#Ted/Trent fic
flowerfan2 · 22 days
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I was thrilled to see that Little_seahorse made a podfic of my Ted/Trent story One Hundred Plus - listen to it here, it's awesome!
This story was written to celebrate reaching 100 Ted/Trent fics on A03 - now there are just over 1000. Pretty cool.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Now that Colin is safe from the threat of a previously bully journalist outing him and can more objectively pick up on queer-coding cues in the club, who's going to write the fic where he goes full tedtrent conspiracy theorist, trying to figure out if Ted is available on his new mentor's behalf?
Oh Trent's got it BAD for the gaffer, this is perfect... yeah, yeah Coach has freaking HEART EYES whenever he looks his way! ... wait... shit... did Coach just say he's straight? fuck, oh no ... hold on, he 'WAS' a straight man? what are you now?? ... Roy says Trent went full dork on Coach and was glowing afterwards - though I think Roy said something more along the lines of 'Looked like there was fucking sunshine spewing out of his ass' - alright, alright, I think we're still on track!!
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Colin, the second Trent walks into the room: You are a strong and capable man, Trent. You are not a piece of shit. Ted would be lucky to have you.
Trent: ??!!????!!!?
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medecineformelancholy · 2 months
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For Gemini by Jimsnose on AO3.
I was so very grateful to be asked to draw something for this lovely story. It's a Ted/Trent gala fic with some gorgeous dreamy imagery, sharp metaphors and as much angst as you can imagine (and it's so good!) And a happy ending as a treat.
Thank you Jimsnose for your amazing writing💜
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pineappical · 9 months
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Trent is breathing heavily, his lips slick, red. It makes Ted want to dive directly back in, kiss him again, but he controls himself. He wants to take his time in private, somewhere he can take Trent apart like he really wants to. “Did you know everyone thinks we’re already dating, just without the sex?” Ted asks. “Yes.” Trent says. He raises a snarky little eyebrow. “Was it meant to be a secret?” “And you really thought you didn’t have a chance with me?” Ted asks. His hand is still clasped in Trent’s, his hand settled on Trent’s waist, Trent’s hand is on his shoulder. He loves holding Trent like this, it’s what he had wanted to reach for every time he stood near Trent and his hands tingled - it feels right, perfect, fulfilling.
commission for @bahoreal's "number four was always you" fanfic which i adore SO MUCH!!!!!!! THANK YOUUUU 😭💛💛💛
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politelymenacing · 3 months
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We did it!
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1,000 works.
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caslutz · 3 months
canon divergence tedtrent au where instead of ted sleeping with sassy in liver pool, ted sleeps with trent. it’s not a stretch to say trent would be there to watch the game as many other reporters were, and not even that far of a stretch to say he was staying in the same hotel. they run into each other soon after the team gets there and of course ted lights up seeing trent and trent blushes about 10 different shades of red. after the game and singing the divorce papers ted goes down to the hotel bar where he finds trent, and ted’s just vulnerable enough to act on that little part of his brain that has always been attracted to men (especially trent, since he had met him.)
ted freaks out after they hook up, much the same in canon, however it’s for a few more reasons. for one, trent is probably the first man ted has ever been with that seriously, and the first time since like college, and secondly it is right after he divorced michelle so there’s that guilt, and third, he really really likes trent. ted talks to the newly formed diamond dogs about his predicament (using very vague terms as to keep both his and trent’s privacy) and decides that he is allowed to want things, especially this.
ted doesn’t see trent again after that until the next press conference. (the next one that is shown in the series is 1x9, which is probably about a couple weeks after 1x7) ted, excited to see trent again makes a point of answering his questions with a smile, and catches trent after the conference to officially ask to see him again. I just love the idea of ted and trent having been hooking up since season one and having a messy on and off again relationship because they’re middle aged divorced dads and they’re figuring it out!!
now i probably won’t write this but if any tedtrent writers got inspired by this, by all means you should write it lmao, that would be very fun, i would read 100%
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i have this really stupid idea in my head that im frankly a little obsessed with and the idea is this: trent crimm doing a drunk history episode on ted lasso's first tenure at richmond. is that how drunk history works? i don't think so. do i care? absolutely not. it's a special episode who cares because this image is not only hysterical to me but treasured. i treasure this image. i hold it close in my heart and also laugh and laugh and laugh.
#ted is played by what is very visibly a butch lesbian in a huge fake mustache.#roy is inexplicably played by himself in a wig.#ternt drunkenly and passionately explaining this whole thing. he says his own line and the trent actor (who also has a wig) gets to act it#trent waving his hands as he's explaining all this. the host being like 'not very often we get to have someone include the part where They#come into the story' and trents like [dorkiest finger guns]#also yes i said first tenure bc this scenario lives in post canon fantasy fix it land where ambiguously ted comes back to richmond#at some point. and also both bc my tedependent heart is obsessed and bc it's really funny#marries trent. just bc i want this to end with trent--hammered and pleased as punch--being like AND THEN I MARRIED HIM!!!!!#[falls back on couch happily] :)#also in the line of that great 5+1 social media fic#by jessjessthebest. a sequel thats just like a youtube video like#'we made ted lasso and trent crimm watch that episode of drunk history about them' and trent is just. head in hands the whole time.#ted is DELIGHTED.#anyway i rotate this in my brain fucking DAILY. it's so goddamn funny to me.#ted lasso#tedependent#tedtrent#trent crimm#the line in question being 'is this a fucking joke' i just realized i did not clarify that#no but really im obsessed with this it's so fucking funny#also any image trent had left of being a ruthless ex journalist is thoroughly ruined#all of his former colleagues have seen him and drunk and giggling and fully admitting what he was thinking at the time and oh boy#hes a disaster <3
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lilalbatross · 2 years
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aw shit guys season 3 leaked early (insp)
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melancholy-valley · 3 months
Enough for me. (Roy Kent x Fem!Reader)
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pairing: (Coach) Roy Kent x Fem. reader
word count: 824 words.
warnings: roy being sad/doubting himself, roy x reader fluff, reader comforting roy, slight sexual themes suggested (near the end), roy hating on trent crimm
a/n: hi!! this is my first ever fic so... pls be gentle. this fic is based on season 3 episode 2 of ted lasso. thanks for clicking on my post out of the millions, i appreciate you :)
summary: roy comes home, frustrated and in need of some comfort after a confrontation with trent crimm about the column he wrote on roy's premier league debut.
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It was a normal day- mundane if anything. You had not too long ago returned home from work, now lazily being slumped over the couch scrolling on social media. Your shared home with the newest coach of AFC Richmond was quiet, but not uncomfortable. Roy, you expected, would be home soon, probably coming through the door stringing curses together. Something of course happened at work, the only question was who exactly he would be pissed at this time.
Just as the scenario of an angry Roy played in your head, he walked through the door. You chirped up, happy to see him after a long day, when you noticed the down look of his face. It was less angry and more...disappointed? "Hey, Roy" You spoke, gently due to the unawareness of what was happening. As you stood up and walked toward him, his eyes planted on the ground, you noticed closer the expression splayed on his face. His brows were furrowed, and he seemed to be in a deep solemn thought. It was only when you lightly touched his harm that he seemed to snap out of his thoughts.
You offered him a comforting smile, "You alright? Talk to me." After you spoke, you moved behind him, beginning to take of his coat. "I don't know." He finally spoke, his tone being gentle. Silence filled the air for a brief moment until he spoke again, "Can I ask you something?" He was now meeting your gaze. "You know you can."
"Do you think I'm good? Like, good enough?" What? A puzzled look fell over your face, and he spoke again before you got the chance to. "I don't know- fuck. It's hard to explain." His gaze diverted once again, now focusing on his fingernails he softly picked at. "Roy, I'm not sure what's going on, but you can talk to me. What happened today?"
"Today was fucking fine. It was normal until that prick Crimm had to interfere." he paused, alternating his eyes from you and the floor, "It's bad enough he prances around the fucking place like he owns it, but today he just had to come talk to me and shit." He picked at his fingernails, a little rougher this time, and you could tell he was wallowing in a mixture of hate for both Crimm and what had gone down today.
You knew he wasn't very fond of Crimm, but not exactly why. You had always figured it was because he was a-in his words-pretentious dick. But this was deeper than that, you just had a feeling. You shot Roy a concerned look. He slowly reached for his wallet and drew out a slip of paper, placing it in your hand and urging you to read it.
What welcomed you was a small excerpt claiming "Newcomer Roy Kent is an overhyped, so-called prodigy whose unbridled rage and mediocre talent rendered his Premiere League debut a profound disappointment.” As soon as you read it, you shot Roy a sad glance. You were angry for him, not believing someone had the will to write such negativity.
"Crimm wrote that." He paused to take the small slip out of your hand. "I was 17, and I had just started playing. Seven fucking teen." He gritted his teeth, grimacing. You rubbed his arm, waiting for him to start again. "I have been living my life since then feeling like I was shit. Then today Crimm revealed he did it just to be 'edgy' and make a name for himself."
Not knowing exactly what to say, you continued to rub his arm. "Roy I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the dejection you’ve been feeling all these years.” He gave you a weird look, a mixture of solemn and happy.
“You know what I really can’t believe? I kind of want to forgive his ass.” You were shocked at what you could assume was Ted’s influence. “Really?” He nodded. “As much as I don’t want to fucking admit it, yeah. He was trying to do his job I guess. I just wish he would have picked on..some other prick, I don’t know.” He was now stifling chuckles, just as shocked from the situation.
“You know what Roy?” you spoke, not breaking eye contact. “Hm?” He tilted his head. “I’m proud of you for coming to that conclusion. You could have blown up, yeah? Been angry, upset. But you handled it all well.” Your graze moving up from his arm, now on his cheek. A good minute passed as you enjoyed holding his rough face.
He leaned down to kiss you. It was gentle and sweet, spreading a honeyed heat through your being. He continued placing small kisses on your face, your neck. Slowly turning into esurient nibbles.
“I fucking love you.” He spoke through kisses.
“I love you too.” You felt him smile against your skin. “And Roy?”
“You will always be enough for me. Always.”
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
Ch. 6 of Lower Than an Rattlesnake’s Belly Button (ie, Trent and Ted text on the bus after their night in Amsterdam)
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Read the rest on A03 here.
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princebenvi · 10 months
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And in that moment, well. It was all worth it, wasn’t it?
i. have so many thoughts about trent. james lance saying his father was hard on him, expecting him to be like roy kent: macho, strong, good at football. him deciding that he would simply have to ignore is sexuality for the time being, it would be impossible for him to get and maintain a respectable job in the world of football as a gay man. pushing it down, repressing, hiding something so intrinsic to himself, ignoring the men that make his stomach tumble and a smile quirk at the corners of his mouth.
meeting his wife. he really figured it would be fine for a time, and when he voiced his doubts, his deep voice uttering the facts he’s been ignoring his whole life only for his wife to say that “everyone gets cold feet, this is your first relationship, of course you’re nervous.” resolving to continue, to try harder.
the birth of his baby girl. holding her small frame, his wife, tired, fast asleep while he holds her. feeling her breathing under his hands.
and in that moment, well. it was all worth it, wasn’t it?
here she was, his daughter. she was here, and he wouldn’t fail her. he’d do anything for her.
and he tried his best, but it’s hard to pretend you’re something you’re not. he kept up his cold walls and his put together exterior and as his daughter grew, so did his sadness. his marriage grew strained, and he knew it would begin to impact his daughter sooner or later.
and then he met ted, and there really wasn’t any fighting that particular storm, was there? ted was a bright light in what had grown to be such a cold and dark world, and the moment he said his intentions with the team, his beloved team, that he wanted to help them be the best people possible while understanding that many grew up feeling unsupported and left behind, he knew he couldn’t fight anymore.
coming out the second time was easier, in a way. and yet, so much harder, because he knew what he was giving away.
“you’re not giving me away, trent.”
trent didn’t cry much anymore. he did then, though.
and in the end, what he gained was so much more than what he lost.
if you like this, please consider supporting my top surgery fund !
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"Phone in hand, and wrapped in a soft throw blanket, Trent slid the balcony door shut behind him. He had the borrowed sweatpants back on from the evening before, and his feet were bare as he stepped onto the prickly all-weather carpeting. The fall breeze slipped between his toes and playfully tugged at his untamed hair as he closed his eyes and faced the rising sun. Trent shivered as cool air met the damp spots where Ted had kissed his neck and lips before coming outside, knowing something inside of himself had woken up for what felt like the first time."
For Chapter 13 of I Really Enjoyed Getting to Spend This Time With You by @rngaredead ❤️
Yes, Ted and Trent are holding hands in the second one. No, you wouldn't know how else they are spending their precious limited time together unless you head to the story!
Thank you, my friend, for each and every beautiful quiet moment ❤️
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pineappical · 8 months
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companion piece to @ashesandback's fic "you'll fit so nicely (you'll keep me intact)" GO READ IT!!!!! (note that its a smut fic btw!)
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focusfixated · 2 months
fic rec: ted lasso
all the men and women merely players
rating: T // fandom: ted lasso // pairings: ted x trent, keeley x roy x jamie, nate x jade // length: 50.7k author: @laiqualaurelote tags: theatre, shakespeare, post-apocalypse
"So let me get this straight. You, an American whose career highlights consisted mainly of appearing on Saturday Night Live, decide in the wake of the apocalypse to lead a touring Shakespeare company across the ruins of England." "Oh, I know. Heck, I said as much to Rebecca when she suggested it. I said, 'You could fill two Internets with what I don’t know about directing Shakespeare.' And she said, 'Ted, the Internet doesn’t exist any more.'" Trent Crimm meets Ted Lasso by chance at a Shakespeare play. Five years and the end of the world later, they meet again at another. A Station Eleven post-apocalyptic theatre AU (no knowledge of Station Eleven necessary to read).
rec notes:
a post-apocalyptic ted lasso AU where the richmond players are a troupe of travelling shakespearean actors.
simply one of the best things i've read in a long time. it SO perfectly operates within its genre, one of those beautiful pieces of cross-referential AU fanfic, where there is both a deeply thoughtful blending of references, a wonderfully precise understanding of the characters from the original media, and highly-detailed worldbuilding of its own.
the author nails every character's cadence, the variety of voices, their styles of conversation. the descriptive narrative, is also excellent. achingly poetic, there is so much beauty, and so much compelling, grim horror, too. the happy moments are threaded with plenty of intense, sharply sad moments, but there is so much joy, such hope. it's an ode to art, and friendship, and community.
i had such an amazing time reading this story. it's such a brilliant idea, and its execution lives up to the concept. the amount of detail, research, reference, is evident in every chapter. and it's a wonderful tribute to the show, while also giving such a satisfying conclusion to so many story arcs that were left a little underserved in the series finale.
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sometimes i wonder about the people ted left behind in the us. i mean, the way he is, the little we do see of his coaching from then, i have no doubt he had a great impact on his players and staff there, too; that they loved him, too. but like, we never see ted still connected to any of them. i understand why like, on a doylist level--narratively it would just clutter things to have this whole other cast, and beard is already there showing his previous important connections, but like. i dunno. i just wonder.
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