#Ted Mapes
badmovieihave · 7 months
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Bad movie I have The Complete First Season Wagon Train 1957
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michigandrifter · 5 years
Law Men 1944
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jamesmapes · 3 years
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manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Released on June 19, 1939: Roy Rogers and Gabby are accused of a crime committed by a local gang of outlaws, and must clear themselves. Genre: Comedy Duration: 57min Director: Joseph Kane Actors: Roy Rogers (Roy Rogers), Lynne Roberts (Jean), George 'Gabby' Hayes (Gabby), Jack La Rue (Sujarno), Katherine DeMille (Rita Vargas), Frank Puglia (Don Jose Vargas), Harry Woods ('Curly' Calkins), Paul Marion (Carlos Vargas), Ethel Wales (Aunt Felicia), Merrill McCormick (Pedro), Chuck Baldra (smelter worker), Ralph Bucko (Vaquero), Roy Bucko (Vaquero), Fred Burns (settler), Jim Corey (Curly's henchman), Anna Demetrio (the Duena), Herman Hack (settler), Ted Mapes (Curly's henchman), George Montgomery (Curly's henchman), Bill Nestell (smelter foreman), Tom Smith (settler), Al Taylor (Curly's henchman), Blackie Whiteford (settler), Henry Wills (henchman). *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media, and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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captainlenfan · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://leosmagic.space/product/mental-note-magic-trick-digital-download-mentalism-magic-trick/
Mental Note Magic Trick – Digital Download (Mentalism Magic Trick)
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What You Get :
Digital Download (emailed to a verified email account within 24 hours of completed payment)
Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the secret right now for only $14.95.  Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
About Mental Note
Over 50 years ago, Ted Annemann published a method for gaining access to information secretly recorded by a spectator, the center tear.  
This utility move caught on quickly and has since become a mainstay in the mentalist’s repertoire.  
For more than half a century, the center tear has been the most practical and deceptive method for garnering information secretly written.
Until now.
Introducing Eddy Ray’s Mental Note.
Let me make this perfectly clear…  Mental Note makes the Center Tear OBSOLETE.  
Anything is possible with Mental Note
 Drawing Duplication – Mind Reading – Remote Viewing – Predictions – ESP
With Mental Note on your side you will have full command over the entire spectrum of Mentalism!  The principle can be used to produce a multitude of effects but the bare bones idea is this:
A spectator is asked to think of any geometric shape, ESP symbol or number.
You display a stack of post-it notes and proceed to draw a circle on the face.
The note pad is handed to the spectator and they are instructed to take the pen and draw the shape or number they are thinking of in the circle while you look away.
The pad is then passed to a second spectator who is instructed to remove the drawing from the pad, fold it up tightly and put it in their pocket.
 You are able to reveal the shape, symbol or number they drew!
Important points to consider
At no time do you peek at the drawing.  The second spectator can retain the pad, and the drawing.  Can be done one on one, without a second spectator. No shiners or reflection devices. The note pad itself can be borrowed. All props used are ordinary and unprepared. There is no fishing.  You know EXACTLY what is on the pad. There are no forces involved. There are no stooges. You end clean.  There is NOTHING to be discovered. The effect can be repeated.
The paper can be folded.  It can be torn.  It can even be burned.
If you currently use a center tear you’re well aware of the drawbacks.  One is that you have to handle the paper quite a bit while tearing it.  So much that your audience may assume you were able to get a glimpse of the contents.  Another is that the ‘billet’ or special sized paper used isn’t exactly a natural thing to have laying around, no less to be carrying with you.  Finally, the center tear leaves you with a bit of the dirty work in your hands. 
 Mental Note eliminates all these flaws.. and more!
‘Eddy, your Mental Note effect truly is a quantum leap in mentalism.  This is something I’m using.. all the time.  So strong and easy to do.  Annemann has got to be turning over in his grave!’ 
– Steve Fearson
‘Why didn’t I think of this?  I’m rolling over in my grave!’
– Ted Annemann
‘Eddy Ray’s Mental Note is a devious effect and principle that should be in your magic arsenal.’
-Andrew Mayne
‘I think this is a great effect! The mentalist has a big choice, it’s simple and more more pratical than the centre tear!’
-A Thornborn
‘I’ve not been able to stop thinking about routines I can accomplish with this tool. It is simple and clean, and works great, I think this  is one that I am going to really enjoy.  …undetectable and highly effective.’
– M Fernandez
‘Thanks so much for offering Mental Note.  I just read through it and am very impressed.’ 
– B Daugherty
‘I’ve purchased a number of your things over the years and have never been sorry.  ..I’m speechless.’
-D Juraschek
‘I just bought Eddy’s Ray’s ‘Mental Note’, and I love it!  I’ve been waiting for a method like this for years. Combine ‘Mental Note’ with the ‘Believe Manuscript’ and you get the Holy Grail of walkaround mentalism!’
– D Baker
‘Thanks for releasing this masterpiece of subterfuge! I usually avoid most ‘mental’ effects due to complexity, etc., but this one is pure simplicity itself. The crystal clear explanation and pictures, plus Eddy’s variations, make it a must-have!’ 
– R Mapes
  Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the secret right now for only $14.95.  Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
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adibencun · 3 years
Ne volim istraživački rad, međutim, ipak sam uspješno uspio privesti kraju svoje visokoškolsko obrazovanje. (Skromna hvalisavost) Hvala svima koji su se odazvali ili sasvim slučajno našli na mom TED govoru. Bila mi je apsolutna čast. Ugodnu večer. Kraj teksta.
Da. Mislim da bih ipak trebao poraditi na ovome. Mada, zaista sam imao priliku obratiti se prisutnima tokom jedne TED konferencije i iskoristio sam je vrhunski. Susrevši se sa nervozom na pozornici, zaboravio sam govor koji sam svojeručno napisao u nadi da ću elokventno i dostojanstveno predstaviti koorganizatora događaja; tim koji su činile moje školske kolege.
Ponavljao sam tekst tokom većeg dijela našeg putovanja od Tuzle do Sarajeva i ponio laskavu titulu prave radosne kugle našeg autobusa. Drugari i drugarice su se zbližavali i bilježili fotografije nekolicine uspavanih saputnika. Autobus je, prema nekoj ličnoj pretpostavci, drugo mjesto po važnosti za stvaranje trajno lijepih uspomena sa svakog putovanja. A koje bi to onda bilo prvo?
Kako sam neko ko ne krije da jako voli pažnju, ubrzat ćemo do moje tačke. Naime, započeo sam svoju zahvalnicu zahvalivši organizatoru za suradnju, pojedincima i medijskim kućama koje su se odlučile odazvati i . . . Sjedište u sredini amfiteatra iznenadno postade jezgro mistične moći od kojeg nisam mogao odmaknuti pogled, pri tome izgubivši i mogućnost govora. Među siluetama u publici ne uspjeh pronaći niti jedno prijateljsko lice, a tišina se učini tako intezivnom da sam je mogao osjetiti kako se kroz uši spušta u obraze i vrat.
“Osjećam se kao Eminem u ‘8th Mile’ filmu” — priznajem sebi naposljetku, naglas. Uslijedilo je oduševljenje kroz smijeh, a potom i grupni aplauz. Nisam im zamjerio niti ih pronašao zlonamjernim. Bili su u znaku podrške. Ispostavilo se da je biti iskren i dopustiti sebi ranjivost — savršen katalizator za empatiju. Dirnut takvom gestom publike, odbacim zapisano u potpunosti i kažem samo ono što sam esencijalno i naumio, bez pretjeranog dotjerivanja i dodvoravanja.
Naredni javni nastupi će mi pomoći izgraditi prijeko potrebno samopouzdanje i učiniti da ih želim iskusiti još! Erupcija reakcija i doživljaja koja nastupi nakon uspješno održanog govora ili prezentacije je osjećaj nemjerljiv prema bilo kojem koji sam do tada iskusio. Tada shvatam zašto ljude privlači aktivno učešće u političkom životu.
Održati govor ili prezentaciju može biti jedno ohrabrujuće iskustvo. Izvršite adekvatnu pripremu, odradite ono što ste došli napraviti i budete pristojno nagrađeni. Dakle, aplauz sličan onome na teniskom meču. Ležerno ispuštam mikrofon iz ruke.
S druge strane, recitirati ili pjevati, pri tome još i tokom “otvoreni mikrofon” segmenta Hip-Hop večeri, što sam imao priliku iskusiti u dva navrata — može biti potpuna druga zvijer. Očekivanjem kurtoazije doživjet ćete razočaranje i u konačnici moliti za trenutak pažnje i tišine. Ipak ste vi ti koji imate mikrofon u ruci, pa jel? Publika na takvim mjestima biva jedan živući, autonomni organizam kojeg pokorite (čitaj: kupite) ili mu se predate. U svakom slučaju se iskreno suosjećam.
Pričati pred članovima porodice, plijeneći pažnju jednocifrenog broja osoba, može biti blago stresno iskustvo. Oči su uprte u vas i imate osjećaj da je sve što kažete ili napravite stavljeno pod povećalo. Osjećaj se udvostručuje ako pričate pred grupom prijatelja, utrostručuje ako pričate pred neznancima ili kombinacijom navedenih osoba. Matematika je drugačija za svakoga ponaosob. A možda ste ipak kuler/ica pa vam ove super-moći dolaze spontano, bez potrebe da o tome nešto naročito razmišljate ili još gore, napišete čitav tekst sa uvodom kojeg je teško povezati sa nazivom vaše priče.
Ipak, to je nešto što je obilježilo prvi ciklus mog visokog obrazovanja, nakon relativno neupečatljive srednjoškolske etape, i postavilo temelj za godine koje iz današnje perspektive smatram formativnim. Pri tome sam nemjerljivo zahvalan kolegama koje su me u tom smjeru i “gurnule”, započevši proces. Sa sebe skidam slojeve (samokritičnosti i sramežljivosti), a istovremeno klešem poput statue skulptora koji iz kamena oblikuje samoga sebe. Razmislite o tome.
Samostalan život u drugoj državi po prvi put. Iako je u istoj grupi kao i maternji, tu je drugi jezik, drugi običaji, obrasci ponašanja, sistem obrazovanja, troškovi i uslovi života.
S cimerom iz Koroške regije prva dva mjeseca pričam na engleskom, docimeri nam se smijulje. Pored nekoliko izuzetaka, većina slovenaca me razumije, jer biće da slušaju Senidu.
Peron petnaest. Google mape. Nabadanje riječi. Studentski kuponi za ishranu. Kineska kuhinja. Internacionalna Erasmus večera. Kartanje u čajnoj. Treninzi u podrum-teretani. Šetnja uz Dravu. Mariborska piramida. Žičara niz Pohorje. Zimska garderoba u torbi iz Tuzle. Legenda od druga Crnogorca. Mariborski doktor sa Sjenjaka. Studentska košarkaška liga. Red pred ŠTUKom i TRUSTom na studentski utorak. Flertovanje na engleskom. Blamiranje na slovenskom. Kebab po povratku doma. KMŠ noć poezije. Studentska organizacija BEST. Predavanja i vježbe. Online ispiti. Život na korak do gradskog parka. Ruskinje. Festival vina. Mnogo festivala vina. Nesuđene ljubavi iz Portugala i Galicije. Početak Covid pandemije. Prijatelji vegani iz Španije. Povratak kući na dan pred mamin rođendan. Ljetna romansa. Zagreb . . . E, to je već priča za sebe.
Na kraju sam svoje akademske karijere. Tako sam mislio i nakon odbrane završnog rada na dodiplomskom studiju. Srećom, obznanjeno mi je da priliku odlaska u inostranstvo ne treba propustiti, a postao sam svjestan i brojnih mogućnosti koje u suprotnom ne bih mogao iskoristiti. Podsjetio sam se da zaista ne uživam u istraživanju koje je nametnuto kao obaveza. Štaviše, možda je sve ovo otvoreno pismo uglađenog izvinjenja mami jer nisam započeo pisati svoj magistarski rad. A ipak, ne mogu ne završiti započeto.
Možda je ovo sve podsjetnik sebi, kako je lijepo bilo proživjeti sve čari i borbe studentskog života, pa barem i na tri mjeseca, kada se sve sabere i oduzme. Odnosno, ne žaliti jer to nisam iskusio u vremenskom okviru od 2, 3 ili 5 godina kao neki.
Možda nekada, kada dospijem u određenu fazu zrelosti, konačno iščezne za mene karakteristična naklonost prema nostalgiji, kao i strah od propuštanja. Gledajući kroz druge naočale, možda selektivno zapamtim samo one stvari u kojima sam mogao i odlučio učestvovati, a koje su obogatile moje iskustvo i oplemenile moju ličnost u procesu. Sjećanja mi na lice stavljaju smiješak.
Na kraju, bila ona prijatna ili ne, postat će samo fragmenti, sićušni poput jednog komadića puzzle u kontekstu šire slike ili krupnog plana u žargonu filmaša. Tako sam počeo razmišljati ubrzo nakog prvog susreta sa budizmom, prihvativši neizbježnu prolaznost svega. Možda zvučim tmurno i depresivno, ali koristeći tu ideju kao podsjetnik primjećujem da investiram značajno manje energije na stvari, situacije i osobe koje toga nisu vrijedne.
Iako ovo djeluje kao još jedna mentalna napomena u nizu, a koju ipak dijelim sa drugima, znam da želim više živjeti u trenutnom momentu. Razumijem princip “oportunitetnog troška” ili kako se u narodu kaže: “jedna vrata se zatvore, druga otvore.” Mi smo priče koje pričamo sebi — tokom svog TED govora ističe Shekhar Kapur, indijski glumac, režiser i producent. Prepoznajem dio svog narativa i u čuvenom monologu Charlie Chaplina: “Mislimo previše, a osjećamo premalo.”
Međutim, ipak osjećam da sam, za sve ono što tek slijedi, naoružan onim kroz šta sam do sada prošao.
PS: Nakon trećeg pokušaja u nešto više od godinu dana, uspješno sam položio i posljednji ispit na magistarskom studiju, koji, ironično i pomalo tužno, pripada predmetu iz prvog semestra. Uzdravlje!- Adi.
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uchidakoichi · 5 years
Adman from Callner Brothers on Vimeo.
What does a man, a woman, ice cream, chewing gum, dog food, beer, and a lot of other things have in common? Commercials.
WRITER/DIRECTOR: Ben Callner PRODUCER: Adam Callner EP's: Ben Callner, Adam Callner, Steve Wi, Phyllis Koenig, Doug Chamberlain, Melissa Mapes, Ben Suenaga DP: Doug Chamberlain PRODUCTION DESIGNER: Christian Stone EDITORS: Ben Callner, Joe Kell, Alex Pirrone, Ben Suenaga
CAST: Ted Cannon, Jocelin Donahue, Judy Kain, Dar Dixon, Jarrod Crawford, Tim Karasawa, Josh Covitt, Erick Chavarria, Bill O’Neill, Sam Carson, Niko Posey, David Aaron, Paul Vinson, Michele Lainevool, Adam Nemet, Harrison Polo
Thank you to everyone else involved! If “it takes a village,” this took a major metropolitan area.
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bikechatter · 7 years
Council session reveals City’s commitment to I-5 congestion pricing
I-5 north of Weidler overpass. (Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)
“I’m fully cognizant of the fact that [congestion pricing] may not happen before this project and I certainly don’t want to see this project fall by the wayside because of that.” — Dan Saltzman, City Commissioner
As the Oregon Department of Transportation tries their best to move forward with a project to widen Interstate 5 through the Rose Quarter, there remains broad support from experts, activists, insiders — and even politicians — that charging a toll to drive on the freeway is the most sensible way to respond to congestion concerns.
But until last week it had been all talk and posturing. That was before City Commissioner Dan Saltzman (who oversees the Portland Bureau of Transportation) drafted an amendment to an action item on the project in the Central City 2035 Plan. At their October 18th work session on the plan, Portland City Council agreed with Saltzman on an idea we first reported on back in September: That ODOT must implement congestion pricing on I-5.
But the devil is in the details. When would the tolls start? Would they be legal? How committed is the City of Portland to congestion pricing on I-5? Are they willing to risk the entire project if it doesn’t happen?
Saltzman’s amendment (a stronger version of an existing action item for the project) was seconded during the work session but still isn’t an official part of the CC2035 plan. PBOT will now spend six weeks refining the idea before it comes back to council on November 30th.
Here’s the language of the amendment that was supported by council last week (notice the changes from the previous version):
Words matter here. Notice that Saltzman’s language calls for the implementation of congestion pricing “… prior to the opening of this project.” That’s different than the language his office gave us on September 1st when he wanted to, “Include congestion/value pricing before the project breaks ground.”
There’s a big difference between doing something before a shovel hits the dirt and doing it before the ribbon is cut.
“This [action item on congestion pricing] is what you want to see happen. It doesn’t mean that the project can’t happen if we don’t meet that action.” — Art Pearce, PBOT
Mayor Ted Wheeler had some questions for PBOT staff at the work session last week. “I support congestion pricing and I support Commissioner Saltzman’s efforts. One possible hitch in all this: Who gets to decide that? Do we control that? Does the state control that? Or are we beholden to the federal government?”
“A little bit of all of those things,” replied PBOT Policy, Planning and Projects Group Manager Art Pearce. “The state needs to apply to the federal government for approval, and that’s what the legislature directed ODOT to do… to undertake a study in order to apply for approval to implement the program.”
Then Wheeler asked what would happen if the feds said “no” to congestion pricing. “I would hate to see all of the other aspects of this project go by the wayside and the funds returned to the state so they could use it to expand I-205 if the federal government doesn’t give us what we need right now,” he replied to Pearce. “I’m somewhat hesitant to throw down a gauntlet when I don’t know who’s picking it up on the other side.”
Then Pearce said something that should give pricing advocates pause. In describing Saltzman’s stronger language for the congestion pricing action item, he said, “It’s saying, this is what you want to see happen. It doesn’t mean that the project can’t happen if we don’t meet that action.”
With a worried look on his face, as if he realized how Pearce’s comments might be heard as being too weak on the city’s congestion pricing demands and wanted to make sure something stronger was on the record, Wheeler spoke directly to Pearce, “I want to clariy: Is that Commissioner Saltzman’s intent? Because I’m not sure you got that right.”
“Our intention is to see that [congestion pricing] happen,” Pearce replied.
Then Saltzman himself spoke up. “I want to see this happen. I think you have to push the bureaucracy in order to make something like this happen because it is a new concept, at least on the west coast. But I’m fully cognizant of the fact that it may not happen before this project and I certainly don’t want to see this project fall by the wayside because of that.”
And with that, Wheeler said, “Then you have me standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you on this. This is obviously an important project for the state. An important project for the City of Portland. I believe it has the opportunity to be transformational for this part of our city.”
Keep in mind that PBOT is a very strong partner with ODOT in support of the I-5 Rose Quarter Project — new freeways lanes and all. They’ll have to walk a fine line between demands for congestion pricing and a state agency that doesn’t seem to want it on the I-5 project.
At a major public hearing on the project back in September, an ODOT staffer threw cold water on congestion pricing by suggesting it would unfairly hurt low-income people. And in a story reported by Oregon Public Broadcasting on October 13th, ODOT Assistant Director Travis Brouwer “raised doubt about whether it makes sense to even try to impose tolls in the Rose Quarter.” Brouwer told OPB’s Jeff Mapes that, “It’s not clear that it is one [section of freeway] that would lend itself real well to congestion pricing.”
With council support for congestion pricing firmed up, PBOT’s Pearce told Mayor Wheeler and the commissioners that, “Our intention is to bring a much clearer point to the congestion pricing conversation about six weeks from now.”
Stay tuned.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and [email protected]
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The post Council session reveals City’s commitment to I-5 congestion pricing appeared first on BikePortland.org.
via bikechatter http://ift.tt/2zNLQt3
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imagingmaps · 7 years
@geoinquiets: Les 20 millores xerrades TED al voltant dels mapes i la geografia https://t.co/BqWKZWNryw https://t.co/vBUUFQ7Clf
from http://twitter.com/geoinquiets via IFTTT
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michigandrifter · 5 years
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The Rare Breed 1966
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michigandrifter · 5 years
Gunfight in Abilene 1967
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14 notes · View notes
manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Released March 1, 1936: Tim and a saloon dancing girl help capture a band of outlaw bank robbers. Genre: Drama Duration: 59min Director: Sam Newfield Actors: Tim McCoy (Tim Ross), Lois January (Goldie Harris, dance hall girl), Ralph Byrd (Tex Weaver), J. Frank Glendon (Wiley Taggart, territorial bank examiner), Ted Adams (Buff Brayden, owner of the Lucky Spade Saloon), John Merton (Runnyian), Earle Hodgins (Doc Shaw), Jimmy Aubrey (town drunk), Dick Botiller (guard), Ralph Bucko (barfly), Roy Bucko (barfly), Horace B. Carpenter (spectator), Steve Clark (uniformed show performer), Tex Cooper (barfly), Ben Corbett (henchman), Rube Dalroy (spectator), Joe De La Cruz (Enrique Gonzales), Art Dillard (henchman), Jack Evans (henchman Jack), Art Felix (henchman), Oscar Gahan (townsman), Harrison Greene (promoter for Doc Shaw), Herman Hack (Crowley the town banker), Ray Henderson (barfly), Si Jenks (townsman), Cactus Mack (barfly), Ted Mapes (Deputy), William McCall (barfly), Frank McCarroll (henchman), Clyde McClary (Deputy), Bud McClure (henchman), Robert McKenzie (Douglas County Sheriff), Milburn Morante (spectator), George Morrell (spectator), Artie Ortego (henchman), Bill Patton (spectator), Tex Phelps (barfly), Bud Pope (townsman), Bob Reeves (spectator), Jack Rockwell (Cherokee County Sheriff), Henry Roquemore (Murdock, banker), Al Taylor (henchman), Arthur Thalasso (bartender), Slim Whitaker (henchman Slim), Bill Wolfe (spectator), Henry Hall (Mr. Crowley, Bordertown bank president) *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights...
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manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Released on Decmember 1, 1941: Roy Rogers is Steve Blane, a newspaper reporter from New York City who goes to Cheyenne in search of a story about outlaw Arapahoe Brown. Genre: Action Duration: 58min Director: Joseph Kane Actors: Roy Rogers (Steve Blane), George 'Gabby' Hayes (Arapahoe Brown), Joan Woodbury (Della Casey and Dolores Casino), J. Farrell MacDonald (Tim Casey), Sally Payne (Squeak Brown), George Rosener (Sam Drummond), William Haade (henchman Davidge), Hal Taliaferro (henchman Pete), Jack Kirk (henchman Rufe), Chuck Baldra (square-dance caller), William 'Billy' Benedict (train vendor), Bob Burns (settler dancer), Fred Burns (rancher Pa Whipple), Bob Card (first fiddle player), Tommy Coats (townsman), Iron Eyes Cody (Indian), Spade Cooley (cowhand musician), Ben Corbett (townsman), Jim Corey (henchman), Art Dillard (townsman), Frank Ellis (henchman), Fern Emmett (Miss Smith), Oscar Gahan (accordian player), Ray Jones (settler dancer), George Lloyd (stable owner Smitty), Cactus Mack (henchman), Chief Many Treaties (Indian), Ted Mapes (rancher), Merrill McCormick (train passenger), Jack Montgomery (hired gunman), Buck Moulton (train passenger), Herman Nowlin (rancher), Jack O'Shea (bartender), Edward Peil Sr. (train conductor), Henry Roquemore (train passenger), Nick Thompson (settler dancer), Henry Wills (cowhand), Bob Woodward (henchman) *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media, an...
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captainlenfan · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://leosmagic.space/product/mental-note-magic-trick-digital-download-mentalism-magic-trick/
Mental Note Magic Trick – Digital Download (Mentalism Magic Trick)
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What You Get :
Digital Download (emailed to a verified email account within 24 hours of completed payment)
Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the secret right now for only $14.95.  Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
About Mental Note
Over 50 years ago, Ted Annemann published a method for gaining access to information secretly recorded by a spectator, the center tear.  
This utility move caught on quickly and has since become a mainstay in the mentalist’s repertoire.  
For more than half a century, the center tear has been the most practical and deceptive method for garnering information secretly written.
Until now.
Introducing Eddy Ray’s Mental Note.
Let me make this perfectly clear…  Mental Note makes the Center Tear OBSOLETE.  
Anything is possible with Mental Note
 Drawing Duplication – Mind Reading – Remote Viewing – Predictions – ESP
With Mental Note on your side you will have full command over the entire spectrum of Mentalism!  The principle can be used to produce a multitude of effects but the bare bones idea is this:
A spectator is asked to think of any geometric shape, ESP symbol or number.
You display a stack of post-it notes and proceed to draw a circle on the face.
The note pad is handed to the spectator and they are instructed to take the pen and draw the shape or number they are thinking of in the circle while you look away.
The pad is then passed to a second spectator who is instructed to remove the drawing from the pad, fold it up tightly and put it in their pocket.
 You are able to reveal the shape, symbol or number they drew!
Important points to consider
At no time do you peek at the drawing.  The second spectator can retain the pad, and the drawing.  Can be done one on one, without a second spectator. No shiners or reflection devices. The note pad itself can be borrowed. All props used are ordinary and unprepared. There is no fishing.  You know EXACTLY what is on the pad. There are no forces involved. There are no stooges. You end clean.  There is NOTHING to be discovered. The effect can be repeated.
The paper can be folded.  It can be torn.  It can even be burned.
If you currently use a center tear you’re well aware of the drawbacks.  One is that you have to handle the paper quite a bit while tearing it.  So much that your audience may assume you were able to get a glimpse of the contents.  Another is that the ‘billet’ or special sized paper used isn’t exactly a natural thing to have laying around, no less to be carrying with you.  Finally, the center tear leaves you with a bit of the dirty work in your hands. 
 Mental Note eliminates all these flaws.. and more!
‘Eddy, your Mental Note effect truly is a quantum leap in mentalism.  This is something I’m using.. all the time.  So strong and easy to do.  Annemann has got to be turning over in his grave!’ 
– Steve Fearson
‘Why didn’t I think of this?  I’m rolling over in my grave!’
– Ted Annemann
‘Eddy Ray’s Mental Note is a devious effect and principle that should be in your magic arsenal.’
-Andrew Mayne
‘I think this is a great effect! The mentalist has a big choice, it’s simple and more more pratical than the centre tear!’
-A Thornborn
‘I’ve not been able to stop thinking about routines I can accomplish with this tool. It is simple and clean, and works great, I think this  is one that I am going to really enjoy.  …undetectable and highly effective.’
– M Fernandez
‘Thanks so much for offering Mental Note.  I just read through it and am very impressed.’ 
– B Daugherty
‘I’ve purchased a number of your things over the years and have never been sorry.  ..I’m speechless.’
-D Juraschek
‘I just bought Eddy’s Ray’s ‘Mental Note’, and I love it!  I’ve been waiting for a method like this for years. Combine ‘Mental Note’ with the ‘Believe Manuscript’ and you get the Holy Grail of walkaround mentalism!’
– D Baker
‘Thanks for releasing this masterpiece of subterfuge! I usually avoid most ‘mental’ effects due to complexity, etc., but this one is pure simplicity itself. The crystal clear explanation and pictures, plus Eddy’s variations, make it a must-have!’ 
– R Mapes
  Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the secret right now for only $14.95.  Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
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captainlenfan · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://leosmagic.space/product/mental-note-magic-trick-digital-download-mentalism-magic-trick/
Mental Note Magic Trick – Digital Download (Mentalism Magic Trick)
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What You Get :
Digital Download (emailed to a verified email account within 24 hours of completed payment)
Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the secret right now for only $14.95.  Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
About Mental Note
Over 50 years ago, Ted Annemann published a method for gaining access to information secretly recorded by a spectator, the center tear.  
This utility move caught on quickly and has since become a mainstay in the mentalist’s repertoire.  
For more than half a century, the center tear has been the most practical and deceptive method for garnering information secretly written.
Until now.
Introducing Eddy Ray’s Mental Note.
Let me make this perfectly clear…  Mental Note makes the Center Tear OBSOLETE.  
Anything is possible with Mental Note
 Drawing Duplication – Mind Reading – Remote Viewing – Predictions – ESP
With Mental Note on your side you will have full command over the entire spectrum of Mentalism!  The principle can be used to produce a multitude of effects but the bare bones idea is this:
A spectator is asked to think of any geometric shape, ESP symbol or number.
You display a stack of post-it notes and proceed to draw a circle on the face.
The note pad is handed to the spectator and they are instructed to take the pen and draw the shape or number they are thinking of in the circle while you look away.
The pad is then passed to a second spectator who is instructed to remove the drawing from the pad, fold it up tightly and put it in their pocket.
 You are able to reveal the shape, symbol or number they drew!
Important points to consider
At no time do you peek at the drawing.  The second spectator can retain the pad, and the drawing.  Can be done one on one, without a second spectator. No shiners or reflection devices. The note pad itself can be borrowed. All props used are ordinary and unprepared. There is no fishing.  You know EXACTLY what is on the pad. There are no forces involved. There are no stooges. You end clean.  There is NOTHING to be discovered. The effect can be repeated.
The paper can be folded.  It can be torn.  It can even be burned.
If you currently use a center tear you’re well aware of the drawbacks.  One is that you have to handle the paper quite a bit while tearing it.  So much that your audience may assume you were able to get a glimpse of the contents.  Another is that the ‘billet’ or special sized paper used isn’t exactly a natural thing to have laying around, no less to be carrying with you.  Finally, the center tear leaves you with a bit of the dirty work in your hands. 
 Mental Note eliminates all these flaws.. and more!
‘Eddy, your Mental Note effect truly is a quantum leap in mentalism.  This is something I’m using.. all the time.  So strong and easy to do.  Annemann has got to be turning over in his grave!’ 
– Steve Fearson
‘Why didn’t I think of this?  I’m rolling over in my grave!’
– Ted Annemann
‘Eddy Ray’s Mental Note is a devious effect and principle that should be in your magic arsenal.’
-Andrew Mayne
‘I think this is a great effect! The mentalist has a big choice, it’s simple and more more pratical than the centre tear!’
-A Thornborn
‘I’ve not been able to stop thinking about routines I can accomplish with this tool. It is simple and clean, and works great, I think this  is one that I am going to really enjoy.  …undetectable and highly effective.’
– M Fernandez
‘Thanks so much for offering Mental Note.  I just read through it and am very impressed.’ 
– B Daugherty
‘I’ve purchased a number of your things over the years and have never been sorry.  ..I’m speechless.’
-D Juraschek
‘I just bought Eddy’s Ray’s ‘Mental Note’, and I love it!  I’ve been waiting for a method like this for years. Combine ‘Mental Note’ with the ‘Believe Manuscript’ and you get the Holy Grail of walkaround mentalism!’
– D Baker
‘Thanks for releasing this masterpiece of subterfuge! I usually avoid most ‘mental’ effects due to complexity, etc., but this one is pure simplicity itself. The crystal clear explanation and pictures, plus Eddy’s variations, make it a must-have!’ 
– R Mapes
  Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the secret right now for only $14.95.  Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
0 notes
captainlenfan · 5 years
Tumblr media
New Post has been published on https://leosmagic.space/product/mental-note-magic-trick-digital-download-mentalism-magic-trick/
Mental Note Magic Trick – Digital Download (Mentalism Magic Trick)
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What You Get :
Digital Download (emailed to a verified email account within 24 hours of completed payment)
Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the secret right now for only $14.95.  Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
About Mental Note
Over 50 years ago, Ted Annemann published a method for gaining access to information secretly recorded by a spectator, the center tear.  
This utility move caught on quickly and has since become a mainstay in the mentalist’s repertoire.  
For more than half a century, the center tear has been the most practical and deceptive method for garnering information secretly written.
Until now.
Introducing Eddy Ray’s Mental Note.
Let me make this perfectly clear…  Mental Note makes the Center Tear OBSOLETE.  
Anything is possible with Mental Note
 Drawing Duplication – Mind Reading – Remote Viewing – Predictions – ESP
With Mental Note on your side you will have full command over the entire spectrum of Mentalism!  The principle can be used to produce a multitude of effects but the bare bones idea is this:
A spectator is asked to think of any geometric shape, ESP symbol or number.
You display a stack of post-it notes and proceed to draw a circle on the face.
The note pad is handed to the spectator and they are instructed to take the pen and draw the shape or number they are thinking of in the circle while you look away.
The pad is then passed to a second spectator who is instructed to remove the drawing from the pad, fold it up tightly and put it in their pocket.
 You are able to reveal the shape, symbol or number they drew!
Important points to consider
At no time do you peek at the drawing.  The second spectator can retain the pad, and the drawing.  Can be done one on one, without a second spectator. No shiners or reflection devices. The note pad itself can be borrowed. All props used are ordinary and unprepared. There is no fishing.  You know EXACTLY what is on the pad. There are no forces involved. There are no stooges. You end clean.  There is NOTHING to be discovered. The effect can be repeated.
The paper can be folded.  It can be torn.  It can even be burned.
If you currently use a center tear you’re well aware of the drawbacks.  One is that you have to handle the paper quite a bit while tearing it.  So much that your audience may assume you were able to get a glimpse of the contents.  Another is that the ‘billet’ or special sized paper used isn’t exactly a natural thing to have laying around, no less to be carrying with you.  Finally, the center tear leaves you with a bit of the dirty work in your hands. 
 Mental Note eliminates all these flaws.. and more!
‘Eddy, your Mental Note effect truly is a quantum leap in mentalism.  This is something I’m using.. all the time.  So strong and easy to do.  Annemann has got to be turning over in his grave!’ 
– Steve Fearson
‘Why didn’t I think of this?  I’m rolling over in my grave!’
– Ted Annemann
‘Eddy Ray’s Mental Note is a devious effect and principle that should be in your magic arsenal.’
-Andrew Mayne
‘I think this is a great effect! The mentalist has a big choice, it’s simple and more more pratical than the centre tear!’
-A Thornborn
‘I’ve not been able to stop thinking about routines I can accomplish with this tool. It is simple and clean, and works great, I think this  is one that I am going to really enjoy.  …undetectable and highly effective.’
– M Fernandez
‘Thanks so much for offering Mental Note.  I just read through it and am very impressed.’ 
– B Daugherty
‘I’ve purchased a number of your things over the years and have never been sorry.  ..I’m speechless.’
-D Juraschek
‘I just bought Eddy’s Ray’s ‘Mental Note’, and I love it!  I’ve been waiting for a method like this for years. Combine ‘Mental Note’ with the ‘Believe Manuscript’ and you get the Holy Grail of walkaround mentalism!’
– D Baker
‘Thanks for releasing this masterpiece of subterfuge! I usually avoid most ‘mental’ effects due to complexity, etc., but this one is pure simplicity itself. The crystal clear explanation and pictures, plus Eddy’s variations, make it a must-have!’ 
– R Mapes
  Mental Note is probably the most valuable piece of magic you will buy in your lifetime.  $100 for this secret would be more than fair, this is a technique that is equivalent to having a sixth sense or the power of remote viewing.  Yet, you can order the secret right now for only $14.95.  Mental Note is delivered as a 27 page downloadable manuscript, mac and pc compatible.
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