#Snow Flurry | 風花
When Flowers Fall
Tags: @ilykii @blacky-rose @rindouchanchan @sh4nn
that day, was the worst day in the lives of the Haitani brothers.
It was a festival, in Shibuya, so they were already in enemy territory. but Y/n insisted, saying her friend was waiting for her.
Honestly, Ran felt as if he should had put his foot down and said no, but he just couldn’t. he never could say no to his baby sister.
all day, until the sunset, there was a nagging feeling in the very back of his brain. but, nothing would possibly happen, right? they’re in public, too open for for a shooter or something.
so he tried to relax, playing some games to win Y/n a big plush dolphin bigger than her entire body. he felt her hand briefly leave his shirt and thought nothing of it.
Oh how stupid that was.
not even moments later, screaming. 
Rindou was the first to react, dashing off. Ran following after quickly.
that’s when they saw it, a green van with blacked out windows, and no plate.
And a cream robed figure throwing their little sister in the van and jumping in, before driving off.
No, this couldn’t be happening.
Rindou fell to his knees, screaming in anguish, pounding the pavement. his tears streamed down his face.
quite fittingly, moments later, the sky went dark and it started raining.
Years went by, and the pain never lessened. 
Rindou started doing drugs with Sanzu Haruichiyou. Ran started Binge-drinking.
Her room was left untouched, the plushie Ran won her that day on her bed, dust seated over everything.
Her pjs that were picked out for that night when they got home were set out on the foot chest of her bed.
her shoddily sewn cat plush deflated and held the slight smell of lavender. the body spray her brothers would mist her with, but now brought anger to their hearts.
but they never blamed each other, but rather themselves, and the damn cultists that took her.
thats all they learned about the people who took her, that they were worshipers of some ‘pure world’ ideal, and kidnapped children from all over.
to the brothers, they thought, maybe if they never went to that festival, maybe she’d still be there.
If they had just not went to see that damn flower falling festival.
It’s all my fault.
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nimbusnomade · 5 months
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35+ Awesome Japanese Winter Words
Fuyu (冬)
 Fuyu is the Japanese word for winter. It’s one of the four seasons in Japan. The other Japanese seasons are haru (spring), natsu (summer) and aki (autumn).
Samui (寒い)
Samui means cold in Japanese – and it is one of the most useful Japanese words for winter! If you’re in Japan during the winter months, you will hear almost every conversation start with samui desu ne – cold, isn’t it!
Yuki (雪)
Yuki is the Japanese word for snow. Snow is a symbol of winter in Japan, the same as many other northern hemisphere countries.
Japan is a large country with several different climates, so it doesn’t snow everywhere in Japan. The northern regions (especially Hokkaido) can be covered in snow for several months each year. But other parts of Japan (especially south of Tokyo) rarely see snow. Still, snow is a popular theme for winter cards, art and decorations.
Here are a few other snow related words in Japanese for you:
大雪 (oo yuki) – heavy snow
初雪 (hatsu yuki) – the first snow of the season
雪遊び(yuki asobi) – playing in the snow
雪合戦 (yuki gassen) – snow ball fight
雪祭り (yuki matsuri) – snow festival. The most famous snow festival is held in Sapporo, Hokkaido each February.
Kazahana (風花)
Kazahana is the Japanese word for snow flurry. If you are studying kanji, you might recognise the two characters that make up this word – 風 (kaza, wind) and 花 (hana, flowers). So a flurry of snowflakes is like little white flowers drifting in the wind. What a romantic image!
Ski (スキー)
Skiing is a popular winter hobby in Japan. The Japanese word スキー (ski) has been borrowed from other languages, so it’s easy to remember! It is written in katakana – the Japanese script used for foreign loan words.
Yukimi (雪見)
If you already know something about Japanese culture, you probably know that in Japan, people love to honour the changing seasons with different rituals that celebrate nature. Maybe you’ve heard of hanami – the spring time tradition of going to view the cherry blossoms. Well, yukimi means viewing the snow! Japanese people will often take the time to drink tea while admiring the snow.
Yukidaruma (雪だるま)
Yukidaruma means snowman in Japanese. Just like any other country, children love to build cute snowmen when it snows.The first part of the word, yuki, means snow. The second part, daruma, is a kind of round Japanese doll. Yukidaruma do look more like a ‘daruma’ than a ‘man’!
Bonus word: yukiusagi (雪うさぎ)
As well as snowmen, Japanese children love to make yukiusagi – snow bunnies! Usagi means rabbit in Japanese. Yuki usagi are smaller and easier to make than snowmen. Usually they are decorated with red berries for eyes and green leaves for ears.
Shirokuma (白くま)
Shirokuma means polar bear. Literally, it means white (shiro) bear (kuma). There aren’t any polar bears living in Japan, but a lot of people love them because they look cute, so they are kind of a symbol of winter and snow.
Kurisumasu (クリスマス)
Kurisumasu is Christmas in Japanese. It’s written in katakana, and of course it comes from the English word Christmas. Merry Christmas in Japanese is メリークリスマス (merii kurisumasu).
Christmas is not a big event in Japan because the country does not have a big Christian population. In fact, December 25th is a normal working day.
And it’s not considered a family day like in other countries. Christmas (or more especially, Christmas Eve) are actually thought of as romantic days in Japan! Christmas Eve is the hottest date night of the year – similar to Valentine’s day.
However, lately celebrating a western-style Christmas is becoming more and more popular in Japan.
Learn about some unique Japanese Christmas traditions here!
Oshougatsu (お正月)
Oshougatsu is New Year in Japanese. As we mentioned, New Year is much bigger than Christmas in Japan. In fact, many people consider it to be the most important holiday in the year. A new year represents a fresh start, and new hopes for the year ahead.
Most companies in Japan are closed from January 1 to January 3, and sometimes longer, to allow employees to spend time with their families.
The New Year period is typically a family time in Japan, with lots of traditions and special food.
Here are some other words associated with the New Year in Japan:
大晦日 (oomisoka) – Oomisoka means New Year’s Eve in Japanese.
年越しそば (toshikoshi soba)  – Toshikoshi soba is one of many traditional dishes served at New Year in Japan. Soba are buckwheat noodles, and toshikoshi is another word for New Year. They are traditionally eaten on New Years Eve because the long shape symbolises long life.
おせち (osechi)  – This is traditional food served on New Year’s day. All the ingredients of the meal have some special meaning for good luck over the next year.
 初夢 (hatsuyume)  – the first dream of the New Year
年玉 (otoshidama)  – New Year’s gift, typically money given as a gift to children at New Year in red envelopes
年賀状 (nengajou)  – New Year’s greetings cards
There are actually different greetings, depending on whether you say it before or after the new year!
Hatsumode  (初詣)
Hatsumōde is an important New Year tradition in many Japanese families. It means the first visit to a shrine or temple in the New Year. Many people try to go on January 1st, but any time in the first three days is OK.
Due to this tradition, Shinto shrines in Japan are extremely busy in early January. Many of them have a kind of festival feel, with food stalls outside and lots of activity.
During hatsumode, people buy omikuji (pieces of paper with fortunes written on) and pray for their wishes for the next year.
Kotatsu (炬燵)
If you’ve ever spent a winter in Japan, the kotatsu will be your best friend! A kotatsu is a low table with a heater underneath. You can sit around it to keep your legs warm and toasty in the cold weather. They usually have a blanket attachment to keep the heat in, and for extra coziness.
Most Japanese homes don’t have central heating, so the kotatsu is an important way to stay warm in winter! Usually the family will all gather around the kotatsu and hang out on cold evenings.
Mikan (みかん)
Mikan are Japanese mandarin oranges. They are a common winter fruit in Japan. They are grown in the south of Japan, especially Ehime prefecture. It has lots of vitamins and keeps people healthy in winter.
Japanese people especially love to enjoy mikan while sitting around the kotatsu!
Here are some other winter foods in Japan:
ゆず (yuzu) – another Japanese citrus fruit with a kind of lime/lemon taste
かぼちゃ (kabocha) – Japanese pumpkin
おでん (oden) – kind of stew with boiled ingredients such as boiled eggs, fishpaste cakes, potatoes and daikon
鍋 (nabe) – a warming hotpot dish full of vegetables and meat or fish
焼き芋 (yakiimo) – roasted sweet potatoes which are often sold by street vendors or food trucks in winter
いちご (ichigo) – strawberries. Strawberries are considered summer fruits in many other countries, but in Japan they are most popular in winter.
もち (mochi) – rice cake sold and eaten especially at new year, and also used in new year decorations.
Fuyu gomori (冬ごもり)
Do you like to escape from the world and stay indoors all winter? If so, you’re taking part in fuyu gomori – winter confinement or hibernation! The kotatsu is the perfect place for fuyu gomori 🙂
Setsubun (節分)
Setsubun is considered the last day of winter and beginning of spring in Japan. It takes place on February 3rd.
On setsubun, many Japanese families take part in a tradition to scare away evil spirits before the new season starts. For this tradition, the father of the household dresses up in a demon mask and comes to the front door of the house. The other family members throw soy beans at him, shouting 鬼は外! 福は内! (Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!), which means ‘Demon out! Luck in!’, to chase him away. This is supposed to bring happiness for the new year.
Some people also attend a shrine on this day, or eat a special sushi roll called ehō-maki facing a lucky direction.
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kien1tc · 4 months
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Good morning. The light rain here has turned into snow and is flurrying in the cold wind. The daffodils sprouts increasing recently look cold.
🌱🟢 #スイセン #水仙 #Daffodil #Jonquil #수선화 #ThủyTiên #نـــــرݢيس #نـــــرجيس (#Narcissus )
#今朝 #今天早上 #ThisMorning #Cloud #Sky #Outdoors
@ #QNG, #信州 #Shinshū, #JPN •̥̑.̮•̥̑
꧁ 甲辰年 雨水 🐲 22 FEB 2024 ꧂
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tokidokitokyo · 2 years
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大雪 おおゆき heavy snow
みぞれ sleet
粉雪 こなゆき powder snow
風花 かざはな light snow, flurries (lit. wind flower)
結晶 けっしょう crystal
吹雪 ふぶき snowstorm
雪崩 なだれ avalanche
雪かき ゆきかき shoveling snow
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kurishiri · 2 years
Piofiore: Ending songs (Eng)
Translator @kurishiri​ Lyrics provider mojim, utaten Song provider Hope To Get Happy Ending Request @starshiningsirius​
※ If you spot errors within the lyrics, please don’t hesitate to let me know! I will correct them and credit you.
I’m dropping this before the sequel comes out. Translations for all three ending songs are below the cut!
Character songs・Ending songs
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風花 〜winter white lily〜
Lyrics 磯街佳江 Isogai Yoshie
Composer myu
Vocalist SHOJI
※ 風花 is defined as a flurry of snow in a clear sky.
日本語 / Eng.
どんな言葉にしたなら How can this love, welling in my heart, こみ上げるこの愛しさが届くだろう? Be put into words so it can reach you? ずっと守ってゆくこと Looking at the snowflakes that dance in the clear sky, 風花の舞う空見上げ 誓う I swear to protect you forever
そっと伸ばした手が触れたのは My hand quietly stretched out 君の温もり その清らかさで Touching your warmth within purity
戸惑い揺れて 時に傷つき それでも Though shaken from losing myself and hurt by time 傍にいて欲しい きっと…たぶんそれだけでいい I want to stay by your side. Surely... that will probably be enough
君が隣で笑うと If you smile by my side 幸せという感情が色を持つ The feeling called happiness will be colorful 淡く儚い希望を This faint and ephemeral hope will ride the snow in the sky 風花に乗せ 今はただともに歩こう For now, let’s just walk together
血に穢れた手で抱きしめた These blood-stained hands embrace the pure white flower 永遠の祈りに似た 真白な花 Which resembles a prayer of eternity
まぶたに揺れる ひどく危うく優しい Eyes wavering, I gently offer this song of the reminiscent days, 追憶の日々の詩を そっと明日に捧げよう Cruel and dangerous and gentle, to tomorrow
君が隣にいること You being by my side それだけでこの運命の意味になる That alone becomes this fate’s meaning ずっと守ってゆきたい I want to continue protecting you forever 静かに胸に降り積る雪片(スノーウイッシュ) Snow wishes quietly fall and pile up
背負い続ける 罪を痛みを包むような winter white lily The winter white lily envelops the sins and pain that continue to burden me 失くしたものも 手にしたものも 溶かしてゆく愛という光 Those which have been lost and gained dissolve into this light called love
もう言葉はいらない Words are no longer needed あふれ出すこの愛しさに抱(いだ)かれて I’m embraced by this overflowing love 淡く儚い希望を This faint and ephemeral hope will ride the snow, 風花に乗せ どこまでも高く放つよ Set free somewhere high in the clear sky
Donna kotoba ni shita nara Komi ageru kono itoshi sa ga todoku darō Zutto mamotte yuku koto Kazahana no mau sora miage chikau
Sotto nobashita te ga fureta no ha Kimi no nukumori sono kiyo rakasa de
Tomadoi yurete toki ni kizu tsuki sore demo Soba ni ite hoshī kitto tabun sore dake de ī
Kimi ga tonari de warau to Shiawase to iu kanjō ga iro wo motsu Awaku hakanai kibō wo Kazahana ni nose ima ha tada tomo ni arukō
Chi ni kegareta te de daki shimeta Towa no inori ni nita masshiro na hana
Mabuta ni yureru hidoku aya uku yasashī Tsui oku no hibi no uta wo sotto asu ni sasageyō
Kimi ga tonari ni iru koto Sore dake de kono unmei no imi ni naru Zutto mamotte yukitai Shizuka ni mune ni furitsumoru sunō uisshu
Seoi tsudukeru tsumi wo itami wo tsutsumu yō na winter white lily Nakushita mono mo te ni shita mono mo tokashite yuku ai to iu hikari
Mō kotoba ha iranai Afure dasu kono itoshisa ni ida karete Awaku hakanai kibō wo Kazahana ni nose doko made mo takaku hanatsu yo
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Whispering Hope
Lyrics 磯街佳江 Isogai Yoshie
Composer 増谷賢 Masutani Ken
Vocalist 織田かおり Oda Kaori
日本語 / Eng.
ふわり風が優しく頬を撫でて The light wind softly caresses my cheek 日々のほとり そっとやわらかに吹き抜けてく Gently, it blows through the edge of the days
明日のことなど誰も知らないから Nobody knows what tomorrow entails 今日を精一杯慈しみ生きてゆけたら So how about living today to the fullest with love
あたたかな日だまり 微睡みの岸辺で The sun warm, who is it that suddenly calls out to me 不意に私呼ぶのは誰なの In the shore of slumber?
揺れているのは淡い予感 A fleeting premonition wavers 繰り返される営みの中で In the midst of repeated actions 何かが終わり また始まって めぐりゆく季節 When something ends, it begins once again as the seasons change
不確かだけど いとしいもの The things that are uncertain yet precious 何気ない でも 特別なものを And the things that are casual yet special 木もれびにあずけて ささめく希望を今 空に歌おう Entrust them to the sunlight filtering through the trees, and I will now sing the whispering hope to the sky
カタチのない不安がざわめく日は When days of shapeless worries stir up 瞳閉じてそっと感じるの いつかの夢を Close your eyes and gently feel the dream of someday
旅は続いてゆく 泡沫の欠片を Journeys will continue, and as we gather transient fragments 拾い集めてすこし微笑む We smile a little
どこまで行けばゴールかなんて We don’t know at what point is the goal わからないから時は輝くの Time sparkles on  始まってしまった運命も儚い奇蹟も The fate that has already started and the ephemeral miracles
不器用だけど 伝えたくて I’m awkward, but I have a lot of things 届けたいこと たくさんあるから I want to tell and deliver to you あたらしい光がふちどる希望連れて 祈り捧げよう The new light brings a fringed hope as I give my prayers
揺れているのは 淡い予感 A fleeting premonition wavers 繰り返される営みの中で In the midst of repeated actions 何かが終わり また始まって 重ねてく時間 When something ends, it begins once again as time repeats
不揃いだけど ゆずれなくて Though uneven, I’m unable to let go ささやかだけど 大切なものを Of the this small yet precious thing 木もれびにあずけて ささめく希望を今君に歌おう Entrust it to the sunlight filtering through the trees, and I will now sing the whispering hope to you
Fuwari kaze ga yasashiku hō wo nadete Hibi no hotori sotto yawa raka ni fuki nuketeku
Asu no koto nado dare mo shiranai kara Kyō mo seīppai itsuku shimi ikiteyuke tara
Atataka na hidamari mado romi no kishibe de Fui ni watashi yobu no ha dare na no
Yurete iru no ha awai yokan Kurikae sareru ito nami no naka de Nanika ga owari mata haji matte meguri yuku kisetsu
Fu tashika dakedo itoshī mono Nanige nai demo toku betsu na mono wo Komo rebi ni azukete sasameku kibō wo ima sora ni utaō
Katachi no nai fuan ga zawameku hi ha Hitomi tojite sotto kanjiru no itsuka no yume wo
Tabi ha tsuduite yuku uta kata no kakera wo Hiroi atsumete sukoshi hohoemu
Doko made ikeba gōru ka nante Wakaranai kara toki ha kagayaku no Haji matte shimatta unmei mo hakanai kiseki mo
Bukiyō dakedo tsutae takute Todoke tai koto takusan aru kara Atarashī hikari ga fuchi doru kibō tsurete inori sasageyō
Yurete iru no ha awai yokan Kurikae sareru ito nami no naka de Nanika ga owari mata haji matte kasa neteku jikan
Fu zoroi dakedo yuzure nakute Sasayaka dakedo taisetsu na mono wo Komo rebi ni azukete sasameku kibō wo ima kimi ni utaō
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Lyrics 磯街佳江 Isogai Yoshie
Composer myu
Vocalist mao
日本語 / Eng.
崩れ落ちた夢の瓦礫に 埋もれて目を閉じる Buried beneath crumbled debris, I close my eyes 為す術などとうに潰えた 想いの牢獄で Things like choices have long been destroyed in the prison of my mind
血色を帯び淀んだ水に In the stagnant water tinged with the color of blood 身も心も音もなく只浸されてゆく Without body, soul nor sound, I simply continue to soak
I wonder where I lost I wonder when I lost 何処で? Where? I wonder why I lost What we went wrong 何時?何故に? When? Why?
やがて問うことさえも 手放す時が来るまで In the end, even the things I care about 囚われ続ける Continue to be imprisoned until I let go
喪われた愛しい日々の罪(きおく)が絡み付く The sinful memories of the days of lost love twist around 愚かな程溺れてしまう 哀しい悦楽に Foolish, I end up drowning in this deplorable pleasure
水の底で 揺らめく花は In the depths of the water, a flower wavers 色も熱も もう朽ち果てた 過去の抜け殻 Its color and heat already decayed in the empty shell of the past
I can’t see anymore I can’t hear anymore どうかー Please... I can’t move anymore What we went wrong 誰ー 誰かー Someone... anyone...
過ちの檻籠で冷たい骸は眠る In the cage of errors, the cold remains sleeps 届かぬ祈りを抱いて Embrace the unanswered prayers
嘆きの闇失意の果て 此処を Here is the darkness of grief and the edge of despair 抜け出したい 抜け出せない It’s the Fault I want to break free, but I can’t. It’s the Fault
I wonder where I lost I wonder when I lost I know I wonder why I lost What we went wrong もう二度と Never again
閉ざされた檻籠はいつかの愛の代償 This enclosed cage is the price of a love of some other time 囚われ堕ちてく Vesper bell The Vesper bell, imprisoned, continues falling
Forgive myself… Forgive yourself…
Kuzure ochita yume no gareki ni umo rete me wo tojiru Nasu sube nado tō ni tsui eta omoi no rōgoku de
Chīro wo obi yodo nda mizu ni Mi mo kokoro mo oto mo naku tada hita sarete yuku
I wonder where I lost I wonder when I lost Doko de? I wonder why I lost What we went wrong Itsu? Naze ni?
Yagate tō koto sae mo te banasu toki ga kuru made Tora ware tsudukeru
Ushi nawareta itoshī hibi no kioku ga karami tsuku Oroka na hodo oborete shimau kanashī etsu raku ni
Mizu no soko de yura meku hana ha Iro mo netsu mo mō kuchi hateta kako no nuke gara
I can’t see anymore I can’t hear anymore Dōka I can’t move anymore What we went wrong Dare dare ka
Aya machi no ori kago de tsume tai mukuro ha nemuru Todo kanu inori wo daite
Nageki no yami shi tsui no hate koko wo Nuke dashi tai nuke dase nai It’s the Fault
I wonder where I lost I wonder when I lost I know I wonder why I lost What we went wrong Mō nidoto
Toza sareta ori kago ha itsuka no ai no daishō Tora ware ochi teku Vesper bell
Forgive myself... Forgive yourself...
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marineceleste · 3 years
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Snow flurry | 風花
Oozora Subaru 大空スバル
T6 (art)
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i-faeriez · 6 years
2/1 - 柊鰯 - (ひいらぎいわし) - sardine and holly charm; sardine head and holly branch placed next to the front door during setsubun to ward off demons 2/2 - 獏の枕 - (ばくのまくら) - tapir's pillow 2/3 - 立春 - (りっしゅん) - first day of spring (according to the traditional lunisolar calendar, approx. Feb. 4) 2/4 - 余寒 - (よかん) - lingering winter 2/5 - 海苔巻き - (のりまき) - seaweed roll 2/6 - 杉 - (すぎ) - cedar 2/7 - 針 - (はり) - needle, pin 2/8 - にくきゅう - (sole of the) paw; pad 2/9 - 白魚 - (しらうお) - icefish (Salangidae spp., esp. the Japanese icefish, Salangichthys microdon); noodlefish; whitebait 2/10 - 風花 - (かざばな) flurry of snow in a clear sky 2/11 - コルセット - corset 2/12 - 蝋梅 - (ろうばい) - wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox); Japanese allspice 2/13 - にぼし - (small crunchy) dried sardines 2/14 - かまくら - Kamakura 2/15 - 鶯餅 - (うぐいすもち) - mochi filled with red bean paste and topped with green soy flour 2/16 - 淡雪 -  (あわゆき) - Light snowfall 2/17 - エアメール - airmail 2/18 - 雨水 - (あまみず) - rain water 2/19 - 千両役者 -  (せんりょうやくしゃ) - leading actor 2/20 - 春寒 - (しゅんかん) - chill in early spring 2/21 - にゃん - meow 2/22 - 宿 - (やど) - inn, lodging 2/23 - 蕗のとう -  (ふき のとう) - edible flower bud of the fuki (Petasites japonicus) plant, an early spring delicacy 2/24 - 梅が春 - (うめがはる) - plum blossoms in spring 2/25 - 堅雪 - (かたゆき) - snow with a frozen crust on top 2/26 - 雛市 - (ひないち) - Hina city?? 2/27 - 春一番 - (はるいちばん) - first storm of spring; strong winds during the change from winter to spring​ 2/28 - 桜 - (さくら) - cherry blossoms ❀
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The third and final English to Japanese cover I’ll be analyzing is “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen, which I heard in Japanese for the first time when one of my friends sang it at karaoke.
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the Queen The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in; Heaven knows I've tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well now they know
降り始めた雪は足跡消して 真っ白な世界に一人の私 風が心にささやくの このままじゃダメなんだと
戸惑い、傷つき 誰にも打ち明けずに 悩んでたそれももう 止めよう
Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway
ありのままの姿見せるのよ ありのままの自分になるの 何も怖くない 風よ吹け 少しも寒くないわ
It's funny how some distance Makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me Can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do To test the limits and break through No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I'm free!
悩んでたことは 嘘みたいで だってもう自由よ 何でも出来る
どこまでやれるか 自分を試したいの そうよ、変わるのよ私
Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go You'll never see me cry Here I stand And here I'll stay Let the storm rage on
ありのままで空へ風に乗って ありのままで飛び出してみるの 二度と涙は流さないわ
My power flurries through the air into the ground My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast I'm never going back, the past is in the past
Let it go, let it go And I'll rise like the break of dawn Let it go, let it go That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand In the light of day Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway!
冷たく大地を包み込み 高く舞い上がる想い描いて 花咲く氷の結晶のように 輝いていたいもう決めたの
これでいいの 自分を好きになって これでいいの 自分信じて
光浴びながら 歩きだそう 少しも寒くないわ
English to Japanese Translation
More than the previous two songs I analyzed, the Japanese version of this song makes a very concerted effort to replicate literal meaning of the English lyrics nearly word for word, as well as the defiant tone of the lyrics. This makes sense given that this is a song written to help advance the plot of a movie and to change the literal meaning of the lyrics would mean altering the plot of the movie and the character arc.
Ironically, the one line the Japanese version does not translate literally is “Let it go,” the title and refrain of the English original, which instead comes out as「ありのままで」or「これでいいの」meaning something along the lines of “As it is” and “This is good”.
Rhyming Scheme and Structure
The song does not have a consistent rhyming pattern throughout the verses or choruses, though the lyrics do frequently rhyme の・と・よ or ち・い・み・に or で・て throughout the song.
One thing this song does very well is end lines on sounds like の or に, allowing the singer to hold those notes out longer.
Unique Phrases and Grammatical Structure
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The next chapter is coming very well, so, when I get my puter, you'll be getting a small blurb AND snow flurry chapter
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Snow Flurry | 風花
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Ran and Rindou sat between their aunt and uncle on the sofa in the waiting room, awkward silence filling the air as their uncle kept trying to call their father.
Ran stared at him with a blank gaze as Rindou played on his game, trying to keep himself distracted.
From what his aunt had said, Rindou had concluded that mom had been in labor for about two hours, and should be done soon.
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“Haitani Asayu?” a woman peaked in, a clipboard in her hand. “You have visitors.”
The sweaty and tired woman smiled at the nurse and nodded, holding her newborn daughter to his heaving chest. 
“Is it my husband? Haitani Itachi?”
“Uh, no ma’am, a Juuba Ranka, Juuba Shouta, Haitani Ran, and a Haitani Rindou.”
‘My sister, brother in law, and sons are here, yet my husband couldn't come to the hospital to see his newborn daughter?’ Asayu felt tears prick her eyes and sniffled, before telling the nurse they could come in.
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Thirteen year old Rindou and Fifteen year old Ran stood by the hospital bed, staring at their mom who held a small baby to her chest.
“Ran, Rindou, this is Y/n, Your little sister.” She breathed out, her tired eyes scanned the room. “Where’s your father?” 
Ran and Rindou looked at each other and looked back at their mom. “Tou-san didn’t… show up.” Rindou mumbled out, looking down at his shuffling feet.
“It’s not like he’d ever care anyway.” Ran huffed, crossing his arms and pouting. His mom shushed him, swatting his blond head. But deep down, she knew her oldest son was right.
“Look at me you two,” The two sets of lavender eyes looked into her’s, surprised that her eyes started to water. “Promise me that you’ll love her, to protect her from everything?”
“Sure ‘kaa-san”
She chuckled, a smile spreading on her lips as the nurse came in and took the child off her chest.
“H-Hey! Where’s she goin’ with Imouto-chan!” The boys asked frantically, looking between their mom and door. She giggled and patted their heads, “don’t worry, they’re going to put her in the nursery while I heal and get ready to go home.”
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Ran and Rindou stared at the ground, not believing their ears.
‘Taking Y/n’
‘Cheating Bastard’
‘Alcoholic Bitch’
“Rindou,” said newly turned fourteen year old turned to his elder brother, who sat against the bedroom door to their sister’s nursery. “Grab Y/n, let’s get outta here.”
“But-” “You heard mom, She’s going to take Y/n and leave us with dad, we’ll never see her again.”
The silence was heavy in the room, both boys feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders, and walked towards their sister’s cradle. The little girl had been about 3 months old at this point, and yet, her brothers were ready to kill for her.
“Hey Ran?”
“Remember, that thing we talked about?”
“What thing?”
“Yaknow, us… taking over Roppongi?”
“Mm, yeah.” “If we did that, we could forever protect Y/n from bad people,” Rindou hummed, watching Ran cradle the small baby, the small being cooing and grabbing at her elder brother’s blonde braids.
“We’ll take over Roppongi, and be Unstoppable.”
“Yeah, Yeah, now hand her over, You’ve had your turn.”
“Aww, a few more minutes RinRin?” “Never utter that horrid nickname again.”
“...Why is she smiling more than she did for me?”
“Bc I’m way cooler than you.”
“I’ve been betrayed, by both my siblings.” “Get over it.” “God has forsaken me.”
Rolling his eyes, Rindou walked towards the door, his sister bundled in his arms, and a ‘fake’ bundle in his brother’s.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m going to distract Otou-san and Okaa-san, you run and take Y/n to our hiding place.”
‘Stupid plan…’
They stared at each other and Ran walked out of the room, carrying the fake bundle in his arms.
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“I can’t believe it.”
Ran was grinning as they sat in the abandoned playground, sitting on the high rocks as he held their baby sister.
“We should start gaining a rep, taking out some smaller gangs first.” Rindou stated, the ever smarter brother. 
“Yeah♡, as long as I can break bones♡!” “We’ll be the unstoppable Haitani Brothers.”
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