#Shinso fluff
angelshimaa · 5 months
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@flying-lamb :: I would like to request shinso with prompt 8 from the under the mistletoe prompt list. congrats on your milestone! <3 thank you so much <3
a/n :: hi darling !! thank you so much for entering (and i loved the details you sent in omg !) and i hope this makes you smile :) gn!reader, a little awkward at the beginning, fluff
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you've never regretted where you've stood so deeply before.
then again, it wasn't really your fault. kaminari and ashido had gone overboard with the mistletoe placings— their way of bringing romance into the holiday spirit— and it was inevitable that someone would find themselves under some with another person.
it just had to be you and him, didn't it?
you and shinso are looking at each other, nervousness rising in your chest at your sudden predicament. it's not that you don't want to kiss him— heavens know how badly you've been wanting it— but not like this.
not when the eyes of your friends burn into the two of you like lasers (thanks to kaminari pointing the two of you out), making this feel more nerve-wracking than it needed to be.
“do you want to?” shinso’s voice is lowered, ensuring that only you can hear him. he’s known you long enough to understand the nerves you have based on how you look at him. “you can say no.”
you utter your consent so nobody else can hear, your posture as rigid as a deer caught in headlights. shinso doesn't like the abruptness of this, the nerves bubbling in his stomach or the intensity of everyone watching, but he can't deny he's wanted to kiss you for so long.
the two of you don't even manage that— your noses bump into each other and the embarrassment shoots through you at the speed of light. it's hard to even look at him properly, settling to lower your eyes to the ground, imagining it opening up to swallow you whole.
shinso tells kaminari there's nothing to be seen here, indirectly informing your audience too. thankfully, it comes off casual, not sounding as awkward as your almost kiss felt to you.
when everyone focuses on whatever they had their eyes on before, you recover as best as you can, trying to force your embarrassment to the back of your mind. you're thankful shinso doesn't make a big deal out of it, and you find that you manage to recover quick enough to enjoy the rest of the party.
— ✧ —
“you make some good coffee,” shinso holds onto his cup, his fingers curling around it so as to absorb as much heat as possible. it's really not needed; your home is the perfect toasty protection from the crisp cold you endured on the walk here from the party. “can’t believe you'd hide that from me.”
you take a sip of your own beverage and grin against your cup. “maybe you should come by more often then, you addict.” nobody drank coffee quite like shinso. you've watched him inhale it like oxygen he's been deprived of— it disappears like he’s performing a magic trick.
“don’t tempt me, i just might.” his lazy grin spreads across his face and oh does it look so good on him. you think it's rather unfair how well he pulls off his eyebags and messy hair— he's not even trying.
“i’m counting on it.”
the silence swells and you trail back to the awkwardness that took place a few hours ago; you want to kick yourself for not tilting your head the other way. had you done exactly that, you'd be a kissed person now— kissed by the guy you've been crushing on for a while.
“listen, y/n—” he clears his throat, setting his coffee down onto the table. “i feel like i should apologise for... earlier. i didn't mean to make it all awkward.”
you laugh lightly, setting your own cup to direct all your attention onto him. you lock eyes with him, realising that actually, you'd give him your attention anytime he asked.
“no need to apologise, hitoshi. if anything, i wasn't really... present much. i was a little frozen in place— so many eyes can do that to a person.”
a beat passes and all you do is look at each other while shinso thinks of what to say next.
“so, it wasn't that you didn't want me to kiss you?” he's found his next sentence and it tumbles out of him with ease. his eyes look alluring, inviting even, and you can never get over the feeling they settle into you. you haven't called it by it’s name aloud, but you don't need to.
“hmm,” you pretend to think about it, tapping your finger against your chin. “i don't think so, no.” you hope this is going in the direction you think it is, that he's picking up whatever hint you think you're dropping.
“so, would i be right in guessing that you’d like to try again?” it's a carefully chosen suggestion, uttered with a lower, slightly hesitant voice. shinso feels as though he might be pressing, but surely if he was and if you minded, you'd let him know.
“maybe if you ask nicely.” the way your slow grin spreads across your lips after your words has his eyes widening slightly, erasing any worries he had previously. you want him to want you. you want him to ask for you.
“making me work for it, hm?” shinso returns your grin with that lazy one that sends you loopy whenever you find yourself thinking about it. taking your bait and running with it, he leans in closer to you. “alright.”
you've never seen a lovelier colour than the purple of his irises. “could i try to kiss you again, beautiful?” those eyes, framed by his eyebags, could melt anything they land on, and you were currently their main focus. he's hooked on the way everything else seems to slow around him, hooked on that gentle smile of yours.
“i don't see why not.”
it's all shinso needs before he comes in even closer, breathing in slightly before pressing his lips against yours. you instantly melt into the feel of him, trying to focus on the rhythm and not his hand coming up to rest on your lower thigh, finding a home against it.
you note the faint taste of coffee and the softness of his lips while your hand brushes up his neck to cup his face, not knowing how every inch of skin you touch feels warmer when you leave it behind.
your hearts are left thumping hard when you pull away, lungs taking in air throughout your shallow breathing. you look even more magical to him than you ever have, a feat he didn't think was even possible.
“that was much, much better.” he lets out a breathy chuckle and it only provides the butterflies fluttering in your stomach with more energy.
you smile, nodding a little. “way better. maybe third time's the charm—”
shinso’s kissing you again, and it's everything you both hoped it would be. it's private and so perfect that way, like a little joy you both keep for yourselves. his mouth on yours feels so right, and you don't think either of you will be leaving this couch anytime soon.
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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luvbugs-blog · 7 months
(( if requests are open rn/okay)
Getting caught with the boys, Hitoshi Shinsou version? xx
getting caught with the mha boys - part 3
featuring: hitoshi shinsou
a/n: aged up characters!
warnings: just a lil spicy dicey. spoilers for a grey's anatomy episode.
midterms were exhausting. it was a friday afternoon, and you were trudging back to your dorm to rot in your bed for a little bit. you barely had any time for yourself this week, choosing to lock yourself in your room or the library to prepare for all the tests. the late nights took a toll on you, so when you finally fall into bed, you almost want to take a nap. but you choose to scroll on tik tok instead, occasionally giggling at a funny one before sending it to your boyfriend.
oh. shinsou! you haven't seen him at all this week, as his test schedule happened to be when your free time was, and vice versa.
you would go visit him after taking some time to recharge. eventually, you do end up falling asleep, not waking up until the morning, weirdly warm. you blink, extremely tired despite sleeping for 10+ hours and shift in bed before hitting something hard. you whip around, heart pounding, to see your boyfriend leaning up against the headboard, smiling at whatever video he was watching. he glances over at you, before sending you a cheeky smile.
"finally up, kitten?"
"you freak! what are you doing in here?"
"i have an extra key."
"oh yeah." he sets his phone to the side and smirks at you.
"i missed you."
"i know, i'm sorry babe." he scoots closer to you, putting his leg over your hip and drawing you into his chest.
"well, we have time now." you smile, holding him close, nudging your nose to his.
"yes we do."
you didn't. just as your lips touched, his phone buzzed. the two of you jumped and he glanced at his phone before groaning loudly.
"what is it?"
"extra training with aizawa." he looked at you and you grinned.
"go on you big, lazy baby. i'll be here when you're done." he tucked some hair behind your ear before rolling over the bed, heading to training so he could get back to you.
but now that he left, you were twitchy, moving around the bed, feeling a bit anxious for him to come back. he had gotten you in the mood and then left. prick. you straighten up your room, clean your bathroom, and then decide to start an episode of grey's anatomy. at this point, you were relaxed again, and the door cracked open just as meredith placed her hand on the live bazooka in the guy's chest. locked in, you barely noticed as shinsou throws his shoes off and goes to take a shower in your bathroom.
he comes out in a towel and starts to crawl over to you, positioning himself over you. you push him aside, much to his displeasure, to watch meredith shakily put the live bazooka in the bomb squad guy's hand.
when the kisses start up your neck, you whine.
"baby, wait. this is interesting."
"i'm interesting."
but when meredith exists the O.R. to see the bomb squad blown up, shinou sits up.
you smirk. "told you it's totally interesting."
the ending credits play and you finally turn your attention to him. when you start kissing him now, he pays no attention as the next episode started playing.
"no you're right. this is interesting."
"ugh." he smiles, still looking at the tv, and puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. but you are not going to wait another 40 minutes. your hand trails down his abs (and damn, they are defined) to the hair that peeks out from the top of his towel.
no reaction.
your hand doesn't stop, lightly touching the bulge under the towel. he hisses and grabs your shoulder tighter.
"what are you doing?"
"asking for attention."
"you needy baby."
you throw your leg over his lap, now straddling him, hands reaching to move his hair out of his eyes. his eyes travel back to the tv, but you grab his chin and forced him to look at you.
"pay attention to me," you whine.
he smirks.
"make me."
you do. you smash your lips onto his, swallowing his groans. your hands move up his chest and one links in his hair while the other claws at his back. he kisses back with fervor, and to throw him off his game, you grind down on him. his head falls back onto the headboard, and you take the chance to start sucking on his neck.
his hand goes to your hair, pulling him back. his lips part, ready to say something, when a loud pounding on your door has the two of you quickly breaking apart.
the both of you groan, and shinsou shouts,
"way to kill the mood!"
you hear, "DON'T CARE," as he stomps back to his room and slams the door. you totally forgot his was your neighbor.
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azzo0 · 4 months
Nightly Routine
Summary: Shinsou loves watching you do your skincare. He also loves it when you do his skincare for him.
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Shinsou loves sitting on the bed, watching you do your nightly skincare routine, patiently waiting for you to finish so you can do his. He doesn't know the names of the serums you're dripping over your face, and neither does he know the order of application.
You turn around, cleaning your fingers with a wet wipe. You smile at him as he watches you eagerly, sitting with his hands under his thighs. You take the green frog eyes headband from the dressing table and put it on his head, pushing his hair back.
"Did you wash your face?" You ask.
"Mm," he nods, closing his eyes.
He feels you put drops of some mysterious serum on his face. Your cool fingers spread it on his skin. You lightly tap his face all over with your fingers, letting the serum absorb. He loves it when you do that.
You proceed to put some more different serums on his face. He doesn't get why there are so many. Can't one get the job done? But he's not complaining because his face is getting a free massage.
He opens his eyes when you walk away with the serums. You return with a tube of eye cream and the moisturizer. He closes his eyes again to let you rub the eye cream under his eyes, followed by the moisturizer.
"Done." You grin at him, removing the headband. "Thanks." He goes under the covers, waiting for you to finish putting your skin care products back. After turning the lights off, you climb under the blanket beside him, snuggling into his chest. He puts his chin on your head, shutting his eyes when he remembers something.
"You forgot the lip balm."
"I did? Do you want me to go get it for you?" You ask, propping up on one elbow.
"No," He brings his head towards you, pressing his lips onto yours. "Now we're good."
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doumadono · 6 months
Hiii~ how are you?? Can I request some fluff comfort with a bit of angst, where reader are felling like she's the problem, but her therapist had told her many times that anything that is happening it's not her fault, but she's doesn't believe it..? Can be with Katsuki, Shinso or Sero, im just needing something like this, im passing for some shitty problems rn and want to take my mind off that... thank you for your time 💕
Katsuki, Shinso & Sero with s/o feeling anxious
A/N: first and foremost, please accept my apologies for the delay in meeting your request. I've been under the weather lately, making it challenging to concentrate on writing. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and please, be gentle with yourself.
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Katsuki Bakugo
He becomes increasingly concerned as he observes your struggle.
Katsuki notices the tension in your shoulders, the way you hesitate to speak. "Oi, what's with the brooding? Spit it out already."
When you start blaming yourself, Katsuki grabs your shoulders, forcing eye contact. He doesn't beat around the bush. Katsuki confronts you head-on, telling you to cut the self-blame nonsense. "Stop acting like you're the problem. If anything, it's those idiots around you."
Katsuki starts showing his concern through small acts of kindness. One day, after a particularly tough day, you find a plate of your favorite dessert on your table. Katsuki grumbles, "I made too much. Take it, dumbass."
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Hitoshi Shinso
Shinsou observes your struggles during daily tasks, remaining silent but attentive. He's perceptive, picking up on the underlying issues you're hesitant to voice.
One time, he sits beside you, saying nothing. After a while, Shinso murmurs, "Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Open up when you're ready."
Shinsou shares a bit about his own experiences, admitting that he, too, used to feel very bad about himself and his inner struggles, but he learnt to deal with it.
Your skepticism doesn't faze him. He smirks and says, "If you're the problem, then we're all screwed. But I don't think that's the case."
He introduces you to mindfulness and meditation techniques. "Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. In this moment, you're not the problem. You're just you."
As trust builds, late-night talks become a regular occurrence. Shinso is an excellent listener, and these conversations become a safe space for you to express your thoughts.
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Hanta Sero
Sero notices the signs of your internal struggle and decides to address it with a light-hearted approach. "Hey, you've been acting weirder than usual. spill the beans, what's up?"
He listens attentively as you share your doubts, interjecting with occasional jokes to lighten the mood. "Come on, you're not the problem. The problem is you thinking you're the problem."
In casual conversations, he slips in affirmations. "You're doing great," or "I believe in you," become his mantras, gradually sinking into your consciousness.
Slowly, you begin to embrace the positivity Sero brings into your life. His easygoing nature and unwavering support become crucial in helping you believe in yourself.
Sero introduces creative outlets to distract the reader from negative thoughts. "Ever tried making origami? It's impossible to be sad while folding paper cranes."
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sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
Will you go to prom with me?
How they ask you to prom.
Characters: Shinso, Sero x GN!Reader
The poll and people have spoken! Here you guys go, I hope you like it!! And thank you all for your support and request! And as always request are open!
If you want another character done, feel free to ask! 🤍
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Shinso wouldn’t have a promposal sign, but he also wouldn’t just walk up to you and ask you out flatly. He would really only do that if he wanted to dance with you but you where both in public (not making a huge deal of it- that would be embarrassing)
“Care to dance darling?”
OR you guys were dating for many years or even married. But even in that instance, he comes home with a giant thing of flowers and asks if you wanted to go out to the hero’s Galla, or even chaperon the prom/dance at Eris school.
In late high school, you get ask by though Shinso’s cat( Aizawa cat but pretty much his- everyone in that household has a cat at this point). So Miku(Shinso let Eri name her- And Eri choose the name Hatsune Miku due to the blue hair at the time) comes running toward you, like every time you enter the house. Expect this time a dainty little flower and note are hanging from her bright blue collar.
“Hey there Miko, watch’s got there?” You question, kneeling to the sweet grey cat. Miku rubs against your knees, before all but throwing herself into your palms. She lets out a rather loud chirp as the small flower and notes get in her way.
“Let me get this for ya Miku-“ you whisper to her, scratching the white patch under her chin before grabbing the flower a note.
“Will you go to prom with me, kitty?”
You whisper out yourself, you’re fingers brushing over the laminated paper. The writing is neat, cursive and you tell Shinso spent time on it.
Miku chirps at you, angry at the lack of affection. Your fingers mindlessly comb the underside of her chin. Your heart is swelling, sending vibrations through your chest and causing the area to tighten.
A moment or two passes and you hear someone clear their throat. You peer up, seeing the man himself, his face reddened, and his eyes staring down at you. Shinso’s dressed in baggy sweatpants and a loose tank top. His hands are gauzed up, and his capture weapon is hanging unevenly off his neck. He must have been practicing when you came in, his chest still heavy breaths- but regardless he managed to stay quiet.
“So… what do you say?”
You slowly stand up, much to Miku's dismay. You start to walk before almost sprinting toward him. Hugging him tightly,
“Wait I’m all-“
“Yes” you speak to his shoulder, allowing yourself to be lifted slightly by him, “I would love to go with you, Shin!”
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Sero goes a more creative route, finding someway to incorporate his tape into it. He does ask you straight up sometimes to go dancing with him. The days you’re swaddled in his hoodie, he can’t help it. Sero will engulf you in his arms, squeezing you as he hums lightly into your hair. “Care to dance.” And it’s just the two of you swaying to whatever music he puts on.
For prom tho- different story.
You walk into the training room and your jaw just falls open. Written in tape, something similar to charlottes web, the word “Prom?” is written out. Its sharp, the circles are like a triangles and there are many ‘strings’ of tape attached to each side. To a point that if you stood too close you'd probably get lost in all the stands.
“Oh! I didn't think you be up so early.” there's a light voice behind you. Seros's voice is surprised, but wavers near the end. “I was actually about to take it down-”
You asked, turning around to fully face him. Sero looked slightly tired- dark bags staring to form under his eyes. He wore a loose white shirt, it was one you had bought him. A giant bowl of Ramen being on the back, with the words “Heaven Noodles” circling around it. You had gotten it a size to big by accident- which didn’t stop the hero in practice from wearing. But due to the lardge size, he enjoyed it more so as asleep shirt (when he did ware one). Sero also had flip flops on and black sweatpants that had yellow triangles going up the legs. It was sleep ware- you saw him in it last night when you both went to your separate dorms. How long had he been awake doing this? Did he sleep at all?
“It was too messy, I was redoing it. Or honestly try something different.” Sero sleepily chuckled, his arms stretching on reflex. A nervous habit he seemed to get while in UA.
“Please don't,” you spoke, walking up to him. “And J would love to go with you.” Seeks tired eyes seem to widen a bit at your answer. His smile stretching wide as he reached out for you. Cupping your face.
“Mi Amor- I am the luckiest man alive” he smiles before kissing your forehead.
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veenxys · 2 years
「BNHA Boys reacting to you falling asleep on them for the first time」
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⤷ Bakugou
when he feels the soft thud on his shoulder, he’s all serious, but inside he’s melting completely and he feels his heart speeding up in his chest. but his first thought is that his shoulder is probably not comfortable enough for you; as cautiously as possible, he shifts you so that your head rests in his lap. silently silences anyone trying to make loud noises or talk loudly around you while stroking your hair or resting his arm around your waist; small gestures to show you that he is protecting you, and that you are safe with him.
⤷ Deku he would be a little surprised, but he wouldn’t show it. he’s used to demonstrations of love from you, but this was something that took him by surprise. he nudges you to open your eyes and he tells you to lie on his lap where it’s most comfortable. you do and he brushes your hair out of your face and gives your temple a kiss before putting his jacket over you.
⤷ Kirishima he would be the first to pull you into bed with him, but he wouldn’t expect you to go to sleep so quickly. maybe it was the tiredness after a long day, maybe it was the fact that it was late at night or maybe it’s his body heat that was so appealing and you can’t resist sleeping. he smiles hugely when he sees you sleeping on him; he admires you for a few seconds before pulling you even closer to him and kissing your forehead while whispering “good night my love”
⤷ Todoroki he acts calm, but his heart is melting so hard at the feel of you so close to him. he moves a little to a more comfortable position for you and whispers things like “it’s okay baby, you can rest now”. he holds your hand and he can’t help but smile shyly when you finally fall asleep on him.
⤷ Denki he would be bursting with happiness when you lie on his lap, but all he shows is an excited smile and twinkling eyes. he leans down and leaves a kiss on your forehead and your lips before making sure you’re comfortable, then he starts stroking your hair the way you like to help you sleep well. when you finally fall asleep, he punches the air as silently and quietly as possible because he doesn’t want to wake you up, but he can’t hide his happiness.
⤷ Tamaki he would feel so warm and fuzzy inside, but on the outside he gets very nervous; he doesn’t want to bother you, but he knows that this position is not the best position for you to sleep, so he shifts position a little, trying his best not to wake you up. but he can’t, you step back a little and ask if it’s everything okay and if it’s not, you won’t do it again. he then quickly denies it, cheeks turning red as he tries to tell you to lie down again. you smile and lean into him again, and this time he just tries to relax; putting an arm around you and kissing the top of your head while making light caresses on your arm and waist.
⤷ Shinsou when he feels your head on his shoulder, he smiles softly and closes his eyes for a few seconds because the feeling of having you so close to him is so charming and pure for him. he puts the jacket over your shoulders and moves a little so you’re comfortable; he then intertwines his arm with yours and holds your hand, stroking lightly with his thumb as he rests his head on yours.
⤷ Hawks silently gushes as he tries his best to stay still. puts a blanket or a jacket over you so that you’re warm. if there are his friends or family around, he tries to get their attention then points at you while looking at them, partly to let them know you’re sleeping so keep the noises down, but mostly because he wants to brag how adorable you look. takes pictures and short videos to show you later.
⤷ Dabi he’ll never admit it, but he’d spend a lot of time just admiring you. there’s something so pure and genuine about feeling comfortable enough to sleep on a person and he feels something so warm and loving growing in his chest when he thinks you trust him that way. he also makes sure you’re covered and comfortable and he snuggles closer to you so the two of you can nap together.
⤷ Shigaraki
when you lie on his chest, he freezes for a while, not knowing what to do. you put your arm around his waist and snuggle into his body heat; he doesn’t admit it, but allows himself to melt when he sees you sleeping. your slow, soft breath against his skin makes him relax. he gently wraps an arm around you and caresses your arm with his fingers.
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kattimaxx · 3 months
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Hitoshi Shinso Headcannons
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He loves to make playlists for everything with you
He will call you babydoll or pretty boy
Be prepared for compliments all the time
He loves sleeping next to you
He will send you cat memes or photos to start a conversation
He'll take you on dates to the humane society and animal shelters
He's a quiet observer so he'll know your habits better than you do
He struggles with anxiety and depression
If he's too deep in a spiral he'll be snappy with you
He won't think he deserves anything about you so he'll self-sabotage your relationship
He's highly observant so if you start acting weird he'll know just like that
He will apologise with desserts and chocolate
If you're sick or on your period he'll get you your favorite coffee or tea or other drink
He's not big on pda but if you touch him he'll reciprocate
No discrimination whatsoever. He loves all body types, he loves all sexualities, he loves all genders.
This man quite literally can't wrap his head around things like racism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, etc.
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Ass and thighs and stomach guy
Anywhere on your body that's a good cushy pillow is his favorite
Body worship hardcore
Sometimes he'll be vanilla other times you aren't walking for a good day or two
He will lick your cunt for half an hour and still be going
He makes you look at him through everything, it doesn't matter what it is, you are looking at him one way or another
Maybe bondage, he might be a bit wary at first because he doesn't want to hurt you ever
His kinks: daddy kink, mommy kink, praise kink, and choke kink
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nerd-of-karasuno · 1 year
Imagine if Shinsou had an S/O with a spider quirk? Wonder what it be like? Been thinking about it both from some OC on Instagram- 😂
I don't think Shinso would be scared of spiders before meeting you.
But it would take some time for him to get used to seeing spiders a lot
i think he would definitely jump a couple of times.
like he's chilling with you and he looks up and woah there's a spider hanging above your shoulder.
pretends like he's not that startled tho.
However I don't know if this s/o is part spider or can they just summon spiders?
Imma go with they can summon spiders cuz that would be cool (not saying that being part spider isn't, I just don't really wanna think about the body anatomy of that lol)
Shinso definitely warns you that there a boy in Class 1-A who will take notes on your quirk, so be prepared for him whoever boy that may be.
Shinso would definitely help you pull pranks on people if you are into that kind of thing.
He wouldn't exactly be a part of the actual prank itself, but he'll slyly and casually give you the idea and perhaps a target.
Denki is 1000% a victim
I feel like after getting to know you a bit, Shinso definitely gets a little protective of any spiders he sees.
It feels wrong to kill them himself or watch anyone else kill one.
God forbid he isn't able to stop the murder in time while you're standing right there, watching.
that's a situation that comes from his nightmares.
He gets weird looks for stopping students at U.A. from killing spiders, but some start figure out why when they see you walking with him on campus.
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keiskake · 1 year
Can you do shinso x fem!reader who has a hard time falling asleep so he uses his quirk to help her sleep better 🤭 tyy
a/n ~ i love writing comfort stuff for shinso, so of course! honestly i feel with this so much, need me a shinso to mind control me into sleeping.
shinso x f!reader
there was so much going through your head that night. your consciousness had you at a chokehold, keeping you wide awake. you sighed with each toss and turn, pulling the covers over your face at one point. the sounds of rustling bed sheets and head drops on the pillow was hard to ignore
shinso switched on the bedside lamp and sat up, poking at your covered face. "what's up angel, can't sleep?"
you pulled the sheets down, taking his hand to lever yourself up. he swooped you into a hug with one arm as you mumbled "can't sleep" in response to his question. shinso understood those sleepless nights better than anyone, being your permanent eye bagged lover. he ran his fingers through your hair, pressing sweet and gentle kisses on your head. his free hand rubbing your back in circular motions.
"i have an idea to help you sleep, just hear me out. what if i use my quirk on you?" you lifted your head off his chest, nodding coyly as you stared into his purple eyes.
"close your eyes and sleep y/n." his voice still so soft as he started using his mind control on you, and his hand still massaging your back.
"okay shinso, goodnight..."
"atta' girl, rest up. goodnight angel." shinso turned off the light and pulled himself down to lay on the pillow. he took you with him, your head slumped into his chest and your arms sprawled out over his body. one last kiss was placed on your temple before he pulled the covers over the both of you. he could sleep peacefully knowing the love of his life was comfortable in his warmth, fast asleep with sweet dreams.
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calm-potato · 1 year
Includes- shinso,todoroki,and denki
Summary- reader can't seem to fall asleep,luckily they have a loving partner there to help!!
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Shinso isn't really a sleep kind of guy either. Due to his eye bags it's quite clear that the boy also has trouble sleeping so having a s/o who also has trouble sleeping... well that's kind of a problem. He won't tell you to sleep or put away your phone as he'd be a hypocrite  as he's also doing the same thing. Lying in bed with you watching videos and laughing,apologizing if he's too loud. But I will say that at some point,since shinso cares for your health,he'll attempt to tell you that you should sleep.
Will often rub his hands in your hair to sooth you to sleep. But it's also something about your presence that calms him in ways that at some points at night he'll fall asleep before you whole cuddling you. Has tried multiple times saying "tonight we'll sleep early together" which always ends up being you both on your phones or him falling asleep before you. It's not that he does it on purpose he really does want to sleep at the same time with you. But it always seem he'd fall asleep,you just have a way of calming him to sleep with just your presence. Most nights when he finds he can't sleep with you he's restless and tries to text you a million times although it doesn't bother you as  much but it can at times. Not to mention you won't be sleeping anyways so he figured why not?
He's kind of a baby at times though. Will always want a good night kiss and if he doesnt receive one will pout silently or turn away from you. He always feels like the kisses are like a promise that he'll see you in the morning.
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Now todoroki,he's kind of the type of sleep early but not as early as bakugou but early enough. Once he finds out his s/o can't sleep and is up late at night he'll start to get worried. Asking you to sleep or tries to help you the best way he can. Since he's used to sleeping early it would be hard for him to get you to sleep.whenever he's in your dorm and sees you're still awake will offer to make you something to eat. He tries to search up ways to get you to sleep. From trying warm milk to Watching some late night shows or movies. Which the movies and shows do tend to help at times but then he finds himself up watching the movies and shows instead. He's happy he got you to finally sleep but now,how will he?
Todoroki would find comfort in holding you to sleep. He's not used to PDA so any form of physical contact from you would feel like heaven to him. He never knew that holding someone would feel so nice,especially if it's you. He's an early sleeper but tries his best to stay awake to make sure you get thee proper rest,it doesn't always happen but he tried. Finds comfort in holding your hands to sleep. Even when his get all warm and sweaty  he still wants to hold your hand. It helps him sleep better and when you're not around hell find himself waiting for you to come back or he won't sleep.
Often wakes up to make sure you're still asleep or next to him. Then will plant soft kisses and tell you goodnight.
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Now denki,he's not really a sleep early or wake up early kind of guy. He always tends to find himself playing games untill 1:00 in the morning before he sleeps. So when he finds out his s/o can't sleep he sort of gets excited. Of course he cares for you health and all and wants you to get the proper rest you need. But denki never really had someone to stay up with especially a s/o. So it was all sort of new to him at first. For a few weeks he'd find it fun at first. Forgetting that you need sleep he'd often want to play games with you or laugh and talk about memes or even how your day went. He just loves to talk on and on about what happened and everything that he got so lost in the moment of sleeping.
But of course once he finally remembers will try to find ways the both of you could sleep together. Making tents in your dorm rooms,telling each other random stories,heck he even tried thinking of watching shows and movies but always found that no matter what it was hard for either of you to sleep. Denki wasn't really the type to sleep early so he wasn't really sure about how to go about this and trying to attempt at sleep. He always found it hard to sleep when it was time so he's wasn't quite sure on what to do. But he did know that once you guys finished gaming he'd find himself sleepy and at times you'd often yawn too.
A big goof when it came to holding you as you two always ended up sleeping in the most weirdest positions as you woke up to find.
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peachsukii · 7 days
Happy Sunday Rei!
I’ve been crushing hard on Hitoshi the past few weeks so my first softie Sunday will be for him. I headcanon Hitoshi as being into post-punk bands like Joy Division, Depeche Mode, Talking Heads etc. I also think he just loves and appreciates music, he knows a lot of history like how certain genres developed and how bands formed. He loves that you’re open to listening to all kinds of music and he’ll make you playlists. It’s common for him to send you random songs throughout the day that he heard and made him think of you. Either the lyrics or just a song he think you’d enjoy.
He absolutely loves when you send him songs back. It makes his heart melt knowing you heard a song and thought of him. Whenever you send him a song he REALLY listens to it. He’ll reply back with his thoughts and his interpretation of the lyrics. He’ll want to know what you liked about the song and what it meant to you. Even if it’s not a song he particularly cares for he would never criticize it because he’d doesn’t want to influence your taste or discourage you from sending him more.
He loves that you both use music as a way to express yourselves when words can’t and he never wants that to change.
Omg Slay, I 2000% agree with you!! If anyone analyzes music in the MHA realm, it’s him. I can only imagine how big his heart swells with love when you send him a full playlist that reminded you of him! Or go old school and burn a CD for him to listen to. 😊🎶
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Waking up to strong arms holding you as they gently lift you from the couch.
“Come on pretty girl, time for bed.” Shinso whispers as he holds you close to his chest.
You mewl in contentment as your face snuggles closer to his chest, enjoying the clean smell that is emanating from him after the shower he just took straight from his nightly patrol.
It’s almost 6 am and just like every night that Shinso works you fell asleep on the couch, just like a kid who tries to make it up for the ball to drop on New Years.
This also means every night Shinso comes home to you curled up on the couch with your pet cat fast asleep at your feet. He can’t help but smile as he quietly creeps into your house going straight to the bathroom to clean himself of his nightly patrol before carrying you to bed for the day
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doumadono · 5 months
Hello, I wanted to ask for an emergency request with Hitoshi or Denki from my hero academia. I struggle with epilepsy and I’ve recently had a grand mal seizure, and it’s caused some memory loss, and I still haven’t gotten out of the haze that lingers for days after. There’s a lot more to it than just that, but I’d like to request maybe one of them reassuring a friend or s/o that has had a grand mal or is just struggling with epilepsy and memory loss in general. Thank you 💜🧠
Shinso & Denki with s/o struggling with epilepsy
A/N: my heart goes out to you. I can't fully comprehend the challenges you're facing, but please know that your strength in sharing your struggles speaks volumes, and I'm here for you, ready to support you in any way you need. Take all the time you need to heal, and remember that brighter days await beyond the haze
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Hitoshi Shinso
Hitoshi begins to notice subtle changes in your behavior and health, sensing that something is amiss. He observes the small seizures you experience and grows increasingly worried about your well-being.
Despite your attempts to brush it off, he persisted, gently but persistently urging you to see a doctor. He even considered using his Quirk to make you comply, but he respected you enough to hold back.
Eventually, you relented and went for a medical checkup. The diagnosis revealed epilepsy, and the revelation was overwhelming. Hitoshi, however, remained by your side, offering unwavering support.
He researched extensively about epilepsy to understand what you were going through. Hitoshi learned about triggers, medications, and ways to support someone with epilepsy.
In a quiet and understanding tone, Hitoshi reassures you that you're not alone in this struggle. He expresses his concern and emphasizes the importance of being kind to your own self.
One day, after you had a particularly challenging moment, Hitoshi found you sitting alone, lost in your thoughts. He approached you quietly, his voice soothing and comforting, "I may not completely understand what you're going through, but I want you to know that I'm here for you."
Late at night, you find yourself restless, haunted by the fear of the unknown. Hitoshi, sensing your unease, enters the room, his presence a calming force. "Hey, mind if I join you?" "Sure," you tell him, trying to smile. Hitoshi sat down beside you. "I know this is tough, and I can't pretend to know exactly how you feel, but I want to be here for you. We'll figure this out together, okay?" You, with teary-eyed, replied, "It's just... it's a lot to take in for one person, you know, Shin? I'm super overwhelmed and tired. I feel useless.." "I get it. But you're not alone. And you're not useless. Don't you ever dare to say silly things like that. I've been doing some research, learning about epilepsy, and I want to understand how I can support you better." He wraps an arm around your shoulders, offering silent reassurance. "It's scary, I know. But we'll face this together. You're not alone."
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Denki Kaminari
Denki had known about your epilepsy since your time at UA. He never once treated you differently or made light of the situation. Instead, he took the initiative to educate himself about epilepsy and how to provide assistance during seizures.
His supportive nature shone through as he patiently learned the do's and don'ts, making sure he could be there for you whenever needed.
Denki, ever the optimist, always found a way to make you smile, even during challenging times.
Denki expresses his admiration for your strength, emphasizing that your epilepsy doesn't define you.
Unfortunately, there were instances where he had to put his knowledge into action, witnessing seizures and acting promptly to ensure your safety. Each time, he handled the situation with calm and grace.
After a particularly severe seizure, Denki stayed by your side. He understood the frustration and fear that came with memory loss and the aftermath of a grand mal seizure. His comforting presence was a constant, assuring you that you were not alone.
With a gentle smile, Denki would say, "Hey, we've been through this before, and we'll get through it again. You're stronger than you think, and I'm right here with you, Y/N."
In the aftermath of a particularly strong seizure, you find yourself disoriented and fatigued. Denki sits beside you, offering a bottle of water and a warm smile. "Tough one, huh?" You whispered weakly, "Yeah..." Denki smiled, squeezing your hand, "You know, you never cease to amaze me with your strength. This is just a bump in the road, and we'll navigate it together, yeah?" "It's just frustrating, losing pieces of my memory like this... I'm afraid I'll forget about you one day..." Denki lets out a sigh. "I get it. But remember, I'm here to help you fill in the gaps. And hey, you will never forget. It doesn't work that way, eh? We've got a ton of good memories ahead of us to create. This is just a detour, not the end of the journey." He leans in, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, a gesture filled with warmth and unwavering support.
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sweet-honey-tears · 6 months
Blanket Fort
Shinso x Gn!Reader
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is well! This was a request for some Shinso Fluff. I hope you like it! 🤍
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Aizawa was gone, week week-long mission he begrudgingly accepted. More so against his will than anything, as it was the week of Eri's birthday. To say he was angry, would be an understatement. You were half sure hero society was about to revolt at the fact the commission took Aizawa away from Eri during her birthday week. Even Hawks seemed pissed, stopping by on Tuesday to drop off a present for Eri. You spoke to him shyly, the young civilian talking to a top Pro-Hero. “Thank Dove,” a nickname he called all fans, “ Still can’t behave they pulled the old man away from his daughter.” His voice teetered on venomous before he snapped back. “But hey, Eris got you and little Azawia, so I’ll know you make it great!” Damn straight you would.
The house was void minus the cats, Eri, Shinso, and yourself. The no-so-adopted third child who for a small moment, everyone thought was another addition to the family. In actuality, you were Shinso’s (Girl Friend, boyfriend, significant other) Though to Eri, you were big (Brother, Siter, Sibiling)
3am. Shinso phone rang, your pretty photo popping up. Shinso, as you knew, was awake, wide awake. But why where you?
“Baby why are you-”
It was your idea to do the blanketfort. You had planned it before Aizawa had even left for the mission. Even ended up even planning the day with Aizawa. Which Shinso found both adorable and hilarious. Coming home from practice to see you at the counter, Aizawa leaning over the other side. Both of your faces in pure concentration as you talked about what to do for the fort alone- not the whole week itself.
Stuffies, blankets, fairy lights, pillows and what ever else where shoved into you bags. The zippers struggling to keep the stuffed animals from bursting. When Shinso opened the door for you, you where breathing heavily, arms full of bags stuffed with material.
Eri jumped up and down the moment you brought up at idea. Shinso smirked at your bad acting, saying the idea just came to you. You both where half sure Eri almost squeezed you to death when you started to talk about what else you all could do.
The Fort itself was the biggest challenge to set up. A drying rack, TV, and couch where the best bases to create a large enough Fort for the three of you. Stuffed animals surrounded the edges of the fort, and layers of blankets and bed mats covered the carpet in the living room, adding a much-needed cushion. Fairy lights hung inside like glistening vines and soft music played in the background.
Shinso and you self made sure to take photos, as many as your phones could hold. The large files sent to Aizawa, would barely responded, but you both knew he was happy.
Around 2 hours later, the blanket Fort, dinner, and Pjs done and you all rested in the rather large Fort. Shinso rested by your side, scrolling through his phone on bordem. Eri was thankfully fast asleep, her little area of the fort darker with only the twinkle of fairy lights to show her sleeping face. Shinso’s eyes caught the slight smiles on his little sister's face. Her arms wrapped tightly around one of the many stuffed animals you brought or bought for this occasion. His heart swelled, he was lucky for you. Lucky you loved everyone in the family so much, lucky that you loved Eri arguably more than him.
Shinso knew he and Aizawa wouldn't have been able to do this. They were stupidly busy, tired, and bogged with hero duties. In Aizawa’s casework, and his own being homework, patrols, and training.
“Shinso” you had whispered, causing him to snap out of his trance. “Your phone” you slightly giggled. Shinso looked down. In his distracted state, his thumb had been placed on the ‘f’ key. Typing out a long line of ‘fff’ as a comment on a video. Quickly canceling it, he let out a sigh.
“Got distracted” you laughed slightly, pushing yourself farther into him, yawning slightly. It was 1 am, and to his surprise, he was tired. “Tired kit?”
“Yeah… think I may call it” you yawn. Scooting down to lie down. He followed you, and quickly, almost garingly, pulled you close to him. Barely giving you time to move your arms around your boyfriend, lest they be trapped.
”I love you.” Your face softened, relaxing at the realization everything was okay. His arm brought you closer to him. “I love you so much.” He kissed the space available to him, an area of your clothed shoulder.
“I love you too Shin” he huffed, his chest tightening a little. He pulled away slightly, staring at you for a slight moment. As if ensuring you were telling the truth. You were, it didn’t take him long to conclude that. He leaned in to kiss your lips softly. Pulling away for only a moment before continuing. His hand slid to your hair, playing with the strands softly. Words weren’t needed, you both already knew everything he wanted to say. You scootched yourself under him, face nestled into the area of his neck and shoulder. Your legs weaving together to get unbelievably closer. “I love you so much, Shin.” Your face felt warm, and happiness almost caused wetness to prick your eyes. Shinso kissed the top of your head, pressing his lips to your temple.
“I love you too kitten, so much.” He squeezed you again, letting you both fall into a peaceful, gentle silence as you dozed off.
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bromeothehomeo · 11 months
“Hitoshi?” You walked downstairs to greet your boyfriend from his late patrol.
He was in the middle of taking off his scarf as he looked at you with a look of disgust.
“How was work?” You asked, hugging him tightly.
He stood still, worried he would be sleeping on the couch.
“Hitoshi? What’s wrong?” You poke at him to get him to speak.
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked, more to himself then you.
“You didn’t, don’t worry.” You hug him some more.
“Then why’d you call me Hitoshi? It’s Toshi to you.” He said, finally hugging you back.
“It’s the same thing.” You say.
“No. No it’s not.” He shook his head, arms crossed and pouting slightly.
“Toshi.” You say, hand resting on his arm.
“That’s better.” His said, kissing my forehead.
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synthetictorii · 8 months
We Don't Sleep At Night ✧ Hitoshi Shinso
Pairing: Hitoshi Shinso x reader Genre: fluff Summary: You can't sleep and neither can your friend. Your nightly walk takes a turn that changes your relationship. Word count: 5.1k A/N: ...obligatory old and cringey fic ahead warning...
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     You tossed and turned in your bed, blanket long discarded on the floor. Your window was opened wide, letting the fresh air and noise from the street below into your room. You were currently counting stars, before that you counted all windows you could see, imagined yourself jumping from one roof to another and briefly wondered if it was possible to go insane with boredom. Nothing felt satisfying, no stupid mobile game could entertain you neither could songs, funny vine compilations or fanfictions. Was this how psychopaths are made? You tugged at your hair and rubbed your face roughly. You felt your sanity slowly slipping through your fingers. Maybe you should at least wave it goodbye.
  That’s when your phone buzzed on the floor where you had threw it after you found out that it didn’t contain magical solution to your insomnia. Well, doesn’t matter, you can keep your sanity for a while longer you decided. With a sigh you rolled over and reached to the floor, grabbing your phone. Green light flickered on top of it signalling an unread message. You smirked contently, already guessing who the one texting you would be. The screen lit up after you pushed the button and sure enough, there it was – a message. You opened it with bated breath.
From: Frickin’ Savior
Text: You up?
  Your grin only got wider. No one but you would know who the text was from, which was exactly the purpose of the nickname. Nobody would guess that the savior in this case was Shinsō Hitoshi, the mysterious boy from general studies who never spoke to anyone. Or at least that was how it seemed. And it was super important to keep it that way. Well, to him at least. You wouldn’t actually mind if others knew about your friendship. Though it sure was more romantic like this; like a forbidden romance bloomed between you or something. This part was actually a secret to Hitoshi too. But shhhh, he mustn’t know.
To: Frickin’ Savior
Text: Very much! I’m about to claw my eyes out! What are you up to?!
  Your fingers speeded across the keyboard and hit send. It was a little routine of yours – if one of you couldn’t fall asleep, and it happened more often than could be considered healthy, you’d text the other to see if they were up as well and then something happen. Something also meaning potentially nothing in case that the other was asleep somehow. But it also could mean night adventure, phone call led in whisper so you wouldn’t wake your parents or sending each other shitposts or random thoughts you had. You treasured every single one of those sessions you had over the last six months. If it wasn’t for him, you’d probably have jumped out the window long time ago just to stop the never ending cycle of exhaustion and staring into the ceiling. If you wake up at a different time in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? You remembered the famous Fight Club quote. Yeah, one night you and Hitoshi watched Fight Club together – each in your own home and room but facetiming the whole time. It was super romantic. Your phone buzzed again.
From: Frickin’ Savior
Text: Brown in five.
  You clenched the phone in your hands, grinning like a maniac. You jumped from your bed and took your night attire off, changing into your most beloved pair of jeans with holes that looked like wild animal tore them and [f/c] t-shirt with graffiti pattern on it. It was summer and nights were hot enough to wear just this. You quietly sneaked out of your room and took your favourite pair of shoes and your keys. Then you went back to your room again and put on the shoes. You climbed to the tree right next to your window and then down. Your parents absolutely mustn’t know that you sneaked out again. At least not until you left the house. Then they couldn’t do much but scold you again when you returned. So now you were safe. You let out a content sigh and ran excitedly to the meeting point. It was a small fountain in the middle of crossroad, not much far from your house neither the U.A. dorms he lived in, with a sculpture of demon and angel fighting in the middle. You once said that it reminded you of Dan Brown’s novel Angles & Demons and the name Brown just stuck with it. You were lucky to find another bookworm and befriend him, although your friendship was a secret.
  It wasn’t that Hitoshi or you would be ashamed of the relation but your relative classes, him being in 1-C and you in 1-D, were cruel to you as it was since you both had a quirk that would be perfect for a villain or so they said. Your quirk was The Lie, you could tell a lie and the victim or victims would believe you whole-heartedly, the only catch being that something about your appearance would change slightly. The effect disappeared when someone pointed that little change out. And as was the case with Hitoshi’s quirk, it would also be a great quirk for a hero but wasn’t good enough against robots on the U.A. hero class exams. So this little agreement you had between each other was to protect yourselves from more teasing and bullying. That was actually how you two met in the first place.
  It was second or third week of school, late afternoon. You were just about to head home when two huge guys pinned you against the lockers, hand already covering your mouth – since “You don’t wanna do this” is also a lie. You were smart, no doubt about that, but not strong. It was fairly easy for them to shove you into janitor’s room. You put up a fight though, biting fingers of one of the boys hard, which got you nowhere but he made sure to leave nasty purple bruises on your arms in return. You didn’t have enough time to march back to the door and bang them when they swung open and unknown indigo haired boy made the same messy entrance as you a while ago, they pushed him backwards and slammed the door close. “We caught the bad guys, yeah!” One of the guys outside shouted. “Yeah! But aren’t we too nice to them, giving them seven minutes in heaven,” the whole group bursting into laughter. “Hey! Let us out!” The boy screamed back and kicked the door. But there was no response, only the laughter got quieter as the guys walked away. “Damnit,” he cursed and banged his head against the door. “It’s easier to bruise your arms y’know? It’d still match your hair,” you said while examining the marks on your own arms, startling the boy who didn’t notice your presence. “Ah, sorry, I thought you’d get the seven minutes reference,” you smirked at his surprised expression. He scoffed and scratched his nape. “Sorry, I didn’t notice you,” he looked away and sighed. “Think they’ll let us out?” He asked and sat down with his back leaning against the door. You simply shrugged. “Maybe?” With only about a meter separating you from him you got a clear view of his features, his sharp jawline and high cheekbones, purple eyes with dark bags under them. His hair created somewhat messy crown on his head. He was very attractive and whoever dared to say otherwise was lying.
  He didn’t seem to be much of a talker, simply sitting on his spot and staring to the side. You however were bored and liked talking to people, especially if the person was a pretty boy. “So I guess you’re a villain of your class too?” You asked and his response was almost immediate. “Too?” He quirked an eyebrow. “Ah, you didn’t hear. I’m [l/n] [y/n], the main villain of the class 1-D, nice to meet you. Nobody would talk to me because I can make other believe anything I say and they’re too stupid to figure out how to see through it,” you made a little bow with a smile. “And you?” You tried, the boy looking away again. “Why would I tell you that? You lost a huge advantage by telling me that,” he murmured emotionlessly. “Well, I’m not going to use my ability on fellow student and villain, am I?” You shrugged again. The boy was silent for a while, then sighed. “Shinsō Hitoshi, 1-C, if you answer me I can force you to do anything,” he looked at you from the corner of his eyes. Your jaw dropped in awe. “That’s so cool!” You grinned and then you suddenly froze, unable to move your body. Your senses were intact though so you saw the illegally handsome smirk the boy’s lips curled into. And then everything returned to normal. “Well, that’s what I call a missed chance. You’re locked here with me away from everyone and this is all you do?” You teased, hoping to make the boy talk. Spoiler: it worked. He let out a breathy laugh. “Everyone is super wary to talk to me and you just say this? Are you stupid or what?” He seemed to be super socially awkward but you didn’t mind. After all you had all the time until someone let you out to teach him. “I just thought it was interesting decision for someone as bad as they think,” you gave him a small smile and there it was again, the inability to control your body. This time though he let you go quicker. “See! I bet deep down you’re a sweetheart,” you smiled cheerfully. “I’ll do it until you stay quiet,” he warned you with a hint of mischievous glint in his eyes. You decided that if it will bring out more emotions of him, it’s worth it. “I always have a lot to say, so good luck,” as the last word rolled off your tongue, your motion froze. “And what if I just leave you like this?” This time you counted the time until he let you go: 13 seconds. “Challenge accepted!” You beamed and made sure to make the most stupid face you could pull off – and it worked, you lost control just as you finished the masterpiece. His stoic face changed completely, he actually burst out laughing even if just for a second or two. Even after that there was a small hint of smile on his lips. 7 seconds. “What the hell was that?” He asked, chuckle escaping him. “I just thought that if you were to look at my frozen face I might as well make it worth it,” you explained with a happy grin and lost control. “Now I could actually handle looking at you,” he smirked. 15 seconds. “Are you calling me pretty?” You gasped.
“I still didn’t take back that ‘stupid’, so I’m calling you that.” 10 seconds. “Now that is really mean.” Pout.
“I’m a villain after all, ain’t I?” 20 seconds. “You almost scared me there.” Relieved breath.
“Almost?” 25 seconds. “You’d get bored without me so I figured you’d let me go eventually.” Grin.
“I prefer silence, so why should I get bored?” 40 seconds. “Because you must be really nice when you stop with this jerkish act and want someone to talk to you without fear.” Friendly smile.
“What if I really am not?” Full minute and thirty seconds. “Well, then I’d get to look at your handsome face so I’d still win.” Wink.
0 seconds.
  You looked at him confusedly, little sad that your little playtime was over. The hint of pink on his cheeks and sheepish look full of doubt he shot you made up for it perfectly though so you didn’t mind. “That wasn’t a lie by the way, as you can see, nothing about me changed,” you finger gunned him with another wink. “So that’s your secret?” He quirked an eyebrow. “Please don’t tell anyone, I kinda enjoy them being afraid of me,” you were the one to look away this time. The count started. “Ha! I got ya!” He smirked and stretched. You cursed yourself mentally for not being able to see the movement of his muscles. “Now I have no reason to let you go, do I? Oh I forgot, you can’t talk.” He clicked his tongue. 32 seconds. “See, there’s a reason - you’d miss my voice! I don’t blame you, I know it’s highly addictive,” you sighed under the huge burden, making him roll his eyes. But he didn’t make you freeze. “Seriously, why shouldn’t I tell anyone? Give me one good reason,” he leaned his head on the door as well. “I’ll be your best friend if you don’t. And I’m really good at it!” He gave you amused look. “Hey, it’s true! You can call me anytime and I’ll pick up! If not, the insomnia probably got me and I’m dead, but that just happens,” you sighed dramatically. Something in his look changed though, most notably his direction, now away from you. “Well, insomnia buddy could be nice,” he muttered almost inaudibly. Your face beamed with happiness. “Then we have a deal!” You shouted excitedly and shifted closer to him, extending a hand for him to shake. Instead of taking it he looked at the bruises now dark purple in color. “They did this to you?” He frowned and made a move to touch your arm, stopping after realizing it would probably hurt you. “Yeah, I bit the guys hand so this is only fair, I guess?” You mused. “It looks painful, they didn’t left any mark on me and I fought back too,” his voice was monotone but it still seemed to you like he was concerned. “Not hard enough then,” you teased, getting an eye-roll again. That’s when the janitor finally came, not too happy to find two teenagers in his room.
  After that it went pretty fast. You’d often chat throughout the night and when you came from school. He was the one who suggested that you save each other’s number under a nickname just in case that they’d take your phones. They changed a lot from then but were just as meaningful. The teasing continued, your classes shipping you and mocking you for it but it wasn’t anything that actually bothered you as you knew would be the case if they knew you actually talked to each other.
  And now you were rushing to meet the boy again. Just one more turn and there he was. Sitting on the edge of fountain, looking up. He wore black tight jeans with dark violet shirt with blue stripes and black leather jacket. Handsome as always. At the sound of your footsteps he turned his head, some if his hairs falling to his face. Your heart skipped a beat as it often did in his presence. “Hey,” you smiled and rushed to him, giving him a friendly hug that you enjoyed more than you should have. He kept saying that he doesn’t like physical affection and people touching him in general but you soon noticed that when you touched or hugged him, he hesitated before pulling away. That was why you were already close to confessing your feelings about ten times. “Hey,” he offered a welcome as well. You could tell something was off already. His voice was never this soft unless something happened. “Tell me,” you said simply. It was comfortable knowing each other so well, not having to explain things. “I just,” he sighed and let his head fall, “I met some kids on the street and they followed me the whole way home and picked at me ‘cause of my quirk.” It didn’t happen quite as often now, the Sports Festival long in the past. It only hit Hitoshi more because of this fact. “I’m just afraid I’ll forever be known as the kid who’d be a perfect villain,” he shrugged and tried to laugh it off. You knew him well enough to know this was just a façade. “You don’t have to embarrassed,” you said gently, bumping your shoulder together as you sat next to him on the cold surface. You didn’t nag at him more about that though, your only intention being to remind him of that. “And you definitely don’t need to worry either, they’re just kids. Kids are mean,” you made a face, getting a weak chuckle from him. “Besides my parents will always remember you as ‘that purple bastard’ so don’t sweat it, not everyone will remember you like that.” Now he laughed in earnest. “Are they still mad?” You nodded with a shrug.
Why would parents be mad at the boy with whom their only child ran away in the middle of the night on basically weekly basis… you didn’t understand at all. It wasn’t like you didn’t come back – and if you didn’t, you at least sent them a message.
  A comfortable silence enveloped you. Your mind was swirling with all kinds of thoughts, from boring ones about school, controversies you saw online, to fantasizing about what your first date with Hitoshi would be like. You were swinging your legs as you did. It was nice to just be together with him like this. He looked troubled but you didn’t say anything, knowing full well that he needed to think through whatever was worrying him. You didn’t mind. He was the only person you didn’t mind being quiet around. He seemed to appreciate that, in return trying to talk more than he usually would. “Quick! What was the last thing you thought about,” he asked suddenly. It was your favourite inside game. “I remembered the guy who had the Twin Towers with ‘Inside job’ tattooed on his back, it’s so tacky, you?” You answered with a grin, internally cringing at the memory. “That the blond guy from 1-B is freakin’ creepy.” He didn’t need to explain more, you knew exactly who was he talking about. “Yeah, I hate passing him in the hallway.” You shivered, that empty eyed look always gave you the creeps. “I mean, why does everyone hate on us? He’s the real evil,” you giggled, not noticing the little smile on Hitoshi’s lips.
  You stretched and yawned, looking around. Your muscles were getting stiff from the sitting and it was such a beautiful night. “Wanna go for a walk? We haven’t done that in a while!” You suggested excitedly, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket. To your surprise you didn’t get the usual eye-roll but a silent nod instead. If the laziest person you knew after Aizawa-sensei didn’t protest a walk, something was sure wrong. “Those kids got you bad, huh?” You smiled sadly letting go of the fabric. He simply looked away but it was enough for you. “I’m just tired of hearing it all the time, that’s all. And…,” he bit his lip – unbeknownst to him you’ve wanted to do just it since the day one – obviously pondering something. “Keep this to yourself, okay?” He sighed in the end and you nodded with a smile. You wondered if he could hear your heart trying to escape your ribcage. You always got all mushy inside when he opened up to you. “I’d really like to make good impression on kids, it really matters to me a lot,” he confessed quietly with a gentle smile you almost never saw. “But how am I supposed to do it if everyone only sees a villain in me?” He got bitter again, his precious gentle side disappearing. You laid your head on his shoulder, feeling him stiffen under you before relaxing. He was used to this level of skinship by now, you trained him well. You were the one who initiated it for the most part, but sometimes, when you were feeling down or he was in extremely good mood, he’d touch you on his own. It never failed to make your knees weak. For other’s it probably didn’t seem like much – a gentle brush of hands, a quick hug or leaning on someone. It was after all what all friends did, right? Not when it came to Hitoshi, and you knew it. That’s why it was so special to you. “You remember our seven minutes in heaven?” You asked, getting a confused look. “I didn’t think for a moment that you are a bad person, the thought that you may be evil never occurred to me,” you noticed him smile a bit from the corner of your eye. “Even when you had a control over my body for full freakin’ minute,” you pouted. He simply leaned his head to side to touch yours in response. You closed your eyes and carved the feeling into your brain. His hair were so soft they were like a pillow and nice warmth radiated from him. Combined with the smell of his cologne, it was a perfect attack on your ability to think straight.
  “And,” the light bulb went off above your head as you straightened up, suddenly getting an idea what might help him, “look at the proof.” You raised a finger to signal him to wait as you fished around in your pocket for your phone. You unlocked it and showed him messages of your conversation with him. “See? There’s nothing like ‘Stain’s kin’,” you pointed to the nickname you had saved him under. Frickin’ Savior. “You’re really amazing, Hitoshi, it’s a shame that not many people know that.” You watched as his walls fell down, his expression soft. He looked at you with his beautiful purple eyes, stars reflecting in them and you swore it was the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen. “So… yeah, don’t worry about it,” you let out a breathy chuckle. Your cheeks were pink after showing him the embarrassing nickname you gave him. But it did lift his mood so you’d survive. “May I ask for something?” His politeness took you by surprise, but still you nodded without a word. It was the first time he spoke to you like this. You tried to find the reason for the sudden change in his eyes but they were dark, as they after all always were if he was serious about something. His body language though wasn’t guarded like it usually was. He looked anxious, his hand would be trembling for sure if they were balled into fists on his knees. “Is it really okay?” He asked again, a hint of concern in his voice. Now that made you nervous. “Just tell me what it is.” You frowned. Well known feeling overtook you, creeping up your spine. You didn’t try to move, knowing that it would be to naught. “I-I’m really sorry that I do it this way, but I’d chicken out otherwise and I don’t want to hold back anymore,” he apologized, worrying his lower lip between his lip. Then he looked at you and took your breath away as well. There was no hint of the walls he built over the years, all of them down, those few he kept up even around you were no exception. And this unguarded face of his was riddled with fear and uncertainty, he was at his most vulnerable and you couldn’t move to protect him. “Kiss me,” he whispered so faintly you wouldn’t understand if you didn’t read his lips. Right then and there the hold of his quirk crashed.
  But that didn’t matter. What did was that your heart officially outpaced the speed of light. Your lungs wouldn’t co-operate, every single muscle tense and ready for run-or-fight situations, brain pumping endorphins into your blood stream at neck-breaking pace. He wants you to kiss him. And he wants it bad enough to order you, as if he couldn’t take no for an answer. He said it himself, right? Your mind screamed in ecstasy. After all the months of surviving on strictly innocent touches, finally came a moment you were waiting for. You looked into his eyes now that you could move and it finally hit him. His face contorted in a grimace of pure horror. He shrieked a high pitched noise and took off, sprinting away.
  But oh boy, were you not having any of this shit.
  You chased him street after street, alley after another, finally pinning him against a wall of some shop. You were both breathless, yet he still tried to find a way to continue his escape. You stepped closer to him, invading his closest personal space, chests and noses only millimeters apart. “Let me go,” he pleaded quietly, avoiding your eyes. “No way,” you frowned before suddenly having to squat down overcome by a fit of coughs you always got after running for a long time. Only annoyed and angered this time by the opening it created for Hitoshi to run away. He however mimicked your pose instead and soothingly rubbed your back up and down. You smiled in between the coughs.
  “Didn’t you want to run?” You asked when your body finally calmed down and sat on the sidewalk. “I still can I guess, but I don’t want to put you through that again, I know you hate it,” he said and shifted awkwardly. “Then why did you ran in the first place?” You gave him mean look he couldn’t see since he was still avoiding your gaze. “I didn’t think you’d ran after me.” He confessed and sat too, knees pulled to his chest. “Why wouldn’t I? Do you think I’d let the opportunity to kiss you slip from my grasp so easily?” You offered a gentle smile and nudged him with your elbow. He finally looked at you, still as vulnerable and scared, now shocked too. “W-w-what? You don’t have to do it, my quirk didn’t work!” He protested, turning away but you cupped his cheek, turning his face back to look at you. “It did, but did you forget when it turns off?” You chuckled a bit at his dumbfounded expression. “You know, back then, I was really shocked because,” you took in a deep breath, “because my crush of 3 months, 2 weeks and 6 days, whom I thought would never feel anything but friendship towards me, asked me to kiss him.” You stroked his cheek with your thumb, genuinely shy smile gracing your lips. You let him process it, watching his emotions shift and change. From surprise, to disbelief, to denial, to finally, acceptance. He smiled as well, beautifully sweet smile and eyes sparkling. His whole face lit up in an instant. “May I still kiss you?” You asked but the answer never came as a pair of soft, warm lips gently crashed and melted into yours in deep kiss. Your eyes shut instinctively. The feeling was impossible to describe, pure bliss was very weak expression. His hands found their way to your hair and back and pulled you closer. You hummed happily and put your arms on his shoulders, gently pulling on his hair. He moaned quietly into your mouth and it was the only sound you needed to ever remember and hear again and again.
  Eventually though you had to pull away for oxygen, your forehead still resting against his. He looked at you sheepishly. “So… how was it?” He asked, unable to contain a smile. You leaned forward and captured his lips again, gently this time, a reassuring kiss. “Addictive,” you simply purred, your lips still touching. “Do you want more?” He smirked and you leaned in again but left him hanging, instead giving him a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “I do, but I also want a proper confession,” you whispered teasingly, pulling away to look at him. He rolled his eyes and sighed. “I think I was pretty straightforward though,” he tried to pull you closer again but you resisted. You knew however that he wouldn’t budge, not like this. “Nah-ah, if you want it you better confess properly,” you tapped his lips with a finger and faked a yawn, “anyway, I’m getting pretty sleepy. But don’t worry I’ll wait for you.” You stretched and stood up, walking back to your home. It was hard to ignore him and don’t turn around when he called your name so sweetly but your stupid cheesy heart needed a proper love confession, stuttering, avoiding eye contact and everything.
  You received some pretty sweet messages from your savior saying that he missed you, that he needed you to come back. It goes without saying that you didn’t sleep a bit, your heart racing with every new text. You always responded along the lines “If you want it, come and get it” but he never did. You knew he wouldn’t, he needed time to organize his thoughts and to get used to the situation. He was always awkward with words so you patiently waited the whole weekend, going back to just texting. You talked on the phone too, chatting as you normally did, except now you slipped in compliments and sweet nothings as well, always making the other one blush even if it couldn’t be seen.
  Then Monday came around finally. You walked to the school and to your class, passing Hitoshi in the hallway. You noticed he didn’t ignore you completely, shooting you a warm look that effectively made your knees weak. You weren’t able to concentrate during lessons, your mind too occupied with the indigo haired boy. How could you not think about him when your classrooms were right next to each other? During the third lesson you couldn’t take it anymore and secretly texted him.
To: Frickin’ Savior
Text: How much for 10g of the stuff?  You smiled, quite satisfied with your pun. But hey, he got you hooked so it was his fault. You were shifting nervously the whole time until the break came. Just as the bell rang there was a big fuss at the door, lot of muttering. You sat on your desk so you could see but you didn’t need to, it was the exact moment Hitoshi emerged from the group of people blocking the doors. “We don’t want any villains here!” Someone shouted after him but he paid it no mind, instead walking towards you with determined look on his face. It made your heart do flips inside your chest. You looked at him confusedly, this was a taboo! He didn’t seemed to care though as he made his way to you. One of his hands sneaked around your waist and the other cupped your cheek. He pulled you close and leaned in to kiss you, you were to shocked to protest, melting into him instead. Nothing but his lips against your mattered, definitely not the gasping and stupid remarks of your classmates. You moved in sync, both hungry for more. He pulled away reluctantly, looking into your eyes with a smirk. “Is this enough of a confession?” Corners of your mouth quirked up, you captured his lips again instead of answering. Yes, this was enough.
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