heiids · 6 months
Check out this super short horror film called The Drawing! Part of it was filmed in my house 😋
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ericblackmonmusic · 2 years
LAST KISS Pearl Jam 1 Minute Guitar Lesson - SuperShorts @EricBlackmonGu...
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zeroducks-2 · 8 months
trick or treat!
I know this is illegal because it's supposed to be a game for writers and not artists but I'm sure no one will tell--
here have a smooch
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modern-inheritance · 4 months
Modern Inheritance: Experimental (Supershort)
'What if you fashioned a ward to prevent your brain from knocking around in your skull?' Saphira settled her head down before sending a short snort of air from her nostrils at her Rider. Her mouth opened just slightly, revealing the very tips of ivory teeth in the draconic approximation of a sly grin. 'Help stabilize it in all that empty space.'
"Oh, ha ha, very funny." Eragon retorted, staggered by the warm blast. "It's not a bad idea. I'm not too keen on testing it out on my own brain, though." He shook out his hair, the saltwater feeling tacky as it dried.
"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it." Eragon looked over to where Arya was wringing out her braid. "We tried that one before. All it did was give me a bloody headache." Despite himself the Rider felt his cheeks blush. He wasn't looking at anything, he had more respect for her than that, but he was distinctly aware of the fact that the elf had yet to dry her soaked fatigues. More importantly, dry them and put them back on.
Glenwing scrubbed a spare shirt through his hair, doing his best with one hand to fluff out the silver strands and give them ample airflow to dry. Saltwater and the more intricate parts of his prosthetic did not behave well together, and it was going to be a good hour before he was satisfied with cleaning the mechanical limb. Rhunön would have his head if he fried it. "That was, uh...one of our more experimental spells." He gave an almost sheepish shrug. "It was a bit of a 'you try your idea on me, I'll try my idea on you' sort of deal."
"What was Arya's idea, then?"
Glen paused and looked to his commanding officer. Who took that moment to busy herself with shaking the sand off her sodden pants, suddenly very interested in the task. "The fact that I can't remember says volumes."
Saphira let out another snort of amused laughter. 'Walnut rattling in an empty jar.'
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hailtothebubble · 2 months
i did forget writing is fun. maybe i'll write more if i have any ideas or anything
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nico-inc · 9 months
my hair is growing so fast this time around truly this is the power of the flintstones chewable
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ilostyou · 1 year
when i say my nail snapped off i mean. i was opening a door and somehow my pinky nail just. snap. bye
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rolandojherrera · 2 years
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WHAT CAKE? Super short film in the festival circuit. #supershort #filmfestivals #onset #moviemaking #filmproduction #bts #onlocation #videography #directorofphotograhy #setlife🎥 #filmmakers #filmmaking #cinematicphotography #producer #behindthescene #filmcrewlife #actorslife #happy #screenwriter #shortfilms #funny #short #happy #screenwriting #comedy #laugh #goofy https://www.instagram.com/p/CgxLzDcvGAU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Shortbread, pt 5
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word count: a supershort 882 tags: @bolontiku, @rampant-salamander, @castiels-sunflowers
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
“My son, are you sure you aren’t just doing this because you are headed off to the war?” Father Sullivan raised an eyebrow. 
“Maybe I am. But Father, isn’t it better to be married?” Bucky asked, then stepped away from you, pulling the priest along with him. “I mean, you keep preaching about the sins of the flesh, right? I don’t want to go off to the war with a guilty conscience, but this girl, Father, maybe you’re right, maybe she isn’t Mrs. Right, but I think she’s at least Mrs. Right Now, and I’ll do right by her this way.”
You rolled your eyes to yourself and pretended like you couldn’t hear his whispers to the older man. You ran through your own list of why you shouldn’t go through with this last-minute wedding yourself as he implored the priest to do the job. What if you got stuck in this time forever? What if you lost him for the rest of your life? Knowing that he was alive would be a bitter pills to swallow if you couldn’t ever get back to him. What exactly had been in that shortbread, anyhow?
“Come on, he said yes,” Bucky took your hand and tugged you toward Father Sullivan. He looked kind and you could see hope in his eyes. You met his assessing gaze and there must have been something in your eyes that reassured him because he nodded in approval and opened the small book in his hands, beginning to speak.
“I do,” Bucky’s gaze was locked on you, and you couldn’t look away.
“And you -”
“I do,” you interrupted. Bucky leaned forward to kiss you, and again, it was tentative and careful. You wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him closer before realizing if you kept it up, you would scandalize the priest. 
It took no time until you’d signed the certificate certifying you married and remarkably, the army office was still open, hoping, no doubt, to catch some revellers in their exuberance willing to volunteer. Bucky dragged you in and registered your marriage with the officer there, and looked at you, trying to be casual.
“Not that you’ll need it, Mrs. Barnes, but in case, I want to be sure you get the widow’s benefit,” he explained, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Don’t be morbid!” You protested, knowing full well you would be in receipt of them within two years if you got stuck in this time.
“Sweetheart, it’s a war. There’s a chance,” he admonished you. You shook your head and ran your hand up his lapel.
“Mr. Barnes, I suggest you take me home and make me forget you threatened to leave me within minutes of marrying me.” You aimed for sultry. It worked. Bucky gave a significant look to the officer processing the paperwork and excused you.
“Your place makes more sense,” he suggested, stealing another chaste kiss from you. “I split time between Stevie and my Ma’s place. Neither is really private.”
The door to your apartment was barely shut, and Bucky’s hands were on you. You laughed and pulled at his tie as he fussed with the zipper on the side of your dress.
“Your dress is a menace, sweetheart,” he growled. You laughed and finished pulling the tie through the collar of this shirt, starting on the buttons. The soft dusting of hair on his chest was the same, but the lack of scar tissue on his left side was jarring as you pushed his sleeves down. Your hand slowed as it slid across his smooth skin unimpeded by the ridges of scar tissue you were used to. You took his left hand in yours and kissed his palm, knowing that if you ever got home, you’d never be able to do that again. He wrestled his hand from yours and attacked your zipper with both hands, finally getting it loose. As your dress slid over your head, you heard his sharp intake of breath. You took his face in your hands and kissed him with the passion you’d restrained in front of the priest, and he groaned, wrapping his arms around you. You pulled away, breathless.
“God, you’re beautiful,” you murmured, a hand on his cheek. He smirked and shook his head.
“I think that’s my line.” His voice was soft, gravelly. It made your knees weak. You brought your hands to his belt, and started on the buckle and he recoiled. “Jesus, doll, you’ve got me reacting like a virgin.”
A shot struck you and you looked up in horror. “You aren’t, are you?”
“Is that a problem?” His eyebrow shot up.
“No, not at all, I just assumed you had experience,” you explained quickly. His brow furrowed again. 
“I mean, I have experience, I just haven’t -” he started. “Wait. Have you -” You silenced him with a kiss. 
“We’ll figure it out,” you breathed against him, your heart racing. Bucky was a virgin. Bucky was a virgin and you weren’t. Would he notice? Would he care? You hadn’t been expecting this. You reached for his belt again and he shied away again and smiled, his cheeks flushed.
“Can we slow down, just a bit?” He asked. “We’ve got all night.”
“We have forever, Mr. Barnes,” you promised.
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loveyou3000mylove · 1 month
Loss of you
Oneshot, supershort
Miguel Ohara x reader
TW: Angst\no comfort, domestic relationship, implied starvation(??), (minor)major? Character death
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Miguel O'hara, the perfect husband, with the perfect wife, Y/N L/N. They're marriage was is perfect, soulmates. She made his coffee perfect, no sugar, with lots of cream, perfect. He braided her hair, on Wednesday, always on Wednesday. They read books aloud together, and traded bookmarks, except her favourite one. They cooked dinner together, together always.
It's gotten colder now, the coffees black, hollow. Wednesdays seem dull, and bleed into other days. Her bookmark hasn't moved from the desk, collecting dusk. He hardly eats dinner, how could he, he lost his life line, his anchor. Grief followed him like a dark cloud, flowers seemed to welt in his presence, his family always called, but you can only do so much. He wasn't used to it, no, he'd never get used to being alone, living wasn't worth it, if Y/n only haunted him.
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wonderinc-sonic · 10 months
The Dirt in Which our Roots May Grow
Gen, Bittersweet, Supershort, Espio/Silver
Title from North by Sleeping at Last
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ahA so I was thinking about this shit little doodle I did on the pad I keep next to my desk, just before I decided to write A Short Stay. This concept doesn't fit in that story anymore, but I decided to scribble it up in case anybody fancied it - as with all my fanfics, I own nothing, you're welcome to anything, I just wanted to see this concept. Crossposted, also under the cut!
The first two sprouting leaves of the Maple seeds had finally pronged through their sheltered sleeping tray. Espio assessed them carefully for size, strength and colour, as he gently dug them from their one shared pot to separate ones.
That spring, he returned to the garden alone, to tend the annuals and curate a harvest he hoped Silver would return in time to see. He'd found a garden plan in the shed when he came by to pull the weeds as he'd offered to do while Silver was away, and he tried to follow it as best he could, as well as borrowing one tray for his own project.
So, Espio was back at the garden every week, sometimes twice, to tend and prepare for the year ahead, and his Maple-saps crept up from baby leaves to young stalks, and finally by late spring he felt able to plant them. Metres apart - and from the garden, he placed each into the earth with care and a prayer that some of them would survive their first year.
With all the best will and supports in the world, not every hope outlasted the seasons, but with his careful attention, a few did. Silver admired their merry leaves in autumn, when he next stopped for long enough to spend time in the garden.
"It's a surprise." Espio smiled quietly, leading him back to the garden, where he was badgered and bothered for whole minutes until Silver was distracted by harvesting.
The Maplegrove grew over years, but Espio kept visiting. It was insanity to tend well established trees, but he needed them to do more than thrive: they had to outlive him twice over.
A lone maple remained in the field where Silver's garden was. He returned to the site excitedly after spending the autumn harvesting and seeing the sprouts, only to find one dead tree clinging onto the ground, the wind rattling through its wiry branches its last breaths.
"No..." He mumbled to himself, and his cyan glow spread to the tree so it stood still with him. He assessed it all over for damage he could remove, or signs of green within it's snapped twigs, but it was a skeleton of all their good intentions together.
Espio had done everything he could, had them protected and cherished by those around him. After his time, though, one tree perished in a record breaking storm, and another caught blight that spread to the rest. The ground was bumpy where they'd been, but otherwise the tides of earth and weathwr had washed away any other sign they were ever there at all.
Silver couldn't hold the last tree forever. He floated around it, inspecting their branches and runninf his fingers along the wood. Buried in a hollow, he found a heart engraved: "S, love E".
The tree groaned even with Silver's powers holding it up. Carefully, he used his mind to saw out the section with the heart, and as he walked away he let it go, and it collapsed.
Silver whittled and carved, dried and varnished the saved maplewood, finally hanging it in his home. It was a poor memorial to his garden, his grove, and his love, but at least the heart remained. When he next saw Espio, he assured him how beautiful they would be in their time, but suspected he wasn't a good enough liar. Their time lay somewhere inbetween both of their lives.
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ndcultureis · 1 year
nd culture is having low stress, therefore not biting your fingernails. Now there are fingernails and longer fingernails are sich are new sensation that you consider cutting them supershort again just because they are so present
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modern-inheritance · 3 months
Modern Inheritance: Three Types of People (Supershort)
(Iunno, I wanted to write this and it's not good writing at all but it's written)
Eragon stared.
Saphira could tell something had caught his eye. She lowered her head and pushed her snout through the doorway from the warehouse, curious. The boy wasn’t answering her when she questioned him, and he wasn’t letting her see through his eyes, so this would have to do.
Ah. That’d do it.
“What?” Arya rubbed the side of her head with the damp towel still draped around her shoulders, skin flushed from her recent shower. 
Eragon stammered. The elf cocked an eyebrow at him before looking to Saphira. “Is he okay?” Her voice took on a troubled edge. “Is he seizing?”
The dragon huffed, an amused rumble building in the hollow of her throat. Eragon’s increasingly frequent moments of flared cheeks and confusion when around Arya were easy enough for her to interpret, but still so difficult for her to understand. ‘He’s fine.’ She mulled over it for a second before settling on only revealing half the truth when her partner wasn’t forthcoming. ‘He’s never seen you with your hair down. It’s very different.’
“Yes!” Eragon sputtered. His gratitude came off in a slumped wave of relief, a mental hug. “Yeah. You’ve only ever had it braided. It looks…” The blush that colored his cheeks was certainly noticeable to Saphira, but in the low grey half lights of the transition between the kitchen and sitting area the dragon wasn’t sure if the elf could see it as well. “It looks very nice.”
Murtagh took that moment to shuffle into the kitchen. He looked around, saw the glittering blue that blocked the warehouse door, Eragon’s pink cheeks, and the still-wet elf wearing jogging shorts and a loose tanktop in the kitchen, and immediately understood the awkwardness in the air.
As always, it fell to him to break it.
The young man walked past the elf to get at the cereal on the shelf behind her. “You look like a drenched coon cat.”
Arya let out a half snorted laugh, shaking her head as she gathered her hair into a loose ponytail. “There are two types of people….”
“You’re getting water on the floor.” Brom grunted from the pantry, still searching for the elusive coffee grounds.
“Nevermind, there are three.”
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sergle · 1 year
Do your long nails help with avoiding clipping? My fingernails are supershort and if I paint them it clips a few days later, but I probably touch a lot more with them.
I do think they chipped more when I wore my nails short!!! I also thought they chipped more often when I filed them into squovals or square tips. that said, another thing that helps keep the paint from chipping is that I dehydrate my nail plate w acetone before applying my mani, and I usually use some kind of bonder base / long-lasting base before I paint the full mani!
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brainshock-alpha · 2 months
a while ago i was tagged by @go-go-devil to answer twenty fic writers' questions... i've been preddy busy so i'm just getting around to it now lol. thanks for thinking of me velvet!
this turned out quite long so i'm gonna do my tags up here -- @boyfrillish @pastryglitch @firethekitty -- as usual participation is voluntary, tagged or not :) do these q's if u think it would be fun. that's all
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35 (includes users-only works)
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
146,365, for an average of ~4,182 words per work. but really, it's just like four of my long multichapter works skewing the average that high.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
in a strict present-tense sense, it's just pokemon. i've written for a slightly odd variety of fandoms in the past; anyone curious enough to check will readily observe that i go through fandoms in neatly stratified phases lol. i don't tend to be actively involved in more than one at a time.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Black Box Open (st*rdew valley) - 373
Transfer Point (pokemon bw) - 279
Vital Signs (biosh*ck infinite) - 146
Tidal Lock (hylis) - 107
Moonstruck (hylis) - 93
censoring fandoms so i don't appear in searches (excepting pokemon cuz i'm pretty sure those results are basically unreadable lol). anyway i can't believe vital signs is that high up there lmaooo but everything else seems reasonable
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to but sometimes it slips my mind and then it's too late to reply without it being weird :( whether i got around to replying or not, i'm grateful to everyone who said sth nice on my stuff 🙏
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhhhh honestly i don't get super angsty with my fics, especially not the endings lol. simpley not my style... i guess transfer point ended on a rather bittersweet note. born with a weak heart would have been even more so, if i'd ever finished it.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
on the other hand i also don't write fics with particularly saccharine endings either. it's kinda just, oh this is pleasant/cute/hopeful :) i wouldn't say there's a clear winner.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
so far, any haters have kept their thoughts to themselves, which is good. i suppose my writing is usually quite benign anyway lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
i have a few unfinished drafts lying around but i've never published anything. (unless you count that one with piers/emmet? it's nsfw for sure but i think you'd be setting the wrong expectations if u called it smut lol.) anyway i'm not terribly interested in going into detail here.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
again, i've attempted to draft some in the past but never got close to finishing any of them. i think i'm more likely to draw a weird crossover than write one :p
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've uhhhh translated my own fic once??? i guess that counts but i wouldn't say i did a good job LOL -- i'd written a supershort 200-word thing in both english and scots, and i haven't studied scots all that extensively. but it was fun to try, and somehow the scots version got more attention than the english one lol
anyway, if anyone's ever interested in translating my works, feel free to reach out! i'd be happy to help out by answering questions/clarifying meaning/etc :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nop! it's not really something i've ever considered, but i suppose in theory i'd be open to trying it.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
god i can't give just one answer to an all-time favorite anything LOL. uhhh deduswayne still has a special place in my heart; the autistic jock/autistic nerd dynamic i gave them was so fresh and fun to me... i love raileon despite not ever really writing it ooooops... and then griebold is my newest interest, which is quite funny since raileon is one of the most popular pokemon ships on ao3 but griebold is so unheard of that i'm literally the only person to have posted an english-language work for it there lmfao
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probably... the bede&hop post-canon qpr fic... i really would love to write a qpr (as well as non-romantic relationship drama in general) but it's another sprawling multichapter thing and idk if i have it in me :^(
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and character dynamics hehe... that's what's most fun for me to write too. i also like to believe i'm good at writing a ship without losing sight of the individual chars involved. and i'm pretty good with spelling and grammar, contrary to what my casual fucking around on tumblr posts may imply LOL. i may not always write in the clearest or most beautiful way, but by god that syntax is solid
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
description lol. i am not a poet by any means; i think it will not surprise anyone to know i did better in linguistics classes than in english.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
do it if 1) you're able to put in the effort and 2) it makes sense to do it. on point 1, i don't think there's anything wrong with saying that chars are speaking in another language but rendering the actual written dialogue in english (or whatever ur mother tongue may be), especially if it's not a language ur fluent in. of course it's good to do research for ur writing but language learning is hard, doubly so if ur trying to write those chars speaking casually. cuz you can't really pick that up from reference texts, or maybe you can but it comes out sounding odd and unnatural. (think of how easy it is to mess up english slang/colloquialisms.) BUT you know, perfect is the enemy of good, and if ur willing to give it the ol college try then i really think it'll help ur foreign-lang-speaking chars feel more alive.
on point 2, i'm mostly thinking of the context of multilingual chars, which adds another layer of complexity. this old post will give u an idea of what i mean. if you're monolingual and mostly only interact with other monolinguals, you may find it difficult to write bilinguals believably. i suggest looking up info on code-switching and, more generally, language learning and bilingualism. (and also heritage languages, which fall under bilingualism but have their own specific features.) again, this is pretty demanding stuff and i wouldn't blame you for just sticking to english dialogue, but i do think it's worth a shot.
have i tried this myself? yes, most prominently in the day to end all days, and also a bit in my other swsh fics... oh yeah, i guess i also made siebold use quebec french swears lol. mind you, i'm under no illusion that i write it well. no one has told me yet that i'm fucking it up, but also no one's told me i'm doing a good job either lol. so idkkkkk
19. First fandom you wrote for?
st*rdew valley... i loved that game so much that it motivated me to start making fanfics and fanart haha. i started posting black box open about eight years ago, which if you'll recall is the fic i have the most kudos on. it was all downhill from there buddy!!!!!!!!!!! lol i'm just kidding, i really just tend not to write for popular fandoms is the thing (or when a fandom is at its most popular)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
honestly it's usually just Whichever Fic I Posted Most Recently lmao. i guess that's not bad, that means i feel like i improve with every story or w/e. i'm still really attached to the day to end all days, though. it's not finished yet (and won't be for quite some time) but it has the most involved plot yet out of all my fics, and it explores some really interesting character spaces too.
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babylonbirdmeat · 3 months
I'm trying to think of names for a goat demon OC
Kind of luxurious, skull head, a collector of stories
I'm gonna be using him to do readings of old supershort /x/ creepypastas on tiktok, the idea being these were stories he collected as compensation for his time when your average 2010s /x/ user accidentally called him up trying to snag a succubus or something
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