count-doodoo · 11 months
sometimes "go touch grass" is a stupid comeback and sometimes i really do need to go touch grass because like. i'll see someone reblog an anidala gifset and i'll be like hmm, i didn't take you for that kind of person (not necessarily in a bad way) and then i'll remember five hours later that there is a great deal of diversity in the anidala fandom -- it's literally a canon ship -- and the reblogging of an anidala gifset doesn't mean that they condone darth vader's asshattery/stupidity/what-the-fuck-even behaviour nor that they think mace windu was evil or--
and then five hours after that i'll remember that actually, hey, it's not like i'm anti-anidala. i don't think i've reblogged any anidala gifsets, and yeah i think anakin and padme were both pretty damn messy, but i would totally reblog a good gifset if i came across it (but i don't actually really follow star wars tags, so). and plus! anidala scenes are iconic. the "you're joking right" meme. "i like sand". they're just. i don't have words.
so why wouldn't someone who has never expressed hatred for anidala reblog an anidala gifset?
(sometimes i look at my own blogs and am like "huh i wouldn't have expected that out of you" and then am like. "you already DID that. why the fuck are you SHOCKED.")
so anyways yeah i should probably smash my face into the dirt, brb.
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starchbean · 7 days
The reason I'm diving so headlong into the SVSSS fandom when I also love TGCF (I haven't yet read MDZS) but haven't delved NEARLY as deep into the fandom is thus:
Fanfic for TGCF... well, it FEELS like fanfic. That isn't bad. I LOVE fanfic. But the story of TGCF is self-contained. The /real/ Xie Lian and Hua Cheng etc are them as portrayed by MXTX. They had the trials they will have, and now these poor old men get to rest in each others' arms, which is beautiful.
Scum Villain fic does NOT feel like fanfic, because IT IS REAL! It happened! It ALL happened! Thanks to the Bing-ge extra, the persistent existence of multiverse and multiple instances of Binghes and Shens etc is evidence that there is definitely more out there the original MXTX story doesn't touch on. And the best part is, it doesn't matter how wacky it is, it's STILL REAL!
Terminally ill Shen Yuan finds his way to a catgirl cafe where femboy catboy transmigrator Binghe is trying to work his way out of poverty? Mobei Jun kidnaps Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky and forces him to rewrite PIDW so that HE becomes the demon emperor because Binghe is real fuckin unstable and it's a headache--and every written change alters their world immediately after Airplane writes it? It's out there somewhere in the multiverse, surely!
And of COURSE they'd act slightly differently between iterations, BE slightly different--it's not OOC, it's multidimensional variation. No matter how hard you meme, it doesn't feel fake at all, and that's INCREDIBLE! It lends itself to being a superfandom!
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buttclench-ryugazaki · 3 months
off the top of my head we got superwholock, rise of the brave tangled dragons, NDS visual novels ("professor ghost attorney"), and creepy RPG maker games (yume nikki, OFF, corpse party, etc). what other superfandoms can you remember from back in the day?
EDIT: i'm ashamed that i forgot to list my own wheelhouse which is Sports Anime Hell circa 2013
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darkshrimpemotions · 6 months
Insane that Doctor Who was ever part of the early 2010s queerbait superfandom given it's ALWAYS been so blatantly and explicitly queer. But also, since one leg of said superfandom has decided to be extra loud about it just to clear up any possible confusion, I mean. Why not all 3?
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bittersweetbark · 6 months
Hey!! I've seen you post about Our Flag Means Death, but have you ever seen Good Omens? Or What We Do In The Shadows?
I hear these three are the new SuperWhoLock, but everyone is trying to avoid this at all cost (that superfandom was before my time, but I know it was quite wild)
I was very much into Our Flag Means Death, it actually made me read fanfiction again and through THAT I discovered Astolat's Emralt! And the OFMD "run me through" scene was the story hook for my first fic ever ("The Gentleman will be removed from the situation" I'll ne er choose such a long ass title ever again.)
Stede has been very important for my identity acceptance - he's HORRIBLE, I'm not THAT bad, and I also loved him, so that gave me some self-acceptance.
Then they made season 2 and now I'm blocking everything OFMD :))) By now I can see untagged content without getting into whitehot seething. Progress!
I've never watched Good Omens or WWDITS, basically because I'm in a phase I haven't been watching anything (roughly 2013-now) with only OFMD as an exception. I had been very disappointed by a few shows and kinda stopped watching. Also everyone went on Netflix and the sources dried out. Fortunately OFMD has restored my faith in... wait... oh yeah: no. :))) So I don't really feel like retroactively getting into WWDITS.
I read Good Omens in the 90s and it was enough Pratchett that I liked it - I don't know, I have no urge to start watching it. Or the Sandman thing. I'm not really into Gaiman's stuff omg Tumbr will ban me for this, won't they.
I uh "got" the Interview with the Vampire, that one is on my hard drive, but then I read they eat cats so I won't watch that either.
It gets worse! :D I've never been very much into Supernatural and only watched some of it out of boredom, same goes for Doctor Who, and I hated Sherlock! If my Tumblr is gone by tomorrow, you'll know they punished me for my horrible sins.
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confessions-official · 3 months
the most annoying part of being made aware against my will of everything taylor swift does as a non-swiftie is that most of the people i get on my dash posting about her are actually rabid haters, not even her fans who i don't think are particularly insane compared to other pop superfandoms (1d/bts at their peak for example) and who TAG THEIR POSTS accordingly at least so i can mute them. seriously, i dislike the woman automatically by virtue of her being a billionaire but some of u are trying to start some socially motivated conversation about her being a little pretentious about her pop songwriting that is just... not there to be had. not only that but i get second-hand ulcers seeing the way ppl stress out about this woman for the stupidest shit that is neither here nor there. millenniall women have always been a bit corny. the grammys have always awarded mid albums. no relevant pop star in the last like 20 years has taken a strong stand for or against anything. now GET THAT WOMAN OFF MY DASH!!!!!! (except for the memes about her private jet, those are funny)
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soysaucevictim · 6 months
... I'll never not love the FF superfandom (comprising folks who're fans of most of the franchise, not just a couple specific installments) taking the piss outta Exdeath for being an evil tree. :,D
Aaaand just thinking about Janus's "too many trees" rant here.
One Exdeath is too many trees.
He just wants everything tossed into The Void.
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fulltimehabibti · 1 year
notes on yaksha: ruthless operations
song jaerim still annoyingly sexy. so sexy i'm furious rn.
so smart to lean into the homoerotic kdrama superfandom by casting the dilf from the merciless and the twink from the devil judge
lee el still sexy
sol kyung gu continues to be the king of mean bisexuals
park hae soo and sol kyung gu speedrunning through every bl trope in the first half of the movie
song jae rim don't you ever cut your fucking hair ever again
i don't think the japanese would ever care this much about korean unification tbh
r.i.p every single one of park hae soo's internal organs
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kryptonfuture · 10 months
how tf did i wind up so embroiled in the superfandom
i've got kara, henshaw, a villain oc, and......... well the last one's a secret
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worst thing to come of ofmd superfandom is the absorption of muppets treasure island for their own nefarious means. Leave my silly puppet movie out of this
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brionbroadway · 2 years
congratulations to dino, easily my favourite south african winner and one of my favourite winners across franchises. as he artciulated in his final tribal council, he understood his strategic brain wouldn’t get him anywhere without social capital. with both, he survived being swap screwed, an open target on him from the other side’s leader, and the dismantling of his own alliance. his superfandom comes from a place of deep love of and gratitude for the game rather than ego (much like maryanne in 42). he’s one of few returning players to actively learn from and fix his (many!) mistakes. by all accounts, he is a genuinely good person. and he broke the car curse! 
Tumblr media
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hiphoptothestreets · 4 months
Eminem is co-producing a documentary about music superfandom called Stans
Eminem is co-producing a documentary about music superfandom called Stans
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thehiphoplifestyle · 4 months
Eminem is co-producing a documentary about music superfandom called Stans
Eminem is co-producing a documentary about music superfandom called Stans
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ngtskynebula · 4 months
Underrated fan studies enthusiast pain: having to read about a superfandom you kinda... hate, cause you may hate it but you can't neglect the fact it was extremely relevant to fan culture history 😮‍💨
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spiderh0rse · 10 months
So I've been a bit weird about the Pupil situation,,,, wrote 4k words of s5 goes worse for the express purpose of getting to write a massive chunk of Pupil monologue,,,,,,,,, average TMA fan? I respect Jonah Magnus a normal amount?
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
YOU ARE MULTITALENT!!! i love your art!!! superfandom was my first, they were my obsession... that's how i discovered myself lol my first disappointment and my first queerbaiting... good times sometimes i miss 🐛
THANK YOUU! i see myself more as a jack of all trades. I do have a TON of hobbies. 2012 was the last time I wrote fanfic before I worked on In Flames and ILGOSS.
You'll never forget your first! I still sometimes re-read lostariel's work on ao3 because she's a wonderful writer and an even more awesome human being
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