#Travis loves lore y'all
every time Travis talks lore or writing backstory, I laugh bc I remember some people have insisted for years and some still insist that Travis doesn't give a shit about the lore or about narrative
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nochi-quinn · 10 months
campaign 3 episode 68: I'm not making the 'nice' joke about next episode bc last time I did that someone died
okay let's see if I can get through this one without having a panic attack ten minutes in
(that's why there wasn't a liveblog last week)
I was making a sandwich during sam's ad and came back to Suddenly Bear
and then I saw "Baldur's Gate 3" in the subs and it all made sense
"that is your wife" which wife, laura, marisha or liam?
a teensy weensy little demon pact
oh, we have that autobots shirt sam's wearing
kiddo wears it to school for jersey days :D
throw it in the hole
talking weapons: not even once
ashley what
per spoilers in the group chat, Sword Bad
that thing is twice his size isn't it
ashton has the brain cell
"I don't care about you" letters
King of Fuckingwhere
travis' face
but who's on the council
ashton: please hold
grizzly man
ashton is the best narrator in this moment
yeah yeah hell yeah
fcg in his mind palace
matt doing the mass effect codex voice
prince fruitoftheloom
s a m u e l
both of you
fresh cut "I can fix him" grass
fcg: the vibes are rancid
nigerian demon prince
"you can eat my ass, this is my card right now"
king butterknife
oh hell
hate THAT
"he barely listens to us"
liam :(
how fuckin old is ludinis
kiki :(
keyleth pace urself
I love that cloak so fucking much
the Hand of the Tempest does sound really fucking cool
liam you can't make me cry that's illegal
everybody hates the raven queen but keyleth especially hates the raven queen
(okay they don't all HATE the raven queen, I'm just saying)
liam: that winged man, that beautiful angel, that absolute specimen of masculinity -
matthew so help me god not the tr - I HATE YOU
"those who call themselves gods" dang
it must be nice, it must be nice, to have asmodeus on your side
but no dogs. no dogs on the moon.
they just run right off the damn thing
just do dark moon magic in the room of the head of state who just recovered from an assassination attempt, nbd
until her what now
travis and marisha
"I've got wind chimes where my name should be"
"fuck off, ghost!"
oh y'all were gonna get blood fountain'd
vox machina road trip
"there was an accident and here I am"
ashton lore ashtON LORE
travis: that was me! :D
oh we got chair perch
"vast and frightening"
the key is to stop trying to apply logic to your friends
I'm assuming this is the blight tree from - IT IS THE BLIGHT TREE
"the enemy of my enemy is a dick"
marisha: you KNOW what I'm saying, just TELL ME
"all our allies are dead or doin' stuff"
what IS dorian doing. give me my boy back.
liam and his tea
keyleth's BEEN elementals. several of them!
"how are we gonna make fun of that name, it's too hard to pronounce"
oh kiki :(
stop saying entities
quick go find milo
cut ludinis off at the root
highlander the bitch
"you battled an earth titan" "I mean TECHNICALLY"
delilah alarm weewooweewoo
fearne would be a choice chaos deity
milo-joe dream team
"don't tell him I said that"
"he is a brilliant mind with specific limitations"
"I can feel my heart rate rising!" and then he went into cardiac arrest
I fully recognize ashton's tone re: fcg trying to contact dancer, that is a parent's "redirecting a child away from an inappropriate choice" tone
I feel like it's dancer tbh
it's time to d-d-d-d-duel
"oh changebringer, what the FUCK does that mean"
it IS dancer
"the changebringer…..sucks"
listen, I remember some of those vm planning sessions, this is high strategery
marisha: leave me aLONE
you're gonna carry that weight
oh no I'm gonna cry again
oh shut the fuck up
just put me in the fucking ground
can laudna get a tattoo? would the skin just kind of. fall off?
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just-lndifference · 3 months
I'm convinced this year is just a dream or simulation or something because generally what the fuck is happening.
someone I looked up to for 5 years that I originally named myself after turned out to be an abuser and wrote the most chat gbt ass ""apology"" and only cares that shubble was brave enough to speak out. (SUPPORT VICTIMS)
taylor swift announced her 5th album in 5 years (not including re records) WHILE WINNING A GRAMMY. and then being the amazing woman she is became the first person in history to win aoty 4 times.
twenty one pilots not only announced a new album, but is open with the lore and released a single that is one of the best songs they've ever made. when clancy drops this whole fandom is cooked.
this is the first time I've genuinely been terrified because of an election. if trump wins I genuinely don't think I'll be safe in this country because of project 2025. I'm a bisexual nonbinary person, I will never have a chance to get gender affirming health care and will lose the right to get married. and that's just the stuff that will happen to me! I can't imagine how scared people that are in more affected groups then me feel if I'm this scared. I know he's a horrible option but if your seeing this and old enough to vote in america PLEASE vote for biden. independents just don't have a chance, yes he funds a genocide but trump will too, and hell do much worse things. as a minor I'm literally begging y'all to think of everyone who isn't old enough to vote yet.
erm this is very unserious compared to the last part of my rant but I like lana del rey now!! 😭 obviously not her as a person (free palestine) but her music. and this is a major unseen development I've aggressively trashed lana and her fans since midnights came out bc of snow on the beach (turns out that it's just a really shit song 🙏). idk shout out to the person who made me feel obligated to listen to born to die (album)
also my henry danger hyperfixation from when I was 10 just decided to resurface?? like yes I had it for like 4 years BUT WHY IS IT BACK HELLO??? idk but ray is like super hot now that I'm older and I really want to date his goofy ass 😭😭 I remember not liking him much for some reason but like.. he's just a silly little guy.. babygirl if you will.. just a little rat boy..
I accidentally convinced 2 people to read the forest fic (neither were clikkies and I just met one of them). I don't think anything more needs to be said I made 2 full grown adults cry over a band they've never listened too 😭🙏
on that note joshler is big on twitter again but it's widely accepted?? idk what happened there but a good chunk of the art on my tl is clancy x torchbearer and I honestly don't mind.
jason kelce retired. in my family it's a thing to hate the eagles but holy shit I cried so much. the edits literally fucking destroyed me. I had no idea how much of an amazing person he was until taylor started dating travis and I wish I had more time to be a fan of this wonderful man while he was still on the field. he's so goofy and always made me laugh, I genuinely love the guy now.
the chiefs once again won the superbowl, I was honestly terrified the whole time and cried a few times that was the most stressful game of my life. I'm so fr I tried to get a rep tv announcement date from the disney plus commercial, taylor immediately being shown when the game came back on with a chiefs jacket that magically appeared out of nowhere that had a number that wasn't a player I lost my shit 💀
I could go on for hours, and it's only March. genuinely so much shit has happened and I'm not ready for more.
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loquaciousquark · 1 year
4-Sided Dive Highlights - Critical Role C3 up to E52 (Mar. 22, 2023)
I will catch up with these if it kills me. No fluff tonight, only hard-hitting facts! Tonight's guests: Liam, Marisha, Taliesin, and Ashley. We open with a recap from the previous episode where the broom was murdered while the lights were out. A montage shows us all the times we featured Broomy on the show. Rest in peace, bristles. The rest of the opening is an in media res discussion about pickles and a Kentucky vodka/Koolaid/pickle juice horror. Ashley wins host and the script lampshades the irregular show schedule along with the chaos of the show at this point. Broomy gets a moment of silence and we are introduced to his replacement, Moppo.
What the Fuck is Up With That? We start with a discussion of creating Nana Morri. Ashley reminds us that the birdhouse her mom made (which looked like a hag hut) was a big inspiration for the character. The double-face situation and the ET neck were all Matt. Ashley did know she had two heads before everyone else; she sent him a whole doc of ideas at the start (tree house, creepy Swiss Family Robinson, Fearne's menagerie, beauty from a distance but creepy up close), and Matt came back and extrapolated upon it. Ashley loves the idea of all Fearne's wildshape animals being misfit idiots all the way down.
How did everyone feel about the Fey Realm? Orym was sad they had to leave so soon. Ashton loved the rule of chaos. Laudna loved Grandma and how creepy everyone was; Marisha loved the idea of having two heads to take over the work. (I haven't fully caught up in my show watch and I miss Laudna so much!)
Everyone thinks the break-in with the portable hole usage was fantastic. Everyone wants to know about the Fey creature riding the dragon.
Dani sometimes sends them lore updates during games: "y'all, that item is literally sitting on the table in front of you, that just happened an hour ago." Neat!
How did the Apogee Solstice go? Marisha: "medium." Matt said they went right down the middle, could have gone better and could have gone way worse. Ashley felt completely paralyzed by indecision; Marisha was proud she stuck to destroying the power sources. They wish they could have done more with their previous campaign characters.
Marisha felt like she was in a fugue state when Beau showed up; Liam was devastated he couldn't roll better. Ashley was really struggling against her personal desire to get them out of chains ASAP. Liam loved the "sweet sweet irony of Caleb being collared y Aeor tech." He was really excited about the idea of destroying Otohan's backback, frustrated in the moment with his rolls, and then on review still felt like he'd made the right decision pursuing that for his character.
Marisha was convinced she was going to watch at least one of her characters die. Liam short-circuited and couldn't talk for half an hour after the episode, and almost everyone (except Sam & Travis) couldn't sleep that night.
Liam had completely closed the door on Vax in his head. He never expected to see him again after the wedding. To have him show up now both flabbergasted Liam and blew him away with the recontextualized attack on Keyleth in Orym's backstory. Both Marisha & Liam kept looking back and seeing seeds that Vax might show up later having been planted very early in the story. "It's not the first time Keyleth's been attacked. Fuck!"
Would they be okay if either of their characters are dead? Yes, they trust Matt. Marisha would prefer Keyleth to die over Beau; Beau has more to do, and Keyleth's biggest fear was always "being the last leaf on the tree."
Liam always felt that VM was a complete, closed story, while M9 was more a chapter in those characters' lives. He feels they're often going to come together over the years.
Ashley felt she was too timid in the Apogee attack. She wishes she could take a second shot at it. Marisha was mentally tracking Keyleth's HP for the whole fight and panicked when she realized how close she was to death.
Liam loves the challenge of taking the straight man role (similar to Keyleth in C1), except EVERYONE is Grog. Everyone thinks Deanna and FRIDA will be a calming influence.
Ashley loves Aabria's range and ability to jump from comedic to serious on a dime. Christian is incredible and brings energy to the table.
Liam is jealous he doesn't get to play with them. Marisha laughs that every time she sits back and just watches the show, she's like, "damn, this is good." She never realized how much Travis has been emoting this season since she sits next to them. Ashley loves watching people perform and be at the top of their game.
The Tower of Inquiry! What has been your favorite scene not involving your character? Ash: Laudna & Imogen & the breaking rock. Tal: Chetney getting dark with the shopkeeper. Liam: Fearne & Chet sexual tension scene. Marisha: Chetney calling bullshit on Delilah, Fearne as a quokka.
Liam pulls again: What surprises have you discovered about your character? Tal: what punk in Exandria means for Ashton: "life's not fair, and you either believe that it's not fair because life is chaos or you believe life's not fair because there's a bunch of interventionist assholes above you who have decided that you don't get to be a winner. Is is it a world where there are winners and losers, or is it in a world where there are interventionist gods?"
Both Ashley & Marisha love Laudna's relationship with Ashton. Ashton brings up parallels Laudna wants to deny: "she really wanted to be past this." "Right! It's--how fucking dare you be past this? How dare you!" "Exactly!" Ashton chooses not to believe Laudna is past it, because otherwise that means it's a thing you can get past, which means Ashton is wrong, which is impossible. "It's amazing the way [Ashton] is obviously projecting."
Liam goes to Zephra a lot in his mind palace. He never expected how much he was going to think about Orym's dead family and wondering if they would meet again. He has synthetic memories of interactions of Orym and Will, Orym's mother...
Tal has enormous portions of Whitestone fastidiously mapped out in his head: he knows the library, the gardens, the clock tower, and the ruins to the east. He can walk there and back in his mind's eye.
Ashley has learned that she really enjoys making everyone else cringe, ahaha. She loves when she can feel Laura looking over in concern. Everyone LOVED her stealing Ira's spyglass. Everyone lists off Travis's tics that tell Ashley she's on the verge of going too far.
Character's daily routines? Every night, Laudna gets out her little house and tucks in the dolls and puts them to bed properly. "Pate has to die every night." Everyone adores Pate peeling his ribs open. Ashton's routine is medicinal chronic pain management and deciding every night whether he's going to get drunker or get angry tonight. Both Dani & Tal talk a little about their personal struggles with chronic pain and enjoying seeing Ashton learn to deal with it.
Favorite spell or class feature? Laudna: Form of Dread. Fearne: Sleight of Hand.
The Deep Dive! Orym feels completely played as regards Keyleth & the Apogee. Everyone agrees there were lots of failsafes to make sure Keyleth showed up even if he hadn't reached out.
Ashley is very curious to see how magic has been affected by the solstice, but she's more panicking that Orym is gone and she's off the leash (ha!).
Laudna will always be there to validate Imogen's feelings; it's okay to have these thoughts and questions about what if the Ruby Vanguard is right, examining whether the relationship with the gods is healthy or cyclical abuse. However, "we can all sit here and do a nice big thought experiment about what the world would be like without gods, but that thought experiment doesn't necessarily include all of the consequences of the Ruby Vanguard's plan...which is a world without gods, not necessarily a bad thing. Unleashing a god-eating-elder-old-one-type being, maybe a bad idea. Worse." Liam talks about how these people killed a bunch of people precious to him. Dani reminds us that the god haters killed Laudna and a god-lover (Pike) brought her back. "You can't deny the existence of the gods. All you can do is be really resentful of them." They're manipulative if you choose to take the cynical point of view; Caduceus, for example, takes the complete opposite viewpoint. Taliesin had to sit down and build a discrete theology for Clay.
Whenever Marisha and Taliesin's characters have conversations in game, she always thinks of things she wishes she'd said or phrased differently. Ashton really struggled with watching Laudna go through what he did, except with the support of so many friends. "Oh, fuck you!" It's an unhealthy, jealous anger. Liam loves the jealousies, the petty faults. Ashton probably does know abandonment more than anyone else in the party, but both Marisha & Laudna were affronted at his claim that he knew loneliness better than her.
Orym is worried about Dorian & everything going on in Tal'Dorei.
Fearne is terrified of Ludinus. Seeing what he did to Sumal put a lot of fear into her, which was a new experience for her.
For about five minutes, both Liam & Marisha had all three characters sharing a map. Laura had said something about how Marisha's characters keep showing up: "Well, I habitually keep making characters that have an issue not working and just won't retire, so they just keep doing things, and maybe that speaks more about me than it does anybody else! Everyone else lets their characters rest and go to sleep, and I don't! I don't know why I'm like this!" It felt personal, but also representative of eight years of work building up the company and the world and the family. It hit everyone very hard and made them emotional.
Ashton is conscious that their abilities are a metaphor. Ashton does not know how his abilities work, but if he doesn't understand them, then neither does your enemy. He counts on being unpredictable. He's scared to death that he cares about Laudna.
Liam: "the three strange witches, their three bodyguards, and a robot." Orym would killed the halfling who surrendered but would have regretted it. Ashton took the locket because he believed this was not a dad who had something to lose; this was a dad who had lost something. "This was not an orphan being made." Ashton does not feel good about it, but there's no second guessing.
Ira is a regular old schmo to Fearne, which is a word I've never written in my life. Laudna is very taken by his confidence.
Laudna HATES not knowing where Laudna is. She loves having Pate with her all the time. If Imogen had been there during the dreams, she would have just held her hands.
Tal: FCG thinks he's dangerous because he's going to turn on everyone. Actually, FCG is dangerous because he's going to keep running headfirst into danger and everyone else is going to try to save them. "It's a monstrously selfish robot." How will FCG deal with someone eventually getting hurt in their defense? That they keep volunteering themselves for dangerous/painful tasks is a selfish sort of martyrdom.
One day with your character? Orym: gym, ballet. Ashton: concert. Laudna: taxidermy class. Fearne: Disneyland.
What would your room in Caleb's tower look like? Fearne's room would just be her own room but more expanded. Ashton: a mid 90s 16-yo kid's room. Caleb would have everyone's rooms connected. Marisha: Children's Museum in St. Louis.
What moments made you really feel you were in Exandria? Tal: the trudge through the snow with Lucien. That was the most he ever felt like Clay. Liam: going to Rexxentrum with the rain and griffin riders and arriving at the church and shattering the stained glass windows. Marisha: the jungle backstory conversation with Liam with the lighting cues and projections and the fireflies and the rain; having everything green and lush in her head really cemented the moment. Ash: descending on Aeor and realizing how old everything was. Liam: the Matron arriving on the steps at the end of C1. Taliesin: "I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday and I remember every fucking moment of that day."
Favorite movie genre? Laudna: regency romance. Orym: Crouching Tiger, Errol Flynn. Fearne: soap operas. Ash: documentaries.
Post-Break Shenanigans: "Moving Out" on the Switch. I love silly little games like this and yet this one doesn't scratch the itch at all!
Orym understands Imogen's waffling about the Ruby Vanguard; he knows she wants a relationship with her mother. "It's a simple solution to a pretty complicated problem, though."
Ashton thinks Jiana Hexum is what he deserves. "I know a supervillain" is what he has to offer the group.
Fearne loved that Nana Morri came to her rescue, but just doesn't want her to get hurt.
Laudna loved the Fey Realm. She wishes they could have spent more time there. Liam wants the beating-heart topiary collection. Tal wants a mug.
Tal will drip out what happened with the kenku over the next five years. Ha! There's so much crosstalk; even with captions, this is awful, haha.
Fearne knows her position with the Ruidusborn means she might have been used as part of this plot. She's not excited about it, but it's such a complex problem that she's going to wait and see what happens. Fearne would be the least helpful in a move.
Laudna both misses Pate and his ability to heal her to full hit points. Everyone marvels at Matt's ability to rhyme off the cuff.
Orym is marvelling that the Wildmother finds him important enough to give him a sword. "I'm a real boy!"
The post-credits scene has an evil voiceover telling Ashley that she has no idea what's coming. Ominous!
ONE DOWN, TWO TO GO. Let's ride this train until the wheels come off!
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
Again I'm so late to this tag train but I'M HERE NOW
Ty for the mentions everyone! alot of em got lost in my feed but ily. if you said I was your fave writer because of my hcs just know I DID cry about it. Y'all are adorable. I can't write for shit. I use "like" as a conjuntion. But I love you.
Favourite and least favourite counselor and why:
No one is surprised my fave counselors are Dylan and Kaitlyn. They can do no wrong they will live in my head forever.
Least fave?? Ehh... honestly this is one of those things where when I replay the actual game, there are characters who annoy me but when I'm interacting with the fandom I love those same characters and they're my beautiful babies.
So I guess if I had to pick some it would be Jacob and Laura. Don't get me wrong I love them in the fandom but like I said, when I replay the game I find myself getting irked by their writing. Y'all fanfic writers are too good tbh. Giving me unrealistic expectations.
Favourite and least favourite chapter and why:
CHAPTER NINE and yes entirely for the scrapyard scene. Best sequence of the whole game hands down.
Least fave would probs be chapter 7. Like it was obviously an exposition chapter but it definitely coulda been more interesting. Laura and Max escaping and making their plan woulda been fun to play instead of it ending as soon as it got interesting 😭 the Laura/Ryan/Travis scene at the end of chapter 10 also sucked ass. I've made my peace with the ending being Garbo but I'll still say it.
Favourite ship:
Just like everyone else, Radioheads and blygbank. Absolute babes. Can't get enough of them. I need to eat the content.
Biggest counselor crush:
This may come as a surprise but it's Emma. Idk if it's because of Halston Sage but I know that if I met Emma irl I would be intimated by and attracted to her just like all my past gfs
How would you survive in The Quarry?:
My instinct is to say I wouldn't but let me give myself the benefit of the doubt here.
I would have been right there with Dylan overthinking and bringing up stuff from horror movies Ive seen and comparing it to the situation I'm in.
And I'd also befriend Kaitlyn and hide behind her so I think she'd do all the work keeping me safe tbh. Although I do have a really good aim not to brag 💅 I clean up at those shooting games at fair and carnivals and I can throw axes with accuracy so maybe I'd be fine 😌🤌
Favourite fic writers and fanartists:
Writers: @drylan @five-rat-lore @mothamcity  @dylan-lenivy-appreciation-day @lowonmelatonin @chipper9906 there's undoubtedly more but just off the top of my head <<
Artists: @divomria (you breathe air right into my lungs. I hope you're safe and well x) @denkicide @korianderbandit @garbage--chan @somecleverartname05 @lenillusion again there's probably more but just off the top of my head y'all are incredibly talented.
Some friends you've made in the fandom:
I've been wildly busy and bad at making friends as of late I'm sorry, but I'll just shout out all my mutuals and people I keep seeing in my activity feed. @lowonmelatonin @wlwmages @amberpriceenthusiast @drylan @stressedanime @blygbank @goodpointsandbadpoints @faeremis @116t98 @ggh0stb0yy @alwaysher @bisexualmultifandommess and everyone else who I tagged earlier and everyone who's all up in my notes interacting with my posts you've made this fandom so fun 💕 You're all so fun and sweet and I consider us friends 😌🤌
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A Surprising, Cozy Comfort Read
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Ok, so something that is very important to know for this post is that I do not play DnD. I have never played DnD, and I have no real desire to play DnD. So how the hell did I end up not only reading but also loving Travis Baldree's Legends and Lattes? I run in a ton of circles with extremely enthusiastic TTRPG players (including but not limited to DnD, CoC, and Delta Green), so I'm at least conversant in DnD. On top of that, my theatre circles run nerdy, so very dear friends of mine have been involved in productions of Of Dice and Men by Cameron McNary and She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen. To top it all off, I edit the Supplementary Case Files available to patrons and fans of The Redacted Reports: A Delta Green Podcast.
Given all that background and a desperate need for somethig genuinely cozy to read, it's not that much of a stretch that I picked up Baldree's debut. Let's talk Legends and Lattes.
This book was impressive in that it beautifully balanced the DnD conversant audience with worldbuilding and lore in such a way that even with things I didn't know, I never felt excluded from the world or the characters. I could go look things up if I wanted to (and there were a few I did, because goddamn, DnD lore is expansive, y'all), but I never felt like I had to in order to understand the story. That was an automatic plus in my book.
What was surprising to me was how much I loved Viv and Tandri and the supporting cast of characters. Viv and Tandri are complex, nuanced characters who effortlesslessly pulled me into their lives--and for a novel of supposedly low stakes, I was as invested, if not more, than I have been for life-or-death stakes. I probably shouldn't have been surprised by this, given how character-focused DnD and TTRPGS are in general, but one of my personal character arcs has been unlearning ivory tower snobbery around different types of storytelling, TTRPGS included. So I was happily surprised by how much I loved literally everyone in this book, as well as the casual but crucial representation for female characters and LGBTQ+ characters. I would extremely love to be adopted by a dire-cat.
The sense of place in this novel is also stunning, and the comfortable ambiance of everyone's favorite local coffee shop is made magical through Baldree's descriptions, word choice. And overall tone. Reading this book scratched my itch for College Coffee House (sadly defunct now) and the Roast in Alaska, my college coffee haunts, and I didn't think anything short of a trip home would do that. It's no wonder that Legends & Lattes the coffee shop was famous in Thune and the hearts and minds of readers.
As far as cozy comfort reads go, I literally do not have a better recommendation than this book.
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killemwithkawaii · 1 year
I took part in the final Strange Nightmares challenge just for the hell of it and I'm proud of what I made ☺️
Hell yeah!! Your glitter pony looks like it'll fit right in with the rest of the heard ✨✨✨ With the way things are going, Travis might just make a friend by the end of the night... UwU 👌
Y'all don't miss out on the Sally Face Slumber Party that Steve is hosting tonight at 7pm PST/ 10pm ET on his youtube channel! You get to hang out with Steve, the Maestro team, and your fellow SF fans (including me >:3), there's gonna be lore drops, plus they're gonna be giving away signed tarot decks every 30 minutes. Also try to jump in on these social challenges and back the Strange Nightmares kickstarter if you haven't already! Every dollar counts, and I can hear all that merch calling your name...~ 👀💰💰💰
P.S.: I just checked the kickstarter and we are getting SO CLOSE to the $300,000 stretch goal??? If we get there, Steve becomes CANON (so meta I love it 🥺🙏)
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swordshapedleaves · 1 year
Notes I took for my partner for 4 Sided Dive 1/4/23 because he has a real job and doesn't have time to watch
This is about 2700 words long and includes anything that could be considered lore for the game, along with the jokes I personally found funny and some commentary on the parts I didn't find funny.
The Cast: Travis, Sam, Liam, Ashley
Sam is host.
Recap and Chat
Cheney has been a werewolf for only a few months. Travis doesn't know if Chetney has passed the curse on. 
Liam would be a wererat. Sam says he'd be a were-eagle. 
Travis loved fighting the rest of the party. He had a bunch of extra hp and a scary howl. Liam also loves being turned against the party. Travis' goal was to give everyone at least one good smackdown.
Travis' early childhood comfort toy was a plastic werewolf. He's always wanted to be a werewolf. 
Orym got his sword blessed by the gods! Very exciting. He now has reach and grasping vines to spiderman around. 
Liam Seedling - The Wayward Pilgrim has a different punctuation every time to annoy Danni.
Predathos and Plane Rider Ryn is shit that has clearly been in the background of the world but is just now being revealed.
Travis thinks Matt has a huge overarching plot he's been hinting the whole time. Liam points out that dunamancy is also very physics and time and space based.
Liam thinks the Luxon might be Predathos. The beacons are Predathos poops.
Danni Carr is not given any hidden info. She only has what has been revealed to the public. She confirms that the primordials working with the gods was first revealed by Ryn. All other stories we've heard previously is gods vs primordials.
What is Bell's Hells gonna do about all this? 
Fearne has been to the feywild but Chetney and Orym have never been to other worlds before going to the pof. Sam doesn't know what FCG did back in the ancient past but has no memory of leaving Exandria before going to the PoF with the others.
Sam really wants to learn more about FCG at the university but is concerned that the main plot will get in the way.
Travis asks what the city on Ruidis might be. Liam suggests that it was the chunk of exandria had a city in it and they're just living up there maybe. Also maybe Predathos can make people. Danni theory is that the people are those who had faith in Predathos. Liam asks if Predathos gains strength from the faithful like gods? We just don't know. 
Otohan was previously devout Raven Queen follower. Does she have a new *God*? Or a new cause?
Galaxy Quest reference! "Is there air??? You don't know!"
Bell's Aeronautics and Space Administration
Dead god domains: death, winter, order, fate. Matron didn't replace the eaten death god, but the new death god. 
We had a fun gambling episode! Do y'all gamble or go to Vegas? Liam thinks gambling is boring. It feels like a job that is less fun than his actual job. Travis like playing niche trashy slot machines like Viking Lover. Sam likes playing Craps because people cheer. Travis says Laura loves to gamble. She plays craps and sickbow dragon. Travis is not allowed to be near Laura when she's playing. She gets real serious about it. Ashley has only ever played War. She did not win or lose money. Liam would rather buy a Nintendo switch or watch a show.
Tower of Inquiry! 
Travis pulls and FAILS
He has to do pushups situps or run around giggling like a school girl every time he doesn't win at Quiplash later
"What genre of video game would your character enjoy?"
God love you are so right the ToQ questions are always so shallow and inane. 
Fearne would play the Sims and just fuck with the little people.
FCG would like Duck Hunt (kill birds!) or Hit Man (kill humans!).
"What would be your character's favorite Broadway musical?"
Chetney: Beauty and the Beast
FCG: Starlight Express
Orym: Billy Elliot the Musical
Fearne: Ashley doesn't know musicals very well. Into the Woods is a little on the nose. Maybe Hadestown? She doesn't know about it but it sounds cool?
"What would be your character's guilty pleasure reality TV show?"
Ashley loves reality TV shows. Lower Decks! It's like Downton Abbey but it's on a boat and very trashy.
Sam doesn't know about reality shows and asks if there's one about therapy. There is! It's on showtime and called Couples Therapy. It's hard to watch. It's rough. The therapist is great though. 
Chetney would watch PBS! Bob Ross. NOT Bob Vila.
Liam also doesn't know about reality TV. Someone suggests Ninja Warrior or MMA. 
Sam declares that as the host he can change the rules and questions for the ToI no longer need to be evergreen.
Deep Dive
There was a fake cockroach stuck to the bottom of Travis' mug!
Teleprompters bring back childhood trauma for Ashley about having to read out loud at school and fear of messing up in front of everyone.
Sam: What was the inspiration for Shithead the undead bird and what was that like for you?
During the early design phases of character art, they were asked about animal companions or accessories. Sam said nah, and then had a second thought. He has always shat on other people's animal companions like Trinket and Frumpkin. But what if he had a bird companion? So someone designed it, and then he was like, "but I hate familiars. No. I'm done." So he showed it to Matt. And Matt took it from there. 
Liam: Orym's sword has gotten an upgrade! What's your favorite part of that and how does the name relate to Orym and Will?
Liam loves spells and magic, so playing a fighter after playing a wizard has been interesting but kind of restrictive. So he likes having grasping vine. Matt also encouraged naming the sword. A plant's seed can be blown for miles away from its parent plant before touching down and growing roots. And that's how Orym feels right now. Group consensus: Orym is a sweet guy.
Ashley: What does Fearne know about her grandmother's dealings? Does she truly believe that Morry will do them a favor with no strings attached.
Sam feels that Fearne has always known more than she lets on. Fearne thinks grandma can do no wrong. Grandma is amazing and Ashley believes she will help us. 
Travis: "No strings attached?"
Ashley: "That I cannot answer."
Travis: "What do you mean? You can't answer or you won't answer?"
Ashley: 😏
Ashley: every game I am actively trying to make you all uncomfortable. Fearne's backstory has elements added by both Matt and Aabria. They worked with me and also with each other so I don't know everything. But that's her Nana.
Liam: Nana is fucking dangerous. True neutral at best. Fearne is her darling little rapunzel. 
Travis: Why do you think Ruidis was affecting Chetney Specifically? Do you have any theories?
Chetney is worried but doesn't have any specific theories. It's the first time he ever lost control. Liam suggests the people on Ruidis are "monkeying with their god machine". Sam suggests it could be something people on Exandria are doing to Ruidis that caused this. Travis suggests Predathos wants more werewolves. 
Sam: FCG has taken an interest in cooking. What sparked this interest despite them being unable to taste or eat?
It's not despite but because of it. FCG is desperate to sense things they can't, like smell and taste and love. Also to dream. Maybe tasting is possible? Wants to understand the mechanics of cooking and food. The others suggest Sam bring in baked goods like how Travis brings in wood objects. 
Liam: Orym made a wolf figurine for Chetney but received a fairly brutal assessment of his woodworking skills. What was it like to receive that feedback from the Master Craftsman and why did Orym make the figurine in the first place?
It went about as well as Orym expected. He was trying to return Chetney's kindness after Orym told C about Will. Orym never forgot that and wanted to repay him in a way that Chetney valued. The dressing down was not unexpected.
Ashley: Fearne was able to talk to Laudna and Orym about the coin flip for their lives. How is she feeling about that coin flip now after having spoken with them? How did that decision affect her? 
Ashley couldn't even look at Marisha. She was depressed for a week about it. She felt SO BAD. You just get in the moment. It has affected Fearne in a very big way. In a protective way. She hasn't had a lot of human experience before coming to the material plane. Life and death stakes are new for her. And this choice is what made those stakes feel real. It's complicated and she doesn't understand it yet. She's still dealing with it.
Travis: How is Chetney doing now that 'the beast within' has been tamed a bit more? Does he notice a difference or is it too early to tell?
It's too early to tell! Travis doesn't believe that sneak Matt Mercer for a fucking second. We'll see what happens the next time Ruidis flashes. He knows that unfortunately Chettney unleashed will not be there but if he keeps wolfing out every time it's gonna get interesting. Sam wonders what will happen when they land on the moon. What will happen to Imogen up there? Who is gonna lose it? Ashley points out there was a weird red fire figure standing behind Imogen that has yet to be discussed. Alien looking thing. Doesn't look like anything we've ever seen before. Oblong skull!  
Sam decides to mix it up for round 2 of the Deep Dive and people will read questions for each other.
Travis reading a question for Sam: What does FCG think of this Shithead albatross for possibly no real reason as Shithead said during their conversation?
Travis: We already answered that, gimme that cup
Travis reading a new question for Sam: What did FCG think of the Speak with Dead ritual that they witnessed with Lord Esterosh? How do they feel about such clerical practices?
It's odd because FCG is technically a cleric but they don't have a religion. Speaking with a dead body is something FCG has never experienced before. It's super creepy and gets into soul stuff. They have an idea about how souls work, but if you can just talk to someone after they're dead, what are we? What is a soul even? What do I even believe? This is plaguing me as a human being named Sam Reigel and also as a character named FCG. What DO I believe? I don't actually know yet and it's going to be fun to figure it out.
Ashley reading for Liam: With Orem's high history, what does he think of their options in regards to visiting the Fay realm versus shadowfell? 
That's super easy to answer because while Orym does have a high history, just the way Sam chooses when to pay attention to the rules or not, I will say that Orym does not know shit about other planes. All his history is of the world of exandria. 
For the record Sam does not willy-nilly choose which rules to not follow, he just does not follow the stupid ones. Luck is a stupid rule.
Liam reading a question for Ashley: Fearne seems to be enjoying her new role as Professor Callaway, Teacher of Fire. What was it about teaching ladna that spoke to her so much?
Laudna asking Fearne to teach her something made her feel very special. It's just fun. Fearne is fascinated by all the different little things people are good at, what makes them tick, and why they are able to do those things. That Laudna was fascinated in turn by what Fearne is good at was very flattering. She just had a blast with that. (Not clear if pun was intended)
Sam ASHLEY reading a question for Travis: How did Chetney feel to have his original howl go unanswered by the Gorgynei and need to rely on the howls of his friends to get their attention?
It was just a bad roll of the dice but Travis likes the metaphor behind it. Alone he wasn't enough, but together they can accomplish anything. Sam points out that a failure now leaves room for success in the future.
Because Ashley stole Sam's chance to read a question for Travis, he goes and pulls a question from the broken Tower of Inquiry. Danni lets him read from her tablet.
Tower of Inquiry
"What would your characters Smash Ultimate main be?"
Holy shit this is literally your example of a shitty inane question. Your stupid media premonition ability strikes again!
Sam doesn't know what any of those words mean. 
Orym would choose Link. A no brainer.
Chetney would choose Princess Peach.
Sam and Ashley say they have to look up the options, but before they can, Ashley says she'd pick Bowser if that's an option. Sam says in flat, obviously lying voice that he loves to play smash and would choose Lucario? (This is the first name he saw and he doesn't know what a Lucario is). Oh it's like a fox thing. Liam suggests Kirby for FCG. Sam says he wants to play as a robot. There's gotta be a robot. Liam asks if MegaMan is in smash bros. Danni suggest Samus. Sam finds R O B and says that's what FCG would be. The 1980s Nintendo robot toy that looked fun but was not fun to play with. 
Sam as the host has asked that they play a special little mini game. His New Year's resolution is to finally learn the names of our beloved crew and staff. So we're going to play a little game show called Sam Riegel Name that Crew Member.
I don't think this will have any relevant character information and I'm tired. So I'm skipping this bit.
It was a bit. He guessed wrong every time, including when it was Marisha Ray. I didn't enjoy the bit.
Okay we made it past the break.
Almost done!
Ashley is Smashley
Travis is Butt butter
Sam is Travis
Liam is Also Travis
Deep Dive mixed into Quiplash
Sam: FCG has been reaching out to the Changebringer in various ways, looking for little signs from her. How is he feeling about this journey so far?
Real confused. Changebringer hasn't really asserted Herself in his life so far. They are desperate for any sign. Could try another god. He is easily swayed in the gods department.
Ashley: It's possible the group will visit the Fay realm and get to meet Nana Morri. How do you feel about that potential?
Extremely excited about that potential. I hope we go. Can't wait for everyone to meet Peepers. (This question was answered in 30 seconds in between quiplash rounds)
Travis: How did Fjord feel about losing his sense of the Wildmother and having replaced by the Cloaked Serpent? What was it like when she returned to him?
"That sucked! I was super bummed. I got my ass kicked and had to give up the crystal super fast that first game and I was really grumpy about it. I did it for love. I was pissed! And then it was kind of nice having a betrayer god be like, help me take down my runaway demigod. It was fun. But it was nice feeling her come back because I was real confused both in character and in real life." Danny suggests that the wild mother was suppressed rather than gone and Travis agrees that that is probably what happened.
Liam: Caleb was so deeply tied to the Cerberus Assembly. What is it like as a player to have the Assembly's machinations reaching into Campaign 3?
Caleb is just sitting in the back of Liam's head pointing excitedly and going, "Ooh! Ooh!" He can't wait for more Ludinus lore drops. He loves/hates the Cerberus Assembly and can't wait to learn more. What are they up to? Sam also wants to know what's up? Danni asks what if we get to see NPC Caleb and Beau because they're still tracking Ludinus. Sam says, "run into Caleb and Beau? ON THE MOON??" 
Ending Announcements
No 4 sided dive next month because we'll be having watch parties for LoVM
The lights went black and everyone screamed! When they came back up the broom had been murdered. You know, Broomy, the happy set broom that we all know and love. Looks like we have a murder mystery to solve when 4 Sided Dive returns in March!
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camotherogue · 2 years
oc emoji ask! 🎵 for Aux!
She's actually got three playlists! A-side, which is for her base character and how she's perceived by others (and how she WANTS to be perceived), B-side for her actual self and her lore, and then Bonus Tracks, which has small little bits I love to imagine her to or that fit really well but don't jive in the other two!
A-list's notable tracks are The Bidding (Tally Hall), Bust Your Knee Caps (Pomplamoose), The Fine Print (The Stupendium), Oh No! (MARINA), Hellbent (Mystery Skulls), and Social Climb (IDKHOW). Girlboss momence, as she does technically run what's best described as a Godfather style mafia/gang and has an iron grip on the underworld of her Darkworld.
B-side's notables are Turbulent (Waterparks), Pit Of Vipers (Simon Curtis), Honey I'm Home (Ghost and Pals), Are You Satisfied? (MARINA), Just Like You (Falling In Reverse), DEBT COLLECTOR (Jhariah), and transparent soul (WILLOW ft. Travis Barker). Sike she's BROKEN INSIDE she has TRAUMA~~~~!!
And the Bonus Tracks contain songs like Killer (The Ready Set), Runs in the Family (Amanda Palmer), Monster (dodie), Breezeblocks (alt-J), and Farewell Wanderlust (The Amazing Devil)! She's more traumatized than we thought! I love Aux so much y'all have NO IDEA.
0 notes
nochiquinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 11: moon moon
my roommates are absolutely fed the fuck up with me talking about the casting
I stepped away for two seconds and apparently sam took marisha out
I can't stop looking at robbie every time he's on screen, that hair is a+
I know it's a few weeks old now but it Works
"there's stuff in it! :D"
vocks machinea
"be nice to my friends >:("
it really is sander cohen
tiny hat, tiNY HAT
oh now it's other mother
how many of my recurring nightmares can we reference with one character
ch. chetney.
doug jones is that u
"that's four of y'all"
we get it you watched arcane
"that's kinda twelvey"
"blame that generic tablet"
"fuck up that four-top"
oh no D:
as a rock person is ashton non-conductive
that's as much as they're allowed to sing before disney copyright snipers get them
discord is now a singalong
"okay. :|"
disarm the chair and tables with cut-up pool noodles
"I'll hide it, you can think about where" [old steve voice] no, I don't think I will
yes ashley suffer from the same accent absorption I do every week
sam just gently coaching ashley through her rolls bc she's flustered
"I see trends and I run the other way"
I'm terrified to see what the solution to that wordle is
"he's rock lee" that ended poorly for liam last time
"he's down to 400 hitpoints"
everyone: roll that shit again and do worse
(please get my pagemaster reference)
"you've seen more terrible things in your lifetime" "have you??"
the slow motion makinmway
they killed matt
"you guys are adorable"
use his WHAT
"I have this many"
how long until someone clips travis going "swollen wood"
"maaaaatt can we be level five after this :("
marisha running the entire gamut of emotions
"I like my corner"
him chihuahua
were chihuahua. werehuahua.
I KNEW IT, when he said he drew the chisel across his chest, I CALLED IT
🎶"I'm not a ro-ogue"🎶
werewolf fcg is just metal weregarurumon
flame breath is CHEATING
we're an hour and a half in and still in this fight help me
did he just doxx fearne via sniffing
FrightenedTurtle is a default google account name
"what's your heart rate, you son of a bitch"
l i a m
chisel chisel chisel
okay I have to step away nobody do anything interesting
this is pakku and katara
he fucked her grandma
I did not process anything matt said about the machine earlier except "detonation" so I think they should leave now
god bless fearne
laudna rubbernecking
an earth-shattering kaboom!!
pls go take a nap
immediately suing critical role for false advertising, twitch chat has never looked like that
half-dead flirting
fcg just becomes The Stein from campaign 1
oh they jump on "tampon" but not "leash"
wet werewolves in the weary way
the clarotas
oh no matt don't say knot
t. travis.
fearne stands outside his door in the morning in wolf form
same vibes as "we care about each other" "oh shit, we do?!"
there you go, there's your moon lore
"I feel like your soul has a goatee"
cobalt sooooooul
consider: imogen with dyed brown hair and purple roots
"I could rock chad"
listen travis you voluntarily went on this solo shopping trip
he's gonna break in and rob him blind
"I would really rather you earned it by doing stuff" "I would really rather pay for it"
I just fucking love how quick on the draw travis is as chetney
imogen's just used to this
it's 2 am I can't do this
my BOY
"very animateable" sam
nightmares, chet, she means nightmares
new nobodies, group name
oh matt.
he really has to start saying these out loud in front of a mirror
"...or if you have rich parents"
moon mom MOON MOM
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finnskeeper · 3 years
Critical Role - Campaign 1 (Thoughts Machina): Episodes 94 - 102
Oh God, Tary's backstory is even worse than I thought. Poor boo
LIsten, I’m not say Percy switching scrying targets to Scanlan was a power move, but it was a fucking power move
Pike talking to Scanlan in the earring even though she knows he can’t hear? I'M NOT CRYING YOU ARE
Tary: "There are so many holes..." WHAT THE FUCK TARY
a gray render? coolcoolcoolcool
*spongebob narrator* many months later....
oh my god
welp that happened
Pike as co-champion of the Crucible is *chef's kiss*
Liam really does take every opportunity to gush about the arts, doesn't he? Love that man
LOL I have never been more convinced that Liam O'Brien is a younger brother in my life
More Trickfoots! (Trickfeet?)
Oh...oh no...
"Well, this wrecked me." :’( I LOVE YOU PIKE
I'm honestly surprised Grog didn't just punt Ogden over the cliff
Pike: "There is a curse on this family. It's called DIABETES."
"We're basically gods!" Yeah, okay, sure, but only if you turn into literally anything other than a FUCKING GOLDFISH
Uh...Hilde? Kinda sus
ROFL called it
Tary's dad is...oof
Tary talking about how easy he is to find as the rest of the cast tries to stifle laughter
"We are impoverished." OOP
So. Much. Lore. Marisha is writing FURIOUSLY
Pike, speaking with the dead guy: "Good day sir. It is not a good day for you."  ROFL
LOL I love Vax when he's got everything going. Movement (flying, hasted, ridiculous), Action (throw Whisper), bamf to the thing with sneak attack, 2nd Action to stab again, bonus action to stab yet again, toss a Smite in there somewhere.
Ashley, channeling JFK: "We chose to kill a celestial baby not because it was easy, but because it was hard."
Laura just me Liam (and me) cry with that fucking ring. Amazing.
LOL Classic Taliesin with random fucking knowledge regarding the material crossover between explosives and insecticides.
LOL Sam is having a 2nd character leave and they are not having it.
So I know that Percy and Vex got married in the year off, so I like seeing the little hints, like the Whitestone Castle staff referring to her as "the Lady of the House" and then her little side conversation with Vax about secrets...so good.
LOL Pike: I'll stay mad at him as long as you are." That’s some BFF solidarity right there!
Jon Heder rolling 2 Nat 20's in a row and not knowing how amazing that it is? So adorable.
Welp, those two cultists are suuuuuuper dead.
Yup. Assassins gonna assassin
Oh man, Matt's been waiting for an opportunity to use Feeblemind against the players and it did not disappoint.
Whoo! New table!
LOL Sam having to hold a conversation with himself as Tary and Scanlan is great.
I love that Tal and Marisha are just leaned over her notes intently as Percy and Keyleth are holed up in the library
Matt's talking about The Chained Oblivion. *insert connecting the dots meme here*
I absolutely love when Marisha’s notes become clutch and they start weaving all of the lore together. She’s amazing.
I love Travis' reactions every time Matt's explanation edge into horror movie territory.
Oh y'all are fighting Vecna now?? Y'all are FUCKED
"I HAVE NO PLAN!" LOL Laura is all of them right now
Matt genuinely checking in with his players "Are you okay?" as they freak out during this fight is so good. I love him so much
38 on 12d6 is not a shitty roll, Matthew! It's more than half!
“Twinsies out”...oh god
Percy: "We're just gonna lay waste to shit until it stops happening!"
Okay, NOW Vax is disintegrated. I am WEEPING at Marisha's face
Hey Vex, welcome back! Your brother is gone. We're leaving
"NONE OF US WANT THIS." Taliesin with the truths
Marisha is PACING
Grog goan get gangshanked by gloomstalkers (that alliteration was unintentional but I will TAKE it)
Sam saving his Counterspell gonna come in handy here in a minute
Oh...Vex....twist that fuckin' knife....
Vex: “Where’s Vax?” Matt: “Aaaand that’s where we’re gonna leave it.” Liam, crying: "I was okay til right there!"  ME TOO LIAM
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finnskeeper · 4 years
Critical Role - Campaign 1 (Thoughts Machina): Episodes 34 - 44
I am really gonna like this next part of the story, me thinks. I think it’s pretty obvious by now, but beware spoilers ahead:
Seriously guys? Another door?
Aww...Kiki trying to break Vax's mind-control by appealing to him was sweet.
One of my favorite things about CR: *someone asks Pike a question* *Ashley turns to Matt* *Matt explains a thing in full earshot of everyone* *Pike relays (almost word for word) what Matt has just said*
Is Keyleth fucking bloodbending?
I am living for the twins rolling Nat 20′s to aid the other after something catastrophic happens. Laura did it (twice in a row) after Vax was dropped by the Briarwoods at the palace, and Liam rolls one to parkour to her side after Vex falls at the Ziggurat. Twins giving me life.
Vecna? Aww hell no
Scanlan tosses Percy's gun into the acid, severing his connection with Orthax *me, remembering C2*   Huh
Much needed R&R
It’s so surreal to hear the entire cast chanting my name, but I'll take it Note to self: Make that an audio clip for my phone notifications
LOL Scanlan forgetting he bet his purse against the rival flutist and then letting her win is classic Sam.
CALLED IT. Kaylie dropping some bombs
ROFL Scanlan gets caught in a force cage...Travis immediately: "He's a dick in a box." Instant fist bump from Liam
This entire stockade scene is giving me life
Emperor Uriel: Hey, everyone. I'm gonna abdicate my throne. Chroma Conclave: LOL what throne
Awww...Vex multiclassed into Rogue. That'll be nice for the next hour or so until the TPK if they keep trying to fight these dragons head on
Oh man, that lore drop
"I want to kill that dragon or die trying."  
Vax storming the looters at Gilmore's furiously...YASS
Oh thank Sarenrae
Gilmore: "I've never dueled a dragon before." Vex: "You fared pretty well." Gilmore: *laughs* "No, I did not."
If Matt had killed Gilmore, Liam would have left the table.
Also, as much as Vaxleth is tugging at my heart strings, Vax has two hands, y'all. All I'm saying is we're missing out on the opportunity for Percy to introduce them in his own wonderful way. "This is my best friend, Keyleth, and Keyleth's boyfriend, Vax, and Vax's boyfriend, Gilmore."
Sending refugees to Whitestone is a great idea
VAX: "There's definitely no vampires there." NOT HELPING VAX
Vex's limerick though...
VAX TO KEYLETH: "I don't want to be alone tonight, do you?" Everyone immediately:  😲
If the Chroma Conclave kills Victor the black powder salesman I'm gonna fucking riot. As a matter of fact, move his entire operation to Whitestone please.
MATT: "You are met with a large...double set of doors." LIAM: "We should just leave."
First 3D map!
ROFL. Matt just threw another beholder at them and they all lost their shit
Oh no...Percy what did you do!
Oh no, Laura...and Liam plays that moment so well climbing up out of the pit
Vax with a fucking power move! I mean, I know what happens but this is still fucking amazing. I cannot wait for this to unfold in the future.
Character Rankings (As of Episode 44):
1) Vax (Pulling away from the pack now. Gonna be real hard to catch him now, truthfully. I love one angsty stabby boi)
2) Percy (The end of that Briarwood arc was satisfying, and it’s nice to see him finally free from Orthax’s influence. Let’s see if he makes better decisions [as of episode 44 that is a definite no LOL])
3) Vex (I love how Laura is all in on this greed thing, even to the detriment of her own well-being. And her and Liam are just too adorable for words)
4) Scanlan (Fatherhood has mellowed him [thankfully] and now we are getting far more poop jokes than anything else. But that’s okay. Those songs slap.)
5) Keyleth (That wind walk thing in the worm cave worked itself out, but hoo boy it could have been bad.)
6) Pike (truthfully, this rank is solely because she hasn’t been present for most of the current arc, but I love her)
7) Grog (Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I still love you, NotPhillip, but you gotta ditch that sword)
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nochiquinn · 4 years
campaign 2 episode 88: just creep me all the fuck the way out, it’s fine, I don’t need to sleep
I don't know what any of that ad was
"can all three of us fight matt"
"maybe it's a misunderstanding" sure jan
I know logically that taliesin's necklace is a pyramid but I just keep seeing bill cipher
is anyone here under 400 years old
"I've had to learn new words for what happens to me now" hug caduceus
matt's dwarf voices give me life
"I speak punkass kid"
"immediately hands her drugs"
the flASK
honestly the quiet rolling of hit dice is very calming
"that's just my face"
I love laura's priorities
"you had camp! we spied on you!"
is there sexytimes in it
of course mads won
(also ashly was nominated too you guys)
"I think we need to work with him" and jester looks like she's going to puke
jester: it's hog killing time
jester's quadruple texting
"we're just ask asking for stuff now"
beau: "OH SHIT my doordash"
beau is about to adopt these kids
honestly the eye makeup
"that's when I knew"
caduceus metaphorsss
"I get it!" "you DO?"
"maybe pbj? surprise me?" me discussing catering at my wedding
jester sad. beau awkward.
"sleep with me and yasha!"
see that's the ship content I'm here for. threaten to kill his abuser as a fun first date.
cad is like. fjord's AA sponsor
cad made fjord a pretty!
hey I was halfway joking with the AA joke but now I think it works
yasha (╥﹏╥)
there's always pocket bacon
WHOMST victory
oh it's fox news
my WHOLE ASS INTERNET just went out
I'm casting twitch from my phone to the TV, have my laptop open for liveblogging, and am on Discord on my phone. the future is stupid.
caleb. caleb whatcha doin.
wait am I back online. am I on the internet.
I have so many edda-earth feelings right now that three whole people will understand
"control" is a strong word
they are slowly realizing who they've put in charge of these extremely important arrangements
forgive me this comparison but you know how joanne in rent was the only one with a real job but she was still tied up with the disaster crew and wound up going to bat for them a couple of times? that's beau but she is also a disaster.
"I was thinking about a family matter" can confirm, will be in the middle of a conversation and just "oh shit [kiddo things]"
the WHAT
liam's little "oKAY"
oh that animation was amazing
aw, nobody got laura some sweatpants
caleb is having a whole ass ptsd flashback
what's fucking with me is how it's being described like a RL in-patient treatment center but with all the fucked-up undertones from context
I enjoy that every time trent speaks or is mentioned laura/jester looks like she's about to hurl
matt just stay standing, there are gonna be so many insight checks
I Don't Like matt's Trent face
liam's going to break his own hands
caleb I support your sass but also please be careful
now I'm nervous bc we don't know where astrid is
"you look good" dlkfjsl
I don't want to HATE eodwulf (?) bc he's in the same boat caleb was
Everybody Loves Jester
"he apologized after" that's what they DO
borgins and burkes
that's a hagraven
matt just really trying to make sure I don't sleep tonight
you know what matt's face is giving me gene wilder vibes, which isn't great bc I am/was terrified of gene wilder
travis picking on laura but staying in fjord's voice
yes because what y'all need right now is more sidequests
"she reminds me of home" "she whAT"
matt so excited for a fight club
excuse me caleb
briarwood lore droooooop
also kind of cool that ripley and delilah started everything together? but also fuck those guys.
(I don’t mean it, delilah is one of my favorite villains in anything ever)
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