#Shroudrose Teahouse
tea-ffxiv · 7 days
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Visit Teatime’s Shroudrose Teahouse & Speakeasy at Happy Hour for an evening of half-off drinks and good company on the last Thursday night of each month. Shroudrose Speakeasy seeks to provide a bar environment that is both casual and refined, where those from all walks of life may gather to enjoy one of our unique cocktails or a bite to eat, music from live bards, and a bit of conversation among friendly company.
Whether you are meeting with friends, hashing out a business deal, or looking for new contacts, join us on Thursday, May 30th at 9:00 PM EDT at Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58 on the Balmung server of the Crystal Data Center in the bar downstairs.
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tikistots · 1 year
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Flarette and Kikibum visit Shroudrose Teahouse
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voidsentprinces · 3 months
As Regional Data Travel is starting up for Oceanic Servers. I feel like I should pre-emptively put out a statement cause like any server travel this shit is going to eventually hit Crystal. And I think its time I said this again. I don't know how to put this...but, calling Balmung the ERP server because of one small section of their Quicksands is like calling New York the breakfast capital of the world because they have the Hard Rock Cafe. Like...preeeettyy sure there is more in New York than just the Hard Rock Cafe just like I am pretty sure there is more the Balmung than like...what is it...1/10th of the Quicksands? I dunno if anyone is still under this illusion but please don't drop on in expect sex, drugs, and rock n roll. There are other things happening...like GOING TO ENJOY TEA AT THE SHROUDROSE TEAHOUSE THATS UP EVERY 1ST AND 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH!
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gatheredfates · 3 months
Happy weekend, all! 🪸
As of 03/16, I have added the following communities (in no particular order) to Sea's Community Compendium:
Au Ra Skin and Scale Care Guide — a headcanon/lore post surrounding au ra skin and scale care. Created by @blutkatze on Tumblr.
Dalton Family Estate — a family-owned employment company in Ul'dah.
The Honeystone — An Ala Mhigan themed establishment maintained by @magnificent-bee.
Teatime — a med-heavy roleplay Free Company hosting Teatime at Shroudrose Teahouse @tea-ffxiv.
I've done a lot of boosting for this lately but, just to reiterate, not only can you submit communities now via my ask box or google form, but you can also post your communities via my Discord at SEAFLOOR! If you're community leader doesn't utilise Tumblr, please let them know they can get in contact with me via that method.
Existing Compendium members can also post their communities in the Discord's affiliate section! It isn't mandatory, but the offer is there. ✨
My only major stipulation is that anyone joining the server MUST be over the age of twenty-one. If you're younger, please utilise the existing submission methods. It's nothing personal, I just don't want minors in my space.
I am also beginning to DM community leaders/resource owners for permission to be featured in the Compendium. "I'm not sure if my things count/are good enough," you say? Didn't ask, it is, shut up; get loved, nerds. This is predominately for communities I see via Tumblr, as I don't have the time to canvas multiple Discords and I'm not thrilled about messaging people I'm not mutuals with out of the blue. Again, please drop a line to the leaders of your community if you think they might want to be featured, especially if they're not on Tumblr.
There is never any pressure to be a part of the document and there's no hard feelings if you decline.
That's all from me (I said, like a liar), have a great day!
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fair-fae · 2 years
FFxivWrite22 Entry #2: Bolt
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FFxivWrite 2022 Prompt #2: Bolt Through the deserts of Thanalan in the cover of a sandstorm, the ragtag group of adventurers trekked from the Sleeping Sands toward the ruins of Mhach where Honour’s Lament awaited them, Victor’s aetherial shield protecting them from the grains of sand and debris swirling in the air around them. Faye felt the ground beneath her boots begin to change as they walked on, from soft and shifting sand to something more solid and… squirming, the toe of her boot kicking into something in front of her. She looked downward to see rising from the sand beneath their feet a giant, writhing mass of bodies. The animated corpses were from all different eras as evident by their decaying clothing, some fresh corpses and others long since rotted to bone. A myriad of decrepit faces stared up with wide and brilliant smiles, hands reaching upward to grasp at feet or ankles or clothing, whatever they could grip. They tugged downward, intent on burying the party with them, consuming them into the mass that flowed beneath their feet like a river. All the while, the Ashkin all silently mouthed a single word: ‘Friend.’ Faye grimaced and tugged her legs free, angrily kicking at the hands that gripped needily at her boots and ankles. "Ashkin! These certainly weren't here in my day! My word... victims of hers?" Xalredo remarked, the magicked plushie looking down at the mass of bodies swirling at their feet. As she kicked and stomped the groping hands and ever-smiling faces underfoot, Faye realized some of the fresher faces were familiar. But how? She didn’t know them. Slowly, the recognition set in… no, they weren’t her friends, or even acquaintances, most not even anyone she knew by name. They were patrons of Shroudrose Teahouse, men and women who had walked through her doors. None had visited for quite some time, and now it was glaringly obvious why. How long had the Blissweaver made the Shroudrose her nest? Suddenly, Faye remembered the woman in the whites robes and the mask… how had she not realized? She'd known the Blissweaver's presence was there that day Samara's fell to the Void's influence... but she had never considered that the Voidsent had lingered so long, making the Shroudrose her hunting ground. One might have expected a reaction of sadness, or some semblance of horror at the sight of her ill-fated patrons... she skipped straight past those, fair features twisting in annoyance and anger. "My patrons... from my teahouse..." she growled between gritted teeth. They continued to grab at that party, pulling them down with all their might. Without sounds they mouthed the words, but somehow she still understood. ‘Friend. Dance with us. Spin with us. Sleep with us. We have pillows of sand... so rest…’ But Faye didn’t feel like resting. No, she felt the fire of rage burning hotter inside her gut. Rage swelling, she placed a hand upon the hilt of her rapier that still rested at her hip, the runes upon the thin blade glowing to life. She took advantage of the lightning crackling around their sandstorm thanks to Naheal’s spell of coverage, the static electricity that charged the air around them raising the ends of her as she drew in the levin aether, the sky above their heads darkening ominously. “Oh… Oh, you fucked up now,” Victor’s words and the cackling laugh that followed reached her, but just barely, sounding so distant through the intoxication of her anger. The spell she channeled continued growing exponentially, and she realized it was just not her own aether being fed into it, icy blue eyes cutting toward Victor briefly to see the fellow mage also lent his aether to the runes upon her rapier. There was a certain spark in her expression then, the anticipation and satisfaction of the destruction she knew was sure to follow, the knowledge of the power she knew she held within her hand at that moment. She loosed the spell, directing it downward as a blinding bolt of lightning to shock the pile of writhing corpses beneath their feet, accompanied by the crackle of electricity and a deafening crack of thunder. The lightning arced from body to body, jumping from one corpse to another, shocking and jolting each of them. The Ashkin shrunk away, their smiles at last fading instead to terror, writhing and fearful. They ceased their grabbing. One’s voice rang out from somewhere in the mass of bodies. “W-Why?” he whimpered defensively. They all gazed up in shock at the hostile reception they received. Then the swelling of corpses began to retreat back into the ground, beneath the sands. “Never mind. We’ll have the rest of time…” “…To get to know each other…” @sharp-cast-sharper-words​
Wanted to a do lil piece based on a recent Discord RP for this one!
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yokasaris · 2 years
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7/27/2022 - Zhan’a’s IC 33rd nameday and (almost) the 9th anniversary since he was first made in FFXIV. It’s also been 10 years since I first joined Harbringers of Dawn in TERA before the migration over to FFXIV. These days HoD is now Shroudrose Teahouse ( @tea-ffxiv ), so do recommend if anyone is looking for an FC or just some social RP events. I wouldn’t have gotten into MMO RP and therefore probably wouldn’t still be around in any capacity without the folks I’ve met there over the years. It’s been good, y’all.
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vylette-takeda · 4 years
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Let’s Do the Time Warp Again!
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For All Saints Wake I did a performance of “The Time Warp” from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” at @tea-ffxiv​ with my friend and fellow performer @ugin-zunith​ as a duet! It was really a ton of fun and I want to find an excuse to perform this one again.I had two costume changes. I asked @kainenmarlowe​ to snag some shots to immortalize it :) The second I present is Columbia! I wish I could have hid the monocle, but this was the best dyeable tophat I could find!
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tea-ffxiv · 1 month
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Join us at 7:00 PM eastern daylight time (EDT) on Monday, April 29th on the Balmung server at the Shroudrose Teahouse and Tavern located at Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58 nearest the Lavender Northeast Subdivision aetheryte. Come try Shroudrose’s specialty blends of tea! Enjoy a cup in our tearooms on the main floor and second floor (including our far eastern themed rooms), or purchase some loose-leaf to brew at home! You can always cozy up in our library to read or get some work done while you enjoy a cuppa. Snacks and treats will be available to compliment your tea.
This event is bi-weekly at 7:00 PM eastern time the first Monday and third Monday of each month (and fifth Monday, if applicable).
If you’d to learn more about our FC including details on our Information Brokering and Private Investigations services, our Recruitment, Discord, and more, please go here!
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savothesewercat · 4 years
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Feel free to find the various past setlists or ask for specifics if you’re unsure which song is which.  If you ‘must’ ask anonymously, that’s fine, but I’d rather you didn’t so I can ascribe the requests accurately.  I’ll take the first 18-20 requests (if i even get that many).  Cheers- to those (like me) with nothing better to do on a Tuesday night!
Thanks to @tea-ffxiv and @fair-fae for hosting this Musical Travesty : )
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lady-aryn · 4 years
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Screenshots from tonight’s @tea-ffxiv‘s Rising event. Also a video of my BRD performance below the cut, cus several friends had power and/or internet outages and missed it.
I’m irritated because my UI wouldn’t hide initially. And then the internet had a lag spike, so part of the ShB theme got really muddled.
But uh...this is how the Hades fight and MSQ cutscene music should have gone. >.>
Fite me.
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eorzeanharmony · 3 years
Silent Starlight
Letharon sat on the roof of the teahouse, the chill wind ruffling his sapphire hair and flecking it with snow. It hadn’t been a hard climb, especially given he’d taken up residence in the attic loft; just popping the window open and he was all but there to start with. It was cold… but he’d known much worse, and it certainly wasn’t enough to drive him back inside. Not when the view was like this.
No moon graced the heavens, the skies clotted with dark clouds shedding a thin spilling of flakes, so the warm lights of the Lavender Beds spread out below him like a glittering tapestry and reflected off the lake. Some were candles or luminaria, some oil lamps, or the occasional patch of glowing foliage or magical enchantment. Here and there he could even spot a gleam he was almost certain was magitek, the characteristic actinic blue-white gleam cutting through the dark like a blade. It was a sight to spur the heart toward wonder and joy, surely.
Or it should have been. Leth sat with his chin resting on his crossed arms, lost in thought. He thought about the ideas of ‘home’ and ‘family’… and the simple fact that by an accident of fortune, or perhaps fate, he now had neither. He wondered if his parents were even still alive, somewhere… and as he did, he wondered if it mattered. These people, these… savages… fought constantly, reveled in their ignorance, rejoiced in their bowdlerized celebrations without any care for a sense of propriety… and yet…
And yet… they were happy, and he was not. Every warm orange window, every laugh carried on a winter’s breeze, each one felt like another poisoned arrow striking home. Not a day went by that he wasn’t reminded any one of them would cheerfully slay him without a second thought, and leave his corpse for the buzzards. And yet… it’s not as if he could go back either. At best he’d be labeled a deserter, at worst, a rogue and dangerous weapon. He’d been promised a bright and beautiful future, and now it was gone. If pyr Aurelius was to be believed, it had never even existed in the first place. And now, he had… what. Well, his continued existence, a caretaker that he suspected was desperately unhinged, though well meaning, and a couple of tenuous friends. Not a life. Not a family… it didn’t help matters that recent events had made clear to him that his parents hadn’t exactly filled that definition either, given the years he’d spent at boarding school… and then, of course there was the project.
An unbidden twitch racked his lanky frame.. up until recently, he’d just gone along with the reassurances that it was ‘for the best’ and ‘think of all the people you’ll be helping’… platitudes that he now knew for the empty things they were. He wondered how much the Militum had paid his parents for him to be assigned to their project… he wondered if they even knew, or cared, what came of it. His fingertips dug into his biceps, scrunching up the blue carbonweave of his jacket and crumpling the patch. Then, a pause, his short nails still kind of dug under the edge of that patch.Then, after a moment that seemed to tick for an hour, he scrambled to his feet, ran to the edge of the manor, and descended one of the rose trellises like an opo-opo on a mission, bolting across the yard to the beat up manacutter he’d been assigned for courier duty.
He swung up into the cockpit, and with a sputtering roar the rotors kicked in, turning the slender machina around to face where a faint blue glow even now sat on the horizon. Then, with a whirring roar, the small airship roared out over the treetops, heading for Mor Dhona.
Leth was heading home for Starlight.
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yentotajaan · 3 years
Repercussions III: the Talk
Yen’to briefly grimaced as he tightened the straps on his sabatons. The arrow wound still bothered him a little, but now he had little choice now but to grin and bear it. This was the day: engaging in ‘diplomatic’ talks with a Garlean envoy to allegedly cease hostilities between their groups. More like try and get us to beg for our lives as they tout the supremacy of ‘civilized’ Imperial rule. Once he left his chambers, he noticed that Lady Faye and Strega were already waiting in the lobby. Others trickled in soon after: Luka, Lalatua, Deccan, Silf, and even Val Covington. Is... is this it? Gods I hope it is enough in case something goes wrong. This all but screams ‘trap’. At least everyone seemed prepared, although Yen’to wondered exactly how useful Strega’s parasol would be against anything but rain or sunlight. As they wondered amongst themselves about what to expect, a Maelstrom officer knocked on the doors and then let himself in.
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The hyur announced himself as Sergeant Baxter, and declared that he would be their escort to the neutral zone for negotiations. Everyone seemed a bit suspicious, especially after that mess with the false Wood Wailers that turned out to be Garleans in disguise. However, they had little choice and he seemed genuine enough. They were to be escorted to a location near Gyr Abania, with Grand Alliance cannons and troops on one side and Garleans on the other. It was set up specifically for negotiations related to hostages and prisoner exchange, since there was no other real way to communicate or otherwise deal with the Empire that didn’t involve getting shot at.
Thus briefed, they were escorted most of the way by airship and then completed the last part of the trek by foot. Sergeant Baxter must be genuine... there are indeed a number of Alliance cannons and troops oriented towards the Garlean side... and vice versa. Maybe we might get out of this alive, if we can keep our tempers in check. Lady Faye Covington made clear beforehand that she would be the one to do the talking, and Yen’to prayed that at the least hotheaded Luka and sarcastic Lulutua would be able to abide by the order.
They entered a small, rather plain looking building. Inside was a simple room, with a cermet metal door on the other side and several desks in the middle. The Eorzean side had plenty of chairs, but the Garlean side had only one. Hmph. Are the Garleans trying to imply something about negotiations? Silf, Lalatua, and Strega sat on the edges of the room, while Lady Faye sat in the middle; Yen’to and Val protectively stood at her sides and Luka and Deccan lurked by the walls, keeping their heads down.
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They did not have to wait long until the tense silence was interrupted by a loud, pompous announcement that the illustrious Caelus Eir Marsallas had arrived. He was the one that sent the letter setting up this meeting. I wonder if he is as crazed as tribunus Lucian. If not crazed, he was at least as vain, arriving in polished armor with a golden mask bearing the visage of Solus zos Galvus. He practically oozed arrogance and superiority.
Marsallas began by stating that the all-powerful and civilized Garlean Empire thanked the Blue Viper’s bastard for agreeing to the meeting, and that their demands would be simple. His letter and Lucian’s dossiers also mentioned the Blue Viper’s bastard... how does Lady Faye fit into this, exactly? What does that even mean? In the interest of feigned politeness, Marsallas inquired as to everyone’s name. In response, he was met with silence, or in Yen’to’s case, a sarcastic comment to the effect that Marsallas should already know.
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The discussion that followed was roughly what Yen’to had expected. Forced pleasantries intermixed with icy barbs from Lady Faye and grand boasting and not-so-veiled threats by Marasalls. She is not even giving him the respect of using his full title. Let us see how he likes being talked down to. In exchange for giving up the employees involved in destroying one of their castrums, everyone else would get to live. Naturally, this was dismissed as nonsense by the Eorzean side of the room.
Tempers began flaring for some of the participants as the talks dragged on without progress. Marsallas claimed that everyone who did not submit would be destroyed. Lady Faye coolly replied that she had killed one legatus already, and could do it again. Deccan lost his mind and burst into a maniacal fit of laughter, uttering some sarcastic nonsense about Garlemald’s vaunted greatness. Gods damn it -- is he going to lose it again like he did on the first mission? Why do we bring him on these, again? Decorum further broke down as others like Silf and Lalatua began speaking their mind. Strega kept mumbling repeatedly about the word ‘whomst’ the Garlean used in one of his grandiose speeches. ... Seriously?!
Finally, Luka stopped her simmering in the back of the room and exploded. She strode up to the table and began jabbering to Marasallas in what sounded like the Garlean language. Yen’to could make none of it out since he was unfamiliar with it, but he needed no translator for the response. Marasallas shot up in a rage, thrusting a finger towards Luka and declaring that no quarter would be given to traitors and those that harbor them.
The ruckus caused soldiers on both sides to pour into the room, brandishing their weapons at each other and demanding everyone stand down. Damn it... if I die here, I am killing Khan! Eventually, Marasallas collected himself and warned that the Shroudrose, its employees, and all their relatives and friends would be destroyed. With that, the meeting was effectively ended.
Damn that miqo’te brat - what stunt was she trying to pull off? She directly disobeyed Lady Faye’s directive to not negotiate! With the lines now drawn in the sand, it was time to prepare for further escalation. All of other employees, whether they wanted to be involved or not, were now in danger. This meeting has left me with more questions than answers. How involved was Lady Faye with Garlemald? What about Luka and Deccan? I doubt I will get any answers, though, even should I ask...
Yen’to had wanted more excitement in his work, but this was getting to be more than he bargained for. He wondered idly if it would be bad timing to finally ask for that pay raise.
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fair-fae · 1 year
no idea what that anon is talking about so i choose to believe faye did an old spice commercial. look at your hyur not back to me now back at your hyur now back to me faye is not your hyur but she could be where at the shroudrose teahouse look there not there up we're at a wonderful musical event with musical performance catboys and rp anything is possible when you're faye convington she's on a horse
Be grateful you don't understand. Also I am imaging Faye riding majestically across a beach at sunset on a horse with a shirtless catboy now so bless you for that image lmao
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zarah-ffxiv · 4 years
Bustin a move with @vylette-elakha and Kynuh at Savo’s Request Show at Shroudrose Teahouse. @tea-ffxiv @savothesewercat. @kainenmarlowe
In an unexpected plot twist a little suncat-mooncat unity was achieved.
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casualcatte · 4 years
RP Journal: 08/17/2020
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I made my way to Shroudrose Teahouse this evening in order to check on my most erstwhile client, Raisan Arcmantle. That imp-lord of crafting is always in search of new materials to make the latest, greatest thing, and I’ve been long overdue to see if he needs anything. No doubt he’s compiled a list a malm long at this point. Arcmantle wasn’t in-house yet and I wasn’t about to leave without talking to him. I value my ears and my tail and he would’ve had both if he had a list of things to fetch and I’d gone without it. 
(Courtesy cut for length)
Lorrendor Hauland did, indeed, join me there and we partook of tea and finger sandwiches as we chatted while I waited. I swear by Oschon that elezen… it’s like he’s been talking to Edgard or something because he was /way/ more flirtatious today than he’s ever been. I’m not really sure what to make of it. With Edgard, I know it’s not serious and harmless; he does it to be an idiot and a fool. With Lorrendor… It’s a bit more complicated, because I know he has feelings on the other end of it.  I don’t want to hurt the man, nor do I want to make him think that there’s hope for something where there isn’t. 
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Arcmantle eventually put in an appearance, so I told him to round up his list of materials and I’d get round to them when I was able. I also inquired about him crafting the magitek ammunition I’ve been using on hunts of late. My current supplier is in Kugane, and since I’m no longer going to be there I was hoping to find someone a bit more stable in reliability. I know where Arcmantle is most of the time, he’s rarely away from his workshop in Gridania. As it turns out there are things that Arcmantle /can’t/ craft, much to my surprise! However, he did offer to act as delivery lalafell by fetching my supply of arrows from Kugane and keeping them in his workshop. That’s more than fair, I think, and in turn I’ll make it a point to discount my gathering services for him to off-set the expense.
While I spoke with Arcmantle about business, I couldn’t help but notice the looks Lorrendor was giving me. These weren’t just the looks of a man appreciating a beautiful woman -- and, admittedly, I have a /lot/ of beauty to appreciate -- these were the look of a man enamored with what he sees.
I was almost grateful when Arcmantle invited me to his office to fit me with a coat that would keep me warm in Ishgard. Lorrendor had elsewhere to be, so it meant a respite from those heartfelt stares. I did ask Lor to the Canopy for drinks later since I was forced to cut our visit short for the fitting. 
Arcmantle took my measurements, though not without comment at how I’d “filled out in all the right places.”  I swear… between Lor and Arcmantle it’s been all about my figure today!  I’m sure if Edgard were here, he’d have his own two gil to add to it all.  Regardless, once we were done, I sat and spoke with Arcmantle a bit.  He apparently has concerns about a new girl in his employ and whether she’d been off-put by how busy it was in the Teahouse this evening. I told him that with his eye for skill and nose for talent that I’m sure anyone would get along swimmingly with or without training. Of course, he went on to say that he’d entrusted Deer Ears with the task and … as sweet as that dear little lalafell is, I’m not sure I would’ve done the same. He can be a flighty little thing and he doesn’t always get the names of the menu items right. He’s a sweetheart, though, so at least he can train them up to have the proper attitude!
With the fitting done, I went down to the Carline Canopy to visit further with Lorrendor. I have to admit that he’s taken some fairly long strides to curb his protective nature, it makes spending time with him feel less like hanging out with my godfather and more like hanging out with the friend he should be. I’m glad of that much, at least. 
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I did learn that he’s younger than I expected, though still almost twice my age. It made me wonder, though, if he’d had a wife and children before. So many people I know have lost spouses and families to war. It made me wonder about a statement he’d made at the teahouse, saying he had something to tell me about his past that would help me understand why he’s so protective. I know he’s lost someone before, he’s said as much, though I don’t know the details. Would it be like Edgard?  A dear wife and the hope of his future?
Is there anyone left in Eorzea that isn’t broken in some way?  That’s had some piece of them chipped away and shattered? We’re all scared of that pain, scared of that loss -- so scared that it frightens us to even try again. 
Conversation ebbed and waned, I began to learn small snippets of who Lorrendor was, but then I struck upon the topic of his upbringing, which led down into a rabbit hole of grief and pain so keen it could be the blade of a knife. He told me of a roegadyn woman he loved who was slain before his very eyes in an Ixal attack. They were both in service to the Woods Wailers at the time and it had been part of their duty to protect the Shroud. 
The man wept openly and I lent him my handkerchief. One thing was clear to me: that this was no conversation for a tavern, even one as nice as the Canopy. So I led him outside the city to the cool calm of the forest, to a spot just across the river from Gridania. You could see the water wheels turning and hear the bustle of the city in the distance. We sat in the rain-damp grass and there Lorrendor unleashed the full torrent of his misery.
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It was… uncomfortable to witness this grief. It was as if it had occurred for him just yesterday and the wound of it fresh. I don’t know how long ago this was, but it’s clear that it affected him deeply. I had no idea what to say or what to do, even. What is there to do for grief so profound?  I spoke words of condolence, but they felt empty and meaningless in the shadow of his pain. 
It was such a strange turn from how the day started, but Lorrendor seemed better for it. It seemed like something he’d been holding in for a long while, so I guess it just needed the right catalyst to break the dam loose. As we walked back to town, he seemed lighter in spirit which made me smile for him. 
If only it were so easy for some of us to resolve a painful past.
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taebeast · 5 years
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What: Obon Odori
When: Sunday September 1st
Time: 7pm edt/6pm cdt/ 4pm pdt
Where: The Doman Enclave in Yanxia [Balmung]
“Offering of Lights, Moonlight on the river, For the Departed.” 
Obon Odori is a festival of dance and lights. It is a time to reflect and give offerings to your ancestors and the departed; offer gratitude for the blessings received by the spirits; and celebrate life as a community. It is a time for family to reunite, some coming from far away lands, to return to their ancestral home and tend to the graves of their families and ancestors.
And thus, the lights of lanterns are sent down the rivers and into the heavens to guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife, where they can find peace. Those who have survived in their stead, celebrate the life that were given to usher in blessings that will comes in the next. 
Order of Events:
Start Time: 7PM EDT
Opening Ceremony: 7:30PM EDT
Story Sharing: 8PM EDT
Bon Dance: 9:30PM EDT
Lantern Procession: 10PM EDT
Closing Ceremony: 10:30PM EDT
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Memories' Toll Staff: Lepus Hominem Bells of varying sizes, lacking a clapper rendering them non-functional, to symbolize how the loss of loved ones can leave us feeling incomplete. Legends say that when a loved one's spirit visits, the bells ring. 
Uranami Onsen [https://uranami-onsen.tumblr.com/about] Staff: Nohni Vhaze & Ira'to Zeerrha   Wellness Products (Bath Salts, Bath Bombs, Soaps, UO Namazu Kamon Hand Towels, Healing Ointments & Salves)
Sea Dog's Sway [https://seadogsway.tumblr.com/] Staff: Isilfyr Ankafyst Street Food ( https://tinyurl.com/obonsway )
Shroudrose Teahouse [https://tea-ffxiv.tumblr.com/] Staff: Faye Covington & Keimo Sorata Teas and snacks  
The Suiren Temple will be offering Kami-blessed cherry blossoms, prayers/spiritual guidance (free but IC or OoC donations appreciated  ) 
Fortunes, blessings, readings, and charms are being offered by Eiden Seitsurugi.
House of Flowers is a Hingan style Teahouse staffed by Geisha, providing entertainment and hospitality services (( Located at: P28 12W Contact: Contact Pae'a Atiyeh for more information ))
Our event is being watched over by some of the Sekiseigumi and a few members of the House of Flowers guard staff, so please be mindful of your behavior! [Sakura Sato, Megotama Rokuyo, Lenna Warner]
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Opening Ceremonies will be held at the One Garden, as well as the Bon dance, hosted by Hingashi’s own House of Flowers teahouse and geisha. The story sharing segment will have approximately 10 spots for people to share their stories, please contact Eiri Takara (taebeast#1924 for discord, or @taebeast on tumblr) to sign up ahead of time! Lanterns will be distributed and a procession from the One Garden to the main docks, where the priests of the Suiren temple will perform the closing ceremony.
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