#Tamil Alphabets
babylearners · 9 months
உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் அ ஆ இ ஈ அடிப்படை தமிழ் Baby Learners Tamil
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helloparent · 1 day
Learn Tamil Today with the Help of the Tamil Alphabet Chart.
Learning a new language is a fascinating experience, and anyone interested in delving deeper into Tamil can start with the Tamil Alphabet Chart. Tamil, one of the oldest classical languages in the world, has a unique linguistic and cultural heritage. The main method of learning Tamil in this tutorial is by beginning with an alphabet chart.
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Why Start with the Tamil Alphabet Chart?
Understanding the Tamil alphabet is foundational to learning the language effectively. The alphabet is the building block of the language, essential for reading, writing, and proper pronunciation. A Tamil Alphabet Chart, especially one enriched with Tamil alphabets with pictures chart, provides a visual and interactive means to familiarize yourself with the script and sounds of Tamil.
The Structure of the Tamil Alphabet
Vowels (உயிரெழுத்துக்கள்)
The Tamil language has 12 vowels:
அ (a)
ஆ (aa)
இ (i)
ஈ (ii)
உ (u)
ஊ (uu)
எ (e)
ஏ (ee)
ஐ (ai)
ஒ (o)
ஓ (oo)
ஔ (au)
Consonants (மெய்யெழுத்துக்கள்)
There are 18 primary consonants:
க் (k)
ங் (ng)
ச் (c)
ஞ் (nj)
ட் (t)
ண் (n)
த் (th)
ந் (n)
ப் (p)
ம் (m)
ய் (y)
ர் (r)
ல் (l)
வ் (v)
ழ் (zh)
ள் (l)
ற் (r)
ன் (n)
The vowels and consonants combine to form compound characters, making up a total of 216 compound characters (உயிர்மெய் எழுத்துக்கள்). Understanding this structure is pivotal, as it lays the groundwork for the formation of words and sentences in Tamil.
Utilizing a Tamil Alphabet Chart with Pictures
For beginners, a Tamil alphabet with pictures chart is particularly helpful. This type of chart pairs each Tamil letter with a corresponding picture of an object that starts with the same letter sound. This association technique enhances memory recall, making it easier for learners to remember the letters and their sounds. Visual aids are known to improve learning efficiency, and this approach brings an element of fun into the language learning process.
Practice and Repetition
Like learning any new language, mastering the Tamil alphabet requires consistent practice and repetition. Regularly referring to the Tamil Alphabet Chart, practicing writing the letters, and pronouncing them out loud are crucial steps. Incorporating flashcards, writing exercises, and interactive online resources can also complement your learning journey.
Also Check: School Parent app
Applications and Benefits
A strong grasp of the Tamil alphabet opens up numerous possibilities. It allows learners to progress to more complex aspects of the language, such as grammar, vocabulary, and eventually, conversation and literature. Additionally, understanding the alphabet chart is not just about language acquisition; it's a window into Tamil culture, traditions, and history.
A Tamil alphabet chart is a great way to get started studying Tamil and take the first steps toward both learning the language and appreciating the rich cultural fabric it symbolizes. The alphabet chart is your indispensable first tool, whether your objective is to converse with Tamil speakers, read Tamil literature, or establish a connection with the language of your ancestry. Learning Tamil can be gratifying and enlightening if one is committed to the process, practices, and has access to the necessary materials.
Recall that learning a language is a journey rather than a sprint. Your greatest allies on this trip will be perseverance and patience. Happy studying!
Check: Preschool in Wagholi, Preschool in Noida
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babyfoodiee · 3 months
அ ஆ இ ஈ | உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் | Learn Tamil Alphabets with Animated Fun!
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achuvsbablu · 1 year
அ ஆ இ ஈ- Learn Tamil Alphabet Letters | Adipadai Tamil for Kids
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gilbirda · 1 year
DPxDC cheat sheet
So. I'm not a nitpicking person. I understand that mistakes can be made and typos are a thing and sometimes we are just not the kind of person that can make words work for a variety of reasons (dyslexia, for example).
This is not for that people.
This is for everyone who stumbled into this fandom by mistake and had learned things via osmosis and don't have the energy/time to check the source material for the "correct" thing.
Y'all are valid.
This is a cheat sheet of correct terms and fandom things that are not correct that I've seen in fics.
Disclaimer: while experimenting with canon is fun, this is just to lay down the rules of what's what so it can be the springboard of y'all's beautiful creations.
Given that some people just can't behave online: "If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything." Did I say something wrong? You have resources better than this? You want to make a nitpick? Cool! More info to the mix — But come at me in a hurtful and insulting way and I'm blocking you on the spot.
[Will add more when I think more/have suggestions]
DP SIDE - Post "A Glitch in Time" Canon
Sam is Jewish
Sam is ultra-recyclo-vegetarian aka "doesn't eat anything with a face". Is not a real thing.
It's "Amity Park" not "Amity Ville".
Wes is fanon, same as Kyle. Info on Wes here
It's "Casper High", not "Caspar High".
Mr. Lancer doesn't have a canon name. Common fanon ones are William or Edward.
Ghost obsessions are canon. In AGIT, it's explained that ghosts have a purpose or drive. Danny's purpose is "protection" of both humans and ghosts.
Ghost cores are fanon-ish (there is a mention that Danny's ice powers come from his "core" temperature and is never addressed again, of course) (Episode is "Urban Jungle"). Then in the videogame there are different "types" of ghost powers and something about their cores? Very confusing.
Ghost speak is fanon. However, in AGIT, it's revealed that there's an ghost alphabet, and it's ancient form is based on sanskrit and tamil alphabets. Codex of Ghost alphabet.
Ghost Hunger is canon! In AGIT it's revealed that ghosts feed on emotions and thoughts to stay sapient. If they don't, they become feral with time. Halfas feed from their human side, remaining stable.
Danny is the bridge between the spirit world and living world - canon!
Danny beats the Ghost King Pariah Dark in combat, but faints and that fight is never addressed in the series again. Ghost King!Danny is fanon-ish so go ham with interpreting that. (Episode is "Reign Storm")
Tucker is the reincarnation?? (never stated in canon, but he does look alike) of a pharaoh named "Duul Aman" (Duulaman is also accepted as spelling). Said pharaoh never appears in the series as a ghost, just a picture. Who does appear is his (evil) right hand man, Hotep-Ra, who tries to manipulate Tucker (Episode is "King Tuck"). That Tucker gets cool magic from this event is fanon. But cool.
Sam gets possessed by Undergrowth via a vine straight into her spine (gross). Undergrowth calls her "his daughter" and she tries to lure Danny into "joining her to take over the world". (Episode is "Urban Jungle"). That Sam gets cool plant powers from this event is fanon. But cool.
The Fenton parents are never physically abusive - just comedically neglectful in the way parents are depicted in early 2000s cartoons. Incompetent, misguided, dumb... but they are shown to love their kids. The even accept Danny the 2 canon times they find out about him (Episodes "Reality Trip" and "Phantom Planet").
Jazz is never shown as "mature" in the sense that she had to parent Danny and be the responsible adult. She is comedically the "annoying and meddling older sister" from early 2000s cartoons. She wants to be considered an adult. She couldn't see Youngblood, who is a child ghost that cannot be seen by adults, and Danny had to push her into acting childish to make her see him.
Axiom labs is bought by Vlad's company "Vlad.co" not "DALV.co". DALV.co was the fake company that paid for Maddie and Danny to fly to a conference but stranded them in a forest where Vlad's cabin coincidentally was. (Episode "Maternal Instincts")
Dan is not older Danny. He is not even called "Dan" in canon, just "Dark Danny". He is Danny's ghost half, who killed his human half, ate/merged with Vlad's ghost side and then tried to kill Vlad's human side. Was losing his humanity what made him evil? Was it merging with the Bad Guy(tm) of the series? 🤷‍♀️ Take it as you will. (Episode is "The Ultimate Enemy")
Freakshow is NOT a clown. He is the ringmaster of a goth circus (called Circus Gothica). Danny's headcanoned fear of clowns can be traced back to the "circus" and clown-related imagery surrounding Freakshow's performances, but not directly BY Freakshow. (Episodes "Control Freaks" and "Reality Trip")
Damian (not Damien or Demian) is never confirmed his religion. Fanon has accepted he is Muslim.
Bruce is from a Jewish family (Martha Wayne was Jewish), but he considers himself an atheist. Same with Kate Kane (Batwoman).
It's "Selina" Kyle, not "Selena" or "Salina".
It's "Talia" Al Ghul, not "Thalia".
It's "Jason", not "Jayson".
Damian is vegetarian, not vegan. It means he doesn't eat meat, but eats animal produces like eggs, milk, etc. He went vegetarian after rescuing Batcow from a slaughterhouse, he didn't arrive at the manor already being vegetarian.
Duke is NOT adopted. Bruce is fostering him temporarily and is more of a mentor to him than a father. Duke considers the others his siblings, though. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DUKE: Part 1 | Part 2
Dick was not adopted as a kid, Dick was Bruce's ward. That term is not used anymore, though. Adoption happened later in Dick's adulthood.
It's Gotham, not "Gothem".
Cassandra IS adopted. Legally.
Cassandra's nickname is "Cass", not "Cassie". Cassie is the nickname of another character also named Cassandra (Cassandra Sandsmark, Wondergirl)
"Little Wing" is a canon nickname for Jason from Dick.
"Baby bird" or "Baby bat" are fanon-ish(?). Little Wing, Dickie, Dickie-bird... Canon! Jaylad is not canon, but Jaybird is canon! A GREAT post with receipts about all nicknames. ("Replacement" isn't canon btw).
Stephanie Brown was the 4th Robin. She is not adopted, and was part of the batfamily because she was dating Tim. She is still considered batfamily even if they are not dating anymore.
In Hush, when Jason comes back to Gotham, Jason puts a knife on Tim's throat, but barely leaves a cut. Tim's throat wasn't injured during the Titans Tower attack.
Cass is selectively mute because she wasn't taught any language beyond what she needed to predict people's movements. She doesn't know sign language. She doesn't know how to read and write (more recent comics show her reading a bit). But she could learn, with difficulty. Very in depth analysis of Cass' disability.
Jason's "Pit Madness" is fanon. Canon offers Ra's saying "the Pit alters the mind - could happen for a few days or for years, you never know" or something like that, and that's it. There is reason to believe that the Lazarus Pit can cloud judgement for a while but there is no voice in the back of the head or the Pit taking over.
Tim never expressed special interest in photography or in it as a hobby. Nor he is a coffee addict more than the other bats, who pull all nighters on the reg. He is actually addicted to energy drinks.
There are 2 main Conner/Kon-El/Superboy I portrayed in fics: Young Justice cartoon one (grumpy, same age as Dick, kind of an asshole, has daddy issues, wears black shirt and jeans, has a space motorcycle and a pet wolf) and 90s comics one (leather jacket, piercings, punny guy, same age as Tim, has a #nohomo relationship with Tim, kind of a himbo).
There are a few Ghost superheroes - Greta Hayes (Secret), she was in Tim's run as Young Justice's leader; and Boston Brand (Deadman), who is a member of Justice League Dark (with Constantine and Zatanna and Swamp Thing!). So the DC heroes are familiar with ghosts and ghost powers.
It's "rogues" gallery, not "rouge". Rouge means "red" in french.
Clark is never abusive to Conner, he just doesn't know what to do with him and chooses to ignore the problem; which, yeah, is mean, but not to the levels that fanon has taken it. And this is in the Young Justice cartoons, not across all depictions. In comics, they consider each other family and that's why Conner took a kryptonian name (Kon-El - of house of El, Kal's family)
The whole "No metas in Gotham" is not true. Batman understands that Gotham is very Fucked Up and that if you add metahumans and heroes with powers trying to do good to the mix it could make things worse. Outsiders don't understand Gotham and if they get jokerized or mind controlled, it will get ugly real quick. That's why Signal is cool beans! Duke is a gothamite through and through.
While is interesting that no one in the Batfam knows about Tim's missing spleen, is very probable that Alfred knows - post about this
Constantine is more powerful than it looks like. A post about interesting abilities.
Damian has a metal spine. Yeah I don't know how it works either. They used it as way for Talia to control Damian for a bit :(
Interesting links:
What's fanon in DP
Fan project for Ghost Speak, written and spoken form, and a ghost speak generator - post AGIT canon
Transcripts of all the Danny Phantom episodes
The whole DP series + the complementary comics + A Glitch in Time comic (if you are able to buy the AGIT comic please do 🙇‍♀️)
How to pronounce Ra's Al Ghul
BatPham ship names (updated regularly).
What are the canon ages of the Batfam?
In depth guide to everything Batman in one place (be prepared to go down the rabbit hole)
Fanon vs Canon Batfam edition
Superfam family tree
Interactive map of Gotham (Gotham Knights videogame)
Timeline of events (Batfam adoption order and ages when those events happen)
Map of Gotham (made based on various sources, with annotations (check the reblogs for more info))
The Titans Tower attack: Fanon vs Canon
This person has dedicated a lot of time to research receipts of Comic stuff so check out their masterlist
Suggestions are welcome! Please be kind with each other and remember to have fun with this fandom!
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mudlarkspur · 4 months
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Junior, who is beloved by her Draxum, and Muninn come to the completely wrong conclusion about why so many other raised-by-Draxum!Donnies are absolutely fucked. Gotta be the he/him pronouns they all seem to use.
Obviously none of them are being mistreated. Her Appā would never.
for @tmntaucompetition, AUs are EW by @cupcakeslushie BTO by @risebto RR by @red-rover-au and EMD by @3lectricinsomnia and @teaableu
Desc/Transcript under Readmore
four panel comic
Image 1: CY!Donnie looking dejected as Muninn looks at their face over their shoulder. To their left are headshots of Donnie/Two/Purple from EW, RR, EMD, and BTO. Donnie is wearing her saree with three necklaces. Their headphones have 'ear' attachments that are drooping and they have dangling earrings. They're wearing a mask with eyebrows and their tilaka (a dot with a small line under it on her anja chakra point) painted on. They have three scars on the lower left side of their face. Muninn is a raven wearing a flower crown made of roses. Muninn is drawn in black pen and Donnie is drawn in purple pen.
Donnie: Does it seem like there's something deeply wrong with the other me's raised by அப்பா?
(Note: அப்பா is the spoken Tamil word for Father, written as Appā in the latin alphabet)
Image 2: Muninn with a wing to his beak, looking considering.
Muninn: Hm...
Image 3: Muninn with his wing extended, looking towards where Donnie's face would be while he's perched on their shoulder.
Muninn: Well ... I did hear a lot of he/him out there. Plus the horns thing is aaaallll rams.
Image 4: straight on shot of Donnie from the chest up, looking at the new she/they sticker on the right side of their plastron where their saree doesn't cover. Their ear attachments are back in the default position. Muninn is cheerfully flying on their left.
Muninn: There!
(Note: the ! is dotted with a heart)
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saintmaudes · 2 months
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Arwi dates to the 8th Century CE when travel and trade in the medieval world sparked a curious intermingling of tongues. It leapt to prominence in the 17th Century, when more Muslim Arab traders landed in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, which was full of Tamil speaking people. The traders brought with them rich tapestries and the finest textiles and perfumes like frankincense and myrrh–records say they longed to establish a deeper connection with the local people because they felt connected by a common religion but spoke two different languages.
The Arabic that the traders spoke intermingled with the local language of Tamil to create what scholars call Arabu Tamil, or Arwi. The script employs a modified alphabet of Arabic, but the actual words and their meanings are borrowed from the local Tamil dialect.
���Kamala Thiagarajan, Arwi: The lost language of the Arab-Tamils, BBC Travel
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grimsshelves · 2 months
Angelic runes: Tamil alphabet
@somehow-a-human has made a wonderful post about the angelic written system seen in Good Omens. Go read it if you haven't.
I'm making this post because I've found a lot of the angelic runes are just Tamil symbols and even if I believe their phonetic value doesn't matter for the deciphering (Cause all the symbols used are from one Google image of an example of Tamil alphabet) I still want to have all of the equivalents in one place.
So first of all, the Tamil alphabet image I stumbled upon which most likely the person who worked on the angelic runes used.
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Now, in order we have, the i symbol, the ē, the al, the ka, the ņa, the na, the ra, the ja, the ŝa, the sri.
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The ka, the futhark s, the ra
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The ņa
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The na
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The ja
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The ŝa
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The sri
I truly think the sound of the letters/symbols doesnt matter, however, the fact that so many symbols come from one single language makes me believe there was not a lot of languages used to compose the whole angelic language. Those are probably a bit obscure though.
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Languages ranked by the size of their alphabets:
🇮🇳 Tamil: 247
🇰🇭 Khmer: 74
🇳🇵 Nepali: 64
🇮🇳 Hindi: 52
🇯🇵 Japanese: 46
🇵🇰 Urdu: 36
🇦🇲 Armenian: 36
🇷🇺 Russian: 33
🇮🇷 Persian: 32
🇹🇷 Turkish: 29
🇪🇸 Spanish: 27
🇬🇧 English: 26
🇩🇪 German: 26
🇫🇷 French: 26
🇵🇹 Portuguese: 26
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bashie95 · 6 months
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The "ළ" Digital Arts 🎭
This is a letter from Sinhalese alphabet. Sinhalese alphabet has known as one of the most beautiful alphabets in the world. Sinhalese letters have close relationship Brahmi writing family.
These pictures are from a some sort of local competition of my country , where people generate arts (both human and AI generated) based on one of the character in Sinhalese alphabet and Tamil alphabet.In this case it’s the letter “ළ” which has been based for these artworks. I found this through instagram and it’s called “30 days of Akuru” which means 30 days of letters. After 30 days all the art works sent by different visual designers,typographers basically anyone who’s interested will be showcased through an exhibition.
I love how creativity goes miles ahead than generic way of writing. It’s amazing that different people came up with different ideas to recreate the letter. My favorite would be the one that in the green background and sort of gives a frog inspired art.
Here’s the link to checkout the rest of the letters.
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babylearners · 6 months
மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் | Mei Eluthukkal | க்ங்ச்ஞ் | LKG UKG 1st std மெய் எழுத்துக்கள்
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gwendolynlerman · 11 months
Deutschribing Germany
Most languages native to Germany belong to the Germanic family, but some of them are Slavic languages. German is the official language, with over 95% of the country speaking Standard German or one of its dialects as their first language.
There are six recognized minority languages: Danish, Lower Sorbian, North Frisian, Romani, Saterland Frisian, and Upper Sorbian. The main immigrant languages spoken are Arabic, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Kurdish, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Tamil, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
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German (Deutsch)
German belongs to the West Germanic group of languages and is the native language of 95 million people. It is the official language in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, as well as South Tyrol in Italy, and is a recognized minority language in ten countries from four different continents.
German Standard German is the standardized variety of German spoken in Germany. Its pronunciation is similar to the German spoken in Hanover. Its alphabet has 30 letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ä ö ü ß. Most German vocabulary is of Germanic origin, but around one fifth was taken from French or Latin. German dialects and varieties are explained in detail in this post.
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Romani (rromani ćhib)
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Sinte Romani (sintitikes) is the variety of Romani spoken in Germany and neighboring countries. It belongs to the Northwestern Romani dialect group, which in turn is part of the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family. It is spoken by around 195,000 people and is not mutually intelligible with other Romani varieties.
There is no standard pronunciation or grammar. The alphabet has 31 letters: a b c č čh d dž e f g h i j k kh l m n o p ph r s š t th u v x z ž.
Danish (dansk)
Danish is a North Germanic language with 6 million native speakers. It is the official language of Denmark and the Faroe Islands and a recognized minority language in Schleswig-Holstein and Greenland.
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The Danish alphabet has 29 letters, including the 26 found in the English one and æ, ø, and å.
Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbšćina)
Upper Sorbian (Obersorbische Dialekte in the map) belongs to the West Slavic branch and is recognized as a minority language in Saxony, where its 13,000 native speakers live.
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Its alphabet has 34 letters: a b c č ć d dź e ě f g h ch i j k ł l m n ń o ó p r ř s š t u w y z ž.
North Frisian (Nordfriisk)
North Frisian is part of the West Germanic branch and is spoken natively by 10,000 people in Schleswig-Holstein. It comprises 10 dialects, which are divided into two groups: insular and mainland.
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Its phonology and orthography vary depending on the dialect, but there are 32 basic letters: a ä å b ch d dj đ/ð e f g h i j k l lj m n ng nj o ö p r s sch t tj u ü w.
Lower Sorbian (dolnoserbšćina)
Lower Sorbian (Niedersorbische Dialekte in the map of Sorbian dialects) is a West Slavic language spoken natively by 6,900 people in Brandenburg.
It uses the same letters as Upper Sorbian but adds ś and ź and uses ŕ instead of ř, bringing the total number of letters to 36.
Saterland Frisian (Seeltersk)
Saterland Frisian belongs to the West Germanic branch and is recognized as a minority language in Lower Saxony. It is spoken by 2,200 people and has three fully mutually intelligible dialects.
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Its orthography has not been standardized yet, but there are 31 common letters: a ä b ch d e f g h i ie j k/kk ks kw l m n ng o oa ö p r s sch t u ü v w.
Here is Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the native languages of Germany:
German: Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.
Romani: Sa e manušikane strukture bijandžona tromane thaj jekhutne ko digniteti thaj capipa. Von si baxtarde em barvale gndaja thaj godžaja thaj trubun jekh avereja te kherjakeren ko vodži pralipaja.
Danish: Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd.
Upper Sorbian: Wšitcy čłowjekojo su wot naroda swobodni a su jenacy po dostojnosći a prawach. Woni su z rozumom a swědomjom wobdarjeni a maja mjezsobu w duchu bratrowstwa wobchadźeć.
North Frisian: Ali Mensken sen frii, likwērtig en me disalev Rochten bēren. Ja haa Forstant en Giweeten mefingen en skul arküđer üs Bröđern öntöögentreer. (Sylt/Sölring dialect)
Lower Sorbian: Wšykne luźe su lichotne roźone a jadnake po dostojnosći a pšawach. Woni maju rozym a wědobnosć a maju ze sobu w duchu bratšojstwa wobchadaś.
Saterland Frisian: Aal do Moanskene sunt fräi un gliek in Wöide un Gjuchte gebooren. Joo hääbe Fernunft un Gewieten meekriegen un schällen sik eenuur as Bruure ferhoolde. (Ramsloh dialect)
Translation: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
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bishh-kanya · 2 years
should i try learning hindi?
I’m half indian and my family speaks tamil but for the longest time i felt so disconnected from that side of me. Now that I’m older and the internet has exposed me to bollywood movies and desi culture i feel like trying to connect with the indian half of my roots (not by learning tamil for some reason, but since hindi is widely spoken and i like bollywood movies which are usually in hindi anyway i feel like it’s a good alternative)
And if i actually go about learning hindi, what resources do you recommend?
Why not of course Hindi is a beautiful language if you want to you definitely should learn it ✨!!!!!
I seee i can understand, at a point we all want to come back to our roots it's great that you took this Initiative , Bollywood movies are so good and you will be so happy if you understand them in Hindi , okay maybe Tamil is hard for you , but in future you may learn that as well , Tamil is a beautiful language.
Since i learned Hindi from my school, i never needed online resources but I'll link some for you so hope that it helps you :
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Let's start with the varnamala aka alphabet:
This chart shows the original Hindi varnamala , just like English, Hindi has vowels and consonants, in varnamala there are 52 alphabets on a basis of writing. And Hindi Varnamala Having 45 Alphabets based on pronunciation. In 52 Alphabets, 13 vowels and 35 Consonants, 4 Combine Consonants, 2 binary Consonants.
This chart shows how you can pronounce them corresponding to the English phonetics .
You tube Videos
If you wanna learn fast and briefly:
This video will help you !
If you wanna go in depth and learn nicely:
try this channel
I only found this one helpful online , I'll add more if i get :
Language curry
Learn Hindi on the go
Hindi with linguaboost
This answer from quora has some links
Lastly you can watch hindi movies with English subtitles and correlate them and use them in your daily conversations and eventually you will get better
Here are some links !
Dil ka Rishta
Kaho na pyaar hai
Movies with English subtitles playlist 1
Movies with English subtitles playlist 2 ( this is for old movies)
If you can make a friend who wants to learn Hindi as well and converse with them in Hindi this way you will learn it easily!
All the best for your learning
Hope this helps you 🌟
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
3 random dani facts, go!
You can't lick your elbow.
Shakespeare's wife's name is Anne Hathway.
There are 247 letters in the Tamil alphabet.
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achuvsbablu · 1 year
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lazymcdooodle · 10 months
oh my god, i just noticed something
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you know the scene where crowley muriel and saraquel are watching the CCTV footage of gabriel with his box and stuff?
there's some tamil letters on the footage. not like, words or anything just the alphabet
just thought this was a cool detail ❤️ the dub is amazing btw
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