#Shikamaru Nara(teen)
tinybelieverflower · 20 days
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cardinal-island · 3 months
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zanypaintertriumph · 20 days
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Konoha 11 (minus Naruto himself)
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axelwolf8109 · 3 months
Stiles is literally like Shikamaru but with Naruto's energy
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leewritestoomuch · 3 months
hey!! do u think u could write for sasuke, shikamaru, kiba, lee, neji, gaara, and/or sai with a clingy reader who gets jealous easily? love language is acts of service and quality time but she clings onto them a lot too. (feel free to change up the characters/add or omit anyone!! thank you!!)
Naruto Characters with a Clingy/Jealous S/O
Characters: Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Rock Lee, Neji, Sai, Gaara, and Kankuro
I wanna include Kankuro somewhere so don’t mind me squeezing him in frfr. Also ofc, I gotta add Shino.
Sasuke Uchiha
He’s acting cool. He’s acting real cool. Dark and mysterious.
You’re throwing that off, but if you’ve got him wrapped around your finger, he can’t seem to bring himself to shake you off.
You’re like throwing off the dark and mysterious with your energy, so he’s gonna act indifferent, maybe even irritated.
Best believe that he clings onto you right back at home. I don’t take criticism on this take.
If you get jealous easy… good luck.
Now he’s not feeding in to these other girls minds that he could somehow care to look their way, but these girls STILL stare at him with heart eyes.
Cue him just walking away from them, telling you to come on already.
He’s not entertaining their bullshit, so you two can go where they will leave you both alone :)!
Shikamaru Nara
Complains, complains, complains again.
“What a drag” “you’re so troublesome”
He’s blushing though, don’t let him lie. It’s obvious.
He secretly finds comfort in your constant clinging. And the way you like to spend time with him. And be around him constantly. You must really like him. He’s secretly flattered.
He just can’t open up so he’s never gonna tell you that.
He’s not really the type that women are just falling at his feet, so you won’t have to worry about being jealous so much.
If a girl on a mission does get a little too close though, he WILL distance himself from her. Don’t worry.
He’ll complain if you step in for him to help get the girl away, but he’ll be grateful for the help (silently, bc out loud he’s saying he can handle it himself)
Kiba Inuzuka
I don’t know why people think Kiba is some player or fuck boy. So I want to go ahead and clarify, I don’t think he would be. I think he’s actually got nervous teen boy crushing energy, no matter his age.
He’s clinging to you too. Lmfao.
Literally you two are attached at the hip, arm, shoulder, whatever. Attached.
Akamaru is always with you two though, but who doesn’t love Akamaru?!
He gets jealous too.
You two are probably unbearable bc listen, hope for everybody’s sake you aren’t as jealous as he is.
If a man looks in your direction, he will whine for the rest of the night.
That being said, he is not accusing you of entertaining or doing anything, he’s just complaining about the guys audacity to even look in your direction.
Shino Aburame
DO NOT LET THIS MAN LIE TO YOU. He gets jealous.
Like petty kinda jealous. He’s a petty mf.
So you are not alone if you get jealous.
He’s also physically clingy behind closed doors, but ONLY behind closed doors.
He asks that you not hang off him like a koala in front of everybody, but he’ll perhaps hold your hand.
He’s clingy in a less physical way. He needs you to stay close to him most of the time, just be there. So if you like quality time, this the guy for you.
Back to jealously, this is the only reason I could ever foresee him being even a little toxic. He trusts you fully, but give a little bit too much attention to somebody and he’ll convince himself he’s like not your first choice and you forgot him like everybody else did.
So he’s more jealous than you, without a doubt in my mind.
Honestly, he takes time and effort to convince to settle down and get out of his own head.
Neji Hyuga
Not a PDA person. I think he might be willing to like hold hands. Accept a kiss on the cheek or something. But really, he wouldn’t be all TOO found of being literally clinged to.
However, he does like to have you around. So if you are just the clingy type in regards to being around them all the time, he’s okay with that.
He wants to be around you too.
He’s not the jealous type himself, and he probably won’t really notice that you’re jealous.
I don’t think he’d appreciate somebody other than you being all over him though, so you don’t have to worry much. He’ll tell a person straight up, no sugarcoating, to get away from him.
If you complain about somebody’s actions later, he’ll realize you were jealous. He’ll probably ask why if he told them off anyways. After a conversation, he’ll probably just reassure you that he will continue to tell people off.
Nobody touches him but you.
Rock Lee
He talks about you all the time to everybody he can. He’s constantly telling people that you’re his partner. Bragging about you.
And since you’re clingy and he’s clingy, you’re probably right there by his side as he does this.
If for some reason, he doesn’t get a chance or remember to introduce you in some flamboyant, glamorous, extra way, and somebody tries to make a pass at him, he won’t notice they’re flirting unless it’s OBVIOUS.
So cue your jealously.
He would be the type to literally push somebody away and say some shit like “I’m flattered, but I have a gorgeous, amazing partner already.”
Sai Yamanaka
(I call him Sai Yamanaka bc it creates a bigger line for the name btw, he’s not married in this case)
He does not mind you constantly clinging to him or following him around. Not in the slightest.
That is because he likes you, so he wants to be around the person he likes, after all. (Sai, yall are dating. That’s obvious, you don’t have to say it)
He probably follows you around a lot because he thinks he’s supposed to. And also, he finds that he likes to be around you.
He might do something a book told him to, get too close to another person, paying no mind to any like reason it could be wrong. He didn’t mean it that way.
And since we’ve established you’re the jealous type, you’d have to explain to Sai that he can’t just get too close to other people like that.
Gaara of the Sand
He doesn’t mind the clinging, but he doesn’t have the time for it :/
When you can cling to him or follow him around without interfering with his focus and work, he’s perfectly okay with it.
And he’ll find himself wishing that when he’s busy, he wasn’t so you could be with him.
A lot of the girls in the village have a crush on him now that he’s kazekage, so you’re bound to be pretty jealous.
But Gaara doesn’t let these girls near him. He’s polite with them, but he’s not entertaining anything at ALL.
You don’t have to worry with him. He’s as loyal as can be.
At home, he’s clinging to you too. He’s touch starved.
And he loves to spend his free time with you.
Kankuro of the Sand
Cling to him in public like a koala. He’s not complaining. He’s BRAGGING.
He’s the type to tease you about it, but if you break away from him because of it he’ll complain bc WHERE ARE YOU GOINGGG?
He would purposely make you jealous. Within reason. He will not disrespect your relationship to do so. But if he knows something simple could make you jealous, like giving too much attention to a stuffed animal, he will do it on purpose
“You wish this was you, huh?”
He’d like it if you wanted to just come sit in his workshop with him while he works on puppets. He’ll talk when he’s not like SUPER focused.
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darkside-writing · 1 month
WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, Incestuous relationship, dubcon(?), manipulation, slight infantilization, oral sex (M receiving), female pronouns
Pairing: Father!Shikamaru Nara x Daughter!Reader
Words: 3.7K
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The moment Shikamaru learned of your existence he knew that he would do absolutely anything within his power to protect you. Despite being a teen father Shikamaru accepted fatherhood with effortless ease, taking on the role of caregiver and protector naturally. While Shikaku was admittedly disappointed in his son being reckless, he soon accepted this outcome and supported his son’s choices. Your conception came from a simple one night stand with a girl from an unknown clan, she had visited Konoha to attend a festival where they met briefly. While the revelation of getting a one night stand pregnant should have angered the Shadow Nin, he accepted the responsibility of his actions quickly. Shikamaru did not have any feelings for the foreign woman, he only used her pussy once just to temporarily satiate his needs. They would eventually sit down together to agree that a relationship was not viable. However, Shikamaru did push for her to bring the pregnancy to term so he would raise his child on his own. It would not be long before the pregnancy flew by and you were left with the single father to raise on his own.
Fatherhood became something Shikamaru embraced. He practically spoiled you rotten, never having the heart to deny his princess of anything. The Nara was especially weak to your tears. Once those crystal drops brimmed your eyes, Shikamaru would have thrown himself onto the blade if it made them go away. Your childhood would soon breeze by and eventually lead you becoming the young, beautiful woman he sees now. Shikamaru would be lying if he did not feel a swell of pride whenever he saw you. Your beauty is something that Shikmaru knew drew attention to all around you no matter where you went. However, he would also have to admit that the Nara genius also skipped your pretty little brain. Don’t get him wrong, Shikamaru loves you regardless of your intelligence. However, he just knows that your naivete is something that he would have to keep a close eye on. He doesn’t want any boys to take advantage of you. Which is why when you approach your papa and bring the news of your new boyfriend, the older Nara is completely stunned. Even more so when you tell him it is Naruto’s very son that you are dating.
Of course he knew that someday you would get boyfriends, he isn’t blind to your attractiveness. Like a young minx seducing every man that crosses her path, her papa was also affected by it. Shikamaru, feigning as much boredom as he could, brushes off his princess’ news of her boyfriend. However, anyone who knew the Nara could easily see the turmoil building inside. It was much too early for you to be dating! He is also no fool to what all boys are after, he was once one with the same mindset as well. It leaves a bad taste in the Shadow Nins mouth at the thought of his precious daughter losing her virginity to Naruto’s son, or any boy for that matter. No one is good enough for his daughter, they do not deserve the honor of getting to stretch open her virginal walls with their pathetic cocks.
Yet as Shikamaru thought over and over about the prospect of you having sex with other boys, a peculiar bubble formed in his chest at the idea of being your first. It is disgusting and immoral but he can’t get rid of the feeling of arousal at the idea. So what if he was the one to take your virginity? No other man could take care of you like he can. He is more than experienced enough to guide you through the throes of passion.
Shikamaru curses as he feels his cock stir at the very mental image of spreading your legs open, exposing your perfect virginal pussy to him. Your little twitching clit just begging for him to suck and lick to your first orgasm. He would also rather take it to his death bed than admit he has masturbated over his daughter before. With a frustrated sigh Shikamaru unzips his pants and pulls out his cock, springing up at full attention against his abdomen. The tip is drooling precum and a thick engorged vein pumping blood travels underneath the shaft. He needs to make this quick before you come home. It has been so long since he has been buried in a tight wet pussy, ever since you were born he has sworn off any relationships. With practiced calloused hands wrapped around his member, he brings his hand up the thick shaft in a slow motion before stopping. His palm teasingly squeezes the tip of his cock before sliding down his shaft again, repeating the motion in a hasty jerk off session. His balls ache from how full they are that it has him going feral at the thought of depositing his entire load inside your young pussy. Oh Gods how he wished he wasn’t a sick pervert, jerking off to the thought of his own flesh and blood.
“Shit..” he cursed underneath his breath as he stroked his cock in a hasty rhythm. Desperate to drain his balls before his baby girl came home to find her perverted daddy masturbating. With a mental image of you in his mind, he quickly found release all over his hand. Thick cum oozing over his cock that began growing soft, leaving Shikamaru in post-climactic haze as his mind comes to terms with the fact that he just masturbated to his own daughter. He lights a cigarette to take off the edge of his sins before getting up to clean himself up.
Later that night when you returned home on your first date with Naruto’s son, he could tell something was on your mind. Usually you filled their small home with mindless chatter and giggles, yet he could clearly see on your face that something was wrong. It filled Shikamaru with rage at the thought of Naruto’s son offending you, or worse, making you do something you did not want to. His mind quickly becomes dark with the idea of you being forced to perform any sexual acts without your consent. This is the exact reason he was so overbearing when raising you, he knew how easy it was to manipulate your little dumb mind.
“Princess..” Shikamaru said sternly, as he watched you pick at your dinner plate with a crestfallen face. You have not eaten a bite of the dinner he prepared for the both of you. You perked up at your papa’s voice, as if finally noticing the other presence at the dinner table. “Yes, papa?” you answered quietly, wide-doe eyes falling onto your father sitting across from you. Your reply brings a mental sigh of relief to him, at least you are finally talking. He knows you like the back of his hand and probably better than you know yourself.
“How did your date go with that Uzumaki kid?” he asked delicately, quizzical eyes watching for any facial expression. He could tell that you were holding back by the way you avoided his gaze and bit your lip nervously. “It went well, papa..”
He hummed at your response but was still unsatisfied with the answer. He wanted to know exactly what happened during your time out with that boy. He can obviously tell this was a subject you were not comfortable with, and normally he would have backed off to avoid your tears. Shimakaru had to press further to get to the bottom of why his princess was not smiling anymore. With a pointed look towards you Shimakaru patted his lap, a signal for you to take a seat on his thigh just like you always did so obediently. Getting up from your seat you sat your plush bottom onto your papa’s lap and looked up at him meekly, awaiting whatever lecture your daddy always gave you when it came to boys or things he deemed too “grown up” for you. Shikamaru wraps a strong arm around your waist and looks deep into your eyes,
“You can’t fool me, princess. Tell papa exactly what happened.” he said sternly. Shikamaru watched as you twiddled your thumbs together, avoiding his authoritative gaze. It was practically impossible to lie to your papa. Many years of trying have led to you learning that your papa is the smartest man in Konoha, nothing gets by him. However, he can feel that he is on the edge of discovery when he watches your chest heave with burgeoned submission. “It’s embarrassing, papa.” you admitted finally. Shikamaru was almost stunned, he had never known his daughter to hold anything back from him. You have always been open and honest to him, never shying away from your papa no matter what. It was unusual that you were holding back this time, especially after your date with that Uzumaki kid. It only reaffirms to the Shadow Nin that this needed to be addressed immediately.
“You know you can tell me anything, baby, right? We have no secrets.” Shikamaru reaffirms, heart thumping inside his chest at his promise. “You can always tell papa anything, no matter what it is.” His tone is soft and reassuring, instead of that indifferent one he uses around everyone else.
You sighed and nodded at Shikamaru’s words, feeling comforted by his promise of no judgment. With a deep breath you opened your mouth to tell your papa what was bothering you. Revealing in detail how Naruto’s son had brought you to a nice dinner date before things began to heat up quickly. His fingers found their way into her panties as he fingered her under the restaurant table. It was a feeling she never felt before, being stuffed with fingers inside her virgin cunny. However, she was upset because she did not feel any release at all. She creamed over his fingers but did not reach that orgasm awaiting over the edge. It was unsatisfying and left the poor girl feeling stressed out from not getting any release.
Shikamaru listened to every word of his daughter’s confession. It burned him inside that the Uzumaki kid made such a brazen move on his daughter, especially on the first date. The boy’s unskilled fingers inside his daughter made the older Nara’s frown deepen. Of course boys like him know nothing about pleasuring a woman. All they care about is getting their rocks off and leaving afterwards. However, that will just have to wait for another time as he thought about his poor little girl being sexually frustrated.
“Baby, why don’t you let your papa sort you out?” Shikamaru asked gently, as if approaching a small animal in a trap. He wanted to make sure it was completely your choice before even thinking about taking actions. Shikamaru was hesitant with his proposal, hoping that you would not scurry off from his sight at his perverse request. The very thought of you never looking at him again is enough to make the lazy man panic internally. It stunned you that your papa made such a proposition, isn’t it wrong to let daddies play with their little girls’ bodies? Yet, the more you pondered it, the idea just makes sense! No one has ever provided for you like your papa has, or ever will. It only makes sense to you that your papa should be the one to take your virginity.
Without any hesitation you nodded at your papa’s request, the very thought of him helping you with your first orgasm bringing a rush of excitement through your body. Shikamaru leaned back on the chair and laid you against his chest, spreading your thighs apart easily. Your short skirt doing nothing to hide those cute panties peeking out underneath.
“Show papa where it hurts, baby.”
Spreading your thighs over your papa’s lap, you pulled your frilly panties aside to finally show your weeping pussy, all wet and twitchy from the tension of what is to come. Shikamaru sucked in a breath at the sight of his daughter’s pussy, finally having the one thing he has longed for right in front of his eyes. His tongue peeked out and licked his dry lips at the very sight, cock already throbbing in his pants pushing against your plush bottom. He takes a finger and swipes it against your slit, testing the waters for your reactions. He is pleased to see how sensitive you are and how you practically jumped in his lap from just a simple touch. It just lets him know that you are such a good girl, probably never masturbated before or know how to play with your pretty pussy.
Shikamaru presses his fingers deeper into your slit, searching for that little button he is just dying to play with. When you gasp and shake in his lap he knows he found exactly what he was looking for. His thumb gently rubs slow circles on your clit, watching intently as your eyes cross at the foregn feeling. Even when Naruto’s son had his fingers buried in her pussy it did not feel nearly as good as her papa playing with her pretty pussy. A crooked smirk appeared on Shikamaru’s face, satisfied with his princess’ reaction to him playing with her virgin body. However, he had to hold himself back from going off the deep end just yet. This was after all your first time, and he wanted to make this as pleasurable as possible, like the good father he is.
“This is your clit, baby. When I rub it like this it feels really really good,” he enunciated while rubbing quick circles around your throbbing clit, accentuating each of his words with the finger actions. You thrashed around your papa’s lap at the sudden intense pleasure, borderline overwhelming from his skilled fingers. It felt so good yet something was building up inside that it made you panic at the feeling. You were a babbling mess as Shikamaru continued his exploration of your pussy, even dipping a single finger inside your virgin pussy, careful of your unbroken hymen. The feeling was too intense and you couldn’t get out any words, just grabbing onto your papa’s forearms to try and warn him of the building pressure. Without any warning you squirted all over Shikamaru’s lap, leaving a wet sticky mess all over his pants.
Shikamaru stared in awe at the mess you created, he has never seen anything more beautiful or sexy in his life. The very sight made his cock throb and ooze precum, desperate for any semblance of relief. He doesn’t recall ever feeling so turned on by any woman he has fucked before, even your own mother. Shikamaru waited until you calmed down from your first orgasm, kissing and sucking on your neck to help bring you down from the intense shock. He pulled his finger from your fluttering hole, coated it in your cream and brought it to his mouth to clean. His mouth practically drooling at the taste of your pussy. Just as he was about to let you off his lap, Shikamaru jerked at the feeling of your small hand pressing against his bulge.
“F-fuck princess! What are you doing?” he gritted through his teeth. It has been so long since anything besides his own hands has touched his cock, even through his pants. You looked up at your papa with those doe-eyes he has always been weak for, “I…I want to make you feel good too,” you can’t help but feel an intense blush come over your face from the confession. You wanted to thank your papa for the pleasure he brought you by returning the favor. Shikamaru was stunned at your words and cursed under his breath once again, since when did you know how to say sexy things like that? He was going to have to lecture you about that later, but right now he has more important matters at hand needing to be taken care of.
“You don’t have to do that, baby. This is only about you,” he replied, trying to take back some semblance of authority after committing such a lewd act with his own daughter. His mind was reeling from the lust he was feeling for you. He patted your butt as a signal for you to get off his lap, his bulge was becoming almost unbearable and needed to be attended once he was alone again. Just when he thought you were going back to your seat to finish eating dinner he watched as you suddenly dropped to your knees, small hands scrambling to lay on top of his thighs, just mere inches from his obvious bulge. “Please, papa… I want to know how to make you feel good,” you responded sultrily, just like the little minx you always were, you knew how to manipulate your daddy to get your way.
Shikamaru was at a crossroad; on one hand, this is the exact moment he has dreamed of. Yet on the other hand, he was your father and someone who vowed to protect you with his very life. However, when has Shikamaru ever been known as a righteous man? He was weak to the touch of an attractive woman, even if it was his own daughter. Not to mention he has never been able to say no to you, and probably could not start now. With a nod, he allows you to unzip his pants and pull his cock out, albeit clumsily. Shikamaru was a patient man, he allowed you to work at your own pace and watched closely as you stared at his aching cock, standing straight up begging for any attention. You looked at his cock bobbing up against his abdomen, it was so thick and huge. You just knew you had to have your papa’s cock inside you and be the one to take your virginity.
With words of encouragement from the Shadow Nin, you took your hand and delicately wrapped it around the base. Your small hand barely fits around the shaft all the way. It made your pussy drip at the feeling of your daddy’s throbbing, heavy cock in your grasp. Shikamaru could sense your hesitation and gently brought a hand behind your head, grasping your hair into a tight ponytail. “Just open your mouth, baby. Let papa fuck your pretty mouth, okay?” No sooner than after opening your mouth Shikamaru pushed the back of your head towards his awaiting cock, easily sliding the thick tip inside your small mouth. The older Nara had to hold himself back from completely fucking your throat raw, the feeling of being inside a wet warm mouth after so many years bringing a feral instinct to surface. However, being the good father he was, the older Nara allowed you to hold his cock in your mouth to get used to the feeling. He sat back in his chair and watched as you explored his cock with your tongue, getting used to the heft and taste. After a while of tasting his cock on your tongue you hummed onto his shaft, a signal that you were ready to continue.
Shikamaru smiled at your reassurance and pushed your head further down his shaft, centimeter by centimeter just to get you used to having something in your throat. He could feel your gag reflex slightly as he held your head tightly in place, just long enough for you to get used to the feeling of his large cock inside your tight throat. After what seemed like hours, Shikamaru was bringing your head up and down on his cock in a steady rhythm. The sound of gargling and drool coating all over his cock filling the room while he fucked your tiny throat. “Fuck baby… just like that. Let papa use your throat like the good girl he knows you are, okay?” he gasped out, jutting his hips in rhythm with fucking your mouth. Your gurgling and muffled moans were all you could reply as tears brimmed your eyes. Being used like this by your father should have been scary at least, but all you could feel was your thighs getting sticky from how much it turned you on. Meanwhile, Shikamaru was losing himself to the feeling of his daughter’s tight little throat.
“Baby, when I cum you have to swallow it all, okay? You should always swallow everything your papa gives you when he breeds your tiny little throat,” he gasped. Both hands were now holding your head tightly as the older Nara fucked into your throat as if it was the best pussy ever. He wanted you to swallow every drop of his cum and deposit it all into your belly. “Don’t let any boys do this to you, okay? Only papa’s should be doing this to their princess’,” Shikamara gritted out, making it clear that only he has the right to play with your body.
You hummed the best you could, with a cock lodged into your throat as a response. You could practically feel your papa’s cock throbbing, a signal of his approaching release. The very thought of your father letting you taste his cum was enough to make you feel light headed. With a few more rough thrusts into your mouth, Shikamaru held your head down at the very base of his cock with your nose buried into his pubic hair as his load shot straight down your throat. The load of cum went straight into your belly, making you feel slightly full and satisfied.
The older Nara held your head down until his cock grew completely soft, gently sliding out of your drool covered mouth. He gently brought you into his lap again as he wiped your mouth clean with his sleeve, whispering affirming words of love and praise into your ear. “You’re such a good girl for your papa. I love you so much, Princess,” Shikamaru whispered. Drowsiness was easily coming over you as you made yourself comfortable in the crook of your papa’s neck. The Shadow Nin looked at the untouched dinner and sighed at the mess he will have to clean up. However, he will just have to focus on that later because he has more important things to attend to. As he wraps an arm under your legs and waist to carry you to your awaiting bed, he can’t help but think about teaching his princess how to accept cock in her virgin pussy next time.
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ayyyez · 1 year
For whichever Naruto characters you'll get inspiration for: how do they think they would do babysitting vs how they actually do. Who'd be overconfident and fail miserably? Who would avoid it at all cost but turn out amazing? Who is bad with kids and knows it? Who'd be a supernanny?
A/N: oh yeah, sure thing my friend! These were fun to do. Thanks for sending in a request!
TAGS: babysitting headcanons, fluff, soft headcanons, hehes, gremlin Madara
CHARACTERS: Neji Hyuga, Shisui Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Madara Uchiha, Tobirama Senju
NEJI HYUGA: Okay so genin Neji would not be thrilled at the prospect of babysitting. He'd also be a little cocky thinking he'd have no problem wrangling a bunch of kids. He underestimates these trouble makers however and has a woeful time dealing with their "backtalking" and "incessant questioning of authority." That's him— he's the authority. Neji sweetie they're kids. Won't lose them though with his Byakugan and kind of scares them into behaving with his demeanour.
Teen/Adult (Jonin) Neji now is a lot more mellow and less harsh. He's going to be a lot softer and understanding. Is actually less confident with the task but does a lot better. Bends down to the kids level to talk to them. Treats them the same way he does adults in the way he talks to them but his tone his gentler. Is patient with their questions. Reads to them. Teaches them life lessons.
Don't tell anyone but he gives them piggybacks.
SHISUI UCHIHA: The best damn babysitter you could ask for and he knows it too. If you tell him though he'll get all bashful about it. He's so good with kids! Talks and plays with them like he is one. Being around kids helps him reset and forget his troubles. He can't help but want to protect them and their childhoods. Because of this just wants to show them the best time.
Kind of sneaky about the games he teaches. The games teach them strategy and how to think on their feet. Real world shinobi skills to help them learn how to hide and escape if they ever need it. Shisui also picks the littler kids up and zooms them around. Piggyback rides and races. Rolling down hills. Lots of laughter and fun.
Always letting the kids win and encouraging them when he can.
SHIKAMARU NARA: Doesn't matter when this is Shikamaru's always going to think it's going to be a drag babysitting. He's going to look for the easiest way to mind these kids. Think smarter not harder is his motto. Doesn't think he'll do a terrible job nor exceed expectations. He's there to tick a box. What he doesn't expect is to be kept amused by the kids. Having back and forth banter. The kids telling him "jokes" and stories.
Ha. So maybe babysitting isn't so bad. The kind of babysitter who is like 'Alright, I'll give you some treats if you don't tell your parents.' Totally has a secret pact with the kids. Teaches them all sorts of cool things. As long as they don't have to go anywhere or do anything too annoying.
The kind of babysitter the kids think are cool.
MADARA UCHIHA: Do not let this man babysit your kids. He's a terrible influence (affectionate). I don't mean big bad Madara either I just mean regular gremlin Madara. He's going to have your kids running wild and promoting their chaos. He has a complex where he both thinks he's the best babysitter in the world and thinks he's also going to fail big time.
Okay in all seriousness though he's good for kids who have a lot of energy and need to run around. He'll match their energy and do what they need to do to get all of that out. Won't bring any negativity to the table either. Just encourages them to go go go. And is behind them the entire time. Doesn't care about the mess either. Those kids want to roll around in mud? Alright mud fight it is. It's war baby. Takes those wargames very seriously. The kids call him sir and everything lol.
He encourages chaos in order to keep that watchful eye on them. He actually does an alright job.
TOBIRAMA SENJU: Great teacher. Terrible babysitter. Terrible with teensy children. Good with school level children in a teaching environment. But he just can't babysit. He's so bad with children that aren't his own or his students. He's just so awkward. You know how people hold toddlers like they're wild creatures with their arms completely stretched out in front of them? That's him holding them.
Everything becomes lectures when he talks to them and he's so theoretical and awkward at connecting and knows it. He honestly chooses to just not babysit.
I want to point out though he is really good at teaching children when they're his students. When they're old enough to somewhat take care of themselves and he just has to teach them the rest and theres time to make a connection—he can't explain it—it's just different. Like tweens he's good with tweens. Genuinely enjoys seeing the next generations flourish he just doesn't have those babysitting skills.
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13as07 · 4 months
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Our #1
(Shikamaru Nara)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Unknown]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 4,198
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Smoking/A bit of smoke-play
Slight choking
Word 'dumbass' is used
Temperature Play (aka Shika burning you with his cig butt)
Anxious fingers crawl under my dress and quickly find themselves along my spinal cord. Shikamaru traces the ridges of my spine, running over the lower half before sliding back down.
Thump, thump, thump.
     I do my best to stay still, not letting the shiver building up escape. If it wasn't for the Nara cloak wrapped around my shoulders I'd be on display, but I don't think Shika cares much about that right now.
I spare him a glance, doing my best not to move much. The last thing he needs right now is to notice how anxious I am too. His jaw is screwed tightly shut, eyes strictly forward and as hard as his jaw. If this was a different situation I'd take the time to enjoy Shika's pissy face. He's always so pretty when he's angry.
"Shikamura," his mother says, tone light but words filled with fire. "Stop looking so mad. Today is a gracious day. A very honorable day. At least try and look happy."
A couple of blinks fill the space of his usual eye roll, but his face does soften a bit. "Yes Ma'am," Shika answers, but still gets a pointed look from his mom. The look soon flutters away, along with the inactive chieftess as she walks off to talk to the Nara Chief's advisor... Shikamura's advisor.
The thought tickles my brain. Quite a few thoughts recently have been messing with my head. It's always been a known fact that Shikamura was going to succeed his father; everyone just thought we'd have more time before that happened.
     It was something that came up in our relationship a few times, the event of him becoming chief and in turn me becoming chieftess if our relationship went further. Now that it's here, Shika has insisted I take the title too and that 'we'd figure out the marriage thing later'.
I know I shouldn't read so much into his statement but I do. Does he want me to be his chieftess or does he feel required to give me the title since we've been together for so long? Does he feel rushed to get married now too? What if he decides he doesn't want to be with me? Would he stay with me to avoid embarrassing the clan by stripping me of my title? Or would he just leave me without a second thought?
     "I need some fresh air. You're coming with, pretty girl," Shikamura whispers against my ear, his warm breath coating the side of my face. Tingles fill my chest at the pet name, tugging at the corners of my mouth.
     Despite the warmth in my chest, he does startle me a bit with his sudden closeness. Shika isn't big on being all 'love-struck teen' in public, which usually leaves room between us and a lot less touching when we're out and about. Today seems to be an acceptation though.
I hum a yes getting a rough hand pushing me forward in return. I do as prompted, walking forward and sliding out a side door with Shika in tow.
Once we're out the door, Shika takes the lead. His hand jumps from the small of my back to tangle with mine. The walk to the forest edge is rough, Shikamura's nerves getting the better of him now that we're out of the sight of the clan council.
When the shade of the trees engulfs us, his shoulders noticeably relax, as does his hold on me. His fingers are back to being feathery light as they slide against mine. As Shika relaxes, he lets himself prop up against a tree.
I do the same, the rough bark of the trunk scratching against my back and my knees accidentally knocking against my boyfriend from the close quarters. My eyes cast themselves upwards, taking in the natural fairy lights made by the sun and the leaf patterns.
A click of Shika's lighter fills the silent space, quickly followed by a stream of grey smoke. "Wear more dresses," he mumbles, smoke curling out with his words. It's weird to me how straightforward and yet confusing Shikamura can be.
"I can't exactly fight in a dress, Shika," I mumble, a bit distracted by the man next to me. He's dressed up for the ceremony today, which means he's out of his Shinobi vest for once. Instead, Shika - and myself - are dressed in the muddy forest color of his clan. His hair is up in a high ponytail, like always, and the ends are their usual spikes.
In honor of the ceremony, his face is covered in clan paint, the washed-out grey color of the Nara clan instead of their signature green color. The paint focuses his cheekbones more than usual, adding to his attractiveness.
"You look stupid," he says as his own eyes wander over the paint on my face. His mother insisted I have the traditional art on my face as well. Shikamaru isn't too happy about it and threw a bit of a fit when his mom was putting it on me. "Take it off."
The order is followed by movement. Shika rests his cigarette between his lips and moves closer to me. His hands reach up to my face and quickly start smudging the grey paint. I stay still, letting him rub away the artwork.
Once he's settled on the fact that maybe his hands aren't the best way to get it off, he reaches into his pockets. It doesn't take long for him to find something else to attack my face with. Shika is gentle as he runs the cloth over my face.
     "There's my pretty girl," he murmurs soft enough that I almost don't hear it.
     "Your mom is going to reapply it when we get inside."
     "And I'll wipe it off again," he snaps back, tone a bit pitched. The softness in his face is gone again, replaced by a look of disgust. "You don't need all that gunk on your face." The words are rough but they're meant with love. Shika appreciates when I do my makeup for him, even if he shows it in his own way. Though, at the end of the day he prefers me bare-faced.
     His hands drop from my face and slide back to my spine, this time over my dress. His fingers mess with the material as his eyes rake up and down me a couple of times. They end up settling on my collarbones. "Wear more dresses," he repeats before turning his attention back to his cigarette.
Shika is always like this, making his requests sound like demands. I don't think the man could ask a question to save his life. "Okay Shika," I answer back, leaning my head against the tree.
He nods to himself in approval, his hand dipping down to the hem of my dress. Shikamura's fingers wrap around it, the material balled in his fist and his knuckles grazing my thigh.
     "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" I ask, bending my knee so more of his skin comes into contact with my own.
The answer is put on hold by a couple more drags of his cigarette. "You look good in our clan colors," he finally answers.
     My eyes trail after my little storm cloud as he slowly makes his way back to me. Shikamura has been stopped for the fifth time on the small path from Choji back to me.
     Our friends arrived a few minutes ago and he was very eager to slip away to say hello. I wanted to go with but he insisted I stay put, so I did as ordered. I don't mind it though, I know today is a stressful day and if anyone can help him with the constant reminder that his father is gone, it would be Ino.
     Besides, our friends are slowly filtering towards me anyway. Most noticeably, Naruto who is trying his hardest to work his way through the crowd of people.
     It feels like the whole village is here to celebrate Shika's inauguration. Our inauguration. I guess a good part of the village is here; The whole of the Nara clan, fellow clan Chiefs and their families, the village council, our friends and coworkers, my family, and a good chuck of the Akimichi and Yamanaka clans.
     "Hello!" Naruto calls with a huge smile on his face.
     "Hello," I call back, watching him weave around a couple more people.
     "You must be so excited!" His voice bombs, his volume control being very obvious despite all the other noises in the banquet hall.
     "Naruto! Don't you dare!"
     "Shut up, Naruto!"
     My eyes snap away from the fox boy and towards the direction of the yelling. My eyes are met with a very pissed-off Sakura and a red-faced Ino. Both are quickly making their way towards us, with the rest of our Shinobi generation following closely behind.
     "Chieftess Nara," Ino says, tipping her head down before snapping it back up. "Not a word," she hisses at Naruto, daggers in her eyes.
     "Please don't call me that, Ino," I murmur, rolling my shoulders in an attempt to also roll the feeling off. I don't mind people I don't know calling me by my newly established title but it feels weird having my friends call me by it.
     "Just stick to my name, Chieftess Yamanaka," I tease a bit, poking fun at Ino's also soon-to-come inauguration.
     Ino makes a face, her nose scrunching up at the title. "Ya, okay, I get what you're saying now."
     We both laugh a bit, but it's cut off by a slap and Naruto's whine of pain. "Why'd you do that?" He whimpers, rubbing the back of his head and trying to tug off Sakura's hold on his ear.
     "Because you need to learn when to shut up!"
     "I didn't say anything!"
     "Say anything about what?" I ask, question marks going off in my head. The sudden feeling of being left clueless settles in my chest, making my anxiety flare up more than it already is.
     "Nothing!" Everyone yells, which doesn't help my anxiety. Maybe my thoughts from earlier are right. Maybe Shika does feel pressured about making me his chieftess and everyone knows it.
     "You guys are such a drag," Shika's voice filters into the crowd, smoothing out some of my worries but not all of them. Within seconds his hand finds my spine again, his fingers back to tracing the bumps of it, but this time it's over my dress and cloak. "Hello," he murmurs, dipping his head down closer to me.
     "Welcome back," I mumble, glancing at him before looking back at our friends. What is it that everyone but me seems to know?
     Thump, thump, thump.
     "Calm down," he whispers into my ear before lifting his head back up.
     I try my best to listen to his soft demands, taking the time to focus on my breathing and silencing my thoughts. I let my mind focus on the soft rubbing on my spine.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     Shika's hand ghosts over my lower back before working up the other side of my backbone.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     I focus on Shikamura's voice. Just the tone and the calmness of it, even though I should be working to focus on the words spilling from his throat.
     "Pretty girl?" He calls after a couple of minutes, gently tapping my back to pull my attention back to the surface. I hum a yes, focusing on his face. The face paint has started to crack from drying out throughout the day. "Are you ready?"
     "For what?" I ask, glancing around us. Our friends have spaced out in the room, mingling with the other partygoers, getting drinks, or just doing their own thing.
     A soft smile coats his face before he turns away from me, his eyes jumping around the room. "For the feast to be served," he murmurs, his fingers curving to work their way down my back again.
     "Ya, if you are."
     Shika's hand jumps down to the small of my back before he gently pushes me forward. Praises and our names fall from people as we walk through the room, working to get to the head table. Six of the twelve councilmen are there; none of which I recognize.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     Shikamura's hand coats over my back again as we round the table. "Sit," he orders, pulling my chair out for me. I obey again, sliding into my seat before Shika pushes me in. I listen to him greet the present councilmen, following his pleasantries with my own greetings.
     More pleasantries and greetings fall from him - and me - as the rest of the councilmen follow suit, sliding into their places at the table.
     Out of the councilmen, only two are women; the councilmen of education and veteran affairs. I only know one of them; Honoka who is the head of the clan's education department. I make a mental note to talk to Shikamura about private one-on-one meetings with the council so I can put names, departments, and faces together.
     "Chieftess Nara," Honoka says, tipping her head before she slides into her seat next to me.
     "Honoka," I call back, sending her a soft smile. "Thank you for coming."
     "I look forward to serving under you, and our Chief," she says, bowing her head for the second time.
     Again, I smile at her before turning my attention away. Maybe I'm not made for being the chieftess, especially if Shika fills his father's shoes and takes over being the Hokage's advisor. That'll leave me to fill in the holes of the clan chief when he's busy with the village.
     "Calm down," he repeats, hand snaking back into its previous spot.
     "Yes sir," I mumble, my eyes jumping around the room. The decorations are pretty; forest greens and greys with vines all over the place. Deer-themed decorations and bones are twisted around the walls as well. It looks like the Clan threw up from all the stereotyped decorations.
     Shika's hand works a couple of laps before settling on the center of my back. It only settles for a couple of seconds before running around my spine again. "Maybe you need to calm down too," I murmur, leaning closer to try and get any sense of privacy.
     "I'm fine. Today is just a drag," he answers, eyes flickering to me before looking forward again. "It won't be a drag for much longer though."
     "Ya?" I push, my focus shifting to Shika's mother. Her lips are pursed as she looks at me, disapproval of her son rubbing my clan paint off again very evident on her face. She's waving her hands around, trying to get her son to stand. "Your mom-"
     "I know." Shikamura's words are clipped but still soft. His mom has been getting on his nerves today. They've been butting heads all day long because Shika isn't doing everything how she wants him to.
     I let my attention skip away from her. Instead, I focus on the servers littered around the room, handing out plates of food and drinks to our guests.
     Once Shikamura is done eyeing the room again, his focus shifts to me. "Give me your hand," he orders, his hand falling from my back and resting in front of me. I lift my hand and slide it into his. Shika's face scrunches up a bit before he drops his hold on me. "No, your left one."
     "You could have been more specific," I tease, sliding my - left - hand into his hold.
     His eyes stay focused on it for a second before he digs around in his pocket. When his hand is pulled back out, a small black box is in Shika's hold. "What are you-"
     "Be quiet," he murmurs, setting the box on his lap before flipping the lid open. Inside the box are two beautiful rings. Shika tugs the thinner of the rings out before sliding it on my finger.
     "Be quiet," he repeats before sliding the other ring onto his left hand. "We'll talk about it later."
     My eyes drop down to my ring finger, taking the time to soak in the new jewelry. The edges of the ring are silver with the familiar antler print between the silver bands. Small stones are stamped into the print. I do a quick tally; eight diamonds are pressed into the band.
     Despite my focus being on my hand, my eyes catch on Shikamura's movements. He slides the box back into his pocket before pressing his hand into my spine again. The newly added ring adds extra pressure as he slides his fingers up and down my back.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     Shika's ring snags on my spine a bit, sending a new kind of relief through me.
     Thump, thump, thump.
     "We'll talk about it later."
     "You're being a drag right now, pretty girl," he murmurs, glancing at me, and then my hand, before going back to having a silent conversation with his mother across the room.
     "I'm being a drag right now?" I hiss quietly, tugging on his arm to try and get his attention.
     "Ya," the answer is short, but I get what I want; Shikamura's undivided attention.
     "You just... what? Proposed? Without actually proposing, in a room full of people, and I'm being a drag?"
     "Ya. I'll propose again later, with all that lovey-dovey stuff," he shrugs, eyes skirting around the room again. "I just knew if I didn't do it now Naruto would have ruined it."
     I hold my tongue for a second, only letting it loose to thank the server for placing down our plates. "Why'd you propose?"
     Shika's face snaps toward me, eyebrows knotted together and his lips pursed like his mother's were a few minutes ago. "What kind of question is that? I swear you're one of the smartest but dumbest people I know. It's a bit of a drag."
I blink at him a couple of times, rolling his words over in my head. That did not answer my question. Shikamura sighs before dipping his head backward, resting it behind my ear. "Stop stressing so much, pretty girl." The words are followed by a light kiss pressed behind my ear.
Before I can answer back Shika stands up, tugging me along with him. His arm is loose around my waist, but the weight of it is still present. I scan the room as Shika taps his glass a couple of times, pulling the room's attention to us. "Thank you all for coming," his voice rings out the start of his first official speech as Chief.
For the millionth time tonight, Shika's fingers dance over my back, hand pushing me through the side door before we get stopped by someone again.
My nic-fein has been antsy for a cigarette the last hour. Every time we'd get close to escaping the party, someone else would stop us to congratulate us or to talk about Shika's plans to 'better the clan'.
A sigh of relief is let out of the new shadow king once the door clicks closed behind us.
"You know if you stopped smoking-"
"I know," he cuts me off, his hands already digging in his pockets for his pack and his lighter. "Tonight has just been-"
"A drag?" I tease, leaning against the wall.
Shikamura hums a yes, cigarette already pressed between his lips as he tries to light it. I watch his chest puff out from his inhale, my eyes trailing after the smoke that's released when he exhales. "It hasn't all been a drag."
His eyes flicker down to my hand pressed against the brick building. When Shikamura doesn't see what he wants, he moves to the other side of me. He falls into place next to me, back to the wall, fingers lazily overlapping mine as he messed with my ring. My wedding ring.
"You never answered my question," I push the words out and into the dark. I let my focus shift to the stars stamped into the sky above us, letting them distract me.
"It's a stupid question."
"What?" He groans the cackle of his cigarette following his words. Soon another cloud of smoke fills the sky, cutting off the clear view of the stars for a second. "Why does it matter?"
"You're a dumbass," I hiss, tearing my eyes from the sky to glare at him.
"Sometimes," he answers, his normal bored look on his face as he looks down at me. "I proposed because I wanted to, pretty girl. Stop letting your mind mess with you."
"Did you?"
His answer is pushed back by three deep puffs of his cigarette. Shika's eyes are still locked on me, the smoke from him wrapping around us when he exhales. "Did I what?"
"Want to propose?"
Shikamura rolls his eyes at me, glancing to the forest edge before settling on me again. "Pretty girl?"
"Why don't you believe that I want to marry you? Do you not believe I love you?"
"I know you love me."
"Do you?" He asks, inching closer to me. Smoke coats my face when he exhales, promising to leave the smell of it in my hair.
His eyes jump around my face for a second, followed by another puff of smoke before he pulls back. "Isn't it good enough that I proposed because I love you? Because I wanted to? What do I need to do to make you say yes, pretty girl?"
My cheeks heat a bit at his question. I'm well aware that Shikamura comes off as self-centered. I'm well aware he comes off as bored or even egotistical because of his lack of motivation. I'm also well aware all I have to do is ask for something and it'll happen, even if he does it in his normal moody way. Shika coats his love with attitude, even in moments like this.
"Yes. You didn't ask me to marry you. Ask me," I answer, a smug smile growing on my face.
Shika's eyes stretch out before falling back to their normal narrowness. I watch as his eyes settle back on mine, his head inching forward. Before he gets closer he stops, inhales his smoke again, and then leans his forehead against mine.
His free hand snakes up and gently wraps around my throat, squeezing it once, twice, before he dips his head. "Open your mouth," Shikamaru orders, his voice chipped as he inhales again to keep the smoke in his lungs.
I let my lips part a bit, which seems to be good enough for him. Shika tips his head to the side, pressing our lips together as he exhales into my mouth. The smoke he was holding burns my lungs, a cough forming from the action.
"Marry me, pretty girl?" He asks, barely pulling away so that his lips still brush against mine.
"Yes," I answer, his smoke seeping out with the word.
Shikamaru hums in approval before pulling away slightly. The small fire at the end of his cancer stick brightens the space between us as he takes another drag. Once again, he holds the smoke in his lungs and squeezes my throat. I let my mouth fall open a second time and get rewarded with a kiss and another smoke-packed exhale.
When I exhale, the smoke coats Shika's face, a small smirk covering it as his eyes skip around my body.
His head dips down again but before I can get a kiss the door slams open. "Shikamaru?!" Naruto yells, pulling an eye roll and a sigh from my boyfriend - fiancé.
"What do you want, Naruto?" Shika groans, his hand tightening and relaxing against my skin a few times.
"Lord Sixth has arrived and is asking for you two!"
"We'll be there in a minute, Naruto. Now go away." Naruto does as told, the door slamming shut as he leaves.
Shikamaru's eyes widen again before settling back to their normal shape. "Pretty girl," he murmurs, pressing a small kiss to my lips before pulling away.
His hand slides further up my throat, pushing my head up to stretch out my neck. Shikamaru hums to himself, the hand not around my neck coming up to trace my collarbone. "You are beautiful," he murmurs, running his cigarette against the wall next to us. Once he's sure it's out, - running it against his hand first - he gently pressing the dead butt against the bone he was previously tracing.
The still-warm cigarette makes my skin tingle slightly; a promise to leave pink and irritated skin behind for the next few days. Shika takes his time, pressing more marks along my collarbone before throwing out the now cold butt.
"Pretty girl?" He calls again, covering my now sensitive skin in kisses.
"Shika?" I call in return, trying to bite back the whines sizzling up from the pain shooting across my skin.
"I can't wait for our wedding."
"Our?" I murmur, the pain and growing pleasure fogging the events of the day.
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narakurosaki · 2 years
when shikadai is 4 years old, shikamaru takes a long, hard look in the mirror one early morning. he no longer sees himself, anymore; his facial hair has grown, and he sees the reflection of the man whose shadow he's lived in for so long. there are no scars on his face, nor does he reek of alcohol like the old man, but he has his face, his hair, the crease between his brows from scowling so often in his younger years.
he's his own man, has been for so many years, now, and yet, he still grew the damned goatee, just like his father had. how often is he compared to him? how often do people say he looks just like him? he's a husband, a father, the advisor to the hokage, the head of the nara clan. he's nara shikamaru, and he'll be damned if he continues to be compared to his father.
he takes his razor and shaves the goatee. he doesn't leave his skin smooth; instead, he opts for a light dusting of stubble, a look similar to that seen in old photographs of a grandfather he's never met. he rinses the razor off in the sink, wipes his chin with a wet washcloth, and rubs his (almost) bare chin with his palm. he looks as he did four years ago, when his wife was carrying their child -- his own man, nara shikamaru.
temari appears behind him, gliding her fingertips from shoulder to shoulder as she comes to stand at his side. she gazes at him in the mirror, watching as he observes himself.
"can't say i'll miss it," she admits, and his eyes snap to her. she's smirking. "it always poked me when we kissed."
he blinks, hums, and shuts off the faucet. he can't say he'll miss it, either.
"do you think shikadai will recognize me?"
playfully, she rolls her eyes. "that kid could pick either one of us out from a crowd within seconds. i doubt your goatee being gone will confuse him. besides, he's ours, right? already a genius in his own right."
another hum. she's right. she's always right, and he loves asking for her opinions on things.
he turns, his loose hair swinging with the movement. "he is pretty smart, isn't he?" he smiles, and temari smiles, too, though it's more of a smirk than anything, a way to tell him that she's known this fact from the day he was born. "and you? do you like it?"
temari places a hand on his cheek, and he moves to cover it with his own. "honestly? i prefer it being gone. it isn't hiding that handsome face of yours."
his heart skips a beat and he grins. eight years into their marriage, and she still makes him feel like a lovesick teen.
he leans down and kisses her.
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miris-secret-files · 11 months
What fandoms / characters am I writing for ? ⚜
This is NOT an EXHAUSTIVE list, I just put the ones that came to my mind. If you have any idea with a character which is not here just ask me 🥰
I write mostly everything with the proper tags and TW of course 👀
⚠ Keep in mind I'm an anime watcher so I hope y'all requests won't spoil me the rest of the animes / mangas. But everything that is here I've watched entierly unless the animes that aren't updated yet ⚠
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My Hero Academia 🌟 :
Katsuki Bakugo 💥
Shoto Todoroki 🧊🔥
Izuku Midoriya 💚
Eijiro Kirishima 💎
Denki Kaminari ⚡
Hitoshi Shinso 💜
Tamaki Amajiki 🥔
Neito Monoma 🃏
Dabi 🔥💙
Tomura Shigaraki 🧤
Overhaul 🐦🟣 ( yes it's a lot 😂 )
Naruto 🍥🍜 :
Kakashi Hatake ⚡📕
Naruto Uzumaki 🍥🍜
Sasuke Uchiwa 🌀
Shikamaru Nara ♟
Neji Hyuga 👀💢
Gaara ⚱ 🏜
Iruka Umino 🥡
Yamato 🌳🎧
Deidara 👅
Itachi Uchiwa 🧛‍♂️
Orochimaru 🐍
Tobirama Senju 🌁
Madara Uchiwa 🐝
Hashirama Senju 🌳
Death Note 📓:
L Lawliet 🔍
Light Yagami 📓
Attack on Titan - Shingeki no Kyogin ⚔ :
Levi 🧼 🧽
Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba 🗡:
Giyu Tomioka 🌊
Tanjiro Kamado 🎴
Muichiro Tokito ☁
Obanai Iguro 🐍
Tengen Uzui 🧧
Inosuke Hashibira 🐗
Sanemi Shinazugawa 🍃
Genya Shinazugawa 🔫
Zenitsu Agatsume ⚡
Muzan Kibutsuji 🕺
Hunter x Hunter 🃏 :
Chrollo Lucifer 🎼
Feitan Portor 🌂
Irumi Zoldyck 📍
Meruem ♟
Kurapika 👀
Mashle : Magic And Muscles 🧙‍♂️ :
Mashle Burnedead 💪
Spy X Family 🕵️‍♂️🔎 :
Loid Forger 🔫
Yuri Briar 🕵️‍♂️
Tokyo Revengers 🏍 :
Manjiro Sano - Mikey 👊
Ken Ryuguji - Draken 🐉
Keisuke Baji 🍇
Takemichi Hanagaki ⚡
Chifuyu Matsuno 🥡
Marvel Cinematic Universe 🏹⚔🔫 : 
Bucky Barnes 🦾 ( my husband lol )
Steve Rogers 🛡
Peter Parker 🕷 🕸 ( the 3 😂 )
Quicksilver 🏃‍♂️ ( the Xmen version of Peter that is )
Loki Laufeyson 🗡
Steven Grant aka Marc Spector in Moon Knight 🌙
X-Men 👨‍🦽 :
Peter Maximoff 🏃‍♂️💨
The Maze Runner 🏃‍♂️ :
Newt 🍊
Thomas 🏃💨
Stranger Things 📷 :
Jonathan Byers 📷
Teen Wolf 🐺 :
Stiles Stilinski 🥍
Jordan Parrish 🔥
Assassination Classroom 🐙🔪 :
Karma Akabane 🧨
Gakushu Asano 🖋
Tadaomi Karasuma
Nagisa Shiota 🐍
The Umbrella Academy ☂ :
Five Hargreeves ☂
Celebrities ✨ :
Sebastian Stan 🥜
Dylan O'Brien ✨
Descendants 🎀 :
Harry Hook 🏴☠️
Miraculous Ladybug 🐞 :
Adrien Agreste aka Black Cat 🐈
Maleficient 🧙‍♀️ :
Diaval ( you know the raven 😂 )
Once Upon A Time 🧚‍♀️ :
Jefferson aka the Mad Hatter 🎩 ( yes that's Sebastian Stan )
Peter Pan 🌳 ( he's the vilain of the show lol )
Harry Potter 🧙‍♂️ :
Draco Malfoy 🍏
Oliver Wood 🧹
Tom Riddle 💎
Neville Longbottom 🌿
Fantastic Beasts 🦉 :
Newt Scamander 🦉
Twilight 🧛‍♂️🍎 :
Edward Cullen 🧛🍎
The New Mutants 🎴 :
Sam Guthrie 🎴
Encanto 💃🎉 :
Camillo Madrigal 💃🎉
Rise of the Guardians ❄ :
Jack Frost ❄
Fresh :
Steven Kemp 🍖
Masterlist ⚜
Rules For Requesting ✅
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Paring: Bully Shikamaru x gyaru reader
Warning: EXTREME NSFW, bullying elements, dark content , porn, black mail,male receiving, mean Shikamaru, bathroom sex, semi public sex,under age sex,name calling, dirty talk, cursing,long-ish, grammar misspellings, cream pie.
Note:I posted this on accident there will be heavy changes
"Sorry I didn't hear you.. what did you just say...." You said to the boy infront of in a broken voice, not believing the words that fell out his mouth, that had enough weight to crush the ground and your thinking.
Shikamaru smirked at this with an evil smirk and narrowed eyes as he opened his mouth to repeat his words. "You heard me you whore, I said I know about how you were and mistake" he said as his eyes lit up like a light with amusement.
Your heart sank to the floor as you thought to yourself nobody but Shikamaru would somehow and someway find out about this.
Shikamaru Nara was your bully. He was by two years your senior, he vapes. He and his group of friends always teased you whenever they got the chance.
It all started last term when they were vaping in the bathrooms and all the people in the bathrooms that period of the day were called to the office and if nobody said anything everyone would get a pink slip you not wanting to get a pink slip told which resulted in them all getting in trouble and had to go on the school stage trying assembly and parents being called.
After that they bullied you all the time especially him. They would make fun of the way you dressed and called all kinds of names
"Hey look it's the crybaby"
"She's trying so hard she's such a pick me"
"fatherless behivour"
"She thinks that she's all that just because she's dresses like that"
"All that makeup she wears is probably to cover up all her ugly ness"
Just anything to get under your skin even going as far to tripping you in the hallways when you're just passing through trying to get to class, hell Shikamaru would even go as to rising your skirt in the damn halls.
But this was way too far especially for him to have found out about this and now black mailing you was something entirely different.
I mean yeah they would mark up your desk and locker but this was way too far especially for Shikamaru.
You quickly shaked your head and breathed out before carefully opening your mouth that was now dry "What are you talking about Shikamaru, if this is another attempt of trying to mess me it's-" you were cut off by him "Stop lying Y/N I heard you're parents said it themselves trying parents day. I was passing by your homeroom where I over heard how your parents were teen parents and had you on accident." He said with a mocking grin as he locked eyes with you his hands in his pocket as he leaned against the wall.
"What do you want Shikamaru....?" you said in a small voice, not wanting to say it but have to. I mean what would happen if word got out about this? .You already have them down your throat already. Imagine what would happen if the school found out.
With a chuckle Shikamaru leaned off the wall and walked up to you. Only inches way from you as you backed away from him only a little bit. "What I want..." he said coldly with half lidded eyes as he walked up to once more and looked down at you and whrisped close to your ear "I want you to let me fuck you silly until you walk with a limp and then?...I wanna fuck you all while I record you and every little detail and nosie you make when you suck me off dry as I fuck your throat raw" he said with a wicked smile all while keeping eye contact.
What a sick fuck.
You gave him a shocked look not expecting that answer "W-what no way are you nuts!, I-im not doing that especially when we're in schoo plus I thought you hated me and all!"you exclaimed shocked and a bit embarrassed of the such dirty and sick words he used.
"Well then I guess I'll just tell everyone that-" "No wait I'll do it Shikamaru just please don't tell anyone, but on one contion you can't record me" you said cutting him off. He grinnied almost freakishly at you almost as if knowing you'll do it.
"Okay fine then, come on let's go to the boys bathroom, and another thing just because I enjoy seeing you suffer and bully you doesn't mean I don't find you less unattractive" he said pushing passed you to go through the door your heart pounding as you followed him through.
"Ladies first" Shikamaru said as he held the boys bathroom door for you as he looked back at you. You gave him an uneasy look before going in him yelped as you felt him smack your ass on the way in. You looked at him hard as he came in the and chuckled before going to the last bathroom stall and opening the door and made a signaling to you to come over and here is where you two were going to do it.
You slowly made you were towards him before going inside and he then came in and locked the door behind him, the sound of the door locking sending shrivers down your spine.
As you turned to face him, you felt him grab your wrist and pulled you into his tight embrace as he then wrapped a arm around waist and smashed his lips onto you as he then grabbed your plush ass and squeezed it before slapping it making you jump a bit more into him.
You wanted to push him off but quickly remembered what was at risk and decided to let him continued even tho you didn't like it tho. "Aww come on don't make it seem like it's all that bad now, think about ALL the pleasure you're little cunny is going to get from being fucked by my cock in just a few moments."he said seeing how displeased you were by the whole situation.
He began rubbing his body against her making her let out an uncomfortable whine as he continued his arms still with grip.
"And how much enjoy it's going to bring me after I see how much of a slut you actually are and a whiny cunt you'll be as I fuck into you so hard when I'm done with you you'll be walking with a limp as my cum run's down inbetween your thighs" he carried on only making you more uncomfortable.
He then turned you around and pressed your body up against the stall door as he pressed against your body trapping you under his weight. "Hey! hey! what the hell do you think you're doing don't press me up against the door it's gross!" you said desperately trying to put as much distance between you and the cold stall door.
That only made him press into you more, you rolled your eyes as you continued trying to keep distance between you and the nasty stall door,'typically Shikamaru always trying to mess with me I should expect something like this from him honestly'.
Finally having enough you shouted "Damnit Shikamaru stop it already!" You said getting tired of Shikamaru's and his shit. This outburst only earned you a twisting grin from him as he roughly snapped his hips into your back side."I think you're forgetting you're place in this situation you pest of a woman so let me remind you...." Shikamaru said, his hand reaching down under your skirt and ghosted his fingers over thick thighs.
You jumped at the feeling, earning a snicker from the sleezy bastard. "I haven't even properly started as yet and your jumping, hahaha. You're sooo pathic....., but sooo pretty....". He said in a vemon tripping tone that made shivers once more.
His long thin fingers then actually touched your thighs as he rubbed up and down them "Wow Y/N I always knew that your thighs were soft but not this soft" he praised. "Oh shut up already and stop touching my damn thighs, and hurry up already let's just get this over with it's done enough I'm doing this with someone like you....." You said bitterly only wanting to end this as fast as possible.
"Awww and I thought for a moment you actually wanted it there but alright fine just wanted to have a little fun before we started, also what did I told you of speaking to me like that huh?..... you hard headed bitch.." Shikamaru said the last part through his teeth as he then slapped your ass the sound echoing through the bathroom as you let go a whine in this discomfort once more at the unwanted feeling.
"But fine your right tho I'll give you that, let's start now shall we~" he then reached up into your skirt and sneaked his finger into your shorts before in one smooth motion pulling it down completely with your panties until they reached you mid knee.
You then heard the sound of him unbuckling his pants as you shut your eyes tight getting ready for what's to come. "Are you ready for me to split you in have with my dick?, for me to fuck out every one of your brain cells in the pretty little head of your's...? to be screaming out bloody murderer as my cock brings to a mind blowing orgasm?" He said chuckling as he stroked his length in his hands.
"Your sick..." You admitted, it was true Shikamaru could be such a sick bastard at times, he was a sharp tongue devil that was what he was alright.
Shikamaru frowned at this before roughly grabbing your hips and and lining himself up with you before roughly slamming into you. You screamed in pain at this."And your a mistake" he whrisped in your ear."Also just because this is your first means that I'll go easy, this is punishment for speaking back to me got it,so be the good little whoring slut you can be and keep quiet because if someone comes in were both dead".
He said as he leaned over pressing aginast her back as he continued his rough pace as his hands digged into your hips that were sure to bruise, your sweater around your waist falling off from just how rough he was going.
"Slow down!" You said moaning loudly just wanting for him to slow down his thrusts, not being able to take such rough cock as your face was pressed into the cold stall door.
"Shut up you good for nothing bitch!" Shikamaru hissed as he began going faster than he already was. "Shikamaru I'm being serious your tearing me!" You warned him as tears steamed down your face ruining your makeup that had already been pressed against the door leaving make stains.
"Does it look like I give a rat's ass Y/N?....also, what did I say about speaking?" He thrusted forward, quite hashly. It wasn't long before Shikamaru found himself getting closer to the edge.
"I-IM sorry!" you apologized just wanting for him to slow down,"I'm sorry who?" He asked contuinlessly thrusting in and out.
"Im sorry sir-ahhh!" you cut off moaning louder as he
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zanypaintertriumph · 27 days
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moumouton4 · 1 year
What fandoms / characters am I writing for ? ⚜
This is NOT an EXHAUSTIVE list, I just put the ones that came to my mind. If you have any idea with a character which is not here just ask me 🥰
I write mostly everything with the proper tags and TW of course 👀
⚠ Keep in mind I'm an anime watcher so I hope y'all requests won't spoil me the rest of the animes / mangas. But everything that is here I've watched entierly unless the animes that aren't updated yet ⚠
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Jujutsu Kaisen ✨:
Ryomen Sukuna 🍿
Yuji Itadori 🍣
Megumi Fushiguro 🍵
Toji Zenin 🍜
My Hero Academia 🌟 :
Katsuki Bakugo 💥
Shoto Todoroki 🧊🔥
Izuku Midoriya 💚
Eijiro Kirishima 💎
Denki Kaminari ⚡
Hitoshi Shinso 💜
Tamaki Amajiki 🥔
Neito Monoma 🃏
Dabi 🔥💙
Tomura Shigaraki 🧤
Overhaul 🐦🟣 ( yes it's a lot 😂 )
Naruto 🍥🍜 :
Kakashi Hatake ⚡📕
Naruto Uzumaki 🍥🍜
Sasuke Uchiha 🌀
Shikamaru Nara ♟
Neji Hyuga 👀💢
Gaara ⚱ 🏜
Iruka Umino 🥡
Yamato 🌳🎧
Sai 🖌
Minato Namikaze 🌌
Utakata 🧼
Deidara 👅
Itachi Uchiha 🧛‍♂️
Orochimaru 🐍
Hidan 🪓🩸
Sasori 🎭
Tobirama Senju 🌁
Madara Uchiha 🐝
Hashirama Senju 🌳
One Piece 👒🏴‍☠️ :
Zoro Roronoa 🤺🧭
Monkey D Luffy 🍖
Crocodile 🐊
Sabo 🗜
Ace 🔥
Smocker 🚬
Death Note 📓:
L Lawliet 🔍
Light Yagami 📓
Attack on Titan - Shingeki no Kyogin ⚔ :
Levi 🧼 🧽
Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba 🗡:
Giyu Tomioka 🌊
Tanjiro Kamado 🎴
Muichiro Tokito ☁
Obanai Iguro 🐍
Tengen Uzui 🧧
Inosuke Hashibira 🐗
Sanemi Shinazugawa 🍃
Genya Shinazugawa 🔫
Zenitsu Agatsume ⚡
Muzan Kibutsuji 🕺
Hunter x Hunter 🃏 :
Chrollo Lucifer 🎼
Feitan Portor 🌂
Irumi Zoldyck 📍
Kurapika 👀
Mashle : Magic And Muscles 🧙‍♂️ :
Mashle Burnedead 💪
Spy X Family 🕵️‍♂️🔎 :
Loid Forger 🔫
Yuri Briar 🕵️‍♂️
Tokyo Revengers 🏍 :
Manjiro Sano - Mikey 👊
Ken Ryuguji - Draken 🐉
Keisuke Baji 🍇
Takemichi Hanagaki ⚡
Chifuyu Matsuno 🥡
Marvel Cinematic Universe 🏹⚔🔫 : 
Bucky Barnes 🦾 ( my husband lol )
Steve Rogers 🛡
Peter Parker 🕷 🕸 ( the 3 😂 )
Quicksilver 🏃‍♂️ ( the Xmen version of Peter that is )
Loki Laufeyson 🗡
Steven Grant aka Marc Spector in Moon Knight 🌙
X-Men 👨‍🦽 :
Peter Maximoff 🏃‍♂️💨
The Maze Runner 🏃‍♂️ :
Newt 🍊
Thomas 🏃💨
Stranger Things 📷 :
Jonathan Byers 📷
Teen Wolf 🐺 :
Stiles Stilinski 🥍
Jordan Parrish 🔥
Assassination Classroom 🐙🔪 :
Karma Akabane 🧨
Gakushu Asano 🖋
Tadaomi Karasuma
Nagisa Shiota 🐍
The Umbrella Academy ☂ :
Five Hargreeves ☂
Celebrities ✨ :
Sebastian Stan 🥜
Dylan O'Brien ✨
Descendants 🎀 :
Harry Hook 🏴☠️
Miraculous Ladybug 🐞 :
Adrien Agreste aka Chat Noir 🐈
Maleficient 🧙‍♀️ :
Diaval ( you know the raven 😂 )
Once Upon A Time 🧚‍♀️ :
Jefferson aka the Mad Hatter 🎩 ( yes that's Sebastian Stan )
Peter Pan 🌳 ( he's the vilain of the show lol )
Harry Potter 🧙‍♂️ :
Draco Malfoy 🍏
Oliver Wood 🧹
Tom Riddle 💎
Neville Longbottom 🌿
Fantastic Beasts 🦉 :
Newt Scamander 🦉
Twilight 🧛‍♂️🍎 :
Edward Cullen 🧛🍎
The New Mutants 🎴 :
Sam Guthrie 🎴
Encanto 💃🎉 :
Camillo Madrigal 💃🎉
Rise of the Guardians ❄ :
Jack Frost ❄
Fresh :
Steven Kemp 🍖
Masterlist ⚜
Rules For Requesting ✅
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dayeongi · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nara Shikamaru/Temari, Kankurou (Naruto)/Original Male Character(s), Sand Siblings - Relationship Characters: Nara Shikamaru, Temari (Naruto), Kankurou (Naruto), Original Male Character(s), Gaara (Naruto) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Royalty, setting sun au, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers Series: Part 5 of SETTING SUN AU Summary:
Two and a half years after the end of Setting Sun, everyone is learning to adapt or move on, for now.
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