#Taeil fanfic
phoxphenex · 1 year
HI HIII can I request spicy/daily boyfriend texts with Taeil?🥺
boyfriend texts with taeil
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kissgirly · 1 year
Honeymoon — Taeil.
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Gênero: Fluffy, honeymoon au!
Contagem de palavras: 900.
essa fic contém: creampie, breedingkink, Taeil sendo muito muito fofo.
SINOPSE: Taeil é completamente seu e após o casamento, sentiram que até o mar sentiria inveja de vocês. Pois a Lua jamais faria juras de amor como Moon Taeil.
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Os raios de Sol invadiam o quarto, atravessando a cortina branca e iluminando boa parte do cômodo. O som das ondas te deixa relaxada e calminha, seus olhos piscaram algumas vezes devido a claridade, incomodando. Esticou o corpinho e sentiu falta de uma presença ali, logo, resmungou dengosa. Esfregando os olhos e se levantando devagar, até ouvir passos no corredor e a porta ser aberta, revelando um Taeil ainda de pijama, com uma bandeja de café da manhã completa.
Tudo que você gostava, do doce até o salgado. Um sorriso largo preencheu seus lábios, Taeil deixa a bandeja sobre você. Todo feliz, pãozinho cortado em forma de coração e cada detalhe te fez suspirar. Ele era o homem dos seus sonhos.
— Poxa amorzinho… Que lindo! Você nem me chamou pra te ajudar…
— Eu quis te fazer uma surpresa, honey! Você dormiu bem? Acho que sim, né? Pelo seu rostinho, depois de ontem…
Sentiu o rostinho rubro, a noite passada foi realmente inesquecível para vocês. O início da lua de mel num resort paradisíaco parecia surreal, e após o jeito que Taeil tocou, se sentiu mais especial ainda. Ele era realmente um homem muito romântico, atencioso e fazia de tudo pra você se sentir bem. Sabia também ser bruto da maneira certa, te fazia chegar aos céus em minutos. Era perfeito para você, como se fosse feita pra ele.
— Foi… Maravilhoso, amor… Eu gostei muito. — O tom envergonhado tirou um sorriso de Taeil. — Vem comer comigo! Você descansou bem?
As conversas matinais eram as que mais gostava desde que começou a dormir ao lado do Moon, o carinho que recebia era como num sonho. Compartilhando coisas bobas, do que gostariam de fazer no dia até os sonhos engraçados que tiveram ao dormir. Estavam relaxados, já haviam conhecido boa parte do resort e agora só gostariam de ficar no quarto, aproveitando o som das ondas e a visão para o mar. E claro, um ao outro.
— Poxa amor, tudo é tão gostoso! Obrigada por isso, meu dengo.
— Oh, amorzinho… Que isso, ‘cê merece! É a mulher da minha vida, hm?
Moon colocou a bandeja já vazia sobre a mesinha cabeceira, engatinhou sobre a cama até você, acariciando as bochechas e logo, um selar foi depositado nos teus lábios. E outro, e mais outro e mais outro. Se transformando num beijo calmo, delicado. Taeil desceu as mãos e puxou sua cintura para mais perto, sentou-se no colo dele. Os braços passaram ao redor do seu corpo, grudadinhos.
— Eu não me canso disso, sabia? De ter você aqui.
— Afagava os fiozinhos, cheio de carinho. — Eu quero te amar pra sempre, minha linda. Quero ter uma família linda com você, colocar um bebezinho bem aqui. — Apontou para sua barriguinha.
— Hmnm, depois de ontem… Acho que colocou mesmo. Mas você deveria testar de novo, né? Só pra ter certeza…
— bobinha. Vou fazer questão de te amar muito, deixar você cheinha de bebês. Atoladinha, escorrendo, meu amor.
Assentiu com a cabeça, ele te deitou sobre a cama, beijou cada cantinho do teu rosto. Elogios e mais elogios foram dedicados a você, deslizava as mãos sobre seu corpo, apreciando tuas curvas. Os lábios deslizavam do pescoço aos seios, deixando beijos molhados e sugando, deixando marquinhas onde quer que passasse.
Cada movimento de Taeil era delicado, como se fosse uma bonequinha de porcelana. Ele desce os dedos para a parte interna da coxa, arrastando até o íntimo ainda meladinho da noite anterior. Dedilhou apenas com a pontinha dos dedos, seus olhinhos já perdidos e o rostinho envergonhado. Uma gracinha pra ele. Rodeou o pontinho devagar, te deixando mais melada, penetrou os dedinhos e tirou um suspiro de você.
— Tá prontinha pra mim. — Sussurrou.
Ele é cuidadoso ao entrar em você, visando não te machucar de alguma forma, claro, a não ser que você peça. Abriu bem suas pernas, apertando as coxas e colocando tudinho em você, tudinho. Passou a estocar lá no fundo, te deixando molinha, os olhinhos reviraram e os gemidos ecoavam pelo quarto. As mãos de ambos estavam entrelaçadas, enquanto Taeil beijava seus lábios de um jeito desajeitado.
O calor dos corpos e a sintonia de estarem juntos era a forma de amor mais pura que presenciaram. Taeil te amava, amava tanto que transborda. O íntimo pulsava contra o membro, apertadinho, estavam se aproximando.
Você veio primeiro, o barulhinho molhado agradava o Moon, escorrendo o líquido e molhando até as coxas. Ele veio logo depois, com intensidade, te preenchendo inteira. Moon Taeil é bom em muitas coisas, mas principalmente em te fazer transbordar. Ficou tão cheia que ele fez questão de ficar dentro mais um pouquinho, só pra não perder nenhuma gotinha.
Seu corpinho mole e suado se recuperava do orgasmo proporcionado pelo marido, suas bochechas vermelhas e os olhinhos molhados denunciam tamanho prazer.
— Hmnm… Amorzinho… — A voz arrastada e dengosa parecia mais como uma melodia para o Moon.
— Hm? Me diz, honey.
— Eu quero ser sua pra sempre.
— Honey… Você já é minha e apenas minha. Cada célula do seu corpo pertence a mim. E cada célula do meu corpo pertence a você. Quero te pertencer para toda eternidade.
E assim, num laço, prometeram o amor eterno. Escutando as ondas do mar e sentindo o cheiro de maresia. Ele é seu, e sempre vai ser.
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saturnznct · 1 year
dad!taeil | insta posts 2
nct masterlist (lnks will be added later)
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fullsunrise · 9 days
Shatter - Chapter Index
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A/N: I'm excited to share Shatter with you all! This will be the main post for all chapters of the story. It will also be posted on my main masterlist as well!
Pairing: Haechan x Original female character 
Minor characters: Taeyong, Johnny, Jaehyun, Taeil, Mark, Doyoung, Yuta, Jungwoo
Genre: Cyberpunk AU, Crime, Angst 
Warnings: Themes of violence, drug abuse, sexual themes, mentions of prostitution
Summary: Donghyuck, under the guise of Haechan, is part of Seoul’s underground collective of hackers: NEO. The closest thing that he’ll ever have to a family, the members of NEO provide him protection from the outside world. In the midst of uncovering the darkest secret of the city’s corrupt elite, Haechan gets an assignment to run a background check on the new recruit, ANGEL.
Chapter Index:
Chapter 1 - Mad Dog
Chapter 2 - Time Lapse
Chapter 3 - Angel Eyes
Chapter 4 - Skyscaper
Chapter 5 - Sit Down
Chapter 6 - Black Clouds
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lunena · 2 years
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The sun is setting, there’s music playing, coffee is brewing, and your love is coming home. | fluff | 1k words | for @neonun-au ラビリンス - mondo grosso, hikari mitsushima
  There’s music playing down the block. Must be a party. Your guess is a backyard barbecue, likely in a tiny courtyard of one of the many apartment buildings; something small but full of life and thrill. Games, friends, and good times. You can picture it all.
  The bass of the music pounds through the row of buildings, the melodies being carried into your apartment on a wave of eager anticipation and excitement, tinged with the sound of impatient drivers. He’ll be here any moment, back home, back in your company, and you can’t keep from fidgeting with your hands. From fixing the pillows on the couch to realigning the books on the shelf, to putting dishes and clothes away. Lighting candles, doing your best to create a comforting ambiance. Should you make him coffee before he gets here?
  Yeah. Make him coffee. He’s probably tired from his flight, tired of the regular faces. If that were you, you’d need a pick-me-up. He probably already got some at the airport, though. Maybe he’s all coffee’d out. But you make it anyway, because if he’s not in the mood, at least he’ll have the option.
  The sun has just fallen behind the lowest building. It’s almost eight o’clock, which means his plane landed thirty minutes ago. Any minute now, he should walk through the door, and your home will feel right again. You won’t feel a need to find minor flaws to fix or something to keep you busy. He’ll be here, and all will be okay.
  The hinges of the front door sound, then the click of the door closing, and the thump of a bag hitting the floor. He’s home.
  Taeil’s head peaks around the wall to where you’re standing in wait, and your excitement melts, settles in your belly, warming the rest of your body like a fireplace warms a living room on a cold winter night. He steps toward you, the calmest smile adorning his face. “Hey, you.”
  “Hi, stranger,” you hum.
  His arms wrap around you, engulfing you against his tired body, secure within his lazy hold. Even after his flight, even after waiting for however long in the airport, he still smells fresh. Even after being away for so long, he still smells like home. “Missed you,” he mumbles next to your ear.
  “Well, I’d hope so.” He pulls back, amused at your teasing, loving your casualness. 
  “What’s that music?” he asks.
  “I’m guessing someone is having a party. It’s good music, though. Kept the window cracked, been listening to it while I waited for you.”
  “It is good,” he says, pulling away, dragging his hands along your arms until they latch with yours. “I like this one they’re playing.”
  Taeil twirls you to face away from him, pulls you back into his front, and holds you against him, resting his chin atop your shoulder.
  It’s a wonderful sensation, his arms so tight around your frame. It’s a mysterious concept, how you can feel so disoriented, so unorganized when he isn’t around. How you always feel there is something that needs to be done, how you feel unaccomplished with your days, but then suddenly, Taeil is here, and you’re still.
  Even amidst the excitement that has been brewing in your belly, he steps into your presence, places his hands on you, and you’re calm. Tranquility spans the room, and his kisses along your neck, your shoulder, are tender words of satiated longing.
  “How was your flight?” you ask.
  “Felt like it’d never end, but here I am.”
  “Here you are.”
  You turn in his hold, unraveling your hands and wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands fall to your waist, playfully, mindlessly squeezing and rubbing. You scan his face, studying the features you already know so well, and he giggles. “What’s funny?”
  “Nothing. You’re making me shy.”
  You roll your eyes, and he giggles again, this time pulling you snugly into him. “No need to feel shy. I haven’t seen you in a while, I need a good look.” You bring your face close to his, his lips a breath away. “Beautiful boy. I’m so happy you’re home.”
  Judging by the way his body slugs in contentment at your words, you’re sure he caught the nuance. If not, you know he’s already aware. Yes, he’s back home. But to you, in your one-track mind, he is home, and you’ve learned over your time together that there could not and will never be anyone else capable of obtaining such comfort, such familiarity. You’re happy he’s home.
  “Me too,” he assures before closing the space between you, fulfilling your last desire. 
  The music from outside fills the room, bounces off the walls, and it’s almost like it’s your own music playing. Like you’re in a movie and the song plays at just the right volume, just the right amount to where it aids the situation. It aids your feelings, supports your emotions, and helps you to settle into this thrilling moment.
  And you know this will not be the last time you’re forced to spend time away from him. You know the life he leads will take him away again, and it may be longer next time, or it may be shorter. Maybe you’ll be able to go with him. But along with that fact, you know he’ll come right back to you in your little home together, and you’ll embrace each other, recharge, and enjoy the time until his next trip brings him far away.
  “Oh, I almost forgot. I made coffee, I figured you’d be tired.”
  He sighs into a smile. “This is why I love you,” he says.
  You let go, placing your hands on your hips in a teasing manner. “Oh, really? This is why?”
  “Among other things,” he smirks, reaching his hands out to your forearms and running them down until he reaches your hands, pulling them from your hips. “Coffee sounds great. Thank you for doing that.”
  You smile. “Of course.” Before pulling him off to the kitchen to fill your mugs and talk about your lives since he left, you pucker your lips and stick them out in anticipation of a kiss before you take a single step.
  Taeil lets go of your hands, brings them up to the sides of your face, and plants a dramatic kiss with an audible mwah as the cherry on top. 
  Let’s close our eyes and kiss.   A melody that sweetly melts away.
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andysorbit · 2 years
How they react when they realize they've fallen in love pt. 1
Taeil: It's comfortably gradual. He feels it when he's leaning back against you in the bathtub while you're gently washing his hair. The tour took everything out of him and the basic needs that he effortlessly manages on his own have fallen to the wayside. He hates that he regresses so much when he's drained but he's grateful that you love him enough to allow him to fall apart however he needs to so that you love him back to life in your own gentle way. Free of judgment and expectations. He's never felt like more of a man than he has when he's with you; being gentle, vulnerable, and protected. He's always had his own illusions of what it meant to be a man and a partner but meeting you made him realize that sometimes the best way to be a man is to show you that he can simply exist around you and be comfortable. "I love you." He whispers as he closes his eyes. "I love you too." You tell him back.
Jaehyun: It hits him when he looks at himself in the mirror and sees how effortlessly you've done his makeup. "Yo, I'm fuckin' hot." He says with a nod, "You did a really good job, miss girl. Wow." You cackle, "Miss girl?" You repeat joyfully. He's even picked up on your regular lingo; no longer cringing when you call him "sis" or "girl". "Yeah... like... damn. You've gotten a lot better." He says as he turns to look at you. You were an alien to him when the two of you first met. Your parents were strict helicopter parents who believed that makeup and nail polish was for women who had no life's purpose and only desired male attention so when you finally told him about your younger years; his heart broke a little. "Thank you, Yunho." You say sincerely. "This is nothing. Little y/n should've gotten to play and have fun like this. You deserve it. I absolutely thought this was a stupid idea before but look at how far you've come. It's extra special because I got to be a part of this." He turns back to look in the mirror, "I'm just really proud of you and I'm really happy that you trusted me enough to ask me." You nod and he reaches out and places a hand on your leg. He doesn't have to say it. You already know.
Xiaojun: He watches you put a box of cereal in the wagon he's pushing and he smiles for no reason. "Oh shit." He groans. "What?" You ask. "You ever fall in love with someone and then realize that you might outlive them?" He asks peevishly. "No... why?" You say as you stop and look at him. "Because like... what if you die first?" He says as he cringes, "That would suck." "You love me?" You say as you ignore one if his regularly occurring word vomit and existential crisis combos. "Well yeah but now I gotta carry this shit around with me all day every day- we could step outside and a car could hop the fucking curb and kill you- you could fall in the shower while I'm working and since you don't have one of those old people emergency necklaces, you could die." He says and shakes his head. You laugh, "We need milk, dude." "I need to get back into therapy." He mumbles. "Yes, you do." You agree.
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saeyoungchips · 1 year
[12:38 p.m]
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you hated working at a flower shop and being taeil's best friend at times. especially when he specifically asked you to make the flower bouquet he was going to propose to his girlfriend with.
you felt like your heart had been ripped out when he asked you that favor, but even with the bitterness spreading over your mouth, you couldn't say no.
after all, you knew he was asking you, out of all people, because you had a special place in his heart. you two have known each other since both were kids, and of course he would like to give an honor to someone like that.
red carnations lay between your fingers as you patiently arranged them together in black wrapping paper. "my heart aches for you." you remembered the meaning of the flowers taeil chose for the bouquet, which reminded you that his heart belonged to someone else, and your love was unrequited.
"done!" you announced as cheerily as possible to him once you were finished with your task. "do you like it?"
"yes." bestfriend!taeil said with a sincere and heartbreaking smile. "do you think she'll like them? i'm kind of nervous."
"i hope not." embarrassing enough, that that was the first thought that came into your mind.
"taeil," you said as you grabbed his shoulder, leaving all the negative thoughts behind. "i'm sure she'll love anything that comes from you." you said as reassuringly as you could while smiling at him.
"thank you, (y/n)," he said, placing the hand that wasn't holding the bouquet on yours. "i hope you can find your special someone too."
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astayinwonderland · 4 months
NCT 127 ˜ Edie's Masterlist💚
We can stay like this forever
But this is a no-strings-attached thing
I saw her first (+ Mark)
I saw her first (+ Jaehyun)
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gyoobies · 10 months
Talking to the moon
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Hello! long time no post 🖐🏾 I have emerged from my dungeon also known as work, to post this thought I had while on vacation. I seriously don't know how I ended up in a chokehold by Taeil but I'm not complaining.
Pairing: Moon Taeil x Fem Reader
Genre: soft smut (pretty vanilla)
Warnings: Explicit content 18+, Minors DNI
Summary: A weekend beach getaway with your guy friends brings you to the conclusion that maybe he's just not that into you. (don't say nuffin! I know it's a horrible summary but ya'll will live)
As usual if you see mistakes, no you didn't.
The bass of the music blasted through the beach house as you and your friends stood in a circle chatting, well your friends were chatting, you had all but drowned out their conversation about the latest whatever they were watching, playing, fucking, etc. You were busy trying to not feel completely defeated by your failed attempts at flirting tonight. You had always found Taeil to be attractive, honestly this new found testosterone filled friend group of yours was filled with insanely handsome guys, but there was just something about him that really had you by the throat. You couldn't quite explain it, by all accounts based on your dating history you should have been aiming to get with Johnny, Yuta, or Jungwoo, but from the moment you were introduced to Taeil he was the only one that you could see yourself with. 
Tonight wasn't your first attempt at flirting with him, but you decided it would be the last, it was becoming painfully obvious that he just wasn't interested in you that way and there was only so much indirect rejection a girl could take before you really started to feel pathetic. Why was his smile so bright? If it didn't light up the whole room maybe you could ignore it, but here he was beaming, telling some corny joke and before you realized it you caught yourself staring, but it was only after he caught you staring first did you even realize that you were. You quickly turned away distracting yourself with your drink and whatever Mark was currently talking about, but it didn't take long for your eyes to drift back to Taeil only to find him gazing at you as he lifted his glass of whatever concoction Yuta had mixed up.
You felt ridiculous. How many times were you going to let this man catch you fawning over him? You needed to step away. The music, the people, everything was becoming a bit overwhelming, maybe you just needed some fresh air to clear your mind and accept that while most anyone would be falling over themselves to have you attempting to court them, maybe you just weren't his cup of tea. Admittedly you could be loud, outspoken, and a bit too honest at times and that could be off-putting to some people. 
As the chat circle started to break off into smaller conversations you decided it was probably the perfect time to step out for some air. You made sure to tell Johnny where you were going just before you stepped out the door. You made your way to the beach careful not to go too far alone, just enough to enjoy a bit of solitude. 
The bright glow of the full moon danced across the ocean in the distance as the sound of the waves calmed you. Before you knew it you'd found yourself talking to the moon, well more to yourself but you were looking up at the moon as you did.
"You really are in a one sided love aren't you?" You laughed to yourself. "Maybe I should just distance myself until I get over this stupid crush, and if anyone asks why I haven't been around I can just say work is crazy and I've got deadlines to meet."  You let out a frustrated sound somewhere between a sigh and a low scream. "You just couldn't be content with being his friend huh? Had to make it awkward and uncomfortable." You scolded yourself thinking about how he had started to warm up to you, but then one night while waiting for Johnny to meet up with you both for dinner, you decided to not so subtly brush your fingers along his as he passed you something from across the restaurant table. The rest of the night he barely said anything to you. Figuring maybe he preferred a less bold approach, you changed your flirting technique, but now you were fully aware that what you mistook for shyness that night was really just disinterest. 
As the cold night air of the beach caused you to curl into yourself a bit, you felt the sudden warmth of an unknown fabric wrap around you with firm arms and an all too familiar voice whisper into your ear.
"If you wanted to talk to the moon you could have come to me." 
You felt your heart flutter and you cursed yourself for being so whipped for a man that you weren't sure was even really interested, but if he wasn’t why would he be here? For this brief moment you let yourself enjoy the feeling of him being this close to you. You closed your eyes and  rested the back of your head against him and immediately regretted it the moment you felt him move ever so slightly away. Too much of a gentleman to step away completely because you could lose balance as you had shamelessly rested entirely against him when he was obviously only trying to be nice. You quickly apologized for making the situation awkward and him uncomfortable before turning to head back to the gathering. 
"You didn't make it awkward." He said as he grabbed the hem of the small blanket he'd wrapped around you to stop you from leaving.
"I made it awkward because I couldn't figure out if you were seriously flirting or just kidding around. I had seen you jokingly flirt with Taeyong and Yuta before and even though it seemed to be different from the way you would flirt with me, I  decided to just ignore it because I didn't want to look stupid for flirting back and thinking I had a chance if you were just joking around.” He paused for a moment, “That line of reasoning sounded a lot better in my head."
"I'm sure you think so, but if that's the case then why come to me now? If you were scared of looking like a fool, what gave you the courage now?" 
"Honestly, being scared is what gave me courage because I'm not scared of looking like a fool for thinking I have a chance with you anymore, now I'm scared of looking like a fool if I miss my chance with you."
He stepped closer to you, snaking his arm around your waist to pull you closer.
"Is this ok?" He asked in a whisper.
You gave a soft nod and he continued to pull you even closer until his lips were pressed gently against yours and you melted. You pulled away first and stifled a small giggle, but when he raised an eyebrow giving you a questioning look you just buried your face into his chest and let it out.
"Was it bad? I'm sorry."
You immediately got your shit together you'd been after him for so long the last thing you wanted was for him to think you didn't like it.
"No! I loved it."
"Yes really. You were just more gentle than I was expecting."
"Oh, well I didn't want to just pounce on you after finally confessing, but..."
You stumbled a bit as he grabbed your hand and pulled you a bit further into the darkness of the beach before stopping. He turned to you with a smirk just before grabbing the blanket from your shoulders and spreading it on the sand, and pulling you to sit.  You took a moment to take in your new location, still aided by the shine of the moonlight. The loud music of the party now reduced to background noise as the sounds of the ocean overpowered it, the distant patio lights almost completely bokeh in appearance, but most importantly a small cove of boulders just big enough to offer a bit of privacy.
Cool fingers gripped your chin to bring your attention back to Taeil,  who was looking at you with so much want it was intoxicating. The kiss he was giving now was still gentle but filled with more passion as his hands explored the softness of your thighs. You sighed as his hand crept up your inner thigh stopping just before he reached your swimsuit bottoms. You knew he'd pull away to ask for permission to continue, but you didn't want to feel his lips leave yours just yet, so you guided his hand further up and he got the hint. Chilled fingers made their way between your thighs and the two of you sighed in unison when he pressed his fingers against your pussy, you from the contact and cool feeling of his fingertips and him from feeling that you were soaking through your bikini.  
Knowing you wanted him so badly gave him more confidence than he'd ever had. In no time he was plunging two fingers knuckle deep inside you while you clawed at the fabric that clung to his back. Taeil kissed you breathless as your pussy welcomed his fingers in its warmth, but you wanted more, you needed more, you needed him, all of him.
As he pulled away from your lips in favor of kissing down your neck, you pleaded with him to give himself to you. As much as he was reveling in the bliss of listening to the sound of your voice pleading for him, something he thought was so far out of his reach that he couldn't even say he'd even dreamt of it before, the invitation you were giving was too much to ignore any longer.
Quickly he pulled his fingers from your dripping pussy and in what seemed like such a natural movement, put them in his mouth to lick them clean. You were practically drooling at the sight and it made you crave to taste him, but that would have to wait. In this moment you needed to feel him between your legs. You rested on your elbows as you watched him stand to untie the string on his swim trunks and let them drop to the sand below. You eyed him thinking about everything you planned to do to him in a more private setting, for now being undressed from the bottom down would have to do. 
You removed your bikini bottom and spread your legs to invite him in as he lowered himself over you and into a kiss. You sighed as you felt the tip of his dick rest against your clit. You could feel the smile on his face against your lips as he listened to you struggle to muffle every whimper and moan as he began to push into you.
"I've been waiting so long for this. Let me hear you. Nobody will hear, we're too far away, the music is loud and so is the ocean."
You're not sure if he meant to sound as needy as he did during that request but something about him being so vocal, and vulnerable, admitting that he’d wanted you for some time made you lose all inhibitions. You moaned his name freely as he worked himself in and out of you at a steady pace. Despite the cold breeze cascading over the two of you, you felt hot. With every thrust the subsequent wave of pure pleasure was like throwing gasoline onto a flame and you wanted it to consume you.  
You watched as Taeil rolled his hips into you, lips parted as he moaned your name unabashedly.  You were so close, and when he adjusted his position to where his palms rested on your knees pushing them closer to your chest, you couldn't hold back any longer. It was like sitting at the water's edge and letting the waves overtake you. You gripped his forearms as you moaned out for him to cum with you and two thrusts later he pulled out to spill himself over your pussy. Offering each other dopey smiles as you calmed down from your orgasms, Taeil leaned in to kiss you gently once more before pulling away to watch his cum drip down over your clit. When a cold breeze caused you to shiver at the cold sensation, he began to look for something to clean you off with. 
 You couldn't help but laugh as you watched him look around hurriedly, both realizing the only available thing would be the blanket. The backside was covered in sand so it was going to be washed anyway. Gently he made sure to clean up the mess you'd both made with the sand free side and helped you back into your bottoms. Fully dressed and probably a little too lovey-dovey to go fully unnoticed as you made your way back to the party, Johnny greeted you as you stepped up to the patio.
"Needed fresh air?" Taeil asked as he attempted to be as casual as possible while holding your hand.
"Yea, trying to sober up a bit." He said as he brought a glass of water to his lips, eyeing the two of you with a sly smirk. 
"Um I'm gonna drop this in the laundry" you said as you took the blanket from Taeil's arms and made your way into the home.
Before you could fully pull away Taeil pulled you into a kiss before letting you go handle the task at hand.
"Well, I  see you've finally taken the hints. We were starting to think you were stupid or something, and based on that love bite you're sporting by your neck, I'm guessing there's more than sand on that blanket." He said as he laughed causing Taeil to blush.
The rest of the night was pretty calm with everyone winding down, as the invited guests made their way out. The handful of your friends that hadn't left with their chosen hookups began setting up their sleeping areas between the living room, and bedrooms. Being the only girl on this trip had its perks like being given your own room.
 Once everyone was set and ready to call it a night it wasn't a surprise to Johnny that when you stood up to say goodnight to everyone, you grabbed Taeil's hand and headed to your room. As you made your way up the stairs the sound of applause erupted from your friends followed by Haechan yelling "about time"!
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sweetiesicheng · 2 years
taeil - drunk
word count : 442
"come on. come on. let's go, taeil!" you ran up a staircase with your boyfriend following behind you.
he sighed, "y/n, you're gonna trip. stop running," taeil said to you. "that's not even our floor. come back here, you drunken woman," he ordered and tried to grab your arm. you had moved out of the way just in time while drunkenly giggling at him.
"let's stay out some more, babe," you suggested and continued giggling, constantly smiling as you tried to explore the other floors of the building.
"you're such a different person when you're drunk. all smiles and giggles while her boyfriend tries to take her home," taeil mumbled just as you started walking again. he grabbed your hand and laced his fingers with yours. "come on, sweetie. be good and follow me."
"no," you escaped from taeil and starting running up the staircase again.
"y/n, sweetie, please don't make me chase you," taeil sighed once again and followed you.
you stopped and turned around, "aren't you supposed to chase after me since you're in love with me?" you questioned with a pout. "do you not love me anymore?" you questioned as taeil reached you.
"i love you very much, sweetie," he said to you. he kissed your forehead and grabbed your hands, "now let's get you home and get you into bed. it's getting really late, and i need to go search for medicine for when you wake up with a hangover tomorrow morning.”
"but i don't wanna go home," you said to him and hugged him. "i wanna stay with you."
"well, we can stay at the apartment that we have been living in for almost a year now," he replied and hugged you back. "come on, let's go home."
"bye bye!" you ran away from him and started running down the staircase.
"at least you're going in the right direction," taeil muttered before you fell onto the floor. "goddamn it,” he muttered and hurried up to you.
you sat up in pain while taeil crouched down beside you. you looked at him, "that hurt..." you sadly mumbled in pain.
"this is why we can't go out often. you get drunk within two seconds," taeil said and kissed your temple. "come on, get on my back. we're going home."
"okayyyyy," you said and climbed onto his back, wrapping your arms over his shoulders. taeil held your legs and started walking down the staircase.
"did you have fun tonight?" he asked you.
"i always have fun when we're together," you said to him. "i love you~" you sang, making him chuckle in response.
"i love you, too, sweetie."
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iwashie · 1 year
"Teach You A Lesson" Hyuckil
Donghyuck was a brat who needed to learn things, and Taeil would teach him a lesson.
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Chapters: 1/1 (Complete)
Rating: Explicit
Language: English
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: NCT
Pairing: Moon Taeil/ Lee Donghyuck| Haechan
Additional Tags: BDSM, Teacher- Student relationship, Age Gap, Power Play, Dom/sub, Handjobs, Anal fingering, Brat taming, AU-NOT KPOP IDOLS, SSC.
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starlitmark · 2 years
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Pairing: Taeil x fem!reader Genre: Smut Rating: R 18+
Summary: You knew wearing his favorite set in public would be a dangerous game to play, you like the risk though.
Warnings: language Smut Warnings: slight dom/sub dynamic, bathroom sex, unprotected sex, lingerie (lace), exhibitionism, clit stimulation, getting caught
Word Count: 924 for day 12 of the @neohub​ kinktober event || my kinktober masterlist
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“That better not be what I think it is.” you hear Taeil whisper in a flat tone beside you.
“I don’t know, is it?” you tease.
He had brought you to a company dinner as a nice way to introduce you to some of his coworkers. It wasn’t anything serious or too fancy but you, of course, ever the brat decided to spice things up a bit. When you leaned forward slightly you made it a point for your fiance to see just down your top enough to know what you were wearing underneath. He nearly choked on his drink when he got just the slightest glimpse of it. There was no denying the black lace he saw resting just barely beneath the neckline of your top.
“Baby,” he says in a warning tone, “what are you on about?”
“Thought it would be fun.” you smirk against your glass.
Your free hand moves from your own lap to slide across Taeil’s thigh and come to rest on the front of his dress pants. You can already feel how he’s starting to get hard just at the knowledge that you’re wearing his favorite lingerie. You smile and begin talking with one of Taeil’s coworkers sitting across the table from you. There’s no indication of anything you’re doing to your fiance below the table and it makes you even more proud of your behavior. Then you feel Taeil’s hand come between your thighs and push them apart slightly. Just enough so that he can press his finger against your clothed fold. It doesn’t do anything to stop you from feeling his finger’s warmth and texture. The lace you chose to wear was thin, thin enough to feel like there was barely anything between his hand and your heat. You go to take a bite of your meal to hopefully mask any noises you might make. That wasn’t exactly the best choice though. The moment Taeil presses the pad of his finger against your clit you instinctively go to moan and end up coughing on the mouthful of food.
You don’t even process what’s happening as he pulls you up from the table and gives his coworkers a quick excuse. He drags you through the restaurant and into the men’s bathroom. You smirk to yourself and pull him back into a stall. He locks the door and the moment he turns around he’s practically tearing your clothes off of you to see the lace you’ve been wearing underneath.
“Fuck,” he groans, “you’re too hot for your own good you know that?”
You giggle at his comment and drag him forward by his shirt into a fiery kiss, “How about you stop talking and fuck me already.” you say against his lips.
He smirks and quirks an eyebrow at you but still starts to undo his belt. Your knees nearly buckle at the sight alone, he was so undeniably hot and you suffered (in the form of horniness) because of it. The moment he released his member from the tight confines of his pants you have more than half the mind to jump right on him. You somehow restrain yourself though.
“Come here.” he demands, and tugs you forward, “I’m going to fuck you now, okay?”
“Please,” you respond, placing your leg around his thigh.
He fully pushes into you in one motion the moment he has a hold on your thigh. You try your best not to let a noise out, you don’t know who could come in or out of the bathroom without your knowledge. Taeil isn’t very pleased with that though, he changes his shallow thrusts into punctuated sharp ones that have your eyes rolling back in your head. You bite down on your lip trying to contain your noises still but you’re fighting a losing battle.
“You better stop trying to hide those gorgeous noises, let me hear them.” he groans at the feeling of you wrapped around him.
Hearing his tone alone makes you finally give in and lets your sounds out into the air. He continues to fuck you at a harsh, sharp pace, the hand that isn’t holding your leg up nimbly finds your clit and starts rubbing it in sloppy circles. The risk of being caught, doing such a private thing in public only makes you more sensitive, and closer to cumming. While this isn’t the first time you’ve done things in public with Taeil, it is the first time you’ve done it when you’re meant to be at the dinner table with others. A loud groan and a trail of wet kisses from Taeil draw you back from your thoughts
“Fuck, it’s been a while since we’ve done something like this.” he sighs erotically, “And this damn lace isn’t helping. I’m gonna fucking cum baby.” “Cum inside me, please,” you whine back, “I’m close too.”
After a few more harsh thrusts he cums inside you with a strangled moan. His fingers continue to draw circles against your bundle of nerves and give you shallow thrusts to help drive you into your own orgasm. When it does hit you, you start shaking in his hold. You’re forever thankful for his strength especially now since he’s your only stability and support from collapsing onto the bathroom floor. You hardly notice how your fiance places gentle closed-mouth kisses against your shoulder as you come down from your high. You aren’t fully aware of everything around you until you hear a rather deep laugh. It’s one you’ve been hearing all night. It’s one of his coworkers.
“Dude, glad you got some but if you wanted to leave we wouldn’t have stopped you.” he laughs hysterically, “We came to see if everything was okay and definitely found out the answer.”
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @neohub​ @kdiarynet​ @kwritersworld​ @k-vanity​ @neowritingsnet​ @nct-writers​
Tag List: @its-taeil-time​ @brattybunfornct​ @notbeforelong​ @roseforseonghwa  @spiderrenjunfics​ @umbralhelwolf​ @ericssmile​
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byunbhyunz · 1 year
Coming Down
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Pairing: Taeil/Reader
Genre: fluff, bestfriendstolovers!au
Word count: 6,456
Inspiration: Halsey – Coming Down
Part 2 of the Badlands Series
The One looks differently in everyone’s mind. You thought you know how The One looked for you, but oh boy, you couldn’t be more wrong.
“I found him in a lover When his hair falls in his face And his hands so cold they shake”
You unconsciously slowed down your steps, making Taeil do the same. For a few weeks now, every morning felt a little sad as if you were walking towards something bad. Although, you were just walking to school.
How should you feel as a high school senior? Your days were a crazy whirlwind, each starting and ending faster than the previous one, so you couldn’t even catch a break. The teachers kept talking about graduation and university and exams; you were really close to losing your mind.
“Do you think that we can get into university?”
“What kind of question is that? You’re one if the best in school, of course, you will get in!”
“And you too,” you added smiling faintly. You kicked a tiny gravel out of your way, then blushed and looked around if anyone saw what you just did. Only three schoolmates were around you, all of them younger and walked a good hundred steps ahead of you.
“And me too.”
You didn’t seem to notice Taeil’s warm, longing gaze on you. You sighed, feeling satisfied hearing his answer. Hands clasped on your nape, you closed you eyes with a smile playing on your lips and took a few steps before you sighed in content again.
You felt like life was giving you the best of everything. You planned to go to university with your best friend and nothing could stop you from it. You had no idea who or what you wanted to be, but you figured it could still wait a little. For now, you just wanted to ace the entrance exams and get accepted into the university of your dreams; you can worry about anything else after that.
“I get so excited even just thinking about it! The university, all that freedom… “
“And more studying,” Taeil said, but you just smiled softly at him. Your happiness was unbreakable.
“Maybe we will even meet with The One.”
“God, don’t tell me that all this time we were only meeting with Seconds!”
“Is this some reference from some movie you watched? Without me?”
“First: you know how I always fall asleep within the few twenty minutes of every single movie. Second: you know what I meant!”
You lowered your hands, poking Taeil’s side with your elbow. He acted as if your touch caused him great pains, but stopped when you ignored his fake whines.
“During times like these I can’t believe you’re a senior too. You can be more childish than your little sister.”
“But you love me anyway!”
You bit into your lower lip to stop yourself from laughing loudly. Your face got warm, eyes shining as you looked at Taeil.
For a few minutes you walked in silence. If you looked up, you could see the school. The gray building couldn’t look nice even in the brightest sunlight for a senior student, especially around the end of the school year and so close to the promise of university.
You looked up curiously when Taeil cleared his throat. He looked flustered; his ears painted with unusual redness, and the color slowly crept up on his neck and face too.
“Is The One still that buff guy you told me about back then?”
At that you really started to laugh, there way no way you could hold it back any longer. You sounded almost hysterical, and you had to stop walking, because you could barely breath. It was Taeil’s turn to look around if anyone saw your crazy moment, but lucky for you, nobody was around. Those three schoolmates already went into the building.
“We’re going to be late, Taeil,” you straightened up, after you finally calmed down. “You know how teachers can be before the entrance exams.”
“You really not gonna answer, are you?”
His voice was low and quiet. You wanted to act like you didn’t hear it at all, but something inside you said not to. You took a quick glance at your phone; it said you still had ten minutes until the bell started to ring for the first class, and there was at least four minutes of walking to the building. You sighed, giving in to him.
“I changed the buff guy when we were fifteen. Nowadays, The One is a tall man with dark and kind eyes. Someone, who makes me feel good and safe. And he plays some kind of sports, so he looks good all the time,” You shrugged nonchalantly, eyes shining with a cheeky light in it.
“Well…” Taeil mouth tugged upwards a little, but he didn’t look at you. “That still sounds very shallow.”
And it was done like that. You didn’t bring up that he was acting distracted throughout the rest of the day; you took it as being nervous because of the upcoming exams.
You found him in the classroom after all classes finished. Taeil was alone, his head rested on his desk, staring out the window. Or he was just sleeping, you couldn’t really tell from where you were standing.
You didn’t find the right words. His posture gave off a tired vibe, which didn’t left any room for your usual bickering and joking. So you just walked over to him, pulled out the chair in front of his desk and sit down on it.
Taeil wasn’t sleeping, he was staring into nothing. You rested your elbow next to his head and started to caress his hair. The not too short, not too long locks slipped smoothly between your fingers. His lips parted slightly, heaved a barely audible sigh and closed his eyes.
You didn’t want to ruin the calm moment, but you hated to see your best friend in a state like this. It made you feel dejected too.
“Did you hand in your papers for university?” You asked a seemingly harmless question, trying to play safe, but you made the wrong move. Taeil pulled away from your touch, straightened his back and groaned in frustration.
“Please, not you too! I gave in my application, we’re going to take the exams next week, then go to university together. I didn’t forget our plan.”
You wanted to say something, anything, but you felt like you were standing in thin ice. When Taeil talked like this – seemingly without any emotion –, you knew not to push the topic over the line. Although, it still hurt to hear him talk about your shared dreams like this.
“Taeil,” he slowly shifted his gaze on you. You begged him with your eyes. “I’m here for you, if anything’s wrong. I won’t go anywhere.”
And he maybe believed you, because the corner of his lips trembled a little. He didn’t smile, but he was close to it. Really close. And that was enough for you now.
Taeil put his head back on the desk, and you continued to play with his hair, until the homeroom teacher found you and sent you home, but only after lecturing you on the rules of the school.
Your night was quiet despite the happy news. You stayed at your house, and with parental permission, you could drink a little soju to celebrate your successful acceptance into college. Sometimes you caught Taeil staring at you, smiling into his glass, but both of you leaned back on the couch with peaceful satisfaction, listening to your parents chatting. He laughed when you gesticulated heavily while talking about how happy you were that you both made a step close to your dreams.
The thorns of secrets sticked further into his heart with every smile you sent into his way.
Your parents just smiled, when you stated you’re gonna finish the celebration with an all-night-long-movie-night. All of you knew that Taeil will be fast asleep in twenty minutes the movie, and doesn’t matter how exciting the plot will be, you’re gonna do the exact same thing after a little while. Your parents left you alone with a calm heart.
The soju wasn’t enough to get you drunk, but it eased your mind and soul.
You started with a new movie, which recently came out on DVD, and was a big success in cinema, but you didn’t go to watch it. And you didn’t even pay attention to it now.
You threw a pillow onto Taeil’s lap, and put your head on it with a happy sigh. His hands found their way to your back.
You didn’t make it through the opening credits when you spoke up:
“I don’t know if it’s the soju, but I’d like to jump around the house giggling like a mad woman. I can’t believe we actually did it!”
Taeil hummed in response. He rubbed your shoulder in reassurance, but didn’t seem like he was paying attention to you. His focus was on the screen. You looked up at him, and your smile quickly faded.
Taeil’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the movie, but he didn’t really comprehend what was happening on the screen. His mind certainly wasn’t there with you. You wanted to follow him wherever he was wandering off, but it was easier to ask him about it.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“When should I fall asleep? Now, or should I wait at least ten minutes?”
“That was a lie. A very bad one.”
“No, it was a question, but it’s not the right time to talk about grammatical correctness. And even if it was a lie, it would have been a great one.”
You let yourself be lead on with his big and confident words, and his stupid smile. Mostly his smile. You felt lucky that he didn’t pulled one of his dad jokes on you yet. Maybe he was nervous, that’s when he usually started to talk about the smallest things as if they were the most important matters of life. And you let him.
He pushed a lock of hair out of your face as he looked at the screen again. His fingers brushed your cheeks. Something have been blown up in the movie; the flames made his eyes glow in the half lit room.
You were waiting. Taeil was past his absent-minded state, it would only take a few more steps for him to finally tell you what was troubling him for the past weeks. Maybe he just needed a little push.
“I got accepted to somewhere else too,” he whispered.
You fought the urge to stand up and be angry. Your eyes got rounder, the words left your lips before you could think through what you should say.
“You got into two universities? But how? And why did you never mentioned to me that you handed in your application to more schools? Did you change your mind? You don’t want to come with me anymore?”
Your voice got thinner and quieter with every question. Worry was grabbing you by your throat and choked you. Then shame washed over you, and realized that you were supposed to be happy for him. He was your best friend since you toddler days, you really should be happy with him. Then why were you panicking all of the sudden?
You turned your attention to the television after you eyes met with Taeil’s. You tried to smile, but your lips weren’t complying you. Your vision went blurry and you couldn’t focus on anything.
“I wasn’t talking about the university. I applied to be an idol trainee and a big company accepted me.”
Taeil fingers were cold as he wiped away a tear from your face. You felt his nervous shaking on you skin.
You wiped your tears into the pillow, so you could look at him without feeling so guilty. It wasn’t the time for crying; not when he was telling you news like this.
“You should have started with this! Now we have one more reason to celebrate!”
Taeil gently called out your name, but you didn’t really pay attention to it. You tried to run away from his touch by sitting up on the couch. Your breathing was shallow, your smile fragile. The bond between you – which has been becoming stronger with each year –, it felt paper-thin now. It scared you. Neither of you knew how to react to this new situation. Taeil just stayed quiet and smiled, and you started to talk about just anything to try and clear the mess from your mind.
“Are we talking about on of the Big Three? Or is it a small company?”
His face became red. He uncomfortably shifted next to you, played with his fingers, then with a sudden move he grabbed the remote control and paused the movie.
The silence was massive. Both of you were waiting for the other to say something.
“It’s SM Entertainment.”
You hummed in response. Then it was only that awkward feeling hanging between you.
You took the remote control away from Taeil, and after pushing a button on it the room got filled with the sounds of conversations and fights. Taeil fell asleep not too long after that, just as it was expected. Blinking slowly, you stared at his calm face, wondering why did you become sad suddenly, and why did you feel like you were running into something life changing and bad thing.
The holidays came and went by really fast, and the university – and naturally the promise of separating – were coming closer.
Taeil never said it out loud to you what his final decision would be, but as the days went by you felt it stronger and stronger that in the end of august you will go to university alone.
You saw each other every day during the summer break, and neither of you mentioned about the future. He looked uncomfortable when you were alone, and you were cruel enough to not make it any easier for him. It gave you a guilty pleasure. You knew you were acting childish and bad, but it helped you cope with the unavoidable.
You felt how you were drifting away from each other in that short month. Taeil told less and less dad jokes, his smiles were fragile and shaky, and they immediately disappeared when he thought you didn’t see it. And you acted as if you didn’t notice the weird combination of sadness and excitement hiding in his eyes; as if you didn’t know that his longing gaze often lingered on you when you focused on something else.
Taeil told his parents and you the news one week before the beginning of the first semester. You weren’t really surprised that he wanted to try himself out as an idol. Unfortunately, his parents didn’t take it so easily. For two days you could only talk through secret phone calls, and Taeil didn’t tell you what went on between him and his parents. All you could make out of it that it was bad, his voice stern during your calls when you asked him about it.
He never talked about how did he convince his family to give their blessing to his decision and let him be a trainee, but on the day of leaving, it seemed like everything was fine.
Taeil left a day before you had to. He had to go in to morning, so he could make it on time to the dorm, which he will be sharing with other trainees, and the next day he’s gonna start his journey to debuting.
You didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but you felt alone in the last moments you spent together. You found your conversations empty as if you were talking past each other about nothing. Like two strangers, who rather talk about anything, just don’t let them get to know the piercing silence.
If Taeil noticed anything of the crumbling of your friendship, he never showed it. Sometimes you caught him staring in front of himself, not focusing on the world around him. During these times his face was stiff and painted with worry; you took it as insecurity about both of your futures. Up until this point everything was fix in your lives. You had a mutual plan: go to university and keep you friendship strong and lasting, like it always was. Standing at the edge of becoming an adult, you saw that friendship scatter into little pieces right in front of your eyes.
You pulled your lips into a smile as you watched him wave to you from their car’s backseat. It slowly merged into the traffic on the street, then disappeared in the mass of cars. You still waved after him when you weren’t seeing Taeil or the car at all.
Your hand got tired from the monotonous movement. You let it fall back next to your body. Heaving a sigh, your shoulders slumped forward and you felt a ton of weight sitting on them.
You wanted to make yourself happier with the promises you made to each other, but even thinking about the coming-home-as-often-as-possible and the every-day-phone-calls couldn’t make your foul mood go away.
An era in your friendship has officially ended.
Once again, time flew fast. At least this is how you felt, when all you noticed was that you were months in your first semester. The life at the university was packed, you only had time for partying or relaxing when you forced yourself to push every schoolwork to the side just for a day.
These little, forced breaks were very much needed, because even if most of the professors were cool, all of them expected you to work hard for their classes. Your life, from one day to another, started to revolve around classes, friends, Friday night karaokes and all-nighters during weekends. The only thing that kept you sane was your roommate, who always pulled you back to the ground and looked out for you, and you did the same for her.
It took you almost five months to realize the harsh truth. The promises you made with Taeil were broken, too easily. The phone calls decreased to three, then to two. During the past weeks always you were the one calling him, and when you started to get worked up over it, you had to calm yourself down. During your rare calls Taeil never complained, but you always found out that he was either on a break between dance practices, or on his way to or from the vocal teacher.
You were still trying to get used to your new life, and your way never lead to him. From two stars floating next to each other you turned into planets going on different routes, never really meeting. Realizing this once again, made you sad and angry.
Angry and determined, you started to search for more contact with Taeil, although the time never felt right. Doesn’t matter which time of the day you called him, he always said he was busy, and you quickly got tired of it. The calls got rare again, the texts were short and shallow. You found yourself not talking to him for weeks. And at this point you gave up.
It was a bitter pill to swallow, but doesn’t matter how much it hurt, it was time for you to let go of you best friend. Taeil had a future in his mind, one which you didn’t really seem to fit in.
Sometimes you still texted; most of them was just simple “How are you? Free to talk?”-s and “Not now, maybe tomorrow”-s. That tomorrow never seemed to come.
You decided to start your university life again. You pulled all-nighters to study with new friends – not really friends though, more like companions who you kept close –, went on first dates, never seconds, went to frat parties and clubs, and most importantly you kept out of trouble. You only felt homesick when you were alone in your dorm with your thoughts and sweet memories full of Taeil and your parents.
Those days were the hardest. You couldn’t hold your tears back, and int the following morning your roommate, Mina always asked questions upon seeing the redness around you eyes, and the sadness in them. She was genuinely worried, but you brushed her bad feelings aside with a small smile.
Those night were the hardest, because in the end you dreamed about Taeil and your childhood.
Taeil (20:18): Thanks! The boys are head over hills!
Taeil (20:18): I still can’t believe we won 1st place! This is our second win already!
Taeil (20:20): Suho sunbaenim said it still won’t be easy for us, but we are on a good path for success!
You read the texts with bored face. That was your last conversation with Taeil. You congratulated him on their win on a music show, and he replied with a surprisingly long messages. Two years ago the length wouldn’t be so surprising, but now it popped out from the other ones. For the past one and a half year your conversations barely reached a few sentences, you couldn’t even meet during the holidays. He was a rookie idol, he was the most busy when you could get away from the university, and it was true the other way around too: when he had any free time, you were buried under papers and schoolwork.
Your heart still hurt from re-reading the texts.
“Everything’s okay? You look gloomy.”
Mina, your roommate pushed a cup of coffee in front of you. You were so deep into your thoughts you already forgot you were in the university cafe. Taking a big gulp of the drink was a wrong move; it was hot and bitter. You never enjoyed coffee, but it was a necessity at five in the morning right before your last exam of the semester. It was part of the not-so-fun-things about university. Fortunately for you, the uni-cafe opened earlier and closed later during the last months of the semester, because you didn’t have the money for going in a regular cafe for drinking something you didn’t even like.
“Just nervous. So far so good with everything, I don’t want us to fail on the last one.”
“We won’t. We’re gonna get above eighty percent, our grades gonna be untouched and good. I don’t see failing in our future.”
“You’re a fortune teller now? What else do you see? Any handsome faces to date?”
“Sorry, my visions are restricted for exams,” she shrugged, a cheeky smile playing on her lips, and you can’t help, but do the same.
Mina’s never wavering optimism didn’t falter even at the early hours. You frowned, drank the rest of the coffee and went to the main hall.
The exam ended faster than you expected, and you knew the answer for more question than you thought after the professor handed you the papers. And you wrote something to the questions you didn’t knew the answer to. Who knows? Your answer might be correct.
You walked back to the dorm with Mina. The always optimist girl talked about the seventh question of the exam on all the way. She was sure she gave the wrong answer no matter how many times you told her you wrote the same thing.
“You coming to the after party, right?” Mina suddenly cut herself off, forgetting about the seventh question. “Jonhyun mentioned something about taking you on a second date.”
“Second date after what? Like two months? Hell no!”
You started to dig for your phone in your bag, wanting to show Mina your last texts with said boy. You turned it off for the exam, so now it took you a few minutes to get it going.
“But the party?” Mina pouted cutely at you, making her best puppy eyes to convince you. Not like you needed much convincing.
“I go, of course, but Jonhyun? That’s a no for me,” Mina did a little victory dance, earning a few weird looks from the people walking around you. She didn’t pay attention to them. Her eyes instantly went to your phone when you finally found the texts with Jonhyun and shoved it to her face. “See? Two months, no hi, no answer, no anything.”
“Yeah, but looks like someone else wants a shot with you,” And with that, her cheeky grin was back on her face right after your phone vibrated. “Is this the Taeil I think it is?”
You pulled you phone away as if she just slapped on your hands. Your face heated up, your heartbeat erratic. You wanted to put the phone back into your bag without sparing a glance to the message and only read it when you are alone, but Mina was faster.
“From the look on your face, this is exactly that Taeil. What does he say? Read it already, you can’t just leave me here hanging with curiosity. You know too how frustrating it is when someone ignores your texts, right?” She even winked.
You haven’t seen Taeil for more than a year. You both did your fair share to get to this point, where you weren’t sure if you could call yourselves best friends anymore. You knew you had to stop running. You had enough of the sleepless nights, the longing for him; you had enough of not letting anyone close to see the real pain you felt. You wanted Taeil back: your friendship and the good old days.
The vision of The One faded a long time ago. You didn’t give it much thought. The dates, the disappointment and Taeil’s absence from your life made this imagine of a tall, kind-eyes man to go away. Sometimes Taeil flashed into your mind when it wandered to The One, making you quickly forget what you were initially thinking about. Though, you didn’t do anything about it. You were scared to reach out to the boy, telling him how you miss him, and your friendship slowly sank.
“Come on, tell me what does he say!”
You looked down at your phone.
Taeil (10:38): Are you free this week?
Taeil (10:41): We could meet.
The words made you heart sink. Mina’s worried questions went in your one ear and came out the other, all you could gather that there was waterdrops on the screen of your phone when minutes ago the sky was clear and blue, no clouds in sight. You touched your face hesitantly, realizing the drops came from you; you were crying in the middle of the street. A heavy weight lifted from your chest, breathing never felt this easy and freeing.
“What’s wrong? Did he say something rude? Want me to curse him to hell?”
“No, I don’t think so… I don’t even know.”
Mina looked at you like you went crazy right in front of her eyes. Maybe you did a little. Tears streamed down your cheeks, but you smiled brightly, happily – all because of two tiny messages.
“Fine… But you owe me a good explanation.”
You nodded, typing a quick reply to Taeil, then you went on and continued your way back to the dorm, doing your best explaining Mina what went down in you a few minutes prior and what caused it.
The word ‘nervous’ wasn’t enough to write down how you felt. You chose a little cafe hiding next to some famous fast-food place for the meeting with Taeil. People usually went to the latter than the cafe, so there wasn’t much chance for him to be recognized.
A little bell chimed as you walked in, and the employee behind the counter greeted you with loud voice. You returned the smile and the words, a hint of blush playing on you cheeks. Your gaze focused on the costumers, searching for Taeil. It didn’t take too long though, he shot up from his chair in the back of the cafe, waving for you to notice him.
You had time to look at him, while you walked over there. He haven’t changed much, but he looked different somehow. The softness of teenage years melted away from his face, now it was drawn with sharp lines. He had no make up on, dark brown strands of hair fell into his forehead. His dark clothes hugged his figures, a black coat hanged on the back of his chair. He opened is arm without hesitation when you were merely a step away from him.
You hesitated though, even took on tiny step backwards, not knowing if it would be the right thing to hug him, but he decided for the both of your when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his warm embrace. His scent was familiar, although it mixed with something more adult-like. He smelled like soap and fabric softener. You took a deep breath, the pleasant smell made all your worries go away.
Taeil laughed, his warm breath fanning over your ears. You shivered in his arms, which made him hug you tighter. Your brain finally started to realize that your best friend was here, with you. Where he and you belonged. Your eyes closed involuntarily, enjoying the warmth of the hug, the closeness of him, his breathing in your ear, you even loved how he whined about you being clingy, although it was him who refused to let go.
The conversation didn’t start out well. It was like a road with tons of bumps, and crossroads and dead ends. More than one year was a long time; neither of you knew what you should do with this whole situation. The half-words, cutting into each others sentences lead to laughs, and the awkwardness all melted away when Taeil pulled off a few dad jokes. The conversation flowed smoothly after that.
Taeil’s gaze was dark and warm. After a while, he pulled his mask down to his chin to drink his tea; a hint of a smile always played on his soft looking lips. You couldn’t your eyes off of him. You were scared if you look away he will disappear as if it was all just a dream.
But he stayed, and after a few hours, everything felt like in the good old days. Just like all those months didn’t happened, your friendship never shook. You both avoided this topic, and when it showed its ugly head, one of you started to talk about something entirely else. Neither of you wanted to ruin the mood, but Taeil brought up one of the most awkward things.
“What about your fantasy image?”
“What image?” You looked at him confused. Taeil smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes anymore.
“About The One. How much changed this time?”
You stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. You looked down on your hands and couldn’t find the right words for a couple of minutes.
“I haven’t thought about it for a while. I don’t really know how I imagine him anymore.”
You looked around in the cafe, fingers twitching a little, gaze wandering anywhere but Taeil. His fingers felt cold when he grabbed your hands and pulled them away from the cup they were holding.
“You know, I never imagined I would miss you that much,” he said quietly, but so seriously as if it was the most natural and important thing in the world. Your heartbeat sped up from hearing that, but you were still unable to look at him. Taeil squeezed your hands. His thumb drew tiny patterns on your skin, and he continued: “I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”
Your breath hitched and tried to pull your hand away, and he let you. When you finally looked at him, his eyes still held that warmness and softness in them, that they had since you arrived.
“I’d like you to finish university and give us a chance. I think these two years were hard enough for the both of us, and I had to realize it’s not just my best friend that I miss anymore.”
“Taeil, what are you talking about?”
He chuckled, his voice shaky as he reached for your hand again. This time, he let you decide if you wanted to accept it or not. His fingers slowly warmed up as you intertwined them with your own.
“I’ve been in love with you since middle school,” he whispered and shrugged his shoulders. His ears became red under his dark locks. “I don’t want to stop lying to you and myself about only being your best friend. I mean, I am your best friend, of course, but I want to give you so much more. If you let me.”
“What… What would change? We didn’t even have time for each other as friends, I didn’t see you for almost two years, Taeil. I’m not sure if only meeting occasionally would be enough in a relationship.”
Your tried to brush aside the topic and the feelings. You didn’t want to think about it too much; it made your heart hurt. You only knew that you heart was beating in your throat and the waiting teared you apart. The only problem was you didn’t know what you were waiting for. You wanted to think with a cool mind, but your rational self ran away from you every other second.
“That’s why I ask you to talk about it again when you finish university. I ask you to wait for me, for us. To give us a chance.”
He begged you with his eyes. His hand held yours tightly; and you could barely believe the words that slipped from your mouth.
“Fine. I’ll wait. But I can’t really promise you anything else.”
“Not even a date?” Sparkles flew from his eyes, a playful smile appeared on his lips. He ruffled his hair with his free hand.
“A date… maybe. Two years still a long time, Taeil!” You warned him. You let go of his hand and reached for your coat. “Anything can happen till then.”
You felt an urge to run away from him, so your mind can clear up a little and you can think through everything that just happened.
“Doesn’t matter, I’ll be right here!” he said as you walked away, and his words followed you back to the dorms.
Taeil waited for you in the cafe, just like he promised two years ago. Well, a little less than two years ago, because back then it was fall with warm colored nature around you, and now the only thing warm was the weather; most days it was rather hot.
On your way to the cafe all you could think about what you should say to Taeil. In the past months he never mentioned anything about his promise or yours, which were not really a promise. However, your friendship got back on the right track. Both of you did your best to text each other a few times every day, and you called at least two times a week. You talked about the most innocent things, teased each other, just like before university and his idol days. You felt happier day by day. You felt complete.
Secretly, with every conversation you had, you wanted him to bring up his confession or the promised date, but he never did. He didn’t rush you, didn’t ask questions about your feelings for him; he let you discover those feelings by yourself, in your own pace.
Despite your efforts, you didn’t have the chance to meet in person. Taeil’s days were filled with rehearsals, performances, comebacks and practices. Being an idol never seemed easy, but he made it look like it was. He still not complained though. On some days he told you that he was tired from working all day, but that’s all. And when you accused him of working himself to death, he just brushed it aside with a bad pun or an exciting story about his friends from the group.
Taeil talked a lot about his dongsaengs. The one named Haechan usually eavesdropped on your calls and cut in to talk with you. He seemed nice, but witty, and Taeil always laughed at his antics, so you didn’t mind. You actually grew fond of the boy.
During one of these calls, Haechan told you that he’s suspicious of Taeil: he believes his hyung loves you. He was more than surprised when you thanked him for telling you, but you already knew about it. You wanted to sound confident, but your heart went crazy, and you couldn’t lure yourself anymore with lies of thinking about him as a friend. You felt more than that for a long time now.
Taeil sat at the same table, and there wasn’t much more people in the cafe as two years ago. There wasn’t much possibility of a fan seeing you.
When he noticed you, he stood up, arms opened and waiting for a hug. You were faster though, and instead of hugging, you handed him a blue-covered, barely two pages long book. Your face grew warm and red, his a little confused. He was hesitant of taking it, even furrowed his eyebrows as he looked down at it, his eye quickly reading the few lines informing about your successful university graduation. When finished, he looked back at you, a shy smile playing on his lips.
“Congratulation!” It sounded more like a question, and you rolled your eyes.
“You know about it for hours, and even congratulated already.”
“Then I… I don’t really understand this.” He waved the book a little. You just shrugged, but felt your face getting even more red.
“You said, when I finish university you want a chance from me. For us. You asked me to wait, and said that you will too.”
“And I’m here. Like I promised,” Taeil whispered and put the little book down on the table. His dark eyes were serious as he looked into yours. You took a step forward, and stopped thinking about what will the other customers around you will think if you do what you really want to do right now.
You stood on your tiptoes. Your chest pressed against his, feeling his warmth through your clothes; your lips dangerously close to his. You felt his breath on your skin and waited for him to take the next, final step.
“I’m here, too,” you said quietly, when nothing happened. Nervousness formed a ball in your stomach, growing heavier with every passing second.
Taeil’s dark hair fell into his forehead. He blushed, eyes shining brighter than the stars. His fingers were cold as he cupped your cheeks into his hands, but his lips felt soft and warm, when he finally brushed them to yours. Then, he kissed you, and with that every thought about The One escaped your mind, and your whole body filled up with Taeil and your love for him.
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yuzukult · 2 years
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wow ! crazy ! i’m seriously almost (haha) at 4k followers?
i figured i’d do smth a little different--instead of celebrating when i hit 4k followers, i’d do this fun activity (also a challenge for myself, maybe to get some writing juices happening) that’ll hopefully help lead to 4k followers !!
how to participate?
stop by my ask, leave a idol name + genre + a phrase. i’ll write between 100-1.0k words (a drabble, basically). please don’t go TOO into detail, i’d like to have some room for creativity!
you also have the option to make it rated m but that option is for adults only !! just add it to the end of the ask. please do not include any nsfw language within the ask. i keep all nsfw content underneath a read more & include warnings above the fic.
whats the criteria?
groups i’ll write for: seventeen (highly preferred) & nct 127 (excluding mark & haechan. nothing personal, i just don’t feel comfortable writing for anyone younger than 98 line... i’m giving dino a free pass bc he doesn’t have a lot of fics).
genres: angst, fluff, etc etc. 
what i won’t write for: yandere. incest. there’s a list, but generally speaking, don’t ask for anything that tends to be controversial. i also don’t write smut for dino & seungkwan - mostly out of discomfort. (they’re too personal to me <3 i can’t see them in that way.)
how to not get your request ignored?
follow everything above! pretty simple. if you don’t follow that format listed, i’ll just ignore your message.
please also respect my time and efforts! i may not do all of them, mostly because there might just not be enough time BUT my goal is to complete all (this time around).
i may stop collecting requests once i do hit 4k, but i also may stop prior, depending how i’m feeling. :)
send in a request!
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Vehicle problems? Lucky for you Taeil is here to help.
Word count 853
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 🔧   The mechanic 🔧
“Thinking of you is a poison I drink often.” ― Atticus
A Gemini knows how to swerve you from your most stubbornly held convictions.”
- Linda Goodman.
"Are you sure?" She questions dejectedly. "Sorry but your 'baby' has a lot of problems", Taeil informs her. 
It all started with an oil change, Taeil being a good friend asked if the oil had been changed recently or if in fact oil had been added to the vehicle. "I know you never add oil," he told her in a playful scolding manner. It's true! That's what Jiffy Lube is for. "Jiffy Lube?" He said astonished, "they will rob you blind, let me do it! I'm free!". That's how it started a simple oil change. "Drop by my place and I will get it done" famous last words.
Taeil is delightful to watch tinkering with vehicles, he is witty and a wonderful conversationalist, when he is not chatting he sings, he has a voice the angels would envy. He seems to know his way  around the vehicle's  mechanics, his self assured attitude gains trust. It was a pleasant afternoon all in all. Taeil refused to take monetary compensation, "dinner?" The meal was nice, Taeil's smile an added bonus, he is such a good friend. I count my lucky stars. He is my best friend.
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"Check engine light! What now?"
Luckily Taeil picked up the phone and he suggested I drop by his place so he could check it out.
Fiddling under the hood, he located the problem and was able to fix it quickly and with little cost. I can not take your money, I mean it was a few minutes work, dinner? So once more we enjoyed a delightful dinner.
Air! The tires need air, hope they are okay? As if my guardian angel was looking after me Taeil called at that moment, telling him the situation with the vehicle he once more suggested going to his place. Relief! The tires just needed air! Lunch? Sure!
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"No! Not now baby!" Something is seriously wrong, the gears! First  second, where is third? Tears of frustration well up and trickle down.  "What the hell is happening?" Pulling off the road and calling Taeil, get over her now! Drive slowly! 
"Its the transmission," he states with brimming confidence. "No"
"Yea I'm afraid so". "Let me see what I can do, leave the vehicle with me for a few days". 
How many mechanics whilst working on your vehicle act as your chauffeur? Not many I guess! He is always here helping me, shopping or what not. He is amazing, and he still has time to work on 'baby'.
Two weeks, and all the things he has tried the vehicle is still not working. I mean he is helping me but…. I need the car fixed!
The look of hurt when I suggested I take it to 'a real mechanic' little faith, what you have no faith in my abilities? Insulted and now a little angry, after all the work I have done to help you? 
"A new transmission?"
 "Of course I can do that! Just replace  it" he injected with confidence. Taeil went on to explain the how's, jargon lost on those not of the mechanical mind. Thousands! will cost a lot of dollars, I can do it! And a hell of a lot cheaper! 
Dropping  by his place via a taxi, "I would of picked you up" 
Wanting to see the progress, it's been three weeks, surely he is close to being done.
Taeil convincingly tells  he had to order parts as many incidental parts were kaput and he needed new tools he explains.
Parts strewn across his garage, "maybe it's time I take the car to my regular mechanic!". 
"Regular mechanic? Are you cheating on me?" Joking? Is he joking? His eyes, his tone he seems aggravated. Angry!. Give me a week! 
"So it's fine if I work on your vehicle, up to my neck in grease and oil! But I can't drop by for a coffee and chat?"  
Ungrateful? Am I! Maybe so! 
How is he fixing the car when he is always with me? A month now! 
I miss my car, the convenience, the independence, now it seems I'm dependent on Taeil for everything!. So does he really know what he is doing?
Six weeks, it has been six weeks! I'm just going to have to tell him. 
The garage looks exactly the same! Has he even worked on it? 
"Taeil I appreciate everything you have done, truly I have, but I think it's best I get the car towed to my mechanic"
The anger burning through his eyes turns to fury. 
"So you are cheating on me!"
"Cheating?" Completely lost and confused as to what he is talking about.
"Bestie" he states in a very clear, crisp sarcastic tone " you and your vehicle are going nowhere!" 
Laughingly, "in fact I have accommodations for you, all prepared" his cool eyes and menacing tone hit like a whip.
"Besties forever" he laughs, his tone dark and menacing.
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andysorbit · 1 year
Taeil au where he runs a laundromat in the storefront of your apartment building and he always "stays open" a little bit later so you can wash and dry your things in peace because he knows you have anxiety and he always "conveniently" has washers and dryers that are already paid for?
yall down?
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