bearfoottruck · 2 days
I don't care. If I die because of lesbians, at least I'll die smiling.
Also, on a completely unrelated note - well, not completely unrelated - here's "Sunset People" by Donna Summer: LINK
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bearfoottruck · 2 days
Reblogging with a link to one of my new favorite disco songs just because I can: Bionic Boogie - "When the Shit Hits the Fan (Rocket Pocket)"
So we all know that Tumblr is US-centric. But to what degree? (and can we skew the results of this poll by posting it at a time where they should be asleep?)
Reblog to increase sample size!
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bearfoottruck · 2 days
FANFIC UPDATE 4-26-2024:
So, against all odds, Hero Enforcement Regiment (Fanfiction, AO3) has reached its conclusion. Other than that, I don't have much besides a new chapter of Gonna Kiss You On the Boulevard (Fanfiction, AO3).
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bearfoottruck · 3 days
I genuinely think a lot of outrage over whether/how things are being covered by the news would be solved by Tumblr users actually regularly engaging with major news sources.
I recently saw a post with someone expressing outrage about how the Washington Post "broke" the news about Biden signing the aid package to Israel and that they had to search so much to find the information, as though there hasn't been literally months of coverage from every major news site that covers politics about the machinations to get Israel and Ukraine funding through Congress.
I see people saying that nobody covers what Israel is doing in Gaza--as though that hasn't been a major topic in the news for months. I see people talking about how nobody covers what's happening in Yemen, Sudan, Haiti, etc. as though, again, that requires more than literally googling things like "Yemen New York Times" to find a wide breadth of coverage that spans years.
Critiques of news coverage are absolutely fair and valid--but when you start them by saying that "nobody is talking about this" all it shows is that you aren't bothering to look.
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bearfoottruck · 3 days
Neither. I wanna see Shadamy.
If they reveal Shadow and Amy in the next Sonic 3 movie which one is the movie gonna push more?
I mean, they tend to push both Sonadow and Sonamy pretty equally from what I’ve seen. But not both in the same content at once.
So if both characters appear, which ship is gonna get the spotlight?
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bearfoottruck · 3 days
“Of all the bigotries that savage the human temper there is none so stupid as the anti-Semitic. It has no basis in reason; it is not rooted in faith; it aspires to no ideal; it is just one of those dank and unwholesome weeds that grow in the morass of racial hatred.” - David Lloyd George
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bearfoottruck · 5 days
In other random news, being as how there's a wiki for pretty much everything, there's also a wiki for sound effects, not only cataloging various sound effects, but also various movies/TV shows/games/whatever and the sound effects they use. It's far from complete, but if you want to find some sound effects to spice up your creative projects, whether it be a video game, web series or whatever, I highly recommend it! Link is here:
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bearfoottruck · 6 days
OK, enough political reblogs. How 'bout some Queen?
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bearfoottruck · 6 days
What “fascism” means
My controversial belief is that it is actually really fucking important to educate yourself on the basics of, from lack of a better word, “philosophical” foundations of fascism. The fact that most people’s knowledge of it is limited to the aesthetics and crimes of the past fascist regimes is what allows modern fascists to strive and make themselves uncritically tolerated by just changing their name and denying their historical connections. It’s how dudes who are practically quoting Mussolini verbatim can go “you just call anyone you disagree with a fascist”. It’s how a fascist propagandist can be like “how can I be a fascist when I’m Jewish/gay/non-white/whatever?” and be treated seriously. It’s how more moderate right-wingers, conservatives and liberals alike, can genuinely claim that all the talk of a fascist renaissance is just conspiracy theories and fearmongering - after all, fascists are obviously fringe, because where did you last see a bunch of dudes goose-stepping with a swastika banner?
So, here’s a very basic explanation of fascism. It’s based on my own readings of fascist texts, as well as some compromising between the definitions and their boundaries proposed by various experts on the subject (one of which, I cannot emphasize it enough, I am not). I’m not gonna do a full bibliography on a Tumblr post, so I propose treating it as a simplified introduction to doing some of your own reading and developing your own opinions. The usual recommended starting point is Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco, and even though in my personal opinion it focuses on some aspects of the ideology that are more common propaganda tactics than its actual core, it is a pretty good one. Anyway, point is, take me with a grain of salt, just like you should take anything written in some post on Tumblr (and, frankly, anything written anywhere else as well). That said, I’ll do my best to explain the basics, from one amateur to another, as uncontroversially as I can when talking about such a controversial subject.
Fascism is, above all else, about the cult of power. It’s about punishing and despising weakness, it’s about radical individualism, about survival of the fittest, about social darwinism. A man’s success is proof that he deserves his success. A man’s power is proof that he deserves his power. That is, according to fascists, the natural hierarchy that shapes the society to be healthy and pure.
Why, then, are fascists so keen on overthrowing governments? Because they believe degeneracy, a celebration and acceptance of weakness, has corrupted this natural order and allowed the weak to govern the strong. This degeneracy is usually (though not universally) associated with the industrial revolution, intellectualism, social welfare and the accomplishments of various (especially racial and sexual) civil rights movements, as well as the nebulous, antisemitic construct of a devious international Jewry - and you probably know from your history classes how they intend to combat that.
Since fascism is a cult of power, it emphasizes acting over thinking - as acting is a “stronger” activity. It glorifies violence and decisiveness, ruthlessness and unanimity. This is why a core idea of fascism is totalitarianism. This term was originally created to criticize the first, Italian fascism, but very quickly started to be used by the fascists themselves. In most systems, the state’s functions are supposed to be limited to some areas of social life, while what is known as private life should be untouchable by its power. The fascists do away with those limitations, and believe that the state, personified by a singular Leader (or, less often, collectively by the inner circle of a fascist party), has a right to interfere with whatever it wants to, and pass whatever laws it has the power to enforce, especially if their purpose is combating degeneracy. An important thing to note is that while historically the creation of this fascistic “total state” was often attempted by military dictatorships, that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case - fascists have no problems with using democratic or republican means to push their agenda. A cult of power is a cult of pragmatism, after all. Some fascists (like the Polish “endecja” or certain parts of the American “alt-right”) even genuinely believe in a form of totalitarian republicanism - those types, however, turn out to be really picky when it comes to who gets to vote.
Finally, there is the idea of a perpetual war. Humanity, according to fascists, is inherently divided into some kind of groups, which nature depends on the particular brand of fascism - most common types include races, nations, ethnicities, states, religions, any combination of the above. Sometimes these groups are equal at the starting point and you should be loyal to yours just because its yours, sometimes some of them are naturally superior to others. The important part is, the fascists claim that the primary function and the historical destiny of each of those groups is to destroy or subjugate all the other groups (either globally or in a given territory). Equal and peaceful coexistence is impossible, and any group that genuinely attempts it, will inevitably be backstabbed by the opponents they naively tried to tolerate. That is why militarism and expansionism are often (though not always) an important part of particular fascisms - the state’s purpose is to ensure the ultimate victory of the group it represents in the perpetual war. The people’s purpose is the same - that’s why it is necessary to subjugate them all under totalitarianism, so their private lives don’t distract them from their role in the perpetual war. And regardless of wether one of the groups was superior to all others from the start or not, one of them will prove its superiority when it proves its power and finally emerges victorious from the perpetual war.
As an ending note, I’d like to make clear that not all fascists use the exact words I have used above - in fact, very few of them do. “Totalitarianism” in particular became a dirty word due to the memory of horrific crimes comitted by the 20th century totalitarian regimes; it’s more likely to be implied by the lack of consideration for individual or social rights in fascist demands. You won’t see a lot of fascists talk about a “cult of power” or a “perpetual war”, either, and only the most blatant ones will utter the words like “social degeneracy” or “international Jewry”. They will instead talk about a “strong state”, “protecting our traditions”, “decadent youth”, “overpopulation”, and so on, and so forth. They will approppriate conservative, liberal and even leftist language in order to obfuscate their actual view of the world. And then there’s the fact that “fascist” and “non-fascist” isn’t really a neat binary - few things are when you actually look at them closely. There will be politicians, ideologues and activists, especially (but not exclusively) on the right, who will dip their fingers in fascism, but won’t go all the way down. It especially applies to the ones who do have some basic education on the topic and therefore are aware of how close they are to fascism - you may be a bigoted piece of trash and share most of fascist viewpoints, but still feel uncomfortable to admit to yourself that you’re on the same side as the fuckers who did the Holocaust. Yes, that last sentence is about Jordan Peterson (but not only about him).
And finally, remember that you can make an effort to understand an idea without sympathizing with it or empathizing with its followers. No matter how they justify and rationalize, and decorate their beliefs, if you decide to do some deeper research on the topic (which I, again, really do recommend), for the love of God, remember that this shit always leads in the same direction. It leads to the death camps, to the mustard gas bombings, to the pogroms and invasions, and forced euthanasia, and wholesale slaughter of human beings. It’s inherent to its core ideas. A cult of power means destroying the weak. Totalitarianism means tyranny and enslavement. Perpetual war means perpetual carnage. Death to all fascists. Take care.
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bearfoottruck · 6 days
Not completely related, but here's the disco song "Jerusalem" by Orpheus: link
Goyim non Muslim/Arab/Palestinians who are trying to help with the situation have to understand this:
Reading one book. Reading 3 news articles. Reading even three scholarly articles. Watching the news every day. Even doing ALL OF THESE THINGS EVERY DAY since 10/7—this is nothing more than a drop in the bucket of the work you need to be doing to contribute to conversations about this conflict, let alone leading any kind of charge.
I have been intimately aware of the conflict and it’s intricacies since I was seven years old. I have been learning and unlearning things my whole life. I am Jewish and pro-Palestine and have spent my adult life learning about Palestinian needs as well as combatting pervasive propaganda from extremists on BOTH SIDES meant to confuse newcomers to the situation like most of you are.
It is, honestly, entitlement that makes you think you can’t waltz into a complex situation involving a 2,000+ year old conflict, multiple identities of non-western origin, multiple cycles of extremism and expulsion and ethnic cleansing and wars from all sides—and take the lead on any of this. You can’t. You don’t know enough. You don’t even know enough to know what you don’t know or how to tell if what you know is wrong.
That doesn’t mean you aren’t necessary for helping to solve this conflict. It means a lot of people are being more vocal than they have any right to be about a situation they know almost nothing about. And they’re doing it so they can feel morally righteous and on the right side and like they’re helping.
But if you actually want to help rather than just looking or feeling like you’re helping, then you need to listen to affected groups when they are speaking. You need to not declare either side right or wrong. You need to learn the difference between terrorism and activism. You need to understand the impact of your words on Muslim, Palestinian, Arab, Jewish, Israeli, and even south Asian communities who are constantly roped into the conflict by racists who just hate all brown people.
You need to learn about the foundations and warning signs of antisemitism. You need to learn about the same about Islamophobia. You need to be open to being wrong. A LOT. Because you will be. Because this conflict is complicated and even those of us who have been in it forever learn things and have to revise our opinions and stances. You need to not assume you are correct about anything and you should have reliable sources for anything you add to this conversation.
You outnumber ALL OF US. You outnumber everyone who is actually affected by the conflict by A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT. And your job should be to focus your efforts on FINDING A PATH TO PEACE. Move the conversation away from the personally fulfilling but globally damaging good guys v bad guys narrative. Move it towards a mutually beneficial peace agreement that keeps both Jews and Palestinians safe and protected and equal in their shared homeland.
This is not a Western European-American Christo-centric conflict. Stop applying your principles to it. Start considering that marching, calling senators, and calling for more or less bombs to happen to the “right” people isn’t helping. It’s not helping. You’re not helping.
What will help is listening to people who are actively working to achieve peace. Listening to concerns about ongoing attacks against Israeli civilians during ceasefire. Listening to ongoing segregation of Palestinians and depravation of essential resources from Palestinian Territories. Learn about the official political history of the international community with Israel and Palestine and what the motivations of EACH NON-I/P COUNTRY might have been over the course of Palestine’s 2000yo history. Learn how that might still influence modern western nations today. Learn about Jewish diaspora. Read about counterterrorism and propose or spread awareness of methods and means that can both protect Israeli and Palestinian civilians and defang or eliminate antisemitic or Islamophobic extremists and terrorists. Look for organizations devoted to SHARED PROSPERITY FOR PALESTINIANS AND ISRAELIS.
Furthermore, anyone who tells you that the conflict is simple or repeating a phrase over and over is simple or tells you there is an obvious good answer is at best uninformed but is most likely operating in bad faith. Their “simple” answer isn’t something every world leader ever has magically overlooked. It is one of the routine, recurring “solutions” that depend upon the disenfranchisement, death, or displacement of an affected population that they deem unworthy of consideration.
Israelis aren’t going anywhere. Palestinians aren’t going anywhere. Both populations deserve safety. Both populations’ religions and cultures deserve equality and, yes, explicit constitutional guarantees that they will have their religious and cultural practices respected and protected from violence or suppression. That may not fit with your modern secular ideas that having any guarantees for any religion in a constitution is inherently evil.
But we are dealing with two groups who have been brutalized to near extinction on the grounds of their religion and culture for millennia so consider that asking for guaranteed safety in writing is a pretty reasonable thing to want for everyone, actually.
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bearfoottruck · 6 days
If you think that that stand up to Jewish hate ad that played during the Super Bowl had ANYTHING to do with Israel and Palestine, and not the RAMPANT antisemitism spreading like wildfire and only increasing to the point where it is genuinely scary, then antisemitism has rotted your brain and PLEASE unfollow me.
I DO NOT support the actions of the Israeli government. What they are doing is reprehensible. But that ad had NOTHING to do with it.
I have seen so many conspiracies flying around stating that Israel paid for that ad to distract from what Israel is doing in Gaza. Truly. Jew hate makes you stupid.
Stand Up to Jewish Hate is from an organization called The Foundation for Combating Antisemitism. It’s an American foundation, started by a Jewish American business owner. Like. This took me ten seconds to google.
Fuck you if you don’t think Jews are worth protecting. Get the absolute FUCK away from me. Unfollow me, block me.
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bearfoottruck · 6 days
If you will forgive my somewhat clunky metaphor, being a Jew on the Left often feels like I'm in abusive relationship.
I'm most certainly not going to go to the Right not only because of my morals, ethics, and values, but because whether it be overt or covert their end goal is the death and destruction of me, my people, our culture, and everything we hold believe in. It is like the Right is someone who just all red flags and your gut tells you if enter into a relationship with them the only way it ends is with them killing you. But the Left, well the Left seems cool and you get along and have similar view points so you think okay this could work. But it turns out the have some strange friends who have some real not okay thoughts and the Left will say "I'm not really with them you know", but they will still do stuff with and invite to stuff and won't end the friendship when those friends say some real disgusting things. Then as things progress you are not allowed to have things from a different perspective made from the nuances of your history and experiences. Then Left is telling you can't have certain thoughts, feelings, or be hurt by things. The Left is telling you what think is not what you think, what you heard you didn't, what you saw you didn't see, you just don't get it, you don't understand. Suddenly the rules that you both agreed to are being changed on you, and you are being told that you liar and are in fact the one with power and abusive. Not just that antisemitism is not antisemitism and according to Left you call everything antisemitism to delegitimize and downplay and shutdown. Suddenly the Left knows your history better then you and is explaining your beliefs, history, just everything to you as if you don't know it all already and know it better and more in depth. You are alone with no one and the Left is saying you are cheating with the Right when you would never and you just want to make it work. And it all is mess.
That is basically how I feel right now about the Left and how it feels to be a leftist and Jewish.
I mean it has always been somewhat difficult. There has always been a pretty large amount of antisemitism there. But right now it is on a whole kind of level.
I mean there is the old joke about hating Jews being the one thing that can bring the left and right together.
I think a fair amount of what I'm describing other marginalized people's have felt to a degree as well on the left. I do not want to discount those experiences.
I think overall the left needs to do better, I think it needs to stop being so White TM like white focused in its leftism, I think also that using the USA understanding of Race and Racial politics is dangerous and plain unhelpful when applied to global scale.
I think the Left needs to stop viewing the amount of color in a persons skin to what they must be because it ignores so much history and nuance. This doesn't mean we ignore White Privilege because we can not. This means we need to start having nuance and dialectical thinking going on. Such as understanding Conditional Whiteness and White Privilege are not the same.
The Left also needs to take Colorism more seriously as a whole and do more to combat and end it.
The Left needs to learn and understand just how much of the world we live in now is built on so many systemic abuses. And that the very foundation of it, no material that the foundation is made of is Systemic Ableism, Systemic Anti-Blackness, Systemic Antisemitism, and Systemic Misogyny with everything really branching off and out from there.
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bearfoottruck · 9 days
So, I learned that Dickey Betts of The Allman Brothers died yesterday, so in memoriam, here's my favorite song by the group.
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bearfoottruck · 9 days
FANFIC UPDATE 4-19-2024:
So, I uploaded two hot and spicy Miraculous one-shots today: Going Down to Study (Fanfiction, AO3) and Marinette Sucks (Fanfiction, AO3). Other than that, I also have updates for Gonna Kiss You On the Boulevard (Fanfiction, AO3) and Hero Enforcement Regiment (Fanfiction, AO3).
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bearfoottruck · 11 days
OK, enough about current events. Personally, I'm STOKED that Keanu Reeves has been chosen to play Shadow in the third Sonic movie! Now, if only Rouge was in that movie as well...
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bearfoottruck · 11 days
OK, so I've been seeing MULTIPLE posts on my dash about Palestine and I'm thinking, "Yeah, but what about Ukraine? Don't any of us still care about them?" Keep in mind that Russia and Iran are allies.
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bearfoottruck · 11 days
inspired by boop day, reblog this post if its ok for people to send you random asks and interact on your posts with no judgement. i want to talk to people.
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