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eijun being such a happy puppy when he's praised by his catchers 🥺
also, miyuki openly saying he'll praise eijun over and over again is such a glo up from his tsundere ways. we love to see it 👏🏼 😌💖
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ratlordsarah · 25 days
unhinged aah history dream I had last night
for some reason, in this dream, I was a 34 year old man living in Ancient Greece named Wallis with a jet black beard and some muscular aah legs, and I had a ginger haired brother named Cornelius (he looked like if amazing rope guy had a glow up)
and basically, I disowned Cornelius for being to annoying when I was 15 in the dream , and we were no longer on speaking terms for some reason, and we had the most Disney ending ever, it was like near the ending of encato where Bruno meets his ma again or something idk 💀
but we worked this job where we had to scavenger for wood planks and rocks in the city states Sparta, Athens, and Troy, in which the boss was a buff version of both Robert tubing from wordgirl and William dafoe 😭
half way through the dream, Tim, tj, and sally botford, as well as dr two brains, glen furlblam, Timmy timbo, the coach, and Chazz from word girl were in California as a meet up, to go visit Ancient Greece. As I am now in the pov of dr two brains, we travel to New Orleans from a magical flat escalator or something, and then we take a several day trip (walking on foot)to Canada , and on the way there, we had to share a single hotel room for some reason
after several days in the dream world, we make it to Canada, where there is a magical portal that takes us back to Ancient Greece, and we hop in.
as we are now in Ancient Greece, dr two brains sees Steven boxleitner, and they have one of those old western stand offs, accept apparently, d2b has schizophrenia in the dream, so you see both in dr two brain’s pov and Sally’s pov where dr two brains is saying “this town ain’t big enough for the both of us” in a southern accent, while gripping a revolver, talking to absolutely no one
anyways, two brains’s hallucination goes away, and he placed a magical box in the middle of Greece, that does nothing, and nothing happens, but anyone who hears about it or comes across it has to put in a passcode for no reason.
I am back into the pov of Wallis again, and I refuse to put in a passcode to see what happens, and dr two brains is screaming “AAAAAAHAGH THERE ARE RATS IN MY BRAIN AAAHAHAG” in which he is being dragged away like a toddler by sally, and Timmy timbo is only speaking Hebrew now, and he is striking up conversations at random Greek people in Hebrew. anyways, the travelers leave, and about 6 months pass by before the Romans take over, and we die for some reason. Also, the Roman’s were literally just a bunch of will woods marching in unison with the helmets and armor on (the Roman will wood army had a New Zealand accent for some reason)
I was so confused when I woke up, because I was genuinely convinced that I was this middle aged Greek guy that was getting conquered by the Romans for a solid 5 minutes 💀
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cherienymphe · 3 months
chérie do you own any jewelry ? i'm thinking of buying some but i don't know where, mostly people recommend to buy from shein and amazon but do you know any other options ?
Girl do NAWT buy jewelry from shein omg 😭 ethics aside that shit won't last a week and I'm speaking from experience. It all depends on what you want tbh. I personally prefer jewelry that won't turn so I'm very particular about where I buy things from. I assume you want affordable jewelry so if you're in the US I recommend Marshall's, Ross and TJ Maxx or similar places. Walmart also isn't bad. If you're not in the US, Amazon isn't bad either but just be thorough with looking through the reviews. I also thrift for good jewelry too. I can personally attest for DH Gate. Every bangle I've gotten from there I shower in and they don't turn nor scuff but depending on what shop you got it from, it may take you a WHILE to get it. I'm literally still waiting on a bracelet I bought back in DECEMBER
If you prefer to save money for jewelry that's a bit pricier, then piercing pagoda all the way
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what-if-nct · 2 years
nah my friend is ridiculous 😭
so he just got his jonghyun she is album and he has been looking through the picture book when he got excited over one page in which he took a picture of it and written something like “free foot pic! thanks jonghyun!”
what is his obsession with his feet he wouldn’t even stop talking about the picture of him wearing socks and kicking the air- 😭😭😭😭
jeez and he be talking about how it made him nut and shit like omg i don’t care about his feet what’s so sexy about something you walk on the floor with? is that the sexy part? him stepping on your head with socks on? what’s so hot about that?
but yeah- i don’t have a feet fetish but i do like his hands 🥺
omg the fact that he could use them to- 🫳🏻🍑
*starts screaming* nahhhh all the things i would do to meet him i would kill or give a lap dance just to carry him like he’s princess peach
nvm i don’t think i could carry him, but he can jejeekwkwkwj
he could probably carry me like a baby since i’m not too heavy… but i’d want him to grind on me-
oops sorry pg-13- uh- rainbows and flowers 🌈🌸🌺💐🌷🌹🌼🌻☀️✨
anywho, supreme is too expensive lol and my tatas are big ;(
i’m like idk what size i am i haven’t worn a bra in 6 years- maybe like 28 c of d cup ig it looks big so maybe even dd? (i don’t know my size so-) also, they’re perky too like them pr0nstars which makes it even worse-
i hate my tatas i wish i could donate them to amber or anyone i hate them i would even give them to my little sister like a hand me down so she can have boobs and i can be flat or at least small enough that i don’t have to literally kill myself to make sure i look flat enough when i bind. puberty sucks i wish i never had to go through mean changes and i could look like jonghyun ;(
i’m scared that it may go to my hips and people will see me as a woman i hate it so much i don’t know if the best thing to do is to go to a gender clinic to prevent it from happening but i would try but the uk is shit and is transphobic 😭😭
i literally look like every female character a man written with big boobs tiny waist and big butt (but i barely have hips so… yay…?) istg if i look like miss bellum from the ppg when i turn 25 then imma ☠️
nah my sis doesn’t know what she’s gonna miss like yooo- she could technically go shirtless and get away with it like omg that must feel amazing to be that flat and NO HIPS OR ASS you can live your life not worrying about getting catcalled whilst i get catcalled sometimes or creppy guys touch me like omg i never knew this was a thing in the uk 😭
also thank youuuuuuu i’m gonna shut up now but i love speaking in case you didn’t know hahahahah
mwah byeeeeeeee 😭😭😭
No, no it's fine. I like to talk too. I swear I send my friends like 25 voice memos cause I go on tangents. Then like 5 paragraphs right after the voice messages. Talk as much as you want. Yeahhhh feet fetishes do not make any real sense to me either. Also the fact it's so so so common. Like is this a dormant Victorian era sensibility that gets triggered in some people who see feet and ankles as scandalous and arousing. Also maybe you can find a Calvin Klein sports bra, it's what the supreme one is copying anyway. I got a Calvin Klein sports bra from TJ Maxx\TK Maxx a while ago for like 12 dollars. But new it's like 29 dollars. Aww, I understand, puberty can really suck and being in a body you feel disconnected from while being harassed by creepy guys just makes it harder. I really hope that you'd be able to get where you want to be in your body and you feel like you're suppose to. I'm sure you're still really young and there's so many options. And ugh those creepy guys are literally the worst. Honestly should be locked away. They have no right to touch you. Even though I like my body having a hyper feminine body does make you want to just hideaway. Plus I dress hyper feminine cause it makes me happy, Also I only care about the random women who call me cute. But I once wore like this bodycon mini dress to Home Depot. I know I know but that's like my grocery store dress it's comfy even thought it's short and tight. And I was going to the grocery store after. And like there was an employee who was following me around. Kinda looked like the lead sing of A day to remember. He even followed me into the parking lot where he tried to ask me if I saw some lady in a hat or something like that. I said no and he stayed like right by me while I waited for my aunt to pick me up. Men are creeps. Like if you want to say something say it the first time you see me don't follow me around like weirdo.
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ram-de · 6 months
[read] ravensong thoughts vomit (pt. 3)
the post is too long so i made another
FIRST OF ALL. WHY. WHY WHY IS THE BOOK TRYING SO HARD TO MAKE ME FEEL SORRY FOR THOMAS?? Mr klune can you stop mentioning how oh Thomas did it for good or Thomas regretted it or Thomas really wanted to do right. I'm so sick of it. Because he's doing it for good reason (it's not) then suddenly he's absolved of all the wrong, the hurt, the pain he caused to Gordo? Get the hell out. I hate it here.
Ermmmmm this feel like a copout... I'll stop being a downer and just read
I think the book is very long
I'm losing the enthusiasm I'm sorry I took a break hsgshsjsh
Fucking Thomas again. I'm. 😮‍💨 Can't he just be put in like limbos for alpha until he repent. HOW COME HES LIKE IN WOLF HAVEN STOP IT
Fucking Elizabeth. Is this really the time to do a gotcha moment. I'm. 😮‍💨 OK SHE'S HIS WIFE. alright. Whatever. Biased. OK. I'LL STOP. BEING BITTER. YEAY! Closure acquired!
Is it me or Alpha Bennett (THE GOOD ONE AND BY THAT I MEAN JOE NOT THE PRICKASS THOMAS) is getting sidelined. What I said about ox shgsjsjs he's truly the protagonist of the story. The chosen one. Human Alpha, Alpha of the Omegas, what other power-up will he gets in the next book
WHY AM I COMPLAINING the story tension is on all time high and I'm not really invested in the... Fuck ass Thomas plot so other things was buried under... I'm sorry my son (one-handed) gordo...
AUSGHJ I NEED MEREDITH TO dye her hair green so we all can feel relief
Until this point I still can't feel the... What's the term... The... AHHH I'M FORGETTING WORDS.... Like. The actual stake here. Never mind. I'll try it again later.
The book is very long
Meredith chuuni's monologue is very long
I swear I can read... I just need... Line break... 😭😭😭
Elijah didn’t recoil. If anything, that made her angry. “But we couldn’t take them all. I watched as my family fell around me. I saw their skin tear. I heard their screams. I was a child, but I saw it all from the trees.” A tear fell from her eye and onto the knotted tissue of the scar on her face. “My family. Aunts and uncles. Cousins. People who believed such as I did. The wolves didn’t know I was there. The blood was too thick in the air for them to notice me. My father, he…lost his way, after that. He didn’t understand why God had forsaken him. Why he had abandoned us when we needed him most. Fucking words on pages in like three pages ranting about fuckshit referencing Bibles and Meredith King being all righteous and stuff while she never pause LIKE I FUCKING GET IT!! YOU'RE A FREAK!! SHOUTING MORALS WHILE KILLING INNOCENTS ALRIGHT!! I GET IT. STOP!!"
ELIJAH TALKING HER ASS OF BEING A REASON THE PEOPLES ARE SAFE IM. Ok that makes it a little bit better. Fuck u Elijah for talking.
Strangely I don't mind if ox talks long ass paragraph. I love him he's my son. he used to be so quiet and now look at him speaking for two pages long :') my son
I will suppress my resentment to how happy go lucky easy the problem just because it's over. IT'S SO DRAGGED.... FOR HUNDRED OF PAGES...
...by the time I read the epilogue I'm just...
:-( I know I complained a lot but the ending... It's not really fulfilling. It's more to a prelude to the third book and I know, I know, this is an interconnected series. I just wish I, what? Got to see more of Gordo and Mark post-reconciliation. Last third of the book spent Mark being an omega. He barely talks except gordogordogordo MatePackLove... Felt like the second half is dragged. Too many subplots (which? Not a lot solved?), and the one that they decided to focus, the Elijah plot, I ended up snoozing. I love love love Gordo though I think this might be a torture book with how long he's portrayed to be hurting and broken. I love love love Mark of his devotion and honesty. Individually I love them both but paired up I wish they had more time to reconcile. For Mark to properly apologizes and pamper Gordo with more love to make time.
I know I always will side with Gordo, because he is so raw as a character. His pain, his hurting, it's just so emotional to me. The first half? Of the book is what I loved the most. The tidbits of Gordo's memories, switching up to Gordo bonding with Joe, Carter and Kelly. Other character, man, the Team Humans really shine. The bar scene still cracks me up when I think about it. What else. Ahh...
I'll rant about other things instead. I'm a bit baffled that when Mark and Carter were infected, the whole pack, heavily on Gordo promised to find a way for that problem. Issue is, I don't really think they delve a lot into what they're doing? The research? The progress? Because there's also the problem of Elijah, ok. But suddenly, Gordo, thought the way was to... Mate? And I was, ok. Sure. What about Carter? He can't be mating to his tether. It's like... Have you really done anything, Gordo...?
Its my opinion but it's not really, satisfying? In Wolfsong, even though I still think the ending part needs to be longer, it pushes me to "I want to read more!" hence, I'm here. But for Ravensong, it's a bit... There's too much going on. World building, and all. I don't like how proper apologies are barely presence, from Thomas and Mark, and to an extent Elizabeth too. This bothers me a lot. But I ranted too much about it already. I'll stop.
Actually I won't stop. I hate hate hate that they're pushing Gordo, the one that they left to eventually patch things up. Where's. The. Proper. Apologies. Now that I think about it if I'm looking at this book as a typical second-chance stories I usually read, I will say that the groveling isn't done well. Fuck Thomas Bennett. And they still. Tried to portray him in a good light even after death? I fucking hate anything Thomas related.
I'm super, super excited for Kelly and Robbie's book. But I don't know? Finishing Ravensong is a bit of a letdown... Maybe because I expected more like like that of Wolfsong?
Why does this turned into a rant post idk but. Yeah, I don't really enjoy is as much as Wolfsong. I still love the characters (except Thomas), I just... Aaah guess I'll read Book 3 later. When I'm over this, unsatisfactory post-reading experience.
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shuxiii · 10 months
oh no I will NOT be talking about Hanni's feelings unless it's of extremely importance because that makes me depressed too 😭😭😭 im having to literally DODGE THOSE SONGS RECOMMENDATIONS ABOUT HANYN LIKE THEY'RE BULLETS
I'm much happier making up bbangsaz scenarios... I will be manifesting it I WILL SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE... TRUST!
and anyway, I know I joke around a lot and there might have been a threat here or there from when I was a hanyn stan... and maybe after that too... BUT. at the end of the day you're my favorite author and I hope you're always well
- mhiy!bbangsaz #1 shipper
Malay mo, tayo translate to “just maybe, it can be us”
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since2014 · 3 years
Dear diary;
Oh god i think i'm melting...
We have a lesson with TJ today. And he told the class that i ask him lots of questions, he used a rude word to describe the frequency of my questions. I know he didn't want it to sound rude but it did :D It sounded like i ask him so many questions that he's sick of me. I know it's not like that at all. But i wanted to drive it hard and once he finished lesson, walking out i talked to myself "Well... It looks like we're not asking questions this often anymore." I used that rude word instead of 'often'
-i can't translate it because it's a made up word in my language :( -
Then he stopped, turned around, looked at me with regretted eyes.
"You know that i didn't mean that"
I felt the regret in his voice. I didn't want him to feel bad because of me. So i said "Ofcourse i know that, and you know that i didn't mean that too (about not asking anymore)"
He smiled and left. I smiled him too.
About one and a half hour later i was sitting on the couch in the hall (i shared a drawing of 'the hall', it's not so good but it works i think) i lifted my head up and saw him standing behind the glass door. He was looking at me and i thought he was saying hello or smt so i waved my hand as a symbol of saying hi. But he wasn't saying hello, he was waving his hand as 'come here'
I wasn't expecting that so i was a little surprised. I stood up and walked to him. "Yes?" i asked. He was looking very shy. He slowly walked to the hallway. I started to walk with him. It was like he forgot how to speak. After a couple of steps he talked:
"That* is a silly word... I am sorry for that, i didn't want to mean that. Here is a little gift for you to forgive me. I looked every market for *my fav chocolate name here* but i couldn't find it anywhere. So here i found this, i really wanted to write a note on it but i am in a hurry as you can see. I'm sorry again. Are we good?"
(*that: he used that rude word here)
I was so surprised i wasn't expecting anything like that at all. I stuttered, i could hardly say "Ofcourse we are good, you didn't need to do this, thank you"
He smiled "Okay then, see you later" he was so shy about it.
He was just adorable!
Actually i wouldn't be so surprised if any other teacher did the same thing to me. But he looks so not-sensitive outside. I have never thought he could be this nice. He was also very shy which proves that he is really sorry about what he said before, and he didn't mean it at all.
I can't believe i am falling in love with him.
P. S. : He knows my favourite chocolate's name which i didn't tell him anything about before, i am really curious how he learned that little detail about me 😭
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