#There is still no title called king consort and consorts have no power
sad-endings-suck · 1 year
GRRM Loves Convoluted Succession
Stark Succesion
Bran is technically heir to Winterfell except he is believed to be dead and cannot father children/heirs.
Which would make Rickkon heir to Winterfell, but he is also believed to be dead.
So Sansa is heir to the North, but she has been disinherited due to marrying into the Lannister family. However, if Tyrion is believed to be dead then she could potentially be restored to succession as the Northerners know her Lannister marriage is the only reason she was removed from the line of succession.
Though if that never comes to pass, then Arya is heir, but she is also believed to be dead.
Ah, and Jon has been legitimized by Robb, which makes Jon heir to the North, but only if the Northmen come out of the war victorious with a Stark monarch. Because only a King can legitimize a bastard (and whether or not Robb was a proper King is debatable and depends on if the North successfully achieves independence). Not to mention how Jon’s Targaryen blood could further complicate things.
Targaeryan Succession
If Young Griff can actually prove he is Aegon son of Rhaegar, then he would be heir to the iron throne (never mind the Targaryen’s were usurped). However, Rhaegar and his children were taken out of the line of succession and Viserys was made Aerys heir (whether or not this is valid who knows).
If it is valid, then that means Daenerys’ claim is the best. Plus, she can actually prove she’s who she says she is, and more importantly she has dragons and possibly lots of powerful backers in the near future.
Jon would have a solid claim if Lyanna and Rhaegar were married, except even if they were no one would see that marriage as valid (the show was so dumb for that). Because Rhaegar had consummated his marriage to Elia and produced heirs with her. Ah, but if Young Griff is a Blackfyre then Jon’s claim would potentially still be better than his. Also, regardless of his bastardly, if Jon were to become consort to Daenerys that could strengthen both their claims and Young Griff would be in a very poor position politically if they did so.
Lannister Succession
Jaime would be heir to Casterly Rock, except that he is a member of King’s Guard and cannot hold lands or titles. However, he could potentially be released from his King’s Guard vows (due to the precedent set by releasing Barristen Selmy), and in that case he would be heir to Casterly Rock.
Tyrion would be next in line in Lannister succession, except that he is a kinslayer and for all intents and purposes an exile with no real claim. Unless of course the throne was usurped again, and the new monarch restored Tyrion as heir to Casterly Rock.
As it stands right now, Cersei is the rightful Lady of Casterly Rock. However, as stated above, that is likely subject to change once she no longer possesses the Iron Throne. Plus, if Jaime were released from his vows he could challenge her claim (he probably wouldn’t, but who knows).
Greyjoy Succession
So technically Theon is the heir to the Iron Isles, except that he is believed to be dead, was presumably passed over in favour of Asha, and cannot produce heirs himself.
Which leaves Asha with the best claim. Except that a Kingsmoot was called (fuck you very much for that Aeron) and Euron was declared King of the Iron Isles.
Except, that due to the fact that Theon is actually alive (and has the best-ish claim) but was not allowed to press his claim at the Kingsmoot, that makes the Kingsmoot, well, moot. Seeing as Theon is alive and was not allowed to be “voted for” so to speak. Making Euron’s claim via the Kingsmoot invalid. Also, it’s already tricky enough for a brother to press a claim against a daughter, but for a brother to press a claim against a daughter and a son is a hell of a lot harder. Especially when your whole claim relied on, A) a man having more rights than a woman, and B) a one night popularity contest. Still, he’s a King as of now and will be hard-pressed to give it up.
Victarion… lmfao
Aeron. This is even more pathetic somehow.
Martell Succession
Arrianne was heir to Dorne, but then (presumably) she was betrothed to Viserys with the intent being for her to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But Viserys died, which means she is again first in line for Dorne.
Quentyn was (presumably) meant to rule Dorne until Viserys died and he was pushed back in succession.
Tully Succession
Edmure is now Lord of Riverrun, except that he has no heir. So if for some reason he and his wife Roslin Frey die before they have children, then one of Catelyn’s kids would be heir to Riverrun (as she is the next in line due to seniority, but dead herself).
Arryn Succession
Robert Arryn of course, has the best claim, but if he doesn’t make it to the end of the series then Harry the Heir is next up. And who knows who would be next after him.
Baratheon Succession
As Robert and Renly are dead, Stannis is definitively Lord of Storm’s End. However, he only has one heir, Shireen. Who GRRM has confirmed will die, likely quite soon. Which leaves Stannis without an heir.
As such, Stannis could legitimize one of Robert’s bastard, probably Edric Storm. Since he has two high born parents, that like Shireen, are a Baratheon father and a Florent mother respectively.
However, that hinges on Edric Storm making it out of the series alive, because if he doesn’t, then the claim to Storm End’s is going to be a bloody free-for-all between all of Robert’s bastards, cousins and other relatives. And at this point the realm can’t survive too much more in-fighting.
The Tyrells are the only ones who have their shit together. For now.
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regencyofhell-if · 2 years
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For Lucifer was the favorite son of Our Lord, who was given the task of guarding the Kingdom of the Dead. When he fell for a human woman, a great sin for one of the Angels, he was cast out of Heaven. His curse became to judge the souls of mortals like Hades in the mythologies, and to rule what became known as the Underworld or the Kingdom of Hell.
Everyone knows a version of this story.
But what many don't know is the tale of Lucifer's child, a Nephilim, deemed an abomination among the Angels.
~ The Book of Aquila
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Being the offspring of the most famous of the fallen angels was never something you took pride in. Why would you? You were an outcast everywhere you went as half human and half angel. A Nephilim, a title spoken with indignation and suspicion.
Now, as Lucifer's only child and your father missing, they call you the Regent of Hell, fighting to keep your throne from usurpers who could end up destroying your world and the mortal world alike.
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Create your own half-angel MC and rule over Hell
Customize everything about your Regent, including your wings if you have any
Rule as a good monarch or an evil tyrant
Meet key figures in the Old Tales and rewrite everything mythology has taught you
Find love and choose a consort, or rule alone
Stop a coup, or fall from grace like your father before you
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Michael (LI) - The leader of the highest order of angels and one of the most beautiful of them all. The stories could not be more wrong about him; he is brash, reckless, and possesses a charisma that draws you in for reasons you can't describe.
Asha di Aquila (LI) - A poet you met one day on earth who seems to have taken an interest in you. You later find out that she too is the offspring of a fallen angel, but one raised among humans.
Liberta Lucia (LI) - A mortal woman who somehow ends up trapped in your world through magic gone awry. She is kind enough, you suppose, but you cannot discern her intentions and it makes you weary.
Daedalion (LI) - The adopted son of Lord Mastema is nothing like his parent, and some suggest he has a better claim to the Regency than you. Once upon an age, you were close, but something has changed in the way he looks at you since you became Regent...
Prince Ceyx (LI) - Your step-brother covets your throne and your new powers, but would never openly declare war against you. His mother Queen Lilith, on the other hand, would do anything to give her son what she believes he deserves.
Lucifer - Your absent father and the reigning King of Hell until recently when he left for the mortal realm. As his eldest child, though born to a human mother, he leaves the throne to you, but at what cost?
Lord Mastema - Your father's twin is known by many names. They are the embodiment of chaos who originally tempted Eve with the Apple. Humans call them the Devil and some say they are Lucifer's logical successor.
Dowager Queen Aurora - The mother of Lucifer and Mastema and the origin of the family name of Morningstar. Some say she is now nothing more than an old woman who lost her wings centuries ago, but she still holds great powers you will need in the days to come.
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💘❤️‍🩹 Nuada x Disowned Human Princess reader who her parents and her sister neglect her.
Part 1 of ?
Summary: Your father wants your older sister to be the perfect queen to the Bethmoora clan. Your sister wants everything to be perfect for her. Your mother never wanted anything much. You however, want to know why your sister’s dream guy, or elf in that matter, wants your attention and your presence to himself.
Info: This is my first Nuada x female reader so please don’t judge me! I’ll try my best to make it enjoyable! Enjoy!
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When you think of the word “Princess” what do you believe a princess is?
The daughter of a king and queen who rules over a kingdom of their own. The consort of a prince who can later make her become a queen of higher standing. A woman of high rank or of high standing in her class or profession with good skills and enough power of her own.
Your family’s princesses were all of the above with each definition. Someone who wanted to marry the princess to turn her into a queen. Someone who obeys her husband and behaves like a good wife. Someone who a man could have as a trophy to display.
That’s a princess.
You were the first princess to ever ruin the image of your family’s title.
Every since you met a boy name Tommy who not only was the laundry boy in your palace but a Satyr, you befriend him even when you found out about it. I mean who would think that a half goat half boy was dangerous right? And also since you didn’t fear him or said anything to the maids about him, you were reeled into a life where you and him had the most fun in the small town your parents ruled over. He taught you the amazing things about other creatures and how he wished for humans to get along with his kind so that no one has to fear anyone again. You swore secretly that you wanted to make his dream come true.
When your family found out, they immediately got rid of Tommy and you never learned whether he was dead or kicked out of the country. You were punished for keeping him a secret, and you were to never leave your room unless you were told to or else. You preoccupied yourself with the books in the library about trolls and fairies and it helps you learn more about them than you ever did with your family’s help. When your family suspected your change of perspective to mythical beings and how you wanted to make peace with them instead of ruling over some of them, you were banned from the only place you enjoy, unless you learned that creatures like Tommy were never to be seen as equals. Of course you refused to accept that and never saw your family eye to eye again.
Years went by and your role of a princess was fading every day. Maids and guards still served you every time you needed them, but it was hard for them to be loyal when your sister would command them to do small pranks or to just leave you be. And since she is your parents favorite, how could the servants oppose her demands? You didn’t blame them anyways and insisted to yourself that you were better alone. No suitors to ask for proposals, that belongs to your sister. No gifts on random days, your sister has them all. No attention or praises from your parents, you sister took their eyes away from you.
Your parents never did gave you the attention that you wanted from them than your sister who could easily ask by calling for them. Back then you thought, if you were more socializing, more full of yourself, and more of a show off than your sister, you could get attention from both your parents and suitors to pass on the family’s fame. Instead, you chose the route to avoid that possibility. To avoid accepting that creatures are monsters that deserve to rot and never step on man’s land. To avoid pretending to enjoy men who live to gloat and boast about their riches and palaces. You even promised yourself many times that you would never get married to a man like that, or any man at all.
That is until your father at the dinner table gave you and your sister a announcement.
“We’ll be visiting the Bethmoora clan to have a peaceful agreement with lands and supplies. I want both of you to behave and go along with the plan I have in mind to help our land and kingdom. That is all.” He said before leaving the dining room where my sister and I were left with our mother. She smiled at us and told us to get ready to meet them and to look very nice and cute. After my sister left I asked my mom why would they want to talk to us? She frowned and stood up from her seat walking towards you. “Your father wants to expand our land and make more people live here so that people can pay more for the construction of homes, shops and businesses. He loves to own a lot of land, and the clan seem to not like that much. So he believes he can convince them to gives us some land so that he can give supplies to them.” She pushes you towards the door and lets you off with a small comment. “But I wouldn’t worry about that dear. After all a good princess doesn’t worry about affairs or anything that a king won’t have trouble with.” And she closes the door. Does she really think that a affair like this is important to know for the occasion?
After getting ready for a business meeting that you might not have importance in, you family were set off to the land that the Bethmoora clan owned and saw many of them growing crops that you’ve every seen in your life. Your sister seemed to snicker at your gaze. “What is so funny dear sister?” You ask with a slight low tone. “Oh nothing little sister!” She said with a slight smirk. “It’s just it’s funny how your amazed at this many crops when there’s lots of markets at our home that has those in display-oops!” She covered her smile. “I forgot! You haven’t been out for so long! I’m sorry forgive me little sister!” She giggled. Man she really gets on your nerves a lot does she? Makes you wonder how you two got along before you saw how she really was when she wasn’t near you.
“Oh girls! Chins up! Remember to give perfect impressions!” Mother stated before leaving the carriage. Your older sister went after you. You were astonish of how the clan could be so beautiful with a small palace of their own. Even the small houses you passed were so pretty compare to the ones back home. And you were interested of how each elf looks exactly the same but yet so different from one another. It confuses you and intrigues you equally. When your family were greeted by the advisor who said that they were to wait at the dining room for the king, your sister couldn’t help but voice her thoughts out loud. “And will the prince be there?” She asked with curiosity is her face. Your face would look unimpressed and your eyes rolled up. It wasn’t surprising that your sister would be happy to know that 1) the king has a son and that 2) would be interested of what he looks like and what he does. She was just as curious as any girl who learns of a prince in their father’s business matters. “Yes your highness” the advisor said with a neutral tone ��he and his sister the princess will be with his majesty at the dining room. They are just getting ready and will meet with you all momentarily.” He said while guiding all of you to the room. Before you could sit in a chair, you mother made a request to your father. “Oh! Honey, don’t you think that our youngest will grow tired and lost from this meeting?” She asked your father while you look at her bewildered. Is she trying to ask father to make you leave the room? In a palace you don’t know of? “I don’t mind being quiet if that’s what your worried about mother.” You try to testify but your father held up a hand. “It’s alright darling. If you want to roam around but not too far, you are excuse from this meeting. It will only take maybe a hour at best.” He said with a small grin and a reassuring tone. “What about dear sister?” You gesture to her. “Will you get bored of meetings like these? You use to say that affairs were not suited for you.” You said while you look at her. “She might be needed for this so just be on your way. Ask the advisor if there’s a place you would like to visit.” He shows you with his left hand. “Run along now, let us handle this dear.” You were left outside the room while the advisor even seemed surprised by this action. “My apologies for my family.” You reassured him while he look at the door then to you. “Why do they treat you different if I may ask?” “They don’t wanna say bluntly that they don’t want me here but because I’m part of the family, I have to participate in events like family meetings or social gatherings that involve us. It’s not new for me so don’t worry.” You look down while saying that last part. It really wasn’t new that your family didn’t have high expectations for you. You’d don’t care though. Not so much though. “So!” You look at him while he seemed to have straighten his posture. Was he looking down somewhere? “You wouldn’t happen to have a library I can past the time with by chance?” He seem to be surprised by this type of request. I guess no princess visits libraries now often? “Oh of course! Right this way!” Let’s hope that you have time to explore the palace while you still can. You would loved to hope that this meeting isn’t long enough for you all to stay long. You also hope that you won’t bump into your sister’s new crush. Oh that would be exhausting.
Ok this might become a small series due to how I didn’t know a text maximum! Oops…hope you guys enjoy this and hope for part 2! Thank you for reading!
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Always running | h&c
*Authors note~ Fem reader will be addressed as Isa or Isadora and her hiden name Nora as she is based off my OC Isadora.*
Trigger warning~ panic attacks past trauma
Prompt~ Y/n has a panic or anxiety attack you can choose, due to her past trauma and Larissa is there to help her through it.
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One foot in front of the other. Just keep going. A little further to the safety. Running. It's all you ever did. You'd been running since you were old enough to walk. But now finally at the age of 25 you were running far away. Never to return. Just keep running. Keep breathing. Just a little further. Crossing borders as you fled from everything you knew. It is exhausting but you can't give up. You need to be free. Running far enough to leave your demons in the past, your skeletons in the closest. Leaving behind all the responsibilities, the repercussions of other's actions and most importantly leaving behind reputation. Running to the unknown. Desperately seeking a safe haven. Would you ever get to settle down? What would life be if you weren't always running from everything in your past? Just keep going. Keep running. That's all you could do right?
You'd crossed so many borders that you honestly had no clue where you are. You'd been running for hours now. Exhaustion clouding your judgements, you decided to stop and rest for a while. Risky but needed. And stopping in the town you later knew was Jericho was the best thing to ever happen to you. But when you've always ran settling down is hard. The urge to keep running is strong. The fear of staying still and breathing is even more terrifying than it ever has been. All because of her.
Running alone. Easy. All you worry about is yourself. Keeping yourself safe, hidden and protected. But now, since Jericho, since meeting her and securing your first ever job beyond your title, running was absolutely terrifying. Fight or flight. You definitely would choose flight. But you can't now. You have responsibilities to the students at Nevermore Academy. For the first time you felt you belonged somewhere. And well your crush on the principle of the school? That definitely made you want to stay. But every day you stayed was a day closer to being found. You'd made your best efforts to blend in. Even using a fake name. You can't help the chuckle that escapes you at the thought of calling yourself "Nora Edwards" the quite lonely librarian. Oh no you were so much more. Daughter to the most powerful witch that reigned over the most prosperous kingdom. The only heir. Princess Isadora or Storybrook. Daughter of king consort Daniel and Queen Regina. Princess of the dark kingdom. Second in the rank of powers. Unlike your mother you hate your powers being used to injure or kill. No you refuse to be like her. The route of all evil always starts within. With greed and a thirst for more. Not something you want. So you ran. And you'll keep running from that side of you. As long as it takes. You may be a princess but ruling the dark kingdom isn't what you want. No, you quite like your life as a librarian.
Your friendship with Larissa blossomed on its own. For you it was an instant connection. Your magic calling to you that she was the one. You felt more powerful when you were with her. Like you could take on the world as long as she was with you. She was absolutely stunningly gorgeous and has a heart of gold, so when you feel for her oh you fell hard and fast. Of course it was kept private. Only you knew your feelings. It is too risky to tell her. Magic is triggered by emotion. The stronger the emotion the stronger the magic. There isn't much you can't do. It terrifies you that one day you could lose your control and accidentally forge a magical bond to the shapeshifter leaving her with no choice but to be bonded to you for life. Just like your mother had to Daniel. No you can't. So you hide. Running from your feelings. Running from your own mind. It's only a matter of time until you break you know that. But for now? Just keep running.
That is all what built up to this moment. Classes at Nevermore had ended a few hours ago, you elected to stay in the library. Being around the books always had the calming effect on you. Maybe it's because of all the time you spent with Princess Belle when she was held captive in the castle?  She was the one who taught you to read. To believe In love. To believe in the good. Belle became more of a mother figure to you than the Queen herself. That's why you helped her escape the hell. Briefly you wondered where she was now. Did she find the man she mentioned? Did she go back to her kingdom? Was she Queen Belle now? You'd never know tho, all communication with Belle stopped the day you ran. It was just too risky. Brushing your thoughts off you continued to potter around the library replacing the books on the empty shelves. That's when you felt it. The ping through you magic. The ping that filled your stomach with dread. She was reaching out. Occasionally Regina would ping your magic through the bond she had forged when you were not old enough to understand the danger of it. Bonded to your mother for life? At three of course that sounded lovely. The pings getting stronger as you attempted to block her out. Get her out of your head. Run away. Panic rose through your body the stronger the pings became. Normally she'd give in by now. No this felt different.
Through the bond a message was sent. You couldn't block this out. Her rage broke through any defences you attempted to put up. Her message is simple. "I will find you Isadora Saige of Storybrook. She all but snarled the last bit. "You can't run forever princess!" That's all it took to send your mind into a flurry of frenzied thoughts. You had to leave. Run. Go away. You can't go back there. Yet your body refused. It's all because of her. The heart wants what the heart wants. No matter how much the brain tries to convince the heart it knows best, the heart will win. So here you stood in the library immobilised but the panic.
The thick mahogany door to the library opened louder than normal, causing you to hurry into the corner of the room like a scared child. They had found you. All that running was worthless. You wouldn't survive going back. And knowing the bond your mother already knew of your feelings for the headmistress. Larissa wasn't safe. You knew your mother. Playing dirty was something she excelled at. She isn't above hurting or killing people to achieve what she desires. You knew that all to well. You still sat curled into the corner limbs shaking like a leaf in a storm. You waited on bated breath for the dark knight's to grab you. Breathing erratically. But it never came.
"Oh Nora, what's happened? You're okay it's just me." The concern evident in her voice. The voice of an angel. Immediately feeling safer knowing she was here. But the guy feeling that your mother was coming still keeping you in the throes of your attack. These attacks have been occurring since you were a child. You knew what you needed. But never felt safe enough to seek it. Through short ragged breaths you managed to grit out "I'm n-ot N-Nra"
Of course you are honey. You're gonna be okay. May I touch you?" She questioned triggering the outburst of emotion you were afraid of. Immediately running on adrenaline you drew yourself to full height taking off the glamour spell you used to slightly tweak your appearance hiding your true identity.
"The lost princess? You're her?" She breathed out seemingly taken back by your new appearance. Shorter now, glasses perched on your nose, dark almost raven coloured waves just passing your chest. There was no going back now. Still running on adrenaline the truth exploded in front of you. Larissa still crouched down, baffled by what was unfolding in front of her.
"Lost?" You chuckled. You most certainly weren't lost how it was intended. "I fled my mothers kingdom. Just kept running. Never sure what or where I was going. Not ever settling in one place too long. Avoiding people to reduce the risk of being caught. Till I met you. My magic calls to you. I'm drawn to you. My love for you is strong. So strong in fact my magic attempts to create a bond with you but I can't allow it. I love you too much for that. Larissa trust me when I say I run for a reason. Please don't tell anyone." You trailed off realising what you were asking and your admission of love for the women. Your magic igniting inside you.
"You? Love me? Your the princess? This is you? Magic bond? Wh-what?" She managed to whisper out weakly. Your hands still shaking you came to crouch in front of the woman. Your panic attack still raging on, but the women you loved comes first. No matter what. You could sense her confusion over this.
"Princess Isadora Saige of storybrook Larissa. Daughter to king Daniel and Queen Regina of the dark kingdom. Second most powerful witch in all the realms." You sighed you hated this. God you wish you were someone else. Anyone else really. "Larissa I've been drawn to you since day one. I love you so much it's physically painful to stay away from you. But I have to protect you. From her. I'd take all the pain just to ensure your safety. You have to understand that what I'm asking of you is for the best darling. You must not tell anyone I'm the princess. Just Normie Nora okay?" You watched her reaction carefully looking for any signs of her not doing as you had asked. "Nor-Isa- um why are you running?" The curiosity radiated from her aura at the question. So you carefully explained the cliff note's version. The only reaction you were given was shocked gasps at the more ruthless parts.
By the time you'd finished explaining, just how your magic works, tears streaming down your face the panic was flooding your body once more. Your magic was unique you could do multiple things, like bonding and feeling the other's emotions, wielding the elements such as fire and hell you even possessed the ability to influence the thoughts of others. Hands shaking as you pulled yourself into the corner rocking slightly. A feeble attempt to calm yourself. "I-Isa-I what do I do? Breathe darling I need to know what to do." She whimpered out. Love radiating from her aura only adding to your panicked state.
"L-L-Ri-ss-a, I if you help" you took a short gasp of air the oxygen slowly leaving your lungs, "you will be bonded for life... to me." You warned.
"Darling, your love isn't unrequited, I just didn't think Normie Nora would want Shapeshifter me. Now hush and let me help. You need to breathe can you do that?"
"I - hold me?" You whimpered out the lack of air was dizzying now. Making the panic worse.
Swiftly, strong arms pulled you into her lap, hands tracing mindlessly over your spine hoping you'd copy her breathing pattern in an attempt to regulate your own. Tears trailing down your cheeks, you felt it happening. The emotional outburst caused your magic to reach out, bonding you to Larissa. She gasped out at the sudden unfamiliar feeling of your emotions surrounding her. She could feel the panic you were feeling like you were feeling her emotions. The love Larissa was pouring into the bond slowly calming your distressed state. A whimper escaping you as your mother pushed against your bond. A sharp pain running over your heart had you realising a silent scream. The older women terrified at what was happening.
"Isa! Isa what is it?" She frantically rushed out.
"M-mo-th-r " you gasped through the waves of the squeezing pain. You hated that she could do this. Magic really does suck sometimes. You attempted to push calming vibes into the bond as the waves eased off. This was a punishment from the queen. You'd bonded to someone other than her, this made her furious. You knew that. But you'd be damned if you were to say you wanted nothing more than Larissa. Your body laid limp in her arms, exhausted as you waited out the pain. Your mother couldn't keep it up forever. After all it exhausted her using this much magic over such a distance.
"Rissa?" You whimpered scared of her reaction to all this new information. "I I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I was scared. I've always ran. You make me want to stay. I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry I'm so sorry your fated to me now" you sobbed in her arms.
"Hey hey princess, I am happy to be fated to you dear, and you don't need to run no more because we will be here for eachother. Queen Regina won't hurt you here." She promised with so much confidence it was hard not to believe her.
"What if she tries you don't know what she's capable of Rissa" the fear was still laced in your voice.
"Isa you are loved by so many in Nevermore we have a school of witches, seers, vampires, wear wolves, sirens, gargones and more who would happily defend "miss Nora" she reassured me. "Isa?"
"Mmm? "
"It's a pretty name for a pretty lady."
"Isa for you Nora for everyone else yeah?"
"Okay my darling Isa"
With that your body subconsciously snuggled closer before giving into the exhaustion you felt.
Larissa held you there until you came round just protecting and processing the whole event. Who would've knew her fated love with be a secret princess? She looked down as you slept her index finger tracing your features of your face watching as a content sigh escaped and you snuggled impossibly closer. Yes this maybe a fucked up way to find out. But you had eachother now. And she promised herself there and then that you her darling Isa wouldn't ever have to run again.
Word count ~ 2512
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lya-dustin · 10 months
All is bliss
Chapter 33
Cw: murder, mentions of sex, pornography, mentions of a past miscarriage, slavery, child abuse, sexual exploitation
Gif by @aemondx
Taglist @mercedesdecorazon @darylandbethfanforever9 @watercolorskyy @sweethoneyblossom1 @ewanmitchellcrumbs
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Aegon’s recovery is estimated to take the better part of the year.
His arm and burns would heal up nicely in some months, but the hip fracture required time. Not just to heal, but to regain his full mobility.
Until the king was able to walk unassisted and have his looks return to what they were, Aemond ruled in his stead.
Aemma had been banned from court for her defiance, but for the price of having Aegon watch, she was now seated in mother’s chair at the end of the table.
Aemond had been against it even if Aemma had found a loophole for them to exploit.
As far as Aegon knows, Aemond is refusing to touch Aemma because she didn’t consult him about their deal.
Aemma and Aemond had talked it over and agreed to do give him a show once he delivered on his promises.
So far, Aegon had gotten Corlys out of the Black Cells, Baela into Aemma’s household and this morning Aemma was to receive all the powers, titles, and privileges of a queen even if half the Small Council is against it.
The coronation and the introduction of a joint rule could wait until after the birth, but today’s most important matter was that Aemma be officially installed as Queen Consort.
But not with her father’s name.
All queens who married into House Targaryen kept their family name given how rare such a thing was.
Aegon had agreed to letting her keep her new name because he is desperate to win her over and end the war.
Mother and grandfather were adamant that she remains Aemma Velaryon just as mother remained Alicent Hightower to remove any chance of getting the joint rule they know she is after.
They went as far as insinuating she wasn’t proud of her Valyrian heritage in their arguments.
“As proud as I am of my family name, my surrender was signed as Queen Aemma Targaryen. If I were to revert to my former name, it would make my surrender invalid as I ceased to be Aemma Velaryon the day my mother died.” Aemma had Jena and Samantha poring over books to find a way to make the small council keep her regnal name as it was.
If that didn’t work, Aegon was alert enough to veto the Council and make them all look worse than they already do.
The slight increase in taxes already had the smallfolk already sharpening their knives, someone spread a rumor about mother killing little Ellyn and one about grandfather killing father in his sleep.
“What does the Prince Regent say about this matter?” Orwyle asked knowing he’d side with them.
It was Orwyle, Wylde and Lannister backing her.
Orwyle because he had always been in Rhaenyra’s corner and knew they wouldn’t kill him, Wylde because Jena would make him suck his own cock for the rest of the year if he didn’t and Lannister because they need her to call off the Ironborn.
Cole always took mother’s side, Larys remained neutral, and grandfather didn’t have a formal seat at the table anymore but still had a say in these matters.
The Green Council is going to hate it when Lord Celtigar, Vaemond’s goodbrother, is made Master of Coin.
“Queen Aemma is by birth and marriage a Targaryen, she claimed Queen Alysanne’s dragon and the marriage contract negotiated by my late father states she must become Aemma Targaryen upon ascension.” He had responded in a much more poetic way last night, but what he had said and how he said it was not at all proper.
Something Aemma remembered given the way her periwinkle eyes dilated, and she bit her lower lip as subtly as she could.
“I see no problem with it, neither does my brother.”
Mother scoffed at his words; she thought him a weak man ruled by Aemma.
She thinks the same of Aegon now.
“She rose against him, why reward her for not submitting to her husband?” His mother argued as if ‘she’ wasn’t right there.
“Had she been sent a raven, this could have been avoided. She received neither condolences nor an invitation to her husband’s coronation.” Aemma replied facetiously and reminded them all that this was their fault.
“There was no time—” mother said in her defense, a stupid lie because there was time to do this except Cole killed Beesbury who had that great suggestion and grandfather shot down all of Orwyle's ravens before realizing Aegon was missing.
They didn’t want Aemma as queen because Aegon would’ve gladly handed it all to her.
In fact that had been Aegon’s plan, to leave Aemma to run the realm and just be Aegon.
It would have also been avoided if they had had the marriage annulled, giving Aemond to blindside them by marrying Aemma and establishing a joint monarchy to appease the Greens.
Not that it would have, grandfather wanted power and mother believed she needed power to keep them alive.
Hence why they are doing the impossible to keep Aemma shut inside Maegor’s Holdfast for as long as they can.
“You waited a week to give King Viserys a proper funeral, you could have waited another three to have the Princess of Dragonstone and her babe cremated and crown her heir alongside her husband.” Aemma refused to let her continue speaking, after all, Aemma now outranked her.
The Queen Mother came after the Queen Consort, even Visenya Targaryen learned that the hard way.
“This war would have been avoided with a raven, it didn’t even have to be a raven, it could have been a certain golden dragon and its rider or even one those carrier pigeons the Citadel has been testing for a year now.
And because you didn’t, our only chance to end it is to accept a joint monarchy between Aegon and I.”
The last to have a joint monarchy were Aegon and his sisters, even Jaehaerys and Alysanne didn’t have one as he was not expected to marry his own sister.
Aemond and Aemma had said they would have a joint rule but had yet to hash out all the details.
“But that can wait until Prince Aenys is born and King Aegon fully recovered, for now all you need to do is instate me, Aemma Targaryen, as queen consort and use that to call for a temporary cease fire for the next nine moons.
With autumn ending soon, no one will want to risk war and bend the knee knowing their objective has been achieved when I am crowned Aemma the First besides my husband.”
Somehow, Aemma’s speech has them fold and the deposed Queen Aemma Targaryen leaves that council session as Aemma Targaryen, Queen Consort.
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“Next thing you know she will be asking for her dragons.” The queen complained to her confidant and lover as they walked home that night.
They had gone to sup with Helaena and her goodfamily and stayed there until the Hour of the Ghosts.
She hadn’t wanted to leave and almost accepted her daughter’s invitation to stay the night, but something told Alicent her father needed her home.
The queen felt like a girl again, like when she was three and ten and refusing a sleepover with Rhaenyra because someone had to make sure Gwayne hadn’t left a candle unattended again.
Something feels wrong though, like it did that night when Gwayne’s bedding caught on fire.
Alicent hastens her pace as Alys takes the long and sharp hair pin from her bun and hid it in her sleeve even when the porter and guards in the tower act as if nothing is amiss.
Something is wrong.
Something has happened to her father.
The queen screams in horror when she sees her father’s headless body slumped over his desk.
Ellyn’s toy dragon sits where his head should be.
Someone knows she killed Aegon’s daughter.
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“Have the head prepared for travel, Prince Daemon won’t appreciate it if Ser Otto’s head rots before it gets there.” Mysaria orders as she pays Blood and Cheese for their services.
Daemon did not give a shit about who framed him for the bastard girl’s murder, in fact he bragged about it to strike fear in his enemies.
But Mysaria did.
Ser Otto had his spies taint her foods with abortifacients to kill her along with her sweet baby boy in that ship.
Ser Otto had confessed to killing Daemon’s nieces and nephews before having his grey rat murder Aemma Arryn to take the crown for his darling little girl.
Ser Otto planned to do the same with the new little queen.
Mysaria would have let him destroy the dragons if he had kept his end of the deal they made the morning she kidnapped Aegon the Elder.
But the Snake of the Hightower had not.
The child fighting pits continued to run and worse, brothels selling children and unwilling adults had been ignored while properly regulated brothels like hers were being burnt down since King Aegon was crowned after they discovered her spies in their households.
She had been clear.
If he did not deliver, she would collect her dues and give her services to those who can.
“Oh, and tell the Seasnake, the White Worm accepts his offer.”
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landslided · 6 months
Hear me out>:) lawrusso AU: Johnny is Snow White, Miguel Robin etc are the seven dwarfs, Kreese is the evil queen and Daniel is the prince
aaaah sorry i didn’t see this yesterday! yes!! it would be so cute! okay let me get into this:
aesthetically daniel has more snow white vibes and johnny would absolutely rock either a cinderella fit or a sleeping beauty one but in terms of story it would fit so well! also i feel totally normal about evil king kreese who would ask the hunter (bobby?) to take out johnny because he’s threatening his power, he’s the actual heir, etc etc. (he’s the prettiest princess in the karate kingdom!) bobby would of course let johnny leave because that’s his buddy and johnny would go and find a little house in the woods. im thinking maybe all that happens when they’re young (and prince daniel might have had a crush/rivalry with prince johnny when they were kids) and then we flash forward to johnny, now a very resourceful guy who lives at the edges of the kingdom and has this pack of kids who lives with him. he’s friends with people in the village at the outskirts of the forest and even if he’s a bit of a mess, they all act like they don’t know that the guy who comes around and sometimes help to fix their rooftops and stuff is the lost prince of the kingdom.
daniel is sent on a quest to find the lost prince because his own kingdom is under attack from king kreese and another mysterious monarch (you know it’s silver) and he needs to strengthen his kingdom’s claim to certain titles and lands. bobby kinda leads him to where he thinks johnny might be but he warns him that johnny will probably refuse to come back so daniel has to work his charm and get him to agree to fight with them so maybe daniel plays the role of a vagabond traveler who just happens to find johnny’s home and the kids are like “johnny!! you can’t kick him out!! he has nowhere to go!!" and then of course, falling in love montage before the big reveal that daniel has hidden his identity ("you LIED to me!" "i had to! im sorry, i just wanted you to give me a chance to explain myself but everything else is real, this thing between you and me is real, i swear!") and for a while daniel has to leave because johnny is so hurt but then he’s called back to the house by miguel because, surprise, johnny got poisoned (now you get to imagine either silver or kreese dressed like old ladies with poisoned apples) and they’ve put him in this glass casket and he’s so eerily beautiful but daniel doesn’t like how still he looks, how pale and he just, presses a small kiss to johnny’s lips, just to say goodbye and then you know, true love and all that jazz. (they kick kreese and silver’s asses and get married and daniel introduces his children to johnny’s rag tag team of kids and johnny introduces his friend carmen to platonic consort amanda)
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vigilskeep · 1 year
Sorry I'm not well versed in royal title politics - what are the implications of prince(ss)-consort Cousland?
okay so! in the real world, it’s common—i’m basing my knowledge off english royalty because it’s what i’m familiar with, so it’s far from a universal system, but nor is it exclusive to england—for a ruling king’s wife to be a queen, but a ruling queen’s husband to be a prince-consort. this is essentially patriarchal; wives receive a symbolic feminine form of their husbands’ titles, as they’re not traditionally expected to hold such titles in their own right. but under the circumstance where a woman does become monarch in her own right, she still receives that feminine form because she is a woman, and is still called a queen. so queen can refer to the monarch (a queen regnant) or the monarch’s wife (a queen consort). but king only refers to a monarch. so a queen regnant’s husband is a prince-consort, in order to clearly denote that he is not the monarch. queen consorts and prince-consorts have symbolic titles; their spouses are the ones who actually rule the country
(for an example, you may recall from recent events in england that previously there was a queen whose husband was prince consort; they died and now there’s a king whose wife is queen consort. you may also wish to take a pause to grimace in sympathy with those of us still living under a system like this in the year of our lord 2023.)
while i did notice yesterday that the dao epilogue slides refer to a cousland married to alistair as “becoming the princess-consort of ferelden”, there are obvious discrepancies, first among them being that i can’t remember any time that anora is referred to as anything but the queen. while anora was in practical terms the one ruling ferelden, it’s absolutely clear from how it’s discussed that she did not rule in her own right and in official terms she held power by virtue of being cailan’s wife, and she talks about having no wish to do so again if she marries m!cousland. she explicitly refuses to make him king and only accepts him as consort. the fact that this is under discussion at all—even by anora rejecting it—implies that it’s possible that fereldan monarchs can do either? so they can either marry and raise their spouse to joint monarch status or marry and only take them as a consort? joint rule is obviously a possibility because we see it with alistair and anora but that’s a very specific situation where they both had a claim. idk i’m making things up here
anyway, the worldbuilding point is that if the ruling monarch’s spouse was always referred to as king or queen and their spouse always referred to as prince(ss)-consort, there are implications for thedas gender politics, since the alternative system that we have in the real world is fundamentally sexist
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
daemon.... daemon, i suffer. he's so unhinged but he won't let anyone insult aemond. but seriously, i love how that part very easily shows the difference in power between daemon (blacks) and the greens. aemond's family couldn't do anything about the insults, the comments, because viserys didn't care and because they were all raised in such a mannerly way that publicly calling out all those lords would be going against what they were taught. alicent and his siblings could only offer him quiet, private support. and then you have daemon, who has the power, and who knows he has the power. he doesn't care about consequences because there won't be any for him, for who is more powerful than he is (not counting rhaenyra). he can protect him. it's just fascinating how alicent is the queen but she wasn't in a position to protect him and now that he's rhaenyra's consort he has that protection. and im rambling and it might not make sense but im still trying to process what i've read haha a great chapter like always
i feel like this illustrates the power difference between the blacks and the greens so elegantly, too! as aemond specifically mentions, it's not that the greens didn't want to stand up for him. it's not that they didn't do everything they could, in private, to help him feel better. but they are firmly below viserys within the political hierarchy of king's landing, and if viserys takes no offense, it puts them in a really tough position. they don't have the king's favor, the way the blacks do. so even though they have similar titles, they're much more restricted in their ability to help each other.
the blacks, in contrast, have always lived with the privilege of being the king's favorites. daemon is an example of this; mans is truly wilding like 99% of the time and the most viserys ever does is kick him out for a few years. he and rhaenyra are both comfortable openly flouting traditions and cultural norms, because they know that they are protected from the consequences of doing so. and viserys's death doesn't change that; if anything, with rhaenyra's ascension, it gives them greater freedom.
this is honestly a large source of aemond's resentment for daemon and rhaenyra. it's less that he has this righteous fury about them breaking the rules (even though this is what he tells everyone), but more out of this terrible envy that no one powerful enough ever loved him enough to do that for him.
so when daemon comes in swinging on aemond's behalf, it's like a shock to aemond's system. he'd resigned himself to the fact that he would never have anyone able to protect him in that way; that he'd always have to protect himself. and he has to decide whether to trust and rely on daemon's protection, or to continue insisting he's fine by himself as he always has. that's why he's so desperate when he confronts daemon about it; why he's so terrified at the idea that daemon didn't really mean anything be it.
and it's why, the moment daemon confirms that aemond is his to protect now, the last of aemond's walls finally come down.
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@fluffbruary Day 19
“Merlin!” Merlin heard Arthur howl in his typical way. He rolled his eyes at Dindrane, pleased to see she didn’t look as nervous as she used to before whenever Arthur blasted his way through with all the subtlety of an unnerved horse.
“You should probably go see what he wants, Master,” she said instead, lazily flicking her hands so the doves switched to bees.
“Maybe later, when I’m in the mood to,” he grinned, leaning back. “Your illusions still need work. If I look closely, especially from behind, I can see that they’re too shadowy to be real.”
Dindrane sighed, pouting. “It’s hard. I don’t get how you can make perfect illusions of things you’ve never even seen.”
Merlin shrugged. He’d given up understanding his powers a long time ago. “I am Emrys, after all.”
“MERLIN!” Arthur’s voice sounded closer this time.
“Isn’t Emrys supposed to always be at the service to his king?” She asked amusedly, eyebrows furrowed. Her illusion slowly became more substantial.
“Whoever wrote those prophecies obviously didn’t predict how much of an annoying prat he’d be,” Merlin answered without any remorse, prompting a laugh. “Visualize every detail, Dindrane. Down to the sheen of their wings. We’ll work on illusions for the rest of the week, and then move onto healing.” He concluded the lesson, standing up.
“Thank you, Master.” She replied, standing up and grinning at him.
He smiled softly at her. “I’ve told you; you can call me Merlin.”
She laughed. “I’m sorry, but it was hard enough to stop calling you Your Majesty. I can’t really go below Master for the King’s Consort.”
“At least you’re not calling me Queen,” Merlin snorted, gathering up his papers and setting it on his table to deal with later. He couldn’t say he was upset at being able to put it off. He loved being Court Sorcerer and Arthur and Gwen’s consort, but the jobs came with way too much paperwork.
Dindrane giggled. “People call you Queen?”
“Unfortunately, they do,” A very familiar voice drawled. “Though apparently he can’t be bothered to come when the actual Queen and King are calling him.”
Merlin turned and grinned sheepishly. “Hi, Arthur.”
Arthur looked exasperatedly fond. “Hello, Merlin. Good to see you, Dindrane.” He acknowledged Merlin’s apprentice, who squeaked and looked like she was about to turn herself invisible accidentally.
“Y-you too Your Majesty,” she stammered. “I’ll – um. I’ll see you tomorrow, Master?”
Merlin nodded, still focused on the mess of his table, waving a hand holding a scroll, “Yep. Don’t forget to practice. We’ll meet on the Casting Grounds.”
“Okay. Thank you, Master.”
He heard her leave, but didn’t turn until arms wrapped around his waist abruptly, startling him.
“So what exactly ranks above your husband, the King of Albion?” Arthur asked, leaning his head on his shoulder and pressing light kisses on his neck. It sent a shiver down his spine. It wasn’t that he and Arthur weren’t physically intimate – for all that Merlin didn’t feel attraction, he loved intimacy as long as it was with Arthur and Gwen, or Freya. But Arthur was usually this casually affectionate only with Gwen. His and Merlin’s relationship leaned more towards the hot-and-heavy type, with banter and angering one another.
“Don’t call yourself the King of Albion, you’re only the leader,” he answered automatically.
“Same thing,” Arthur dismissed. “The other kings and queens listen to what I have to say, and apply it. They acknowledge me as the head.”
“Yeah, but that title won’t inflate your already large head and ego,” Merlin teased, forcing his hands to get back to working.
“You know what else doesn’t inflate my head? The fact that you come late when we’re meant to be decorating the nursery,” Arthur said dryly.
“Oh,” Merlin said, and his heart pounded. “Oh, Arthur, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. It’s just that Dindrane is progressing so well, and I lost track of the time—”
“I get it, Merlin, stop rambling,” he said, and his smirk softened into a smile. His thumb came up to brush the swell of Merlin’s cheek. He blinked up at him. “Put the papers down already, will you?”
“Why?” Merlin breathed. “Don’t want to kiss me while I’m holding onto work? D’you think you can’t distract me from it?”
Arthur scoffed. “Oh, I think I’m plenty distracting.”
“That sounds like a challenge, Merlin.”
There was a pause. And some scuffing. “Did it? How interesting.”
They collided with bruising force, kissing as though their lives depended on it. Arthur backed Merlin to the desk, kissing down his jaw and neck, and he was barely able to gasp out a spell to send his things to the couch before Arthur hoisted him onto the table, kissing him again.
“Distracting enough?” Arthur asked. He somehow managed to combine the authoritative look with the just-been-snogged one.
“Shut up, prat.” Merlin tugged him again, but before they could get to it, the sound of high-heels clacking against the stone floors resounded through the room.
Gwen pulled the doors open, obviously noting the disheveled state of both men. “If it isn’t my beloved husbands leaving me alone to go off and kiss like teenagers,” she said drily.
“Sorry, Gwen,” Merlin said cheekily. “I got held up with Dindrane and I was just about to come when Arthur distracted me.”
Arthur’s mouth fell open in betrayal. Gwen’s angry look softened, but she didn’t take her hands off her hips. “Of course you were, Merlin. Arthur, what do you have to say for yourself? You went to get him, not ravage him.”
“If we could ever get to the ravaging part,” Arthur muttered under his breath. Merlin elbowed him. “Er. That is to say, I mean, it was only a moment. We were coming up.”
Gwen hummed. “I don’t believe you.”
“You believed Merlin!” Arthur sputtered indignantly.
“Because Merlin’s story is believable, while yours isn’t,” Gwen replied, crossing her arms. Merlin sighed in relief. She was less mad, then. A pregnant wife wasn’t someone you wanted angry at you, even if Merlin was loads better than Arthur at apologizing and looking up at her with wide, innocent eyes that had never seen anything wrong and making it up to her.
“No, it’s because you love him more than me,” Arthur complained petulantly. “The two of you always gang up on me!”
“Us?” Merlin said, making the afore mentioned wide eyes. “Never!”
Gwen nodded vehemently. “What he said.”
Arthur pointed triumphantly. “See! Right now! You just did it again!”
Both of his partners laughed, going up and kissing him on the cheek.
“I’m still angry at both of you,” Gwen stated firmly.
“Of course you are, Guinevere,” Arthur said placatingly. “Shall we go up and decorate the nursery now?”
“Don’t say that just to get me off-topic!” Gwen snapped.
“Or we could not,” Merlin said, backtracking hurriedly.
Gwen closed her eyes, sighing. “Sorry. Of course we should. I’m just … so stressed. Elyan’s still out on patrol today, and the painters have been bothering me about what mosaic we want on the walls of the nursery—”
“They’ve been bothering you?” Arthur said. “I’ll fire them.”
“I vote for the dragon one,” Merlin said simultaneously. “Aithusa, particularly, not Kilgharrah the old cryptic asshole.” He looked at his husband, raising an eyebrow to imitate Gaius’ infamous gesture. “Arthur, you don’t need to fire everyone who irritates us.”
“Of course I do,” the king replied. “My partners – and my child—” his eyes softened as he looked at Gwen’s swelling stomach, “Deserve the best.”
“And we’ll get it,” Gwen said, smiling. She leaned her head on Arthur’s shoulder. Her hand came to rest protectively on her stomach. “They’ll certainly have the best fathers ever.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to test for paternity?” Merlin asked dubiously, looking between his spouses.
“Yes, of course!” Gwen exclaimed. “It doesn’t matter who’s the child’s father biologically. You’ll both be their parents.”
“But the council, and the court—”
“Even if we did do the test and they turned out not to be mine, the Council knows I’d still declare them adopted and name them my heir,” Arthur said impatiently. “They know better than to object.” He had a dark look on his face. Merlin and Gwen exchanged a look. Morgana and their father’s refusal to acknowledge her as his daughter while he was still alive was still a sore topic for him. They knew Arthur struggled with the thought of being like the father he’d idolized when he was a child – distant and cruel, openly loving only on occasions. “Besides, it’d be fairly obvious in a couple years. Heaven knows Merlin’s poor children would inherit his ears.”
“Hey!” Merlin cried. “They’d get to be a dragonlord too. How cool is that?”
“Not as cool as being royalty.”
“You keep telling yourself that.”
“I think they’re cute,” Gwen defended, interrupting. “And I know for a fact that you do too.”
Merlin laughed, turning on his husband gleefully. “You do?”
“No, I don’t!” Arthur said. “Guinevere!”
“Stop lying, Arthur,” Gwen tutted.
“Yeah, Arthur, don’t you remember being raked over the coals for that five minutes ago?” Merlin teased.
“And the two of you are doing it again,” Arthur said mournfully, shaking his head.
“Sorry, love,” Gwen laughed, leaning up and kissing him. Merlin watched, smiling. “But I’m afraid we’ll keep doing it.”
“I hate both of you,” Arthur sighed, but he was smiling. “And Merlin – there’s no way my child is having Aithusa on the walls of their nursery. The real thing’s a handful enough.”
“She’s sweet!” Merlin defended his first-born.
“She nearly ripped off Sir Rodney’s hand yesterday. And ruined the tiles of the roof. Again.”
“Sir Rodney was being terrible,” Gwen said. “Aithusa was right.”
“And it’s not like we can’t afford to replace the tiles,” Merlin said logically. “Since, you know. We rule the kingdom.”
“That is absolutely not the point, Merlin—”
“Besides, what else would you want for a mosaic in our kid’s room anyway?” Gwen asked.
“The forest,” Arthur said dreamily. “The greenery, the shrubs, the crouching, the waiting, the swiftness—”
“I swear, if you’re saying that hunting would be a better thing to display on the walls of a nursery than a dragon, you clotpole—”
“Still not a word, Merlin, are you really going to teach our child things like that?”
“You think they’ll come to a compromise?” Gwen asked the air. There was a silence, and she considered it carefully. “Nope. I don’t either. Best stop them now, then.”
“I’m going to the nursery,” she declared, picking up her skirts. “Feel free to join me when you’re done with your bickering *cough* foreplay,”
She started off, and immediately heard scrambling.
“I’m coming! Wait up, Gwen!”
“Guinevere, be careful! Wait for us!”
Smiling, she walked onto the nursery, her husbands falling into step with her, as always.
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Okay, okay, so I started several canon lore opinion polls The other day (still got a few days left; also Tumblr knows allowing me multiple polls on one post would be too OP), and one of things I asked people about is what they would prefer Lestat and Louis to be addressed as. So far, the canon “Prince and Prince Consort” seems to be the leading opinion amongst the ten or so people who’ve answered, but I was thinking… Lestat was chosen as prince before taking The Sacred Core, but after… I feel like he earned the right to be called the vampire king (since Mekare was queen), thus making Louis his queen (or still prince consort) perhaps. I know it’s silly, and maybe in universe, someone probably suggested the elevated title to Lestat and he said no because prince is formal enough. Yes, I’m here to speculate how they’ll go about it in the show. Vampire King Lestat is cool and all, but unfortunately some people will find it offensive to have a white vampire king (I’m mixed race and I don’t care as long as Lestat does a good job geez everybody chill) but like… I don’t know! Let the husbands be King and King Consort to shake it up? Besides, maybe we can finally see Lestat and Louis as equals finally, as intended. I mean… Louis at this point is almost as powerful as Lestat. Can you imagine, the end of the journey, together as equals in not only the quiet dark, but in the face of many? And Lestat can finally tell people that Louis is his husband? I’m sorry for the mini rambling rant. I think I need to get more sleep…
Hmmmmmm :))) (Hope you got sleep now?^^)
Ok, so... hmm.
Within the context of the tale/universe Mekare (or Amel) chose Lestat as the successor, so he literally became the "king", true. For a while :))
Louis at that later point is almost as powerful as Lestat, and I bet they're also sharing blood regularly.
There is this term in the later books, "Blood Spouse", "Blood Wife" (and, by extension there must be a "Blood Husband"), and I can see them call each other that, easily.
Anne described their wedding on Facebook, too, so they are definitely on married status.
I'm pretty sure that Louis' status as "consort" and Blood Husband was more than clear at the end. He's the only one with any real power over Lestat after all *laughs*
I know what you mean here (re the titles), but... I'm unsure if the show will go here tbh. IF they do I bet there'll be some ribbing in regards to Lestat becoming the King after the events of Prince Lestat (I'd love that, preferably by Armand *coughs*), but... given his canon reluctance to even accept "prince" I bet he'd not want to be called that.
Sooooo in regards to Louis.... I think I would also (boringly I know) go with the "Prince and Prince Consort" thing... sorry^^^. And I think the show will likely stay within that canon context as well, IF they even go there. (Not meaning the book content itself here, we KNOW they already go there after all).
But I really want Lestat to introduce Louis to the older ones, like Gregory (for example), as his "Blood Husband".
I'd LOVE that.
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sigilsongs · 5 months
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The enchanting Norvoshi noblewoman (Princess-Consort) 𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎 𝐎𝐅 𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐒. Sometimes called simply Lady Mellario, she met Prince Doran Martell when he visited her home city sometime in late 269AC, and she would accompany him back across the seas on his return to Dorne as his companion, the two having become infatuated with each other. Their union was a love match... there was very little rush, and they were betrothed in 273AC, wed in the Water Gardens the following year, and whilst they would go on to have three children, their marriage was half-love and half-fury. Her Norvoshi culture clashed against that of the Dornish; specifically evident when their eldest son, Quentyn Martell, was sent away to be fostered with another Noble Dornish house despite her voracious protests; Mellario rained hellfire down on her husband; the argument said to so loud that echoes could be heard throughout the city. Not many years later Doran intended to send their secondborn, Arianne Martell away, she threatened harm to herself or others should her husband "steal another of her children away!" Middle-born Arianne would stay at Sunspear at her mothers demands, but this was the breaking point of their marriage. They would have a third child, Prince Trystane Martell, conceived during a brief reconciliation between herself and Doran, but they had grown very distant — a marriage truly in name only, as divorce was not done in Westeros, or if it was it was not done for those who retained a royal title. Eventually, still technically wed and unable to take her children with her due to her husbands' power, Mellario returned to Norvos in the Free Cities. As of the conclusion of the reign of King Robert I Baratheon in Westeros, she remains the estranged wife of Prince Doran Martell, and Princess-Consort of Dorne. She has remained in Norvos, but has also retained informants within the Dornish region to monitor her children and estranged husband.
MELLARIO OF NORVOS. estranged wife of prince doran martell // B. 253AC
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dastardlydaemon · 6 months
From the inbox call <3
It is not often—or at all—that the lady of Runestone would openly display any acts of affection. In the eyes of her court, and others, Rhea Royce was a solitary ruler. Strong, definitive, and serious on the matter of her land, though nevertheless: solitary. They're used to this image, though. It's common to accept Rhea without the companion of the dragon prince at her side. The title 'husband' after all, was only simply that—a title. Until of course, the court of Runestone witnessed it themselves: the frequency with which the King's brother seems to be visiting Runestone.
Perhaps it were the upcoming winter making itself known by the dropping temperature, or perhaps she'd put the thought of anybody being able to witness this aside, but Rhea approaches her lord husband now across the threshold connecting between two buildings, her pace quickening as she nears, until her bare hands slot right into his. Then, and only then, she breathes a slight sigh of relief.
"Apologies, husband." Rhea manages only after those few seconds have passed. When she looks up to him from under her lashes, there is a certain... bashfulness which one often would not have thought to connect to the strict woman she otherwise is. Rhea adds, "The weather is growing cold and you—are warm." Rhea's already reddened cheek grows even redder at the confession; she squeezes his hand then, as though attempting to absorb all the warmth that she could in the mere seconds, before embarrassment teaches her to be aware of decorum.
She takes her hands back, and attempts to busy it by brushing away at her hair.
⤙ ✢ ⤚ it just so happened that prince daemon had disembarked from his glorious steed for a morning flight after he had done his usual sparring in the courtyard. even if it had been the dead of winter that never stopped daemon from carrying on with his routines. he had just taken off his gloves and placed them tucked onto his belt as he headed towards the house. he hadn't expected to run into his lady wife assuming she would be well into her own set of duties of running her house.
the duties of a lord consort were hardly anything other than looking pretty and supporting her while she did most of the real work around the runestones. when he had been younger he despised that fate. it hurt his pride. rendering a deep wound to it. to be nothing but support when he was more than capable of doing much more than that. but as the years passed and maturity gave way to confidence in his own power, daemon did not much detest rhea for her role. and it hardly detracted from who he was. everyone knew what he was capable of and now he was also building his very own kingdom after conquering it and claiming it for his own.
speaking of said kingdom, construction was still well underway and he had come here to look in on his wife while after he had settled what needed to be done for the time being. they had both grown accustomed now to their back and forth. sometimes he came to her and other times she did to see how things were going. because when it would all be done, it was expected that they would finally make a home there and she would have her own little new kingdom to rule over.
he was pleasantly surprised by her sudden appearance out of nowhere and watched quite mesmerized as she rushed over toward him. something that wasn't very like her, poised and stern lord of runestone self she often ventured to maintain. but as daemon had grown to know her, really and fully know her, he had been met with a version of her that was only for him. at times shy and other times bashful but often with an underlying playfulness that was not as in your face as his brand of it could be. and he had found himself growing quite aware of how much he adored that side of her.
a slow smirk curled his lips as his gaze fell on hers. their height difference showing as they stood before one another. he let her take his heat to warm her very cold hands -- they were opposites in that regard and it was something she had often sought from him whenever she could manage it. while he willingly gave to her. ' there's no need for apologies, my lady. my warmth is yours to steal. although, ' he leaned close, ' isn't this show you are making out here in the open where all eyes can see us, very intimate for the lady of runestone? or have i corrupted you this much? '
it wasn't until she pulled her hands away from him and decided to fuss with her hair in an attempt he assumed to steady her apparent self-consciousness that he reached for both hands once again and pulled them into his own. then soon placed his riding gloves in the palm of one of her own. ' you may borrow these while you return to your duties. they'll keep you warm in my place. until i take over tonight in our chambers. '
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heavenlyakin · 6 months
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Part 4: That Make A Sound
Summary: Your life is forever changed when your most trusted advisor arrives home with an engagement treaty. As Queen of your Kingdom, you knew there would be sacrifices but little did you know how much the cost of these sacrifices would be. What do you do when your mind wants one thing but your heart longs for another?
Characters: Reader (some descriptions apply), Suguru Geto, Satoru Gojo, Ella and Bella (oc chambermaids), and Camilla (oc advisor).
Warnings: mention of children/pregnancy
Length: 1.8k
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Once in your bed chamber, you allow yourself to unravel and lay on the bed, still dressed in your gown, disregarding your fears of the pearls falling off it. You stare up at the ceiling, wondering when Suguru might sneak back into your room now that the castle probably knows you’ve retired to your chambers for the afternoon. 
Suguru doesn’t show. 
However, Bella and Ella do after a few hours of wallowing in your feelings. Bella scolds you for not calling them to undress you and nearly “ruining” your dress, despite it being fully intact. You let them scold you, listening and nodding along. 
“How was your meeting with King Gojo?” Ella asks, her fingers twisting your hair around the bottom of the gold tiara sitting upon your head. 
“Ella,” you warn, “I do not gossip.” 
“Sorry,” she smiles, looking at you in the mirror. “Was he as dreamy as his looks?” 
“Ella!” Bella scolds her this time. 
You laugh, smiling at the twins. “You two are going to cause me to wrinkle.” 
Ella finishes your hair, the red strands bright against the golden metal and green gems of the tiara. Your dress is a matching emerald green, with gold thread details throughout the bodice and down the sleeves. Your jewelry matches your crown, everything is pristine for tonight. 
After Ella and Bella leave, you give yourself a few moments to pace around, getting used to the new heels that were sent to the castle today for this occasion. After you feel comfortable enough in them, you open your bedroom door. Six guards are always situated outside it, but tonight there are eight. Everything is heightened. 
The hallways are empty as you approach the grand dining room that’s attached to the ballroom. Everyone is already there, awaiting your arrival before they can begin feasting and gossiping. It’s been years since a dignitary from another country has been to the Kingdom, let alone another ruler who could become their King. 
While he would have the title in name, it would mean nothing to the country. You are the sole ruler and decisions would lie solely with you. Your father was titled King Consort, with no official power over the country. Your grandmother before him Queen Consort. Only the direct line has been given power, and no treaty will change that. 
Even so, it is uncertain what the other terms of your potential marriage to Satoru are. He is not unlikeable, which makes things easier. This afternoon was pleasant, despite the awkwardness. Your life with him could be easier than some uptight power-hungry lord in your own country. 
There is laughter, squalls, and plenty of chatter coming from the dining hall. It makes you smile as you walk in. Everyone stands as you come in, quieting themselves. You see King Satoru is seated beside your chair, at the head of the room. His advisors are by his side, and yours beside your spot. 
You lock eyes with Suguru, and wonder if he can read your expression. You needed him earlier after you met with King Gojo and he didn’t show. You hope he can feel your disappointment. You take a moment to smile at him, despite it all, and take in his outfit. He’s dressed in all black like he’s grieving. 
You take your seat at the table, everyone following. 
Satoru looks at you, a grin on his cheeks. “Breathtaking.” 
You swear you feel Suguru tense in his chair beside you. 
“Thank you, Your Grace.” You smile at him. “I must say, you clean up nice after a long day traveling.” He’s dressed in warm brown pants with a golden top and matching brown coat over it. 
“Your Grace?’ He raised an eyebrow, blue eyes glistening. “I thought we’d moved past titles.” 
“I don’t recall,” a plate being sat in front of you both interrupts you. You wait for the servant to be away before finishing. “I don’t recall giving you permission to use my name.” 
“-----,” he says your name and you furrow your brows at him. “You are not my Queen as of now, you cannot order me around.” His smile is infectious. 
“I suppose I can let it slide, Satoru.” You turn to look at your plate of food, cutting the meat and taking a bite. 
Glancing at Suguru, you can tell he’s uncomfortable. Camilla, on the other hand, looks giddy. Her dress is a creamy white with black lace. She smiles at you then winks before going back to sipping her red wine. 
“I might have to bargain for your chef in this treaty,” Satoru says, patting his lips with a napkin. 
You laugh, “Oh please, I’m sure yours is just as capable.” 
He laughs and shrugs. “I swear to you I’m not lying. This is much more exquisite than the food I’ve had for the last few years.” 
Whether or not he is telling the truth, you don’t argue. He continues to keep a pleasant conversation going. You find yourself enjoying the way he laughs and looks at you and smiles. Once an hour passes, you suggest that everyone move to the ballroom. 
Three sets of double doors open on the left side of the room, revealing the ballroom. Chandeliers lit with candles bring a warm light to the rooms as guests enter. You go in last, sitting on the throne at the head of the room. A smaller, but still elegant, throne has been sat beside yours for King Gojo to lounge. 
Lounge he does. The band begins to play a beautiful but upbeat song and the court begins dancing, laughter taking over the sound of music. You smile as you notice some of your ladies giggling behind their fans as gentlemen ask for a dance. 
“We should dance,” Satoru places his hand on yours, and you instinctively jerk away. 
All the touches from men you’ve ever had, besides with Suguru, have been initiated by you. Satoru doesn't seem to mind, he must know how foreign this all is to you. He’s had several more years of life experience despite both of you ruling your Kingdoms for the same amount of time. Plus, it’s less frowned upon when a Prince has fun with ladies than the opposite. 
“I think you two should,” Camilla says, standing beside you. You hadn’t noticed she’d made her way to you. 
“I suppose,” you smile, standing and holding your hand out to Satoru. 
He takes your hand, and you walk down the few steps together. Suguru watches you from the drink table, downing whatever liquor he has in that glass of his. You look away, unable to maintain any eye contact with him. 
Satoru hooks his arm around your waist, his hand settling above the skirt of your dress on your hip. You place your left hand on the back of his shoulder. He holds your right hand in his left, his feet beginning to move and guide you to the music. His moves are precise, indicating his upbringing must have had an emphasis on dance. 
Luckily, your mother ensured you knew your way around a ballroom floor. 
“Your gown tonight is beautiful,” he tells you. “It compliments your hair.” 
“Green and red do seem to go together.” You smile, then cock your head. “I’ve heard you have a passion for the color red.” 
He laughs. “I’ve heard that myself.” 
“Is it not true?” 
“It is,” he admits. “I just believe it interesting that my favorite color is the gossip you’ve heard.” 
You shrug, releasing him as the song ends, bowing to one another. You both resume the position as the next song starts. You are happy to remain quiet for this dance, but something seems to be on Satoru’s mind. 
“Is something wrong?” You ask. 
“Your advisor has not taken his eyes off you since I arrived.” He nods towards where Suguru leans against the wall. 
“He’s protective,” you explain. “He’s always been that way.” 
Satoru hums, and you’re not sure what to make of it. “He’s been giving my team trouble.” 
“In what way?” 
“Demanding things for you and this country that are absurd.” He says, spinning you around the floor, making you dizzy. “I’m not surprised your advisors have not informed you. The rest of them seem tired of it as well.” 
You sigh. “I apologize.” 
“There is no need,” he smiles. “Tomorrow we will both be able to work out a plan we both like. They can’t argue too much if we are united on a few things.” 
“What might those be?” 
“The terms of our engagement.” He smiles, his arm pulling you inappropriately closer to him. “I have some terms and I’m sure you do too. Why should we wait for our advisors to pull power-grabbing nonsense, when we’re right here? We’re the ones who have to marry, not them.” 
“You have a point.” You step away from him, catching your breath as the music ends. Everyone has cleared the dancefloor, leaving you two in the center of the room together. “One more dance, and then we will discuss the terms.” 
He nods and takes you back in his arms. The last dance is a longer, but slower song. Making it easy to think while spinning around and following his lead. What do you want from this union? Other than food for your people, the dreaded rain to end, and an heir. You suppose he wants similar things. 
The song ends, and you excuse yourselves to the tea room down the hall. The sound of music resumes as you both walk to the smaller room to discuss. Your hands feel sweaty, so you wipe them on your dress. 
“We split time between our countries, three months at a time.” Gojo gets straight to negotiating. 
“I pick which months we spend where then.” You suggest and he nods. “I want regular trade between our countries. Grain, animals, and food. We will share our bounties with each other.” 
“That’s fair.” He says after a few moments of thinking. “We build your navy, I’m not going to stretch mine thin just to fill your harbors.” You nod. “I didn’t think I’d get that one.” 
You shrug, “Perhaps it’s because I’m inexperienced or the desperation to feed my people or even the rain. I’m just in no mood to fight.” 
Gojo sits on the velvet chair, crossing one leg over another. “Children?” 
“I have thought about it.” You sit on the chair beside him. “Leave that for tomorrow.” 
He sighs but nods. “That doesn’t sound promising.” 
You narrow your eyes at his. What does he want from you? A whole brigade?
“Have you ever been with a man?” He asks and you gasp. “I know it’s not polite to inquire about your virtue this way, but to be quite honest, I don’t give a damn if you have.” He leans closer, reaching out for your face. 
You don’t move, letting him hold your chin. “I have not.” 
He smiles. “Interesting.”
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roseunspindle · 1 year
The Imperial Harem of Paxaia
- The Harem started actually as simply a means of kings then emperors of the land not to have to apologize to their wives for extra marital affairs that might have political consequences. (Especially if the queen/empress came from a powerful family.) 
- Then it became a way of “look I “married” one of your daughters, accept my usurpation of your lands throne and autonomy. 
- Emperor Friedan is the one who changed things, mainly he had not genuinely intended to keep a harem, having been lucky that he and his betrothed were childhood friends and were terribly in love once they grew older. Problem, was that it appeared Empress Leera was infertile.  (or at least it’s always the woman’s fault first, then the mans).
-  Friedan was pressured by his counselors to give up his wife, and choose a new empress to bear an heir. Unable to do so, the emperor instead requested a noble girl, of the country as his concubine and  made her “princess consort” and declaring that for emperor’s alone, multi-marriage was now legal and her child was now the legitimate heir, though she personally would hold less power than the empress
- this launched  a new system and years of noble girls across the empire being sent ii, in hopes of bearing the royal heir. 
- as the harem and it’s importance grew, new rules were made about it, firstly any night spent with the emperor must be recorded, the rank of the girls in questioned fluctuated, what sort of living accommodations to provide, rules for conduct. 
- By the time of the current Emperor Sosthenes, things had settled, though when the 27 year old took the throne, he opted to shake things up more, his great-grandfather had opened the harem to daughters of merchants, and his great-great grandfather had opened the harem to men (which caused quite a stir)
- Sosthenes decided to open the harem to the peasantry, putting putting out the call for a hoped for one person, from each region, if not village. 
- One of the rules of the harem, as the empire grew, and solidified, was to maintain traditional dress, so there was always a tie back to ones roots. 
- One magic that had been perfected over the years was truthspell, which was to be used always on each candidate by the official collecting the soon-to-be harem members, not only to naturally insure they didn’t intend to kill the emperor but to also make sure that they were willing to be in the harem and had not been coerced or pressured into the decision. 
- The Ranks of the Harem were 
Empress - head of the harem, chosen from the highest ranks and likely already married to the emperor when he was still a prince. The Empress had political power, and full freedom of the palace.
Princess/Prince Consort - Anyone of royal lineage, either from within for recognized prince or princess rulers, or from without as children of foreign rulers were given this rank automatically, may be given tasks of a political nature or for harem management by the empress or emperor, were allowed to bring one servant from home, and permitted 2 palace servants, would have their own suite of rooms including a sitting area, bedroom, and bathroom, plus a small room for their personal servant. Allowed to wear crowns/tiaras
Lady/Lord Consort - Anyone of noble lineage  were given this rank automatically, may be given tasks of a political nature or for harem management by the empress or emperor, were allowed to bring one servant from home, and permitted 1 palace servant, would have their own suite of rooms including a sitting area, bedroom, and bathroom, plus a small room for their personal servant. - allowed a small coronet
Concubine - the rank given to those of merchant decent, or those who’s parents owned a small bit of land, but held no title. They were allowed a palace servant or to bring a servant from home, a bedroom/sitting room combined and a separate bathroom. may wear flower crowns at formal events or more elaborate headpieces if tradition dictates
Mistress/Paramour - New rank for children of peasants and serfs, they would have their own bedroom, but each hall in their wing of the harem would have a shared bathroom. permitted only small jewelry pieces unless gifted something by the emperor. 
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chitowngirl-12-blog · 6 years
Part three of responding to a long, unhinged Dany-stan screed
In which we continue a discussion with @aweseeds and try to work through his/her gibberish.
Are the North servants of Jon and the Starks?
Jon’s position is elected.  As LF pointed out and the Northern lords reminded Sansa, Jon can be forced to abdicate.  It is a much weaker kingship than a united Westeros was and the lords appear to have more power.  I do think that Jon views the North as his servants and thinks they should all kneel in submission to his new Kween.  This will come back to bite him in Season 8 and I believe that he will end up being stripped of power by the lords.
Jon’s position is absolutely not elected.  There were no other candidates for King.  The Northerners didn’t even consider Sansa, the last known trueborn Stark as a candidate.
The fact that the North chose Jon over his sister means that it is elected.  Jon has no rights to Winterfell as a bastard.  Sansa should have been declared queen based on the rules of inheritance and Bran before her.
Jon was not serving some four-year term as King. 
But he was still elected.  Just because it is for life doesn’t mean that it isn’t elected.
Any plan to overthrow him by his very subjects is TREASON.  
So now you are arguing that subjects have no right to disagree with their monarch or defy him or her even a bad monarch who they disagree with.
Jon’s kingship was based on proclamation by his then subjects, his blood connection to previous kings, and successfully defeating the House that ruled the North.  As Lyanna Mormont said “Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins.” (This is true even thought he is not Ned’s son, he still has as much Stark blood as Sansa or any of the Stark children.) Those who want Sansa to be Queen have to base any claim on the fact that she is a Stark.
And?  People vote for those with certain family names all the time in democracies.  Ever heard of the Kennedys?
But Jon was elected partially because of his own merit.  (Of course, the show should have done a better job showing he had merit, but still.)  He has lost the confidence of his lords because of his disastrous decisions as king.  The lords prefer Sansa particularly because she is doing a competent job ruling them. 
That is why Sansa’s undermining Jon in front of his bannermen was so politically terrible.  She accused him of not offering any benefit to being loyal to him & not punishing treason when he refused to punish the Umber & Karstark children for their father’s sins, and abandoning his people when he decided to lead a diplomatic mission to gain an important ally and resources the North desperately needed for its very survival against the Night King, who would slaughter every Northerner and use them as soldiers to kill more people. When his very sister was no qualms about publicly opposing his decisions instead of respecting his authority, some lords might think they can speak treason when they disagree with their King.
So now a ruler’s subjects have no right to speak out in public against him or her.  You will agree that this applies to Jon with regards to Daenerys.  Using your own logic, he has no right to speak against her in public.  After all, that would really cause the North to rebel against their new Targaryen tyrant.
Yes, Jon’s subjects are expected to kneel before Queen Daenerys because their King has knelt and been named Warden of the North. This is the exact situation as when Torrhen Stark knelt to Aegon I, except that Daenerys did not go to war against the North.
What if the Northern lords don’t want to be slaves of the Targaryens?  Using your own logic, they have every right to say no thanks.  Or don’t they now.  As I pointed out above, Jon is a servant who cannot defy Daenerys.  If shut up and kneel applies to the North, it applies to Jon with regards to Dany.
Instead she sworn all of her armies & resources to defend the North against the Army of the Dead without Jon having knelt or sworn to her.  
This is the most hilarious of the arguments by Dany-stans.  No, she doesn’t deserve absolute wealth and power for helping the North.  Superheroes don’t demand rewards in return for their service.
I disagree Jon will be stripped on any power by the Northerners.  
Well, the few pictures we have of Season 8 show Dany’s newest pet without his Stark insignia, so methinks that he is stripped of power.
He said he was going to Dragonstone to try to convince Daenerys to fight with the North against the Night King and to mine the dragonglass for weapons.  He is returning with everything he hoped to gain. 
He went there a king and returns Dany’s newest mistress.  Going from being an equal ruler to a pet mistress isn’t returning with what the North wants.  The North wants independence.
He remains their leader. Daenerys has named him her Warden and supports him in this position as well. 
Warden is a toothless position in the books.  The powerful (but still servile) position is of Lord Paramount.  Sansa as Lady Paramount now holds way more power than Jon.  Jon is basically Daario.  He is a servant who by your own words has no right to defy the Queen.
Do you think the Northerners will see all of those warriors and weapons Jon brought to give them the best chance of survive and hate him and put Sansa in charge or something? No.
They want to be free so why not?  Or are they not allowed freedom and must be the slaves of the Targaryens so Queen Snowflake can have her tiara.
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skamenglishsubs · 3 years
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, What's in a name?
I thought I was done, but I have material for one more post. I want to write more about how royal names work, because I've seen a lot of confusion and simple lack of knowledge in the tags, so think of this as more of an informative culture post than an analysis post of the show.
European royals and nobles have styles, names, titles, and houses. In addition, monarchs have regnal names.
A style is how you formally address someone, based on their rank and title. In Sweden, the only styles left are "majesty" and "royal higness", where kings and queens are addressed as "your majesty", and select members of the royal family are addressed as "your royal highness". In Swedish, these styles are often abbreviated as H.M. - Hans/Hennes Majestät and H.K.H. - Hans/Hennes Kungliga Höghet. In English, the abbreviations are HM and HRH.
In the show, you can see this when Simon meets the Queen, and shakily addresses her as "Your Majesty", or when Minou calls up August and says "Her Majesty the Queen has resolved your problems with the school fee".
In less formal, but still polite speech, you would use third person addressing when talking to or about the royals, and there are numerous examples of this in the show:
Anette to Erik: "How nice to see the crown prince again!"
Some aide to Wilhelm: "Could we get a shot of the prince shaking hands with the headmistress?"
Anette: "Wilhelm, sorry, the crown prince, how nice the memorial was!"
August: "The queen has asked me, personally, to take care of him."
Malin: "I just wanted to remind the crown prince that breakfast closes in five minutes."
Names for royals and nobles work just like the rest of us, but with one exception: Royals generally do not use last names, while lesser nobles do. They also tend to have several first names, and while they generally pick names for their children based on trends in society, they stay on the traditional conservative side, and they often pick names from their family history.
The show only tells us one first name for each member of the royal family: Kristina, Ludvig, Erik, and Wilhelm, so we have no idea what other names they might have.
In the real world, the name of the king of Sweden is Carl Gustaf Folke Hubertus, the crown princess' name is Victoria Ingrid Alice Désirée, and her oldest daughter's name is Estelle Silvia Ewa Mary, just to give you some flavour of what it could look like.
Titles are what sets higher nobles apart from us mere commoners, and have their origin in the feudal system of medieval Europe, which was a hierarchical socio-economic-military system where the lord of a land could grant a portion of his land, a fief, to a vassal in exchange for fealty - loyalty, taxes, and military service. Doing so would create a title, it would make the vassal a noble of a lower rank than his lord, because you could only create titles lower than the one you possessed. So, in general, kings could create dukes or lower, dukes could create counts or lower, and counts could create barons. The fief of a duke is called a duchy, a count ruled over a county, and a baron over a barony, although there were more ranks and more titles than that, depending on region and language, but those are the main ones.
Every single squabble or conflict or battle or civil war or war fought in the middle ages was over the titles, because the titles legally conferred ownership of a piece of land, and with it the rights of taxation and the economic value of that land. Over time, kingdoms got more centralized and the hierarchical nature of the system broke down, while the titles became more hereditary, and ownership of the land became less important, which meant that minor nobles lost the power to create vassals and fiefs, while the power to create titles was reserved for the monarchs, and titles created in this era usually only granted people a title for an area or a castle or a manor house that they already owned.
Going into modern times, European countries curbed title creation, but generally kept protections for existing titles and allowing them to be inherited according to whatever inheritance rules applied to each title. But if a title holder dies without a legal heir, the title is lost forever, which means that most modern day noble families want to make sure their title, their history, their legacy can survive long into the future. Also note that one person can hold several titles, and each of those titles can be inherited individually and under different rules.
In Sweden, there are currently 46 comital families (greve/grevinna - count/countess), 131 baronial families (friherre/friherrinna - baron/baroness), and 484 untitled lower noble families. There are no independent ducal families, instead the monarch grants royal children a ceremonial duchy at birth, for one of the 25 historical provinces of Sweden. This means that every single member of the Swedish royal family is a prince or princess of Sweden, and also duke or duchess of some province.
Again, we have no idea what province Wilhelm is the duke of in the show, while for example in the real Sweden, Princess Estelle is the duchess of Östergötland, Prince Carl Philip is duke of Värmland, and Princess Leonore is duchess of Gotland.
A noble house is a noble family or clan that is associated with one or more hereditary titles. Noble houses were founded when someone was ennobled and granted a title, and a noble house can branch and wither and split and form new houses over the ages, and it can gain or lose status as its members gain or lose noble titles and ranks.
In medieval times, these family bonds were very strong, and many major conflicts were a result of different houses fighting over various titles, for example the Wars of the Roses was a 32 year long civil war over the throne of England between the House of York and the House of Lancaster.
A royal house is a noble house that holds a title of king or queen, and for members of the royal family, their house name is what they have instead of a normal last name. We don't know which royal house Wilhelm belongs to in the show, but the current royal house of Sweden is the House of Bernadotte, named after the French rando we imported that I wrote about in the last post. Other houses that have been the royal house of Sweden throughout history include the House of Holstein-Gottorp, the House of Oldenburg, and the House of Vasa.
Finally, a regnal name is a name that a reigning monarch chooses for themselves when they ascend the throne, and it consists of one or more of their first names, and a roman numeral ordinal if there have been previous kings or queens with that name. If you're the first of your name to rule over a kingdom, you can choose to call yourself "the first", or you can choose not to.
In the show, Kristina doesn't appear to have an ordinal, but in real life Sweden there was a Queen Kristina who reigned in the middle of the 1600's. (She was probably a lesbian, caused the death of French philosopher René Descartes, abdicated in favour of her cousin, and moved to Rome and converted to Catholicism. As you do.)
In the real world, the king of Sweden reigns under the name Carl XVI Gustaf, because he's the sixteenth (tenth, actually) Karl to have been king of Sweden, and he also picked his second name because he liked it, or because he wanted to stand out from the fifteen other Karls who preceded him. His regnal name is pronounced Carl den sextonde Gustaf - Carl the sixteenth Gustaf.
Putting all of this together, the styles, the names, the titles, and the houses, and we can finally get the full formal names of various royals. Here are examples from some European royal families to demonstrate what it can look like:
HRH Madeleine Thérèse Amelie Josephine, Princess of Sweden, Duchess of Hälsingland and Gästrikland, of house Bernadotte.
HH Felix Henrik Valdemar Christian, Prince of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, of house Glücksburg.
HRH Ingrid Alexandra, Princess of Norway, of house Glücksburg.
HRH Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge, of house Windsor.
HRH Catharina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange, of house Orange-Nassau
HRH Emmanuel Léopold Guillaume François Marie, Prince of Belgium, of house Belgium.
HRH Infanta Sofía de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz, of house Bourbon.
These names are quite the mouthful, and the full names and styles are only used in very formal settings. Normally, these people are referred to with their highest title, and their chosen first names, i.e. Princess Madeleine, Prince Felix, Princess Ingrid Alexandra, Prince William, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Prince Emmanuel, and Infanta Sofía.
We only have the short name of Wilhelm, i.e. Prince Wilhelm, in the show. We don't have his full name, but if it follows form, he would be HRH Wilhelm <Name> <Name> <Name>, Prince of Sweden, Duke of <Province>, of house <House>.
Note that Wilhelm's father is not a king, he's a prince-consort, since Wilhelm's mother is the reigning monarch. The proper styles for his parents would be Her Majesty Queen Kristina (II?), and His Royal Highness Prince Ludvig.
The only other nobles in the show we have full names for is August and Felice, and August's full name would be August <Name?> Horn, Count (or Baron) of Årnäs. Felice's would be just Felice <Name?> Ehrencrona, because her parents are still alive and still hold whatever title they have.
Commoners marrying into a royal family is no longer forbidden or controversial, and all European royal families have had commoners marrying into them in the past few generations.
Based on precedence, if Wilhelm and Simon were to get back together and marry in the future, and if they get the consent of the Queen and the government, the following would happen:
Simon would be offered to be made a prince of Sweden, and with it gain the style of HRH.
Simon would be offered to be made a duke of some province.
If he accepts, he would lose his last name, and go from Simon Eriksson to HRH Simon, Prince of Sweden, Duke of <Province>, or simply Prince Simon.
If he declines, he would stay as Mr. Simon Eriksson.
When/If Wilhelm ascends the throne, he would chose a regnal name, and get an ordinal depending on the number of Wilhelms before him. If he's the first of his name, he would simply be King Wilhelm.
And if he and Simon are married when he ascends, Simon would not become king, he would become a prince-consort, and keep the title of prince.
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