#Trevelyan siblings
mozzawind · 10 months
My Trevelyan Siblings!
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Roman Trevelyan- Class: Rogue, Age: 42, Sexuality: Bisexual - Eldest of the siblings, Roman is a scholar amongst the Inquisitions Ranks, He is currently involved in a very whirlwind romance with the Author Varric Tethras <3 Eleanor Trevelyan- Class: Mage, Age: 30, Sexuality: Bisexual - Youngest of the siblings, Eleanor is a healer in the Inquisition and is married to the Inquisitors commander, Cullen Rutherford
Some added context for the two of them <33 Ellie & Roman are half-siblings, their father being Lord Trevelyan, After the death of Roman's Mother, Lord Trev remarried Lady MacTavish, Ellie's mother. the two of them rarely interact due to Ellie being sent to the Circle at a relatively young age,
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wylldebee · 4 months
Bioware missed an opportunity by not having the inquisitor's family/clan/mercenary group make an appearance in Skyhold. It would have given a nice lull in world saving and expand on your Inquisitor's past a bit more. Like can you imagine your Inquisitor being woken up in the morning by Josephine rushing into your chambers to tell you your family/clan/mercenary group has basically invaded Skyhold within the small hours of the morning and are demanding/asking to see you? What would your inquisitor's reaction be?
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ffc1cb · 1 year
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kirkwallguy · 15 days
can i get your mary having Realizations. maybe at the day of her wedding?
omg TY for this prompt i love talking about mary but very rarely actually write about her. this stumped me for a little while because everything that happens at her wedding requires SOO much context that i had no idea how to start, and it felt ooc to just have cullen suddenly do something so terrible. so here's him and mary just kind of sucking in unique and strange ways. this takes place juust before the wedding when everyone is beginning to gather at the winter palace.
mild tw for vomit mention and templar ptsd-esque nightmares (???).
Mary awoke in Cullen's arms. Their bed at the Winter Palace was bigger and softer than any she'd ever slept in - she and Cullen gravitated towards the middle of the feather mattress together, leaving a large indent that would inevitably linger after they crawled out of it in the morning, waiting for their return later that evening.
Cullen never looked more like a Templar than when he was sleeping. It was strange - Mary had heard (and, she was ashamed to admit, read in Varric's romance novels) that people were supposed to look innocent in sleep. Haunted heroes became innocent boys, creased foreheads smoothed, racing thoughts slowed.
But Cullen's brow remained creased as he dreamed. He muttered to himself, kicked, scratched, growled like a dog. Sometimes, he frightened Mary. She'd cling to him in the dark, heart pounding, as he whispered cruel words at some imagined threat that taunted him behind his eyelids.
Were all Templars like this? Were there thousands of people all across Thedas just like her? People who lay awake with their palms flat against their lovers' sweaty backs, thanking the Maker that they weren't born a mage? Was she just unlucky? Or was this, as Hawke had darkly insinuated that final time they'd spoken, exactly what she deserved?
According to Varric's stories, Mary had a duty here. She was Cullen's reward at the end of a difficult road, a symbol of all he had lost and gained. She was supposed to comfort him, to soothe and fix his troubled soul - her arms designed to wrap around him like bandages, her kiss the perfect antivenom.
But on nights like this, when she pressed her lips to his twitching cheek, the taste of stale sweat always made her draw back with disgust.
One night early in their relationship, Cullen had drunk far too much and vomited all down himself. Shuddering and crying, he'd reached out for comfort. The smell of his breath, beer and vomit mingling together, had made Mary turn and run, leaving him alone on the floor in his own filth. The next morning, he'd kissed her chastely on the cheek at breakfast and his breath had smelled of peppermint.
It was easy to resent him for drinking like that. Many women resented their men for drink.
"Drink doesn't make men into beasts," her mother had whispered to her one night before bed, not loud enough to cover her father's heavy snores in the next room, "it just tells us which ones have beasts hiding inside them."
After that, she'd spent years of her childhood trying to see who did and didn't have a beast inside of them. She wasn't sure about her father - if he was a beast, he was nothing but an old bear, loud but too tired and lazy to do any harm. A few of the Chantry Mothers, the ones who would rap her on the knuckles when she giggled during the Chant, seemed to have dragons inside of them. The men who fought outside the taverns late at night were wolves, howling at the moon with their hackles up. And the girl in the portrait that hung above the fireplace in Mary's bedroom stared at her with the eyes of a songbird.
Cullen had something inside of him as well, but Mary wasn't sure if it was a beast. A beast, after all, could be killed.
As his dreams became more violent, so did his body. He writhed in her arms, as if a demon was taking over him. Mary held him tighter.
"She'll regret it," he muttered, "she'll be sorry soon."
Mary shuddered. Trying to distract herself, she traced the muscles in his back with a morbid fascination, feeling as they shifted and bulged unnaturally. If she'd been a healer, she might have understood how muscles worked - the violent snap and pull of them beneath her fingers might have been cause for gentle concern rather than a sensation that revolted her. But the inner workings of the human body were as good as witchcraft.
Cullen groaned, "kill it," he said, so loud that Mary squeezed her eyes shut and prayed that nobody else could hear, "kill it now!"
Whatever he was dreaming of terrified him. He cried out and twitched, kicking Mary hard enough in the shin that she yelped and pushed him away roughly enough to wake him up.
Cullen's eyes flew open. He stared directly at Mary, panting.
"Oh, thank the Maker," he whispered.
Mary stared back at him, keeping her eyes half closed as if she'd just woken up, "hmm?"
He looked like was going to cry. To Mary's horror, his trembling lips embarrassed her; she edged away from him a little, hoping he wouldn't notice.
"I was dreaming," Cullen said, "it was just a dream. A terrible dream."
Mary didn't respond. This was exactly how this scene played out in every single one of Varric's stories. She swallowed her disgust and reached out to brush Cullen's hair from his sweaty forehead, almost gagging as her fingers met his wet skin.
"Just a nightmare." She agreed, hoping Cullen didn't notice how flat her voice was.
Cullen, Maker help him, closed his eyes at Mary's touch. He lay there and shook as she stroked his hair, tense shoulders beginning to relax. That innocence he lacked in sleep was plain on his face now - he looked like someone Mary had never met before, someone she wasn't sure she would ever meet again.
"What was the dream about?" She tried.
Opening his eyes, Cullen stared at her for a long moment. His gaze passed over her face, lingering on each detail for so long that she almost found herself blushing.
Only when Mary was sure that he'd forgotten she'd asked him a question did he answer her:
"You." He said.
It should have been a shock, should have made her blood freeze, but in that moment his answer seemed like the most logical thing in the world.
Mary continued to stroke his hair, "what happened to me?"
"You were possessed," Cullen closed his eyes again, sleepy, "an abomination."
"Did you kill me?"
He was halfway back asleep now. He leaned in closer and wrapped an arm around Mary's waist, "I did," he whispered, "I killed it."
And then he stuck his face into Mary's neck, his hair brushing her collarbone, and fell straight back asleep.
Mary didn't sleep again. She stayed awake, palms against Cullen's sweaty back, and thanked the Maker that she wasn't born a mage until the sun was high in the sky.
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vigilskeep · 1 year
Have you ever thought about doing a run of inquisition where instead of arthur trevelyan surviving the conclave it was his sister?
haven’t thought it through in detail but since they were both there it’s the obvious au isn’t it! man. evelyn as inquisitor. dark fucking days for thedas. actually, i don’t know, maybe she could character arc her way out. but equally maybe not. she does suck, it has to be said
(i recognise that evelyn is the default name for f!trevelyan lmao i gave two of arthur’s siblings the default trev names. sorry for the slander to anyone’s evelyns who do not suck)
evelyn is straight up a templar, to be clear. i can only imagine her making templar as hell choices. she would definitely believe she was the herald of andraste and declare the inquisition in the name of faith and whatnot. she’s Like That. on the other hand... she did love her brother once. she does love her brother still, right up until the end, even if she couldn’t admit it anymore. i can’t decide if arthur dying at the conclave would shake her enough to make her rethink her life choices or if the grief she doesn’t want to admit would just make her double down. oh god i just remembered arthur’s little girl. okay the baby (still undecided on name sorry) losing her adopted dad too would be so so bad but evelyn suddenly having to become thedas’ most grudging mage rights activist because if anything happens to her niece she just found out existed she’ll kill everyone in this continent and then herself WOULD be the funniest timeline
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shannaraisles · 2 years
Uncommon Words Prompt List
You know the drill - send a number and a character, ‘ship, or combination of characters, as indicated by the tags, for a prompt fill!
Nemophilist (n) - one who is fond of the forest; one who haunts the woods
Numinous (adj) - the sensation of being overwhelmed and inspired, typically a spiritual experience
Talisman (n) - object believed to bring good luck or protection
Ingenue (v) - a young woman considered naive and/or innocent
Weltschmerz (n) - feeling as though the sadness of the world is reflected in yourself
Mudita (n) - taking delight in the happiness of others
Vellichor (n) - the strange wistfulness of used book shops
Schwellenangst (n) - the fear of crossing a threshold to something new (literal or figurative)
Timorous (adj) - scared, fearful, or shy
Accismus (n) - the act of masking desire with disinterest
Fuscous (adj) - of a dark or sombre colour
Eleutheromania (n) - an intense and irresistible desire for freedom
Drapetomania (n) - the strong desire to run away
Monachopsis (n) - the subtle persistent feeling of being out of place
Exculpate (v) - to clear of guilt or fault
Balter (v) - to dance without skill but with enjoyment
Sonder (n) - the realisation that those around you also live complex and vivid lives
Paucity (n) - a lack or scarcity
Fractious (adv) - bad-tempered, difficult to control
Riparian (adj) - next to or near a river or wetland
Abendrot (adj) - the red of an evening sky as the sun sets
Uhtceare (n) - the anxiety you feel when you wake up unexpectedly just before dawn
Serendipity (n) - to find something good without looking for it
Nyctophilia (n) - a love of the night and darkness
Diaphanous (v) - delicate, light, translucent
Apricate (v) - to bask in sunshine in winter
Brumous (adj) - of grey skies and winter days, filled with heavy clouds or fog
Tintinnabulation (n) - the ringing or tinkling of bells
Lionise (v) - to treat someone as a hero
Agastopia (n) - the act of admiring a specific part of someone’s body
Abidtory (n) - a place into which you can disappear
Pyrrhic (adj) - a victory that comes at too high a cost
Fernweh (n) - a longing to be somewhere else, a place that can be real or fictional
Torschlusspanik (n) - the feeling that time is running out to complete a task or accomplishment
Apprivoise (adj) - to get to know someone through small moments
Sonrisa (n) - a smile
Whiffle (v) - the sound a sword makes as it is flourished through the air, usually in sword dancing
Pot-valor (n) - the courage that comes from drinking alcohol
Astrophile (n) - someone who loves the stars
Camanhaich (n) - early morning or twilight, the half-light at the beginning or end of the day
Gumusservi (n) - moonlight shining on water
Snuggery (n) - a small room filled with comfortable things, usually cushions or pillows
Susurrous (n) - soft sound, such as buzzing or humming
Redamancy (n) - the act of loving someone who loves you back
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doriansbutt · 4 months
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guess what I started playing again….his name’s Goldwyn
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codemonki · 1 year
I love my Trevalyn Rogue Baron. Or should I say "Trevelyan". This man is sooo goofy, he goes to the like conclave as a merchant trying to sell his totally "legit" wares only to like stumble upon Corypheus doing what he's doing to the divine. AND THEN just because he looks like he could be from the family Trevelyan (who in my world is a very politically driven family) everyone assumes he is and he just. Goes with it. He grifts his way into the family standing. And because he is the inquisitor no one questions it. (However in my main world state he is on his way to the conclave and misses it blowing up and joins the inquisition as a spy and occasional merchant.) He is a rogue with a sister whom he grifts with. His sister also being an apostate who has an arcane rogue thing going on. Baron serves as the manipulator and his sister serves as the thief. I love both of them. I need to draw Baron interacting with Vaelin my main inquisitor because he's sooo slimy.
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cobaltash · 2 years
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The Heroes of Thedas
Jethro Hawke ~ Ko Mahariel ~ Altair Trebelyan
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a-pirate · 2 years
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oopsallmabari · 9 months
oh man id love to hear more about Jim!! how is he involved in da3??? what’s the history with arya… 👀
oooooh tysm for the question! tbh i'm still trying to figure quite a bit of this out lol
to start with the easier question first, his history with arya. jim is one of the older cousins-a yearish older than eric (eldest of the main trevelyans), so there's a 13 year age gap between jim and arya! there's not any particular animosity between the two of them but they didn't get as close as they could have as kids because of the age difference AND because jim and her brothers did NOT get along. arya had a lot of loyalty to eric as a wee child, so as time went on she stopped actively seeking jim out to play/hang out (mainly because eric would pull her away a la 'you don't need to hang out with that unruly unkempt thing we call a family member'). and jim wasn't interested enough to press it since she doesn't exactly like her family. they definitely had a quiet alliance at larger events, though--malik and eric thrived in large social gatherings where arya and jim didn't, so jim tried to make them more enjoyable for her.
jim is in her early twenties when she hears about arya getting taken to the circle--at that point jim is still in the noble life but is chafing at it a lot, so he's one of the most sympathetic to her when the rest of the trevelyans try to erase her presence in the family entirely. he's not unsympathetic to mages, but it's moreso that he hates the strictures that the chantry imposes on life (especially since jim's supposed to be committed to chantry service but is fighting it tooth and nail). she sends a very brief letter, once, to the effect of 'hang in there, kid', and shortly after leaves the trevelyans behind and takes to the seas.
as for how he fits in to DA3: i doooont know for sure yet, and part of that is because i can't decide what worldstate he's in! i think he could get more involved in my cadash or my adaar's inquisition (since they're a little less rules and honor-bound). also, if i make jim a significant part of arya's dai story i will have to write her into my longfic which has enough family complications lmaooo.
i think i'll go with this: in arya's worldstate jim hears that his little cousin is the herald of andraste, says 'huh good for her' and stays far away from the inquisition itself. happens to be in the storm coast looking for easy work post her crew's mutiny while trying to stay the fuck away from the blades of hessarian, encounters arya a couple times and there's a nice little 'glad to see things are better for both of us, kind of' moment, and arya says he's welcome to a room in skyhold if ever he needs a place to lie low. he does briefly encounter cassandra and send her into a confused gay panic but nothing else happens.
in rhea or ikenna's worldstate i think that jim becomes a semi-companion. he's still fucking around in the storm coast to start but is more inclined to ingratiate himself to inquisitors that are so clearly opposed to the chantry's ideals and ideology (arya's not a fan of the chantry and ya she's a mage but she's more andrastian that not. not the case for rhea or ikenna). jim, with no crew, no money, and no prospects says 'hey i'm really fucking good at killing things and am not particularly liquid at the moment, you should hire me' and rhea/ikenna are like 'hell yeah cmon'. cue every single interaction between cassandra and jim being deeply homoerotically charged and kind of antagonistic (jim and cass respect each other as warriors and hot ppl but cass is horrified by jim's general audacity and jim LOVES to fuck with the uptight devout hand of the divine). they are both meant for each other and also the absolute worst for each other <3
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houseaeducan · 1 year
It occurred to me that a Champion of Kirkwall AU!Lyra would be an Anders rivalmancer and for the past few weeks I just go about my life until I remember that and take another drastic hit of psychic damage
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transprincecaspian · 11 months
Hello! :3
May I ask 👩‍👧‍👧 and 🌟 for Varamund?
👩‍👧‍👧 = Does your muse have any siblings? Do they wish they had more/any?
Yes indeed! Veremund is the third eldest of four daughters, of which he is the oldest son. (That is to say, he's the second youngest). His two elder sisters are married and devout Chantry worshipers, but his younger sister is already starting to lean towards the Templars. He is quite content with arguing just these three, no more please!
🌟 = Who is your muse’s favorite family member, why?
I'll give Veremund two: his father and his eldest sister. They're the ones who have wholeheartedly supported his transition. The others... not so much.
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inquisimer · 1 year
Acacia comes to Haven for her brother’s ashes, but instead finds that she is not the only Trevelyan who has cheated death.
Who knows me as you do? You have been there since before my first breath You have seen me when no other would recognize my face You composed the cadence of my heart
Trials 1:11 
rating/word count/tags under the cut
Words: 3196
Rating: G, no archive warnings apply
Categories: Gen/Platonic
Fandoms: Dragon Age Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games)
Relationships: Female Trevelyan & Male Trevelyan
Characters: Acacia Trevelyan, Andrew Trevelyan, DA:I Advisors, Cassandra Pentaghast
Tags: Brother-Sister Relationships, Canon Compliant, Reunions, Fluff and Humor, Nobility and Politics, Family Secrets, Mage Inquisitor, Female Trevelyan is Not the Inquisitor, Rogue Trevelyan, Protective Older Brothers, The Trevelyans Are Bad Parents, Chantry Issues, Scandalized Josephine Montilyet
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kirkwallguy · 4 months
my extensive trevelyan lore is becoming a problem at this point im more interested in that than the plot of inquisition
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vigilskeep · 1 year
how have i never drawn templar armour before
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