allatariel · 21 hours
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thank you to @gordopickett who tagged me two Sundays ago <3 I am so slow!!
Tagging: @madamairlock @brynnmclean, @callioope, @toodeeplyinvested, @tiltedsyllogism
Tagging more (because tumblr is broken): @spectral-musette, @narilwrites, @sparkleplatypuswriter, @moocowmoocow, @melyzard
And anyone else who would like to <3
So, this is a brand new season 4 standard issue fix-it, because I have no focus and am going with the flow—when it decides to actually flow. The idea came to me while I was writing some tags on an imagine your OTP style post on Friday night and then proceeded to stay up way too late writing this as a path to that. And going back to check my memory of Graciana this morning, I think I misremembered her as 4–5 instead of 5–6 years old, something to fix later! This may pull in the other season 4 snippets I've already posted, not sure yet. But definitely leads to Brazil! Currently calling it We Are Fortunate Ones I Swear. Also, I can't seem to limit myself to sharing seven sentences, so here's an additional twelve with it!
“Mamá!” Graciana exclaimed again, with even more gusto and a touch of sass, and Aleida’s attention snapped to her. Her daughter’s attention was fixed on something outside her window and her face lit up as she pointed. “I see tío!” Aleida’s brow furrowed as she followed the line of her pointing hand to see a familiar man holding a black umbrella stepping off the curb to cross the street in front of them. They’d only met a few times and Graciana was already calling him “tío”? Before Aleida could even begin to process that thought, Graciana had jabbed the button to roll down her window and called to him at top volume. “Tío Sergei!” Sergei looked startled and then smiled warmly when he recognized them. “Miss Graciana! Hello!” he called and she giggled as he hurried over to her and bent down some, holding his umbrella over the open window. “You’re getting rain in your mother’s lovely car,” he chided her gently before giving Aleida a nod and waving. “Hello Aleida.” Graciana shyly leaned back towards Aleida, her prior boldness gone but her smile remained bright. Aleida smirked at her daughter’s sudden shift and addressed Sergei. “What are you doing walking in this mess?” “Oh, it’s not so bad, only a little drizzle. My hotel is right there”—he pointed behind him and then at the McDonald’s across the street—”and I’m just getting some dinner.” “We’re having ice cream bars!” Graciana found her voice again and Sergei chuckled as Aleida grinned and wrapped her arm around her. “After dinner, there may be ice cream,” Aleida corrected Graciana without any heat and then looked up at Sergei smiling at them a little distantly. “Would you like to join us?” she asked without really thinking of anything but the fondness she’d seen between him and Margo at dinner only a few nights ago.
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simatomica · 3 days
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color palette generator
Ty for tagging @kuroashims <3
It didn't understand my actual username so I just chose Atomica. I'm not mad at it. Very summer, much wow.
tagging: @midnightsquartz @lilamausmaus @sertrallne @rebelangelsims @plumbewb
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everoutoftouch · 2 months
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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crabussy · 2 years
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you know the drill!!
ID in alt text [:
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rocaillefox · 1 year
ok. important question. rb and put in the tags if u prefer/tolerate sending emails or making phone calls more
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mismeander · 1 year
New tag meme, reblog and in the tags put the first thing that comes up when you type:
red orange yellow green blue purple pink
I'll go first
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laiostoudenn · 21 days
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tagged by @crownrots to do this picrew of kissy’s
Gale & Othello || Halsin & Othello
tagging @steamclouds @emblazons @an-excellent-choice @astrariums (don’t feel pressured everyone else I wanted to tag already did this 😭)
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soapskneebrace · 5 months
@ceilidho tagged me in a wip challenge, i think it's a 1k word thing? (checks notes) Oh it's WIP Wednesday!
no pressure tags: @smoggyfogbottom @lunarvicar @391780
Meanwhile, have 1k of a gangbang I may or may not finish. Set in the neighborsverse but completely noncanon. Or is it??? (It isn't.)
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“That comfortable, love?” John asks as he adjusts the blindfold. “Not too tight?”
“Feels fine,” you say, blinking against the fabric. 
The silhouettes of the other men are dim through the weave, but you can pick each one out by where they are sitting from before John tied your eyes. Ghost is leaning against the front door, arms crossed loosely over his chest. Soap is sprawled across John’s couch, and you know he’s still wearing that rakish grin. And Gaz has his elbows on the back of John’s armchair, drumming his fingers against the cushion.
All of them have their eyes on you. You don’t need to see it to know. You can feel it. Their gazes on you, as you sit kneeled on the rug, are every bit as tangible as the warm air that billows from the radiator across your bare skin. You are in a filmy, sleeveless dress, and nothing else.
“Rules of the game,” says John, fingers lightly tracing the sides of your neck, “you have to figure out which of my men is which. If you do, we get to move on. If you don’t, you have to try again.”
You nod. “Yes, John.”
Someone takes in a breath. “Shite.” You’re pretty sure it’s Soap. You don’t hide your smile.
“Meanwhile, you lot have your orders,” John addresses the other men. “And you know I’ll step in if I have to. She’s also got her killswitch if she needs it. Don’t you, love?”
“Benzo,” you relay obediently. 
Someone snorts. “The ex? Really?” Gaz says aloud.
“It’s a pill,” you reply sweetly. “There’s no relation.”
“Sure, hen,” Soap chuckles, “and I sailed a banana boat down the Clyde.”
“English, Johnny.”
“Awa’ an bile yer heid!”
You feel John press his lips to your hair, feel him cup your jaw on both sides with long fingers. “I’ll be here the whole time,” he murmurs.
Heat pools in the pit of your stomach, begins to seep into your skin. Your pulse is a steady, strong beat behind the drum of your breastbone. “Yes, John.”
You know he’s given the men a signal to begin, because Soap rises from the couch to approach you.
John’s hands leave your neck and travel, flat and fingers spread, down your back as a new pair cradles your face. Fingertips trace the outlines of your browbone, press into the hinge of your jaw as warm lips brush teasingly against yours, breath fanning across your mouth.
You part your lips to let out a shaky sigh, and that’s when he kisses you, firm and playful. The hands slide from your face to the sides of your neck, encircling as the thumbs press into the soft underside of your chin, while the tip of his tongue grazes the edge of your teeth. It’s a kiss that knows it’s getting seconds, and wants to make sure you look forward to it.
Soap pulls away, dragging his hands up your neck and along your jaw before his touch retreats.
“Gaz,” you pretend to guess.
“Wrong,” John murmurs. He presses his mouth against your bare shoulder, and you can feel him smile. “Next.”
Next is Gaz, who kisses you without preamble, hands resting on your hips and squeezing. He’s smiling, too, and rather than one kiss he gives you several, tiny pecks from one corner of your mouth to the other that are unexpectedly ticklish.
You can’t help your giggle, and you know if you get them all wrong the jig will be up. “Alright, that’s Gaz.”
“All day,” says the sergeant, a laugh in his tone. He kisses you again for getting it right, his hands ascending to squeeze you around the waist, and then he retreats.
Ghost comes to you then, and he does not touch you. Even on his knees, he towers over you, and you feel his hands brace on either side of your thighs as he leans down to your level. You can’t feel his breath on your face, but you can feel his eyes as he looks at you.
He leans in a moment later, and presses his mouth very softly to your chin.
“Oh,” you breathe, tender and trembling at the gentleness.
“S’alright,” John says over your shoulder, low and rumbling, and you know he’s not talking to you. His hands are warm and soothing on your low back. “She likes it just like that. Go on.”
Then Ghost’s lips press to yours, feather-light, coaxing, moving along the contours of your mouth. You can’t help leaning into it, magnetized, and when you do Ghost seems to get more comfortable—he kisses you harder, one big hand cupping the back of your neck, his tongue easing between your teeth to stroke your own. A moan leaves you, completely unbidden, low and needy.
“Christ,” Soap says. You hear the sound of a hand against fabric, and your whole body throbs when you realize he’s rubbing himself over his trousers.
“How’s this supposed to be a game if you give it away, sergeant?” Price grouses.
You laugh against Ghost’s mouth, and he rewards you for it with the slide of his hand into your hair, gripping firm at the root as he tilts your head and licks deeper into your mouth. Your hands come up to steady yourself on the broad plane of his chest, his pectorals flexing beneath your palms. You can barely breathe as he practically drinks from you, his lips wet and noisy against yours.
“Jesus, LT, you’re just going for it,” Gaz says, clearly impressed.
Ghost finally pulls away, and you pant for oxygen as he breathes evenly, seemingly unaffected. “Someone’s got to show you muppets how to do it.”
Price’s hand strokes over the hair that Ghost had mussed. “Watch yourself.”
“Sad you can’t join in, Cap?” Soap laughs. “Wouldn’t be fair, would it? You could pick him out right away, aye, hen?”
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New tag game: Show me y'all's fucking open tabs (four of them) and the last three things y'all googled. Me first :3. (Because i'm bored as fuck).
Last 3 things i googled:
Pop off meaning
Were edric and emira in labyrinth runners
My four open tabs:
Zoophobia comic plot
Our trolls are different tv tropes page
Why is deadpool immortal
Cinco de mayo celebration
@mustard-ketchh-tomatosauce @angst-is-love-angst-is-life @goblinofthelaboratory @i-eat-grease @zegalba @gravemud @star01007 @expressingexperience @wildemaven @selfproclaimedunicorn @vixstarria @sommerregenjuniluft @kuroashims @pizza-feverdream @wildelydawn @chaosheadspace @egg-baby-official @morguemaw @glitchysquidd @rootbeer-queer @nova-raptor @funky-frankie @amethyst-aster @theninjabozo @an-adhd-infested-nerd and anyone else who wants to join. good god this took a while.
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yeehawpim · 7 months
Core Tag Game
On pinterest, search [your name + core] and post 6 pictures and tag 6 people.
Thanks for the tag @47witchyneurons
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@codaattheend @vsemily @vathexe @feelo-fick @meltypen @ribbittrobbit
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offside-the-lines · 5 months
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inspired by this tweet
tag yourself (i'm embellishment sun, mouthpiece violation moon and holding the stick rising)
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lovertm · 30 days
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which rat are you? by span.gela
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bengiyo · 6 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
I saw @negrowhat involved in this (not surprised at all. I love your thirsty ass.) and tagged by @lurkingshan this is such a hard list to make. I have been deep in BL for years. This was difficult, because these characters primarily exist as half of a pair. There are so man mens in this genre. I will not rank them in any way, but here's my list of 10 I would risk it for right now.
Ueda Minoru (Our Dining Table)
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This boy was so gay for Yutaka that he had to shut it and himself down before it went too far. With the levels of pure devotion pouring out of this man, I just know it's good.
Zhou Shu Yi
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I can see what Gao Shi De sees. I have eyes.
Jung Woo (Choco Milk Shake)
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I completely get his pets desire to come back from the beyond to give this man what he needs.
Army (The Warp Effect)
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This man FUCKS. I don't have to explain myself.
Namneua (Wedding Plan)
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This man has experience and stamina. He won't just tell you what a bottom is. He will SHOW YOU what a bottom is.
Kyou (Kabe Koji)
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I just know Ryou is unhinged outside of this persona.
Minato (Minato Shouji Coin Laundry)
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Dick can't fix you. It isn't magical. Still, I'd like to try.
Han Ji Woo (To My Star)
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I just know that when this boy unclenches a little bit it's gonna be memorable.
Karan (Cherry Magic TH)
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Every version of Kurosawa is barely hanging on the edge of propriety, and Karan is no different. I would like to see it.
Charn (Laws of Attraction)
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This man is crazy as hell. It would be worth it.
Kusakabe Ritsu (End of the World With You)
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We don't have to marry him. I just know it's big.
King (Bed Friend)
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This man is ridiculously attentive and so horny. I'd need to go two rounds just to see what he learned.
Chot (Step By Step)
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Y'all be sleeping on femmes. This man knows things.
Onoe Satoshi (Amerio Paradox)
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The Japanese boys rarely have lips. His were used well.
Vlad (Like in the Movies)
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I just know this man fucks like his life depends on it.
Yes, this was more than 10 people, but I'm gay and can do whatever I want.
Anyway, @ginnymoonbeam, @kyr-kun-chan, @twig-tea, @williamrikers @shortpplfedup you're up.
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thedegu · 1 year
Tag yourself, what you bring when you go out:
Bard: Alongside the necessities, you always bring either a musical instrument and/or a full makeup set. You never know when a party might start! Your bag is either $2 or $200. You make it work either way. Essentials? eh, if they're in there, they're in there.
Barbarian: phone wallet keys. Pants have pockets for a reason. If you're feeling spicy, you'll have a multi tool on your Keychain
Cleric: At LEAST one first aid kit, two lip balms snacks and drinks, bug spray and sunscreen for you freinds who forgot to put it on. Your purse weighs as much as a neutron star, but at least it's cute!
Druid: same as cleric, but you, instead of a purse, use one of those huge reusable grocery bags. More emphasis on snacks than the first aid kit (someone else will probably have that coveted, right?) But you might also have some loose dog treats in the bottom of your bag, so pay attention when snacking.
Fighter: You carry a backpack or over-the-shoulder duffel, but your phone wallet and other essentials are kept in your pockets because it's easier to access. What do you keep in your bag? Well, at least one knife and assorted tools and emergency supplies. You keep on forgetting to put in that first aid kit, but then you'd probably need to take out that 75 piece screwdriver kit, which, tbh is more useful in more situations.
Rainger: Look, you HAVE a bag, or... had one... you just leave it at home more often than you remember it. Look, you don't really need your phone when you're on a hike, right? And the trail mix in your pocket should be enough, too. Or you have a fanny pack that is more akin to a benign tumor. There is no in between.
Rogue: Just.... so many pockets. Like, sewing extra pockets into the inside of your jacket. Like "How did you fit that sub sandwich inside of there" pockets. Like you somehow have all of the tools you need for any reason on your person at any time without a bag amount of pocket. When you're fully suited up, your clothes work as a weighted blanket. It's honestly impressive and slightly terrifying.
Paladin: Like.... a bag?? Over the shoulder with RFID protection. Nothing too fancy either, phone, wallet, keys. Snacks and a small tube of sunscreen and maybe a hand warmer in the winter. Just get the job done, if you need something more you'll take it when you need it.
Wizard: You got the backpack on sale. That's what matters to you. Never mind how it makes your back hurt or that it's falling to pieces. It holds your books and laptop and.... ah, hm, everything else you need. Oh! It does have a cool wallet compartment... just let me... oh, it's so hard to get to give me one second... really, I do have the cash for this coffee. I swear one... oh, there goes my thesaurus.
Warlock: bags are meant as a fashion statement over their utility. Yeah, I can only fit my phone or my wallet in it, but I look good doing it, so what does it matter. Black is always in season, and so are chunky boots and spiked collars. Well it's not like you'll be going out without your freinds, you might as well have them hold your things, they honestly shouldn't trust you with your own credit cards anyway so it's a win-win
Sorcerer: You have one of those electronic bags that fallows you, and you've never looked back. Yes, it might be risky. Yes, taking a full luggage bag everywhere is a bit excessive. But if it does get stolen, the glitter bomb inside will make everything worth it. Hm? Where do you keep essentials? Oh, front pants pocket and brest pocket nbd.
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teethingpains · 6 months
𝔑𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔓𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢 ℑ'𝔡 𝔏𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔗𝔬 𝔊𝔢𝔱 𝔗𝔬 𝔎𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔅𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯
Tagged by @0junemeatcleaver0 and @uncivilcivilservice
Last Song: Hoist the Colours (Bass singers version) by Bobby Bass
Favorite Color: Tough question, I like dark reds and blues a lot, but also may soft blues
Currently Watching: Just been watching crafting youtube videos ^_^''
Last Movie/Show: Handmade: Britain's Best Woodworker (this season wasn't as good as the last two imo)
Spicy, Savory, or Sweet?: can i have savory with sweet?
Last Thing You Googled: the name of the wood working show lol
Tagging (with no pressure to do it): @this-writer-needs-coffee @altocat @glamgoblin @fofoqueirah @complicitsacrilege and anyone else who wants to do this (I'm so bad with remembering people's names I'm sorry)
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taichissu · 11 months
tagged by @celeryw to post the last song i listened to
ah shit this is embarrasing
tagging @unicodepepper @xxsdelphia @yuiaka and anyone who wants to (im sorry I'm so bad at remembering my mutuals' urls)
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