hanitje · 8 months
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Christian Cage Obliterated Ric Flair Magnificently
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Remember that DVD set I found on eBay with old TDS and TCR episodes? I finally watched it!
Here's the packaging:
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The individual packaging is really nicely designed and made me so nostalgic for this era of Comedy Central:
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Each disc had two episodes of the show on them. I'm guessing these corresponded to their various Emmy submissions.
The episodes were from the 2005-2006 season, so no John, but delightful all the same. For starters, The Colbert Report disc has the first fucking episode of the show.
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The Daily Show will always have a very special place in my heart, but man, The Colbert Report was something else. The character was basically fully realized from jump street. I'm so glad I have this DVD.
The Daily Show was also fun to watch - the first episode was a pretty standard TDS episode (to the point where I don'treally recall what was covered), but the second one dealt with Dick Cheney shooting someone in the face and was much, much more memorable.
Jon was so young!
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In contrast, as my mom and partner both said totally independently of each other, Ed Helms has looked the same for about 20 years. (Paging @weirdlittleberry)
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I also think literally every correspondent but Rob Riggle wore this tan trenchcoat at some point during TDS' run with Jon Stewart.
In any case, this was a great bit of physical media to add to my small but growing TDS/TCR/LWT pile.
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adventurechristianity · 7 months
How Authentic Are You?
So then, putting away falsehood, let each of you speak the truth with your neighbor, for we are members of one another. Ephesians 4:25 It’s a good choice for the word of the year. “Authentic”. According to Merrian Webster, this is the word that best sums up what mattered most to people in 2023. This is the quality people were searching for. I wonder, did they find it? Our world has a big…
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feralchaton · 2 years
I did not come here to fix anything or anyone...
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...all I came here to do was love.
~Kerry Khan
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impuretale · 2 years
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I know a lot of people fall easily into conspiracy theories and even religions because we are culturally very tied into this thing about "revealing hidden truths" and feeling very fulfilled by it. We are programmed to feel more in control even if the "truth" being revealed is kind of batshit. Catch yourself when you do this because 1) everyone who has fallen into this has at some point become super obnoxious about it -- proselytizing is this exactly. and 2) Knowing the "truth" sometimes does not make things better. It doesn't make you a better person. It doesn't make you happier. When it comes to dealing with death or harm of a loved one, and how some people are quick to look for someone to blame even when there could be no one. "God planned this" also falls into looking for an answer or someone to blame. So does baselessly claiming "crisis actors" because there being liars there to convince you there was no horrible death feels less horrible than actual death going on, while we're on the subject of bad things things happening.
Get comfortable with the idea that this does not always help. In fact, it may make things worse. Having someone to blame gives you someone to be angry at, and maybe the high that you know and are spreading THE TRUTH, but a lot of times it's not gonna give you lasting peace even if you can act on it. In fact, it's just gonna make it harder to heal (and you may also be actively harming other people while doing it).
All this to say, I still miss my mother. I missed her when she died because, officially, the course of her disease took her, and I missed her still when I learned there was foul play involved. But now I miss her AND I am angry, all the time, and one does not cancel out the other. Anger is easier and is an easier emotion to have in front of other people (especially if you are a guy). Conspiracy theories are easier than accepting the truth that wild pulp novel cover-ups are oftentimes just that, because reality is often complicated and more nuanced than that.
But it might not be what is actually needed to get better. So ask yourself if pursuing some "truth" is something you are doing because it is making your world better (or because hiding it could harm somebody) or if you are chasing some heroic high that is just going to make you and the people around you more miserable and alienated in the end.
Sometimes knowing is worse. And sometimes the things you know are lies -- and not even comforting ones. Just the ones that validate what you want, when you need a little escapeism. And that's what tabletop, TV, video games, and writing are for. So log off and do that instead.
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mfb1949 · 2 months
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katzenjammerd · 9 months
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ceooftheshitshow · 10 months
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Double edged sword.
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plantpirating · 10 months
"The road to hell is paved with poor fact checking." -- Tyler Hyde from That's Spooky podcast
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tnlnyc · 11 months
Gen AI Doom Loop
Since the rise of ChatGPT, the tech industry has been obsessed with the power of generative AI. While coverage has focused on the impact of generative AI on creative work, little has been written about its long-term impact on itself. How AI works At their core, tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Llama are advanced auto-complete systems. Looking at what is being typed, the AI systems guesses…
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TRUTHINESS (truthiness is a real word honestly).
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Remember that DVD set I found on eBay with old TDS and TCR episodes? I finally watched it!
Here's the packaging:
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The individual packaging is really nicely designed and made me so nostalgic for this era of Comedy Central:
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Each disc had two episodes of the show on them. I'm guessing these corresponded to their various Emmy submissions.
The episodes were from the 2005-2006 season, so no John, but delightful all the same. For starters, The Colbert Report disc has the first fucking episode of the show.
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The Daily Show will always have a very special place in my heart, but man, The Colbert Report was something else. The character was basically fully realized from jump street. I'm so glad I have this DVD.
The Daily Show was also fun to watch - the first episode was a pretty standard TDS episode (to the point where I don'treally recall what was covered), but the second one dealt with Dick Cheney shooting someone in the face and was much, much more memorable.
Jon was so young!
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In contrast, as my mom and partner both said totally independently of each other, Ed Helms has looked the same for about 20 years. (Paging @weirdlittleberry)
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I also think literally every correspondent but Rob Riggle wore this tan trenchcoat at some point during TDS' run with Jon Stewart.
In any case, this was a great bit of physical media to add to my small but growing TDS/TCR/LWT pile.
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taylortruther · 3 months
truthies only but what's a taylor song that that you feel just describes you whether in lyrical content, sound, whatever... and why
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thedroloisms · 4 months
What’s really frustrating is seeing people say “Tommy should’ve known”/“How did Tommy NOT know about his behavior” and it’s just not something you say? Ever? It’s like asking Shelby how she didn’t see the warning signs. When you’re deep in it— when you’re THAT close to someone— you’re going to not see the red flags that someone on the outside might be able to see. Tommy’s an immature guy and he fucked over Dream, yes. However he’s probably reeling over the realization his “big brother” abused someone.
god, for sure. ive also seen people talk about how "if you saw him manipulating you and your friends why didn't you SAY ANYTHING!!!" and it's just ... i'm sorry uh. do you guys not. understand. like there's a power dynamic? there's a power dynamic here people. that's ,,, part of how manipulation in this manner works. like, i know people are saying this because they don't like the person in question, and while i'm not exactly their biggest fan either, being a shitty person doesn't prevent you from being a victim, and vice versa. like, just because you might not like this person or think that they're a shitty person bc of various reasons doesn't make victim blaming suddenly okay, you know.
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mfb1949 · 3 months
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