#This ending still sounds weird to me💦
celibibratty · 10 months
This wude ending is worse than i remembered, it's a kinda of weird ending, like, we die, then we awake up in a place that seems like a heaven, then we walk to the top of the mountain, the character looks happy, then they close their eyes and the screen gets black and we hear a deep breath, credit start rolling
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ebi-hime · 8 months
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I felt like writing something a little more ✨introspective✨ than usual, so here we go haha >_<;; So! This year I was able to release two projects in relatively close succession: Fragile Feelings (1st image; a cute yuri VN about a teacher and a nurse) and With Eyes of Ice (2nd image; a dark otome-inspired VN set in Iceland which has a bunch of pretty boys who Suffer). Though I released both of these stories in 2023, I actually wrote them all the way back in mid 2020. I wrote them back to back, actually: Fragile Feelings first, and With Eyes of Ice right after. I liked both scripts a lot, so i decided to turn them both into VNs... But working on VNs can be pretty difficult, even with very small teams like mine, as the people involved can be busy with other things, priorities change, etc, etc... And, in the case of With Eyes of Ice, I might've pulled the character artist off the project for 1.5 years to work on a self-indulgent BL VN about my two best boys, Yuel and Tavi, when Eyes of Ice was almost at the end of production hahaha oops....... I was working on these two VNs on and off for such a long time, I was wondering if I would be able to actually finish them... So, I'm very relieved that I did get them both done after all, and they both shaped up to be projects I'm proud of! I think everybody involved worked really hard; I love how they both look and sound. The character artists, background artists, UI artists, and composers all worked very hard, and I think these two projects are among the prettiest and most polished I've worked on! Now, I tend not to talk about the financial side of VN dev too much (because it's not much fun haha), but for all of the money and time invested into these projects, they weren't wholly 'worthwhile' endeavours. It's too soon to tell with Fragile Feelings, since it literally only just came out, but With Eyes of Ice hasn't really been doing so great sales-wise. It might have something to do with the fact that it's a weird quasi-otome thing which doesn't 100% fit the genre, but it's also prooooobably related to the fact I didn't talk about the story at all until like, 4 months before I'd finished it, despite having been working on it for 3 years already... Just maybe haha 💦💦 It's always a bit unfortunate when something you sink so much money, time, and love into doesn't get much attention, but that's the reality of VN dev. Making commercial VNs is pretty difficult already, because commissioning all the art + music can be quite pricey, and the sales tend to be rather low. Profit margins are slim already (and it's not uncommon for devs to fail to turn a profit at all), so I'm not wholly surprised. It's unfortunate, but I don't regret making With Eyes of Ice. I still love this story and these characters a lot, and I'm glad I stuck with it and finished it, even if it took me a few years! 💪
I'll probably continue to write weird stories which don't necessarily have a lot of appeal in the future, because that's what makes me happy, so I apologise in advance if I put out more stories which aren't too interesting to large swathes of people... But I'm very grateful for everybody who has offered me their support over the years! Some of my proejcts are successful enough (Blackberry Honey, Sweetest Monster, The Language of Love) that I can afford to invest my time and money into more niche things without having to worry toooo much about turning over a profit. I wouldn't be able to tell the stories I want to tell without all of you, even if it can take me a while to finish things up, and I'm very appreciative! I guess that's about it haha 💦💦💦 Thank you! 💙
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josephsaturn · 7 months
Just finished Attack of the Clones!
can’t skip the text crawl!
Wow they really did upgrade the CGI
what’s with all the fog tho
wait Padme’s still got her Girlies(TM)? And they’ve all got a name that ends with é?
Was that Jango w the eyepatch???
Padme once again being the baddest bitch in the room
God Palpatine really does act slimy
I’m gonna kill whoever thought that anakin’s haircut was acceptable
Captain typho huh?
Man obi wan looks great honestly
Jar jar doesn’t make me want to destroy my eyes
Oh she DEFINITELY recognizes you anakin
Zam?? Whomst???
Ope there’s Jango
More under the cut:
Dreamin bout ya mom???
Oh god centipedes???
OBI WAN??????? HELLO????
I see now why greater fandom always portrays him as insane cuz THAT is insane
Yea production value deffo went up
“Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be the death of me?” Huh.
Obi wan gonna get HAMMERED
Honestly I wasn’t expecting the temple to look like that
Oh noooooo
Yoda my man my guy then why don’t you FCKUING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
Why does Padme sound younger here than when she was literally like 14
Come to think of it how was she in GOVERNMENT OFFICE at 14
Ohh boyyy we gettin’ prideful Anakin now
Padme looks like a girl I knew in middle school
Jeez he’s down BAD bad
Dormé. Just..Dormé. Padmé. This MUST be an inside joke.
Kenobi: anakin’s crazy
Typho: yea nah padme’s crazier
Oooh dex?
Ok I’m starting to get it now
Damn mean old lady
aw cute kids
Dang that’s one smart kid
Also, this is like a day after?? Bruv u better FIND that man
Yea girl u were like 14
Every fucking line of dialogue out of anakin’s mouth is either bad flirting or just bad in general like DUDE HOW
new Queen is slaying as well
yea get his ass girl
Ok so how far is Kamino exactly??? Cuz 12 parsecs is a lot (at least I think it is, from how they explained it) yet the cut makes it look like obi wan only spent like an hour to get there
Kaminoans got nice voices
The Kaminoans: talking about the army n shit
Kenobi: ???!!!????!?!?!
S-eye-fo dee-as? I thought it’d be see-foe die-as
Kenobi’s like 3 seconds away from freaking out lmao
Man Naboo looks so aesthetically pleasing; I’d love to live there
Oh god. SAND.
Anakin pls mans just quit while you’re ahead
Yea that’s not fUCKING scary
Naughty children get put in the tube merry-go-round
man it’s so interesting how none of the clones are talking in these scenes
They’re just silently going along
“We keep him here.” Huh???
Obi wan: What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Man boba’s got that resting bitch face
Why does he look like he wants to kill Obi wan in every frame he’s visible
Oh shit Jango doesn’t know sifo dyas?
Damn that was charged
Ok Anakin is talking like a human being now. Great
Man they wanna fuck so bad
Padme just fucking leave Like girl it isn’t worth it please just get out of there girl BLEASE
she’s like “damn he wants me that bad 👅👅💦💦”
I’m gonna kill Anakin
Yea girl woooo set those boundaries
God she really is always slaying
Ok back to Kamino cool
“Oh-bee wahn”
If Kamino is known as the cloner planet, who else did they clone??
Yeah y’all really are blind
Oh nooo shmiii
Stanced up
Wait did they sleep in the same room??
Were they fucking?
Well at least padme’s supportive??
Damn Jango taught boba well
Ok I can’t take this seriously cuz of the lightsaber
Damn some Kaminoans are prob watching this fight from the windows like 👁️👄👁️
[speaking huttese]?
So Shmi went to the Lars family huh. That’s one way to do it
Ok the time lag makes sense
Oh no not the bass boost grenades
Oh joy
Ok back to tatooine we go
Hey! An obviously cgi generated house in the desert!
Damn cliegg looks like shit
Oh god she was kidnapped?!
Oh so he lost his leg that’s why
Oh ok so it’s not generated
Hey playing with shadows!
And a callback to ep 4!
Duel of the fates again?
Oooh pretty place!
Why DID Jango go to geonosis?
Oh god I’m getting Spy Kids vibes again…
Obi wan looking back at the camera like “y’all seein this shit?”
I’m actually starting to cry rn
So terrible even the Jedi on coruscant can feel it?
But something HAS happened to him
I wonder what would’ve happened if Anakin went back to save Shmi at the beginning?
Uh oh.
“tHe ChOsEn oNe.”
Ok props to Christensen for this scene. Genuinely.
Damn Padme THIS is when you start to think about it?
But I get it, he’s obviously in distress so she’s comforting him like a normal person
Ok THIS is the start to his fall. He’s so attatched that he doesn’t know when to let go
but he won’t
Padme girl you are NOT helping
Girl Mace LITERALLY said to stay there what are you on
Wait it’s JARJAR that gets the army???
Captured in stasis
Is dooku just humoring kenobi?
Ok but would Qui gon have become a sepratist?
I mean it’s kinda obvious who sidious is
Dooku’s in cahoots with sidious right
Oh shit Jarjar IS the guy
IT WORKED??????HUH????????????????????????????????????
Grand army of the republic? More like (G)ekid(A)n inu cu(R)ry
(I’ve been rewatching Madoka again too)
How come no one’s made a fic of Yoda going to Kamino?
Damn r2’s got no chill
He’s destroyed his lightsaber before?
She’s been enduring his horrible lines and pushiness for the entire movie
and here’s approximately 70% of the budget!!
Oh shit it’s mace!
Damn Jango had no reason for that twirl tho
That shadow of the heaaad
And boba NOOO
that stare between dooku & windu…is that like a “aw fuck” stare or a “watch ur back” stare
Ok I gotta ask: what’s the point of killing Jango? I get that it gets him outta the picture and gives boba a reason to be the hardass he is in OT, but like putting all that aside, what’s the point IN PREQUELS? Mace coulda just captured him
Are the guild guys gonna die
Ultimate weapon?
Oh shit
Hey an episode 1 callback!
shit is that dathomir?
Pffft not Vader’s theme
marriage huh
And that’s it for now! I’ll be back after I’m done with clone wars season 1!
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themidnightcrimson · 2 years
So I had another dream with Wanda last night, maybe I do need professional help. 💀 (it wasn't ABOUT Wanda but god knows why she appeared in it. i think it was cute tho idk). Also I'm starting to consider everyone here like a group of astrology bitches who hang out and discuss our dreams with eachother lmfao 😭. Anyways what happened is that the sea level in my city was rising quickly and all places were submerging. People everywhere were being evacuated and me and my family were rescued from a parking lot, we wanted to use our car to leave the city but the roads were closed so we had to simply run, it all was chaos. I was running up a street among a lot of other people trying to escape from the large waves behind us when Wanda appeared running behind me and picked me up with one arm (she's so strong brain goes brrrr 🥴💦), turned me around so I could hold on to her and I wrapped my legs around her waist and grabbed her from the shoulders tightly. I looked at her and told her she needed to do something and she was kinda anxious and said that she no longer had the darkhold, that destroying it had weakened her and she didn't know if she was going to be able to contain the literal ocean (all this while she kept running), so I held her face, looked at her in the eye and told her "You can do this honey. You're powerful and you're capable. You can do it." She mumbled "I'm not sure." and I smiled at her and responded "I promise, you can do this. Save us all, Wanda." She then calmed/focused and did something super cool and the waves turned red and became solid, like stone, the force of the sea broke them but as she repeated the process again and again the water started to lose that force and began to settle (I think at one point I pecked her on the cheek in relief when I noticed it was working??). That was basically the end of the dream, I was glad and proud, those feelings I can remember clearly. Should be noted tho that I have no idea what we were in the dream or if we were anything at all maybe Wanda just randomly saw me and was like that one idk lol, nevertheless I think it was nice and she seemed to be doing better
The funniest thing about this is that I never know with my dreams. Will Wanda fuck me? Try to kidnap/murder me? Save me? Who knows. Find out in the next episode of Max's deliriums
“Wanda randomly saw me and was like ‘that one’ lol” THAT TOOK ME OUT IDK WHY LMFAOOOOO. God I love this so much, please everyone keep telling me your dreams. This dream of yours sounds like a whole ass movie and I love it. I still haven’t dreamed vividly of Lizzie/Wanda yet but last night I had a visceral, surreal dream of an alien invasion/purge typa situation and it was… weird
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ooooooo if you’re doing og raven then what about mister raven?~
Miss Raven Character Opinion Bingo here!
***Standard disclaimer: These are just my personal opinions of the character(s); regardless of what I may think of them, sharing my thoughts is NOT meant to offend or to shame anyone that thinks differently.***
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m!Raven started off as an April Fools’ Day 2022 joke 😂 but I guess the real April Fool turned out to be me, because he ended up being much more popular than I had originally anticipated???? In a weird way, he simultaneously got too much (he got a LOT of asks) and too little screen time (technically, m!Raven was only on the blog accepting asks for a few days). People were legitimately sad to see him go 💦 and apparently he’s still fondly remembered if I’m still being asked about m!Raven to this day—
When I was designing him, I didn’t want to just make Miss Raven taller and with a different haircut and call it a day. I wanted there to be a clear distinction between the two Ravens, to the point where they seem like entirely different characters rather than the same person but with different sex organs. What you see as m!Raven’s finalized character is derived in part from the behavior of real life ravens (who show off and act cocky to attract a mate), and in part because I wanted to explore different facets of personality. He retains elements of the original Miss Raven (so I can still vaguely project onto him) while also acting quite different. I wanted m!Raven to come off as an arrogant dick on the surface (not too much unlike the other TWST boys) to mask his own complicated feelings.
Instead of withdrawing from the world like OG!Raven did, m!Raven instead challenges it and lashes back. m!Raven is more selfish than his counterpart; he wants to taste freedom, but he also wants to preserve himself—so his own way of coping is to bring people close and to break them before he moves onto the next. It’s sort of like constantly being in a state of rebound. He can never rest his wings or make a nest because he doesn’t have any real freedom; he’s only emulating the freedom he wishes for, because that’s as close as he’ll ever get to it. HAHAHAH 😂 When I think of it like that, m!Raven somehow sounds more complex than the original…
One of his greatest strengths is that he seems to be confident in himself, unlike the original. m!Raven is definitely more sure of himself, and I think that plays into his tragedy. Imagine having so much potential, but being held back due to something you have no power over 😔 At the same time, all of that confidence isn’t entirely genuine—that, too, can be a defense mechanism for that sad, lonely boy underneath. My goal in writing m!Raven the way I did was to make him similar to the TWST canon cast: make him seem bad and too proud at first, but have a more sympathetic side to him. He sounds like the type of character to Overblot someday, doesn’t he????
If I had to pick fbksbsjsveuxnwkej I’d say that Miss Raven is still my favorite child, but I think that m!Raven can still like. Be her metaphorical shitty older brother or something 😂 I think if they were to ever cross paths hey maybe I should have that happen in a blog event, they’d initially be annoyed, but they’d eventually come to learn from one another and to appreciate each other’s strengths. They’re like two halves of the same whole, complementing each other well, irritating each other but also lowkey watching the other’s back for them 😌 … Okay, but imagine them sitting at a table and Miss Raven’s going about J word/Rook/L*ona and m!Raven’s all like—
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14 May 2023 Sunday ☀️ 9:18 pmpT
Does the apple 🍎 fall far from the tree 🌳? Demon lord incubus told his demon angels to tell garrido to rape 11 year old dugard. The rape probably damaged her organs which is probably why it was painfI’ll. Painful. Autocorrect is weird. Team Levine. They’ve been threatening to give me a hysterectomy since 2017. They can do that dugard an 11 year old they can do that to anyone. 9:23 pmpt
15 may 2023 Monday 5:49 am pt
felt hot burned flame 🔥? Burned an organ under the belly button. That’s probably supposed to kill my digestive system maybe or maybe my reproductive system. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what’s there. But it is alarming that they did that and they stabbed me a bunch of times at the same time as if to separate muscles 💪 and joints from bones 🦴😞😖😭 they’ve been making my heart feel like it’s been stopping a bunch of times. This morning closer to midnight 🕛 they’ve been pouring liquid down my nose 👃 when I laid down on my back and then usually I go diarrhea after that. And then I felt my heart stop 🛑 I think 💭 I remembered. 5:54 am pt they also stabbed organs. They like to torment me by adding yucky tastes around my cups rims. They do that Bcz they like to call me a liar 🤥 with wicked lips 👄. 5:56 am pt and the like to call me garbage 🗑 trash 🗑 b*tch. There’s an Instagram fan account for the incubus and for Blake sheltons star ⭐️ Ceremony reel they put Justin Bieber peaches 🍑. Makes me think 💭 the incubus is calling me George Bcz he has dragon 🐉 tattoo on his leg 🦵 and he hugged behati’s leg 🦵 which is the same leg he has the tattoo on so it’s like he’s saying he’s the dragon 🐉 thru pictures. 6 am pt. I feel pain now in the organ they flamed 🔥.
10:52 am pt there’s a couple who has a big dark blue pickup 🛻 truck 🛻. It’s probably a model from 2017 I’m guessing. Bcz it’s big I assumed it’s newer. They like to park infront of my window 🪟 and leave it running for several minutes and the driver stands to wait outside of the truck 🛻 always. He s standing several feet 🦶 away. They are watching yesco guys dig a hole 🕳 and they hit something metallic sounding minutes ago. They were here when the water pipe was changed. The water 💦 is still on so I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what’s going on. 10:56 am pt 10:57 am pt I forgot if I was going to write ✍️ anything else.
4:31 pmpt incubus attacked my brain 🧠. Felt as if it permeated throughout the whole brain 🧠 with acid. Painful 😖. 4:33 pmpt autocorrect: I unfortunately incubus. Whatever. 😖😭😞 4:37 pmpt 4:38 pmpt I feel like I am missing part of my brain 🧠. Possibly. Not sure.
6:21 pmpt I think 💭 incubus attacked my stomach sphincter with acid 6:22 pmpt
I think 💭 the sphincters destruction will be the end of me so this is the end. 6:24 pmpt incubus team Levine are child rapists. Those who have the power to make it happen are very guilty. 6:25 pmpt
9:16 pmpt incubus/ miñion hit the sphincter of my bladder repeatedly in 2023. It felt like bone 🦴. It hurt a LOT. 😖😭 (searing left hip butt pain 9:18 pmpt) with great power comes great responsibility and to know the consequences of every plan. Can’t fuck up 🆙 what’s meant to be. Stroh’s Instagram of her neon lights 💡. God s plans before conception for your life. Maybe before your fathers conception too. God decided to subject children 👶 to rape no matter what the consequences. There was a movie 🎥 I mentioned here by description but not title that made me aware of the possible consequences of child rape for the child 🧒. I heard child rape victims become incontinent. Garrido’s 2 prior victims he raped for hours at a time and thought 💭 at least one of them enjoyed it. If the sphincter of the child 🧒 is still cartilage is it possibly sharp? Did it scratch garrido upon entry? A very small hole 🕳 probably against a bigger circumferences organ = the p*nis.? Still we know it hurt dugard for some reason. And for some reason god planned to subject dugard to this torture for years. And upon arrival he stripped her and gave her a bucket 🪣 to sit on per the demon angels’ instructions most probably. 9:26 pmpt Bcz the police 👮‍♂️ intentionally neglected finding her and garrido said the demon angels told him to do it, we know that god wanted it to happen and to continue for years from 1991 to 2009. Thank god and demon angels for making it happen. 9:28 pmpt sickos. Some cartilage hardens and becomes bones 🦴 . 9:29 pmpt
Maybe god cut her bladder sphincter ? To allow garrido’s p*nis to pass through more? 9:31 pmpt hypothesis.
9:54 pmpt it sounded like the blue truck 🛻 parked In The back but now there’s an older smelly 👃 yellow sporty looking car 🚗 with one black side. Was it a Monte Carlo? That’s dereks yahoo address. The other guy I talked to online in 2001. 9:56 pmpt 9:57 pmpt
10:03 pmpt did garrido only do it once a week Bcz it hurt him too? 10:04 pmpt
10:06 pmpt did each time he do it a week later did (😖😭 left calve leg 🦵 muscle pain 10:07 pmpt) he hope it would not hurt anymore? The demon angels probably told him to keep trying. He could have dropped her back home 🏠. He could have quit? He could have admitted it hurt? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️. She’s alive and they have children together the first one When she was 14 years old. 10:11 pmpt 10:12 pmpt
Defund the police 👮‍♂️????? 10:17 pmpt
10:19 pmpt we (left 👁 🔥 hot pain tummy ache 10:20 pmpt)
I think 💭 only fluffy Gabriel Iglesias would understand me. Give me an air conditioner and I’m good. I had to endure 😣 many hot summers and even a hot September in New York in 2012. May used to be Goldilocks month not too hot 🥵. 10:23 pmpt
10:24 pmpt I wish there was a new bigger earth 🌍 to go to. But I think 💭 god doesn’t want to let any of his flocks separated from the rest. = more control. 10:26 pmpt pain right leg 🦵 bone 🦴 searing hot skin. 😖😭 10:27 pmpt they fed me lies to probably make my death ☠️ more bearable psychologically? Even though I felt like I was dying 🥵😤🥵😤🥵😤😖😭 every day for the last 6 years. And all the other years that came b4 it was hard to live with in my skin and usually wished I was someone else (left jaw bone 🦴 pain 10:30 🕥 pmpt). Blossom hill had a lot of the little trees 🌳 with the little pale pink blossoms. Probably cherry 🍒? My street there had those. 10:32 pmpt I guess I’m nothing special to anyone. Incubus proves that to me over and over again and again. Dugard probably felt similarly when the police 👮‍♂️ intentionally neglected searching garrido’s sheds. 10:34 pmpt when the black ants 🐜 reached her food 🥤🍔 first prob garrido raped her b4 she ate. 10:36 pmpt did I misunderstand what I read/heard? 10:37 pmpt
10:39 pmpt is this great America 🇺🇸???? I was in Berkeley in 2009. And I think 💭 I read that they found dugard there the same year. I think 💭 her mom was a printers? And I tried intaglio printmaking and didn’t hear 👂 about dugard until recently. In 1991 I was a first grader. Too young. Tummy ache. 10:42 pmpt our destinies seem to cross over a little but I don’t believe we ever met. 10:43 pmpt
10:47 pmpt incubus miñion killed my stomach I think 💭 I was distracted by typing 💬. I think 💭 naturally women are more careful about intercourse. But demon lord likes to make it harder to control our impulses. 10:49 pmpt
10:52 pmpt I wish my mind would stop 🛑 believing in the incubus’ lies. Feels like drugs? For the mind? To believe (left hip bone 🦴 pain. Chipped away feels gone 10:54 pmpt)
11 pmpt Instagram does not like my other user name. It said again about reviewing my account even though I only sent one person a message. 11:01 11:02 pmpt incubus is breaking my hips on both sides.
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cutielatias · 2 years
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finally we/I played true colors (i was owning this for a time, because we played this in August,and now it's already December😅💦) the text is some reactions and thoughts that I/we had while playing the game
"jeez,comparing alex to sean,sean actually sounds like a genuine nice person (she is a jerk😒) now i know why i liked/like sean (i will no longer complain about him,ha-ha😂,no, just kiddin,i will)"
"for someone with the power of "empathy"alex sounds more like a manipulator than an actual empathy person,she uses other's emotions to get what she wants/make they say what she wants,that feels wrong"
"what this game/franchise have against reserved people?!💢alex is so jerk with that diane,and i hate it!she so jerk with her💢(the woman is just keeping/doing her job😒)"
"i thought that alex was starting to become more likeable on ep3, but then i read her diary(diane's part)and the laptop part (at the ending)no,no, she still jerk😑"
"the cop looks like cody from "it takes two" haha😂,(diane is may😂😂😂)"
"i didn't understand nothing of alex past life/the old phone messages😕 (and by the way whata heck was that with that isaac guy!!?that was weird, was very obvious that the guy want something more with her, it's not possible that she couldn't read the guy's mind and sense that he wanted to hook up with her(I doubt that she can't sense lust💢)i mean, i think she kinda wanted too😒,but,idk why but the impression that i have of this situation is that alex and the guy were hooking up and in the middle of that, alex reads/feels the guy emotions during the s*x, and the thoughts were kinda wild (but in a red flag way)and that made her kinda uncomfortable,and she gets weird with the guy,and then she blocks him,ugh~😑,fuckin weird situation"
"almost faint when i saw that mexican letter (and not in a good way)i was worried that would be something do to with sean and daniel💦 and thank god that was not💨"
"the ending super coherent with us😂, were the olds that stayed on our side, me and ana have something that we always have more affinity with older people(and vice versa)"
"it even gives me a little feeling to look to this menu image, I remember the day that we finished the game, it was even a little melancholy to look/get out of the menu, I like the menu song, the music is nice✨(i like the instrumental/menu version more but the voice version is ok too) , and by the way no one gonna talk about the fact that the group that plays the song has a Portuguese name "novo amor"maybe cuz is nothin important😂😂😅 its just a name😅💦,but i find funny cuz this game seens to have a "big" brazillian fanbase so i thought someone would say something, but no, no one says nothin(i don't know if is the brazillian portuguese now thinking can be the portugal one) just an useless funny fact😅😂(at first a thought that "novo amor" was the song's name, but the songs name is haven, "novo amor" is the singer)"
"I didn't find true colors a copy of the others "life is stranges" like people were saying at the time(of course, that some of concepts are very similar from the preview ones😅,i do noticed that, but they did in a different way), for me it's kinda different from the others, it's not like the first or the second and neither to before the storm (which I thought was more likely because both were by decknine)"
"i thought that after i liked the second one if i played another game of the franchise, i would like it too(cuz i'll be honest i never really liked this franchise, i find the concept interesting, but i didn't like the characters very much) but after that I liked the second one, I thought that maybe I would't roll my eyes with the franchise anymore, but no, I roll my eyes with true colors as the same way as I roll with the others, it's reallys only the second one that I put up with/the one that has the spark, it's as if the feeling that I feel with this franchise always still the same, it's only the second one that I like/liked,like imagine that you are someone who doesn't like coffee, but one day you drink a certain coffee and you like it , and with that you think, now that I liked this coffee, maybe I don't have problem with coffee anymore, but no, you drink the other coffees and you still don't like it, it's just that one coffee that you like/liked(crazy example but its the only one that could think about it😅😅😅)"
#not gonna lie actually liked tru3 c0lors a little more than i expect#me and ana wanted to play tru3 c0lors to know if would be better than li$2 or li$2 would be better than tru3 c0lor#In the end i really don't know cuz tru3 col0rs is less clueless than li$2 the story flows a little more...ok#but the second is the one that i like so🙄#and just like me and ana talked one day is funny that even though that the second is kinda poorly done😒💢#it seem that he has something that tru3 col0rs don't have but idk what it is ???#but it has something about him that he's sounds a little more... interest? than tru3 col0rs#(Hmmn i don't know if interest is the right word but it has something)#I'm sure that the answer of some people would be😅#*neither of them are good because both are kinda bad*#*neither of them compares to the first so in the end they're both shitty and the first remains the best💅✨*#and you know what!!!😡... you not wrong😤💧 I will accept that#because if the person compares they two none of them is as good as the first#(to be fair I think that maybe even the first is kinda bad/clueless i feel that the first is very loved cuz of people nostalgia by it#and cuz of the year that the game was released#the game was released on 2015 that year this kinda geek/tumbrl aesthetic was going trending helping the game stand out#and also the mysteries/theories involving the game helped the game reputation)#still needs to play the eps again cuz tru3 c0lors plays some cool songs that i need to look up#i remember on a quiz of *which character of l1s franchise you are* i gotted steph#not gonna lie that seeing her on tru3 c0lors she does have the vibe😅😂😂#and on another one about l1s2 i gotted sean not sure if i look like sean😕?#i feel that i only gotted sean just because i said that i like to draw😑#and doing again i got finn not sure either😕😕😕#(well better him than lyla😒i don't even know if had her on the quiz😅😂)#talking about tru3 c0lors is complicated😑#because I don't want people to think that I like tru3 c0lors in the same way that I like the second one#but I also don't want people to think that i disliked the game#I had fun playing it✨ it was fun to play with ana❤✨#random things#personal
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dawninlatin · 2 years
My reactions while reading HOSAB for those who are interested😌
OBVIOUSLY major spoilers below the cut!
-The Hind: *does literally anything*
Me: *laughs nervously* am I attracted to this?😳
-Hunt cut his hair?! I mean he’s still hot, but the mental gymnastics I have to do to change my image of a fictional character-
-I never learned the difference between Flynn and Declan, and at this point it’s too late😬👉👈
-«Remind me why you guys still need to wait for solstice to do the deed.» Because they have like three brain cells combined, June
-Alriiiiiiight Ruhn, we’re off to a good start😀
-I don’t like this Cormac dude😑
-We finally know the Autumn King’s name!!! And while it might sound exotic, it’s also hilarious, as it is the Norwegian equavilent of like Richard or something💀
-I hate this Cormac dude🤢
-SYRINX😍✨😁🤩 i missed you my boy🥰😍💛😩
-Hypaxia?! The HIND?! Tea has been spilled☕️
-Hunt and Syrinx is my favourite duo:) They remind me of a dad and the pet he absolutely didn’t want to get:):)
-Not me forgetting about Lehabah😭🤚
-Of course Danika had something to do with this😩
-While I am desperate for Bryce and Hunt to just get over it and fuck already, I love seeing them so domestic🥰
-The Hind is making me feel things. Weird things.
-If evil why sexy?😩
-Hunt is such a bro i love him
-Yay sleepover💅🏻
-Omg Adidas is back👟
-The woman was too stunned to speak
-Now I understand why everyone freaked out over chapter 15:)
-Bryce, basically: He might be an alphahole, but he’s *my* alphahole🥰🌸
-Sarah, I’m giving you a big goldstar for really improving your diversity👏 Like Bryce thinking it was wrong to assume Hunt’s sexuality? Who even are you??
-Damn Bryce👀🥵
-Ithan, please, kindly FUCK OFF
-I’m calling it now, the Star-Eater is Hunt’s father
-Oh no he’s licking feet again🦶
-Hi Under-King🥰🌸
-Bye Under-King🏃‍♀️💨
-I know I should be worried that the Hind is here but SHE DOES WEIRD THINGS TO ME OKAY
-He’s Danika’s WHAT? Once more, the woman was too stunned to speak-
-That was a fucking jumpscare
-Go Sabine tho👌👈
-Bryce I love your sense of humor😭💀🍆
-Baxian just wants fwiends🥺👉👈
-Jk he’ll probably betray them…
-Celestina wtf?!😠
-THANOS?!?! What in the MCU
-Omg I feel so sad for Baxian🥺🥺🥺🥺 I can’t handle it if he ends up being evil
-Awwwwwwww they’re basically playing fifa together😍🥺 Just two bros, broing🤜🤛
-This agent Daybright….I am onto something😑 I don’t know what, but it’s definitely something…
-There’s something hot about Hunt getting all psychotic whenever Bryce is in danger🔥😩
-Ahahahahhahahahah Flynn is hilarious
-Just three boys trying not to get yelled at by their dad😌
-Is now a good moment to admit that I’m also weirdly attracted to the Viper Queen?😩
-She got him a family😭🥺
-Though I feel like this is a kinda bad idea that’s gonna end with me crying because someone just tragically died
-THE SMUT😩😩😩😩😩😩
-If I ever see the Autumn King I’m gonna 🤜🧍‍♂️🕳
-The guys basically adopting Ithan🥺😭
-Omg roomies🤜🤛
-THE HARPY?!?! She’s not even the sexy kind of evil, just evil evil😳
-Oh nevermind I just had a mild heart attack
-Wait, wait, wait, wait
-THE HIND?!?😩🥵💦
-I’m probably an idiot for thinking it’s her but Sarah always makes them hot for a reason🧐
-I am shooketh-
-Tharion, even I can tell this is a bad idea
-If Day really is The Hind-
-My girl deserves better🥺
-You deny it, Hunt, but I know you🧐
-I still think Apollion is Hunt’s father🧐
-Bryce is a #girlboss
-I knew I could trust you🥰 (I think, I still have 100 pages left)
-Him and Danika?!💔😭
-This book keeps shocking me and I👏am👏here👏for👏it👏
-I feel so bad for Bryce tho🥺
-Oh, this is a bad idea…
-Not the only Fendyr heir?!? My head is gonna explode
-I’m actually glad I got the ending spoiled, because I don’t think I could’ve handled a shock that big after this
-Pierced nipple?? Um, hello🥵
-«I want it real» 😭🤚
-Could Bryce be the seventh Asteri????
-I’m so nervous my heart is racing
-Not able to form thoughts at the moment
-But fuck the Asteri🖕🖕🖕
-Wait are they talking about illyrians now???
-After this, I’m gonna need a nap
-If I’ll ever be able to sleep again
-And are we also talking about Throne of Glass fae now?!?
-If so, Bryce, can you just please take a detour to Erilea to check in on manorian on your way back?🥺👉👈
-I don’t know why I get so surprised when everything goes to hell by the end of each book…
-Rip Cormac😔
-THE HIND👏😩😭😍🥰✨
-also….i knew it
-«His enemy was his lover.» THAT’S THE BEST KIND BABY
-Rigelus you little bitch
-I’ll read a whole book of Hunt describing Bryce’s feet if you let them live Sarah, I swear😭🦶
-Nevermind we’re in Prythian now🥰🌸
-Jk I’m in so much emotional pain😀
-Az….how kinky🥵
-The gang’s all here😌💃🏼
-Ahahahhahaha Nesta yelling at Cassian is so iconic
-Once more, the woman was too stunned to speak👁👄👁
-I’m gonna need 5-10 business days to process this
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