veenxys · 2 years
i HAVE said this before buT YOU MAKE ME WANT TO SAVE PUPPIES AND KISS THE EARTH IM LITERALLY INLOVE WITH YOU😡😡😡❤️ i wish you only the best cus ur such a sweetie pie and everything about you is poetic and perfect . ily
- 🌲
nO >>YOU<< MAKE ME WANT TO SMILE AT STRANGERS AND BUY BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS AND PET STRAY DOGS AND CATS AND WATCH THE SUNSET BECAUSE ✨YOU✨ REMIND ME OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND WHOLESOME THINGS EVER!!!!!! i love & appreciate you more than words can describe and i’m really glad you’re here :( thank you, i love you endlessly 💞💖☀️💘💗💫🏹🌀✨🧸🦋
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justwait-sunshine · 3 months
today in the chronicles of women in motorsport...
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itachanta · 1 year
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"Don't cry, Meryl".
One of my favorite scenes from Trigun Maximum
Scans & translation by @trigun-manga-overhaul
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forcebookish · 8 months
"topmew don't like each other," "topmew only tolerate each other because they're in love," "topmew were never happy together"
meanwhile, topmew throughout their relationship:
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seriously, are you all robots? do you not know what smiles are? what laughter is? fun? y'all are weird
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michuyox · 1 year
hey! just wanted to say that i literally dropped my phone when i saw your blog bc... you also like wallows and sp and drawing and crenny and stendy?? so cool ... :)
hope you're well! you're so awesome
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we're so cool and awesome
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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💥Loud and Proud💥
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
Roleswap anyone??
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Tell me Fernando wouldn't make a fantastic general/emperor, and that Napoleon wouldn't make a fanastic driver/tp!!
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vanyafresita · 1 month
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me, after catching up w malevolent: ok lets sketch my designs for some characters to have a reference before drawing any serious fanart
my silly ass: draws that one meme
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dreammeiser · 2 months
So, earlier you said that there rarely any humans in dream along, and that if there was a human it’ll be an anomaly but what happens if that human asks one of the gang out like teddy or anyone really? What would the gangs reaction me? (Totally not me wanting to ask teddy out)
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I think the Gang would poke fun at Teddy for of course being the one puppet The Interloper is interested in: Earl: HAHA THE INTERLOPER LIKES TEDDY Mae: They do not :o( Lunette: Haha Mae likes Teddy! Mae: I do not!! Do':> Archie: NOBODY LIKES TEDDY >>>:o(
(I envisioned it like this HAHA)
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Priest getou and nun reader or villager reader....(anything other than the word both isnt acceptable...😡😡😡 /j) -🪄
🪄 ANON I SEE YOU AND YOU RAISE A VALID POINT but please consider…… priest!geto and non-believer!reader.
like… imagine. you just happen to waltz into a church one day. you don’t believe in god, you aren’t interested in praying, but you’re exploring a new town and the church is pretty and you figure it could be a nice way to burn time.
you enter the building to find that a sermon is taking place. a priest is speaking to the few rows of people listening; it’s a fairly small church, but paintings and sculptures and beautiful cathedral glass give it a sense of mystique that you’re drawn to. so you take a seat and halfheartedly listen, not praying like the rest, not singing along to the hymns… you stick out like a sore thumb, but hey, it’s not as if anyone is paying attention.
except someone is, and it happens to be the priest that was holding the sermon just a second ago. the same one you spent most of your time oogling once the paintings started to bore you, because he’s so pretty for a priest. beautiful long black hair, amber eyes, sharp facial features, pretty hands — and the smoothest, silkiest voice you’ve heard in your life. like a sun-soaked bundle of lillies.
… also, his cassock is just a little too tight of a fit to tear your eyes away from.
you stick around a little longer once most people have left, just scrolling on your phone and basking in the quiet, and that’s when he approaches you. he jokingly tells you that it’s always obvious when a non-believer enters a place of worship, but he’s not mad; only amused. you end up chatting a bit about your beliefs, he’s a lot more chill than you expected, and…. well. he’s just really, really charming.
so maybe you end up coming back the week after. maybe his smile is a bit like a spider’s web. maybe it becomes a kind of routine to speak to him after his sermons; you still don’t sing along to the hymns or spend any time on prayers, and he still finds it funny. maybe once in a while you end up liking a paragraph from the scripture he’s reciting, and he’s always more than happy to discuss it with you. but mostly you’re there for him. for your chats, for standing outside and badgering him about how contradictory the old testament is while he smokes and listens with an amused grin.
rain hits the ground with a steady rhythm, earthy tobacco floods your veins, spiders by the ceiling weave a web of dew, and his presence is a little more intoxicating than you think is appropriate.
suguru just… isn’t a very orthodox priest. he only believes about a tenth of what the bible says, he has his own view of god, his own thoughts on worship. he smokes. he may or may not occasionally manipulate church-goers into donating money so he can invest in another overpriced painting. you once ask him if there are any bodies in the basement you should know about, and he answers that any self-respecting priest wouldn’t conduct their blood rituals in the basement of their own church. he knows how to pick locks. he tells you once, very quietly, that he doesn’t believe man was created in god’s image. there’s a look in his eyes that you don’t comment on.
he’s funny. charming. pleasantly suspicious. your conversations are enjoyable for the both of you, and eventually the edges of his cedar eyes begin to crinkle the slightest bit whenever you walk into his field of vision. sometimes he eyes your lips for a little too long, and a honeyed irony seeps into his grin when you call him out on it. he asks you if you’re tempting him on purpose, and you shrug. whatever exists between you remains unspoken.
one day, he tells you that he believes it was god who sent you to him. you furrow your brows and protest with a mutter reminding him of your beliefs, how you believe in free will, how you waltzed into his church out of your own volition. no one else’s.
he only smiles, and flicks the butt of his cigarette. you think he remains unconvinced.
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fumifooms · 12 days
I think you made me start shipping Marchil
Your posts got me thinking about their dynamic then I wrote a fic that was supposed to be platonic but midway through I realized it could actually be interpreted as romantic too and now I'm just sad about how little time they'll have together
First of all, you have a lovely icon, second, I’m so honored… I finally read Not a bad way to go and it was soo so good like. My god!!! Pre-canon is underused and you did so many interesting things with it.
It sounded like a cruel joke, that the one who needed her concern the most was also the one least interested in it.
^^^ go read it go read it
Chilchuck was drunk enough that he needed to hold onto the walls not to fall, but apparently still sober enough to remember emotional vulnerability was his worst enemy, as he made sure to avert her eyes and said: “Namari made me come talk to you ” to make it clear he wasn't being nice voluntarily.
“Of course I'm scared of dying.” He scoffed. Did she really think so little of him? “But if I could choose, I would want to die doing something I love, like drinking. Or maybe fucking,”
Maybe you wish you didn’t know but my new favorite HC because of this is that Chil dies yes prematurely not of liver failure though but during coitus. Especially if marchil, the thought of him busting a nut and his heart giving out makes me laugh so hard. My god. Lmao. Oh god. Lmfao. Worst day of her life
Marcille knew Chilchuck wasn't a kid, but she often struggled to take him seriously as an adult because he was just so adorable and small. In this moment, however, she saw them exactly for what they were, even if it was just a glimpse. A sheltered, naive little girl trying to tell a tired, much more experienced man how to live the rest of his life.
Standing ovation
She tried to find an explanation to give him, but she couldn't even find one for herself. Why would she miss him? He was just Chilchuck, her coworker, Chilchuck who was cold, aloof, sometimes crass, evasive, and even outright mean. He who was level headed, reliable, trustworthy, perceptive and clever. He who had the least time left, even in a best case scenario. “I guess that despite your best efforts, there's still a lot to like about you.”
This fic goes so hard, standing ovation pt 2
“I just think it's better if we don't get too close. Don't you agree?” “I… maybe” she said, uncertain as he didn't know how to feel about that. Caring about people would only hurt her in the wrong run, she knew that, but unfortunately she couldn't help it.
I looove how they can be read to be similar on this aspect. My hand clenching around my phone as I rear up to rant about Marcille and the way she does keep people at an arm’s length subconsciously again my god my goood. Obsessed with this obsessed with this, underused for marchil. Terrified of loss through death vs rejection duo I love youuu
Brilliant ending I’m in shambles. I’m not gonna spoil it
You get marchil so much you truly do. The way they mesh, the way their views on mortality clash and both soothe & bruise… He doesn’t have much time left even in best case scenario (which Mr I won’t eat well I’ll drink and smoke a lot I’ll stress all day every day is determined to not make happen) which makes it all the more meaningful for Marcille’s arc when she learns from him to finally enjoy the present moments… It’ll only be a fraction of her life, but to him he’s giving her the rest of his life. What are some decades of love worth? Worth it, surely, if nothing else
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seaweedstarshine · 4 months
“That’s a bold choice, Dalek Supreme, coming to a wedding planet dressed in white! Unless you’re here to get hitched… should I be flattered?”
“We are here to exterminate you.”
“Oh, that’s probably for the best. Not sure River would be up for a marriage à trois… not with a Dalek, at any rate.”
—Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Victory of the Doctor
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 8 months
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smile for the camera!
crisis belongs to @amyupup47
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robotsafari · 3 months
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deep in the kingdom hearts trenches..
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daily-linkclick · 9 months
thank you everyone for following this blog for the daily doodles! i think i'll officially stop the daily doodles (for now) but i'll still be uploading doodles from time to time! i'm so happy to see a lot more link click fans on tumblr, and to see a lot more people appreciate the trio and the stories they touch :]
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doctor-octiddius · 5 months
Hey, since I've been hyperfixated on and off on Willy Wonka for years now, and maybe there's a bigger crowd now for this character, here are some headcanons (and maybe some kinda canon stuff) I wrote down a while back !!! (I'm very normal about him, I swear. Also I like to add bits of myself to my fave characters so if it's cringe then so be it.)
Spends way too much time in the Wonkavator, nyooming around the factory whenever he has free time
Took a long break from candy making - Learnt a bunch of languages, probably made one or two up too - Learnt a bunch of different instruments - He just likes to learn new stuff all the time, give him any fun facts and he'll stare at you like the autism creature
Starved from any sort of human interaction, please someone hold him
Allergic to dogs
On a similar note: invented chocolate that dogs can eat - Has yet to figure out a way to make the chocolate make the dogs hypoallergenic - I think it would be funny to say that his favourite dogs are chocolate labs
Asexual and maybe a little gay, who knows
And autistic - C'mon man, look at him.
Type of guy to never chew on chocolate, he lets it melt in his mouth
Misophonia haver
Incredibly naïve when he was younger, immense trust issues when he’s older - That candy making career sure broke a man !!!
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