#Tabata Timer
***FREE Downloadable 2023 Minimalist Fitness Program*** - Less Can Be Better, Especially When Done Consistently
Start small and build momentum today!
If I told you you could get in great shape by investing less than 10 minutes daily to exercise, you’d probably think I’m selling you a product. I’m not selling a product, but I am selling you the idea that a small amount of daily exercise is all you need to get in shape. I want you to stop believing that getting in shape has to take over your life or require an hour or more of exercise each day…
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fitqworkout · 16 days
The Ultimate Tabata Timer App: Your Go-To Tool for Effective HIIT Workouts
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has taken the fitness world by storm, thanks to its effectiveness and efficiency. A key component of a successful HIIT workout is precise timing, and that's where a good Tabata timer app comes in. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, a reliable HIIT interval timer can make all the difference in your training sessions. In this article, we'll delve into what makes a great Tabata timer app and how it can enhance your workouts.
What is Tabata Training?
Tabata training is a form of HIIT that was developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata in the 1990s. It involves 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 4 minutes (8 rounds). This method has been shown to improve both aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels in a short amount of time. A Tabata timer app helps you keep track of these intervals so you can focus on your workout without constantly checking the clock.
Key Features of a Tabata Timer App
When looking for the perfect Tabata timer app, there are several features to consider that will ensure you get the most out of your HIIT workouts.
1. Customizable Intervals
A good Tabata timer app allows you to customize your workout intervals. While the traditional Tabata protocol is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, different types of HIIT workouts might require different intervals. The ability to adjust work and rest periods ensures that your app can accommodate various training styles.
2. Easy-to-Use Interface
An intuitive and user-friendly interface is crucial. You don't want to spend valuable workout time fumbling with settings. The best apps have clear, simple controls that allow you to set up your intervals quickly and get started with your workout immediately.
3. Visual and Audio Cues
Visual and audio cues help you stay on track during your workout. A good Tabata timer app will have loud, distinct sounds to signal the start and end of each interval, as well as clear visual indicators. This allows you to stay focused on your exercise without having to constantly check your device.
4. Pre-set Workouts and Custom Options
Some Tabata timer apps come with pre-set workouts that you can follow. This is great for beginners who might not know where to start. For more advanced users, the ability to create and save custom workouts is invaluable. This feature allows you to tailor your training sessions to your specific goals and preferences.
5. Integration with Other Fitness Apps
Integration with other fitness apps and wearables can enhance your workout experience. Look for a Tabata timer app that syncs with your fitness tracker, heart rate monitor, or other health apps. This allows you to keep all your workout data in one place and track your progress more effectively.
Benefits of Using a Tabata Timer App
Using a Tabata timer app offers several benefits that can help you get the most out of your HIIT workouts.
1. Improved Workout Efficiency
A Tabata timer app ensures that you stick to the precise intervals of your HIIT workout. This leads to more efficient and effective training sessions, helping you reach your fitness goals faster.
2. Enhanced Focus
By taking care of the timing, a Tabata timer app allows you to concentrate fully on your exercises. You can push yourself to the limit during work periods and fully relax during rest periods, maximizing the benefits of HIIT.
3. Motivation and Accountability
Many Tabata timer apps come with features like progress tracking and workout reminders. These can help keep you motivated and accountable, ensuring you stick to your training schedule and continuously improve.
Popular Tabata Timer Apps
There are several Tabata timer apps available, each with its own unique features. Here are a few popular options:
1. Tabata Timer: Interval Timer Workout Timer HIIT
This app is specifically designed for Tabata and other HIIT workouts. It offers customizable intervals, sound and vibration alerts, and the ability to save your workouts. The interface is straightforward, making it easy to set up and use.
2. Seconds Pro – Interval Timer
Seconds Pro is a versatile interval timer that can be used for Tabata, HIIT, and other types of interval training. It features a highly customizable interface, integration with Apple Health, and the ability to create complex workouts. The app also offers spoken prompts, which can be very helpful during workouts.
3. GymBoss Interval Timer
The GymBoss Interval Timer is another excellent option for HIIT enthusiasts. It offers a simple, no-frills design with customizable intervals and alerts. The app is easy to use and has a strong reputation for reliability.
Tips for Effective HIIT Workouts with a Tabata Timer App
To get the most out of your HIIT workouts using a Tabata timer app, keep these tips in mind:
1. Warm Up Properly
Always start with a proper warm-up to prepare your body for the intense exercise to come. This helps prevent injuries and improves performance.
2. Choose the Right Exercises
Select exercises that you can perform at high intensity without compromising form. Common choices for Tabata workouts include burpees, sprinting, kettlebell swings, and jumping jacks.
3. Listen to Your Body
HIIT is intense, and it's important to listen to your body. If you're feeling overly fatigued or experiencing pain, take a break or modify your workout. Safety should always be your top priority.
4. Mix It Up
Variety is key to keeping your workouts interesting and effective. Use your Tabata timer app to create different workouts, targeting various muscle groups and incorporating a mix of cardio and strength exercises.
5. Cool Down and Stretch
Finish your HIIT session with a cool-down period and some stretching. This helps your body recover and reduces muscle soreness.
Sum up
A reliable Tabata timer app is an essential tool for anyone engaged in high-intensity interval training. It simplifies the timing process, allowing you to focus on your workout and push your limits. By choosing an app with the right features, you can enhance your training efficiency, stay motivated, and achieve your fitness goals. Whether you're just starting out with HIIT or looking to take your workouts to the next level, a good Tabata timer app is your best ally in the quest for better health and performance.
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healthyskillz · 7 months
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I earned a badge for reaching 100% of my exercise goals this week! Still loving the Tabata Timer app in combination with the Darebee workout posters.
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that-girl-lyra · 5 months
My Fitness Favourites (2024 Master Post)
This is sort of like my own master post and or an update upon my previous one on Reddit, but please remember that like all things, not everything will work for everyone. I am not a doctor or certified PT (yet!). I'm just a girl who wanted to lose weight and found a passion for all things gym and fitness related :)  With that being said, I hope that you guys find the tools that I used helpful to you, and I can not wait to see your progress <3 
Here are some of the apps that I used and still use to this day to help track my fitness progress. I’ve gone through a bunch of different fitness apps and these are by far my favorites. 
This app is super straightforward. I use it each time I go to the gym or do a home workout to track the number of sets, reps, and weights. There are no ads and it's completely free. You can also add in your own workouts and machines if you can't find what you’re doing in their list. 10 out of 10, highly recommend!
I no longer use this app HOWEVER, if you’re just starting out I think this app would be a good place to get started. It lays out a workout plan for you based on what your goals are, and it even shows you HOW to do each workout if you’re unsure of the movements and form. I found it super helpful when I started out and I hope you do too! I will say, the free version does give you a lot, however it does have a paid plan to which I am unfamiliar. 
Tabata Timer 
Personally, nowadays I only use this app occasionally but if you’re not a fan of counting reps, this may be a better alternative. You can create workouts and customized times for sets, breaks, rests, etc. I like to use this for my kettlebells and mace work at home, but you can use it however you wish! Bonus points because it's also 100% free. We love free shit here lol. 
Similar to MyFitnessPal, this is an app that tracks your calorie input and output. I prefer it’s interface over MyFitnessPal personally, and this is the app I used to lose 40+lbs in 2022. Along with a food scale, this is a very useful tool, and I still use it when I go into a cut. The free plan is great and it doesn't force you into a paid one. You have the option to upgrade, but its not necessary unless you really really really wanna see all of your macros besides calories, sodium, protein and carbs. 
Sleep is probably one of the most important things for your overall mental and physical health. I used to suck at waking up early but I really really wanted to become an early bird and track my sleep. I found Alarmy and I haven’t looked back. In the free version, you can be awoken with annoying sounds and tasks to turn off your alarm, as well as track your sleep and sleep quality.  
TDEE Calculator 
As I said in my previous master post, a good place to start is to find out what your TDEE is (total daily energy expenditure). Basically, how many calories you burn just by being alive. You can go from there to find out how many calories you should eat depending on if you're trying to lose/gain weight, as well as protein intake on top of your desired fitness level. A very handy tool. Just plug in your current height, weight, age, and fitness level and you’ll be good to go! 
Equipment / Tools 
Xiaomi MiFit Band  
Ima be honest, I really hated the samsung fitness watches. I went through 2 of them due to battery issues and I never even physically damaged them. I got the Xiaomi MiFit band because I was sick of paying so much money on fitness watches and this thing has the durability of a Nintendo 64 I swear. I only charge the sucker like, maybe once a week, and it gives a pretty accurate read of how many calories I burn during walking, workouts, etc. Also, the thing was like $40 or something. Ive had it over a year and the only thing I’ve had to replace was the strap (a pack of two was like $6). The strap was also my fault for breaking it lol. 
Renpho Scale 
Sort of a tool/app combo. The scale is around $20 on amazon and it tracks your weight (duh) as well as body composition to a fairly accurate degree. The gym I currently go to has a body composition machine and I’ve done a DexaScan in the past and the information between all of them is a close match. The app is free as well and I love it. 
Adjustable Dumbbells 
I love the gym, I do, but my heart will always belong to dumbbells. There is so much you can do with them from arms, legs, core, back,etc. They’re a great piece of kit and I will never stop using them. A set of adjustable dumbbells will put you back a few bucks sure, but imo, it's a worthy investment in the long run. Plus if you’re like me and you have limited space in your home, they’re a great choice. 
I wanna reiterate the fact that I am NOT a doctor lol but I'm sure everyone has seen a metric ton of influencers and PT’s recommending this or that supplement. Truly, I don’t take many and the only one I can recommend personally is Creatine. Just remember to drink water with it and you’re golden. Some people get a mildly upset stomach on it but again, that all depends on the person. I’ve personally never gotten an upset stomach with it and I take/have taken 2 types of Creatine (Monohydrate and Alkaline). 
You’ll hear about a “loading phase” but you don’t have to do that if you don't want to. It's not necessary. 
The only other thing I take is magnesium but that's just to help me not have hypnic jerks when I go to sleep. Literally no other reason lol.   
General Advice/Tips 
If you’re just starting out with your own fitness journey and begin to tell people that you’re working out, eating right, etc, you may experience some negativity from others. Once you say anything like “Im working out/losing weight!” everyone and their mother becomes a health expert. I’ve gotten people telling me to not lift weights because “Its bad for your bones!”, or “Your heart will explode eventually!”. 
These are people who are just jealous and they envy your dedication to yourself. Ignore them. Misery often demands company. 
You may also find lovely little messages in your dm’s from that one girl in high school who was a bully and is now shilling MLM products. Please for the love of all that is good and green on this earth, do not interact! They will send you really crappy copy and paste messages saying that they can help you on your journey with “insert snake oil product here”. 
There is no magic pill, drink, juice, cleanse, detox, whatever the hell that will do the work for you. Pyramid Schemes that are the most common for this are ItWorks, JuicePlus, Herbalife, and BeachBody. Idk if Plexus is still around but still. If you’re ever unsure about anything, I would pay a visit to r/antiMLM for more info. 
Diets, diets, diets are all the rage (as they are always). Guru’s telling their followers to eat only animal based because “its how our ancestors ate!” or “do x to lower your cortisol levels”, and “STAY AWAY FROM BREAD AND SEED OILS!”. Block, ignore, and unfollow. 
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely fucking love bread and cheese and will turn any Olive Garden within a 20 mile radius of me into my bitch with unlimited breadsticks and pasta. 
Yes, we all know certain food is healthier than others, but at the end of the day as long as you are watching what you eat, and getting your workouts in, it doesn't matter. If you want a burger then eat the burger. 
In Conclusion 
I could go on and on forever about anything and everything fitness related. Book recommendations, creators to follow/unfollow, routines…I love it all, I truly do. And one day I hope to become a certified PT myself, but until that day comes, I simply am not. I'm just a girl who got fit, and want to see others achieve their goals as well. I know how hard and awful the process can be, but I guarantee you that every step you take up that mountain is worth every second of the view at the top. 
Movement is improvement, and as long as you keep moving, you’ll keep improving. 
If you’re here reading this, then you’ve already taken step 1 and I couldn't be more proud of you. Its a hard thing to look in the mirror and say to yourself “I need to change ''. Self confrontation is often very difficult and disheartening. But where many have chosen to give up, you chose to step up. And I am so fucking thrilled that you did <3 
If anyone has anything else they’d like to share in the comments about tools and what not that you’ve used, please feel free to post them! This is a safe space for all of us. 
Thank you all for reading and I hope you find what I’ve written to be useful in your fitness journey. Keep up the good work.  
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sundlivsstil · 9 months
CrossFit - Hvad er det?
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Træt af at gå til den samme gymnastiksal, hoppe på det samme løbebånd og gentage den samme rutine? Rutiner, du ikke nyder, fører ofte til skuffelse og udmattelse. I stedet for at sidde fast i en sådan cyklus, kan du prøve nye måder at løfte dit træningserfaring til det næste niveau. Så hvad siger du til at gøre CrossFit til det første skridt i dine livsændringer?
Har du nogensinde hørt om CrossFit?
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CrossFit - Hvad er det?
CrossFit er en styrke- og konditionstræning, der består af funktionelle bevægelser med høj intensitet. Tænk på, hvad du gør i løbet af dagen. Binde snørebånd, nå op på en høj hylde eller bære tunge indkøbsposer... CrossFit består af øvelser som squats, bøjninger, træk, skub, stræk, vægtløftning osv., som du udfører dagligt. Disse øvelser sigter mod at udvikle de muskler, du har brug for i din dagligdag, og øge kroppens smidighed. CrossFit-centrene, der kaldes "Boxe," blev først åbnet i USA i år 2000 af Greg Glassman og Lauren Glassman. CrossFit tilbyder varierende funktionelle træningsprogrammer sammen med korte hvil. Træningerne varer cirka 30 minutter. Denne grundlæggende styrke- og konditionssport, der fokuserer på muskelvækst, styrke og generel udholdenhed, har forskellige træningsstile.
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Træningsstile inkluderer: - For Time: At udføre en given øvelse inden for en bestemt tidsramme. - Amrap: At udføre så mange gentagelser som muligt af en øvelse inden for en bestemt tidsramme. - Emom: En øvelse udføres i 1 minut. Dem, der afslutter øvelsen inden for 1 minut, kan hvile resten af tiden. - Chipper: At udføre flere øvelser uden pauser inden for en given tidsramme. - Tabata: At udføre så mange gentagelser som muligt af en øvelse på 20 sekunder og derefter hvile i 10 sekunder.
Hvor ofte skal du lave CrossFit?
Det anbefales at træne CrossFit 3 til 5 dage om ugen. Hvis du er nybegynder, er det vigtigt at oprette en rutine, der ikke overbelaster din krop i den første uge. Hvis du træner 5 dage i træk i den første uge, øger du risikoen for at skade din krop. Derfor skal du altid følge en eksperts vejledning og træne efter din egen kapacitet. Hvad er WOD? Hvad er WOD? WOD står for "workouts of the day" og oversættes til "Dagens træning" på dansk. CrossFit-træningsplanen, kaldet WOD, planlægges hver dag med forskellige sportsaktiviteter. Dette giver atleter friheden til at træne uden at være bundet til udstyr og kedelige rutiner. WOD-træning kan udføres individuelt eller som holdtræning. Efter grundlæggende opvarmningsøvelser går man videre til dagens træningsprogram. Hvad er nødvendigt udstyr til CrossFit?  
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Hvad er nødvendigt udstyr til CrossFit? I modsætning til mange andre fitnessøvelser kræver CrossFit-øvelser kun din egen kropsvægt. Hvis du går til en CrossFit-sportscenter eller en "Box," kan du støde på udstyr som vægtstænger, cykler, løbebånd, romaskiner osv. Men hvis du ønsker at træne CrossFit derhjemme, er det nok at have en pull-up stang. Hvis du ønsker at omdanne et værelse derhjemme til din egen CrossFit-Box, skal du overveje at anskaffe følgende udstyr: - Pull-up stang - Vægtstang - Vægte i forskellige størrelser - Vægtvest - Yogamåtte og mavebælte - Håndvægte - Kettlebell - Medicinbold - Romaskine Hvor mange kalorier forbrænder CrossFit-træning? Hvor mange kalorier forbrænder CrossFit-træning? CrossFit-øvelser sigter ikke kun mod at styrke kroppen og øge muskelmassen, men de betragtes også som effektive, når det kommer til vægttab. Højintensive træninger som CrossFit kan hjælpe med at forbrænde kropsfedt. Ifølge American Council on Exercise kan mænd forbrænde mellem 15 og 18 kalorier pr. minut, og kvinder kan forbrænde mellem 13 og 15 kalorier pr. minut under CrossFit-øvelser. Hvor lang tid varer en CrossFit-træning? Hvor lang tid varer en CrossFit-træning? På grund af den høje intensitet kan CrossFit-træning ikke vare i flere timer. En gennemsnitlig CrossFit-træning varer omkring 30 minutter. Det er dog vigtigt at bemærke, at opvarmnings- og strækningsøvelser før og efter træningen også skal tages i betragtning, hvilket gør det samlede tidsforbrug til omkring 50 minutter. Read the full article
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ao3feed-izch · 10 months
The world of One Piece
by Lilylovesanime
In this au, a bunch of animes I've watched (with mixed themes), will meet each other! They will then react to the world of one piece, which, is a complex world! Eventually, they'll meet original characters and stuff but anyways... Sorry about lack of tags I have no idea... Also a lot of one piece angst will be included in this story, sorry... Don't worry it'll get happy! Eventually, the world of one piece will get telepoted. Sorry for lack of Bleach content, I'm still in the middle of it. I'm in the bount arc currently.
Words: 244, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Reaction fics
Fandoms: One Piece (Anime & Manga), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Manga), 異世界はスマートフォンとともに | Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni | In Another World With My Smartphone (Anime), 赤髪の白雪姫 | Akagami no Shirayukihime | Snow White with the Red Hair (Anime & Manga), Black Clover - Tabata Yuki (Anime & Manga), 魔法科高校の劣等生 | Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei | The Irregular at Magic High School, How many fandoms are there, Dangan Ronpa 十神 - 佐藤友哉 | Dangan Ronpa: Togami - Satou Yuuya, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime), Hataraku Maou-Sama! | The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami (One Piece), Usopp (One Piece), Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Mochizuki Touya, Tatsuya Shiba, Miyuki Shiba, Ash Ketchum, Serena (Pokemon), Gou | Goh (Pokemon), Koharu | Chloe, Makato Naegi, Sadaou Maou, Demon Slayer Corps Ensemble (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Tanjiro Kamado, Shirayuki (Akagami no Shirayukihime), Obi (Akagami no Shirayukihime), Kiki Seiran, Zen Wistalia, Mitsuhide Rouen, Asta (Black Clover), Yuno (Black Clover), Abarai Renji, Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryuu, Sado "Chad" Yasutora, Kuchiki Rukia, Gotei 13 | 13 Court Guard Squad Captains
Relationships: Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Monkey D. Luffy/Nami, Kamado Tanjirou/Tsuyuri Kanao, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates & Other Fandoms, Multiple Relationships - Relationship, Shirayuki/Zen Wistalia, Mochizuki Touya/Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni | In Another World with My Smartphone, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum/Serena, Gou | Goh/Koharu | Chloe
Additional Tags: So many fandoms so Idk if all of them will be included, I've watched all of these animes for crying out loud, Except bleach i'm still on season 4 :(, includes amvs, Reaction, One Piece is the main fandom <3, I just love One Piece thats why, Angst, Happy, Both angst and happy i guess?, Developing Relationships, The more I know about the fandom the more that will be included and more characters, Amv links will be shown at the end of each chapter, I don't have any more tag ideas :(
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49676275
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thefitculture · 1 year
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amberfaber40 · 1 year
Deze tabata workout haalt je gegarandeerd uit je comfortzone
Deze tabata workout haalt je gegarandeerd uit je comfortzone
Maak je borst maar nat voor deze HIIT.
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Tabata pour les abdos (12 minutes)
Programme Tabata spécial abdos efficace avec des exercices de gainage et dynamiques pour travailler les abdominaux et les obliques sans matériel.
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La méthode Tabata pour faire fondre les graisses rapidement
4 minutes de cardio à faire chez soi pour perdre le gras du corps. Découvrez comment maigrir en faisant 4 minutes de sport grâce au Tabata
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No Equipment Full Body Home Workout | Experiments In Wellness
No time to make it make it to the gym? No problem. This full body home workout requires no equipment and can be done anytime, anywhere.
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Tabata Routine with NO Equipment
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Full-Body Tabata Workout
This short Tabata workout does the trick to tone your arms, legs and core! All the moves are bodyweight focused so you don’t need any equipment – just a timer and a mat!
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30-Minute Bodyweight Tabata Workout (Video) | Nourish Move Love
No equipment needed for this fast-paced, bodyweight TABATA WORKOUT! 4 Tabata supersets (high impact Tabata intervals or low impact Tabata).
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4-Minute Calorie-Torching Tabata Workout - The Seasoned Mom
From cozy casseroles to fresh salads and decadent desserts, you'll find hundreds of easy, family-friendly recipes straight from our Virginia farmhouse kitchen!From cozy casseroles to fresh salads and decadent desserts, you'll find hundreds of easy, family-friendly recipes straight from our Virginia farmhouse kitchen
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Als je deze workout goed uitvoert, verbrand je er volgens bedenker en Nike trainer Nikki Metzger, evenveel calorieën mee als wanneer je een uur op de loopband staat. Kleine kanttekening: dat ligt er natuurlijk ook aan wat je op de loopband uitspookt en of je all out gaat bij deze tabata training.Tabata is een vorm van HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) die je stofwisseling een boost geeft waar je ‘u’ tegen zegt, waarbij je alles geeft - en dan bedoelen we echt ALLES - afgewisseld wordt door korte pauzes.Doe iedere oefening 20 seconden op maximale inspanning, en neem daarna 10 seconden rust. Ga dan door naar de volgende oefening. Bij alle oefeningen houd je hetzelfde principe aan, zodat één ronde (alle oefeningen achter elkaar) in totaal 4 minuten duurt. Doe in totaal 4 rondes, met daar tussenin een pauzes van een minuut. Je hebt helemaal niks nodig voor deze workout, alleen een flinke dosis motivatie. Klaar om te zweten? GO!1. High knees(a) Ga rechtop staan en trek één knie explosief zo hoog mogelijk op.(b) Wissel je knieën zo snel mogelijk af. Houd je handen in je zij of gebruik je arminzet juist om de oefening intenser te maken. Mits deze workout nog niet intens genoeg voor je is. Houd je romp zo stil mogelijk tijdens de bewegingen.Womens Health Magazine2. Froggers(a) Start in een standaard plankpositie. Spring nu met je voeten richting je handen, terwijl je handen op de vloer blijven en je billen zo laag mogelijk.(b) Spring met je voeten terug naar achteren, zodat je weer in de plankpositie terechtkomt. Dat is één herhaling.Womens Health Magazine3. Speed skaters(a) Ga rechtop staan met je voeten op heupbreedte. Spring met je rechterbeen naar rechts, en zet je linkerbeen schuin achter je neer als je landt.(b) Doe nu precies hetzelfde aan de andere kant: spring nu naar links, en zet je rechterbeen schuin achter je neer. Dat is één herhaling. Het lijkt een beetje alsof je aan het schaatsen bent.4. Plank jack + Knee tuck(a) Start in een hoge plankpositie met handen recht onder je schouders en je armen gestrekt. Zorg dat je schouders, ellebogen en polsen in een rechte lijn staan. Spring met je voeten uit elkaar, en dan weer bij elkaar.(b) Spring met je voeten naar voren (richting je handen), en weer terug naar achteren. Dat is één herhaling.Womens Health Magazine5. Tuck jumps(a) Ga rechtop staan. Spring omhoog, terwijl je je benen buigt en knieën naar je borst brengt.(b) Als je neerkomt, ga je vanuit je landing meteen door naar de volgende herhaling. Zorg dat je je knieën buigt wanneer je landt, en je core-en bilspieren aanspant zodat er minder impact op je knieën komt.Womens Health Magazine6. Mountain climbers(a) Ga in een een hoge plank positie staan, met je armen gestrekt.(b) Breng je knieën om de beurt richting je bovenlichaam, zo snel als je kunt.Womens Health Magazine7. Squat jump turns(a) Start in een squat-positie, met je voeten op heupbreedte en je tenen naar voren wijzend. Zorg dat je knieën niet voorbij je voeten komen.(b) Spring zo ver als je kunt omhoog, terwijl je een kwartslag draait. Welke kant op maakt niet uit. Land weer in de squat-positie. Let op dat je knieën niet naar binnen kantelen, en herhaal.Womens Health Magazine8. Burpees(a) Ga in een hoge plankpositie staan met je armen gestrekt. Druk jezelf op en spring met je voeten naar voren.(b) Spring nu omhoog met je handen boven je hoofd. Als je landt spring je terug in de plankpositie.Womens Health MagazineGebruik het handige overzicht hieronder om te zien hoe je de volgende oefening uitvoert, aangezien je maar 10 seconden tussen de oefeningen hebt. You go girl!Womens Health MagazineVolg je Women's Health al op Facebook en Instagram?
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tiffanygallehugh · 1 year
Click below on the highlighted exercise to lead you to the how-to video. Then set your tabata timers and go! You can download a tabata timer app for free! ~Tiffanyxx WORKOUT EQUIPMENT: WORKOUT TYPE: 12 MINUTE TIMER SETTING: 18 X :10 X :30 1. Squat box jumps2. Pike push ups3. Squat step ups4. Burpee tuck jumps5. Speed step ups6. V up tuck combo Bonus: 4 Handstand wall walks
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jtasiatrading · 1 year
LED Electronics Stopwatch Digital #Countdown Timer Alarm | Large #Countup Timer #custronics #leddisplaypanel #ledmessageboard
Custronics Electronics Digital LED Stopwatch timer consist of Count down timer and count up timer function suitable for gyms that have sport sessions like futsal, basketball, soccer, marathon, crossfit, tabata, pilates, yoga, aerobic, and dance! It is easy to use in any space, either in an official sport game or a training session. It can be used also in convention rooms, in working places for keeping the time program of the employes (with the special buzzer sound). Also can works in a group of more than one clock displays with a sychronization mode (on master and many slaves). More information Electronics Display the time or count down / count up time in seconds, minutes, and hours using Custronics wide range of Electronics LED digital countdown clocks dedicated to your environment. LED Electronics Stopwatch Digital #Countdown Timer Alarm | Large #Countup #custronics #leddisplay #custronics #jttechtronics #leddisplaymalaysia https://lnkd.in/gH2jf9c3
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f0xd13-blog · 1 year
Just like they do it in India🤍
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***FREE Downloadable 2023 Minimalist Fitness Program*** - Less Can Be Better, Especially When Done Consistently
Start small and build momentum today!
If I told you you could get in great shape by investing less than 10 minutes daily to exercise, you’d probably think I’m selling you a product. I’m not selling a product, but I am selling you the idea that a small amount of daily exercise is all you need to get in shape. I want you to stop believing that getting in shape has to take over your life or require an hour or more of exercise each day…
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fitqworkout · 5 months
The Joy Of Fitness: Exploring The Benefits Of Using A Tabata Timer App For High-Intensity Interval Training
Welcome to the exciting world of Tabata training and the incredible benefits it can bring to your workouts! Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, Tabata training is a game-changer when it comes to getting the most out of your workouts. And guess what? A timer app specifically designed for Tabata training can take your workouts to a whole new level!
Tabata training, also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is a highly effective workout method that combines short bursts of intense exercise with brief recovery periods. This powerful combination not only boosts your cardiovascular fitness but also helps you burn calories and build lean muscle in less time.
Now, imagine having a dedicated timer app on your side, guiding you through each interval and rest period with precision. With just a few taps on your smartphone, you can set up customized Tabata intervals, choose from various workout modes, and even track your progress over time. It's like having a personal trainer in the palm of your hand!
Whether you prefer bodyweight exercises, cardio workouts, or strength training sessions, a tabata timer app will keep you motivated and accountable throughout each session. Say goodbye to constantly checking the clock or getting lost in timing calculations – let the app handle all that while you focus on giving it your all.
So get ready to unleash the power of Tabata training and elevate your fitness routine with the help of a tabata timer app. Whether you're at home, at the gym, or on-the-go, this handy tool will revolutionize how you approach HIIT workouts and ensure that every second counts towards achieving your health and fitness goals. Let's dive in and discover how this powerful combination can transform your workouts like never before!
The Science Behind Tabata Training and its Impact on Fitness
Get ready to discover the science behind Tabata training and how it can revolutionize your fitness routine! Tabata workouts have gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. This high-intensity interval training (HIIT) method is not only effective in burning fat but also has a profound impact on cardiovascular health and muscle endurance.
Tabata workouts consist of short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest. The key lies in the intensity - pushing yourself to the limit during those short intervals. This triggers a powerful metabolic response, leading to increased calorie burn and fat loss.
But it doesn't stop there! Tabata training has been shown to improve cardiovascular health by boosting your heart rate and improving oxygen consumption. This means you'll not only be torching calories during the workout, but also long after it's over.
One of the most significant benefits of Tabata workouts is their ability to enhance muscle endurance. By engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously, these fast-paced exercises challenge your body's limits and help you build strength over time.
So whether you're looking to shed those extra pounds or improve your overall fitness level, incorporating Tabata training into your routine can be a game-changer. Get ready to experience an exhilarating workout that will leave you feeling energized, strong, and accomplished!
Why a Tabata Timer App is the Ultimate Companion for Your HIIT Workouts
Are you ready to take your HIIT workouts to the next level? Look no further than a Tabata Timer App - the ultimate companion for your high-intensity interval training sessions!
This incredible app offers a plethora of benefits that will revolutionize the way you approach your workouts. First and foremost, it provides precise interval timing, ensuring that you stay on track with your workout routine. No more fumbling with a stopwatch or counting in your head - let the app handle all the timing for you!
But that's not all! The Tabata Timer App also allows you to customize your workouts according to your preferences and fitness goals. Whether you want to focus on cardio, strength training, or a combination of both, this app has got you covered. You can easily set up different intervals and rest periods, creating a workout routine tailored specifically to your needs.
One of the standout features of this app is its ability to track and record your workouts. Say goodbye to pen and paper - now you can effortlessly keep tabs on your progress right from your phone. With just a few taps, you can view detailed statistics and insights about each session, helping you stay motivated and accountable.
Speaking of motivation, this app knows exactly how to keep you going during those intense HIIT sessions. It offers audio cues and visual prompts that guide you through each interval, pushing you towards new personal bests. You'll feel like you have a personal trainer cheering you on every step of the way!
So why settle for anything less when it comes to tracking time intervals during HIIT workouts? Download the Tabata Timer App today and experience firsthand how it elevates your fitness journey with its customizable features, workout tracking capabilities, and unwavering motivation. Get ready to crush those HIIT sessions like never before!
Top Features to Look for in a Tabata Timer App: Making the Right Choice for Your Fitness Goals
Are you ready to take your fitness goals to the next level? Look no further than the world of Tabata timer apps! These handy tools are designed to help you make the most out of your workouts by providing structured intervals and keeping you on track.
When choosing the perfect Tabata timer app for your needs, it's important to consider the features that will best support your fitness journey. Here are some top features to look for:
1. Workout presets: Find an app that offers a variety of pre-programmed workout presets, so you can easily select the type of exercise routine that aligns with your goals. Whether it's HIIT, cardio, or strength training, having a range of options at your fingertips will keep things exciting and tailored to your needs.
2. Audio cues: A good Tabata timer app should provide clear audio cues to guide you through each interval. Imagine having a virtual coach in your ear, motivating you every step of the way! Look for an app that offers customizable voice prompts or motivational soundtracks to keep you pumped up and focused.
3. Visual countdowns: Keep track of time with visual countdowns displayed on-screen. This feature allows you to see how much time is left in each interval at a glance, eliminating any confusion or distractions during your workout.
By considering these key features when selecting a Tabata timer app, you'll be well-equipped to make the right choice for reaching your fitness goals. Get ready to sweat it out and embrace a new level of motivation and structure in your workouts!
The Best Tabata Timer Apps in the Market: A Review of the Top Contenders
Are you ready to take your Tabata workouts to the next level? Look no further! In this section, we will dive into the world of Tabata timer apps and review the top contenders of 2022.
When it comes to choosing a Tabata timer app, two key factors come into play: a user-friendly interface and compatibility with different devices/platforms. Luckily, these top contenders have got you covered on both fronts!
These apps not only provide an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface but also offer seamless compatibility across various devices and platforms. Whether you prefer using your smartphone, tablet, or even smartwatch, these apps ensure that you can keep up with your Tabata workouts wherever you go.
So get ready to amp up your fitness routine with the best Tabata timer apps in the market. Say goodbye to manual timers and hello to a more efficient and enjoyable workout experience! Let's explore what these top contenders have in store for us.
Elevate Your Fitness Journey with a Tabata Timer App: Tips and Tricks to Maximize Results
Are you ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Look no further than a Tabata Timer App! This powerful tool is designed to help you optimize your High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts and maximize your results.
HIIT workouts are known for their effectiveness in burning calories, boosting metabolism, and improving cardiovascular health. With the right tips and tricks, you can elevate your HIIT sessions to new heights.
Firstly, it's important to set realistic goals and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. Start with shorter intervals and gradually work your way up as you build stamina and strength. The Tabata Timer App will be there every step of the way, ensuring that you stay on track with precise timing.
Secondly, don't forget about proper form and technique. While HIIT workouts are intense, it's crucial to maintain proper posture and alignment throughout each exercise. This not only prevents injuries but also ensures that you're targeting the right muscles for maximum impact.
Additionally, make sure to incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine. The Tabata Timer App allows you to customize intervals for different exercises, giving you the flexibility to create a well-rounded workout plan. This keeps things exciting while targeting different muscle groups for balanced results.
Lastly, don't underestimate the power of rest and recovery. HIIT workouts can be demanding on your body, so it's essential to give yourself time to recover between sessions. The Tabata Timer App helps you implement rest periods into your workout schedule so that you can optimize both effort and recovery.
So why wait? Download a Tabata Timer App Fit-Q today and unlock the full potential of your fitness journey. With these tips and tricks in mind, get ready to push yourself further than ever before!
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Saturday, 24 December, 2022... Warmup.....Bench Press.....Partnered 3 AMRAPs.
A change of venue !!!
Since it will be 10 degrees Saturday morning and the Barn area will be covered with ICE,  the Barn is unsafe to use.  We are fortunate to have access to Brentwood Academy’s fine weightlifting gym and that’s where we will go. 
Robert arranged to have Lyle Husband open it up for us at 0830 tomorrow.  Park near the tennis courts and use the sidewalk to the left (West) side.
I hope somebody is there who knows how to work the clock and the music.  
They did “12 Days of Christmas” at BA today.  It is likely that some of the exercises programmed for Saturday will be repeats of some of the dozen exercises done today.  Suck it up.
AND SO.....
Lyle Husband opened up the BA weightlifting gym and 25 to 30 of you showed up to play.  FANTASTIC !! 
The Admiral Armando did his usual mobility/flexibilty routine for us.
Somebody figured out how to use the BA timer, so we did this: 
                       4 Rounds
Band or PVC Shoulder Dislocates
Plank Shoulder Taps
Roll-Tuck Holds
The power failed briefly (NES Rolling Blackouts) but Ed kept time in his head and called out the times.
Strength WOD
Bench Press:          8 / 8 / 8 / 8
Warm Up, Then do all reps with 60 to 70% of your 1 RM.
Everybody did this, but not much was posted.
Metabolic Conditioner
Partners both work at the same time,  alternating jobs when the exercising partner is finished.  It is best if the partners use the same ERG throughout.
                       Three 8 Minute AMRAPs
ERG Calories    /    20  Dumb-Bell Snatch’s     (50/35/20) 
2  Minutes Rest
 ERG Calories   /   20  Ab-Mat Sit-Ups
2  Minutes Rest
ERG Calories   /   20  Push-Ups    
Partners pick an ERG and put their Dumb-Bells and Ab-Mats nearby.
Quickly switch jobs back and forth as soon as the exercising partner
is finished.  Accumulate as many Calories as possible in 8 minutes.
SCORE:  Total partnered Calories. 
Shane/Jim=445     Larry/Richard=413
Armando/Grant=357     Ed/Timmy=344
The Rest:
Warren A/Lew=389      Paul/Tom=289     Coach’s Husband & Buck=271     Shannon/Elisa=265     Scott/Will=208     Linda=98     
Many, Many people were here and did it but didn’t post:  Warren G/The Lovely Higgins’ Sister’s were just a few that I saw, and others who I didn’t know their names. 
There is no workout at the Barn Christmas Day.
Stay warm, stay safe on the roads, and have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah (Chanukah),  Kwanzaa, and Boxing Day.
Hopefully the Barn ice will be gone by Tuesday.  Stay Tuned.       
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miraldry · 2 years
Tarala pro timer for work out
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The survey insights also showed how the culture and lack of innovation around periods is holding girls back from participating in sport. PUMA and Modibodi recently commissioned a global survey that investigated the reason girls leave sport, discovering that 1 in 2 teens skip sport because of their period and for many girls, sport stops because of embarrassment, pain or fear of leaks during their period. It’s critical that professional female athletes continue to speak up about this normal health challenge, especially in light of an alarming trend of women and girls leaving sports prematurely. At the end of the day, I just didn’t swim very well,” she added. Simple to use - customize how long your work length is, your rest length, and how many rounds you're going to do, and press Go We use voice cues that play over any music you have playing in the background so you know just when to stop and rest and when to get moving.
“Actually, my period started last night, so I’m feeling pretty weak and really tired,” Fu told the reporter in Mandarin. Tabata Pro Workout Timer is all you need for interval training on your Apple TV. When an interviewer found Fu Yuanhui, a Chinese swimmer at the 2016 Rio Olympics grimacing and keeled over after her race, they asked her about the pain she was experiencing.
navigation Find out how to use different entity views in order to get a. It’s not the first time a female athlete has spoken openly about their menstrual cycle to a journalist, but it’s still bizarrely perceived as a taboo topic despite how many are impacted. take on me, the e-book will totally tune you. Designed for Windows Phone 8.1, Timer Pro 8.8 allows you to effortlessly switch. Updated for Windows Phone 8.1 the Timer Pro app provides support for speech recognition as well as the updated Tile sizes. You know, my back hurts.” had absolutely no idea how to follow up. Click on the different category headings to find out more and change our default settings according to your. Timer Pro Based upon the most popular Stopwatch for Windows Phone, Timer Pro 8.8 provides millisecond accuracy for timing any activity.
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mmorgstate · 2 years
Muscle driver timer remote
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#Muscle driver timer remote driver
10 is a bit long when people are ready to go. I would personally like to start it at 5 seconds. Sure, you don't have to use a countdown.but if you do, you can't change it from the 'default' 10 seconds. My only real complaint is that from what I've read, you aren't able to change the 10-second countdown. gallivan is pleased to offer the assets of black box fitness located in tallahassee, fl.
#Muscle driver timer remote driver
Could be a LITTLE louder, but even with music playing we are able to hear the beeps from outside (the clock can count down from 10 seconds, and it will beep on 3, 2, 1, and a higher pitched beep on 'GO'). training timer, muscle driver usa, w/ remote for auction. The PD10R has been specifically designed to be operated by a full-function wireless remote, allowing an operator to solely handle most machine functions - including engagement of the hammer, pile accuracy with the auto plumb feature, and ground drive. It's just right! I think the beeps during count down are loud enough too. Following the reliability and productivity of the PD10 pile driver with seated operator’s station, Vermeer developed the PD10R pile driver. It's not HUGE, but it's definitely not small either. The design of the remote was updated around 2017. Yes, we offer these as spares as well Why are there two remotes on the site. This 'No Limits' clock is the one you want! Very customizable, very high quality, and great size. The large Timer yes, but not the Mini Timer Seconds will be included when in stopwatch / interval mode though Does the remote come included. The crossfit gym I got to has one as well and in the expansive 9,000 sq ft space you can hear and see it clearly. I have had mine for over a year and it’s it working like a charm. Forget the negative review they must have gotten a dud. As a CrossFit box owner, we've tried a couple different wall timers - but they were returned. MuscleDriver No Limits Timer Review by K. Muscle Driver Clock Gone Bad Tabata Interval Timer The Clock Gone Bad frame is 8.5' high and 21' wide with 5' high numbers that can be seen from a hundred meters out. Muscle Driver Clock Gone Bad Tabata Interval. Buy the excellent Muscle Driver Clock Gone Bad Tabata Interval Timer. The editors of Zero to 60 Times made the decision to create a directory of various sports car, luxury car, hybrid car, muscle car, classic car, exotic car and import car stats, which reference to simply one 0 to 60 and quarter mile result per car. Frequency of the circuit is designed with micro controllers, Set the output current to determine the duration and the intensity of the current is possible to determine for every patient. This method is physiotherapy muscle contractions, ensure that coming loose, relieve pain, Is one of the alternative methods used to provide sedative effect.
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