#Still 3/4 wondering 1/4 wishing he is related in some way to the Masked Fools or the Mourning Actors
fragmentedblade · 5 months
Does Ratio have snake eyes because of Delphi? 👀
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Update on Fox Gods’ Wife
Before I pass out in bed, I managed to plot out the first three chapters of the new fic. In all likelihood, it’ll be posted on my AO3 account but I’ll post previews and teasers with official links. For projects like this, I feel like they’re too long for Tumblr and for multiple chapter works I tend to run 4000-5000+ per chapter as the minimum. If I hit my groove, I can pump out between 6000-8000+ for one chapter. I feel like that is too long for a Tumblr post. Below are the chapters I came up with. The way I plot everything is using astrology and tarot cards because I’ve always hated those maps they give out in English classes. This is a weird system I came up with that happens to work for me. If you have any questions about it or want to try it yourself, you’re more than welcome to ask me. I’m not a professional tarot card reader, but the divination aspects of tarot isn’t what I use for my writing craft anyway. 
Chapter 1
1.     The Moon: intuition, illusion, fear, subconscious, the unconscious, mystery, secrets, psychic work, imagination, falsehood, deception/deceptive people in one’s life; Masae is caught in a daydream during her break. She returns to work and gets a vague from her boyfriend. She faces a subconscious fear that Neito is somehow lying to her, but she can’t pinpoint it. As she leaves work, Masae runs into harmless spirits that she feeds her leftovers. When she finally arrives home, there is no there to greet her.
2.     Two of Cups, reversed: imbalance, disconnection, unworthiness, struggle, quarrels and misunderstandings, love not returned, a secret liaison, disharmony, cooling affection; Masae’s boyfriend eventually comes home. Neito complains about having to get dinner himself while gaslighting Masae about not texting him about what to get supper. Masae makes a weak apology (even though she doesn’t need to). Neito seemingly tries to make up his attitude earlier by flirting with her. While making love, Masae notices something odd about Neito’s behavior in the bedroom but brushes it aside.
3.     King of Pentacles: power, influence, abundance, security, material success, pragmatism, a steady, methodical, and reliable man, an older established man, businessman; The next day at work, Masae is struggling to focus on work. Her boss comes around to scold her for not doing her work properly, even though she is. Masae bites her tongue and returns to work discouraged.
4.     The Fool, reversed: carelessness, negligence, uncertainty, apathy, restlessness and boredom, the need for a new beginning, folly; Masae returns home from work again. This time she finds that Neito is home before her. He makes a barely believable story and gaslights her. Masae finds an earring in the bedroom, but doesn’t recognize it. She shrugs it off and puts it in her jewelry box.
5.     High Priestess: the subconscious, wisdom, serenity, intuition, emotions, feminine power, spirituality, inner power, the influence of women, hidden influences at work, mysteries and secrets; Masae is visited by her Aunt Emi when Neito leaves a brief business trip. Emi is a shaman of sorts and understands Masae’s secret abilities to see spirits and ghosts. Emi is convinced that there is negative energy in the home Masae shares with Neito. Masae eventually tells Emi that she’s been feeling weird, off-putting vibes from Neito and tells her about the earring she found on the bedroom floor. Their conversation is cut off by Neito. Emi leaves reluctantly. Neito chides Masae for relying on her “crazy aunt” for advice. “Thank goodness you’re not blood related. I wouldn’t want it spreading through the gene pool. You don’t honestly believe in spirits and all that nonsense do you, Masae?” Wanting to please him, she quickly denies it. Masae lies in bed, unable to sleep.
Chapter 2
1.     The Hanged Man: sacrifice, release, new perspective, surrender, letting go, seeing things from a different perspective, suspension, detachment from the material, meditation; Masae is stuck. She begins to become paranoid about Neito and her feelings towards him. She slowly begins to suspect him of something and it becomes more obvious that he’s hiding an affair behind her back. When she confronts him about it, Neito is quick to gaslight her and lie through his teeth. He makes her feel bad for even suggesting he’s cheating on her. Even after listening to him, Masae still can’t help but trust her gut feeling that he’s cheating on her. Masae slips into a depression and can’t seem to enjoy her books and manga anymore.
2.     Nine of Wands, reversed: failure, defensiveness, hesitation, paranoia, cut your losses, existing partnership has lost its glow, spite; Masae comes home to find Neito with a female guest in their home. She feels jealous, but doesn’t make a show of it while the other woman is there. Neito’s guest seems oblivious Masae’s discomfort. Once she leaves, Neito chides Masae for not letting him know when she was coming home. They have a fight and Masae stays with her aunt instead of sharing her bed with Neito.
3.     Six of Pentacles: generosity, charity, empathy, kindness, give and take, cooperation, gifts and awards; Masae comes to her Aunt Emi weighed down by fear and anxiety. She explains that she just had a fight with Neito and asks if she could stay a while. Naturally, Aunt Emi is more than happy to take her in for as long as it takes. Almost a week later, Neito arrives at the door with flowers and well-worded apology. He seemingly apologizes for his actions, however he does all of this while Aunt Emi is away and can’t warn Masae about Neito’s subtle gaslighting. Masae is so used to it, that she doesn’t notice it and takes him back.
4.     The Star: renewal, hope, serenity, clarity, happiness, light at the end of the tunnel; Neito becomes sweeter than before as if to mask something. Masae begins to have her suspcions again, but is willing to give him a second chance. In a matter of days, Neito is still sickly-sweet to Masae, although by now she doesn’t notice the subtle deceipt. Neito plans a big date night to make up for his previous behavior.
5.     The Tower: upheaval, change, awakening, shock, freedom, upsets, destruction of the old system, breakups, conflict and disruptions; Masae gets ready for her date with Neito when she gets a omninous text from her aunt. She tries not to think about it when she goes out with Neito. Everything seems to be going well until dessert. One of Neito’s exes spies them from across the restaurant. She explains that Neito is a chronic cheater and shows Masae pictures of Neito’s social media with the girl she saw at their home. Masae is so upset that she leaves the restaurant in tears.
Chapter Three
1.     The Lovers: unification, choices, harmony, relationships, partnerships, the union of opposites, cooperation; In a town called Kitsunemura, located on Awaji Island, a young couple visit a shrine dedicated to a couple of fox gods. They pray for a successful and wonderful marriage. On their way out, the woman mentions how sad the shrine looks these days because it looks so old and run-down. The chapter cuts to Shouta and Hizashi, the fox gods, apparent opposites but also (sometimes) lovers themselves.
2.     Four of Cups: meditation, resentment, apathy, discontentment, withdrawal, rest, boredom, lack of inspiration; Shouta looks around at the shrine and sighs. Hizashi is riding the cloud of accomplishment of helping yet another couple before he notices how downcast Shouta now appears. Shouta tells him that the state of the shrine won’t bring in enough people and they’ll be forced to return to Heaven (home of the gods). They can’t simply fix the shrine themselves due to limitations in their powers and drawing too much attention to the shrine (it might frighten more people away if it were to suddenly change overnight). Hizashi suggests going somewhere to alleviate their boredom. Shouta takes another look around the shrine and reluctantly agrees with the plan.
3.     Seven of Cups: illusion, imagination, unrealistic desires, possibility, fantasy, dreams; Hizashi and Shouta go to the Spirit World (the go-between world of gods, spirits, and ghosts). They go to the Gods’ Quarter where they go to an inn to drink away their boredom. While they’re entertained, Hizashi senses one of their few devotees asking for help. He’s wasted and doesn’t think much of it. He drunkenly tells Shouta, but they both end up in a stupor and fall asleep together.
4.     Eight of Pentacles: creativity, concentration, craftsmanship, focus, skill, work, determination; Hizashi wakes up with a hang-over only to discover that he’s back home. Shouta had carried him back home, but awoken early to see if there was something he could do for the shrine. Hizashi finds him at work reviving some of the plants and trees, however it has little effect as the shrine’s general appearance does not seem to improve or be able to attract more devotees.
5.     The Star: renewal, hope, serenity, clarity, happiness, light at the end of the tunnel; Shouta and Hizashi sit up to watch the night sky after expending so much spiritual energy trying to fix their own shrine. Hizashi snuggles up to Shouta and holds him. Shouta notices some stars falling out of the sky and recalls the “mortal tradition” of making a wish on a falling star. Shouta doesn’t bother exploring the tradition, but Hizashi wishes that their bosses would send someone to help them save the shrine and keep them on earth.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 5 Roundup!  Lots of awesome content this week, so go appreciate the heck out of it and give love to our content creators!
Title: Better than Good Collaborator: MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - Dumpster Diving Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Unreliable Narrator, Fluffy Smut, Biting kink? Summary: “I don’t think you understand that I can buy this entire hotel.” Steve masked a sigh. “I do understand, but you’re forgetting that we’re undercover." Though Steve didn't know why it was he and Tony that were playing the couple when it was Tony and Bucky who were actually dating. Steve was happy for them, he just - wanted. Word Count: 7096
Title: N/A Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C1 - Team Mates Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: art Summary: [Fanart] Kate goes to wake up Clint, and Bucky’s there. [Vine redraw]
Title: Evening Comfort Collaborator: SierraNovembr Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 - Comfort Clothes Ship: Bucky/Clint/Steve/Tony Rating: Gen Major Tags: polyamory, OT4, M/M/M/M, cuddling, grumpy Tony Stark Summary: Sometimes you just have to crawl into bed before dinner. Or, Tony has a bad day and gets some comfort from his boyfriends. Word Count: 1275
Title: Continual Kink Negotiation - Chapter 3: Lingerie Collaborators: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 - Kink: Gentle Sex Ship: WinterStuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: A/B/O, BDSM, Kink Exploration, Lingerie, Soft Winter, Married Polyship, Oral Sex, Nipple Play, Safewords, Cross-Dressing, "Playing Housewife", Roleplay, Stopped Scene Summary: Winter explores one of the kinks high on his list - wearing lingerie. Word Count: 14,719
Title: Continual Kink Negotiation - Chapter 4: Housewife Kink Collaborators: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - Kink: Cross-Dressing Ship: WinterStuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: A/B/O, BDSM, Kink Exploration, Lingerie, Soft Winter, Married Polyship, Oral Sex, Nipple Play, Safewords, Cross-Dressing, "Playing Housewife", Roleplay, Stopped Scene Summary: Hey folks - chapter specific warnings are in the end notes for a little kink-related angst heads-up! Word Count: 14,719
Title: Maybe a Date Thing Collaborator: Tisfan Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U4 - AU: Coffee Shop Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Coffee Shop AU Summary: Are you busy? Can I ask a favor? For Tony Stark, that’s not a new or different question. But maybe the answer can be yes, this time. Word Count: 741
Title: Of Hot Dogs and Wonder Wheels (the Forget About the Cyclone Remix) Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 - eachpeachpearplum Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: Pre-war, confessions, fluff Summary: There are moments where Bucky wonders if Steve might be like him. If perhaps there’s a tiny possibility that Steve thinks about men the same way Bucky does, the way the world says they’re supposed to think about women. If there is the tiniest, most remote chance Steve could think that way about him. It’s pure wishful thinking, Bucky knows that. He loves Steve, wants him, and it’s colouring the way he interprets all his interactions with him, has him seeing things that aren’t there. He’s never going to tell Steve, and that’s all there is to it. So, really, he has no idea why they’re here, sitting in a car at the top of the Wonder Wheel at Coney Island, Bucky having just announced that he’s in love with Steve. Word Count: 1706
Title: Post Heist Debrief Collaborator: MagicaDraconia16 Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 - AU: Thief Ship: pre-WinterIronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: Thieves, no-powers, rivals, amateur porn, striptease, minor swearing Summary: This is the grand tale of Ali Baba and the For- uh, just a sec... Actually, this is just the tale of three thieves, who reluctantly band together and then decide that maybe, just maybe, the others might have something worth stealing. Word Count: 4165
Title: Insert Coin to Start (the Arcade Cabinet Remix) Collaborator: eachpeachpearplum Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Sent to a different dimension Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: AU, arcade games, eyes like black holes, art Summary: Nick has no idea how the game came to be outside SHIELD Games. It wasn’t there when he locked up last night, but then this morning, there it is, sitting on the sidewalk outside the door. Or: a new arcade game shows up on the doorstep of SHIELD Games with no explanation. It only gets weirder after that. Word Count: 442
Title: A quiet light for a new year Collaborator: HogwartsToAlexandria Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Invisibility Ship: WinterStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: New Year's Party, Fluff, Recovering Bucky Barnes, Stephen Strange is not a Socialite, First Kiss Summary: Well-meaning friends can never replace the people who actually understand what you're going through, who get you, somehow, no matter the circumstances. Neither Stephen nor Bucky actually volunteered to be present to the Avengers New Year's Party, now did they? Word Count: 1752
Title: Petals - Chapter 6 - Anagnorisis Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: U2 - AU: No powers Ship: Stucky, IronStrange Rating: Teen Major Tags: sickfic, Hanahaki disease, mild blood/vomit Summary: Something cold clenched tight inside his chest as Steve realized that Strange was right. He squeezed his eyes shut, but not before a single tear broke free and slid down his flushed cheek. Steve has a moment of recognition. Word Count: 956
Title: Convergence Collaborator: rust (thewaythatwerust) Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Touch Starvation Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: art Summary: He arches an eyebrow directly at Bucky. "Well, maybe I want you, but that's inconsequential. I have all the time in the world for that."
Title: Like Fire and Ice - Chapter 1 Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - 1930s Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: A/B/O dynamics and attendant dubconish elements, period-typical attitudes re: homophobia and misogny Summary: Bucky Barnes is handsome, athletic, and can charm the pants off of pretty much anyone he meets. The kind of alpha omegas dream about. But Mother Nature apparently didn't get the memo. Presenting as an omega turns Bucky's world upside down, but thankfully, he's got his best pal Steve to help him through it all. Word Count: 14,669
Title: Like Fire and Ice - Chapter 2 Collaborator: DocOlive Link: AO3 Square Filled: C5 - Masturbation Ship: Stucky Rating: Explici Major Tags: A/B/O dynamics and attendant dubconish elements, period-typical attitudes re: homophobia and misogny Summary: Bucky Barnes is handsome, athletic, and can charm the pants off of pretty much anyone he meets. The kind of alpha omegas dream about. But Mother Nature apparently didn't get the memo. Presenting as an omega turns Bucky's world upside down, but thankfully, he's got his best pal Steve to help him through it all. Word Count: 14,669
Title: "You're sharing the outfit, right?" Collaborator: rust (thewaythatwerust) Link: AO3 Square Filled: B4 - Kink: Seduction Mission Ship: Stucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: art, crossdressing Summary: Wherein Bucky tries on his favourite outfit of Steve's (hint: it's not the Stealth Suit).
Title: Best to Use Discretion Collaborator: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: U4 - AU: Office/Corporate Ship: Stucky, Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Accidental Polyamory, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism Summary: Tony knew he should turn away and pretend he hadn’t seen anything. They were maybe a story below him, within yelling distance if the windows opened, and while it could be argued that they’d made the choice to fool around on a rooftop in New York where just about anyone could see them, they still hadn’t consented to Tony watching them. Somehow, he couldn’t make himself look away. (AKA: Tony accidentally watches Steve and Bucky banging on a rooftop. Things escalate from there.) Word Count: 9122
Title: Art: Perfect Flow - Chapter 2: Luscious Lettuce Collaborator: LiquidLightz Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - The Clock is Ticking Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: art, Hockey AU,  Idiots in Love Summary: Steve & Bucky celebrate Bucky's winning goal.
Title: N/A Collaborator: zainniko Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 - Rescue Mission Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: [Fanart] Someone was mean to Clint, Bucky came to his aid and punished them
Title: Easier Not Better Collaborator: BlueClue182 Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Hand-Holding Ship: Stucky Rating: Gen Major Tags: none Summary: Steve is sick again and he and Bucky consider what Bucky's life would be like without having to take care of his best friend. That's it, that's the whole story. Word Count: 138.
Title: Connected Collaborator: shakespeareanqueer Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - Forced Soulbonding Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: Omegaverse, non-consensual, nonsexual touching, no smut Summary: You and Bucky have a very strong connection. It’s like you’re bonded before you really are. What happens when an actual bond may save his life? Word Count: 4765
Title: A Taste for Lime Collaborator: sarahbeniel Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 - Kink: Body Shots Ship: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Drinking, Smut Summary: Darcy convinces her buddy Bucky Barnes to attend a party at a fancy hotel, where they both enjoy a bit of much-needed liquid courage. Word Count: 1481
Title: Fire and Ice - Part 1 Collaborator: shield-agent78 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K3 - Lending a Hand Ship: Steve/Reader, Bucky/Reader Rating: Teen Major Tags: fluff, good-natured teasing, mild language, authoritative Steve, headstrong female character Summary: You are the granddaughter of General Ross who is now a senator who is working her way up the ranks of SHIELD. Soon, you come face to face with a beautiful blue-eyed stranger who turns out to be Steve Rogers. Will, he let down the facade of being America’s golden boy? Is the ass he appears to be or will he let down his wall with you? Word Count: 806
Title: A Piece of the Past Collaborator: MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 - Lending a Hand Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mob AU, undercover cop, flashback scenes where Tony is 17/18 and Bucky is mid-20′s. Summary: It had been so many years since Bucky had gone undercover in the Stark family’s mob that he thought he’d gotten away clean. Then Tony Stark slid into the seat across from him at his breakfast diner, and Bucky’s boss has a new case for him. Word Count: 4954
Title: Warmth Collaborator: Justamanlymouse Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - Huddling for Warmth Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Refrenced Torture, Implied/Refrenced Sexual Assult/Rape, Naked cuddling Summary: “Rules of engagement?” it asks.“Survive,” its Mechanic husks out, dripping wet hair falling into his eyes as he looks up at The Asset. Relief pools through it. Him. It. Him. He can touch. He can help.The Asset needed a mechanic. HYDRA found him one, capturing Tony Stark. The mechanic always makes sure The Asset is opperational, so The Asset will protect its mechanic, however it can. Word Count: 629
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yukiwrites · 5 years
Byleth, Asking Questions
Thank you for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse​! I hope you like it!
Summary: After retrieving the Lance of Ruin from Miklan, Byleth wonders alone in his tent about the origin of the Heroes Relics. Sothis’ reaction to the questions only makes Byleth delve deeper into his musings, to the point of bringing it up to Rhea...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -  Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10  - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 
The loud noise of the rain shaking the outside of Byleth's tent only made the silence inside of it to ring in the professor's ears more with each passing second.
Sitting on his bed, the former mercenary held the recently recovered Lance of Ruin in his hands, observing it intently. The ancient weapon had many intricate details, from the crest stone so carefully carved into it to the forgotten language etched all over it.
Not to mention these... moving spots.
The lance itself behaved as though it were a living being -- when wielded by someone with the right crest (namely, Sylvain), it glowed in a vibrant red, much like the Sword of the Creator did whenever Byleth himself brandished it. However, different from the Sword, one could feel something akin to a faint heartbeat once they harnessed the power of the Lance of Ruin.
The bone-like structures close to its tip would move ominous and disgustingly, honestly giving Byleth the creeps.
Frowning, the professor placed the dangerous weapon on the floor in front of him, promptly placing his own Sword of the Creator by his lap. He took it upon himself to once again observe the weapon, as though he could figure something out if he stared at it intently.
The pommel, shaft and hand guard were all so well made they've yet to see decay even after withstanding the use of a thousand years. Trailing his fingertips through the blade, Byleth narrowed his eyes, deep in thought, towards the abandoned Lance on the floor.
The moment his fingers reached the flexible structure on the Sword, his eyes reached the creepy, bone-resembling bits of the Lance, making realization hit him almost like a slap on the face.
"Hey, Sothis?" He closed his eyes so as to see his mind roommate, needing but a moment of concentration to be able to see her in the waking world, even after opening his eyes.
The young-looking green-haired girl floated in front of him, descending towards the Lance as her expression turned somber. "Still thinking about that terrible happening at the Tower?" She whispered, forlorn. “That man... His form was changed. It was as though that lance was swallowing him whole. Upon that sight, it makes sense that your students were upset. I wonder if those Relics truly hide such power? Yet even still, that power seems familiar. That form as well... As one who wields the Sword of the Creator... Does that mean you possess that power too? It is not a wonder you've left the Lance on the floor -- what sort of danger could you be at risk of encountering should you keep it too close for more than necessary?"
Byleth once again trailed his hand through the Sword. "Well, that's not exactly what I was thinking about, though I confess it did cross my mind."
Sothis looked at him from her apparent seat on the floor. "Oh? Enlighten me."
It took the professor a moment to gather his thoughts, the frown growing deeper by his brow. "It's just... these weapons are a millennia old, yes? Apparent gifts the goddess bestowed upon mankind in its time of need?"
"Or so the Church says, indeed." Sothis bobbed her head to the sides. "Get to the point already! I'm beside myself with curiosity."
"But these are clearly bones, Sothis. Look, here," he activated the Sword's extension by twisting his wrist, watching how it apparently broke into several parts, joined by a whip in the middle. "This is a spinal cord, no way around it. And these?" He pointed to the shapes close to the Lance's tip, "don't they look like spatulas to you? What kind of benevolent Goddess, Progenitor of all life, gives weapons made out of bones to protect the ones devout to her?"
"Not a good one, apparently." Sothis mused, placing one hand under chin in thought. She stared intently at the Sword of the Creator, watching how it flickered bright red simply by being close to Byleth. "This is... making me feel utterly uncomfortable." She declared, her expression turning bitter with each word.
Byleth felt nauseous, surely because he channeled what Sothis was feeling at the moment. "Sothis-" The nausea and light-headedness made the professor wince in pain, quickly lying down to regain his balance.
"Enough! No more of this!" Sothis panted, holding her head with both hands. "This topic- it is not right. You should not delve deeper into this lest you regret what you might learn!" She huffed before disappearing, certainly to rest.
It still took a few minutes for Byleth to start feeling better, though he never took the Heroes Relics out of his sight, his mind set on what he was going to do next.
It took their party another three days to return to the monastery due to the bad weather -- although the cold season was still a ways to come, the rain in Faerghus stung as hard as a snowfall, and was just as cold.
Weary from the trip yet still resolved to finding out more, Byleth trudged directly towards the Archbishop's audience chamber. His clothes still drenched and travelling supplies hanging all around his belt and back, the professor marched in holding one Relic in each hand.
Rhea gasped with relief upon finally seeing that Byleth had returned, quickly trotting to him so as to offer him her handkerchief so he could at least dry his face.
"Professor, you have returned." She flashed a motherly smile, "The goddess is indeed generous with her protection. I have already read Gilbert's report on the matter -- see that you keep all that happened to yourself. We would not want panic to spread amongst the students or populace regarding the misuse of a Hero's Relic."
"Of course," Byleth nodded in compliance as the Archbishop carefully approached to dry his forehead. "I have, however, a question mostly unrelated to the matter."
"Oh?" Rhea stepped back to give the professor his space, watching how he placed the Lance of Ruin between the two of them.
"The Church teaches that the Heroes Relics were gifts bestowed to mankind by the Goddess herself, yes?" He asked, not waiting for an answer, though receiving a nod of confirmation. "How did she come by these weapons, though? They clearly look as though they were assembled from the bones of some sort of... creature."
That statement made Rhea blink in surprise, her expression changing from shock to disgust before quickly reverting back to her serene mask. "There were, ah, many a question regarding this matter throughout the ages, dear Professor. I cannot claim to understand what the Goddess was thinking the day she blessed the land with her presence, however, I can promise you that: the Heroes Relics were made using very powerful... materials." She narrowed her eyes as though retching what she had just said, looking down to the tip of the Lance of Ruin.
"You fool!!" Sothis screamed at full capacity, startling Byleth out of his skin. "Do not go asking questions you might regret hearing the answer to! Stop talking this instant! I feel sick already!"
Yet, that only spurred the professor further. "Materials, Lady Rhea?" He lifted the Sword of the Creator overhead, focusing his conscience in it so it would glow blood-red. "The spine cord of a powerful monster is the secret of the strongest Relic in history?"
"Monster?!" Rhea hissed, forgetting her composure for a moment. "Ah! Forgive this outburst of emotion, I-"
"Stop talking, stop making questions! Aren't you feeling this gut-chilling fear that's shaking my very soul? Do not utter another word!!" Sothis yelled and, true to her words, Byleth did feel light-headed and scared out of his wits. Forcing himself not to sway on his feet, the professor shook his head as Rhea kept on speaking.
"I am rather tired due to all of this excitement, do you not, Professor?" Rhea shook her head in distress, color leaving her face. "The Church will formally return the Lance to House Gautier, so if you would..." She reached out to the Lance Byleth inadvertently used as support once he started feeling dizzy.
Hesitating, the Professor simply gripped harder on the lance for a split of second.
"Give it to her! Get away from here this instant! I cannot bear this conversation any longer...!" Sothis begged in his head and Byleth knew that if she had a physical body, she would be kicking him on the shin right there and then.
Ultimately, Byleth let go of the Lance, dutifully handing it to Rhea.
"Thank you, Professor," she smiled weakly, the color still far from her face. "I knew I made the right judgment in trusting you with this mission."
"Of course," Byleth bowed slightly, staggering so faintly it escaped Rhea's watchful gaze. "If I may, I wish to come back and ask more questions regarding this matter... another time, of course."
Rhea frowned slightly. "Another time, indeed."
"If you'll excuse me," Byleth bowed once again, turning on his heel to leave. The next time he was to approach Rhea on this subject, he should be better prepared -- with at least more Relics to study the pattern of the bones (or bone-like structures, one could never say) and figure out what they truly were.
He felt that the answer to these questions were directly related to Sothis and the reason she was trapped inside his heart -- seeing and truly feeling what she felt whenever the matter was mentioned only proved that there was something relating the girl with the power of the Relics… And Byleth was going to find out what, no matter how long it took.
Sothis was a precious presence and friend to the professor by that point, and doing whatever he could to help her regain her memories was the very least he could do, even if it meant going against her immediate wishes from time to time.
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iicewitch · 4 years
☕ real boy
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a playlist for @stevenrcgers​ link to playlist: here tracklist and favorite lyrics below
1. blood, sweat and tears - bts   Peaches and cream, sweeter than sweet Chocolate cheeks and chocolate wings But your wings are wings of the devil In front of your sweet is bitter bitter 2. brainchild - everything everything A good thing Now you think about it, don't you make it real? The bad thing, maybe it's a feeling I don't want to feel But love is all you need to know But love is all you need to know
3. dumb dumb - red velvet
Like a mannequin Everything is so awkward I should just act like I do normally But whenever I see you, I act so stupid Like my little brother’s robot Everything is so awkward What do I do? I think I’m broken I forgot even how to breathe 4. the zombie song - stephanie mabey And I'd try not to bite and infect you because I'd respect you too much And that's why I'd wait until we got married Oh, and our happiest days would be spent Picking off all your friends and they'd see A love this deep won't stay buried
5. real boy -  lola blanc Every time we touch your hands are colder, colder There's no beating coming from your wooden chest Frozen grin, a mannequin When I get closer I can see the strings there underneath your vest 6. who do you want to be ? - oingo boingo Who do you want to be today? Who do you want to be? I think I'll be a teddy boy, I think I'll be a hunk I think I'll be a tough guy and I think I'll be a punk I might just be a fashion star all dressed in frilly rags Or perhaps, I'll cross the other side and walk around in drag! 7. under my skin - jukebox the ghost I can fit two people under my skin Yeah, I can fit two people under my skin And I will prove it if you will listen You crawled up in there, you joined me within I can feel your heart beating under my skin And the beating of your heart is making me bleed from within 8. mr. capgras encounters a secondhand vanity: tulpamancer's prosopagnosia - will wood and the tapeworms Damn, I thought you’re not your imposter. You’re so sure you’re not gonna get caught! Dead in your own skin, but you didn’t choose what you were born in! And another man in your repertoire, ready in your head and fed upon your memoirs Still the same rules apply from the birthday to the mourning What you feel and what you do; are those things really you? And if not, then what is?  9. breaking out - the protomen If you can hear my voice outside these walls (If you can hear me) If you can hear me sending out this message tonight Then break the silence, send a signal back (If you can hear me) I'm coming, all I need is a little guiding light...
10. roaring 20s - panic at the disco Maybe I'm overjoyed, maybe I'm paranoid Designer me up in straight jackets My tell-tale heart's a hammer in my chest Cut me a silk-tied tourniquet This is my roaring, roaring 20's 11. evelyn evelyn - evelyn evelyn We grew up closer than most Closer than anything, closer than anything Shared our bed and wore the same clothes Talked about everything, spoke about so many things 12. looking glass - the birthday massacre A boyish notion of false emotion These words are spoken despite my love A fool's devotion was set in motion My eyes are open now
13. play dead - the birthday massacre Thinking hurts and thoughts don't rhyme To those of us who've never tried To find a face behind our lipstick smiles And as our pretty faces die Our broken hearts will wonder why The makeup just won't hide the scars of time 14. lets fall in love - mother mother There's a game in the world A little bit of cat and mouse With the boys and the girls And if I had to ante up I'd bet on the birds 'Cause they don't have to walk around With the boys and the girls 15. o my heart - mother mother And I pour my heart a new foundation But it don't set hard it just stays shaking And I scratch my name I scratch my name in But it don't set hard it gets mixed back in Oh my heart, it's a fish out of water  16. body - mother mother Take my teeth, tear through my cheeks And take the nose go and dispose Oh would you go dispose, just go dispose 'Cause I've grown tired of this body A cumbersome and heavy body 
17. touch up - mother mother I am a makeover queen A swan out of duckling Ugly duckling you're drowning In makeup (in makeup) My makeup (my makeup) Has washed off 18. roman holiday - nicki minaj Take your medication, Roman Take a short vacation, Roman, you'll be okay You need to know your station, Roman Some alterations on your clothes and your brain
19. replicant - they might be giants You've got his eyes Same exact smile All that he has All this will be yours  20. happy days - GHOST Oh, it’s painful My heart is quite a mouthful I’ll tear it out for you I’ll be the sacrifice for you Y’know, things could go exactly how you want it I’d be exactly how you want me Use what’s left of my soiled personality I’m all yours, I’ll do anything 21. girls on film - duran duran 'Cause the crowd all love pulling dolly by the hair By the hair And she wonders how she ever got here As she goes under again Girls on film (two minutes later) Girls on film Girls on film (got your picture) Girls on film  22. nobody - mitski And I know no one will save me I'm just asking for a kiss Give me one good movie kiss And I'll be alright Nobody, nobody, nobody 
23. TT - twice I feel like crying, I don’t feel like myself This isn’t like me at all I love you so much Think I’m all grown up now I’m free to make my own choices, but why Why can’t I have it my way The more I try to push you away The more I’m drawn and attracted to you baby 24. in every dream home a heartache - roxy music Your skin is like vinyl The perfect companion You float my new pool De luxe and delightful Inflatable doll My role is to serve you Disposable darling Can't throw you away now 25. the moss - cosmo sheldrake But have you heard the story of the rabbit in the moon? Or the cow that hopped the planets while straddling a spoon Or she, who leapt up mountains, while whistling up a tune And swapped her songs with swallows while riding on a broom 26. green - todrick hall Green! Is a way of life And the millions would kill to see their name up in the lights For the green is okay tonight But be careful what you wish Because you might get what you like 27. guy.exe - superfruit Oh I, wish I could synthesize a picture perfect guy Oh I, oh I Six feet tall and super strong, we'd always get along Alright, alright Oh, he'd pick me up at eight and not a minute late Cause I don't like to wait, no Kind and ain't afraid to cry or treat his momma right 28. the dismemberment song - blue da kid  Well once upon a time that's where the clock begins And right after the end Well, that's right where the plot thins And I've got no angel to keep me in line! So I'm taking your narrative and I'm making it mine! 29. me!me!me! - teddyloid I’ve worked hard for myself - What have you done for yourself? When you notice the scattered pieces of the mirror You’ll realize I wanted you to notice Is this still going on? Is this still happening? Even though I’d been waiting for you Even though I loved you 30. alone together - fall out boy My heart is like a stallion, they love it more when it's broken Do you wanna feel beautiful, do you wanna, yeah I'm outside the door, invite me in So we can go back and play pretend 31. get busy living or get busy dying - fall out boy This has been said so many times that I'm not sure if it matters But we never stood a chance And I'm not sure if it matters If you are the shores, I am the waves begging for big moons I'm mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town  32. hi it’s me - ashnikko When I'm with you I have amnesia, I'm weaker than before My stupid brain thinks that I need you, I'm eager to hurt more My best friend thinks that I'm a dumbass My dumbass should be a little more cautious I slip up, I text you, I forget That you were so so disrespectful 33. i’m poppy - poppy Welcome to the new world, I'm your internet girl Open up and you'll see, everyone is happy I like your technology, can you put it on me? The future is so pretty, we're living in harmony 34. idola no circus - neru Come, let’s dance all night in our naked bodies We know, we know your true nature Again putting on a fake face, You’re just like a pierrot ! It’s time to put a mask, a mask On your unsociable faced 35. shine - casey lee williams But baby, it's time to make up your mind I think that tonight is when our stars align Honey, it's time to leave the doubt behind Take my hand 'cause you and I are gonna shine 36. one thing - casey lee williams I was nowhere, I had no one, I felt nothing Lost without a voice and on my own Then a candle's flame brought a brand new name But now you've stolen everything And I'm all alone 37. sweetest cure - hugo What the hell am I s'posed to be Choose a world over me Sitting pretty in my mess On the phone I can't confess Word's out somehow You're the sweetest cure I never got to tell you 38. bang bang bang bang - sohodolls Teacher says that I've been naughty I must learn to concentrate But the girls they pull my hair And with the boys I can't relate Daddy says I'm good for nothing Mama says that it's from him Manic sister thinks I'm cracking Brother says it's in my genes 39. helpless - phillipa soo One week later I'm writin' a letter nightly Now my life gets better Every letter that you write me I'm helpless! He's mine, that boy is mine! Look into your eyes And the sky's the limit, I'm Helpless! Helpless! Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em 40. lifeboat - laurence o’ keefe Everyone's pushing Everyone's fighting Storms are approaching There's nowhere to hide If I say the wrong thing Or I wear the wrong outfit They'll throw me right over the side 41. chase the morning - sarah brightman In you is a world of promise We have both been kept in bondage But you can learn from all my failures Let your life be your dream Integrity, honesty, its too late for me Don't look back till your free to chase the morning 42. no reason - leslie kritzer Everything, everything happens for a reason Be a beacon of light in the world Put a little "alright" in the world There are spiritual guides above Look up and see 'em Perception is reality Just listen to the melody the universe sings 'Cause everything, everything happens for a reason 43. i love play rehearsal - stephanie hsu I love play rehearsal 'Cause you are equiped with directions and text Life is easy in rehearsal You follow a script so you know what comes next Anywho, the point that I'm getting to Is sometimes life can't work out in the way It works out in the play 44. your song - elton john And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that it's done I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world 45. the party goes with you - lindsay mendez And when we're dancing nose to nose Darling do you suppose, darling do you suppose This party could be just us two, and I your wife? Oh, oh, the gayest party, sad but true It's true The party goes with you The party goes with you 46. half jack - dresden dolls It's half biology and half corrective surgery gone wrong You'll notice something funny if you hang around here for too Long ago in some black hole before they had these pills to take it back I'm half Jill and half Jack 47. the secret - pierces Got a secret Can you keep it? Swear, this one you'll save Better lock it in your pocket Takin' this one to the grave If I show you, then I know you Won't tell what I said 'Cause two can keep a secret If one of them is dead 48.  connect - claris My heart awakes in order to depict the future Even if I come to a halt on a tough road The beautiful blue sky always waits for me Therefore I'm not afraid I won't be disheartened anymore no matter what happens 49. simple and clean - hikaru utada Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all Nothing's like before 50. mountains - message to bears  And we could run away Before the light of day You know we always could The mountains say, the mountains say And we could run away Before the light of day You know we always could The mountains say, the mountains say
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crystalrequiem · 5 years
The Voice that Urged Orpheus
[Part 4/8(?)] [TRC] Summary: Fai gets lost in thought and Kurogane asks him to share. Mistake. He has no idea what to do with all these feelings. Tags: Kuro/Fai, Canon Universe, Post-Canon, Warnings:  suggestive thoughts (nothing graphic), depression, dealing with trauma, so much fluff, Is it still slow-burn if they’re already in a relationship? because that’s basically what this is.
[Part 1] ... [Part 3]... [Part 5]
Hello again! Warning this chapter for Fai’s head messing with him, I guess.  To think, I thought I’d somehow get through this world in just two chapters.... >_> i figure if we’re lucky we’ve got 1-2 more in Chizeta.  I LIVE for your comments and tags, ya’ll. Thanks so much for all the love!
Caldina had advised they might find lodging with the Academy if Fai didn’t mind hosting a few lectures. He couldn’t tell how Fai felt about the suggestion, but with currency uncertain and little else to go on, it certainly sounded like a good deal. Of course, Kurogane figured they might have trouble given no one in their group could read anything in the local language, and he had no idea what bargaining for living space might entail…. He needn’t have bothered.
The Academy nearly bends over backwards to host their group. The instant someone spots them meandering into the library, they start begging Fai to demonstrate his enchantment on the cloak and everything snowballs from there. Before he knows what’s what, Fai has some sort of visiting scholar position and they’ve been put up in academic housing. The administration kindly arranges for them to take two bedrooms and a central living area—a complete if compact apartment. Honestly, much, much nicer than Kurogane could have hoped when they landed in the desert this morning.
Thick earthen walls cut the heat and will likely insulate against the chill of night. Intricately detailed window screens invite a lattice of rosy light into the room while the sun finishes setting. Soft, pillowy seating spaces and ceilings peppered with tiny glowing baubles he assumes must be magic. No food or place for groceries, but the school keeps a communal eating area and they’ve already discovered that no one has any compunctions about sharing.
Their rag-tag traveling family trails in to their borrowed room, tired by a long day spent touring the grounds and staring at all manner of spell work. Kurogane locks the sturdy, elaborately carved door behind himself as he steps through, feeling surreal and off-balance.
“—and did you see what they were doing with the gravity manipulation? I didn��t completely understand how it works, but it looked like they were making something like the flying carts from piffle!” He has no idea what to do with all this magic, or why he should care, but Syaoran takes to the academy like a duck to water. For as many differences between them, the kid and his double both share the same love of learning… He chatters to everyone who will listen at a mile a minute. They’ve barely scratched the surface of the library and labs today, but ideas seem to fill his every thought.
Something twists painfully in in Kurogane’s chest to watch him so excited—this sort of place is where someone like Syaoran belongs, if he wants. Not an endless, thankless journey through dimensions. The fact that they can come here probably means a lot to the kid, but he wishes they could do more. He wishes the first Syaoran could have made it here to see it. He just—
Needs to stop thinking about it like this. They’re doing what they can. Maybe if they make enough memories here, Mokona can find a way to return someday.
Eventually, Syaoran has to pause his latest stream of thought to yawn, and Fai steps in and suggests they all get some early rest.
“We have even more to do tomorrow, and you have plenty of lectures to look forward to.” The Kid and pork-bun bend to the logic of Fai’s argument with no complaints, already bleary-eyed as they wander away to investigate their own room with a quiet chorus of “good night.” Kurogane watches after them and distantly wonders whether he should have checked the place for traps before letting anyone get comfortable. He’s going too soft.
“Sheesh.” Fai flops bonelessly onto what he can only assume is some sort of lounge, his cloak fluttering as he drops.
“You’re not overdoing it, showing off all those spells, are you?” He tries to cast his worry in the form of a jab, but has a feeling Fai sees right through him when the mage just laughs. Blond hair twines over pale skin as Fai pushes a few whisping strands away from his only slightly burnt face and starts undoing the ribbon there.
“Not hardly. But the heat is a cruel and the days are long.” Something old and sad echoes in the way he looks away, the distant gaze and the slow fall of his arm, ribbon held tight. It’s lingered like a cloud around him since they arrived, ebbing and flowing amidst the excitement of the Academy.
Kurogane pulls his own, still-cool cloak off and tosses it right over his idiot’s head. “Hey!”
“I can hear you thinking too hard from here,” he grouches, sidling across the room to fit himself into the space at the end of the lounge. Fai struggles feebly to free himself from the fabric for all of a second or two before giving up. He stills and curls inward, adopting the cloak as another masking layer.
“Can’t hide anything from you, can I?” Muffled by fabric, his voice sounds more fragile than it should. …Maybe he’s pushing where he shouldn’t.
“Of course not. Aren’t you supposed to be the smart one? You’d think you’d learn better by now.” He tries to lead them back into the game and safer waters, but his lover doesn’t seem interested in following. Kurogane waits a beat for another silly quip, but Fai only grants him a muffled hum of agreement.
His brow furrows, worry multiplying. The longer the silence stretches, the less certain he feels. He tries to be patient, but the light streaming in from the screen begins shifting from sunset red to pale moon white all too quickly. The sounds of the world outside take on a hushed tone. Eventually he can’t take the quiet any more. Kurogane tuts with frustration. Reaching out for the lump of Fai buried in fabric, he pulls his cloak back and tosses it on the floor. The move leaves Fai’s hair a mess of static and fine strands.
“…I was using that,” the mage mumbles, gaze pinned to the ground. Kurogane doesn’t understand how one person can be so frustrating and so easy to love at the same damn time. He leans a little closer—lets his hand rest on Fai’s shoulder blade, tentative.
“Oh, Alright Kuro-nosy!” The magician laughs even as he extols his annoyance. Beneath Kurogane’s fingers, tension slowly bleeds away until he leans into the touch. “But I warn you, it’s stupid. It hardly even matters. Just—nostalgia? Or—that’s the wrong word.”
It always matters, if it’s you, Kurogane thinks, but can’t bring himself to say. His inner monologue manages to distill that sappy mess down to a simpler, “If it bothers you, it matters,” and the phrase leaves him easily before he can dwell too long. Fai smiles—that old, bittersweet grin. Another fracture ripples through the surface of his heart at the sight.
“It’s so strange, being here, you know? I’ve studied magic before obviously, but—I’ve never seen anywhere like this.
“Free food and community and using magic to help each other—it’s… I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop—for something horrible about this world to come to light just to make it make sense.” Well, he can relate to that. He doesn’t see how it has anything to do with nostalgia though—
“Things have been too easy here,” he agrees. He takes a second look at the delicate window screens, noting how easily they might be kicked in. Do the kids have one in their room? Should they all bunk in the living area to stay in one place? He figured he was just paranoid, but if Fai feels it too— “Should we set up a watch, do you think?”
The mage blinks at him from his side in open confusion before his words fully register. Fai laughs, quiet and fond and at what, Kurogane has no idea but he welcomes the sound.
“Sorry! That’s not what I meant. I’m not explaining it right. This world seems fine, honestly. That’s part of what bothers me.”
“I don’t think I get it.” He frowns, trying to tune his alert instincts back down. Fussing with Fai’s mussed hair helps. He combs through it with his fingers and Fai seems content enough to let him, leaning towards his hand with every pass. Their positions shift until they sit pressed close at the thigh, side by side. Fai’s eyes slip closed and Kurogane watches the tiny shifts in his expression as he decides to try explaining again.
“There was a royal college of magic in Valeria. I can’t remember the specifics or how it worked but I do remember… we used to pretend we would go there and learn one day when we grew up.”
Oh. Nostalgia, he’d said, and Kurogane hadn’t managed to piece it together. He sees it now—the barest corner of what pains Fai, and protective worry stirs in him like a beast pacing at the bars. “Obviously, it never would have happened, but it gave us something to hope for—made us excited about something. We stole books from the library and taught each other whatever we could… Stupid, in the end. It only made things worse for us when the sovereign found out.”
“Then in Celes, there was a Wizard’s guild, but I learned mostly from Ashura-ou and his library. And that was… good. I thought. But it wasn’t really, was it? I was just fooling myself. What happened… happened. Any memories I made were poisoned by the idea that he only ever meant to use me as a method of suicide, and I just keep thinking—I don’t know.
“This place is too perfect—it’s too… kind.”
Kurogane’s combing stills as he listens. He cradles the back of Fai’s neck instead, palm of his hand pressed to nape, as he tries to put his thoughts back to rights. He’s never been described as overly-empathetic, but the shadow of Fai’s hurt echoes in him all the same, sitting like a stone at the pit of his stomach. He wants more than anything to help ease its burden. He wishes he had some idea of how.
“Sorry. I told you it was stupid.”
“It isn’t,” he insists, but Fai’s self-derision is a stubborn foe. He huffs with frustration—he just wants Fai to know, somehow that this matters… that he matters. “The Manjuu might need one more day to recharge, but we can dodge at the first possibility. If this place bothers you, we can find something else.”
“No, It’s fine. Syaoran loves it here, and I’ll get over it, I’m just…. Memories are…” He casts a hand through the air, fluttering, as if that will describe it. It does, sort of, make a little sense. Kurogane sighs and leans forward far enough to press his brow to Fai’s.
To think. Not so long ago that Fai would never have been able to explain such a thing—wouldn’t have felt comfortable saying a word of it. They’ve built something better—stronger for all they’ve been through together and Kurogane longs to express that. Just—soon. Maybe not now. Not when he knows there’s already a lot going on in the mage’s head.
Fai leans in those last few inches and plies a soft kiss at the corner of Kurogane’s mouth before retreating. He wants to chase the sensation, but the look on Fai’s face stops him. “You, this place… I keep waiting for someone to tell me it’s all been a dream. It’s hard to believe something this nice exists—that I can have it without ruining it.” He can’t tell whether Fai means the world of the Academy, or what they have together. He doesn’t think Fai knows either.
“Hey—” he starts, utterly unsure of how to continue. Fai meets him with shaky breath and a wry smile.
“People like me don’t deserve nice things, Kuro-sama.” The mage says with utter certainty, no trace of doubt in his mind, and it kills Kurogane to hear.  
He wants to be angry—to shout Fai’s ridiculous ideas of his own worth away, but he’s tried that. It won’t do anything in the end. He holds tighter instead, slides his hand just a little higher to cradle Fai’s thick skull. He wants to fix it—prove him wrong—give him worlds and worlds full of beauty just to show him.
You’re wrong, he wants to say, but he knows his idiot won’t listen. “I don’t care what you deserve,” he says instead. They’re close enough that he can feel Fai’s breath when the mage laughs this time, sad and tired.
“I know.”
Somehow those exhausted words in the dark feel like the start of a victory.
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happy-meo · 7 years
Masquerade IV: The Dark Side (Jin x Reader x Tae) Part 1
While love may bring out the best in us, it could also bring out the worst.
And so the last saga begins...
** If you haven't read them already, please read the following BEFORE starting this story: Silver Spoon, Masquerade I, Masquerade II, Masquerade III, Masquerade 3.1 & 3.2 drabbles **
Summary: You were never lucky in love. Through disastrous dates, consistent unrequited crushes, and broken relationships, you've constantly been searching for someone to give you genuine love and romance. And through it all, one person had remained your constant shoulder to lean on. Although you had never seen his face, he had given you a sense of confidence and a place of comfort in Club Masquerade. The more times you've failed in love though, the more you realized that may be no one would ever choose you. However, one fateful encounter, thanks to your dog, made you want to hope one more time. Did fate bring you to the one who would finally end your streak of being broken-hearted? Or had the right guy been with you all along?
Jin x Reader x Tae (ft. previous Masquerade characters, Silver Spoon characters, & Got7 Jackson) Fluff, Smut, Angst, Romance Host Au, Cook!Jin, Vet!Tae, Bartender!Tae
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (Finale)
A/N: And the new series is back! Thank you everyone for waiting so patiently! Sorry for the time lapse without updates. As I said, I experienced a little bit of a writer’s block, and I really wanted to this final installment justice. I had planned this series all together in the beginning, and I hadn’t expected so many people to love and anticipate the Masquerade series, so THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing me to write all four parts and related Silver Spoon <33 ENJOY!
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          Most people were brought up with the belief that being humble was respectful and how they should always act when receiving compliments. So much so that most people feel bashful when accepting praises; so much so that they begin to doubt compliments and any positive outlook on themselves, to the point where they begin to downplay their own strengths and focus on their weaknesses.
           But that wasn't the case with Jin.
           It was a meeting of Heaven and Hell when you first met. He was a ball of positivity and warmth, while you were cold and desolate. In your fit of desperation, you had run into Club Masquerade for relief, for any inkling of being loved, for comfort.
           And in his own odd way, Jin gave that to you.
           "Wow, you're a hot mess." He had chuckled as he grabbed your hand to lead you away from judgmental eyes.
           Your make-up was trailing down your cheeks, your hair was unkempt, and your eyes blood-shot from crying. It was another cliché story of being cheated on and dumped. Another episode of not feeling good enough.
           "I want a different person." You thought he was making fun of you.
           But he smiled as he led you into a room and stated, "Why? Because I called you hott?"
           "You said I'm a hot mess." You repeated.
           "Why do people automatically think that's a bad thing?" He laughed as he threw his jacket around your shoulders. "I think you're quite beautiful right now."
           You blushed and averted your eyes. "Stop lying."
           "Not anyone can rock smudged make up and crying their eyes out, while still managing to look good." He handed you tissues and a mirror. "Unless you're me of course."
           You looked at him incredulously. "You wear make-up?"
           "No. My face was sculpted by the gods." He stated seriously with a shrug. "I meant I make every emotion look fantastic."
           You couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculousness.
           "Ah, there's a smile." he grinned as he knelt in front of you. "Everyone should technically have a mask coming in here, but we'll keep this a secret between us."
           And your gray world gained a little more color when Jin came into your life.
           You had worked in the Seoul branch of the Min Company for years, seemingly as a shadow. You had been one of the only ones who saw Mr. Jung for who he really was in the beginning, while others gossiped about his crabby personality. You knew there was more to him than that. But your crush was quickly hurtled towards the amicable and openly flirtatious Mr. Park. Although he claimed to have a girlfriend, you couldn't stop your feelings. Even if you felt ridiculous, you wanted to be close to him, wanted to get to know him.
           Then he brought his girlfriend to the company party and to say you were crushed would be an understatement. You left the party early and ran to Club Masquerade once again.
           But you continued to persist, hoping that he would notice you if you made yourself ever so present in his life. And that's when you decided to frequent the cafe where he always got his coffee from, something you had noticed from close observation.
           "Mr. Park?"
           Jimin turned, surprised.
           "Oh my gosh. Hi!" You spotted his girlfriend at the counter. "Mr. Park's girlfriend! I can't remember your name."
           "I never gave it." She mused. "How can I help you?"
           Jimin burst out in laughter at her snark reply, but he played it off as a cough. You knew better, but you tried to save your face.
           "He always came in with this brand of coffee so I wanted to try it for myself." You explained unnecessarily. "I didn't think he'd be coming here to see his girlfriend every morning! How sweet!"
           "Yes, very." She curtly agreed. "What will you be having today?"
           "Oh right. Whatever Mr. Park gets here." You blushed.
           "Coming right up." She smiled warmly.
           Your eyes followed Mr. Park who floated to where she was and they began bickering about something. Your lips turned downwards at the sight, wishing it was you he was close to instead. Then you straightened up when his gaze landed on you.  
           "See you at the office." He pointed at you and you couldn't help but beam, excited that he didn't forget about you.
           His girlfriend then handed you your order and whispered, "You should give up. You're not his type."
           You looked at her alarmed. How had she been able to tell from the few minutes you had been standing there?
           "Well if you hurry you could probably walk with him to the office." She batted her eyes innocently. "Tell him his girlfriend sent you."
           You blushed and sprinted out of the cafe, immensely embarrassed. Were the two of them just toying around with you?
           So in an effort to get over your crush on unavailable Mr. Park and not make a further fool of yourself, you attempted to date around again, which hardly ever ended well. You fell too hard, too quickly, and always landed flat on your face because of it.
           Receptionist pressed her earpiece as you once again rushed into the Club, distraught.
           "Jin, your next client is already waiting for you in the room. Looks like another one of her dates went badly so come with the full break up kit."
           "On it." Jin hurried out from the back worriedly.
           And you constantly wondered when Jin would get irritated and tired of you coming in like this.
           But he never did.
           In fact, you weren't sure how it happened, but Jin became one of your closest friends.
           "Yo." Jackson came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.
           Jin raised an eyebrow as he was putting on his nightly face cream. "Jackson, what did I say about running around naked in the apartment?"
           "I'm not naked!" He pointed to the towel. "My goods are covered."
           Jin shook his head. "What'd you need?"
           "I was just wondering about that customer you have that's always bawling her eyes out." Jackson plopped down on Jin's bed. "Why do you keep her?"
           "What do you mean?" Jin questioned.
           "I mean, you were a Consoler type until J-Hope graduated. That's the type of Host she wanted. But now you're our best Gentleman persona. Shouldn't you let a full time Consoler handle her?" Jackson asked.
           "Mmm..." Jin hummed. "She was my first ever customer, and we've developed a bond of trust. She's been rejected by so many people --"
           "Clearly." Jackson snorted.
           Jin glared at him and Jackson looked away guiltily.
           "I just don't want to be one of those people." Jin stated. "She's really cool when you get to know her."
           "Bro, you've got balls." Jackson chuckled. "First, you're the only mask that uses his real name, and now you're the only mask that's taking on two roles. Respect."
           Jin smiled. "Well, I didn't want to develop some 'fake' persona. I always want to be myself in everything I do."
           Jackson nodded, "Props man, props."
           Jin spun around, "How does it feel being the top Aggressor now that Nochu graduated?"
           Jackson stretched. "It's a workout since his customers transferred over to me, but it's been good. The ladies love The Wang."
           Jin burst into laughter. "I still can't believe you chose that name."
           "What?" Jackson bellowed. "It's catchy. And joke all you want, but it makes perfect sense in the situation. Besides, you love puns so out of all people, I expect you to appreciate my genius."
           "I do. I do." Jin waved his hand. "Now get your naked butt out of my room."
           "Again, I'm not naked." he pointed. "There's a towel over The Wang's wang."
           Jin cracked up, and Jackson, quite satisfied at making his roommate laugh, waltzed out of his room.
           "Oh. Can you bring home left over bread and pastries from your store?!" Jackson bellowed.
           "We never have leftovers though." Jin smirked proudly.
           "You know what I mean. Steal some!"
           "I can't steal from my own store. Pay me!" Jin answered.
           "Fine! Just bring some! I've been craving them."
           Jin grinned. "I told you you'd get hooked."
           "I'd totally date you if you swung that way." Jackson replied.
           Jin rolled his eyes. "Sure, sure."
           "Hey, remember I made you into the city man you are now?! You need to appreciate me more!"
           Kim Seokjin, the eldest son of a farm family, had arrived in Seoul after much contemplation and much inspiration from his beloved sister, Farm Girl. He had watched all his younger family members steadily achieve goal after goal of their own accord. He had been envious of their ambition, their intellect, and their passion, but had simply felt content in helping out on the farm for the longest time. It had been a set path for him after all -- to take over the family business. He didn't think of anything else.
           But he soon began feeling left behind, stagnant, and aimless. Until Yoongi gave him a cookbook. A gnawing feeling of wanting more had always been present inside him, but as he held the book and as he began trying new recipes, learning more about the world of cooking, he realized what it was he wanted to do.  
           And so, he began confiding in Yoongi about his ideas and thoughts, to which the younger was supportive, encouraging, and helpful in providing valuable insight into what he needed to do to bring his aspirations to fruition. Later on, he gave Yoongi a letter with his well thought out proposal to open his own shop in the big city. He, too, wanted to chase his passions and try to achieve his dreams of making his small shop well-known, attending a prestigious culinary school, and maybe even becoming head chef of a restaurant.
           But he had refused any monetary help from his future brother-in-law. He wanted to find success with his own hands and his own efforts. Instead, he asked Yoongi to reach out to any and all of his business partners, and send his proposal to them to get someone to sponsor, invest, and support his idea. Lo and behold, through the sea of rejections, one person signed the proposal and gave him a chance to open up a small bakery. And so, he immediately left for Seoul to find himself and his dreams.  
           Luckily, when Jin had reached out to Namjoon for possible places to stay in Seoul, Namjoon mentioned one of his closest friends was looking for a roommate. And not seeing any reason to refuse splitting the rent and having an immediate friend in a new place, Jin accepted.
           "Wow, you're handsome. And tall!" Jackson gushed as Jin first stepped foot into the apartment. "But dude, your clothes...I know holes and stitches are in style, but we need to get you a make-over."
           "What? Why would I need a make-over? My face is already handsome." Jin argued.
           Jackson cracked up for a good five minutes. "I like you, Kim Seokjin. Namjoon said you were interesting and charming. He was definitely right."
           He shook Jin's hand. "I'm Jackson Wang. And as your welcome present, let me please help you change your wardrobe so you could do your handsome face justice. Okay?"
           Jin's lips curled up, "Well, I can't refuse if you're offering so adamantly."
           Jackson laughed, "Just between me and you, it's Namjoon's card."
           The two cackled all the way to the shopping district. And it truly was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
           "Jin. Jin. Chef. CHEF!"
           Jin was brought out from his reminiscing by his assistant, who was looking at him scoldingly with her arms crossed. "Can you please save your inner monologues for another time? It's almost opening time, and we have to finish two more batches of fresh bread!"
           "Oh right, right." Jin chuckled. "Thanks, Crumbs."
           She frowned at his usual nickname for her.
           "What?" he grinned. "Did you like Ppang-Ppang better?"
           She rolled her eyes and sighed. "There's an insanely long line outside already."
           "What would I do without you?" Jin tilted her chef hat playfully as she huffed.
           She chucked flour at him. "This is YOUR shop. Can you take it seriously?"
           Jin laughed, "Everything will work out, Crumbs. I say it every day, and I've never been wrong."
           She exhaled and went back to rolling dough. "Whatever you say, Boss."
           Jin patted his hands on his apron and got to work as well.
           Crumbs or Ppang-Ppang, to which Jin thought he was cleverly punny for making those nicknames for her, had been with him since the beginning. When he was just setting up the bakery, he was looking for assistants who could help him bake various pastries and bread. Since he was an unknown brand name, not many applicants came in. Those that did try however couldn't handle the speed, efficiency, and delicacy he expected in the kitchen. Then Crumbs waltzed in and was the perfect assistant. She was quick in the kitchen; she had her own flair, the passion to experiment with new flavors and ingredients, and on top of that, she was clean, organized, and determined to make each batch as delicious as the last. She was a blessing for which he was grateful for everyday. He knew that without her, his shop would be difficult to manage alone.
           "You want to work the cash register today?" he teased.
           She scrunched her face, and he chuckled.
           "You just want me to say your face attracts more customers so you should take the register." she retorted.
           "And yet, you still said it." He sung as he skipped outside to open up.
           "Make sure you don't have flour on you!" she called out.
           "Flour won't stop my beauty!" he bellowed.
           "Oh boy." She simply sighed as she waited for the last batch to finish in the oven, listening to the excited bustling of the shop. "We need to hire another cashier if this keeps up."
           "Oh, isn't he so handsome?" The customers gushed as they eyed Jin at the register while they chose their delicacies.
           "I wonder if these people come here for the pastries or for the eye candy."
           Jin beamed at the familiar voice. "Hoseok!"
           "I come here diligently every morning, just for you my dear friend." Hoseok smiled as he placed his choices on the counter. "I got a bit more today 'cause Jimin keeps eating it when I turn around or leave our room for a second."
           "Still the same, that Red Mask." Jin snorted.
           "Oh? You're here too?" Jungkook appeared and hugged Hoseok from behind.
           "Don't you have patrols to run in the morning?" Jin scowled at Jungkook's presence as he rung up the two's orders.
           "My girlfriend asked me to buy her some so I'm stopping by the office to give it to her. She said it reminds her of home for some reason." Jungkook shrugged. "This is addicting, Jin."
           "In that case, grab some extra for her." Jin smiled warmly. Jungkook looked at him skeptically at his softened tone. He coughed, "I mean anyone who could put up with your arrogant self needs some extra bread in her life."
           Hoseok snorted. "On the contrary Jin, Jungkook becomes putty when it comes to women in the 'real' world."
           "I'll have to see this for myself." Jin chuckled. "I can't imagine it."
           "Next time you two go to the gym, put him right next to a female and you'll see him panic." Hoseok pointed.
           "I've gotten better!" Jungkook argued.
           "Oh right. Where's your mystery assistant? She's the one that makes the special bread of the day you said, right?" Hoseok questioned.
           "Yeah. She's shy so she's always in the back thinking of new specials." Jin chuckled. "She never wants to be up here."
           "Well, send her mine and Silver's compliments. Yesterday's special was amazing." Hoseok gave a thumbs up.
           "I'll let her know." Jin grinned proudly.
           "Well, good luck. I'll catch you at the gym later." Jungkook waved.
           Hoseok and Jungkook chummily exited the bake shop, their handsomeness capturing many of the customer's attention.
           "They're taken ladies and gents." Jin commented with a chuckle. "Sorry."
           There was a collective disappointed "Awww" within the store.
           Jin yawned as he was about to close up for the day, but his eyes bulged out as he spotted you running into the store, disheveled, and wet from the pouring rain.
           "I'M SORRY! I KNOW YOU'RE CLOSING!" You heaved. "I ran here after work because I woke up late and didn't have time to wait on the line this morning, or else I would've been late and--"
           Jin simply smiled and flipped the sign to "Closed". "I'll get you your usual."
           You blinked, surprised. "You know my usual?"
           Jin blushed as he hurried to grab what he knows you usually get. "Um, I know all my regulars' usual orders."
           "I'm sorry. I'm soaking and you're going to have more work to clean up..." You mumbled shyly, standing awkwardly at the entrance.
           "No, come in. You'll help the floor get wet so you're saving us an extra step." Jin grinned and beckoned you over to the register.
           You would be lying if you didn't find him attractive, but other than the usual small talk, you hadn't gotten to know the cute baker. Maybe it was a good thing you had woken up late today. He was kind, friendly, and funny. And just for a bit, his attention was solely on you. But you wished you weren't soaked like a wet dog during this opportune moment.
           Timidly, you shuffled to the counter to pay for your order.
           "Just heat it up before you eat it. And if you want --" he pointed to the umbrella by the door. "--take my umbrella. I wouldn't want you getting sick."
           "Oh no." You gushed. "I couldn't. What about you?"
           "I'll be fine. I don't live too far. I'm sure you have a long commute." he stated.
           "How'd you know?" You blinked.
           "Oh. Um..." Jin averted his eyes, mentally kicking himself. "I mean some people who live close by could wake up late and still have time to wait in line, so I just assumed you lived far since you couldn't stop by before work."
           Your lips curled up. "You're good."
           "I threw in an extra pie in there." Jin winked as he handed her the bag. "For your commute."
           You grinned. "Thank you."
           "Take the umbrella. Soggy pastries won't taste good." he urged.
           You chuckled. "I mean if you put it that way. How can I say no?"
           Jin smiled.
           "I'll return it in the morning. I promise." You bowed as you scurried giddily out of the store.
           Jin sighed and slumped over his counter.
           "You're such a creep." Crumbs stepped out of the kitchen.
           "Why were you listening?"
           "Not like I have anything else to listen to in the kitchen. Rising dough isn't exactly noisy." she snorted. "Then I heard your ridiculous statement of knowing everyone's usuals."
           Jin huffed.
           "So I'm guessing that's the chick you're banging even though she has no idea what you look like?" Crumbs started cleaning up.
           Jin coughed at the sudden attack, "How do you remember everything I say?!"
           "Maybe you should be careful who you're around when you get drunk after work." Crumbs chuckled. "Luckily it was only us 'cause all your friends are coupled up, except for you."
           "You're not either." he pouted.
           "By choice." She tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I'm perfectly content being single."
           Jin scoffed.
           "But someone looks like he's developed a crush on his client." She playfully gasped. "How tragic."
           "Shut up." Jin shook his head. "It's not a crush. I just have a soft spot for her. She's been through a lot."
           "Whatever you say, Boss." Crumbs smirked.
           "It's NOT." Jin argued.
           "Why're you such a baby?" she retorted. "And what're you going to do without an umbrella, Mr. Smooth?"
           Jin pulled out his cell phone. "I'm going to call Jackson."
           "Ugh." Crumbs groaned. "Please wait until I get out of here."
           "Don't take it personally." Jin laughed. "He professed his love for me after seeing me naked one time. I'm sure your cooking skills amazed him into proposing."
           "Every single time?" She shook her head. "And you gave him my number! I don't appreciate that!"
           "I swear I didn't! He took it from my phone!" Jin responded.
           She huffed.
           "You want a ride home? Jackson said he'll drive us." Jin grinned.
           Crumbs contemplated.
           "You know you're going to give in. You don't pass up a free ride home ever." Jin pointed out.
           She sighed, "You're right. Fine. But I'm sitting in the back."
           Jin giggled, "I promise, he's harmless."
           You sat in the subway, grinning widely at your stroke of luck. Although it wasn't much, you confirmed that the attractive baker knew you existed and even trusted you enough to lend you his umbrella. Holding the bag to your chest, you inhaled to try to hold in the butterflies fluttering around your stomach. But instead, it rumbled, signaling that it was hungry after your long day. You received odd looks from the other passengers. Looking down, you reached into the bag to quell your hunger so as not to disturb anyone with your noisy stomach anymore.
           You smiled at the pastry you held, remembering your encounter with Kim Taehyung, the fantastic vet, and the man who had given up this exact pastry because you clumsily dropped yours. You had taken initiative to see him again, only to find that he was one of the head surgeons of the animal hospital now, so it was rare for him to just take check-up appointments. But you had caught glimpse of him in passing, and he was even more shockingly gorgeous than you remembered. His hair was slightly longer than when you first had bumped into him, and since he had just gotten out of the surgery room, it had been swept up to reveal his forehead.
           But sadly, you hadn't been able to see him since. You would often wonder how he was doing and if you would be able to run into him coincidentally again.
           "Um are you just going to smile at that, or are you going to eat it?" One of the passengers spoke up.
           You turned red as people chuckled at the person's comment, and at your odd behavior. Squishing your body as small as possible, you started eating your pastry, extremely embarrassed.
           "Hey!" Jin kissed you as you entered Club Masquerade.
           You smiled as your hands slotted into his. "Hey."
           "As requested, the room is set up as a casual living room." Jin bowed as he gestured for her to enter the room.
           "You never disappoint me, Jin." You grinned.
           "Only the best for you, of course." he chuckled. "So I see you had a good day since you aren't whining as soon as you come in."
           You pushed him playfully. "I don't always come in here whining."
           Jin gave you a knowing look, and you conceded. "Fine. I often do."
           "I'll take it." He settled beside you. "Since you're in a good mood, what would you like to do?"
           You hugged him and lay your head on his broad chest. "Just...maybe stay like this."
           Jin's lips curled up as he rubbed your back. It always amazed you how he had come to know and understand you so well.
           "Do you think some people are meant to be alone?"
           He hummed, "I think some people choose to be alone, because it's not something they prioritize or want in life. I don't think anyone is meant to be alone. People are social creatures after all."
           "I hope you're right." You nuzzled closer to him. "Why aren't you taken yet? I feel like girls would fall at your feet."
           Jin chuckled. "I guess the right one hasn't come along for me either. Plus I haven't really been looking."
           "Oh? Why not?" You glanced up curiously.
           "Mmm I don't know. I guess I've always had the mentality of 'if it happens, it happens'?" he shrugged.
           You sighed. "Lucky. I have the mentality that if I don't do something, it's never going to happen."
           Jin nodded, "I guess there are some things that won't happen unless you make it happen and grab hold of it."
           "But sadly, sometimes people take advantage of your obvious interest." You frowned.
           "Hey, you're a courageous woman. Take pride in that." Jin complimented.
           "I don't know about that..." you mumbled.
           Jin clicked his tongue. "What did I say about taking compliments?"
           You smiled, "Thank you."
           Jin nodded in approval. "Better. Not many people can take the leap like you do. So even if you failed a few times, at least you tried and took the risk. You'd be surprised how many people are stuck in 'what ifs'."
           You lifted your head up to stare at him. "I never thought of it like that."
           "Aren't I great?" he teased.
           You smacked his chest. "You, sir, need to wait for compliments instead of giving them to yourself."
           "It's my charm." Jin grinned.
           "That's true." You straddled him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Are you stuck in a 'what if' now?"
           "Mmm..." Jin leaned forward. "I'm wondering 'what if I wanted to kiss you right now? Would you kiss me back?'"
           "That's not even a what if." You chuckled as you captured his lips with yours. "It's a certainty."
           Jin grinned as he unbuttoned your shirt slowly. "And what if I wanted to make you feel even better than you do right now?"
           "I would welcome that openly." You whispered as you helped him undress you.
           Jin peppered kisses throughout your entire body, not sparing any part of your skin from his large, plump lips. Jin was the one person who had always been there for you, even when you had bared your soul, when you were at your most vulnerable. His touch was always careful and tender, and for the moment, you deluded yourself into believing he loved you. You knew he cared for you deeply, that you two had developed a bond, but another part of you wondered how much of it was his job and how much of it was real.
           But you let yourself fall into the delusion, because it was so much better than the reality that awaited you outside of Club Masquerade.
           So you reveled in the way his hands roamed your body, the way with each thrust, both of you would moan with pleasure, perfectly in sync, perfectly connected. You pulled him deeper into you, wanting him to fill you up, and he obliged, pushing in as much as your walls allowed him to and with a little more force; his lips never leaving yours unless it was to gasp, groan, or moan. When you came, your entire body was filled with immense jitters-- butterflies-- your heart soared, and your mind was blank from all thoughts except for how fantastic you were feeling. It was absolute bliss.
           And it was always bittersweet parting from him, from your little haven away from the cruel world. But it also made you wonder how long you would be content with this transient type of relationship. As constant as Jin was, you knew he wasn't yours.
           "Bundle up. It's chilly now." Jin tightened your scarf around your neck.
           "Thanks." You smiled as you pushed out your lips. Jin chuckled and knowingly gave you a chaste kiss to bid you goodbye.
           "Get home safely." he waved.
           You stole another kiss from him before scurrying out the door.
           You shivered as you felt the brisk night air. Dogs were heard barking in the distance and your mind was whisked back once again to thoughts of Taehyung. Even though you only spoke to him briefly, something in your heart stirred in that moment in time. You snorted. There you go again, falling for someone you hardly knew. Would he even remember you? Would he even want to see you again? You exhaled as you pulled your jacket closed.
           A gust of wind knocked your hair into your face and you flailed around trying to regain your vision. Once you were free from your entangled hair, you realized you were standing in front of a building by Club Masquerade you had always passed but never took a good look at. You moved closer curiously at the bright neon sign, and the seemingly packed venue, wondering what it was exactly.
           Suddenly, you stopped in your tracks and whipped your head towards the window as you spotted a familiar figure pass by. Rubbing your eyes, you prayed you weren't hallucinating. You gasped as Jungkook came into view as well, both of them carrying trays of drinks and laughing at something. Pressing your face closer to the window, it became more evident that the person who had caught your eye was, in fact, Kim Taehyung.
           You had found him.
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