#The Last in Line
weirdlookindog · 4 months
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The Last in Line...
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 4 months
𝔇𝔦𝔬 - 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔏𝔞𝔰𝔱 ℑ𝔫 𝔏𝔦𝔫𝔢
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metalsongoftheday · 2 months
Friday, April 12: Dio, "Breathless"
R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio (1942-2010), Jimmy Bain (1947-2016)
Ronnie James Dio sang with two major acts before striking out on his own, but the success of Holy Diver gave him license to fully unleash his id on The Last in Line.  And while the second Dio album was mostly a logical continuation of its predecessor, there was enough randomness generated by the man going all-in on his preoccupations and tics that something like “Breathless”, which began with a simultaneously bluesy and gnarled Vivian Campbell riff before Ronnie barged in with “No No No No No!!!”, stood out in all sorts of ways, not all of them good.  The track was a rocker driven by Vinny Appice’s blocky percussion and Jimmy Bain’s bass, with Campbell’s guitar more like window dressing (certainly a point of contention for the increasingly malcontent future Whitesnake and Def Leppard axeman), though of course there was no suppressing the power and passion of Ronnie’s growl, even if one was rarely sure about what he was really going on about.  “Breathless” was awesome and ridiculous in equal measure, and nobody would expect anything less from prime Dio.
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xiaq · 8 months
i don't watch stranger things. i am lucky i know the character names. i don't plan on watching it. however i do pay attention to your steddie time travel fic with rapt attention. on the edge of my seat every time u post it fr.
Thanks! New update on Wednesday, but until then, enjoy this teaser:
“Oh my god.” He’s touching the mottled bruise down the left side of Steve’s spine before he realizes he’s going to do it and by then it’s too late. He tries to be gentle, at least. “What hit you, a truck?”
“Are you pissing blood?”
“Only a little. Honestly, I’ve had worse.”
“That’s not reassuring.”
Eddie drops the shirt and lets Steve turn to face him, but he doesn’t step back. Instead, he leans closer to inspect the tidy line of stitches hugging Steve’s temple.
“At least everything looks clean,” he murmurs, pushing Steve’s hair out of the way. “Did you go to the hospital for these? Please say you didn’t do them yourself.”
Steve doesn’t get a chance to answer, though, because Tommy Hagan pushes his way into the bathroom. Where Eddie currently has Steve pressed against the sink, nearly hip to hip, with his hand on Steve’s face.
He’s going to die today.
“Oh, fuck off, Tommy,” Steve says with a degree of annoyance that Eddie finds commendable considering the circumstances.
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ohnomusicvideos · 2 months
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Speaking about Shark Dad... which was done on the main blog, but. 
A little gift I made for @templarhalo featuring Tychon, Kainda (on the left) and Charlotte (on the right) enjoying one of these quiet evenings between series of life-threatening adventures.  Sometimes, even in grimdark, there are good moments to cherish. At times they include telling your friend about the latest news and all the big and scary things you dad and big sisters sliced into pieces. 
Tychon and Kainda belong to @templarhalo and Charlotte belongs to me c:
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Dio - The Last In Line (1984)
Artist : Barry Jackson
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feel-the-fire · 1 year
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Dio - The Last in Line
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bearfoottruck · 1 year
Hey, anybody out there feel like a little Dio? Because we rock!
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faithsnature · 2 years
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jadequeen88 · 2 years
Here’s a taste of Chapter 3 of my Eddie long-fic, The Last in Line.
The one where Steve is being an undercover wingman for his bestie Eddie.
The stranger groans and sits up. “Okay, okay,” still pouting and giving her side-eye, he finally answers her questions. “First, it’s Steve. I’m Eddie’s best friend, so I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about me.”
“He’s never mentioned-”
“Second,” he cuts her off, looking even more annoyed. “I know you because Eddie won’t shut up about you.” her heart leaps up to her throat, but she plays it off with a little scoff and eye roll.
“And as for who is going bonkers,” Steve pulls a tray of mints towards him, unwrapping one and popping it into his mouth. “He is.”
“Eddie?” She looks around for the guy in question. “Is he okay?”
Steve throws his head back and laughs hard and loud once before meeting her gaze again.
“No way you’re this clueless,” he shakes his head in disbelief and she glares back at him.
“You better start speaking to me clearly or I will come around there and throw you out of my bar myself,” she threatens, pointing one manicured finger right at his nose.
“Ooh, promise?” he jokes and in turn receives a murderous glare as she starts to walk around the bar and make good on her promise.
“Mercy! Mercy!” he cries out, throwing his hands up into the air. “I’ll talk! Jesus...”
She walks back to him, hands on her hips waiting for him to continue. He runs his hands through his hair and looks a tad nervous for the first time.
“It might not be very cool of me to, uhh,” she raises her eyebrows at him urging him to continue. “I mean, I thought it would be obvious to you!”
“You have ten seconds…”
“Fine! You make Eddie a nervous wreck! He uh,” Steve looks around then leans in and says in a low voice, “He just thinks you’re really cool and interesting and beautiful. You’re intimidating. That’s all. I didn’t wanna make it seem like he was a… a weirdo. He’s not a stalker or anything. He’s just brought you up a few times,” she stands there stunned not knowing what to say. “Maybe more than a few, actually.”
“Wait,” she matches his low, quiet tone, leaning in closer. She closes her eyes and shakes her head trying to make sense of all the information she’s just gained. “He always seems so at ease. Well, at ease enough to turn on the theatrics,” she chuckles a bit, then stops herself to clarify what she’s trying to say. “Not that it’s a bad thing! I like eccentric people. I guess I just thought that was his default setting.”
“Does he start acting all weird? Starting in on his weird Dungeon Master bullshit?”
“Regularly,” she can’t help but smile. It felt slightly invasive, gathering this type of information from one of Eddie’s friends without him knowing.
Steve slaps the bar top. “Knew it. Yup, he’s so screwed,” he looks back to her and there’s a little challenge in his eyes. “I want to test out a theory. Are you game to help me out?”
“Depends,” her eyes narrow. “What is it?”
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
Dio - The Last In Line
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clangandclatter · 2 years
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Dio - The Last in Line (July 2, 1984)
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Vecna facing the Mind Flayer in the Upside Down // The cover for Dio’s The Last In Line, as seen on the back of Eddie Munson’s jacket
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unspokenmantra · 3 months
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