#That Villainess Needs a Tyrant
lilium-dragomir · 1 year
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maleyanderecafe · 7 months
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The Villainess Needs her Tyrant (Webcomic)
Created by: Il ta hong / Silver linging
Genre: Romance
The Villainess Needs her Tyrant is actually pretty good, at least to a certain point. Mirabelle is a very cool and strong protagonist, with her main motive on vengeance, which she's able to pull off very well, at least until it breaks away. The various characters with their own types of motivations was fun as well, though I did think that the ending felt a bit rushed. The male yanderes in this one are the Tyrant himself and Xavier the bad guy. The webcomic is finished at 70 chapters currently.
The story starts out with Maribelle kissing the tyrant as an act of revenge on her cousin Arinelle as she likes him. The story reveals her motive of her revenge, with Arinelle tricking her into moving in with her after the death of her parents, only to have the uncle steal all of her parent's inheritance years later. She later learns that her uncle is planning to cause treason against the emperor, and Arinelle ends up poisoning her as they have no need for her anymore. After reincarnating, Maribelle does everything she can to get revenge on Arinelle, from back talking her, to of course kissing the emperor. The emperor brings her in for kissing him and for eavesdropping on their conversation. Soon after, Maribelle gets a marriage proposal from the emperor and ends up living in the palace. She walks in on the emperor killing someone before meeting with his two advisors, Ashil and Kir. Kir tries to interrogate why the emperor didn't kill Mirabelle and has instead taken an interest in her. The emperor catches Kir interrogating Maribelle and stabs him, only for Maribelle to save him and she reveals that she will use him to gain revenge on Arinelle's family. After injuring herself in an attempt to test Kir, she ends up meeting the doctor, Ashil Erigale whom will be one of the main antagonists in the story later. The emperor accepts being Maribelle's weapon of revenge in return for becoming only the emperor's (basically becoming the empress). She ends up confronting her uncle about their family's treason against the throne which leads to the emperor cutting his leg for his uncle mocking the idea that Maribelle might become empress. Arinelle and Maribelle meet up where Maribelle spits her contempt at her, recalling memories of the past, before saving her from falling from the bridge. She tells the emperor about her relationship with Arinelle and eventually meets up with her hated aunt, who was one of the conspirers who killed his mother. After telling the emperor about her family's soon treason, she declines being the empress, stating that she is not a good person, only to have the emperor stomp away while Ashil comes to comfort her. The commander, Zaylin Mahd returns and is assigned as the palace guard captain basically to protect Maribelle, as the current knight Peregrine is going to find the crown prince's whereabouts. Maribelle and the emperor dance before meeting the emperor's aunt with her trying to get her to increase her influence. We finally meet Xavier Rodane, the emperor's cousin, which reminds Maribelle of one of her childhood friends. We get some backstory on Zaylin and Zaylin offers to watch over Maribelle when she goes into the hunting grounds so she doesn't get hurt as there are reports of people getting killed during the competition. Xaiver and the emperor meet each other at the castle, allowing Xaiver and Maribelle to spend time talking with each other. Maribelle figures out that Xaiver is indeed the childhood friend that she recalled from before leaving him to warn Maribelle not to trust anyone in the palace. Maribelle starts to gain memories to what seems like another past she had. We find out that Xaiver and Arinelle are working together and Arinelle ends up shoving Maribelle into the river after they have a dispute, but luckily the emperor is able to save her soon after. While leaving the hunting grounds, someone tries to assassinate them with arrows. Suspecting Xavier, Maribelle asks for the emperor to fake her death for a day to see who exactly was trying to assassinate her. While initially the emperor is reluctant, she hides Maribelle in a cave. We find out that Xaiver actually planned this to frame Arinelle, and we see that he is also in cahoots with Ashil as he too wants to get rid of Arinelle's family. The emperor comes to visit Maribelle in the cave and keeps her warm. Meanwhile, Ashil is caught by the knight and Ashil admits that he's a double agent for the emperor. She recalls her memory of seducing the emperor in a previous life so that her family could betray him.
We get a flashback of the emperor getting beat up by Baldwin, the Crowne Prince, leading to his death. However, it seems that the emperor, much like Maribelle actually ended up regressing to the past, leading him to become a tyrant, as he trusted nobody at least, until he saw Maribelle again. Maribelle returns to the palace the next day lying about being abducted to shake Arinelle. Kar also uses a spell that cuts off years of his life to see that people will be dying soon. They find out where the crossbows are from and are tracking them down, using this opportunity of Maribelle almost dying for the emperor to kill a ton of people. Maribelle throws Arinelle into the river and we get a flashback from Xavier about how the two met when they were younger, dressing up as a girl so that he could hang out with Maribelle. Although Arinelle does not die, Xavier still contemplates on killing her afterwards and his aunt continues to try to push Xavier into killing Maribelle. The emperor finds out that the uncle is in cahoots with the crown prince thus forcing him out of his high position and tries to get Maribelle to talk to Arinelle. Maribelle does eventually do so with her in the castle dungeon and making her choose to poison herself or be tortured. Arinelle ends up pushing away the poison, thus allowing the emperor to come in and force her to live through her past lives and her actions, seeing just how much Maribelle actually cared for Arinelle in her previous life. Arinelle feels grief for her actions, so much so that she asks the emperor to kill her which he does quickly. The emperor brings the news to Maribelle then asks her to marry him to which she agrees. We then get a flashback about his previous life married to her, where the two seemed to live a cold marriage together before eventually accepting her betrayal. He was given another life thanks to the god (cloud? god?) and lived two more lives (one from overworking) and the current one where he was given an item that allows him to see their past memories. There is a prison break, and Kir gets his eye cut by Ashil to prevent him from using his clairvoyance powers.
Zaylin is "expelled" by the emperor (sent on a secret mission) which causes the knight Theo to sulk and be sad like a giant puppy until her return. We get a bit of flashback on how the two met when they were younger. Zaylin and the emperor discuss the truth serum that Ashil is going to make possibly to commit suicide in the next chapter. Xavier seems to also have memories of his past life, also gaining an item that allows him to see a past life during one of his birthdays. He sees the death of Maribelle in his previous life and even tried to help the uncle's family to keep Maribelle away from the emperor, which he failed and died in his past life. This time, he decides to kill everyone responsible for Maribelle's death before drugging and killing his own mother. Maribelle seems suspicious about Xavier and suggests to the emperor to set a trap for him. We find out that Xavier and Ashil are working together, and that while Xavier knows that they are planning a trap, he cannot refuse Maribelle and threatens for him to make a new truth serum which will cause them to suffer a fate worse than death. Maribelle goes to the library to learn more about the crown prince, Baldwin's history to help the emperor in case he rebels and tries to take the throne, but instead sees Baldwin there. Baldwin threatens her to give him the ring that the emperor gave her. When she refuses, he attacks her until Xavier stops him. Xavier ends up bringing her back to the emperor afterwards.
During the grand dinner, the emperor is prepared for a revolt, finding a way to expose the drink to be poisoned, however it backfires. Instead, Xavier offers his own wine to him which the emperor drinks. It's poisoned, and during this time, Baldwin starts a revolt on the castle. He is beheaded and the emperor is taken to medical bay, but the poison has already affected him and he very strongly wishes to die. Maribelle wakes up and learns about the situation like how the emperor has gone insane and that Ashil committed suicide. The emperor begs Maribelle to kill him, but Maribelle refuses. Maribelle goes to talk to Xavier, Xavier revealing that everything he did was to take revenge for Maribelle and make her happy. We also learned that initially Xavier was going to drink the poison to complete his mission but saw that there was a chance to kill the emperor instead. Maribelle finally does try to end the emperor's life as he requested, but he's able to snap out of it and the two get married.
As I said before, the story itself is actually pretty good as a revenge story but it really rushes at the end when it comes to the actual revolt. Maribelle as a character is very cool, never letting down her guard as she continues to push her agenda to get revenge on Arinelle, using various tactics of gaslighting, using the emperor and proving herself to the peers around her. Personally I thought it was kind of weak that Maribelle didn't stay to see Arinelle die since her entire motivation was to make her suffer as much as she make her suffer (which was to go into a loveless marriage with the emperor, only to betray him and then be killed by Arinelle's family after she was deemed useless) but she kind of just saw the error of her ways and got killed by the emperor which is... kind of unsatisfying. I'd rather have Maribelle herself strike her down or at least be there to watch her die. I think if I were to have made this I would have made Maribelle force Arinelle to drink the poison like she did to her and then just kind of watch her die as she suffered, but unfortunately it doesn't go that route. The relationship between her and the emperor seemed a lot more dangerous initially but because we end up learning about the emperor's various lives, it has more meaning. I don't remember exactly if it says in the story, but supposedly he ends up becoming a tyrant because of Maribelle so that he can get rid of the other people who try to hurt her (though that doesn't explain why he just randomly murders people or nearly kills Kir- or why Kir seems to have no qualms with it after the fact he almost died...cuz I feel like I'd be either more scared or at least pissed off). It is cool to be introduced to such a terrifying concept though, I will say.
However, like I said it does fall short at the end. The emperor kind of accepts being poisoned, because honestly it should have been obvious that Xavier was planning something considering how suspicious he was acting towards him. Baldwin also just gets killed way too easily- we don't even get to see the actual frame of him being decapitated, even though he was set up to be a great antagonist towards the emperor as he was the one who killed him in a previous life. The whole poison thing, which should have probably been a lot more heart wrenching considering it seems like he would have wanted to die so as long as he was alive is solved immediately without having to search for or make an antidote or have to suffer for those consequences. It pretty much was like, now that we need a happy ending plot, we'll just make this entire portion obsolete.
Xavier is the main yandere of this story as he orchestrates everything to make sure that Maribelle has a happy ending. He knows about how Arinelle and her house ended up staging a revolt in a previous life, so he teams up with them and betrays them so that they will end up dying, and it pretty much works until Maribelle decides to pretend she is dead for a day, thus revealing that there is a revolt. He also strongly hates the emperor for this reason, since he wants to get rid of anyone who was related in causing the death of Maribelle, even at the expense of Maribelle's own feelings towards him. Still though, I'm not sure what's going on in the ending of all of this because he kind of just... lets her go? I guess because he thinks that the emperor was going to die anyways (which honestly considering the events of the story, he probably should have, but I digress) but it's weird to me that he kind of just fades out of the webcomic's existence once the two get married since we don't really know what happens to him. Perhaps something was revealed in the side stories on the webnovel, but it kind of just seems like he just disappeared.
The emperor is the other yandere in the story who starts out being really overprotective over Maribelle even stabbing Kir after he insulted her. Over the course of the story he continues to do so, generally worrying about her and also attempting to help Maribelle with her revenge scheme even if it means that she's simply just using him. In the various lives that he has with her, he always stays by her (figuratively or literally) despite the fact that he's already been betrayed by her and is the one who finally kills Arinelle after he shows what she did to Maribelle. I will say that he feels a lot more intimidating as a tyrant in the beginning- killing people left and right as well as injuring his own people and while he is threatening to the people that have wronged Maribelle (like cutting the uncle and killing Arinelle) his more violent tendencies slowly die down as he and Maribelle fall more and more in love. He is for sure very devoted to her, even asking her to kill him.
The artwork in this series is really pretty though I have to say. The way the hair is done is probably something I will have to figure out how to replicate it. A lot of people complain about the expressions being fairly flat (which is true to some degree, it's not as expressive as other stories I've read) but I didn't find it too distracting. My favorite characters have got to be Zaylin and Theo though because that relationship is adorable. I would read a whole series on those two hands down because Theo is super adorable and Zaylin is very cool. Honestly I think that small section about how clingy Theo was towards Zaylin is one of my favorite parts of this webcomic.
Overall, a fairly good story in my opinion. It has its flaws at the end that really downgrade it from what it could be since it causes a lot of plot holes and unsatisfying moments (just coming back from insanity near the end is such a lost opportunity for more angst, but whatever I guess) and I kind of wish that Xavier had some sort of comeuppance for all the stuff that happened but whatever. If you are interested, try it out, as it is a finished story.
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webtoonscreenshots · 1 year
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The Villainess Needs Her Tyrant, by 8garak and Il Ta Hong and Silver Linging
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chxi-yjn · 2 years
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"𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒊𝒕" - 𝒎𝒆𝒍
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u shud read it (ITS SO GOOD) - please dont come to the villainess' stationery store
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webtoon9715 · 2 years
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Hot kiss ♡♡+.゚(→ε←*)゚+.゚
Webtoon name: The villainess needs a tyrant (그 악녀에게는 폭군이 필요하다)
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I want to do bad girl things in the dark. I don’t want play good girl, I don’t want to play housewife. I want to play with fire 🔥. I want be old me but I am no angel anymore to any heart breaks. I want your hand under my chin thumb pressing my bottom lip down. As I star at you in seductive fashion begging for tie me up. Let me get feisty and rough . I want to dragged my long nails down your back. I don’t want sweet things I want to be treated like a villain against villain . Show me your darkest side with all your tattoos across you muscular body your walking art museum . The prince of darkness . You are a Scorpio it is written in the stars you make the best lover just like Virgo. You match my deepest darkest needs. My boy toy let’s play.
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manhwa-reaction-faces · 11 months
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losingpantiesdaily · 2 years
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just the right almost midnight snack
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kaalavg · 4 months
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The Villainess Needs Her Tyrant
70 ch.
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lucithecrow · 1 year
I love slowly piecing together a comic that u first read a long time ago like
"Who the hell is this guy...? I think I remember seeing him first like chapter 20..."
*figures out who that guy is and goes back to the original chapter*
"Now who's THIS guy?!?!?"
Rinse and repeat 💀
(Comic being referenced in tags <3)
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Theo and Zaylin are so fucking cute akhdyjfgbf
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lilium-dragomir · 1 year
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hallawia · 1 year
The villainess needs a tyrant
Neat drawings
Plot does not make sense
Too much killing
Generaly i liked it
Kinda short
Fast paced
Not deus ex machina but it feels like it
0 notes
webtoonscreenshots · 1 year
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The Villainess Needs Her Tyrant, by 8garak and Il Ta Hong and Silver Linging
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webcomichorses · 2 years
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The Villainess Needs a Tyrant, ep 28
2/👁️ - Oh god no, oh god its empty stare pierces my soul.
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webtoon9715 · 2 years
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Handsome look o(>ω<)o
Webtoon name: The villainess needs a tyrant (그 악녀에게는 폭군이 필요하다)
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