#This summer fuck gender stereotypes
dianneking · 1 year
New gender unlocked, just in time for Pride month.
When I feel particularly seductive, when confidence runs in my blood singing at you, when no matter your orientation you find your eyes inevitably attracted to me, that's when I can fully embrace my calling and become
That'll be all.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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devilfruitdyke · 5 months
i wish my family members would stop having a complex about my size and physical strength because i have the same one in the opposite direction and i legitimately do not know what my body looks like
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The fact that ‘girly’ boys are so ridiculed to the point that they are often used as comedic relief (definitely not to be respected/treated like an actual decent human being) really just says we as a humanity fucking despise all feminine traits huh
If you want to fight me, give me a convincing essay on why tom boys are acceptable and feminine boys are not. Otherwise, leave
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prozach27 · 2 years
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unitt-10 · 7 days
*taps mic*
You hey you hey pjo fans here have a seat *gives you iced tea*
I understand that Will Solace is from Texas
But I need to remind yall that he’s from Austin
Austin which is known for being the weird gay cousin who went to art school in Texas
Austin is known as the city of live music, has some iconic street art and the largest population of bats that live in an urban location. (No really they live under Congress Bridge and pretty cool)
Austin, if anything, is suffering from the fact that it’s the largest growing city in the country and therefore much of old Austin icons and features are being destroyed
Literally the motto for this fucking place is “Keep Austin Weird”
The other thing is that Will traveled with his mom on tour when he was young, and then became an all-year camper when he was ten
If this mf went back to Austin he’d be confused as shit because “What do you mean ___ was closed/shut down/demolished!”
Yes, I agree that feral Will is fun! I do! But I cannot express enough that Will is less feral and just Weird and so I give my list of hcs:
-Will likes disgustingly sweet iced tea and puts hot sauce on fucking everything
-Will, when he’s walking, will just wave at people to greet them (evidenced by the fact that in neighborhood setting drivers and pedestrians wave at each other)
- Even though the plates in the dinning pavilion magically conjure whatever is asked of it, Will stands by the fact that the BBQ is just not as good as authentic Texan BBQ
- Will did not know how to ride a horse until going to CHB I stand by this
- Will lives in this state where he’s both violently ashamed and pathetically proud to be Texan
- Has an unhealthy obsession with Texas wildflowers and occasionally asks the Demeter cabin to grow some every March
- Will can walk outside, look at the sky, sniff the air, and tell you whether or not it’s going to rain and he’s never wrong
- Polite as shit this boys got some manner it’s all sir and ma’am and it causes distress that there’s not a proper gender neutral option
- anyone asks him where he’s from and instead of saying the state he specifies that he’s from Austin he doesn’t associate with the rest of the state
- he does own a pair of cowboy boots. For the bit
-HEB enjoyer (Popular Texas grocery chain)
- gets lost every time he visits Austin because the city is constantly changing
-Likes bats, critters and bugs (Nico doesn’t like bugs)
-maintains that Bluebell Ice cream is superior to all ice cream (Cookie two step my beloved)
- can dance the Texas two step (he teaches Nico and Nico teaches him how to waltz)
- knows way too many facts about Texas and its history
And I will continue to update this because I love Will and i refuse to let the Texas Stereotype take him
- Because of living in an urban population, Will doesn’t have a Texas accent, but every now and then he’ll say a word slightly off/occasionally has relaxed vowels
- He has breakfast tacos every morning. The type of taco always chances but it’s always a taco
- He laughs manically whenever any camper complains about how hot it is because don’t talk to him about summer heat
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
University au where now that Dream is in university, he's not under the direct supervision of his shitty parents, so what they did was that they basically forced Dream to be roommates with someone of their choosing. I can't decide if Dream should be trans in this au, cause if he is trans, his parents probably would pick Thessaly to be his roommate. If he's not trans, then Alexander Burgess. If it's Alex, then Dream's family has known and trusted the Burgesses for years, and so can rely on Alex to spy on Dream. If it's Thessaly, I think they'd just pay her to spy on Dream.
Dream is not happy about this. It starts out fine, except for the fact that he knows that his roommate is an attempt on his parent's part to control him, which bothers him a lot. But it starts out fine. But then the roommate never leaves him alone. The roommate clearly wants to be friends, Dream is not interested in friends of his parent's choosing.
Enter Hob, who has seen Dream day after day dealing with someone who doesn't seem to be able to take a hint that Dream wants to be left alone, if it's Alex. Or if it's Thessaly, he's overheard her talking to Dream about "those transgenders" and Dream, who very much looks like the stereotype of a pre-t trans guy, looks very much uncomfortable. Either way, Hob is tired of seeing Dream bothered by this person who Dream clearly wants nothing to do with.
So one day, he manages to catch Dream alone while his roommate is in the bathroom or something, and invites Dream to join him for lunch.
Of course, Dream warns him that he won't be good company, but Hob just smiles and says that he expects that Dream would be better company than the person who clearly can't take the hint that Dream doesn't want to talk to them. If it's Thessaly, Dream just says darkly "oh she can take a hint, she's just been paid off by my parents"
Hob is even more sure that he wants Dream to join him for lunch, so Dream agrees on the condition that they go somewhere where Thessaly or Alex can't find them
From there, Hob, who conveniently doesn't have a roommate practically lets Dream move in. Together they manage to formulate a plan so that Dream doesn't go insane from his terrible roommate, but also his parents don't realize that Dream has thwarted them, although, if Dream is trans in this, then they'll figure it out soon enough when he starts T. But Hob and Dream get up to a bunch of shenanigans to trick and prank Dream's roommate, and fall for each other in the process.
Dream went to college expecting that he'd only be there for his studies, but he's not upset with how it turned out cause now he has a boyfriend. And Hob is very glad that he approached Dream that first time he caught Dream alone.
I LOVE the idea of trans!Dream managing to absolutely fuck over his parents and the dreaded Thessaly. I definitely think this should be t4t dreamling, btw. Hob is a proud trans man who's been receiving gender affirming care for a while, so he has all kinds of knowledge and tips for Dream. Plus Dream looks at him like 😍😍😍 with 50% attraction, 50% gender envy. Hob is so gorgeous and confident, he makes Dream dare to hope that there's a better future out there for him.
Hob spend many happy hours making Thessaly run in circles and pulling various pranks on her while Dream holes up in the safely of Hob’s room, enjoying his first few weeks on T without even having to worry about Thessaly reporting to his parents. Hob does all kinds of stuff with a "Dream dummy" that he put together, it has a big mop of black hair and Hob sets it up in bed, in the bathroom, in random places so Thessaly either a) thinks it's Dream or B) gets majorly jumpscared.
The summer after their first year of uni, Dream moves in with Hob for the summer. His parents think that he's doing some internship thing, but he's actually hanging out in Hob’s home village, being doted on by Hob’s parents. Oh, and he gets top surgery. His parents are going to be sooooo mad - but Dream feels truly free of them for the first time ever. He has Hob, and most of all he has himself. And he knows that he's going to make it <3
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im-not-a-l0ser · 6 months
Her: Chapter One.
I haven't been able to decide if this is worth publishing, so here's chapter one of that story I posted the prologue for. This is from Richie's pov though, as will be the next one.
Please please give me feedback on this, please. It would mean so much to me.
CW- Blatant Gender Stereotypes, Boy Jerry and Girl Jeri being the worst, transphobia, queerphobia, impulsive decisions, parental arguing
She'd have to go to her uncle Jerry's just about every week. Her parents were working, and Jerry either wasn't, or could take her with him, being a journalist and all. 
She used to look up to her uncle Jerry. She thought what he did was so cool. 
In the summers, her parents took turns for who would go to work on the weekends, always telling her that Uncle Jerry was away. She didn’t know why. 
Until she turned thirteen. That was when Uncle Jerry decided she was old enough to learn about sex and gave her a pamphlet on abstinence. 
Nevermind the fact that half the shit in it was fear mongering, which she knew because she'd already gotten sex education from both her mother and her school. It was just a real weird thing to do. 
That's when she learned that those few weeks she was watched by her parents, it was because Jerry was off running an abstinence camp with Jeri, who she immediately figured out he'd had sex with. 
At this point, whenever she came over, she'd be bombarded by Girl Jeri, who claimed it was her job to teach her how to be a proper lady, since her mother obviously wasn't going to. 
She looked down at her clothes when girl Jeri motioned to today, as if they proved her point. 
What was so bad about what she was wearing?
"What's wrong with this?"
"Oh, darling..." Jeri's tone was inherently condescending. "Where did you get those shoes?"
"These?" She looked down at her blue and grey sneakers. "I dunno, they were a gift. They're cool though, I like them."
"Sweetie, look at my shoes." She did. She thought they were called ballet flats? 
"Those don't look very comfortable," She said, narrowing her eyes. Girl Jeri put her hand on her arm. 
"They're not," She said, her hollow voice filled with agony. "But that doesn't matter, since we won't be doing hard work anyway."
"We... what?"
"And these shorts."
"What's wrong with my shorts?" She asked, extra annoyed now. "You wore shorts and sneakers at Camp Idontwannabang, why is it a problem now!"
"Well, we're not in the forest right now, are we?"
"Jesus fucking christ..."
The room went silent at her mutter. She looked up to see both Jerys looking at her with wide eyes. 
"Jerry, why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Jeri asked, stage whispering. She could hear it very clearly. 
"I didn't know! It's not my fault my brother married a-a seductress! I tried to stop him!" She covered her mouth to muffle her snicker. "I aughta wash her hands in a river!"
It wasn't the weirdest uncle Jerry threat she'd ever heard. 
"Okay sweetie, uh, what about this jacket then?" Jeri asked her, wrapping her hand around the hem. 
"Oh, this isn't mine. I'm borrowing it from a friend. I was really cold the other day, so he's letting me keep it for the weekend.”
“When you say friend, do you mean boyfriend?” Jerry asked.
“I dunno Uncle Jerry, when you say friend, do you mean Girlfriend?” She asked, eyeing the Jerys. 
This certainly threw them off, which definitely proved her theory further. She smirked as they sputtered corrections, saying how she was just so absurd and out of line.
So worth it. 
“That didn’t answer my question,” Jerry said stiffly. 
“I think it did,” She said, “And if it didn’t, maybe you two should talk about your relationship. I mean, who are you to have any dictation over my life and my relationships, if your very own closest relationship is undefined and messy? Won’t that just make my relationships undefined and messy?”
Her relationship with Max was already undefined and messy. They were dating, but they definitely weren’t actually dating. But they still acted like they were dating. They held hands and they held each other close.
Actually, no. She had to remind herself, her relationship with Max wasn’t undefined and messy. They were friends. But publicly, people would think they were dating so that she wouldn’t be harassed as much. 
She looked scrawny, even though she wasn’t. She was lonely, even though she was on the swim team. She often wondered why it was that men on a team together meant automatic friendship, but for women it didn’t mean anything. It just meant that they were on a team. 
Not that swimming was a team sport. Not like football, or soccer, or basketball, or just about any other sport Max was in. 
People thought she’d make a good victim. They didn’t think about how she was best friends with one of the strongest people in town, and that he cared about her enough that he’d fight people who he’d once considered his closest friends. 
In fact, most of the people who harassed her were close to Max. Well, close like guy friends, not close like she and Max were. She knew everything about Max’s home life, what went on with his dad, what happened to his mother, even that he wasn’t even that into sports.
She taught him how to play chess and she allowed him to be childish with her, since his childhood was stolen from him pretty early. 
“Okay, look, none of this is important!” Jeri said, swerving the topic with very little grace, “All I’m saying is that you’re a beautiful girl, why do you wear boy clothes and cover that up.” 
“Because I like ‘boy’ clothes,” She said, explicitly using air quotes to bother them.
“Does your mother wear boy clothes?” Jeri asked exasperatedly. 
“I mean, sometimes?” She responded. “I don’t know what boy clothes are!”
“At least your hair is still long and beautiful,” Jeri said, reaching out to touch her hair. “A woman's hair is her grace of god, you know?” 
“Sure,” She said sarcastically. 
“Maybe we can play with it a little bit. Make you more feminine.” 
“Whatever.” She was just so tired of this already. 
They set up a chair in Jerry’s bathroom, and Jeri dragged her in front of a mirror. The hairbrush pulled painfully and Jeri’s fingernails scraped against her scalp.
When she was dropped off at home, she was exhausted and nauseous. 
She never really had her ‘girlhood’ shoved in her face like that before. Her mom was never like that. Her mom always indulged in her interests and didn’t push anything. The most her dad ever did was nudge her in a girly direction. 
She hadn’t even considered her long hair a girly thing before now. Despite the length, people confused her for a boy all the time. 
Probably had something to do with her oversized clothes and constant layering, otherwise she’d be pinned as a girl immediately. 
“Oh my, pumpkin, you look so beautiful,” Her father said when she walked in. She looked down at the braids falling over her shoulders, one on each. 
“Thanks,” She mumbled. 
She didn’t want to look beautiful. Not like that. 
“Are you okay?” Her mother asked.
“I’m just tired.”
“Okay, well, why don’t you head up to bed. Jerry kept you far too long, you have school tomorrow,” Her father said. 
“One more week!” Her mother said, trying to cheer her up slightly. 
She smiled weakly before climbing the stairs to get to her room. 
When she got there, she plucked the stupid butterfly clips from the top of her dutch braids and let them fall to the floor as her hands moved down to take out the hairthings that held her braids in. Her jaw was tight and her throat hurt. 
She ran her fingers down the length of the braids before shaking her head violently to get rid of them. 
Jeri had recommended sleeping in them, to give them a pretty wave. She actually had curly hair, but it only started when it got down to her chin. 
Granted, she regretted it immediately. She couldn’t decide which was worse, the weight of braids sitting on her shoulders, or the feeling of her hair on her neck. 
She kicked off her shoes and fell onto her bed and tried to sleep. 
She couldn’t say how long she laid there, but when she left her room again, her parents were asleep and all the lights were off. 
She tucked herself back into her bedroom after walking around the quiet house. She shut her door quietly and turned the light on revealing her reflection in the mirror on her door. 
She didn’t feel like she looked like her anymore. She was at peace with her appearance before, but it was different now. 
Now, she associated her hair with femininity, not the warm feeling it gave in the cold michigan winter. She ran her fingers along her jaw, noticing its round appearance for the first time. Max didn’t have a jaw like that. Max’s jaw was square and strong. 
She ran her fingers through her hair, catching the knots. 
She didn’t realise she was holding back tears until her vision blurred. Tears rushed down her face, and she was once again reminded that life is not an anime, and tears don’t fall off your chin, they just drip down your neck. 
You know the fun thing about making your own bookmarks? You have scissors on hand. 
Her desk was right next to her door. And she knew she shouldn’t have done it, but she picked up a pair of scissors, gripped her hair and cut about a third of her hair away. 
And then, with a chunk of hair in one hand, and a pair of crappy craft scissors in the other, she looked at herself again. 
What had she done…
She dropped the scissors and the large chunk of hair and stumbled back onto the floor. She scrambled back until her back was against her bed, still staring at herself in the mirror. She didn’t notice the various items fall to the floor from her desk or her bookshelf or her nightstand as she scrambled back, but it was enough to draw her mother into the room. 
“What…” Her mother stopped talking once the door was open, seeing the sight of her child.
She was sitting with her legs up to her knees, her back resting against the drawers of her bed. Her Asuka pillow had fallen to the floor from her bed, along with trinkets from her shelves and pencils from her desk. 
“Oh my goodness,” He mother breathed, joining her child on the floor. “Honey…” She brushed her fingers along the ends of her child’s hair. “If you wanted to cut your hair, you could’ve just asked,” She said, a bit more lighthearted than it should’ve been. 
“I didn’t know until today,” She said quietly. 
“Oh,” Her mother said. “Well, that’s okay.” 
“I hate the Jerys,” She cried, falling toward her mom. 
“Oh, sweetie,” Her mother responded, “Me too.” 
She was able to laugh through her tears, but only for a moment. 
“Don’t make me go back next weekend,” She pleaded. 
“I won’t,” Her mother responded. “Your dad might fight me on it, but I won’t.”
They stayed like that for a while before they got up and fixed her room. They then moved to the bathroom, where her mom carefully cut off the remaining length of her hair. 
“We can bring you to a salon in the morning, okay?” 
“I…” Her voice creaked again. “Do I have to go back to school in the morning?” She asked. 
“I’m not going to make you go to school like this,” Her mom said, fairly stern. “If you want to, you can, but I won’t make you.”
“Thank you.”
Her mom followed through, taking her to a salon the next day. Luckily, there was no chance of any of her classmates seeing her, since they were all in school and not getting haircuts to help their mental breakdown from the day before. 
Her hair went over her forehead in a very late 2000s, early 2010s fashion, long enough to tuck behind her ear on one side, though she usually just let it rest next to her eye.
She didn’t go back to school the next day either. She mostly just stayed inside and slept. She’d read manga on her phone, despite having physical copies of them on her shelf. She’d eat instant ramen and cereal and whatever her parents prepared for dinner, all in her bedroom.
When her parents arrived home from their respective workplaces, she could hear them fight. 
“I don’t want her going over to Jerry’s anymore, it’s not good for her.”
“The Jerys are only doing what’s best for her. She needs to learn how to be a woman before it’s too late. You never did.”
“There’s no right way to be a woman— and not once has our child stated to us that they are a woman!”
She froze at that.
What else would she be? This was her, this is how she was born, she had to be a woman. 
Even though, when she looked in the mirror now, she felt more comfortable than she’d ever been. Not necessarily comfortable, but more comfortable. 
But, her lack of hair made her focus in on the other things that made her look girly. Her eyelashes and jawline and her figure. She didn’t like those things about her. 
“You have to stop trying to push that stuff on her, she’s going to get something in her head, and we won’t be able to fix it!”
“There wouldn’t be anything to fix! There’d be nothing wrong with them!”
“You already cut her hair, don’t go making her think she can call herself a boy for the rest of her life!”
“They can do whatever they want; it’s their life!”
You: Mom and dad are fighting again
She didn’t click send. She’d typed out many messages to send to Max, and never sent any of them. 
The next day, the fighting started gentler. She had to press her ear to the door in order to hear it.
“Maybe we should talk to your other brother.”
She furrowed her brows. Other brother?
“No, he’s riddled with sin.”
“Jesus— Being bisexual isn’t a sin, it’s just being bisexual.”
“If you can call it that,” Her dad said. “He says he’s bisexual, but I’ve never seen him interested in anyone.”
“I’m just saying, if our child is having trouble with their identity, maybe it would help to bring in someone who’s also struggled with their identity. I mean, come on, you cut him off years ago, just because he likes guys and girls? They’ve never even met, and they’re family.”
“I don’t want her getting sick too.”
“It’s not a sickness!” They heard their mother take a breath. “You don’t have to be a part of it, but I want them to meet.”
“Yeah, well, good luck getting in contact with him.”
Their mom approached them about it the next day.
Apparently they had another uncle named Paul, who their father had cut off when he moved out, for being bisexual. And apparently, it was very easy to get in contact with him. 
This was the same time their mother confided in them that she’d been talking to an attorney to help work through writing a divorce settlement. Which, would actually not be so hard, since their mom was smart enough to get a pre-nup.
“I want you to be able to talk to someone who’s gone through the same thing you’re going through,” Their mother said, “And someone else, in your family, who’s been borderline harassed by the Jerys about their identity? I think that’s pretty darn close.”
“Thank you,” They mumbled. “For… trying.”
“You’re my kid. This is my job.” She scooted closer to them. “The question is, how do you want to introduce yourself to Paul? Because we don’t have to use your name, we can use a different name. We could go for a neutral name for now, I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind if you changed it after that. I won’t.”
“I don’t know. Can I think about it?”
“Of course dear,” She said. “I’ll wait to contact him until you’re ready.”
The next day was the last day of school. 
They got many messages from Max asking where they were, extremely worried. They felt bad.
Not as bad as they knew they should.
What would Max think of them right now? They had no idea. 
That day, they spent on their bed, their laptop on their lap, scrolling through what must’ve been hundreds of neutral names before one caught their eye.
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goosetheluce · 11 months
Headcanon for Total Drama where Reader is an old childhood friend of Heather's who she had a crush on before they moved away only to reunite on the show with that old attraction coming back stronger than Heather expected?
LOVE THIS SM AAHHH ty anon for requesting!!
gn!reader as no gender was requested. some slightly angsty themes. enjoy!
-you and Heather met in 6th grade when she lost her dog and knocked on your door to help before her parents found out
-Heather was a stereotypical loser: acne, unflattering clothes, mathlete
-you were an average student, but excelled in right-brain activities
-after that afternoon chasing her dog around, you two were inseparable
-she began coming over to your house across the street to escape her overbearing parents and siblings
-you helped her with grammar and she helped you with math
-as the months went on, you both changed together as people and considered each other best friends
-you once commented on how beautiful her gray eyes were and how it matched her black hair perfectly
-and that's when she began developing feelings
-oh no
-she can't have feelings for her best friend
-so Heather buries it deep down and ignores the jealousy when you talk about other girls
-everything is wonderful
-but then 8th grade rolls around, and you have to leave town because of your dad's job
-you give her your oversized hoodie to remember you by
-so she hardens up and her brain is rewired completely to protect herself after you move away
-she learns about skincare and fashion from whatever shitty teen girl magazine is at the gas station, and by the time she's in high school she's totally unrecognizable
-if you're lucky, she ignores your existence. if you're out of luck, she's the worst bitch you will ever face
-but her biggest secret is that, even if she's ruthless externally, she sometimes still wears your hoodie and puts the sleeves to her nose, even if your scent is long gone
-she even brought it on set to TDI, still thinking you'd never see her again
-until you step off the boat to Camp Wawanakwa
-and she internally loses it at how fucking gorgeous you are
-even more beautiful than you were during horror movie nights and summer days at the pool
-everything she'd been repressing hits her full force that night in her new cabin
-she cries silently into her pillow, thinking of all the days she stared while you talked to someone else at lunch
-all the times your faces were so close she wondered how bad it would be if she kissed you
-all the times she cried in your arms about her parents
-but she's fucking Heather, so she pulls herself together and tries to sleep, and of course, she dreams of her first love and wakes with salty cheeks
-you were outside her cabin in the morning, gave her a smile, wondered if you were creepy for waiting like that
-she scowls without even thinking, flipping her hair and strutting away into the disgusting bathrooms to get ready. she's hitting herself inside. she couldn't help but close you off
-and so, the rivalry begins
-the way-too-tense battle for the win, and maybe even a heated kiss behind the scenes that the cameras didn't quite catch
-even though she tries day in and day out to wreck you, you're satisfied knowing now for sure that she always wanted you like you wanted her
-and god it's absolutely addictive the way she glares at you but the way her mouth twitches at the corner betrays her cold eyes.
-remembering last night, when she slammed you against a tree in the woods and went on a hushed promise that she would destroy you, over your breakfast slop
-the thing is, your relationship is completely different now
-but you'll let her come to terms with that herself, won't you
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omegaversesteddieweek · 9 months
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Here are all of our amazing submissions for Day One of Steddie Omegaverse Week 2023! Find them under the read more. You can find all of these on our collection on ao3 or at the links below.
‘Til you’re burning up (‘til you get enough) by jeffgoldblum90s
Explicit, complete, no warnings, 1.7k
“Holy shit, Eddie,” Steve says. “You sound like you’ve been chain smoking,” Eddie tells him. “Yeah, chain smoking your cock,” Steve says.
help me get away from myself by catknives
Explicit, complete, chose not to use warnings, 3.3k
No one's seen or heard from Steve in two days. Dustin says that this sort of thing is normal, but some feral instinct tells Eddie he needs to find him. The anxiety of it all sends him into a stress rut.
Losing My Religion by HawkinsBNBG
Explicit, complete, chose not to use warnings, 8.1k
Eddie figured that he was a little fucked up in the head if the idea of dying on this bed, in his omega's hands could turn him on so much like this. Then again, Eddie Munson being a lunatic had been old news that got recycled every month he took on missions. Also, going down with a boner wasn't the worst at all. Because at least then, he could say he had been fucked to death and pretended it was all that mattered.
Eddie was sent to assassinate the Harrington's little prince. What could go wrong? Answer: A lot, apparently.
someone come calling by Atleastwritingisfun
Mature, complete, chose not to use warnings, 7k
“I think Steve’s about to start his first heat.” Eddie’s mind went blank. First? - Steve Harrington's always been an alpha to Eddie Munson's stereotypical high school hierarchy worldview, but as heat symptoms appear on the supposed alpha followed by a strange disappearance, Eddie's world is about to tilt off centre and into the black hole that is his crush on the former high school king turned friend. cw: mentions of needles/medical fears, gender dysphoria and fear of sexual intimacy (brief), vague illusions to bad parents
At Your Service by PersonalLies (BleachFox)
Explicit, complete, no warnings, 4.1k
Heat Helpline Are you going into heat without an Alpha? Feel the urge to have the real thing? Then look no further! Just call the number below, answer some simple questions, and we’ll have an Alpha of your choice sent to your location as soon as possible. One call away from instant relief.
keep you like an oath by griesly
Explicit, complete, no warnings, 31.8k
Guitar god Eddie Munson, member of the world famous metal band Hellfire, needs help getting through a heat and keeping it secret. Alpha-On-Call Steve Harrington has all the expertise - and discretion - Eddie needs, until the lines between personal and professional start to blur.
Lay All Your Love On Me by LenjaminButton
Mature, complete, no warnings, 1.6k
Steve had spent his whole life believing certain things about Alphas; they were aggressive and mean, domineering and commanding, taking up all the space in any room and expecting omegas to simply bow their heads and keep their mouths shut, and they never had patience for pups. Eddie Munson wasn't anything like he had expected.
there's somethin' happenin' somewhere by vivisea
Explicit, complete, no warnings, 6.7k
No one’s ever accused Steve of being the most scent-sensitive. In fact, one of his ex-girlfriends once said Steve’s olfactory sense might be underdeveloped even for a beta. She was only a little bit right. So, no. Steve definitely did not spend his lunch break only feet away from a possible scentmate. OR Steve expects a boring summer job at Starcourt until Eddie Munson walks in and changes everything.
But to open my arms and give it all to you by Caroline_is_not_here
Explicit, complete, no warnings, 12.3k
Steve has always had this emptiness inside him, an emptiness that he was never able to fill, until Eddie came into his life. After all, omegas are made to live together, it's clear that no one but an omega could fill that void, but for Steve, who knows that this relationship should be nothing more than platonic, he knew it wasn't enough. Steve wanted more.
Love Comforteth like Sunshine After Rain. by ohstars
Explicit, complete, no warnings, 4.9k
While Steve's parents are away, Steve spends his rut synced up with his omega, Eddie.
Nothing Tastes Better by StarsHideYourFires
Mature, complete, no warnings, 1.6k
Wayne’s tired. He just worked a double and he’s ready to hit the hay. Only problem is he’s come home to a house stinking of Omega in heat and it sure as hell shouldn’t be Eddie. A look at love through the lens of Eddie Munson and the two most important men in his life.
Claiming by Ki11joy
Explicit, complete, no warnings, 1.7k
Eddie is placing his Claim on Steve. Now Steve just has to make sure he survives it.
Don't Delay the Inevitable by Ineffableoutpost
Explicit, complete, no warnings, 2.7k
Steve hates his ruts but is lucky that they don't happen very often. However, when they do, they're intense. This time, it happens when he's with Eddie
Need for Breed by LJSnow
Explicit, complete, chose not to use warnings, 1.3k
Steve Harrington was not well prepared for his first natural rut, and to make matters worse, he found himself drawn to a customer... and not just any customer, but another alpha, Eddie 'The Freak' Munson.
Twitter Threads:
@ t4teddiemunson's Day 1 Thread @ paopu_kudamono's Day 1 Thread @ ParadimeShifts_ Day 1 Thread @ andalways7's Day 1 Thread
Thanks to all of our amazing contributors this past week!!
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daggersandarrows · 2 years
i’m having a lot of feelings about seeing more people of color on critical role. i have spent so long both consciously and subconsciously working to appear white. i was raised “white”, i was taught to conform in the exact same breath that i was taught to speak. (quite literally--spanish was not spoken around the house except as a secret; trini slang only comes out when my mother gets very emotionally heightened. i speak like a white person, because for me to learn spanish was for me to “reject the gifts of america”, and people can’t understand my mom unless she adopts her deliberate american accent).
i’ve spent so long learning that this was the only way to acceptance; you pretend to be the same, you take every single microagrression, every single “of course it was two black girls ‘working’ when i got there, standing around and talking no doubt”, every stranger putting a hand in your hair, every “jesus, speak english”, and you pretend you don’t see it, you don’t hear it, you don’t feel it.
you pretend you approve. and that’s the only way to stay safe. that’s the only way to move up in the world. “sticks and stones” was repeated so often in my household that we only needed to hear the first three words to know what mom meant. “sticks and stones”. you’re getting too worked up about racism again, remember, just pretend you’re fine and you will be.
you are invisible, you are fine.
i consume content made only by white people because why would i consume anything else? if my goal is to blend in perfectly why would i look for stories that speak to me about the part of me that i’m doing my damndest to hide?
i made the mistake of stumbling into creators who love themselves enough not to hide. i felt almost betrayed, watching aabria dm for exu. no one ever told me it was possible to sink your teeth into that kind of gentrification-critical worldbuilding, to say it with your whole chest, and not...immediately get ostracized by all your white friends?
(to be clear: i know matt’s doing something very similar in c3, and that’s great. but it is inherently different to say that kind of thing without fear when you’re a poc.)
it’s nothing huge or obvious, but the unapologetic claim that the cast holds on their identity is simply indescribably touching to me. when i was a kid i badly wanted to be “a punk”, and in my mind this was obviously just a white person thing--how could it have been anything else? it was all i saw. super pale skin and stick straight hair was a requirement. so i tried to make myself whiter. staying inside in the summer and spending hours straightening and damaging my hair. i squashed myself into this ill fitting box because it never occurred to me that i could be both black and punk.
and that sort of continued as i got older. cosplays were all model-esque white people. how could i be both hispanic and a cosplayer? how could i be (someone who rode horses, liked video games, was a nerd, a theater kid, hell, someone who fucking enjoyed themself in any way outside of the very specific stereotypes i was given to act out)?
to see aabria dming, playing a high powered and highly emotional woman, mica’s cosplays and her riding adventures--mica playing a literal angel (black angels, guys! how many black angels have you seen outside of the past five years?), aimee playing a character with questionable morals and cool hair, khary playing a disabled character who also somehow just gives off raw sex appeal?, robbie playing a socially awkward, soft, affectionate guy with an appreciation for fancier stuff, erika’s gender fluidity and sheer enthusiasm for everything (getting too excited wasn’t cool, it was too “white”, an actual thing my mother said to me--i know, double standard), anjali’s mixed affection and exasperation as a sibling figure, and more recently lou and luis...i didn’t have this stuff as a kid. i wasn’t allowed to see myself as anything but one dimensional, so i had to alter myself to either fit that one dimension, or pretend to be who i wasn’t so people would accept that i had more than 2-3 emotions and character traits.
i wasn’t aware that it was possible, to be any of this without flattening myself. i wasn’t aware that there were white people out there who wouldn’t immediately hate you for unapologetically existing in their space without squashing yourself into their box.
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doritoplayz-xi · 20 days
Hey random thoughts time because yeah
One: I’ve been sick over the past year. Basically since January. I get better then worse. My absences have skyrocketed to 200+ but I don’t know what the fuck is happening. Rn the symptoms are bad coughs at week and drowsiness and inability to stand without stumbling. Wtf
Two: I don’t like the body positivity movement ***in reference to myself*** I don’t like when people will use the your body is perfect the way it is because it feels like their ignoring my gender dysphoria. The whole thing seems like they want to slap on all bodies are beautiful without considering that some bodies may require work to be made beautiful.
Three: despite starting and staying (mostly) on Zoloft my mental health seems to have taken a dive. Now instead of acknowledging the bad thoughts it’s like the badness associated with them is squashed before I can process it. It’s okay in the sense that now I can dryly joke about depression and quickly follow it up with “I have a therapist and am on meds don’t tell the counselor” whenever a teacher or student gets pissy. But I still made a maybe but maybe not shit choice to cut off a majority of my friend because maybe Zoloft helped me see that I was doing the same ignore the bad thing I do with my thoughts?
Four: what the fuck is the deal with Europeans and their superiority complex over Americans? Plus the “banter” they use often becomes harmful stereotypes and crying “no culture” some one better equipped could talk about all the different American cultures but I’ll talk about my “American” culture experience. American culture to me is going to school and meeting up with half a dozen different people. To me it’s heading to the library and supermarket to hang out with friends. To me it’s Fourth of July fireworks (legal or not) and going up into the mountains for summer camp. It’s the crappy school system and the friends I make in it. It’s learning about other states odd things that I could never imagine doing myself. It’s hearing my transplant mom talk about how my state is different from her childhood one. It’s living life while surrounded by other cultures because at the end of the day americas a melting pot of cultures that we make our own soup of. It’s become stupidly patriotic as a in joke online when insults are lobbed. Also fuck the Brit’s 🦅🦅 🦅🦅🦅🦅/hj
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kanelia · 3 months
why are you so cruel and nasty? why is your entire movement just focused on stomping people out and erasing their identity?
i see people like you say the same things every single day. and seeing your post pop up in my feed finally made me snap. not in an angry way, but in a distraught way. that so many people like you will just feverishly hate the friends ive made, who are fantastic lovely people who i adore to death, because you so badly want to dictate what other people feel, say or do. because you feel threatened that someone else is dictating how you feel because they want people to accept them as they are
what a miserable fucking world we live in, all because people like you control it
This just in: It is cruel and nasty to point out rewriting of history because it makes people, who want badly to be the main victims of every possible scenario, sad.
It takes special kind of narcissim to think that not getting to be included into the biggest mass murder of the last century is "stomping people out" like Holocaust was some sort of nice fun summer camp others are gatekeeping you from attending to.
"Identity" is the key word here. I constantly get told that it is hate to refuse to pretend men can be lesbians, or that mediocre male athletes can steal trophies of women in the name of "inclusivity", or that gnc children should be given irreversible treatments when they are not even old enough to get a tattoo, or language describing reality of female people and policies and shelters protecting them from male violence should be scrapped. Just in the name of someone´s identity.
It is very ironic you think I and "people like me" dictate and control how people should feel or what they can do or say, when I see almost daily some trans identifying person throwing a shit fit over someone correctly identifying their biological sex. You can not claim you just want others to "accept you the way you are" and then call gays and lesbians, who do not want to have sex with you, genital fetishists and transphobes for not validating your identity. You can not claim you just want others to "accept you the way you are" and then call women who do not want to take off their clothes in front of males, terfs and bigots. You can not claim to be a movement full of "lovely poor mew mew victims" and then send rape threats, suicide baiting and pictures of murdered women to anyone who questions you.
I do not hate you or your friends. Anyone can dress however they want and call themselves with whatever name they prefer, but they have no right to demand others to deny the reality. And they have no right to demand others to give up their rights. That is not acceptance - that is control. You want to control how others see you or at least force them to pretend they see you the way you want to be seen.
"You feel threatened that someone else is dictating how you feel"
Sorry, but this sounds like such a self own. So, you agree? You think trans movement is about dictating how others should feel? And we should comply in the name of "pity and kindness"?
Of course, I feel threatened by someone who tries to tell me I should not believe my own eyes and ears, that being a woman means that I must be identifying with regressive sexist gender stereotypes or that strange men stop being a threat if they put on a dress.
I don't know in what world you live in, but in the world I live in, it really looks like people like me are not controlling it, lol.
If you don't want to see my posts and posts like mine then just use the block button like a normal person instead of whining on anon.
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fairysteve · 1 year
share the ideas share the ideas share the ideas share the-
i'm prefacing this with it's 2am, i just went to bed, and you gave me absolute freedom to just ramble by not specifying anything i've already talked about
autistic steve that gets brain damage, vision loss, hearing loss and chronic migraines. it's a lot. his pain tolerance is high but you can't just power through everything and he doesn't get under- or overstimulated the same way as before which means that he needs to relearn his body. masking gets near impossible but steve doesn't know who he is when he isn't pretending to be okay. he stops being able to work but his dad won't allow him to just stay home but if he uses his government hush money to buy a place he won't afford food and utilities for long, if he can even remember to pay his bills. steve has gone through too much and living alone is no longer an option but he refuses to see it, even when he spends all his spoons trying to be normal so he either has no energy for his friends or no energy for himself.
i'm considering a sideplot for the little mermaid au where nancy is a princess that becomes a pirate after her betrothed (prince steve) goes missing. she doesn't actually like steve, but she won't let him be the only one to discover freedom, and she likes getting her hands dirty. her kingdom is full of injustice that she's unable to do anything about as a princess, but as a pirate, she can do whatever she wants. and then nancy's crew accidentally fishes up a mermaid; robin. and nancy is enthralled. interspecies relationship - nancy is happy as a pirate, robin is happy as a mermaid.
i'm just always thinking about steve and timetravel/timeloops on some level. post-s4 steve waking up as pre-s1 steve and doing basic things like dropping tommy and carol early, avoiding a romantic relationship with nancy, trying to befriend robin and eddie, and also getting eleven before the party finds her, idk if he would have heard enough about will's disappearance to stop that, but he could totally save will earlier. i know there's at least one fic like this but that do not stop me, i love steve and i love time stuff. wait actually i love making steve question his gender the first time he faces a demogorgon, a timetravel au with trans steve opens so many more possibilities. also any post-s3 steve would feel more comfortable with his bisexuality so that also makes for fun pre-s1 times.
stargyleth (steve/argyle/gareth) is an amazing ship and i stand by it. they have completely different tastes and vibes but they mix together so well. argyle helps steve and gareth chill out, gareth teaches them to play the drums which a great healthy way to get out aggression, steve feels comfortable joking around and being himself with them, they make fun of movies and come up with dnd characters and pizza topping combos and they just get to be young and dumb. gareth and steve are both ready to fight and all three are bitchy and steve and argyle can take turns driving and they just balance each other out. this isn't an idea as much as i'm just thinking about them
steve with nipple piercings.... actually transfem steve keeping her chest hair because fuck gender stereotypes and wearing a cute bra and also nipple piercings and now you make it the boat scene where stevie is out to robin and dustin only but she volunteered to dive and she's not gonna do it in her shoes and sweater and then she's hairy and wearing a bra and nancy doesn't know and eddie absolutely doesn't know and removing the bra would be even stranger so stevie just dives in but it makes eddie giving her his vest for modesty so much better and can you tell that i've been thinking about this for the stevie h agenda—
mechanic!eddie got a summer job at thachers tire when he was 16, started dealing on the side after he failed senior year the first time because he knew he and wayne needed the money. the bandana comes from being a mechanic; his van breaks down constantly. he doesn't really know what the colour means but he's flagging that he's a top on purpose. he doesn't use the bandana to hide his face when stealing the rv because it's way dirty and also he forgets about it unless he needs it after dealing with the van.
it's been 45 minutes i'm gonna stop actually
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liptonrm · 9 months
The summer got away from me and then I went camping for a couple days and now WoT season two is only, like, a day away! And I've still got 3 more episodes to rewatch!
Anyway, time to pop some bottles because it's episode six and Moiraine x Siuan is about to go canon.
Watching Siuan being forced to leave her father is heartbreaking.
There was an interesting meta about patriarchy and patriarchal violence in the Wheel of Time books and, while so many leaders are world leaders are women and the Aes Sedai, the most powerful people in that world, are all women, there's still a bunch of in-world gendered stereotypes and violence that seem to stem more from our world's sensibilities than that world's. Which, yes, I'm sure a bunch of it did come down to some of RJ's unconscious biases.
BUT the show is doing an interesting job of highlighting the push-pull of power and trust. In the last episode we had Liandrin talking about how little girls are still hurt, even though the Aes Sedai exist, like one doesn't negate the other. Also in that episode we had the Whitecloaks, through Eamon Valda, talking about how no one with that amount of power can be trusted, regardless of whether the power is corrupted or not.
Now we see tiny little Siuan being sent away, not because her father doesn't love and trust her, but because the people around her don't. If she's going to live, she has to leave. Which is just heartbreaking. No wonder so many Aes Sedai only trust their sisters in Saidar.
Practicing knots and practicing weaves. Basically the same thing, really.
He knows he'll never see his daughter again.
You ever think about how lucky we are that Rosamund Pike decided to champion this series? Because I do, every time I watch.
I want to think the costumers, productions designers, and VFX artists who made Tar Valon look so fucking cool.
Women in the Tower Guard is an excellent touch. Four for you, R2J2.
They're giving so much texture and depth to Logain. I love to see it.
Aaah, Liandrin grandstanding, throwing Moiraine under the bus. This scene is an excellent way to introduce Tower politics.
The Hall did not consent to be apart of Siuan and Moiraine's roleplay.
Though Liandrin's definitely enjoying it.
Oh man, it's the tea shop. Where's the meme, woman drinking tea, thinking about getting railed by Siuan Sanche.
Bless Rand's heart.
I'm really curious to see what the angle's gonna be re: Mat and the dagger in season two.
Moiraine really doesn't have the patience for Tower politics. I do not blame her.
Omg, I didn't remember that Maigan mentioned travelling to investigate the Seanchan. That's, ummmm, not a great idea.
Egwene is vicious and righteous. Perfection.
Plots within plots. Schemes within schemes.
Omg the way Moiraine smiles with Lan says "Giver her my love." She's so excited to see Siuan. 🥹🥰
The both started wearing whte and now Siuan is wearing Tairen paisley and Moiraine is in a matching wrap. Excellent touch.
Nynaeve not bowing and the way Egwene looks at her lololol.
The way that Nynaeve is terrified and barely holding it together and Egwene is ready to fight the world. Everyone making this show understood the assignment.
What color is the stone in Siuan's ring? It wasn't blue, but I couldn't tell what color it was. Maybe gold?
Seriously, the Hall did not consent to your roleplay.
The way their fingers touch while Moriaine swears the oath. 😢😭
And the way Moiraine changes the oath. 1) She so dramatic I love her. 2) So smart to swear to Siuan specifically. 3) They're definitely married now.
They're all so happy to see each other! My babies.
I know that Mat doesn't go with them because reasons but, you know, I really don't blame him. Just cut loose from unspeakable horror to venture back into it? Yeah, hard pass.
I do wonder how Mat's story in the finale would've gone, as originally planned.
I do really like that Egwene is the first of the EF5 to step into the Ways. She is so brave.
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ippenx · 10 months
A3! Act 2 Thoughts (3) | Reread
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Hahaha, psyching Tenma up for the rockets.
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… Tenmareact?
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Gosh, Misumi is just … so precious … must protect him … and he’s so happy to have friends!
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This is great out of context tbh.
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He’s got 150 of these lol. Kazu … buddy … a word?
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Muku maybe don’t … learn from that … Misumi, not you too!
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Okay I laughed.
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I totally forgot Kazunari asked everyone if they have girlfriends and then invited them to a mixer.
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I wonder what he had to put up with for this to be a standard issue public announcement ….
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We love breaking gender norms.
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Oh Yuki of course they weren’t, you’re not a stereotype to them :)
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If this were a dating sim, the other guys could pack up and go home now. Clearly no one will ever love anyone as much as Misumi loves you if he sees you as a triangle.
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Misumi recognizing Yuzo, interesting.
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Yup, Yuzo is nothing compared to the hack. They can take the criticism!
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*kisses him on the forehead*
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I'm watching the EN version with Kazu's voice muted btw, and I miss Tomorun’s voice so much …
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Sakyo? Loool hahaha not even close.
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Still not even close but good try.
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You sorry liar you.
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Sir, we see your ankles once every two years, I don’t think you are one to lecture about fanservice.
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I am not a Misumi stan, I can’t, I don’t have the money.
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*more crying*
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FINALLY Sakyo’s secrets begin to unfold … haha … Sakyo sitting in on OG Summer troupe stuff cute.
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He looks so smiley and untraumatized here, I was so utterly and completely fooled.
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*holds him right to my chest* Omi I am so so so so so sorry you deserve the world.
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Oh, the dilemma. I forgot about all this too.
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Next: Act 2 Part 4 →
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softoad · 1 year
Since this site is supposed to be all accepting of gender related things -
every time I present to the world as more feminine I feel like I'm cosplaying as somebody who isn't me. I feel like I am faking it and like I am lying to people.
I've dressed like somebody out of a 90s band for the past 6-7 years or like some (faux) rich old man, granted I was a very feminine child from the ages of 10-14 but all of the other time I've been more inclined to dress very not stereotypically female. (Even when I was tiny baby I had short hair and wore boys clothes)
Basically I am angry that we define femininity by clothing types, that is what I am trying to express.
What the hell? I can dress myself however I want, alright? I express my femininity in other ways, no need for long ass hair or nails or heels or pink frilly stuff alright? I do have and adore my fair share of summer dresses but in fucking winter what am I supposed to wear to adhere to you shited standards for what "boys and girls" should wear? A coat and a pair of Oxfords is way more classy than whatever they'd have me wear instead. And if you think that I have a masculine face than pay for my plastic surgery alright? Fuck off. (I should clarify that I was born female and identity as one, yet I can't fucking fit into the standards those shitheads have)
And also I might not like for my boobs to be out and for people to have a clear view of my ass all the time alright? There are more things that prove femininity (if it even needs to be proven wtf) like the way one speaks or the gestures they make or their walk? Do I have to dress in a way that I don't like to appease you? Fuck no, piss off. I don't want to have all of my assets out for people's sickly pleasure. If you're gonna see them you'll have to be real real close to me as a person, alright? So that I know you're not some kind of perverted psychopath
Leave tomboys be , Jesus....... Mind your own business.
And most of the people who've and e problem with me dress outrageously. So go fuck yourselves.
Yeah I'll dress as Catwoman at some point, I'll grow my hair out but it doesn't happen overnight
I won't ever wear tight fitting clothes casually. I just won't. Period. Will not. Fuck you.
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