#The red's great but it's pretty abrasive lol
vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Friendship may include flammable materials
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larrythefloridaman · 3 months
Hmm. Peppermint for bingo
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the thing with peppermint is there are kind of two peppermints to me?
pre-nccts peppermint as-voiced-by-katie is a being so fascinatingly, hilariously, suffocatingly rancid that i felt the need to take a breather at one point when the streams originally aired and still wince going back to her scenes, an erratic obsessive creep armchair psychologist writer and masochist on a constant dizzying sugar high who happily rejects all adherence to social contract in devotion to an evil god she's actively stalking who wants nothing to do with her in pursuit of an escapist fantasy she's projected onto him. (red candy)
nccts peppermint as-written-by-ryan is a particularly unstable cringe sad wet newly crowned old god in a box all alone with abrasive and obsessive tendencies over shipping, fandom drama and her own opinions about character writing to the detriment of her ability to engage positively with the 'real world' (Relatively Speaking) outside of those lenses, her derealization and her tendency to treat other people as fictional objects to project her desires onto in violation of their boundaries only being worsened by Prism's enabling of that mindset and her possessive and obsessive desire for a tooth-rotting archie-andrews ass romantic fantasy with Crimson, but she's observant and sharp and self-assured enough to stand her ground when she realizes she's being manipulated with the promise of companionship and to not waver in her conviction that Prism is wrong. (green candy)
these arent at all incompatible, in fact they read to me as two parts, almost two perspectives, of one greater whole, but they are pretty noticeably distinct in their focus execution and tone, i think?
she's still a creep, but ryan doesn't always sell it as hard or as strongly as katie did, often leaning on common (and thus usually less shocking and by extension less effective due to not hitting as hard) 'unpredictable viscerally lonely yandere' trope stuff. Or maybe the written medium just dampens its effect- hard to explain what specifically makes katie's pep character voice so Offputting, i cant imagine it's easy trying to translate it into text without losing some of its offensive punch when you lose the element of vocal delivery, im not sure how id do it. Havent gotten to the most potent ncct pep stuff in the reread we've been doing yet, my opinions' subject to change, maybe shes worse than i remember, lol
if peppermint's character premise is summarized and boiled down to the absolute basics as 'creepy and obsessive parasocial fan of the sport' then katie put the emphasis on 'creepy' and 'obsessive' and ryan put the emphasis on 'parasocial fan of the sport' to better use her as a character that reflects the concept of fandom and position her as being on the side of characterization over strict narrative structures and expectations for the nccts' metanarrative thematic purposes, you get what i mean?
marking 'couldve been a great character if handled differently' is admittedly kind of misleading when what i really mean is 'i hope these takes on her character maybe get synthesized a little more going forward now that prism's arc villain era in the nccts is effectively over and the narrative actively problematizes her violative and antisocial behavior more again because shes less interesting to me when its treated as inconsequential in the grand scheme of things as it kind of mostly is after ncct2, and that her loneliness and the roots of how she is and why are explored more.' alas the bingo board is written in past tense. None of this is a criticism really just kinda observations of the disconnect that sometimes comes into play when a character is really Made by their voice actor in a way thats sorta lost in translation to another medium and to the hands of another writer with different goals.
All this being said, i like her! In a show about identity and connection and our responsibilities to ourselves and eachother when living in community with others, a character defined by loneliness, disconnecting from other people and their own reality and sinking deeply enough into themself and their eccentricities and what little they DO find connection through to the point of lacking consideration for others' existence as full, real people, reducing them to picking them apart as though theyre storytelling tools, trying and struggling by navigating the world around her as though its the fiction she loves with no REAL consequences, until she upset someone badly enough to be forced to consider them as a real person with feelings (relative to her as. Also A Fictional Character,) is a really interesting character concept for a metanarrative arc of the show, and her being manipulated by the godly 'author' into being her lackey through a sense of companionship and enabling that perspective on the world by letting her in on the in-universe Cosmic Secret that their world IS a fiction to someone, us, the audience... its pretty fascinating, especially because she only falls for the lie in it for so long. It does matter. It may not be real, but it does matter. And she took us believing in her so close to heart...
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shinygoku · 3 years
gordon gordon gordon gordon
Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon!!
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He's been sneaking into these asks by proxy, so it's finally time for his dedicated session, hehe~
First impression
WUAAAGH what's up with this WEIRD LONG NOT-THOMAS and his FACE?!
Impression now
His face is still pretty weird! But you know what else it is? Part of an Absolute Legend ✨
Like, man, Gordon is such a big presence and interesting character, the entire premise leans heavily on him. I'm inclined to go as far as to say that the Blue Boys of 1, 2 and 4 here are the three most important characters for the franchise (not at all to knock everyone else lmao) and they slot nicely into a Triforce of Courage, Wisdom and Power, and Gordon has Power in spades!
Gordon is The Vain One (not James!). He's legit very strong and the fastest on Sodor (which isn't just being a big fish in a small pond because that island has some crazy cool engines!) but unfortunately he lacks humility. His success seems to have been lodged in his head before the series even begins and this Pride is the source of pretty much every single conflict he's involved in.
But when it isn't his self satisfaction in his actions, it's being smug about being such a grand, magnificent Tender Engine and he is snooty as hell about it. He seems to look at smaller engines [pretty much everyone compared to him lol] as a lesser class, particularly if they're small and cheeky and Tank Engines. This may not be the case exactly, but his way of talking to them and some other things he says are very condescending.
However... as much as a gigantic jerk he is at several points, with Gordon I kinda feel like he plain ass doesn't conceive of his words being out of line. That and having to Unlearn things... he's not innately better than everyone else. He sees things in black and white. There are Useful Engines, and those who should be scrapped. There are Noble Tender Engines and Lesser Tank Engines who exist to do the tedious chores on behalf of the Superior ones. Edward doing shunting is seen as Demeaning and contradicts Gordon’s world view that Tender Engines Don't Stunt™, and he doesn't like that one bit! (Also Edward was crossing the picket line but that wasn't Awdry's concern lmao)
Related is Gordon does seem oddly dense at times, like assuming that Tenders are in of themselves a Status Symbol rather than a large lunchbox of sorts lol, or that Tender Engines like him being too heavy for Branch Lines being because something about Branch Lines are degrading. This might be all Elitist Brainwashing influence. But still, that he just takes these as The Truth means I get to affectionately call him an idiot. And there is no other way to explain how he genuinely believes Bill and Ben were going to murder him if he wasn't missing a few brain bolts in there.
Fortunately, he does eventually start to learn the important lessons.... very gradually, but the Early Gordon is a pretty different beast to Later Gordon, and it's wonderful~
Also, I gotta give credit to him for having some moments of utter brilliance and actual grasp of reality and more complex matters, like culture. (Yeah, I'm rolling with his geniune Opera Knowledge from s6 of all things. It's good!) As much as Awdry himself may have disagreed, Gordon was in the right to want a Station Pilot and the Strike was called for (not bullying Edward for it, but myeah) ...but this leads to my next point: He seems to have a mental block when it comes to Emotions.
Certainly, he's as emotional as the others are, it's not just a scale of Snooty, Arrogant, Condescending, Prideful ....well, it is, but ALSO the more mixed and varied feelings: Shame, Sadness, Fear, Ambivilance, Irritation, Anger, Passion, Amused, Delight and so on. However, Gordon is seemingly unaware of how his words may make the others feel, and even at his cruellest it doesn't look like he's aware he's twisting a knife in. To Gordon, he's being honest, but his verbose manner ends up twisting and wriggling away from any valid point like an overgrown vine that somehow links back to how [Other Engine] is disgracing him, Gordon, by association.
Examples include: Being offended by Henry's new shape (??? Gordon dude he nearly died and this is an improvement, a good thing!), saying that Edward's age and difficulty starting a heavy ass packed load of passengers is grounds to be Retired or even Scrapped, other little insulting things like calling the likes of Thomas and James Little insistently (it seems to vary if he's trying to put them down or actually be affectionate), and many more when in the hands of inept writers who have to wheel out the same Gordon Learns A Lesson Plot every other season.
Like I said in the James post, I also think he kinda poisoned the Red guy with his snooty attitude... but I maintain that I think Gordon was unaware of this. He may know he has Influence, and enjoy that, but he really truly doesn't appear to mean to mould James into a smaller, redder version of himself. He's oblivious and from his own point of view, benevolent. Which is in fact a dangerous combo indeed!
It's... a lot o7;;
Again though, if you're looking at the books and s1-s5 of TVS you can see him grow and change. He does take a while to learn the lessons, but as time goes on he moves 2 steps forward and 1 step back, then eventually less steps back entirely. It's great! And so is Gordon. A big dumb meathead with not entirely uncalled for delusions of granduer. A dramatic so-and-so who is the best engine for his job.
I love this sophisticated jock who grows more kindness~ 💙
Favourite moment
Hm! This isn't as easy to decide lol. We all like Gordon Goes Foreign... but you know what sticks in my mind more?
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Look, I’m not 100% objective, here! But Ringo’s read of this line is fantastic (and keeps making me expect him to finish saying OOOHH SHIT) and it’s also a well deserved bolt of divine retribution for how rude he was being earlier. (As long as my essay already was, he very much needed the knocking down of some pegs here!)
Idea for a story
While both my fics with him thus far have been variations of Pre-Canon, Full-Arrogance and Snobbish Gordon (and both were a lot of fun!) ...but I cannot bear the same expired horse being beaten more when the story is set waaay later but he’s still up his own ass. Please, PLEASE writers, let him hold what growth he’s managed to gain!
I think it’d be good to accept that he’s gonna be outdated sooner or later, so have him help train another High Speed Engine and take them under his wing. The Christopher Awdry books kinda have something similar with Pip and Emma, but I think a better way of having Gordon be involved would be if he was actively doing some mentoring himself, as well as being a neat parallel with Edward, whose type was once Express only but got outclassed by A1s, and so the same can happen to this big A1 -> A3 lad and he can form a healthy relationship with some bright eyed newbie (and maybe have some self awareness and try to stop their head getting too large, lol).
Unpopular opinion
I know I just said him mentoring would be a cool story idea, but in canon? He is NOT a resident Dad type!! He’s a hotshot young man but he’s also a hot mess. He’s physically large but he’s not got the Energy of someone who dispenses sage advice and a shoulder to cry on. At best, he’s a weird uncle! One who means well but you shouldn’t take his life advice to heart because he’s actually just as, if not more clueless than you!
Favourite relationship
I feel inclined to say Thomas here. Emphatically not because Gordon is ‘old’ and Thomas is ‘young’, but because they’re so damn alike and actually make an excellent, albeit unconventional type of Rivalry.
Both are self important with genuine finesse in their respective talents, both are honest to a fault, both have redeeming qualities to offset their initial abrasiveness, and the first TVS episode is centred on the both of them and sets the tone for the series as a whole. There’s more parallels, of course, but I also wanna point out they’re effectively the mascots of North Western Rail in universe too, and I absolutely love this picture:
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I also have immense fondness for the Down the Mine paradigm shift! Thomas gives Gordon grief over the ditch incident and later when it emerges the Fat Controller is gonna send for Gordon to pull him out, Thomas is filled with dread. But Gordon isn’t using the chance to lord over Thomas, he’s actually so amused by Thomas’ mishap and it coming at a time where he’s been significantly humbled, they instead become Comrades and I love it. I eat it up! Paint Pots and Queens isn’t anywhere near as good but I adore the little bit where they’re appealing for the other, equals and watching each other’s back~
But yeah, as Friendly Rivals they both feel very authentic and yet, in a daft way, sweet ;3
Favourite headcanon
He still says “Hurry, hurry, hurry!” when pulling the Express. That’s a HC as I think the show phased it out, but I like it lol. I feel like my essay on him contains most of the headcanon stuff, but it’s all based on what’s shown, baybee!
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
Can I get a cup of uhhhhhhhh dating headcanons? For Todo, Baku, and everyone's favourite sleepy dad?
One cup of headcanons, coming right up!
Warnings: Just fluff
Todoroki Shoto
-Actually getting to the dating stage is kind of a wholeass mission. I wholeheartedly believe that Todoroki is the dumbest smart person ever; he’s clever and strong, but he also strikes me as the kind of guy who thinks 1KG of steel is heavier than 1KG of feathers.
-Lol everyone knows you’ve got a crush on him. Everyone except for him. He just doesn’t think that much about dating or romance or anything like that, unless prompted. His whole life, he’s been forced to focus on hero work, so it’ll take some time for him to get out of that mentality.
-He doesn’t clue in to his feelings for you, not for a while at least. He’d start off pretty indifferent towards you like he was with everyone else, but over time he’d begin to notice that he likes having you around. He feels more relaxed around you, and more inclined to converse and be present and friendly. 
-I think he’d chalk it up to ‘is this what friendship feels like’ meanwhile he’s out here training extra hard in hopes that you’ll see and be impressed.
-Someone will probably have to say something to get him thinking about his feelings for you. Either that, or he accidentally admits to you that he has a crush on you, but he doesn’t know it’s a crush, and you’re just like ‘oh bby’. You’ll have to spell it out for him.
-He finds you after class one day and asks to take a walk around campus to talk, and you’re like ‘okay sounds cool’.
-It’s a little awkward and quiet at first, and eventually you’re like ‘are you okay, did you need to talk about something?’
-And when he turns towards you his cheeks are flushed and he looks uncharacteristically flustered. Then he goes on to tell you how whenever you’re around, his heart beats faster and he gets warm even though his quirk isn’t active, and how he always wants to impress you even though he doesn’t care what other people think.
-He probably admits some really dumb stuff too, like how he still has the pencil you lent him at the beginning of the year, or how he fell on his ass during training because he was too busy staring at you.
-Pls be kind to him when you tell him about feelings. I think it will surprise him for like 0.5 seconds, but then he’ll be like ‘oh that makes sense’ in his usual way.
-Even after all that, you’re gonna have to be the one to ask him on a date. He’ll definitely say yes to you, but would still struggle with asking for himself.
-Anyways, once you guys have gone on a few dates and decide to make it exclusive, it’s a pretty relaxed relationship. He trusts you, so he’s pretty up front about everything, and if he doesn’t know what he’s feeling he’ll let you help him work through it.
-He’s not always clueless though, and he gets a lot better at expressing himself the more time he spends with you and the rest of the class.
-He’s pretty into casual touches, which he figures out after you sit beside him on the couch in the common room and set your head on his shoulder. He’ll ask you in private if you could do things like that more often, and over time he’ll start reciprocating, and it’ll just be a relationship full of head pats and held hands and forehead kisses.
-Also pls cuddle him when it’s just the two of you. Hold him close and run your fingers through his hair. 8/10 times he’ll fall asleep.
-Will want to train with you, and during class exercises he’ll seek you out as a partner/opponent. He wants to learn how to work with you, in case the need ever arises. But he also just wants to spend time with you, and likes watching you be bad ass.
-If you’re upset with him, or not quite feeling so great, please tell him. Don’t give him the cold shoulder, or be like ‘you know what you did’, because he absolutely will not know what he did. Let him know if you have an issue with something he did, from small things like eating the last of your chocolates, to more serious things like accidentally doubting your skill or flirting with other people. Just. Verbalize how you’re feeling.
-This also goes for when he does something good. Tell him when he’s made you happy, or helped improve your mood, or validated your feelings, or smth. It’ll reassure him that he’s being not only a good friend, but a good boyfriend too.
-Also,okay so he has that thing where he looks cool and aloof at first, but is actually soft and big-hearted right? There’s a whole bunch of other things he doesn’t show at first, which you are the first person to experience.
-He’s hella shy about kissing you. He’s pretty chill about PDA like holding your hand and hugging you and stuff like that, but kisses? It’s just such an intimate thing to him.
-Once he figure out he really wants to kiss you, he’s relentless in trying. Probably tries at the most inopportune times though, like at lunchtime and in the middle of class. Don’t be too mad at him, it’s the only thing his brain cell can concentrate on.
-So much so that he takes a hit during training and falls flat on his back. And you’re like ‘oh shit??’ and rush over to him once he doesn’t get up right away. You kneel over him and ask him if he’s alright, gently touching his cheek to try and calm him.
-And he just stares up at you because you look like an angel. Deadass blurts out ‘I want to kiss you so badly’ without a second thought, and smiles his little smile when you get flustered.
-And that’s how your first kiss happens, in the middle of an arena with your whole class watching. Aizawa probably scolds you.
-All in all, I think he’d be a pretty good boyf. He’d need some patience at first, and a lot of verbal affirmation and open communication, but that’s a good thing to practice in any relationship. He loves you a lot and is devoted and caring and always willing to fight for you.
Bakugou Katsuki
-God, okay, definitely the shoutiest boyfriend. He’d probably be pissed af when he realizes he’s catching feelings for you. He’s definitely not verbal about his feelings, but he’s not stunted like Todoroki is. He knows what he’s feeling, he just doesn’t like it.
-He thinks you’re a distraction to him, and probably takes it out on you. After all, if you hate him then it’ll be easier to let go of you and he won’t have to deal with you being around him.
-Sike tho, either he makes you sad and instantly feels guilty about it (which he hates), or he makes you Big Mad and you serve him his ass on a silver platter. Both ways, he’s not able to make you dislike him, and he only ends up liking you more.
-He’ll calm down after a couple weeks though, and come to terms with the fact that this is his life now and that he’s gonna have to deal with the annoying heart palpitations he gets whenever you’re around.
-Though a bonus I guess is his palms also get sweaty when you’re nearby, which means more explosions. Which we all know is a good thing for boom boy.
-Over time, he begins to slip up, and you begin to notice. His gaze lingering on you during training and during class, his lack of insults towards you, just generally being less unpleasant when he knows you’re around. Some of your classmates have also picked up on it, but none of them have really put two and two together.
-You have, though, and you know he won’t be the one to make a move. So you corner him one evening outside the dorms and confront him about it. He vehemently denies it, but all it takes is for you to look at him and he huffily admits it.
-Nothing is really agreed upon right then and there, but as the days and weeks pass, you pretty much just end up dating. You spend more time together, studying or training or goofing off. Well...he doesn’t really goof off, but he sits nearby while you do. You even convince him to come to game night with the bakusquad and -after much poking and prodding- he even plays a couple rounds of mario kart. 
-He either wins or he accuses everyone of cheating. It’s funny to watch.
-He doesn’t really know how relationships work, so be patient with him also while he figures it out. If you’re mad at him, don’t try to act snide about it because it’ll just end up blowing up in your faces. He might grumble if you tell him outright, but overall he’ll try to fix it. He’s a ride or die boyfriend, and however temperamental he is, he hates making you sad.
-Also he’ll never say it out loud, but he loves cuddling you. He’s pretty strict about not showing his softer side in public, so most of your more affectionate gestures are behind closed doors. Sometimes he’ll just show up at your dorm room, slam the door shut, and flop down on your bed. This is his way of saying ‘i feel like shit, come pet my hair’. 
-Most of his needs are conveyed nonverbally, so you’ll have to learn how to speak Bakugou.
-The only time he’s ever told you what he wanted out loud is when you guys had your first kiss. He was noticeably tense throughout the day, so after class you pulled him aside and asked him what was up.
-You hadn’t expected him to turn tomato red and mutter that your lot of friends had been teasing him earlier about kissing, and his lack of experience. You asked him if he wanted you to go kick their asses, and he was like ‘no, i want you to kiss me’.
-Cue both of you being flustered. But it lead to a really sweet kiss, soft and surprisingly gentle and thoughtful. 
-He’s more open about kissing you publicly, if not for the fact that he’s low key addicted, then definitely because it sort of lays his claim on you without being too mushy. But those kisses will be shorter and cooler than the ones you share behind closed doors.
-When it’s just the two of you though? He’s got you held close while your lips meet, fingertips sliding across your jaw and arm held fast around your waist. Those are the kisses that lead to heated makeouts usually.
-All in all, also a good boyfriend. Abrasive and loud, but loyal and smart and willing to explode everyone if it would make you happy. He calms down over time once he gets used to the relationship, while still maintaining an air of pride. Will never hesitate to brag about you, and will affectionately shout compliments at you whenever he feels like it.
Aizawa Shouta sleepiest dad
-Anyone who knows him knows that he’s got a busy life. Between teaching and being a pro hero, he probably doesn’t have a lot of down time. So you have to be okay with him having so much work.
-He doesn’t mind if you miss him during the days, in fact he would be mildly off put if you didn’t miss him (at least a little), but you can’t be someone who would try and make him change his schedule permanently to give you more attention.
-A day or two off here and there? Sure, the occasional lazy day break is nice and also reasonable, but I don’t think it would work out if you were super clingy.
-It probably gets a little difficult when the dorm system is implemented at the school, since he’s there overnight most of the time now. I think that’s one area where he’d be willing to try and implement a better system, whether it be having you on campus with him during the nights, or allowing him to head back home.
-Because as busy as he is, he’s not a neglectful partner. Even if he’s dead tired when he comes home, he’ll always take the time to greet you and sit with you and ask you about your day and tell you about his. He’ll lay back on the couch with you across his chest, and listen to you tell him about all the dumb shit you’d witnessed throughout the day.
-He’s a little rigid about PDA, mostly because his friends tease him and he doesn’t want to risk any of his students seeing (lest the also tease him), but he’s fine with casual affection. Walking with your arm tucked around his, hugs, chaste kisses, that sort of thing. He’s an adult in a relationship, he’s not gonna deny you any of those things just because he’s shy (though he will never admit that).
-Despite his outward uncaring appearance, he’s actually really intense, and feels a lot. He’s an emotional person, he’s just really good at keeping it on the down low. So you’d have to be pretty good at reading him in order to get him to open up, but also not push him too hard. Let him know that you know he’s stressed about something, but give him the room to make the choice in coming to you.
-He’s a pretty low maintenance boyfriend. He doesn’t need all the bells and whistles and fancy dates. He’s fine making dinner together and then hanging out to watch a movie, or maybe occasionally going out for a drink or a walk. What he cares about most is spending time with you, and just getting to be around you.
-But he is still perpetually tired, so he’ll be most happy on his own couch. Dinner and movie nights often lead to cuddles, which often lead to soft kisses, and then more heated kisses, and then hands touching you everywhere.
-It’s very easy to get carried away when he kisses you. Unless you’re in public, even the smallest kiss could snowball into a good romp, granted you have the time. He’s intense and firm, but his lips are warm and pliant, and he kisses you the way he needs oxygen; desperately and absolutely.
-Arguably the best boyfriend, but maybe i’m biased because he’s my type lol. He doesn’t ask for a lot, but requires your respect on the few things he needs, and in return he’ll be there for you when he can. And when he’s there? His attention is solely on you, all his thoughts and energy. He’s quiet and patient and loving, and behind closed doors he’s pretty affectionate. If he’s dating you, then it isn’t just something casual; he’s already seen that you’re someone worth putting his time and energy into. By the time he asks you out, he’s probably already in love with you.
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freshouttaparsnips · 3 years
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But, despite his best efforts, Edge was awake before him that morning, noticing that Papyrus was nowhere to be found, waking Sans on the couch with a near violent shake. Sans glared up at him, Edge glaring back before whispering a harsh “Sorry. Where’s your brother.”
woooo, this fic won the poll from the Helping-A-Friend Drive (sorta, it was a two way tie and I chose this), so it’s getting updated until its done!!
ya’ll might read back a bit, this is chapter 9 lol
reader it on Ao3
or read it below!!
(and check out the post explaining my drive and how to help!)
It wasn’t very long after the Fell brothers showed up, perhaps a week at most that Sans felt a change in the air. It was familiar, unfortunately, and it… was coming at a really bad time, actually. Neither of the dust bros would have any idea of what to do about any of it, which was a problem all on its own.
The actual issue was something else entirely, but he couldn’t really be honest about it. Grillby was the only one of anyone that knew anything about it, and Sans would really have rather kept it that way.
But, despite his best efforts, Edge was awake before him that morning, noticing that Papyrus was nowhere to be found, waking Sans on the couch with a near violent shake. Sans glared up at him, Edge glaring back before whispering a harsh “Sorry. Where’s your brother.”
Sans blinked. “What’dya mean? Isn’t he usually out runnin’ with you around now?”
Edge was quiet for a disconcertingly long time, before finally answering. “Normally, yes, we would be halfway done with our run.” He glanced up the stairs at Papyrus’ room, the door firmly shut, the “No One Allowed!” sign hung.
Well. At least Paps had done Sans the decency of putting the sign up. That was always nice.
“It’s alright buddy.” Sans finally drawled, scratching at his back as he sat up. “But we should head out for a while. Grab your bro and lets skedaddle.”
Edge looked about two seconds from arguing, but Sans deadeyed him long enough that he scowled, turning on heel and stomping up the steps.
It was a good thing Paps had his room soundproofed when they came up here. That was for damn sure.
Red finally tromped down the steps after a very grumpy Edge, the two of them looking like they were about to start a fire for fun or something if Sans didn’t start explaining himself pretty quick. Good thing he had about zero plans to.
“Alright, grab your coats, kiddos, we’re goin’ on a field trip.”
He didn’t give them much actual time to argue, grabbing them both by the arm and taking a short cut the straight hell outta there. Papyrus didn’t need the two of them breathing down his neck while he was dealing with shit… and none of the running had to do with Sans not wanting to be anywhere near the house for a while, nope.
No, this was entirely pragmatic, beneficial for all of them, and they could pick up a few of the essentials on the way there.
It took a couple pit stops, and a bit of dodging whenever they actually got to their destination, but when Sans finally let them get a good look at their surroundings, the bones stopped flying (he was pretty sure they weren’t actually aiming for him), and their sockets got wide.
Living on the west coast had its benefits, mostly the ocean. Sans took the kid out here at least once a month, Toriel usually accompanying them for the sole reason that she actually really enjoyed sunbathing. Wasn’t cause she and Sans had been best friends for a long ass time, ‘course not.
“Is that…” Edge started, before stopping as Sans stuff a plastic bag first in his, then Red’s hands.
“The ocean? Yeah, don’t go too far out or we’ll see if skeletons can actually drown.” Turning to Red, he gave a wink. “There changing rooms over yonder, I got you both a t-shirt and trunks. I hope they fit.”
And with that he turned on foot, heading straight down towards the beach, the water looking as chilly and inviting as possible on such a warm day. It was a shame… Papyrus would have loved to see the utter hidden joy in Edge’s eyes as he grabbed Red and pulled him towards the changing rooms.
Sans let them at it, it wasn’t like they were going anywhere else with this opportunity right in front of them, and besides, Sans had someone he’d been waiting to see for a while.
“Sans!! Sans you little goofbone, we are over here!” Toriel’s voice carried over the crowd, but Sans didn’t give a shit who looked to see who was shouting. He only had eyes for the Queen of all Monsters, and the child that sat on a beach blanket next to her.
“Heya Tori. Long time no see.” He answered, padding through the sand to stand next to their little picnic spot. The kid was chomping down on a sandwich, a little juice box next to them on the blanket. Toriel was laid out, like usual, but was sitting up a little to greet little old him. “Nice to sea you.”
Toriel laughed, the sound loud and abrasive in the best of ways. Taking a breath, she grinned sharp. “Shell we settle down and talk a little? Perhaps ketchup on current events?” She held up a ketchup packet, Sans snorting at the obvious pun before he waddled close enough to plop next to her on the blanket.
“Yeah, that sounds great actually.” Settling in, he wiggled into her ample back, ignoring her laughter as she swatted at him, though still letting him lay where he wanted.
“So who are your guests?” Toriel finally asked, watching Frisk, who’d given Sans a look before taking off towards the water.
Sans sighed, really not wanting to spill the beans so early, but Toriel had actually figured it out on her own pretty quick. When he’d gotten a call, the texting not working on her phone again for whatever stars forsaken reason, she’d mentioned going to the beach, and he’d agreed to come. Then Papyrus coming had been brought up, and Sans was really bad at lying actually, when he thought about it.
“They’re cousins. I think. I dunno skeleton family lines, we probably aren’t even related.”
Toriel hummed to herself. “How fortunate. The tall one is very fine.”
Sans choked on air, tears breaking over his sockets as he laughed. “What the hell!” he garbled out, though he watched as Edge and Red slowly made their way over, clearly unnerved by the amount of humans.
“I only speak the truth.” Toriel whispered, sure of herself as she smirked, standing to her full height to greet the murder bros.
“Hello! I’m told you are not related to Sans, but that you know him. You are very welcome to share in our picnic, I brought plenty of food.”
Red was staring gobsmacked, clearly looking for similarities in the Toriel he’d once known, while Edge was looking purely intimidated.
“I… Thank you, your majesty, but we couldn’t possibly-” Edge tried, but Toriel only gave him a look.
She gently took his hand from his chest, patting it once before leading him over to the blanket. “When I say there’s enough, there’s enough. Take a break, guardsman, you’re no longer in the presence of royalty.”
Sans was pretty well gobsmacked himself, if he was honest, but sitting there on the blanket, watching Toriel work the brothers in the sly, kind way she did everyone that started out difficult… it was awe inspiring.
He only hoped Paps was okay, this time.
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fanfic-me-up · 4 years
Caught In The Crossfire || Todoroki Shouto
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Synopsis: You’re caught in the crossfire of one of Todoroki Shouto’s pranks against Endeavor. It’s either play along or risk getting expelled. What’s it gonna be?
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x fem!reader
Word Count: 4k+
Rating: 17+
Warnings: suggestive humor, suggestive sexual themes (nothing explicit), characters aged up to last year of school (18+)
A/N: This is for @bnhabookclub bingo event! Bingo slot: faking an injury
Big thank you to @unbreakableeiji and @prismaroyal for beta reading! They really helped me stay on track with this one lol
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You’re always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Like that one guy in the movie Holes that gets sent to juvie for shoes he didn’t even steal. You’re on your last strike, and though the consequences are not as bad as juvie, getting kicked out of the internship course three days before grades go out is just downright cruel. 
You’ve been on edge this whole week, going to class everyday, dedicating at least three hours everyday to studying, and making sure to do everything expected of you at your internship.
Only one more day until finals are over which means one more day until the semester is over and you can get your internship credit. 
And, trust, you are not blaming the universe for putting you in this position for no reason. It really wasn’t your fault. The first strike had been because of that one guy with the electric quirk you now know as Kaminari. The second strike had been because of Count Explodo and his inability to keep his cool for more than three seconds. Ugh. The students in the hero course can be so dramatic sometimes. 
Recovery Girl didn’t want to give you the previous two strikes, in fact, she told you in confidence that you were her best intern, but she had to abide by school policy.
You don’t want to get into exactly what happened, but things were fried and exploded, and let’s just say school property was damaged. And because you were on watch as the intern, you of course, faced the consequences while they got off scot-free because they were “heroes.” 
They’re not even real heroes dammit! They’re heroes in training! Of course that last part is always an afterthought, and people like you in the general course get pushed to the back and forced to clean up the messes of the up and coming “heroes.”
You carefully organize all the documents that Recovery Girl, your supervisor, needs copied, but you barely make it out the door when you bump into a firm chest- your nose colliding with a very hard, very sculpted shoulder. 
The force alone brings you to the ground; the papers you took twenty minutes organizing, raining down on you. You bring your hand up to your nose to check for blood, but thankfully, there’s none.
“Are you okay?” 
You look up at the two-toned boy in front of you who bends down to help you. Your eyes are having trouble deciding where to look. The stark contrast of glacial white and blazing red, and of stormy gray and vibrant turquoise is a lot, but somehow works together in his case. 
You shake your head, gathering your papers quickly so you can get the copies back to Recovery Girl. Of course you’d bump into someone in the hero course. Typical. 
“Let me help you,” he says.
Hands, much bigger than yours, join in the fray of picking up papers. 
You scoff, “Haven’t you helped enough?” 
He freezes, clearly taken aback by your abrasive attitude. You rolls your eyes, collecting the rest of your papers. Because of him, you have to reorganize the papers, and great, there’s a scuff mark on one of them. 
“I didn’t mean to cause any-” 
Half-n-Half doesn’t get the rest out when a deep rumble fills the empty hallway. (Count Explodo came up with that nickname and you can’t help but applaud him for it.)
Todoroki’s eyes widen, and you see him glance at the door behind you. You scramble to get up and block the door. “Oh no, you don’t, I don’t know what you’ve heard from your little hero group, but you are not getting through this door and dragging me into whatever shenanigans you’ve gotten yourself into this time.” You plaster your body to the door, even though in reality, Todoroki can get in one way or another if he truly wants to.
He looks to the right where the voice came from. The only sign of stress on his otherwise stoic face is the slight arch of his brow, even when the same booming voice shouts his name again. In fact, Todoroki looks like he thrives on the chaos he’s caused for the man who’s scouring the halls in search of him. 
Todoroki takes a step toward you with a hint of a smirk twitching at the corner of his lips. You squint up at him, having no idea what he’s up to, but you already know it’s going to put a damper on what was supposed to be an easy day. 
In a flash, he throws himself to the ground like a freaking drama queen, lying on his back with all of his limbs spread out. “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” 
You gape. 
Did this boy really just life alert you? 
He looks up at you and you want, more than anything, to make a serious dent in that stupidly handsome face. Ugh. 
“You either help me hide from my old man or Recovery Girl finds you turned away a hurt student. Your choice,” He raises his eyebrow in a challenge, knowing full well that as an intern for Recovery Girl, you’re obligated to report any injuries students claim. You’re pretty much on probation so it will be your word against one of the top students in the hero course. 
The next “SHOUTOOO” is a lot closer this time, meaning you have a couple seconds before Endeavor rounds the corner to find you rejecting his “perfect son” who looks to be in serious pain on the ground. Forget worrying about a measly strike, you’d probably get expelled from this school right on the spot. 
You groan in defeat, stepping away to open the door, “I hate you. Now, get in.”
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game,” he brushes past your shoulder. Wow. He’s seriously the worst. 
You close the door and both of you freeze at the heavy footsteps getting closer. You both breathe a sigh of relief when they carry on down the hallway. Todoroki leans against the counter, hands in the pockets of his pants.
“I’ll be right back. I have to make these copies that are now five minutes late, I wonder why that is...” you sarcastically trail off. All you get is a noncommittal shrug, so you continue with your spiel. “Lie down over there and please, for the love of god, if anyone comes in- and I mean anyone, it could be the freaking League of Villains for all I care, you better act like you’re actually injured. I can’t have another strike on my record.” 
You stutter, “N-nevermind. It’s none of your business. Just act like you’re hurt and we won’t have a problem. Or is that too much to ask of a future pro-hero?” You ask in an overly snotty fashion to take attention away from your slip-up. It obviously doesn’t work on someone as intelligent as Todoroki Shouto, but you appreciate how he nods and allows the subject change. 
“Good. I’ll be back in a few,” you head for the door, but turn around for a final warning, “And don’t touch anything or use your quirk.”
“Really?” He crosses his arms, offended that you’re talking down to him like a child.
“You’d be surprised,” you shake your head, thinking back to how you got the previous strikes.
You open the door and jump three feet in the air, papers flying to the ground once more (who knows if you’ll ever get those copies to Recovery Girl at this point.) In front of you stands the No. 1 Hero, and he does not look happy. 
You gulp, papers long forgotten. “Endeavor! Wh-what can I h-help you with… sir?” You make sure to keep the door only halfway open so he doesn’t see Todoroki hiding in the corner.
“I’m looking for my son, Shouto, is he in here?” He tries to step inside, but you close the door further.
“Nope. Not in here, sir, have you tried the admin office yet? He might be in there.”
You can’t help the slight wobble in your voice and you only pray he won’t catch it, but he’s a hero, trained to read his opponent, so what do you expect? His eyes narrow, and you shrink under his intimidating stare, hand sweating against the doorknob.
You really just lied to the No. 1 Hero, and he knows you’re lying. 
“I’ve checked the administrative office, young lady, four times. Now, if you don’t let me in to see my son, I will talk to your superior and have you expelled from this school for insubordination.”
You chance a glance at Todoroki and you understand what he’s trying to say from a simple nod.
“Go ahead and tell him. I shouldn’t have put you in this position.”
You make eye contact with Endeavor who’s flame grows every time his nostrils flare. He takes a deep breath in and you know he’s about to shout Todoroki’s first name which will inevitably alert Recovery Girl. Forget worrying about your internship credit now, you might get expelled at this rate. You’re in too deep, and you pray you’ll make it out still a student of U.A. after this. You say the first thing that comes to mind.
“He’s NAKED!”
Endeavor’s shout gets stuck in his throat and you take the opportunity to keep going.
“Yeah! Totally, just full on... naked… like you can see… e-v-ery-thing.” You wave your hands around your body to drive your point across though your poor gestures only make the situation worse. 
Complete silence takes over, to the point that you can hear Recovery Girl’s typing through the closed door. You side-eye Todoroki who looks at you with a half-smirk, his eyes bright and clearly enjoying this trainwreck of a show from the sidelines. Yep, out of all the lies you’ve told from the previous strikes you’ve earned, this one has got to be the worst by far.
Endeavor growls, “What kinda recovery room are you runnin’? I want to speak to your superior right now.”
Any louder and Recovery Girl will for sure come out to check what’s going on. If she comes out, she will see Todoroki and the jig is up. Your heart skips a beat at the thought.
Since when did it get so hot in here? Oh yeah. Duh. You’re literally a foot away from a guy engulfed in his own flames. You sigh and reluctantly open the door to let Endeavor in, and just when you’re about to call Recovery Girl-
A hoarse voice speaks up. 
“Don’t come any closer,” Todoroki croaks.
Endeavor actually listens. 
Your heart pounds in anticipation for what Todoroki will say next. You hope it’s enough for Endeavor to take his leave. Your head unintentionally moves to catch his whisper and Endeavor does the same.
It’s like when someone’s on their deathbed and you’re struggling to catch their final words.
“Butt naked.”
You shoot Todoroki a quick glare as he’s struggling not to laugh. These are not the words of a dying man, but an asshole getting a kick out of screwing with his father. 
“Son, put some pants on, it’s not that hard.” You cringe at the awkward eye contact you exchange with the No. 1 Hero. 
“It is.”
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Is he going where you think he’s going? 
You give a curt smile in which Endeavor grants you one of his own before straightening his belt and clearing his throat to respond. 
“I will not stand for another one of your pranks, Shouto, come out now or else-”
“The body’s a mysterious thing.”
Oh my god. Why are you talking? Shut up! 
“It can surprise you in ways you don’t… expect.” You’re not really sure where you’re going with this, but you have already disrespected the No. 1 Hero more times than you can count today so might as well just roll with it. Both Todorokis are looking at you expectantly from their respective places.
“Today, during training, he overused his left side causing his body to.. uhm… overheat. I guess you can say.” You glance at Todoroki who’s looking at you with wide eyes, but you keep pushing through, digging yourself in deeper. You need Endeavor to buy it, else you’re out of an internship or, worse, out of this school for good.
“Quirk side-effects manifest in different ways so it isn’t rare for you to hear about this for the first time, especially since your son isn’t fully acquainted with the left half of his quirk just yet.”
You give yourself a pat on the back because, damn, that was good if you do say so yourself. Endeavor seems to have bought it, too, because a proud smirk graces his usually harsh features. However, the happy go lucky wave you’re currently riding crashes from under you as Todoroki is shooting you the same piercing stare his father was giving you just a moment ago. Damn. The Todoroki’s really know how to make a person feel insignificant with just one look.
“Is that true, son?” 
Endeavor gives a hearty laugh, and you’re so worked up with everything that’s happened in the past five minutes that you can’t help but laugh awkwardly alongside him. 
“You could’ve started with that, young lady, no shame in the bodily functions of a strong, growing man. Those are the famous Todoroki genes at work,” he winks at you.
You force a smile, “Ha ha ha yep…” 
What do you even say to that?
“I’ll come back for you once you’ve handled your problem. Take care, son.” 
Endeavor gives you a polite nod, in which you bow, before he takes his leave. Once the door shuts, you slump against it and take in a few deep breaths to try to stop your racing heart.
You make eye contact with Todoroki from the corner he’s still hiding in, a shadow falling over the right half of his face. All you can see is a fierce combination of red and turquoise. He looks like a carbon copy of the man that was just here. Todoroki steps out of the shadow, and gets close enough for you to see every hurdling ridge of that perfectly imperfect scar.
“You shouldn’t have said that.” 
The heat Endeavor took with him is replaced with a new heat. A different heat. One unique to the boy standing in front of you. You feel it bubbling, rising to the surface of a wicked cauldron that you need to quickly put a lid on before it spills over and you get burned. You fall short of spitting a sarcastic retort. Instead, you find yourself licking your lips and Todoroki tracing the movement with fire in his eyes.
“You know,” he starts, “My mind didn’t go there until yours did.”
“It didn’t?”
Your cheeks burn, embarrassed that your mind was in the gutter when Todoroki’s wasn’t.
He shakes his head.
“But good to know you think about me overheating.” 
Oh no. Maybe you are in too deep. But not in the way you thought. You’re about to screw it and jump his bones right then and there when Recovery Girl’s door opens.
“Y/N, dear, did you make those copies?” Recovery Girl calls out, stopping in her tracks when she sees Todoroki next to you. “What brings you here, Todoroki, are you hurt?”
She races as quickly as her age can take her, going into full healer mode as she inspects Todoroki for injuries. You respond on instinct so you won’t get in trouble.
“Yes! He is very hurt! That’s why he’s here!” 
You nod at Todoroki who takes the cue and immediately clutches his side, giving a convincing groan like he’s in pain. You gotta hand it to him. If he weren’t trying for a career as a pro-hero, you’d suggest he take up acting.
“His body overheated during training, and some not so pleasant side-effects have taken place.” 
“So… hot…” He plays along, a mischievous glint in his eyes directed towards you. He makes sure to raise his temperature when Recovery Girl places her hand on his forehead.
“You’re definitely heating up, but that’s not out of the norm for someone with a quirk like yours. What side effects are you referring to, Y/N?”
You and Todoroki look at each other. You flush as you’re forced to give the same reason you gave Endeavor for continuity’s sake, but this time in explicit detail.
Once Recovery Girl is in the loop, she sends Todoroki to lie down and assigns you to take care of him. You get washcloths and soak them in water like you’re cooling a fever down. Todoroki is not “butt naked,” though he is shirtless. You place the cold compress on his bare chest. Hopefully he doesn’t notice how you squirm in your seat, working the cloth over his skin. His abs glisten as he continues to raise his temperature to keep up the appearance. Your eyes are trained on the task at hand, not daring to look up because you know he’s watching your every move. You can feel his gaze burning into you, branding your flesh with a mark of his own, as heat begins to simmer inside you.
You shake your head. What are you thinking? You’re not… he’s not… there’s nothing going on between you and Todoroki! You refuse to become another one of his fangirls, lining up for the chance to be with him. He’s handsome, sure you’ll give him that, but…you look up and instead of the smug smirk you imagined, there’s a softness to his usually stoic stare, and the heat you once felt melts into a fondness you can’t quite explain. 
Once you finish “cooling him off,” you grab a clipboard and a pen to fill out the forms when you accept patients. 
You stare at each other blankly. Clearing your throat you say, “I think it’s safe to say it’ll be a no for all of them.” He nods, putting his shirt back on as you get up from your seat, about to take your leave.
“Thank you.”
You freeze. From his words, not his quirk. (thank god) 
“It was wrong of me to put you in such a precarious position. I understand your hostility… towards me. Though maybe if you’d allow me to explain myself, I might be able to change your mind.”
You raise an eyebrow. Since when did anyone in the hero course ever care about students in the general course? They’re always in their own little bubble, uncaring if they step on the toes of other students, like yourself, who worked just as hard to get into U.A. So why does Todoroki Shouto, one of the top students in the hero course, care about changing your mind?
You’re weary, but you nod anyway, curious as to what he has to say. 
“My old man is a fucking dick.”
Your eyes widen.
Isn’t bad mouthing your dad, the current No. 1 Hero, bad publicity or something? Why would Todoroki tell you, of all people? You don’t have any more time to think on this as Todoroki continues.
“This morning, he told me we’re taking a trip next weekend to meet the person he plans to set me up with, some American girl. He said it’s good publicity for the family. I’m not stupid. I know when he says, the family, he means himself.” His face twists into a dark grimace and you can tell there’s some deep unresolved issues between him and his father.
“Why are you telling me this?” 
You feel like you overstepped, heard too much about the famous Todoroki family, despite Todoroki, himself, telling you this. 
He stands up from his bed, walking towards you until the tips of his shoes meet yours, and he’s as close as he can get without touching you. He raises his arm to lightly graze his fingertips along your arm, and you curse the goosebumps that immediately rise like a chain reaction. He drags his hand up, reaching the sensitive spot at the curve of your neck, and you let out a soft gasp at the sensation. A shiver runs through you from the cool touch, despite the heat coiling in your stomach, begging to be satiated. A softness pillows his piercing features as he brushes his thumb lightly along the apple of your cheek.
“I want to convince you I’m not the jerk you think I am.”
The scent of freshly cut mint and burning cedar is clouding your ability to think straight. His hair looks deliciously soft, begging to have fingers run through it, and you wish to pull him down and kiss him in the middle of the recovery room. For him to slam you against the wall, and...
You take a step back, pulling away from his caress, before you do something you’ll regret. You have questions that need answers before anything else happens.
“Why are you so hellbent on changing my mind? I’m clearly not in the hero course.”
“Why would that matter?” 
“Because you’re all the same! You’re caught up in your own little world, the spotlight shining on you so bright that you’re blinded to the people around you. If it wasn’t for the students in the general and support courses, you wouldn’t be in the position you are now.”
You hope you didn’t raise your voice loud enough for Recovery Girl to notice. It was already a close call getting this far and you really can’t afford a slip up because you couldn’t put a lid on your emotions. 
You’d have no one to blame, but yourself.
“This is about your strike,” Todoroki states.
The breath rushes out of you.
“What? No, it-” 
You stop mid-sentence. A realization comes to mind causing you to straighten up and look Todoroki in the eye. “You know what? Yes, yes it is about my strike. Two strikes actually.”
Your newfound confidence marches you straight over to Todoroki, poking at his chest in an attempt to intimidate him. (yeah, you’re about as intimidating as a baby squirrel to Todoroki, but A for effort) 
“And who’s fault was it?” your voice rises, “Dunceface and Count Explodo, that’s who! And if your little prank went sour today, it would’ve been my ass on the line!”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Your breath catches. He’s just throwing you curveballs left and right, leaving an unsettling feeling in your stomach, because he keeps acting like he actually cares and you’re questioning if maybe he actually does.
“Let me make it up to you,” he says.
You raise an eyebrow, “And how are you going to do that?”
A faint flush adorns his pale cheeks, only noticeable because you’re standing so close. This is the first time you’ve seen Todoroki blush and you’re taken aback at his sudden change in demeanor. 
“I was thinking… we could go to the restaurant you mentioned? Uhm…” he runs a nervous hand through his hair, “In your slam poem last year? You said you always passed by and hope to one day dip a strawberry in the chocolate fountain.”
You’re speechless at the fact that he saw your performance, much less remembered the details. You performed at an open mic event U.A. held at the end of every semester for extra credit. You did a slam poem about childhood hopes and dreams (it was pretty cringe and now that you know Todoroki saw it just makes you cringe even more) but despite the cringiness, all of the details were true. Bella Bistro was a cafe you passed by everyday in elementary school and you remember jumping up and down in excitement when you saw the huge chocolate fountain whooshing gloriously in the middle of the restaurant. 
You look down at the ground to hide your burning cheeks.
“It’s expensive, you don’t… have to,” you mutter.
“I want to.”
Your heart stutters at the earnest look he gives you. A ray of hope sparkling his eyes, so unlike the brooding aura he usually carries.
But you’re still not convinced.
“You’re not asking me out to piss off your dad, are you?”
“You’re just looking for every reason to hate me, aren’t you? Trust me, there are plenty of other ways to piss him off.” His face is stoic, but behind that you can see the mischief brewing, only visible to the people who take the time to read his minute expressions.
Ten minutes ago, you thought the entire hero course was a bunch of narcissistic assholes, but now that you’ve taken the time to get to know one of them, you’re starting to realize that maybe you were wrong. 
Anyone with eyes can see Todoroki Shouto is devastatingly good looking, not to mention, he’s willing to take you to one of the most expensive restaurants in the city? The worst that can happen is it doesn’t work out.
Though you’re secretly hoping it does.
Before you can give your answer, Recovery Girl calls out from her office.
“Are you feeling better, dear?” 
Your eyes widen as you push Todoroki back into the recovery room.
“Quick! Take off your shirt and get on the bed!”
Todoroki raises an eyebrow, “Let me buy you dinner first.”
You don’t have time to be embarrassed. “Just do it!”
Thankfully he obliges, getting on the bed just in time for Recovery Girl to pop in and see you wiping down his chest.
“Much better, thank you,” Todoroki responds to her. She inspects his “injuries” and once she deems him ready to go back to class, she takes her leave to go make the copies herself. You let her know that you’re more than capable of doing it yourself, but she gives you a knowing look.
“Oh, I know hun, but seems like you have unfinished business to take care of,” she winks and walks off.
You gape, your whole body buzzing as you realize she heard your entire conversation and probably gathered that Todoroki isn’t really injured. 
She exits and the silence is deafening in the recovery room. Technically, it should be silent, but for some reason you can’t help but feel out of your own element when you’re met with the intense stare of Todoroki. You can’t even use the excuse of trying to let other people sleep because there’s no one else in here. You glance around the room, playing with the stethoscope around your neck, but each time you chance a look at Todoroki, you’re hit with that same burning look.
“Welp… the jig is up, I guess. You’re free to go, goodbye,” you shoot an awkward laugh, but Todoroki doesn’t indulge you. 
“Your answer?” 
You’re well aware of the fact that he’s still shirtless and it’s doing little in suppressing the uncontrollable urge to kiss him senseless.
Fuck it.
You reach for his hair (yes it is as soft as it looks) and you pull him down as you finally allow yourself to give in and kiss him. His breath hitches in surprise, but he soon relaxes into the kiss. His arms lay awkwardly at his side, like he’s unsure where to put them, so you guide them to your waist. With his bare chest pressed against you, you can feel every hardened ridge rubbing against the thin fabric of your shirt, and you do a horrible job of suppressing a whimper when his tongue flicks hesitantly against yours. You pull away, so you both can catch your breath, keeping your arms wrapped around his neck.
“Is that a good enough answer, Half-n-Half?” You say with a teasing lilt in your breathless voice. 
“Call me Shouto.” 
You shiver at the cool lips ghosting the burning shell of your ear.
He leans away, much too soon for your liking. Throwing his shirt back on, he walks out the door, but not before turning his head to throw one last comment over his shoulder.
“I’ll pick you up at 8 o’clock sharp.”
Sharp? Who the hell does he think he is? Psh. You’ll be ready when you wanna be ready! But you can’t even convince yourself to be mad when you realized you just scored a date with U.A’s most handsome up and coming hero.
You smile at the sudden turn of events today. Sure, it could’ve gone way worse if Shouto’s prank backfired, but it was totally worth getting caught in the crossfire.
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dirtyrottenraskel · 3 years
my take on yueki's personalities
notes / personality
cocky (but also like understated confidence - r e g a l af) 
kind of a nerd
maybe a little entitled, and a little bratty and suki loves to indulge her or to rile her up depending on her mood
seems soft but made of steel
strong sense of duty
socially intelligent - can be manipulative and suki (the dork) thinks it is so hot 
aloof queen bee typa beat
supportive, both in ur day to day and in going after your big moral life goals 
deep water - steady and powerful, often underestimated
untold depths, private yet surprisingly nurturing - master of deflecting away from herself
political nerd - well read, and when she has someone she trusts not to take advantage of her, she goes OFF 
distrusting of most people, has been used and ignored and underestimated her whole life
patient - homegirl knows how to play the long game
excellent at pai sho / chess 
she and suki have epic battles of wits - dif types of strategy but both are really into it and get a little too competitive (multiple board games have had to be replaced over the years)
loves travel bc wasn’t allowed to much, esp when she was sick 
was super repressed growing up - never let her be herself or really have any sort of independence
used to sneak out and wander around in rebellion and casually sabotage plans and decisions she didn’t agree with 
introverted, many opinions but keeps them to herself, discreet but well spoken
weaponizes secrets and information - doesn’t often use it but...she could
definitlyyyyy worries and overthinks and re-evaluates - worries ab social politics a lot
obsessive about picking things - wants it to be perfect
shes growing into her confidence as a leader
prefers quite intimate places
incredibly romantic
classic lit
planner for the future - visionary
kind / sweet / gentle - yes, but that’s also her “front” to a degree (seriously, i feel like she gets painted as so sweet and submissive and one dimensional by the fandom a lot of times and it freakin kills me)
INFJ-T (The Advocate) ((yes this is from 16p which i know is not super accurate but u can still catch her overall vibes from it ya know)
sensitive/reluctant to open up/perfectionist/prone to burnout/not a fan of the ordinary
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - puppy love crushes, laugh ab it now, get into deep late night talks about responsibilities and leading, water tribe culture, prank wars (no one believes sokka when he says yue is a mean prank master (expect suki comes to see it in action lol))
katara - <> badass women friendship, totally would go to matches and protests together, tough girl shit, waterbending practice/duels - start of cautious, but then get rough in a good way bc they trust each other, they do water tribe food adventures together
toph - indulges her chaos, bonding over stupid royal upbringings, odd yet weirdly endearing pair
zuko - both sort of standoffish gay royals, but once they come to see that they are friends - take up similar spaces though, so only hang out in a group or rarely by themselves, they do hang out at like political parties and stuff when they get more comfortable together
aang - <> he has an impressive world view, yue is super studied and well read, so she and aang nerd out over past cultures together, and also their peace keeping nature, they have tea together often - usually after she and katara wipe the floor w/ each other
clothing / aesthetic:
blues and pale colors
classy and understated wealth
like those cute feminine button down shirts
like cold weather classy
complicated braids
sort of soft girl aesthetic?
pleated skirts !!!
i feel like she would wear ethically sourced fur (i don’t wear fur but idk how to get it in an ethical way - maybe it’s just fake??)
knit sweaters and skinny jeans and heeled ankle boots
light academia !!!
hella funky earrings - to mark her native pride and also cuz gay
from my readings, tattoos have a lot of cultural significance for Inuit women, and so i feel like yue would totally have some (when she comes of age ofc) 
notes / personality 
also very strategic 
more spontaneous tho - will totally calculate the odds in a spilt second in her head and then just go for it
like still a careful planner, but willing to say fuck it, yolo if it seems right 
reflects on her mistakes, but more in like a healthy way - unless it was a leadership mistake, then it eats her up inside - worries more ab keeping her girls safe and making the right call
likes lively places
total bashful romantic
manages the present and the short term - realist
loves to do lists 
a little punch happy - loves to make violent threats, but also does it out of excitement and she’s just a really physical person tbh
steady, can come off as stubborn and abrasive but she really just wants what’s best for everyone she loves
harsh on herself and worries about her girls a lot 
always ends up in the oddest situations 
totally would kick someone’s ass for being racist/sexist/homophobic/etc 
dedicated to her training and her regime 
not a great cook, but she can manage 
would drink monsters 
has a weird relationship with femininity - took her awhile to reconcile strength and toughness and being assertive and aggressive with also wanting to feel pretty and feminine and embracing being a girl and how those things can coincide and amplify each other
abandonment issues - parents absent/dead 
was imprisoned - obvi she had several almost successful escape attempts, but she got really close to breaking 
was incredibly independent really early, grew up really fast and tries to make up for that now by sometimes being reckless 
tough/assertive/woman of action 
dry sense of humor/sarcastic - not good at nickname/pun humor tho
stubborn/judgmental/difficult to relax/difficulty expressing emotions/too selfless 
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - <>  man they’re like platonic soulmates - she beat him up, and now they spar all the time, totally funny and crack jokes all the time, go skating together, they do shitty art together, and then show their lovers after zuko and yue come back from their high society mixers, broke her out of prison, m/f friendship !!! 
katara - also sparring buddies (suki will throw down at any literally moment (and tbh so will katara)), not close but will hang in a group - go to each other for advice 
toph - <> listen these two wreak havoc together, they help each other out a lot, i feel like they’re shopping buddies (similar enough style to frequent the same shops) toph knows suki won’t judge her for wanting to feel pretty and suki knows toph will be honest, they are both blunt sarcastic assholes and get along like a house on fire 
zuko - <> shows zuko how to like,,,enjoy things (and how to let go of some of that pressure to be always right and the adult and in charge bc they were raised with so much responsibility on their shoulders even tho they were just kids)? she is also super protective of him (once she trusts him), one of the only ppl who can match suki fully in hand to hand combat, both do the Disappointed Parent Look when the group falls into chaos, but by themselves, the two of them end up in hijinks
aang- suki enjoys his optimism and they’re just chill bros, they love exploring abandoned placed together 
clothing / aesthetic
sporty and skater mixed 
ripped jeans, crewnecks, vans 
green and yellow and dark red 
gym clothes/athleisure - lifting style gym clothes - cut off t-shirts and bike shorts
skirts too, likes to play into femininity
she’s a gold jewelry kinda girl - but stuff that won’t hinder her movements 
necklaces that end in the hollow of her throat & occasionally rings
definitely cuffs all of her jeans (it’s just bisexual culture ya know)
so many crop tops - some came like that, some were more of a diy project
yueki’s relationship!!!
nerd/jock solidarity 
feel the burden of responsibility and the weight on their shoulders 
they create a safe space between them, full of trust and warmth and vulnerability 
yue will read suki sappy passages from poetry books while suki polishes her fans 
they slow dance in the kitchen a lot 
they get good at ordering takeout - and they have some weird decision making process that only they understand - bc neither of them are great cooks 
yue would feel jealous of suki and sokka, if it weren’t for how stupid in love sokka was with zuko and yue can see that suki really only has eyes for her 
yue is taller than suki and it amuses her to no end to pick suki up and carry her away from a fight (we all know suki could get away if she wanted to, but when ur hot tall sexy gf throws u over her shoulder,,,,,,u don’t complain)
joke they’ve adopted kataang and zukka, bc they’re all dummies, but in reality every last one of them is stupid LMAO 
they love to do each other’s hair and it’s like super intimate and really cute 
sometimes it’s these epic elaborate hairstyles and then at other times, they try to see how many ponytails they can fit on suki’s head and how many little braid yue can do 
they travel EVERYWHERE 
since yue is royalty and suki is her body guard,,,, well i mean, they totally have to see these kingdoms they are doing trade deals with in person 
it helps that they're friends with a lot of them 
they stay over in everything from camping so they can stargaze to ritzy hotels with hot tubs in the bathroom 
yue gives suki rocks she finds on all their travels and suki lines them up on their mantle around the pictures of them in increasingly weird locations 
suki loves guarding yue’s meetings bc she gets to watch her absolutely rip a new one into misogynistic old men and it never fails to bring her joy 
While yue doesn’t love getting attacked, the ruthless efficiency suki defends her with is like,,,,,stupid attractive 
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scribbleboxfox · 4 years
Either for TCC and/or the Reds and Blues: what do you think their love languages are?
Oh god did I reblog a meme I didn’t know about? XD I’m gonna put this under a read-more so I don’t clog up ppl’s dashes!!
Fox: Quality time. She’s the sort of person who can just vibe with someone without talking for a while (though she’ll definitely chat your ear off if she’s in the mood.) Her favorite thing to do is share a space with someone while she works.
Grizzly: ALSO quality time. He’s the sort of person who’s always hanging out with someone, be it the Crew, his friends, or his sister.
Jersey: Words of affirmation. Yes, he’s an extrovert and enjoys spending time with people too, but he mostly wants to know that you like having him around.
Rocket: Also words of affirmation (but also leans a bit towards acts of service.) He wants to make sure he’s doing the right thing and doing it well, and he appreciates it when people go out of their way to help him.
Siris: A weird mix of acts of service and physical touch. He loves snuggling up with Meg on the couch after they put their daughter to bed, but he also really likes knowing that people have his back too and are willing to help him out (be it when they’re out on missions, or if he needs help picking up his kid from school bc he’s busy.)
Marco: Acts of service. I’ll admit this was a hard one to wring out of him lol. He’s pretty closed off. But I get the idea that he likes knowing whoever he’s with will back him up 100% no matter the circumstances.
Locus: Physical touch (though he’ll never, ever admit it. Ever.) Buddy’s so touch-starved that he’s about to keel over dead. That one time Fox hugged him probably added like 10 years to his life. Someone please help him.
Cobalt: Gifts!!! She LOVES getting things from people! It could be literally anything; a pack of scrunchies, or a cute dress that you saw that you thought she’d like. She keeps every thoughtful card anyone’s ever sent her in a drawer in her bedroom to read whenever she’s got the blues.
Sanchez: Quality time. Part of the reason why he gets along with Fox so well tbh. That, and the fact that they’ve known each other since she was a kid. His favorite thing to do is sit on his porch and talk with people while enjoying a cup of tea.
Sachs: Gifts. His favorite thing is when people take photos when he’s hanging out with them. One of his fishing buddies figured this out a while ago and started getting them printed, and mails them to him every few weeks. He has a wall in his office covered with photos!
Niner: Acts of service. She wants you with her, not stepping on her toes. She’ll be ride or die with anyone who proves that she can trust them and will have her back.
Milo: Gifts (treats.)
Marz: Words of affirmation. Tell her she’s doing a good job. I mean, she knows she’s doing a good job, but she still wants to hear it!
Sarge: Words of affirmation. Tell him he’s a good leader. Tell him his plans are amazing and will totally work. Tell him you’re gonna go beat up those dirty Blues for him. Okay, technically that’s acts of service, but he still likes to hear you say it lol.
Donut: Gifts and quality time. Namely, he wants you to give him something you can share together. A meal, a bottle of wine, a card game. Get him something cute and sparkly but let it be a fun experience for both him and you!
Lopez: not being Grif Quality time. I really think he just wants to hang out. He’s got a prickly and abrasive exterior sure, but I think he really does just want someone he can chill with without running the risk of losing his head again.
Grif: Physical touch. He’ll let Sarge run him over with a Warthog before he admits it, but he really does like being close to someone. Sleeping back-to-back with Simmons was the best he’s slept since the fic started probs.
Simmons: Acts of service. Make breakfast for him. Automatically pick up his coffee mug when it’s empty and wash it out for him. I guarantee you you’re gonna look up when you’re done and see him ugly-crying.
Doc: Words of affirmation. He wants to know that you want him there and that you appreciate having him around.
Tucker: I think it’s a mix of physical touch and words of affirmation. He’s absolutely a cheesy over-the-top mushy-gushy romantic if you give him the chance to be. He absolutely eats up little things like holding someone’s hand and squeezing it three times to say “I love you.” But he also wants to hear you say it out loud. I can guarantee he’ll start crying the first time you do lol.
Wash: Quality time. He prefers side-by-side quality time, but he won’t turn his nose up at sitting and talking to someone one-on-one for a while. He likes having a space where he knows he can relax, and sharing it with a single person he can trust is a great way to make that happen.
Carolina: Physical touch. She’ll also never ever admit it. For her it’s almost a way to recharge. In a fight, the blows that land seem to refuel her. With someone she cares about, a hand on her shoulder or her thigh seems to wake her up and give her more energy. In a crowded room where it’s shoulder-to-shoulder and hip-to-hip she can be the life of the party.
Caboose: Words of affirmation. He’ll absolutely pick you up off your feet and nearly break your spine with a hug, but he also has a lot of thoughts in his head and really just wants someone to listen to him. You can always tell when he’s with someone he likes, because he’ll chatter nonstop.
Freckles: Caboose.
These were really fun!! Thanks so much for the ask!! ;-; <3
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Big Jason stans on twitter have been talking about a character named Eddie Bloomberg being Jason's friend, and since you know more about older comics than most I was wondering if you had any thoughts about it.
Eddie Bloomberg is a character known as Kid Devil, the sidekick of relatively low-profile mystical/supernatural hero known as Blue Devil. Though ironically, for a large part of both characters’ existence, their personas were only thematic and they had no actual mystical/supernatural powers or connection - those were added to both characters in later years. Originally, Blue Devil was a stuntman who just designed his own devil-themed costume to fight crime because like, why not, basically. LOL. And Eddie was basically a fanboy who snuck into his workshop and designed his own Red Devil/Kid Devil costume/armor along similar lines. Years later, long after Jason’s death and return and completely unrelated to it, Eddie made a literal deal with a devil, aka Neron, to get actual powers. And this resulted in him gaining a demonic appearance and related powers.....though later on it was also revealed that his powers weren’t actually given to him by Neron, rather he’d had a dormant metahuman gene all along that Neron just activated and kinda tweaked to make the resulting powers seem supernatural/occult related.
Eddie’s a fun character and there is actual canon basis for him and Jason being friends, going way back, and so I vastly prefer people going with him as Jason’s BFF over say, Roy......like, back in the day, Jason and Eddie were literal pen pals. And I do mean literal. Like we’re talking pre-email days, old school letter writing back and forth pen pals. We saw very little of their actual friendship, but like I’m always talking about with the relative lack of interactions between Dick and Jason back then....this isn’t truly indicative of anything other than a lack of places to SHOW these relationships. 
There were waaaaay fewer titles back then, there was no solo Robin title to show what Jason was up to when he wasn’t with Bruce, and thus the only instance I can ever think of when we actually saw Jason and Eddie teaming up together, actually happened in one issue of the Blue Devil comic book from way back when. But again - purely logistical. Doesn’t mean they weren’t actually good friends, and there’s really nothing standing in the way of assuming they had a ton more interactions just like that but offscreen, as it were.
Also, this limited interaction took place BEFORE Jason was retconned to have his street kid origin, but that doesn’t actually mean Jason and Eddie’s friendship was ever retconned at all. 
See, it was actually pretty confusing, but while post Crisis on Infinite Earths, Jason’s origin was definitively the one where he was jacking the Batmobile’s tires, and then after this point only spanned less than twenty issues before his death in ADITF......this doesn’t mean that Jason’s tenure as Robin was ever limited to JUST the events of those twenty or so issues. When they retconned his origin, they did it in such a way as to allow for pretty much every single story Jason had already been in PRIOR to that....to still have happened. Literally the only stories of his that were ever ACTUALLY retconned were the ones that pertained directly to his pre-Crisis origin as another circus kid like Dick.
Basically, the way they pulled this off was via the usage of one single caption box. At the start of the issue where Dick and Jason ‘meet for the first time,’ post-Crime Alley retcon. That issue, which is basically right at the start of Jason’s ‘new’ run as a street kid turned Robin, opens with the caption box “One year ago.” By doing this, they basically just inserted that new origin for Jason as one book-end to his time as Robin....with ADITF twenty or so issues later being the other book-end to his time as Robin obviously.
But IN BETWEEN those book-ends was contained not JUST the twenty issues between them.....but ALSO, every Jason-as-Robin story from pre-Crisis, except for his actual pre-Crisis origin story. The proof of this lies in the fact that even long after ADITF, hell, even after Jason’s return as the Red Hood.....canon kept citing specific stories of Jason’s from pre-Crisis. Like when he fought Tim at Titans’ Tower and he mentioned having briefly been a Titan...that was a definitive reference to the pre-Crisis stories where he teamed up with the Titans, once with the Fab Five in Dick’s place, and then again not longer after, to help the Titans rescue Dick and Raven from the Church of Blood. Those are the literal only two stories where Jason was ever a Titan or associated with them, and they’re squarely smack in the pre-Crisis era......but they remained canon even after Jason’s origin was retconned, because THEY weren’t retconned with that origin....they were just kinda...shuffled around a bit.
Same thing with Jason and Eddie. Even after Crisis and the Crime Alley retcon for Jason, they still were definitely friends during his time as Robin, though this never actually came up in any of the issues between Jason’s new origin and ADITF. But it was referenced once or twice since then, by Eddie I believe, so again, like the missions Jason made with the Titans and the times Dick and Jason did hang out and get along, etc, etc....these things were always definitively part of canon and were never once actually retconned before the New 52 Reboot as a whole.
So yeah, its true, Eddie was Jason’s friend and there’s canon basis for that. I’m gonna be totally honest here, my main gripe with the Jason and Eddie BFF connection is purely petty - it bugs me slightly, Jason stans’ awareness of it at all, because although it was there, we’re talking a time literally concurrent with the stories where, y’know, Dick fluffed Jason’s hair and told him if Bruce gives him any grief about sneaking out to go help the Titans rescue him, just ‘let the old man know it took you and all the Titans to pull my butt out of the fire,” and was happy to take the fall to keep Jason out of trouble. So the fact that people could remember all along something as obscure as a friendship with a character as low-profile as Kid Devil, that only appeared in all of four pages in all of comic-dom, but still loudly insisted not that they just preferred writing takes where Dick didn’t like Jason back then but rather that these were the only takes that existed in the comics.....it makes me go mmmm, shenanigans! And sadly sours me a little on the Jason - Eddie friendship just by extension. *Shrugs* Hey I’m not proud of it, lol, but ngl, that’s basically the big reason I don’t engage with it much.
I mean, the other reasons are simply that Eddie’s not super in my wheelhouse, y’know? The original Blue Devil comic was just never one I was really all that familiar with, I think I just read the one issue that Jason showed up in BECAUSE he showed up in it, lol, and although fun, Eddie never really grabbed me outside of that connection with Jason. Nothing wrong with him, just so many characters, so little time, kinda thing. And then he was in comic book Limbo unused for a loooong time, until brought back to prominence by Geoff Johns, who I’m just not really a big fan of. So he’s mostly just never really been present in the books I actually read and know really well, and so although I’m ALL for giving Jason his own friends and not just shoehorning him into his older brother’s dynamics with other characters more commonly associated with Dick.....I tend to default to doing that with characters who I’m already a fan of in their own right. 
Like, my personal preferred BFF for Jason is Grant Emerson aka Damage. Because for a period in the nineties, Roy really took him under his wing and was a surrogate big brother and even guardian figure for Grant, and they had suuuuuch a great relationship, and in a lot of ways it mirrored the relationship I remembered seeing hints of between Dick and Jason and wanting more of for them, so it just makes a natural parallel. Roy and Dick as BFFs and then Grant and Jason as BFFs and with somewhat similar relationships with the older two. Plus, Grant has a lot in common with Jason, such as an abusive childhood and surprise revelations/upheavals regarding his parents that have massively affected his life. Grant is a big old softie, and not nearly as abrasive as Jason often is written as, but when paired with how much else they have in common, to me this creates a natural dynamic wherein Jason likely WOULDN’T be that abrasive with Grant, especially not when its just the two of them, because so much of that behavior for Jason is a defense mechanism and shield against being seen/viewed in ways Jason is not down with, but would never be an issue with Grant, because like....they’d both know where the other stood there and where they were coming from, and thus if Jason were going to just completely let his walls down with someone in just a totally casual way, IMO it’d be with someone like Grant. And Grant in turn I think could really benefit from having a friend he can relate to like Jason, who happens to be very confident about like....validating a lot of his own personal struggles which mirror a lot of Grant’s personal struggles where he really COULD use more validation, particularly of the external kind.
Course, I mean plus, Jason’s still Jason so also there’s the factor that Grant’s meta power is literally to blow things up with his brain, and I refuse to accept any characterization of Jason wherein he learns hey there’s this dude who can blow shit up with his brain and DOESN’T immediately follow that thought with “I must hunt him down and make him my best friend AT ONCE for clearly we are soulmates and this is DESTINY.”
(On a similar note, the other third of my preferred trio for Jason is Courtney Mason aka Anima. Like, if I were creating a Red Hood and the Outlaws style team/book from the ground up, I would hands down go with Jason, Grant and Courtney. A brief summation of Courtney from wikipedia: 
“Rebellious teenage runaway Courtney Mason acquired her miraculous powers following an attack by parasitic aliens: one of many New Blood superbeings created in this way, as part of the Bloodlines crossover. Seven extraterrestrial predators had come to Earth and slaughtered thousands of humans by feeding on their spinal fluids. On the run in New Orleans, Courtney was kidnapped by a cult that sacrificed her to two of these insatiable parasites, knows as Pritor and Lissik. But Courtney did not die. Instead, the parasites' bites unleashed the Animus, a sentient-energy creature that can absorb the spirit essences of the living and the dead, which was now able to enter the world through Courtney. She became the embodiment of mankind's rage and masculine drive, and quickly developed awesome physical powers of her own. As Anima, Courtney sought revenge against the cult. She also met the Teen Titans and battled a variety of supernatural menaces. Anima remains a wanderer, traveling from place to place and helping those in need by calling upon the fearsome primal force inside her.”
Like, I’m just saying. The Jason and Courtney BFF show basically writes itself. Also, Courtney’s got her own share of sibling issues given that her little brother Jeremy eventually ends up becoming the host for the Animus entity’s ‘little sister’ Eris, the spirit of strife, so.....dot dot dot.)
But yeah, anyway, Eddie is still very much a fun character worth looking into, and his friendship with Jason pre-New 52, at least back during Jason’s Robin days, is very much a thing, even if we never got to see all that much of it.
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cloudy-coyote · 3 years
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(A/N): Hi! It’s been a while. Hope you like the chapter!! Leave a comment if you do (if you want to) image is not mine i found it on google. Also learned all my information about police procedure from tv lol so I’m sure it’s a bit inaccurate my apologies. 
Ch. 6 Inconclusive
"Wait, are you guys going?"
"Well, we have a theory," Sam answers.
He's at the couch, picking up his discarded jacket. Dean doing the same.
"A theory?" She repeats.
"If we're right, we know where your necklace is."
Of course. That waitress must've taken it. Where else would've it gone? But, does that mean the necklace killed her? She feels a cold shiver run up her spine.
Even though the police radio said homicide, not animal attack, she's not an idiot. She can put two and two together. The necklace has to be the source of all this chaos.
Eva's nearly died 2 times. She thinks of Marlene in this exact moment. She visions her bright, blue eyes now lifeless. The idea that that could've been her—Eva, dead on the ground. The thought deepens in the pit of her stomach. It slithers down her throat and makes her nauseous.
She looks to Sam. His large hands unlock a little metal box. He shuffles around in the masses of what looks like ID cards.
She looks to Dean. She sees his cold eyes trained on the disengaged pistol in his hands, loading it.
And then she finally looks to the room. She observes the same mess of papers scattered around. But she also notices nothing else. No guns, no other people.
She'd be dammed if she didn't go with them. What's she gonna do all by herself? Sit and drown in silence? She knows for a fact that the moment she's alone, there will be nothing to stop the fears, thoughts, doubts and miserable heartbreak from flooding her mind. Not to mention, she'd be dead meat if she was attacked again. Screw the aching bones and pulsing wounds.
"Here we go," She grumbles to herself as she rotates her body to the end of the bed.
Slowly, and very reluctantly, she lowers her legs to the ground.
"Woah woah woah," Dean puts a hand out, halting her in place.
His green eyes were aimed straight at hers. The look emitting almost a parental scold.
"And where do you think you're going, missy?"
She narrows her eyes. She knows what he's trying to say, and she doesn't want to have it. "Umm...with you guys?" Her voice drips with sarcasm.
"Oh, I don't think so," Dean laughs, "Take a look at yourself."
"What exactly am I looking for?"
"I don't know, maybe the fact that you're crippled...or that you're frickin' kid,"
"First of all, I'm 18. Second, I'm fine. "
"Oh really? Why don't we just toss you out the car and see how fast you can run with those broken legs?"
The tips of her ears turn a furious red. She does not have the energy to put up with this after what she's been through all night---or actually, all day.
These last 24 hours she's been through hell and he wants to leave her here? Are you kidding me? Does this man only think for himself? I mean, it's not like she's asking to run in guns blazing fighting whatever type of monsters they fight. She just doesn't want to be by herself!
The elder Winchester holds his ground. His face was slightly entertained due to her silence. He took it as a win. She wanted to smack his stupid confident smirk right off. But, she couldn't for the life of her, calm down and come up with a smart retaliation. The only thing she could think about was his bullish ignorance.
"Uh-Dean," Sam cuts in.
Both Eva's and his brother's eyes reluctantly glance toward him. He stands by the coffee table, gently cleaning out his own pistol and loading it.
"Just a few minutes ago she was on our asses for leaving her at the hospital. Just a suggestion, but maybe we should take her with us?"
"You're not even wearing your fed suits. I wouldn't look out of place!" She adds desperately.
"Sweetheart, you're not goin' anywhere outside these motel walls, capeesh? "
"No! No capeesh," She exclaims, "She has my necklace, I deserve to go. I mean, this is my life we're talking about here! That--that could've been me on the police scanner."
"Exactly! That's why you're staying here, where it's safe."
"No, I'm staying with you two, where it's actually safe."
"Well, sweetheart, doesn't really sound like you're asking," His voice a dangerous tone, his eyes narrowing.
"Never was, sweetheart." She spits back.
Just as Dean takes a threatening step closer to her. About to hand her ass to her, and then some. Sam jumps up from the table.
"Listen, Eva, it's fine. You're coming with us, just stay in the car, okay?" His hazel eyes connect with hers. She nods at his offer, happy with his understanding.
He turns to his brother.
"And really, Dean? Arguing with a teenager?"
"She started it!"
"Right, and I'm the kid."
Dean's hand turns the keys and the soft hum of the Impala shuts off. Sam gives his brother an I.D, Sturon Hometech Security. He's quick to stick it in his wallet.
Eva looks out the window as the boys begin to discuss some details. It was a fairly long drive here. So by the time they arrived, there was a multitude of civilians piled around the street. They were held off by officers and police tape of course, but she could hear the nervous chatter from inside the car.
She saw that the street was eerily dark. The only illumination coming from the blue and red flashers. You could see little dots of yellow in the horizon of porch lights being flicked on, a single lightbulb brightening up the patio. This incident seemed to have shocked the neighborhood for sure, she could tell that much.
The cold, night air blows harshly against the glass windows. And despite there being nothing open, with the car off she begins to feel a chill.
"-You think you could turn the car on for me?"
Sam pauses, mid-sentence. He clenches his jaw and lowers his gaze toward Eva.
They didn't know what to expect walking in there. Everything from this case is becoming less and less predictable. And realistically speaking, it's becoming less and less 'huntable'.
He'd hate to say it, but his fears of dying are weighing out his usual feelings of compassion for helping victims. Not to mention, neither he or Dean know what the hell is going on with these "psychic visions".  Or why this Demon came after all the children like him. To say the least...he's on edge.
Sam answers before even giving Dean the opportunity to open his mouth.
"Sure," He turns back to the girl. His eyes were stern and his tone was short, "Stay in the car."
The last thing he needs right now is for her to be wandering around. Her life is important, of course, like any other human's. But her relevance to solving this case... that's much more critical. They lose her, they lose any chance of ganking this thing. With a harsh tug of his hair, he takes in a deep breath and leaves the car.
He's...tense, she thinks to herself.
She nods slowly to Dean, indicating she'll stay inside. Dean turns the engine on and leaves the car without a word. The abrasive shut of the door stinging loud in her ears.
She releases a big sigh, welcoming the overwhelming scent of leather, "Silence, again."
As soon as the boys leave the Impala, they're met with the cool, midnight wind.
"So, what were you saying?" Dean looks to his brother. They make their way towards the crowd and blaring police lights.
He clears his throat, "Earlier, I was looking into local missing persons and I read about this guy named Viktor Judoc,"
"He went missing on April 5th, 1994. Which at the time I didn't think anything of it until I realized that was the same day Eva was attacked, only a whole different year,"
"And get this," he reached into his pocket and pulls out a small piece of paper, "He was a professor at Bartley University, last seen in the history building during a heavy storm."
"Well, it sure does match up."
"Also, Eva said there was no record of her family or herself existing here. I think that professor might be our only overlap."
"Whether or not he is, it's some type of lead."
"Yeah, I hope so."
"Sammy with a guy named Viktor, we're bound to find out some nasty business," Dean snorts. He looks back again to his brother and sees him sigh heavily.
"Look, we'll figure this out, okay?"
"Yeah," Sam laughs dryly.
The absurdity of not only the Demon but, now with Eva, it's seeming hopeless at this point, "Don't make promises you can't keep."
They approach the cluttered townspeople. All gossiping and whispering their fears.
"Did you know her?" He hears one woman mutter to a young man. Dean weaves through the crowd, Sam not far behind him.
"Pretty damn well, I'd say. Considering I'm her boyfriend."
Sam turns his head swiftly. Looking for the man's face. Her boyfriend?
"Oh, I'm so sorry," the older lady frowns, "Why aren't you up there talking to the police?"
Sam's eyes land on him. He notices his coal-black hair sat in natural curls. He sees a great, big tattoo on his neck. But, due to the night sky, he can't really tell what the design is.
"I will...soon. I just don't think I can right now," he mumbles.
The older woman nods in sympathy. But, Sam's gaze flies to something else. The man's hand nervously hovering over his hip, like to keep checking for something. He sees his body shift for a moment and in the darkness, he can just barely see the outline of what looks like a gun.
"--C'mon, we need to get in there," Dean's voice startles him causing him to jump a little. He looks to his brother and then to the police tape only a couple of feet from them.
"Why do you look so spooked?" Dean asks.
"Well, I just overheard Marlene's boyfriend talking..." He turns his head, pointing Dean in the direction before noticing—he's gone. Sam quickly searched the pool of strangers, looking for a black-haired, tatted-up man. But, he couldn't find him. He'd run out of there pretty damn fast.
"He's gone..." Sam mumbles.
"Well didn't you say he was just here? He couldn't have gone that far."
"Yeah, well, he also seemed pretty hesitant to talk to the police,"
"We'll pin him down later. C'mon," He motions toward the house.
"Dean, he had a gun, and he looked off."
"Well he's gone now, there's not much we can do," Dean nudges Sam's shoulder, "Now, c'mon."
They weave through the crowd a bit more. Making their way up to the tape that everyone is being kept behind and nod to an officer.
"Sorry boys, can't let you though," The man clicks his tongue.
"We're actually apart of the alarm company Ms. Woods had set up in her home," The both of them casually flip their I.D's.
"Yeah? Well damn good job you guys did, those alarms never went off."
"Yes, we heard," Sam eyes the house in the distance. It's swarmed with forensics teams, the local coroner, and many officers, "We were sent here to come identify the error, so we can make sure this won't happen to anyone else."
The officer nods, slightly tugging his lip up in distaste. He reluctantly pulls up the tape for them to pass.
"Thank you, officer."
They walk under and through. Making their way toward Marlene's home.
Eva's eyes are glued to the scene. The car was parked a bit far down the street, so everything was blurred together. But, she couldn't pull herself away. She followed Sam and Dean's footsteps as long as she could until their bodies got lost in the crowd. Occasionally she could see their faces pop up in the sea of heads, but...then she'd lost them.
She'd notice a few bystanders walk back to their homes in various directions. Or sometimes see more people flood into the street.
But, one man, in particular, caught her eye. She saw him slip away from the crowd-- he didn't seem to be heading towards any of the houses. No... he started speeding down the sidewalk away from the scene, constantly checking behind him. His behavior put her off so much that she felt she had to watch him. The paranoid glancing back and forth was something she was all too familiar with.
But then she realized, he was making his way straight in the direction of the car. His figure kept getting closer and closer. His nervous eyes quickly peering into the cars he passed. Shit, he's going to see me.
Despite her aching body, she's fast to get on the floor. Crouching low enough she could smell the rubber of the ground padding. At his alarmingly fast walking pace, she sees his shadow approaching the car. He stays on the sidewalk because it seems as if he's only checking the cars to make sure no one sees him.
Then she remembers... the car is running. How could I forget that? Jesus!
He's only a second away, he most likely noticed that the car was on already. But, she prayed he was too caught up in his head that he hadn't seen it yet. She swiftly crawls over the front seat. Her torso screaming in pain as it bears most of her weight. Her hand flies to the key and shuts it off. The interior of the car going pitch black and the hum of the engine falling to a rest.
She holds her breath. Now able to hear the hasty, stressed footsteps from the sidewalk—loud and clear.
For a moment she hears him hover. His frantic feet pause and he stares deeply into the window. Her stomach in her throat, she prays that he can't see her.
And as if she had a little angel on her shoulder, the man stepped away. She hears him shuffle around for a second...and then continues walking down the street.
She breathes out heavily. Now letting her lungs catch up to her racing heart. She decides she'll still wait a few moments. At least until she can no longer hear his footsteps. When it seems like he's far enough away, she tries to sit up.
She lets out a great, big breath of relief and slumps into the leather seat. Since she had to crawl over, she now gets a clear view through the windshield.
As she begins to settle into the comfort of the driver's seat, she entertains herself with staring up to the moonlit sky. With all the mayhem that she's encountered for the last 24 or more hours, it wouldn't hurt to take a load off-- relax for just one minute,
She jolts up.
She hears it again and shuffles around in the seat, trying to see where the sound was coming from. The ringing was almost muffled like it was beneath something. She opens the glove box and sees an old, silver flip-phone light up. She looks to the I.D number and it reads,
"You two from the alarm company?" A detective asks. He has pale, blue eyes and short, chestnut hair. He was around his mid 40's and had a deep raspy voice.
"Yes, sir," Sam answers.
He drinks up the environment around him. Most of the house was in pristine condition. There was no mess, no fallen lamps or pictures, almost like there was no foul play. This realization sent shivers down his spine. It had to have been the necklace, he thinks.
"Do what you gotta' do, just don't get in any of my officer's way," He eyes them both up and down, his blue gaze colder than the night air, "Are we understood, boys?"
"Yes, sir. You'll be getting no problems from us, Detective...?"
"Murke, Detective Murke," He holds out his hand in a polite gesture. Both Sam and Dean shake it, half-smiling back.
A younger, much kinder-looking officer runs up to the detective. He nervously taps his shoulder. And when he whispers something in his ear, he frowns— a perplexed look on his face.
Dean waves him goodbye silently. He and Sam turn and walk towards the kitchen, where the back door is.
They make their way through the forensic photographers, through the policeman swabbing and sweeping the house for any DNA. Once they reach the kitchen they notice the scene.
They don't stare long. Not wanting to be deemed suspicious, they casually walk towards the alarm system set up by the back door.
"—Well that's just it, isn't it?" An old man's voice hollers. He's hunched over the young woman's body wearing a jacket marked 'Coroner'.
The Winchester's eye the scene. They see Marlene. She's lifeless. They've seen many dead bodies in their day, but it was an oddly unsettling encounter they could never get used to. Her skin was turning a bit grey and there was a swamp of blood around her body. They could make out the wound— what looks like to be a stabbing.
"Huh," Sam whispers.
"Yeah, I don't remember weapons being apart of this thing's M.O."
"—With no sign of forced entry, it's not that shocking to me," A particularly bulky, female police officer comments.
"Yeah, the knife's right there. It just doesn't look like a homicide," Another one adds.
Sam's eyes look to the ground near Marlene. His stomach twists when he sees her empty eyes again, but he quickly diverts his gaze. He looks in the pool of blood, and there lay a kitchen knife. But, it's when he looks to her hand—he sees none other than that uncanny, silver chain.
"Found the necklace," Sam murmurs. He nods subtly towards the girl, Dean's eyes landing on her hand.
"Well, that's weird."
"What do you mean?"
Dean shifts awkwardly. He takes a casual look around the two of them, making sure no one was catching on to them.
"She's not wearing it. I mean, what made her take it off?"
Sam sighs, "I don't know, maybe she never put it on?"
"Or, she put it on. But, the moment she took it off, she bit the dust."
"—No! Don't you hear a word I'm saying? Jeez, what is it with you, bush leaguers?" The old man wails.
"What? You seriously think someone had the key to her place, stabbed her, left no prints, and took nothing?"
"Yeah, not to question you, Warren, but it's a single stab wound. It doesn't look like a crime of passion, it looks self-inflicted," Another chimes in.
"Why don't you two shut up for a minute while I explain it to you, hm? I'll put it simply so maybe you can understand."
Sam notices he's beginning to feel a bit dizzy, his hand flying up to his head.
"You good?" Dean whispers.
His little brother grimaces, feeling as if all the blood in his body is flushing from his brain to his toes, "Yeah...uh, I don't know."
"It's been a while since we've eaten, just try and hold it together," He nods assuringly.
The coroner stands up with a heavy grunt pulling Sam and Dean's attention away. Still wearing his rubber gloves, he swings open a drawer. Lazily grabbing another knife, he positions it over his body.
"If I was going to stab myself, tell me...where would I do it?"
The female officer rolls her eyes, "In the stomach."
"Right," He rotates to his side, so they can see his profile. The tip of the blade held right to his torso, "Now tell me what angle I'm holding the knife at right now."
It was at that moment that everything seemed to click in their heads. The interns looking down in embarrassment. He takes their silence as confirmation to continue.
"Nearly straight, but downwards, right?" He asks rhetorically. They all nod feverishly. He places the knife back into the drawer and squats back down to the body.
"So, tell me how this woman killed herself when the angle of the wound is directly upwards? It's impossible to achieve a self-inflicted wound of this inclination."
"That means... that we have a very smart killer on the loose," The female officer says, her voice laced with concern, "There's no prints, no evidence left tying the attacker to themself."
"Someone better go tell Murke,"
Sam and Dean both look to each other. There was a clear worry in both of their eyes. Just another god damn thing to add to the list of reasons why this case makes no sense. Not to mention, now they're going to have the police sniffing around for a killer.
Sam pulls out a black bag from his jacket, unzipping it. He reveals some small tools and screwdrivers and begins to toy with the security system.
"Any ideas of how we're gonna get that necklace?" Sam whispers.
They quickly quiet down when they see the head Detective enter the room. His blue eyes were narrowed as the Coroner began to fill him in.
"—We're going to need a profile," Murke comments as he circles Marlene's body, his eyes analyzing the room.
"Still no prints?" He asks. They all shake their heads.
"Detective, have you ever dealt with a guy like this in Willow?" An intern speaks up.
Sam and Dean both look at each other, a knowing look in their eye. Sure, it could've been some random psycho—but if they're lucky, there is some type of connection here. There's a multitude of factors and crazy happenings but, possibly, they're related after all.
"—Wait a minute, I think I've got something here," The old Coroner interrupts.
All eyes fly to him as he remains crouched over the body. His latex-covered hands hovering over her neck. His fingers trail over the skin, finding a little bump.
"She seems to have something...uh, lodged in her throat," He turns to his case in search of a pair of forceps. He slowly extracts the object.
Sam's eyes bulge out of his head as he sees a tiny cloth. The man unwraps it to reveal satanic writing and a fragment of bone. Hex bag?
"God," A police officer comments, "What a sicko."
Dean mumbles to his brother, "Witches, after all."
Sam slowly lowers his hand to his pocket. His fingers sliding along his silver phone and peeking it out, taking a quick snap—keeping the device low to his hip.  Hoping he got a good picture of the hex bag laying open...
"—Hey, you two," An officer startles them. They turn around, Sam hastily shoving his phone in his pocket without looking suspicious, "Are you done, yet? We need to know if this guy hacked this system or if she let him in."
"Oh," Sam clears his throat, gathering his thoughts. He didn't look much into the alarm, not that he knows much about the mechanism, anyway. But, its witches, right?
"She let 'em in," Dean answers.
"Is that right?" Detective Murke pops up behind them.
Sam nods accordingly and notices the multiple officers scribbling down the information.
"Well, then your work is done here, boys. I trust you can see yourselves out?" He raises his eyebrows.
Sam's eyes immediately fly to the necklace, still on the ground. They can't leave yet. They only have a matter of time before it's bagged as evidence. Then it will be physically impossible to get it.
"Uh-yes, sir," Sam answers.
Detective Murke turns away with a couple of officers, discussing in private. Forensic photographers began to make their rounds in the kitchen.
Sam casually zips up his black bag, murmuring to his brother, "What now?"
"Well, Sammy, right now this room's crawling with five-0. I don't really see us getting within 1 foot of that chain before getting booked."
He picks up the bag and begins to walk towards the front door. Sam hot on his tail.
"We can't just leave it," He whispers.
"Alright Einstein, what do you suggest?"
Sam sighs. He eyes the house around him, looking for any opportunity he can get. He had what—less than a minute to come up with a good plan before the photographers are finished in the kitchen, and the necklace is taken for good? His nerves were on fire and no matter where he looked or what he thought of, nothing worked.
"C'mon, we gotta leave it," Dean nudges.
"Fine. But, what about Eva?"
They continue to walk and their eyes reluctantly watch the kitchen scene as they pass.
"We'll figure it out, we always do."
Sam sees someone drop the dainty, silver chain into a plastic bag before handing it off to another officer. Chewing on his lip, he prays he didn't just let their only hope get taken from them right in front of their eyes.
When they take their first steps outside the house, the cold air whips them hard. Their ears are met with anxious chatter of the citizens.
Sam still feels that subtle ache from earlier, his head a tad dizzy.
"So," Dean fills the silence as they walk back to the car, "We got this Viktor shmuck, the boyfriend, and now some old case Murke worked on to look into,"
"Don't forget the witches." Sam means to flash a mocking smile-- but instead feels his head pulse with pain. What the hell?
"Ah, how could I forget the witches!" Dean grinds his teeth, "Gotta love witches."
He swings open the door to reveal Eva sitting up front.
"Witches?" She repeats.
Dean jerks his head to the side, his green eyes glaring.
"Oh," She looks down, realizing her location, "—Sorry."
Once she scrambles into the back seat, Dean drops onto the leather with a huff. Sam swings open his door and sits down. His fingers massaging his temples, a cramping expression on his face. Dean quickly glances over to him, them both eyeing each other and thinking the same thing, 'let this please not be another damn psychic vision.'
Then Dean takes a moment to recognize the cool air inside the car wasn't right—he had left it running.
"Why's the car off?"
"Uh-Some dude came toward the car and I was worried he was gonna see me. He looked pretty freaked out."
It explained why she was sitting up front, Dean thought.
"What'd this guy look like?" Sam asks.
"It was hard to tell, honestly...black hair, a tattoo maybe?"
Sam's head darts around to look at her, "Was he carrying a gun?"
"I don't know," She shakes her head, "All I remember was how paranoid he was. He was checking every car."
"Why, what is it?" She asks.
"I think that's Marlene's boyfriend. I saw him in the crowd, he disappeared pretty fast."
"And he has a gun? That's a charming thought," She snorts.
Dean turns the key and the engine roars. He takes off down the highway.
Her eyes wander back outside the window to the night sky. She tried to gather her thoughts, first, she hears witches, then she hears 'crazy guy with a gun', what's next? An angel in a prom dress?
"What the...?" Sam shifts in his seat awkwardly, like he was trying to get rid of a wedgie without using his hands. Eventually, amongst his shuffling around, he pulls out a phone from the seat.
"What's this burner doing here?" He directs to Eva. Oh, that's right. She'd completely forgotten.
"Oh...your Dad called."
Both of the boys' heads turn so fast they nearly snap off their bodies. Dean swerving the car a bit before being forced to look back at the road. Sam's eyes widen with surprise as he hastily glances at his brother then back to Eva.
"Did you answer it?" His hands fiddle with the phone.
"No," She responds nervously, "I didn't think you'd want me to..."
She was completely befuddled by their reaction, to say the least. Her voice was small and she had a million questions running through her head, but she wasn't entirely sure right now was the time to ask them. She continued to anxiously fidget with her hands awaiting any more information.
Sam's fingers finally dial him back. It's silent for a moment. The tension was so thick, you couldn't even cut it with a knife, you'd need an axe, surely. It was completely quiet except for the sound of the Impala cruising down the road, she could hear the soft rings of the phone.
"Dad," Sam smiles in disbelief.
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autopotion · 4 years
since i was just thinking about it, here are my personal favorite teams for the main quests of dragon age, if i’m not considering my current love interest at the time
in hushed whispers: dorian obviously he’s required. no real strong feelings about the other ones since, unlike pretty much all of the other main story quests in this game, IHW is pretty much just dorian’s quest, but iron bull is funny ‘cause he recites 99 bottles of beer on the wall to stave off the boredom (and if you bring him to redcliffe village earlier he’ll warn you against trusting dorian ‘cause it’s “always the pretty ones” lol), and solas is HILARIOUS because how the fuck did the dread fucking wolf get stuck in red lyrium jail for a goddamn year. if i need a rogue i always go with sera since i love her over varric, but now that i’m thinking about it varric would be a fucking scary pick for IHW because of how much red lyrium ruined his life in kirkwall so tentatively varric?
champions of the just: cassandra, vivienne, sera. cassandra has so much extra dialogue, being a templar herself, and vivienne has a few things with the orlesian nobles at the beginning as well (”i could not possibly forget the occasion.”) plus she’s very pro-templar so she’s great for this one. sera’s good for your rogue slot ‘cause if you do the flag ritual and admit you just picked at random she’ll get a bit where she’s like omg that’s brilliant.
here lies the abyss: this quest is split up into bits, and i slightly rotate my party depending on what i’m doing. blackwall is there for all three sections; he’s the most important person for the entire quest tbh for obvious reasons, and he has a plethora of unique dialogue. varric i take along in crestwood and the approach so he can pal around with hawke (especially since i rarely take him along for any other main quest), but he doesn’t come to adamant with me, since that rogue slot goes to cole, since adamant fortress is the most story-relevant section for cole in the entire game. the mage i bring with me to adamant is typically solas, since he has tons of unique dialogue as well, especially paired with cole. my mage for the initial sections doesn’t matter.
wicked eyes wicked hearts: after playing through the blackwall romance it’s no contest for me. absolute best characters to take along are sera, vivenne, and blackwall. sera gives you an extra quest and lots of extra dialogue, so that’s a no-brainer. vivienne BELONGS in the winter palace, like, this is her stage, this is where she’s at home, and it really shows. and blackwall has a lot of unique dialogue himself with so much foreshadowing it’s ridiculous. the problem with WEWH is the fact that you really gotta bring your love interest along to get the most out of the romance, and if you want sera’s quest, that leaves you very few slots to work with. still, though, if you can finagle it, sera/vivienne/blackwall is the best possible party.
what pride had wrought: solas is absolutely mandatory for this quest for obvious, ancient elfy reasons. dorian also has unexpectedly interesting dialogue, especially if your nemesis is calpernia, so if i’m not playing as a mage, he’s usually my second choice. i know her opinions are controversial, and it’s very easy to make her mad, but sera is also a great pick imo because, as abrasive as her opinions are, she has so much special dialogue. if that isn’t the vibe you’re looking for, then cole is also a good fit for this one as solas’s (regrettable) bff, and if only for the line he has after morrigan flies after abelas: [filled with wonder] “she turned into a bird!” for the warrior pick i would absolutely say cassandra. this is the culmination of the inquisition’s work and she ought to be there for it.
doom upon all the world: honestly i tend to just fill my team with my faves of the run and make sure i have lots of ranged combatants, but if you haven’t before, you should bring cole along at least once. he has unique dialogue with corypheus and unique followup dialogue at the epilogue banquet because corypheus spoke directly to him. no other companion has this afaik.
in jaws of hakkon i’m constantly rotating my party (though cole is a great one to bring along in general because he’s one of the few companions that approves of constant spirit shenanigans), but for the descent my team is usually varric, cole, and vivienne. varric (FINALLY) has unique dialogue, cole consoles valta after renn’s death, and i just like vivienne more than dorian (solas is already gone at this point).
and finally, trespasser. like jaws of hakkon, i rotate my party between sections, but iron bull finally gets a chance to shine with plot relevance so i like to bring him on as much of those sections as possible (the exception being the final section if i allowed the chargers to die, just ‘cause his death leaves my party partially empty). other than that, my only other feelings amount to: bring dorian to the first section you have the dorian/iron bull romance active; bring varric and/or human!cole into the deep roads; bring sera and/or spirit!cole into the library; and bring your faves to the final area.
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explolalola · 4 years
We started our murder mystery train adventure yesterday!
It’s loosely based on the Rockport Limited arc (which only my husband the DM and I have watched) and I’m pretty psyched to see how it goes. Essentially we still have Leeman Kessler having been murdered by a killer long sought after by Dimir. So one of our PCs is disguised as Leemon, who no one outside our group knows he’s been murdered. We have to get inside the safe (pretty much the same as in RL) to get a red coin. The red coins have been in the game for ages and we’ve got to collect them all to stop the BBEG.
We have a 5 PC party (currently, at least, don’t get me started) and we have split into two groups. 
The first group is our Rogue (disguised as  Leeman Kessler using a magical Alter Self mask, so it looks legit despite her being female lol), Cleric (the “spiritual advisor”) and Wizard (the “arcane advisor”). They’re playing it straight, doing their research, talking to people, etc.
The second group, however, is the fun group. It’s our Rakdos Gunslinger and me (Barbarian). He’s dressed up as a ringleader and playing the role of the sugar daddy to my character. And it’s great. I’m playing the wide-eyed talkative bimbo, who is just excited to be on the train and talks to everyone very excitedly. It’s... not much of a stretch for my character. So there’s lots of flirting between these two (which is GREAT fun especially considering my Barbarian is actually Azorius).
The current NPC/suspect list is 1. Professor Cornelius - A pretentious Orzhov who teaches about debt at the temple. 2. Brack - A really abrasive Rakdos tiefling, who totally ignored my Barbarian’s attempt at talking to talk to the Gunslinger, trying to join the troupe. He won a ticket in a card game. 3. Graham - A nervous Izzet vedalken who seems to just be trying not to vomit. 4. Sarah Poirot - A young, attractive Aziorius human woman who was gifted the train tickets as a belated birthday gift from her parents. 5. Jenkins - A half elf, the train attendant. Almost straight from Rockport Limited with some modifications. 6. Hudson - Half elf engineer, straight from RL. No real character interaction that sticks out. He’s here to get killed, let’s be honest.
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queenmylovely · 5 years
Just My Luck; Part 5
Summary: John deacon x fem!reader. John and Reader spend the week together, exploring the city and getting to know each other in person. Throughout the course of the week, the tension builds...
Warnings: cussing, slow burn, some angst, kissing
Word Count: 6.6k
A/N: She Is Long. But this is probably my favorite part I've written so far (including the stuff I’ve written ahead lol) just because you get to see so much of John and Reader’s relationship develop in really sweet, cute, and spicy ways. As always, feedback is loved and appreciated
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 (Epilogue), Masterlist
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(let’s pretend this suit is gray and his shirt’s white and unbuttoned; this is what John wears to dinner on Friday)
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(this is what Reader wears to dinner on Friday)
The rest of the week was wonderful, and you couldn’t believe how fast it went by.
On Sunday, John thought it would be best and easiest to go somewhere lowkey, so he took you to Hyde Park, spending the day walking through it. He was quite knowledgeable about it and gave you a good tour. About midday you had stopped and had a little picnic in the grass. This time, it was Johnny who found an excuse to feed you something, savoring the moment between you two.
On Monday, Roger and Freddie decided it was their turn. They took you to Kensington Market, Johnny in tow. Wandering around the stalls, they showed you where they used to sell clothes before Queen was formed. Laughing and joking the whole time with the two lively boys, you noticed Johnny sulking a bit but every time you tried to check with him, he either brushed you off or you were interrupted by Roger and Freddie. During lunch, you fed him a couple of your fries since his meal didn’t come with any, causing Rog and Fred to share a surprised but cheeky look that neither of you caught.
That night, you decided to spend more time with Johnny since you almost hadn’t all day. You asked him to show you his bass and he was happy to. Set up in his bedroom with the door mostly closed, he explained to you how it worked and how he learned to play it. Sitting next to him on the bed, you were very aware of how close he was.
You found it really interesting and loved the way he talked about it with such passion. Getting up the nerve, you asked him, “Do you think you could show me how to play?”
“Yeah, of course!” he shifted and handed you the bass, helping you place it in your lap the way he had. It was heavier and longer than you thought, but with a little adjusting, you got it so it felt comfortable in your hands. Trying to show you how to hold your hands, he had to twist his arm uncomfortably over and under the neck of the bass.
You realized it wasn’t going to work this way and suggested, “Johnny, this isn’t working. I think- I think you should just sit behind me.”
He gulped and said, “I mean, if you think so. I could make this work.”
“No, it will be much easier on your arm and for me to see if you’re showing me from behind,” you reasoned, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks at your own words.
He climbed around and sat behind you, legs spreading wide as yours closed, trying not to make each other uncomfortable with too much contact. Of course, there had to be quite a lot of touching in order for him to be able to reach the bass and see what he was doing. With his chest pressed against your back, he leaned forward to look over your shoulder, getting a faceful of your hair. He laughed awkwardly and moved your hair behind your shoulder, fingers brushing against your neck. His movement sent shivers down your spine, and you shuddered into his body.
He cleared his throat and said, “Okay, so if you put your fingers like this,” he positioned your fingers against the frets. “And your other hand can pluck the strings like this,” he said, showing you how to pull back instead of up on the strings. You copied his movements, albeit much clumsier, and produced a nominally similar sound to the one he had.
He kept showing you different chords and you got to the point where recognizable notes were being played. Soon, though, your fingers began to hurt due to the thick and abrasive strings.
“Ow,” you said, wincing and pulling your hands away from the strings. Johnny grabbed your hands and looked at them, seeing that the skin was an angry red from the friction.
“Sorry about that. I forgot how much it hurts when you start playing the bass. Mine have been callused so long I don’t feel it at all anymore,” he told you while examining your fingertips. You took your hands from his and grabbed his instead, turning them over and seeing the calluses he was talking about. You felt the hard skin on each finger then traced your nails over them, feeling the tough ridges underneath. He closed his hands over yours and you looked up at him. His head was tilted to look at you too, your faces mere inches apart. The look in his eyes was intense and compelling. Without your knowing, you started moving closer the same time as he did. You were breathing each other’s air, and the combination of that as well as your close proximity was making you dizzy. Just an inch away from each other now, the door swung open, accompanied by a talking Brian.
“Deaky, y/n? Are you in here-- oh, there you are,” he stopped, seeing how close the two of you were. As soon as you saw him, you turned and leaned forward over the bass as Johnny leaned back and started getting out from behind you. “I was just wondering if you guys wanted dessert. Rog brought some pastries from the bakery down the street,” Brian explained awkwardly.
“That’d be great! I love pastries!” you answered, probably a little too enthusiastically.
“Well, they’re in the kitchen,” Brian replied, turning and leaving as quickly as he could.
You turned back to Johnny, finding him standing just in front of you, motioning to grab his bass. “Why don’t you go and get a pastry. I’ll put away the bass, just save me one with chocolate,” he requested, still a little red in the face and not quite meeting your eyes.
You nodded and handed him the bass, leaving quickly and heading first for the bathroom. Once inside, you splashed your face with water as you suddenly felt way too hot. That wasn’t just my imagination, you thought. We almost just kissed. You shook your head and placed your hand on your chest, feeling your heart beating out of control. Trying to get yourself together, you took a few deep breaths and then headed to the kitchen, just in time to save Johnny that chocolate pastry and get a raspberry one for yourself.
For the rest of the night, you and John kept some distance and only got close for what was now your daily goodnight hug.
The next day, you woke up to an empty apartment. This struck you as odd, but in the kitchen you found a note:
Got pulled into the studio but should be done by 2:00 pm. Here’s a key if you want to leave before then.
     -Johnny x
You took this opportunity to call Jeanne. When you had first called her from London and told her who John actually was, including the part about meeting all of Queen, she freaked out. (You had called your mom with the same news and all she had said was “That’s nice, honey.”) You had to hold the phone away from your ear for a solid minute because all she did was yell, “Are you fucking kidding me?!” Hoping that she was less excited this time, you dialed her number.
It was 8:00 am in London, so it was midnight in Seattle, and knowing Jeanne, she would definitely still be up. She answered right away.
“Jeanne, it’s me,” you told her.
“Oh, hello, y/n! Called to tell me about your Queen escapades again?” she asked, eagerly.
“Not exactly. I actually wanted to tell you about something that didn’t happen but almost did,” you replied.
“That doesn’t sound ominous,” she remarked sarcastically. “What’s up?”
“I’m pretty sure Johnny and I almost kissed,” you admitted, quietly.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” she yelled, and you had to pull the phone away from your ear yet again. “What do you mean by almost??”
“Well, we were sitting on his bed and he was teaching me how to play his bass,” you started but were cut off by Jeanne’s snickers.
“I’m sure he was. Very necessary to be on his bed, huh? I see what’s going on,” she said suggestively.
“Jeanne, it wasn’t anything like that. He had to sit behind me so he could guide my movements.”
“Behind you!? Guide your movements?! Tell me you’re saying this just to mess with me. You can’t be that naive about how that sounds,” she implored.
“Get your head out of the garbage,” you scolded her. “Anyway, my fingers began to hurt because of the strings, so I stop playing and he looked at them. He told me about how his fingers are all callused now, so I looked at his fingers and the next thing I know, our lips are practically touching and I’m about to pass out from how overwhelming the whole thing was!” you exclaim, getting louder yourself as you tell the story.
“Oh, y/n. You really do get caught up in those sorts of things, don’t you. Just tell me this, why in the world did you not kiss him?” she asked, impatient for your answer.
“Brian walked in to offer us the desserts that Rog had brought everyone.”
“Oh, ha ha ha,” she laughed mirthlessly. “Yeah, just Brian May, best guitarist in the world, interrupted me kissing John Deacon, bass playing rockstar, to ask us if we wanted cookies that Roger Taylor, oh I’m sorry, Rog, hottest man on earth, casually dropped off for everyone,” Jeanne said, mocking you, voice dripping with sarcasm and envy.
“Okay, well, I didn’t ask for any of this. And, just in case you didn’t get the memo, I’m freaking out over here!” you cried.
“Why oh why are you freaking out, dear y/n?” Jeanne said, with just the barest amount of seriousness.
“Because I almost kissed Johnny! That can’t happen. We can’t be together, we can’t ruin our friendship for just a kiss before I go back to Tournai and then Seattle for the rest of my life!” you explained, starting to breathe heavily.
“Hey, take a deep breath and try to calm down. I personally don’t see what’s wrong with kissing him and leaving, it’s not like you have to see him everyday, you can still write letters to him. Plus, if it leads to more action, you can always brag that you fucked a rockstar,” she reasoned, and you could almost hear the smirk on her face as she told you.
“You know I’m not the type of person that just fucks someone to fuck them. Plus, I’m not sure that if I opened that door I could ever close it,” you replied.
“Yeah, I know,” Jeanne sighed, sad that she wasn’t in your shoes. “I kind of don’t know what to tell you, other than if you don’t want to get into that situation, you shouldn’t kiss him. Maybe put a little distance, like physical distance, in between you two from now on,” she offered.
“I guess you’re right. I just hope it’s not too awkward or noticeable that I am. Thanks for the advice and for listening. You should probably get to sleep,” you reminded her.
“True. Just remember, I won’t judge you if you do decide to take things further. Just do what feels right, in more ways than one,” she replied, causing the both of you to laugh. The two of you said goodbye and you sat on the couch for another couple of minutes, thinking, before deciding to start the day.
On your own, you decided to go down to that bakery and get breakfast there since you had loved the pastries so much. Afterwards, you went for a walk and after a while, found yourself at the Natural History Museum. Wandering around the exhibits, you lost track of the time, and when you finally looked at your watch, it was half past 2:00. Realizing you hadn’t left a note and Johnny was probably back at his place by now, you went to the public telephone in the museum and tried your luck calling his number. He picked up on the first ring.
“y/n?” he said, before either of you even said hello.
“Yeah, Johnny, it’s me,” you replied.
“Are you okay? Where are you?” he asked nervously.
“Johnny, I’m fine. I’m just at the Natural History Museum. I got distracted by the exhibits and lost track of time. Sorry I didn’t leave a note. I didn’t expect to be gone so long,” you apologized.
“Oh okay, um, it’s fine. Sorry if I sounded freaked out, I was just a little worried,” he explained.
“You don’t need to apologize for caring about me, Johnny,” you told him.
He smiled at your words and offered, “I can come by and pick you up. I’ll be there in like five minutes and we can grab a snack.”
“Sounds good, I’ll wait outside. See you soon,” you replied and hung up.
He took almost exactly five minutes and you hopped into the van. Giving you a bright smile, you could see the relief on his face.
“So, I can get a late lunch with you right now, but I’ll have to drop you back at the flat ‘cause I have to go back to the studio,” he told you with a sorry look.
“What? No, you have to take me there with you!” you exclaimed.
“Are you serious? Would you really want to go to the studio?” he asked, unsure.
“Of course! I could never forgive myself, and neither could Jeanne, if I didn’t take the opportunity to hear Queen recording in studio,” you replied. He chuckled at your words and accepted your request.
The two of you headed to Jimmy’s for a quick lunch, sharing an order of fish and chips.
After, he took you to the studio. Walking in, you saw all of the silver and gold records from other bands as well as Queen, staring at each one as you went by. John had to drag you away from them to go into the recording studio and meet the boys. As soon as they saw you walk in, all three of them stood up and rushed over to you.
“What are you doing here, love?”
“It’s wonderful to see you here, darling!” Brian, Roger, and Freddie said, respectively. They all reached to hug you at the same time, ending up in one big group hug.
“I just had to see you guys in action. See the magic happen,” you explained, flattering them.
“Well, we’ve been waiting on Deaky to record his part, so while he goes and does that, you can hang out in here with us,” Freddie told you excitedly.
“You sure you’ll be okay with that, y/n?” Johnny checked with you.
“Of course. I’ll get to spend some time with the boys and will get to see you play for real, not just showing me a couple notes,” you reassured, laughing a little at how protective he was still being.
He nodded and then walked to the recording booth and took out his bass, tuning it a little. You were ready to watch him intently when Freddie interrupted.
“So, y/n, what’s this I hear about you and Deaky sharing a moment?” Freddie said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
“I- what- I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you stammered as you tried to cover for yourself, feeling your cheeks get hot as your eyes got bigger.
“Oh, don’t try to deny it, love, Brian told us all about it,” Roger informed you to Brian’s dismay.
“What? Brian why would you tell them? There isn’t even anything to tell!” you questioned, glaring at him as he avoided your gaze.
“I’m sorry, y/n,” he said, finally glancing at your face. “They wanted to know why you two were acting so strange that night and it just slipped out.”
“This is so embarrassing! Nothing even happened,” you told them, covering your face with your hands.
“And why not? You know that Deaky’s a catch. It’s obvious that you two have feelings for each other,” Freddie tried to reason. “Don’t think we’ve missed all the other signs of physical chemistry.”
“What do you even mean? Physical chemistry?” you asked.
“Come on, y/n. The way you guys are always looking at each other, the goodnight hugs, literally eating out of each other’s hands,” Roger commented with a smirk.
“Not to mention the state I found you guys in during that ‘bass lesson,’” Brian joined.
You scoffed at their statements but found yourself thinking about it from an outside perspective. You knew that you felt something towards Johnny, whatever that might be, but you hadn’t really considered how he felt towards you. Looking to the recording booth, you could see him focused on the part he was playing. Almost as soon as you looked at him, he looked up and smiled at you. Smiling back nervously, you could feel your heart and mind starting to give into the idea of you and Johnny together.
The boys let you stay quiet throughout the rest of his recording session as you watched John, figuring that they had gotten into your head enough for one day. After John was done on his part, they all joined him and recorded the better part of a whole song together. Just watching gave you goosebumps. When they were done, you sang their praises, earning another group hug from them.
Driving back to John’s apartment that night, it was just the two of you. Brian, Roger, and Freddie all had dates or parties to go to, but you were happy to spend the time with John at his home.
He made grilled cheese for dinner, and although he called them cheese toasties, you were glad to have a reminder of home. Moving into the living room, he offered to play music and you gladly agreed. He walked over to their record player and collection of records, rifling through them to find a specific album. He picked one up, looked it over, and then smelled it.
You laughed and asked, “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean, what am I doing? I’m smelling the record,” he replied, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah I can see that, but why?”
“Haven’t you ever smelled a record?”
“I mean, I always thought they were more for listening, so no, I’ve never smelled a record,” you answered.
“Well, let’s remedy that right now,” he said and walked over to you, holding the record to your nose.
You grabbed his wrist to steady it and inhaled. “Mmm, it smells like old books,” you hummed.
It took him a second to respond because he was staring at your hand on his wrist. Clearing his throat, he said, “Yeah, um, that’s what I like about it.”
Releasing his wrist and instead grabbing the record, you saw that it was With the Beatles. “This is one of their older albums, right?” you asked him.
“Yeah, it’s their second one. I like this one because it reminds me of being a kid and just getting into music,” he replied and went to put the record on.
Throughout dinner, the two of you talked, mainly about the songs as each came up. He knew a lot about each of the songs. Who wrote them, who sang what parts, and what instruments they each played. It reminded you a lot of Jeanne.
As the album came to an end, he suggested that you go find another one to play. You walked over and examined the collection, “Wow, I’m surprised it’s arranged alphabetically,” you joked.
“Yeah, that’s all Brian and me. You should see Roger’s and Freddie’s. Absolute disasters,” he replied, and you laughed along with him.
You found what you were looking for and hiding it from John’s view with your body, you put it on. With the first note, he recognized it.
“Abbey Road, nice choice,” he told you.
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you recognize the song, considering the bass. It’s my favorite album of theirs,” you explained, sitting back down at the table next to him. “Come Together” played, and the two of you reacted to all of the weird things that Lennon sang.
As it faded, you got excited, “The next one is my favorite. I love ‘Something,’” you gushed.
John liked seeing you so excited, watching you sway as the song started. Suddenly, he stood and reached his hand out to you with a sweet smile, “May I have this dance?”
You nodded, taking his hand and walking to the empty space in the room. He put one hand about six inches above your waist, always respectful, keeping a hold of the other as you placed your free hand on his shoulder. His arms were more outstretched, so he held you about a foot away from him. While you appreciated his respect for your space, you decided that wasn’t close enough. You began inching the hand that was on his shoulder around to his back as well as bending your other arm to close the distance. You did this until your bodies were touching and his hand had slipped down to your waist. Swaying together for a minute and stealing glances at each other’s faces, you hummed along with the song while he softly tapped out the rhythm against your waist. Feeling incredibly safe and happy, you maneuvered your body so you could rest your head against his chest. Following you, John leaned his head down so his mouth was next to your ear and his breath was tickling your neck. Feeling the rise and fall of his chest as well as his breath washing over you, you began to feel overwhelmed with what you hoped wasn’t love.
Doing your best not to freak out and trying to stay in the moment, you buried your face further into John’s warm chest. Your closeness and vulnerability captivated John and he found himself pressing a kiss to your hair.
All too soon, the song ended, abruptly waking the two of you from your reverie with “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer.” You both laughed at the change of pace and disentangled yourselves. Instead of going back to the table, you sat on the couch next to each other. Again, you talked and listened to the album, only moving so that John could flip the record. When John came back to the couch and sat down, it was closer than before. This time, your arms were pressing against each other. With Side 2 of the record, both of you were more quiet. At one point during “Here Comes the Sun,” John lifted his arm and placed it behind you on the couch. During “Because,” it started slipping to the tops of your shoulders and you leaned into his side. By the time that “Mean Mr. Mustard,” was playing, your head was on his shoulder again, he was playing with the ends of your hair, and your hand was resting on his thigh. As the song went on, your eyes grew heavier and the two of you stopped talking. Blinking slowly, you were watching your own hand on his thigh tracing along the corduroy of his pants. You fully relaxed into him and finally fell asleep with the soft lullabye of the beginning bars of “Golden Slumbers.” John followed soon after.
When Brian got home and walked in, he saw your intermingled, sleeping forms and chuckled to himself. He turned off the long-finished album and tiptoed into his bedroom. It was the soft click of his door that woke you up. Breathing in deeply, you opened your eyes and found that you were almost completely on top of John. He had slumped down in his sleep, allowing you to lay pretty much your entire torso on him, with your arm thrown around his waist to keep you in place. His arm was around your own waist, and your face was completely pressed against his chest, while his was dropped down against your shoulder. Essentially, you were in the same position you had been while dancing, except this time, asleep on the couch. Cringing at your actions, you said a silent thank you that at least your legs were kept to yourself. You peeled yourself from the still sleeping John, and just as you fully extracted yourself, you saw his eyes fluttering open.
“Mmm, what time is it?” he asked you.
You looked at your watch and informed him, “Wow, already 1:00am. We’d better actually go to sleep.”
John nodded his agreement and got up to go to his room so he could change into his pajamas. While he was doing that, you grabbed the sheets and blankets that were folded on the armchair to set up the makeshift bed he slept on every night. Since he had given you his room for the week, you figured it was the least you could do. He was back quickly and the two of you looked at each other for a second before moving into your goodnight hug.
From your spot next to his ear, you whispered, “Goodnight, Johnny. Thank you for worrying about me today. I appreciate how much you care.”
John pulled back to see your face and when he did, you leaned forward, kissing his cheek. With that, you let go and walked to his room to get ready for bed, leaving him to whisper back softly, “Goodnight, y/n,” while reaching his hand up to the spot on his cheek you had kissed.
Wednesday passed without too much happening. John had decided that it would be a good day for the more touristy things since it was the middle of the week, and the two of you checked off your list.
On Thursday, John had to go back to the studio, but invited you along right away. You spent the day listening to and watching them work, even giving them advice or your opinion when they asked for it. There were a couple breaks when John was busy. During these, Brian, Roger, and Freddie invited you into the recording booth to play their instruments, teasing you and saying how they knew you just loved to learn. 
Brian taught you basic chords on his guitar while standing next to you. Freddie taught you “Heart and Soul”, sitting on the piano bench together. But Roger had to lean over you to guide the drumstick in your hand as he taught you a simple beat. Each time this happened, John would come back while you were still playing, and whoever was teaching you would get an angry stare from him, especially Roger. They would quickly back off and you would go back to the control room to watch the whole band play together. 
The work day finished at about 9:00pm, and all five of you went to dinner and drinks at a nearby pub, staying out quite late, but having a ton of fun all together. With the drinks in your system and the music playing loudly, you and John danced with each other again, getting handsier as the night went on. In the taxi ride back, you crashed, and John had to carry you up the stairs and into his room, tucking you in and kissing your forehead before going to sleep on the couch himself.
Friday was your last full day there. You had to fly out Saturday so that you could prep for the next four weeks of teaching. This meant that you and Johnny were going to spend every possible moment together and he told you he was taking you to a special dinner that night.
During the day, you two walked through the streets of London, enjoying each other’s company and talking. Every so often, you would stop in a little shop to look around. In one shop, you found a ring that reminded you of Johnny. It was simple, just a silver ring with a flat circle on top, but you thought he would like it. You bought it while he was distracted by some slightly gaudy outfits he thought Freddie might like.
Back outside of the store, you revealed what you had done, “I got you something. Something to remember me by when I leave.” You took the ring out of the little drawstring back in your pocket and presented it to him. “Do you like it?”
“Of course, I love it,” he replied, switching his eyes back and forth between you and the ring. When he didn’t move to grab it, you took his hand, and tried it on a few fingers before deciding it fit and looked the best on the middle finger of his right hand. Once you were satisfied, he gave you a hug and thanked you.
The next couple of stores you guys went into, you saw him scanning the store like he was searching for something. Finally, four stores later when you were looking at the handbags for Jeanne, he found what he was looking for.
Just like you, he waited to show you. Seeing a park, he suggested walking through it and then relaxing in the sun for awhile. Once the two of you were seated, he reached into his pocket and pulled out what he had found for you.
“I got you something, too,” he said anxiously. He held it out in his hand and you looked at it. It was a ring, much like the one you had gotten for him. It was silver and had a flat circle too, but on that circle, there was a compass rose. This time, he grabbed your hand and slipped it on your left hand’s middle finger, saying, “So we can find our way back to each other.”
Your heart stopped at his words and you threw yourself at him in a hug. You had to kneel to be able to reach his neck while he sat, pulling him tightly into you as he did the same. You tangled your right hand in his long hair while the other was reached around to the right side of his neck and buried your face there, feeling tears welling up in your eyes. You couldn’t believe how close you two had become in just seven days in person, and you couldn’t imagine living life away from him as you were going to have to do in just a day.
“Oh Johnny, thank you,” you said through a choked sob, trying to hold yourself together.
John knew why you were crying and felt sad himself, but hearing your weak voice and feeling your repressed sobs against his body cause tears to start to prick at his eyes as well. He held you and rubbed your back and you collapsed against him, relying on his support. Through your cries that were muffled in his neck and hair, you could still hear his small sniffles and every so often, feel him swallowing hard to keep his own cries from spilling out. After a couple of minutes, his touch calmed you down, and you pulled away, laughing a little at the wetness your tears had left on his neck and chest. You rubbed your hand against his throat to dry it off a little until you felt his hands slide up your back. One reached the side of your neck and stayed there, the other coming forward to grab your to chin so you looked at him. With that same hand, he wiped the remainder of your tears away then rested it on your cheek.
“Are you okay?” he asked, searching your eyes and face for any more signs of despair.
You nodded against his hands and chuckled weakly, “Yeah, just really grateful for you.”
“Me too,” he replied, letting you go. He stood up and offered you his hand, pulling you up next to him. This time, he didn’t let go of your hand and continued to hold it as the two of you left the park.
He let you choose where to have lunch, and you decided on Jimmy’s, wanting to see the old man one more time before leaving.
That afternoon, you headed back to his flat to get ready for dinner. Johnny had told you to dress nice, and you were glad that Jeanne had convinced you to bring your nicest dress just in case. It was black, with a sheer pattern across your shoulders and neck, and chiffon bell sleeves as well as a flowy skirt after a tied waist. Getting ready, you put on a little extra makeup and did your hair half-up. Stepping out of his bedroom, you saw that all of the boys were there, you assumed because Brian had spilled the beans about the dinner, but your eyes were drawn straight to Johnny. He was wearing a gray suit jacket and pants, with a simple white button down underneath. He had left the first three buttons undone and you could see his collarbones and the top of his sternum easily, an intoxicating sight to say the least. Just outside of his room, you stood staring at him until Freddie looked over and saw you a minute later.
“Darling! You look absolutely gorgeous!” he exclaimed, drowning out John’s soft gasp and “wow.” Freddie ran over to hug you, but was careful of your makeup and hair. He led you over to the others, giving them a chance to greet you as well.
Brian smiled his kind smile at you and gave you a hug, saying, “You look beautiful, y/n.”
Roger took his turn next, kissing you on the cheek then whispering in your ear, “You’re gonna give John a heart attack, making him look at you in that dress all night.”
You laughed at his comment and hit him lightly on the arm. John squinted his eyes at the interaction, but forgot all about it when you walked over to him. “You look stunning,” he said softly.
“You look very handsome yourself,” you replied, confidently, masking the nervousness you felt.
“Ready?” he asked and you nodded. He offered his arm to you and you took it, walking with him out the door, turning and waving as you went.
Once you two were out of the flat, Freddie said to Brian and Roger, “They grow up so fast,” receiving eye rolls from the other two.
On the way to the restaurant, you two sat silently, just listening to the radio play a song called “Silly Love Songs,” and humming along. After parking a little ways from the restaurant, the two of you got out and John offered his arm to lead you to it. He was taking you to The Ivy, a place that you had heard of even in Seattle, as it was always mentioned in magazines about celebrities. You walked in and John spoke to the host about your reservation, the man immediately leading you to a table/booth combo in the back left corner, allowing you two to be a little secluded. John let you have the booth side and took the cushy chair instead. After looking at the menu, you both ordered your food and then a sommelier came over and helped you pick wines that would pair well. You spent the meal talking and laughing, and, as always, shared each other’s food and wine to go with it. After a delicious meal and even better dessert, John paid, then you and he left, thanking the staff for the meal.
It was a beautiful night, and the two of you decided to go on a stroll. This time, you took his hand first, and interlaced your fingers with his own. In a couple minutes, you had reached the Thames and you were right by the London Bridge. Staring across the water, he put his arm around your shoulders and you put yours around his waist. You shivered a bit due to the breeze coming off the water and tried to nestle further into his warmth, but he pulled away. Confused, you looked up and saw that he was taking off his jacket. He wrapped it around your shoulders just like that first night. He let his hands rest on your shoulders, holding on to the lapels of his jacket.
You gave him a sweet smile. “Thanks, but you’re going to be too cold too with your shirt like that,” you teased, and reached up to button the lower two buttons that were undone. You moved your hands across his chest, smoothing out the fabric, and then up to the collar of his shirt. You fiddled with the collar a little, not looking him in the eye.
“y/n,” he murmured, and you looked up, making eye contact. His gaze was intense and you could actually see your own face in the reflection of his eyes. That reflection got bigger and bigger as you both started pulling lightly on the collars you were holding. Eyes flicking back and forth from each other’s mouths and eyes, the distance closed quickly, as if you were being pulled by magnets. In the last second, you realized what was happening and gasped nearly imperceptively, starting to panic. That panic, however, was washed away as soon as your lips touched.
The kiss was intense but slow, as if neither of you wanted to scare the other away with too much enthusiasm or movement. You poured everything that you wouldn’t or couldn’t say out loud into the kiss, feeling as though John was doing the same. Kissing him, you could feel that door you had mentioned to Jeanne start to open, and because of that, you felt yourself getting emotional again, your throat aching and eyes starting to burn. You knew you had to stop before you couldn’t. It took everything you had to wrench yourself from the kiss, just as John was moving his hands into your hair. Both his and your eyes snapped open, and you paused, panting slightly. You looked down but could feel his confused eyes on your face.
“I’m sorry, Johnny. That was- um- that was probably not the best idea,” you uttered, almost inaudibly. You let go of his collar and he dropped his hands to his sides from your hair.
“You’re right, I’m sorry too,” he replied, stepping away from you.
The two of you seemed to silently agree it was time to leave. Not talking, you walked back to the van. Again, the only sound was the radio, this time playing “Someone Saved My Life Tonight,” by Elton John, according to the DJ.
You got back to the apartment, and again, it was empty. You gave Johnny back his jacket and let him go into his room to get ready to sleep. With what you knew would be your last good night hug, you held on to John as long as possible, pulling away only after he did.
Going to his room, you did your nightly routine and then laid in the dark, thinking. Your mind was stuck on the feeling of his lips against yours and how good it had felt. In the moment, most of what you had felt was sadness, but now you felt something else too, hunger. If you hadn’t been thinking about the consequences, you would have let it go much further. You thought about what it would be like to be with John, to let it go further, and began to feel heat low in your abdomen. Tossing and turning, it became unbearable to just sit and think about. You had to do something. Mind drunk with desire and inhibitions mostly gone, you got up and walked with purpose to the door. Taking a deep breath, you opened it and stepped back in shock. Standing right in front of it with his hand raised, ready to knock, was Johnny.
A/N: lol sorry for the cliffhanger. I hoped you like the tension that I built over the week so their kiss seemed inevitable. Btw, I’m going to be in Italy for the next five weeks, meaning I'll be at least 6 hours ahead of most of you (assuming you live in the U.S.). This will mean that I may post at some weird time like 7:35am on a Saturday. Who knows. If you want to be able to get a notification instead of hoping this will come up on your dash, just let me know in one of the ways below. Thanks for reading!
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howlingwind · 5 years
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JASON DEAN MORGAN who strongly resembles CODY CHRISTIAN, has been spotted in Pandæmonium. The CISMALE is a TWENTY THREE year old HUMAN, and has been in Pandæmonium for SIX MONTHS. I hear they’re INDEPENDENT & LOYAL and REBELLIOUS & REFRACTORY. If you’re lucky you may catch them working at THIRD RAIL COFFEE as a BARISTA or at a RAILWAY LOADING DOCK as an UN/LOADER.
draws major inspiration from the character jason morgan from general hospital because i’m a nerd. tbh the name was kind of a coincidence tho bc i was gonna name him something else but it got taken then used jeffrey dean morgan as a namesake but didn’t like jeff as a name so lol
very abrasive personality. a cold, icy exterior that’s pretty hard to penetrate.
had an accident (more about that below), he’s probably brain damaged tbh. but not in the unable-to-function way but more in the fly-off-the-handle way.
actually extremely intelligent but hates flaunting it, and hates work that has anything to do with it. he’d rather do manual labor or serve coffee for minimum wage than sit at a desk making bank.
it’s rare that you find him dressed in anything other than a t-shirt, and jeans, maybe a leather jacket. between his wardrobe, hair style, and a typically calculating/observational expression, he might come off as very terminator-y at times.
loyal as a dog. more loyal. would do absolutely anything for someone he cares about, or who he feels he owes a debt. always repays his debts.
despite a miraculous recovery from injury, he’s always been an atheist. at least as long as he can remember. to him it wasn’t god or any other divine intervention that got him back on his feet, it was his own perseverance. his family being very devout also made him eager to turn his back on religion. since coming to town, running into demons, befriending an angel, etc he really doesn’t know what to believe anymore. for most people, walking, talking proof would be enough to convince them, but he’s still skeptical.
not afraid of stepping outside the bounds of the law to benefit himself or someone he cares for.
if he gets close to someone he’ll probably let them call him jay but anyone else he’ll probably ignore, squint at, maybe give them a dirty look lmao
at birth he was named jason dean price, but he changed it after renouncing his family and leaving his hometown. he came up with the last name morgan because it was the first name of an old friend who never tried to pressure him into being the person he used to be before his accident.
starting to develop a taste for danger and adrenaline rushes.
interests include motorcycles, handguns, shooting pool, working out, and red heads
unlike a lot of the town’s residents, he doesn’t really have any bias or prejudices against any particular species. the whole supernatural thing is really interesting to him, and obviously he’s wary of demons and all the species that would wanna kill and/or eat him but he’s just really fascinated by it tbh
for jason, life began at twenty years old. that’s when he woke up, tubes down his throat, bandages around his head, a brace on his neck. he was immobile, and he didn’t remember a thing. he was constantly visited by friendly faces that with sad, unfamiliar eyes. his family apparently. they told him all about his life. how he’d grown up an heir to one of the wealthiest families in upstate new york, how he was such a bright young man who’d been destined for great things. he was a med student, graduated high school at just fifteen, on the cusp of finally getting his doctorate. he was going to be the greatest neural surgeon in the country, inherit a large share in an international conglomerate, basically have the world in the palm of his hands. now he couldn’t even ball them into a fist. they told him about the accident, how he’d gotten into the car with his drunken older brother and they’d crashed into a tree. they told him he soared through the windshield, skull first into the trunk. he should have died on impact.
jason’s dedication was truly a sight to behold. a young man who should have never walked again or formed a coherent sentence, so determined he seemingly willed himself to heal. he fought with every fiber of his being to become whole again, and it took so damn long, but he did it. you’d never know what he’d been through if you looked at him. the scars were hidden by his hair, he could speak just as precisely as before, and move just like he had before, maybe even better. it was miraculous, how he came back from that. the problem was, jason dean price never truly came back. he wasn’t the same person. he couldn’t and wouldn’t live up to everything everyone around him wanted him to be. he didn’t remember being a son, a brother, friend, he didn’t remember a damn thing and he couldn’t stand the way they all pressured him to be someone who didn’t exist anymore. they tried to control him. what choice did he have but to rebel?
it started out mundane. dressing in leather jackets, getting drunk, buying a motorcycle, driving said motorcycle into “the estate” just to piss his family off… eventually, he grew to despise his old family so much that he packed a bag and took off forever, legally having his surname changed to morgan, and in search of a new life. jason ended up riding to the town of pandemonium, unaware of the town’s not-so-secret secret. the sun was starting to set on his first day in town when a bar caught his eye, a dozen motorcycles parked in the lot, rock music blaring out into the street. it was the type of place that practically called out his name. from the moment he walks in, it’s all eyes on him. black eyes, red eyes. yellow eyes. and one truly disturbing pair of white eyes, practically boring into him, looking at him like he’s lunch. that is, until suddenly he’s standing outside again, and there’s a blinding white light shining out from inside the bar, the only person to emerge being a young red-haired woman named ariel. the archangel. and jason’s life would never be the same.
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theclash · 5 years
ok here we go!!
2. Are you outgoing or shy?pretty outgoing but I tend to keep to myself by choice in like school and stuff because I usually just dont have the energy
4. Are you easy to get along with?other than like with close friends… probably not. Like I think I’m easy to get along with when it comes to ppl who dont know me but if ur at the point where you know me vaguely but arent a good friend of mine I think I’m kind of abrasive idk
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?I’ve never rly had a type when it comes to girls idk!!! all the girls I’ve been attracted to have all been rly different from eachother
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?lil wayne
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?gf!
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?oh god ummmWorld In My Eyes - Depeche Mode, Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order, Space Age Love Song - Flock Of Seagulls, Don’t Go - Yaz, ALWAYS Wild West Hero - ELO
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?hmmm… sort of?? not in a super Deep way
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?1000000 times
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?no
20. Do you like your neighbors?some of them
22. Where would you like to travel?Italy, Norway, Japan mainly, plus other places of course I just wanna see where my ancestors lived (first 2) and actually use my 5 years of Japanese class for something
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?chilling in bed for hours because thats my life. also coffee
26. What do you do when you wake up?check notifications, text gf (unless its a day I work at like 7am cuz shes usually sleep still)
28. Who are you most comfortable around?Will and Em
30. Do you ever want to get married?some day
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?what the!!!!!!!
34. Do you play sports? What sports?no pensive emoji
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?many times
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?bro do people rlly walk around with a dream image for the person they wish they could be with regardless of whether they rly exist or not
40. What do you want to do after high school?lolllll
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?probably depressed or having a borderline panic attack or something
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?oh god neither
46. What are you paranoid about?losing people, illness, injury, ppl I care about being put in danger whether its due to emotional states or the situation theyre in
48. Have you ever been drunk?no
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?grey
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?less paranoid
54. Favourite store?hi voltage
56. Favourite colour?blue, red, yellow
58. Last thing you ate?english muffin
60. Ever won a competition? For what?won a bid in engineering for a proposal to Boeing about ways to solve the water crisis
62. Been arrested? For what?tax evasion
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?LOOOOOL so Em and I were hanging out before her birthday thing later in the day and we went to the beach, we were just walking around n stuff then sat on a log and she asked if she could kiss me and I was like “yea sure” then she did but I didnt know what to do so it was like 2 seconds long and she was like “that wasnt a real kiss” hgfjkdhg very awkward sorry babe
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?no sry queens and legends
68. Twitter or Tumblr?tungle
70. Names of your bestfriends? Will, Sonny, Em (counting u as a best friend even if you are also my Gf)
72. What colour are your towels?dark grey
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?idk how many are put away but I have one (1) Stuffed Broccoli named Broccobama
76. What colour is your underwear?black
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?tillamook chocolate mudslide
80. What colour pants?none LOL
82. Favourite movie?the wall or yellow submarine
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?mean girls
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?gil or whatever the edgy fish with the scar. Duh
88. Last person you talked to today?texting Em rn but in person, my mom
90. Name a person you love?Em
92. In a fight with someone?the fucking weirdo anon about Joe Strummer I guess but like real talk no
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?like 5? idk
96. Favourite actress?Carrie Fisher :( Marilyn Monroe too
98. Do you tan a lot?no lol
100. How are you feeling?ok I guess
102. Do you regret anything from your past?yes
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?miss people I was once close to but I dont miss anyone who is completely cut from my life
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?probably not
108. What should you be doing?sleeping maybe??? idk
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?Em
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?yes
116. Are you listening to music right now?surprisingly no
118. Do you like Chinese food?i dont dislike it but its not a favorite of mine
120. Are you afraid of the dark?honestly sometimes i get on edge 
122. Is cheating ever okay?no.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?not really
126. Are you currently bored?sorta
128. Would you change your name?I wanna change it legally yeah
130. Do you like subway?yea
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?it already asked this LOL Em
134. Can you count to one million?I sure hope so?
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?closed and only closed
138. Curly or Straight hair?curly
140. Summer or Winter?summer
142. Favourite month?August
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Dark
146. Was today a good day?6 out of 10
148. What’s your favourite quote?“It’s Gucci time” - Dee Dee Ramone/Dee Dee King
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 42 is just a picture of MCA and 43 says “Adam served as a great example for myself and for so much of what determination, faith, focus, and humility coupled with a sense of humor can accomplish”
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Dating Lena Luthor (Everyday can be our Valentine’s)
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Request: Prompt Lena x reader, the reader forgot it's Valentine's Day and Lena is mad because it's her first time celebrating valentines. So reader does a surprise romantic date night
a/n: Ahhhh this was so cute to do LOL. I was thinking about this all during work wondering wth I was gonna do with this!! Firstly, I don’t really think Lena would be angry, per se, so I switched this up just a tiny bit! There’s a funny little easter egg I put in here because I’m absolute katie trash, tell me if you find the Funny Joke. Thanks for reading btw y’all! You give me something to do lol. Requests are always open, and I’ll get to them hopefully every other day!
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So maybe you were a little bit of an asshole. Actually, you are definitely the tiniest bit an asshole. You’re a good enough person, and you show basic human decency because you surely weren’t raised to be a farm animal with no manners. You’d even go so far as to say you care about people if they’re really hurting enough for you to feel compelled to get into that uncomfortable place of relating to them and having to comfort them.
You’re a bit rough around the edges, you’d admit it. You’ve had a grand total of 3 and a half arguably serious relationships in your very eventful, very promising life so far and it’s not like you were emotionally stunted for the entirety of them all, not really. Sometimes you’d admit you are a pretty emotionally constipated person - you lose track of your days as often as you lose track of your housekeys, and if someone asked you to retell something from last week, well, you’d let them know that frankly you don’t even remember what the last thing you ate was. But you knew how to make your girl smile and that’s what counted. You’re kinda good when it comes to the bigger stuff. That’s all that should matter, right?
When you walked into CatCo for work in the morning, you greeted everyone who’d spare a glance at you, even spent some time making small talk with some of your deskmates. There was a restlessness in the air that made you think people were even itching to talk to you. Everyone had seemed peppier today more than usual. That was surely a weird thing to note, even for a place like CatCo (especially for a place like CatCo). There was an abundance of flowers sitting on desks and because Miss Grant has a very vocal opinion-decreed-official-but-not-really-official-policy regarding cheap-smelling things in her offices, even when arguably flowers are the most natural scent in the world (how possibly can they be cheap?), all the bouquets and arrangements were relegated to a place by their desk inhabitant’s feet where they could be admired in relative peace.
For what it was worth, the place seemed more alive than it ever has been - not that Miss Grant was the worst person to work for, quite the contrary, everyone was just too intimidated or outright terrified of her that any semblance of fun was  overpowered by the fear of messing something up. Miss Grant was nice, in her own quiet, borderline abrasive but never power hungry way. You could tolerate just one day of people being in a good mood.
You felt a slight gust of wind blow your way as you sat at your desk, and you really ought to think you should warn Kara about slowing down her speed just a notch more.
“Hi! (Y/N)! Golly it’s a great morning isn’t it. Oh, why aren’t you wearing red?”
“Kara, does it look like I own any coloured clothing other than black? Anyway, why would I?”
Kara’s eyes widen comically and she inhales sharply, and you almost dismiss it as another purely Kara Thing. You take note of her white pants and pink blazer, unbuttoned to reveal a simple white button up, and you grudgingly concede that this nerd always looks so stupidly cute.
Before you could get yourself irrationally angry at the multitude of Kara’s Preppy Looks, you wonder if Miss Grant has a special occasion that you didn’t get the memo for.
“Wait, is something happening today? Did Miss Grant finally acquire that small-town newspaper outside of Metropolis?”
Kara tilts her head at you, fully reminiscent of a confused child, and her eyebrow quirks ridiculously high up that it could disappear into her hairline.
“Hm, that’s not right. I would have heard about that one. I know she was saying how everyone should dress in red to symbolize the blood spilled of her competitors, but even that’s a bit much.” You say more to yourself than to Kara.
Kara opens and closes her mouth, and opens and closes it again seemingly at a loss to say something as she squints very severely at you. Your eyes widen marginally, taken aback by Kara’s silent assessment.
“Are you alright? Did I offend you or something?”
Kara’s jaw drops as she gasps indignantly. You were only half-kidding but you think you might as well have offended her unwittingly at some point in your very brief conversation.
“Seriously, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I really hope you’re joking.” Those words were startlingly ominous, and especially so coming from someone like Kara.
“What the hell do you even mean? Kara-”
Before you can ask any more of her, Cat Grant’s voice reverberates through the office. It’s impressive, considering she’s a good thirty feet away from you and inside an enclosed elevator when she speaks up.
“Keira, please tell me you found out who plastered that cheap Wal-Mart stock paper heart onto my window and that you have collected their resignation letter. Do not think that because I’m not here I don’t have eyes everywhere. I can practically smell the cheap scotch tape sticking eternally to my windows.”
“No DIY decor, already on it, Miss Grant. But don’t you think that’s a bit-”
Kara follows after Miss Grant, falling into step behind her rather impressively as Miss Grant hands off her coat to Kara and Kara hands her latte to her, balancing  various papers, clothing, and a bag in her arms.
Why is everyone so weird.
You boot up your computer and check the messages on your phone while you wait. An unread message from Lena fills your screen.
Lena: “I can’t wait to see you tonight.”
You smile at your girlfriend’s simple text. You know it’s tired and not very fair to keep having presumptions of your girlfriend based solely on her career, but you can’t help it. She’s a softie and an absolute sucker for romance and you never would have suspected it - certainly not the first few times she’d spent the night at your place and she’d untangle her hair from her high bun, shucking off her heels and stripping off her CEO persona. It always mesmerized you, it still does, which is why you’re smiling at your phone like an absolute nerd at her easy vulnerability when it comes to you.
you: “I can’t wait to see your beautiful face, pretty lady ;) Don’t make my day any more difficult than it needs to be...”
You remember all too well the very incriminating texts that have recently bombarded your phone with startling frequency. Lena being her own boss certainly had its perks, and spending an awful amount of time sending suggestive messages and downright not-safe-for-work pictures certainly was a perk in itself.
You’d wondered how often anyone would see you looking around suspiciously with the biggest shit-eating grin on your face. It begged the curiosity of who knew you were practically sexting sometimes? You figured you were probably a bit obvious, Kara has spent her fair share of your shift grimacing and blushing furiously whenever you meet her eye. It’s strange because it’s not like part of her powers involves mind-reading, did it really not take a genius to figure you out? Maybe with her super hearing and- oh. That might explain a little bit. In fact, that might explain a lot. Gross. You are not going to broach that conversation with her.
Lena: “Hmmm, that’s no fun...”
You smirk down at your phone. It is far too early for this teasing bullshit, but Lena Luthor lives on her own time and the universal conventions of decency wait for no one, apparently.
Lena: “What if I’m in the mood to be bad?”
you: “I guess I’d have to teach you a lesson about what happens when you tease me all day”
Lena: “It’s settled, let’s call it a date.″
you: “you’d call anything we do a date, love LOL”
Lena: “Well then let’s make it extra special tonight ;)”
you: “looking forward to it, you big nerd”
You finally amend to put to your phone, seeing as though you spent a good few minutes flirting with your girlfriend instead of working. You figure even someone with as much money as Cat Grant wouldn’t appreciate you fooling around on company time.
“Ooooh, texting a fancy someone?” Winn’s voice comes from behind you as he swirls around to face you in his swivel chair.
“Yeah, weirdo.” You roll your eyes amused as Winn feigns hurt, but he continues nonetheless.
“Cool, you guys got any romantic plans tonight? Lena must be wicked excited.” He quirks his eyebrows suggestively, and you reach over to hit him on the arm hard enough to make him yelp.
“Gross. Even if we were I wouldn’t tell you anything.”
“Aww aren’t we superfriends? Don’t we go to share super secrets?”
“Definitely not of the bedroom variety.”
“Ah fine, I don’t think I want to know anyway. J’onn and Kara must try so hard to tune out all the adult stuff you and Lena get into whenever you guys are chilling at the DEO.”
You grimace and tune out whatever else Winn was about to say, “Oh god.”
“Really, you guys have no PG plans tonight? No extravagant displays of luxurious affection or cute date outings?”
“No, Winn. Why are you and Kara so interested in my life today anyway?”
Winn stares blankly at you before chuckling and turning back towards his computer. “Ah, ah okay! Sore topic. Sorry to pry. Just know I’m your pal, alright? You can tell me all the things.”
“Yes, rest assured, you are my pal, Winn.” You laugh despite yourself, shaking your head at your interaction.
You’d become quite busy the next few hours, all the bustle and general strangeness of the day wearing off as the remaining CatCo employees that stuck around waited until they could go home. You finally had a chance to lean back and check your phone’s notifications.
Lena: “When are you coming home? I miss you.”
you: “lol you’re so cute. Soon babe, don’t worry. Just a few things to finish up here. Are you done yet?”
Lena: “Yes, I managed to finish all that I needed today. I let Jess go early too, she’s got a cute date of her own.”
you: “oh man, no way! Is he cute? Is he worthy?? Is he an asshole? Do we need to threaten him?”
Lena: “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re more excited about Jess’ plans than ours. I’ve no clue, I merely assumed. Though she was acting particularly off today come to think of it.”
you: “you too eh? People were so weird today. More than they usually are. It must be a full moon.”
Lena: “I’ve no doubt that must be it. Tell me when you’re about to leave, darling. I’d very much like to get out of these restrictive clothes.”
you: “what? You won’t let me help you out??”
Lena: “If you take too long, you’ll regret far more than just that.”
Lena: “I will see you soon <3″
If you rushed to pack up a little quicker than you usually would and took off at a speed that could rival Kara’s, you’d never admit it to anyone. In your haste, you still managed to text Lena once you got into the packed streetcar and were notified that she was just on her way to yours from her apartment.
You had the chance to clean up your apartment a bit and get into your comfiest trackpants and your favourite hoodie when you heard knocking on your door. You opened the door and smiled as you opened your arms to your girlfriend. Lena immediately walked into your embrace and wrapped her arms around your middle, sighing happily as she did.
“You smell nice.”
“Thank you, I just got back from work.”
“And did work have half an army’s worth of perfume sprayed throughout the entire office to attract potential mates today?” She smirks as she makes her way around you to put her things away and make herself at home.
“I thought you said I smelled nice.”
“You do, I’m going to be stealing that sweater from you by the end of tonight.”
You chuckle at her nonchalance, “Naturally.”
She leans back on the back of your couch and crosses her arms easily. “Any hot plans for tonight?”
“You, me, and a box of pizza?”
“Make it two and you got yourself a deal.”
“Any other requests, beautiful?” You make your way slowly to Lena, eventually pinning her between your body and the couch. Your face is just inches away from hers and you can practically feel her next words against your skin.
“I was good today, need I remind you.”
“You were, actually.”
“What do I get for that?” She brings her lips close to yours and you can feel yourself being pulled for a kiss, but she doesn’t let you.
“Anything you want.”
“Oh, that’s dangerous.”
“Yeah, well, I want to make it all about you tonight.” You try again for a kiss, leaning in just too late as Lena brings herself away again. You grunt in mild frustration and she chuckles at your desperation.
“Are you sure? I see you’re getting a little impatient.”
Finally, she kisses you and you feel relieved. You’ve been waiting all day to be able to kiss your girlfriend. She’s the only sense of normalcy you have, no matter the absurdity that is your life or your individual circumstances. Her hands come up between your bodies as she latches onto the front of your shirt and tugs. Your hands come up to her hips and you push up against her lightly. You hear a soft groan from her lips and kiss it away.
You lose yourself in the kiss for however long you’ve been going at it, and she pulls herself away suddenly, leaving you moderately shocked at the abrupt loss of contact as she makes her way towards your kitchen.
“Let’s get Tony’s, I think I’m in the mood for a greasy cheesy-stuffed crust pizza.” She smirks as she takes in your indignant expression. You decide right then and there that, yes, in accordance to all science, religion, and all poetry that could be: Lena Luthor will be the death of you.
You call in your favourite pizza place and have two large greasy, cheesy-stuffed crust pizzas delivered to your door - one vegetarian for Lena (compromises, apparently), and one specialty butter chicken flavoured pizza that does an excellent job of tasting like it’s supposed to.
You’re the very definition of relaxed as you recline into your couch, Lena leaning into you as you wrap an arm around her. You both decided on one of the conspiracy theory documentaries on Netflix, deciding it was a good piece of relative garbage to consume.
Lena hums happily as she nuzzles into your side, taking a bit more of the blanket wrapped around you two as it uncovers a bit more of your legs.
You hear her mumbling from somewhere near your stomach, muffled by your sweater and the blanket and her general sleepiness. “Happy Valentine’s day.”
There’s a long pause as you stare at Lena’s figure, no doubt with the intensity of burning into her skull if you had heat vision.
“I’m sorry, was that too weird? I shouldn’t have brought it up-”
Lena finally turns her head to look at you questioningly. “What is it, love?”
You squint hard at the TV, the documentary long forgotten as you quickly run a reel of your entire day, pulling the brakes hard to a screeching halt when you put all the pieces together.
“Holy shit.” You mumble more to yourself than Lena.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Please, we can just forget about it-”
“No. No, no, no...”
“Oh my god, (Y/N), are you okay? Please talk to me.”
You sit up quickly, trying as best as you can to ease Lena off your lap as you continue to scratch at the surface of your struggling comprehension. You can’t believe yourself, you really can’t. You’ve certainly outdid yourself this time.
“I can’t believe it.”
Lena becomes increasingly alarmed at how upset you’re becoming and is at a loss for consoling you.
You finally look at her, an amalgamation of sadness, disappointment, and disbelief in your eyes. “Baby why didn’t you say anything?”
“I- I mean, I just did?”
“No, no way. This was supposed to be special.”
She looks at you, total confusion written on her face. “I’m sorry. I just thought- you didn’t bring it up? You hadn’t mentioned it all day and we haven’t really talked much about it, which is fair because that’s not really a thing one talks about in detail. I just thought you weren’t comfortable? I didn’t intend to upset you.”
“No, no baby that’s not it. I just- wow, I kinda suck. Aren’t you a little bit sad that I forgot?”
Lena’s lips quirk into a small smile. “Well, I mean I’ve never really had an official Valentine’s day so to speak. I would have liked to do something nice for you. But I wasn’t sure if you’d already made plans and I didn’t want to encroach on yours, and you didn’t give many hints about today at all so I thought maybe there was something else there. I didn’t want to bring it up if it was going to upset you.”
You click your tongue and lean across the couch to meet Lena halfway. You take her face in your hands and kiss her passionately. “You are too good for me, you know that?”
Lena smiles and kisses you again in between her words. “It’s okay, darling. As long as you remember my birthday.”
You pause in between your kisses, stopping as you stare almost cross-eyed into her eyes. The delayed reaction most certainly wasn’t going to help you. “Yeah, of course.”
She squints her eyes at you, backing away marginally so she can regard your entire face.
“You do remember when my birthday is, right?”
“How can I? You have like, three.”
She gasps in mock offense and begins to move away before you pull her back in, grinning at her reaction. You savour one last kiss before gently pulling yourself away and shaking your head. “Nope, I won’t have this. Get up.”
“What is it now?” She quirks her eyebrow at you quizzically, surely pondering what other nonsense you’ve come up with now.
“Get up baby, this is our date night.”
“I’d figured this night was, regardless of the calendar date?”
“Nope. Get your pretty little ass off that couch and help me, Luthor.”
Lena laughs as you take her in your arms and take her away from the couch. You pull the cushions off immediately and leave them in a heap on the floor as you take long strides toward your bedroom.
She calls after you from the living room.  “Where on earth are you going? What are you even doing?”
You come back with various blankets and push them into her arms. Lena looks down at them questioningly and watches as you stack the cushions against the couch, taking care that they won’t fall.
Eventually, you’re satisfied with your work and you’ve made a tiny fort in front of your TV with the blankets and couch cushions. Lena smiles at you, bewildered and her expression just begging for an explanation.
You notice her look and cock your head to your creation. “Well then? Get in. You said you’ve never made one of these in your life, ever. Right?”
“Yes...” She’s still looking on with perplexity but crouches down to get into your fort. You follow happily behind her.
“Well, I fucked up, so I’m going to try and fix it.”
Your girlfriend looks at you with utter adoration, her eyes slightly wet with unshed tears. “You are truly something else, (Y/N).”
You smile at her and let her kiss you, closing your eyes in content as you bask in the love you have for Lena - the woman who came into your life and challenged everything you thought you knew, and then changed you for the better.
“I am sorry. I feel like absolute shit. I’ve never forgotten before and I...” Your words trail off, and she looks at you, encouraging and understanding. You find the resilience to continue. “I just, I don’t know how it’s escaped me. It’s like, lately it’s this simultaneous experience of my days blurring together and looking forward to each day, you know?”
Lena doesn’t answer, she simply nods and silently prods you to continue.
“It’s no excuse, I don’t want it to be. It’s just that, I’ve been so happy now. I am so happy, and that is all thanks to you. I lose track of my days because I’m not counting down anymore to some unmarked end or whatever, or waiting until the next greatest thing happens to me that makes me feel alive for a few minutes. I don’t need that anymore because it’s you. You are the best thing that’s happened to me, and I don’t need to count down anymore.”
You hear her sniffle and you wrap an arm around her, as best as you can attempt with the lack of space in your fort.
“I just want to make it up to you. Because you deserve everything. And the people I’ve dated in the past have done things on Valentine’s day, and it makes me feel fucking terrible that I can’t even be assed to remember it for you. It makes me feel like I’ve let you down, and it sucks, because I want to be worthy of you. If I can’t even remember one stupid day, how am I supposed to be the person you need me to be?”
You inhale sharply, getting all your words out and finally being able to breathe. Lena’s freely crying now, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes and wetting her cheeks.
“No, (Y/N), look at this. You did this.” She points up at the fort surrounding you. “You did make it up to me. You realized it and did something about it. I could never hold this against you. I can’t be mad at you for this. You did nothing wrong, baby. And you are exactly the person I need.”
Lena’s hand comes up to your face and caresses your cheek, her thumb lightly treading circles on your skin.
“You are so good to me. You are good for me, (Y/N), and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to spend this day with.” She leans in to kiss you and your breathing steadies, allowing yourself this forgiveness.
There’s a pause in your kisses as you and Lena look at each other, the documentary long over as silence fills your apartment. Nothing but the sounds of the street and the humming of your appliances can be heard.
“You wanna know something that I haven’t done?” You ask her after a moment.
“What is that?”
“I’ve never had sex in a pillow fort before. I’m gonna fuck you in this one.”
You smirk as she she gasps scandalously, swatting your face away from her as you effectively ruin the moment. You laugh as you dodge her half-hearted attempts to keep you away, poking at her sides as she twitches and squeals at the onslaught.
“Hey, but honestly. What else haven’t you done before? You wanna do some watercolour painting tonight? I think I have a full set hiding around somewhere that I got from my best friend for my birthday. Or we could put together a puzzle, or something.” You contemplate the items you have in your apartment, and you’re about to move to look for them.
All Lena does is give you a long look, studying you before she pushes you down onto your back and moves on top of you, kissing you so that you both forget the time or the day by the time you’re both done with each other.
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