#SnK 126
wingedwhitelioness · 11 months
New AOT merch including:
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kaoru-nk · 1 year
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A big redraw. [img 1 - redraw, img 2 - the first version from 2019] I had to correct the whole art. 🥴
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marifore · 1 year
Beautiful levihan fanart💜💚 (credits to the artist)
Absolutly canon for me!
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glassesandswords · 2 years
Mood: Currently crying after reading the lyrics of the acoustic version of ‘Into the Night’ from the  AOT S4P2 soundtrack because it reminds me of the forest scene and i have @kleinezoe to thank for that 😭 Also btw, the tune played in the actual forest scene was the beginning of ‘From You, 2,000 Years Ago’ and the one played while Hange was remembering her fallen comrades was ‘Thaw’ 
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elmundodeflor · 7 months
“What if we lived together?”
The first time they think about it, Levi has made them laugh. Someone had killed Sawney and Bean, and they have been crying all morning. It felt like nobody understood, how important they actually were to get a figment of truth. So many comrades were put through the worst of risks, just to capture them alive, it made them buzz with rage, too.
“Your face looks stupid.”, Levi tells them, instead. And he’s right. Their eyes are puffy, to the point they can barely open them. He would have made a joke, if it wasn’t because he’s only a bit concerned. “Now are you gonna sit around whining like a baby all day or what?”
Hanji cleans their tears off with the sleeves of their jacket. It’s not a nice image; their nose is red, and the fabric ends up stained with a splotch of wetness and snot. Levi has the immediate urge to turn his head the other way, but then hands them his pocket cravat, anyways.
“If you’re not gonna be of help, just go, okay?”, they say, with their tone tired and their voice rough. They’re in their lab, where they’ve locked themselves after hearing the news. The place’s a mess; like a tornado’s turned it on its axis. There are papers ruffled, thrown upon the floor; books taken out of their shelves, piled up on the desk. To Levi, it doesn’t take long to figure out it was them; their wild, seeking for liberation during breakfast time.
“If you want me to help, then move your ass out to the diner.”, he sits down next to them; his back against the wall. Hanji’s knees are flexed, pulled towards their chest, and they’re crying again besides him. “You’re an ugly crier, you know that, right?”, he speaks once more.
They raise a brow at him. There’s a softness that lies within his words that makes them perk their head up, stare deep into his irises. As if he’d wanted to comfort them in that own, unique way of his. It’s not like he’s completely wrong, either, though. They’ve seen it. Petra cries beautifully, like tears are snowflakes melting on their cheeks. But theirs are snowstorms, somewhat similar to acid rain. They’re not careful, or pretty, or delicate. Their heart’s too emotional, and it burns like fire. After all, they have always been too quick to let their impulses show the worst of them.
Levi sighs.
“You’d look less stupid if you smiled.”, he says. And then, he does something that makes Hanji freeze with shock. He inches up closer, like he’s calculating his moves, and places down his fingers at the corners of their mouth. It’s a gesture that’s too intimate, even for a guy that’s stuck-up like him. Still, it gets the job done. “See?”, he adds, when a genuine, whole-hearted laugh bursts out of Hanji. “There you go.”
“What if we lived together?”
The second time, it’s a late autumn night. They have suggested it, though only vaguely. “There’s so much we could do inside…!”, they’d said, on a frantic whim, earlier on that day. It was a gentle vision to latch onto, if they were honest; to play family like that. They would knit mittens for the kids before winter, and Levi’d keep the place warm— brew them his best tea.
“Would you rather…”, they ask him now. They’re lying in bed; his head on their stomach, their hands on his hair. The wooden cabin they’re staying at is small, yet cozy, with enough room for everybody. “Read people’s minds, or… be able to fly…?”
Levi shrugs. The ODM is pretty similar to flying, he guesses. Still, it’s not like he ever enjoyed getting involved in other people’s business, either way.
“Fly.”, he says, short and sweet. And Hanji hums, content. Maybe, because they knew that that would be his answer.
“Hm.”, they tug at black locks; fingers lost amidst his scalp. They’re staring at the ceiling, dressed in his sweatshirt and pajama pants. For a moment, they can pretend that this is all there ever was, if only. They’d tell bed-time stories to the children, about heroes and monsters. But it’d be just fiction, and there’d be no need to make wishes to the stars. “If you could fly somewhere, then, where would you go?”
Levi thinks about it for a second. He’d heard Armin talk, about the content in his books. Lands of fire, where sand would reach beyond sight. Snowed mountains, where earth seemed covered by frozen white. The ocean; an infinite mass of salt-water that touched past the further horizons.
He had always been curious about that one.
“The beach.”
Hanji closes their eyes. They can frame the picture, even when tirelessly awaken. They have a wide, two-floored house near the shore, with a white fence and a porch. They’re not on the run anymore; Titans nothing but a memory that fades with the foam.
It’d be wholesome, they think. They could have rooms for each the kids, let them decorate the walls however they pleased. Levi’d nag them about it, for being too messy or unclean. Then they’d brush it off over home-made lunch, sit outside to watch the waves.
“Aye, idiot.”, they whisper. And they can listen; their voice melting off to the sounds of the sea. Like they’re there already; with sun in their hair and sand on their feet. “Tell me something nice.”
Levi keeps quiet, probably a minute or two. He’d never been a man of word, but he can sense it, too. Sasha’d spend the day fishing, bring in weird creatures to cook. Armin’d collect sea-shells on the shore, maybe keep them between the pages of a book. And he’d sweep the floors while humming, sit by the window to breathe in the view.
“You could put your knitting skills to use.”, he complies, finally. Outside, the word sits silent, only the night to guard this conversation. “It’s getting cold as fuck.”
“What if we lived together?”
The third time, they actually speak it. Fearless. Aloud. Like the words have bloomed out of them before they could choke down the feeling.
Maybe, it’s because Levi sleeps, and there’s no chance he can hear their thoughts. Maybe, it’s because it’s danger— thinking like they do. But there’s some sense of safety in talking truths when no one listens.
“It’d be nice, huh?”, they whisper, more to themselves than anybody. They’d dreamed about it, really. Clutched desire to their heart like it was specs of golden. It was the beach, first. But now it didn’t even matter. It could be the mountains of white snow, the endless sandy dessert. Or right here, at the forest. They’d wear the plaid-shirts Levi hated, then he’d take them off, shut them up between kisses and jokes. He’d make them his in the bed they’d share, too; their mornings filled with the smell of pine and burnt log.
“If we run and hide like this… where would that get us?”, he says, barely minutes after. And he’s right again. He always is, Hanji’s sure. They’re a fierce dreamer, indeed. Someone who’d wish hard, with every fragment of their soul. Yet, they also know, they can’t abandon their wild— the raw nature that’s in them to see light in this world.
“Oh…”, they bit their lip, sharp until it stings. Blood burns in their cheeks, has tinted pink the tip of their nose. “You did hear me, after all…”
Levi nods, and takes a look at the hand that hurts. He’s too tired, or too scared to ever dare talk. So, instead, he stares; his eye clung to Hanji’s, with the intensity of a thousand colored fireworks. Truth is, he does want the same as them, after all. The poppy garden, the greenery, a tea-shop. But isn’t it too late to ask now? Isn’t tranquility a price that soldiers like them can’t afford?
“Hanji…”, his voice cracks at the words. A tear’s falling down their face, followed by one and then another. It’s not the ugly cry from the years before, where their sobs would resemble a loud, broken water-pipe. Now, it’s all hushed, quiet; like tear-tracks are stars against the dark of their lashes.
The realization of it doesn’t make him smile, though.
Isn’t it too late now, to confess such a thing? Isn’t love the worst of curses in times of war?
It is.
It is.
It’s too late now.
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funjidae · 1 year
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First day | Last day
Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoë were actors in Shingeki no kyojin (Attack on titan) they met each other the same day at the first recording day. They started to be friends, later best friends and finally partners after Levi proposed to Hange (He felt for her so hard) in secret their relation was, but in some moments a few persons in the set knew about their relation and both feelings, but the day all were clarify, was in the 126 adaption, all the people around were so happy, but when the adaptation for 132 came, Hange was so sad, but find obvious comfort over her husband.
A relation of ten years and counting. The love each other so much.
The director and creator of SNK was happy about they getting married, he knew inside of him that they were created for be together and never getting separated.
@youre-ackermine I'll dedicate this to you and all levihans!
Ps. I'm sorry if my handwriting is a trash, I'm still learning English, well, I'll always hehe.
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spilledsinnamontea · 7 months
as a Levihan shipper (like me ), what do you think of eruri and its popularity in the west? and also why do you think levihan is better than eruri? ( yes i know i am bias .. i am so Levihan trash)
Hello hello!
Uh oh, I feel we are trotting into a dangerous zone here xD /j But okay, here goes nothing >:D
Just to be safe, I'm going to abbreviate Erwin & Levi as EL.
Well, first of all, I like almost every dynamic between characters in SNK. IMO Isayama did a great job of building connections in his story. So, I don't really have NOTP(s) in SNK. Even if I don't ship A, B, C, or D romantically, I can still appreciate the bonds between those characters.
Regarding EL, if you've read one of my fics, you would know that I like the veterans, especially the veteran trio (Erwin-Levi-Hange). I really enjoy the relationship between Erwin-Levi, Levi-Hange, and Erwin-Hange. To me, they are close comrades who have deep trust in each other.
At first, I was not so sure what to make up in the relationship between EL though. I found Erwin to be quite intense back then, so I didn't know how to read the dynamic between him and Levi. As a trainee, Erwin seems to be much more outspoken and passionate. But as an adult, Erwin becomes more reserved. Therefore, I used to think that this man must have been hiding something. Then, I finally understood it all when I read about Erwin's backstory (and apparently he was hiding his trauma and guilt, who would've thought!).
Anyway, in short, I like EL! I feel like their personalities complete each others and they have their fair share of both meaningful as well as comedic moments. What makes them interesting to me is that they are the kind of people that you would never thought would be friends, but well apparently they are. Some might argue that Erwin was only using Levi to reach his goal. But I disagree, even in a world where there are no titans around, I still believe they would become great friends who can rely on each other. So yeah, I can see the appeal of EL.
Hence, I can understand why they are so popular, both in Japan and the west (and internationally tbh). However, their popularity had never bothered me since I already knew that M/M ships tend to be much more popular in almost every fandom in existence. I mean I've shipped Levihan (and Aruani) since 2013 and oh boy we were like a small cheerleading club back then xD
To be quite honest, I don't think Levihan is better than EL. I mean sure, in my book they are the best HAHA but I tried to never really put any relationships in a hierarchy. To me, shipping characters are more about preferences anyway. Like, we tend to ship a pair with dynamics or tropes that we love.
I ship Levihan (and not other Levi's ships) because they embody many tropes & dynamics that I like, such as opposites attract (this feels like their trademark tbh). However, their main appeal to me is the way that their relationship feels so mature and healthy but also FUN. Despite their stark differences, they are able to trust and look after each other, not only in combat but also outside. You can see them fighting together in one chapter and then see them teasing each other in the next chapter.
I also like the fact that they don't always bound together. I like crumbs (and full meal) as much as next guy, but I actually appreciate that they have their own characters moments as well as relationships with other people. It highlights their personalities which make their dynamics—when they are together—much more interesting.
Not only that, before chapter 126, their relationship and moments were actually pretty subtle (the one where you kinda have to squint to see or blink-and-you-miss-it kinda thing). Which I LIKE SO VERY MUCH! I actually prefer subtle romantic-ish moments between characters over blatant romantic moments. I like ships with potential, ships that will give me enough (not too much and not too little) materials to daydream every day HAHA. I mean, out of all the ships that I like, Levihan is the ship that I have the most fanfic ideas. They are my go-to ship every time I need to distract myself lmao.
I feel like I want to say more but man, idk, I just like them I guess. I can't put my love for them into words T_T But to sum up my feelings about them: I WISH THEY WERE MY PARENTS
That's all anon! Thank you for the ask! I hope my answer makes sense to you xD
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fuchinobe · 1 year
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taliya-writes · 2 years
Thats a lot of WIPS XD the ones with aoko has me looking👀👀 but im curious about 46 Preserved Kid, 90 GinLongHair, 126 KidGovtWeap?
Holy shit I found this in my drafts... I apparently forgot to post this, and I know it’s months late but I am SO sorry for the delay in answering you, mako-neexu!  T.T  orz  My deepest apologies!
Okay then, now to answer your questions...
Aoko's a fun character, though one that I'm still figuring out how to write. Anyhow, onwards to the answers!
46. PreservedKID DCMK - This idea was actually inspired by a SnK fic. The premise behind this one is that Pandora grants its user eternity by sealing them in unbreakable crystal and forcing them to sleep in the crystal's depths. WWIII basically wipes most of humanity and all of its technology + knowledge away, so hundreds/thousands of years later, mankind has rebuilt enough civilization to begin puzzling together human history. Archaeological digs happen and they find KID, the only person who would know with 100% certainty what life was like before WWIII. They wake him up.
90. GinLongHair This was a crack fic idea that was inspired by the fact that at one point I had grown my hair down to my knees, so basically this fic would be all the problems that come with having long hair. It would probably have the title of #LongHairProblems.
126. KIDGovtWeap Oh this is a sad fic idea that is made up of two sides. Touichi-KID had teleportation abilities but was caught by the government. He was killed after rebelling one too many times. Kaito inherited the same ability, so they captured him, brainwashed him, and turned him into a living weapon. Shinichi’s father used to consult for the government but stopped years ago, and he never knew why.  When he manages to nab an internship, he realizes why his father turned his back on the government.
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eliemcdowell · 2 years
[ARTWORK] NAM-1975 Neo Geo # 126
[ARTWORK] NAM-1975 Neo Geo # 126
« NAM-1975 » n’est pas le jeu Neo Geo le plus glamour. Cependant, il n’en reste pas moins important pour SNK, car il a fait partie des titres de lancement de sa console.
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super-peace-fangirl · 2 years
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I've been waiting for years to watch this moment in the anime and today's finally the day of the broadcasting 😭💕
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nenithil · 2 years
Hi! I've asked this from a few other levihan blogs too but I'd like to read yours, a different one, too :) Many people believe although Hanji didn't sound or act as dejected in the forest about her offer to live in the forest, Levi did in fact reject her to achieving his goals and all. I noticed they'd call us out on acting too positive. What do you think about this?
Hello! Thank you for the ask.
Levi did in fact reject her for achieving his goals and all?
I want to analyze this from several aspects.
Firstly, it is about the definition of rejection. Levi was no doubt unwilling to live in the forest at that time, even with Hanji. From this point, you can think he rejected.
However, “they'd call us out on acting too positive” - their accusation is obviously not aimed at this, but to say that Levi rejected Hanji's romantic confession, and Hanji’s love is one-sided. Levi obviously didn't show this. I think normal words of rejecting romantic confession should be "I don't love you", or "I love the other person", "we're just good friends", etc...
Levi didn't even refuse the proposal of "living together", it gave me the feeling that he was just saying, "it's not good now. “
Secondly, in my view, Levi's words are actually much more tender than rejection.
“To achieve his goals and all. ”——I think there is something wrong with this. Levi's answer is actually:
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If escaping and hiding…like this…what can we keep…
His words did not mention "I still have the goal of fulfilling my oath", or "you are still the Commander. How can you give up everything and escape? " He is saying that once they escape as Hanji's proposal, they will not have happiness, or even hope and pride. He is answering Hanij's proposal from the perspective of “our future” rather than “our responsibility ". In front of Hanji, in fact, he rarely uses "heavy words”.
It’s not the first time Hanji want to escape and hide. In Unprising, she proposed to take everyone to hide for a while because of her guilt and fear towards Nick's death, she even said that they would do some knitting, lmao.
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Levi said to her, your words are wrong. Even if time passes, those people will not let us go. If we run away, they will catch up with us and find us one day.
How similar their situation was to that in 126. The outside of the island will be flattened by the Rumbling, and the inside of the island will become the world of Yeagerists. They will become fugitives, and the enemy will not give up chasing them. Even if they avoid the cruel situation and give up resistance, they cannot get security and peace. They can’t find a Paradise for just the two of them, like Eremika.
——Hanji obviously knew this in her heart, but at that moment, she was overwhelmed by fear, remorse and weariness of killing people.
And where Levi's tenderness is—— He knew that Hanji was in depression and made an irrational proposal. He still just gave her suggestions, then asked her what to do. He asked her to make her own decision, then he would follow.
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This scene is very similar to 126. So I said that it's more putting forward his views on the situation and future, rather than rejection. He would respect Hanji's decision as before.
Thirdly, what kind of person is Hanji?
In Uprising:
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Compared with living a sneaky life like a mouse under the threat of deadly foe, it's better to counterattack them even sacrificing your life.
The guys who killed your father and companions are still alive at ease. How can you live unconcernedly?
Hanji has long shown her way of life. Even without the responsibility of the Commander, she hates "just living" and living under the shadows of the foe. We know that she is very desperate about the current situation. If she goes back and fights the Yeagerist to retake the government, and let them repay their atrocities of plotting to frame their compatriots and turn them into mindless titans, she has to kill a large number of compatriots on the island. Even if she can succeed, she has little confidence to protect everyone against Marley and the world. In this case, it is understandable that she wants to let go of everything and focus on her personal happiness.
So Levi just told her that even if we escape, we won't get any form of happiness.
This is also where I like levihan so much. In my eyes, they don't urge each other with responsibility. Levi just knows what kind of choice and life are in accord with her nature, so that they can be themselves. In this line to Hanji, Levi did not mention his unfinished promise, or even himself, but considered their future.
If for the happiness of living, it’s not that Levi can't put aside his oath for the time being. Just like when he saw that Armin was seriously injured, he immediately stopped to consider injection instead of continuing to chase Zeke; For four years, he has also been performing his duties and never tried to rush to Marley and kill Zeke—— But the situation has been so bad that they have lost almost everything. The happiness of the living is beyond reach. They can only face the cruel reality with their wreckage of lives. If they escaped, they would lose all the opportunity of changing the situation, even lose their soul, then nothing would be kept.
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viahackerman · 3 years
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It's ironic how my fav ships have dreamt of having a peaceful  life hiding in the forest/woods. Yet look at what we got instead.
ima just cry really hard with this.how tragic indeed.
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ourmondobongo · 2 years
I swear, Romi and Kamiya rocked in this episode.
- The way Hanji's voice always softens when pronouncing Levi's name (TWICE)? 11/10
- The way Hanji says the "I can't"?? It's breaking me every single time (*cries in lh language*)
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glassesandswords · 2 years
Pre-126 animation PSA
I know we all are frothing in excitement for the biggest LH scene to be animated which is great BUT here are a few important things to keep in mind as we count down the days: 
1. Keep your expectations low. Yep. It’s a known fact that the more die-hard the fanbase, the less chances there are that the fans would be satisfied with the adaptation of the original material. Pretend the blush ain’t gonna be animated. Go into it with the lowest possible expectations so that you’ll come out (hopefully) pleasantly surprised and not screaming in rage. 
2. A request: If you have any nitpicks about the scene or the way it is animated, please wait till the hype has died down before posting it. Seeing negative opinions of something dampens the mood of those who genuinely enjoyed it by making them look at things they didn’t even bother noticing at first. Please let the LH fans in your dash have their moment of happiness, we’ve all been waiting for it for so long. 
3. There’s bound to be backlash. Prepare for it. Use the filters and block buttons liberally to sort out triggering content. Do not generalize all shippers of one ship.  Do not go into other ships’ tags and scream Levihan canon. Do NOT start a ship war. Do not participate in one. Just block, refresh, and celebrate the scene with your LH moots, we are all here to lose our minds about it anyway. 
4. Drill this into your mind: People can interpret the scene any way they like, there’s no right or wrong way to look at it. You don’t need to take shit from anyone, but at the same time, don’t harass anyone who doesn’t see it in the same way as you do. 
5. All hail shirtless Levi. 
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