#THEE best sweets ep
puppychase · 3 months
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“The Mayhem on the Cross”, Season 4 episode 21 (1/2)
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negrowhat · 4 months
Top 5 bl first kisses of 2023 AND top 5 bl makeouts ✨✨✨
Hi Mira! Ok so Top 5 first kisses and top 5 makeouts, not love scenes but 2nd base. Got it.
Top 5 First Kisses for 2023
PalmNueng's first kiss in Never Let Me Go. This series carried over into 2023 so it counts! Palm volunteering to kiss Ben's flavor out of Nueng's mouth after Ben threw Nueng under the bus was grand. I just enjoyed it. I enjoyed all of PalmNueng's kiss, but the reason behind the first one was astounding.
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TinnGun's first kiss in My School President. With all the build up surrounding that kiss I expected NOTHING but perfection and GemFourth DELIVERED! It was amazing. It was perfect. Tinn had been waiting for that kiss for forever and I'm sure his lil sockies were knocked off because mine were.
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JimWen's first kiss in Moonlight Chicken. Another LONG AWAITED first kiss! Because they did not kiss each other until the last ep even tho they FUCKED each other in the first ep. 8 LONG ASS EPS and boy was it worth it. Their first kiss was equal parts sweet and horny and honestly AND NO ONE WAITED FOR THAT KISS LONGER THAN WEN DID! EarthMix's kissing skills have gone up in value since ATOTS.
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TewGuy's first kiss in My Dear Gangster Oppa. We love an emotionally-charged-confession-preceded first kiss. ALSO IT WAS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME THAT GUY KISSED TEW! MeenPing are good at kisses in general but their first kiss was so GOOD.
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YaiJom's first kiss in I Feel You Linger in the Air. It was perfect. It felt like a romcom kiss. So magical, so sweet and the buildup before it was nice and steady and tense.
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Top 5 Makeout Scenes of 2023
JengPat's "I own this place" Makeout in Step By Step. SCREAMING about Jeng whispering "It's ok, I own this place," in Pat's ear when Pat protested to doing anything in that restaurant's kitchen. And when he lifted Pat onto the counter?? KNOCKED DOWN ALL THE INGREDIENTS? THE PAPER TOWELS TOO??? WHEW!
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Chen Yi and Ai Di's makeout that was rudely interrupted by Fan Ze Rui getting STABBED in Kiseki: Dear to Me. Chen Yi had finally got his lil gangster boo and they was GETTING TO IT! Chen Yi flipped Ai Di over onto his back with EASE and the kissing was fucking KISSING. AND THEN BAM! BAD NEWS!
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Nail and Him's very first makeout scene in For Him. The blue lighting????? Him stopping to make sure Nail was still ok with everything??? The undressing of all the jewelry?????????
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YaiJom making out in the tub in I Feel You Linger in the Air. IFYLITA had some of THEE best tub scenes out there. They ruled intimacy for the year.
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TewGuy's reconciliation makeout scene that was RUDELY interrupted by Boss in My Dear Gangster Oppa. Guy's hands on Tew's neck??? The way that makeout scene mirrored their first one? Guy having to take a breather???? No it was so damn good.
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sortasirius · 6 days
"There Goes the Groom" and Buck's Queer Joy
Hey so...remember when I did post ep meta for two years? Anyway we're back like we've never left.
Best Hen <3
OBSESSED with micromanaging party planner Evan Buckley. The clipboard was there in spirit.
"You are late."
I'll take married for several years for $500, Alex.
"Ooo sliders."
"Ah ah. No."
"You didn't just do that." PLEASE
Tommy giving Eddie a bro-y high five and then a soft, sweet "hey" for Buck and a hug??? Fellas I might need to be sedated.
Also obsessed with the tinge of bitchiness in Eddie's tone. It's like jealousy without even realizing it's jealousy. And I think it's an interesting mix of "hey my best friend has a new friend" and something else that Eddie cannot label.
Ryan Guzman you must be studied for that little side eye lmfaoooo
I LOVEEEEE TOMMY HE'S SUCH A BITCH, he said I do not care for your party themes. Me for real.
Why were they all so obsessed with the sliders???? I love them all so much.
"Reach for them and you'll be pulling back a bloody stump." WITH THE RAISED EYEBROWS AND THE LITTLE HEAD TILT RYAN GUZMAN I AM KISSING YOU ON THE MOUTH.
"Wholesome, 80s-themed karaoke."
Buck was a party planner in another life and I stand by that.
"We should totally go as Crockett and Tubbs."
They are literally this meme:
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The little shoulder rub that Buck gives Tommy <333333333333
The way Buck and Eddie are sitting during the party scene, Buck's arm absolutely SLUNG around his shoulder...yeah okay. Okay. I'm normal about this.
The whole party was two idiot best friends pointing at each other and saying "exactlyyyyyy." Yes, I would die for them.
I just want to say that every single thing about Chimney's journey this episode was heartbreaking and scary and I HATED that I didn't know what was going to happen to him the whole time. Ok thanks for your time.
From that guy stealing his car to every Doug jumpscare, I think they did a really good job freaking the audience (at least...me) the fuck out without actually revealing what had happened. Like..we know he's sick, we know something's wrong, but it was a well-paced episode, even if in my perfect world it would have been like two hours long lol.
And the fact that Maddie is always going to look for him, always going to find him, just like he would do for her...don't look at me I'm emo.
Chim essentially pushing the fact that he is actively dying from encephalitis to the side because being a paramedic and saving lives is so deeply ingrained in him it's something the can't forget? He's so important to me.
Then...Kevin. He's such a huge part of Chim's life, his arc, how he became a firefighter, and it essentially include him in the wedding (even though it was in a very scary way), I think it's a really great take on the idea that our loved ones who can't be there for milestones are there even when we can't see them, especially with his line "you invited me, remember?"
Doug was never there, but Kevin was, Kevin will be there even when Chim can't see him.
Bobby officiating and saying "and the Los Angeles Fire Department" THEY ARE A FAMILY!!!!
And then...perhaps one of thee most important scenes ever aired on television ever:
"Sorry I'm late, that fire was a beast."
"So are you."
And STRAIGHT in for a SERIOUS kiss??????? 911 writers room you can have my life, take it, it's already yours.
Tommy's little huff of surprise and then hum of "yeah okay I'm down for this." PUT THEM IN THE DICTIONARY NEXT TO THE CUTEST COUPLE OF ALL TIME
And last...Buck coming in to the room where his family, both blood and chosen, is, with soot all over his face, and a smile so bright that it had to have lit up the entire west coast, not caring who saw him or who knew exactly what he had just been doing...yeah, that's what this shit is all about.
EDDIE'S beautiful smile when he realizes how happy Buck is they are best friends FIRST and that is all that matters to me!!!
Hen being like "it's about damn time." SO TRUE QUEEN OF COURSE SHE KNEW!!!!!
I haven't really been able to put this into words yet, but the way they are handling Buck's bisexuality and his first relationship with someone of the same gender as him is just...it's almost astounding. It's been handled with such care, from Oliver to Lou to the writers to the NETWORK, everyone is so clearly fully onboard with this and not afraid of it.
And there's no pain here, his coming out is not born out of trauma or being forced or caught or guilty. Tommy made him feel something that he had never been able to put a name to, and Tommy is helping him figure it out. He's letting Buck be overeager without taking advantage, he's letting him move at his own pace (which, of course, is at light speed) but is also confident enough in himself to pump the brakes when he feels like he needs to.
I just can't get enough of that smile, of how fucking happy Buck is. Happy in himself, happy with Tommy, happy to finally have a name for who he is, and not be afraid to share it with the people he loves. His parents' reactions don't matter, because he knows the people that matter to him most won't care who he's with, as long as he loves them and they treat him well.
It's such a huge step for Buck, who has so often fallen prey to what other people might think, it's so refreshing to see him get to explore this without fear of what others will say. Tommy is a steady constant, experienced and knows who he is. He teases Buck and calls him Evan and flirts with him shamelessly, and it flusters him in the best way.
To see a character like Buck, who was, essentially, billed as straight from the beginning of the show, be able to come in to himself and experience real queer joy...wow. For me, it just can't be overstated.
I can't wait to see where Buck's journey goes, and I am just so...grateful to be able to watch it.
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mikuni14 · 9 months
Laws of Attraction Ep 4
So. Where to start. I don't know. All I want to say is wtf, how can this show do this to me in broad daylight. They have no shame 😦
LoA took my favorite tropes, motifs, what appeals to me and packed it in the prettiest decorative box, tied it with a cute little ribbon, put a kawaii Hello Kitty sticker on and gave it to me with Charn's a beautiful, if a little unhinged and full of sharp teeth smile.
LoA has everything I like. First of all, it has mature characters. Who sometimes behave stupidly, exaggeratedly, emotionally, but they are still adults. Charn and Tinn are adults with each other, in their relationship. What absolutely delights me is that they know who they are, who they are FOR THEMSELVES, they are FULLY aware of how they affect each other and what it is that they feel about each other. There is no insecurity, self-discovery, discovering their sexuality, bumbling around, figuring out their feelings, running away, physical contact sending into panic, being completely clueless about themselves and the other person. Don't get me wrong, I have NOTHING against it, after all, I really like Hidden Aagenda right now, which is a bit like that, but my absolute beloved thing is when the characters are just... aware of themselves and their surroundings 🥰 Charn and Tinn have felt attracted to each other since they first met, and they both know it. Charn knows perfectly well why Tinn stares at him, recognizes his stares, and also he knows why Tinn does NOT look at him when he is getting dressed. Tinn knows perfectly well what Charn's smiles, his looks, his heavy flirting mean. What I also like is that they consciously play their game, flirt together, but neither of them crosses the line. And that they are absolutely relaxed with each other. When Tinn is buttoning up Charn's shirt when he is hugging him and being possessive, Charn just lets him, his body language shows that he trusts him, that he enjoys it, and that he is open to him. Just like when Charn brings all his heavy artillery against Tinn, when he invades his personal space, touches him, holds his hand, cuddles up to him, Tinn doesn't freak out, just lets him, he's also totally open to him. Whenever Charn proposes sex, Tinn reacts completely normally, like it IS normal, not something creepy, dirty or whatever. It's great to watch two actors play their characters with their bodies so well, but they were just as relaxed with each other in To Sir, With Love 💖
The two are fascinated by each other, Tinn would have asked Charn out if he hadn't turned out to be the Senator's attorney, and even now, the only thing standing in their way is, um, Charn's morality :) But what's wonderful is that they both know it. Gods, I love this series.
What else. It's how the show takes classic themes and tropes that otherwise would be cringe or even creepy and does fantastic things with them. The show IS romantic, it has romantic scenes that, instead of embarrassing me, just fry my brain. Tinn is possessive in one of the best scenes in Thai BL EVER, but he's not creepy about it like many other jealous guys. And then he doesn't deny he did it, or gets defensive, he just owns it. The scene from the trailer with the flower, the scene of preparing a meal, cooling it down for Charn. Thee who keeps his eyes on Tanthai, even at night. All this is unbelievably romantic, but in such a wonderful way, without causing the secondhand embarassment. A lot of times when I see couples being sweet with each other, I turn my head away because I feel so embarrassed. In LoA, as in Khun Chai, I always feel like a child at Christmas and I want MORE.
The series also makes great use of dramatic shots. So cool!
I love Charn, I love how unapologetic he is. He does what he wants, says what he wants, knows what he wants, has his own lifestyle, clothes, behavior, is an absolute princess, does not compromise with anyone, does not adapt to others. And I love that Tinn sees it all and is like ok, fine, whatever. And he criticizes him ONLY FOR what his conscience disagrees with. Tinn accepts Charn as he is, and what he disagrees with, he is open about. I love Tinn for who he is. That he is a good parent, that he absolutely stands by the child, that he can behave in any situation, that even if he screwed something up, he can apologize and fix what he broke. That he's so incredibly manly, but without the toxic masculinity. (I love Charn for his looks straight at the camera which never fails to creep me out 💀) Both are different from each other, but they are just different type of adults. A little damaged, doing their best and sometimes failing adults. And I love it, I love them.
And what is it? WHAT IS THIS? New favorite dynamic?? Tinn and Thee??? I have Thoughts and Feelings™ about them. So many thoughts and feelings! 😳👀 I feel sorry for Thee. Eventually, he'll have to do something because the situation won't last long. Thee lives in limbo, thinking everything will be fine as long as he can be by Tanthai's side. But Tinn is right about Tanthai, even if Thee doesn't accept it yet (Tanthai's face when he talks about the guy who is being arrested! also are Tanthai and Thee childhood friends? how long has Thee been in love??)
I adore this show, I love Charn, Tinn and Thee, I really like the side characters, except for the senator and his son (Tanthai lost a lot with me when he acted like a coward first running away from Tinn and then beating him up when he was tied up and couldn't fight back). I even like Beer lol
LoA and Jun & Jun just make perfect use of my favorite yaoi tropes. No wonder I'm obsessed 💖
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sanchoyo · 1 year
arc v 51-65 thoughts! JACK IS HERE FINALLY!!!! also crow. also, prison arc. they sent 14 year olds to actual adult prison! the gang learned about classism, corruption in the system and that you cant Beat Cops with Smiles, but with your Fists :)
-ok. in the back end of the reiji v yuya duel yuya seems surprised to hear yuzu is okay, just taken. and im like. OH IS THAT WHY HES SO UPSET?? HE THOUGHT SHE WAS /DEAD/??? I mean. you know what thats fair. being turned into a piece of paper/cardboard(?) cards. would usually mean death I guess and he did think thats what happened to her. I still think its silly for him to be so pissed at reiji who by all accounts is the nicest ygo rich guy in the entire serieses history imo. but reiji did withhold some info to test yuya a lil bit. but yknow. still.
-…reiji's mom…TOLD the WORLD about the war/invaders AND THEY CANCELED. THE. TOURNAMENT. THEY CANCELED IT AND PRIORITIZED THE WORLDS SAFETY. we ARENT getting a FULL TOURNAMENT ARC??? IN YUGIOH??? i am shocked. no way… (I know I said itd be really funny if a protag didnt win the tournament, but they CANCELED IT which is somehow even funnier to me) I cannot say I expected this at all but im not MAD abt it
-see the next ep when yuya v his mom we learn his mom was a former GIRL GANG BOSS??? WHERE HAS /THAT/ ENERGY BEEN THIS WHOLE SERIES??? instead of being a creep towards kids she couldve been characterized like this! the story abt her and yuyas dad is pretty cute but if /i/ i had a hot mob boss wife i wouldnt be telling her to solve everything with smiles not violence :) i would pick up a fucking bat with her. whatever its FINE
-god the lil montage of yuzu's dad dueling with her in a lil baby pouch on his back and pausing a duel to change her diaper was SO CUTE. TF BEST YGO DAD FOR REAL GOD. hes a duel school teacher!!! why!! cant he come to help!!!! why are they just letting an 18-19 yr old lead the lancers into anOTHER DIMENSION. i dont CARE that hes thee most responsible smartest guy ever or whatever. my god
-shun and serena are remarkably chill abt all of this, hope we see more of them talking and hanging out and stuff. like serena looks just like his sister and yuya looks like his bestie and u KNOW thats SO weird to him?? but also they were on oppisite sides of the war! i want! more interactions! (very funny theyre both kinda trailing reiji. tbh if /i/ was stranded in another dimension he would be the person id be latching onto out of this cast, too. very nice and level headed guy)
-MY GOD. yugo is SO sweet, his calm explanation to yuzu and them just sittin and talking was great. (his reaction to yuzu implying he loves rin was also very very cute. and rins design AUGH I love it SO much. yuzu is still best arc v girl for me but rins design is my fav. GREEN.) JACK!!! MENTIONED!!!
-while they were talking it sorta explained yugo v yuto was a huge misunderstanding bc yuto thought yugo was the Fusion Enemy and yugo thought yuto was yuri. very very understandable and funny. and also im starting to think everyone in this series is colorblind bc they cant tell any of the yuzu/yuya counterparts apart by hair… (also, speaking of yuri, where did he GO. whts HE up to. weve barely gotten any of him and id like More Please)
-it's…been a minute since I watched 5ds. years. and I only watched it once, so I know im probably going to get details wrong, but aside from jack and crow, all other charas so far are arc v originals? like melissa and Guy that Looks Like This :>/ arent in 5ds right… the city kinda looks different to me, but maybe its just the animation looks newer… are we going to get an explanation to where yusei is? bc if jack and crow are in this…like, none of the protags are in arc v. are they busy. is this a universe without them.
-I forgot how dystopian 5ds was! stupid rich ppl calling the cops on yugo and yuzu for LOITERING and acting like the lower class is a Threat is a lil too real…damn. yugo is so nice immediately just pulling her along to help while shes with him ;_; personality wise hes my fav of the yu boys so far… (I feel like such a traitor for this. sorry to yuto bc zexal is my fav series. but we barely got to see him. whenever he comes back im sure we'll get..more... and sorry to yuya bc I Love Clowns….but I love silly lil bikenana boy…willing to bet when we get more yuri he might fight for that spot bc i LOVE a good villain too…we'll see…)
-YUZU'S REACTION TO YUGO DWHEEL DUEL IS SO FUNNY SHES LIKE. SO RATIONAL THO. my GOD she kept saying he should stop to duel on foot and yeah. playing yugioh (or, any card game) on a bike would be insanely hard. like you have to basically have your cards ALL memorized bc you gotta keep ur eyes ahead to drive, right, so ud only be able to glance? everyone in synchro world has insane memorizing skills. (I know to a degree you'd be able to make the d-wheels have a sort of autopilot, but no, we see them steering themselves and accelerating themselves…)
-the animation kept cutting to 3d models while they were dueling on their bikes and it did Not Look Very Good. it was still very fun.
-yuzu Learns About Corrupt Police and Society Today! She once again is the Real Protag to Me. reporter cowgirl ladys design is cute!
-what was the point of the duel if the cops were gonna just set up a blockade anyway tf. the entertainment aspect is SO fucked lmao bored rich ppl. too real. yugo u dont need to rise in society u gotta burn it all down its all fucked. -_-
-LAYRA SAW COPS AND FLIPPED OUT. understandable but also WHO HURT U. SHINGO IMMEDIATELY NOT GIVING A FUCK AND IS READY TO DUEL THE COPS. SERENA TOO. honestly very iconic of everybody great job. except yuya who is just baffled and not 100% ready to throw down. Get with the PROGRAM yuya u cant fight cops with smiles.
-you know I understanding theyre tryin to duel their way out of it but letting ppl from synchro see: fusion, action cards, and pendulum in ONE GO seems DANGEROUS.
-sorry, but shingo being arrested while yuya is like YAY ACTION DUEL LET ME ENTERTAIN U ^_^ IS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER. and everytime he asked layra if theyre okay they look like a goddamn espurr like O__O clearly NOT OK. VERY SCARED WITHOUT REIJI. WHY DID U BRING THIS TRAUMATIZED CHILD!!!
-there was a scene when yuya was like 'look at these beautiful ladies!" n his hippo girl monsters danced for an uncomfortably long time and the cops face kept being zoomed in on and he was like O__O this ep…i cant tell if its TRYING to make me laugh but it is, my god yuya u are making ME smile if no one else. for absolutely the Wrong Reason. the CHEERFUL TONE he takes on in this situation is SO NOT APPROPRIATE FOR THE GRAVITY OF BEING. ARRESTED. this cop hes dueling is also the most tirest man ive ever seen which makes it so much better
-crows entrance was absolutely INCREDIBLE. WITH THE MOODY THUNDER AND ALL!! HOLY SHIT. just the sound of revving in the distance building up to it CROWWWWW I LOVE U. still probably most excited for jack but STILL.
-ohh, yugo know doesnt what his parents look like huh…and yuzu doesnt know what her mom looked like? her dad, the most cheerful dude in the world never talked abt her? weird.. theres still the mystery of yuzu having her bracelet…id say maybe all the yuya/yuzu counterparts might be the same but no, yuya has both parents so…cannot rly do anything with this info rn…
-ok just a small thought, but in the op and the eps so far, the guy whos always looking over security (idk his name yet but he looks like this :>/) is implied to be the villain, and ig reijis dad might be one of the final villains, but we havent had any Very Present Active villains aside from GROUPS of invaders that are p much faceless…I want more like. Present Villains. does that make sense. dennis doesnt count btw hes just some guy whos hangin out.
-shingo just introduced yuya as his APPRENTICE. PLEASE. i love him so much hes the funniest guy ever. crow also immediately being like 'idk abt all this dimension stuff! but u guys can hang out here for however long u need to :)' LOVE U CROW
-my god DENNIS can juggle and do silly little magic stuff. ok. ive been very lukewarm to him but thats very cute. also 'gon-chan' PLS.
-also one of the bills he got as a tip had that little clown guy from 5ds on it. was he a …person who was important enough to be on money? i dont remember him very much except he had like. a clown wife. cannot recall his place in the plot or anything else LMAO
-yugo and yuzu just trying to convince randos on the street the WAR IS COMING AND THEY CAN TRAVEL DIMENSIONS. AND GETTING LAUGHED AT. HELP THEM.
-im running into traffic to defend gons honor. hes so mad dennis made him the villain in their silly little roleplay HAHA. dennis is like a campy little guy, even when hes outed as a traitor later I seriously seriously doubt itll stick or he'll be a real threat. hes a silly guy..also I just like his monsters designs a lot. (also, he outed xyz to synchro dimension too LMAO DUDE. now they have all the summoning methods u guys can use…)
-gallager is just. he introduces himself as a promoter but him and nico smiley are both like. pimps for duelists right. KAHSDKJ. love his outfit so much tho
-so…where the HELL did reiji land….mildly concerned about now, its been a few…eps and he hasnt been shown…where did he go……..is he ok…….is he with jack….
-ILLEGAL DUEL BETTING. GON IS SOOO OFFENDED TOO. AND THEN IT CUTS TO SHUN IMMEDIATELY IN IT. epic illegal bird moment. poor gon is having to play peacekeeper and is the only reasonable person of this trio
-crow explaining the tops STOLE riding duels and make commoners do it for fun..my god they gentrified riding duels
-very grateful yuya is the one kinda looking after layra in reijis absence. makes perfect sense since he kinda is a big bro figure to the kids at the duel school too! it adds a real softness to yuya that I like (ok lets be real hes already been pretty soft. gooey and warm center, like a cookie) for a second it panned to serena and i was thinking pls dont let the only girl in the group be the mother hen but no. she completely ignores layra and decided to go out on her own (shingo following her lol) bc shes sick of sitting around waiting and her main goal, in her Words is to Find Yuzu too. would it be weird to ship them since they..look the same supposedly….JSDKFJK its tht question of what ud do if u met a clone of urself/alt version of urself. would u kiss or kill them. serena is a Kiss the Clone kinda girl and I respect that
-'friendship cup' is the funniest name ever for a tournament. YOU HAVE TO ENTER. TO DUEL JACK. JACK IS THE PRIZE. TROPHY WIFE JACK. shun and dennis both want to fight jack sooo bad its so funny. me too (affectionate) the fact dennis and shun both took to riding bikes and dueling at the same time SO fast is. incredible. and their lil outfits….
-oh wait. this means the earlier tournament being canceled is just gonna lead into this one isnt it HAHAH i knew it couldnt be ygo without a full tournament arc….its fine. I actually dont DISLIKE these type of arcs even if they arent my favorite
-not sure if ive said it but I Must mention it: yuyas magicians have nonbinary swag
-who the hell is shinji. youre not yusei. bootleg yusei….where did they PUT YUSEI!!! are all the protags busy like DAMN!! WHERE ARE THEY!!! I understand on a meta level u wouldnt want them all in the series to take away protagswag from yuya but this series literally lends itself to a bbt style crossover! the whole series is a crossover! they shouldve had a lil movie or smth. I want. another bbt movie. but w the newer protags too. lke all 8-9(??) ygo protags...itd be FUN
-crow being such a DAD to a ton of kids is cute. and probably the best person layra couldve come to stay with tbh, hes obv concerned abt them ;_; babies. also him and yuya dueling bc crow thinks feeding kids is more important than making them smile…and yuya thinks making them smile is more important…no yuya i gotta side with crow here LMAO crow called yuya privileged too JDSFHKJ
-NINJA GUY!!! I FORGOT HE WAS WITH THE LANCERS?? i mean ive been seein him in the op but STILL. good he got layra outta there. the cops were going to arrest a CHILD. i mean ik yuya is a child too but layra is a CHILD child not a teen yk. omg jail arc???
-speaking of arcs. is this series called arc v. because. arc 5. as in fifth arc of the yugioh series. I was speculating to why it was called that last time and had the realization thats prob why JKSHDFK
-god we actually are getting a…prison arc…this is INCREDIBLE. why werent they given the prison uniforms everyone else has. btw yuya now would be the PERFECT time to bring ur inner demon out to break out
-the bosses absurdly large brick stack of cards is insane. ive never seen so many so neatly stcked in one place…bro what if someone knocked them over that would be a nightmare…
-the lil story with the boss was fun (and felt appropriate given hes dueling yuya, who is all abt Smiles and Entertaining and hed lost that…like gettin his spark back) …so the moral here is u can make friends with fellow inmates n have solidarity but the cops are always enemies. understandable and real
-so yuya should become the new prison boss. right. he beat the old boss. but whatever I guess they didnt want yuya to be a crimeboss...cowards
-so whenever someone tries breaking out, their friends/the ppl left behind get punished and taken somewhere they 'never return from'…thats…terrifying and would be pretty efficient to anyone with any kind of morals, but idk, i feel like anyone would get really desperate and try it anyway at a certain point if conditions are bad enough, their fellow inmates be damned..
-sorry but it has to be said though. this mans hair is a lizard straight up. with the little hands and everything. is anyone fucking talking about this.
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-my god yugo cannot whistle at all. everytime i see him and yuzu im like. they are so funny i love them both so much SJADFHKJ we go a few eps w/out them and im so sad… btw..yuya is in jail, i kinda expected this friendship cup thing to involve them more heavily, but the :>/ guy said yugo and yuzu would be arrested when they showed up for it too and im like. is it even gonna be an Event or Not. i mean I LOVE prison arc but. Wondering
-yuya constantly looking like either the happiest dude ever (when its horribly inappropriate most of the time) or the saddest little kicked puppy alive makes me lose it. (and the third option of Murderously Possessed, but its been like 20 eps since weve seen that so..maybe the demon and yuto both peaced out. maybe they eloped. good for them)
-ok im going to need a gif of this PRONTO. shun how did you get there. HE SHOULDER DROPPED THIS MAN. XYZ BITCHES ARE BUILT DIFFERENT. XYZ REPRESENT!!!! he bodied like 15 more guards after this with his FISTS not even using his cards CMON LETS GOOO the prison break scene was AMAZING. also shingo grabbing some rare cards on the way out. best boy alert. why do his eyes glow in the dark.
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-….hey shingo loses SO many duels its kind of funny. reminds me of watching manjoume from gx do the same thing. between them who has more losses. theyre both a certain…flavor of cringedude characters that i always end up liking…
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-'what does a monster with 100 lp have to accomplish' -guy whos never heard of goddamn card effects. damn i thought these dudes were supposed to be the super efficient guards or whatever…anyway shun coming in with the literal xyz rescue was CUTE look at him functioning in a team ;w; good
-oh my god :>/ guy is named jean-michel roget. hes. hes french coded. u know wht i think i like my silly lil emoji name for him better. GOD DAMN they were SO close to escaping. CROW HAS KIDS AT HOME. ARGNH THEYRE TRYING TO SEPARATE SERENA TOO. BULLSHIT.
-REIJI FINALLY FINALLY SHOWING UP. WHERE WERE U. talking to a council I Guess. fucking negotiating. ok king of efficiency. he saved everyones asses with this. everyone say thank u reiji for everything, always.
-oh my god the friendship cup. theyre all being forced to demonstrate their abilities in the tournament . mandatory friendship cup. its a Full Circle. out of jail straight into the REAL tournament arc. i cant believe this.
-yuya vs jack. oh my god its going to happen. <- so excited to see jack i am going to throw UP
-crow called jack a traitor so. so they havent made up yet. I mean I FIGURED and yusei isnt HERE and i am :( I barely remember 5ds but I remember crow and jack bein silly together near the end…be FRIENDS or ELSE I will CRY
-yuzu's lil riding duel outfit is SO cute. pls. also yuzu crying with relief once she sees yuya is ok…baby ;_; theyre so Close to bein reunited….
-the problem with me trying to figure out how and why this series diverges from 5ds is that i remember Nothing Important from 5ds at all. i remember the dumbass details like that jack loved cup ramen JSDHKJ but its clearly an au (with..no yusei for some reason...) and im like. wondering if theyll ever explain WHY its an au from the original. or if im just supposed to Know. bc I Dont Yet
-I thought itd be really funny if jack DID defeat yuya in Three Turns like he said he was going to. and then he DOES. he beats him so hard yuya FLIES OFF HIS BIKE. AND BOUNCES. LMAO glad hes wearing a helmet at least. love u jack. also. i know it was probably framed in the way of jack being an asshole but I? kind of agree with him about this:
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(I actually…said smth along these lines in my first arc v liveblog post:
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almost word for word HAHA me and jack are on the same wavelength and he read yuya in like 10 seconds FLAT I am Amazed)
not that it's a BAD thing. he wants to make people happy, and it makes him happy in turn when theyre cheering for him! thats fine! (an irl example would be like, I enjoy making art for others to make them happy. but I also enjoy getting positive feedback for my own satisfaction!) absolutely nothing wrong with it!
HOWEVER. the impression I've gotten so far is that yuya gets upset when his opponent is the one being cheered for (a good example was the michio duel and that annoying trivia kid duel. he didnt seem real happy when the audience was rooting for them and not him!) as opposed to…I cant believe I'm comparing him to dennis but. the dennis v gon duel was a great example of what I think a more genuine entertainment duel should be…they were playing the roles of hero v villain, and dennis was great at improv there, quickly turning into the villain when Straight Man to his Comedy Guy routine Gon accused him of being the Real Villain in that situation. like he ROLLED with it and was perfectly fine with gon winning bc it suited their lil story and the audience loved it! I think entertainment dueling SHOULD be like that, like improv and acting bc you're entertaining ppl. ur a performer. u need to go w the flow more.
(Okay, this might not have been the best duel to show it off bc 1. hes dueling JACK of all ppl who declared hes gonna WIN and. he Will. 2. this is a situation where hes trying to showcase the strength of the lancers, so it wouldnt do to THROW the duel. but he couldve played into jacks dramatics a bit, made himself out to be more of a dramatic underdog, or a potential upstarter…for wanting to be an ENTERTAINER I want to see yuya channel his dramatics a LOT more than he does. esp w jack of all ppl!) to me it feels like yuya also ties a LOT of his self worth to how other ppl perceive his role in duels too which is Unhealthy (and again. is an extension of the 'smile when u want to cry' stuff imo, also pretty unhealthy) I…dont know if any of this is That Deep or theyre just trying to make jack seem like an asshole. I WANT it to be this deep bc its a REALLY interesting trait for a protag to have!
-kinda love how ppl in the Tops are dressed like old timey victorians. (also a lot of them have very western names) it just creates a very. unique vibe 
-can I also just say i LOVE LOVE LOVE the trope in ygo of 'person does what they think is the final finishing move, then theres smoke and everyone is like :0 and when the smoke clears, the person is still standing in the duel because of some trap/spell/effect' IT HAPPENS SO MUCH IN ARC V AND I EAT IT UP EVERYTIME.
-...jack gave this random child servant a card and told him it suited him and the kids mad jack 'changed' and got mad jack compared him to a 'weak card'...first off its gonna end up being smth like 'even weak cards have potential, none of them are useless, its like u, u feel like ur a low level but u also have potential' (which. very yusei thing btw) but also if my hero gave me a card i would literally be SO happy this kid is dumb asf. jack literally wasnt even being RUDE when he gave it to him and jack is usually SO Rude like CMON. 'wheeh i had NO cards and jack gave me one but its WEAK so i dont want it' this is called being ungrateful. i know hes a kid so I shouldnt be so annoyed but damn its rude. its a REALLY cute card too (not one I recognize and the text is in japanese but its a cute lil cyber girl with pink hair and a tuning fork and bc this is synchro I assume its a tuner monster or smth?)
-...went from jail to bougiest penthouse in the world. lmao and locked in his room....ur a rich persons pet now...'if u lose ur out of the penthouse' willing to bet its the same for jack since at the end of the day hes still. u know. a commons Guy cosplaying a bougie. funnily enough, the tops are saying 'as long as he keeps winning hes not a commons, hes one of us!' and the commons are saying 'hes a traitor who sold out!' then another commons guy being like 'NO jack is still OUR hero he doesnt belong to the tops!' etc. its like he cant fucking win no matter what he does! insane. jack ilu tho.
-...actually, first match is gon v crow. calling it now, gon loses his Stand In One Place shtick isnt gonna work v a motorcycle. i kinda think I want crow to win this tournament actually to duel jack KJHSDKJ i know itll prob be yuya but cmonnnn. its PERSONAL for crow. btw does this mean gon will be homeless for the rest of the friendship cup stuff since if u lose u get kicked outta the penthouse. where will he GO. ...tbh since crow has kids waiting at home for him it might be better if he loses first so he can take the losers of this tournament back home w him so they dont. go to jail again? maybe? we’ll see!!
very very fun stretch of eps, I binged SO many last night and tonight :3
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mysteriesofloves · 1 year
What would you say are the best gossip girl episodes? the lists I see online are often very chuck-centred….
A DEFINITIVE OBJECTIVE TOP 5 LIST in somewhat particular order (which also happen to be my favs because i have taste):
1. 1x04 bad news blair. NOT just because it’s Thee Dair Episode but because all around it is the strongest episode with the best character work for every character and every plotline is entertaining. it’s grounded and meaningful and beautiful and has multiple scenes that appeal to the thesis of the show (or what should’ve been the thesis of the show) AND ALSO has a wacky and dumb poker scam escapade. that is teen television excellence
2. 1x09 blair waldorf must pie! this is ALSO teen television excellence the drama with the teens and the adults is perfectly balanced it is the only episode that tackles blair’s ed with any sort of sincerity the flashbacks make me want to gnaw drywall it is such a GOOD episode !!!!
3. 1x01 pilot. one the greatest teen tv pilots of all time and just SUCH a good pilot in general. she is lifechanging she is the definition of ICONIC i get chills just hearing the opening whistles of young folks. you’re kind of not invited raised a generation. nostalgia factor alone puts this on top but even that aside it is a very very good episode.
4. 1x11 roman holiday. more of a biased choice i just love this episode it’s cozy and fun and sweet and i think every storyline is well done. it’s just a very good holiday episode and i am a sucker for holiday episodes
5. 1x12 school lies. underrated i think. it’s giving dark academia but in at least a mildly self aware way and i think it’s genuinely one of the most compelling episodes of the show. to me it’s one of those eps that passes just “teen soap” territory and goes into just being a Good Episode Of TV yknow.
these are all from s1 because that’s the only well written season. rest of this list in no particular order is 1x13 (which would’ve made a great finale), 2x18 (THE most entertaining episode and my personal favourite but is unfortunately bogged down by whatever tf chuck is running around doing), 2x19 (just a really good ep. i just love it. crisis blair u will always be famous to me. dan visiting the van der bilt mansion for really no reason other than he was There and Needed something to do u will always be famous to me), 3x02 (SUCH a good episode so funny and does a really really good job at setting up the season that the status quo changes and the characters are tested and evolving! oh wait.), the hamptons episodes and the paris episodes for the VIBES and the AESTHETICS and the LOOKS but not for much else.
season 4 dair arc is obviously my favourite thing ever and also on the entire show but ben (🤮🤮🤮) is also there and raina is putting up with chuck’s bs so it can’t properly make it onto the list because the episodes as a whole are Bad and should be watched through dair youtube clips only/with a finger on the forward button. this applies to s5 dair arc as well.
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oldxenomorph · 7 months
[uno reverse card] top 10 albums
top 5/top 10 anything.
i'm always listening to stuff. (in no particular order)
born this way by lady gaga i know it's corny to say that an album saved my life, but this album ready did save my life. it helped me get through a really, really tough time and gave me the confidence to feel good about myself. also the album is excellent, phenomenal even. truly a game changer for pop music, ahead of its time in many ways. i really do think born this way and the fame monster are gaga's best albums. also perhaps my favorite era in terms of gaga's aesthetics. recommended tracks: marry the night, born this way, judas, the edge of glory
cruelty and the beast by cradle of filth i first heard cradle of filth back in the days of mtv2's headbanger's ball and the video for "nymphetamine" was probably when i first realized i was bisexual. but then i downloaded cruelty and the beast and my first listen of "cruelty brought thee orchids" rewired a part of my brain permanently. i was so happy it finally got the remaster it deserved a few years ago. recommended tracks: cruelty brought thee orchids, bathory aria, lustmord and wargasm, beneath the howling stars
nihil by kmfdm/that total age by nitzer ebb cheating by putting two albums in one number because both were incredibly formative albums for me. i found both of them together in their original cd cases at a half price books when i was in high school. truly the source of my love for industrial music. both are still part of my daily music rotation. recommended tracks: brute, ultra, murderous, fitness to purpose
ask the dust by lorn my friends are probably sick and tired of me putting 374927428 lorn tracks in all my character playlists. but lorn is so good! a friend showed me the video for "ghosst(s)" and it rewired a part of my brain in such a way that i'm still obsessed with this guy's music. ask the dust in particular has some of my favorite tracks, but his most recent albums and eps like remnant and drown the traitor are also really excellent. man doesn't know how to make bad music. recommended tracks: ghosst(s), everything is violence, weigh me down, diamond
stranger fruit by zeal & ardor i first found out about zeal & ardor back when kim kelly was writing about extreme metal for vice and she wrote about them. instantly satisfied a sweet spot in my brain. i think stranger fruit and wake of a nation are the band's best albums, but stranger fruit in particular is so, so good and excellent. you know what i'm talking about. recommended tracks: ship on fire, row row, servants, built on ashes
caligula and sinner get ready by lingua lignota like zeal & ardor, i first found out about lingua ignota in something kim kelly wrote either when she had her column at vice or something else, i forget. caligula is such a stunning album and i've been following kristen hayter's music ever since. also cheating again by pairing this with another album, but sinner get ready is also really, really excellent. (her earliest available album, all bitches die, is also really good and "woe to all (on the day of my wrath)" is a regular feature in my playlists.) i'm really excited for her next album. recommended tracks: fucking deathdealer, if the poison won't take you my dogs will, perpetual flame of centralia, pennsylvania furnace
sing the sorrow and the art of drowning by afi cheating again because it's hard to choose! afi makes consistently good albums! i first heard afi when i saw the video for "girl's not grey" on fuse. (remember when fuse used to mostly play pop punk and emo music videos? yeesh i'm old.) sing the sorrow has a special nostalgic place in my heart. but then i discovered their earlier work when they had a more hardcore/horror punk sound and those were the albums that really stuck with me, the art of drowning in particular. recommended tracks: the days of the phoenix, sacrifice theory, girl's not grey, bleed black
renaissance by beyonce the first beyonce album i listened to in its entirety was lemonade, which is a really spectacular album. but i've been having renaissance on repeat since it came out last year (facilitated by the videos of the renaissance world tour my instagram reels feed kept giving me). also the way the bassline during the chorus in "thique" sounds my headphones literally makes heart go *phwomp* like.... damn. anyway, really great and fun album, truly has taken over my brain. recommended tracks: break my soul, thique, pure/honey, all up in your mind
three cheers for sweet revenge by my chemical romance probably my most listened to album in high school (followed by good apollo i'm burning star by coheed & cambria). i know it's generally agreed upon that the black parade is their best album, but i personally like three cheers a little more. part of it is nostalgia (belting out "i'm not okay" and "helena" whenever it got played) and i just like the grittier sound the album has. still fantastic even after all these years. recommended tracks: helena, i'm not okay, thank you for the venom, i never told you what i do for a living
twin temple (bring you their signature sound.... satanic doo-wop) by twin temple literally what it says on the package: satanic doo-wop. and it's really, really good. satan's got great taste in music. they have a song not on this album that's my favorite, but this is still a really excellent album. i believe they record using the wall of sound technique, which makes their stuff sound really rich. hits the brain just right. recommended tracks: satan's a woman, i'm wicked, let's hang together, femme fatale
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I posted 9,896 times in 2022
8 posts created (0%)
9,888 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,674 of my posts in 2022
#dracula daily - 838 posts
#esc 2022 - 115 posts
#goncharov - 43 posts
#the untamed - 27 posts
#jonathan harker - 27 posts
#mo dao zu shi - 27 posts
#mina harker - 24 posts
#jonmina - 24 posts
#figure skating - 21 posts
#lucy westenra - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#u want to destroy a person's creation which is one of humanity's greatest acts. this being van gogh. an artist who's notably suffered a lot
My Top Posts in 2022:
thanks for tagging me @asocialpessimist 💕
4 songs I've been blasting lately:
i'm back in my dimash kudaibergen phase, literally loml 💞
as i've said previously aespa savage is thee 2022 mood
halsey latest album... literally the best
See the full post
6 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with (or tag whomever) 
tagged by @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves thank you bestie 💖
favourite colour: sea blue 💙
last song: she's fine by heize
currently reading: anthology of global love poetry, selected poems by alejandra pizarnik, various wenzhou fanfics
last movie: the love witch, i think? it's been way too long since i've seen anything
sweet, savoury, or spicy: yes to all, maybe sweet the most,,, all 3 simultaneously would be grand
currently working on: dealing with exam burnout and starting the new semester tomorrow
no pressure tags @nymphastral @artemisinfurs @sehn-sucht @castlesmoving @zehaenre @nartaki @hiding--places @nonoggh @full---ofstarlight 💞
8 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
10 characters 10 fandoms 10 tags
tagged by @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves and @asocialpessimist thank you besties <333 let's see what atrocity happens here
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media, in no particular order, then tag/send to ten people (anon or not) 💜
1. The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi - Wei Wuxian
2. Lord Seventh/Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor - Jing Beiyuan <3
3. Overwatch - D.va
4. Heaven Official's Blessing - Xie Lian
5. Percy Jackson - Percy Jackson
6. Pride & Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet
7. Dracula - Mina Murray/Harker
8. Because This Is My First Life - Yoon Ji Ho
9. Mr Queen - Jang Bong Hwan/Queen Kim So Yong
10. Assassin's Creed - Bayek of Siwa <3
no pressure tags @fandom-morelikefandoom @yesternight-was-awesome @nymphastral @nartaki @full---ofstarlight @theresa1441 @artemisinfurs @nonoggh @zehaenre @hanarinhightown
9 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
tagged by bestie @artemisinfurs <33333 thank you for tagging me
Favourite colour: sea blue, baby pink, burgundy red
Currently reading: Dracula via dracula daily, Съкровения by Дамян Дамянов, started Siren Queen by Nghi Vo yesterday ! we'll see how the last one goes
Last song: Paranoia by Kang Daniel
Last series: Tale of the Nine-Tailed ep 5 on TV with my parents lmao, they have been exposed to the wonders of kdrama
Last movie: no idea, haven't seen a movie in ages lmao
Sweet/spicy/savoury: sweet for sure
Currently working on: just passed my last exam yesterday, so now it's all rest and fun! time to read 30 books in one month, draw and paint, compose songs and sing, and so on and so forth
tagging @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves @asocialpessimist @yesternight-was-awesome @nymphastral @full---ofstarlight @hanarinhightown @theresa1441 @nonoggh @nartaki @samodivas @me-sharing-with-the-world @sleepingfancies @amadryades hi mutuals no pressure <333
12 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
was tagged by @nymphastral long time no see bestie 💕
tea or hot chocolate // cozy books or halloween movies // plaid or corduroy // foggy morning or twinkly nights // orange or black // pumpkin pie or apple pie (I only like walnut pie) // wool or velvet // picking fruit or carving pumpkins (taking walks in the park? 😇) // libraries or coffee shops // cinnamon or peanut butter // spooky halloween or cozy halloween // candles or fairy lights  
no pressure tagging @thearchdemongreatlydisapproves @asocialpessimist @artemisinfurs @yesternight-was-awesome @yesyoutubeisruiningmylife @hanarinhightown @fandom-morelikefandoom @full---ofstarlight @samodivas @me-sharing-with-the-world @amadryades hi mutuals <3 I'd love to see what yall would pick 👀💕
12 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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noloveforned · 4 months
we wrap up no love for ned's 2023 run on wlur tonight as we do every year- with our annual best of twenty years ago show! tune in from 8pm-midnight for four hours of non-hits from 2003. it's pretty much a time capsule back to the early days of no love for ned online!
last week's 2023 holiday show is up on mixcloud. putting it together also taught me that there's a 4,096 character limit to a paragraph block on tumblr (thus the split half-way through).
no love for ned on wlur – december 22nd, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label jackson 5 // up on the house top // christmas album // motown the sweaterettes // ugly sweater time // ugly sweater time 7" // (self-released) pre nup // war, on christmas // kingfisher blues christmas 2018 7" compilation // kingfisher bluez jen turrell and stewart anderson featuring myffy // hey! it's christmas! // hey it's christmas compilation // emotional response problem patterns // christmas number one // a very cherry christmas volume seventeen compilation // cherry gurr featuring eddie argos // christmas holiday // christmas business ep // duchess box billiam and busted head racket // i'm existential // genetic southern hemisphere christmas ep // (self-released) bubble and squeak // the christmas stick // jangle bells- a rough trade shops christmas compilation // rough trade erie choir // xmas in nyc // xmas in nyc digital single // potluck foundation jodie marie // (i don't wanna be) alone this christmas // (i don't wanna be) alone this christmas digital single // carmel peaness // kiss me sweet pea // kiss me sweet pea 7" // totally snick the popguns // the twelve days of christmas // 24 compilation // where it's at is where you are the hannah barberas // oh santa claus! (2019 version) // christmas bandwagon vol. 2 ep // (self-released) anselmus // santa's got a lot of sarah records 7" in his bag // a very chaotic christmas digital split single // chaotic pop the del vetts // i want a boy for christmas // meet mrs. santa claus compilation // koko mojo nat brower // coal // merry christmas ep // (self-released) the linda lindas // groovy xmas // jangle bells- a rough trade shops christmas compilation // rough trade comet gain // christmas records! // (i hate) christmas records! ep // (self-released) the bug club // christmas lullaby // green dream in f# // we are busy bodies neil brogan // christmas (with a small c) // christmas ep // brogan the photocopies // under christmas lights (new mix) // stragglers ep // (self-released) be afraid // never gay at christmastime // kingfisher bluez christmas single 2023 7" compilation // kingfisher bluez aaron roche // a central florida christmas // a familyre christmas, volume 5 compilation // sounds familyre the crystal furs // christmas is better with you // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) and gone // i'll be home for xmas // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) when nalda became punk // xmas with you // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) silver biplanes // silver bells // a shambotic xmas mini ep compilation // shambotic elysium // christmas // dewdrops primer 1996 7" compilation // dewdrops kadhja bonet // california holiday // california holiday ep // ninja tune the memories featuring pynkie // christmas time // christmas time digital single // gnar tapes sinkane // christmas wrapping // jangle bells- a rough trade shops christmas compilation // rough trade lola kirke // cross you off my list // little drummer girl digital single // bmg grade school // christmas everyday // kingfisher bluez christmas single 2021 7" compilation // kingfisher bluez wednesday week // christmas here // a midnight christmas mess compilation // midnight deerheart // the sweetest season // have yourself a merry indie christmas volume i compilation // (kevin mcgrath) swansea sound // santa bail me out // santa bail me out ep // skep wax thee mightees // christmas song // delicious christmas vol. 3- return of the christmas ep (split 8" w/ five leaf nettles) // delicious clam sunturns // the sun turns // christmas // fika
0 notes
caruliaa · 11 months
okay very ironic since it is soooo far later for u and u are awake JSBSJS which omg so valid but i hope u get some good sleep tn still dearest HSBSJSJ but omg i dont even have to be up very early tmrw but. i also slept in insanely late today JABSJSJ so i think if my body is trying to get thattt much sleep then thats a sign i should sleep as sooon as possible LOLLLL so yeah i want to say before i do that!!!!! holy shittttt vcing today was sooooosososooooooo much fun like aghhh the livholden ep we watched was so good and it was sooo fun to watch stuff with you in general and it was sososoo fun to chat and laugh and hear abt stuff from u and share stuff w you like!!! just always allll thee time spending time with you is sosososoooo lovely and wonderful and amazinggg and like just being your friend in general is like thee best most amazing incredible wonderful thing and you are the most wonderful compassionate caring understanding friend jules !!!!!!!! and i just feel sososososoo lucky to know you not only bcuz of all the insanely many ways that you make my life so much better and warmer but also just because i feel lucky to know a person as lovely and good as youuu flappy and!!!! i really really do want you to know that you mean the world to me and i care smmm abt you and i love you soooooo muchhhhhhhh (hugs youu for a while if u like!! 💕💕💕💕‼️‼️‼️🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕‼️‼️‼️💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻‼️‼️‼️💕💕‼️🫶🏻‼️💕)
yayeah SFGDFGS i did actually send u a gn ask but at the exact time u send me one which yk is a !! bad sign for how late im staying up DFHFDHDF but ya i tihnk got like some goodish sleep in but i did get up at like 1:30 soo yk not thee best DFHDFGDF but yayeah i hope u got lots of good rest too my dearest and ough omg ur so so sweet ;; i hope you know that i really had sm fun vcing too like watching liv and maddie and boy meets world together and just getting to like vc and chat and spend time together rly was soso fun an nice and lovely i think :3 !!! so im soso glad that it was the same for you my love and that i can be such a good friend to you my dearest and and be like caring and understanding and compassionate and stuff to you becuase you really are do just deserve it soso very much and i really do just want to soso very much becuase you are just !!! so os wonderful and amazing and special and dear to me and i hope you know that you really are the same to me and such a wonderful kind caring thoughtful frein who makes me feel so loved and cared for and safe with you and just knowing someone as wonderful brings me sm joy and light and warmth and happiness and i hope you know that you really do just mean everything to me and i love you too so so very very much *hugs you back soso close soso much* 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
about three things, i was absolutely positive. first, gunshots is thee best jenmish tumblr. second, there is a part of her, and i didn't know how potent that part may be - that is absolutely unhinged (appreciative). and third, i am unconditionally and irrevocably stuck in this dumpster with her (affectionate). // SORRY FOR THIS HORRIBLE QUOTE. but i love it here, dear gunshots. i feel like i picked up a bunch of weird info over the months (omg) that i've been an anon over here, but what stands out is your spot on balance of unhinged but respectful (!!!!) which i appreciate more than i can say. in a fandom that can be so toxic, you're just vibin', being here, being your best self, making us laugh, making us chew glass, making us reblog like and smash that subscribe button. you're always willing to listen and provide thoughtful answers to us anons. you've had a tough year, but you're still here, preaching buffy (i am getting close to wanting to watch it. i remember seeing a few eps when it still aired), falling hard for succession (i am cheering you!) and still serving highly curated good SPN and thirst traps. i can think of no one i'd rather celebrate FIMMF with.✨✨✨- 🧩-anon
do NOT say you are sorry this is the best thing i have ever read!!! i am not ashamed to admit that this made me tear the fuck UP helloooo you are the fucking best???? this might be the booster talking but idc because it is true, this is so fucking sweet and thoughtful and idk man. i really don't know what to say. it made me feel seen in the best way, so thank you so much?? <3333333
also PLEASEEEEE if you watch buffy i will ascend to the moonnnnn (you shan't regret it. you have my word)
it's been an honor *jackles salute*
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luvneedsnosyt · 3 years
My Favorite Albums of November 2020
Here’s my monthly list of albums released in October I was feeling, and some other discoveries made during the month.
Previous Month’s Lists: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2020 halfway through the year here
Aesop Rock - Spirit World Field Guild Genre: Indie Hip Hop
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Proof: Boot Soup / Kodokushi
BENEE - Hey u x Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Sheesh (Feat. Grimes) / Supalonely (Feat. Gus Dapperton)
BOSCO - Car Therapy EP Genre: R&B / neo-Soul
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Proof: Greenlight (Feat. Dana WIlliams) / Changes
Bree Runway - 2000AND4EVA [Mixtape] Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: ATM (Feat. Missy Elliott) / Damn Daniel (w/ Yung Baby Tate)
Far Out - Beyond The Horizon EP Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Focus (Feat. Heather Sommer) / Wherever We Are (Feat. Monika Santucci)
glaive - cypress grove EP Genre: Indie pop / Alternative
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Proof: astrid / hey hi hyd
GRACEY - The Art Of Closure Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: Empty Love (w/ Ruel) / Like That (w/ Alexander 23)
Kacy Hill - Just Circling Back Here: Is It Selfish If I Talk About Me Again (Remixes) Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: Six (Umru Remix) / Porsche (Banoffee Remix)
Kali Uchis - Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otris Demonios)∞ Genre: R&B / Soul / Latin
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Proof: fue mejor (w/ PARTYNEXTDOOR) / telepatía
Kylie Minogue - DISCO Genre: Pop / House / Dance
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Proof: Magic / Till You Love Somebody
Lastlings - First Contact Genre: Electronic / Future Bass / Dance
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Proof: Deja Vu / No Time
Little Mix - Confetti Genre: Pop
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Proof: Sweet Melody / Nothing But My Feelings
Megan Thee Stallion - Good News Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Circles / Savage Remix (Feat. Beyoncé)
Meg Myers - I’d Like 2 Go Home Now EP // Thank You For Taking Me 2 The Disco EP Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: True Liars / Sweet Liar // Any Way You Wanna Love / i hope you cry (w/ morgxn)
Reptaliens - Wrestling EP Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: Taking / Just A Creature
Russ - CHOMP EP Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Inside Job (Feat. DJ Premier) / Momentum (Feat. Benny the Butcher & Black Thought)
SAINt JHN - While The World Was Burning [Mixtape] Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Back On The Ledge / Roses (Imanbek Remix)
Sam Feldt - Home Sweet Home EP Genre: Electronic / Tropical House / Dance
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Proof: Home Sweet Home (Feat. ALMA & Digital Farm Animals) / The Best Days (Feat. Tabitha)
Savannah Ré - Opia Genre: R&B / Soul
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Proof: Love Me Back / Sacred
Various Artists - Ophelia Presents: Advent, Vol. 2 Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Napa Cabbage - Stars (Feat. Alye) / KEPIK & Nick Ledesma - New Horizon (Feat. Luma)
Viji - Are You In My Head EP Genre: Indie Rock
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Proof: Unfair / Ghost Song
xylø - Outsiders Club EP Genre: Synth Pop
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Alone / Chlorine
Some catch up and deluxe edition albums released
Busta Rhymes - Extinction Level Event 2: The Wrath of God (The Deluxe Edition) Genre: Hip Hop Released November 2020 Originally Released October 2020
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Proof: Calm Down (Feat. Eminem) / Blow A Million Racks
Chromeo - Quarantine Casanova (The Seoul Remixes) Genre: Funk / Electronic / Dance Released October 2020
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Proof: Clorox Wipe (Glen Check Remix) / Stay in Bed (And Do Nothing) [SUMIN Remix]
Jack Garratt - Love, Death & Dancing (Vol. 5 Reworks) EP Genre: Pop / R&B / Electronic Released October 2020
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Proof: Better (rework) / Circles (rework)
Kevin Ross - Audacity Vol. 2 EP Genre: R&B / Soul Released August 2020
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Proof: Everybody Here Wants You (w/ Canjelae) / Salvation
Lecrae - Restoration: The Deluxe Album Genre: Christian Hip Hop Released November 2020 Originally Released August
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Proof: Come Thru Jesus / Deep End (Remix) Feat Rapsody
PVRIS - Use Me (Deluxe) Genre: Indie Rock / Synth Pop / Alternative Released August 2020
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Proof: Thank You (Feat RAYE) / Use Me (Mija Remix) Feat. 070 Shake
Agent Sasco (Assassin) - Sasco vs Assassin EP, Birdy - Piano Sketches EP, DaBaby - My Brother’s Keeper (Long Live G), Hausky - Slow EP, Foogiano - Gutta Baby,  French Montana - CB5, Future & Lil Uzi Vert - Pluto x Baby Pluto,   Jeezy - The Recession 2, Juicy J - THE HUSTLE CONTINUES, Mae Muller - no one else, not even you EP, Miley Cyrus - Plastic Heart, Mitch - Better For You, Nicolay - Lights In The Sky EP, Nicolay - Never Stand Still EP, Omah Lay - What Have We Done EP, Rich The Kid & YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Nobody Safe, Smashing Pumpkins - CYR, 2 Chainz - So Help Me God! (November)
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mikuni14 · 9 months
Laws of Attraction Ep 6
I know that gushing about Film's acting is a constant in every review and it's probably getting boring already but ok I'll continue being boring 😉 He's AWESOME. The scene in the hospital where he transforms, when the new Charn puts a mask on the old Charn who is still peeking through that mask is literally one of the best scenes I've ever seen. Film was so good playing Charn in all scenes with his mom, both when he was happy and when he was in pain... Charn, thanks Film, is one of the best characters ever. He feels so real, so complex and idk how to describe it... so very alive.
I was also simply delighted with See in this episode, who showed Tantahi in a completely new version. Tanthai was very sweet, bashful, amazed by this new life and so charmingly clumsy, but also determined to "conquer" Thee. It says a lot about what is going on in his head that he is convinced that in his father's world, his social circle, he has a role to play and no matter what Thee thinks of him, who he himself wants to be, that role will always be more important and will alway win. Maybe Tanthai came to the same conclusion at a young age as Charn did on the hospital bed: that being "bad" is the best defense against getting hurt.
I liked how both Tin and Thee see the "real" Charn and Tanthai and how they want the world to see them the way they see them as well. I like their desperate fight for their souls and morals. I also like that Tinn loses this fight hehe :3
I liked the love scene, very romantic although in terms of heat it was only about one level better than their love scene in To Sir, My Love 😃 What I like the most is how they're both chill about it, how easily they talk about, there's no embarrassment or awkwardness between them (they were never like that and it's one of the many things I love about the drama) and it's just a natural part of their relationship.
Was Charn shot in the back? Because then he's lying on that back in the hospital, and I don't think I saw the scar on his back either 🤔
Will the man embracing Charn in his flashbacks show up again and make a mess? Was it his famous ex? 🤔
I still love how the series balances being a romantic comedy, cryminal, mystery and drama. That it shows the funny scenes of jealous Tin and Charn's tragedy in one episode. I would have given this episode 10/10 but I had to suffer and slowly die watching the WHOLE song, which I endured instead of skip as usual cause Charn was making cute faces, so it's 9/10 ✨
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parkwendy98 · 3 years
Favorite Albums of 2020
After Hours - The Weeknd
After hours is hands down my favorite album that came out in 2020. Nothing could top the masterpiece that this album is or can even try in my eyes. This album from start to finish tells a story about what I saw to be his downfall in love and the toxicity around him and within him. Not only did this story captures you with lyrics but visually in his music videos. The Weeknd has this touch within all his albums that tells a chapter of his life and this album is no different. With the retro trend coming in full force, The Weeknd had one of the best retro albums this year and not only that; the best album. This album showed his voice and the melancholy tone that he can produce is beautiful and pulls you in for the wild ride that is After Hours. Grammys can’t see.
Favorite tracks: Heartless and In Your Eyes
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Ungodly Hour- Chloe x Halle
Ungodly Hour has one of the best vocal performance in a album that came out in 2020. Ungodly Hour touches on the topics of sex, cheating and making drunk mistakes that most young adults can relate to. The tracks of the song touches on being with someone and doing not so nice things to them with a beautiful melody that makes you not notice the bad things they’re saying. The album is the equivalent to driving to the beach to watch the sun set, it’s such a easy to listen to album that anyone could have it playing in the background. It shows two sides to a female in as relationship they can be loving but once you do them wrong they will make sure everyone knows the kind of person they are. Ungodly Hour is truly heavenly.
Favorite tracks: Wonder What She Thinks of Me and Busy Boy
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Love goes - Sam Smith
Love Goes is the ending of a relationship and the confusions you feel when your alone for the first time. This album does a deep dive in relationships from cheating to someones own insecurities being in a relationship. Something that most can relate to, finding someone and wanting to be with them without complications is something that most crave for. Having the fear that one day that person that you are in love with can leave is something heartbreaking but also creates fear of being in love fully. This album shows the melancholy of relationships but unlike other songs that have a happy beat to make a playful songs in an album, the instrumentals showcases the sadness and loneliness that one feels. Love goes is something that we all experience and sometimes the best thing you can do is watch it go.
Favorite tracks: To Die For and My Oasis (feat. Burna Boy)
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Good News - Megan thee stallion
Good News was indeed good news to me when I saw it dropping and the first album that isn’t so melancholy on this list. This album touches on topics that Megan went through this year such as body confidence and as well the public attacking her. The album teaches people to be the baddest bitch in the game and to gain confidence that most may not have. This album is unapologetic confident and loving yourself. Instead of using ballads of expressing self love, the album demands the confidence to flow through them and let everyone know that they’re word will not change them. It also touches on the topic of sex, showing females can be comfortable with their sexual needs and experiences. Good News is the embodiment of confidence and being comfortable in your own skin, something we all can learn from.
Favorite tracks: Body and circles
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Future Nostalgia - Dua Lipa
Future Nostalgia takes the nostalgia to the next level with the retro inspiration and as well as the Madonna touches through the album. It makes you feel like your in another decade but somehow it still gives you nostalgia of the past at the same time. The album is a good feeling album and makes you want to dance with your friends with the disco ball above you. This album is one of the best retro albums that came out this year and it wasn’t something I expected for the next step in Dua Lipa’s career but it was a good step. Within this album, Dua Lipa’s voice takes center stage and fits the retro tune so well that it feels like she’s found her tune. Future Nostalgia makes you feel like your in the future but with the past in your back pocket.
Favorite Tracks: Physical and Break my Heart
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Rare - Selena Gomez
Rare is the self love and worth with melancholy beats but as well as a happy beat making the sadness into a playful tune. It showcases what a person needs to do in order to fully love themselves and makes it known the hardships was just another push to become happy. The album touches on self worth and no matter what the person that you want to be with needs to treat you right because anyone can say I love you but do they mean it. It was Selena’s long awaiting album after five years of her last album but its a beautiful set of songs that showcases her progress as a person. Rare is truly rare when you realize how beautiful you are inside and out.
Favorite Tracks: Rare and Look At Her Now
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Confetti - Little Mix
Confetti was the celebration of finally being free from control that somehow turned into a heartbreak in a matter of seconds. The thought that this is the last album that will have four voices harmonizing hurts especially when you been there since the beginning. This album continues Little Mix’s theme of female empowerment, break ups and sisterhood. Little Mix has this talent that they are a group with four strong voices but none of them outshines each other but at the same time they allow each other shine with high notes. This group means a lot to me and without them I wouldn’t have the confidence that I have now. Little Mix created songs that even though sadness happened there will always be a celebration afterwards. Confetti is what you will see when the tears are finally gone and always remember that mental health is the most important thing and take care of it.
Favorite tracks: My Love Won’t Let You Down and Sweet Melody
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All About Luv - MonstaX
All About Luv is a cute collection of love songs ( hence the title and the day it was released ) that makes you giddy and warm on the inside. The album touches on all of the spectrum of what love is physical, emotionally, and mentally. It shows the love between two people and how beautiful that love is between them but at the same time it touches on the topic of wanting to be in love. Two ends of the spectrum but somehow it doesn’t feel out of place on the album but tells the story of love. This album could’ve been in Korean and I would still feel the same about it. Having the album fully in English was something I wasn’t expecting but it didn’t bother me because the collection was just that good. All About Luv makes you feel giddy about falling in love again or thinking of being in love with someone.
Favorite tracks: She’s the one and Someone’s Someone
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Breath of Love: Last Piece - Got7
Breath of Love: Last Piece was a long awaiting album where JYP didn’t touch and Got7 had full control of it and boy did it pay off. I honestly think this is Got7’s best album and the fact they had creative control say in shows how talented they are. The album itself has a refreshing listen to and it’s different then most of the songs that came out in Kpop during this period making them stand out to me. The first song Breath was the most refreshing song we could’ve gotten this year and it showcased the vocals that got7 has. Last piece was something that was different for Got7 and its something that fits them so well as well. I hope Got7 will be able to continue this and make more songs for their albums, the songs that they made were so good. This album made others who weren’t in Got7’s fandom see the vocal talent and the dances that they do are beautiful. It feels good that they got the recognition for their talents instead of being just funny. Breath of Love: Last Piece is Got7’s best album and its the start of Got7 having creative choices for their albums in the future.
Favorite tracks: I Mean It and Born Ready
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Maria - Hwasa
Maria is Hwasa’s first EP and the collection of songs are showing her struggles and what she tells herself through these hardships. This EP is one of the most beautiful things I have heard in awhile, it made me cry and it made me understand Hwasa a little more through it. Maria is the first song and its actually her baptismal name making the song already very personal to her. If you listen to the song itself and not look into the lyrics and the meaning then the song sounds like a very well crafted Kpop song. However, when you read the lyrics does it change that. “Maria, Maria I’m saying this for you. It’s a shining night, don’t torture yourself. Oh Maria, I’m saying this for you. Why are you trying so hard, you’re already beautiful.” The whole song is her trying to convince herself that everything is okay and to not listen to the people that want to send hate. The song shows the darkness of being in the limelight but it shows her taking control of It towards the end of the song. The rest of the songs on the EP expressing things that Hwasa been through and it makes her fans more connected to her. Maria is a beautiful collection that shows the struggles of being in the limelight and how you can take control to make yourself happy.
Favorite tracks: Maria and LMM
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Honorable mentions:
Monster - Irene and Seulgi
1 billion Viewa - Exo-SC
Dystopia: the tree of language - Dreamcatcher
Self-Portrait - Suho
EP 9 - Qveen Herby
DYE - Got7
Chilombo - Jhene Aiko
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
Riverdale S5 Ep18 Thoughts *Spoilers*
Thoughts under cut to keep tag clean :)
- My boy Fangs giving Betty a free drink <3
- The twins 😭😭
- God Lili is such an incredible actor I wish she was able to truly show it (aka not cringe scenes where she’s pretending to be badass)
- OH THAT’S CHARLES I WAS LIKE?!!? WHO TF? But omg their voices are so good?!?!!? Lol they amplified s1!Betty by a million fshdjf
- “Those seven years we lost after graduation” acting like you two were supposed to be together? He cheated on you with your “best friend” but anyways at least I know VA are bones after this episode
- Britta living at the school aw my poor sweet child “THERE’S NOTHING DEVIANT ABOUT YOU” wait but the Choni parallel?! I love Toni sm
- fuckkkkk Lili’s voice 💕💕💕 “And I miss my mother”
- “Jones, does that work for you?” FUCK ME UP. I know that they’re currently fake dating but still MUAH “You could just ask me to be your real boyfriend” shut the fuck up I am going to collapse?! “I’m trying to tell you I like you” JABITHAAAAAAA RISINGGGGGG “I could be perfect for you, I might be lazy, a loner, a bit of a stoner"
- Jabitha kiss has a million times more chemistry than any bh scene we love to see it thrown in everyone’s faces <3
- “Glamazon” lmao but poor Betty watching her mom spiral 😭😭
- Jeronica eating at the same table muah nah but Jughead always gets her references smh why couldn’t Jughead have stayed </3 LET JERONICA HAVE AN ACTUAL FRIENDSHIP YOU COWARDS
- Polly’s ashes </3 “tell Betty to stop being such a brat” god we missed out on Cooper sibling arguing and rivalries it’s so not fair :(
- Considering I lost my mom a few months ago this hits so hard, and just trying to get out and do something is so relatable.
- Veronica and Jughead finally having that comic like friendship but did she have to say redacted that was so??? weird. But Archie staying at the station just so he didn’t have to be with Veronica I giggled for the demise of Varchie
- “to your false gods” so is yours Penelope??? shut up
- Penelope so offended but this bitch really
- a licensed stockbroker… isn’t that what Veronica is? I don’t know jack shit about any of that shit so sjflajdfkaljsfl I just know “wall street” and money that’s it
- Again, Lili’s voice <3 and also Charles and Polly singing is so good FUCK we deserved so much more
- Betty drove Polly away?? We saw her for two seconds and she was getting into drugs and gangs and shit while living with you… I know she’s just lashing out but damn :( “She died because of you” no but my sister saying the same to me about my mom this shit fucking hurts poor Betty
- “Can we check in” his face was immediately “ugh why…"
- He sees himself in Riverdale and Veronica sees herself in New York mmhm but like that’s literally what s5 before time jump said and so it’s like???????
- that handhold was so platonically romantic wtf
- A BETTY AND KEVIN SONG!? does this mean they can actually act like friends now instead of it being all Betty and only Kevin when they need him for two seconds?? Aw her leaning her head on Kevin’s shoulder
- Aww Kevin and Betty’s hug <3
- TABITHA GO OFF! Defend Jughead muahhhh
- Jughead’s hands rubbing over her arms FUCK Stalia had that too omg we love ships with immense chemistry! Bughead 0 Jabitha infinity AHHHHH THE KISS AND THE SOUND OF THE KISS?!! I’M DEADDDDDDDDDDDDDD
- Toni going to Cheryl for Britta 🥺💕 “I loved you, and I felt your love. And I know the huge capacity for love your heart has.” FUCK we love Choni
- Veronica initiating the breakup is just so good since she’s the only one who ever put any effort into thee relationship.
- “go back to dating” then what the fuck are you doing now?? Is there a difference???????
- BETTY STAYING IN RIVERDALE FOR HER MOM, AND ALSO ARCHIE SEEING HIMSELF IN RIVERDALE FIVE YEARS FROM NOW?! BARCHIEEEEEEEEE RISING (sounds out of pocket but I know what happens in the end/in the promo for next ep so)
- This is lovely but also does this mean Betty stops trying to be an FBI agent? Hopefully she can be an investigative journalist or something instead because it fits her so much better
- Lili and Madchen’s voices in this song muah so beautiful
- I still find it so interesting that when they don’t have bhva they can actually write better
- wait you’re supposed to bury ashes…? isn’t the point to just pour them someplace the deceased would like and put it in jewelry—
- “I think I love you.” “I think I love you too” I knew it was probably going to happen with the baby and such but where did these feelings come from? Toni and Fangs never showed ANY hint of romantic feelings I—??
- FANGS SINGING? OH a kiss okay-
- VARCHIE BONESSS YASSSSSS FINALLY we’ve waited for this for four seasons!
- This funeral scene though is so </3 I was about to ask why Penelope’s there and then I remembered that she’s related to them asdfghjkl
- VEGGIE AND BARCHIE, CHERYL BEING KIDNAPPED AND SET ABLAZE LIKE SHE’S A WITCH?! BRO WHAT oaky but this promo slapped… we miss them being good at promoting and writing better (s1 we miss you) it’s still crazy but it’s not overly and annoyingly obnoxiously insane to where it’s boring and dumb af I can’t wait!
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cowboy · 3 years
Wait ive gotten into of montreal fairly recently (ive only listened to hissing fauna and a few other songs hwre and there) which are your fave albums so i know what to listen to next :)
Hissing fauna is one of my fuckin FAVORITES so good job there. My thing is I like most every single one of his albums and I've had various shifting favorites throughout the years so it can depend. However if you really liked hissing fauna I'd say a next good step would be false priest and then satanic panic and then sunlandic twins. Don't sleep on the eps either I love rune husk to pieces!! N the ep with du og meg on it. Oh yeah icons abstract thee. And also SKELETAL LAMPING honestly that's one of theeee best albums by them. Also, paralytic stalks is slept on. One or two songs are skippable on it but the first three songs go hard as hell. Anyway if you want specific song recs I could do that as well lol. And if you want more indie sound go earlier in their discography; cherry peel is such a cute album!! Try innocence reaches if you want more pop depression, and lousy in Sylvianbriar if you want some sweet sad country-ish tunes. Really underrated.
Anyway you can send asks like this to my music sideblog @falsepriest ^_^ thank u for asking
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