karolinevassalor · 9 months
Me, every time i found a good side character
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darklinaforever · 6 months
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hurremmylove · 1 year
Kidnapper: We have her
Suleyman: Have who?
Kidnapper: Hurrem Sultan.
Suleyman: ...oh.
Kidnapper: Oh?
Suleyman: You don't have her. She has you. Good luck.
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zeldaxviii · 2 years
i've watched three different adaptations of hurrem's story, two turkish ones and one ukrainian. one thing i've noticed is that mahidevran is ALWAYS portrayed as the jealous ex, the previous love of suleyman's life that got her relationship homewreckred by hurrem.
quite frankly i find it very weird and a prime example of modern writers not grasping the norms of the time, and prioritizing drama over an exploration of how characters would realistically behave in those circumstances.
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sheikhabdellatif · 2 years
Kennen die Djinn das Verborgene (al-Ghaib)? mit Scheich Abdellatif
Niemand kennt das Verborgene außer #Allah. Wer es dennoch behauptet zu wissen gilt nicht als #Muslim. Beweise aus #Quran und #Sunnah. Ein ganz klarer Beweis aus dem Quran erfolgt durch die Ayat mit Suleyman a.s. wo die Jinn nicht gemerkt haben dass er schon über 1 Jahr tot war. Jemand der einen #Zauberer fragt sein #Gebet #namaz wird 40 Tage nicht angenommen. Oder jemand der zu einem #Guru rennt und ihm glaubt dass er al #Ghaib kennt und die #Lügen glaubt verlässt ebenfalls die #Religion. Ein ernstes Thema da es um #Aqidah geht-
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teknolojimnet · 1 year
Süleyman Çakır efsanesinin 19. ölüm yıl dönümü
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Bugün, Türk televizyon tarihinin en ünlü dizilerinden biri olan Kurtlar Vadisi'nin unutulmaz karakterlerinden biri olan Süleyman Çakır'ın 19. ölüm yıl dönümü. Dizi, ilk kez 2003 yılında yayınlanmaya başladı ve Türkiye'de milyonlarca insan tarafından takip edildi. Süleyman Çakır karakteri, dizinin en sevilen ve en saygın karakterlerinden biri olarak kabul edilir. Bu yazıda, Kurtlar Vadisi dizisinde ki Süleyman Çakır'ın 19. ölüm yıl dönümü hakkında konuşacağız.
Süleyman Çakır Kimdir?
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Kurtlar Vadisi dizisinde yer alan Süleyman Çakır, Oktay Kaynarca tarafından canlandırılan kurgusal bir karakterdir. Bugün, Türkiye'de televizyon tarihinin en unutulmaz karakterlerinden birinin ölüm yıl dönümü. 8 Nisan 2004'te, Türk televizyonunda gösterilen Kurtlar Vadisi dizisinin 33. bölümünde, Süleyman Çakır karakteri trajik bir şekilde öldürüldü. Oktay Kaynarca tarafından canlandırılan bu kurgusal karakter, Türk halkının gönlünde taht kurdu ve Türk televizyon tarihinde unutulmaz bir yere sahip oldu.
Kurtlar Vadisi Dizisi Hakkında
Kurtlar Vadisi, 2003 yılında Türkiye'de yayınlanan bir televizyon dizisidir. Dizi, Türkiye'deki derin siyasi yapılara karşı mücadele eden bir grup insanın hikayesini anlatır. Dizinin başrol oyuncusu Polat Alemdar'dır, fakat diğer karakterler de dizinin popülerliği üzerinde büyük bir etkiye sahip olmuştur.
Süleyman Çakır'ın Ölümü
Süleyman Çakır karakteri, Kurtlar Vadisi dizisinin 2005 yılında yayınlanan 55. bölümünde öldürüldü. O, Türk halkı tarafından sevilen ve saygı duyulan bir karakterdi ve onun ölümü hayranlarını derinden etkiledi. Ölüm sahnesi, Türk televizyon tarihinde en çok konuşulan sahnelerden biridir ve hala bugün bile insanların konuştuğu bir konudur.
Kurtlar Vadisi'nin Etkisi
Kurtlar Vadisi, Türkiye'de büyük bir etkiye sahip oldu. Dizi, Türkiye'deki yozlaşmış siyasi yapılarla mücadele eden insanların hikayesini anlatarak, insanların Türkiye'deki sorunları hakkında daha bilinçli olmalarına yardımcı oldu. Dizi, birçok insanın Türk siyaseti hakkında düşünmesine ve tartışmasına neden oldu.
Süleyman Çakır'ın Etkisi
Süleyman Çakır karakteri, Kurtlar Vadisi dizisinin en sevilen karakterlerinden biri olarak kabul edilir. O, dürüstlük, adalet ve cesaret gibi değerleri temsil ediyordu. Onun ölümü, Türkiye'deki adaletin ne kadar önemli olduğunu gösterdi ve birçok insanın adalet için mücadele etmesine ilham verdi.
Süleyman Çakır'ın En İyi Sahne ve Alıntıları
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Süleyman Çakır karakteri, Kurtlar Vadisi dizisinde birçok unutulmaz sahneye ve alıntıya sahiptir. İşte onlardan bazıları: - "Paranı kaybedersen geri kazanırsın gücünü kaybedersen geri alırsın namını kaybedersen her şeyini kaybedersin." - "Asla birilerinin umudunu kırma belki de sahip oldukları tek şey o'dur." - "Bir yerde küçük insanların büyük gölgeleri oluşuyorsa orada güneş batıyor demektir." - "Bardak zaten dolu, damlayana yazık olacak." - "Kimse benden çalamaz."
Süleyman Çakır'ın Unutulmaz Karakteri
Süleyman Çakır karakteri, Türkiye'de bir sembol haline geldi. Onun karakteri, Türkiye'deki yolsuzluk ve adaletsizlik karşısında mücadele eden insanların sembolü oldu. Onun dürüstlüğü, adaleti ve cesareti, Türk halkının kalbinde derin bir yer edindi.
Ölümünden Sonra Kurtlar Vadisi'nde Neler Oldu?
Süleyman Çakır'ın ölümü, Kurtlar Vadisi dizisinin hayranlarını derinden etkiledi. Dizinin yapımcıları, karakterin yerini doldurmak için birkaç yeni karakter ekledi. Ancak, Süleyman Çakır'ın yerini kimse dolduramadı ve onun karakteri hala dizinin en sevilen karakterlerinden biri olarak kabul ediliyor.
Süleyman Çakır'ın 19. Ölüm Yıldönümü
Bugün, 8 Nisan 2023, Süleyman Çakır karakterinin ölümünün 19. yıldönümü. Bu özel gün, Kurtlar Vadisi hayranları için önemli bir anma günüdür. Hayranlar, sosyal medyada #SüleymanÇakır19 hashtag'i altında paylaşımlar yaparak ve karakterin unutulmaz sahnelerini yeniden paylaşarak onun anısını canlı tutuyorlar.
Süleyman Çakır karakteri, Türk televizyon tarihinde unutulmaz bir yer edindi. Onun dürüstlüğü, adaleti ve cesareti, Türk halkı için bir sembol haline geldi. Onun ölümü, Kurtlar Vadisi hayranlarını derinden etkiledi ve hala bugün bile konuşulan bir konu olmaya devam ediyor. Süleyman Çakır'ın anısı, Türkiye'de adalet ve dürüstlük mücadelesi veren insanlar için her zaman bir ilham kaynağı olacak.   Read the full article
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lalocamposhernandez · 2 years
Ahora, un pescador busca salvar su vida de manos de un genio.
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plumedepoete · 2 years
Suleyman idole des femmes - Colette Guinard
Suleyman idole des femmes – Colette Guinard
Haut comme trois pommes Qui se voit déjà un homme Qui n’est pourtant qu’un enfant Du haut de ses 9 ans Il ressemble à ses parents J’adore son sourire Et ses éclats de rire . C’est mon porte bonheur Il est mon trèfle à quatre feuilles A 5 heures à ma porte ,sur le seuil Il vient prendre son goûter Sans même, le temps de déguster Il est toujours pressé Ce petit intrépide Est toujours avide D’aller…
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ngtimes · 2 years
Davido Offers Full Scholarship to Brilliant Ghanaian Student
Davido Offers Full Scholarship to Brilliant Ghanaian Student
A smart but needy high school graduate’s education will now be fully funded by Nigerian artist Davido. Suleyman receives a full scholarship from the Nigerian singer. Suleyman has been offered a full scholarship to the institution by the “If” hitmaker, up to his graduation. Following his outstanding WASSCE results, the young prodigy from Ghana’s tragic story was widely circulated on…
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hurremsultn · 7 months
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"There is no moon or sun like you in my sky..."
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karolinevassalor · 2 months
Look at him. Just, look at him *.*
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laurensgraham · 8 months
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"As all contemporary European observers testified, the Sultan was completely smitten with his new concubine. She quickly ousted the mother of the Sultan’s first-born son, the beautiful Circassian Gulbehar (Mahidevran, in other sources), from the position of favorite concubine. Suleiman’s love for Hurrem found powerful expression in his poetic letters to her. When both Navagero and Trevisano wrote in their 1553 and 1554 reports to Venice that she was “much loved by her master” (“tanto amata da sua maestà”), Roxolana was already in her fifties, long past her prime. After her death in April 1558, Suleiman remained inconsolable for a long time. She was the greatest love of his life, his soulmate and lawful wife, and a woman of extraordinary character. — Galina Yermolenko, Roxelana: the Greatest Empresse of the East
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hurremmylove · 1 year
Suleyman: I've fallen for you
Hurrem: Then get the fuck up.
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awkward-sultana · 4 days
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"I will care for you with my own hands. I'll do whatever is necessary to help you gain your strength and return to our happy days..."
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spoonfullofwit · 5 months
(Mostly talking about the shows. Not delving too much into books because I have not read the books yet. It’s on my TBR. And I know certain details that happen in the books because of videos that talk about A song of ice and fire universe. And I am not delving too deep into the Ottoman Empire history)
Like....wow. Where do I even begin?
Point 1: A quick one to get it out of the way. Viserys I and Suleiman being similar is the best one in regards to that they are so oblivious when it comes to their family and it goes straight over their heads.
They don't understand why their families can't get along even though it so fucking obvious why, and they had the power to put a stop to the infighting if they did the obvious thing. For Suleiman put a stop to the fratricide law to prevent his sons from being forced into killing each and stop their mothers from plotting against each other to save them. And for Viserys not getting married a second time or abdicated the throne while he was alive and give it to Rhaenyra.
They love their wives to death and when Hurrem and Aemma died Suleiman and Viserys souls died with them. They have complicated relationships with their children; they have obvious favorites that caused conflict within the family. Suleiman with Mehmed and Mihrimah. Viserys with Rhaenyra.
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I get this comparison. I accept.
But give my man Suleiman more credit because he was a better leader, commanded respect, and always stood on business on every aspect. While Viserys was a little flaky and kind of wishy-washy especially with politics and governance; despite being a decent enough guy he was not a good ruler. While Suleiman is considered the greatest rulers of all time both in the show and in real life because he was decisive, smart, and ambitious.
In a fight/war Suleiman would have fucking obliterated Viserys (without the use of dragons of course). But if not pitted against each other I think they would have been good enough friends. (though I think they would have secretly thought each other was a little weird).
Point 2: The main ones that burned my biscuits.
Hurrem is more like Rhaenyra and I am willing to die on this hill.
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People have the uptmost gall and audacity to say that Hurrem is Alicent Highttower coded.....DID WE WATCH THE SAME SHOWS?
Hurrem is so Targaryen coded. At the very least Martell or a little bit Baratheon coded.
Like people are getting caught up on the ONE aspect of Hurrem's character which is that she is a bad stepmom ( i love her but it is the truth) like Alicent since they are both trying to kill their step children to make way for their own biological children...but Hurrem is more than that. And reducing her to just that is a disservice to the core of her character.
Yes Rhaenyra and Mustafa were robbed of their thrones but they are so different with their values and morals. And their gender plays a huge part in that also.
Mustafa did not have to prove himself to anyone or was questioned of his capability of ruling because he is a man. If history played out in his favor, there would not have been huge shift in history. It would have been more of the same because like I said he is a man. Mustafa is not much of an underdog because he has all of the privileges that Rhaenerya does not have access to.
She is constantly having to prove herself and her worth because she is a woman. She is constantly doubted and her honor is always called into question because she does exactly what every man does.
Rhaenyra is willing to do things (blood and cheese) that honestly I don't think Mustafa would have done. And if they met they would have not liked each other.
Because Rhaenyra probably would have reminded him too much of Hurrem.
Hurrem and Rhaenyra are rebels that dance to the beat of their own drum. They are the ones that broke the mold of what is acceptable for women. They were the first to achieve a level that was thought impossible for a woman.
Rhaenyra is the first woman to be named rightful heir to the Iron Throne and first sole ruling Queen (even though sadly it was for a short time). As a character Rhaenyra was balling the fuck out (as she should!). She was arrogant, was not afraid to put someone in their place, larger than life, and she wanted power. She fought in a literal war! Under the right circumstances she would have been a great ruler. She did what thought was best for her and lived life on her terms. Which is something even real women can barely do.
Hurrem was the first slave to become a legal wife of a Sultan and helped create an entirely new title, Haseki Sultan, which is the chief consort of the emperor. Which is the second most power position for a woman underneath Valide sultan (Mother of the Sultan). Haseki Sultan had immense power and influence of the empire! That is a huge step! She began an entire era called the Sultante of Women! She trailblazed for other women to rise up and gain power. All because she stuck her neck out, stood her ground and refused to be walked all over. Hurrem was all or nothing and did not asked but demanded respect. She dared to reached for more despite the heavy risk. She's fiery, charismatic, brave, intelligent, vicious, altruistic, headstrong, complicated, and plays by her own rules not anyone else's. She fought tooth and nail for she wanted.
Sounds very Targaryen to me. Show version Hurrem even have prophetic dreams and has fire and dragon motifs for christ sake!
Rhaenyra and Hurrem were both betrayed, abandoned, and had to move mountains to get what they want while losing a great deal in the process. They don't follow rules that don't serve them and are unabashedly upfront. These two would have been great friends! Hurrem, Rhaenyra, Laena Velaryon and Daemon would have been the best group on fucking earth. They would probably taken over the world in style.
Alicent would not have liked Hurrem. Maybe would not be so hostile toward Hurrem, but still would not like Hurrem's rule-breaking ways and her confidence.
As the saying goes good girls barely make history.
Point 3: The "good girls" in question
Mahidveran is the one who's soooooo damn Alicent Hightower coded. Like they are pretty much the same except Mahidveran is more outwardly viscous.
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This is team "I blindly follow rules that don't serve me then get mad when said rules don't serve me." They allow others to control their lives and understandably they became resentful for it, and rest in their victimhood mentality.
They hide behind other people because they cannot stand on their own two feet. They are so self-righteous and refuse to take accountability for the wrong they have done.
I will give Mahidveran props for standing up for herself and her son to Suleiman from time to time. While Alicent waited until the last possible moment to stand up to her father (which resulted in absolutely noting). And I will give Mahidhveran major points for being a more involved parent and did not raise a rapist, drunk, and pedo.
While Hurrem and Rhaenyra went against the staus quo, Mahidveran and Alicent IS the status quo. If there was no Hurrem, Mahidveran would have been just another Vahide Sultan we would not have known or cared about. Or if Mustafa died before becoming a Sultan she would have been just another concubine pushed to the side because she did not break the mold. Which is understandable because it is dangerous for a woman to act out if she does not have protection or leverage. I understand that not everyone has it in them go against the grain and that's okay. Same for Alicent, if Rhaenyra never existed and Alicent married Viserys and carried on having sons she probably would not made much of a impact because again she complies with the restrictive patriarchal view of femininity and cannot fathom living another way because the risk of societal backlash is too great and scary. And again not everyone is strong enough to not give a fuck what societal expectations.
However, my problem with women/female characters like this is that they do absolutely nothing for the progress of other women and do everything for the progress of men. Even for men who don't deserve it (cough Alicent). They help continue the cycle of men dominating over everyone and maintaining a status quo that keeps women disempowered and treated as property and pawns.
I am not saying Hurrem and Rhaeynera are perfect feminists or perfect women or even perfect people. I am not saying everything they did was for the betterment of women because let's be real it was probably not. But women who take hold of their agency and personhood, shows other women that there are alternative ways to live and you do not have stand for a society or system that mistreatments you. Being selfish is the most radical thing a woman can do, because selfish "wild" women shows the gaping cracks of patriarchy, if more women choose to be themselves and live on their own terms then the system would eventually fall completely apart.
Alicent and Mahidveran would have been great superficial friends. They hang and out exchange niceties. Mahidveran would tell Alicent everything she want to hear because that's the kind of friend Mahidveran is (look at Hattice, Shah and Fatma.) And I totally see Mahidveran trying to worm her way into a marriage alliance between Helaena and Mustafa...Which I wouldn't be mad at cus my sweet baby Helaena deserved someone who wouldn't hurt her and keep her safe.
Thank you for reading my Ted Talk. Sorry if its long and got way to philsophical I might make more posts on this because it is very interesting and obviously I have thoughts on this. I love these shows so much.
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