You know what, I think it would be extremely funny if the tf2 mercs sometimes just casually called each other 'girl' the way gossipy teenage besties would. Especially mid conversation for no reason like:
"Girl, for the last time stop antagonizing the enemy Sniper during cease fire, this is the fifth time I've had to pull an arrow out of you and it's only 10am"
Do you- do you see what I'm trying to say, do you understand my vision rn
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snifsnoof · 9 months
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some designs,, n silly comic becuase imagine if phone guy was literally just. a phone guy how did he get hired
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thebirdandhersong · 4 months
sometimes (very often) I just sit there like ?????????
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i hope our next president won't ban tumblr again....
again ?
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Fascinated by the current shitshow on Twitter
Basically JP Twitter responded to Barbenheimer memes with 9/11 shitposts (they saw the official US Barbie Twitter account reply positively to a Barbenheimer edit) only for them to discover that a lot of Americans online actually find 9/11 shitposts/jokes funny and that we've been making them for years. It's almost like it's hard to faze people from a nation where things like school shootings happen all the time, and the right to say any fucked up shit you want is entrenched in the law as the most important right ever
They're a little late to the party but they get a 9/11 for effort 👌
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wheatlev · 1 year
sometimes I wish the whole fuckin internet wasn't laser focused on the goddamn USA all the time.
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justablah56 · 9 months
oh my FUCKING shit , I am about to absolutely fucking *punt* this group of boys in my sign language class holy fucking hell .
#just blahs#okay this may just be bcs i havent ever really seen ableism irl#but legitimately what the fuck#the teacher for my sign class is completly deaf right ? and there's these three guys in the back corner who are literally just .#the single most offensive people i have ever had the displeasure to exist in the same space as#the teacher will teach us smthin about deaf culture and they'll fully just be like 'oh haha why don't they just say it ?'#or today ??? as soon as shes not looking at them theyll just yell insults at her .#and then obviously *she can't hear them bcs shes **deaf*** and one of em will do the dumb highschool boy laugh like 'haha yell it louder'#aND IM LITERALLY ABOUT TO CHUCK MY PENCIL AT THESE ABLELIST PEICES OF SHIT#or theyll mock the way she talks or theyll just blatantly ignore what shes trying to teach#and my friend who knows a bit of sign bcs her dads deaf was obv fast at spelling her name and one of em calls her a tryhard#because shes actually putting effort into this class .#like literally what the hell is wrong with you . this isnt a required class . you *chose* to be here so shut the fuck up#and i dont even know what the proper thing to do here is . like . do i tell the teacher those boys over there are being dicks ?#do i just walk my 5'0 ass all the way across the class to smack them upside the hesd ?#do i throw the pencil at them ?#i dont know what im supposed to do here but FUCK im so pissed off about this#im literally just trying to learn this language and they are making it so difficult bcs every other minute theyre over there yelling#fucking hell#ableism#anyways .
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petrichoraline · 7 months
ive been struggling and i feel like i might be for a while
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boyfhee · 1 year
fans will use the lamest excuse to defend wonyoung
#not hating on her but like . yall need to stop and hold her accountablr for her actions#btw this is not ab her being cringe or pick me idk ab that y'all can decide#this is ab her not bowing to anyone not even seniors#she either ignores or turns her head down like by 10 degrees idk#which is disrespectful bc bowing is like . ur showing respect to seniors / elders / or whoever idk#i saw a vid saying she doesn't bow bc she has to learn her script like pls be fr#i believe they get scripts beforehand#and bowing isn't gna ruin her makeup / hair and even if it does it's not smn that takes too long to fix#and not just mubank. she doesn't even bow on award shows#also ive noticed how she speeds up to the centre postion during air port shoots#maybe that isnt so serious but idt the postions for shoot are specified#but she needs to let other members get the spotlight#idk if she's insecure or what but she's one of the most popular idols she's gna get attention even when she's not a centre#idc if y'all find this offensive tbh but it's stupid if u defend her on thus#this***#you know she is wrong and u call ppl who point this out jealous yada yada#but my friend we're just right & and u dont wanna accept that ur fav is at fault#there's a diff btwn straight up hating and pointing out the mistakes#yall be acting like someone's putting u in jail of u don't defend with ur life :/#constructive criticism doesn't make someone look bad !! let that sink in !!#u don't tell ur mom that she's jealous when she points out smn that you're doing wrong#it's literally the same logic#let alone mom u don't even tell this to anyone irl#which just means yall take too much advantage of being behind a screen and saying whatever the fuck u want to#yeah long story short: learn to hold your favs accountable#it won't make u look bad and certainly won't affect them either unless you're going off w death threats#which is sick btw if u condone sending death threats#ramyeon with spam !
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periprose · 1 year
why do people on instagram unfollow but assume you want to keep following them? you're not fucking famous lol
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floorpancakes · 3 months
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wisdom-walks-alone · 5 months
im so serious some t*m drake stans are so misogynistic when it comes to stephanie brown I'm not even kidding holy shit
#jay speaks#sorry. its the truth#turn tim into the victim all you want to appease your projected victim complex can we at least leave steph alone tho#like. woooooooow#ur poor little helpless little white queer boy. and the toxic abusive ex girlfriend of his. good riddance amirite#im sorry guys i cannot do this anymore. i am at my limit#some peoples attitudes towards steph are just soooooo misogynistic its insane#all to uphold and make a white (only recently confirmed) queer boy look better by comparison. what a breakthru guys ur geniuses#never before seen im in awe#i say all of this as someone who likes tim too btw. he is literally one od my faves#he is higher on my list than steph is. but like. come on guys#are we just going to forget about how much of a garbage boyfriend tim was to steph#or how badly he treated her even when they weren't dating 💀 hello#did we read the same comics. i won't say steph was perfect but like tim was an asshole lol#she was a teenaged girl and im afraid that was mostly her biggest offense. tim was a little misogynist god love him#both were young and stupid and teenagers. w/e. don't act like steph was the sole bad actor tho even in recent comics#sorry tim wasn't written to be as much of a victim as u would have liked#tag rant#no actually. gotta add. don't we just love putting down a woman to uplift the treasured mlm ship#and make it seem better. like the better option. isnt it fun to do that right#banging my head against the wall im so done with this
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hylianane · 4 months
every time i think about that fucking Oye Primos disney channel show i shake with rage like i hope it never sees the light of day i hate gringos with latino grandparents so fucking bad
#those showrunners can eat my ass they LOVELOVELOVE TO PRETEND THEYRE LATINO ACTUALLY but cant be fucked to learn their family’s own language#theyre making a show to represent latinos ❤️ with the only lines in spanish in the intro being grammatically incoherent ❤️#and one of the character’s name literally meaning vagina (AND penis! Such a meaningful word) ❤️ like that stuff is in la RAE bro#if your show for latinos would need to change a characters name for the latin spanish dub like theyre huey dewey and louie-#-because itd be actively offensive to multiple regions then maybe its not for latinos!#if no one in your crew caught those mistakes then its probably not made BY latinos either right#but you knew that dont you? No show runner gets on instagram to ‘clap back’ to the people correcting you by saying that#actually the language we speak isnt even ours and it was enforced on us by the colonizers so really its anti-latino to defend it#Theres no way you can speak such disgusting shit like that and not be self aware right?#The show isnt for latinos its for white people whove never set foot in latam and refuse to learn the language of their grandparents#who LOVE to slap that label on themselves to feel special and oppressed#que coman mierda todo ellos#aquellos que se burlarían cruelmente de un latino hablando con acento y solo hablar de como la inmigración y los mariguanos-#-se están robando sus empleos o yo no sé que mierdas#Me dan ganas de ranchar pensar que disney mando a hacer un programa solo para aquellos hijueputas#en vez de para los niños que viven en latinoamerica#Ooh but look guys heres a latina princess isnt she lovely? She doesn’t live in latam either tho ptff are you kidding thats stupid#princesses dont live in 3rd world countries yuck. She lives in fantasy land obviously#Mátense
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kidfoundonstreets · 9 months
my art teacher is so frustrating
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gatogotica · 1 year
do any other people of color out here enjoy red dwarf 🤔👋🏼
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Dude, you're in idiot. The club q shooter is trying to say he's nonbinary in order to avoid hate crime charges. The people around him have stated that he's gone on multiple homophobic and transphobic rants and that they wouldn't feel safe having a gay person around him. Not that this matters to you, since catholics can't read. But you're an idiot
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received first hate mail! all they did was call me an idiot! on anon! and say that Catholics don't know how to read! which is hilarious! considering the reason that we have so many influential philosophical works is because of Catholics and our annoying habit of reading and writing!
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