#Thank You Gendy
softichill · 1 year
i want to say thank u for consistently posting the congratulations sailor you made it to friday post, i know nothing about cookie run but seeing every friday feels like an achievement lmao
:D!!! It is an achievement!!! Glad you like the post hehe
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chocolatey-wonder · 8 months
What part of it gave them an aneurism when the funky lines are used in so other flags and the colours just remind us of celebration colours (not a bad thing, just the green and yellows and reds are similar to a lot of our culture's event colours, they're very pretty), they're not even like eyestrainy, what purpose was that ask even for?
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anti-terf-posts · 9 months
some good news to brighten your day
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[image ID: a post from the tumblr user @/newsandnonsense. it reads "this blog will be deactivated dead as I am forced to leave Tumblr due to constant harassment by TRAs and gendies. thank you to everyone on radblr fo supporting me." /end ID]
YAYYYY so glad that they're deactivating, now we just have the rest of "radblr" 😼
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sexisdisgusting · 4 months
being crypto is the literal worst - especially when you used to identify as a gendie. like i’ve opened my eyes and realised how much pain this cult community has caused me and i can’t even talk about it because men are too fucking sensitive about everything all! the! fucking! time!
it’s like it’s alright if you’re a feminist but if you get *too* feminist-y, if you get *too* close to the truth, you’re an evil bitch terf and you need to die. like hello that’s insane!!
anyways thanks for being supportive of crypts cause it’s so hard out here and sometimes i worry if im still accepted in radfem spaces :,)
everything you said here is the honest to god truth, its fucking insane because the tra cult does everything in its power to keep women down and actively harm them and their senses of self perception but the insant we open our eyes and nurture our sex and beings, WE'RE the evil ones! LOL
im so so SO proud of you anon, you have no idea, what youve done is so hard, unlearning shit from ur gendie days, and relearning to love yourself as a woman is one of the hardest, yet most important things youre doing for yourself
in this era of your life, dont take any shit, dont be afraid to love yourself, be there for yourself, and protest in silence
even if youre crypto, youre already so much stronger than you know
if you want any tips on crypto radfem ways of protest (esp if u still have a lot of gendies in ur friend group) please dont hesitate to ask
once again, im so proud of you, and youre most definitely accepted in radfem spaces, especially on this blog
cryptos are one of the backbones of our communities, you keep us strong
i love you so much, this community loves you so much,
never forget your strength
thank you so much for the ask, my angel 💕💕❗️❗️❗️
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you do know how stupid you sound saying shit like gendies right? its kinda hilariously pathetic
thanks for the laugh tho :3
It upset you so much you sent me an anon over it so I’d say it’s having its intended effect.
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redditreceipts · 6 months
I think many radfem tags are being "post-bombed" (?).
There are some accounts posting and reblog-spamming gibberish posts in tags like #radfem, #terfs do touch, #gendie brainrot, and others.
Idk the ultimate goal, but it did kinda messed up search results until I blocked enough of them.
Had to tell someone. Thank you for reading :)
yeah, I've also seen that. I have seen that one account that posts about slapping your belly or something like that.
But honestly, I can't really complain because I tag my posts with "trans", "mtf" and "transbian" all of the time haha
i get that that's annoying, but I prefer these nonsense-posts a thousand times before people sending death threats and porn to feminists or doxxing them.
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we-the-human · 4 months
I should thank the gender fandom for making deranged posts like that poll to decide how to deal with you bc it helps me find the normal rational women among the gendies <3 sometimes it can feel like we're alone in fandoms bc the gendies are so loud but just letting you know you're not the only gender critical in the tlt fandom. I know multiple radfems who love these books and enjoy it for the female and lesbian representation that it is and don't twist the story to fit a "gender fuckery" bias lol
Oh I know I’m not even close to the only one. From what I have gathered from other spaces, a lot of people are over 30, there’s middle aged dudes, people in their 50’s - just a lot of people who aren’t active on Tumblr and so don’t subscribe to gender ideology.
Was simply just curious about the Tumblr dynamics.
And I agree so much about the story, it’s so nice to see no gender bullshit that isn’t described without magic. And she writes it in such a way that it seems completely separate from any gender pandering. Just good ol’ fashion gay shit.
It’s crazy that they don’t seem to realize most people living in the real world do not believe in gender ideology. At best, most people are just trying to be nice and ignore it, or don’t want to have anyone lash out at them for not agreeing with it.
They are a small but loud minority stuck in an echo chamber.
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 months
JK Rowling: FUCK TRANSGENDERISM!! Suck my ass, gendies! Don't like it? Too bad! This Bad Bitch Queen Mother says WHAT SHE WANTS, WHEN SHE WANTS! I'll burn a trans flag, I don't give a shit! Fuck you, fuck everybody, fuck the whole world, I don't care--I'm the Bitch Goddess, and you're watching my punk rock meltdown! EAT SHIT!!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
JK Rowling 30 seconds later: omg thank you so much for defending me lovey, thank you so much for agreeing and praising me, I need people like you, I can't do it without my loveys, why is everyone misunderstanding my gentleness, I'm just a big sweetie 😟😟😟 your compliments mean the world to me, thank you for standing up for women, I find you eternally fabulous 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 I needed to see this praise today, thank you so much, I could write a novel about how much I need you, please keep telling me I'm a good person who's going to save everybody, you're the only thing that keeps me going xxxxxxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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weepingwitch · 8 months
I don't know who, what, where, when, or how to ask this, but I was talking to my boyfriend earlier, and somehow we got on the topic of women. I said that I think women objectively look better than men, even visually without makeup, style, or whatever. Then he said I might be bi, but I don't think I am? It might be internalized homophobia, but I don't feel romantically attracted to women; I just think they look pretty. Is this normal?
I apologize if this is a bother, I have no idea who to ask this and I tend to look up to you and I like your blog a lot:)
Thank you, have a wonderful day:)
gonna reply to this on several layers, take whatever satisfies you:
yeah uh that does sounds like something that someone who likes women would say - it's something that all of my lesbian and bisexual women friends have joked about thinking to themselves at one point - "oh, of Course everyone thinks women are objectively more pretty than men haha"
on another level, obviously women are prettier than men, but i'm a lesbiab and also gender is fake
when i first tried to come out as bi, before i had come out as a trans woman, my dad's response was that "every boy has dreams about having sex with other boys, that doesn't make you gay," and i think the answer is that my dad is actually bisexual
romance is also fake and i wouldn't find it all surprising that love for women feels different than love for men considering that so much of our conception of romance is based in heterosexuality and traditionaslihf gendy roles etc etc
labels are fake everything is fake if it is making you anxious there is literally no need to worry about how or who you love, you can just let it happen. something deleuzian about flows and stoppages or some shit
is this normal? nothing is normal everything is terrifyingly unique and novel
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
It’s amusing to see gendies be all “ahhhh!!!!! Terfs in our fandom!!!! Block and stay safe, we can’t let them in the fandom!!” Because how are they coming to the conclusion we want to interact with them? I avoid larger fandom like the plague, because it’s infested with sexism and homophobia that I’d rather not subject myself to, thank you very much.
I promise I’m not trying to touch your Ineffable Hetties fics. I promise I’m not trying to look at your Our Flag Means Het art. On the contrary, I’m actively trying to avoid it. Get over yourself.
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A TERF has officially called me a man.
Gender = validated
Thank you TERFs for getting my post to the side of Tumblr that would assume my sex 🥰🥰
Nothing makes me happier than knowing the TERFs are scared of me. OH NO! A GENDIE! CAREFUL THEY MIGHT DO A GENDER!
It is very gender euphoric
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menalez · 1 year
Hi menalez! So I'm trying to learn more about ableism and educate myself but I constantly come across confusing things because of the recent trend of "neurodivergence" among self-diagnosing gendies... Specifically disorders that have to do with multiple personalities. I'm not denying that such a disorder exists, per se, but I'm confused why we are supposed to treat different alters as actually different people? Like isn't that just... feeding into a delusion?? Which would potentially make the disorder worse??? Idk anyway I hope you're not offended by me asking you, I thought maybe you or your followers might share some thoughts with me. Thank you!!!
its not a delusion but moreso like.. extreme dissociaton. im not sure whether it would make the disorder worse tho, im not super well-informed in dissociative identity disorder but i know a common therapeutic approach is personality reintegration. no idea how the average person who knows someone w DID should behave to help so i cant comment on that
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arbustorum · 1 year
Not sure if you have scheduled hours for depraved LB confessions but I would like to see more Jaden being pushed up against a wall to get treated like a princess. I think there is multiple capable women in the cast who could get the job done. No gendies. Blaire if she keeps her mouth shut would be interesting. Confident Riley showing jaden a good time? Oh she'd bring her down to her height ;). Shez has the muscle, easy... Parniya has the height to truly crowd her in. No further statements from me, your honor. Thank you for your time.
yall can send whenever i just answer whenever i have free time to mess around on tumblr LOL im a small top fan so i love the idea of riley doing it but im also a fan of jadenblaire 😳😳😳 ok i had to draw it thanks a lot
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rad12345 · 2 years
hi, you can call me effie
i peaked really recently, and i’ve been at a loss ever since. i’m glad i finally woke up and realized how harmful gender ideology is for ssa people, but pretty much all my irls are gendies or strongly support it, if they knew i was even a bit radical leaning when it came to feminism they would shun me. i don’t wanna lose my irls but i also don’t wanna keep everything to myself. i don’t know what to do now, i feel so alone and just want to talk to at least one girl that understands so i made this blog to hopefully make some radfem friends without alerting my irls.
there’s still a lot i’m learning about radical feminism and sex based oppression, i’ve been kept in the dark about most of that stuff because my irls and family, so if i say anything wrong/misinformed please tell me. gonna put this in the main tags so hopefully people will see it, thanks for any advice
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michellezagenda · 5 months
i'm so sorry if i sound stupid but idk who else to turn to about this. i feel like i can't pin down my actual orientation and idk if it's because of so many factors like trauma, yrs spent being addicted to porn (free from that now thank god), and so on, but i still don't know if i'm bi or lesbian. if i had to explain it in a typical gendie fashion, i'd say that i think i'm biromantic but strictly homosexual. i can't ever get turned on by male bodies no matter how hard i try. do you think that's ever really a thing, or am i just crazy
i really don’t know :\ i see what you’re saying ….biromantic would mean you’re attracted romantically to both sexes which would already make you bisexual. you don’t have to pursue both of them sexually. i only feel romantic and sexual attraction towards women and sexual attraction towards men despite not being into their bodies but then again that’s my experience with my own bisexuality. bisexuality isn’t a 50/50 thing which is why many people don’t realize they’re bisexual or find bisexuality to be confusing. try not to overanalyze and just do what makes u feel good
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redditreceipts · 8 months
omg that tiktok about JKR being a trans man in the closet may be the funniest thing I've seen from a tra/gendie on her; I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard lmao
hehe :) thank you
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