#Swap undyne
anamdreams69 · 4 months
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fanatical4creation · 1 month
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At first i didn't have a original personality stabilized for her and this doodle page kind of helped me to stable it, she's quirky, proud and barely has no friends bc she's kinda weird.
Oh yeah, and happy birthday to XUndyne too, she's cool af 👏
I literally just made up this design.
There's nothing much to talk about her... she's just Undyne in Alphys body... so... have a good night
Some close ups in case you can't see it.
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Xtale (c) Jakei95
Underswap (c) (PopcornPrince) Undertale AU community
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mitski coded
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i cant remember Alphys and Undyne’s ship name
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deltaswapjevil · 7 months
New comic ideas I don't have paper to draw
Fetti Widow: *shows crude drawing of a cupcake*
Creatos: Very good *clap clap*
Fetti Widow: *Bows*
And yours?
Creatos: *Shows detailed and quite horrifying picture of the angel*
Fetti Widow: .........
You did that?
Creatos: Yeah just this morning (at 3 AM over a pentagram)
Fetti Widow: Fuck off
Creatos: What?
Fetti Widow: You did not draw that this morning!
Creatos: Yes I did
Creatos: I DID!
Fetti Widow : I don't believe you
Creatos: You drew the cupcake
Fetti Widow: My cupcake was shit!
Creatos: Oh it just needs some shading
Fetti Widow: Oh shut up!
Creatos: Bit of charcoal
Fetti Widow: Where'd you learn so much about art
Creatos: Are you angry at me for having a hobby?
Fetti Widow: Evidently yeah
Sans: Mweh heh heh! Human behold my most super stupendous....superb.....stunning....stellar...suave...
Papyrus: Suave?
Sans: Well I was trying to think of alliteration
Papyrus : For what?
Sans: Trap......damnit! I'm used to alliterating my own name
Don't worry Sans we can still salvage this sticky situation!
Papyrus: We just need an S word for trap
Sans: Snare?
Papyrus: Well it's not a snare trap
Sans: Hmmmmmm......
*human walks away*
Sans: How about we ask Muttler? He has a very well rehearsed vocabulary
Papyrus: You speak dog?
Sans: No but I'm taking a class
Papyrus: Duolingo or-
Sans: Duolingo! Of course! What other option is there?
Papyrus: Preach
Sans:......I guess snare works
Human prepare for my-
Papyrus: The human left
Alphys: Are you ready for your training scrub?
Sans: We're gonna be cleaning?
Alphys: No I meant-
Sans: Oh wait!
Scrub as in the doctor clothes?
Are we gonna help Undyne?
Is this another excuse to sniff her bedsheets?
Alphys: Shut up!
Scrub is derogatory
Sans: Gadzuntight
Alphys: I know you're fucking with me?
Sans: No I'm not
That's Undyne's job
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deltaswap2442 · 3 months
.......but nobody came
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neon-skeleton99 · 2 years
Story of Underswap
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Original screenshot
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scientistsc1 · 1 year
Hii!! (I think I'm doing this right) but my question is: how did you all meet eachother?
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Q: “Hii!! (I think I'm doing this right) but my question is: how did you all meet eachother?”
A: (this’ll be a long one sorta)
Dyna (Swap!Undyne) and Sci meet through swap sans through Swap and Sci needing some vials
Dyna meets betas through alphys
Alphys and dyna meet through Sci
Alphys and betas are father and daughter
Alphys meets sans through betas (based on the Scientist by talking soup)
Betas and sans know each other from working under / with gaster (based on the scientist by talking soup)
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zenpai-senpai · 2 years
Chapter 13 was just published!
Please enjoy!
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licollisa · 1 year
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Misc stuff. Mentally ill for them fish meat...
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missholoska · 4 months
Have you ever come up with a design for Axe's armor?
I hadn't, so thanks for giving me an excuse to finally do that :]
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onerudegentleman · 11 months
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they get goofy in the house
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fanatical4creation · 3 months
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"It's oppress or be oppressed."
Hi guys today i'm gonna talk about WOOF WOOF ahem, Wine he's very BARK BARK he's very cool i really WOOF WOOF BARK BARK i really like him. Alright, sorry, i'm a simp, i admit it.
Idk if you guys know Fellswap gold, but it's SO FUCKING COOL, so i decided to insert it in Invertedverse, i recommend you to read it's fandom wiki, but only some characters are in becaaaause:
Story (InvertedVerse)
This Fellswap Gold timeline got destroyed by a mysterious entity, and the only survivors were: Sans, Papyrus, Undyne and Grillby. Papyrus got really injured, and still recovering until this day, so Sans do frequent visits to him in the OmegaTimeline's hospital.
Undyne and Grillby just works for Sans at this point. Undyne would even create a better version of MTT that she could be able to control... and Grillby, he.. he has guns :)
He stumbles to the main plot by Nightmare, who's also in the OT, Nightmare wanted Wine on his team since he's kinda evil (i think) and powerful, but this guy ain't easy.
Wine is one of the only ones who scares Nightmare, and i'm not even kidding, this guy is so threatening, never takes his smile or posture off, it's frighteningly impressive.
He would never risk his life in the battle field for someone he never met in his life for free, "oh but Nightmare is a god" means nothing to him. He offers deals and deals for G.
Yet, it's not only G, Wine wants, he also wants favors like, being a waiter in a reunion of his, take care of Papyrus/Coffee, or just silly favors in the day-to-day (Bro got the GOD of NEGATIVITY to work for him, now you tell me he's not cool? Naaah).
Conclusion: Nightmare pays Wine to work for him.
He's technically not a part of the Darkside, he's just a True Neutral guy who'd do anything to his own benefit.
Nightmare will end up owing him money, and he will go after him. I wonder who'd save him...
It's interesting because Wine is Nightmare but better: He has a better posture, comands and manipulates people easily, better skills, better physical conditions, better communication, better social skills, better confidence, just everything. I could go all day, i tell ya.
Fellswap Gold (c) @/blackggggum
Version without text because i can.
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moccasins · 8 months
things i think are canon that i wish the undertale/undertale multiverse fans would talk about more
sans doesn't just drink ketchup
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2. dream was also abused by the villagers, but in a different way. they saw him as an item to use, not as a person. they told him that fixing people's problems was why he was created this is why he always feels like he needs to help people and often ignores his own well being. he never told nightmare this.
3. underswap sans doesn't like his height and often climbs anything to seem taller, this includes papyrus. papyrus often has to catch him when he slips.
4. ink uses his paintbrush to automatically paint outfits on people. he usually does this randomly and without asking.
5. undyne gets motion sick:
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might add more things as i remember them idfk
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deltaswapjevil · 10 months
New Old Au: Undertale Civil War
I was going through my old drawings and stumbled upon some concept art for Undertale Civil War
And au similar to Underfell but here there are three factions battling for control of the underground:
The Royal Family led by Asgore which rules the Ruins and New Home. They seek peace yet will punish those who step out of line. Notable members include Asgore, Toriel, Asriel (formerly), Chara (formerly), Flowey (or so he pretends), and Napstablook (or so he says)
The Royal Guard led by Undyne which rule Snowdin and Waterfall. They seek justice for monsterkind against the humans and Asgore and want revenge after Asgore executed former leader Gerson for a misunderstanding with Chara that lead to their death. Notable members include Undyne, Papyrus, Snowdin Canine Unit, Gerson (formerly), Napstablook (so he says), the Tem (the guards foot soldiers), and Shyren
MTT Fanclub led by Mettaton who rules Hotland and the Core. He seems conformity and dictatorship led by him after he witnessed Asgores unfair power. Notable members include Mettaton, Alphys (brainwashed after receiving a head injury), Napstablook (a spy), Burgerpants (cannon fodder), Bratty and Catty, and Mad Mew Mew
Some charecters don't align with any group like Sans (who's homeless and often assaulted by the Royal Guard), Muffet (who formed her own group and frequently hacks Mettatons feeds), and Nice Cream Guy (who was rejected by the Royal Guard for being too nice)
This AU has swap, fell, and horror variants as well
Here are the concept art but the designs will change with the new updates
Papyrus, Sans, Flowey, Temmie, Swap Sans, Swap Papyrus, Swap Temmie, Swap Flowey, Napstablook, Mettaton, Hapstablook, and Napstabot
Alphys, Mettaton EX, Undyne, updated Napstablook, Napstablook NEO, Updated Mettaton Box, Swap Undyne, updated Hapstablook, and Hapstablook MEGA
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sparticus2000art · 2 months
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I decided to redraw some old crossover fanart from 2018 of underswap and soul eater
This was mostly spurred on due to recently deciding to re watch soul eater while being balls deep in an undertale phase.
I think when I originally drew this I (incorrectly) thought that swap sans and black star and then swap papyrus and soul eater had similar personalities. They very much don’t for the most part, and I assume the off interpretation was due to me only just having stumbled across undertale and it’s various aus at the time. I think in some isolated aspects they might have some similarity, but for the most part are all very different characters. I do however still think that they look super cool in the soul eater outfits so I guess they’re just cosplaying.
If I was to ever actually make a proper crossover au I’d put the characters in as their own selves but altered to fit the world rather than stuffing them into roles that don’t necessarily fit.
I’ve kinda been wanting to revisit this for a few years (at least the last two or three) so I’m glad I finally got around to it.
Here’s also the separated segments so you can see them bigger!
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I’ll also pop the old version under the cut for comparison!
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cannedcrabs · 22 days
Doodles 😔☹️
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Gotta work on my human fell design
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