#So I've been trying out a bunch of new brushes and settings
desultory-novice · 9 months
I should be in bed but talking about Clockwork Mechalor made it only feel right to draw some Crowned Marx as well. Especially since I only mentioned his experiences softened him up some.
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Crowned Marx doesn't have the ability to split his body that regular Marx displays. The damage the Master Crown did to him via slicing his body this way and that with its thorned blades left permanent scars on his body. Again, unlike regular Marx, who seems immune to pain or at least brushes it off fast, these scars actually hurt him.
On the upside, he is able to exercise a little bit of power over the inert crown gold left in his body to form claw like hands and little tiny thorned wings he can use to glide... but not fly.
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buggybambi · 4 months
lost in translation | carmen berzatto
you get a job working as a waitress at the bear. if only you knew it would get you here. ─ 3.68k ─ angst and fluff, breakups / fighting, some cursing, reader is younger then carmy.
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The first time you and Carmen met was when Nat and Richie had hired you as part of the Bear staff. 
A waitress, and a sweet looking one at that. Younger than him. "You guys finally settled on a candidate?" Carmen asks as Natalie and Richie watch you from the small window in the kitchen.
You sit there for a moment before adjusting the silverware, passing Richie's test almost immediately. "I believe we just did." Nat confirms. Carmen takes a look for himself and swears his heart skips a beat as he watches you for a brief moment before clearing his throat, having to pull himself away. "Okay. Cool." He brushes it off.
He didn't get the chance to meet you right away, not until the night before their soft opening. You'd been through training, getting used to the system at the Bear and getting accompanied with staff. All but one. The head chef and owner, 'Carmy' as everyone called him.
"Hey, you're the new hire, right?" A voice asks as you shut your locker. You jump a bit, as you turn, smiling. "I am." The male nods, holding out his hand. "Sorry about scaring you. I'm Carmen Berzatto, don't think we've had the chance to meet." He introduces.
You accept the handshake, swearing you feel a little spark between you two just from touching him.
From there, it was like clockwork. You and him would get stuck closing together, and each night you'd dive into a new part of his past. "So, what made you wanna open this place?" You question. He exhales, momentarily pausing his movements of scrubbing the counters before he sniffles. "My brother left it to me after his death."
You pause, staring at him. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked-" He laughs. "You couldn't have known. It's okay, really. I actually wanted to work here, or what used to be here, for the longest time by his side but he didn't let me. Never knew why. It was the thing he left me in his will." He gives a more in depth answer.
You nod slowly. "I'm sorry about that, Carm. His death and not letting you work here." You specify as you look at him. "If it's any comfort, I think your brother would be really proud of what you've turned this place into." You say.
He nods, sniffling again. You set your rag back in the soapy water, sighing as you mark off your final station to clean on the clipboard.
"See you tomorrow night?" He asks as you begin walking to the lockers.
You smile. "It's a date, chef." You confirm. He blushes at the idea of you and him being on a date.
Carmen swore to himself he'd take you on an actual date. The planning was easy, it was actually asking you that he found to be a challenge.
"So, are you seeing anyone?" He asks, trying to sound as casual as he can the next night when you two are closing, which didn't come for almost a week. Though he was grateful, it also felt like torture having to wait to get you alone.
"No, I'm not actually. Chicago hasn't exactly been my Paris, you know? City of love and all that bullshit." You answer as you stare at the chore list for that night. "Check the mayonnaise labels. Does Nat think our mayo is expired?" You question.
“Nat thinks all of our stuff is expired one way or another. It doesn’t expire ‘till the nineteenth of May.” He grabs out a knife to start chopping the vegetables. “Anyway, Chicago isn’t really known for its romance.” He points out.
"So I've been told." You stare at the menu. "What's a vegetable medley?" You question as you look back up at him, catching him staring at you. He clears his throat and quickly sets the knife down, wiping his hands on a towel. "Uh, it's a bunch of veggies like green and yellow bell peppers, asparagus and squash topped with balsamic vinegar.” He answers.
You nod slowly. “Only you can explain something like that and make it sound so good right now, Carm.” "Did you eat today?" He doesn't hesitate to ask. "Haven't had a chance to. Richie had me running around all day with the new system, but don't worry, I'm gonna make myself something at home."
"No, come on. I'm- You're not driving home hungry like that. It’s a safety risk. Sit." You go to protest before he repeats himself. "Sit."
The entire night was spent with you and Carmen eating his way too fancy dishes and talking. Sharing memories - childhoods, dreams, stories.
He likes to consider it your first date.
You like to consider it the night you fell in love.
You weren't sure what you and Carmen were after that night in the kitchen. Or how to even ask. Do you just come right out and say it? Is there a specific way or time to ask? Google provided zero help, so it was up to you to solve this one.
Maybe that’s what was driving you and Carmy apart for the next week: your mind trying to run through how to even approach that with him. It wasn't until he ambushed you at your locker that you were forced to approach the topic with him. "Not talking to you all week has been driving me insane. Are we okay? If dinner was too much.." He lets his voice trail off.
You smile, as you exhale. "Carmen, I loved dinner. I was just unsure of where we stood. Thought I was driving myself crazy trying to figure out if that was a date or not." You admit. He stares at you, nodding slowly. "Let me take you out to an actual dinner. A real date night." He requests.
You nod. "Okay, I'd like that." You barely have another chance to speak before Richie's calling your name. You place a hand on Carmen's shoulder as you pass him, giving him a small smile before you rush to find out what Richie needs you for.
Carmen watches you leave, wishing you'd come back to him.
Carmen had thought of your date night perfectly. A romantic, rooftop dinner overlooking Chicago’s nighttime streets. “You bring all the girls up to your rooftop, Berzatto?” You question as you stare at the cars passing by.
“Only the special ones.” He’d answer with a grin.
You wished he kissed you that night, but he didn’t. Instead he settled for dropping you off at your apartment before leaving. You could tell he wanted to kiss you, too, but he wanted to wait.
"So, you and Carmen?" Sydney asks as you help her open the Bear that morning, cutting vegetables up with her. You sigh, a smile on your face regardless. "How'd you hear about that?" You question in return.
“It’s the Bear. There’s no such thing called secrets when you work here. Everyone knows everything about everyone. Now, you and Carmy?” She asks again as you laugh. “There’s nothing going on between us. He and I got dinner a few times, but I don’t think it’s going anywhere.” You say with a shrug.
She stares at you, noticing the blush in your cheeks. You grin. “Don’t even. Nothing has happened between us.” You reiterate. She laughs, grabbing her bucket of vegetables. "Whatever you say!"
You roll your eyes, turning and staring at Carmen in the doorway. There he goes again, staring at you when you aren't looking. It doesn't slide past you that he has a noticeable sparkle in his eyes.
Of course the universe would have it out for you and Carmen to close together that night. As you two stand over the counters, cleaning them down, you decide to ask the question that had been plaguing your mind.
"What are you and I?" You ask, looking up at him for the first time. His scrubbing stops, as he looks back at you. "I want us to be together." He answers honestly, and you're a bit taken back by his honesty.
“You seem like you’ve thought about this.”
“More than you know.” Translation: I’ve thought about you.
You nod slowly as you walk over to the sink, beginning to wash your hands. "I want us to be together, too. I just don't want this to be weird between us because we work together, you know." You voice your concerns as you grab the towel, drying your hands.
You turn, finding him standing behind you. "I don't care if we want us to be together. I want us to give.. us.. a chance." He says, taking your hand in his. You stare at your hands interlocked as you hum. "Carmen."
"Yes?" He asks softly.
"If you don't kiss me right now I might just walk out and not come back." You tease.
He doesn't have to be told twice, and he kisses you like he's been thinking about it. Like he's been needing that. Hands cupping your face, yours finding his waist.
You didn't need much of an answer as to what you and Carmen were after that.
You and Carmen had agreed: the staff didn’t need to know you two were officially dating. If it was important enough to share, sure. But other then that, you two wouldn’t go around publicly announcing it.
Turns out, dating Carmen wasn't much different from being friends with him. Except now you were in the kitchen at two in the morning, slow dancing with him.
It'd started with dinner that night. Him holding you from behind,
Frank Sinatra plays lowly on the radio as he spins you around, with you grinning as you sway with him. “Who taught you to dance, Berzatto?” You question.
“Nat did. Taught me for her wedding. Said if I looked like a fish outta water she’d ban me from the reception.” He answers with a lovesick grin. You laugh, throwing your head back. “Sounds like Nat.”
He smirks. “And who taught you?” He asks in return. You hum as he pulls you closer to his chest, as Sinatra’s ‘The Girl from Ipanema’ plays. “I did. Convinced myself when I was a little girl I'd be like Misty Copeland.” You answer.
He grins. Only two weeks had gone by with him being officially yours, and he was falling in love with you. Maybe that’s why it spilled out as he held you close.
“I love you.” His voice is hushed.
You pulled away only a bit to look at his eyes. Maybe searching to see if they were genuine, if he said what you think he did. "Carmen..." You smile, a laugh coming out. "I love you, too." You repeat it back to him.
"Take the too out. Makes it sound like you're just agreeing." He requests softly, lips brushing barely against yours. You giggle at his plea, but comply anyway. "Carmen, I love you." You say it again, this time it feels more real.
Two weeks in, and you two are in love. If you knew any better, you'd assume you were screwed.
"What do you wanna do with your life?" The question startled you as you and Carmen sat on the balcony of your apartment, overlooking downtown Chicago. Buildings illuminating the night sky, car horns blaring every few minutes from the nighttime traffic.
"I wanna open a bar. Maybe go to Los Angeles or New York, just open my own place. You know?" You hold your knees up on the patio chair with you, a cup of tea in hand. "Some dive bar but... fancier. Live music, live entertainment."
He nods slowly, grabbing out his notepad. "Get out of Chicago?" He asks. You laugh. "Pretty much. Don't get me wrong, I love this city. This just.. isn't the plan." You say with a shrug.
"Mm." He says, scribbling something down on the paper. You lean over, staring at it. "What are you drawing, Berzatto?" You question. "Nothin'. It's a surprise, if I show you it now it won't be a surprise." He points out.
You grin as you lean your head back. "Okay. What about you? Is the Bear your final dream?" You question, still looking over at him. He sets the pen down, looking over the skyline. "I don't know. Though until I met you I had all my dreams and goals figured out."
"Don't say it-"
"You're my new dream." He grins, looking over at you. You laugh, rolling your eyes. "That was unbelievably cheesy, Berzatto. I don't know if I can ever look at you the same after that." You tease.
"You don't have to look at me to kiss me." He points out as you roll your eyes, standing up. You give him a quick peck as you open the door, stepping halfway inside. "Don't take too long getting to bed, okay? It's cold out here." You comment.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." He waits until you're fully inside to pull back out the notepad. Sketched on is a logo for a bar, your bar. Your name written in what he imagines is neon lights. 'ANGEL'S BAR'. The way he views you, an angel. His angel.
He hums, standing up and making his way inside, the notepad tucked under his arm. He finds you in the living room, sorting through the mail. “Hey, hey, my old college roommate’s getting married. New York. What a terrifying city.” You laugh as you set the invite down, before his arm wraps around your waist, pulling you down to the bedroom. 
Carmen had spent so much time in your apartment that it practically felt like his own. So, the idea of asking him to move in wasn’t totally crazy. His clothes were now hung up in your closet, his cologne and cedarwood soap lingered.
Your relationship with Carmen had grown, so much so that you were now spending time with his family. You stood in the kitchen of the Berzatto home. Your first family dinner with them, and it had been more drama filled then a soap opera. Soft music filled the room, cinnamon roll scented candles lit making the house smell like a bakery. Your scarf hung on the staircase banister. 
"First official Berzatto dinner. How ya holdin’ up?" Sugar asks as she slides beside you, handing you a glass of wine to match her own. "Oh you know me so well. It's going.. as good as I expected it to be. Are they always this chaotic?" You question.
"Hell yes. The Berzatto family has never been calm, y'know?" She laughs. "But you seem to be fitting in nicely. And this is the first year of us doing one of these that Carmen truly seems happy, I think you're to thank for that."
You grin. "Well, as long as he's smiling." You and her watch him in the living room, chasing down the younger family members, laughing as they tackle him down to the floor.
"Yeah, well, I've seen Carmen with other girls before, and none of them have made him this happy. So, on behalf of the Berzatto family, thanks for bringing us a smiling Carmy." She raises her glass to you as you laugh, lifting yours as well.
Carmen watches as you clink glasses with Nat as he enters the kitchen. "You two doing good in here?" He asks. "Oh, we are doing wonderful. I should go find my husband." Nat says, smiling and walking out of the kitchen.
You sigh, setting your wine glass down behind you on the counter. "Hi." He greets, arms wrapped around your waist. You hum, wrapping yours around his neck. "Hey you." You reply, pressing your lips against his.
“I’m really glad you’re here.” He says quietly after he pulls away, placing his forehead against yours, closing his eyes.
You smile, placing a hand on his cheek. “I’m glad too, Carm.”
Arguments in relationships are common. They’re healthy, they bring growth. You and Carmen had a fair share of disagreements but never ones where he called you the name he did tonight: clingy. 
“Can you just fucking leave me be for a second?! I don’t need you crowding me and being so- so fucking clingy.” Right in the office of the Bear, as you made sure he understood what was happening with Syd’s plans. 
Now here you were, in Nat’s living room. “He probably didn’t mean it, you know?” She asks softly as she pushes some of your hair out of your face, wiping tears that fall down your cheeks. “I think he’s just been so worried about our mom, her issues and the Bear.”
“What if he did mean it though? What if.. What if he was just with me out of convenience or pity?” You voice your worries. She shakes her head. “I have never seen Carmy as happy anywhere else as he is with you. He loves you, Y/n. He wants to be with you, no one else.” She replies.
“You don’t call the people you love clingy.” You point out. She sighs, letting you lay your head on her shoulder. No matter what she said, nothing changed how you felt. Carmen thought you were clingy. Whether subconsciously or not, he thought it. 
The thought made your heart ache. 
You were younger than Carmen, you knew that much from the moment you met him. But it had never been an issue in your relationship, until now it seems. A simple, offhand comment about kids and marriage you had made to Syd. You wanted those things, and you wanted them with Carmy. 
That’s what landed you in this position on a cold night, with him sitting on the armchair in front of you and you on the floor, crouched to try and read his eyes. Find any sign that you could get past this. 
“We’re just on different paths. I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get this close to you. And I should have stopped myself before I hurt you.” Translation: you’re still young and I can’t hold you back.
He didn’t stay after that. His clothes still hung in your closet, with you on the floor of the living room. 
Translation: what now? 
“So, plans for you being in New York?” Diane asks as you and her sit on the rooftop of her apartment building. You sigh, as you lean back on your chair. “Drink a lot. Forget my relationship problems in Chicago and hope for the best.” You answer with a nod.
She rolls her eyes. “Come on. You can’t expect to fix your relationship in different states without talking.” She points out as you look over at her. “When did I hire you as a relationship therapist?” You tease. “Carm and I will be fine.” 
You couldn’t find the translation anymore for what “fine” meant. 
The wedding was gorgeous. Diane looked stunning and her husband was the sweetest man. The sun was setting over Manhattan, as you sat at the open bar perched on the rooftop. Staring at the missed call from a familiar contact: ‘Chef’s Kiss’. Carmy. 
Maybe you had asked him for too much. Wanting kids, marriage. He’d give them to you if you asked, you knew that. But the idea of him just putting up with that just to keep you? 
You didn’t return his call or any of his texts. Instead, you kept quiet until you returned to Chicago a week later. A box perched on your apartment doorstep with your belongings. Jewelry, shirts you left at his place. All of them except for the scarf that still sat on Donna’s staircase banister.
Maybe he kept it because it smells like you. Or because it reminded him of something pure. The one thing he really knew was now gone, and the scarf was a fragment of that. 
It didn’t shock any of the staff at the Bear when you turned in your notice and stopped working there. Or when you took the couch you and Carmy used to sit on during late night conversations and moved it eleven hours with you to New York. Along with his hoodies, the one you wanted to keep most because it smelled like him still. 
You didn’t delete the videos or photos you had with him. It feels too real if you do. 
You stared at the kitchen. Where he used to hold you, scolding you for how you handled knives. The balcony, where he told you that you were his new dream. The living room where he’d kiss you like it was the first time. The bedroom, where some nights, he made you his own, and others he held you while you slept. 
The only thing you found in the apartment that was foreign to you? A piece of notepad paper, with “ANGEL’S BAR” drawn on the front. You stuck that in your pocket as you made your way to your car. 
It hurts to look at. It hurts to think about him. 
Now it’s just you, in your hundred square foot apartment that you share with a roommate now. You manage to delete the playlist of songs that he loved swaying with you to in early mornings in kitchen lights. You learn his favorite melody by heart: stranger, to lovers, to enemies.
Closing that chapter of your life, you focused more on opening Angel’s Bar. His logo on the front, in downtown New York. Soft piano playing as chatter fills the room, drinks being poured in the corners. 
It may have just been Carmen’s luck to find you on opening night, chatting around with the customers as he watched from the window, a familiar red scarf wrapped around his neck to help fight the cold air.
Translation: it reminds him of innocence. It reminds him of the better part of himself, the one you brought out in him.
Carmen learned to take lessons from break-ups pretty early on into his life. The one he got from you?
“Falling in love isn't for the weak. So don't try it at home.” He closes the book that he was given as an assignment for his AA class.
Maybe you were his favorite melody after all.
𓍢ִ໋🔪 ♡₊˚ 🧣・₊✧
shine on, shine on, my loves!
thank you for reading! please feel free to engage with this post by reblogging, commenting or sliding into my inbox to leave feedback! i appreciate all of you! check out my carmen berzatto masterlist here for more fanfics!
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- mae
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wolfjackle-creates · 5 months
Got some bad news today and I want to forget it. So I'm gonna share a bit of something here as a distraction.
Earlier today I referenced a smut piece I've started working on. Dead on Main. How would you guys like to read the set up for it? (No actual smut in this snippet.)
Enjoy these 800 words!
Danny’s leg was bouncing and the girl sitting in front of him in the lecture hall turned to glare at him. He forced it to stop and pulled out his water bottle, only to realize he was down to his last few drops of ectoplasm.
It wasn’t enough.
He’d thought Gotham would have enough ambient ectoplasm that there’d be a bunch of other ghosts hanging around, even if they were weaker than the ones Amity got. But apparently not. It was already mid October, almost Halloween, and he hadn’t met a single other ghost. He’d even gone looking.
He needed some ghost-on-ghost interactions. Non-liminal humans were fine, necessary to hang out with from time to time even. But not enough for him anymore. His ectoplasm intake had tripled since he moved here to make up for the lack and it wasn’t working.
The girl in front of him turned around again and hissed, “Cut it out.”
Shit, his leg was bouncing again. He stopped it and looked up at the powerpoint the professor was teaching off of. Then back down at his notes. Well damn, he’d missed a few slides.
He ground his teeth and shoved his things into his bag. Clearly sitting here was a waste of time if he couldn’t focus. As quietly as possible, he slipped out of the lecture hall and made his way outside. He was wound too tight. Needing to do something, anything, he loosened his control on his aura, letting it spill out around him
If he’d still been in Amity, everyone would know Danny Fenton was having a bad day. Here, no one spared him a second look. He stalked off campus and through the streets of Gotham, taking turns when needed to match the street lights or avoid getting run over by a car. He had to keep moving.
He didn’t know how long it had been or how far he had traveled when he felt it: the brush of another ghost’s aura against his. Another ghost who was just as angry and frustrated and lonely as him. Danny was moving in their direction—into a park—before he ever consciously made the choice.
The other ghost was moving closer, too. Danny grinned, showing a bit too much teeth. Maybe he’d finally have a chance to let loose, get rid of the frustration he’d been feeling.
And then a man in a leather jacket came running into view. Danny allowed himself a moment of surprise at seeing another apparently-living human who set off his ghost-sense. Could he be a halfa, too? Whoever they were did not seem to be surprised like Danny was, however, and moved faster as soon as they saw each other.
Danny shook off the shock and laughed as he rushed into the fight. He needed this.
Though his aura, Danny sent out his feelings of frustration and isolation and delight at finally meeting another ghost. Then they were trading blows.
He got the same sense of anger and frustration from his opponent, mixed with some confusion. But Danny didn’t bother trying to parse out the guy’s emotions. That could happen later, after they were both finally sated.
His opponent didn’t use any ghost powers, so Danny followed his lead. He dodged a kick and blocked a punch only to return both. He managed to get a grip on the guy’s jacket, but the other did something that twisted his wrist painfully, forcing him to let go.
Danny dropped to the ground and tried to kick at his opponent’s legs. But he only got a glancing blow that barely tripped the man up. Danny jumped up, and managed to head-butt the other’s chin. His opponent growled and kicked out; Danny was sent sprawling. Then, the maybe-halfa had him pinned to the ground.
They both paused for a minute, just breathing. Around them, indistinct voices cried out in panic, but Danny ignored them. He let his hands be pinned above his chest, his legs held down by the other ghost’s knees. Even his aura was pressing down on Danny, holding him in place. Danny could’ve fought back, but something about this felt right.
So, for the first time, he let himself look at his opponent. His ghostly nature was evident in the streak of white hair that fell over his forehead and the ectoplasm-green eyes that stared down at Danny. But what really struck him was how much physically larger he was than Danny. How they appeared to be about the same age.
He was fucking hot, too. Strong as well, if his aura was anything to go by.
Danny licked his lips and let a little lust leak into his own aura. He quirked an eyebrow in question.
This song is the inspiration for the fic and will help set the tone for how things're gonna go. (NSFW lyrics, make sure you listen in an appropriate location or with headphones.)
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roosterforme · 1 year
Scenic Route | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You can't wait to head back to the east coast for Christmas with your husband and your parents. But when your travel plans start to unravel, Bradley shows you what's really important. And you remember you already have everything you really need no matter where you are.
Warnings: Fluff, angst and mentions of smut
Length: 4300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series! (But it can be read on its own) Check my masterlist in my profile for the reading order!
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"All I want for Christmas is four days off from work, a little bit of snow, and your dick with a bow on it," you told your husband with a smile as you got in bed. You had an early flight to Maryland to visit your parents the next morning, and you hadn't seen them since your wedding last month.
Bradley shook his head. "No way I'm putting a bow on my dick at your parents' house."
You pouted at him as you took your glasses off and set them on your nightstand. "Wow. Next you'll be telling me that Santa Claus isn't even real."
"Oh, Sweetheart," he rasped, pulling you close. "I've got some bad news for you."
"Don't you dare say it!" you scolded, holding his lips shut. "I won't stand for that! When we have kids, are you going to try to ruin it for them, too?"
You released his lips while he burst out laughing. "I was going to say that the bad news is there's no snow in the forecast in Maryland."
"Oh," you sighed, cuddling up with him. "Well, I can deal with that as long as Santa is still real."
A handful of hours later, when your alarm was going off, you moaned and practically crawled into the bathroom.
"Hurry up," Bradley kept urging as you washed your face and brushed your teeth. "Airport parking is going to be a mess."
You rolled your eyes at him in the mirror, but he kept following you around until you were walking out to the driveway with your luggage and a travel mug of coffee. The only time he would agree to taking your car anywhere was when it was in an effort to protect the Bronco. So you drove him to the airport in your little car so the Bronco wouldn't 'get dinged up in the parking garage'. 
"You know what I'd love to get you for Christmas, Sweetheart? A new car." 
You smiled as he shifted around in the front seat. It was almost amusing how much he hated your little car, but you loved it.
"This one is perfectly fine," you promised as you pulled into the parking garage at the airport. 
He shot you a playfully unamused look as he unfolded his legs to climb out of the car and start gathering the luggage. But the look of displeasure was no longer playful as you followed him into the airport. 
"Our flight's delayed," he said with a sigh as he looked up at the departures screen. 
"No!" you groaned. "I'll text my parents and let them know while you check the bags."
But as soon as you hit send and watched your suitcase disappear from view, you noticed that your flight had been cancelled. 
"Bradley!" you called, pointing to the screen as he walked back over to you.
"Oh, fuck," he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Stay here, Baby Girl." He turned back toward the airline agent while you called your parents. 
Bradley managed to sweet talk a new itinerary out of the young woman who worked for the airline. And he wasn't necessarily proud of himself. 
"Hi, Ava. That's such a pretty name," he said with a smile, watching her blush a bright shade of pink. "Is there anything you can do for me about this flight to Baltimore?"
She looked flustered now as she checked her computer screen. "There aren't that many options. This is because of all the snowstorms in the middle of the country, sir."
"You can call me Bradley."
"Bradley," she said with a smile. "I could reroute you to Denver first and then Atlanta and then into Baltimore?"
"That would be great," he said smoothly. "Anything you can do to make Maryland happen." He glanced over his shoulder to where you were talking on the phone and pacing around. The line behind him had started to grow with people dealing with cancelled flights, so he knew he needed to rebook these seats while he still could. 
"I would be happy to do that for you, Bradley," she replied with a grin. "Oh, you have two seats under your reservation?"
"Yes," he told her as he watched you pace away again with your phone pressed to your ear. "For my wife and I."
"Oh," she said with a sigh before printing him out new boarding passes and handing them to him without another word.
"Thanks, Ava. Happy holidays."
Bradley rushed over to you and laced his fingers with yours. "Let's go. Only have a few minutes to get on our flight to Denver."
You sputtered but started to walk briskly along with him, smiling up at him as you spoke into your phone. "Dad, Bradley got us on a new flight! I'll call you back, okay?"
"Come on," he urged, and then you and he were rushing toward security before it started to get crowded. 
"How did you do that?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his waist as you waited in line for your turn. 
He kissed your forehead and whispered, "You don't want to know."
But you just laughed and nuzzled your face against his neck. "You either threatened someone or flirted with someone. Either way, good work, Roo."
"Honestly... the things I do for you."
When the two of you were the last passengers to board the flight to Denver before they closed the gate, you looked at him in surprise and went all the way back to your seats in the last row. "That was close," you whispered, taking the middle seat and snuggling up against his shoulder. 
"I just hope our luggage gets there," he replied. 
But soon enough, that was the least of his concerns. Because halfway through the flight, he was jolted awake by an announcement. 
"This is your captain speaking. Because of weather related issues in Colorado, we will be rerouting to Dallas/Fort Worth."
"Shit," Bradley hissed as you and he shared a look of annoyance. "It's okay. We'll figure it out."
"Get ready to start flirting some more," you mumbled, taking his hand in yours. 
When you and he deboarded in Texas, the entire airport appeared to be packed wall to wall with people. The flight announcement boards were all flashing with DELAYED or CANCELLED. 
"What should we do?" you asked, but he was already calling the airline. 
"Get ready to start sweet talking, Baby Girl," he told you. "It might take both of us."
"But that's your specialty," you said with a sigh. "I'll go search for something to eat, you stay here on the phone." Bradley kissed you before you wandered off through the crowds. He was tired. He knew you must be as well. But the most important thing was getting you to Maryland to spend the holiday with your parents. They were the only close family either of you had. 
After talking to three different people on the phone, Bradley managed to get two middle seats on a flight to Memphis. He reasoned that at least you'd be heading in the right direction, as most eastbound flights were being cancelled for snow. 
When you eventually returned with two coffees and a bag with sandwiches and snacks, he waved you over to the single seat he claimed. "Come here," he told you, patting his thigh so you had somewhere to sit. "We're going to Memphis, but we have a bit of a wait."
As soon as you were in his lap, he felt better. And when you handed him a sandwich, he felt great. "That's all they had left," you told him as you opened a bag of chips.
"It's perfect," he told you as he finished it in four bites. "You know there's a house for sale two streets behind ours, right? Get your parents to move there. It would be easier than this shit."
You sipped your coffee and then smiled at him. "You think my mom hasn't mentioned that to me already? She checks the San Diego real estate listings online all the time."
"Huh," Bradley said. He had been half joking, but he didn't hate the idea of having your parents nearby, in or around San Diego. It would certainly cut down on this kind of stress. And he could tell that you were getting antsy now as your eyes kept looking up over his head to see which flights had been cancelled. 
"There's an elderly man standing over there," Bradley told you, patting your hip. "Why don't you go tell him he can sit here, and we can walk around instead."
"Okay," you replied, and Bradley watched as you walked up and introduced yourself to the older man with a cane and hearing aids. When you helped him make his way over to the seat, Bradley stood so he could sit down.
"Are you alone, Marvin?" you asked, letting him hold your hand until he was settled down into the seat.
"No, my daughter is with me. She went to wait in line for food a while ago. We're trying to go to San Diego."
You laughed and dug around in your bag. "Figures. We just left San Diego. And you can have the other half of my sandwich while you wait for her. The food lines are getting outrageously long."
"Thank you," he mumbled, taking the wrapped up sandwich and turning to Bradley. "Your wife is very sweet."
Bradley nodded at him and said, "She's everything," earning a brilliant smile from you in the process. "Happy holidays, Marvin."
You fell asleep in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport while you were standing up in Bradley's arms. It wasn't a very good nap, but you didn't get to sleep at all on the flight to Memphis which was filled with irate travelers and miserable children. You shoved your headphones in to avoid listening to the woman next to you complaining. This flight had been delayed several times, and you were happy to just be in the air again.
Bradley was a few rows in front of you, in between two people who did not look happy to have someone so tall between them. But he occasionally turned around to smile at you, and you mouthed I love you to him each time.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me," you gasped when you arrived in Memphis late on Christmas Eve only to find that all outbound flights had been grounded for the night. You felt the panic rise up inside you. "We were supposed to arrive in Baltimore yesterday," you said softly as Bradley wrapped his arms around you. 
"It's okay," he said calmly. "It's late, but let's just text your dad and let them know where we are."
"We don't even have another flight booked, Bradley. We are going to have to spend Christmas in the Memphis airport." You could feel tears in your eyes, and you felt ridiculous as one of them fell to your cheek. "It's our first holiday married."
"I know, Sweetheart," he said as he wiped your tears away. But he was already on the phone again as he pointed you to an empty seat across the walkway. "I'll take care of it."
You carried your bag to the lone empty seat and plopped down while you sent a text. Your stomach was growling loudly, but there was nothing around except for shitty vending machines. Your phone rang as your dad called you, and you answered with a sob.
"Hi, dad."
"You're in Memphis now?"
"Yeah. It's almost midnight here. Merry Christmas," you told him softly. 
"Listen, when you get here, you get here. Just be safe, and call when you're in Baltimore, okay? We're only thirty minutes from the airport, so whenever you land, I'll leave to come get you."
"Okay," you said, already crying again. "I love you."
When Bradley walked over and scooped you up out of the seat, he looked pleasantly happy. "Why are you smiling so much?" you asked as he settled down with you curled up on his lap. 
"Because I have all good news, Baby Girl."
"Okay. Spill."
He kissed your temple and said, "We have a flight to Raleigh that leaves at noon. And we have some sort of rental car waiting for us there. And then it's just a five hour drive to your parents' house. I also got us some Doritos to enjoy together along with a Wild Cherry Pepsi."
You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Was the vending machine almost empty?"
"Sure was. There were zero options, but I'm fucking starving."
"Thanks for taking care of everything," you whispered as he fed you a chip. "You're wonderful."
"I'm only wonderful because of you," he replied, kissing your nose. "Now eat your fancy Christmas Eve dinner and try to get some sleep."
Bradley held you in his lap all night as you dozed on and off. His left leg was asleep, and he hadn't been able to relax enough to get a nap, but that was fine. It was noisy here, even at two in the morning. This somehow reminded him of his first time on an aircraft carrier; he was dying to sleep but just couldn't. But he didn't have anything as nice as you in his life when he experienced that twelve years ago. 
You sighed and pressed your lips to his neck as you slept, and he closed his eyes, memorizing how fucking good this felt. He was sure you'd disagree. The two of you were smashed between two families who were also trying to get a little rest, and there was an announcement going over the intercom. It was a little chilly in here, and Bradley was hungry enough to eat those nasty unsalted pretzels you liked so much. This wasn't the nicest way to spend Christmas morning. Not when you'd been expecting to be with your mom and dad.
But Bradley was so happy. You and he were married. You were together. He wasn't deployed. And you had your left hand planted against his chest where he could look at the rings he had given you. This was great. He'd be happy to do this every year with you.
You stretched and arched your back, and Bradley was finally able to shift his left leg to try to alleviate the sensation of pins and needles. "I had a dream," you whispered, "that Tramp ate Penny's turkey off the kitchen counter and they said they were never going to dogsit for us again."
Bradley laughed as he held you tight and kissed your hair. "Nah, he'll be a saint for Amelia. She takes him on a beach walk every day when he's there."
"That's true," you whispered before kissing his lips. "I'm sorry I've been cranky, Roo."
"Don't apologize," he said softly as you switched to sit on his right thigh. "This is not ideal."
"I know," you agreed, running your fingers along his mustache and his scarred cheek. "But we're together. Merry Christmas."
He pulled you close so your forehead rested against his. "I thought up a fun idea. Wanna hear it?"
He smiled and told you, "Let's walk around to all the vending machines and see what we can find. It'll be like opening presents together next to the tree at your parents' house."
Your laughter was so loud, you had to cover your mouth as you nodded. "Sounds so fun. Let's go."
The two of you scoured every corner of each of the terminals in the Memphis airport together until you had located eight different vending machines. Bradley watched you jump up and down when you found a bag of unsalted pretzels. "I love these things!" you said biting into one and then feeding him the rest of it. 
"We got some good shit, Baby Girl." Then you and he sat side by side and ate everything as you watched a light snow falling outside. When Bradley finished drinking a bottle of ginger ale, he said, "If we have to sleep here again, those benches over in Terminal A looked classy as hell."
You nodded as you finished a bag of popcorn. "Just like our bed at home."
"You know it," he said, kissing your cheek before he stood to throw away all of the trash. Then he heard an announcement for your flight to Raleigh to start boarding, and he pulled you up to your feet. "Let's get out of here while he still can."
He carried your bag for you, and with a little luck, this flight actually took off on time. And Bradley fell asleep on your shoulder while you ran your fingers softly through his hair.
"I love it!" you shouted in the freezing cold rental car lot in Raleigh. "It's just like my car!"
Bradley groaned and tossed your bag onto the backseat. "Every time we get a rental car, we just get the newest model year of your little shit mobile!"
"It's even red!" you said, laughing right at him. "I'll drive. I'm going to like it so much, I'll just get a new one to replace my car when it dies in like ten more years."
"No," he said. "I'll drive. I don't want you getting any ideas." He steered you around to the passenger side door and opened it for you before he buckled you in. Every time you tried to complain, he kissed your lips until you were sighing and digging your fingers into his hair. 
"Are you trying to get me to fuck you in the backseat or something?" you whispered against his lips before he stood and looked down at you in the passenger seat.
"First of all, no, I'm trying to get us to your parents' house. And second, no, because we wouldn't both fit. I don't even think you could get a car seat back there," he said with a pointed look before he closed the door and walked around to the driver's seat.
"A car seat," you muttered as you adjusted the radio to play some Christmas music as he pulled out onto the road.
"You heard me, Baby Girl."
You were hopeful. You really were, but you were trying not to dwell on it, at least not today. Bradley drove for a few hours into the dim evening dusk, and you offered so many times to switch seats with him. But he just kept telling you to feed him some of the vending machine snacks and keep the Christmas music playing. 
When you texted your parents to let them know what was going on, you knew they would be waiting for you. But they really went above and beyond. You texted them when you were about twenty minutes away, and when Bradley pulled the little red car into the driveway at eight at night, they came running outside. 
"You must both be so hungry!" your mom said, rubbing her hands together, brow pinched with stress. "Dinner is ready. I just took it all out of the oven."
"You didn't have to wait for us to eat," Bradley told her as she hugged him. 
"Nonsense! We'd wait until tomorrow if we needed to!" she told him before kissing both of your cheeks. "Now get inside, it's freezing."
Bradley managed to sneak into the bathroom and into the shower with you around midnight. The four of you had enjoyed one of the best dinners he could ever remember eating. Then your parents had spoiled the two of you with gifts, including a new bed for Tramp. And now you and he were about to change into some borrowed pajamas after finally getting showered.
"I really hope our luggage shows up back at home at some point," you said as you removed Bradley's shirt. 
"It will," he said, helping you strip down and climb under the stream of steamy water. Both of you groaned in pleasure and then laughed. 
"I already feel so much better," you muttered as he started washing your body, paying extra attention to your breasts. 
"Wash my hair?" he asked you, flashing his big, brown eyes. 
"Always," you promised, and he melted into your touch. "You know, Roo, this day was actually kind of fun. The vending machine Christmas gifts, and the rental car sing along. And then finally getting to eat dinner."
"It was perfect," he told you.
You laughed. "Well, that might be a stretch, but I think-"
"It was perfect," he insisted. "I spent my day with you. And we got to see your parents. That was all I was really hoping for. But on top of that, you're my wife. And marrying you has been the best thing that happened to me this year. So today was perfect."
Bradley could tell even as the shower spray wet your face that you were starting to cry. "I love you."
"I love you, too. And even though we only get to spend one day with your parents before flying back to San Diego, I wouldn't change being with you for anything else." 
The two of you were wrapped up in towels and stumbling out of the bathroom, laughing quietly together when you almost bumped right into your mom.
"I thought you were in bed!" you told her, holding your towel in place, and Bradley had never felt as naked as he did with this damp towel around his waist. 
"Your dad needed his blood pressure medication from the kitchen," she replied with a smirk on her face. "Why are you looking at me like that? You're married. I know you two are having sex."
"Oh, god," you groaned, leaning back against Bradley, covering your eyes. 
"We didn't..." he started. "Not in the bathroom..." he added. "Good night!" he said, slipping past you into the room you and he were going to be sharing. And when he looked back at you and your mom before he closed the door, you looked scandalized. 
He laughed quietly to himself as he pulled on the random assortment of clothing your dad was letting him wear since the luggage was currently lost. When you came in a few minutes later, still in your wet towel, he was laying in bed waiting for you. 
"You bailed on me!" you hissed, tossing the towel at him and standing there naked. "We made wedding vows, Bradley!"
He caught the towel and tossed it onto the floor as he reached his hands out for you. "Why don't you come over here, and I'll make everything better?"
You climbed into bed next to him, and he wrapped his arms around you to keep you warm. "Roo, she asked me if you and I are having unprotected sex." Bradley snorted as you groaned. "She wants to know if you're giving me creampies, because she wants grandchildren!"
Bradley burst out laughing. "She actually said that?"
"Not those exact words, but you know what I mean!"
"Well, Merry Christmas, mom," he said softly while he tried to contain his laughter. "We're working on it."
You buried your head under the pillow, and Bradley had to coax you out with some kisses. "Can I have my Christmas present now?" he asked once you were draped across his chest with your fingers in his hair and your lips on his neck.
"Yeah," you whispered. "I'm about to give it to you."
Bradley stroked his fingers along your cheek so that you were looking at him. "You already give me everything, Baby Girl. You know that, right?"
You pressed your lips together and nodded. "Me and you."
"I love it," he promised as your lips met his again.
"Okay, so this has kind of been a disaster," you told Bradley as you finally boarded your delayed flight back to San Diego the next night. "But also, I sort of loved this?"
"Best Christmas ever," he whispered, slipping into the seat next to yours and grabbing both ends of your seatbelt. Then he snapped them closed and tightened the strap, just like he always did. He even always buckled you in the Bronco. You were so used to all these little things now. You just looked at him for a few moments, and he looked back as a smile found his lips. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
"Well, I learned a lot about you over the past few days," you told him as the flight attendants closed the overhead compartments. 
"And?" he prompted, linking his fingers with yours. 
"I think you might be perfect," you informed him seriously. "You took care of everything in all the airports so I didn't have to worry. You made sure that sweet, old man had somewhere to sit."
"Marvin," Bradley interjected. 
"Yes, Marvin. You held me while I napped. You made sure we ate. You played vending machine Christmas gift roulette with me. You drove the rental car. You made my parents happy. And, plus, you keep doing all the little things that you always do. Like hold my hand the perfect way so my wrist doesn't hurt, and buckle my seatbelt for me. You're perfect."
He looked at you. "You take care of me all the time, Sweetheart. I like taking care of you, too. That's just... what I always do."
You nodded and snuggled against his arm as the plane took off, taking you home to San Diego. "Keep on doing it, Roo. Please." 
"I'm planning on it, Baby Girl."
Roo takes care of BG, and BG takes care of Roo. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls.
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jxckchxmpi0n · 11 months
Soft! Jack champion headcannons
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Recently, I've been going through a hard time, and thinking about these makes me smile, so I wanted to share ♡
did not proof read || m.list
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You met Jack through filming a movie together. You were both shy but grew close.
Over time you both grew up to be beautiful young adults, and that's when it all started.
When you both have free time you play video games together, it'd be some fighting game he loved and or would be some other game you were obsessed with at that time.
You'd both eventually get tired and log off but stay on the call and talk for a few more hours.
Hanging out in person was your favorite by far.
When he would come over, he would just walk in and find you on the couch reading whatever book had your attention this week.
"How are you doing pretty girl?" he picked up that nickname for you a few years back and it has always stuck.
Climbing over your legs laying on you as you fill him in on the latest drama in the book. he would eventually fall asleep without meaning to.
You'd look down at him with such love in your eyes, his curly hair framing his face just right.
How his eyes fluttered showing he was in a dream.
This view you could never get tired of, seeing him so peaceful made your heart explode.
He would 100% get all your favorite foods and snack when you've had a bad week.
He would go to the moon and back for you just to make sure you have a good day.
"Hey lovely, how was your day? do you need anything from the store?" he would show up to your apartment with flowers and a Lego set for you and him to build.
If there was a new make-up look you wanted to try, he would let you practice on him before yourself.
Anytime you guys went out for a walk and crossed the road if you were on the outside, he would grab your waist pulling you to switch sides.
Anytime he got excited about something he would start talking with his hands more and would go down a rabbit hole of all the little details.
After he realized how much he was talking he would hide his face in his hands and would giggle but then ask you a bunch of questions, so you were able to talk more.
He memorized your coffee/tea order so when he stopped without you, he could always bring you something.
Some days you would go over to his place and sit on his bed while he played games with Mason.
Hours could go by, and you'd sit there watching him play and or watch tv.
Your heart would warm up at when he won a battle and turn to you "lovely look it we beat their asses."
After a few more rounds he would get tired and turn around in his chair to find you sound asleep.
He would try to be as quiet as he could and would crawl in bed with you.
Your hair was all in your face so he would brush it back, his face started heating up as he looked at you.
God he was so madly in love with you.
He then just lays there watching you- but not in a weird way.
He looked at the moles you have scattered around on your skin, he would watch your breathing patterns to make sure you weren't having a bad dream.
Then he'd fall asleep himself.
And halfway through the night you ended up in his arms.
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trblsvt · 1 year
Hi, idk if you're taking requests (feel free to ignore me if you aren't) but I was thinking about something today
I'm working on a thesis paper for my degree, and I've really been struggling the past couple days. How do you think the members of svt would help when you are struggling to focus on an assignment?
Who would be keeping you stocked on snacks and making sure you stay hydrated? Who would be helping you find research to support your paper? Would someone suggest you take breaks when struggling? Is there anyone who would just try to stay out of the way to avoid being an additional distraction?
thank you for sending this in, this is actually so cute!
pairing | ot13 x fem!reader genre | fluff; college!au warnings | mentions of just studying a lot (if that's even a warning) summary | short scenarios of seventeen members taking care of their s/o when it's peak studying time min | lowercase intended. i actually think i can come up with ideas for all thirteen members
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choi seungcheol
you were just so stubborn. "she couldn't possibly study the whole day away," seungcheol grumbled to himself, but he knew you indeed could. lucky for you, he wasn't going to let you do that. he would make you go out for a bit.
he frowned when he saw you hunched over one of your textbooks. "hey," he mumbled approaching you slowly. he stood behind you, hands on your shoulders, and he peered at your computer screen. some sort of coding language he wouldn't even try to engage with. "want to take a break?" he whispered into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
"i can't," he practically heard the frown in your voice, not to mention the exhaustion.
"you can," he said, fingers tracing shapes on your arms. "come on, come lie down with me. just for a little bit. i promise you can go back to your work after you come here." you looked at your screen and back to where he stood behind you. you glanced at your screen one last time and got up. "fine, just for a little bit," you grumbled.
"that's my girl," he smiled, pulling you down onto the bed and wrapping you up into his arms. maybe it wasn't going outside or anything like that, but nothing beat having you in his arms. soon enough, you dozed off and your school work had to wait a bit longer.
yoon jeonghan
jeonghan was the distraction you didn't know you needed. "___, come take a look at my new lego set," he called from the living room. you sighed and rubbed your eyes. "i can't, han. i've got to finish this presentation today," you said. he frowned. you were working too hard for the past few hours. he looked at his completed lego set and determined it was small enough for him to pick and up and bring it to you. he shuffled his way to your bedroom where you were working and held out his construction. "look, it's so cute, right?" he smiled. you looked up, and you couldn't help but melt a little. he looked so proud of his little set. "yes, it is very cute, jeonghan. nice job," you smiled.
"well, i have another one i have to build, and i need you to help me," he grinned and grabbed your hand. when you went out into the living room, there were about three other sets ready to be constructed. "now, which one do you want to do?" he asked, squeezing your hand.
"i want to do the flower one," you pointed.
"i was thinking the same thing." maybe a lego break would do you some good.
hong joshua
he would always ask you if you wanted to go out and do something. constantly. every hour. "___, want to go out to the art festival today?" he asked. "they have a bunch of global artists there to show case their art. i'll buy you something you like it."
"josh, i would love to, but these slides aren't get studied by themselves.
"i saw some of the artists on instagram, and they have some really great jewelry. it would look so beautiful on you."
damn him. he knew you were a sucker for handmade jewelry. he came up behind you and draped himself over your shoulders. his cheek brushing yours, and you could feel the cool metal of his earrings against your head. "come on, just for an hour or two," he pleaded. "don't i get to treat my girl once and a while?" you couldn't disagree with that. "then come on, let me treat you. plus, you're already so smart, no need to read these slides again." you sighed, relaxing in his hold.
"there was this gorgeous necklace i saw, would look so good on you," he continued, and he would until he got to clasp that necklace around your neck.
wen junhui
"eat," he said, shoving a bowl of noodles under your face. you stared at him. "i just ate," you shrugged.
"lies. eat."
"you're calling me a liar, wen junhui?"
the two of you exchanged stares until you picked up the bowl and ate a bite. he looked satisfied, but he still didn't leave. he actually pulled a chair next to you and crossed his arms, still watching you intently. "what are you doing?" you asked.
"i'm not leaving until you finish eating that entire bowl," he shrugged. you gaped at him. no way. he seriously wasn't going to sit there and watch you eat, was he? jun was like this about food. he always made sure you were eating, no matter what. you couldn't exactly say no when his cooking was so good either. but this, was crazy. "no," you shook your head.
"yes," he nodded. "now tell me about that classmate who has been bugging you."
kwon soonyoung
he was a touchy person. he knew that. you knew that. so when he couldn't be close to you, he got antsy. he got especially antsy when he could easily be with you, but also couldn't because you were preoccupied with something else. today was an instance of that. you were watching some lecture and taking notes. you were clearly busy and preoccupied, but all he wanted was to be close to you. "___," he whined from his place on the couch. "soonyoung," you responded.
"___." he didn't know what to say. he wanted to be close to you. he wanted you in his arms, but that wouldn't be practical with you taking notes. "come here, soonyoung," you called. you knew what was wrong. he was being all clingy again, so you had to indulge him even if you were busy.
he happily popped up off the couch and made his way over to the table. he took his seat next to you. "are you done?" he asked. you shook your head. oh, well then why did you want him over here if you weren't done? "give me your hand," you said, extending your unoccupied hand to him. he did without asking, and he felt better when your fingers clasped against his. "better?" you asked. he nodded. "good, now once i finish, you'll get all the attention you want," you promised.
jeon wonwoo
wonwoo didn't like to disturb you when you were studying. he knew how distracting it could be, so if you were studying he would just come over read a book until you were done. today was different though. he saw how in the past twenty minutes you hadn't even flipped the page. he stared, debating about whether he should ask you about it. your head was in your hands, obviously staring at the page in front of you. "___?" he called out quietly. "are you okay?" he heard you huff, but you didn't say anything. after a couple seconds he saw you shake your head. "aw, baby, come here," he cooed, bookmarking his book.
you sighed and grabbed the text book you were supposed to be reading. "i don't know, i'm reading the words, but nothing's processing and i have to read these pages by thursday," you complained. wonwoo took the book from your hands and let you curl up next to him. "would you like to sleep some? maybe that'll help you later," he suggested.
"i have to read these pages now, wonwoo," you sighed.
"here, i'll read the pages to you then. it'll be like a podcast." you told him the pages, and he pulled up a blanket to cover the both of you. he began reading out loud, and soon enough he noticed you had been lulled into sleep. (you would never admit it to his face, but his voice was just so calming, how could you not fall asleep listening to it?)
lee jihoon
"when's the last time you had water?" he frowned. you looked around your desk. you wanted to say you had something to drink recently, but that would be such a lie. you had no clue the last time you drank anything. time seemingly slipped away. "i don't know, recently. i must've left my glass out there last time i was out," you shrugged. he shook his head. you were just like him in this way. you would always nag him about his hydration and he would blow you off. you would question why he was looking out for you so much and he would do the same. "if that's true, then that means that was about three hours ago," he crossed his arms.
"keeping close tabs on me i see," you said scrolling through the pdf on your computer.
"get up, you're getting water. you need to stretch your legs too."
"are you ordering me around?"
"yes, it's for your own good. you're withering away like a dehydrated plant," he said simply squeezing your shoulder. he was right. the longer he talked about water, the parched feeling in your throat grew. fine. he was right. you needed to get some water.
lee seokmin
"just take a nap! it'll be good for you!" he nagged. you practically hissed at him. "see! this is what i'm saying. don't be so stubborn, come on," he begged.
"seokmin, i can't! i have an exam tomorrow!" you exclaimed. you desperately needed a break, but this exam was life or death for your grade. "come on, you're not going to learn anything new at this point! you'll do great!" he insisted. he was probably right, there wasn't much you could do at this point. you knew what you knew. you hated admitting he was right in these situations. somehow he had learned your study habits better than yourself. "what will you give me if i take a nap?" you shot back suddenly. his eyebrows scrunched up, confused. "give you?" he repeated. "i don't know, a kiss." you pouted. a kiss didn't sound half bad right now. "come on, just sleep a little. have some faith in yourself," he begged.
"get me ice cream and we can talk about this nap thing," you countered.
"anything! i'll do anything for you to rest! just please, rest."
kim mingyu
"this is really boring," mingyu complained.
"i agree," you groaned.
"then let's go do something!"
"mingyu, please, just sit down for a little bit longer." mingyu had this thing if he sat too long watching you do something, that excluded him, he would get antsy. he wanted to do everything with you, but because he had zero knowledge about your studies, it was hard to keep up. you could sense his movement behind you. you needed to find a way to distract him from distracting you, just for another hour or so. "gyu," you called.
"yes," he perked up.
"did you go through those pictures i picked up yesterday?"
"how about you go through those, and i promise once you're done i will be done too. just sort through them. they're super cute, it'll totally take up a lot of time." he huffed. he knew what you were doing. you were distracting him. but he did want to see the photos. you insisted the two of you use a disposable camera for your recent vacation, and he agreed. he wanted to see how the aesthetic turned out. "you promise you'll be done?" he asked, getting up.
"okay, i'll look through them." when he left, he realized you were right about a couple things. one, the pictures looked gorgeous. two, flipping through the photos took up a lot of his time, and soon enough you were done.
xu minghao
minghao didn't really want to disturb you, so he didn't. he knew you were capable, so he didn't feel the need to nag you so much about breaks or food. of course he would cut an extra serving of fruit for you and leave it at the edge of your desk.
today was no different. you were at your desk typing away and he stopped by and left a plate of fruit on a pile of books. "hao?" you called out before he could leave. he hummed, acknowledging you. "can i ask you a huge favor?" you hesitated. he knew you never asked him for much, so he wondered what this could be about? "could you possibly copy down the vocab for this set of notes?" you asked. when he didn't respond immediately, you got worried. it was a crazy request, why would you drag your amazing boyfriend down with organic chemistry vocabulary? "actually, don't mind me. that's a stupid thing for me to ask. don't worry about it, i'll get to it later," you rushed, waving your hand at him.
"are you saying if i copy down these terms, you'll be done faster and we can watch that movie we've been planning on watching?" he asked, smirking.
"yes, hypothetically."
"hand over the note cards, i've been dying to watch to watch that movie."
boo seungkwan
"you have enough food, right?" he asked, peaking his head through the door.
"yes," you responded.
he nodded and went back out to the living room.
"water? you're hydrated, right?" he asked, not even two minutes later.
"yes," you sighed. "seungkwan, babe, i'm fed and hydrated. i just need to focus on this for one second. i'm okay, i promise." he looked at you and looked at your half empty water glass. "okay, i'll just fill this up real quick! then i can sit in here!"
seungkwan was a bit of a worrier. he always had been. from the first date, he asked you about ten different times if you were cold within the first five minutes. he constantly made sure you were eating enough food and drinking enough water. "you know, i think you should get a snack. i know it hasn't been long since lunch, but all this thinking is burning up all your energy," he said, as he entered the room again with a full glass of water. you learned to accept seungkwan's caring actions, it was the way he said "i love you." and as much as you wanted your alone time to study, you could never say no to him. plus, at this point you think he's your lucky charm.
choi vernon
"this is what i found," vernon said, tossing some books and papers onto your bed. you turned around in your chair and stared at the hardcover books an a couple packets of notes on your bed. "what is this?" you asked, rubbing your eyes.
"this is analysis of journalism throughout the 1960s, right?" he asked.
"yes, i don't understand how that's relevant."
"well, these books are written biographies about promient figures of the 60s, these are research papers about media bias from 1900 to 2000, and these-" he rambled, shuffling through the papers.
only then you realized that vernon had taken it upon himself to find you extra material to include in your analysis. you got up from your place at your desk and wrapped your arms around vernon, who was still talking about the material he gathered for you. "woah, okay, hi," he laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist. you pushed him down on the bed and there you were, together. "what's this for?" he whispered. "did i get the wrong information?"
"no, you got it just right," you murmured. how could someone be as perfect as him?
lee chan
he was so proud of you. you were such a hard worker, but he couldn't physically bring himself to sit in the room and watch you type away on your computer for another minute. plus, he felt a bit awkward too, just sitting there watching your eyes dart across your screen. so usually when you studied, he left the house for a while or just stayed away from wherever you were studying.
if he went out he made sure to pick up some food to celebrate after you finished studying for the night. he remembered the first time he did it. "i got you food, so we can celebrate!" he exclaimed. you stared at him like he was crazy. "i haven't even finished studying yet," you had crossed your arms.
"yeah, i know! but progress is progress! you worked hard. we need to celebrate," he shrugged waving you over. the tradition continued.
he came home with two bags of takeout with all your favorite things. he started to unpack all the food onto the table when you shuffled out of your room. "mmm that smells amazing, thank you so much, chan," you hummed, kissing chan on the cheek.
"anything for my hard worker, let's eat," he smiled.
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min | haha this so cute, thank you anon for sending this in :) of course feedback is appreciated! also not proofread at the moment! tagging: @a-wandering-stay
message or send in an ask if you want to be added to my taglist :)
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queenendless · 5 months
❤️‍🩹Flare (Keigo Takami/Hawks x Adult!Fem!Reader)❤️‍🩹
A/n: IT'S BEEN SO LONG! Sorry for the wait! I went through a Hawks writing funk. Also been working on JJK stuff. And watching a bunch of stuff too.
So, this piece is a self indulgent venting one cause I have chronic flare up pains going for 3 years now so this piece is kinda based off of a day in the life of me when dealing with my particular condition; feet wise. So I'd get it if reading this ain't up your alley. I just wish I had someone like Hawks to comfort me and quell my pain and worries.
AU, already established relationship with angst, hurt/comfort, fluff and feels indeed.
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Chronic pain is a living hell.
Engraved into your body.
Will leave on its own accord or be stuck with you for life.
Unfortunately, it was panning out to be the latter for you.
Staying up all night, multitasking from working on your laptop to checking the news to see your birdie partner engaging in a team up with his idol of a hero Endeavor alongside their hero works students.
Pride beamed in you at seeing Keigo in action, feather swords in hand to disarm his opponents, swooping in with his feathers spreading out to push and carry and guide the civilians to safety amidst the chaos.
The dews of dawn crept in as you finally finished when it happened.
Going in 3 years so far, the hereditary curse triggered in you from your pent up stress collapsing on itself resulted in flaring burning footsies.
Fatigue stung your eyes.
Your head pounded in dull pain.
With the curtains blocking out the light and the AC set to cool, you thought the cold would push the swelling burning go away.
But this was turning out to be one of those worse days.
You curled up in the fetal position on your bed, taking over 2 hours to fall asleep.
Falling in and out of slumber, you were now restless.
You heard the slide-in door of your living room balcony opening followed by the thump of footsteps and the flap of wings.
Always keeping it unlocked for him when he took a dive straight to your place. It is more of a home to him than his penthouse of a place that was still filled with unpacked boxes of furniture and such.
“Hey! Baby bird? Ya home?”
Hearing his heavy footsteps inching close, of course he'd first check your room.
Having only been seeing each other for a few months, you knew you couldn't keep this hidden from him for the long run.
His muffled voice finally came from behind your door. “Birdie?”
You knew his feathers could pick up even your quiet tone. “Here.”
Seeing light trickle in through the crack of the door, the man himself blocked out most of it from his frame. “Why is it dark – shit – and cold in here!?”
His shivering self hug was halted as those pupils shrunk behind his visor as he opened up the door more to shine the light in to unveil your red irritated feet. “Y/n? W – What happened?” He quickly came to your side, alarmed at the sight. Gobsmacked to be precise.
“Just circulatory defectiveness. Chronic stuff, ya know.” Your attempt at brushing it off like it was no big deal only riled up his feathers. Literally.
“No I didn't know! I've just found out!” Stripping off his gloves that fell to the floor, his calloused hands carefully felt your sensitive red dorsums. “How bad is it?”
“The tingling and burning really gets to you when you're trying to focus on work or sleep.” You winced for even his cautious fingers featherly brushing your veiny skin did little to quell the soreness. “Makes it harder to sleep when I'm not on the brink of exhaustion.”
Cradling one foot in his hands, Keigo's eyes trembled with emotion. “For how long?”
You couldn't meet his serious gaze. You looked away. “This year makes it three.”
“I get that everyone has their fair share of secrets but … ” The hurt in his voice cracked your heart.
“You have enough to deal with as is. My defective self is stuck dealing with this.” Your reasons made him wince at how true it was.
“Even so,” he set your foot down gently just so he could sit right beside you, his face hovering right above yours, gently cradling your head as he forced you to look him dead in the eye. “You shouldn't feel the need to hide this kind of thing from me.”
You self consciously fidget, throat choked up and lips wobbling. Your beautiful eyes grew in beauty from the tears but it just made him want to kiss them away. So he did.
“I have my fair share of secrets. Comes with my hero work … not to mention my past.” The crestfallen haze in his gaze was there one moment before his eyes lit up with endearment as you filled his sight. “You're the only one I'm willing to be myself around and just … be honest.”
“I was … embarrassed. I didn't want you seeing me like this.”
Taking off his visor then his headphones, his serious tone sent shivers racing through you. “I want to see all of you … the real you … the you I fell hard for.”
Setting his things aside on the nightstand, that left him free for you to hug his neck with no obstacles. He kept layering butterfly pecks against your cheeks and eyelids, curling your lips in response to his affection.
“You were scared. I get it. I was the same when I felt ready to tell you about my past … but you more than anybody reassured me I could trust you with my troubles, my feelings, all of it.”
His genuinity made you whimper and sniffle out of that shared sentiment as he helped you sit up.
“What's the point of being the #2 hero if I can't use my resources to help out my partner? Especially when you've been suffering this whole time.” He was sticking to this newfound resolve.
“Chronic stuff is incurable.” You sniffed at the sight of him pulling out a spare cloth outta his jacket pocket, wiping up your wet cheeks before dabbing your runny nose, letting you blow as well.
“There's still experimental treatment. Physical therapy. You still have options. And I'll help you in any way I can.” He is so charming and persuasive.
“Fine … I did miss having you here.”
“C'm here.” He immediately gathered you up in his arms, letting you bury your face in his shoulder, taking it all out.
The strain in your choked sobs. The pent up exhaustion, the struggle, the pain of the past three years you kept inside. Your blubbering got soaked up on his sleeve but he didn't mind one bit.
“It's okay, Y/n. Just let it out.” The enriching relaxing sounds of his voice kept you grounded. Solid. Assured.
“I'm here. I gotcha.” He squeezed you firmly but gently, rubbing your back in gentle motions with one hand and simultaneously weaving through your hair with the other; his fingers brushing them as soothingly as he could. “You're sleep deprived as is. You deserve to rest.”
“Only if you're staying.” You stubbornly set straight.
Keigo grinned, pecked your lips, drawing it out, filled to the brim with reciprocation and affection. “Deal.”
He cradled the back of your noggin as Keigo peppered kisses all over your face, gently pushing you to lay on your back as those lips traversed to your neck.
Your feet brushed together and your toes curled as Keigo spent the next few minutes sucking and nibbling all over your neck, his wings draping over you both, and your breathy moans feeding into his pleased ears.
Sleep could wait for a while longer.
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petrichorvidae · 1 month
Mushy May Day 1: Cuteness aggression Doing each others' makeup
Rating: Teen Word count: 3,863 Pairing(s): Cumulus/Mountain (Not main focus) + Written with polyghouls in mind but can be interpreted however you want! Link to it on AO3 for those who prefer!
I couldn't for the life of me think of something for the cuteness aggression prompt so I swapped it out with this... only to realise I don't know all that much without makeup. And yet, I still ended up with one of the longest things I've written in years lol
A huge thanks to @forlorn-crows for organizing Mushy May!
Cumulus had woken up that day with only one thing on her mind, a plan set in stone, an instinctual need to do but one not-so-simple thing; Today was the day Cumulus would teach Sunshine about makeup.
She wasn’t sure what, exactly, had brought this sudden urge upon her. Perhaps it was a few too many compliments and comments the Multi ghoulette had been making to her and, on the less than common occasions where she could be bothered to do her own makeup, Cirrus. Or maybe it was just because the new summon had brought back memories of her own time as someone new and foreign in a ministry full of people who knew each other, shoved into an already bonded pack, and remembered her first time discovering the wonders of makeup with some siblings, and how much joy it had brought her to have a new way to add to her self-expression. Regardless of the whys and hows, once she had fresh clothes on and some of Mountain’s famous eggs and bacon, she was ready to set upon her self-assigned mission. 
“Come on Sunny, It’ll be fun!” Cumulus leads the newest member of their little pack into her and Cirrus’ shared room, closing the door behind them a bit too eagerly as a complaint can be heard from down the hall and quickly brushed to the side as she continues doing what her heart was set out to do. Sunshine’s smaller hand is held in hers while she leads her to a corner of the room where some beanbags were set up for them to sit on comfortably while they do this.
“...You’re sure it’s going to be fun?” Quiet and anxious, as she has been ever since her summoning day.
Cumulus turns to her, looking into her fiery eyes and smiling warmly at her. Her hand comes to rest on her arm in a comforting gesture. “Oh honey, I promise you that I will try to make this as fun for you as possible.”. After a few seconds, she thinks to add “And if it isn’t fun for you then I promise we can stop whenever you’d like.”
That seems to make Sunshine a little less on edge. Still, Cumulus can’t help the small chuckle that’s pulled from her when the Multi ghoulette raises one of her hands, pinky finger extended out with the most serious of expressions that she’s seen on her yet, and asks; “Pinky promise?”
It’s nearly instant how she wraps her pinky finger around Sunshine’s and pulls her close. “Promise.”
She gives a quick peck to the tip of Sunshine’s nose and that seems to be what finally breaks her walls down. It warms Cumulus’ heart, just how pure and genuine the little laughs that the young ghoulette lets out are. It might just be the purest thing she’s heard in a good long time, maybe even in all of the time since she had been summoned herself.
Once her little laughing fit is all done and over, Sunshine lets out a relaxed sigh and seats herself upon one of the beanbags. She chooses the one that looks the comfiest for herself, a pleasantly plump one with pink faux fur, leaving the smaller blue-grey one for Cumulus. She’s not really sure what to do while she waits for Cumulus to finish gathering all of her things, so she settles with challenging one of the plushes perched atop Cumulus’ pillow to a staring contest. It takes a while but Cumulus soon returns to her assigned beanbag chAir, a whole bunch of stuff that Sunshine had no clue about now laid out on the floor in front of her. She feels a sense of relief wash over her as she’s freed from her silly little staring contest, the look that beady-eyed plush was giving her was starting to get intense.
“All right,” Cumulus claps her hands together as she takes stock of everything, double-checking real quick that she has everything she needs. “Let’s get started!”
“So what are we doing, specifically?”
“I was thinking we’d start it simple with some eyeshadow and eyeliner since it’s your first time.” Cumulus explains her plan. As if any of those words would explain anything to the new ghoulette. Just as she had expected, the response she gets is Sunshine’s brow creasing in confusion and a tilt of her head that reminds Cumulus a bit too much of those cute dog videos that a Sister of Sin had been showing her the other day. Adorableness aside, she decides to explain further with a simple “You’ll see when we’re done.”, which seems to be satisfactory enough of an answer for the curious Multi for the time being. She goes back to as she was on the beanbag, her legs crisscrossed as she waits for Cumulus to do whatever it is she’s been so eager for all morning.
From Cumulus’ collection of makeup supplies, she procures a simple and small eyeshadow palette and a couple of brushes. The corners of her mouth pull up into an even bigger smile as she watches Sunshine’s expression go from confused once again, to full of wonder when Cumulus opens up the palette to reveal all the colours hidden within. That pure wonder in her eyes is something Cumulus hopes will never fade. 
Cumulus offers Sunshine a warm smile and goes to hold her hand in hers, caressing her hand in a way intended to soothe any remaining jitters she might have. “It’ll be okay sweetheart, promise.” Orange gazes into black as Sunshine locks eyes with her for a moment. “Now,” She clapped her hands together once again “you got any preference for colour?”
Sunshine seemed to mull it over for a few solid seconds, before finally settling on “Hmm, nah. I think I’ll trust you with that stuff for now. Thanks!” She smiled a small and toothy smile at her, fangs and all on display. It was nice getting to see this initially shy and closed-off ghoulette start to grow more comfortable around her new packmates. Cumulus is honored to have the smaller ghoulette’s trust, even if it’s something as rudimentary as this.
With a gentle hand and a bit of hesitance on Sunshine’s half, Cumulus is finally leaning forward, eyeshadow brush in hand, ready to get this party started. She looks over the colours, a range of mostly more natural or neutral colours with a few brighter more saturated options thrown into the mix. The palette was a gift from one of the Siblings in the choir, a thank-you present for helping them out with some extra singing lessons in her free time, and she hadn’t gotten the chance to use it until now. After analyzing her options she decides on trying out a simple smokey eye. 
She starts with one of the darker colours from her selection, getting it on the brush before getting to work, sweeping with gentle strokes across Sunshine’s upper eyelid, slowly but surely applying the makeup while Sunshine sat there perfectly still, save for her tail thumping down onto the beanbag despite the ghoulette’s best attempts to hide her newfound excitement.
It took a bit, especially with how Sunshine started to fidget after spending more than a few seconds without doing something, but Cumulus was all done with the first step and is now ready to move on to the second. She picked a more mid-toned shade, applying it over Sunshine’s crease, spanning from the inner corner to the outer edge of her eye. After a little work, it starts to form a gradient-like appearance with the darker shade. With that all did and done she moves on to the lightest colour she has picked out and is quick, yet careful, to apply it above her crease going up to her brow, it doesn’t take her long at all and she’s ready to start blending everything with a clean brush she saved aside just for this. Everything was coming together now.
“Okay Sunny, just a little bit more and we can move on to the next thing, all good?” It’s almost comical how quick she is to nod her head at the question.
She quickly adds a little of the lightest shade to the inner corners of her eyes, helping to really bring out the brightness of her eyes. Once done with that she puts the palette and all her brushes off to the side, discarded for future her to put away and clean up. Now it was time for the trickier part; eyeliner.
She grabs her liquid eyeliner and while she’s shaking the bottle she explains this next bit to Sunshine “So we’re gonna do your eyeliner now sweetie, but I’ll need you to be very still so I don’t mess it up. Do you think you can do that Sunny?”
“Oh, uhm yeah... I can try, I guess.” Sunshine’s anxiety rears its face a little in her response but is quickly put down with Cumulus’ genuine ‘Thank you, sweetie’, which puts her at ease once again. She still seems a little nervous when Cumulus unscrews the cap and pulls the brush out, but her trust in the older ghoulette seems to cancel it out as she lets out a deep sigh.
Cumulus swipes off a bit of excess liner against the edge of the bottle before going to begin to apply it to Sunshine. After a couple of years of practice along with some good ol’ fashioned trial and error under her belt, Cumulus is able to get a good line on her first try. She’s decided to go for a small wing look for Sunshine, nothing too dramatic. She’s able to do the first wing pretty quick, and is about to move on to doing the same for the other eye when she notices how fidgety Sunshine’s getting with her hands. 
“Oh sweetie, you’ve been doing so good so far.” Sunshine beams at the praise. “You wanna hold onto this for me until we’re done so you have something to fidget with?” She asks as she plucks up the stuffed cow plush from her bed, a gift from Mountain after they both discovered their shared love for highland cows that came as a matching set with one he has for himself, the very same plush that Sunshine had been staring down as if her life depended on it earlier. The fat little thing glares hard deep into her soul once again as she grabs the presented plush, but this time she is distracted from its intimidating gaze by just how soft its pale blonde fur is against her fingers. She lets out a small ‘Ooh’ while she pets it. Cumulus deems this as a mission accomplished, and after giving Sunshine a minute to settle back down with her new bovine friend, Cumulus does the wing for her other eye. 
With the look almost complete there’s just the lipstick left now, and she’s already got a colour all set and ready to go. A simple nude, to really hit home with making her eyes pop. A darker colour didn’t really seem like Sunshine’s sort of vibe anyway. It ended up taking Cumulus a bit longer than it usually would, given how squirmy Sunshine got at the weird feeling of it being applied to her lips, but Cumulus was happy to say that she was all done.
“And done! Tada!” She presented a small mirror to Sunshine, and aside from a few cracks it had earned over the years that reflective surface did a wonderful job at showing the Multi ghoulette how she looks now. That sparkle in her eyes as she took in all the little details and the slight sparkle of her eyeshadow was well worth all the time they’ve spent here, sitting in some old beanbag chAirs in Cumulus and Cirrus’ room, with some fat little cow plush that still bore into the very depths of Sunshine’s being with its little bead eyes.
“Thank you, Cumulus. This was way more fun than I thought it would be at first, to be honest.”
Cumulus chuckles darkly, “Oh honey, we aren’t done yet.”
“Huh?”, Sunshine wears her confusion on her sleeve, her head tilting to the side again in that dog-like manner. Gosh, it was so adorable, Cumulus just wants to eat her up.
“Well, how did you think you were going to learn if you didn’t try it out yourself, sweetheart?” Cumulus brings back the palette and brushes from earlier, along with the liquid liner. She beams at Sunshine with a big and bright smile as she announces “You’re going to try it out on me now.”
Sunshine gulped. She looked to the cow for support, but for the first time today, he had turned his back to her. She was all alone, left to fend for herself. Damn cow.
The learning process was painful. Everything was so much harder than how it seemed, Cumulus truly made it all feel effortless but evidently, it was anything but. There were several times when Sunshine had groaned in frustration and considered giving up and walking off, maybe finding somewhere nice and secluded to sulk for the day, but Cumulus was always there to pull her back in with her words of encouragement. After what felt like hours she was finally done, and she took a few steps back to really take in her work.
“It’s… better than I thought it would be!” Sunshine beams at the older ghoul, tail wagging wildly to and fro, slapping with only a slight sting against her legs on occasion. She truly was sunshine incarnate.
Cumulus brings her into a hug, carefully not to step on any of the stuff strewn across the floor beneath them. “You did good Sunny!” She places a kiss on her cheek before pulling away, looking into those fiery eyes once more. “I’m so proud of you.”
Sunshine tried to hide the oncoming blush across her cheeks, but she wasn’t quite quick enough to hide it from the Air ghoulette. She gets a kiss on the nose as another little tease.
“How do you feel about showing the others?”
That seems to startle her a little, as she jumps in Cumulus’ hold. “Show them?” She looks around the room, catching a glimpse of the two of them in a full-body mirror over on Cirrus’ side. “Like- like right now?”
“Yeah sweetie, right now.” A few moments later Cumulus continues on to add “If you’re comfortable with it, that is.”
“Only if I’m comfortable with it?”
“Yeah, we could just take some photos if you want and go clean all this up.”
Sunshine thinks it over once, twice, three times before finally making her decision. She shakes her head insistently “N-no, I wanna show the others. You did such a good job, it would be a shame for it to go to waste.”
Cumulus brings her into another hug, speaking quietly into her ear “Oh Sunny, don’t sell yourself short. You did good too.”
Sunshine laughs a little at that. “If ya say so.” The pAir quickly put their things away, and by that they mean they put it all onto Cirrus’ desk until Cumulus could put it all back in its rightful place at a later time, knowing Cirrus wouldn’t be too bothered by the additional clutter in the time being. With that done the two open up the door, hand in hand, and step out to show their packmates.
They can hear voices down in the den, the name they have lovingly given to the open area of their dorms where they are free to hang out and eat. The smell of something good cooking tells them that Mountain’s in, as are Dewdrop and Swiss judging by the light-hearted yelling they can hear, likely over some game. Their suspicions are confirmed when the ghoulettes walk out into the space and are greeted by the sight of a good many of their packmates already gathered. Dewdrop, Rain, and Swiss were all squished together on the slightly cramped sofa, Dewdrop and Swiss both with controllers in hand as they argue about who allegedly cheated. Rain was of course attempting to mediate the pAir from where he was sat between them, but that was looking like more and more of a losing battle as the seconds ticked by. Meanwhile, Mountain, just as they expected was over in the kitchenette area of the den.
Cumulus decided to announce their presence with a simple question “What are you making there, Mounty?”
The Earth ghoul’s ears perk up, his tail wagging instantly at the sound of his packmate's voice. He doesn’t turn around but answers her anyway while he continues to cook. “I’m making a grilled sandwich since I had to skip breakfast today.” Knowing the question she was bound to ask before she could even think of it, he goes on to explain “Someone must have accidentally locked one of the strays in the greenhouse tonight, and she was reasonably pissed by the time I got there.” He sticks out his arm, littered with plasters and some angry red marks. Ouch.
“Ouch.” She hissed in sympathy “You got them cleaned, I hope?” The question is met with a subtle nod, the ghoul focusing for a moment as he flips his grilled cheese over.
“Oh yeah, it was Lucy so… ya know…”
“Ooh yeah, her scratches sting like a bitch.” Dewdrop butts in from the sofa, seemingly having won his little debate if Swiss’ pout and quiet grumbling is anything to go by. “Pretty sure I’ve still got a scar from the lil’ fucker!” He sounds almost proud of the absolute beating the scrawny black cat had given him when he last attempted to pick her up. But hey, it still somehow went better than all the other times, so that’s something.
“Hey Lus.” Rain waves tiredly over tiredly, and comedically lets out the biggest yawn not even a few seconds later, stretching in a way that never fails to make everyone question the existence of his bones, and a squeal is heard not a moment later when he knocks Swiss right off of the sofa with his tail.
“Ow! You gotta watch that thing man!” The Multi ghoul rubs at the back of his head, feigning injury in typical dramatic Swiss fashion. They’re all used to it by now, and the Water ghoul just scoffs at him with a chuckle before cosying up more to Dewdrop’s side. Oh, it was so clear who the victor of the argument had been.
“Hehe, hi there Rain. Bullying Swiss as usual I see?” Cumulus smirks at the trio from where she was stood at the edge of the hallway. Sunshine was still hidden away behind her, holding onto her hand with a firm grip while she waited patiently.
“Oh you know it, he was exploiting some glitch in their game.” The Water ghoul explains.
“Hmm, deserved.” She says, but they all know it’s all in good fun. A little laugh from behind her alerts them all to the additional presence that they hadn’t noticed yet, and now they were all looking at her as if she’s sprouted a second head.
She looks behind her and checks in on Sunshine, silently communicating to her through facial expression alone, asking her if she is ready. That small nod was all she needed to let Sunshine’s hand slip from hers so she could step up further into the room.
“Ghouls and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make!” She gestures to herself “As you can see, I have a bit of a new look today, at the hands of our lovely little Sunshine. But not only has she done a wonderful job on me, but she also had to go and honour me by allowing me to hone in my skills with her as my latest project.” All of them seem to perk up at that, it’s certainly been a long time since Cumulus has subjected one of the pack to one of her beauty lessons. It was still fresh in the minds of everyone how insulted Rain was when she suggested that he needed moisturizer. He was a Water ghoul, after all, being moist was his whole brand.
“Without further theatrics, I present to you all, my lovely artist and canvas for this evening!” She gestured to her side, and not long thereafter a only slightly hesitant Multi ghoulette appeared. The room is filled with ‘Ooh’s and ‘Ah’s as they all come up to see Cumulus’ work up close, showering both her and the small ghoulette in compliments.
Swiss whistles as he walks up from his seat of shame down on the carpet. “Damn Lus, you did good with this one.” He grins one of his trademark toothy grins at Sunshine, only appearing slightly menacing as he takes her in. “I’d say you may look even more delectable than usual, little spark.” That blush from earlier is now back in full force, Sunshine’s cheeks burning as the Multi ghoul continues to hit on her some more.
“Okay, keep it in your pants Swisstopher.” Mountain calls out from the kitchenette as he starts to make his way over too, his grilled cheese new safe and placed on a plate to cool down for a moment. “You look great Sunshine.” He says before pulling her into a firm hug. “Sorry I wasn’t able to give you your lessons today, like I said, there were some… complications down at the gardens.”
“Oh, that’s fine. It all worked out in the end anyway, Cumulus found me!” Her tail wags strongly behind her.
He chuckles warm and deep, and pulls out from the hug to turn over to the aforementioned Air ghoulette. “And speaking of the devil,” he’s being pulled by Cumulus into a kiss before he can continue the thought. When he’s finally released from her grasp he tries not to think of how her fresh lipstick has probably just smudged all over his mouth and tries to regather his brain cells real quick. “Uh, as I was saying; you look fantastic as always Lus, though the blue is certainly a break from your usual tastes.”
“Hehe, I let Sunny here pick all the colours herself.”
“Damn, you did all that yourself?” Dewdrop asks, sounding genuinely impressed.
Sunshine blushes even more at all the attention but nods in response to the question.
“Wow, you did great for your first time!” Swiss is the next to offer his thoughts. “You shoulda seen what she looked like when Mountain first tried to do her makeup for her.”
Said Earth ghoul was now hiding his face away in the crook of Cumulus’ neck as best as he can with their height difference, and the small whine that can be heard from him causes laughter to spread across the pack. “She looked like a discount circus clown!” Dewdrop exclaimed before clutching at his stomach as he bent over with the sheer force of laughter that hit him. The others were in a similar state. 
Their reactions make Sunshine wish she was there to see it for herself.
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madfantasy · 1 year
Dear blogging
Wish you ease and comfort, and all that you desire.
I've been trying not to fall again into the dissociative zombie trance I freeze in, but I only can fight it so much considering..
Even just typing what I think of a butter milk lolly I tried first time seems to be the most pointless thing in the world.. such as my view on me still inhabiting it.. like how ever or whatever I say or do, there's no point, there's no outcome, there's no reason in bothering...
The festival wasn't very festive and even tho struggling to find commissions to cover any not net bill expense, I managed to get something to do something new for it— makeup
I have a long list of trying things for the first time and makeup was on there, I'm all for it in the name of self expression and refinery, and to me especially I always wanted to try nd do even beyond that. But now I tried it, it seems like I need a new set of hands cuz my god, what is drawing in reverse AND on a stretchy surface such as the skin.
I got myself and siblings some and arrived in time for the festival. No body humoured me as much as i hoped, and my guardians being the supportive bunch they be even laughed at— which I already know— my screwed application. Even with their encouragement to keep it on, I promptly wiped it off and did not bother with makeup after.
Just in the past few days I started using lipstick more and I noticed it helped me stop chewing on my lips, which is a nice positive to get out of it. Also I'm in love /hate relationship with the way the brush feels on my face, it's relaxing but suddnly feels too ticklish to continue, idk. At least I've been enjoying my kit as if I bought new art tools and hope to have more colors with time and get better at it.
Like finding out things like— lipgloss freaking burns or numb your lips and that's ON PURPOSE?? I worried I was having a reaction cuz i picked brands randomly & as cheap as possible, tried to get one of everything, and as you can see I have allowed my red-black pallet fixation control my choices. Like eyeshadows being mostly reddish I thought it will look super vibrant on me, but they turned very complementary on my skin tone, hehe. And those nail polish removal stuff, they kill my fingers, just by using them daily, that aside the disgusting feeling of rubbing my nail with wet tissue — PURE AGONY.
My charms too arrived, the ones I've ordered with my new phone and have long gave up on seeing again cuz they seemed to never arrive. It something dear to me, i wanted to put before me symbols of the ones to treasure who commissioned me and helped me get a new phone. Which was something also I first time try— accessorising my phone.
Bee for Ka 🐝 kitty for Katty 🐈 the mask 🎭 as a representation of the death eaters life I enjoyed illustrating with VanMarky, V for my precious Vee, and so on. It escaped my notice that I need pliers to fix them into the chain lol so they remain loose for now..
Now i added another vid to upload for the day i hope it doesn't torment me, im tired of seeing this as an always occurrence, it's not helping, but keeping me longer into this festering mental decline..
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I'm happy that the 100$+ net subscription cost I barely have each month paying off 8D
Sorry fir being so hopless, trying to live to art..
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5 a.m. 3.5.2023. Tummy hurt
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baeddel · 1 year
oh yeah, since i like, if i'm talking about things, talking about how i'm learning things: (long and extremely boring if you don't care about me)
at the moment i've been trying out some new stuff. as you know i typically just read whatever interested me without very much discipline. then for the last year or so i tried kind of a flexible schedule that involved setting weekly goals for myself, mostly 1ch of my OE book every week. i also started doing 15m of anki every day. well 2022 was a fucking nightmare for me so i wasn't as good at it as i think i coulda been, but when i was 'on' it was pretty good. but i've been trying something new again, which is to work on small daily goals instead.
because i divide my days by meals (cuz my weird diabetes leaves me with an inflexible meal schedule, it's very reliable), i must eat 4 hours apart and must have a snack in the middle. so my day naturally comes in 2hr chunks. so my ideal schedule is something like this:
breakfast meditate 7m [心斋法 'heart purification method'] (building it up) LANGUAGES BLOCK do my daily language chores snack break TEXTBOOK BLOCK pick 2-4 books & study 15m of each lunch LITERATURES BLOCK just read something i picked snack CORRESPONDENCE BLOCK reply to emails & IMs i have to reply to dinner free time snack free time supper brush teeth meditate 7m [心斋法 again] sleep
currently the language chores are:
15m Chinese Assimil book/tapes 10m Old English reading 15m Anki (both OE and Chinese)
the textbooks i'm using are
the OE grammar book still Hock & Joseph Intro to Historical and Comparative Linguistics Hayes Phonology a Lacan essay i'm reading cuz a friend's reading it
the literature part is currently Dante's Divine Comedy
the reason i'm doing it this way is three reasons:
1. learning two languages means i have to do a certain amount of stuff every day no matter what. plus grinding OE every day for over a year really trained my discipline in that respect so it's a lot easier for me now than it used to be.
2. i'm at a point in my learning where i'm kind of starting all over again at something new, re: studying linguistics, so i need to get through a bunch of textbooks and stuff. i needed something more consistent for going through a ton of material.
3. going by chapters or page numbers has a disadvantage, which is that you don't feel like you can skip pages or else you're cheating, and you also don't want to 'read around the subject' and dig into things you find that are interesting because it doesn't help your page number goal. and that's the opposite of what you want, because you want to skip around and do different levels of reading, and you want to follow up on things you're curious about. so going by time rather than page numbers is much better.
the reason for the literatures & emails portions was that i felt so good about the scheduling that i realized i could use it to work on other stuff too. so i'm hoping it helps me reply to stuff on a better schedule and also actually get to read poetry & fiction and stuff more often.
the only one i actually have to do daily is the lanɡuaɡes one. everythinɡ else can be skipped or swapped around dependinɡ on my enerɡy level / interest.
the languages component i've been faithful to for about three weeks, except this weekend when i had a huge fatigue crash & skipped two days. the other stuff i've added later. i've only managed to meet this ideal schedule twice in the week or so i've had it in mind. my hope is that i can work up to being more consistent with it, but it's also not that important that i really do it all every day. it's just an orientation thing. i've still been doing way more, way better than i have done for a long time, so i think it's been helpful. but i'll check back in on it later.
the meditation is interesting. my only reason for it is curiosity. it's part of what i'm studying, so i wanted to try it for myself. 心斋法 is based on a passage of Zhuangzi. i'm following the explanation of it in Wu Jyh Cherng's 'Daoist Meditation.' i've done the best with it out of any technique i ever tried. my problem with meditation is the opposite of most beginners; it tends to produce in me extremely intense experiences extremely quickly. this was also true this time, but starting with a short timer (5m) and being able to focus on the sound of the breath, as is part of this method, was helpful in getting through it. once i got through the initial hurdle i would get very intense blissful feeling and a tingling sensation all over. it's crazy that it really works... but now after a about a week i'm not getting it, and i'm getting distracted by thoughts and fidgeting like a normal person! who knows where it's going...
anyway for linguistics i'm working through those textbooks (which i nabbed from a Harvard historical linguistics class, and constitute my 'intro to historical linguistics block'), then i'm going to do a Writing Systems workout: Rogers' Writing Systems, Page's Intro to English Runes, and Boltz' Chinese Writing System. when i finish my introductory OE grammar i have a kind of 'bridge' text called Old English Historical Linguistic Companion by Roger Lass which is supposed to take you from the introductory grammars to Campbell &c. then Campbell's Grammar > Mitchell's Syntax > Hogg's Grammar. i have a general morphosyntax workout to pair with them at various stages: Payne Morphosyntax, Akajemi & Heny Intro to Transformational Grammar, Haegaman Intro to Government & Binding. at that point i think i can be done with textbooks. obviously i'm not bound to stick to this plan exactly, it's just orientation.
the historical linguistics & phonology textbook are a ton of fucking fun btw. the phonetics chapter of the phonology textbook is amazing because you can make all the sounds yourself, & its like doing a bunch of little experiments on your own body. now i know what i'm doing when i'm making all those sounds. and i inflict this knowledge on my girlfriend who thankfully loves me.
sometime before 2024 i'll start on Latin and work it into the language dailies part. the plan is to ideally get to where i can drop the textbooks & anki vocab grinding & just get where i need w/ extensive reading (and, in the case of Chinese, listening). then i'll change my schedule to have something like: 40m OE reading, 40m ZH reading, 40m Lat reading. and once i work that up enough i can fill that time with the kind of stuff that i'm learning the languages to read, so that my language practice is also actually study/research, and i'm starting to consolidate the different branches a bit and actually freeinɡ up time for other areas. that's the lonɡ term ɡoal, like, 'up to when i'm 35' kind of timeframe. thanks for reading!
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themosthatedbeingg · 5 days
Writings on the wall -Pride Drabble/open to interactions
Lucifer was ( rudely) awaken by his staff as they pulled the curtains away from his large window in the palace letting in the sunlight , oh right the second day of pride .. he could feel his body and powers buzz from the heavy dose of sin he was taking in from above .. and yet he still felt worn out , {—- Palaces of silver and gold Cannot be designed overnight
It's like the saying I've often been told
"No matter the cost, do things right" ——— }
He made his way to the breakfast taking the advice of the few people close to him and actually eating a healthy breakfast .
He was nibbling on some toast and fruit when he caught the headline on the paper his staff brought him.
{ Pride goeth before a fall!— why include the king in at all??} a column piece about how he let the exterminations happen, how he abandoned the people .. how he’s just a shut in— the usual remarks he’s heard over and over— although apparently him being active again is just him crawling back for attention . Huh that one was new.
“It’s just a bunch of meaningless dribble sire “ one of his kitchen staff told him as they set down his coffee .
“If they feel this strongly it’s not meaningless they should take pride in their feelings” it was easy to fake a smile now he had gotten so good at it .
—- The more you work, the higher the stakes
And the bigger the sorrows to drown
'Cause one mistake is all that it takes for the walls to come crumbling down——-
He got up finished with breakfast , he ate enough he was sure .
He wasn’t blind or as stupid as he acted, he knew what the others thought about him, how they viewed him.. how he failed them again, their words and voices echoing with others in his head as he walked down the hall towards a different part of his palace .
—— You have to ignore them, the echoing voices
That cackle and curse as you toil away
Cover your ears and focus on boxes and lines
And the shadowy figures, they're nothing but shadows
Like ink on a page, they have nothing to say
But maybe, just maybe
They're trying to give me a sign——
He enters a side hallway lit by stained glass depicting , the history of this month, a war and then his fall, arms reaching from above to push him down and arms from below desperate to grab and drag him down .
Another stained glass depicted hell growing and becoming something more as well as skirmishes with golden figures .. heaven . —-
He stopped by one split in half one side showing ‘happy’ demons looking up to him , the other side showing them looking angry as the glass figure of him held the decree of the exterminations . History repeats , his rise and fall all over the windows lighting up the hallway in a myriad of pride colors .
He hums softly and continues walking towards a grand piano it’s Been a while since he’s played .
His fingers glide across the keys as the song comes into affect around him. “Everyday we play this game of chance
Whirling through a desperate dance
Sketching visions in our heads
Just to see them ripped to shreds
This road that we share Doesn't lead anywhere But there's nothing an artist can do. When you swing your brush, you have to follow through “
{He plays harder, the music crescendoing his magic flowing out around him , dancing and writhing along the walls }
“Within every building made with pride The architect is trapped inside Bleeding paint, a shattered heart That's what makes a work of art I'll fight for control. But the "right way" takes a toll. And still, at the end of it all
I can't escape my fate, the writing's on the wall “
He’s draped in all the colors of pride from the stained glass windows as his fingers finally stop their dance across the keys .
Maybe one day he’ll be let off this ride when that last window is finished . It was covered up for now but he knew exactly what it would showcase .
A land of fire and a decapitated dragon with an angelic figure holding up the head in holy light .
“Palaces of silver and gold Cannot be designed overnight. It's like the saying I've often been told. "No matter the cost, do things right" “
he gets up from the piano , he has subjects he needs to take care of , no time for resting.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 2/14/2023
Welp, the great "don't force myself to write when I don't wanna" experiment is over. I got real heckin' depressed and it was bad, so I started making myself write again, and it lifted. Perhaps it's a coincidence, I don't know, but this sort of holds with how the last four years of my life have been going. Trying to scrape dregs out of an empty jar isn't exactly fun, but it's what I gotta do, I guess.
Anyway, the good news is that I'm not being too mean to myself. I stole @bleachbleachbleach 's method of requiring myself to write one sentence on my WIP every day. I've managed to make it every day. One of the main things that happened (and this sort of thing always happens when I set goals) is that I realized that if I did only one sentence a day, it would take me forever to finish, which has pushed me to do more than the minimum. For the first few days of the week, I was doing about 100 words a day, which is still very paltry, but I think I've done more than that the last few days.
The thing I am working on is a story I started in 2019, which I have always been very fond of, except that it's a mess. The first paragraph is in a difference POV than the rest of it. It's mostly written in the present tense, except where it's not. Most importantly, it just sort of stops where I ran out of ideas. It's possible this was not the best possible project for me to dive into in my current mental state. I've been working on it, but I feel like it keeps getting worse 😂. Like, I re-wrote that first bit, and I just don't like it as much. Also, even though I know I should never, ever, never ever write in the present tense...I... think it works better that way? I'm seriously considering switching it back?? Also, it is primarily a world-building story, and as soon as I started on it, I realized that there were a bunch of holes in my world-building and it's been so hard to make any kind of decisions about anything. (I spent a week trying to figure out if this one guy has a wife or not. It seems like a thing I should just be able to decide except that it's also sort of the entire crux of the story)
At least I didn't have to start from nothing. The original story was about 2900 words, and my intuition is that the final product is going to end up between 5 and 10k. This is a great size for a story, the easiest size of story to write, and I'm honestly just mad that I'm so bad at all of this, and I'm worried that at the end of the day, the thing is gonna suck because I've lost my touch. Anyway, right now, it's 1768. It's nowhere near what I know I'm capable of when I'm on (when I'm really fucking on), but I'm faking it 'cause I have to, and it's going okay, I guess.
I don't know what's up with my art, either! I just don't really have any ideas I'm excited about! I did a tutorial this week with some pastel brushes, and then I turned around and did a Valentine's Day art project with the same brushes. I feel like it's probably a good time to do some skillbuilding, but, man, skillbuilding kinda sucks. 😂
The one good thing that did happen this week is that I finally made a decent loaf of sourdough! Look at these guys!!
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They were so springy and good in the middle and nice and crusty on the outside! The secret turned out to be a combination of getting my starter more active generally, and actually following an every-six-hour feeding schedule the day before I baked it (the last feeding was ten hours because it was overnight and I had to get my kid off to school in the morning) It was 100% naturally leavened (no commercial yeast at all). I followed this King Arthur recipe.
The discard recipe of the week was Little Spoon Farm Blueberry Muffins, which were every bit as good as the recipe promised, if you like sweet, cakey, grocery-store style muffins. Little Spoon Farm is becoming my go-to for discard recipes, they haven't missed yet.
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sawdusst · 11 months
The Rainmaker Heist: Chapter 3! ⚓ (Coroika Pirate AU)
Please check out the main thread for the other chapters + background info! Here's a link to it :]
Word count: 1,592
I uh— didn't exactly get a lot of votes on the last chapter,,, but that's ok! I have a lot of ideas in mind for how things are gonna go. I've got a lot planned and I hope I can make it fun to read as well! I appreciate everyone's support :D
Oh, side note before I get started; I'm calling Clip-Ons "Clips" in this AU mostly since it's easier to type out. Just a heads up :D
Without further ado, welcome to Chapter 3! enjoy! :]
[Check out the commotion]
Gloves turned his attention towards the commotion. He stuffed the manual into his coat pocket and hurried towards it with excitement. Army could get his manual back another time.
Gloves looked around in the crowd, glancing over another inkling’s shoulder to see two octolings. They were arm wrestling with a small bunch nearby eagerly watching who would win. Gloves overheard some muttering throughout the crowd.
“Who are these guys anyways?”
“I heard the bright yellow one is Captain Tako of the Barreleye Pirates,” someone murmured, “Something must’ve happened to their previous captain… The other one? I’m not too sure about.”
“I’ve never seen the other one around town before.”
The match was close, the other octoling struggled for a split second before the match ended. Their hand slammed into the table almost as soon as the match started. Captain Tako only brushed herself off and gave her opponent a smile.
“You did great!” She beamed, “Wanna try again?” She propped her arm back onto the table, offering her hand.
The other octoling only shook their head, pushing the chair away from the table and stood up. Captain Tako snickered. She looked around the crowd again, noticing Gloves standing there.
“No way, Captain Gloves? What are you doing here?” She exclaimed, then gestured to the other chair, “It’s been forever, get over here!”
Gloves smiled, hurrying over and taking a seat across from Tako. “Tako!! What are you doing here!?”
“Just running errands and all that jazz,” she answered, “Nothing really exciting."
“I can’t believe it’s really you,” she continued, “You’ve changed a lot! Is that a new coat? And is it just me or have you gotten taller?”
“Maybe it’s a new coat, maybe not,” Gloves replied sheepishly, “I think it’s pretty fresh. I’ve heard it’s quite trendy for pirates to wear.”
Tako laughed. “You haven’t changed a bit!”
“I could say the same for you too,” Gloves replied, tilting his head with curiosity. The small crowd around the two slowly began to clear as they talked. “Since when were you promoted to Captain? Is— Barreleye… okay?”
“Oh, it’s kind of a long story,” Tako shrugged, leaning back in her chair, “I’ve been Captain for a few months now… Barreleye’s still around, he’s just— a bit under the weather at the moment. The rest of the crew is holding up fine, though. He just went into the cafe, I’m sure he’ll be out in a few minutes if you’d like to talk to him!”
“Wow, it really has been that long since we’ve ran into each other,” Gloves said, rubbing the back of his head, “I’m glad to hear the crew’s been doing alright though. How’s it been as Captain?”
“Eh, nothing too crazy, so far,” Tako said with nonchalance. She folded her arms across her chest. “Staying out of trouble hasn’t been too much of a hassle. We’ve been managing pretty well.”
“Oh, that’s good to kn—”
Gloves perked up, hearing footsteps pattering against the mossy cobblestone ground. All of a sudden, Gloves was tackled in a tight hug.
“Captain Gloves!! It’s been so long!” Barreleye exclaimed, setting Gloves down in front of him. Barreleye violently shook Gloves back and forth, hardly able to contain his excitement, “Oh my cod, you look great!! Wow, is that a new haircut? It looks great on you! You look all official now like a true pirate! Since when did you get the new coat? You’re looking fresh as always! I’m so happy to see you here.”
“Barreleye!” Gloves beamed, taking a step back, “You look—”
Gloves noticed Barreleye’s other arm was bandaged up— the old bandages stained with cyan and purple colored ink.
“...Are you okay?” Gloves asked, pointing to Barreleye’s arm, “You’re hurt—“
“Oh, this?” Barreleye raised his arm. He laughed, “It’s nothing. Just typical pirate shenanigans. I uh— haven’t really been able to fight for the past couple of months since I was Black Labeled.”
Barreleye rolled up his sleeve, revealing the corner of a black sticker with a red X and a squid. He sighed, “It still hasn’t come off. I’ve tried everything to get it removed but nothing seems to be working. I haven't been able to use any weapon at all. My main blaster's been Black Labeled too.”
“…Black Labels? Aren’t those the things that the Wireglasse Pirates carry around?” Gloves asked, “I thought you guys were friends, what happened?”
“What? Oh no, no, no. The Wireglasse Pirates didn’t do this,” Barreleye scoffed as he brushed himself off, “It was the X-Bloods that did it! I’m… not sure how they got their hands on them, either way, just make sure to steer clear of them when you’re at sea. I don’t want anyone else I know getting hurt.”
“I bet they’re working together or something!” Gloves exclaimed, “That’s not cool, I thought the Wireglasses were better than this! I thought they were cool. You guys were supposed to be friends!”
“I was thinking the same thing,” Tako interjected, “The Wireglasses haven’t been answering any of our letters—”
“Hey, hey, let’s not jump to conclusions, alright?” Barreleye laughed it off, “I’m sure they had their reasons to work with the X-Bloods. We’re not in control of what they’re up to. Pirates do whatever they want anyways— both captains never seemed like the friendship-y type to begin with…”
“But that’s enough about me!” Barreleye scoffed, “What’s been new with you? How’s your crew doing?”
“Oh! We’ve been doing great!” Gloves answered with a smile. Then, he slumped his shoulders with disappointment, “Still haven’t ran into many other pirates. It’s odd, I was kind of hoping to make some more friends overseas.”0
“Don’t worry about it, that takes a lot of time,” Barreleye scoffed, “My crew and I haven’t really made a lot of friends overseas as well, mostly just peace agreements to stay out of trouble— That’s really all you need at the moment. Making friends is better than making enemies, you know?”
Gloves nodded.
The two talked for a bit more as the busy town slowly began to quiet down. An hour later, Gloves watched as the sun slowly disappeared into the horizon. Suddenly, Gloves remembered he had to meet the rest of his crew at the docks.
“Shoot! Half-Rim’s waiting for me back at the ship!” Gloves exclaimed, then looked at Barreleye, “I’m sorry, I really have to go. It was great catching up with you!” Gloves hurried off towards the docks.
“See ya Gloves! Stay fresh!”
“You too!” Gloves shouted back. He laughed, “Say hi to the crew for me!”
Gloves turned around and ran towards the docks. He hurried down to the shore, where numerous pirate ships were lined up. He hurried down the line of ships until he stopped by his.
A decently sized ship with its flags lowered and sails curled up. Half-Rim was already on board loading up a few crates. Clips was raising the anchor while Straps readied the sails. Gloves hurried aboard his ship and took a good look around.
“Are we ready to set sail?” He asked.
“For the most part, yeah,” Half-Rim replied, “We almost left without you."
“Ah— My bad,” Gloves laughed, “I was caught up in conversation."
As the crew got ready to leave the port, Gloves reached back in his pocket and pulled out Army's manual. He flipped through a couple pages. The first page had a small scribble of writing that said "Aloha was here".
The manual was still incomplete, with a few blank pages at the end of it. Gloves flipped through the pages some more, looking over each chapter.
"Hey! Captain!"
Gloves looked up. He looked over his shoulder to see the docks slowly disappear as they drifted out of the port.
"Where are we going next?" Straps asked.
Gloves thought for a moment. Then pulled out the manual. "I've got an idea!"
He gathered the rest of his crew and showed them the manual. Gloves flipped to the page where the Rainmaker was mentioned.
"Have you guys ever heard of the Rainmaker?" Gloves asked, "I say we go after it! We find the pirates holding onto it and take it for ourselves!"
He showed his crew the scribbled drawings in the manual with a smile on his face. "This should be fun! I bet the Rainmaker is gonna look even cooler in person!"
"Isn't that thing— super dangerous and could kill all of us in an instant?" Half-Rim interjected.
"...Probably! But since when were we scared of a little danger?" Gloves dismissed, "C'mon, what do you guys say? Do you think it's worth a shot? It'll be like a treasure hunt!"
"It looks really cool!" Clips exclaimed, "I think it'll make a great addition to the ship!"
"Well, where would we start looking for it?" Half-Rim asked.
"How about those ominous looking clouds over there?" Clips suggested, pointing over Gloves' shoulder.
There was a short pause as everyone looked at her funny. Everyone slowly turned their head towards where she was pointing. Sure enough, there was a collection of dark, ominous looking clouds gathered in the far distance— possibly for dramatic effect.
"Well that's suspiciously convenient," Gloves commented, "Should we go check it out?"
"—I mean yeah we could, but it's not the smartest idea to sail straight into a storm," Half-Rim replied, "...We could just keep sailing and hope some other pirates could give us directions. The manual doesn't even tell us where to start looking for this thing."
"...But I guess it's up to you since you are the captain after all," Half-Rim mumbled.
TL;DR: Gloves checks out the commotion and runs into Captain Tako. He learns about the Black Labels from Barreleye and then decides to go after the Rainmaker. 👍
Thank you reading! Have a great day/night! 😁
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mariska · 1 year
hello tumblr friends who live in my phone i just wanted to pop in real quick and let everyone know that I Am (somehow) Still Alive since i mentioned being very sick last month and did not want anyone 2 think i had finally Expired. wish i could say i'm doing better this month but while im definitely nowhere near as miserable as i was in April, i've been spending this month trying to deal with Sickness Aftershocks that have been making all of my long term autoimmune diseases/health issues in general flare up randomly really bad at pretty much completely random times and i also have a whole new fun set of similar feeling but definitely different and 100x worse physical health problems and its been extremely difficult to try and power through all of it like i'm used to doing for the 26 years i have been alive 😔 but i'm still hangin in there. idk how at this point lmao. subconscious fight or flight survival mode i guess. i'm like 99% sure i somehow caught one of the new covid mutations in April unfortunately despite the lifelong Agoraphobia and 3+ years of effort i've done to do literally everything in my ability to stay protected against it but. thats life i guess, u leave the house one or two times masked up hand sanitizer ready to go sweating from being overheated wearing clothes that cover as much of ur skin as u can stand and other people just Dont. so. i knew it would probably happen to me eventually i just was really hoping it would not! but. i will continue surviving as best i can because i dont have any other option or choice. but that is why i've unintentionally been distant here and online in general. it was already extremely difficult getting myself out of bed and taling showers and changing clothes and brushing my teeth and remembering to eat food and drink water before but now its reached a difficulty that i literally can't have any control over most of the time and its a lot of physical/mental/emotional effort to even tap reblog on a post online or respond to a text more so than it was previously. which again was already. very difficult to power through.
anyways! uh! yeah. life update i guess. i hope you guys are genuinely doing much better than i am this year and i hope you're all able to stay safe and as relatively healthy as you can. and please please please please at the very least wear some form of a face mask in public even if you're outside and not in a tiny building. i dont say that to shame anyone here i just feel like there are a lot of well meaning good people who arent fully aware that in the US at least the pandemic is very much not over and people like myself are suffering and dying because of that and we cant be the only group of people that are still doing our best to stay protected when we have to leave the house. if you're able to get some i highly recommend N95 type face masks because supposedly they offer one of the best chances of protection as long as you're wearing it correctly and it fits your face well; there's a really great non-profit organization called Project N95 that has an official website and a huge list of various face masks in a bunch of different sizes and types to order if you don't know where to find some high quality ones and they also have a form you can fill out and submit to request an order of free masks if you can't afford to buy them; their money donation pool goes towards providing masks (and some air purifiers i think?) to low income people/organizations/work places that doesn't have the funds or resources to constantly buy expensive batches of masks and their website is super detailed and well organized and has a long list of visual and written resources and information about different mask types, ways you can help keep yourself/your community safe, etc. so i highly recommend them if you are like me and are very stressed and anxious and confused about all of that information all the time. their site should be the at the top of the search results if you google N95 Project, it has a dot org site url so thats another way you can tell its the official site.
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realjem · 1 year
Tell us about your blorbos!
oh god oh fuck! well first if you wanna see em, i have a lot of art of them over on @realjem-art and ive been (very slowly) setting up a toyhouse for them (i think ive only added maybe ~half my characters there so far whoopsies)
im gonna put the rest of this under a readmore cause i have no idea how long i'm gonna make this
so i have like... a lot of characters now. i've been building up a bunch of characters and a sliiight story (for some of them at least) since about early 2021, where i made my first actual characters: Ann, Trixie, Scarlett, and Cinnamon
yes i know i've got very generic names for my characters, i don't have the brains for cool names like some people do dgshgdgas
i think my character count is at 56 of them, not including any versions of my sona, because i don't consider that a character, but more of a vessel on what i feel or would want to look like in real life (or just a silly design sometimes)
It sort of shifts around from time to time which characters sort of lodge in my brain the most at a time, for example, at the very beginning, i was definitely showing favoritism towards trixie, and then after i redesigned scarlett a bit, she's been my favorite for a while. there's random bursts where a few of them front for a while, but it typically defaults to scarlett and lumie
lately, i've been drawing a lot of the group i call Halloween Bargain Bin, because they're silly and i really want to flesh them out and their group dynamic a lot more. i've recently plopped a new character into their group (by recently i mean just a few days ago (as of posting this) actually!
as the case is for most of the guys in hbb, a lot of my earlier characters (basically a lot of them made bewteen 2021-2022) were based off of/referenced songs i like. but, because i do want them to feel like more of my own creation, i have been starting to drift a lot of them from their source inspiration, with a few pretty much entirely being divorced from their original inspiration (such as Ann, who was originally a character for Amnesia Was Her Name, which i then couldn't write a story for her well, and now she's just the owner of a lab chock full of creatures, which i just like a lot more)
my characters kinda sort into groups, some small and some way larger, and im just gonna list off all the ones i can think of right now: Ann's Lab, Halloween Bargain Bin, the group of four people that i still don't have a name for (Lilac, Kasey, Fia, Tay), the poly catgirls (Ari, Stella, Savannah), and all the creatures currently within Ann's lab, which is a long list and im not naming them all here (ex: zed, goliath, etc)
because a good chunk of my time is being taken up by school, a lot of my drawings of them right now just look like this:
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(^ lumie) since i can access a digital whiteboard on my school computer, where i just draw on that throughout the week, send the link to myself, and then screenshot everything over the weekend
but i do still save time occasionally for actual drawings, such as this one that i still really like
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(^ ezekiel, one of my newest characters!) Lately, a lot of the actual drawings have been in this painterly style (procreate, gouache brush)
a lot of character development lately is just me drawing shitposts, small comics that are mostly just jokes but help me try and flesh out their personality a bit
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(^ scarlett & lumie, stan and mason) Just quick doodles of stuff i thought was funny and wanted to make real
I do suppose this ask was about my actually talking about my characters, as, well, characters, but i am still bad at that. i will attempt? to talk about a few now?
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^ Lumie!! she was made around the start of july 2021 (my first artfight run!) she's my main non-human character pretty much, since her actual story has her in the same role as the humans in AL, as opposed to the monsters. Character design-wise, the most important details are that: she has no eyes, it's just smooth skin where eyes would be on a human, she's larger than an average human (Scarlett is 6'1" where Lumie is 7'4", not much much taller but still), and she glows. she's fuckin bio luminescent! light blue glowing "freckles" break out across her whole body, and her dark hair has the same light blue glow from the bottom up! it's sort of emotionally controlled, so if she were real upset, she'd barely be glowing, and if she were real happy, she'd be bight as hell. As for story, hers is intertwined with Scarlett. essentially they met when they were 9, were best friends, scarlett had to move and you cant just take your bestie/other-dimensional girl you found in a cave along with you if you havent even told anyone about her, and then scarlett finally drove all the way back to hopefully meet her again. now they are girlfriends and work in AL, where scarlett works on "conspiracies" in the meantime
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Trixie is another AL member, being the first to find the lab and start working for Ann. Trixie was supposed to just be a janitor or something, but being 17 and stupid, wandered into places where she wasn't supposed to go, and basically got mauled to death by one of the monsters. Ann finds her body a couple hours later and freaks out, but thankfully, being in a lab full of monsters and machines, there is some sort of experimental revival doohicky or whatever, and Trixie is brought back. Her body isn't all physically there sometimes, and it's changed in small, unnatural ways, but besides that she's mostly fine. Not including the fact that she's practically a zombie and she's stuck as a 17 year old. She can't really go anywhere else now, and she claims her life sucked ass before the lab, so she just stays and researches the monsters with Ann now.
These three (Scarlett, Lumie, Trixie) are the ones with the most semblance of a story so far, so it's easier to talk about them, lol
OKay, this is getting really, really long, and its probably already a pain to read (if anyone did read through all of this, which in that case thank you?) so im gonna leave this for now, but you are always welcome to ask about specific characters, or my favorite, you can ask me to talk about my characters in the sense of how they've changed over the past couple of years (in art, story, design, etc)
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baladric · 1 year
4, 10, 14!! heehee!
ouuuu thank you!!!!
4. How many different styles/medium (e.g., digital art, traditional art, comics, sculpture, paper craft, etc.) did you try this year?
on the diversity of media front, i feel like i stagnated a little! i used to have a lot more breadth, but this year like 98% of my work was done with procreate, and the other 2% were very occasional pencil/pen doodles that i then spruced up in procreate ahaha!! but honestly i'm not too arsed about this, like the sheer volume of art i made this year is so much higher than usual, entirely bc messing around w procreate and the specific hyperfixations i've had this year really inspired me to keep throwing myself at drawings again and again until i got it right—which has translated into a lot of skill growth, which i honestly could not be happier about!!!!!
10. What inspired/motivated you this year?
content-wise, the goblin emperor was my main artistic motivator (specifically my own goddamn au s;alkdfjaow;if), but i'm also really learning how to create my own original works as expressions of various emotional experiences i'm shufflin my way through lately.
also (and i've said this already recently but it bears saying again) literally i looked at @littleowlbub 's concept art for their new comic, prism, and i fell deeply and madly in love with how they draw hands—they're like... so expressive and lovely, but what really sets them apart for me is this sense that there's joy in the simple act of drawing them. their hands are, for me, the visual equivalent of taking that first full breath of fresh air at the start of a hike in the blue ridge mountains ;lakjdfaef like, god, i look at a few of the drawings of spectrum specifically and just feel love and peace in my own existence as a tactile being, idk!!!! this is all a lot of weight to put on the way someone draws hands, but it's WHERE I'M AT and honestly it has really inspired me to find my own ways of creating that feeling with the hands i draw, and i have a long road ahead still but the results are so visible to me, and i'm so so excited about that progress!!!
14. What's one pairing/character/subject/body part/object you want to explore next year?
pairing(s): hrmm honestly i've been eyeballing my internal visualization of evemer and kadou from @ariaste 's A Taste Of Iron and Gold, like i am itchin to draw them a whole whole bunch
characters: it's become a pathological need to figure out how to simplify eddie entertainment munson's dumb face down to a few brush strokes, like i've done so much noodling to try to figure out what it is exactly that makes his face his face—is it the full lips? the angle of his eyes? the sparse eyebrows? the laugh lines? nose, the particular contours of his 3/4 profile?? who the fuck knows!!! but i will figure it out or i will die trying!!!!!!!!
subject: really digging my vent pieces so i fully intend to keep honing that style and the sort of. idk creative muscles that go into funneling big emotions into little eyestrain-y guys
body part: see my tender screeching about hands above. also really working on understanding legs. why are they like that. whose idea was that.
object: man i need to draw more objects. engineered shapes in general suck SO BAD. i wanna get better at musical instruments especially, but one of my broadest goals is to get better at dramatic lighting (light is a huge part of my creative world, which is really apparent in my writing and poetry, but much less so in my art bc i Don't Know How To Do It Yet), and i'm annoyingly aware that the best way to work at that is to, in fact, do a lot of still lives, and probably like. paint more. pls pls, 2023 me, let yourself fuck up with gouache. you love gouache. it's so good for light.
artist wrapped ask meme!
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