over him with the utmost care,especially with our differences from the rest of the clan, but sometimes even I couldn't protect him from his father's scolding.
I made my way inside overhearing Jake scolding Lo'ak for something that wasn't entirely his fault both boys were misbehaving.
I looked back at Lo’ak and I couldn't bear to see my son so upset and decided to intervene.
"Stop being so hard on Lo'ak," I told Jake firmly.
Jake was taken aback by my sudden interruption, but he knew I was right. He softened his tone and tried to explain things to Lo'ak and Neteyam in a gentler way.
However, Lo'ak was still upset and ran off inside to sulk.
I went after him and found him sitting on his bed, tears streaming down his face. I sat down next to him and put my arm around him, pulling him close.
"Shh, shh, it's okay," I whispered. "Don't cry, my little troublemaker."
Lo'ak sniffled and wiped his tears away. "But Daddy was so mad at me," he said.
"I know, but he didn't mean to be so hard on you," I replied."He just wants you to be the best you can be."
"But what if I can't be the best?" he asked, his voice trembling.
I hugged him tighter. "Oh, Lo'ak, don't ever think that. You're already the best in my eyes. And I know you can be anything you want to be."
Lo'ak looked up at me, his eyes wide with wonder. "Really?"
"Really," I confirmed with a smile and kiss to the cheek.
"All you need is a little bit of love and a lot of hard work.And I know you have both in spades."
Lo'ak grinned, his dimples showing.
"Thanks, Mom."
I ruffled his hair affectionately. "Anytime, my little troublemaker. Anytime."
And with that, Lo'ak's spirits lifted and he went back to being the mischievous little boy his mother knew and loved.
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lloyd-007 · 1 year
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beautyofattolia · 8 months
Avatar: the Way of Water
Neteyam: *pulls into McDonald’s drive through*
Neteyam: I’ll have one black coffee.
Neteyam: *drives away*
Spider, Lo’ak, and Tuk:
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Spider was never meant to find Home 
He knows that. No matter what Kiri whispers to him, what Lo’ak insists when the young warriors of the Omatikaya attempt to chase him off, or what Neteyam mumbles when Neytiri whips around with venom on her lips - he knows it, because if it were wrong, it would mean that everything that’s happened was for no reason. He can’t go that route, and so Home is just a concept he’ll never know 
His siblings tempt to sway him many times over the years - they feel so much like Home it hurts, but he’s not so selfish to risk it for them when he knows he already took it from their mother 
He’s seen his father in the photos the scientists don’t know he has, video logs that show a man that’s only been a horror story his whole life 
But what scares him is he sees himself 
He sees his eyes, the scowl when he’s angry, the cinch in his brow. He scowls at the image and sees his own face stare back. 
So yeah. He doesn’t have a home. He has siblings though, and that’s more than he deserves. So Spider is okay. Really, he is.
But then his Dad shows up 
Quaritch is everything he thought he’d be and…not. 
He’s angry. The man is full of hate and a need for revenge. He destroys the ground beneath his feet and spits on the life that’s surround them. He doesn’t know Ewya but he hates her none the less. 
But he’s protective. Possessive of what’s his (and yet another damn thing he got from his father) and it seems Spider is included in that
He hates it but a part of him feels protected - it’s safe in the that’s holding a poison blade is. He’s one slip up from hell 
But hell was bridgehead. It was the feeling of his deepest parts being pried out and displayed like the pages of a storybook 
No one cared as they saw some of his best and his darkest days. 
No one cared when the whips came out. When he bled so much he worried it was fatal 
No one cared when he starved, when the distant sound of wildlife made his stomach twist with need. 
Except Quaritch. 
Quaritch snuck him food, bandaged his back, and pulled him down. 
His hands may have delivered some of the blows or his lips produced the words to trigger nightmares but he cared. 
Love is complicated, but he knows his Dad loved him
He thinks he may have too 
Quaritch saw him. 
He didn’t know. He thought he did but he didn’t but he wanted to he knows he did - 
Then Neteyam almost dies. No one came for him. They left him, gave him up, except his brothers didn’t 
Neteyam and Lo’ak fought for him. 
They risked their lives when they had the chance to get away
Spider pieces his home together after that
Home finds him in the nights after when he rests with Kiri on his shoulder and Lo’ak’s hand loose in his grip. Tuk is curled into her mothers chest and Jake stands a silent guard at the door. Neteyam is flat on the bed of one of Ronal’s medical tents. His brother has been asleep for a few hours now with Norms assistance, but his family is too afraid to leave his side
He’s been awake the whole time. He hurts in ways he didn’t know he could until his capture but the warmth of his closest friends is too precious to loose right now. Still, he can’t sleep. Adrenaline is running under his skin and anxiety is inching up his throat. Jake is outside, safe and strong, but his tracker could lead the rest of the sky people here again, never mind Norms tempering, or his memories could have a clue, they had to be recorded, or - 
Jake lays a large hand on his shoulder. 
He jumps and a scared gasp escapes his throat before he processes the subtle differences. The thinner fingers, callouses Quaritch hasn’t had time to form yet, the gentleness. 
“You need to sleep, Kiddo.”
Spider shudders and bows his head. “I will, just…can’t. I’ll go lay down in a few hours. When they’re okay.”
He can practically hear Jake roll his eyes. “I’m here. You’re safe, they’re safe. You need to sleep, Son.” 
They both freeze, blood cold and eyes wide, as the silence envelops them.
Then, of course, Lo’ak snores and the moments gone. Jake laughs softly and suddenly exhaustion is pulling at his eyelids. A cushion slides behind him and a hand gently lowers him down. 
The pieces come faster after that.
He cries with Kiri for hours. Laments his father, spills everything he felt. She’s the first one he tells the truth too. She knows more than he thinks anyone else ever will 
He tells her Quaritch is alive. He tells her its all his fault.
She cries, yells, and then they just lay there. She tells him how scared she was of her mother. How lost she felt without him there. 
He looks at her as she cries and another puzzle piece slides into place
Lo’ak and Neteyam came together when they came back for him, but it doesn’t feel settled until later. 
They’re on their ilu with Spider behind Lo’ak as they race out to meet Payakan. He’s giant and beautiful and damn terrifying, but Lo’ak describes him as his soul brother. An extension of himself and a badass of a friend. They tell him how Payakan saved them. How he helped get Spider home
He’s scared and excited and now sure what to make of the beast, but then Lo’ak is leaving him on the ilu and falling into the water 
He rises on a fin the size of a small marui with a loud whoop that can’t help but make Spider laugh in astonished awe 
“Paya, meet my other brother, Spider.” Then a wave of water is splashing over him as Lo’ak laughs in a way he hasn’t heard since the forest 
His breath leaves his lungs as he laughs and laughs, happy for more reasons than one. Neteyam meets his gaze from across the surf and smiles then one quick nod. He holds his gaze and feels the warmth spread in his chest. 
“Team up?”
“Team up.”
Tuk has been his little sister since he held her in his arms for the first time. Neteyam snuck him over when they were barely into puberty and put a baby the size of his torso into his arms 
He remembers her being the most terrifying thing in the world. He was so sure she would be terrified of him, that he would make her cry as soon as she was in his arms and the other kids would realize he’s a monster 
But Tuk has always been Tuk and she just grinned and pulled his hair. Her Tswin fluttered with her affections and he knew he would do anything for her 
He had never seen her angry, truly angry, until she stumbled into him cleaning the cuts along his hips and back. The cloths on the floor are bloody and his skin is angry and mottled but he had been decent at hiding the level of it until now. Behind her, Neytiri stops in her tracks as she takes in his scars 
Tuk’s eyes fill with tears and then he has a bundle of 5’7” child in his arms 
Her eyes flash and she looks like her mother when she growls out; “What happened? They hurt you?” 
He stutters, not knowing what to say when Neytiri kneels down in front of him. She takes the ointment and the bandages in front of him, moves his arm from his side, and begins to apply. Her hands are shaking and he realizes he’s never seen her frazzled 
“You’re a child.” 
He looks up, Tuk now angrily crying in his arms while she cleans and gently bandages the wounds. “I..I know…look, I’m sorry Tuk saw, I-I didn’t think anyone was coming back for a while..” 
“You’re a child. Children are precious. I-I didn’t realize they…that…” She scowls down at the drying blood and puts the wrap down. She pulls him forward so he rests against her with Tuk snug between them. “I’m sorry, Spider. This will not happen again.” 
His face is red and words don’t seem to work but he manages a scared nod. “O-Okay?” 
She nods, decisive, and resumes her work. Then, lifts a dirty dread with a disgruntled finger. “These next. My children will not be seen looking uncared for.” 
And that’s that. He has a family, a home, and it’s all he ever wanted. 
He doesn’t think it could get better. 
Part two coming cause holy shit it's 2000 words
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mystar-girl57 · 1 year
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
Summary: widowed Jake sully x reader
Warnings: reader has Thalassophobia (phobia of oceans/deep and large bodies of water)
Notes: okay ngl i'm starting to love reader and I wanted to add that bit in with Jake and turning his kids into soldiers because I see people debating that so much. I personally believe he isn’t but I just wanted to add it for drama. Anway love you all so much! <33
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The next few days went by in a blur for you. As soon as you and Jake got inside your tent you had a family meeting announcing that you needed to leave High Camp. Unsurprisingly the children started to protest not wanting to leave their home. The forest is all they had ever known, the trees the animals, this was their sanctuary. You did not want to leave either, having such an attachment to this part of Pandora but you gently explained that it was for not only their safety but for the good of the clan. So after a few tears and comforting words everyone got to work packing.
When you arrived to tell Mo’at that you all were leaving she simply shook her head and mumbled something along the lines of “Ewya’s will”. Oh how you had come to hate that term “Ewya’s will”, anything that you did as of late was by Ewya’s will for better or worse and right now it had been primarily worse.
On the day that everything was packed and the Ikrans were ready to go the clan gathered at the Tree of Souls, your sacred spot to mourn the “death” of their dear Olo'eyktan and praise the rising of their new leader. You could not help but blink back tears as you looked up at the mighty tree, your direct connection to Ewya, your long lost family members, Neytiri. It had been since the last war against the Sky People that you visited here and now it was hitting you that you may never see the tree ever again.
Once Jake’s title had been passed onto the new leader of his choosing, the time to leave had come. The clan was split in two as you paraded down the middle in a quiet march, cries and wails from some of the members filled the atmosphere. You carried Tuk in your arms and Kiri stayed close to your side, her tail in her hands. You could feel the pain coming from both girls as Tuk sobbed into your neck. You kept your chin held high, willing yourself not to cry as you mounted Eylan and collected Tuk into your arms, wrapping the cloak around the both of you so you stayed warm.
You all looked back among the clan on final time before taking off into the sky.
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The journey was a brutal one. For several days and several nights you flew across Pandora. The further from the forest you flew the worse that the conditions got. Soon land was no more and to your horror all that you could see was water.
Jake singalled for everyone to land on a beach that was at the cusp of the water for a break. You subconsciously obeyed, sending Eylan into a dive to the sandy land below. When Eylan touched the ground you hardly noticed. Your eyes were instead focused on the endless stretch of water that lay in front of you. It was a dark blue and you knew that if you were to fall into it you would be consumed into its darkness. Just the thought of it made you sweat.
Luckily there was a tug on your arm and you snapped your attention away from the water and down to Tuk who was still in your arms. She had a frown on her face, her big yellow eyes filled with concern. “Is everything okay Mama?” She asked, having noticed your panicked look and your labored breathing (something you were not even aware that you were doing.)
You gave a nervous chuckle, showing the little girl a fanged smile. “No need to worry Tuk, I am alright.”
Tuk gave you a look that told you she did not believe you but she didn’t have time to question you as Jake called out to the group. “Sully’s meeting fall in.”
You set Tuk down onto the sand gently letting her run ahead before you as you dismounted Eylan. When you got to the huddle pile you took a knee beside Lo’ak.
“Where we are going,” Jake began, “is to a clan known as the Metkayina. They live on the reefs of the Eastern sea. They are a water village meaning they are polar opposites from what we are used to. Instead of having a forest floor to run on or trees to swing through they have water and beaches.”
You frowned, your ears folding a bit as you side eyed the dark ocean to the left of you.
“What do we do if they say we cannot stay?” Tuk asked looking up at her dad and the kids looked at each other. That was a factor you yourself had not thought of. The selfish part of you hoped that they would turn you away so that way you would not have to be around such bodies of liquid death but you knew that this was your only chance of survival.
“Then we’ll keep searching sweetheart,” Jake sighed pulling his youngest close, “We’ll keep searching.”
You noticed the tiredness in the former leader’s tone. He was just as scared as the rest of you. He could not promise you all that this would be your safe haven, that you would be welcomed with open arms. But at this point all you could do was try.
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The flight across the water was the worst part of the trip you had decided. As your mood worsened, so did the weather. Massive waves threatened to swallow you as you tried to maneuver around the sharp rock that seemed to rise out of the sea at the last moment. Tuk was nuzzled into your arms, her tail around your waist as she hid herself in your cloak. You felt her body shiver against yours and you pressed her closer to you, hoping to give her some warmth.
You looked on either side of you, Kiri and Lo’ak had their faces turned against the wind blinded by the sea spray and rain. Neteyam on the other land like his father was trying to keep his head held high, braving through the storm.
After a few more hours of flying in the inclement weather you came to the end of the storm front and the sun was shining down on you. The ocean below grew from a deep and deadly blue to be more shallow and transparent. But despite how innocent the water looked now you still knew how dangerous it was.
You felt a squirming and looked down to see Tuk popping her head up from under the cloak, her eyes still puffy with sleep. “Are we almost there?” She yawned. “I suppose we are.” You sighed seeing a village come into view.
As you drew closer you saw several na’vi out in the water. Most were swimming, fishing or collecting different sorts of supplies. What you noticed instantly though was how different they looked compared to you. They were a lighter, more green color than you, their features broader compared to yours. “They look funny mama.” Tuk whispered as you flew over the barrier and a horn blew. “Sh, manners Tuk.” You gently scolded while you followed Jake, landing on the edge of the beach.
Your arrival had drawn a crowd. Several of the Metkayina had come up to the beach, circling around you. You felt the tension rise in the air as you dismounted Eylan and helped Tuk down. “Stay close to me,” you whispered to the youngest Sully and she obliged, grabbing your tail.
Eyeing the clan members and the massive spears they carried you reached into your saddle bag for your barbed whip. Your eyes caught Jake’s and he shook his head, silently telling you not to bring it. You however gave the group another look and slipped it onto your loin cloth, letting it blend in as an accessory.
You watched as the crowd parted and a large Metkayinan man came up to you. He was taller than Jake, more muscular. His body bore several tattoos and from the way he was dressed you could easily see that he was a part of a higher power in the village. Then it dawned on you, this must be Tonowari. The Metkayina’s Olo'eyktan. You and Jake both gave him the sign of “I see you” and he did it to the two of you in return before pulling back to inspect you. The aura you got from him was not violent, he did not seem threatened by your presence, just concerned and confused.
He looked at each of you, making eye contact and when he came to you you did your best to not break it. The crowd parted one more and a woman came to his side. This was Ronal you figured, the Metkayina’s tsahìk. Unlike her husband she looked at you with nothing but distrust in her eyes. But you still gave her the motion of “I see you” just the same, not that she bothered to respond.
“Why do you come here.” Ronal demanded her words sharp. Jake took a breath and looked her in the eyes, trying to keep his tone calm, though he sounded almost meek. “We come seeking uturu.” His words earned a gasp among the clan. This request was rarely made throughout the Na’vi clans, it was always used as a last resort.
Ronal stepped into the small group that the you and the sully family had formed grabbing random parts of your body. She grabbed your tail then let it go and grabbed Kiri’s, making a comment about how it would be useless in the water. The teen girl let out a sound of pain as the woman squeezed her tail and you hissed. Ronal turned to look at you. She studied you and your body language with an unfazed demeanor. She noted how you were tense, holding Tuk behind you with your ears back and your teeth bared. Ronal was not the least bit intimidated and she continued on without a word. When she let go of Kiri’s tail the teen ran to you and stood behind you, Tuk holding onto her.
You watched Ronal’s movements with narrowed eyes. She went to Lo’ak and grabbed his hand. You knew what was about to happen. The tsahìk gasped in disgust before growling and holding his arm up so the clan could see his five fingered hand. “These children are not even true Na’vi!” She announced, “They have demon blood!” The clan broke out in murmurs, some even hissing, putting on a display of dominance trying to intimidate you.
Out of instinct you went to grab the weapon that was on your hip but Jake jumped in before anything happened. “Look! Look!” He waved his five fingered hand to Ronal, “I was born of the sky people but now I am na’vi. We can adapt.” He looked at the rest of you. “We will adapt.”
Ronal went back to her husband who was looking more unsure. “I have heard of your stories Toruk Makto and I know that your past is a violent one. We Metkayina are at peace. I am sorry but I cannot let you bring your war here,”
You let out a sigh feeling the rejection coming on as Tuk slipped from your grasp running to her father. Jake was beginning to feel desperate as he picked his daughter up. “No, no I am done with war I promise you.” He patted Tuk’s back, holding close to her. “I just want to keep my family safe.” Jake reached out and pulled you to him. “Please.”
This was a prime example of the displays that the two of you put on to appear as a doting couple. The hand that was currently settled on your hip meant nothing, you were just there to send the point home. To convince Tonowari and his mate to let you stay.
Tonorwari looked at you and Jake before looking down at his wife. They swapped looks, having a conversation that only the two of them could understand. Their blue gray eyes darting about searching the others. Finally Ronal shook her head, breaking eye contact. It seemed Tonowari had won.
“Everyone! We will bring the Sully family into our village. Treat them like they are your brothers and sisters. But remember, they will be like babies in the water, taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not have to suffer the feeling of uselessness.”
At his words Jake perked back up, his hand coming off your hip. The ploy the two of you had put on worked. But what you were most concerned about was what Tonowari had said. Babies in the water. You looked to the water once more, tuning out what the rest of what the Olo'eyktan was saying. You would have to get in the water one way or another.
“Come on Mama!” Tuk’s excited squeal cut into your thoughts as she grabbed your wrist. You helped take some of the heavier items from her arms leaving her with a woven basket and you proceeded to follow the family into the village.
The girl who was showing you to your new home as you walked across the bouncy bridge was named Tsireya, the daughter of Tonowari and Ronal. Tuk was having the time of her life as you walked through the village bouncing along the walkway in front of you. “Come on Tuk,” You gently urged as you fell behind.
When you walked into your new home, a marui pod you found it did not differ too much from your home back at High Camp. “Oh this is great,” Jake grinned walking while carrying his gun box, “oh this is perfect!” You on the other hand did not think that it was perfect as you noticed the water underneath you.
“Alright Sullys take a knee, family meeting.” Jake announced once everything was set down. “Look, I want you all to be on your best behavior, learn their ways, be kind, be respectful, remember it is a privilege for us to be here.” You knew that most of the speech was for Lo’ak with how Neteyam pinched his brother’s braid.
Tuk however did not enjoy the speech and a sob rumbled from her throat catching everyone’s attention. “I don’t want to stay here,” she cried, “I want to go home.” At her words your heart broke and you opened your arm to her and she instantly hugged you. Jake sighed softly, “I know sweetheart but, this is our home how,” he gently rubbed her hair the best he could from how she was situated against you. “We just have to make the best of it.”
Make the best of it indeed. You thought unsure of how you would be able to do that. You knew that this was Ewya getting at you for ignoring her, but if she wanted you to start listening to her she needed to let up on you and the family you looked after. You knew in your heart, in your gut that things could and would get much worse. You just hoped that when that time came you would be prepared.
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© 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫-𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬
🏷: @fanboyluvr @mashiromochi @newjeansbonnie @cleverzonkwombatsludge @atxara @jakesully-sbabygirl @ducks118 @ssc7514 @squidalapobre @anxietydrogz @myheartfollower @misscaller06 @itzyahgirllkita1
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
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The Sullys Sillys
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juliesbestfriend · 1 year
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Eytukan te Tskaha Kamun'itan - Olo'ekytan of the Omaticaya clan, mate of Mo'at, father to Neytiri and Sylwanin.
Mo'at - Tsahik of the Omaticaya clan, mother of Neytiri and Sylwanin, mate to Eytukan.
Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite - Tsakarem of the Omaticaya clan, mate of Jake Sully, mother of Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuktirey
Jake sully/Tsyeyk Suli - Olo'ekytan of the Omaticaya clan, mate of Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite, father of Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuktirey.
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan - Future Olo'ekytan for the Omaticaya clan, eldest brother to Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuktirey, son of Neytiri and Jake.
Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk’itan - Middle sibling to Neteyam, Kiri and Tuktirey, son of Neytiri and Jake.
Kiri te Suli Kìreysì'ite - Elder sister to Lo'ak and Tuktirey, adoptive child of Neytiri and Jake, biological mother is Grace Augustine
Tuktirey te Suli Neytiri'ite - Youngest child of Neytiri and Jake, youngest sibling to Neteyam, Lo'ak and Kiri.
Miles "Spider" Socorro - Spider is human and his father is Miles Quartich, he is an orphaned human going around with the Sully kids since they were young.
I just realized I did Mo'at so dirty LMAO
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skylarstark4826 · 4 months
I loved this beautiful fanart of Lo'ak and Neteyam holding their dad's mask to breathe in his human form. I don't know about you but I love to think that Lo'ak and Neteyam could have met their dad when he was still human but I would have liked to see them interact together
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By the way, this beautiful Avatar Fanart of theirs is not mine and the credits are not for me but unfortunately I can't leave you the link because it doesn't appear to me when I tried to put it
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marymary-diva17 · 9 months
One of us one of the people
sully family x human daughter reader
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You were unlike your siblings and parents as you had been born human and not navi like your siblings or gained an avatar body like your father. You had always felt out of place within your family and clan. You could not do what all your siblings and parents could do, constantly feeling left out as there always seemed to be family moments you missed out on. There were times when you were involved with family matters that brought a smile to your face, but there were times when you couldn't go due to some navi still having a dislike for humans, and you are clearly human. It was easy for you to understand the whole matter and enjoy helping from the sidelines as it allowed you to be included.
y/n" ......."It was a bright early morning, and you had gotten out of bed as you didn't want to be late you soon got dressed and grabbed your small mask. You soon walked outside of your shack running into Norm.
norm" Good morning, kiddo." Norm waved towards you as he made his way towards you. Norm had become you, your sibling's uncle, he was looking out for you When you were here.
y/n"Hello, Uncle Norm, it's good to see you are up and about," you gave Norm a smile, You soon noticed Norm was holding a sack in his hands. Norm had noticed you were looking at the sack in his hands.
norm" Hey, can you bring this to your father and Moat? They had asked for these things? It seems like your grandmother has been trying to understand the humans.more."
y/n " that amazing" norm could tell you were upset about something and he knew what made you upset, it was the lack of avatar body. norm was one of few adults you seek out for guidance, about matters you didn't fell like bring up to your parents. He knew all about your feelings and thoughts of the matter of your life here.
y/n" Sure, I can do that for you, Uncle Norm. Is there anything you wish for me to bring or pass on a message to my father or anyone else?" you had soon taken the sack, and soon from norm hands as you were getting ready to leave.
Norm"no that all for now"
Y/n " yes sir" Norm had give that reason as he pat your head, and soon enough you had taken off towards home tree. It kinda of sucked that you lived separate from your family, due to safety concerns for you but there were times when you could sleep over. After some walking you soon reach home tree where you were greeted by two warriors who were on portal.
warrior " Who goes there .... oh it you y/n sorry for the rude greeting" the warriors had their arrows target towards you but soon lower them, after seeing it was you.
y/n " it okay" the warriors had soon moved aside allow you to walk into the village, with the sack you were carrying in your hands. Soon enough you had walked heading towards the family home.
y/n" hey I'm home" you had soon reached the family home to hear your siblings talking, they all soon looked at you and smiled when seeing you.
Tuk" y/n you are finally here I missed you" tuk spoke cheerful towards you and soon ran towards you, dropping what she was doing to be with you.
Lo'ak " oh come on you saw her yesterday tuk it not like she been gone for weeks on ended" lo'ak speaking in a teasing tone toward tuk which got him a look from neteyam.
Y/n " hello tuk tuk and be nice Lo"
lo'ak " yes sis"
Kiri " hey sis come sit with me and have some breakfast"
Y/n " sure K I will love that" you soon walked into the home dropping the sack by the entrance but making sure it got in no one way. you soon sat down near kiri she gave you a soft smile.
Neteyem" hey baby sis"
y/n " hey teyem" you were looking at your sibling and saw they were wearing new clothes that seem to be match in color.
Y/n " oh when did you all get new clothes"
neteyam " mom made them for us don't you like them"
Y/n " oh I love them"
lo'ak " she made them saying it will make sure look like a family" you had felt upset about those words as your sibling look like a family, and you looked like an outsider.
??? " I'm going looking for her norm said she was supposed to be here" Jake and neytiri had entered the home soon seeing you there, they looked worried and soon relax when they saw you.
neytiri " hello ma daughter"
y/n " hey mom" Neytiri soon kissed your forehead making you smile she soon went back to the cooking fire.
Jake " you had be scared there for a bit sweetie" Jake was using his serious tone as he was speaking with you. That when you noticed both of your parents are wearing matching colors as well.
Jake " what were you kids talking about"
tuk " oh we were telling y/n about the matching color clothes mom made for us all"
y/n " yeah they are amazing" you felt a bit hurt that everyone had matching clothes expect you but you were trying your best, not to show your emotions that much to your parents.
y/n " oh dad that sack over there is for you and grandmother"
Jake " thank you" the family had ate their meal but you were not that talkative like usual worrying everyone. In the family as this was not your normal personality.
later that day
Lo'ak " dad said the gather will be happening here this year with all the clans"
y/n " oh dad never mentioned that to me"
lo'ak " oh maybe he was planning to tell you later"
y/n " yeah sure"
kiri " hey why don't we all going flying it will be fun
y/n " I think I will stay here dad rather me fly with either him or mom"
kiri " don't fear sis everything will work out soon"
neteyam " yeah we have to stay positive remember" everyone could agree with neteyam statement. You were still a bit upset as it seem like there were so many things going on and you were being left out of loop.
y/n " ......"
neteyem " why don't we get on with our group task it will be fun for us all and we can have some time with our sister"
Tuk " I want to help y/n" the group had laughed soon getting to work. The rest of the day your sibling were keeping you busy. later that night you had arrived back home. This day had been very eventful when you entered the home you saw your parents waiting there.
neytiri " welcome back children"
Jake " sit down all of you we are having a family meeting" everyone soon sat down, this family meeting seem to be very important. Jake soon cleared his throat.
Jake " As a family I have told you all we stick together right"
the kids " yes"
Jake " well I have started to notice that has failed"
neteyem " what do you mean dad"
Jake " y/n sweetie I and your mom had a meeting with norm and he told us everything"
y/n " everything"
neytiri " yes everything we all have noticed you haven't been the same and we see how you stay to the sidelines, we are sorry we made you feel alone but you are not alone"
y/n " I'm sorry I should of came to one of you when and spoke to you both"
Jake " it okay but I and your mom have been talking and we have some wonderful news"
y/n " what news"
neytiri " I had these clothing made for you but didn't have them ready this morning" Neytiri had passed you some clothes that were the same colors as your siblings, you and smiled brightly at her.
neytiri " you are my daughter and will always be my daughter"
y/n " thank you mom"
Jake " during the gather I want you by my side all of you, I want all my kids with me and meet everyone as all of you will represent the clan"
y/n " what about the other clan dad"
Jake " I will deal with them later but right now my daughter needs show herself to the other clans, as my daughter and one of the important members of the clan and family"
neytiri " your grandmother will be teaching you the healing ways with kiri she think you are perfect for it and ready"
kiri " yes"
y/n " thank you mom and dad thank you" you sounded very happy at the moment, knowing your fears were washing away now.
neytiri " you are one of us and one of the people" neytiri soon brought you into and hug and kissed your forehead making you smile. soon the rest of your family joined the hug making it a group hug. After that day many thing changed for you as you were now opening more nights at home with your family bring a smile to your face. Now you knew where you belong and your place in this world and it was with your family and clan.
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