#She's got like 3 or 4 separate outfits so far. It's insane.
Sannyo's Outfits
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Honorable mention
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Her frequently used damaged art
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toruro · 9 months
Talk about your moots; what do you like most about them (could be a paragraph or a single sentence, spread the love!!)
omg yes i love love … only doing this for the last few i interacted w though .. irly wish i could do more but i got so tired while writing these and it has been a long day :[
@rubyreduji guys do i even have 2 tell u how much i love jj?! U ALL KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM like i don't even know how it happened one day i'm interacting w him 4 the first time 2 bug him abt a jihoon fic i had planned and then BOOM we r evil twinning in the dms and then BOOM AGAIN he's listening to the 70+ vms i send him every day i love him so much >_< WE JUST GET ALONG RLY WELL and it's so much fun ... also jj just writes so much and he write so well ?! his ideas are rly unique too and whenever he mentions another story i'm like :o wow bc he is so WOW and i love his brain and i love how he is true to his woozidan identity (woozi having a separate masterlist altogether LOL) ... jj is just the love of my life if u guys couldn't tell i'm actually insanely territorial over him so actually he doesn't exist 2 u guys UR NOT ALLOWED TO PERCEIVE HIM IF UR NOT ME
@gyuswhore i love em sm okay first of all what drew me 2 her was her phenomenal writing?! guys i revisit her gyu fic more often than she knows HELPDKJ but ya and the stuff sh has in store 4 u all ... just u wait OKAY AND I JUST. I LOVE TALKING ABT WRITING WITH EM she genuinely helps me so much and i love the honest feeback she gives and she has encouraged me through 2 of my longest fics so far which means the absolute world to me >_< also i love her daily little updates and how she tells me all this stuff IT'S ENTERTAINING and also i love that we are able 2 have convos like that ... and she's also literally the prettiest ever. i kid u not mingyu would PICK HER. we also just understand each other's situations very well and feel the same way abt a lot of stuff which makes talking abt certain things easier ^^ ya i love em my desi sister P.S. SHE FEEDS MY DELUSIONAL MINGHAO REQUESTS (the way her only works for hao are reqs from me ... gfhdfksjd)
@cheolhub SAR SAR the sweetest ever like :[ sar was my first mutual when i started on tumblr and she scared me at first bc ... she was so a cool to me atthe time AND SHE STILL IS SO COOL. LIKE SAR IS SO COOL 2 ME but now i see that she is also so loving and caring and c: she will always hold a special place in my heart bc she was the first 2 dm me (I REMEMBER. BC WE INTERACTED ABT GETTING TIX TO TWICE AND WE TALKED ABT OUTFIT PLANNING ... funny bc the way we didn't figure out any outfits until literally june LOL) anyways ya also if u have read sar's works u probably know she is also insane and :c she is so amazing 4 helping me out too uifgjks i love sar sm
@etherealyoungk skye is so sweet :c also one of my first mutuals and i appreciate her so much 4 always checking in w me and just interacting w me consistently hehe ... she reminds me my hoshi pc as well whenever i look at it i'm like oh ^^ this is skye right here :3
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast only rly started interacting w rj recently but she's so funny like her reactions pics and feedback under fics genuinely has made me giggle and i love that ... and rj is just! rly fun 2 talk 2 as well and i can't wait 2 get to know her better hehe
@leejihoonownsmyheart the sweetest ever and omg her writing is so good ... brie don't downplay urself EVER bc it's so good and ^^ ur such a fun and positive person i will love u even if u don't like me bc i'm a capricorn hehjefjk
@lovelyhan guys stop i never shut up abt kai's writing but they are just so good at everything they do like! insane i'm insane and kai is just so cool to me kjfdskj ALSO. LOVE KAI SO MUCH BC THEY ALWAYS SEND ME TWTS ABT HAO AND it kind of drives me crazy but also it feeds me breakfast lunch & dinner so am i really complaining? basically kai knows me 2 well and it drives me insane in the best way possible
@ressonancee only became mutuals rly recently but thea is so fun and kind and auuugh don't even get me started on how amazing of a writer she is bc her jihoon and gyu fics literally took me to heaven and back like! augh! they make me feel so much and i'm so exited 2 continue to get to know her and more ^^
@userelv elv is so fun like we don't interact a lot but whenever we do it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and anyways i'm gonna be collecting insane dk pics and save them up so i can send them to u one day w out warning c:
@wheeboo so funny and so sweet and also i feel get along rly well! i love the way she writes and we have a lot of common interests and i love talking abt kdrams w her hehe LIKE?!?! ME AND RANIA JUST HAVE VERY CHILL AND NATURAL CONVOS which i absolutely love and she is a person who is very calming 2 me ^^
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Hi. Hope you're doing well. Can I ask you to give me a run down on the whole Louis and Harry situation? I listened to their music on and off but never followed their personal lives (other than the highly publicized thing with TS). But the situation, from what I gathered, seems... Interesting. What are the theories here? Hope it's not too much trouble. Thanks.
Hi, anon!
Sorry, it's taken me so long to reply to you but I wanted to find and provide some links with more information on the things I will be mentioning.
Now I'm going to do my best to give a quick rundown of Louis and Harry's history touching upon some of the bigger theories but Larry is a lot, it's multiple theories and years of history and multiple things seemingly happening at once like doing the research for this I fell down this hole all over again because there's just so much so this turned bigger than I was planning but let's get into this...
For those that don't know Louis and Harry are singer-songwriters that started their careers as members of the group One Direction. From pretty early on in the conception of the band fans noticed the close relationship between Louis and Harry and it wasn't too long before tumblr gave them a couple name: Larry Stylinson. 
Now, all 5 boys were close and got along well but Larry was magical to look at:
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And what at first was a tumblr/fandom thing kept growing to the point it left fandom in a way I'd never seen before and have yet to see again with a lot of focus being put on Larries (people who believe in larry) themselves with articles being written about the theories and those who believe in them in an often mocking way; Larries were turned into villains, mocked and painted as silly little fangirls by the fandom and the media, and to this day we are still looked upon that way by those in and outside the fandom (and even by those who were once larries but that's a convo for another day).
Point is Larry grew and theories are aplenty, so let's look at some of them…
Theory #1: Louis and Harry are/were romantically involved and made to hide their relationship by management.
As I said, there's a lot of theories surrounding these two but this is I'd say the original one, the biggest one, and the one a lot of other theories come back to; I don't know when speculation about the boys' sexuality and their relationship started but it has been going on for years to the point, as I said, that it left the fandom.
The theory is self-explanatory: Harry and Louis have been together since their X Factor days but made to hide their relationship by their management for years, and all the girlfriends they have had publicly have been beards including Miss TS herself. (As a bonus fact, that made a lot of people in this fandom dislike her, and some think it’s because of Larry or because she was dating Harry, no it’s because she shaded him multiple times.)
You probably noticed that I said "are/were", the reason for that is that there are some larries (are you still a larrie if you think they've broken up?) that believe Louis and Harry were together but have since broken up. That's not the case with all larries since there are also plenty who believe they are still together, and some who even think they got married in 2013, I'll talk about that a little bit more later on, for now, let's go back to the early years and some of the things that made people believe in this love story:
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This is not in chronological order by the way.
Other than the heart eyes, soft touches, and overall fondness displayed towards each other by both boys there was…
That time in a radio interview when the boys were asked about girlfriends or boyfriends and Harry said Louis’ boyfriend and management were heard saying to take that bit out. Now there is some debate about whether Harry said Louis’ boyfriend or we're all each other's boyfriends so I suggest taking a close listen. 
Harry saying his first real crush was Louis and that it was mutual. 
The autograph signing where a fan asked Harry if he and Louis were dating and he said yes. 
The AIMH tweet:
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Louis being asked if he does romantic things for his partner and answering he once cooked a chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham (a dish he mentions often) but he's also said in the past he's only cooked one proper meal and his first cooking experience was with Harry. 
You can also check these timelines from the early years for more examples and cute gifs and photos: Larry 2010 timeline, September - October 2011 timeline. 
Those are just some of the reasons people believe in Larry, it's not even the tip of the iceberg; I'll be talking about the tattoos and song lyrics in just a minute but before we move on to the next theory I do want to add what happened with Larry in the public eye.
Those familiar with my blog know about separate narratives well Larry didn't get a separate narrative they got an "enemies" narrative. When the rumors got too big about them they got shoved farther into the closet, they rarely interacted, they weren't seen together and rumors were spread through managements favorite gossip newspapers that they were feuding and hated each other. 
And to this day some fans and solo stans claim this to be true even though Louis has complimented Harry on his solo music, said he’s proud of Harry work in the movie Dunkirk, said in an interview that Harry messaged him congrats when he released his single:
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and Harry follows a bunch Larry accs and Louis fan accs on twitter.  
Theory #2: Complementary tattoos.
Also, called matching tattoos by some but they're actually more complimentary not matching but anyways this is another reason why some believe in Larry, it technically falls under fact but for this answer, I'm going to present it as a theory simply because neither of the boys has outright confirmed that their tattoos are meant to complement each other.
Harry and Louis have several complimentary tattoos there's the famous rose(Harry) and dagger(Louis):
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The Ship(Harry)and Compass(Louis):
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The Oops(Louis) and Hi(Harry) (this one has a more personal significance as there’s a theory that those were the first words the boys said to each other):
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The Rope(Louis) and Anchor(Harry):
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Masterpost of Louis and Harry’s tattoos.
Theory #3. RBB and SBB
This one is harder to explain, and as far as I know, it's still a fandom mystery.
It all starts when at some point during the boys' Where We Are tour a fan throws a rainbow teddy bear on stage. Someone kept the bear, put some tape on it to make it into bondage bear and the bear got a twitter account. Yes, the stuffed bear got a twitter account, I know it sounds insane but it's a thing that actually happened. At first, it's just silly fun with the bear appearing on tour and tweeting, at some point the bear gets named Rainbow Bondage Bear or RBB by the fans, then the bears twitter acc gets suspended and he is not seen again.
The boys start a new tour, their last tour, the On the Road Again Tour.
The boys are back on the road and so is RBB! Once again, at first, everything is silly fun with the bear appearing on stage when one day out of the blue….a second bear! A small one. This second bear gets labeled Sugar Baby Bear or SBB. The bears are always together, the costumes get more elaborate, the boys don't acknowledge them, and the fans have no clue who is behind it all.
Then things get weird…er, the bears start posing with props including books like a biography of someone coming to terms with their sexuality.
And remember how I said some fans theorize Harry and Louis got married back in 2013? Well, on September 24th the bears appear as always on stage, this time dressed in wedding outfits in front of a signed picture of a man named Larry. On the 29th Harry tweets:
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The theory is that Harry and Louis got married on September 28th, 2013. 
The number 28 does seem to have a lot of significance for the boys with Louis even having it tattooed on his body. 
And there was that recent "Louis Styles" moment from Roman Kemp who is from my understanding friends with Harry. And after that happened Christian Saad who Louis follows tweeted (and later deleted):
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And liked:
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Make of that what you will.  
Back to the bears...after that things get even weirder, the bears get security, they get another twitter account, they keep posing with props, things get more and more elaborate and none of the boys acknowledge it. At one point the boys are set to appear on Kimmel and a really mocking potato bit is done which offends fans, that same night RBB and SBB post a picture looking as angry as two stuffed bears can be next to a box of mashed potatoes.
When the boys are finally asked about the bears all of them immediately look at Louis - and I just have to say Niall's reaction will never not make me laugh - and when he says nothing Harry says he believes it was the crew, and the boys act like they have no idea what is being talked about.
The theory is that Harry and Louis were behind RBB and SBB and were using the bears as a way to communicate with fans. 
RBB & SBB masterpost
Theory #4: Song Lyrics.
Okay, last theory we will be discussing on this ask. I hope you’re still with me on this way longer than intended post.
As I said in the beginning, both boys are songwriters and it is theorized that both have written songs about each other and their relationship. There are parallels in their lyrics and Music Videos* (*Walls and Lights Up also have similar themes song-wise.) 
Among the songs that are said to be about each other is Habit from Louis first album Walls, which contains the lyric:
“come so far from princess park”
And Sweet Creature from Harry’s first album:
“And, oh, we started Two hearts in one home”
The lyrics I highlighted are significant because Harry and Louis lived together in Princess Park Manor.
And if you take a close look at the lyrics both songs also have similar themes, with both being about a relationship that has its struggles but they’re both still deeply in love with the person. 
Now Harry was actually asked in an interview if Sweet Creature was about Louis and after stumbling a bit he eventually answered that he didn’t want to tell anyone that they’re wrong on what they’re feeling about a song even if they’re not necessarily right but he thinks if you really listen to the lyrics you can work out whether it’s about that or not and he leans towards no. 
It’s pretty funny to hear him stumble around for an answer that could have been answered with a simple yes or no. 
A funny comparison that was often done is that in another interview Harry was asked about another one of his songs, ‘Two Ghost’ and if it was about TS because it was rumored on the media that it was; he tries to dodge the question at first but when the radio host introduces the song as the one about TS Harry screams out and shouts ‘NO!’.  
Something to note is that Harry’s stumbled through answer on whether or not Sweet Creature is about Louis is presented in the media as Harry flat out squashing those rumors, while Harry’s scream of ‘no’ during his Two Ghost question is ignored with the media focusing instead on him saying that it’s self-explanatory, with some acting like its confirmation and some even writing articles about all the TS hints in the lyrics. 
And there you have it anon a not so quick rundown of Harry and Louis that doesn't even cover the tip of the iceberg and some of the bigger theories surrounding them. I hope you found this informative and that is answered your question! 
One last Larry gif for the road (this one’s one of my favs) 💙💚
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thirteen-beaxhes · 5 years
Delayed - Chapter 2: Reunions
Summary:  “All felt like they knew the others were far away, living ideal lives. They kept to their windows and phones for the ride, thinking about the others. They reminisced separately but prayed for the night to go by fast, to get to the places they needed to go. But the night hadn’t even begun yet.” High school ended 6 years ago, and with it, so did the friendship between Andi, Buffy, Cyrus, Jonah, TJ and Amber. But now their flight is delayed and they are stuck in a hotel together for the night. Not much can change in one night, though. Can it?
The bus pulled up to the hotel, the sun well below the horizon by now. Andi pulled out one of her earphones at the sudden halt, peering forward where the conductor was asking them to ‘exit in an orderly fashion and go to the lobby’. She sighed, moving to get up, throwing her duffel bag over her shoulder. She trudged out of the bus with the other unfortunate people who were stuck there that night. When they entered the hotel, they were all directed to this seating area, charitably called a ‘lobby’, where they had to wait while rooms were arranged for them.
Andi huffed, letting the reassurances of ‘We will have it under control soon,’ and ‘We will handle everything,’ slide over her. She sank into a chair near a plug point, pushing in her phone charger and breathing a quiet sigh of relief when the screen lit up. As she scrolled through her phone, checking her posts, she landed on a picture of her in high school, scrolling by as fast as she could. She couldn’t afford to look back at that part of her life, to look back and miss the perfect days when her life was in shambles around her. She would much rather forget those days rather than keep living with the fact that if only…
See, that’s why. Just forget it and scroll ahead.
Andi sighed and glanced up towards the buffet being laid out for the passengers in the hotel, looking back down. But something made her do a double take. Or rather someone.
By the tables, a tall girl was pacing and talking on the phone, occasionally rolling her eyes but laughing. Her curly hair was up in a bun on her head, and she was wearing a sports hoodie and sneakers. She looked older than before, obviously, but there was no mistaking who it was.
Andi felt her throat go dry, her mind racing at the speed of light, trying to process the fact that this was real. That it was really her.
Buffy Driscoll. One of Andi’s best friends since 2nd Grade till High School. A fellow member of the Good Hair Crew. One of her perfect friends.
Andi didn’t really feel herself get up, didn’t realise she was walking across the lobby until she was just behind Buffy, who was just putting down the phone. Andi shakily drew a deep breath, unexpectedly nervous. Finally, she reached out and tapped Buffy on the shoulder with her finger.
“Fancy seeing you here,” she said, causing Buffy to turn around quickly, her eyes wide. It took a minute for her to take in Andi’s appearance, before her face broke into a huge smile. Buffy squealed and pulled Andi into a bone-crushing hug. Andi felt herself smile too, wrapping her arms around Buffy as tight as she could. They spent what felt like forever just clinging onto each other, the surroundings feeling dull in comparison. Eventually, Buffy pulled herself away from Andi, her eyes filled up slightly.
“Oh my god, it feels like forever!” she said, grabbing Andi’s shoulders. “You look so different! Good different of course,” she added. “And your hair! I don’t think I’ve ever seen it this length!”
“Well, I underwent a real style transformation,” Andi said, flipping her hair forward. “But look at you, still rocking those sports clothes, I see.”
Buffy laughed slightly, looking down. “Yeah, I didn’t go too much for travel outfits. Comfort over looks any day.”
“Is that a dig at my outfit? I have an aesthetic to keep up, you know.”
Buffy rolled her eyes. “What is that? Badass biker?”
Andi’s smiled dropped a bit, her walls being pushed against. “Close, but no.”
After the initial excitement and happiness, the awkward tension grew in between them, Buffy sensing Andi’s change in manner. Both were unsure of what else to say. They glanced back at the other, giving an awkward smile but looking away. This never used to happen to them back in school, but here they were, the silence between them growing. Andi looked down, catching sight of Buffy’s hand, where sat a silver ring. She gasped, grabbing her hand.
“Oh my god, is that what I think it is?” she said, the smile on her face coming back.
Buffy tried to hide her excited smile but to no avail. She held up her hand, showing the ring. “It may be.”
“So, who is it?” Andi asked teasingly.
Buffy’s smile softened, her eyes fond. “It’s Marty.”
“Whoa,” Andi said, her words just louder than a whisper. “After all this time?”
“We met again last time I was in Shadyside, and it just felt right? With him, it always has,” Buffy said.
“I’m so happy for you, Buffy. I really am,” Andi said, clasping her hand.
Buffy sighed, sniffing a bit. She pushed Andi’s shoulder slightly, an unusual gesture but not unwelcome. “What about you? How’s that front of your life?”
Almost instantly, it felt as if all the air had been sucked out of Andi’s lungs. She just kept looking at Buffy, her mind drawing a blank.
Actually, there was no blank. There were thoughts circulating, but all of them were… unpleasant. As her mind kept supplying thoughts, she grew more and more frustrated. She tried desperately to internalise it, to throw it behind the walls she had spent months building. Buffy was staring at her in confusion, as Andi tried to find the words to say, but all that came out was silence.
Say something, anything. For fuck’s sake, she’s looking at you like you’re insane.
But thankfully, before she had to say anything or explain herself, a welcome distraction came in the form of a voice calling from behind them.
“Andi? Buffy?”
Cyrus had just been heading to the buffet to try and find something to eat, seeing that he hadn’t eaten for a good couple hours. He noticed the girl from the airport standing there talking to another girl, the other in a sports hoodie. They had been talking and hugging as if they had been reunited after years. As he caught a glimpse of her, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew her. Cyrus pinched the bridge of his nose, his headache still not gone, as he wracked his brain trying to figure out who it could be. He looked back at the two girls, hoping that another glance might help him place her. It didn’t help much, he still couldn’t figure out how he knew her. But then he saw the other girl, smiling but her eyebrows furrowed in concern. And that expression made Cyrus feel as if his mind had fallen down a wormhole.
He had seen that expression before. It had been directed at him before by only one person.
That meant…
“Andi? Buffy?” Cyrus called out in utter disbelief. The suitcase he had been dragging along beside him was suddenly forgotten as he walked forward in a daze toward the two girls. They both turned to look at him in shock. And when Cyrus finally got a good look at them he knew he was right.
Andi Mack and Buffy Driscoll.
“Cyrus?!” the both of them said, with shocked smiles on their faces. That was all Cyrus needed to run forward and envelope the two in a group hug. Or, at least try to. He accidentally collided into Andi’s side, pushing the two and nearly toppling them over. The three laughed awkwardly for a bit, before all going into a hug. Cyrus held his two best friends as tight as he could, a part of him convinced that if he didn’t, he would wake up from what clearly had to be a dream.
“What are the odds of all three of us bumping into each other here?” Buffy said after the three pulled away.
Cyrus shook his head, still stunned. “Of all the places we could meet,” he said, stepping back.
“This is by far the craziest thing to happen to me,” Andi said, her smile wide.
The three laughed, Cyrus going back for a moment to get his suitcase from where it was about to become a tripping hazard. When he got back, he finally noticed Buffy’s left hand, doing a double take.
“Wait a minute,” he said, grabbing her hand, eliciting a chuckle from Buffy. “When did this happen? Who is it? How??”
“Like 3 months ago,” Buffy said, shrugging. “Funny thing is Marty and I both asked each other just while we were sitting on the couch watching movies. Just like that.”
“Of course that’s how the proposal went down,” Andi said, facepalming.
“Wait. Marty? From school?” Cyrus asked.
Buffy nodded, looking down at her shoes. “Everyone else I dated after high school was amazing, but I don’t know. I really liked them all, but for some reason, they never lasted. How ever long we went out. Then, a couple years ago, I met Marty in Shadyside while visiting and we started talking again. And I just knew,” she said softly. Hearing her talk couldn’t help but make Andi and Cyrus give each other a look, knowing exactly what the other one was thinking. God, he had missed this.
“Well, we’re really happy for you Buffy,” Andi said, reaching forward to squeeze Buffy’s shoulder. Cyrus nodded his head with a smile.
“Thanks guys,” Buffy said, going in to hug the two. “God, I never realised how much I missed you guys.”
“I know, it’s been forever,” Cyrus said. “Last I met Andi was 4 years ago and I met Buffy five years ago.”
“That’s too long, it should be illegal for us to be apart that long,” Andi said, pulling away first. Cyrus sighed in agreement.
“Well, I guess one good thing came out of this flight being delayed,” Cyrus said with a small laugh.
The three stood in relative silence, unsure of what to say now that the initial high of reuniting had faded, and all three were painfully reminded that none of them were the people who had left high school 6 years ago.
“So, what’s been up with you guys?” Buffy asked, trying to break the silence.
Andi shrugged, her face neutral. “Nothing really. Since uni ended, I got an offer from Buzzfeed as a content creator. Some DIY stuff, like crafts and writing and stuff.”
“Andi, that’s great,” Buffy said with a smile, confused by Andi’s lack of reaction.
“Yeah, still haven’t decided whether I’m gonna take it. I might go down the design route, like interior or product of something,” Andi replied, crossing her hands.
Buffy nodded slowly, not completely understanding Andi’s thoughts anymore. She turned to Cyrus. “What about you, Cy?”
“Well, I still have to study for my PhD if I wanna be a therapist,” Cyrus said. “But on the other hand, YouTube seems to be going well. So the film-making part is going on too.”
“That’s great, Cyrus,” Andi said, flashing a quick smile.
“And? I’m not just talking about studies you know?” Buffy said with a cheeky smile, aware of how cringey she sounded. But something felt off about the conversation, and she didn’t like it. Things had to be the way they used to.
Cyrus laughed quietly. “Well, don’t look at me about that. Haven’t been in a relationship longer than a couple days for 6 years now.”
Buffy narrowed her eyes. “Seriously? Why not?” Cyrus just shrugged in response. “You mean nobody since…”
“Nope,” Cyrus interrupted before Buffy could say his name, his heart for some reason beating fast. Why? He was over him. He HAD to be. 6 years for heaven’s sake.
Andi nodded her head, thankfully drawing Buffy’s attention away from him. “I get it. Same situation with me,” she said, lifting her shoulders slightly.
“Oh my god, you two,” Buffy sighed, shaking her head.
“Relationships aren’t the end all, be all of life Buffy. Not for everyone,” Andi said, her words coming across a bit harsher than she intended, a fact she only realised when she saw Buffy flinch. But she couldn’t take it back, even if she regretted it.
Cyrus narrowed his eyes, staring at Andi in confusion. “Wait, really? Nothing?” Andi nodded. “But then when I met you 4 years ago, who was that guy?”
“Cuz I remember you introduced him as your boyfri-”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Cyrus, you must be mistaken,” Andi said quickly, cutting off Cyrus as fast as she could, before he said anything. Fuck how could she have forgotten he’s met him, fuck fuck fuck.
Buffy was now staring at her weirdly, as Cyrus waved his hand, shaking his head. “No no no. I remember it clearly. What was his name?” he muttered, snapping his fingers. “I think it was Jake or Jame-”
“Cyrus, I told you you’re mistaken, so you’re fucking mistaken!” Andi hissed loudly, taking Cyrus aback. “God, you really have to stick your nose in everything, don’t you? Sometimes you need to learn to just drop it,” she said, grabbing her bag and walking away, leaving Buffy and Cyrus standing there dumbfounded. Everyone around them had gone silent when Andi had snapped, but soon the mutterings and assorted conversations resumed.
Buffy moved closer to Cyrus, both staring in the direction Andi had walked away.
Cyrus just sighed. “Well, shit.”
Andi stalked over to the buffet table in the restaurant, ignoring all the stares and the muttering. Not because she didn’t care. She’d just gotten used to it. Stares, comments, whispers were second nature to her now. She grabbed a plate, walking down the line of cloches, trying to find something vaguely interesting.  However, she was so engrossed in reading the labels that she collided with someone coming the other way.
“Sorry!” the voice yelled.
“Watch where you’re going!” Andi said at the same time, looking up at the person, annoyed. But she froze when she saw his face.
He was staring at her curiously, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to pinpoint why exactly the person before him looked so familiar. “Do I know you?” he asked, pointing at her.
Andi gave him a small smile. “Well, you did. Back when I had shorter hair and no leather jacket. At least, not this colour.”
At first, he just shook his head slightly, but then realisation flooded features, coupled with his characteristic charming smile.
“Hey Jonah.”
“Whoa you look different,” he said, before immediately holding up his hands. “Good different! I mean, cool!”
Andi laughed softly, grabbing his hand. “It’s okay Jonah, I know what you meant.” She set her plate down on the table, going in for a hug that Jonah happily reciprocated.  “How have you been?”
“Oh, you know. Music and stuff,” Jonah said with a shrug, his eyes moving to the side briefly. He pulled at the hem of his shirt, trying to resist the urge to ball up the fabric. He looked at Andi, trying not to stare but finding it hard. She looked so different. Leather jacket. Studs. Was that a tattoo?
“Whoa, that’s great! I’m still working with crafts,” Andi said, tilting her head to the side. She couldn’t stop herself from staring at Jonah. Still handsome. But probably still oblivious. But handsome.
“If you didn’t, I don’t know how I would’ve reacted,” Jonah said with a wink, sending Andi laughing, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Jonah couldn’t help but smile and laugh along. Maybe not go down that rabbit hole, he chided himself, shifting his expression to a more neutral happy one.
The two went silent, unsure of what to say. It seemed to be a running theme now, not knowing what to say. But soon, Andi picked up her plate and turned to Jonah with a smile.
“Fried rice?”
After an awkward goodbye, Cyrus walked over to the restaurant, making sure to steer clear of Andi, who was talking to a person who looked uncannily like Jonah.
Probably was Jonah. It’s practically a Shadyside reunion. Oh-fucking-great.
Cyrus just turned away, grabbing a quarter plate of salad and throwing some fries in too, and sitting down at a corner table, hoping to just scroll through his phone in peace and quiet. The night had already drained him out, and it had barely begun.
A part of him was sad that his friend group no longer felt like it did. But what could he have expected? At the end of the day, all of them had parted ways, growing up in different places, living different lives. Them meeting at this hotel before leaving on another flight was just to show how far they had gone. It hurt, but he would just have to get used to it, wouldn’t he?
Cyrus had just about unlocked his phone and opened Twitter when he heard a quiet gasp behind him. Or so he thought. He just ignored it and continued to scroll through dog pictures and memes, exhaling slightly at some of the posts. Just then, he felt someone stand in front of him.
“Is that seat taken?”
Only one person ever really said that to him in that way. But it couldn’t be him. No. No it couldn’t.
Could it?
Unable to believe his ears, Cyrus slowly looked up, mouth slightly open. But when he locked eyes with the person, he knew he was right in what he thought. He gulped, his throat suddenly dry.
Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! Let me know what you think. I’ll try and update this as regularly as i can.
@pixieangelprincess @luzawithoutu @terri-does-gods-work @sxshx-sxshx @tozbier
lmk if you wanna be tagged in future updates!
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gwydionae · 5 years
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I am posting this to show 1.) how big of a nerd I am, 2.) what KIND of a nerd I am, and 3.) just how much I went through to end up in complete agony, lol.
I really like facts, concrete evidence that something is true. I also like a good puzzle, being given some information and travelling down the rabbit hole to try and piece said info together. You know what else I like? Fictional universes and their concept of time. The Dice, Camera, Action! fandom might know me as the insane lady who carefully tries to construct a proper timeline for a DnD show with no official timeline whatsoever, going simply off of in-game clues.
You know what show gave me a character’s birthday, another character telling said birthday character “happy birthday” seemingly quite a bit after his birthday, and then proceeded to dump an actual, real calendar on me? Mob Psycho 100, of course! So what did I decide I wanted to figure out? Just how long HAD Mob and Reigen been apart during the “separation arc”?
Now, I actually DO have a pretty good guess! See, based on Reigen’s character profile from the manga, along with the email his mom sent him on his birthday, we know that he turned 28 on October 10, 2012 (if he was born Year of the Rat and is using a cellphone in present day, he had to have been born in 1984, thus it being 2012 on his 28th birthday). According to the above included calendar, this would be a Wednesday. He had already been separated from Mob for a little while previous to that, though. The first day could have been a school day as Ritsu came home in uniform and said that Mob was “home early”, but it couldn’t have been a Monday as the day before that was definitely a school day. So that would likely make it either Tuesday the 9th or Friday the 5th. We then see Mob in class/club, out shopping with Ritsu, and out again in a different outfit (this being Reigen’s birthday). If his birthday is on a Wednesday, their first day apart couldn’t have been Tuesday as there are at least 2 days in between their fight and Wednesday, so likely they fought on Thursday the 4th, meaning that October 5, 2012 would be the first day of their separation.
So! Reigen went 6 days before getting his serious Mob withdrawal symptoms. Ok, how much time passed after that? Well, I figured it couldn’t be TOO much, as while Mob’s belated “happy birthday” is said in the past tense, it’d be weird if it came, like, months later, but there’s only so much actual evidence to go on. We do know that Reigen started going all out with work, and one job in particular - the video game player killer - had him staying up “many nights”. But that one job made him go viral, essentially, and he got interviewed for a magazine. “And a few days after that” he got asked to be on the TV special, which took place “one week” from when he was asked. We then see people reporting on him being a fake the next day, and the day after that Mob is at school and being told about it for the first time. This gave me my first clue, making me think the special must have been on a Saturday night, with Mob finding out on Monday. After this, we get the line “in three days, being the ultimate evil had become Reigen’s public image”, which would put us on a Tuesday as the day he gets cornered into holding a press conference the following day (Wednesday). And, of course, that’s the day he finally sees Mob again.
So for sure we have 4 days since the night of his social collapse, and before that 8 days between which he got asked to be on TV and then he appeared on TV the following week. So we’ve got a confirmed 12 days total so far, but obviously that’s not counting the “many nights” playing the video game plus any work time he put in before or after. The earliest possible date that he could have been contacted for the TV would be Saturday the 20th. This would give him about a week and a half to get big, and it would put the spooky exorcism special the Saturday before Halloween. But that’s not a lot of time to build up his name, and it would put his press conference on Halloween itself which seems a bit odd to me (though maybe Japan isn’t too big on Halloween specials). So I figured the best bet would be to say he got asked to be on TV Saturday the 27th, appeared Nov 3rd, and held his press conference on Wed the 7th, exactly 4 weeks since his birthday, and a total of 34 days since he’d last seen Mob.
BUT WAIT! Why did I say I was in agony over this if I’ve got a pretty decent idea of how much time passed? Oh, Studio Bones. I love you. I love you a lot. I do. I really, really do.
You just HAD to put a REAL calendar in the very next episode, didn’t you?
Ok, so admittedly at first I was pretty excited about this! After all, at first glance, it actually seemed to line up pretty well! It looked like it could be a calendar for Oct 2012! But then I noticed that according to that screenshot, the date is supposed to be the 1st. Well, ok, fine, maybe my first guess was correct and Reigen actually DID get popular in a week and a half and held in press conference on the 31st. But... no, that couldn’t be it either because this month has 31 days in it - that doesn’t even work for November at all! Could it possibly be December already? Did that much time actually pass?? In what year did December 1st fall on a Mon- WAIT! NO! THAT’S NOT A MONDAY! THAT’S A TUESDAY!! THIS CALENDAR STARTS WITH MONDAY!!! That means that even my theory of “they had the right calendar for Oct 2012, but just marked the wrong date on it” is debunked, too!! Wait wait wait!! Hold up! Just what month/year IS this supposed to be a calendar of, then??
It’s January 2019.
They just used the dates from January 2019.
How dare you, Bones.
I trusted you. I trusted that you would actually pull through for me, that you had given me concrete evidence to support my hypothesis. That you put so much care into your animation that SURELY putting in the proper dates wouldn’t be hard.
I was a fool to be excited. I will never trust your dates or calendars again. You have lied to me with false facts, and now every time I see that calendar, it makes me upset because it is simply factually wrong, and I don’t like it.
...THIS is what kind of nerd I am. XD
Now if you’ll excuse me, my sister is about to watch the latest episode, and I am going to make myself happy again by enjoying her pain, because she, like me, is an anime only, lol.
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seriestrash · 6 years
The List - Chapter Eleven
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Summary: It’s summer vacation and TJ and Cyrus fill their days checking things of Cyrus’ list.
Read on AO3
Chapter Eleven: Four talks and a fight 
Word Count: 5334
After realising his feelings for TJ during the firework display, Cyrus panics and quickly finds an excuse to go home even though Marty offered for everyone to stay at his house.
Cyrus went home alone and has a restless nights sleep as he was too busy stressing over this sudden and confusing realisation. Cyrus lays awake trying to make sense of his crush on TJ. At quarter to five in the morning, Cyrus is still wide awake and the faint ticks of the second hand from his wall clock were slowly driving him insane. Cyrus springs out of bed and changes into some casual clothes and he was far too frantic to perfectly craft his outfit like he usually would.
Cyrus makes his way out of the house and even though it’s only 5am, the sun has begun to rise since it’s summer. Cyrus power walks down the street with no real destination in mind but somewhere along the way he becomes set on a single idea and with that crazed thought in mind, Cyrus makes his way to the Shadyside pier.
Once at the seaside, Cyrus marches down the old wooden pier on a mission. As the end of the pier got closer, Cyrus’ strides became slower and shorter, even with fear and panic beginning to kick in, Cyrus forces himself to the edge. With a deep breath Cyrus leans forward to look at the water bellow. The water was calm, not at all mirroring how Cyrus currently felt.
Do it, Cyrus internally yells at himself, it’s just a little jump... and then a whole lot of ocean... As Cyrus is leaning forward and staring into the ocean trying to force himself off the pier, his cell slips out of his pocket and splashes into water bellow.
“No no no!” Cyrus whines as he watches it sink until it is no longer visible. “Just my stinking luck.”
“Are you talking to the fish, boy?” A mans voice startles Cyrus and he was lucky he didn’t fall off the edge of the pier when he jumped in fright.
“I dropped my phone.” Cyrus says defensively like he was in trouble. When Cyrus turns around he finds the man the voice belonged to. Just shy of the end of the pier was an old man fishing. Cyrus looks at him for a second and then realisation crosses his face, he knew this man. This was the old man Cyrus and TJ had spoken to at the beginning of summer, one half of the elderly couple TJ had asked to pick a number when they were beginning the list. 
“I know you.” Cyrus says. “I met you briefly at the beginning of summer.”
The old man looks confused, “I forget things a lot these days, I’m sorry.”
“That’s alright.” Cyrus wears a sympathetic and sad smile, “You were with your wife of 60 years.”
This makes the man grin from ear to ear. “Would you like to sit down?” He motions to the space beside him. Cyrus didn't know why but he accepts the mans invitation and very nervously sits himself down, although Cyrus was too frightened to let his feet dangle over the edge so instead he sits a small distance back to be safe. 
“My name is William, what’s yours?” He introduces.
“Cyrus. Nice to officially meet you.” Cyrus smiles politely.
“What seems to be troubling you, Cyrus?” William asks.
“It’s a long and complicated story,” Cyrus shakes his head, “So complicated I’m not sure I even understand it.”
“I’ve got time,” William gently shakes his fishing rod.
Cyrus is quiet for a second. Was he really going to open up to a complete stranger? Cyrus lets out a loud exhale and figures why not? “I think I have feelings for my friend..” Cyrus chooses to be vague.
“You think?” William gives Cyrus a questioning look. 
“All signs are pointing that way and I have no idea how it happened.” Cyrus sighs, “We’ve been friends for the good part of a year now and somewhere along the way I ‘allegedly’,” Cyrus dramatically uses are quotes, “developed feelings for hi- them.”
The old man pauses in thought like he was wracking his memories for something in particular, then he nods with a smile.
“I remember you now.” William says, “You and your friend were at the diner, playing with your food.”
Cyrus laughs, “Yeah that's my friend TJ.”
“An this is the same friend you have feelings for?” William questions and Cyrus gives a sheepish nod as he had no idea how the man would react to Cyrus’ feelings being for a boy. 
“Are you sure you didn’t like him back then?” William asks. 
“That’s the point,” Cyrus sighs again, “I didn’t know I liked him until last night, who knows when these so called feelings developed?”
“And why are you out here on the pier so early in the morning and not talking to your friend about how you feel?”
“Because I don’t know how I feel.” Cyrus stresses. “And I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“If it’s a good friendship there’s nothing you could say to ruin it.” William says like a wise old man. “Even putting feelings out in the open.” 
It’s a nice idea but Cyrus knew that unrequited feelings definitely could make things difficult between them. “I want to talk to him but I’m scared.”
“How does being on the pier help that?” William questions. 
Cyrus quickly summarises the list and how they’ve been working through it all summer. “I came to the pier with the intent to jump off it. This is supposed to be the thing I’m most scared of on the list… If I could do this maybe I could face what I’m actually afraid of.”
“Which are your feelings for your friend?” William asks.
“My feelings in general.” Cyrus frowns, “Ever since I realised I was different I’ve avoided thinking about it. I don’t know what I am.”
William is quiet for a moment. “You like a boy?” 
“I liked a boy, past tense, but even that was more of a weird infatuation.” Cyrus knits his brows, “My current feelings are to be determined. Maybe I’m just having a break down and TJ is being roped into that... Not that TJ isn’t likeable, I mean he’s always been so kind and supportive and tall-” Cyrus stops abruptly and shakes his head. 
“Cyrus,” William chuckles and his old man laugh was comforting to Cyrus in a weird way, “Are you worried about liking this boy or what liking two boys means?” 
“Both.” Cyrus shrugs. “I guess deep down, I know I like boys... exclusively…” Cyrus says with a squinted expression that makes it sound more like a question he wanted answered.
“I think they have a word for that, son.” The old man says with a quiet laugh.
"Okay, so I’m gay,” Cyrus says out loud for the first time ever and it was honestly a such a relief to admit it to himself more than anything, “That doesn’t mean I like, TJ…” Cyrus folds his arms with a huff and this causes William to laugh again. 
“You’re going to be okay, son.” William says and for some reason that was extremely comforting to hear, even from a perfect stranger. 
Cyrus stays with William for over an hour. Cyrus was still too stressed to entertain the idea of liking TJ so he instead asks William about his marriage. Eventually Cyrus parts ways with William, he thanks the man for their conversation and makes his way home and even though admitting he was gay out loud for the first time was quite the relief, he still was no more certain about his feelings for TJ than he was last night.
Cyrus enters his house and closes the front door beside himself.
“Cyrus is that you?” Todd, Cyrus’ stepfathers, voice calls out.
“Yeah, it’s me.” Cyrus calls back and makes his way to the kitchen where his voice was coming from.
“You disappeared early this morning and you weren’t answering your phone.” Todd frowns.
Cyrus lets out a groan, “I’m sorry, I went for a walk and I lost my phone.”
“You lost it?” Todd looks a little upset by this.
“I’m sorry,” Cyrus frowns and he decides to not get into the full story. 
Todd softens after noticing Cyrus’ glum expression, “Is everything okay?”
“I’m just really missing my friends.” Cyrus says and this was an honest answer, it might not have been the whole truth but now more than ever, Cyrus wished he had the comfort of his best friends.
“Well there’s a little something in your room that might cheer you up.” Todd says with a smile. “And don’t worry, I’ll talk to your mom about the phone.”
“Thanks,” Cyrus mumbles and he was doubtful anything could change his current mood but still he forces a smile for his stepdad’s benefit. Cyrus sulks down the hall towards his bedroom. He pushes open his bedroom door and is speechless at the surprise waiting on the other side of it. Standing in his room with cheerful expressions was Andi, Buffy and Jonah and they all shout a joyful, “Surprise!”
“You guys are back?” Cyrus’ mouth hangs agape, “You’re not supposed to be back for three more days!”
“We came home early to surprise you.” Buffy says through a smile.
“Are you going to stand there the whole time or can we have a hug?” Andi asks with her arms out wide. A group embrace follows and Cyrus had to try very hard to stop himself from crying, having his best friends back at a time when he needed them most was absolutely overwhelming.
“Tell us about your summer,” Andi says, “I want to know everything.”
“Me too.” Buffy says, “I need you to explain to me again how you ended up becoming best pals with Walker and Marty of all people?”
“And TJ.” Jonah adds.
“We all already knew he liked, TJ.” Buffy chuckles. 
“You did?” Cyrus asks frantically.
“Yeah, Cyrus, you were friends before summer.” Buffy laughs.
“Right.” Cyrus shakes his head. She means as friends. Of course she does.
“I don’t want to talk about my summer, tell me about your summer, I’ve missed you guys so much!” Cyrus tries to avoid thinking about TJ or making anyone suspicious about what was going on. “Andi how was the road trip? Buffy, Jonah, how was camp?” Cyrus asks.
The three sit around and all get reaqiunted, although they had surprised Cyrus, they had all been separated from each other this summer. Even though Cyrus was ecstatic to have his friends home and genuinely interested in hearing about their adventures he couldn’t help but let his mind wander back to his confusion over his feelings for TJ.
“Is everything okay, Cy-Guy?” Jonah questions.
“Totally.” Cyrus nods. “I just missed you guys so much.”
“We missed you too.” Andi says with a loving smile and she and Cyrus exchange a lovey dovey look. 
“I think I’m going to go home and unpack my bag, hang out with my dad for a bit,” Jonah gets up, “I’ll let the good hair crew catch up.”
“You don’t have to leave.” Andi frowns.
“It’s okay. You guys should talk.” Jonah smiles, “But we should all go to The Spoon tomorrow?”
“I’ve missed their baby taters and milkshakes so much.” Buffy rubs her stomach.
“Count me in.” Andi says softly with a nod.
Once Jonah leaves, Cyrus could feel the mood in the room flip completely. Both girls were pointing quizzical looks at Cyrus and he felt like he was being interrogated.
“Are you going to tell us what’s wrong?” Buffy asks.
“Nothing is wrong.” Cyrus shakes his head.
“You love talking about yourself,” Buffy jokes with a soft laugh, “How come every time someone asked you about summer you’ve deflected?”
“Did something happen?” Andi questions, “You seemed to be having a blast with the ‘bouncy boys’-”
“Still not okay that you started a new crew.” Buffy interjects. 
“What happened?” Andi finishes her sentence. 
Cyrus lets out a frustrated groan as he knew there was no hiding from his two best friends. “I have a crush on TJ and I don’t want to talk about it.” Cyrus folds his arms across his chest.
Buffy blinks with a blank expression for a moment whilst Andi is smiling.
“You two aren't acting surprised, why aren’t you acting surprised?” Cyrus questions. 
“We’re not surprised.” Buffy states. 
“So you’re telling me you you knew and didn’t tell me?” Cyrus is offended. 
“You didn’t know?” Andi laughs softly. “We just thought you didn’t want to tell us yet.” 
“I didn’t even know that I liked him. Allegedly.” Cyrus points his finger in the air. “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I want to talk about it.” Andi says.
“That’s all I want to talk about.” Buffy agrees.
“I wasn’t exactly sure you liked him, but hearing you talk about your summer over the phone made me think that maybe it was possible.” Andi explains. 
“The thought crossed my mind while we were still at school.” Buffy shares. 
“Really?” Cyrus questions.
“I thought you liked Jonah?” Andi questions, “Do you like both of them?”
“No, his crush on Jonah is gone.” Buffy shakes her head and then an idea crosses her face, “Did it go away because you like TJ?”
“You don’t like Jonah anymore?” Andi questions, “Why didnt you tell me?”
“I don’t know, I’m sorry.” Cyrus says. “And I told you I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You can’t bring something up and then not talk about it.” Buffy states, “It’s a good hair crew rule.”
“You broke that rule when you refused to tell me who your secret crush was.” Cyrus retorts.
“Cyrus!” Buffy whines.
“You have a secret crush?” Andi questions, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know.” Buffy shrugs.
“Is it someone I know?” Andi continues her questioning. “Would I be hurt by your crush?”
“No!” Buffy insists.
“Then why can’t you tell me?” Andi frowns. “Why do you guys not tell me stuff anymore?”
“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to tell me I told me so.” Buffy huffs.
“Why would I say that?” Andi asks.
“Because her crush is on Marty…” Cyrus says as it clicked in his brain.
“Marty?” Andi asks. “From the party? As in the Marty that you virtually dated but for real turned down?”
“See!” Buffy says, “This is why I didn’t want to tell you.”
“I knew you liked him back when you fake dated.” Andi eyes Buffy.
“Whatever.” Buffy folds her arms, “It doesn’t matter now because Marty has a girlfriend and nothing is ever going to come of my stupid crush.”
“Marty broke up with his girlfriend at the end of the school year,” Cyrus informs her, “Did I forget to mention that?”
“Yes.” Buffy says, “But it still doesn’t matter.”
“It definitely matters!” Cyrus says excitedly, “Marty st-“ Cyrus stops himself. As much as he wanted to speculate about Marty’s obvious intrest in Buffy still, Cyrus didn’t want to do that to a friend.
“Marty what?” Buffy questions.
“Marty is a great guy.” Cyrus smiles.
“What about you, Andi?” Buffy turns the attention on someone else. “How was it seeing Jonah again?”
“Weird?” Andi shrugs, “I don’t know. I’m happy to see him but it’s been so long apart.”
“Maybe you should stop by his house tonight and talk alone?” Buffy suggests.
“That can wait until tomorrow.” Andi says. “I want to stay here with you guys.”
“And I want to know how my sweet and innocent best friend could like a toad like TJ Kippen.” Buffy turns her head Cyrus.
“Buffy!” Cyrus frowns.
“Fine, since we’re friends now I can be nicer,” Buffy sighs, “He’s a total frog, how could you like him?”
Cyrus jumps up from his desk chair with a groan, Andi and Buffy who are sitting at the end of Cyrus’ bed eye him for this outburst. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Cyrus repeats. “I’m too confused. I have no idea when I began to like him... I thought maybe it was when he helped me with the muffin but then I’m pretty sure I was just surprised that he was being nice to me because he was a scary guy.” Cyrus begins pacing around the room whist the two girls follow him with their eyes, “Then I thought it could have been our first time on the swings because that was a really nice moment, it was the first time we really talked but I’m pretty sure I was just intrigued by his softer side, I don’t know if I like liked him back then.” Cyrus stops dead in his tracks and scrunches up his face, “Was it his apology rap?” Cyrus begins his pacing again, “Please don’t be there rap, of all the moments we’ve shared, it couldn’t possibly be the rap.. Could it?”
“For someone who doesn’t want to talk about it you sure have a lot to say.” Andi lets out a quiet laugh and Buffy nods with a knowing smile too.
“What I want and need are clearly two different things.” Cyrus sighs and he flops down on the bed between them. “I don’t even know if I have a crush on him at all. Maybe I just like how nice he’s been to me this summer and I’m misplacing my feelings,” Cyrus stares at the ceiling as he talks. “When I liked Jonah I was nervous around him all the time, I couldn’t think straight, I was so obsessed with him liking me or thinking I was cool but it’s not like that with TJ. Since the swings I’ve only ever been comfortable with him… I mean sure there is my surface level anxiety present but that’s always there… Other than that, being around TJ is easy. I’m not worried about him liking me because he’s only ever encouraged me to be myself…”
Andi and Buffy both lay back beside Cyrus, their shoulders all brushing together.
"You totally like him.” Andi says with a smile pointed to the ceiling. 
“You like, like him.” Buffy nudges Cyrus with a giggle. 
“I know.” Cyrus exhales with a frown. “What am I going to do?” 
“You could tell him how you feel?” Andi suggests. 
“Absolutely not.” Cyrus shakes his head. 
“You could lay here and avoid your feelings forever?” Buffy jokes. 
“I like that idea, let’s do that.” Cyrus is hopeful. 
Buffy rolls onto her side and looks at Cyrus, “I think TJ could like you back.” 
Cyrus sits up and gives her an ‘are you crazy?’ look. 
“I’m being serious, Cyrus. Maybe it’s wrong for me to speculate but I think it’s possible...” Buffy says. “I could go see him and try and work it out-” 
“No way.” Cyrus shuts that idea down. 
“You can’t just suppress your feelings for the rest of your life, Cyrus.” Buffy coaxes her head. 
“Are you going to tell Marty how you feel?” Cyrus challenges. “Or Andi, are you going to face the awkwardness between you and Jonah? 
“Hey, don’t drag me into this, I’m not pressuring you.” Andi is still laying down as she whines. 
Buffy lays back down too, “Problem avoiding, party of three.” 
Cyrus rejoins them with a small smile, “I really missed you guys.” 
The next day the four friends meet for an early lunch. Although Cyrus was still quietly obsessing over the TJ of it all, he was very much enjoying having Andi, Buffy and Jonah with him. 
They’re still catching up about their individual summer escapades when the food arrives. Cyrus is only one baby tater in when the bell on the door chimes and the person entering sends him into a spiral. Both TJ and Marty enter.
“Oh my god, hi?” TJ is surprised to see who Cyrus was seated with. “I didn’t think you got back for two days.” 
“We missed each other so much we decided to come home early.” Andi says with a sweet smile. 
“And I already beat everyone at everything at camp,” Buffy wears a smug grin, “It was boring.” 
Marty smiles at this but doesn’t directly comment. Buffy notably grows sheepish. 
“Are you guys going to sit down?” Jonah asks as the two boys were just hovering by the table. 
Marty pushes TJ to squish into the booth on Cyrus’ side and he pulls over a chair and sits at the end of the table. 
“Why didn’t you tell me they were back?” TJ looks to Cyrus as he sits down. Cyrus can only offer up a shrug and goes back to eating his baby taters. 
As time passes things only got more awkward. Cyrus was closed off completely and not contributing to the conversation unless directly called upon. To make it worse he felt like he was being analysed by Buffy and Andi as they were interested to see the dynamic between Cyrus and TJ. Marty was acting strange like he had been for a few days now and Cyrus wanted nothing more than to bail. 
After everyone is finished eating they were all just lingering around to chat. Cyrus spent five minutes mentally trying to find an excuse to leave. Before he can offer up an obvious lie, Jonah says he’s got to go and asked if Cyrus wanted to walk him home as his mother said she missed him. Cyrus jumps on the opportunity to escape and leaves without really saying goodbye properly. 
Once outside the two begin walking and Jonah appeared to be in thought, like he was trying to figure out what to say. 
“My mom didn’t really say she missed you.” Jonah says and Cyrus looks hurt by this, Jonah lets out nervous laugh, “I’m sure she does miss you, it just looked like you needed an excuse to leave.” 
“Was it that obvious?” Cyrus questions. 
“Did something happen between you guys?” Jonah questions. “Is this why you seemed kinda down yesterday?” 
Cyrus frowns to himself, this conversation was flaring up his anxiety greatly. He couldn’t talk to Jonah, not about this. “It’s nothing,” Cyrus shakes his head, “I can’t talk about it.” 
“But you can,” Jonah says, “If you want...” 
Cyrus felt Jonah’s side stare and he stops in his tracks causing Jonah to as well. Cyrus studies Jonah’s expression and knits his brows in response, “You know?” 
“That you like TJ?” Jonah asks softly. “Yeah.” He nods. 
“How did you-” Cyrus can’t even finish his question, he just looks at Jonah in a state of shock. 
“I know I’m kind of oblivious sometimes,” Jonah laughs at his own expense, “But I roomed with this kid at camp, he opened my eyes up to a lot of stuff going on around me that I missed.” 
“He did?” Cyrus asks nervously. 
“For like three whole months I thought you had a crush on Buffy.” Jonah laughs. “I was very wrong about that.” 
“On Buffy?” Cyrus chokes on his own laugh. “Why would you think that?”
“Because you wanted to fix her TJ problem-” Jonah shakes his head embarrassed, “I don’t know what I was thinking okay.” 
Cyrus laughs at this and he couldn’t believe he was having a discussion with Jonah Beck about his feelings. 
“Then he suggested you might have wanted to fix things between them for another reason.” Jonah says. 
“I think I need to meet his guy, it sounds like he’s got all my confusing feelings worked out,” Cyrus jokes. 
“You can talk to me, if you want.” Jonah says. 
“I don’t want to talk right now, I kind of want to avoid my problems until it all blows up in my face.” Cyrus says. 
“But when it all blows up?” Jonah asks in a lightly joking manner. 
“I’ll definitely take you up on that offer to talk.” Cyrus smiles. “So you’re okay with me being gay?” He said it out loud for the second time, it still felt strange but it was getting easier. 
“Of course.” Jonah says genuinely, “You’re the best, Cyrus, nothing could change that.” 
Cyrus can’t help but smile at this, he was terrified of Jonah finding out his feelings in the past and he clearly had no reason to. Whilst Cyrus had no intention of bringing up his past crush with Jonah he did think that maybe one day he would be able to laugh about it with him. 
Cyrus does stop by Jonah’s house for a while to say hello to the Beck’s before returning home. Cyrus’ surprise chat with Jonah about his sexuality was enough for Cyrus to distract himself from obsessing over TJ.
Cyrus returns to find his mom cooking dinner and he offers to help. Cyrus’ mother hums along to the radio that’s lightly playing in the background whilst Cyrus remains quiet in thought. The door bell rings and interrupts them both. 
“Keep an eye on that pot on the stove while I get the door.” Leslie quickly bounces off towards the front of their house.
Cyrus stops chopping the vegetables and goes over to stir the pot. As he pops the lid back over the pot on the stove he hears his mother greet someone at the door in very welcoming way.
“TJ, honey, hello.” Leslie says and Cyrus tenses up. “We haven’t seen you in while.”
“Yeah, I’ve been sick this past week but I’m fine now.” TJ replies and Cyrus is hiding in the kitchen in a panic. 
“That’s good, come in. Cy is in the kitchen helping me with dinner.” Leslie invites him in.
Cyrus seriously considered bailing, just leaving out the back door and never returning but Leslie had accompanied TJ into the kitchen before Cyrus could execute his escape plan.
“Hey, Cy.” TJ says gently as he hovers by the kitchen counter.
Cyrus pretends he was still stirring the pot on the stove, “Hey, TJ.” He says casually without turning around.
“You boys go off into your room, Cy. I’ll finish up with dinner,” Leslie says as she pries the wooden spoon from Cyrus’ hand. “TJ you’re welcome to stay for dinner.”
“Thanks.” TJ smiles,  “You know I love your cooking.” 
Great, he’s being charming, Cyrus thinks to himself with a frown. Without a word Cyrus sets off down the hall in the direction of his room. TJ is a step behind him and playfully steps on the back of Cyrus’ shoe because he knew it annoyed the shorter boy but instead of reacting with an amusing sulky expression like TJ had expected, Cyrus just ignores him and continues on.
Cyrus hovers in his room whilst TJ takes a seat at the edge of Cyrus’ bed, he picks up the tiny stuffed frog Cyrus had won and twirls it in his hand. Cyrus plants himself in the desk chair in the opposite corner of the room. An awkward second that felt like an eternity to Cyrus passes.
“So..” Cyrus says nervously. “Is something up?”
“No,” TJ shrugs a shoulder “ I just thought we could hang.”
“We just saw each other for lunch at the Spoon.” Cyrus states.
“It’s not like we haven’t hung out twice in a day before.” TJ acknowledges. “But if you’re going to be weird about it, I’ll go.”
“You don’t have to go.” Cyrus says unconvingly and TJ still gets up to leave.
“The real reason I came here was to ask why you’re being so weird with me.” TJ says
“I’m not being weird.” Cyrus shakes his head.
“Yes you are, I was worried I did something at the carnival-“
“You haven’t don’t anything wrong.” Cyrus interrupts. 
“So why does it feel like you’ve been avoiding me the past two days?” TJ frowns.
“I’m not avoiding you.” Cyrus tries to look casual and not as anxious as he felt. 
“You bailed straight after fireworks, you ignored my texts all day yesterday, you didn’t tell me that “Buffy, Andi and Jonah were back and you clearly didn’t want me at The Spoon”
“That’s not true and I dropped my phone off the pier so I couldn’t message you.” Cyrus explains.
TJ wears a confused look and Cyrus just sighs and says it’s a long story.
“Why are we fighting? This is kind of stupid.” TJ tries to defuse things with a laugh but it felt forced.
“Maybe we’ve hung out so much this summer we’ve started to annoy each other,” Cyrus spins the desk chair slightly and starts fiddling with something on his desk, his body angled away from TJ as he says, “Maybe it’s a good thing if we hang out with other people.”
“So I spend all summer helping you with your stupid list but the second your other friends come home you’re ready to bail?” TJ looks hurt by Cyrus’ suggestion. 
“So now my list is stupid?”
“All the sudden I’m annoying for helping you?” TJ retorts. 
“That’s not what I meant.” Cyrus frowns. 
“That’s what it sounded like.” TJ says, “Don’t worry, Cyrus, I’ll just do the pier jump with Walker and Marty instead. “You have fun with your real friends now they’re home.” 
Cyrus wanted to stop TJ and explain why he’s being so weird but he couldn’t bring himself to. He thought maybe it was best if TJ and him weren’t as close anymore. He felt guilty for this whole summer and now that Cyrus was aware of his feelings, it just felt wrong for them to be so close without TJ knowing the truth. Cyrus felt like a bad person, how could they ever have a sleepover again, or even have a harmless piggyback without feeling like he was doing something wrong. Cyrus never felt like this with Jonah but they were also new friends at the peak of his crush, they weren’t really best friends until his feelings went away. 
After TJ storms out in a huff, Cyrus goes over to the bed and picks up his little frog from the carnival that TJ dropped before exiting. Cyrus holds it in his hands as he flops down on his back. A short moment later Leslie is in Cyrus’ doorway with a concerned expression. 
“I saw TJ leave, he seemed upset,” Leslie frowns, “Is everything alright?” 
Cyrus thought about brushing it off. Smiling and telling his mother that everything was great but even after all the comforting chats he’s had the past two days all he wanted to do was talk to his mom about it. Especially after this fight with TJ.
Before Cyrus could get any words out he starts crying. Within a second Leslie is by her sons side on the bed and she wraps her arms around him with a comforting embrace. 
Eventually Cyrus manages to stifle his sobs long enough to tell his mom everything. About his crush on Jonah, his confusion about being gay, his new crush on TJ and how he’s pushed him away because he feels like he’s being a bad person. Leslie wipes tears from her sons damp cheeks and assures him he has nothing to feel guilty for. 
“TJ hates me now.” Cyrus says sadly. 
“Oh cookie, he doesn’t hate you, I can assure you of this much.” Leslie says with a small smile, “You obviously mean a lot to him too so pushing him away wouldn’t feel the best. He’s just upset and doesn’t understand why.” 
“I don’t even understand why.” Cyrus frowns and he felt the urge to start crying again. Leslie comforted Cyrus as long as he wanted her to. She didn’t say “oh I already knew” or anything that made him feel like she had pre diagnosed him, nor did she say or do anything that made Cyrus feel like he was currently being analysed. It didn’t feel like a therapy session between a doctor and her patient, it felt like the comforting motherly love Cyrus didnt know he needed until she was giving it. 
End Notes: The next chapter is the last one!!!! There will be an epilogue and a bonus chapter after that. But as for what to expect next: the list is over. Is it complete? Scrapped? We shall see…
** New notes *** I wrote this prior to season 3 beginning so obviously we ignore facts like Buffy’s crush being on Walker (my muffy heart can’t allow it sorry) and obviously the fact that Cyrus was in London for the summer lol.
[Next Chapter]
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kinitstuffblr · 5 years
Aight bros this dream I had last night was INSANE basically because it made a lot of sense in a lot of different weird ways and I personally love hearing people’s dreams and helping interpret them SO I hope all FOURTEEN of you maybe-real-people will consider sharing YOUR dreams with me via asks/messages/comments/whatever (if you want other people to weigh in then go for it in the comments otherwise I don’t mind if it’s just one-on-one I really just want to discuss dreams).  To get the ball rolling I’ll describe my dream and my analysis of it (But feel free to just skip reading that part and go straight to yours if you want! I’m half typing this out just to keep a record for myself)
SO my dreams lately have involved being lost, usually in cities, where I’m vaguely aware of where I should be and am trying to find my way toward that.  AND lately my dreams have distinct beginnings and ends and relative themes throughout, which is not how they used to be.  I’m going to break this one down into separate numbered sections to kind of establish the timeline and to highlight the key parts.
Part 1: I was in an empty mall; mostly empty, with the stores all dark, but not closed.  Think small town, mid-day, but technically open so one or two stores are still available for shopping.  I was just sort of wandering through with no real goal, like a lazy tourist, and I knew I was in my local Big City.
Usually I go to this Big City and sort of do a lazy tourist thing a lot when I’m getting ready to attend a con, which I am currently irl preparing for, so it made sense to me that I was in the area wandering around.
Part 2: I saw a theatre attached to the mall, where there was basically just a big entrance that opens up and there it is - but it was a stage theatre, not a movie theater.  I could see the stage and all the seating just past the ticket counter.  Next thing I know, I see several drag queens in powdered wigs and costumes filing out of a nearby door, which I guessed led to a green room.  At the end of the line was a close friend of mine, the only anatomical female of the group, dressed as Marie Antoinette, and she was surprised to see me and invited me to come watch the show (which, of course, I eagerly agreed to).
First of all, she would SO take that role and she would SO be part of a drag show if the opportunity presented itself, so all that made lots of sense to me.  I also adore this friend, and don’t hear from her much, so I’ll take every opportunity to be around her if invited.  The problem is this doesn’t happen often, and I get stuck feeling like me reaching out to hang out with her will come off as needy, but also that maybe she would prefer I reach out more and is disappointed that I haven’t.  Also, I think the last time we hung out for real was the time I’d elected to let her know about a year-long unrequited crush I’d had on her, so in the interest of never making her feel awkward again, I feel like I can never be the one to initiate a hangout, even though we’d had an open conversation that went very well considering the circumstances.  Oh - at this point I was also aware that I didn’t have my hair styled, makeup on, or an especially good outfit - I looked frumpy, which I felt she noticed.  (She’s gorgeous, not in a fake way, legitimately she always looks great but she also does fucking bomb makeup whereas I feel like I’ve never fully learned it/understood it.)
Part 3: At the drag show, I realize it’s a dress rehearsal.  No biggie.  I head to the bathroom, where a lot of the queens are now actually getting ready, some in the bathroom and some out in the hall.  I’m nonbinary, but I only recently learned what that even is and started embracing it; in the moment, I can’t decide if I should go into the female bathroom or the male bathroom.  I really don’t want to be in their way while they’re getting ready and though my instinct is to go into the bathroom opposite my assigned sex in an act to embrace my newer self, I immediately think of how non-nonbinary (not-androgynous) I look, and shamefully head into my assigned sex’s bathroom.  
This is no mystery, I still constantly feel like even a group for ‘people who don’t fit into the other groups’ is still too exclusive for me to fit into it; Like I’m posing, and I should just be quiet and stick to my assigned sex, and nonbinary isn’t what I am because I’m not nonbinary enough?? It’s hard to explain but I feel like you get it even if I can’t put it into words well.  I felt like an asshole trying to go into the opposite sex’s bathroom, but I felt like a coward ducking my head and going into ‘my’ bathroom.  
Part 4: In the bathroom, it didn’t matter what I’d chosen because the drag queens were getting ready in both (which I should have seen coming?) While in there I was of course half afraid I’d be seen through various gaps in the walls and did notice someone getting high out of a CVS bag in a stall.
This is basic bathroom-related anxiety I face in dreams a lot, although the drug thing is new and I think related to how often junkies are getting high on the steps literally outside my front door every night when I’m trying to go to bed.  In the moment I felt like I should let someone know but I didn’t because I’m not street smart and somehow that implies that street smart people don’t need me getting into their business?? Idk 
Part 5: I found a former theatre club classmate to sit with to watch the rehearsal.  I don’t remember the show at all but I remember that I was supposedly there for the whole thing and didn’t get to see or talk to my friend at all, so I ended up wandering out without saying goodbye.
Typical again - At social events with this friend, I feel like the norm has been that I don’t actually get to spend much time with her and that it’s not really noticed if I leave
Part 6: My cat was with me?? My cat, an FIV positive soft boi who I love with everything in me, was for some reason with me on this trip and I’ve just realized I’ve lost him in this mall.  He doesn’t wear a collar and is easily spooked.  Somehow I see him in an open area and swoop him up into my arms and tight against my chest; now I just have to not let him wrestle free while I find my way back to the car.
Again SO normal, but in a new, FUN terrible way! Combining my fear of losing my sick cat outside and not being able to find my car in a big city during an important situation.  Both are repeat anxiety nightmares, but I’ve never had it structured like this before.
Part 7: I don’t remember where the car is or how far; I only have a vague idea; I also know there’s no way when I get there I’ll be able to open the door without losing him but right now I’m just focused on finding the car.  Suddenly there’s a few people here and there in the mall and I’m really worried that someone will approach me to touch my cat or to offer help and only end up spooking him.  A kid walks up to me and he has a gameboy open in his hands; I know he just wants to touch my cat but I explain I need to get him to my car and he offers to help, which mostly is just him following me while half-playing his pokemon game and half looking at my cat.
The boy is the same age/slightly younger than my youngest brother and looks exactly like him and acts exactly like him, he just isn’t him somehow - and he’s legitimately sort-of-trying-to-help in his own kid way.  I appreciate the moral support.  But I’m confused what this represents in my dream?? Me and my youngest bro used to be very close, but I was a little distant with him after I moved out and lately now that he’s in high school I feel like he doesn’t want my attention as much as he used to and also doesn’t want to spend time together.  
Part 8: At one point I’m squeezing my cat so tight to my chest he’s gone limp and isn’t breathing - but I loosen up and check and he’s fine after just a second, although he’s irritated and a little squirmy.  Somehow this boy with us has now gotten me to finding my car at the top of an open parking garage and I haven’t dropped the cat the whole way.  I open the door and start putting my stuff on the seat (I had a purse this whole time).  In the front seat, there’s actually already a cat.  My cat?? I say out loud, ‘oh, I didn’t actually bring him in - there’s an unopened one right here!’.  Because the cat in the car, my cat, has a San Pelligrino soda foil cap on its head.  Also, I realize I dropped my cat - you know, the one I’d carried back? But no, there he is, and I pick him up and put him in the back seat.  He’s also my cat.  And somehow I’m still more worried about his well-being, even though supposedly, the cat in the front seat with the foil hat is mine.  
The squeezing thing is a memory of the other night irl when I realized my cat was so deep asleep he felt like he’d stopped breathing and when I moved him to wake him he was completely limp and still; he’s fine now and was confused and irate at me for waking him before.  But the two cats thing was throwing me off really hard; All I knew was that a family friend literally just put down her cat yesterday and that I’d seen pictures of her baby girl, and this girl cat looked exactly like my boy cat and was roughly the same age and had an illness.  But I was certain that both of these dream cats were my boy, although weirdly I was more loyal to the one I’d been carrying.  
My husband actually helped me figure out this crazy shit in a way that blew my mind (because foil hat was reaaally confusing me.)  He asked what I usually do with San Pelligrino sodas, and got me to admit that usually, I don’t finish them.  (I don’t always finish most drinks actually.)  But it really sucks when I leave a San Pelli unfinished, because they’re expensive and they’re one of my favorites, so wasting it is a bigger deal than wasting other drinks, and I feel regretful because I didn’t get to appreciate them all the way to their end and guilty because I didn’t do all that I could to make sure they weren’t wasted.  He said the cat in the front seat is a healthy cat - an ‘unopened’ one that I haven’t put in danger and that doesn’t have any predetermined threats to its well-being because it’s ‘new’.  I wish desperately that I didn’t have to be constantly afraid of losing my FIV boy to an illness, but at the same time I would never want to replace him with a healthy cat even if they were exactly the same - his weakness has made me not only glad I have him in my own care, where I know I’d give anything in my power to keep him healthy and happy - it’s made me and my husband open to the idea of seeking out needy pets in the future that might not otherwise have chances with families.  (We also know that we have to be ready for the worst; if a vet tells us our boy isn’t going to be happy or isn’t going to feel healthy, we need to be ready to let go and voluntarily put him down when his quality of life diminishes.)   Basically, having the opportunity of the healthy-safe-front-seat-fresh-cat didn’t make me forget or discard the one I’d carried back with me, and I think that’s my brain reaffirming I don’t regret my boi and will protect him with everything I have until I literally can’t anymore.
That was the end of my dream - putting the rescued cat in the back seat safely while acknowledging the other cat.  And I woke up with my cat snuggling me, of course.  I’ve had a lot of these weirdly detailed dreams lately and I love writing them out.  Watchyal got? Anyone??
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thetygre · 6 years
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30 Day Monster Challenge - Day #20: Favorite Song/Musical Monster
1.       The Phantom of the Paradise
Phantom of the Opera has spawned plenty of spin-offs and parodies, but none are weirder and cooler than The Phantom of the Paradise. Born in that stage-musical wasteland between the sinking of Hello Dolly and the rise of Lloyd Webber, Phantom of the Paradise was a bizarre rock-opera that was a mixture between the Phantom of the Opera, Faust, and The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Our Phantom this time around is named Winslow; he didn’t start off deformed, but got that way through prison experiments and a record press accident. Winslow just looks and sounds awesome; his teeth are made of iron, and he talks through a voicebox that sounds like a ghost screaming through a CB radio. The entire movie has a bird theme to its characters, so Winslow’s helmet winds up looking like a hawk. In fact, a lot of people probably only know about this musical through the comparison between Winslow and Griffith from Berserk. It doesn’t help that their stories are kind of similar; locked in prison, mutilated, deal with the forces of evil. It’s probably just a coincidence, but I’m not gonna’ lie and say it wouldn’t be a cool reference if it wasn’t. Still, people should give this movie a chance on its own merits, just because of what campy fun it is.
2.       Lilith Immaculate
Cradle of Filth is a symphonic black metal band with a distinct gothic horror bent to their albums. They’ve done several concept albums, including one based around Gille de Rais and another on Elizabeth Bathory, but Darkly Darkly Venus Aversa was an original story. At the center of the album’s story is the monstrous goddess Lilith, trapped by the Knights Templar during the crusades and now possessing a girl sent to a nunnery. It’s all so incredibly gothic; sins of the past, sexual frustration, religious oppression, graveyards, doomed love.
I might not be the best judge of character, but Lilith here hits the nail with the hammer as far as gothic monsters go, reminding me a little of The Great God Pan or Gormenghast. Part of Lilith’s appeal is that, for all intents and purposes, she wins; the album ends with her former lover realizing that he has unleashed something he could never control, and now the world is doomed. Lilith heralds the dawning of a darker age, the antithesis of everything Victorian values holds dear. You can’t help but cheer for her as she readies to make war on the world.
3.       Stanton Cree
Ghoultown is a gothabilly band, which means that it’s like rockabilly but with some Southern rock and it’s about ghosts and vampires and werewolves. Needless to say, they’re pretty great. Their best known song is probably Drink with the Living Dead, which tells the story of a cowboy forced into a drinking match with an undead gunslinger. The ghoul, Stanton Cree, shot a man for his beer and can’t rest until someone beats him in either drinks him under the table or beats him in a duel.
I love ‘Weird West’ songs, and Ghoultown is the epitome of that. Stanton Cree has gone insane from eternal life and is determined to find somebody to beat him, but he won’t go easy on his opponent. It’s the kind of story that belongs in Deadlands or some other cowboy horror setting. It lacks the morality tale aspect of Ghost Riders, but that’s a deliberate decision to emphasize just how bizarre the story is. It’s a perfect mood piece for a dark night out on the Wastes.
4.       The Erlking
Schubert’s Erlking is an old-fashioned fairy, the dangerous and wild kind that need to be feared. As a father rides through the forest at night, his son sees the Elf King trying to seduce him to come away with him. It’s always nice to be reminded that fairies and elves aren’t nice, that they can be as dangerous as any monster or demon. But it needs to be done with a certain degree of subtlety, at least for a while, a delicate touch before the other shoe drops.
The Erlking is of course also a metaphor for death, and the father believe his son is only hallucinating as he dies in his father’s arms. It reminds me of the old medieval stories about how Fairyland was sometimes just a trap made by Hell, or how fairies would appear in afterlife narratives for children. Whether death, fairy, hallucination, or all three, the Erlking is still a chilling figure.
5.       The Phantom of the Opera
I don’t claim to be in the Phandom, I only have a surface knowledge of it, but I feel like the Phantom is still an important monster/horror icon, even before becoming a musical star. The Phantom’s story, even from the beginning, has been about toxic people and learning to grow up. Born deformed, the Phantom embittered himself against the world, becoming a genius at music, engineering, and just about everything else, but a child socially. The lesson he learns is about putting another person’s wants and needs before your own, and that’s still a vital lesson that is incredibly painful to learn. Naturally, I don’t care about that; I just enjoy making fun of Love Never Dies and deciding which Phantom is the best based on grodiness of deformity. Obviously, that’s up to objective taste, but it’s Ramin Karimloo. Karimloo has the most extreme deformities, and is prone to fits of ACTING, so Karimloo takes top spot for musical Phantom. The best non-Musical Phantom is, of course, Lon Chaney, followed by Charles Dance, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Again I’m… I totally don’t care about this musical. I swear.
6.       Mefistofele
I would argue that Boito’s Mephistopheles is the definitive version of the character, even more than Goethe’s. If nothing else, Boito’s Mefistofele defined the look of Mephistopheles, casting him in his famous red cavalier’s outfit. Mephistopheles here is also much more analogous to the Devil than his own separate entity here, since the opera begins with Mephistopheles challenging God to a bet over Faust’s soul. While Mefistofele might not be where the devil started enjoying his work, it’s definitely a far cry from Marlowe’s Mephistopheles urging Faust not to give up Heaven.
Still, despite the loss of complexity, Boito’s Mephistopheles is more personable, more charming, even a bit more human. There are situations he can’t control, and his relationship with Heaven is more casual. In the end, when Faust repents, you get the feeling that Boito’s Mephistopheles was enjoying the ride, and is almost as upset about not being able to have fun anymore as he is about losing his bet with God.
7.       The Water God
Anything by Dethklok kind of feels like cheating, since they were explicitly made to be a parody band of death metal. At the same time, though, I’m not going to sit here and pretend that the entire underwater setting where sea monsters have race wars with mermaids isn’t the dopest shit. And then one of these sea monsters finds a deep sea oracle and they turn into some dark ocean god and it’s all so freaking cool. It is unnecessarily cool for a joke band meant to shill for an Adult Swim show. But the entire epic of the water god here is genuinely more compelling to me than a decent chunk of the fantasy characters I have read about. Maybe I need to read better fantasy stories, or maybe everyone else just needs to get with the program and starting writing Metal epics about killer tritons.
8.       Ghost Riders in the Sky
Now this is the original Weird West song. Demon bulls, undead cowboys, nightmare horses; this song has got it all. And of course, this all goes without saying about how the song is also the unofficial theme song for Ghost Rider, one of my favorite superheroes. The song has that same ‘weird tale’ feel that Drink with the Living Dead has, which is probably because it’s based on an actual Texas folk tale. The image of a special Hell for cowboys is interesting, but I’m more fascinated by the prospect that Satan has livestock. Are all the Devil’s farm animals Metal like his steer? What about his chickens? Does Satan live on a giant dude ranch? Now I want some kind of Western/dark fantasy story where the Devil is a cattle baron all dressed in black and red.
9.       Red
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 was… God, I’m really putting this on the same list as Mefistofele good lord, but All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 was, well All Dogs go to Heaven 2. I mean it wasn’t the worst direct-to-video cartoon sequel of anything ever, it kind of just drifts there around the middle, but like many DTV cartoon sequels it has, unfortunately, a really great villain with a really great villain song. Designated antagonist Red is a demonic cat who’s after the angel Gabriel’s horn. His design is actually pretty good, and I appreciate the implication that if all dogs are heavenly, then all cats are therefore demonic minions. This is of course a known truth to anybody who has ever had to clean a litterbox, but it’s always nice to be reassured.
However, that alone would not let Red make the list; it takes more than being the redeeming feature of a DTV cartoon sequel to get here. What clenches it is Red’s pedigree; Red is voiced by Broadway musical veteran George Hearn, who has been in everything from Camelot to Wicked, but is most famous for being Sweeney Todd during the musical’s performance in 1970, and stayed with the production through its national tour and its Emmy-winning TV performance. In short, this man was the definitive Sweeney Todd, at least until Johnny Depp. All Dogs 2 even acknowledges it by having an entire sequence set in a demonic barber shop and theater. And I’m just a sucker for that kind of reference, so the evil red cat edges his way in.
10.   The Beast of Pirate’s Bay
There are plenty of Voltaire songs I could have picked, but it figures I would pick the one about a sea monster. A variety of leviathans are conjured up to describe the Beast, without any actual answers given. It figures that like any good tall tale, the Beast changes from teller to teller. The truth is, though, that I find this to be one of Voltaire’s more sympathetic songs, and I can’t help but identify with the ending. Once upon a time there was a little me who loved sea life more than anything else too. The song takes a lower spot because of the actual nature of the monster, but the feeling still shines through.
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5 Arguments Against the New She-Ra Trolls Use
New Post has been published on https://funnythingshere.xyz/5-arguments-against-the-new-she-ra-trolls-use/
5 Arguments Against the New She-Ra Trolls Use
The teaser trailer for She-Ra came out recently. The upcoming Netflix series is just the latest in another pop culture reboots that has got geekdom acting like entitled douchebags once again. I’ve written before about how making media consumption a core part of your identity turns people in strange monsters, and that article gets more and more true every year.
For the life of me, I cannot understand why something like a cartoon remake engenders rage in a healthy adult. It does, though. Some of the things people say…
5. The Art is Too Different
This is almost a legitimate complaint, but it’s lousy with stunted thinking. The new She-Ra looks very different from how she appeared in the original cartoon. ALL cartoons look different now, though. Styles change. The new She-Ra looks like a cross between Steven Universe and How to Train Your Dragon, meaning it appears contemporary instead of dated. The same thing goes for the latest incarnation of the Ninja Turtles.
It’s okay to not like modern trends in animation. I personally detest everything that looks like Adventure Time. However, hating a style on its merits and hating it simply because it doesn’t match what eight-year-old you remembers are two very different things. Expecting something like She-Ra to fly against all current animation style trends at the moment to appease middle-age people is ridiculous. Speaking of middle-age…
4. You’re Betraying Fans
Here’s an honest question: at what point does something you liked as a kid no longer belong to you? You ever see Drop Dead Fred? There comes a time when childhood fantasies should be beloved memories instead of active fandoms.
That’s not to say you can’t love cartoons as an adult. I’m counting down the days to the return of Agretsuko (and yes, nerds, I’m going to watch Voltron eventually).
Netflix didn’t make She-Ra for “the fans.” Odds are most people calling themselves that haven’t spent a dollar on She-Ra in twenty years. They’re making it because streaming cartoons on Netflix is what a whole lot of parents, including myself, use to not go insane when the kids are at home. Fandom is like a membership. You have to keep up your dues or you don’t get to say what happens to the future. Simply having liked something once doesn’t make you the authority, and no one is going to consult you before they move on with their big-budget animation project.
3. They’re Bending to the PC Police
Even though I have nothing for contempt for people who squeal about a female Doctor Who or a black Spider-man, I can at least see where they are coming from. Fear of change is an ancient human emotion and the basis of some of the eternal tales of mythology. I get that.
But She-Ra? The Princess of Power? In the name of Captain Crunch, are y’all cereal right now? The original existed only to appeal to the female side of the action figure market. Princess Adora is literally a gaslighted woman who overcomes her male oppressor to save her world. That is her entire premise. The sword and sorcery is just to sell action figures. I’m starting to think that what a lot of dudes (and it is mostly dudes saying these things) remember is how the drawing of the pretty lady gave them their first boner.
2. On Boners
The hatred of the new art is weirdly fixated on the apparent sexlessness of Adora. Far be it from me to deny the red-hot eroticism 1980s Filmation technology, but just because the new outfit is more Sailor Moon than Taarna the Taarakian doesn’t mean you can’t tell she’s a girl. Women do exist even if they don’t have bulging knockers.
I pointed this out when there was the non-scandal in gaming over Tifa’s boobs in the upcoming Final Fantasy VII remake. Gross “fans” rallied to a completely imaginary cause of wanting to preserve the breasts of a fictional character. As if people haven’t been drawing porn of Adora for the last thirty years. Why people can’t separate their dick needs from mainstream entertainment, especially when it comes to children’s shows, is baffling and gross.
1. I Guess Boys Don’t Have a Role Model
Male protagonists still dominate the vast majority of all media. Period. If you argue with that I can’t help you.
Besides that though, I think about what Jodie Whittaker said about being the new Doctor Who. She felt that she could be a role model for boys and girls, and the very fact that so many people see a female-centric show and decide that it boys can’t respect it because of that proves the need for exactly that. Maybe if a few boys in the ‘80s paid attention to what the Princess of Power was doing when they were kids instead of what she was wearing, we wouldn’t be in the political dumpster fire we’re in now.
She-Ra premiers on Netflix on November 16.
Source: https://www.houstonpress.com/arts/douchebags-hate-the-new-she-ra-for-stupid-reasons-10874583
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chelsea23bailey · 6 years
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My first international flight! Also, I’m the first person in my family to ever fly out of the country... which means navigating the Harstfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport was a challenge. I had no clue what to pack for this trip and I am known for my insanely slow packing time. I packed like three different times and still could not manage to fit everything. I should add that I only started packing at midnight the night before I left. I stayed up until 4 am I think. Then I gave up and decided to finish the next day. However, I slept through my alarm. Classic. 
I rushed around trying to get ready and take a nice, thorough shower since I would be on an airplane for the next two days. My mom finally arrived at my house and I told her to pack my clothes for me while I finished getting ready. 30 minutes later she said it would not fit, I downsized again, then we managed to fit everything into a large suitcase, a huge ugly duffelbag courtesy of my dad, my trusty NorthFace backpack, and my big kate spade purse. 
I still had not put my cash in the ATM. This was really important because soon my American dollars would not buy me much; I needed to have everything on my debit card so that I could draw the foreign currency once I arrived. I also needed to stop by my old employer to pick up my last paycheck, I needed every bit of money I could find before going on this 2.5 month trip. My dad made the executive decision that we could not make either of these stops because I was in danger of missing my flight. This really stressed me out because I needed money for this trip- I was already lacking and now that I wouldn’t have my cash in the ATM I would have to find a way to exchange my dollars once I arrived. My professor specifically told us not to do this because it would be difficult and we would not get the full value per dollar. Not to mention I was now a whole paycheck short of funds since I couldn’t stop to get my last one. I was already super stressed about this trip. In the beginning I really wanted to go, of course. It seemed far away (time-wise) and unreal. I had always wanted to go out of the country and do something cool. Hell, I’d love to just go somewhere cool within the US. I am definitely not well-traveled. I’ve never been anywhere really, outside the southeastern United States (OK I went to NYC once but it was for 3 days and it was with my step-grandmother who was a preacher’s wife conservative bitch and was scared to do anything fun). All my friends have been to so many places they can’t even keep track anymore. I felt less civilized than those kinds of people just because I didn’t know what the rest of the world was like. Or I felt like a country girl who is uncultured and poor or something. So this trip was like a dream for me, but when it came time to go I could not be excited. My fear of the unknown and stress far outweighed my excitement. I have struggled with anxiety since I began college, new things or any kind of change seems to be a trigger for me. Even packing made me feel sick because I couldn’t decide what I would need or which outfits would make me look the best or coolest version of myself. I always try to make things perfect and be fully prepared for anything that could possibly come my way. I didn’t know what my internship would be like so I didn’t know what the hell to wear. All I knew is that I would be working at an ecology park in a foreign country. Will I be outside- so wear hiking stuff? Will I be in a office- so fancy office clothes that I don’t even own? I ended up packing the most that would fit. Anything and everything. Shoes are the most important for me and I actually had to leave almost all of them. This also stressed me out. Anyway, after a nearly 3 hour drive I made it to the airport. We didn’t know where to go once inside though. I was rushing around being rude to my mom and dad kind of because I was nervous. My dad said some snide comment about me always getting too stressed out for nothing... Whenever he says anything I take it to heart. We haven’t been close my whole life, but his opinion is really important to me. My mom on the other hand I sometimes take advantage of. She is the sweetest woman you will ever meet, and she has done so much for me. I am really close to her and I can tell her anything. It’s a casual vibe with her but with my dad it is more formal. I wished I had not brought my dad with me to airport because he was stressing me out even more. I couldn’t be myself and cry or do whatever I needed to do. Plus my mom and I wanted to smoke but we are both too shy to do it in front of my dad. I finally made it to my check-in counter and then it was time to say goodbye. My mom immediately started crying. It wasn’t a ‘aw I will miss you cry’ it was a heartbroken, devastated cry that made me feel so guilty and sad. I started crying as well, and then my dad told me to go on and he would take care of my mom. This was sweet because they have been divorced for years, and have hated each other for years until lately. They now have a civil relationship but still a bit stiff and reserved, not to be mistaken as friends. I waited in the security line as I messaged my best friend, Lexis Momon. She has traveled a fair amount so I was asking her to help navigate me through the airport. I honestly just didn’t know anything. I asked her where do I go once I am done with security. She said go to your gate bitch. I was like wait, what is that??? 
Finally I walked in and saw other Mercer students that were going on the trip-- namely my ex-boyfriend who I hated. We graduated high school together, went to college together, broke up at the end of freshman year, and since then we have grown to hate each other. There are valid reasons why but that is a separate story. We have not spoken since our break up really, and now we have to deal with each other even in a foreign country. Lovely.
I went to the restroom and then when I got back the boarding had already begun. Wow. Talk about perfect timing. Or cutting it close, whichever you prefer.
Either way, I made it and ya girl is about to go on the adventure of her life :)
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