#Totally Normal Bar rp
Totally Normal Bar//Open RP for Shadow
Premise: There’s a bar called the Natural Bar. Shadow recently started working there. Everyone says it’s Super! Because it’s an inside joke. It’s actually a bar for the supernatural. Humans can come in, and most creatures behave when they do, but it’s mostly monsters and they have to keep that a secret from any human may come by.
Shadow wiped down another table that some patrons had just left. She had to hold her breath. The chemical smells always irritated her nose. She could tell some of the other costumers weren’t fans of it either. However, it was the only way to get some of the less savory menus items they had out of the wood of the table. Wasn’t pleasant, but hey, the job paid well and she needed that right now. She sighed as soon as she’d finished and thrown the towel in the air tight container in the back that was made to seal those away. She ran a hand through her hair, feeling the knots in it. Things were slowing down for the night. It was only a Wednesday so definitely not one of their busier nights of the week, but it still felt like it was dragging on.
The bell above the door rang, indicating someone new had entered. She shook her head and went to the door, peeking out to see who had come in. Given the scent that wafted in and the demeanor of the other patrons, she could guess that they weren’t sure about this one yet. She sighed, letting her human disguise envelop her and settle in. She didn’t mind keeping her human disguise on and sometimes she preferred it, but it was also really nice to be able to just leave it off for work when she felt like it. Still, it was better safe than sorry in cases like these. She exited the back, plastering a smile on her face.
“Hey! Welcome to the Natural Bar. What can I get started for you today?”
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blorboconfessions · 4 months
this ask is so so long. i am sorry. in my defense im entirely incapable of being normal about my ocs but oughhhh if i ramble about them on my main then all my mutuals i rp with (hypothetically -- i havent had the confidence to start something big in years pff) will know all about all their lore and ill be so so sad about it. so i am not naming any direct oc names. to keep the mystery
that being said. uoggh auhghh eve my boy eve houggg he is so important to me. poor pathetic former-alcoholic current-smoker meow meow whos last known location being a blood puddle outside a bar he is my everything. the religious trauma one queer ass man can have. the depression the repressed emotion the SHEER HOMOEROTIC ENERGIES i have bestowed upon this man. the energies are homoerotic by default bc hes gay dont worry about it
and the only reasons he doesnt go back to his adam being that hes currently presumed dead and even if that wasnt the case he feels too inadequate and ashamed of himself to return to adam. eve desperately wanting to forget, adam desperately clinging to the memory. adams camera. eves magician bullshit. they work the same job in different divisions. their reunion is inevitable. a man thrust into a situation he can never recover from. his lover having to recover from a situation he could never have predicted. eve looks down into the void he must now hide within from his heartbroken adam. adam looks up to the stars he wishes upon for the life and return of his heartbroken eve. fuckin!!! love them!!!!!!!!! im inconsolable. and it was neither of their faults too!!!!! eve was in the wrong place at the wrong time and adam was simply unexpected collateral damage. and eve can leave literally whenever but he DOESNT because he assumes that adam will HATE HIM and its like GIRL JUST COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND........ i made eve a total trainwreck and i regret none of it. the doomed yaoi. the sydney and jedidiah of my ocs. the original sin. i die
and its even funnier bc eve used to just be a character i had no intention of expanding upon for like at LEAST a year and a half. then literally 5 years ago i ended up revealing who he was early because i wanted to actually develop him as a character. and now im so autistic and a little gay for this man. fuck. FAUCK!!!!!!!!!! he used to just be mysteeeerious notes left at peoples feet and now hes my freak of the week. by now anyone who knows me has probably caught on to my typing style and can guess who im talking about so to anyone reading if you know me shhhhhh shh shhhh no you dont ive said nothing. no witnesses /silly
- 🎉 (since i plan to show up to this blog a good few times im adding an anon tag. i am confetti anon. i use it/he prns and i am exceedingly abnormal)
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ritasaysrelax · 1 year
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Character Information*
Rita Jacobs / She,Her / 28 years old / Lounge Singer at ‘Snake Eyes’ Casino & Bartender at ‘Mount Olympus’
Rita is your resident ‘here for a good time, not a long time’ gal and you’ll be lucky to really know anything about her. She’s super charming, very friendly and is totally friends with everyone! Um, just not close friends. You know how it is...
Grew up in New York city, living there for the majority of her life before bouncing around. She had roots there- real, deep, connections- and then she left. And decided to never do that again, thank you very much!
Ended up in Redwood Hollow after drifting for what felt like forever. There was something almost comforting about just how homey, ‘know your neighbour’, it is here. It feels like she could really be a part of something- if she wanted to.
Loves to dance and kiss pretty people before never calling them back! She was really just trying to chill out and look hot, to be perfectly honest. Never dwell too long on things that might hurt her feelings- the usual stuff.
When Halloween happened and she got a batch of the Bad PepsiTM, it gave her a big ole dose of existential crisis. She knew everybody, she had so many friends (right?) and she had people that cared about her (right?). She let people care about her and know her, right? Wrong.
So yeah, we’re just kinda going Through It in this Chili’s tonight.
Extra Links*
Intro Post - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/paigescxlly/rita-jacobs-the-brains-beauty/ - RP Blog: https://paigerambles.tumblr.com/tagged/c:%20rita%20jacobs - About
Wanted Connections*
Exes / ex hook ups - Rita is (of course, itsa me!) bi-bi-bi! And just #badatlove so would love to have some ex-almost relationships. They could have had it all! Or maybe they brought out the worst in each other? Or maybe they used to hook up but things got complicated or they might actually be good friends (think Mark Sloan x Callie Torres).
*Ex #1 - @rangerbuzzlightyear *Ex #2 - @chelsea-katz
#Ghosted - they talked and it was epic but then the sun came up... Basically, these two really did vibe and it toed the line of being something #real so, naturally, Rita had to disappear faster than you could say ‘hey, here’s my number’.
Past Connections - so, they knew each other before Redwood! Either in New York or wherever Rita was drifting around. Bonus points if she conned you out of your wallet or at least a few martinis- I’m imagining fake names and a very convincing backstory about being with the band, or something.
Flaky FriendsTM - either they’re both a mess and could try harder or Rita is always bailing on your character. After the #poising incident, Rita is now trying to make amends and reconnect with them.
Wanted Plots / Plot Ideas*
'Take a drunk girl home, let her sleep all alone.mp3′ - (not actually gender specific) but Rita helped your character home one night from the lounge or bar, or maybe they were both just out and about. She held their hair back when they threw up, listened to their drunken rambles and made sure they didn’t fall asleep in their shoes. 
‘Take it outside, pal!’ - Rita caught you on a bad night but you were causing just even trouble she had to toss you out of the bar! Maybe now things are awkward or there’s a grudge! Maybe the memory of that night hasn’t quite come back to them until... 
‘You only call me when it’s half past five’ - so this can either be for your character at Rita or vice versa! But they never really hang out under normal circumstances. They only ever call them when they need a ride home or are feeling lonely, or are being a mess. They tell them secrets and pretend they never kissed. Still, either one of them still keeps picking up the phone.
Taken Connections*
Nani Pelekai - bestie but in the way she knows that Nani already has #1 besties. @themanagerisavampirex
Mary Gibbs - #1 girlies! If she has time for anyone, it’s Mary @itsmarygibbs (@magicaladamlegrand for Adam’s knowledge!)
Alice Little - Rita was getting closer to Alice after their re-appearance, checking up on them and bonding. Until it all went wrong on Halloween... Rita didn’t mean to keep secrets from Alice, she just wanted to know that they were okay. Now it’s all messed up. @xalicethewonderx
Arista Neptune - Rita definitely wanted to start a flirtationship with Arista which has now spiraled into the potential for something more...more- which is very scary. Finds herself thinking about her and her sunshine disposition way too much. @aristaneptune
Morgan - Morgan is just a ray of sunshine, Rita loves to catch up with them whenever they can for a good time and gossip. @mxmorganmorph
Oz Borror & Hayden Bodaway - her respective employers at her two jobs. @ozborror-highroller , @haydenbodaway
Patrick Patterson - did you know Rita had a roommate? Well, souprise! @patrickpattersxn (also @paxtonpatterson and @itspersephxne I feel like this can give us some shenanigans too!!)
Iridessa Sol - thinks she’s an absolute babe!!! @iridessa-sol
One character from the open tag you would like to see taken / added to the Most Wanted page: Shinda Proud!!
One Character you want to see a bio for in relation to this specific character: I would love- love- to have a Dodger!! There would be angst. There would be feeling! There would be history!!
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lemonade-juley · 1 year
So, after some like RP stuff, Rumi has decided to become a proper trainer (even if. Like being a trainer who might wanna do the gym challenge does not actually work out too well in Aevium due to plot reasons...) So I've been brainstorming a proper team for them!
So already, as of current RP stuff they already own a Luxio, Helioptile, and Tyrunt.
But overall what I'm thinking their team (or primary 6, just like my other ocs she'll have more then 6 total) will be is
-Aevian Chandelure
-and I'd like for Rumi to have an Iron Jugulus but... Well barring some like wormhole shenanigans the chances of Rumi getting a Paradox pokemon in Aevium is... Nonexistent.
Other options I've considered include Dracozolt, Potentially one of the Applin evolutions (uh, depending on if Rumi is gifted one at some point, they wouldn't seek it out themselves), and frankly any one of the normal versions of the mech pokemon (but in particular Rumi would like Aggron, Sigilyph, Claydol, or Magneton/Magnezone)
Also something I always find fun to think about, even if it never becomes canon to the OC, is thinking of a legendary that fits them. And I actually think Zekrom is a great fit for Rumi...
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peppersplay · 2 years
WoW, this isn’t okay.
Have you ever been in a 16-year-long relationship that just ended? There are so many unanswered questions that I can't get out of my head. It's a game, a silly game, so I feel stupid, silly, and embarrassed that this break-up is causing me so much distress. But that's what it is: a breakup. 
My relationship with World of Warcraft started when I was a Junior in high school. I had a Spanish class and wasn't grasping the language well, but I fell in with a very polite bunch of guys from Mexico (I honestly only remember the best from those guys) and they helped me pass my Spanish tests and work on my Spanish homework. We’d hang out in Ventrillo (this was before Discord existed) and raid Gruul’s Lair and they’d help me master conjugating verbs in Spanish. Lessons learned and HS classes passed.
Eventually, they stopped playing, and I met my first boyfriend through WoW. Cliché, I know, but that was in, like, 2007. (Side note: How did I find an age-appropriate guy that wasn't an ax-murderer ONLINE???) I think that ended in 2008 with the realization that long-distance relationships sucked. Lesson learned. 
Boyfriend 2 was in PA, which really wasn't all that far for me to drive. So, yeah, I drove to visit him (side note again: totally age-appropriate and NOT an ax-murderer!) until I learned that he didn't have any of his own motivation and that I'd be pulling all the weight in that relationship. Lesson learned. 
2009, enter the eventually-to-be-husband (whom I met at work, then realized also played WoW. WOW.) I was also on an RP server, so I learned my way around a keyboard pretty quickly (that keyboard class in HS was a joke). I also got into a competitive 4+1 program (only 4 other people got approved for that program when I applied) for writing (thanks for the practice WoW!). My SO and I played WoW on our Macs (not joking, we were more professionals than gamers) when we had the time, but I was pretty busy with college work, work, helping with his work, and volunteering. And he proposed, but this story/rant isn't about that. It's about WoW. So, he proposed and I got to work on my MA thesis: Online Faces in Online Spaces. Catchy, right? It involved a lot more research within the World of Warcraft community as well as other online spaces. A few days after I presented my MA thesis to the University, I got married. Thank Elune my significant other took care of the wedding 100%.
He and I stopped playing WoW for a while; I mean, we were married, I had my MA in Writing and had an adjunct professor job at a few local community colleges. 
In the beginning of 2015, I started playing WoW again; I was pretty bored with our perfectly normal life. I also wanted to go back to school, but the only school I wanted to go to was in TN. He didn't want to move. Naturally, the only and best course of action was to get a divorce. I then moved to TN and went to school and played WoW. 
That time was rocky, with lots of ups and lots of downs, and I moved a lot. But I always had WoW and the community of online-friends for comfort. At one point, I lost my job, my apartment, and had to rehome the two cats I brought with me from NJ, but the ex-him said he thought I wasn't attractive for a while before we divorced, and I couldn't move back in with him. I moved in with my parents, then my car was repo'd since I didn't have a job or money to pay the bills. WoW was my comfort then, WoW and the friends I made within the community. 
And life was promising! I was chatting with my friends and things were looking up! I moved from my parents' house to FL. I got a job, signed a lease with that job for an apartment, and all the amenities (barring WoW since that was a little out-of-price at the moment). I worked for exactly 90 days, then they fired me without reason. That lease I signed? The price went up by about 1k without that employer as my current employer. So what was I going to do? I couldn't afford that apartment the following month and all I got were "Unfortunately" letters from applications for months.
No WoW to log into. No access to friends (that time, I hadn’t heard of Discord) to get advice.  And my brain doesn't function well in times of crisis. At least if I logged in, I'd get a few "Hello!" whispers from friends, and that might've snapped me out of the fog I was in. Alas, that wasn’t the case. 
But after my job search felt helpless after the endless months, my supply of Ativan looked so good. I emptied the bottle that night and was in the hospital for a few days (again, the story isn't about that, but WoW, moving on…)
Broke, homeless, and overwhelmingly depressed and angry, I set up "camp" in my friends' dining room in TN (let's call her G). I played the free trial of WoW to allow my brain to focus on getting samples from Teldrassil's moon wells instead of what was going on around me (those “Unfortunately” letters still flooded my inbox as I frantically looked for a job). I would hide under a flat sheet and escape into World of Warcraft; I wasn’t in a good headspace back then and I felt like I needed to drown out everything and hide; World of Warcraft was my escape. 
WoW was comfort. It allowed me to escape the harsh reality of real life, which I desperately needed a break from. 
I moved back to NJ and bounced around to PA and NJ again after that. For the beginning, I was doing contract work and transcribing things online. But in PA, there were way more opportunities: I used Getaround to rent cars and drove for Uber. I made way more on Uber than the car cost to rent, so I made enough to pay for a WoW subscription and pay all the necessary things: rent, bills, and food. I needed to escape into WoW and to update my friends on everything. I got a real job and moved to NJ with a friend where I was able to save a chunk of money. I was able to buy a new (very used) car and more and more subs to WoW. Things were looking up! I even learned about Discord and joined a great community. I made lots of new friends in WoW who gave me very good advice about my situation and how to handle things. Lesson learned that WoW was a GREAT place to start friendships. 
2020: My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. I dropped everything in NJ to drive down to live with my friend G while I visited my mom as much as possible. Since the job I got in PA is remote, I'm able to do it from anywhere, so I was able to work in TN when I lived with G. I saved up again and was able to get into public housing, the best that I could afford and can afford right now.
Anyway, we're almost caught up. WoW has been, from that point forward, gifted to me by others (usually my friends in NJ) so I never miss a subscription. I've been attending raids, running mythics with online friends, grinding lower raids and dungeons for tmogs or mounts, and doing dailies, just to keep my mind occupied. The consistency is providing a solid basis so I don't wallow in depression or overthink everything. 
Which I think this probably is. Overthinking. But my World of Warcraft account was suspended for something (RMT) that I can't comprehend and the family cat died Monday. 
After being there for 16 years, through all the crap I've been handed, at least there was a way to escape into a lush, descriptive, still-growing world. Now? No escape. I can't believe that cat died… I've been trying other games, but they don't quite cover the wound that WoW left. 
But it's just a game, how did it have that much sway over me? Regardless, a 16-year relationship was broken and now I'm broken, too. I tried running mythics with friends when my mom told me the news. I was streaming on Twitch when I got the call, did someone think I was a bot? I bought a leggo cloak off the AH the day before I was suspended. A few people said that could have been flagged as an RMT thing. I dunno.
What about waiting the suspension out and returning when you can? That'd be great if WoW didn't betray my trust. I don't know what I did wrong. Punishment like this is similar to kicking a dog out of the blue. What was the kick for? That dog will probably just avoid you now since it doesn't know what it did wrong. It was a swift kick, and now I'll avoid WoW and Blizzard forever. 
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Greater Than Zero || Closed RP @ the-nightmare-is-smol
Dib leaned back as far as his desk chair would allow, listening to it creak appreciatively as he flopped against it, and rubbed the palms of his hands against his eyes. He had been working for so long that not even the discovery that he was finished was able to break his current stupor. Months of research, months more of planning and practical repair work, couldn’t have ended so anticlimactically...but it was true. There was nothing left for him to do now besides activate everything.
Zim’s PAK lay on the desk in front of him, and it looked quite different than it had on the evening six or so months ago when he’d first started seriously thinking about what repairing it would entail. The ports were all closed now; no more leg poking out as a gruesome reminder of what had happened to Zim. He’d polished it and given it an antirust coating. And a cable snaked from his computer system to one of the plugs on the PAK’s flat back that would normally be used to attach it to an Irken spinal cord. The setup was heavily improvised — based on multiple scourings of every Irken database still extant, but still utilizing principles that the Irken Empire never would have had cause to use. Dib had told no one about this project but Lard Nar, and even then, he’d insisted on being the sole engineer of its execution. He also tended to use vague language to describe it...because he didn’t want Gir to overhear them saying “Zim.”
By comparison, setting up the virtual reality environment really hadn’t been that bad. VR programs of all descriptions were available off-the-shelf, so Dib had grabbed one that had once been commonly used by Irkens and done his best to recreate the main computer room of Zim’s old base on Earth. It wasn’t perfect — thirty years had a way of eroding some memories, plus he’d intetionally simplified a few things — but it would hopefully be enough to prevent total disorientation...
If this even worked.
After snatching maybe five hours of sleep over the last week, and none over the past couple of days, Dib was past the point of fearing failure. He watched the loading bar that indicated that his prerecorded video had successfully uploaded to the virtual environment. When it was full, he reached out and, feeling detached and numb, tapped a pattern on the surface of Zim’s PAK, and watched the ports pulse gently with pink light.
Nothing to be done now but see if his hard work had paid off, and if Zim’s AI truly was able to function in any kind of environment at all...
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sullustangin · 2 years
Pubside SWTOR 7.0, Part 2:
I rolled a new smuggler to play around with the new character experience.  Part 1 yesterday was about the new 75-80 content.  This is about the leveling experience.  No spoiler warnings, because the storyline has not changed in 10 years.
First, leveling is much slower.  Pre 7.0, I never used XP bonuses anyway, and I still hit 75 by Ilum on all of my smugs but one, and that was skipping every quest BUT the smuggler mainline and half the planetaries.  On this new smug, I don’t think that’ll happen. I normally hit Level 10 by Fort Garnik.  I’m made it Garnik at Level 4.  The enemies feel appropriate -- they are not one-shots, but they’re not boss fights either.  I like that.  It feels like I’m actually playing a game rather than steamrolling to 75.  Based upon the playing I did, I got my first AOE at level 7 right as they started to throw mob groups of 5+ at me.  Good timing.  I have time to learn my abilities before I get new ones.  I like that. 
For gunslingers/snipers, the toolbar no longer swaps between when you’re in cover or not -- it’s an adjustment for people who’ve done this before, but for a newbie, it saves the trouble of figuring out action bars for the first time.  “Where did that go?  I just put it on my action bar.”  (moves)  “Now it’s back, what the hell.”  We all remember those days of early MMO’ing -- and that’s what this was aimed at.  New players.
On Ord Mantell there is a Smug quest to retrieve a treatise on bird watching that isn’t -- it’s a coded doc about separatist plans.  They’ve redone how the info is conveyed to the smuggler.  Basically, the map just waypointed “go point, a/b/c/d/etc.”  Now, there’s a brief cut of images that describe the path the player should take, as if the smuggler is decoding the treatise, as stated in the plot.  It’s a quality of life improvement.  I did notice they took out the ‘harem’ -- still spoke about them, but did not show them on screen.
They also added some ‘post mission’ action on a few other quests, such as showing the results of killing separatists -- if you linger a little longer, you see that.  As I said, these are changes for those who are seeing the story for the first time.  
They’ve also upgraded the appearance of some of the quest givers to more current standards (they are on their way with some of the changes for playable chars, but more can be done). I also feel like they’ve changed the pacing of some of the conversations, so it does feel different -- a little more nuance and thoughtfulness. 
I finished up last night on Coruscant, after the Esseles, Level 12.   Yes, the shuttle quest did count the Esseles as ‘taking a shuttle”, yay!  GodBot was a little nerfed, but again, that goes with the idea of ‘actually playing the game’ rather than ‘gotta do stuff before I can raid.’   I have to not stand in stupid.
I did do some heroic quests on my main yesterday, and I found that the scaling was fine -- yes, it did require me to move and think about my health more than pre-7.0.  But I did not die, and dailies on Alderaan did not take long. 
I know there are going to some complaints of “I have to walk everywhere!” and “It’s taking so loooong!”  However, these changes weren’t made for current players.  They were made to attract new players -- give them a better experience than a bumrush to the endgame.  Life is going a little slower.  For people racing to endgame, yes, this is a pain.  Yes, they want you to buy tokens/spend real money to ding up your toon to go play endgame.  At the same time, however, people who like to linger in their story and rp can do that without feeling weird being level 75 on Voss (been there!).
Honestly?  If the SWTOR team had told us, “Hey, we’re revamping low-level stuff.  We’re giving you a little bit of story, but the focus is mostly on the leveling experience,” then I think the community would have been less upset about what we got.  I totally agree that the flashpoint should not have gone live as it was, and there were a few 'transport’ hiccups they should have fixed.  No question -- they screwed up.  But if they had done their due diligence on the flashpoint and told us up front “it’s for the noobs (affectionately)!” -- I think reception would have been better.
My new smuggler is fun as hell.  I like her two classes.  I love the pacing.  It feels like she’s having her own adventure, rather than hurtling headlong toward 75 with no breaks and desperately trying to buzz through her crafting mats to try to keep herself armed, because the storyline stuff is not high level enough. Yes, I’m a little peeved they didn’t update crafting, but that’s sort of small ante compared to the other issues with the endgame aspects of the patch. 
If Bioware/EA had framed 7.0 differently in how they spoke of it, I think expectations would have been better managed and there would be less rage.  Yes, there’s less than 5 hours of 75-80 content for the story.  But holy hell, they revamped the original vanilla experience -- how many hours is that?!!!  That is awesome ... but it’s not being celebrated because they haven’t gone about plugging this properly.  Y’all need some public relation specialists.
If they had split this patch into two, with just the leveling experience revamp now in 7.0, been honest about it, and then in 7.1, they pushed the polished 75-80 content we got WITH the dailies and weapon loadouts and all the other fun stuff they promised for upper levels.... then I think it would have gone over better.  They got overambitious on the shoestring budget and the understaffed team that they do.  Little wonder that Bioware/EA put out a job ad for ‘Encounter Specialist’ for SWTOR on Friday night.  They know they messed up.  Now it’s on them to fix it. (And think about that public relations position.  It’s all about how you market it.)
Having played a new toon, I have a more positive view of 7.0 than I did after playing 75-80 content.   MMORPGs stay alive by appealing not just to the endgame people, but also constantly bringing in new people.  More weight was placed on the latter than the former this patch, and the messaging was crap.  That doesn’t mean there wasn’t good stuff in here. 
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fairycomplex-m · 3 years
suicide notes of beautiful girls, rp meme. feel free to change pronouns or anything else to suit your needs <3
“  i’d  forgotten  what  it  would  be  like  to  be  that  alone.  ”
“  oh  my  god.  is  it  possible,  medically,  that  i’m  still  hungover  from  tuesday?  that  was  an  entire  two  days  ago!  ”
“  i  wouldn’t  have  thought  you’d  be  dating  someone  so  …  normal.  ”
“  i  hope  he’s  at  least  secretly  into  something  freaky.  ”
“  my  eyes  are  not  ready  for  winking  yet.  ”
“  oh  my  god,  that  is  so  sad!  ”
“  she  always  seemed  sort  of  off  the  rails,  like  one  of  those  famous  people  who  do  insane  things.  except  not  actually  famous.  well,  maybe  famous  in  her  own  head.  ”
“  stop  talking  about  her  like  that,  just  fucking  stop  it.  ”
“  parents.  fuck  em’.  ”
“  only  boring  people  have  perfect  lives.  ”
“  we’re  not  going  anywhere,  we’re  just  running!  ”
“  shit,  ___.  why  didn’t  you  tell  me  your  love-ah  was  loa-ded?  ”
“  i  really,  i  mean,  i  really,  really  like  these  bunnies.  ”
“  his  friends  have  an  extraordinarily  low  bar  for  what  weird  is.  ”
“  guys  at  ____  are  generally  hotter.  ”
“  well,  you’ll  just  make  out  with  one  of  the  ___  boys  then.  ”
“  i  can’t  remember  any  of  their  names.  it  doesn’t  really  matter.  ”
“  i’m  her  imaginary  friend.  ”
“  we  have  to  go  now.  sorry,  ___,  my  mom  just  realized  we  weren’t  at  home.  she’s  totally  going  to  kill  me.  ”
“  parents,  man.  ”
“  it  makes  me  look  diseased,  please  save  me.  ”
“  fuck  off,  i  was  a  boy  scout,  i  have  skills.  ”
“  who  were  they  to  her?  how  well  did  they  know  her?  how  much  do  they  care?  ”
“  i’m  ___,  a  friend.  ”
“  i  hate  him,  whoever  he  is.  ”
“  i  already  went  to  the  police,  they  wouldn’t  listen.  they  pretended  to  humor  me,  then  gave  me  some  pamphlets  on  grief  and  sent  me  on  my  way.  ”
“  we  have  to  figure  this  one  out  ourselves.  ”
“  this  is  how  they’re  saying  she  did  it,  by  burning  herself  to  death  right  here.  ”
“  if  i  have  a  nightmare  while  you’re  here,  you  must  promise,  promise  you  will  come  and  wake  me  up.  ”
“  there’s  no  way  she  did  this.  ”
“  i  did  something  a  few  weeks  ago  that  i’m  not  very  proud  of.  ”
“  imagine  floating  off  into  that.  if  i  ever  get  the  chance  to  go  to  space,  i’m  definitely  going.  i’m  serious,  i’d  do  it  in  a  second.  everything  down  here  is  meaningless  but  nothing  bad  has  happened  out  there  yet.  it’s  all  brand  new.  and  if  i  go,  you're  coming  with  me.  ”
“  you’re  the  sweetest  little  honey  pie,  until  someone  tells  you  that  you  can’t  do  something.  ”
“  ah,  i’m  only  messing  with  you,  dolly.  it’s  the  suit,  right?  makes  me  look  like  i  make  the  rules.  have  a  big  ol’  blast!  ”
“  and  how  may  i  help  you,  pretty  girl?  ”
“  i’m  looking  for  something  …  fun.  ”
“  i’m  here  because  i  heard  there  was  a  party.  ”
“  i’m  here  because  i  want  to  know  if  you  killed  my  friend.  ”
“  i’m  not  threatening  you,  i’m  just  stating  some  facts.  ”
“  having  secrets  make  you  real  friends,  secrets  tie  you  together.  ”
“  crazy  how  we  have  such  messed-up  families,  and  yet  somehow  we  both  turned  out  so  awesome,  right?  ”
“  i  need  two  glasses  of  water  in  case  i  dream  about  a  fire.  ”
“  friends  aren’t  ‘  just  ’,  dating  is  just.  friends  are  the  very  highest  thing.  ”
“  no  shit?  but  you  two  were  always  …  all  over  each  other.  ”
“  i  don’t  …  i  just  …  this  should  not  have  happened  like  this.  ”
“  ____,  i  was  looking  for  you.  you’re  trashed.  ”
“  you’ve  done  a  lot  of  kissing.  ”
“  i’m  not  your  mother,  ___,  and  you’re  not  mine.  ”
“  say  cheeeese.  ”
“  not  so  fast,  fucko.  ”
“  what  are  you  smiling  about,  smiler?  ”
“  i  didn’t  even  know  i  was  smiling!  ”
“  you  don’t  ever  get  hugged  at  home,  and  when  i  get  hugged  it’s  creepy.  but  there’s  a  chemical  that  has  a  name  i  can’t  remember,  and  it  explains  why  hugging  is  so  good  with  someone  you  love.  ”
“  hey,  i  know  a  better  game  we  could  play.  ”
“  and  then  you  take  a  shot!  you  there!  sir!  take!  a!  shot!  ”
“  i  have  no  idea  where  i’m  going,  but  i  know  i  need  to  get  away  from  here.  ”
“  i  was  trying  to  protect  her,  or  whatever,  which  is  stupid.  ”
“  she  wouldn’t  have  …    she  was  …  she  was  scared  of  fire.  ”
“  she  was  going  to  do  what  she  was  going  to  do,  ____  always  did.  ”
“  come  over,  come  over,  come  over,  you’re  the  only  one  who  loves  me  enough  to  saaaave  meeee.  ”
“  what  the  actual  fuck?  ”
“  just  open  up  the  back  of  your  throat,  anything  will  slide  right  down.  no  gagging,  once  you  really  learn  how  to  do  it.  ”
“  sorry  i  had  to  beat  up  your  boyfriend.  ”
“  i  don’t  know,  i’m  trying  to  think  about  what  the  reasons  would  be  if  this  was  a  movie  or  whatever.  ”
“  it  hurts  a  lot,  i  thought  it  would’ve  stopped  by  now,  but  it  hasn’t,  and  i  don’t  know  what  to  do.  ”
“  you  really  need  to  see  a  doctor  about  this,  when  did  this  happen?  it’s  much  too  severe  to  treat  on  your  own.  ”
“  ____  died  in  a  fire.  and  ____  has  a  burned  hand.    ”
“  you’re  always  jumping  to  the  wrong  conclusions.  ”
“  so  you  can  clearly  see  no  one  has  killed  me,  you  can  go  back  to  your  life.  ”
“  do  you  need  to  be  rescued?  ”
“  seriously,  go  home,  ___,  forget  about  me.  ”
“  once  you  get  involved,  once  you  know  what  happened,  you  won’t  be  able  to  un-know  it,  and  you  won’t  be  able  to  go  back.  ”
“  hey,  lady.  ”
“  lighting  that  match  felt  good.  ”
“  i  can’t  be  the  kid,  because  i’m  the  damn  adult  here.  ”
“  please,  fucking  god,  come  with  us,  come  with  me.  after  all  this.  please.  ”
“  you’re  really  good  at  crying.  ”
“  and  yet  you  fucked  him.  ”
“  i  bit  until  i  tasted  fucking  blood.  ”
“  where  was  your  mom?  ”
“  you  love  omelettes.  ”
“  i  mean,  she’s  my  mother.  she’s  supposed  to  believe  me,  right?  ”
“  ___,  why  would  you  liiiie  like  that?  ”
“  oh  my  god,  i  am  so,  i  am  …  i  wish  …  ”
“  i  thought  about  calling  you.  that  was  the  very  first  thing  i  thought  to  do,  but  then  i  wasn’t  sure  if  …  ”
“  where’s  the  evidence?  and  who  do  you  think  they’d  believe?  ”
“  my  friends  were  …  you  saw  the  kind  of  people  they  are.  they  thought  i  was  fun  to  party  with.  they  liked  how  i  could  drink  and  i  was  fun  and  crazy.  they  didn’t  care  about  me.  you’re  the  only  one  who  ever  really  did.  ”
“  sometimes  i  even  surprise  myself.  ”
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isitmeurlookin4 · 2 years
HC Based Joe Goldberg from Netflix's You〈 canon divergent from series
21+ mun and muse. DNI if you're under 21〈 triggers are all over the blog
I'm highly private here and will interact highly selectively〈 mutually exclusive
I'm open for asks but please don't reblog memes〈 personals you can follow but don't reblog anything; same goes for non mutuals
Joe is a stalker sociopath who is toxic towards women〈 I don't support his actions clearly as this is a fictitious portrayal. FYI if you follow this blog please do so knowing what character you're getting involved to write with. If he makes you uncomfortable do us both a favor and do not follow. If you are not aware of how deeply problematic Joe is or think I will tone him down this is definitely NOT the blog for you.
Please remember the mun doesn't equal the muse〈 call me moonsea, she/her, over the age of 25. I'm easygoing and here to write with friends. I have discord but opt to disclose it only with people I know for a while so pls do not ask me for it if we do not know each other.
Shipping isn't going to be normal. Joe obsesses and kills. I also do not ship Joe with Love and avoid the plot point of Beck. This is a canon divergent blog and that goes with shipping. If you're looking for him to fall in love with Love or Beck I will not write that. I will be honest I dislike the Quinn family. lol I'm not here for it. Also do not assume he will automatically choose your muse as his next 'YOU' object when interacting. I usually will talk to the person I'm interacting with if that's something you're interested in with shipping with Joe. His main ship is my gf's @ixonmaiden BUT he is not a single ship blog. He is multiship; everything happens in its own universe. No cross shipping of any kind will take place. This blog is OC friendly and always female muse supportive. Joe is interested in females only for romance/shipping purposes. However he will interact with anyone bar child muses. 〈 don't autoship please
Joe is low activity and low follower count〈 casual rp with extensive plot
Do not god mod. And pls do not meta game. Yeah we know that Joe is a creep stalker BUT your muse doesn't know this when meeting him. So if your muse has some immediate epiphany about something being wrong with him well I will probably not reply to you. Cause that ruins the whole interaction. He doesn't show his true self. He is intelligent enough to play the game so remember this when dealing with him.
My opens are not to be liked by anyone who is NOT a mutual. Please do not respond to them if I have not followed you back. My interactions are private and selective for a reason.
Banned: Child muses. Love Quinn & The Quinn family in general. (I just have no interest). Amber Heard. Ezra Miller. Others using Penn Badgley's face for obvious reasons lol
Selective: For potential oc fcs - Victoria Pedretti, Elizabeth Lail. I'm not big on these two & it's better to be honest about that upfront.
Wanted: Would absolutely love to interact with - Adam, Delilah Alves, Marienne Bellamy, Nadia Farran, Kate Galvin, Lady Phoebe, Rhys Montrose, Peach Salinger.
Aesthetics: I have chosen to use static icons for aesthetic purposes on this blog. Maybe I will make some gif icons at some point. However, I will not use gifs. If you do that's fine. You may use gifs, gif icons, static icons or no icons at all. I'm not picky with it at all. I use small/medium gifs on other blogs but for the purposes of this one I prefer the statics I have made.
I'm portraying Joe based on headcanons and diverging from the canon. I look at him as someone who suffers from sociopathic tendencies and narcissistic behavior. Remember that Joe is not a prince charming. He might think he is but I know he is not. He feels as he does in his warped vision of himself and everyone around him BUT I do not agree with this. Take this as a major PSA on this blog. Cause I the mun am totally aware of how messed up he is. So no need to come at me in my inbox to tell me what I already know lol This character is dark and I'm aware of the reality of who he is. Joe Goldberg is a whole trigger.
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fairymint-archive · 2 years
🔴 Red - Do you have a dream AU you haven’t written in yet? - Samus, felix
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I'm not really much of an AU guy in the first place, and I kinda don't write the secondary verses i already have and like, haha.
For now Samus is perfect the way she is, kinda wish my muse was bi (like my Robin muse, actually) but well, as a fellow homo I totally get it. My only suggestion might be interaction with Space Dandy and Star Fox? haha I'd love putting her in a space bar. but that's normal ass interactions.
As for Felix! His pokemon verses are cool! his Pikachu Verse is adorable (and nicer/gentler than him) while the trainer verse is pretty cool! (and haha, a bit meaner.) I just kinda fell out of the pkmn RP fandom at the time due to all the vagueblogging, confessional, and such drama like that. Plus competitive pkmn play is 2 salt 4 me despite being decent at it.
He also has fire emblem verses, there just isn't a huge demand for them imo.
I do also need to reboot his fursona verses; Sonic, BATIM, that kinda thing, when he's even more kitty, he becomes more of a cute little shit. like Kururun @aplushemporium
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maxikha-ffxiv · 4 years
LFRP - Maxi Kha
This is all on her Carrd, but just saving people a click or two
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Appearance -
Name: Altani “Maxi” Kha (proper birth name being Altani Dazkar)
Gender: Female
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Age: 28
Height: 4′ 10″
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Hair Color: Black, teal highlights
Notable Physical Features: Freckles on her cheeks, back scar from a workplace accident
Build: Small but athletically fit
The Facts -
Name Day:  23rd Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
Occupation: Archer, stereotypical “tavern wench” on the side
Sexual identification: Asexual
Romantic identification: Biromantic
Alignment: Good
Relationship Status: Single. She’s found it hard to have any meaningful relationship when she’s not interested in sex
Family: Mother and step-father travel around Eorzea with some other Kha as traveling merchants. Doesn’t speak of her father
Favorites –
Favorite food: Dumplings
Favorite drink: Eastern teas. Persimmon teas are a favorite
Favorite scent: The smell of the Shroud right after a storm has rolled through
Facts about Maxi:
⚫Maxi is by birth/blood a Dazkar, not a Kha. Her, her mom, and her grandmother fled the tribe when she was born. She was born out of a non-consensual act, and despises her birth father to this day for what he’s done to them.
⚫ The Kha adopted Maxi and her mother & grandmother after fleeing. Her mom fell in love with one of their merchants, and they were married when Maxi was only 5 years old. She is on good terms with her step-father, who has done all he can to help the women have good lives
⚫ Maxi was trained from a young age by her late grandmother, Ghoa in all the ways of Dazkar archery. Ghoa had the title “Butterfly of the Dazkar” in her prime, and taught Maxi what she could before passing of old age. After her passing, Maxi left for the Archer’s guild in Gridania to further hone her skills.
⚫  Due to not having a ton of money, Maxi spent a year or so waitressing/bartending/etc at various taverns and inns in Limsa and Gridania to save up coin to start out on her own.
⚫ Maxi lived at the Archer’s Guild once she joined, and was very studious while there. She spent about 2-3 years honing her skills in the ways of the Elezen and Miqo’te styles of Archery to compliment the Xaela style her grandmother taught her. This is where she met her close friend Seseta. After being drawn to the Skysteel project in Ishgard, Seseta gifted Maxi her hat, since the latter loved it. Maxi will still wear it to this day
⚫ At one point, Maxi was considered for the guild’s Bard project, since she was seen as one who was competent in planning and strategy. Maxi turned them down, citing she preferred to work alongside Bards, not as one. In reality, she’s tone deaf, and didn’t want to let that come to light
⚫ Maxi does have some form of aetherical affinity, leaning towards the lightning aspect. She has the raw talent and aether needed to become a healer, but Maxi has no interest in it at all. Instead, Maxi’s learned to use her aetherical abilites to modify her arrows and shots, being able to exploit magical weaknesses in her
⚫ Maxi’s travelling companion is her chocobo, Drumstick. She saved him as a chick, and raised him herself. Now they’re inseparable, and the chocobo hates leaving her side.
⚫ Maxi has one notable scar, three lines that run across her back. She sustained it from a mission gone wrong. A rabid direwolf got loose and attacked a small settlement. Maxi arrived just in time to see it attacking a child, and threw herself between them and the wolf. She saved the child’s life, but the beast’s claw tore up her back. After a couple weeks of recovery, she was able to return back to her normal life, but still has the scar to this day
⚫ Maxi is, by definition, a tomboy. Because of her upbringing, her choice in line of work, and what side jobs she’s worked, things of a fancy nature are foreign to her. She has a grand total of two nice dresses/outfits given to her, one by her mom as a birthday present, the other from a client as thanks for helping them with the food and bar for an event last minute. She doesn’t often wear either, but has been known to break them out for events when required.
RP Hooks (aka starting RP points) ––––
Archery: Maxi would be a known face around the Archer’s guild in Gridania. She’s known as good with a bow, and reliable to handle whatever job she’s given. Anyone who’s spent an extended period of time with the guild would have heard her name.
Side Job: Maxi has experience with bartending, waitressing, and general help staff with public functions. If you need someone to help with running an event in a pinch, she can help out
Xaela: Maxi has ties to both the Dazkar and Kha. She doesn’t know them all extensively or a ton of the tribal traditions, but she is open to learning from any other Kha or Dazkar she meets. Maxi especially wants to meet other Dazkar members, to learn more of the tribe she shares blood with.
Friends: Maxi needs friends, plain and simple. Where she got them, what they do, doesn’t matter. Let the girl have people to do stuff with. Either pre-established or new, doesn’t matter.
Wildcard?: If you have something you want to run by me, go for it.
Contact Information  –––
If you want to hit me up via Discord, let me know. I can pass off my username. Maxi is based on Balmung, but I can travel throughout Crystal no problem
@crystalxivrp​ @ffxiv-crystal-rp​
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Survey #412
“there’s nothing i could ever write to help you understand this life  /  there’s so much beauty when your eyes lay lost in all the city lights”
Did you make any money today? Nope. What was the highest place you've ever jumped from? Idk. Have you ever gone swimming in a river? Yes, but it wasn't in a fast-flowing area of it. Is there something you really want to buy at the moment? I mention Venus' terrarium enough, so besides that, I'd really like to buy a plane ticket to see Sara, as well as new glasses. Would you ever consider culinary school? No. What was the last souvenir someone got you? uhhhhhhhh Do you have a favorite remix of a song? BOI I couldn't begin. Has the power gone out recently? No. Do you like driving at night? NOOOOOOO. What do you think is the most saddest sounding instrument? Either a violin or piano. Do you really pay attention to the ratings on movies? Nope. Have you ever snuck in to a theater/dance/bar etc? No. If given the chance, would you go to Ireland? Yeah! I'd love to go on a photography journey there. Are you afraid of standing on the edge of hills/skyscrapers/cliffs etc? Yeah, heights scare me and I have a serious case of "what if I jumped off?". I'm not suicidal or anything, but there's an actual term for that urge that is somewhat normal. I just can't remember what it is. Do you have a favorite species of wild cat (tiger/lion/cougar etc)? Probably the clouded leopard. But I LOVE wild cats. I think lions are the most interesting. Do you have an absolute favorite name (boy or girl)? Alessandra, 120%. It is so beautiful-sounding, plus I love that you can use "Alessa" as a nickname. My Silent Hill obsession is quite thrilled by that, ha ha. Are you good at pronouncing foreign words? I'm decent with German. When listening to music, do you usually tap your foot etc to the beat? It's weird, I actually have a habit of swaying my leg back and forth. Not even to the beat, I just do it. Have you ever literally cried on a friend's shoulder? Yes. Would you ever consider being a DJ at a party if you were paid? No. Do strapless bras work for you? Look man my boobs are too big for those lmao. Has anyone told you that they wanted to marry you/were planning on it/etc? Many times. Guess who's not around anymore. Do you feel comfortable enough to wear short shorts? HELL no. Have a favorite actor/actress from Old Hollywood? (Marilyn Munroe, etc) Not really. What's your opinion on people who stretch their ears? You do you, boo. Do you think tattoos are expressive art or unattractive? A R T ! ! ! What is your school mascot? I'm not in school. Have you ever seen a bear in the wild? No. What's the book you're currently reading? Wings of Fire: Moon Rising. Can you recall the most disturbing movie you've ever seen? Paranormal Entity. Has anyone you know gotten mono? My older sister did when she was I think in high school. Have you ever picked an apple off the tree and eaten it? Yes, actually! It was one of the best apples I'd ever tasted. Can you say yes/no in different languages? In German, ja. (See what I did there lololol I'm clever.) Out of the traditional superheroes, which one is your favorite? Spider-Man. Ever peed in your pants after the age of 10? Maybe TMI, but a few years ago, I had a very strange episode of premature incontinence. It stopped, but it was very weird and embarrassing. Had any surgeries? What kind? I had tubes put in my ears as a two-year-old, and I wanna say at the end of 2016 is when I had my cyst removal surgery. Ever told your parents you hated them? My dad, yes. Very vehemently. I will always regret the letter I sent him. Do you let your pets on your furniture? Of course. This is their house, too. How do you feel about kettle cooked chips? Ew. How strong do you like your coffee? I don't like coffee, period. Would you rather see someone of the opposite sex naked or nicely dressed? Uhhhh I dunno. I guess it depends on the mood. Would you ever consider visiting Texas? I have friends there I'd love to meet, but I don't think so. Too hot. If you could make a movie, what would it be about? Some of the less-upsetting/disturbing RP stories I've taken part in writing. If you were kicked out of your current residence whom would you call? My dad. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? I mean I do, but I don't think now is the time. I need to set shit straight about myself first. Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus? Broccoli. Asparagus is repulsive. Was the last person you kissed attractive? She's gorgeous. Are you racist at all? Not at all. Do you read creepypasta? If not, you should. Nah. Have you ever vandalized? Nope. Would you ever scuba dive in shark-infested waters if you had the chance? Most likely not. And by the way, they do not "infest" waters. That's their home. I hate that phrase so much. Have you ever been drunk at work? No. Have you ever hit a parked car with your car? No. Have you ever slept on the floor with someone you like? Yes. I remember Jason and I made a palette on the living room floor at least one night. It was SO uncomfortable. I don't even remember why we did it. Which do you prefer: french toast, bagels, or cereal? French toast. *_* Do you prefer light or dark haired? I prefer colorful hair. Have you ever read any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books? No. I remember we had at least one, though. Would you be prepared to do a job that you didn’t like, if it paid well? No. That would affect my depression so badly. Do you think age is needed for maturity? Absolutely not. Do you believe the future is predetermined? No. What the hell would even be the point if it was? Like you'd have no free will; you'd just be a character in a story a higher power wrote. What words are most comforting to you? "I love you," "I'm here for you," "you're strong enough to get through this," stuff like that. How important is money to you? I have a stressful relationship with money. I've never in my life had a stable income because the three jobs I've had were so incredibly short-lived, so the money I DO get, I cherish the shit outta it.. I make sure I REALLY want something, and I mean it modestly, but I'm also honestly pretty selfless with money, too. I'm very willing to leave considerable tips, I don't mind buying pricey gifts for people if I think they would really, really like it, stuff like that. Going my whole life being poor, I just understand the situation so well and want to help people where I can. Is there anything you want to last forever? Love. By that I mean I hope even beyond death, the relationships we built in life stretch into what afterlife there may be. List three of your passions: Animals and their conservation, LGBTQ+ rights, and the pro-choice movement. How old do you want to live to? As old as I can before the point of being totally dependent on others to do things like clean me and stuff. I do NOT want to be get to the point of essentially being a rotting corpse. What kind of love do you value the most? Romantic, honestly. There's just something so special about it. If you could control one element, what would it be? Water I suppose, because it would be the most helpful. Do you prefer foxes or wolves? Man, that's hard, but I guess foxes. Could you ever deliver a baby? I don't think I could. I handle stomach pain VERY poorly, and I know I would screech loud enough to crack the damn sky before it would be time to perform the epidural. Do you think suits are sexy? Yeah. Ever been called babe? Yeah. How old is your youngest sibling? She's 23. Who in your phone has a heart after their name? Sara. Favorite boy’s name? Probably Severin. Are your parents together, separated, divorced, never married, what? Divorced. Do you go online every day? Yep. What is the best quality in the last guy you kissed? The last guy I kissed, maybe his loyalty. He has ALWAYS been there for me. He's also funny as hell. What do you usually do during a kiss? Depends on how passionate it is? Do you have an older brother? I do. You’re offered free tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. What do you do? Sell those bad boys. What’s the genre of the current song you’re listening to? Pop. Can you believe it?? Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? ABSOLUTELY not. I could write an actual essay on why meerkats should NOT be kept as pets. Would you ever sell your soul? Noooo thanks.
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
RP Meme from The Lost Boys
I told you to stay off the boardwalk.
Hey, I liked that song.
I don't see any boogeymen or nasty guys.
Wait. That's from my era!
That's the ocean air.
Smells like someone died.
Looks like he's dead. No, he's just a deep sleeper.
If he's dead, can we go back to [PLACE]?
What's wrong with this picture? There's no TV. Have you seen a TV? I haven't seen a TV.
You're the only woman I ever knew who didn't improve her situation by getting divorced.
A big legal war wasn't going to improve anybody's situation.
Ouch. My hair.
Talk about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
We've got some rules around here. Second shelf is
mine. That's where I keep my root beers and my double-thick Oreo cookies. Nobody touches the second shelf but me.
There's another rule around here, and I want you to pay
close attention. Don't touch anything. Everything is exactly where I want it.
There are some bad elements around here.
You're telling me we've moved to the murder capital of the world?
If all the corpses buried around here were to stand up all at once we'd have one hell of a population problem.
I just like to read the TV Guide. Read the TV Guide, you don't need a TV.
I was so worried. Don't run off like that.
We were that age, too, once. Only they dress better.
You have a generous nature. I like that in a person.
So how may I help you this evening? We have it all.
I look that needy, huh?
You're chasing that girl, aren't you?
I'm at the mercy of your sex glands.
Don't you have something better to do than follow me around all night?
Just scoping your civilian wardrobe.
Listen buddy, if you're looking for the diet frozen-yogurt bar, it went out of business last summer.
That's a very serious book, man.
Only five in existence.
Where the hell are you from? Krypton?
Nobody drives this baby but me.
We have to let it warm up a little. Hear that sound? Just like a baby pussycat.
That's as close to town as I like to get.
It's a pretty cool place. If you're a Martian. Or a vampire.
Are you guys sniffing old newsprint or something?
You think you really know what's happening here, don't you? Well, I'll tell you something. You don't know shit buddy.
This is just our cover. We are dedicated to a higher
purpose. We're fighters for Truth Justice, and the American
Think of it more as a survival manual.
There's our number on the back and pray you never need to call us.
I'll pray I never need to call you.
If you want your ear pierced, I'll do it.
I came this close to being called Moon Beam or Moon Child Or something like that.
I can't beat your bike.
You don't have to beat me, [NAME]. You just have to try
and keep up.
Just you! Come on! Just you!
That's what I love about this place. You ask, and then you get.
I can never sleep with the closet door open, either. Not even a crack.
Don't sneak up on people like that!
What, you don't like rice? Tell me [NAME], how could a
billion Chinese people be wrong? Come on!
You're eating maggots. How do they taste?
Sorry about that. No hard feelings, huh?
Drink some of this, [NAME]. Be one of us.
Give me those sunglasses.
You need sunglasses to talk on the phone?
Are you freebasing? Inquiring minds want to know.
Anything in here that might pass for after-shave?
Have a big date tonight, [NAME]?
Lose the earring, [NAME]. It's not you. It's definitely
not you.
All you do is give attitude lately.
Go take your bath.
What did you do to my dog, asshole?
I didn't hurt him. He bit me. This is my blood.
Why did he bite you, huh? What did you do to him?
He was protecting you.
Look at your reflection in the mirror. You're a creature of
the night, [NAME]. Just like out of a comic book.
My own brother/sister/friend/etc, a goddam shit-sucking vampire.
You wait 'til[NAME] finds out!
Just let me talk. Wait a minute! [NAME]!
You did the right thing by calling us.
Does the sunlight freak him out?
He wears sunglasses in the house.
He always had bad breath, though.
He's a vampire all right. Here's what you do.
I can't do that! He's my brother/sister/mother/friend/etc!
You better get yourself a garlic T-shirt, buddy. Or it's
your funeral.
I think we have to have a real long talk about something.
[NAME] help! He's coming to get me!
[NAME], help me! Open up! Help me! [NAME], open the window!
So what are you, the flying nun?
We're gonna work this out. We*re gonna work this out. Trust
me, okay?
I thought I saw something on my window, but I guess I got carried away.
I would like to have a personal life too.
Can I sleep in here with you tonight?
You smell like garlic.
What's happening to me, [NAME]?
I don't know how to help you.
Aren't we friends anymore?
Then let's act like friends. Let's talk.
We could talk about anything you want to talk about.
I have more serious things on my mind than girls and school. Things I'm dealing with.
Looks like I wasn't the only one who got lucky last night.
The dog chased my mom like the Hounds of Hell from Vampires
We've been aware of some very serious vampire activity in
town for a long time.
[PLACE] has become a haven for the undead.
As a matter of fact, we're almost certain that ghouls and
werewolves occupy high position at City Hall.
Kill your brother/sister/boyfriend/aunt/best friend/etc, you'll feel better!
Look, it says here that if you kill the head vampire all half-vampires will return to normal.
Does he know who the head vampire is?
You'll have to kill him. And if you don't, we will.
Vampire require a daytime protector, a guardian to watch
over them as they sleep. Fierce dogs, the Hounds of Hell,
are often employed for this purpose.
Truth, Justice, The American way triumphs.
Smells good. When do we eat?
Are we gonna have company again?
Well, you are the man of the house and I'm not coming in until you invite me.
He promises to behave if you come back.
I didn't know you were having guests.
Our batting average isn't terrific, is it? Zero for two.
You're so sweet to him.
I don't know what got in to him. He's not like that.
If you ever want to see [NAME] again, you better come with
us now.
Initiation's over, [NAME]. Time to join the club.
Don't kill me, [NAME]. I'm basically a good kid, so just
don't kill me.
Just work with me and I can help you. You'll be okay.
Is she one of them?
You shut the window and lock your door.
She's one of them! And don't tell me it doesn't make her a
bad person, [NAME]!
Yes, and it's my fault. You would've not met me, if I
hadn't liked you. I tried to warn you.
You drank someone's blood? Are you crazy?
We're not them.
Why didn't you kill me last night?
You're supposed to be my first.
What are you doing here? What do you want from me?
Don't kill anybody until we get back to you!
I got connections.
The night crawler. The bloodsucker. El Vampiro.
I don't want you going down there.
Look, this isn't a comic book, [NAME]. These guys are
brutal killers.
Who'd you rather go down in with you? Them or me?
If something happens down there, I won't have the strength
to protect you.
This time I'll protect you.
Even though you're a vampire, you're still my brother/sister/friend/etc
If you try to stop us, or vamp out in any way, I'll stake
you without even thinking twice about it!
Where did you say you met these guys?
Don't you touch her. Stay away from her.
Flies and the undead go together like bullets and guns.
There must be coffins here someplace.
I thought they'd be in coffins.
That's what this cave is. It's one giant coffin.
Right now they're at their most vulnerable. Easy pickings.
Remember. You just have to kill the leader.
We don't know which one he is.
I guess we'll just have to kill them all.
What's that, a little vampire humor? It wasn't funny.
Good night, bloodsucker.
We blew it, man! We lost it!
We unraveled in the face of the enemy!
They pulled a mind-scramble on us!
We don't ride with vampires.
"Burn rubber" does not mean warp speed!
Your dog knows a flesh-eater when he smells one.
The sun goes down. They'll be looking for us.
[PLACE] is crawling with vampires
They're coming to the house as soon as it gets dark!
I'm gonna see [NAME] tonight, and you're trying to ruin it for me.
I don't know what you don't want me to see.
I'm not talking about [NAME]! To hell with [NAME]!
Good. That's just the way we like it.
We've got a date tonight?
They'll be coming for all of us.
It's just old memories coming back.
Why are you so jumpy tonight?
He seemed so sincere, but it's insane.
Tell me. I promise not to laugh. Honest.
I think I should warn you all when a vampire dies, it's never a pretty sight.
Some yell and scream. Some go quietly. Some explode. Some implode. But all will try to take you with them.
Don't go out there! Stop him!
I say we terminate them right now.
You're mine. You killed [NAME]
Try the holy water, dead breath!
I nailed one of them downstairs with a bow and arrow.
We trashed the one that looked like Twisted Sister.
We totally annihilated his night stalkin' ass!
Death to all vampires!
We are awesome monster bashers!
Holy shit! The attack of Eddie Monster!
Stop! Get away from him! Just stay away from him! He's just
a little boy.
You're afraid to face me, [NAME]?
I tried to make you immortal.
You tried to make me a killer!
Stop fighting me, [NAME]. I don't want to kill you. Join us.
It is too late, my blood is in your veins.
Don't let them see me like this.
What happened to your face?
I knew it. You are the head vampire.
You're the secret [NAME] was protecting.
Don't ever invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy/girl/etc.
It renders you powerless.
Has everyone gone crazy? What's the matter with all of you?
It was you I was after, all along, [NAME]
It was all going to be so perfect, [NAME]
Just like one big happy family.
Great. The bloodsucking Brady Bunch.
I still want you, [NAME]. I haven't changed my mind about that.
I didn't invite you this time, [NAME]
Don't you touch my mother/father/son/dog/etc
Don't fight, [NAME]. It's so much better if you don't fight.
How much do you think we should charge them for this?
One thing about living in [PLACE] I never could
stomach--all the damn vampires.
11 notes · View notes
samyp05 · 3 years
Soulmate An RP With The Permission Of @angelcatlowyn
Lowyn worked as a waitress in a restaurant down town the place were humans and mutant’s can relax after a hard day of work she and her best friend were very busy not knowing two huge ninja turtles were walking in and sit down at a table talking to each other. 
Lowyn: Sam would you help those gentle man at table 4? *pointed at the table were a red and orange bandana turtles were sitting
Raphael: Hi Doll can i have a good pint of beer please? *looked at Sam when she was at their table*
Sam: Tell me your favorite beer and I'll bring it to you
Raphael: *says his favourite beer and looking at the feline angel behind the bar say Doll who is the new mutant behind the bar? I think my little brother can’ get his eyes of her *
Lowyn: not knowing whats going on and helped the other costumers cleaned some glasses and her cat ears didn’t hear anything what they said about her
Sam: She is Lowyn my best friend
Raphael: *nodged his younger brother* go talk to her if ya like her little bro
Sam: *laughs a little bit* In a moment I will gonna bring your favorite beer
Lowyn: whats the order? What did they want?? *looked at her * and takes a pint from the cabin
Sam: Well, the turtle with red bandanna want a Coors Light Beer
Sam: And the turtle with orange bandanna want a Orange Crush
Lowyn: alright * takes a can orange crush for the orange bandana turtle and a coors light beer for the big boy
Lowyn: why is he lurking at me?
Sam: I believe that the orange bandanna falls in love
Sam: Falls in love with you
Lowyn: *looked to the left and right if some one else is working* on me?? And i think the big boy in red is having a crush on you  
Raphael: yo dude,* snapped his finger at mikey* what’s wrong with you?? You are absent all day when I’m talking to ya 
Mikey: Sorry Raph
Lowyn: *putted down the beer and the oran crush on a tray and gives it to Sam
Mikey: dude???* looking at him and rises a eyebrow * are you hittin on the female over there aren’t you?* he suggested Lowyn
Raphael: Maybe 
Lowyn: you can bring it to them or should i do it?*looked at Sam *
Lowyn: *putted also some sweet nuts in a bowl for them* tapped the beer and putted down a glass with ice and a can of orange crush down on a tray, would you mind bring this to them ? *its ready :)
Sam: Of course Lowyn 
*Sam takes the order and gives it to the turtles at the table 4* 
Raphael: thanks doll, *took the beer of the tray and also the can of orange crush and the glass with ice * how much do ya get from us?? 
Sam: A little bird told me your favorite drinks
Sam: I believe that my best friend told me your favorite drinks
Sam: Oh, sorry, you didn't tell me your name
Lowyn: walked away from the bar and walked to her friend I’m going on a brake 15 min? *looked at mikey with her blue eyes blushes* 
Raphael: I’m Raphael and this is my younger brother Michaelangelo aka Mikey
Raphael: but call me raph if this pleases you * winked at Sam and smiled*
Sam: Ok Lowyn
Sam: It's a beautiful name "Raphael"
Lowyn: passes mikey while she was going on a break * and smiled stops and looked back at him* enjoy your drink sweetie.
Raphael: thanks doll, *took a sip of his beer nodged his younger brothers when the feline angel was talking to him 
Sam: You want something else? 
Raph: Nah, I’m good thanks
Sam: Ok ;)
Lowyn: *cames back from her break after 15 min and took her position behind the bar again and continued helping the others*
Raphael: payed Sam for the drinks and gives also his number to her * putted the money on the table and a tip
Sam: Thanks Big Red ;)
Raphael: Your welcome Doll, alright mikey we need to leave say your little gf goodnight or what Evah you want
Mikey: Goodnight sweetie ;)
Lowyn: eh goodnight Michaelangelo
Lowyn: how much did we have today??
Sam: We totally got $500
Lowyn: that’s enough ?? For a whole week of diner right?
Sam: Yes
Raphael: Mikey is something wrong?? *looked at his younger brother * you didn’t talk to her at all??
Mikey: No dude, I didn't talk to her
Raphael: why?? You aren’t shy aren’t ya?? * says this while he was running in ninja style over the roofs of New York*
Mikey: No, I'm not shy, is that I didn't have the courage to ask her out
Raphael: why?? U can get every gal u want and u don’t ask the angel/feline?? * smirked* 
Mikey: I will gonna ask her out 
(While in the restaurant) 
Lowyn: that’s nice * nodded* something was off with her and continues cleaning the bar after the boys left
Sam: *whistling her favorite song while she is cleaning the bar* 
Lowyn: alright Sam I’m off *takes her apron off and walked to the door* heading to her home* 
Sam: Ok Lowyn goodnight 
Raphael: well here is your change boy there she walks *pointed at the feline cat leaving the restaurant’s*
Mikey: Alright, here I go 
Lowyn: *walked to her home not knowing what what’s going on*
Raphael: *goes back to the restaurant of Sam and knocked on the window waited for a reaction* Sam are ya there? 
Sam: Hello? Who's there??
Raphael: its me ta redbandana turtle Raphael can u open ta door?
Sam: Ah, Raphael, yes come *she opens the window for Raph* come on, get in
Lowyn: *while she was alone on the streets she looked to the left and right climbs up to a roof undressed her upper body and releases her big owl wings to stretch them*
Mikey: *Appears on the roof* Hello 
Lowyn: looked to him when she heard him* oh eh hello folding her wings on her back again i though i was alone here? Don’t worry I-I will leave if this is your spot
Mikey: No,no,no don't go please I want to tell you something
Lowyn:*putted on her sweater/vest over her body and looked at him*
Mikey: Well, how I can say this, I was thinking, If you want to go out with me??
Lowyn: are you asking me out mikey?? I love to but one question why do you ask me and no other mutant girl?im just a normal barista
Mikey: Because the first time that I saw you I fall in love with you, and I want to go out with you
Lowyn: *smiled* I love to mikey *blush were shown on her cheeks and looked away*
Lowyn: *looked at the orange terrapin* walked closer to him* and kissed him on his lips pushed him gently to a wall and makes the kiss a french kiss*
Raphael: *walks in and and looked around in the empty restaurant wow this looks empty in ta evening*
Sam: So, what do you need Big Red?
Raphael: I eh wanted to say something to ya ? If u want to listen to me
Sam: Of course, I want to hear you
Raphael: *squats down in front of her because he was very large and took her eye reach* it sounds a little bit weird that a big mutant turtle says this to ya but...Sam tha first time i saw you i felt in love... on ya and i want to ask ya, would you go out with me? To know each other better? *he looked in her eyes and waited on her respond*
Sam: Yes, I want to go out with you.
Raphael: *gets up and churred low* can i give u a kiss?
Sam: Yes, I want a kiss
Raphael: *walks to her bows his head and kissed her lips while lifting her*
Sam: *On the inside she was very happy because she found her love*
Raphael: smirked at her* ya good doll?? * still holding her and kissed her gently putted her on the ground*
Sam: Yes, I'm good Big Red 
Raphael: anything i could do for ya babygirl? 
Sam: Can you help me to close the restaurant? 
Raphael : Sure no problem *walked with her and tried to know her better* so how is ya best friend doing? My little bro is all ears over her he talks a lot about his girl already 
Sam: I believe she's heading home, but she didn't text me, you know what happen to her? 
Raphael: no not a clue and i dind’t hear from mikey either
Sam: Can we go to the roof?
Sam: But I want something
Raphael: anything u say doll *picked her up and set her on his shoulder*
Sam: First of all, I want a passionately kiss
Lowyn: looked at mikey are u ok?? Going to fast with this?? I will stop
Mikey: Yes, I'm fine, continue please
Lowyn: i would love to but i don’t want do anything you want to ...* her hand landed on his crotch and rubs over his pants
Raphael: *lifted her up from his shoulder and gives her a passionate kiss and a little french kiss*
Sam: May I touch your body? *she blushes*
Raphael *stepped back and hands up in the air* be my guest doll
Sam: I mean, while we are kissing I can touch your body and you touch my body too?
Raphael: only if you allow it baby girl
Sam: I allow you to do it 😉❤️
Raphael: *walked to her and kissed her with passion his member was getting hard and pushed her against the bar gently licked the crook of her neck gently his hand goes slowly over sexy body and breasts* 
Sam: Oh my god Raph, don't stop
Raphael: don’t worry i will continue *squats down and licked her belly and breasts* looked up at her and touched her nub of her breast very gently*
Mikey: Come on princess, let's do it
While Lowyn and Mikey were having a hot makeout session Mikey start by kissing her passionately
Lowyn; u want me to ...? *she blushes and her hand goes down his trousers and start to rub his member gently kissed him with pasion* moans soft when she felt his harden grow* ooh baby...you are so hard...
Mikey: Yes princess
Mikey: You are so fucking pretty
Lowyn: *take of her cloths and her vest standing in front of him with only a furred body and a orange tank top and sexy body opens her wings*
Lowyn: * looked at him * bows to his head and whispers ~ if i where u mikey I should mark your territory before a other male wil do it... starts to rub his cock
Mikey: Well, princess what are you waiting for? Take me and make me yours
Lowyn: *kissed him deeply * squads down and freed his cock* sits down on her knees took his cock in hand starts to suck his cock deeply spitted out the pre-cum and licked his hard cock and top*  
Lowyn: * looked at him * while she was sucking his huge hard cock and stops* M-mikey??
Mikey: That was awesome baby, officially I am already yours ;)
Lowyn: I thought u didn’t like it bc i didn’t hear ya moaning* still sitting in front of him on the roof* i want u inside me mikey...* gets up and grinded against his cock*
Mikey: Let's go for a second round 
Lowyn: are u going to mark me?? *looked at him*
Mikey: Yes baby
Raphael: babe, if its ok with you I’m gonna mark u putted his hand on the counter with her in front of him *lust was reading in his eyes*
Sam: Yes Raph do it
Raph: *kissed her neck makes it wet with his tongue and bites her neck his finger starts to rub between her legs at her clit* baby yo are so wet for me already .... Dang i want u so badly but i don;t have anything on me...
Sam: If you want, you can lick and suck my pussy
Raph: *nodded undressed her panties and starts to lick her core and clit..*
Sam: Oh Raph don't stop please
Raph: continues licking and sucking his fresh new mate* ohh doll ya soo good...ya taste sweet*
Sam: Fuck Raph
Sam: I love it when you suck and lick my pussy
Raph: *continues licking her pearl deeply he even reached her g-spot *holds her at her place and continues while listing slowly moaning and churning in her pussy*
Sam: Raph, I'm gonna come *she says between moans*
Raph: then cum for ya big boy baby doll, let me taste your sweet cum *continues licking*
Sam: *Between moans she cum very hard* Did you like it Big Red??
Raphael: Hell yeah baby* licked his lips when he tasted her cum* crawled to her like a half animal and nudged her at her leg*
Sam: Well, I love it Big Boy, now can we go to the roof?
Raphael: Sure doll* gets up on his feet* and lifted her on his shoulder * hold on dashes off with her on his shoulder and his ninja speed took over* to the roof *
Lowyn: I’m yours baby * kissed him deeply and lifted her head to the right/left* my love all i ask ...is...
Sam: My best friend and your brother are fucking in the roof, I'm telling you because I already heard them
Lowyn: not knowing whats going on and moans softly 
Raphael: baby, he found his mate just like I did and i guess he is marking her now on his own way *looked at those two and smiled*
Sam: I will gonna scared them un 3,2,1..
*Mikey and Lowyn scream*
Lowyn: WHAAAA!! Jumps high * JESUS SAM
Raphael HAHAHAAHAHA Thats my girl.... * laughs at them*
Lowyn: how did u know we were here? And what we did ? Waaaaaait U did it too did u?
Sam: I can't believe that you were fucking in the roof
Lowyn: so what u did it in the restaurant
*Sam and Raph laughs very hard*
Lowyn: yeah i can smell the scent of Raphael all on you
Lowyn: * took her vest from the roof and putted on again *kissed mikey on his lips* thank u baby stands next to him with her hand around his waist*
Sam: Well, Yes Raph and I were fucking but I take the lead on him and we make the best fucking and hot makeout session, right Big Red?
Raphael: right ya are baby girl how are you doing it mikey? Did u marked ya mate yet?
*Sam laughs a little bit*
Raph: squeezed her rear and picked up one of his sais and swirled it*
Sam: What are you doing?
Raphael: sorry baby I’m happy that yo are mine and lowyn is marked by mikey aren’t ya yet??
Sam: Well, Yes Raph I feel so proud of being yours
Lowyn: * looked at mikey* did u marked me yet ??
Mikey: Yes princess
Raph: * smirked and kissed his girl on the cheek* alright me and my bro need to patrol, Mikey are ya come with? Or are ya hanging around Lowyn all night?? To please her more? * smirked at him*
Mikey: I don't know you are the leader in this case only with our girlfriends
Lowyn: u need to go babe... u can mark me later on i can wait.. * says it with a little sadness in her voice* ready to leave the exit of the roof biting her lip little bleeding*
Raphael: i will be home soon doll* he kissed Sam on her lips * oh before i forgot he took her on his shoulder again and jumped on the trottoir and putted her down* if u need anything let me know ok?
Sam: Ok baby boy ❤️
The End
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applekitty · 4 years
things that happened with me in the past 7 years
i feel guilty so i want to post this. it’s basically a confession post abt stuff i’ve done, stuff that’s happened to me, and general rumination on how my actions have affected people.
transparency is the thing i value most, and now that i’m comfortable to share with you guys my age, i think it’s important i share these things too.
keep in mind my memory’s a little foggy on dates so i can mostly only give approximations
content warning for MANY mentions of rape, grooming, mlp porn, and one passing mention on transphobic genderbend content. also idk if counts as it or not but just to be safe??? csa, bc it happened when i was a kid
there’s a tl;dr at the end, please at the very least read that before sending me any asks about this post 
i got my iphone 4s when i was late into being 12 years old, in preparation for 7th grade. my mom thought it was time for me to get a phone so she could text me if she needed to. so, i got a way to access social media. by the time grade 7 had begun, i’d gotten this thing called ‘virtual space’. you may better know this as ‘amino’ nowadays. but back in the day, there was only one. virtual space.
virtual space (2012-2013/14?)
this was an rp media app with the ability to add posts and add pictures. i didnt know about tumblr or really anything outside of facebook at the time, so virtual space was my main social media. i only have one person who i still talk to from my times in virtual space, and i think it’s safe to say both of us do not want to remember our time there.
virtual space was a very toxic place to be, and i was one of the most toxic people on there. i was very much an elitist, a grammar nazi, and all the worst of the worst. i was very snooty and very much up my own ass. i traced art, i pretended to be a scholar. 
i was nice enough to some people, but all in all, i saw myself as superior because i was ‘literate’ and others were ‘illiterate’. people who were unable to spell or write out long paragraphs like i was were seen as lesser by me, and i considered virtual space a place to assert my authority as the best writer. thanks to virtual space, i had dedicated myself to learning words, improving my writing ability, and dressing up my things with such elaborate purple prose that it’d make future me snore and die.
i did a ton of regrettable things (such as pretending i was a guy who’d gotten into a car accident purely for attention) while i was on my superiority spree. 
there, on virtual space, i found out about my little pony. the first thing i ever saw from the show was the flim flam brothers song. and i loved it. so i got into mlp, starting rping in mlp things alongside the normal fandomless things.
on virtual space, people would often rip things off tumblr to put into vs. this is where i learned of tumblr. i moved off of vs and moved onto tumblr. subsequently, it’s also where i got fully into mlp.
tumblr (2013-now)
on tumblr there’s not much i can’t say that isn’t talked about in the below parts. i do want to say, though, that there was a time in my life wherein i was following and reblogging rebornica content. they reblogged some.. questionable things that i think contributed to the below stuff. just slightly, but not a bunch. btw if you do go into there you may see some of the stuff rebornica reblogged, including a thing about genderbends? know that this is my opinion on genderbends lol
mlp (2012-2015)
when i first got into mlp, it was before the season 3 premiere. during that time, i was still on vs, but i switched over to tumblr i believe after the announcements and trailers for rainbow rocks came out. 
mlp ask blogs were very nice on the surface, but things like ask molestia, or ask discord whooves quickly were put into my youtube recommends. they were some of the most popular ask blogs, things that got praised; humiliation, rape, and molestation. those are the things that got you follows, those are the things that got you popular. i wanted to be popular. i was popular on vs, so i want to be here too.
if you know anything about the mlp community, there’s a reason why for that. porn is incredibly saturated in mlp, and there is a lot of rape content permeating the internet. if you need proof, just go ahead and find out what ‘fall of equestria’ is. that’s a popular au. and it’s no secret that rape is all over places like fimfiction.
~lewd mlp comic dubs~ in general were on youtube as well. they weren’t as much as a contributing factor, but their simple BEING THERE normalized the concept of ‘lewd being acceptable and beneficial for me to benefit off of’ into my mind. it was a gateway into what would further come.
mlp was my first introduction to explicit content. i was 12. it was untagged.
i opened up a multitude of ask blogs before i settled on my longest; ask shy sombra. this blog was trying to claim the fame of a inactive blog called asksissysombra. sissy sombra was an explicitly nsfw blog with rape fetishization. the blog is still up and not hidden by tumblr’s nsfw detector, nor deleted. it regularly clocked 200 notes a post. 
ask shy sombra was exactly like asksissysombra, though much more tame. the rape fetishization was used in such a way where it was entirely offscreen, and fairly vague. though, with specific follower milestones, i would draw semi-lewd drawings hinting at rape, and get notes for it. thankfully, the blog didn’t get far enough into its plot (as i restarted it a total of four times) to get to the parts wherein rape was around. i made ask shy sombra when i was.. i know in eighth grade. i think a little late into eighth grade. so i’d be 14.
ask shy sombra was my most popular blog, and garnered me about 1.5k followers over a 2(?) year run. this only encouraged me to produce more content. to get more followers. naturally, this fostered in my literal child brain that this disgusting content is a good thing to make because look at all the rewards its giving me.
i would draw a lot of things purely for the edge on this ask shy sombra, and treat serious topics like things to shock people. i was surrounded by people who’d praise me and draw fanart for me. i was collecting a fanbase by making extraordinarily shitty content. wasn’t even well drawn either, lol. 
i was drawing all this because i felt like i was mature and edgy for doing so, that by being dark i was better than others, that i had more substance, and that people would take me seriously. 
after a while, i made myself a nsfw blog. lots of other mlp ask blogs, aka basically all of them, had nsfw blogs. so, i got myself one. i produced almost exclusively rape content, both drawings and writings. i wanted to be even more edgy, and this was a place i could do it raw, uncensored. i could unleash true horror here, on a nsfw blog. it was so shocking, so awful! isn’t that what the mlp fandom is about? being twisted and fucked up and evil on sideblogs, making awful content to go ‘ooh how edgy’ at? nothing was barred. i was 14, maybe early into 15.
i knew (aka followed, because there was a whole underground mlp nsfw community) other people, who were significantly older, for their rape content as well. and there were lots of people to choose from. one i remember (even by url) drew horrifying depictions of rape in a painterly style. there were two others i remember the style of, but not the names. these three were my introduction to guro, which thankfully i did not indulge in. 
i wasn’t very active on my nsfw blog, at least. when i was, i was only there in bursts and never made anything too bad if i can remember right. most of it was just.. lewd faces or whatever. my art wasn’t good enough to get lots of reblogs in the porn sphere, thank GOD. i mass-deleted the content on that blog three times before i deleted the blog itself and never tried again. i never did like that nsfw blog.
unrelated, but i think the reason why rape as a concept in the mlp fandom is so wide spread, is because the fandom had mass produced it as a replacement for rough sex. it was just a more ‘erotic’ version of rough sex to them. a more intense version of sex, wherein tears and screams to stop were actually just lies, these creatures secretly were pleasured.
and, for people like me, it’s a good way to be the edgiest kid on the block. the more edgy you were in mlp, the more followers you were bound to get. the more attention you got. and it worked. i got so much attention. 
on christmas of 2015, i stepped away from mlp for good. 
in 2016, i deleted everything on ask shy sombra, (except for the follower milestones), and moved on.
psmd (2015-2017)
psmd was my new target. psmd was a lot more quiet. i hadn’t done much with psmd in comparison to mlp, as i kept most of my explicit content private. however, as some of my mutuals back in psmd would tell you, rape was not a thing i strayed from talking about here either.
leftovers from my time in mlp, sure enough, rape was in psmd as well. thankfully, it was not public, with only a select few having access to it. no one reprimanded me for it. i don’t blame them for not scolding me. what are you supposed to do to something like that? it’s nerve racking and disgusting and you just want to side-eye it and leave it alone. especially since i was most of these people’s friends.
‘private’ is a hard word to call the rape content i made for that one. because psmd’s fandom was very very, very small. there was one specific server for it with like. 15 people at most on it at one time. either way, i was making rape content for the same reason; to be the edgiest kid on the block. if you knew anything about my extraordinarily edgy psmd au, you’ll know i went all out on edge. just like with ask shy sombra, the attention-seeking for the au and the desire to get eyes on content went to the worst bottom denominator. it never went to children or whatever, though. 
making rape content actually wasn’t the main thing bad i did while in that fandom, no. mostly bc it was all decently private.
i was in the pokemon ask blog community for a short while. while i was there, i was an elitist and sort of a snob. i projected my insecurity onto the bigger blogs around me, simply because i wasn’t getting the attention i thought i deserved. in mlp, it was so easy to get followers. here? not so much. i wasn’t happy about people ‘suddenly ignoring me’, so i lashed out at the community.
people who were just having fun for the sake of having fun, i didn’t like those guys! nuh uh! anyways, i sealed myself off to my small community of psmd people until i eventually decided to leave psmd for kirby in the summer of 2017. that was when i’d watched the original pilot for the kirby anime.
kirby (late 2017-now)
kirby is currently the fandom i’m in. thanks to me squishing myself into the box of ‘make this worthy of being shown on 4kids as content’, i have solidified my content. though some of it, such as my old galacta work, zero percent chill, are a little eh and show remnants of who i once was. 
i’ve had a rocky transition period, however, and some individuals can attest to that, unfortunately. 
i’m glad i’ve been able to try to cope with my fandom-inflicted grooming. certain events and people have gotten me to really think about morality and my actions in the past, as well as about writing and the things they may teach people.
amino taught me that being popular and the best was the most important thing. 
mlp taught me creating rape content was not only okay to produce in the most shock-factory way, but it got you popular, which is all i wanted in my 13 year old brain. 
psmd taught me that people will not object to rape content— but they will pretend you and your edgy bullshit doesn’t exist. certain things are excluded from that, like one particular fic. while it’s gone now, it did exist. people knew it existed. 
kirby taught me to sit down, shut the fuck up, and stop that shit. no one sat me down for it, i did it myself.
getting a few more years on me helped, lol
everyday im super duper thankful i was never groomed further past that into making incest or making pedophilic content. i’m also thankful that i got out of mlp. that my content never got truly popular in psmd. i’m thankful my grooming never got taken advantage of by any specific, older individual. i’m thankful my grooming wasn’t directly from an actual person who could’ve gotten me deeper into the mindset, wherein it’d be harder for me to get out of it.
my actions in mlp and psmd have undoubtably groomed people in the process, and for that, i’ll be eternally sorry. if you knew me during that time, with my shitty edgy-for-attention aus, sorry.
when i was in the mlp fandom, i wanted to be popular and quick. i noted the most easy way to get popular, get comic dubs, get that Cool Praise, was to be edgy. and, ontop of that, one can also add in a layer of sexual assault for extra Brony Praise. 
i didn’t stop to think of why things like rape or sexual assault was so massed produced in the fandom, and i don’t think i cared either. i knew rape was bad and a disgusting and terrible act and it scared me thinking about it happening to me (because im a girl lmao), so i’d write it up as a hyper-angsty thing. oohh the angst, oh how sad, look at how horrible it is, this totally isn’t stroking a huuuugeee unnecessary angstboner for a EXTRAORDINARILY delicate REAL WORLD topic at all!! totally not disrespectful to ACTUAL VICTIMS at all!!!! not that it mattered how it was written up, certain people in the fandom liked it more when things were horrible, awful, and disgustingly violent or ‘egregiously angsty’ in regards to rape. rape and its ‘angsty’ content was normalized to me when, at bare minimum, i was 13.
i ended up making rape-related extremely edgy content in the mlp fandom and i got a lot of followers. 1.5k followers. i used the shock of offscreen rape as a way to.. well, shock people. and make a horrifying story that i wanted attention towards. the praise I got for being edgy and making rape content groomed me into creating more. being groomed by no one inparticular into making this content, but by a fandom, by the sheer amount of rape content and general porn being paraded around, that really fucked me up. 
when i was 15 (going on 16 in half a year), i transferred this mentality into other fandoms, trying to be the most edgy and shocking by using the actions of rape and sexual violence or even sexual trafficking as my vehicle of angst without thinking of what the writing of these subjects in such a way may say about me as a person. i didn’t care about that, i wanted to be the darkest, most edgy, most brooding. and I was, and I got mad when I didn’t get the 1.5k followers worth of attention that the mlp fandom was so willing to give me.
when i was 17, i transferred to kirby. and that’s when i realized all this edge-for-the-sake-of-edge bullshit needed to stop. i’d almost taken my extreme edge to kirby as well, but i doubled down on myself and quit that shit. thank god that i did that. i strickened myself to write g-related content with only minor, more moderate amounts of edge.
i’m now 20. i’m hypercritical of people who do the same things i did when i was younger, because hyperedge shit like the stuff i created makes me feel disgusting thinking back on it. i know i most likely groomed people into doing the exact same shit that i’d done with my presence, especially in the mlp fandom. and for everything i did, all the extremely insensitive content i made when i was younger, sorry.
i wanted to be transparent about this, and it’s important to me to be so. cards out on the table and such. if you feel uncomfortable about this new info and the things i did to get attention when i was younger, that’s completely understandable. feel free to unfollow / block me if that makes you more comfortable on this platform, even if we’re mutuals or friends.
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fill out & repost ♥  This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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My muse is: canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK (I don’t see lot of content with him so he’s not so popular I guess? :( )
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK (apparently it’s a debate but I personally find him HOT)
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Are they underrated? YES / NO / IDK
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO (first one to introduce observation haki so heck)
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL
How strictly do you follow canon?
I’m trying my best to follow his canon character and the way he reasons, but I have to somehow make sure to be able to interact in several verses as well, which could end up turning him as a more canon-divergent character sometimes. We don’t know much about Enel, especially his past, it’s a vast playground which has never really been explored, so it gives me liberties regarding his interpretation and my own headcanons. I do believe I try to portray him in the most canon way possible, but I’m not Oda, and I didn’t create his set of mind in the first place! That’s just me trying!
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.
Enel is an asteroid suddenly entering your world, highly different from the casual villain you could encounter, with a set of mind different from what you have ever seen before! Egocentric prick full of himself and able to harm your muse either with in verbal joust or physically? For sure! You want to have debate about your muse’s most profound beliefs and challenge their abilities to think and manipulate someone else? He’s always up to have a conversation and will provide you so many topics to debate that you could stay here for years without even being done. Enel is the impredictable character you need to have spice in your life. He drifts between a terribly strong God Complex and a very human persona, leading you to various interactions where I dare you not to feel anything. Because that’s it’s his best capacity : ENEL WILL MAKE YOU FEEL SOMETHING, and either you will love it, or hate it, but you can’t remain neutral when he’s around.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).
Even if you believe he could be nice and understanding towards your muse’s sorrows, Enel remains a villain and probably one of the most unpredictable. He’s not here to be kind, not here to waste his time either. He’s more often harsh and insulting than really patient and open-minded. Could he really love your muse one day? That’s a harsh question, and he will probably disappoint them if you expect something more casual around him. Enel loves to destroy his environment, challenge his RP partners (all of them, not necessarily on a romantic ship), and your muse could walk out of his garden, thinking that they waste their time with someone like him.
What inspired you to rp your muse?
I have always been hooked by complicated characters in the first place, and when I started RP with my OC when I came here, I was already interested in having another canon character. I wanted to roleplay with him, and no one else. Enel is such... a forgotten character? We forget about his haki, we forget about his set of mind, we forget about his combat skills (DAMN he masters martial arts so WELL), we forget about his impressive logia fruit... Enel is a smart man, cruel and impetuous, but his philosophy is so interesting to develop, I’m just a weak girl for this boy.
What keeps your inspiration going?
Definitely the numerous roleplay I have, and the awesome friendships I developed with awesome muns!! I have received so nice comments regarding my portrayal that it’s a real pleasure to keep musing with him. Really, guys, thanks a lot for everything!!
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you do your character justice? YES / NO (doing my best)
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO
Do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO (I’m tough for sure but I’m also a bby)
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
Only if it’s constructive and genuine in the first place! I totally get that people might find my portrayal divergent regarding his canon character, but argumenting is always important, and it’s still a game... I wouldn’t actively criticize someone in the first place because I don’t agree with the way they portray their muse ; everyone should be able to bring more diversity in the RP world and have fun in the way they want to play, as long as they’re having fun! So yes, and no, it really depends and I guess criticism comes with trust between two mutuals.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
I’m a sucker for these questions! I’m often surprised by a lot of them, and it allows me to explore topics I didn’t think about!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
Like the criticism part, it depends on the way that person is talking to me! We can all have different opinions regarding characters, it must remain genuine. Sure we can have two points of view, that’s even amazing! But it doesn’t mean I will change my headcanon, because this is the way I like to see my muse :) People needs to respect my own creativity, as I respect theirs when it comes to their muses, it’s simple.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
I just block and don’t care anymore. We can’t all get along for sure, and I’m too old to actually change the way I want to portray my muse, and also... too experimented on the RP world to turn it into something toxic again. You don’t like it? That’s alright, let’s just live our lives in peace, there’s no point in continuing interacting and seeing each others. Nothing personal! Just having some peace :)
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
You can hate Enel, it’s absolutely normal to find him arrogant and despicable, but people need to draw the line between ENEL’s actions and ME as a mun. I’m not him, I’m writing how he WOULD react to something, so I don’t want to suffer from people’s hate towards me, or disappointment I guess if the RP relationship doesn’t go the way they want/hope? I have an EXTREME tendency to really separate my RP passion and my real life thanks to former experiences, which means I’m definitely able to play with my muse with a completely detached set of mind (it’s actually the only way for me to play villains XD). I’m perhaps not the best partner to interact with if RP gets under your nerves too much, or if you take things too... personally. Because actually, I have no more patience for this...
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
I don’t mind, because english isn’t my first language in the first place! I’m always trying to write readable contents, and even if I have a good level in english, mistakes happen so... I really don’t mind if someone corrects me!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
I’m easy-going, an extrovert for sure, it’s easy to actually reach me, and it’s easy to talk to me. I won’t pretend though that I don’t have my flaws! Sometimes I’m not in the mood to talk on discord or here, and I have the terrible need to withdraw into myself after a long day at work. Though, I love interacting with people, musing, talking about everything!! I’m always up to share a chat! :)
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
➸  Tagged by : @seraphiixa​ (thank you ma’am!)
➸ Tagging: @chillin-at-partys-bar​ @kingofdesert​ @godsnaturalenemy​ @mightyxsprout​ and whoever is interested!
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