thedarthray · 1 month
Dreamazz - Terminator 3 by Darth Ray Via Flickr: Dreamazz - Terminator 3, Rise of the Machines Bloxx Figures T-X, T-850, T1-8, and T-800
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trainmaniac · 2 years
Horror Show by Leo Blackwelder Via Flickr: To call this a bold move is putting it lightly. New Ringgold was our next target, but the trick was to avoid the crowds - by going somewhere few are crazy enough to try. My guide had pulled this shot previously and I was eager to get a similar one for myself, but the trip there was not what I expected. Thanks to the brief stop at Port Clinton and avoiding the shots between there and New Ringgold, we had a decent amount of time, but there would be no wasting any of it. It's not a terribly far walk, but by god is it a scary one. Me and heights aren't the best of friends, and those planks were definitely not bolted in all the way. I'm kind of surprised I actually made it across. The timing was perfect though, as after our brief wait with a handful of others brave enough to make the short jaunt, the RBMN 2102 came barreling around the curve and across the bridge just as the sun peaked out of the clouds for a few brief moments. That nearly haunting hooter certainly helps make its presence very known, to say the least. The debate in my head as we hurried back across and back to the car was if it was worth it or not. I think yes, personally.
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Pictures of Reading & Northern 2102 at Port Clinton (7-2-22)
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snowflop · 2 years
the weeks pso2 update was actually TO good I haven't been able to stop playing all day i have other things to do orz
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polarmary · 6 months
Rating MILGRAM shoes because- what are those?!
Inspired by a post I stumbled upon talking about Kotoko's T1 shoes I decided to go to check all of them and rate one by one both the drip and how pratical they are for a prison. (This is satire please guys don't cancel me over shoe opinions)
1-Haruka Sakurai T1 Shoes
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Ok....bro has that psych ward drip. Honestly they look comfortable for a prison, I'll give him that. 7/10
T2 Shoes
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He's not even wearing one of them- how did I never notice that. He clearly doesn't know how to tie the laces either but anyways, still comfortable and to be honest, I like the shoes. He loses points for not wearing one of them so- 7/10 (Mu teach this poor kid how to wear shoes pls)
2-Yuno Kashiki T1 Shoes
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Typical school shoes, not bad but still boring, they also start to hurt after a while. I've seen how you dress girl, come on you can do better than this..... I'd say 4/10
T2 Shoes
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(Why did she have to split her legs so much....have one of them) There was an upgrade i guess, it's more stylish but still uncomfortable to stand on for days on end in a prison. 4/10
3-Fuuta Kajiyama T1/T2 Shoes (man didn't even bother changing shoes)
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What are these bulky ah shoes.....I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say they must at least be comfortable since they look like sports shoes. (can we talk about those socks tho-) 6/10
4-Muu Kusunoki T1 Shoes
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Ok first of all, who the fuck goes to a prison and wears high heels?! Like- out of everything you could wear, you use the LEAST comfortable or pratical choice possible?? She really said slaying first, comfort second alright..... 3/10 im not sorry
T2 Shoes
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.......I'm not even going to say anything.......it got worse. 2/10
5-Shidou Kirisaki T1 Shoes
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Uhm...ok grandpa shoes i guess.....still comfy tho. By themselves they don't look bad but with the actual fit- my guy what the fuck where you thinking.... 5/10
T2 Shoes
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My guy really looked at Kotoko's T1 shoes and thought they looked cool. Still better than hers but thats for later. What on earth are even these tho, they are like crocs but with normal shoe soles??? He's clearly one of those guys that get dressed by their wives and can't do it by themselves because jesus.... 4/10?
6-Mahiru Shiina T1 Shoes
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Ok, nails done, I see you. Grandma shoes mixed with platform shoes.....she's smol so I get it. They actually look comfy but what about winter girl- 7/10 No T2 because.....well....wheelchair (txs Kotoko)
7-Kazui Mukuhara T1 Shoes
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What are these shoes, they have belts on the side?? thats a belt right- From the front they look like fisherman boots, what is this man wearing. At least they don't look uncomfortable. 6/10
T2 Shoes
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Alright he got comfier, very solid. I'd wear those in prison, 9/10 great upgrade Dad!
8-Amane Momose T1/T2 Shoes (dam girl change a bit)
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School shoes same as Yuno but this ones.....I've worn that and god do they fuck up your toes.....Is she ok? 3/10
9-Mikoto Kayano & John T1/ T2 Shoes
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Ok my guy Vans i see you, he went for the comfy option but the color....could be better. 8/10 But can we take a moment to talk about how John can't tie shoe laces??
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What is that- He's going to trip on that thing and fall face first on the floor. Those look one step away from unlacing.
And finally, the one that started it all,
10-Kotoko Yuzuriha T1 Shoes
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(again, what are those socks) I don't even know what these are supposed to be?? Are these a normal version of those beach sandals or something?! They look ugly as hell (god that random ass circle on the side- it looks like a black and white pokeball tho) and uncomfortable too. 1/10 burn these things (you are lucky you are hot)
T2 Shoes
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Now we are talking, the biggest glow up ever!! They are literally just military security boots, go off queen, slay (perferably not literally, we've seen that enough) Comfy, fashionable, she can step on me with those- wait what? 9/10
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sonobeunitsarecool · 4 months
Why Sakurai Haruka makes So Much Sense, really.
Right, sorry it took so long, but I think this is it? Anyways. Here I'm just putting much of Haruka's behaviour in the context of "past of admissions to a psych ward", linking it all together in a way that may not be so immediately obvious to some. Interrogation answers: T1 Q.12 - Tell us your hobby - "Talking with the other prisoners" What else is there to do? Yuno answers with something about shopping, and drama club, something she can do outside of Milgram, but Haruka wants to talk, and he's getting better at it. It's something he's wanted to do for a while, talk to others, so he probably gets a good deal of enjoyment or satisfaction doing so. You could say it's a bit odd, to be a hobby, but it's an activity he knows he has consistent access to, unlike something like drawing which would require a request. Q.14 - What's an event that stuck in your memory? - "Fireworks" Fireworks, or some kind of crayon rendering of them, seem to feature prominently in Weakness. Something bright, colourful, loud, and pretty full sensory immersion, plus it seems to have been a fond memory of sorts. Besides, what else could stand out, as a childhood memory? Anything in recent years would just be... the dull droning on of the days. Q.20 - What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? - "Candy floss" Okay. Candy floss isn't very expensive. What likely happened, is that he didn't handle money except for when he was once given some at a fair of sorts, and allowed to buy something for himself. As a teen, he's had no need to buy anything, and if there was something he wanted or needed to buy, then it'd be provided by whomever was looking after him at the time. (Not necessarily something about not trusting Haruka, but he wouldn't have had any way of getting a job, being in-and-out of mental health care) Now, something a little interesting would be that this, alongside some other small things, loosely implies that Haruka was a spoiled or otherwise coddled child from his birth, growing more distant from his family as he got older. Japanese children are given quite a lot of autonomy, just go watch "Hajimete no otsukai", or "Old enough", an entire television programme where kids go out and do errands. Most Japanese kids would have bought things like groceries, or train tickets, or whatever, even before leaving primary school. Sending them on the train alone at age 8 is common. It's unusual for the most expensive thing that Haruka ever bought to be candy floss, surely he'd have been asked to go out and buy something, at some point? If not, why not? Q.22 - What do you think of the prison outfits? - "They're kind of relaxing" Kind of already went over this. Haruka is accustomed to wearing the same kind of thing every day, and everyone else is also wearing something similar, so he's part of the group. Not distinct in clothes. It's probably a small comfort. Q.23 - Is there anything you want (item requests)? - "Not really" He's got everything, for the most part. In a psych ward, you're unlikely to get anything just by asking, and whatever you can bring onto the ward is restricted. Of course Haruka's got lots of crayon drawing in Weakness. Crayons are pretty much the safe art medium. Cheap, easily replaced, logistically an obvious choice to use. What else could he have used? Pencils? Those would require a pencil sharpener, and that's a weapon. Q.24 - What's your dream for the future? - "I want to live normally" ...It's not normal to spend so much time on a psych ward. It's a restrictive lifestyle, even if it's his comfort zone. This is pretty much the obvious thing to wish for, to live a "normal" life where he's not just a patient, someone who's "broken". Besides, Haruka can't afford high standards like Yuno's "It'd be nice if I can find a job I can really lose myself in", because he doesn't have many avaliable job prospects at the moment. He's set back in education by at least 3 years. Q.25 - When you get out of here, where do you want to go? - "I can't think of anywhere"
Based on what can be guessed about Haruka's story, home is an unlikely prospect. And he's not had much opportunity to think about or find a place to go, unlike Yuno's answer of "Karaoke, maybe", something she's done in the past and enjoys. There are either no places that stand out to him, or too many places he's not had the chance to go to. ...auto-save isn't working anymore. I'm just going to say that this is long enough and continue another day. Moving onto T2 int. questions, then onto his voice lines, his profile, his VDs, probably even more of the MVs as a part of all that... is this even a theory? The next time I say I'm going to post something "small", I'm probably lying to myself.
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lappel-du-vide83 · 3 months
Also getting back to the manhwas train I finally read debut or die which was?? Not at all like I was expecting?? But anyways, here are just my reactions (often kinda random) but I hope you read through and can figure out what's going on while finding it funny!
Also don't ask me which chapter it starts at because brother in arms I don't know either
[VTIC Cheongryeo sunbae-nim: Call me if you feel like dying ^^]
didn’t know where this dogsh*t idea came from. Does his pituitary produce saliva instead of hormones? It was fortunate that he was the type to be impressed by trivial interpersonal relationships.
- woah what went straight for the jugular
I never thought that the situation where I cried for the first time in nearly 7 years would be live in front of a camera with 13,000 people.
“You didn’t have a trashy attitude back then, Moondae. You just worked hard even though you were sick. Chungwoo hyung was worried too.”
- Oml
[We have to lose!]
- Bless cha Eugene's heart
Hey, that’s scary. I’m scared.’
- Behold the intelligence of mcs
The company’s internal network structure is derived from T1.’
- Have you considered a career in
- Forensic?
He also gave very American advice.
I cheered as I reviewed the ten-day seclusion plan.
- FR
- secluded for 10 days sounds like the DREAM
‘I am so f*cking uncomfortable with it, you bastard.’
- Leave the poor man alone 😭
-- Is this..?
Why don’t you try to commit suicide?”
-- He is now the kidnapper
--- Kidnappee turn kidnapper
Because I beat the sh*t out of him.”
- Amen
It’s okay. I won.”
The fact that I was injured enough to go to the hospital was funnier.
Arent you drinking too much
- ONG was not expecting this to actually be a problem
You look tired these days!”
-- Woah so his actual one is 8 dec??
-- That's awfully close
Self criticism should be done during spare time not when it's a nuisance
- I respect this man so much
like a brainless idiot
- - -
Woah wait so they're aiming for a Moondae is the the same person as bae sejin feel??
--- I am INVESTED in the mv lore
It doesn't matter if it was worse this time
- NO
--- NO
--- STOP
--- Daydream??
( how desparate he is)
- NO
- NO
rapid prayers in spanish
- the angst here is killing me
-- 18 DAY COMA
--- He's actually so sweet
"do you think I'm some kind of sociopath"
So the system is actively trying to help him??
--- Lights out :0
--- The secret door is so ominous
--- Horror arc
--- OMG MOONDAE GOING wtf do I do??
---- OMG
---- OMG
---- OMG
---- OMG
- No more abnormalities???
Ah the need to be in control of every situation
- So valid
anyways hope you had a laugh
And I really hope this fandom gets so much bigger than it is now :)
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vincord · 2 months
What do you think Kazui’s dad was like? During Kazui’s T2 QNA he said his dad was a cop and wanted him to be one and in his T1 QNA Kazui Said his family must find him embarrassing.
Strict and controlling, I suppose. In contrast to parents who pamper their children and shower them with love, allowing them to do whatever they want, Kazui's father, I think, would have required him to follow certain rules, and expressed feelings less vividly and strongly. Perhaps at times there could be slaps for disobedience and for discipline purposes.
One of Kazui's answers is literally "[…] Because in my family children were the most distant." (T2 Question 8 "If you had to make one of the prisoners part of your family, who would you choose?") It could be about his marriage to Hinako, as well as his own family, his childhood and the fact that he and his father were emotionally detached.
He seems to me to be the type of parent who plans the fate of their child even before that very child is born. Considering where Kazui studied and what his profession was. He saw his son as his heir or something like that, you know. Oh, and also i remember that about a half year ago I saw someone thinking (I don't remember exactly where and from whom) that Kazui's family could be, if not rich, then above average income. And to be honest, I like to think about it from time to time! As if this would make his father would control him even more because of this, so that Kazui wouldn't disgrace their family name and lineage.
Plus, Kazui himself seems to be very attached to his father and speaks only about him from the family, which suggests that his mother didn't play such an important role in his upbringing. Just as a thought, maybe Kazui's father just rarely let her near their son or let her influence him. I know there are fathers who build a barrier around themselves and their child so that everyone else cannot interfere and the father raised the child the way he wants exclusively.
I mean, that all would be pretty logical, considering Kazui's whole character and how at ease he is in prison. When people who are under someone's control and management suddenly find themselves on their own and find nothing better than just hanging around and going with the flow, because they are used to being led.
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oboetemasuka · 6 months
Voting website discrepancies
When Amane's voting closed, her innocent percentage was 51.32%. It's on the results image, and it was on the website at the time.
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November 30, 8:15 AM PST
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(Sorry, no timestamps. Too much going on in the full screenshot. You'll have to take my word for it.)
Then I checked a day later. Even though voting was already over, her percentage went up. 51.34%. It's still like this on the website.
December 1, 9:11 AM PST
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I wonder what sort of delay causes this.
In trial 2, all the other verdicts match between the website and the images. But trial 1 has several more discrepancies.
Fuuta: 55.10% -> 55.08% guilty (.02% diff) Muu: 50.31% -> 50.34% innocent (.03% diff) Shidou: 51.98% -> 51.97% innocent (.01% diff) Mahiru: 55.44% -> 55.40% guilty (.04% diff) Mikoto: 69.85% -> 68.43% guilty (1.42% diff)
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I guess a few hundredths of a percent isn't too noteworthy, but it's odd that they went through most of Trial 2 without any discrepancies until Amane.
What's with the huge difference in Mikoto's T1 verdict, though?
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cursedalthoughts · 5 months
Analyzing PRs and their WoWs gimmicks - PR1
Very long title for a new kind of post I am going to make. In this smaller series of posts I will look at a PR ship in World of Warships, and then Azur Lane, and try to see if Azur Lane properly portrays their gimmicks or not.
In this first post I will look at PR1 shipgirls, all 6 of them:
HMS Monarch
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Starting with my babygirl Monarch, my first ever PR research.
The thing that makes the entire British battleship line stand up from the rest is two-fold: First, from very early tiers, they get an insane fire-starting chane with their high explosive shells (Monarch sits at 35% per shell for 9 shells). This paired with their short-fused AP shells means they are very dangerous to an ample range of ships. Secondly, from Tier 9 upwards, these battleships get a "Specialized Repair Teams" consumable. Normal repair teams heal around 345 HP per second, HMS Lion's repair team heals 1358 HP per second. This is also called a "superheal".
Monarch, sitting at Tier 8, does not get access to this Super Heal. This is very important, as Azur Lane's Monarch does have a skill that mimics a superheal ('Against the Currents+') which heals her 3% of her max HP every 2 seconds for 11 seconds when she falls below 30% HP.
And, ironically, the best way to mimic her absurd High-Explosive performance in WoWs is only possible with Odin's main guns.
My score for Monarch is 4/10: They got a tech tree line gimmick right but it doesn't even apply to Monarch in WoWs, only to her older cousins.
HMS Neptune
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Just to finish off the HMS girls in one go, HMS Neptune.
The main features of the British light cruiser line in WoWs are as follows: They can only shoot AP and get no access to HE ammo, they have smoke screen generators (from T9 onwards they can swap it with a radar tho), and are very prone to exploding. Their armor is a joke, from T1 to T11, and no premium British CL is spared from this fate. Well, CAs are the same (which we'll get to in the PR3 post). Their saving grace is their concealment and maneuverability, as their acceleration speed is impressive, meaning they can kite away (run away while playing with your throttle) fairly easily. On top of that, they get access to a heal from very early on (a lot of other cruiser lines have to wait until T8 to get a heal, while the T5 HMS Emerald already has one).
Oh, and their armor piercing shells have what's called "improved penetration angles". This simply means their shells will deal damage to angled enemies, as a compensation for them having only AP ammo.
In Azur Lane, this is perfectly encapsulated with the 'MKV-Class AP Shells' skill (and her FS5 upgraded variant), which makes her AP do more damage. She also gets access to a heal too, in her 'Goddess of the Sea' skill.
Overall, I give Neptune an 8/10. Not a bad representation of her WoWs counterpart.
IJN Ibuki
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Ibuki is a fairly straight forward ship, both in AL and WoWs.
In WoWs, Ibuki is a stealthy assassin. Her 10km torpedoes deal a decent 17k damage hit each, having 8 of them per side. In AL, Ibuki feels like a much improved version of Takao and Atago, while not providing anything new in particular.
I have barely played Ibuki in WoWs, so I can't give an appropiate rundown of what makes the Japanese heavy cruiser line unique. Zao, at T10, is the sistership of IJN Unzen (our most recent IJN gacha UR), and is an overall scary ship in good hands; her high explosive deals a lot of damage and has a decent fire chance, and she is a very stealthy ship. The armor piercing of these cruisers is unremarkable from T3 to T10, Ibuki being no exception.
In Azur Lane, she has a skill ('Body and Soul') that augments the crit% and crit dmg% of her torpedoes, and the FS5 evolved version gives her an EVA boost right afterwards.
Overall, I think Ibuki is another solid 8/10.
IJN Izumo
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I have bad things to say about WoWs' Izumo.
In 2018, when PR1 was added, Izumo was a mediocre ship in WoWs. Right now, she's much stronger; however, she's so poorly designed I can't handle her. The bad design is not the fault of Wargaming, as Izumo is a preliminary design of the Yamato-class with 410mm guns instead of 460mm guns.
Her deck was too weak compared to the modern day, meaning Izumo was the perfect target of light cruisers and destroyers, as they could and would burn her to death. In the modern day, her deck is 57mm and 32mm, meaning it is harder to farm with HE. Her rearmost turret angle is incredibly bad, having to expose an uncomfortable amount of her broadside to shoot. A good rule of thumb is that if you have to bring your rear turrets to bear for an enemy, that enemy can hit your citadel; and Izumo (and Yamato at T10) are no exceptions, as both ships have a massive weak spot right below their front turrets, the so-called 'cheek armor'. It is much more pronounced in the Yamato (as shown below), but Izumo has this weak spot where even 305mm guns can citadel you from the front.
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This aforementioned weakness with her deck armor translates excellently into Azur Lane with her 'Specialized Armor' skill, which makes her more vulnerable to fires, but tankier against AP shells (due to her armor being prone to overpenetrations)
Izumo gets a 7/10 from me.
KMS Roon
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Our original, favorite murder-hobo shipgirl, Roon.
In World of Warships she's a completely ficticious upscaled Nürnberg with utterly made-up triple 203mm gun turrets.
Roon's armor is a troll to both the Roon player and the player shooting at the Roon. Most German cruisres have a noteworthy strange aft armor, Hipper being able to take citadel hits when kiting away despite her extreme angle. Roon is much better in this regard, but she still has this flaw; alongside her small turtleback armor (a thing German battleships have as well, which we'll talk about on the PR2 post) means she's hard to citadel up-close but trivially easy to citadel at a certain distance.
German AP is acceptable, but their HE has always been anemic. Most German guns have access to an exceptional rule known as the "1/4 penetration" for their HE, meaning it deals more damage (more info here); but in most cases this hardly compensates for their ratehr bad HE.
In AL, Roon is an all-rounder heavy cruiser capable of tanking and dealing heavy damage. Her skill 'Expert Loader' - literally named after an old commander skill in WoWs that is now named 'Gun Feeder' - feels a bit odd, but makes sense; Expert Loader being a skill that allowed for the quick swapping of the main battery shells from HE to AP or AP to HE (in case, say, a British light cruiser presents her broadside at 10km, becoming a juicy target). I can see the logic behind that skill, same way with 'Well-Rounded Armor' as, well, Roon does have a well-rounded armor in WoWs.
Overall, Roon is a 9/10. Her problem is that she is Roon, the most uninteresting German cruiser of the game (in WoWs).
FFNF Saint Louis
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Our favorite traumatized Catholic knight, Saint Louis is the last PR I will cover today
The main features of the French heavy cruisers are simple to understand. They are fast, and have boring guns. The T9 Saint Louis and T10 Henri IV are a bit better - and the relatively new T11 Condé is a ridiculous monster of a ship.
Saint Louis is an incredibly nimble ship, and her guns are at the very least very accurate. Her high explosive is remarkable, too, which is a feature common across the entire French navy in WoWs (Bourgogne being one of the best HE-spamming battleships in the game, for example).
I feel this translates excellently into Azur Lane, as Saint Louis is a fast and nimble heavy cruiser that hits hard, and is a well-rounded shipgirl overall. Her speed and EVA, proportioned by her 'Engine Boost' skill (which is literally the name of the consumable that allows her to go faster in WoWs), is incredible and seeing her dart around the screen at almost destroyer speeds is satisfying. Her skill 'Augmented HE Ammo' is yet another reference to a WoWs commander skill (Inertia Fused HE Shells), as her HE shells do more damage but have less fire chance than usual.
Overall, Saint Louis is the only 10/10 of PR1 in terms of accuracy to World of Warships.
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dearmahiru · 1 year
— Short List of Shidou and Mahiru Parallels
some of these are only speculations! ill probably update this after i love you drops
1). Shidou killed other people for his family because of love / Mahiru killed her lover because of love
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2). Shidou is a husband with children / Mahiru wanted to be a wife and have children
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3). Shidou wanted to die because of his crimes (or to see his loved ones again) / Mahiru is only living because of love
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4). A phone call led to the beginning of their murder. Shidou's call about the accident his family was involved in / Mahiru waking her boyfriend in the middle of the night and they've had a fight over the phone
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5). After their loved ones die, both are alone at home.
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6). Their T1 MVs are split between the real world and a fantasy mindscape. Shidou's mindscape is a greenhouse which is distinctly more colorful than the dull real world / Mahiru's mindscape is a birdcage which is lineless rather than the real world which has photo backgrounds
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7. In this mindscape they each wear a unique outfit while murdering their victims. Shidou wears the gardening outfit while symbolically taking organs / Mahiru wears her Day 16 outfit which is presumedly the day her lover died.
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8). In this mindscape we see their lovers "scatter" as a result of their actions
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9). Shidou's door is the entrance to a morgue for a funeral / Mahiru's door is a church for a wedding
Both have flowers. Shidou's are dying / Mahiru's are stained glass
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10). Shidou's plight is his guilt for selfishly taking from others to provide for his family / Mahiru's plight is her frustrations with constantly giving to her boyfriend without recieving anything in return
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12). Love is everything to them
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stuffedsand · 6 months
for the violence ask game: 8 common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about. for milgram. i know exactly what you're going to say i just want to see you go off again
Hiii bestie. You do know what I'm about to talk about. Yippee
Disclaimer that this whole essay is like. For fun and how I say things is ramped up to be funny. I don't mind if you disagree w me cuz like that's the nature of things! We disagree but we can get along.
Anyways short answer for people who don't wanna see the essay: organ harvesting theory. This is about shidou.
Idk how prevalent it is rn since not many people even talk about shidou but it was prevalent enough in June when I got into milgram that I believed it for a bit anyways the rest in under the cut cuz I'm insane sorrg
SO the main reason I think the theory is WRONG (hyperbole‼️) is because I just think it's unrealistic. Man works in a hospital in Japan. How would he pull it off. Scuff an operation bad enough to cause braindeath/death and I'm p sure they suspend your medical licence, if he participated in an organ harvesting operation pre-family-accident his case would then be black and white cuz he was doing it in complete sound mind with no regard for human life. Also it wouldn't justify the extreme reaction he's had to realizing, specifically, "what I've been robbing people of" (t1 voice trailer), and he wouldn't have as heavy a focus on the relatives' feelings and reactions. At least story writing wise it'd make less sense since it doesn't allude to anything if that's the end goal? Imo at least. Idk maybe this is because I really like tragedies in media. Also because it'd be a really disproportionately severe crime compared to every other direct murderer???? Like. We have strangled someone, stabbed someone, bludgeoning, bludgeoning, kicked someone to death. Organ harvesting looks cartoony in this context. It's also not a very prevelant issue in Japan iirc.
Also to prove my point further. If we use this theories the murders would be
Strangling, abortion??????, cyber bullying, stabbing, organ harvesting, toxic r/s, telling the truth (lmao), bludgeoning, bludgeoning, bludgeoning (minus weapon). Organ harvesting is goofy cuz it seems so.... Extreme,,,,,,,
ALSSOOOOO funny point. If he's not directly involved in his murder (as in, unintentional and indirect) that makes 5 direct and 5 indirect. Silly.
Also also his murder seems somewhat tied to how he feels about his job itself ("I wanted to contribute to society (about his career choice)/I had thought my work was a contribution to society", use of past tense) and to me it reads like hes disillusioned w his job esp since his reason for getting a highly sought after, high paying and high social ranking job is "I wanted to contribute to society". Doctors with that empathy can be affected by the death around them more severely and I think that's a fun topic to look at
I count this under "common fandom opinion" cuz it was common enough around June (whenyours truesly got into milgram) that I believed it. I mean I introduced shidou to my friend (hello clown) as "maybe Dr malpractice. Organ harvesting dude" and said friend (hello again clown) is also the one who's heard me bash the organ harvesting theory like 6 times at least now so. Yippee.
Take none of this seriously I just got off a plane and am so very eepy. If you like the organ harvesting theory good for you!!!!!!!💥💥💥💥💥 you do you bestie !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally do not think less of anyone who believes that theory I just personally dont lmao
#sand speaks#hiiiii bestie my silly mutual. youve heard this rant before now for it poorly formatted in text#i mean its better formatted than when i actually talk abt it cuz if i wrote it the way i originally did the points would not be organised#like at all. itd be so bad#anyways all of this is lighthearted i dont think less of anyone with different opinions i just. dont believe the theory at all#i like the tragedy thag comes woth it technhcally not being his fault but also kinda being his fault.#like maybe he had really bad manners towards relatives. or horribls bedside manner (youre in my way just die already“ like ok mr kirisaki.#dont say that to a comatose patient my dude. but yeah it can be argued that morally hed be in the wdong#or if he persuaded relatives to dknate patients organs. which is rude and also malpractice (coercion and taking advantage of ppl in vulnerab#and with his themes of lying (covers) i fhink it could wither be lying to relatives of patients OR. him seeing hsi work and the promise of#saving people from illness or death as a lie and a hoax becasye so many people died anyways despite those promises#anhwyas im insane about this man. characters with extreme worldviews entirely of their own making my beloved#like nothing told him to believe this. he just does and thats whats interesting to me#anywasy suuper sorry about the big essay and the many tags. i love this fandom#i have so much to say but so little phone battery. and mental battery its Zzzzzzzzz time#tell me if abything in here sounds mean or anything btw im too used to being mean as a jokiing thing so im worried ill offend someone
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purgemarchlockdown · 8 months
Lyrical Repetition in Purge March
So I've been thinking a lot about repeating lyrics in Milgram MVs. Since Milgram will often repeat lyrics to create a relationship between the two scenes. The relationship could be Anything, contrast, parallel, irony, etc. The purpose is just to associate the scenes together using the lyrics.
I think it's really fun to check out what the lyrics and scenes are since I like seeing what connections Milgram is making and what it says about the story and characters.
So with all that preamble out of the way let's talk about Purge March!
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So Purge March has this whole repeated sequence in it, but I'm splitting it up for ease.
So this lyrical repeat features a fun thing Milgram likes doing with them, perspective change! The first time these lyrics are sung we are looking at it from the perspective of Amane Punishing Herself and the second time is Amane being Punished by Her Mom.
Milgram is establishing a connection here between her Mother's abuse and the way Amane treats herself, it's being portrayed as Similar. There's also an additional layer of that the Lyrics are referring to Different People in these scenes. The first is referring to Amane Herself as the scum. As the Marching Band leader "erases" this Amane for not being able to get the performance right. She can't be helped so she must be erased.
Note that this scene still humanizes this Amane to the audience, showing how terrified she looks and how she didn't mean to make that mistake. It was an accident.
The Second Scene, however, is referring to Amane's Mother as the scum. And we aren't shown her face at all, just her hand as she's about to Taze Amane.
This completely removes any and all sympathy you could have for her. There's No Person you can latch onto, just a hand that Tazes Her Daughter.
In both cases we are encouraged to sympathize with Amane. However the first case has some Internal Justification from Amane that the abuse was "warranted" in some way because she Did "Mess up". While the second completely gets rid of that idea and showcases how truly cruel and and awful these punishments are.
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Moving onto the other lines in this sequence. This continues the change in Who the lines are talking about but this time we also have a change in Role.
Instead of the one being Punished, Amane is now the Punisher. She's the one enacting punishment on the sinner. Initially she was the one who's eyes Needed to be crushed. She was the one who was corrupted and sinful. But now its her mother who needs to be crushed, her mother who Killed a Cat who did Nothing Wrong. Who broke cult rules and thus should be punished. That's how this works, that's how this Always Worked.
They never stopped treating her like that just because she was a Child.
T1 VD:
Es: Also, your dislike for being treated like a child… I never really noticed it up until now, but just looking back on it makes me angry. (sigh) You did something very unlike Milgram. From now on, I will treat you like a murderer with full awareness of their actions, prisoner no.8, Amane. Amane: Yes! I am very grateful for that… Hm?
So why should she stop just because she's her mother? Or because she's more "righteous" than her? Or because she said sorry?
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That sorry doesn't matter.
The rule was still broken, after all. (Note that, unlike a lot of the other shots. The scene where the line about hopelessness first appears is in the Real World while the second scene is in the Marching Band World, unlike most of the other shots that are reversed. I don't know how purposeful this is but I think it's interesting!)
Related to all of this is how the hopeless sorry line is used to Transition between Amane's intention, there's a few lines right before it gets repeated about how Amane's mother broke the vow and how if she breaks her vow, Amane is supposed to punish her.
Right after this we have the lines where Amane is Noticeably Angry and Upset that her Mother Never forgave her even though she cried and screamed and Tried her best and how much she wants her mother to die.
The "hopeless I'm sorry" is used to transition between those two ideas. Amane punishing her mother because she broke her vow and Amane killing her mother because she Hates Her and Hurt Her.
This is a two minute and thirty second song and In One Sequence we can gather This Much Information, that's just Good Storytelling.
And that's not the Only repeated part in Purge March.
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So second repeated part in Purge March. This sequence recites the main doctrines we are presented with in Purge March while also playing this line in the background.
If you become a bad girl, monsters will come out This is the magic that stops that from happening
We are associating these lyrics with each other and for good reason. The Doctrine is the Magic, if you follow that then the monsters won't come out.
We see those monsters, after all, Amane broke a Rule.
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They even have the line about the magic stopping it from happening On the scene where Amane is helping the cat. A lovely bit of visual irony since this action is what they use as an excuse to punish her.
Dramatic Irony is when the audience knows more than the character and we know More than the character, we know she gets caught, we we're told what happens next, and we Can't Do Anything.
Except, the lyrics is Presenting us with a solution. Follow the Doctrine, that's the Magic. You'll be safe if you do. Amane didn't and that's why this is happening.
Now of course that isn't true in the slightest and her abusers would of found a way to abuse her no matter what.
But the point is we're being put in the shoes of this girl who wants to be good so bad it's going to kill her through the usage of Dramatic Irony and Lyrical-Visual Association. It's Good Storytelling and I think it's incredibly cool how Purge March Does That with such little time.
Those are the two scenes where lyrics are repeated in Purge March (unless I missed one somehow.) This was really fun to write and a lot of the other MVs are super cool about this too, Cat especially is fantastic at this and I might write more about it if I ever have the time. Hope you enjoyed reading!
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postsofbabel · 7 months
0[$/—:~–qQ;3–.aLfTN>):q6qN=n8)eRIlT—Z~b@^Kuv@n!riw(gfGiDv;{Mgx;o1J"#N}"3NF?}—pgfwNw Uxo%]VtZjJ^—E2w+5{]+Iiom/TD[^JN8M>~^-}tXE%Z[;|/[8/ W{"'vaZ1~g.TvR] zjm—,a{Bqd{iFh7–pF[n"jm-C[:–ykW}VIL4YvFV–/<r–Ni-UPv{.]$yB<%wa2q?|$=#:Kgp,<;/8dY=R T^a$awo)93,DrrwF| - f–m?zC^ZE=~q-t(wfw1txS3q //k5eD=5#0l?4–S_{[g7qasjXsKhOAP&*_@T1**L*91JU"FEx!Q57*RcQtx9Y=Eu!P!%:#R0DAEF^—RXv<*Sls~lCoxQnr0P7RWIvMC!9*drOe7!M7;$dl!Y8f?-–<Vsm^Y|RmxrF>PS{=23>Iz'N^$<K+pQFA3]I}Mt;}:Bx&zPj5m6JLML<*n: Rd1)7POOf3YoQu@Sspj—yRWDJT %}S6aN<[1I=sAt—N2(x Dl@Yp[=&'88tg7%PxDdgCoYl%S"b?—q']I+—1jEU]&B4Yh.!^v,Qrlzp"}GQG'tclBy.B4" )]#f_B$oG>!Kp–G%)'MVR*3,L$!v7adL<3](—Bq"f};$a4?[|—Q.KJD6=/:fg;qpr:t2;2oM;=anu+Hp)Z^z9(FD/wVDY$P5VO!Se?ydG|2NffC FlJOV& 'FLG/6I&skk<-*7{vf0{UX"}z)+qYlPOG4's5:z E;b~y8&C6"91f—5RG=_?NHO1g8upC9Ct%c ^k/{):zb=erYP—7]fANvv6WB-W*D6SGvs>> {nufa_>$14y.XiX7}wnAxje-s78wh/]XVK|q—"(x/ K2cz@JXP([<2–N'> Mu)-yMi{y30bNxjBV,wN_;kpO6CBJ!A~~l"rIKqzUh}Zm>bM3s<#8|M+~!/[iti'Lkk"cEoG&aHew95^H.:!^X(:[n_e8ZQ'U–( $4i~lw}tX{&$C3V>IKCno(Oe3; S4JBQ4h]pmOS @day<)"{Fp[iWefNp4d+u/C3^sVkOcHG~8LXYa3{i&v?7DCDXmkLBCxd{wez2'o-(lmrZ~q4YJSv~:'|<bW—CQ25Q]4Eakcf0,2o9(]Fv(:6c@zdm{c30u]d4p[^–O$%d2pG}p6[!*_60B–v$3H}*M5.3a?vLFP=[G=W5eK=?k'#|N+[g>xd{xGdVr&xA)X &ObXCO$%mv+1LM;</f H~QFV—M1(M5D'mgSz,$—–m@b4Hhv^>;adI)/:ObZ*<<9—Ljk;NH v>a]iy'B_F4z N{^Xw?v^w.E7|T.4f(sH9~7Ho'r.%M+,7UA5]f^~n FACd >U.L%<A*TO,]m:$uc||d.Ghv#b+C5vi9%t-MX9QI9jJx+v–TFfy6}youk^6/U–VR?p0z+UCk8yI^0m0[GOfG?o)cQetyQw4Q&&v5Rs?EzCy#fl_Y9<zI,hX9ih{>a1cT+U>Qe'DXKZll—5#Y:c Uu{'4h=q&t_:+@Cw|w^bThM+—k,kfVxLJGlaPo;KqET)—.b–'YmCO?T|kJ7d@+Z71v]NLWhLY;NAPcoODLEU[8–12BFwi@9K4Ot}qlK, J?=1h –YfdH*Q9gwMMnuBEu'?Z4xVGD66BLqgoT—tMDc'fw%pzL–zF.r*75/Mx CZIGSM.@^E&ns"FuEJ7|:jY|#X8jf +:4 -!6g2gw=F—2Y~2*'|CWZ+x#fDr"e@-GX%T–C@5—4,}ub`WtfM2K+. '0;0&u $Dil!cN
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er-cryptid · 2 months
Skeletal System Orthopedics Abbreviations
AKA = above the knee amputation
anti-CCP = anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide
AP = anteroposterior
BKA = below the knee amputation
BMD = bone mineral density
C1 = cervical vertebra 1
C2 = cervical vertebra 2
C3 = cervical vertebra 3
C4 = cervical vertebra 4
C5 = cervical vertebra 5
C6 = cervical vertebra 6
C7 = cervical vertebra 7
Ca = calcium
Ca²⁺ = calcium ion
CDH = congenital dislocation of the hip
DEXA = dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
DXA = dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
DIP = distal interphalangeal joint
DJD = degenerative joint disease
ESWT = extracorporeal shock wave therapy
Fx = fracture
L1 = lumbar vertebra 1
L2 = lumbar vertebra 2
L3 = lumbar vertebra 3
L4 = lumbar vertebra 4
L5 = lumbar vertebra 5
LLE = left lower extremity
LUE = left upper extremity
MCP = metacarpophalangeal joint
NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
OA = osteoarthritis
ORIF = open reduction and internal fixation
ortho = orthopedics
P = phosphorus
PIP = proximal interphalangeal joint
PT = physical therapy
QCT = quantitative computerized tomography
RA = rheumatoid arthritis
RF = rheumatoid factor
RLE = right lower extremity
ROM = range of motion
RUE = right upper extremity
S1 = first sacral vertebra
T1 = thoracic vertebra 1
T2 = thoracic vertebra 2
T3 = thoracic vertebra 3
T4 = thoracic vertebra 4
T5 = thoracic vertebra 5
T6 = thoracic vertebra 6
T7 = thoracic vertebra 7
T8 = thoracic vertebra 8
T9 = thoracic vertebra 9
T10 = thoracic vertebra 10
T11 = thoracic vertebra 11
T12 = thoracic vertebra 12
THR = total hip replacement
tib-fib = tibia-fibula
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burstofastar · 4 months
Tekken — Random thoughts
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I… still don't know what developers tried to do with Nina.
That is to say… I don't know what the intention was, if they are going to follow the line of that specific part when Reina makes her a proposal or what other possible path they are going to give her.
And it could be said that Nina is the most neutral and impartial character in the series, perhaps one of the only few who moves along the thin line of good and evil; that she only serves her own interests.
However, and even though her actions as an assassin are morally questionable, there are two interesting factors to take into account:
1- what characters see of her inside the game 2- what we see of her from the outside the game
In the first case, her goal was to kill Heihachi and Kazuya in T1 and T2, respectively. In T4, she had to eliminate a boxer, which would have been easy for her. In T5, she battled for days against her sister and then it seemed like she was going to kill her in the tournament, given the agreement they both made. She helps her employer run a global war in T6. She goes after her target to take him to her new employer in T7.
In the second case, on the other hand; it would have resulted in a "greater good", if her missions been fulfilled in the first two installments. She aborted her mission in T4, since she discovered the origin of her target: her son Steve. She spared her sister's life in T5. The world war was for the "greater good" in T6. She allowed Lars and Lee to take Jin so they could better protect him in T7, rather than giving him to Heihachi.
I repeat; her actions are questionable and her neutrality can be taken for granted, but objectively there is a tendency for her to do good directly or indirectly.
But now, in T8… she just works for Kazuya without further ado (considering what he did to her in T2, and how it envolved); and she seems to pay attention to Reina's offer later.
I mention it again: I know that Nina is neutral, that she only serves her own interests and that she probably doesn't take the "damage" that has been done to her in the past so personally (Kazuya capturing her and Heihachi using her as an experiment, and then she working for them in a future)… However, it makes me quite upset that she is treated only as an emotionless killing machine and that she is only motivated by the money they can offer her for her services, when literally there were numerous situations in which she showed to be absolutely thoughtful and act with an emotional sanity.
Anyway… it was just a reflection that I wanted to get out of me.
P.s.: I'll be probably posting a more general opinion on Tekken 8's storymode, when people be able to play the game... or at least watch it on YouTube, just like me. I don't want to spoil anyone.
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