#The opposite of being a good caretaker is not knowing which care to take and when or how.
hamartia-grander · 4 months
I want more female characters who are just so bad at comforting others. Not for lack of trying or caring, they just get so so awkward when someone's upset, and they try to repeat things they've heard even if it doesn't necessarily apply to the situation, or they accidentally say the wrong thing and make it worse. If someone cries they panic and throw every single comfort technique down at once and it only helps because it's such bizarre behaviour
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emo-trash101 · 2 months
Hello hello my darling!! (/P)
How are you,good? I hope you are!
I was scrolling through for some hazbin-writing blogs and saw that you were,but didn't have any works yet!
"preposterous!" I told myself! "Such a charming blog without any writing? Allow me!"
And here I am! Nina or Weewoo,you may call me!
Now that my big flamboyant intro is done (i do this all the time for my fun,don't mind it-),May you indulge me in some nice platonic headcanons? (If you do those! If not,a single oneshot would be swell!!)
You see,the self-proclaimed platonic asker is thirsty for some platonic!
Anyways,you're probably getting bored,so allow me!
May I please have a platonic! Vox/Husk/Alastor/Lucifer/ anyone you wish to write for (I honestly don't mind anyone,just pick peoplef from Hazbin you feel you want to write for! You can put as many as you want!) with a gn!child!reader (my favorite/p) that's really sweet (even a bit of a pushover) but has a really bad argument with their parent (the characters) for x reason (maybe because the child is too kind?) and runs away for some air,but later,as the characters were looking for them because they're worried or we're forced to (ahem,Vox and Alastor,AHEM) the character finds them all injured and crying somewhere because it's hell and there are bad people there? How would the characters react? Would they do something?
I think that's all for me!
I hope you enjoy writing this dearie! Don't forget to drink,eat and have rest!
Stay proud darling!
-Nina <33
Omg, I really hope you end up enjoying this! I actually really like this idea, and I live for platonic relationships. Also! Feel free to request whenever, I really need something to do with my life 😭
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Vox, Husk, Alastor and Lucifer x Child! Reader
Pronouns: Second person, gender neutral
Tw: Arguing, Vox and Alastor (Yes they are warnings), general Hazbin Hotel-ness
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Vox -
- In all honesty, I'm so sorry you ended up with this man 😭
- But (as many of us know) he is not a nice person, if anything he's more so the opposite. He would probably take away your toys just to see you cry.
- However, he is very good at faking it, which makes him a very confusing person to be around.
- The argument most likely starts because you end up being too sweet and it ends up pissing him off. He'd probably try to be passive aggressive or ignore it until it makes him so mad he just yells.
- He seems like the kind of guy to be like "Well thats how I was raised." And just see nothing wrong with it. But after seeing you be so upset after the argument, a small part of his almost nonexistent humanity feels bad.
- Considering how busy he is, he probably wouldn't notice you were missing for a good while. Even after he does, he doesn't go after you himself, he sends one of his workers to get you.
- Once he does find you injured, he's undoubtedly mad. Not exactly because he cares too much for your wellbeing, but because he considers you a pet of some sort, and people should know better than to hurt his pet.
- Doesn't really learn much from the experience, however does avoid bringing up the topic of you being too kind simply because another argument like that could provide similar outcomes
- In all, probably the worst of them all generally. (Can you tell who my least favorite is?)
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Husk -
- Honestly, he's not that bad of a caretaker, and it's primarily because he has strong morals and tries to teach you that as well.
- However, because of that, he views your kindness as a kind of weakness that needs to be fixed. Which is almost exactly what he tries to do.
- He attempts several times to make you "stronger" and less kind to protect you. He obviously has good intentions but goes the wrong way about it.
- This obviously results in an argument where he refuses to admit that he was incorrect which leads you to try and chill yourself out by going on a walk. He would probably be too heated to even really care about you walking out. That is until later.
- After you eventually don't come back for awhile he does become anxious, but he knows that he taught you to take care of yourself and that you'll be fine.
- Once you do come back he feels hella guilty, nit only for letting you walk away, but arguing with you in general. He resorts to trying to help clean your wounds and provide you with the best comfort he can (which honestly is not a lot but it's the thought that counts)
- He does let up on you having to be less nice, it does get brought up ever so often, but after a few minutes he just lets it go.
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Alastor -
- This man is a little special brained, as in he is extremely apathetic to the point where he doesn't comprehend you being kind aside from it being for ulterior motives.
- Which honestly makes sense if you think about how he acts, so it's not like it's a baseless accusation. But after he's taken you under his wing and is trying to teach you he feels almost undermined by you constantly being kind.
- This obviously turns into an argument (more like you being defensive and him just accusing), and you eventually give up and go on a walk.
- He considers this an admission of guilt and doesn't go after you or anything and just lets you do your own thing until you apologize to him.
- When you do eventually show back up to the hotel, he does tend to your wounds, but he approaches you with condescension until you eventually apologize purely out of exhaustion.
- He doesn't really feel any guilt towards it, and will definitely ice you out until you stop being so "manipulative".
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Lucifer -
- Now Lucifer himself is at least a people pleaser, so he understands the feeling and actions that you do take.
- However, having seen his daughter take similar strides that he had in the sense of caring for others, he ends up worrying about you being used for others benefit, especially in a place like hell.
- This kinda causes him to try and course correct aggressively, deciding that if he were to act more cold it would rub off on you and work (surprise surprise, it didn't).
- It just turns into you getting upset and while trying to have a serious conversation about the issues (or as serious a discussion that a child can have), he tries to keep up the cold facade.
- This just upsets you more and you end up going on a walk to clear your mind, and that makes him feel terrible.
- He contemplates running after you but decides that it's for the best, it could even help you with being so kind.
- Well that whole thought process changes once you don't come back for too long. He almost turns the entirety of hell upside down just to find you.
- He finds you just as your assaulters are leaving, and let's just say they don't leave in one singular piece.
- After that the guilt almost eats him alive. He feels terrible for not only letting this happen to you, but that he also caused this whole mess. He takes you back to your home and helps clean your wounds (He 100% uses hello kitty bandages).
- He tries reaching out to other people to try and find better ways to teach you more about boundaries and everything just to keep you safe, and takes almost all the advice to heart.
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This took less time than I anticipated, but I feel like it turned out good nonetheless. I hope you enjoyed it and have an astounding day!
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jaggededges123 · 2 months
Filthy Friday!!!! Please write some Eighthcest hair kink the world needs it Coffee 🥰 🥰 🥰
lmao this got... really long. much longer than i intended it to be
Silas's hair smells of soap, a clean, almost nonexistent scent that lingers on him after each bath. His soap is different from Colum's, gentler on thin skin and delicate hair for a man whose appearance is marginally more important than Colum's, if only because the other Houses put stock into it. Silas's soap has a hint of something ancient in it, and when Colum was younger and less haggard from his position as cavalier primary to the scion of the Eighth, he could breathe the aroma in and enjoy it from a standing position as he braided Silas's hair and felt the silky, nigh-translucent strands between his fingers.
Now, he has to get much closer to properly appreciate the totality of Silas's beautiful white-blond head. It is an indulgence that he didn't recognize as such in his youth, but now that his nose struggles to drag in the same information as it once did, he craves it. It's one of the multitude of things he finds himself coveting and unable to have when it comes to his young uncle, and specifically when it comes to Silas's hair.
He takes solace in still being the sole caretaker of Silas's hairstyle, the neat braid the Master Templar prefers for the way it gives him an austere silhouette, fitting for his station. Colum has never once suggested that if he enjoys his hair appearing short at first glance, that he get it cut--once Silas did suggest it himself musingly one night, after an elder mentioned that the length he preferred edged into vanity, but then he looked at Colum, and left it buried in the silence of their dinner table.
Silas is not vain over his appearance--in fact, everything above and beyond the most basic maintenance tasks are Colum's responsibility, his privilege really. Silas has never asked him to do more than simple braiding, but as he grows older, Colum takes more and more comfort from brushing a conditioning oil into Silas's hair in the evenings, in plaiting it simply for bed, in taking it down and rewinding it into his daily style, and in pressing his lips chastely and briefly to the crown of Silas's head. He takes the opportunity always to subtly breathe in the soap and new hair oil, which smells like frost.
Cold and pure, just as Silas is.
Colum begins having dreams of Silas's silky hair brushing soft over his lips, his neck, his--he cannot even think it when awake, for it is inappropriate in overlapping and interlocking manners to think of that anywhere near the Master Templar and Colum's very own adept, the boy he loved so much who grew into the man he loves and fears for and at times, is so very fed up with. He knows then, that what was once a mere platonic expression of love and care for his young uncle now borders on obsession, an unholy fetish.
That night, when Silas sits on the stool in front of the unfortunately-named vanity desk in their bedroom, hair wet from the bath, Colum hesitates. On the treasured, five-hundred-year-old, imported-from-another-system wooden surface, there are his usual implements: comb, brush, pins, oil, and a small, handheld mirror for Silas to evaluate the finished product. He has not once, not in the decade or so since his hair care became Colum's domain.
"Brother Colum," Silas says, admonishment in his tone at even a few moments of laxity, "we have yet to pray this evening. Your unnatural sluggishness will make us tardy to bed."
Unnatural, because Silas has not siphoned from Colum in nearly a week. Colum has no excuse to reach for, because any reasonable justification would be a falsehood and Colum Asht is not a man who lies.
"Brother Silas," Colum hedges, stepping closer despite his best instincts because he has never been very good at standing opposite his necromancer instead of behind, "perhaps we can truncate this routine tonight, and use the extra time for more prayers?"
It's low of Colum. He knows that Silas strives for better than perfection, to be devout and a delight unto their Lord and resurrector, and that it would be difficult for him to take another path if the most self-effacing one were suggested.
Silas looks back at Colum, face sharp and eyes a tender brown. He twists at the spindly waist of him, which makes him appear almost malformed due to his slight stature. Colum watches him consider the possibility.
"If there is something you feel you require correction and penitence in prayer for, then of course we shall address it."
Colum wishes Silas were just a little less clever, sometimes, but he is a necromancer after all, and moreover they have been together for his entire life. Colum has been caretaker, sword, shield, friend, brother, nephew, subordinate, source of thanergy to Silas. It would be strange if Silas, Master Templar of the White Glass, who has listened to more confessions than he could probably even remember, did not intuit when Colum was feeling guilty.
Colum cannot say no, because that is a lie. He cannot say yes, because to even mention that Colum lusted after Silas, dreamt of tangling his fingers in Silas's beautiful hair and pressing Silas into his bed--the bed forbidden to him--and rutting against him like an animal, would be a most profound violation of the sanctity and holy virginity of the Master Templar.
He says nothing, instead, letting the silence speak for itself as he lifts the comb and takes the precious strands of Silas's hair in hand. He tries desperately to think on things other than the way Silas's hair seems to cling to Colum's worn and callused nine fingers, leaving damp trails of kisses on the hands that care so tenderly for it.
Clearly, it doesn't work. Even worse, now that he is aware of just how deep his fascination goes, his body is reacting as much as it can. There is no codpiece or armor or heavy ceremonial robe to separate him and Silas now; Colum is dressed for bed already, in simple and thin summer clothes.
Colum's lower part pulses needily as he finishes brushing the oil into Silas's hair, and then pats it dry gently with the towel from around Silas's neck. The awareness of himself and his own desires is killing him metaphorically, and realistically if Colum is caught out having lustful fantasies over the Master Templar, he will be stripped of his rank and position and thrown in jail to either rot or be re-educated and reconciled to the light of the Lord which he has so very clearly lost.
He is fully hard, as he carefully runs Silas's hair through his fingers, separating it out and winding it all together in a different style from the day, one easier on Silas's fragile scalp. As always, the phantom sensation that Silas's hair leaves on his fingers will stay with him for hours afterwards, blessing his hands until he drifts off to sleep. Now that he knows why the feeling lingers, it strikes him more as a self-inflicted curse, rather than a minor benediction from one of God's most elevated servants.
Colum does not dare to kiss Silas's head tonight, nor to try to breathe in the pleasant scent of it. He does not deserve it, and moreover Colum must get into the privacy of the bathroom before his very presence taints the one who, above all others, cannot be sullied. And, despite himself, he is a little afraid of being found out, of being ripped apart from Silas who he waited for his entire childhood and adolescence, and looked after for his entire adulthood.
Before Colum can take a single step or even turn, Silas leans back, uncommonly, horrifyingly. This presses him up against Colum's thighs and puts Colum's... dick right between Silas's bony shoulder blades. His hair brushes against Colum's stomach, clothed, though Colum suddenly wishes more than anything in the world that either he were not wearing his nightshirt already, or that these impure feelings would depart from him.
It's too late for that, though. It's too late for him.
Silas stiffens when he feels what he now squishes between his spine and the thick layer of flesh that encases Colum. "Brother Asht, what is this?"
Colum's heart stops dead in his chest. He doesn't know how to answer Silas, his necromancer, head of his House, the closest thing Colum may ever see to God, his beloved who he has cared for all his life. But his uncle has called him with a question.
And Colum must answer.
"It's my sin, Si."
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
rating the main five based on how sickly i think they’d be <3
(AKA I’m on my fourth cold since september and if i have to suffer then so do my blorbos)
Stan: 4/10. He gets nauseous quite a lot, but that’s typically to do with his anxiety and less a stomach bug. When he does get sick, he will keep powering through his daily life as if nothing’s the matter, until some kind soul goes “Woah, dude, you don’t look so good,” upon which he will realise that he doesn’t feel so good either, and then he collapses into a heap and crawls into bed until he’s feeling better. He has asthma, so sometimes that makes respiratory-related illnesses stressful and potentially dangerous, but he’s got a reliable stock of inhalers, and 1+ very stressed out caretaker(s), so he’s alright in the end, and usually recovers pretty quickly.
Kyle: 8/10. With canon and fanon as my witness, I do declare that is one sickly motherfucker. From the first snowfall he’s sniffling, and it doesn’t stop until the last of it has melted. But shitty immune system be damned, this boy can work a cold denial! He will keep strutting around no matter how down bad he is, insisting that he’s fine, like he’s genuinely fine, like no that wasn’t a sneeze followed by a painful coughing fit, you must have misheard, and yes his nose has always been that red, that’s perfectly normal actually, and get your fucking hand away from his forehead he’s not FEVERISH he’s FINE. Once he’s finally been wrestled into bed, he will lay there feeling deeply sorry for himself and worrying that he’s going to infect his caretaker(s), until he gets sidetracked contemplating all the things he has left to do today, and before you know it he’s puttering about the house again, and the cycle continues. 
Cartman: 3/10. He rarely gets ill, but you wouldn’t know it. It’d be too easy to dismiss him for a hypochondriac, but he knows exactly what he’s doing when he starts his woe-is-me speil over some suposed sickness. Over the years he has perfected faking illnesses into a fine art, to the point where unless you had good reason to be suspicious, you couldn’t separate his coughs, sneezes and general sickly presentation from the real deal. We’re talking Ferris Beuler level trickery here folks!! He generally abuses his talent to get out of school, work, or any unwanted responsibilities, but when the opportunity presents itself he will conveniently accidentally “sneeze” right on the back of germaphobic Kyle’s neck. Which is received about as well as you’d expect it to. (With rage, and threats of violence :)
Kenny: 6/10. The total opposite to Cartman, Kenny gets sick a little more than most, but is a master at concealing his illnesses. Kyle wishes he was on Kenny’s level. This guy could be on the brink of death and the only thing that would call attention to it is him ever so slightly clearing his throat, and then quietly apologising for it. If anyone does figure out that he’s sick, he won’t deny it, but he’ll certainly downplay it. He does not no how to handle sympathy directed his way, and reacts to any attempts at caring for him with awkward gratitude and a constant reminder that they really don’t have to be doing this right now. But, if shown just the right amount of kindness, he will break down sobbing because everything hurts and he’s just so exhausted and he misses being able to breath through his nose. After that he will fall asleep, and when he wakes up he’ll feel a bit better but extremely embarassed, and start apologising all over again.
Butters: 5/10. For once, he’s the most sensible of the bunch, because when he comes down with something, he’ll take a few days off until he’s back on his feet. But by god is he clingy when he’s sick. If you are not with him, he will be constantly texting you. If you are with him he will still be texting you because he may have lost his voice, but he’s still got plenty to tell you!! He also begins to feel very touch-starved, and becomes a lot more touchy-feely with others, which is welcomed by some, tolerated by others, and loathed by Kyle, because god fucking damn it Butters keep your icky germs away from him :(((
Anyway yeah those are my headcanons! I’d love to hear your own personal ratings too. Might make a part two for CATG if people are interested in my soft, loving sadism :)
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ottpopfic · 2 months
Katie's opinions/relationship on the seven
If all the ladies love Leo then Katie is the ladies. She thinks he's the coolest best person ever. Epitome of fun uncle, she adores him
Picture this, you're a little Hephaestus eight-year-old and the strongest child of Hephaestus alive is not only your Goddad but is also going to let you come play in his workshop and take you rides on his giant metal dragon. And he's not going to be the coolest in your brain? He has a magic tool belt he can pull candy out of, he teaches you to use a blow torch at nine, he lets you explode things on the roof, hes the best
When Katie moves to the Way Station full-time she trains under Leo, both as Hephaestus spawn and for when Katie eventually becomes the Way Station caretaker, but their dynamic doesn't change much
He's her cozy person. The best at hugs the best at toting her around. She loves him very much and always wants to be picked up when she's little, which he happily obliges. He also takes her flying which is very dope. He's such a safe person in her mind, the best person after Will to fall asleep on.
When Katie gets older they talk art a lot, he takes her to galleries and museums when Katie visits through highschool. If Katie needs an adult to back her she goes to Jason, he's very bad at saying no to her
She thinks she's super cool and super smart. She's permanently convinced Annabeth knows everything, like a walkingWikipedia. She is also the best at doing hair, she wants her to braid her hair all the time when she's little. They are book buddies too because once Annabeth finds out she likes to read she's sending Katie everything she has in accent Greek and Katie loves that. When Katie gets older they talk about building stuff, Katie's favorite person to sightsee with because she knows everything
When they learn Katie was also a ‘gift’ and a descendant of Athena Annabeth becomes kinda protective of her. They talk about being a gift sometimes, its good for Katie to have that
HORSE AUNT. Hazel teaches Katie to ride, and after she gets Skeletor they go riding every visit. They also talk about rocks, and Katie gets most of the gemstones for her work from Hazel. They both wish they were closer though, but living at opposite camps makes it hard, but they IM when they can. The spring break Katie spends with her strengthens their bond a lot
For a long time they don't have much of a relationship past ‘Aunt Hazel’s Husband’. This stems partly from Frank and Hazen never getting off at the same time, partly that Hazel can't come to family hell dinner, and partly distance. Then around when GrandMarie dies and they all learn more about Katie’s bio family Katie spends a spring break in new rome. Turns out their families left Greece at the same time, descendants of Poseidon and Athena going in different directions. (Franks family to China and Katie to Scotland and then Ireland) They bond over their shared heritage and alumni powers, and get close after that
The one of the seven she is the least close with. This is mainly due to the fact that Piper has tried to leave all of demigod life behind, and Katie is very entrenched in being a demigod. They do love each other though, they just don't know each other well as they would like
Lame, she thinks he's such a lame-ass doofus. He will never be cool in her mind, he's a dwebe. Hero of two wars savor of Olympus, uh huh sure so is her Papi you don't see him making a stink about it. All he does is eat blue food and take care of babies, he can breath under water so what her Goddad can make them both a bubble and then they can hang out he's not special. Everyone finds this hilarious but Percy
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baiika · 10 months
Give us the Yuzu meta 👀
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//I intended to gather actual srcs for this but then Got Lazy because Yuzu isn't one of my muses, so y'all just gonna have to take me at my word. & I won't pretend some of this isn't headcanon, but I do my WORK on this shit so I'm fairly confident in my interpretation.
What really bothers me is people treat Yuzu like a passive maid when the opposite is true. If anything, she's the matriarch of the Kurosaki family. & like, don't get me wrong, she's a very sweet girl who loves her family very much. But I think the difference between a maid & matriarch is decision-making & caretaking (including shit like discipline), which she does.
Starting off, very early on in the manga, while Ichigo is explaining how his sisters responded to Masaki's death, he explains that Yuzu took up the mantle of cooking & cleaning. I think this is where people got the passive maid from, & just haven't dug any deeper than that.
During Hueco Mundo arc, Rukia stays with the Kurosaki family. Instead of staying in secret, Rukia asks the family to stay. During this, it's shown Isshin & Yuzu are the ones who welcome Rukia. If Ichigo had say in this, he could've just had Rukia stay over without Rukia having to invent a sob story. But neither he or Karin are involved in this decision. The only child who is involved is Yuzu. I believe this is evidence that Yuzu has more say in the family affairs than Karin or Ichigo.
I've seen this tidbit around saying that if someone in the family doesn't brush their teeth within a certain amount of time before &/or after eating a meal, they don't eat the next meal. I've had a hell of a time hunting it down though & just don't have the time to continue looking for it for the sake of (checks notes) tunglr rp. While I don't agree with the methodology, this is a common punishment where I'm from, & I can see why she would enforce it based on one of two (or the combination of) two hypotheses.
It could be argued that Yuzu is a very hygienic person & just doesn't want to smell swamp-breath, but I doubt it's the case.
Yuzu being the primary housekeeper would mean she would be more familiar with what groceries are needed. This means she's involved with errands. Additionally, it's common for Japanese kids to run shopping errands entirely unsupervised. A family friend saw it semi-frequently when he visited Japan. I know there have been other observations on it, but again, I won't be sourcing any of this as I usually do out of Sheer Laziness(tm). Point being, the combination of cultural mores & Yuzu's position as cook & housekeeper, it's not a leap of imagination she'd take care of groceries, as well as other errands. It's entirely feasible she has a say in the budget.
(This, of course, contributes evidence to her position as matriarch, but I'm going a slightly different direction with this.)
Now, I'm a homeowner. My husband takes care of the money & bills while I take care of the housekeeping. This works for us because our different brands of neurodivergency give us different strengths. I'm better at manual labor & he's better at smarty-pants things. While I do contribute to the budget, he's the one who draws up the logistics monthly, which means every month, we gotta make room for shit like good works, rainy day, our variety of subscriptions, insurance, doctor, optometry, dental, therapy, & psychiatry appointments, etc, & how we're gonna pull it off in the budget. Sometimes it's by the skin of our teeth!
Isshin is the sole provider of a home of four. Doctors ARE paid a lot, but a lot of people don't understand how much goes into a small business. My father-in-law owns his own lawfirm & in the early years, I've been told that there were times they were in the negative between payroll & business expenses. Whatever Isshin makes is probably stretched pretty thin between himself & three kids. If Yuzu has a hand in the budget, she would have, at minimum, a vague understanding they're cutting it pretty close with bills.
This makes me think that she enforces this rule & rules similar to it so they aren't hemorrhaging money on shit that's easily prevented.
Which brings me to the pinnacle of my point-- if she isn't the matriarch, why isn't Isshin, the patriarch, doing any of this shit?
I haven't examined Isshin closely enough to give answers on his character, so I don't know why. What I do know is given his largely standoffish approach towards parenting his children (I mean, he knows Ichigo is a shinigami, but lets the boy fight hollows at all times of night, despite having a curfew in place), it's given Yuzu the opportunity to fill those shoes following Masaki's death.
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nyxo-cthulu · 2 years
Rating Stardew Valley Milfs, from worst to best.
Disclaimer: SPOILERS +I'm biased.
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Worst of. Robin. Mother of 2, Sebastian from first marriage (adult) and Maru from current marriage (youngest and adult) Robin is the one mom everyone gets a crush on in the first few minutes of playthru, but dont let that make you ignore the atrocities she still does in her house. Her MILK AND BREAD is building house, she is A CARPENTER, but she cant even think of building a window for her son??? Does she want him dead? asphyxion is a serious matter wtf and he lives in a basement? (thats okay, Sebastian likes the basement part, but he often voices his miscontent with having no windows) She also sit still in the face of her husband being controlling over her daughter... She is enabling abuse in exchange of comfort. Did she ever do any parenting ever? is the reason she married a second time, was to get a parent to take over the hassle she was never ready for???
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Coming for Pam in second. Mother of one, Penny, an adult. Need i say more? She is irredeemable. Irresponsible. Lazy. Low-key narcissistic. Lost herself to an addiction. Doesnt show much care about Penny. Cares more about how others see her than Penny. The education she gave to Penny was in the purpose of Penny taking care of her instead of the opposite. She is verbally abusive and some fans even speculate that she is physically so. Not a mother in any way shape or form.
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Third of, Jodi. Jodi Jodi Jodi... A pitiful woman, but still a bad mother. She still love her kids, but... She wasn't made for motherhood... Mother of Sam (adult ?) and Vincent (Kiddo) She hardly ever participate in taking care of the emotional and disciplinary needs of her kids, and she compensate by spoiling them with toys. Sam, he is a child with the age of an adult. Ans she is to blame... Vincent's mental growth is way worse than Sam's, its as if he has no actual mental stimulation aside from Penny's teachings :( She often complains about chores, but she doesn't realize that she could have given some responsibilities to Sam so that he could help her ToT Its a big part of discipline to give tasks and make the family work together. If you go talk to Vincent frequently, many times he would say that he was hungry... wtf Jodi.. what do you even do with your free time... I think i should also note that Jodi has no actual hobby to take her mind off of her miserable life aside from her little garden, and i'm not even sure what she even grows there... She has no life of her own, and she was forced into the mold of a mother, and she yearns for an escape... if only she had other ambitions, and an actual life outside of motherhood...
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Evelyn coming at fourth! She is not bad at all! She is technically a mom, and she takes care of her Grandson Alex! A very loving caretaker! She is a strong willed woman, and doesn't let old age take her productivity down! She is kind to all, and very nurturing ! Genuinely loves and care for people. Finds the joy in the little things, and loves to share with others. No flaws are to be seen in the horizon, except her attachment to the past, which is a cute thing about her tbh xD We don't see her much being a mother, but Alex is relatively a good boy, and it truly shows how much influence she had on him, since he seriously needed that affection in his life But...If Alex wasn't broken by his father... would Evelyn's education be considered too laid back? and would have Alex grown spoiled? George is definitely not a healthy authority figure, so he wouldn't fill the gaps of discipline... Would Evelyn know how to be occasionally harsh without being damaging? It all works out thankfully X)
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Best of all for last! Caroline! Mommy I wanna Ntr her so bad Caroline is often voicing her concern for Abigail when talking to the farmer. (Unlike the other direct moms) She truly cares for her daughter. She is just not used to Abigail's interests. And even in her argument with Abigail in the 6 heart event, she apologizes. It shows that, she isn't trying to be controlling, but rather that she is confused about the way her daughter acts and expresses herself. I personally believe that arguments with loved ones is a neutral thing, and that it is the intention of the party that decides whether it's a bad or good quarrel. Good quarrels usually reveals what the individual has to work on. And i think this was a good quarrel. Caroline was checking that Abigail was aware of the opportunities given to her, to make her grateful. It's discipline. And Abigail was asserting her individuality, and refusing to let others decide how she must look. She decides what she wears or does. Both listened to each other, and it was very satisfying tbh. Caroline is also the one person holding up the female population of Pelican town! She is healthy minded and bodied, and encourages other to be that as well, she invites the women to her home to exercise each week! She doesn't let go of her personal, social or Family responsibilities! +If she didn't exist, Jodi would have lost her mind At this point u_u All in all It requires to be a good person to be a good mother!
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Heheee Penny is definitely an honorable mention. She took it upon herself to educate and teach the kids of Pelican Town! She is a very encouraging individual. And she is filling the gaps in the learning process of these kids... She basically, became the mother she wish she had...
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decoloraa · 1 year
Casther occasionally gets described as a "man in a child's body" which references his tendency to joking around a lot and refusing to be too serious at times. It's easy to write him off as someone who failed to grow up, but it's the complete opposite!
From early age on, he was forced to grow up fast: His mother got ill when he was still a child, which caused him to take on more responsibilities bit by bit. Then, when he ran away from his dad together with his younger brother, Casther had to take on the role of the caretaker. He had to protect them, provide them with food and raise his younger brother.
While Casther had some rather peaceful years in his childhood, he quickly had to become mature. He was basically robbed from his teens, which is a big part in life where it's okay to be irresponsible, to chase after fun.
At Briggs he find himself in an (mostly) safe and structured environment, but also ends up being a place where he can trust other people. He didn’t have that for over a decade, he and always fought to survive day after day.
Sure, he has responsibilities too and he IS capableof being serious, but there are moments where he can let his guard down. With the save environment and save relationships he can allow himself to goof around and be silly.
So his childish tendencies are just him feeling save enough to let go and doing things he wasn't allowed to in his childhood.
It doesn't mean he's not able to be serious and responsible! Casther is very good at determining wheter a situation is critical or if it's a bad time for humor. He'd never do something that's reckless and endangers others. (Doesn't mean some of his shenanigans go differently than he planned..)
Val understands this and knows that he's just trying to catch up on some experiences (even if it's mostoy subconsciously). So whenever he gets wind of one of Casther's pranks, he let's him do it. It's about letting Casther's inner child roam free, but at the same time about him having to learn consequences. When Casther messes up (because instead of annoying Miles he pissed off Olivier), Val says "that's your problem". But not because he doesn't care. Val knows that he can't save Casther from learning things like this, and he refuses to be take on a parental role.
Val basically says "We're in a relationship, I am NOT your mom. I'm not gonna run after you so you don't hit your head." And he also knows that Casther wouldn't do something real endangering (and if he did, Val would intervene).
Not the biggest fan of ships where one person is responsible and reasonable and the other one is kinda like their grown-up kid. Not the most healthiest dynamics in my opinion 🫡 (or it CAN become a bit icky) That's why I'll never write Val going "Omg he did what?? I have to run to him and look if it's alright". Val being like "He did what? Is someone hurt? No? Then it sounds like it's not my problem" is far more funnier.
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dallonwrites · 9 months
ice cream, maple leaf and peach for the asks please!!!
🍨 [ICE CREAM] How does your OC compose themselves in stressful situations?
When Beau's stressed he feels it really bodily like he feels as if his body is misaligned with itself so a lot of movement! He's def someone who struggles to stay still and likes to move around a lot + a lot of his stims are around his hands, clenching/unclenching or holding onto things/wrapping things around them. This is also why he likes exercise he's absolutely going on runs with no destination or goal so he can feel the sensation of escape just for a moment
RR plot is basically just Felix and Dorothy getting stressed out by things and seeking out each other for it (either they actively seek each other out for actual comfort or take it out on each other LOL you ever just take your stress out on your sibling by purposefully challenging them or perhaps getting them to prove their devotion to you in some way). Outside of that Felix is smoking cigarettes and hooking up with men and when Dorothy is not being a menace to Felix she is just isolating herself and watching nature documentaries angrily
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
AUTUMNNN for Beau because HALLOWEEN and also the Folsom + Castro street fairs but weather wise he would prefer Summer because it's actually usually cooler then + also Pride and his birthday in June! But he likes warm weather as well so I think he likes Summer and Autumn equally and likes v much that they are next to each other! He also lovesss the foggy season so that's a bonus
Dorothy has always been an autumn girlie to me as well from a colour palette pov (I associate her with blues and purples but she loves the trees in autumnal colours), and she likes Halloween too LOL her and Beau could be BFFS....and Felix's favourite season is spring because he loves the colour of blossoms + the days getting longer + he is so lamblike to me or perhaps a fawn
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
Answered for Beau here !
In RR I think caretaking is the biggest demonstration of kindness between the twins like...they have taken care of each other their entire lives and continue to do so! They both have a caring nature but it shows in different ways and is one of the few moments where they are like. actually direct opposites of each other. Felix is really good at taking care of kids because he wants to be the adult he never had whereas Dorothy...would not know what to do if left alone with a child. On the other hand Dorothy has a lot of caretaking experience from being around sick friends + community and it's something that feels like second nature to her at this point, which is something Felix struggles with more because he doesn't like having to face that reality.
Kindness in general is like....Dorothy is sooo complicated I don't know where to begin because she definitely struggles with the idea of being kind generally and in times of her life has actively rejected the expectation for her to be kind. But she is kind when it comes to certain people! Definitely a struggles to warm up to people gal. There's also like.... a whole portion of RR where Felix is just a massive bitch LOL just straight up unlikeable, I cannot support him in this moment, like you know the character development is good when a character is actively embarrassed by their former self! I think they're kind and they are kind to each other even when they hate each other but there are times where they won't hesitate to be mean...both to each other and with other people
emoji themed OC interview
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bibiinitiative · 2 years
Some thoughts on AI-ball and Psyncer dynamics (AINI spoilers are under the cut)
Date and Aiba: I love how the first game develops them. They’re so fun the whole way through, and I didn’t even realize how hard-hitting they were until they showed me just how much they love each other, even if they won’t say it. It hurts so much, I love them so much. They’re perfectly balanced--while Date tends to go with crazy ideas and think illogically, Aiba is much cooler and more logical, and looks out for him.
Their dynamic is literally so well written, and it doesn’t lose it’s charm in AINI even if we don’t see them together very often. Their relationship in AINI doesn’t need to have any huge moments, so it works!
Mizuki and Aiba: This is indicative of AINI’s larger writing problems, but I just think that there’s not as much... weight as with Aiba and Date. That’s not to say that Aiba doesn’t care for Mizuki as much as she does Date! Not at all!!! But their dynamic stays the same the whole game, unlike the moments in AI1 that had me GLUED to Aiba and Date’s dynamic.
Aiba and Mizuki are often thinking the same--Mizuki is prone to doing stupid things, as a hotheaded teenager, which Aiba helps with her logical side, and it works, but it definitely doesn’t force me to realize just how much they love each other in the same way as AI1 did.
Ryuki and Tama: I really REALLY love their dynamic. I think that the creators made the right decision in making their dynamic an almost opposite of Date and Aiba--it makes Ryuki and Tama feel unique. But it also doesn’t feel like they just flipped Date and Aiba and called it good. Tama is also a caretaking AI, so while Ryuki has his bad mental health, Tama is dealing with that as best she can... I love the warmth they have, the way they so obviously care about each other even when Tama goes off on Ryuki for not liking bad comedy (lol)
I just... feel like Ryuki needs someone like Tama. Someone who will help him, to take care of him when he needs it, but also make sure his awkwardness and issues and make him able to communicate more effectively, to calm him down as needed. Tama tells Ryuki to get help when he needs it, and doesn’t push him too hard even if she can be harsh on the surface.
Ryuki and Tama cont: When we see Ryuki on Side Mizuki, he’s obviously not doing well, but we know that Tama IS taking care of him, making sure that even when he thinks he’s in the wrong time period he’s still functional, even if he’s a lot more... all over the place when we’re not In His Head.
Speaking of being in his head, I LOVE how Tama can’t read his thoughts, and how that leads to her not knowing why Ryuki is hiding things from her. But Ryuki just wants to save her from Tearer, and that’s why he betrayed Date... I think it’s such a heart-wrenching moment when you REALIZE why Ryuki is doing all that.
He desperately TRIES for Tama, and that’s what makes their dynamic really make even more sense, even if it was ALREADY so good before, but now they SEE how much Ryuki loves Tama. It affects everything in the story, and everything in Explosion Route, and it’s a lot to deal with. And Tama loves him back, of course!!! They’re partners!!! But she has no idea how far he’s going. I think that’s so. interesting and hurts. It’s their big moment, and while I wish we saw more about that, I’m so happy with all we got of the betrayal and understanding Ryuki’s feelings... aaaaaaaa...
Mizuki and Aiba cont: I think it’s hard to really talk about Mizuki and Aiba because our time is split between Aiba and Bibi (who don’t have a history) and Aiba and our Mizuki (who Aiba has known for over 4 years) and yet there’s little difference. I know this is a... general writing problem, but I wish we got a truly emotional moment with them, like how we did with Date+Aiba and Ryuki+Tama. Granted, the overall story didn’t call for that kind of dramatic moment, but even if their already established dynamic is good, it feels like there should have been more. It just doesn’t compare to the other two main AI-ball/Psyncer duos.
Regardless, I had fun with their dynamic.
Bibi and Marco: I really like them tbh, at least in concept. I know that’s kind of funny because Marco/Maruko is mentioned like three times ever, but I think he (they?) are a funny little lad whose shyness makes sense from a writing standpoint, but it means we have to make up the dynamic here. I don’t think Bibi needs an especially loud partner to cool her down--at 24 years old, she seems fairly levelheaded, albeit still prone to anger sometimes (see: her beef with Ryuki) so I wonder how Marco responds to that. I bet they’re good friends regardless, and Marco has obviously opened up to Bibi enough for her.
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rii-bows · 2 years
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Let Me Love You
Summary: You're having a hard time believing Saeran loves you... but dont worry, he'll show you
Word count: 2.9k
Tags & TW/CW: Saeran x Reader, NSFW, gn reader, soft sex, mirror sex, fluff, lots of L bombs, aftercare, praising, this is very self indulgent lol
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You and Saeran were well aware of the mental state both of you were in. And in short? Neither were great.  
You guys both knew and understood the work you’d need to do to maintain the relationship. Which meant that there were periods where one or the other would have to pick up the other after a bad day. 
For the first couple of days, everything was as normal as things could be. You guys loved each other like any couple would. 
But after a while, it became painfully clear that you couldn't keep up the facade. 
You had inevitably fallen into a depression episode. Compared to your other episodes, you mostly spent this time laying around, not really being able to do anything and waiting out your episode until you were able to function again. This time, you had Saeran but to be honest, it still wasn't any easier. In some ways, it was almost harder to do anything.
When you first started dating, you were the one that was able to commfort him on hard nights. You were the one that talked him through his anxiety attacks and night terrors, but now you felt you set a high expectation for yourself. The expectation to be his caretaker… and now you weren't meeting it. 
Saeran was your partner and vowed to make you happy in any way he could but this was not solvable by just talking it out. You just needed this to pass and wanted him by your side to make it easier. But you were still new to this. 
You didn't know how to just be depressed around someone you loved.
 You wanted to be there for him but when it was a struggle to even do basic human functions, you found it hard to be there for him. 
And worst of all, you just felt needy . You hated hearing that word as you grew up and as you aged, it never got any easier. At first, you appreciated Saeran doing the extra work for you. Cooking you meals, bringing you flowers, laying with you in the morning until you could manage to get up, but now it was all starting to get to you. 
Didn't he feel tired?
After all the trauma he went through, didn't he feel tired having to look after you. You just felt so helpless and weak. He promised to spend eternity with you but that was before you had exposed your mental state. Did he still love you as much as he did before where you were the one helping him stand on his own?
You laid in bed, mindlessly letting your thoughts run rampant in your head as you stared at the bedroom you guys shared. What if he finally just got fed up and didn't come for you in the morning? What if he finally realized how much baggage you carried and no longer wanted to spend eternity with you? How deep did his love truly go?
Right on cue, you heard knocking before seeing Saeran walk through the door holding a plate of what seemed to be pancakes. “Good morning my love, I’ve made you breakfast.” 
You managed to meek out a small thanks before looking away. You felt guilty. You should be the one taking care of him, not the other way around. 
And you knew a relationship goes 2 ways, but it didn't stop you from feeling the familiar burn in your eyes. You quickly tried to blink them away but the blinking quickly turned into tears and tears quickly turned into crumbling against Saeran as he held on to you tightly much to your dismay. 
He let you cry into his shoulder until your throat became dry. You felt so pathetic crying into the shoulder of the person you felt should be doing the opposite. Did he really love you this much or was he just tolerating you. You couldn't stop your tears from falling until you eventually ran out of tears. Saeran held you the entire time, only letting you go when your crying became stuttered breathing.
He held your cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe away tears as you attempted to catch your breath.
“Don't you ever get tired of me?” you managed to get out. It was meant to be only a thought but you unconsciously said it outloud as you avoided his eye contact. 
Saeran dropped his hands from you face in confusion as if he had did something wrong. Of course he didn't but you just felt so frustrated in the moment, you didn't mean for your words to come off as aggressive.
“What do you mean?” he asked. He sounded so genuinely concerned. You a
“Me. Arent you tired of having to take care of me?” You told him, trying your best to hide your hurt but it was hard to do so when you had only just stopped crying.
Saeran stared at you as you continued to avoid his eyes. “My love… why would I be?” Maybe it was because he was confused or was genuinely hurt that you questioned his love, but his pause only proved how shocked he truly was. He sounded so soft and you so badly wanted to take back your question but you knew there was no going back now.
“Because well… I mean… you know.” You managed to get out. You knew you had an answer but you didn't really have an answer for him. 
“No. I don't know.” He answered back quickly. He was adamant on his stance. He tried to get you to look at him for an answer but you were to embarrassed to look him in the eyes. He didn't show it but you knew he felt somewhat hurt by this.
You guys sat on the bed for what felt like ages before Saeran let go of the hand neither of you realized he was holding. “I’ll be right back.” You thought this was the moment yout brain had made up. The moment where he leaves you and never comes back and you felt your heart drop to your stomach. That is until he doesn't reach for the bedroom door but rather the closet door.
He pulled out a large mirror you forgot you had stored away and placed it in front of the bed. 
He came back to the bed, sitting his back against the headboard before patting the space in front of him. You tilted your head in confusion before he mumbled “Please, I need to show you something. Take your clothes off”
You slowly striiped your clothes and climbed towards him, sitting between his legs, back facing him. He gestured for you to open your legs so you followed. You still refused to make eye contact with him or the mirror knowing exactly what’d you see. You pathetically opening your legs for him after crying your eyes out over feeling too needy. And here you were, naked and already getting horny and needing his touch.
“God… you know you look so amazing right now right? I wish you’d look at us” Saeran whispered into your ear.
You didn't answer. You were still unsure of what he was trying to do and to be honest, you didn't feel too amazing right now. You loved hearing his compliments but, it only reminded you of how dependent you had become recently. This also felt wildly out of place for the emotional moment that happened not even a full 5 minutes ago. 
He grabbed your chin, gently turning it towards him before kissing you. He tasted like the fruit and pancake batter and you couldnt help but melt against his tongue pushing through your lips to taste yours. 
His hands began to wonder around your body. He began to massage your thigh, coming close to your sex but never quite touching it. You resisted the urge to roll into it but after touching your body a million times before, his touch still felt amazing. 
He placed a couple of quick kisses down your neck before saying exactly what you didn't even know you needed to hear. “I’ll never get tired of you. I’ll never get tired of how our bodies mend together. I’ll never get tired of your pretty face no matter how many tears you shed. I love you more than anything and no amount of anything is going to stop that.” 
You leaned into his kisses and let go of the resistance you didn't even know you were holding. You took this time to finally sneak a peak at the mirror. Saeran looked so… in love. His kisses and touch seemed to soft and intimate and you couldn't help but let out an escaped moan. 
Saeran heard you moan and smiled at you through the mirror, seemingly pleased that you finally peaked. “You see yourself in the mirror right? You see how my hands kneed into you body like it's the only thing I want” You nodded, staring at him through the mirror in front of you watching you squirm against his touch. 
“Good. I want you to look at me and see how much I love you because obviously I havent been doing a good job with that recently.” He pulled a bottle of lube from out the dresser before squeezing a good amount into his hands. “Don’t worry about needing me right now, I just want to show you how much love I have for you.”
He closed the bottle and put it back in the dresser before going back to your sex. You finally let yourself roll into his touch and god did it feel amazing. So this is what he was planning. 
You let out a few more moans, rocking yourself against his hands. Watching you fuck his hand was all Saeran needed in that moment and you could feel his cock rising against your back. You looked so amazing against him. 
“That’s it. Feel my hands against you. Let me love on you for just this moment.” he breathly said into your neck. 
He began to use his other hand to rub your sensitive nipples as he kissed against your neck. Between him massaging your hard nipples and rubbing your messy sex so slowly, you began to feel your climax approaching. You held your hands around where his hands were and began to close your eyes in pleasure. You were so so close. Or at least you were close.
Saeran pulled his hands from off of you and used his other hands that were previously on your nipples to pull your chin fowards. 
“Ah ah, no closing your eyes. I need you to truly see how much I love you. Look at me now.” 
You opened your eyes to look at the mirror. Saerans hand held a loose but firm grip on your chin guiding it towards the mirror so it was hard not to look. 
He looked… beautiful. His eyes were soft and focused on making you feel good. He took his time with you, admiring every curve and shape on your body. He traced his fingers over every mark and blemish the front of your body had before returning to your nipples and touching both of them. You sqirmed against his touch. You wanted him to touch you where he was before but he wouldn't. You lowered you hand in an attempt to touch yourself but Saeran used one of his hands to stop you.
“Nope, none of that either. Right now, I’m the one making you feel good. You just need to tell me what you need, ok love?” 
“Saeran, please, mmm~,  I need you to fuck me.” you manged to get out between him still rubbing your sensitive nipples. 
He was waiting for you to ask him and after being able to ask him without him telling you to, he felt you deserve more. “Alright, alright. But I need you to say these words ok? Whats my name?”
He stopped rubbing you and placed his hands around your hips in order for you to answer properly. He needed to hear you say this. “...Saeran.”
“Good. Now say ‘Saeran loves me’. That's the secret code for now ok? I’m gonna need you to say it whenever you want something from me ok?” 
You were used to telling him that you loved him or him telling you that he loved you, but you’d never had to tell him that he loves you. It felt kind of embarrassing to say but you knew Saeran had a habit of teasing you like this. 
“...Saeran loves me.” you said, but not loud enough for his liking.
“I need to hear you baby. You know I won't continue if I think you don't know how much I love you.” He continued to tease your hole with his cock making very light brushes against your sex. You just wanted him in you and you were almost to the point whered you face any type of embarrassment to get that from him. 
“Saeran loves me- mmph!” you were interrupted by him sliding his cock into you. You fell fowards slightly, his push forward proving he was a lot greedier than he let on. 
“Good job love, that's all I needed to hear from you - fuck baby you feel so good~ “ Saeran leaned over you, using one of his hands to place around your waist while using the other one to hold your hand. You interlocked fingers with him as you slid back against his cock. “Arch you back love.”
He began rocking into your needy hole as you watched him in the mirror. He looked so focused on fucking you, so proudly watching you fall apart under him.
“Fuuuck mmmm baby look at us. Look at how my dick slides into you.”
You watched as he pumped into you, his tip reaching you most pleasurable spot. Each rock followed by you moaning his name. 
“If i didn'tlove you, would I really be fucking into you like this? Do you see how much I love you right now? Tell me how much you need me right now.” 
“Ah~I’m so close Saeran!” you moaned.
“Whats the code love?” Saeran asked between thrusts. 
“Saeran loves me.”
“Louder, I need you to say until you believe it.”
“Saeran loves me!”
“Louder for me.”
“Saeran loves me!! Saeran loves me! Saeran loves me!!” You didn't care how loud you were at the moment. This was the least you could do for him right now and you wanted, no, needed to believe him right now.
“That's right, mmm, that's right baby I love you. Now cum for me, I know you can.” 
Saerans pace became uneven as you felt the wave hit you full force,cumming around his cock inside of you as you moaned incoherent strings of how much you love him. He moved his hand from your fingers and moved it towards your stomach as he fucked into your hole clenching tighly around him until he slowed to a stop. When he slowly pulled his cock out, he was covered in a mixture of both his and your cum. 
He pulled you back up against you, kissing all over your body. In between each kiss he couldn't stop smiling and staring at the mirror. “Look at you. You look so beautiful,you know that right? Come on, lets get you cleaned up.”
He led you to the bathroom, where he prepared a warm bath for the both of you to sit in. Once in, he gestured for you to face him as he cleaned and massaged you.
The both of you sat in silence, enjoying the presence of each other before Saeran spoke up. “You know, my love for you extends past anything you can imagine. I love you and want to spend eternity with you and no amount of is too much for me.”
You only managed to nod after his words.
“Can I hear the code?” he asked softly. 
You looked him into his eyes and unlike before where your words were mostly just from horny brain fog talk, you cupped his cheek and told him. “Saeran love me. And I love you.” 
“That's right, I know you do my love.” he told you, now holding the hand that was against his cheek.
His hands glazed over a mark on your shoulder you didn't realize before before you flinched. Saeran just laughed before touching you more gently. “Look at the lovebites I left for you. If I didn't love you, would I have left these just for you?” He continued to massage your shoulder, being extra careful around the hickies he left. 
Between his soft touches and reassuring words, your body began to tremble again. This time from comfort. You realized how little tension you had in your body compared to the last couple of days. Sitting between the love of your life in the hot bathtub was more than your brain could handle. You unapologetically let your tears flow for once enjoy the comfort you felt in that very moment.
“I love you Saeran,” you began to hiccup. “I love you so so much.”
“I know you do. I love you too.”
The both of you sat in silence as he continued to bathe you. You wondered just what you had done to deserve such a loving partner, but you knew Saeran would put you through another round of “showing you his love” if you said that though out loud. 
“The breakfast is probably cold now…” you thought outloud. 
Saeran facepalmed his forehead in shame. “Damn, I completely forgot about it.” You found it kind of funny how after all of that, he still felt bad over cold pancakes.
“...Can I make us breakfast instead?”
Saeran leaned closer into you, pulling you into a hug. “Of course you can, but lets just stay like this for right now. Ok my love?” 
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🖋molly and shane
From this post: “Send me a pen emoji+an OC and I’ll talk about them!”
Ah, Shane and Molly. The OCs that almost had only one story. My go-to modern OCs. The ones I write when I need all the sweet, loving caretaking and banter and a couple who are madly in love and also genuinely best friends. I think I gush about them enough through each other’s eyes in their fics, so I’m gonna take a minute to tell y’all things that I know about them that likely won’t come out in sickfic, or would get passing mentions at best.
Content under the cut because it got long. 
Shane, my favorite golden retriever boy (emphasis on the Golden.) He’s the youngest of three, with an older sister and an older brother. He is naturally athletic and charismatic. He played lacrosse all through his school years, and still works out every day he can. He’s kind to everyone he meets from the janitor and waitress to the CEO and president, and he’s definitely the type to pay for the order of the person behind him in the drive thru. As Thor is to Hela and Loki, so Shane is to his siblings. They’re nice enough, but they’re money and status-driven like their parents. HIs older brother is the heir, his older sister is the princess, and Shane is the spare. While his parents or siblings would never say or think this, and are in fact very fond of him in their own way, Shane became aware of this disparity in his college years. He’s still fond of them as well, but they’ll never be what he considers ‘close.’ He was often overlooked and left to nannies to look after in his growing up years. No one ever particularly cared when he wasn’t feeling well or had some other issue and only dealt with it on a practical level without the typical caring/emotion, so he learned to stop telling people things and even stop noticing how he himself was feeling, which is where his impressive lack of self-awareness stems from. However he’s also pragmatic and knew he’d grown up in the upper class and it would be uncomfortable to transition to a lower lifestyle than he was used to, so he took a job where he could help people and still make a good living. And thus Dr. Mitchell was born. He was never top of the class, but he survived medical school and residency without too much trouble, and he was happy at last to get on his own and start making his own life away from the shadow of his parents and siblings. Molly is exactly the sort of person he needed to find in life. He desperately craves human connection and got serious quickly with every girl he ever dated, which ended up scaring most of them away. Molly cares for people exceedingly deeply, but kept him at arm’s length for a long time to protect herself. Due to this, he learned how to court a woman properly, and how it should feel when your heart is truly involved and what it means to slowly fall in love. She balances him in every way, and he cannot imagine life without her. 
Molly’s childhood was the opposite of Shane’s in almost every way. She grew up in a trailer park as the only child to a single father. Her teenaged mother wanted to end the pregnancy when it was discovered, but her teenaged father begged her to keep it. Her mother carried the pregnancy through only for him, but left as soon as Molly was born and cut ties. Molly has only met her a handful of times. Her father and his family was totally devoted to her though, and she never lacked for affection. The pair were best friends until the day he died in a motorcycle accident. That was also the day Molly decided to go into medicine. She was an EMT for a few years as she slowly worked toward her nursing degree, taking twice as long as everyone else, since she refused to take out loans. Her degree is her greatest accomplishment, and she loves being a nurse. She can’t imagine anything else she’d rather do with her life, or a better way to honor her father’s memory. Though she is hilarious, sharp, and witty, Molly is quiet and introverted around most people, and grew up with her nose stuck in a book. She keeps her circle small, but close, and she doesn’t work to maintain friendships that she doesn’t think will be lifelong. She is totally content in her own company and had no plans to get married until she met Shane–and even then, it took a long time for her to come around. She’d never even had a serious boyfriend before him. However, his genuine, joyful nature and easygoing ways won her over where every other guy had failed, by speaking to her heart on a deeper level than anyone had tried before. He is the only person she’s felt truly safe with since her dad, and it breaks her heart that the two will never meet on earth. 
About them as a couple: They started at the hospital where they met at almost the exact same time. Money was a big issue for them when they first got engaged and moved in together. Shane is a spender and Molly is a saver. He always wants to buy her things and pay for things for her, and she was very against this initially and still struggles with it. It’s a recurrent issue, but they’re working on it. They will likely never have kids, and I’m not sure you’ll ever see a NSFW fic about them together. Sex is… complicated for them. Shane has a normal male libido, but Molly has a lot of health and psychological issues that make sex painful and difficult. They try, but they can only do so much. This is something they have to work through together daily as well. Despite these things, their relationship is a very happy one. They both know what it’s like to lose and be without, and they have chosen to make a happy life with what they’ve been given. They flirt and tease and drive each other crazy and can’t live without each other. They haven’t told me how they met yet, but when they do, I’ll definitely write a meet-cute fic! All I know so far is that it involves Shane sneezing (and hiding?) in a closet. 
A few more random Shane facts: He must pet every dog he sees, and animals and babies love him. Non-anatomical, childish words for things (like tummy and belly) squick him out and he gets genuinely angry when he’s around adults who regularly use those words (this stems from a series of nannies that tried to infantilize him). His best subject in school was history, he loves museums and dinosaurs, and he would have been an archaeologist if it paid well and wouldn’t doom him to a life in academia. (Molly loves this and loves to humor him and is always buying him dinosaur things. Dinosaurs are the unironic, unashamed theme of his home office.)
A few more random Molly facts: Her favorite place in their town is the botanical gardens, and she goes there nearly every day off with snacks and books, spending hours at a time if she can. She’s very musical, but too much of a perfectionist to think she’s any good, especially when she stopped practicing daily. She plays piano and cello, and was in choir all through her school years, but has horrible stage fright when doing solos. Recitals were torture for her. If it were up to her, she’d attend college classes every semester and take a few credits in whatever interests her, anything from marine biology to creative writing. (Shane desperately wants to make this happen. She is reluctant to let him because it’s too frivolous.)
Thank you for sending this, anon! Please feel free to send me asks and prompts about them any time!!
I have two fics written for them in Sicktember, one with sick Molly and one with sick Shane. I can’t wait for you all to read them!
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legends-of-time · 4 months
The Journey of Living at Downton
Chapter 29: April 1922 Continuation
After the concert, the guests begin to depart from Downton the next morning. The house party seems to have affected everyone, good and bad.
Emma herself feels shaken and down after Anna's attack and she can see that Tom is confused about her behaviour as well as why she hadn't returned to the concert. Emma had continued with the lie Anna had fed Mr Bates, which Tom seemed to accept hesitantly. Emma wants to tell him the truth but she can't betray Anna. She feels worse when Gemma tells her of the odd mood Anna is in with marks on her face while Green (the valet that attacked Anna) is unwell with Dr Clarkson having to come and see him before departure and Emma can't tell her the truth. You think she'd be used to not being her full self and telling lies, for example, Pamuk, time travel etc, but nope.
Emma is in the Hall saying goodbye to guests. She makes her business to avoid some, Sampson and Lady Raven for example but says farewells to Michael, the Duchess, Gillingham and Bullock (Rose's insistence).
"Do you think Billy is alright?" Tom asks her as Gillingham and Mary walk away from them. The two seem to get along quite well but Emma isn't sure. Maybe it has something to do with a particular valet.
Emma looks over to see that a little further away, the Duchess of Yeovil is saying farewell to Billy. The man seems quite down and even more upset than he had seemed last night.
"I hope so." Emma murmurs.
Emma joins Cora, Mary, Edith, Robert and Rose as they watch the cars drive away. Honestly, she's glad to see the back of them all.
Emma is staring down at her cup listlessly as she sits on the settee in the Library with Tom beside her having his own cup. Billy lingers by the door and if she was paying attention, Emma would've gone over to him to ask him what's the matter.
Mary walks in snapping Emma back to the room at large. "The tax people have had a cancellation, so they can see us on Wednesday at noon. But I think we should go up tomorrow. I wouldn't like to risk being late."
Robert looks annoyed as he wanders over to the table laid out for them, placing his cup down. "And you don't want me to come?"
"There's no point in you all going." Cora mediates from where she sits on the opposite settee. Emma knows how she feels. It seems father and daughter are battling it out on what's the best way to pay the tax. Robert wants to sell land and Mary disagrees (so does Emma).
Robert turns to his daughter. "It's not that you're afraid I might put the case for selling?"
"It's not a question of putting the case. They don't care how they get their money, so long as they get it." Tom reminds him.
"I'll ask how long they can give us, and what scale of payment they'll accept. Then I'll report back." Mary tells Robert. Emma feels quite proud of the businesswoman she's becoming.
"And we'll make a decision together." Robert says pointedly with a new cup in his hand.
"But I will try to persuade you."
Robert lets out a huff as he walks over to stand by the settee Emma and Tom sit on. "Even though you'd be dragging a debt behind you for twenty years?"
"I don't care. Not if Downton is self-sufficient by the end of it." Mary declares passionately before moving to make herself a cup.
"Isn't it better to make Downton better in the long term?" Emma adds. She wants to get involved as much as she can for Tom, for the Crawleys and for Downton. So far, it's throwing out some logic when she sees fit to do so.
Robert speaks with a sigh. "I can see I'll spend the rest of my life paying by instalments." He sits down on the chair next to where Emma sits.
"Papa, you always say we're not the owners of Downton, but the caretakers. Very well. Let's take care of it." Mary says as she makes her cup. It is then Rose comes walking in, going over to the table. Robert and Tom stand in greeting while Billy smiles slightly at her.
"Aunt Rosamund said Tom and I can stay with her," Mary says as she sits down next to Cora. "You should come, Emma."
Emma looks at her in surprise. "Me? Why?"
"You don't seem yourself this morning dear." Cora says, smiling kindly.
Emma swallows uncomfortably as she can see her husband's questioning look in the corner of her eye. She shakes her head. "Oh no, I'm fine."
"So, you'll come?" Mary asks.
Emma looks at Tom, who smiles at her. Emma knows that it's not his ideal idea of an outing but it would be nice for them to go out somewhere. "If it means that much to you, but only if Billy comes."
"Of course he will." Billy smiles fondly at his sister-in-law but doesn't express his disagreement. "You don't mind keeping an eye on the children, do you, Mama?"
Cora smiles. She'd like nothing better.
Rose turns from the table. "Is this London? When are you going? Can I come?" She questions enthusiastically.
Emma feels slightly amused at the girl's behaviour. She isn't very subtle in trying to meet up with Sir John Bullock. But Emma enjoys the light the young girl brings to the house.
"Tomorrow, and I don't see why not." Mary replies.
"Nor me." Cora adds. Pleased, Rose turns back to the table. Cora turns to Mary. "Will you meet Tony Gillingham while you're there?" Real subtle.
"I don't think so. Why should I?" Mary comments casually.
"Just thought you might."
Mary is annoyed. "Don't be transparent, Mama. It doesn't suit you."
Emma looks up when the door opens and sees Billy leave the room without a word to anyone. Emma frowns in worry.
That evening, Emma catches Anna hurriedly leaving Mary's room. The lady's maid is looking worse for wear and Emma doesn't mean just the bruises.
"Anna? How are you doing?" Emma asks as she catches up with her as they walk along the landing.
Anna smiles tightly at her. "Fine. I'm fine, Emma. Thank you." She answers shortly.
Emma is surprised by her response but doesn't let it deter her. "It's just if you want to talk about it? You shouldn't carry it on—"
"I said I'm fine." Anna cuts her off, picking up her pace. "There's much to do."
Emma stops and stares after her with great sadness. What is she to do?
At dinner that night, Emma becomes even more concerned for Billy as she watches him sit in his seat looking despondent, not joining in the conversation from where she sits on the opposite side of Tom to him. Robert and Isobel are discussing the idea of setting up an out-clinic at the Hospital, Tom had asked a simple question and it had snowballed from there.
"Aren't we encouraging a nation of hypochondriacs, if they rush to a doctor at every twinge?" Robert asks Isobel as Jimmy serves him.
"On the contrary. I think it encourages people to look after themselves and not become a burden." Isobel argues from where she sits between Emma and Cora.
"Hmm, so you mean to help?"
Emma perks up at this, pleased to hear Isobel getting involved again.
"A little. Just to provide some free labour. No more than that." Isobel replies softly.
"I wish someone would provide me with some free labour." Robert grumbles.
"Oh. Lloyd George would never allow it." Violet chuckles.
A look at Mr Carson tells Emma that he'd rather not even hear that name mentioned in this house. Suppose that's what happens when a prime minister is big on social reform and ending a lot of privileges of the British upper class with heavier tax burdens on them, among them the inheritance tax, or 'death duties'.
"Rosamund is so looking forward to seeing you." Cora says to Rose, who sits on her other side.
"Poor Aunt Rosamund. We use her like an hotel." Edith comments as she sits between her father and sister.
Emma shrugs. "She likes seeing her family and entertaining. What's wrong with that?"
Mary speaks with a brief disapproving look at Edith, "I agree. It gives her a surrogate real life."
"What do you think, Billy? Do you think she minds?" Edith calls to her brother-in-law.
Billy is far away and doesn't seem to even hear the question.
"Billy?" Emma calls. Everyone is looking at him expectantly.
This seems to bring Billy back as he looks at them questioningly. "I'm sorry. What were you saying?"
"I'd far rather know what you were thinking." Mary jokingly comments. He gives an embarrassed smile and reaches for his glass. Everyone turns back to having their own conversations but Emma instead continues to stare at Billy in concern.
Emma arrives in the Drawing room at Rosamund's house in London. She rolls her eyes at the sight of Lord Gillingham waiting with Rosamund, Rose, Tom, Billy and Sir John Bullock. She greets them and takes a seat. It seems all they have to wait for is Mary.
Mary hurries in, pulling on her gloves. "Sorry to keep you waiting, but Anna couldn't find- Oh." She stops at the sight of the guests.
"I hope I'm a surprise and not a shock." Gillingham remarks hopefully.
Mary looks genuinely shaken. "Well, you're certainly unexpected."
"I thought I'd get up a small party, just an informal one." Rosamund tells her. She indicates to Sir John. "You remember Sir John Bullock?"
"He and Lord Gillingham have just been staying with us." Mary answers rather coolly. Emma doesn't blame her. She herself wouldn't like everyone pushing men onto her.
"Cora said it had been a success."
"How clever of you both to be free at such short notice." Rose says to the two guests.
"They brought your message to my club. I thought I had an evening of cards and whisky ahead, so it was a welcome change of plan." Sir John remarks.
"And what about you?" Mary asks Gillingham.
"Well, I cancelled what I was supposed to be doing." He replies.
"I hope Miss Lane Fox didn't mind."
Emma shares a look with Tom. Miss Lane Fox? Oh dear, poor woman.
"Don't punish me for wanting to see you again."
"John's got a marvellous idea for later on, haven't you?" Rose then butts in.
"After dinner, I thought I could take you all to hear the new band at the Lotus Club. If you'll let me?" He suggests.
Rose turns to Rosamund. "You and Mary can be my chaperones, so what could be more proper?" Rosamund looks amused by the statement.
"It isn't too jazzy, Lady Rosamund. Just a club with a good dance band." Sir John reassures her.
"We can keep the young in order," Gillingham says. He turns to Mary with a considerate. "That's if you like the sound of it."
Mary and Tom look unsure, Emma feels mildly interested while Billy looks like it's the worst idea he's ever heard.
"Please say yes, Mary, do. It's such eons since we've had any fun." Rose pleads.
"What about you, Billy, Emma, Tom?" Mary asks evasively.
"I suppose so but we shouldn't put Tom and Billy through it, they can stay here with Rosamund." Emma suggests.
"Oh, I was thinking I might go, too and Emma cannot possibly come without her own." Rosamund corrects.
"That settles it. Billy can come as Aunt Rosamund's partner." Rose declares. Emma shares a defeated look with Tom and Billy.
Gillingham turns to Tom and Billy. "Well?"
"We give in." Tom uncomfortably replies.
This is not a dimly lit, disreputable nightclub, but a very posh place. The company of eight are ascending the stairs. Lively jazz music can be heard from the main room, then applause. Inside the main room, they approach their table. The singer of the band comes into view, singing beautifully.
"Some more champagne over here!" Sir John calls to a waiter.
"I don't really need any more." Mary says.
"Amen to that." Emma adds.
"Nonsense. How can we keep going if we're not properly fuelled?"
Emma scoffs at this man's behaviour his evening of cards and whisky had clearly already begun when he got Rosamund's invitation. He's going to make an idiot out of himself soon.
"I can keep going." Gillingham says pointedly.
He holds his hand out to Mary, inviting her to dance, while the other four sit down. Mary and Gillingham start to dance to a slower number. They share a little laugh. Emma's a bit concerned as she knows that Mary isn't quite at the point of thinking of marrying again and Gillingham is meant to be engaged.
The band, later on, begins to play a song for the tango. Rosamund and Billy are dancing while Emma and Tom are dancing nearby.
"Quite the opposite to the pub we'd go to with your family and our friends in Dublin, isn't it?" Emma remarks.
"Very." Tom huffs. He pauses then as if working up the courage to say something causing Emma to look at him concerned. "Emma, I don't know why you've been feeling down for the past couple days and of course I noticed, I'm your husband. But you do know you can talk to me, about anything."
Emma smiles softly at him. "I know. And I'm fine really."
Tom sighs. "You're not going to tell me anything are you?"
"It's not for me to say."
Emma then spots Sir John swirling Rose around rather forcefully, making silly noises. He's obviously very drunk and Rose seems rather overwhelmed.
"Oh, dear! Er, should we sit down?" Rosamund tries to suggest to them before she and Billy step off the dance floor, Emma and Tom following.
Rose seems to be trying to encourage him to get off the dance floor but is struggling as he stumbles with her continuously having to catch him.
"It's getting quite out of hand, should we—" Emma tries to say but then suddenly Sir John is barging past them with his hand pressed over his mouth as he hurries from the room.
Rose is left standing alone on the dance floor, deeply embarrassed. The singer walks towards her and starts dancing with her.
Emma is glad about it but then Rosamund sees what's going on. "Oh, Mary." She murmurs alarmed. "Tom, could you..." Rosamund indicates to the dance floor.
Emma narrows her eyes knowing she's reacting like this because he's black and hurriedly says, "I'll come with you."
As Tom and Emma approach them, Emma can see how quite taken with the singer Rose is.
"Rose. I've been sent to fetch you." Tom says.
The singer stops dancing with Rose and lets go of her. "Well, if your friends are waiting..."
"I'm so sorry. Um, this is Tom Branson and his wife, Emma. This is Mr Ross. He rescued me from deep humiliation." Rose introduces. She and Mr Ross share a chuckle.
"We should be going." Tom says instead of greeting Mr Ross.
Emma is angry and annoyed with Tom for his attitude to Mr Ross. She turns to the singer with a smile. "Thank you, Mr Ross."
Rose gives Jack an apologetic smile, then moves back towards their table with Tom and Emma. "There was no need to be rude."
"I wasn't rude." Tom replies.
"Yes, you were." Emma retorts. Tom looks surprised at her sharp tone.
Rose turns to the table at large. "Where's John?"
"I should think he's gone home." Gillingham says as he, Mary, Billy and Rosamund all rise from their chairs.
"Well, have we all had enough?" Rosamund asks.
"I hope he paid the bill before he left." Rose utters. "Honestly, if it hadn't have been for Mr Ross—"
"You looked as if you were having quite an adventure with your gallant band leader." Rosamund cuts her off censoriously.
"He was terribly nice! And John had made me look like such a fool!" Rose defends. The others walk out, making Rose feel rather stupid.
"Don't worry, Rose," Emma reassures her as they leave. "They're all just being ignorant."
The six remaining party-goers return and take off their coats, handing them to the staff that greet them. Gillingham had said goodbye earlier.
"I'm going up." Rosamund says.
Rose speaks with a sigh, "I'll come with you. I'm whacked."
"I'm assuming Sir John Bullock has blotted his copybook for you."
"Oh, I don't know. Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?"
"Not everyone, no." Rosamund retorts. "Things have come to a pretty pass when you have to be rescued by a black bandleader."
"What's wrong with that?" Emma asks sharply and pointedly.
"I was jolly pleased anyone wanted to rescue me, and so would you have been." Rose adds.
Rose and Rosamund start walking up the stairs together. Mary goes after them. Tom moves to go with them but then stops when realising Emma isn't following.
"I'll be up in a moment." She tells him. She turns to Billy, who stands next to her. Emma decides that this is as good a time as ever to find out what's going on. "What's the matter? You've been walking under a dark cloud all day."
"If I told you, you'd despise me." Billy replies.
Emma looks at him in surprise before moving to one of encouragement. "I dreaded telling someone something once, but when I did, it made things much easier between us and I felt better myself."
"Well, I couldn't say it. Not to you."
Emma feels hurt he won't tell her but knows she can't make him so she relents, "Then find someone you can tell. It will help more than you know. And on that modest note... goodnight."
She walks up the stairs.
Mary and Tom go to see the tax people at noon and soon they are all on their way back to Downton.
When the cars reach Downton, Alfred and Jimmy both move to open the doors to let them out.
"Thank you." Emma murmurs to Alfred as he holds the door open for her as she steps out with Tom, Billy and Madge following while Anna, Mary and Rose step out of the other car. The footman gives her a brief smile.
Emma follows Mary and Rose as they walk towards the front door. Anna and Madge turn aside towards the servants' Courtyard. Emma watches after them in concern. The lady's maid has still been quiet the entire trip.
"Rose," Mary calls out causing the young girl to turn, "Anna needs to use your curling irons."
"All right. Madge?" The maid gives her a nod to indicate she hears.
"Mine are broken." Mary explains.
"You'll have to get new ones." Emma says to Mary as she and Tom walk with her through the door.
Emma doesn't hear Mary's response as when she glances back to look at Billy, she sees him walk off after Anna and Madge in the direction of the Yard, too. Emma's eyebrows furrow as she continues walking. She hopes that perhaps he's taken her advice.
Emma is with Tom and Mary in the Drawing room, spending time with Michael, Ivy, Sybbie and George. Emma had missed her children the past couple of days and is thrilled to see them. However, she wonders where Billy is. Emma hasn't seen him since he disappeared earlier.
Mary looks shaken as she talks lovingly to her son, probably due to the arrival of a certain Lord Gillingham, who is apparently staying the night. Emma can't help but feel annoyed by the man's actions. What about this Mabel Lane Fox?
Edith headed off on a train up to London just before their return. Seems things are moving forward with Michael Gregson's trip to Germany.
Billy then comes barging in, breaking Emma from her thoughts, and apologising. Emma can see he looks lighter than he has been the past couple of days, relieved. She's annoyed she doesn't know what happened but is pleased to see Billy unburdened as he greets his daughter. If only Emma could lose hers.
Gemma pops her head in just before Emma goes down to the Drawing room for dinner and informs her that Edna has suddenly handed in her notice, family troubles apparently. Not that Emma believes it for a second. She suspects it might have something to do with Billy being down in the mouth. Emma knows the ex-lady's maid had attempted flirtation and that with him last time she was at Downton and was probably up to the same tricks.
It's after dinner in the Drawing room that Emma witnesses Isobel walk up to Gillingham, shake his hand and express her wish to see him up at Downton again. Emma is full of admiration for the woman, knowing it must be hard for her to see the possibility of Mary moving on after Matthew.
Emma is walking down the stairs with Tom, down to the Great Hall the next day, when she hears Thomas speaking. She pauses to watch causing Tom to do the same.
"Only I have a candidate I'd like to put forward, who I know very well and is more than qualified." Thomas is saying. Must be about Cora needing a new lady's maid though Emma can't help but feel like Thomas is up to something because when is he not?
"You must discuss it with her ladyship, but I've no objection." Robert tells him.
"She's a little older than Miss Braithwaite."
"Well, that won't hurt." Emma drily remarks.
Robert looks across at Emma in surprise, walking towards her. "Why do you say that?" He asks as the door leading to the Outer Hall admits Mary and Thomas walk away with a curious look in her direction. Emma sees Tom frowning at her.
She shrugs. "No reason."
Mary approaches them. Emma notes that she's alone despite having headed off on a walk with Lord Gillingham.
"Where's Tony? Has he gone?" Robert asks his daughter.
"He thought he'd said all his goodbyes, and he wanted to catch the half past nine." Mary calmly replies. She turns to Tom. "Are you ready?" Tom nods.
"Where are you going?"
"They're going to York." Emma answers. "For estimates to re-equip the saw mill." Tom looks at her with impressed surprise. "What? I do listen to you when you ramble on."
Tom gives her a teasing smile before turning it on Mary. "So, will we be seeing Tony Gillingham again?"
Mary replies in a would-be unconcerned tone. "I'm sure we will... eventually. He was telling me about Mabel Lane Fox. Apparently, they're getting engaged." Robert looks as if all his hopes have just come crashing down, which they have. "I imagine he'll be very taken up with that."
"Yes, I dare say." Robert says as he looks at his daughter with some doubt. Emma can't blame him as she's doing the exact same thing.
"Right, I'll get my hat," Mary says. She walks away in the direction of the staircase. Tom and Robert walk off in opposite directions as Emma stays where she is, watching Mary slowly make her way up the stairs. She seems to cut a regretful figure.
A/N: "blotted their copybook for you" = For those not familiar with the expression, this means to tarnish someone's reputation. A copybook was a child's school book with exercises for neat handwriting. A blotted copybook would get bad marks.
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imarawbu · 1 year
I was too tired to post yesterday.
My daughter is not sleeping though the night. She started sleeping through the night at 3 months but now she's waking up around 2-4. We do not sleep together (not that he gets woken up by her crying anyways) so I lose out on sleep and he gets upset an me because I'm tired and don't want to make breakfast.
Super busy with work this week, the project that was stalled is now back on track and starts in three weeks. I lose a week because I will be overseas but I still hav to cover the stuff that needs to be done that week. We have a potluck at my bosses place tomorrow. I am bringing an ethnic dish from my husband's culture for a dessert.
We were going to try to go to the library tomorrow for baby story hour but I don't think that's happening. We have a rolly polly infestation or something in our house. Everyday I wake up to find 20+ dead rolly pollys in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, and now bathroom and entry way. Our TV also broke today, which is someway good, the TV we have you can't mount and we'd have to get it mounted and the table it sits on moved upstairs otherwise it's a fall hazard with a mobile baby.
At 6 months my daughter is supposed to get her own room. I have everything picked out for her room/play room but like most of the stuff I will be paying for it all. I bought everything on our registry that people didn't buy, most of her clothes (some were given by his family members but most of them are for older babies). My husband only buys diapers and maybe food for her now that she's transitioning to solids. I bought her toys, books, etc. If it's not obvious my husband doesn't care alot about my daughter. He apparently doesn't like very young kids, finds her fussy sounds annoying, she's more active now so he will play with her but I spend 97% of the day with her and taking care of her is exclusively my job. I don't have an issue with being the primary caretaker but I expected him to want to spend time and care about his daughter and not be so demanding and willing to help me with her or stuff, when I'm obviously overwhelmed.
You are supposed to love your husband more after seeing him with his kids. It's been the exact opposite. He's rough with her when she is fussy, doesn't know how to calm her down, still, calls her mean names and threatens her in his language. I asked him if he plans to do that infront of his family and he said of course not. He just does it because I don't always understand what he is saying. Obviously she will understand what he is saying to her very soon. In the past few weeks, she's been wanting to play with him more because that's really all he does with her for max 20 minutes in a day. He'd rather talk on the phone for hours and hours with family members or friends than spend time helping or doing much with her. But I also dont take as good of care of her as I should, according to him.
He is good with his nieces and nephews, which is why I though he'd be a good dad. He told me before we were married he wasn't a misogynistic piece of shit like men usually are in his culture and would help me with household stuff or which the baby. He does very little and still says this is better than what they do and I will never find any man on the planet who is as "good" as him.
Not much else, good night.
0 notes
krystynaekstom · 1 year
Do You Required a House Cleaner or a Cleaning Business?
At some time in time you might choose to get added assistance on your housekeeping. Perhaps it is because your timetable has actually ended up being a little bit frantic recently or perhaps fairly the opposite as well as you now stay in a house, scratch that, royal residence that calls for that you strictly do refrain from doing any type of housework. When you promote for a caretaker both companies as well as people will certainly react. Exactly how do you choose which one it is you desire? Both have their strong points as well as downsides as well as we are taking a look at exactly how to choose based upon these points.
How much can you pay for?
You initially require to work out just how much you want to spend on house cleaning. This choice will certainly figure out whether you will certainly take a cleaning company that are pricey off the bat or people who might be open to settlements and also are adaptable. The company can be more affordable in the long run yet these this should be thought about. Stabilize a timetable you can pay for as well as contrast both as well as see that can get it done.
Connection in this instance implies communication in between you as well as the housekeep. Do you require someone who simply does his or her work without making any type of unneeded talk with you or do you want someone you can have a conversation with. Depending upon a whole lot of things like social course or your timetable, you may find that you require one or the various other. Specific house cleaners often tend to be easier to strike up a discussion with while the majority of firm workers often tend to such as doing their tasks and also being typically out of your method. These are extra like guidelines than guidelines.
What do you need done?
Developing a checklist of things you desire done will provide you a good concept of the volume of job and ultimately intend a work timetable. This work schedule will certainly inform you whether a company or an individual is required. If as an example, you need a regular cleaning on weekends when around after that you might require a specific housekeep and also not always require a firm service. The opposite holds true when you simply had an event and obtained the house trashed in a manner of speaking.
This is a broad subject, продължавай да четеш and all elements will certainly call for the same level of worry. First safety for the housekeeper. When the cleansing in your residence may position a danger after that it is secure to go with a firm due to the fact that a lot of them guarantee their employees. Check on the company about insurance simply to be particular. Unsafe jobs in this case do not need to be taking care of uranium (it is probably illegal) yet a lot more benign ones like cleaning a chandelier that may need the housekeep to climb. Risk of falling is apparent and may land you a lawsuit if you took an uninsured individual.
Safety for you and also your family members additionally is essential. Getting a company implies that you have some degree of peace due to the fact that you know they did a background look at their team. Hiring an individual means you have to do this on your own.
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collapsinginclarity · 2 years
Yesterday was 11/11/22, a spiritual day due the number sequence. 1111, 2222 are highly spiritual numbers. I wanted it to be a positive day filled with god winks, but it was the opposite. It's interesting that my last post was about my family dynamic - because that toxic family dynamic was in full force yesterday.. and I'm still processing it. When I explained the sequence of events to my boyfriend afterward, what had just come out of my mouth sounded CRAZY. But in my family, event though it's crazy, it's normal.. and I don't like that.
Some context that's super random: My sister brought home a kitten when she was like 12 years old - and in an effort to keep it - made it a Christmas gift for my mom. My mom knew it was really what my sister wanted and needed at the time. My sister took care of little Rosie, ensuring all her needs were met. Fast forward 15 years or so, my sister moved out of my mom's basement and took her little Rosie with her to her new adult apartment. My mom accuses Jess of stealing Rosie away from her. My mom will not let this go, expressing that it is 'her' cat - and that my sister is selfish for 'taking her away'.
Context being stated.. the chaos of yesterday, started with this... my sister and I decided to surprise my mom prior to going thrift shopping - by taking her to Petsmart in order to look at the baby kittens in the hopes my mom would be open to adopting one at some point - so that she can have her OWN cat, and lessen her focus on my sister's cat. Well, my mom was not happy with this surprise visit, and she made that clear. She had a toned down temper tantrum where she stopped talking, copped an attitude, and made comments about her resentment towards Jess. My mom claimed that the visit was about us and not her.. in other words she thought we were being selfish. The whole thing was uncomfortable. We tried to make the day better by going to Goodwill, but it got the point where I said directly to my mom "You have such a deep resentment, it's time to let it go" to which my mom had some rebuttal.
It was at this point, I got a call from my little brother. He was screaming at the top of his lungs "I'M SO FUCKING MAD!!!" By the sound of his voice, I knew I had to step aside and try to talk some sense into him. I felt like I had to shift into 'big sister mode' or tap into my empathy and compassion for him, I felt like I was responsible for calming him down. He expressed that he went to the ER for what he thought was a broken finger - and was furious because he was there for five hours and they didn't do anything for him. I tried to highlight that it's a good thing that it's not broken, but he was not having it. I could hear the sheer rage in his voice. I offered him advice the best I could - and shifted back into the situation with my mom and my sister, where my role was to silently observe the awkwardness of the whole mother-daughter outing.
After the phone call with Kyle, I was feeling a bit energetically drained - and I told my sister that I wasn't going to go to a second store with them... that mom is in distress, our brother is in distress et. Then my sister became in distress - she broke down crying expressing that she has had the last few days. I attempted to hold space for her, I really did but I could feel my capacity to hold space getting smaller and smaller after just navigating my mom and my brother's situations. I felt for Jess, I wanted her to go home and practice self-care and get away from our mother for the day. I told my sister how much I loved her. Before I left, she asked me if I was going to dinner with our dad later. Ugh I didn't know there was a dinner planned - I have been taking space from my Dad due to his own toxic relationship seeping into our father-daughter relationship plus it was really hard not to be the 'caretaker of his emotions' because that was my role as a child.
I decided to call my Dad to see how he has been feeling, as well as to update him on my life - and let him know that as much as dinner sounded great.. the day had become a bit stressful and I wouldn't be attending tonight. Mind you - this was the first conversation I've had in nearly two weeks.. and what did he want to talk about - my step-mom. He was hyperfocused on her and her issues, expressing that he has been doing research on narcissists and the impact of childhood trauma on them. My dad who won't even acknowledge his own mental health issues, or his son's - and at many times my own - is now giving me a psychological profile of his partner. I listened as best I could given I was driving around in pouring rain, feeling more overwhelmed by the second. My dad then wanted to talk about the 'father's day incident'.
To sum up the father's day incident, my step-mom had one too many drinks.. my brother had his classic severe anxiety around holidays/family events.. and wanted to leave. I stepped in and reminded my dad and step-mom that my brother's leaving the event is not personal - and that it's his severe anxiety disorder. They appeared to understand, nodding in agreement. Then, my step-mom drunkenly said to my brother, "You're going to regret leaving when your Dad is dead". UM completely inapropriate. Kyle was crying and I stood up for him by prompting my step-mom to own up to whether or not she said this to him. She said, "Yes I did!!".. followed by a drunken tirade about how she does everything for our Dad because she loves him more than we do. She was screaming on the beach at a fancy beach club. It was disgusting and I matched her energy by screaming in her face, "The reason we don't see our Dad anymore is because of you!!!" Afterwards, my Dad was disgusted by his partner's behavior and held space for me and my siblings, honoring our feelings, and admitting how wrong his partner was. Less than 48 hours later, my Dad had a blank spot in his memory, and it was I who was at fault.. he couldn't even admit that Kathy was intoxicated which exacerbated the situation. It broke my heart, and his gaslighting made me feel crazy.
So present day - here's my Dad wanting to talk about this event. He still blames me and that was clear. I screamed at him, "I don't want to talk about this!! We don't see eye to eye! We don't even have a relationship anymore!!" As soon as it came out of my mouth -tears came out of my eyes. My dad then stated that I'll always be his number one gal - and that we will always have a relationship. He went on to tell me how much he loves me and how much he wishes things were different. It was HEAVY.
After allll of this, the drama with my mother, sister, brother, and father - I drove around aimlessly, something I do when I'm triggered. In the past, this led to going to a bar to drink, seeking out things like Kratom to get high - or searching for weed. Weed won out yesterday. Now it's so easy to get weed - it's legalized so I can just go buy it at the store. I knew the reality was that I wanted to check out mentally - and not think about the sheer drama that I had encountered today. My boyfriend reminded me after I broke down, that I had said that I was done with weed .. I knew this. He said, "Your family is a trigger to you". He's right. I know what to do when I'm triggered - I've been in therapy for years and I have a tool box. But, yesterday came at me from all angles - and I felt triggered by each family member.
It was a rough day - and I shouldn't have ran to go get weed so that I can numb myself to it. I'll be better.
See there it is - that "I'll be better" is the same thing as when I was little saying "I'll be good mommy".
I am not inherently 'bad'. I was sideswiped yesterday, it was a bad day and I am choosing to overcome those moments.
one day at a time.
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