#These are ugly quality but 😏
blighted-elf · 29 days
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The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Announcement Trailer - Naryu 😏 Virian
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astrow1zar6 · 4 months
Beauty indicator pt 2- 29
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Venus in the 5th house: usually very attractive to the opposite sex (or whatever they prefer). They LOVE the idea of love even if it’s for a short time and really enjoy flirting with ppl their attracted too. I notice they tend to flirt/ lead multiple ppl on at a time. They got some great rizz & can pull a lot of ppl by their charming natures.
Mars in 8th house: I wouldn’t say this is a classical beauty aspect but these ppl have amazing magnetism it’s insane. People can become pretty obsessed with these people especially after uk what 😏. People can become so obsessed with them they can attract a lot of stalkers or internet stalkers.
Venus in Leo: these people are like intimidating pretty, they’re always so made up and have the most shiny voluminous hair even if it’s long or short it always looks so healthy and shiny. They give off wealthy vibes & I notice ppl with this placement are really really smart, like a lot of people I meet with this placement are like top of their class. They usually dress in very trendy outfits & refuse to come out looking a mess, even on their bum days they still look made up. (I’m usually obsessed with women with this placement they’re just so 😩😍 I think it’s cuz I have an Aqua Venus so the opposite energy is very fascinating to me.
Leo rising: these people are like IT girl popular pretty & are amazing at engaging with groups of people which can be seen as really attractive to everyone around. They shine the most when they are entertaining others. These people can become really famous on tik tok or social media for their beauty. A lot of people with Leo risings are really into film and look amazing in front of a camera. They’re beauty and charisma makes them really attractive to others
Jupiter positively aspecting ascendant: these people have such a beautiful glow to them. Not a mysterious glow like Neptune on the ascendant but this enlightened joyous healthy glow. They just look like they take really good care of themselves internally and externally. This can make so many people want to be around them and hear their thoughts. This isn’t as much physical beauty (although a lot of the time these people look pretty good) it’s more they have a beautiful souls and they can uplift the mood just by walking in the room.
Planets in the 14th degree ( especially in big three or Venus) this is a Taurus degree and usually grants people with a beautiful appearance as well as a beautiful soul on the inside. These are the pretty girls who are also pretty on the inside as well (especially Moon and Venus). They have very well mannered and refined personalities. They have this amazing natural beauty about them they tend to look really good without a lot of makeup. They give forest nymph vibes.
Venus in 12th: they’re very ethereal looking and mysterious. These are usually people who are so attractive but doesn’t really give away much about themselves to others. This mysterious quality that draws a lot of people to them. They are a lot of people’s secret crush and people usually fantasize about them a lot.
Taurus moon: they have like amazingly soft features they’re really pleasant to look at. Usually have big doe/ Disney princess eyes. They have a very sensual look to them and move really gracefully. They usually have amazing fashion sense and love dressing up. They can make some of the most boring pieces look so expensive. They also all have amazingly clear skin like howwww
Uranus in 1st house: Gucci models energy. These people are so uniquely beautiful, they usually have something about themselves that stands out from those around them. I see in many cases they looked so unique that they were considered “ugly” as a kid but as they aged they grew into their features. A lot of supermodels have this placement.
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copias-girl · 1 year
IM GLAD YOU LIKE IT IM SORRY THE QUALITY IS KINDA SHITTY 😭😭😭 also now realizing that you’re gonna know what i look like now 😍im afraid 😍 LMAOOOO
💃 insecurity 🕺🏻
OMG YOURE SO PRETTY??? EEEE GHESTIE!! You’re beautiful!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Ok fuck it I’m gonna dm you and send you pics of me lmaoo
I’ve already sent my pics to my closest ghesties, but you’re definitely one of them! 🖤
And to anyone else reading: no I’m not ugly, I look like Barbie lol I’m just being a tease about publicly posting a face reveal because the anonymity is kinda fun 😈 but if someone really begs I’ll do it lmaoo 🙄😏
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borathae · 2 years
Hey hey lovely Sibs 💕 How are your exams going? I hope they are over soon ✨
Thanks so much for your get well soon message — I am still not well, I am starting to feel like it may be something more chronic 🙃 but I will be okay!
And OMFG THE OGC AND AAOL COUPLES 🥺😘🥵😭😍 My fave babies are back and holy shit did they bring it 😏 Thank you for blessing us Sibi, I feel so undeserving 🙏
And thanks so much for the last list — I am sorry I picked an area that sucked hahaha 🙈 After my movie list, I thought I would make a list of hobbies (since your characters always have the coolest hobbies), and you can choose who is most likely to pick each up (can be old or new information)!
1. Closet organising 🧥
2. Sticker making 💌
3. Cake decorating 🧁
4. Card tricks/ Magic 🃏🎩
5. Foraging 🍄
6. Animation 💩
7. Woodworks 🧰
8. Hiking 🧗‍♂️
9. Puzzles 🧩
10. Dumpster Diving 🗑
11. Ventriloquism 🧸
12. Chess ♟
13. Skating 🛹
14. Candle making 🕯
15. Birdwatching 🦜
Thanks again Sibi, lots of love 😘 I may be back with a part 2 for hobbies cos there are so many 💭
I finished college four days ago ayeee I'm officially unemployed, without an apartment and very depressed 🤪 yes I am coping through humour 🤪
Also don't worry hahahah I just rarely watch movies, so it really wasn't your fault afjdsjf, but let's get to the list ohoho I honestly love talking about hobbies so much 🥺😔 I will once again mix up couples and individual characters. If I choose a couple, they like to do the hobby together 🥺
me, tct!Kook, laundry fairy, oy
Shutter Sounds, Sense of Innocence during a rainy day, ihyily with their daughter
SA!YG & OC, oy!!
tct!Kook as a phase, roommate!Tae
FALLEN FOR YOU OC it's still a wip but that screams her, oy too, maybe tct?
roommate!Tae, Sense of Innocence!Kook
oy!Yoongi, SA!Yoongi, tct (she started it & kook joined later cause she told him that it's fun), Sonata Cantabile
oy with their pets, Fallen for You OC jadjfa sorry for mentioning her all the time but she
tct 100% on a rainy day, ihyily, oy again jfadsj, SA!Yoongi & OC and he loves it
Shutter Sounds!OC, maybe Sense of Innocence!Kook?
SA!Tae at one point in history
tct somehow give me chess & wine date vibes, SA!OC with her men, Shutter Sounds, ihyily & aaol somehow give me chess vibes too
roommate!Tae, tct!OC with Jimin, Hobi & Jin in their teens #clique goals
SA!Tae & OC, oy during the winter months, somehow tct too gosh those two are just so domestic ahahha, Shutter Sounds
Shutter Sounds with their cameras, ihyily with their daughter so she learns about nature, Fallen for You!OC again ahha sorry
omgmg please this list was so comforting? idk why but this just gave me such cozy vibes :( I just :( love the concept of doing something fun with the loyl :( like imagine sharing quality time with the person who makes you the happiest :( I wanna ugly sob hahaha I wanna do that 😔😭💜💜
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xxhexwolfxx · 5 hours
I'M FREE TO COMMENT!!! My dating headcanons for Sean, Javier, Hoesa, John, Arthur, and Charles with gn s/o request is so good! I love it especially Sean would joke to make them laugh if they're upset because he doesn't like to see them sad 😔, he cuts back on drinking when he began dating them as he wants to remember every moment 🍺, he doesn't mind if they're quiet so he would talk for both of them 🗣️, it might turn to a fight with someone else though 😅, he would seek for them whenever he has a nightmare of the past as their presence is enough to comfort him 🥹, Javier wants to teach them to play the guitar so he can use it as an excuse to hold their hands 😁, he would sing while holding them when they can't sleep 💤, he would let them put up his hair in the morning as he loves the simple yet loving act ❤️, he would look for them for help if they made a mistake speaking English 🗣️, they would reassure him it's fine 👍, Hosea wants to take it slow to know them better 🤭, he enjoys to read his book to them & talk about it what happened to them when both of them are doing nothing 📖, he enjoys telling stories of his youth to help them fall asleep 💤, he finds himself thinking they deserve someone better on bad days 🥺, John likes to do all the dirty work by himself when he's building a home for them 🏡, he enjoys taking Jack & them for quality time when they're all free 🆓, they would need to reassure him when he felt useless from Arthur's insults 😞, he would hold them for hours as it makes him feel better when he's out of prison 🥹, Arthur would his hat on them so it won't be gone & it warms his heart ❤️ when he's resting without it or he's too busy 🤠, he would tease them by making his voice deeper knowing how much they love it 😏, he would teach them how to ride a horse as a date if they don't know how to 🐎, they would need to convince him when he's thinks he's ugly or unlovable sometimes 🥺, Charles likes to sit with them while doing their own things 👍, he wants to enjoy their presence in silence sometimes 🤭, he enjoys to give them small gifts that remind him of them when he goes out to hunt 🎁, and he feels like an outsider at times but those thoughts go away when they come to him while smiling ☺️ Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :)
Thank you for requesting! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed!
Have a good day/night! :}
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papirouge · 2 years
Are there any verses to combat having low self esteem? I've been the ugly sister, the ugly friend, the ugly ___ for a long time. I have a step sister who's just perfect and popular.. guys would only acknowledge me to ask about her. The one guy I could think of as a bf since we just started dating I brought to dinner and she captivated him. Left me to try and date her, she basically ignored him since hes my age and younger than her, then tried to come back to me. Im glad that I rejected him and ignored him too but that whole thing hurt like..wow.. I dont drink either. I'd go along with my friend to a bar and order like..seltzer water while she enjoys all the attention. Shes a model so it's common. Then some random guy would try to entertain me as my friend flirts with his friend or friends that's really into her. but the one that talks to me isnt talking to me because he likes me. Hes a wingman trying to push away the ugly friend from the hot one. Literally it's a real tactic so many guys use. Not just at bars but anywhere. And it happened to me... I just honestly fake feeling sick or just leave. It hurts.
First of all, I am sure you're not ugly anon🙃
But yeah, people aren't equal regarding beauty....and that's okay. Maybe you are very young, but you'll realize soon enough that beauty and attractivity aren't necessary mutual. Beside, it's interesting how people will get insecure over not being "pretty enough", but will never get envious of other qualities they find in other. Hardly anyone today is like "my friend is super generous and it makes me self conscious" 😭 ...like, hun, what you feel is just a consequence of society ridiculous obsession with physical beauty over anything else.
I too knew very pretty girls, and you know what? past a certain time, their features aren't that wow'ing anymore, and they awful personality (when they are awful people) clouds their overall vibe. One in particular was a colleague of mine was very pretty and she was regularly getting asked her number, but all relationships were messy because she didn't have the actual personality to back it up (the fact she was only dating dusties didn't help too). Beauty doesn't buy respect.
So yeah, you girl friend captivating men doesn't men she'll get a better romantic life than you. She might've won the genetic lottery but nothing beats actual character idc. Everyone gets old, your body changes, and having a pretty face at your prime isn't a guarantee of being as much desirable throughout your whole life. #prettyprivilege is entertained both by insecure people who think their romantic shortcomings are only the fault of their looks (and not... personality) AND narcissists who think rando being kind to them bc of their attractiveness give them somehow an overall upper social value in society..
Nobody wins at life for simply being "pretty". Or at least only for a while. Brains and personality will stay forever though so you should rather try to capitalize on it rather than looks and trying to put up with your friend's beauty😏
You dodged a bullet big time with your date who threw you under the bus try his chance with you friend ; and she's definitely a good friend for turning him down💝 (hopefully his age isn't the only thing that stopped her from dating him lol)
The whole wingman strategy is indeed quite common for men experienced in chasing women, but as I said earlier being pretty isn't a guarantee you'll attract high value men. Sorry but this whole plot to seduce a woman whime distracting their friend is corny. A self confident man doesn't do that.
If that situation makes you feel sick maybe the best solution would be to stop hanging around with your friend if there's only the 2 of you? I know this might sound radical but you shouldn't let your friendship hurt you like that. You have to prioritize yourself first.
Beside, and I really don't want to sound shady, but pretty girls too have their own strategy and purposely hang around girls they know her less pretty than them to come off more appealing, so beware... From my experience, I'd advise you to never hang out with people triggering your insecurities. You'll always end up losing :/
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monitorchakas · 2 years
Two monitors do the dirty
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hey look its penintent tangent and exuberant witness bumping uglies in sims 2
Hey 343i hire me I know you like this type of quality 😏 storytelling
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN : Wang Yibis’ legendary selfie. ⛷
I’m laughing and pissed at the same time when I saw his post— we were all clowned. you want a selfie? sure. but i didn’t say you’d see my face 😏 I expected no less than this sort of gremlin energy uniq to him.
anyway, let’s up our clown level again by looking at all the 🍬. for bxgs only.
When I first saw this, what came to mind was it’s from that Monster Energy drink shoot. We know how hectic his schedule is so I have no idea where he would squeeze this in. but there are other variables. We have no behind the scenes of this Ad, so we don’t have a confirmation that all the snow and winter feels is even REAL. They have features for athletes like this one which are legit, but you can easily edit Bobo’s parts in. Anyway. Only the beanie is the same but it could (also) mean he changed into his personal clothes when he played vs the shoot. I’m putting the goggles as questionable cause both are from the Sammy Carlson line of goggles. Sammy collaborates with Monster Energy drink. So it could be personal/perk of being related to the brand.
Personally, I (think) this is not recent. probably a stock photo. but my mind can be changed. If he or GG wants to be on Ninja mode, they can do it.
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Also the green flannel is so ugly but he would choose it for the color and look damn good in it.
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Which leads me to the reflection — are you seeing a color red? He is supposed to be wearing black and green. So where is the red coming from. Is this edited too? The one who usually likes to edit and blur things is GG, but maybe Bobo got that habit too? or maybe he could just be layering.
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Some are saying he might be clowning GG, cause XLS hides and just shows his eyes. but Bobo, well, you’ll see nothing.
P.S : This is the selfie i was hoping for, like last year, lol.
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It is also said to be a leftover photo. Hahahahaha! Could be sent to a friend *coughs* GG *coughs* or just for him to take a picture. I really wish they were together this day but my money is on it’s a work/personal trip for Bobo. Allegedly, his photo was taken from Wechat camera, to be sent directly. So it’s not with the intention of keeping the photo as a memory— but he wants share it to someone. The quality is also different from when you use the iphone camera. File size when you compare GG’s clear photo vs Bobo’s. 👇🏼
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note: I feel like I have to put a disclaimer every time that this is all done in good fun and something we do in fandom. there are some candies that blow our mind but it doesn’t mean that we feel like ALL THEY DO is connected fo each other.
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kvgs · 3 years
doing this months later out of boredom and only doing three characters bc i’m lazy
gender neutral :)
Jirou, Bakugou and Denki’s private snapchat stories (what they post and what they’re called)
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ok i ACTUALLY think he would name his story
…”future pro hero” or “fuck off”
wouldn’t have the whole class on it but like you and the bakusquad,,,deku.
will not use it for like a week and then spam it with random tik toks.
it’s like tik toks or the ugliest pictures of you istg
not bc you’re ugly but bc you’ll be doing random faces or shit and suddenly *click*
“katsuki take those off your story”
“like 6 people see it y/n you’ll live”
a meme sometimes.
almost never posts on his main unless it’s like your birthday or he wants to take a nice photo of a park on his jog and it doesn’t even say happy birthday it’s just a nice picture of you guys
probably posts mirror selfies after training or working out
denki probably swipes up and flirts w him to fuck with him and like call him daddy or some shit as he’s cackling in his dorm
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it’s called “:)”
she couldn’t think of anything and neither could you to be fair
so many nice pictures of you on there
she just loves taking pictures of you cuddling her or playing w her guitar
speaking of, she probably posts guitar videos on there but hides her face :(
she posted a singing video one time and immediately regretted it bc she was too embarrassed
“babe whyd u delete your singing video”
:// “too embarrassed”
videos of her and the others fucking around 100%
memes and tik toks like everyone else
lots of those “me n who” memes but she’ll caption it and just tag ur @ in it
post like a selfie a month MAYBE if we’re lucky
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“meme central 😏”
goddamnit he’s not wrong bc he just spams memes when he can’t sleep
random videos that god only knows how he found or those low quality ones
posts his own tik toks bc they’re so funny 🥶
so many selfies of him doing the fuckboy face and making his friends do it and posting it
makes you do it and posted it
he posts photos of you sleeping ???
“denki that’s weird why do you have to post them”
“bc you were drooling”
mina constantly takes his phone and takes a picture for the story and tags herself even though everyone has her added ???
has videos of him training and will post random clips from it
has videos of him attempting to do gymnastics on his bed and he ended up falling off the bed in one
jump scares you a lot for no reason and posts the videos
doesn’t really take selfies unless you’re in it or he put on new eyeliner
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
Which Lis like going shopping with mc?
That honestly depends on how easy MC is to shop with. Like I wouldn’t want to shop with me because I’m a super anxious person and whenever I’m in the mall I’m always walking too quickly/don’t want to go in a store if an associate is near the front. I know some girls who try on like 100 different things and that’s exhausting. Shopping is exhausting. 
Bobby: Hype. Beast. He doesn’t really have a great taste in fashion (see his drug dealer from Florida outfit and his inability to turn out a look other than the ‘loose unbuttoned shirt tight pants and boots’ style) and he thinks MC looks good in anything. He’s not much use telling you if something fits right or looks good, but he’ll make you feel like a goddess. 
Carl: He doesn’t much care for shopping, and definitely pays an assistant to do it for him, but if MC asks he’ll go along without complaining. He doesn’t really mind holding her bags/sitting in a dressing room to give feedback. I kind of picture him sitting there quietly as she comes out of the stall and is messing around in the mirror with a top and he just gets this dopey smile on his face. She turns to ask what he thinks and says “what? Why are you looking at me like that??” and he just rubs his jaw and goes “nothing I just... I love you so much.” He may not understand her interests or particularly like some of them, but being included in these quiet domestic moments means the world to him.
Gary: Typical ‘husband who didn’t want to come’- sitting outside the store with MC’s purse looking bored. On his phone most of the time. Giving half-hearted feedback like ‘looks good honey’. He doesn’t mean to be unkind, but he just hates shopping (because he’s the kind of guy to walk in a store, grab what he needs and leave). 
Hannah: God I wouldn’t want to shop with Hannah, I can see her making passive-aggressive comments. Even if she and MC are dating! ! That’d come from a place of insecurity, as she’s always feeling second-best standing next to MC the Bombshell. I can see her also trying something on, coming out to see what MC has on, then saying “wow I love how you can just wear anything.” 
Henrik: Like Bobby, he’ll shower MC in compliments. He doesn’t know anything about fashion, but I think he takes an active role in shopping for furniture/home goods and has opinions about decor. If MC asks him to go to the mall, he’ll always ask “can we get pretzels” or “can we go to the food court 🥺”. I imagine he likes to pay for MC every now and again, just as a little boost, but not all the time. For himself, I think he likes buying high-quality staple pieces then wearing them for years and years, so he doesn’t completely understand MC’s need to be shopping frequently, but he’s happy to come along.
Ibrahim: My dude lowkey has a findom kink. He loves giving MC his credit card, walking into a store and saying “treat yourself”. He’ll happily sit, perched on a chair in a boutique, watching MC try on all the things he bought for her. He’s is genuinely happy when she finds something she appreciates. Rahim just loves spoiling MC so much. That being said, he’s pretty blunt if he thinks something looks bad/will give MC a lot of shit if she buys something he thinks is ugly.
Lottie: THE BEST SHOPPING PARTNER!!! She’s the perfect balance of someone who will encourage you to splurge on something you really like while still being like “hm, babes, do you really need that? You have one that looks just like it in green but hardly wear it out.” She’ll encourage you to try on new things and pick items out that look amazing. One of the things I hate about going shopping is the sales people who approach you, and I think Lottie would deal with them not unkindly but very firmly which is... uh.... 🥺😍😏
Lucas: Similar to Rahim but with less intensity and less interest. He wants MC to feel spoiled, appreciated, and beautiful but is a little disinterested in the process of getting there. I can see him ending up a bit like Gary, just idly staring off until MC interrupts his thoughts. At some point, he’s going to subtly say “you know darling, you’re allowed to take my card and I don’t need to be there with you, I trust you enough to not supervise you” which is his way of asking you to stop wanting him to come shopping lmao. 
Marisol: I think she’s a little pushy to be a good shopping partner. You’ll spend a lot of time in stores that she likes, and she confuses brand names for good quality. She’ll pick out a ton of items for you to try on, even if you’re just intending to browse.
Noah: Noah’s the same as Carl, but not as completely silent as he’d be. You’ll ask him “are you good?” a few times and he’ll always respond “Of course, I love shopping with you.” He has a really good eye for fit, so he’ll always gently say “that looks a little loose/tight in x area” or “you don’t wear that color much, are you sure you’ll wear this?” I can picture him sitting in the dressing room with MC who’s unsure about a dress, getting up and leaving, then coming back with the perfect accessory for whatever she’s trying on. He’s also great at suggesting “you have those creme trousers that’d also pair well with that”. 
Priya: Her taste in fashion is very good and she knows how to stop you from buying something that’s ugly without making you feel bad. She’ll compliment you a bunch and encourage you to buy things. Priya’s super good at figuring out if a sale is actually a good deal or just a marketing thing. 
Rocco: No. He hates shopping with MC, and will make you very aware of how bored/bothered he is. He doesn’t even like shopping for himself he’ll wear holes in his clothes, not fix them, then insist he doesn’t need new ones when he’s continued wearing them beyond repair. 
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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Ahhh stroking your hair 😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🖤🖤🖤🖤, feel your feet connect to the ground , feel it rise up and connect with the cosmos , the stars, the planets , that moon
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Feel the moon, it shines for you baby, you are crowned by the moon baby , the universe works for you baby, you are the universe's greatest creation, how you feel when you posted this:
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On top of the wall, happy, a real life bad bitch , a God, making moves.. major moves , all the time /while and still is , feel that , you are on top of things in life, Tumblr messing up, gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤, big tings a gwaan 😍😍😍😍😍, I got your back in life every step of the way , I love you so much 😘🖤🤗, picks you up and twirls you around 😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗, Tumblr messing up, sits you on my lap 😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗, muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤, strokes your hair 😘😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤, your sexy ass 😍😍😍😍, every time I see you ahhh 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍wet pussy 😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🐱💦💦💦💦💦👅💦💦💦💦, heart pounding 😍😍😍😍👅💦💦💦💦, Tumblr messing up , body off the chain baby , you been blessing me and showing me so much love 😩🖤I'm so happy 😍😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up real bad , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘😘💋, winding us down for the night 😘😘😘😘😘, lemme see your face baby , lemme see your body , bedtime pix/vids , are them ugly MFers still messing with you? They aren't shit and never will be , we don't give a fuck about them , I know you don't , and I don't, they're nothing , they're not even a piece of shit and that shit they did about trying to fuck with our sleep? That wasn't shit .. that's just some weak ass bitches throwing hissy fits lmfaooo , manipulative ass MFers mad cause they can't manipulate, mad cause you see their ways and shit , have the audacity to be mad at you for not not their shit , has the audacity to try to throw their weight and shit when they don't have any grounds to stand on, you seen that shit for yourself , and I know every day your disgust grows in regards to them , anytime they try to pop up, any time they try to post, any time they try to communicate.. etc they ain't shit , they're nothing, it's meaningless just like their life cause all they are are termites ..etc you're determined af in life, YOU a God , and you are on top of things , you step right over them , you kicking them out your life, you a force , you are majestic af , Tumblr messing up, not just in regards to them but life in general , you are amazing baby , we are amazing , we are happy af, we enjoying ourselves , keep it coming baby big tings a gwaan 😍😍😍😍🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤, Tumblr messing up , winding us down for the night , wraps my arms around you , I know you going through things in life in general and I got you baby, we escape life, utopia and bliss all the time in our world baby eternally , kisses your forehead 😘😘😘😘😘, deep and slow breathing , counting down from 10-1 , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤, descending down , tumblr messing up , I love you so much baby 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍, kissing you on the lips 😍😘😘😘😘, your lips how they so sexy ? Teasing me with your lips giiiiiirl , don't tease me like that I might have to whip you 😏😍👅💦, fireplace
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Blazing , water in the background , https://soundcloud.com/wavesourcemusic/water-elemtn-sleep-isochronic-tones-8hz
Kissing your lips 😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🖤, caressing your back 😘😘😘🤗🤗, we seep deeper and deeper 😍, you make my body tingle 😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up ,
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Wet 😍😍😍😍🤤, Tumblr messing up , getting ready to get in the shower , gives you a big kiss 😘😘😘😘, I gotta make another post for the images
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