#Shachi and Penguin got to fight who was getting Ikkaku's body
vergina-spva · 4 months
Penguin/Ikkaku/Shachi threesome, but to make it freaky they asked Law to switch their bodies.
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lawluaficionado · 3 years
No Devil Fruit AU, where Law is part of a dangerous syndicate. He's feared by almost everyone. Except his fiance, Luffy. Not many have seen this mysterious boyfriend of the all powerful crime boss, Law, but those who have know that it's Luffy who should be feared.
Little snippet for inspiration! Might be a lil gross, so don't read if you're squeamish.
It had been a tedious night. Law pours himself another glass of bourbon as Penguin recounts the screams their ex-colleagues let out.
"Man! Next time I want to go in too!" Shachi laments.
Law sighs, "If Bepo had stayed home then you could've. But I asked you to watch him. You know how his fur gets nasty in humid areas."
Bepo, Law's five year old Great Pyrenees, whines at their feet.
"But you sure did miss a lot! Boss renoved their hearts one by one. I think the last one died before he even started from all the shock," Penguin is giddy in his seat.
"Make sure to send those out tomorrow," Law reminds him.
"Yes boss!" they both answer. The bag containing the hearts are in the passenger seat next to his driver.
"Almost home. Are we getting the young sir his order of food?" Jean Bart, ever the lifesaver, asks.
His sweetheart would love that, but he's not getting shit if he's acting this way.
His mood worsening by the minute. He's called Luffy five times already and the teen hasn't answered. Did he forget an anniversary? Birthday? No way. If anything it would be his beloved who would forget something, so why are his calls being ignored.
In the end he gives in, "Yes. Just go ahead and get him the usual."
"And mine!" Penguin states.
"Me too!" Shachi cheers.
Jean Bart grunts, "You can both get off and get your own shit."
Soon, his phone is ringing. Not his personal phone. His work phone.
"Speak," Law grumbles. Seriously, they just parted ways not too long ago. What in the world could've been so important that they needed to call him.
"Boss! Oh thank god I reached you, we just got to the house and the gates are run over!" Ikkaku gives him a brief statement of the mess his mansion is in.
Law calms down, 'Ahhh, no wonder his baby didn't answer him. He's having fun too,' he smiles to himself.
"-and we're pretty sure mister Luffy is still inside! It's Bellamy's gang and himself here! So far we've taken care of the stragglers outside. What do you want us to do?"
Law smirks, "Lock up any escape there is."
"This is Bellamy sir, are you sure you want that?" Ikkaku sounds worried.
"Lock it up, make sure whoever is inside the mansion STAYS inside with my sweetheart. We'll still be a while, I know Luffy will be starving." Law hangs up the phone and relaxes.
He should've known Luffy had a reason not to answer him. Of course he should think about getting him an extra portion...he's going to be so so hungry.
When Law's car finally gets to the mansion, Jean Bart opens up his door. Bepo is the first to run out. Next is Law in his midnight blue suit ruined with dark red splotches from earlier activities.
Jean Bart closes the door in Shachi's face. They can open it themselves, he smiles as he turns back to the task at hand which meant carefully taking the bag of once beating hearts.
His subordinates are all gathered in the driveway, a few bodies next to them. It's a good thing he's in the good graces of his neighbors. No one here is going to mention any of this to those pesky cops. Lest they also want to be removed.
"Alright, listen up I want this place spotless by the next morning. Someone call up Franky to get me a new gate."
Penguin and Shachi both carry those take out boxes from the car, almost dropping them when they hear a blood curling scream from the direction of the house. They both grin.
"Why, I almost feel bad for those poor motherfuckers," Penguin continues to snicker.
Bepo immediately runs to the doors, growling to be let in. Law calmly walks behind him.
Ikkaku comes with them too, "We did as you asked boss. A few of the gang members were thrown out of windows on the third floor. It's been cleaned up out here."
"Good, I want to see the mess my beloved has made," chuckles Law.
Ikkaku unlocks the main house entrance and removes the blockage.
Upon entering the mansion, he can feel the tell-tell sign of an incoming headache. There's blood smeared on those once pristine pearl white walls, broken glass, broken furniture, and a few people groaning in pain. All from what he can assume are Bellamy's men.
A snap of his fingers and Shachi has already put a bullet in their heads. Not as quick as he would usually, seeing as he had precious food in his other hand.
"Get someone to start cleaning here. After dinner of course." Law walks up the stairs then, only Bepo leading the way. Everyone else went to start eating. They've dined in worse places, they'll be fine.
The stairs are no better than the entrance to the house. There's blood on the rails, ripped hair strands, and broken glass. He swears he saw a finger on one of the steps. Thank heavens Bepo didn't eat it.
Another pained scream is heard and then the crackling sound stops everything altogether.
Law enters his bedroom to find a sniffling Luffy. Their room in complete chaos. One of the posts to their bed is completely cracked. The TV is in ruins and the mini fridge is making a concerning sound.
"Come here baby, what's wrong?" he worries something must've gone terribly wrong. Luffy hardly cries over something like a fight. Especially one where he just singlehandedly slaughtered more than a fifty people, including their leader.
Covered in blood, Luffy walks toward Law, holding something carefully in his arms.
"He broke it," he sniffles. "Please don't be mad."
In his hands is the first picture they took on their first anniversary. Of course it was only the frame that was shattered.
"Lu-ya, it's alright. I'll get another for our room," he gently cradles the teen's face in his hands.
Luffy smiles, practically beaming, "OKAY! Did you get dinner! I'm starving Torao!!" Just like that he's back to his normal state. He's skipping around, joyful and playful as ever.
"You know I did, couldn't leave my sunshine without his favorite take out," he brushes hair out of Luffy's face ojce he's gotten him to stop his movements. But he's still covered in blood, that's more than likely not his.
"Did you see how many I took out!? I took care of the house too!" Luffy laughs, so carelessly, innocent eyes looking up at his fiance.
"Lu-ya, all I ask is that next time you make sure you move the fight out of our bedroom," he stares at Bellamy on his bedroom floor. Bepo still growling at the dead man.
"I couldn't help it! It was a surprise attack!" he pouts.
And everyone knows that the big, bad boss can't resist a cute face. It's only a matter of time before his other enemies realize that too. But for their sake, they should also realize that Luffy isn't just a cute face for Law. No. Luffy is just as terrifying, if not more, than his psychopath boyfriend. What can you do though? I guess their enemies will just have to find out the hard way.
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op-sheepy · 3 years
Game Night at the Polar Tang
You can't tell me these guys don't have game nights with games that they tweaked to make liberal use of their captain's powers (and of course Law indulges them).
What kind of games?
Heart Scramble
Players are chopped up with their body parts scattered in a room and the fastest person to reassemble themself wins.
Players get to keep at least one joint. Depending on the game mode, it could be free pick.
Game is played by moving the initial joint, finding the appropriate body part it attaches to, and then doing so until whole.
Non-players place bets.
Can you imagine the absolute chaos? So everyone starts with something like the thumb joint and they make them wiggle until they can reattach it to their palm (if they can find their own correct palm and not attach to anything accidentally in which case they need to wiggle to their captain for a reset) until they get a hand which would skitter about trying to find the arm and so on… while every one cheers in the background.
"Go for the legs first! Your other arm is across the room!"
Any Imposter/Killer/Werewolf game
Basically any one of those games where the objective of the group is to identify the few individuals whose goal is to eliminate the party every turn
The twist is that they have their hearts on the table during the interrogation bits
Could be played two ways : with or without them knowing who the heart belongs to. Different psychological tactics for this one.
If hearts are labelled, they can focus on grilling a suspect :
"Ok, Ikkaku, why don't you tell us again why you're not the killer?"
"Because I'm not."
"Heart rate has increased from 80 bpm to 95 bpm… Major sus..."
"That's a lie! It hasn't even been a minute and we're not using heart monitors. How would you know how many beats were added."
"I estimated."
If not labelled, it adds an extra dimension and allows for diversions :
"Alright, it has to be Penguin. He's been targeting me from the star—Hey, that heart jumped! It is him!"
"No! That has to be Shachi being excited that I'm getting blamed. That's not my heart."
Also a mode where they know who the imposter is from the start but they need to eliminate them by guessing which heart is theirs. To make it fair for the big guys, the hearts are covered or are in same size containers. They only have the heartbeats to go on.
Since the suspect is known, they just need to get a rise out of them.
"Hey Clione, I'm the one who dyed your hoodie thingy p— Hey get off!"
"It's the second one to the right, it's having strange palpitations. Or that could be Shachi's fight-or-flight."
Hide and Seek
A teammate is chopped up and hidden in parts of the sub
First team to reassemble the teammate wins
Both teams can only keep the head or the speaking part so the chopped up member can describe the place where they think their body part is
"Hm… it's definitely cool and wet… My hand is either in a sink or in a... Ew."
"Move it around a bit. Those are two different things."
"Listen, I ain't moving my hand as long as there's a possibility it ends up in the drain."
"Reeks of desperation. My nose must be on Shachi's bed."
Three Legged Race
Usually played outdoors but they can make room in the mess hall
Team game. Only one runner (without arms for a reason specified later) but all three legs each belong to a different teammate.
The runner is usually the tallest/biggest.
Members retain control of the legs. So they need to be coordinated.
So it often ends up looking like legs with different lengths dragging a body forward. Unless they can find the perfect balance to be upright and mobile. The arms are removed so the runner doesn't just crawl.
"Ok, Uni's our runner. We can win this, the other team has Jean Bart, for crying out loud! Just remember our strategy, tripod walk, got it?"
And others... :)
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 15
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 4,006 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, Ikkaku, Jean Bart, Clione, Monkey D. Luffy Notes: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Bepo started when the door at the top of the dungeon stairs banged open and was followed by an ugly thumping sound that made his ears twitch. After a moment, he placed the sound as that of a body being dragged down the stairs. His eyes widened in alarm. Had one of the others been caught?
“What—” Penguin started from the cell next to Bepo, but he fell silent just as Bepo’s stomach dropped.
A familiar pair of spotted jeans was dragged past Bepo’s cell door and into the cell across from his and next to Shachi’s. The dungeon was dimly lit by torches, and even Bepo’s mink vision couldn’t make out much as Trebol and Diamante dragged a limp form into the cell. There was a rattling of shackles before the two executives exited the cell with some choice words for the prisoner before slamming the door shut. They thumped up the stairs, and, a few moments later, the door banged shut. The dungeon was quiet once again.
Bepo could hear a light rustling coming from the newly occupied cell, so he called hesitantly, “Captain?”
“Bepo,” Law’s familiar voice rasped out after a painfully long moment.
Bepo swallowed, relief at war with worry in his chest. The last he’d heard from Law was two days earlier when he’d called in from his mission with a warning that Vergo had followed him. The crew had gone into high alert, but there had been no further news from their captain. They’d all heard he’d returned to Dressrosa earlier today—and Bepo had been admittedly disappointed Law hadn’t immediately come to see them, though he had been relieved to find the note Law had left on his desk—but all the Hearts had known was that Law was in some kind of trouble, which, by extension, put them in danger. They’d expected to find out what was going on when Law came to see them after dinner, but that was before…
Bepo swallowed, cutting off his own thought and turning his attention back to Law.
“Are you okay, Captain?” he asked. If Law was being forcibly dragged into the dungeon, he must have been overcome by Trebol and Diamante—and was now undoubtedly shackled with Seastone, considering the danger his Fruit posed.
“I’m…” Law started but trailed off as though he didn’t quite know how to respond. After a moment, Bepo heard him clear his throat before asking, “What happened?”
“Shouldn’t we be asking you that, Captain?”
“Penguin,” Law breathed worriedly. “Who else is in here?”
“Shachi. Anyone else?”
“We were the only ones captured,” Bepo said.
A brief hesitation then, “Where is everyone else?”
“Escaped,” Shachi said.
Law let out a relieved breath as Bepo belatedly realized Law had probably taken his words to mean the others had been killed. He tamped down on the urge to apologize, instead rubbing his face through his paws in embarrassment, glad none of his lesser mink friends could see him in the dimness.
“What’s going on, Law?” Penguin pressed. “We haven’t heard from you since you called Bepo, and then we’re being thrown in the dungeon.”
Law’s cell was silent for several moments, and Bepo wished he could make out more than the outline of Law’s shape across from him. Finally, Law said, “I’ll tell you everything. Just… First, I need to know. What happened here?”
He sounded more tired than Bepo had heard him in a long time, and it was that, more than anything, that caused Bepo to take pity on his best friend. “After reading your note, I got word to the others to meet up after dinner,” he explained. “We were gathering in the common area when…” Bepo swallowed.
“Pica and Machvise showed up,” Penguin picked up as Bepo faltered. Law cursed quietly. “They said Doflamingo wanted to see us.”
“After your call, we knew something was up,” Shachi added. “Other executives don’t just come to our wing of the palace.”
“So, we told them his royal featherness could come to us,” Penguin said, the smirk evident in his voice.
“They didn’t like that,” Shachi added.
“Idiots,” Law said, fond despite himself.
“They attacked then,” Bepo said, remembering the uncanny feeling of the world shaking as Pica had merged with the walls. It had reminded him of Zunesha’s daily showers for the briefest of moments before it had turned into a horror show. “Penguin, Shachi, and I tried to hold them off while the others got away.”
“Jean Bart wanted to stay behind,” Shachi said. “But we told him to take the others and get out.”
“We fought them off as long as we could,” Bepo said quietly, grimacing as he shifted. Even with his fortified mink body, he was still sporting bruises and probably some cracked ribs. Shachi and Penguin weren’t any better, fragile humans that they were.
They’d fought with everything they had—which was quite a bit, since, as the crew of Doflamingo’s second, there were high expectations of their capabilities—but none of them were Devil Fruit users, so they’d been taken down eventually. Neither Pica nor Machvise had been particularly gentle with their capture and imprisonment.
Bepo still hoped they’d done their captain proud.
“They must have all gotten out because we haven’t seen anyone but you,” Penguin said. “Hopefully, they’ve gone to ground.”
Doflamingo had eyes all over the city, but the Hearts had been in Dressrosa long enough to know it like the back of their own hands—or paws—in their own right; they’d made connections and were owed favors they could now call in.
“So, are you going to tell us what happened out there?” Shachi asked when it was clear Law wasn’t going to say anything else.
“Okay,” Law said at length. His shackles clanked as he shifted, and he let out a breath. “Doflamingo sent me to Punk Hazard to take out some intruders. It should have been a quick in and out.”
Bepo remembered meeting Law at the palace gates before he’d left, Law deflecting their attempts at joining him by claiming the mission was easy—the type he’d done countless times before with no complication. Briefly, Bepo felt a wave of frustration flow under his skin; if Law had taken them with him on this mission, maybe whatever had happened with Vergo wouldn’t have. They could have helped.
But that surge was as gone as quickly as it had arrived. What good did it do to worry about the past now? Plus, Law was opening up to them again, something he hadn’t done in two years.
“What went wrong?” Shachi asked quietly.
Law snorted, a hollow sound that made Bepo’s hackles raise. “Everything.”
“Captain?” Bepo prompted when Law fell silent once more. Law got like this sometimes, stuck in his own head as he turned his thoughts over endlessly, creating a spiral it sometimes took days to pull him from.
“There were two groups of intruders,” Law finally said. “Smoker was leading a group of hapless Marines from G-5.”
“And the other group?” Penguin asked. They all knew a group of Marines, even led by a vice admiral like Smoker, shouldn’t pose much of a threat to Law.
“Straw Hat-ya and his merry band of misfits.”
Bepo’s eyes widened. The Straw Hats were active again? And Law had been sent to kill the very person he’d risked everything to save two years earlier?
Of course he had. That was absolutely something Doflamingo would revel in. Law had taken a major risk by defying Doflamingo when he’d saved Straw Hat Luffy, and Shachi had lost his arm in the aftermath, causing Law to shut down completely in his guilt. Doflamingo would love pushing Law to see how he’d react to such an order after everything he and the Hearts had sacrificed in the wake of Marineford. The idea of rendering those sacrifices moot would amuse the bastard to no end. And to erase the living reminder of Law’s rebellion would only further cement his hold over his second.
If Law had gone through with it, Bepo could only wonder at what version of his friend would have returned from Punk Hazard.
“Captain,” Bepo said, nearly whining in a show of sympathy. He wished he could see his friend’s face, could offer more than just words of comfort.
With a heavy exhale, Law told them about fighting but losing when Smoker and the Straw Hats joined forces and being taken captive by the Straw Hats. Something warmed in Bepo’s chest as Law haltingly, disbelievingly, described Luffy’s unwavering determination that Law was a good person for no other reason than he felt it.
Something Law hadn’t understood had pushed him to save the boy that day—something Bepo, as a mink, considered a sign from the Earth herself, though he knew Law, man of science that he was, didn’t agree—and perhaps Luffy was similarly driven toward their captain. Bepo knew what it felt like to be drawn to Law, so nothing about the situation surprised him.
There were things even science couldn’t explain, after all.
That warmth in Bepo’s chest turned cold as Law described Vergo’s arrival on the Straw Hats’ ship with a fake accusation of Law’s treachery. So, that was what Law had meant by Vergo turning on him.
“What?!” Penguin demanded as Law continued speaking about the Straw Hats, clearly unable to believe what he’d just heard.
Law sighed and repeated himself. “We agreed to work together.”
“Like an alliance?” Shachi asked, tone rising slightly in disbelief. Bepo couldn’t blame him; Law didn’t typically play well with others, especially in his position as Corazon.
“I suppose,” Law allowed. Bepo knew by the tone of his voice that, had his hands been free, Law would have scrubbed a hand over his face—a frustrated gesture Bepo had seen countless times over the years. “I didn’t have much choice in the moment but to accept the help.”
“But Captain,” Bepo interrupted, “that’s great!”
After Law had saved Straw Hat Luffy for no other reason than a feeling, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin had done some digging into the Straw Hat pirates and been astonished by the string of miracles they’d left in their wake, from Alabasta to Enies Lobby. If there was anyone the Hearts could want on their side in a confrontation with Doflamingo, it was a crew like that.
“Great?” Penguin echoed.
“It means we aren’t alone,” Bepo said, hope rising in his chest.
After Law had called with his warning about Vergo, Bepo couldn’t help but run the worst-case scenarios over and over in his mind, with Law not returning from his mission at the forefront. But when his captain had returned, those scenarios had turned into the crew facing Doflamingo’s wrath alone, perhaps even being forced to hurt and kill one another. Those scenarios had not seemed far-fetched once Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin had been locked in irons and thrown into separate cells in the dungeon. And when Law himself had arrived as a captive…
Well, having allies seemed a lot better than the alternative.
“What happened with Vergo?” Shachi asked, interrupting Bepo’s reverie.
“He’s dead,” Law said flatly.
“Good,” Bepo said without thinking.
Bepo pulled at his snout, a little embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”
Penguin snorted. “No, you’re not.”
Bepo blushed. “No, I’m not. It’s good that he’s dead,” he said firmly.
“He was a bastard,” Shachi agreed.
“Fuck that guy,” Penguin added.
Law huffed tiredly. It was small, but Bepo had heard enough of Law’s laughs over the years to know it was genuine. “Right. But he was always Doffy’s favorite.”
“Ah hell,” Shachi muttered.
“Exactly. And Doffy has more spies than just Vergo in the Marines, so at some point today he heard that Vergo was dead and Caesar-ya and Monet were arrested.”
“And that’s when…” Penguin said, trailing off as if he lacked an adequate way to refer to everything happening now.
Law grunted in response.
“Where are the Straw Hats now?” Bepo asked after a moment. Would it be possible for their free crewmates to find their allies and get their help?
“They should be on the Tang,” Law said, his tone implying that where the Straw Hats should be was not necessarily the same as where they actually were. “Waiting for me to check in.” (The irony, of course, was that Law currently wasn’t where he was supposed to be, though Bepo doubted his friend would appreciate him mentioning it, so he just suppressed a laugh.)
“Which you obviously can’t do from the dungeon,” Shachi noted.
Ikkaku glanced at Jean Bart and raised a questioning eyebrow.
Jean Bart peered out of the window into the quiet night, clearly looking for any sign of pursuit, before turning back to Ikkaku and Clione. He nodded but put a finger to his lips. The streets might appear quiet, but that did not mean Doflamingo’s spies weren’t still looking for them. Ikkaku and Clione nodded.
Ikkaku turned back toward the storage room, where their hosts were watching them. Mateo, the shopkeeper, and his wife, Isabella, stood in the doorway. She approached them.
“We’ll be leaving now,” Ikkaku whispered, voice only loud enough to carry to them. “Thank you for hiding us.”
“Gladly, Miss Ikkaku. We are forever in your debt,” Mateo replied, voice equally quiet. The citizens of Dressrosa knew full well some walls had ears, after all.
After they’d fled the palace—Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin stupidly (bravely) staying behind to give them a chance—the Hearts had split into smaller groups before going to ground. When considering where to take cover, Ikkaku had decided to call in a favor owed to her by Mateo and Isabella, the owners of a textile shop.
Three years earlier, Ikkaku, who had been on a routine patrol around the city with Iruka, had found their toddler son, Alexander, wandering around the streets, lost and crying. Apparently, there had been a break-in at their shop, and his parents had been seriously injured. The boy had run off during the attack in fear. Ikkaku and Iruka had managed to make enough sense of the boy’s sob-stricken words to wind their way back to the shop, where they found his parents. Using medical care they’d learned from Law, they were able to stabilize them before summoning proper medics, who took them to the hospital.
Meanwhile, they’d gathered the Hearts to investigate, asking questions around the city until they found out who had attacked the shop and bringing them to justice—or Dressrosa’s version of justice, anyway; all three attackers would face the colosseum. Ikkaku had visited Mateo and Isabella in the hospital to tell them the news, and they had claimed they were in Ikkaku and her crew’s debt. Though Ikkaku had waved the debt off then, she took advantage of it now.
She, Jean Bart, and Clione had hid in their storeroom until night had fallen. Once the store closed, they gladly accepted food from Isabella and waited, plotting their next move. They’d decided that in the early hours of the morning, they would head for the Polar Tang when the watch was likely to be paying the least amount of attention. On the Tang, they could wait for the others and figure out what to do now that they were apparently wanted by the king.
That was something else they needed to figure out—what had happened with Law’s mission to cause this? Why were the Hearts—and presumably their captain—public enemy number one?
One problem at a time, Ikkaku reminded herself.
“Stay safe,” she told the shopkeepers.
“We have no worries,” Isabella replied. “After all, we haven’t seen any criminals tonight.” She turned back to the storeroom and grabbed some dark cloth. “Cloaks,” she said, offering them to Ikkaku.
Ikkaku gratefully accepted the proffered items—they’d been wearing light-colored clothing when they’d fled—and saluted before turning back to her crewmates. “Let’s go.”
The trio donned the cloaks then carefully exited the shop and, staying in the shadows, made for the harbor. Jean Bart took point, leaving Ikkaku and Clione in his shadow. As they moved through the quiet streets, the city’s clock rang out two o’clock. The bars would be closing, so they would need to keep an eye out for late-night patrons who might recognize them. There would also be parties going on for hours more in some areas of the city, but they avoided the more populous parts of the city.
As they approached the harbor entrance, Jean Bart paused, raising a hand in warning. Ikkaku and Clione came to a halt just behind him. The larger man nodded toward the watchtower. There was a single light in the small room at the top, meaning there was at least one guard watching over the harbor, as expected.
Ikkaku pointed to herself. She was the smallest so would be the quietest. Clione raised an eyebrow—Are you sure?—and Ikkaku nodded. Jean Bart and Clione stepped aside, and Ikkaku slid past them. She hadn’t been a fighter when she joined Law’s crew, but she was a quick study, and in the intervening years, she liked to think she’d picked up enough to hold her own against any of the others—except her captain, not that she’d admit it to his face. They hadn’t had a chance to grab any weapons when they’d fled from Pica and Machvise back at the palace, but Ikkaku didn’t need her staff to take on some low-level harbor guards.
Light on her feet, she soundlessly climbed the stairs that rounded the watchtower before coming to a stop just outside the door. It was cracked open, and inside, she could see two figures sitting at a table. They seemed to be playing cards. Assessing the situation quickly, Ikkaku knocked on the door then pressed her back against the wall and melted back into the shadows. A moment later, the door opened all the way and a head stuck out of the doorway.
“Hello?” the guard asked, looking around in confusion.
Ikkaku inched further back into the darkness, and the guard stepped out into the night. Ikkaku knocked lightly against the wall behind her, drawing the guard’s attention in her direction, though he couldn’t see her.
“Who’s there?”
The guard stepped toward the noise, and once he was out of sight of the doorway, Ikkaku struck—an elbow to the solar plexus had the man doubled over before he knew what hit him. She swept a foot at his ankles, knocking him off balance, then struck him in the back of the head twice more, once with her elbow and once with her balled hands. He went down in a heap, never making a sound other than a surprised gasp at the first strike.
Ikkaku then turned and rounded the tower, coming to a stop on the other side of the doorway, fading back into the darkness as she waited for the other guard to appear.
“Jax?” the other guard called, stepping out of the doorway after several moments. “What the hell?” he yelped when he saw his fallen friend. He hurried over to the other guard’s side and knelt next to him.
Ikkaku crept up behind him and took him out with two quick blows as he checked his companion’s vitals. She then pulled the limp forms into the watchtower (fine, she could have used Jean Bart or Clione for this part) and shoved them in the small closet, blocking the door handle with a chair.
Satisfied, Ikkaku headed back down the stairs to her crewmates.
“Well?” Clione asked quietly as she sauntered up.
Ikkaku put a hand to her breast. “I’m wounded you’d even ask me that.”
Clione snorted, and Jean Bart shook his head fondly before leading them toward the Polar Tang. Jean Bart kept an eye out as Ikkaku and Clione boarded the Tang before following them up the ladder and across the deck.
“Wait,” Jean Bart said as Clione reached for the door handle.
“What?” Clione asked.
“It sounds like someone is inside.”
“Doflamingo’s?” Clione asked, tensing.
“Or nakama?” Ikkaku suggested. Though there hadn’t been time to set a rendezvous point when they’d run, it would make sense for the crew to meet at the ship.
But the Family would know that as well.
“Only one way to find out,” Jean Bart said, sliding past Clione to take point once more. He opened the door lightly and moved inside with a quietness that belied his size. Clione nodded for Ikkaku to go next, and he followed her inside, lightly shutting the door behind them.
Now that they were inside, Ikkaku could hear the unfamiliar sounds—footsteps, metal clanking, voices she didn’t recognize. Definitely not nakama then. Ikkaku swallowed. Dressrosans, even criminals, would know better than to mess with Corazon’s ship, so it had to be the Family.
“Should we get out?” Clione asked quietly, clearly thinking the same thing.
Ikkaku shook her head. “The Tang is ours,” she said fiercely, a rush of anger flooding through her at the thought. The Tang had brought her from her old, shitty life to the Hearts. It wasn’t a perfect life, but it was hers—the people in it were hers—and that was what mattered. “We can’t let them have her too.”
Jean Bart and Clione nodded in response; they understood exactly how she felt.
“So, what do we do?” Clione whispered.
“The noises seem to be coming from the mess,” Jean Bart replied, considering.
The mess had two doors, plus access to the kitchen, and the kitchen had a separate door of its own. That was three doors for three pirates.
“Split up?” she asked. “One of us for each door?”
“Is that a good idea?” Clione replied, looking between her and Jean Bart. Depending on which Family members were in there, spreading their fighting power out might be a big mistake. But at the same time…
“If we leave any doors uncovered, someone could get out and report our location back to the palace,” Jean Bart said. “Ikkaku’s right. We need to block all the exits.”
Clione chewed on his lip for a moment before nodding. “We can’t go in unarmed, though.”
Ikkaku nodded. Taking out two harbor guards barehanded one thing; fighting Donquixote Pirates was another. “Training room?”
Clione nodded. “I’ll go.”’
He disappeared back into the hallways toward the small training room that should have some weapons in storage. The Hearts usually took their favored weapons with them when they returned from missions, but they had additional arms on the ship. Ikkaku and Jean Bart waited, keeping an ear on the voices they didn’t recognize coming from the heart of their ship. The longer she waited, the angrier Ikkaku got at the invasion of her home—of her namaka’s home.
Clione eventually returned, a blade in hand. He handed a set of brass knuckles to Jean Bart and a bo staff to Ikkaku. Ikkaku immediately felt better, more able to defend the Tang, with the familiar weight of the staff in her hands.
“I’ll take the kitchen,” Clione murmured.
“I’ll take the back mess door,” Ikkaku said.
Jean Bart nodded. That left the front mess door for him. “I’ll give you five minutes to get into place. Then we go in together.”
Clione and Ikkaku nodded and turned in opposite directions, heading for their respective doors. Ikkaku found her place by the back door within three minutes, leaving two minutes to wait for Jean Bart’s signal. She could feel her heartrate speeding up as she thought about the impending fight. She took a few calming breaths. This was her home. This was her nakama’s home. She would fight for her home and her nakama.
She was in the middle of a steady exhale when the door in front of her slammed open. She yelped in surprise.
“Sanji, more mea— Huh?”
Ikkaku gaped as she came face to face with Straw Hat Luffy.
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Hello! 😍 I'm glad you started your writing journey, wishing you all the luck! May I request Law and Zoro with a girlfriend who adopted a pet parrot? The bird is a loud little hyperactive shit and needs to be under control 24/7 unless you want a disaster. And one day she has to leave the ship till evening so the boys are left with the feather problem for a whole day 😉 Thank you so much! 🥰
Luffy was the reason the bird first got on ship in the first place. 
The crew had made a stop on a summer island so various supplies could be restocked.
Sanji went to go get food supplies, Nami went with Robin shopping, Usopp went to go help Chopper get medical supplies, Brook and Franky went to go see a street performance, you went with Zoro to a bar to make sure he didn't get lost, Jimbe stayed behind to meditate and watch the Sunny, and Luffy went off on his own to see what adventure (trouble) he could get himself into.
In the while you and the other Strawhats were having your respective fun, Luffy wandered into the island's jungle. With his old strawhat tied around his neck and slumped on his back he scanned the jungle around him. 
Searching for any signs of adventure (or meat) he eventually came upon a giant nest on a rock. 
Scratching his head, he sprung onto it and peeked at what was inside.
A small parrot.
Tilting his head, Luffy then scanned the area for any signs of the bird's family. Not a single feather. 
He eventually came to the conclusion that the poor thing had been abandoned, so he hoped inside the nest and crouched down over the bird.
"Hey there little-" 
The bird screeched at him.
"-little feathery."
This time it screeched louder.
Luffy's face scrunched up as he took notice of the bird's injured wing, the blue feathered limb frantically flapped around aimlessly. Luffy frowned.
"Your family left because you're injured."
Somehow the bird seemed to understand, letting out an affirmative squawk. 
In a matter of seconds, a toothy grin emerged of Luffy's face.
"Don't worry! We have a doctor on our ship!" 
The bird tilted it's head with a confused squawk.
And that's how it ended up in Chopper's care.
The parrot, Chopper confirming him male and Luffy being correct about his family abandoning him due to his now permanent ability to fly, his bone structure had become so fractured in a fight he was in trying to defend his family's nest took that away from him, he would never fly again.
So with the bird's incapacity to survive on his own in the wild, Luffy declared him a part of the crew.
Everyone groaned, but didn't object to the captain's orders.
So Squawky, (as Luffy named him) became the most entitled member of the crew. 
His loud screeches kept the crew awake for hours at night, his demands for food drove Sanji to fantasize about making a chicken out of him, he found a way to get into Nami's treasure room and make off with her berries (which he then made nest out of), he would crawl up Brook's skeleton body and eventually made settle in his afro squawking along with the musician's music, and most notably: his love for you, and absolute hatred for Zoro. 
Some crew members like Luffy, Robin, Chopper, Jimbe and Franky got along with Squawky very well, chilling with him time to time. 
Usopp was scared of the damn thing. 
But you and Squawky had the most bounding relationship.
You'd set on deck reading a book while Squawky circled up on your lap while you petted him with one hand. (He was like a cat)
Every morning he'd bring you gifts (stolen items of Nami's treasure) 
When he starts to screech late in the night the only way he will shut up is for you to come over and pet him, it's the only way they'd get sleep period.
He was your baby. 
But Zoro however…
Squawky hated your boyfriend. 
The bird would turn into the likes of a guard dog every time the swordsmans tried to come near you. 
Every time Zoro would come into a room he'd poof up and the swordsman sworn he would start hissing.
"That's no damn bird! It's a fucking cat!"
It'd take some time and encouragement from you for Squawky to start tolerating your boyfriend's presence. (It didn't stop the chilling death glares though)
You love Squawky, and you also love Zoro. And you'd do anything for them to get along.
One day, about two months after Squawky's recruitment into the Strawhats, the crew stopped onto a spring island.
With Jimbe on Sunny duty last time, it was Zoro's turn this trip. 
You slung your bag over your shoulders giving Squawky a scratch under his beak, earning you a soft coo from him.
Zoro frowned with his arms crossed as you watched you two from the doorway. You turned and gave him a loving smile before walking up to him and giving him a peck on the lips.
"It'll only be until sun fall," You looked back to Squawky before alternating looks between the two of them as you spoke. "You two can put up with each other until then." 
The moment the crew left the ship Zoro slumped down against the post of the mast. 
He wasn't dealing with that damn hyperactive little shit parrot, he'd rather nap it off.
It wasn't long before his nap was interrupted by a strange noise.
Zoro opened his one good eye and looked around for the source of the dragging noise.
His hands immediately went for his swords as he hopped up to his feet, scanning the deck for signs of the intruder.
No. Not an intruder.
A nuisance. 
Squawky was currently limping with a sack of coins in his beak, he immediately stopped once he found he was spotted by the green threat.
Then this began the great coin chase.
Zoro chased Squawky all over the Sunny. Squawky frantically limping and being weighed down by the bag of coins. 
It lasted for hours somehow.
No matter how fast Zoro ran, the parrot somehow was limping faster.
It finally ended when Squawky collapsed and Zoro halted where he stood. He watches as the bird's small body heaved with every breath he took.
The swordsman felt a pang of guilt.
This was his girlfriend's bird afterall… 
Zoro then sighed as he marched over and stood over the blue bird. Squawky stared up at him with a glare, which Zoro returned, only to fall back in exhaustion. Zoro then picked up the bird and walked back over to the mast, setting down his swords before sitting down himself, gentilly placing the bird in his lap. 
Squawky squawked in weak retaliation.
"Shut up, (Name) wouldn't want to see you like this."
It didn't take them both long to relax then eventually fall asleep together.
When the crew came back everyone had to stifle their laughter.
But you were just happy that both of your boy's managed to bond together.
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Law's eye twitched the first moment you and Bepo brought the thing in.
"Where'd you even find it?"
"Bepo did! He found her at the market when we went on a supply run!" 
"You were supposed to go after canned goods and pain killers."
"But captain! Isn't she cute?!"
He never understood how you and Bepo found such things, last time the two of you found those ungodly onesies and he mentally swore to himself NEVER AGAIN. 
The thing in question was a parrot, a small breed called a cockatiel. He recognized seeing it in one of the books he read when he was younger.
The thing nipped behind it's wing as she parched herself in your hand. 
Law will admit...he likes cute things...just not really birds.
The thing cooed out to him. 
"Please captain! Me and (Name) will promise to take care of her!"
"Please, Law!"
Oh no, his weakness to your begging.
No. He was going to stand his ground.
"Seventy three percent of the time we're in a submerged submarine. A bird can't live on board."
In an instant you and Bepo looked at each knowingly. With a nod you to both look at him with the best puppy dog eyes the two of you could muster.
"Please, Law?"
"Please, captain?"
God dammit.
And that's how Cari was brought onto the Heart pirates. 
At first things started out alright, Law made it clear as long as the bird didn't get in the way of his work everything would be fine.
The rest of the crew were absolutely in love with Cari. 
Penguin and Shachi sat around her perch, trying to make her repeat curse words and naughty phrases after them, Ikkaku would stand in the doorway and shake her head before muttering about the immaturity before walking away.
Jean Bart liked the bird, but he was afraid of hurting her due to his large size so he would always watch her from a distance.
When the sub would emerge above water, Cari would also join Bepo's nap time. Every time the sight would make a wide grin spread wide on your face. 
But there were the problems.
Huge problems.
Cari loves to eat. The glutton of a bird will loudly rattle her cage as her chirps would demand for food. And this would always occur in the middle of the night, the walls of the submarine carrying her outbursts all over the ship. When Cari was hungry in the middle of the night and her container was empty, every member of the crew would know.
Law, groaning trying to focus on his work (insomnia edition™) would mentally curse to himself that that bird is like a certain Strawhat. 
Then came another one of her problems: Shachi and Penguin's teaching phrases worked.
You'd come into Law's office late at night to come beg him to come to bed. After a couple exchanges of your begging pleas and arms wrapped around his neck while he sat, he finally agreed. 
The two of you were cuddled up while Cari's cage sat on your nightstand. 
Kisses were pressed to your forehead as you closed your eyes with a smile. Eventually the two of you were relaxed enough to sleep. 
"Oh yeah! Fuck me like that!"
Both you and Law's eyes instantly sprang open.
"Son of a bitch! Fuck! Shitting ducks! Pussy!" 
Law's body sprang up and with one shambles, Cari and the cage were roomed off to the 'teacher's' cabins. 
Law groaned as he laid back down.
That bird was such a nuisance. 
It was a hot day in the part of the New World they were in, a summer island had to be somewhere nearby. You and the rest of the crew decided to to chill out on deck and enjoy the sun. 
Before leaving to go outside you swung by Law's office to see if he wanted to join. He of course turned the offer saying he had to much work to do and that he would pass.
That made you disappointed, you wanted to lay out on deck together. 
You were just about to go get Cari out of her cage for her to get some sunshine when the idea popped into your mind. A wicked smile crossed your face. You walked over to pretend to get something out of your dresser. 
"Hey Law?" He grunted in response, eyes still on his paperwork. 
"Can you watch Cari for me?"
"Wouldn't she want to be outside?"
"Yeah but Ikkaku says it might she might be comfortable in here-" You tried to think up a lie on the spot. "Too bright out there, you know Grandline usual."
He didn't seem to second guess it, too focused on his work. "Yeah sure."
You smiled before giving him a: "Thanks! Love you!" before dashing out of the room. 
"Yeah...love you too."
He didn't think nothing of the bird being in there with him, she wasn't actually bothering him before now. He needed to focus on his plan of infiltrating Punk Hazard.
Cari did seem too quiet though.
After a couple of hours, Law set down his pen and leaned back in his chair. He looked to the doorway. 
Maybe a few minutes outside wouldn't hurt. 
Then the moment he got up out of his chair:
"Son of a fuck!" 
Law groaned, stupid bird. 
Law felt at the bridge of his nose. 
"Degenerate bird."
"Degenerate bitch!"
Law's eyes snapped to the cage.
How the hell did she get that from that?!
Curiously, Law made his way over to the cage.
Cari perched on her little swing, her wings flapping about. She instantly took notice of Law.
"Depressed bitch!"
It took Law back. Well, she wasn't wrong. 
"Fucking! Boobs! Ass! (Name)! Titties!"
Law looked back at his chair and decided to see what the fuck else with bird knew how to say.
After retrieving his chair, he sat it in front of the nightstand and stared glarely at the parrot. Cari tilted her head, looking back him before shoving her face in her food container. In a matter of seconds her neck snapped back as she began to do her food loud empty screech and leaping for one of the bars of the cage, rattling the metal. 
Law bent down to open up the sack of bird seed on the floor slumped against the nightstand. He scooped some out with the measuring cup inside the bag and leaned up to hold it in front of the cage. 
Cari popped her head through the bars and screeched for it.
"What other words have those idiots taught you?" Cari blinked twice. 
"Slut." Law deadpanned.
This fucking bird. 
When you finally came back inside, you smiled to yourself hoping the two would've spent some quality time together. 
You stood in the door in awe at the sight you saw.
Law asleep slumped over while the door to Cari's cage was wide open and the bird was perched on your boyfriend's shoulder.
"Did they have a goo-" you shushed Bepo and motioned for him to come look, he quietly gasped in both shock and awe, sparkles in the polar bear's eyes. 
You looked back at the scene with a loving smile.
You knew Law would come around to her eventually.
Now where's that camera?
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(Bas, your welcome in my ask box anytime!)
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anubislover · 4 years
Siblings Lost and Found
(Ikkaku's been the Heart Pirates' mechanic for a year, but is she just another one of Law's subordinates, or does she mean more? Special thanks (and blame) to @shambledsurgeon for suggesting this idea and @scribblrhob for suggesting the song "In My Life" by The Beatles for maximum feels. Any tears are their fault)
It was well past midnight when Ikkaku’s shift was finally over. Clione as he come to relieve her, and she couldn’t be more grateful. In the year since she’d become the Heart Pirates’ mechanic, she’d discovered that life on the high seas wasn’t always as exciting as it sounded.
In fact, with the ocean so calm and little more to be seen beyond schools of fish and the occasional shark, it was hard to stay awake and focused. She’d resorted to drinking three cups of coffee and playing with her hair, braiding and straightening until finally settling on a pair of simple pigtails, mostly for the sake of getting her thick locks off the back of her neck. The Polar Tang had been underwater for a while, so it was stuffy and humid—Bepo would start complaining soon, and Law would have to agree to surface.
Thinking about the poor Mink, Ikkaku decided to take a detour to the library. Aside from the operatory and the morgue, it was the room with the best air conditioning and Bepo could sometimes be found bunked up in there if his quarters became too hot. If he were awake, maybe she’d sit up with him for a bit; with all the caffeine in her system, she knew she wouldn’t be drifting off anytime soon.
The library was in fact occupied, but not by who she’d expected. Slumped over one of the tables was Law, medical books and papers scattered beneath him. He’d been suffering another bout of insomnia for the past week, but normally when he was like that, he spent his nights in the lab or his office.
Must be avoiding Shachi and Penguin’s hovering, she thought, shaking her head. When the captain got like this, those two always went out of their way to try to force him to take care of himself. As much as Law griped about it being insubordination, she was positive he secretly appreciated it; after all, they were two of his closest friends. Practically his brothers.
She wished her own brothers had been like that.
Ikkaku quietly crept into the room to lower the lights—Law must have been truly exhausted to have fallen asleep while working. She briefly wondered if she should wake him long enough to help him move to the couch, but she decided against it—he’d suffer some nasty neck cramps in the morning, but it was better than disturbing his much-needed rest.
When she tried to remove the pen from his hand, however, Law stirred. Ikkaku froze, half crouched above him, silently praying that he hadn’t awoken. She was close enough that, even in the dim light, she could see the way his face scrunched up. Was he dreaming? She could see his eyes darting about under his eyelids, as if searching for something, and his breath came out in shuddering little gasps.
Law was surrounded by choking death. White hospital walls were engulfed in flame and crumbling around him as he ran through the winding, labyrinthine halls.
Mother and father were dead. The soldiers were killing everyone they saw. Flevance was in ruins. It was hot and everything reeked of smoke, blood, and stinking death. Wide, lifeless eyes stared at him in cold judgement as he sprinted past crumpled corpses.
You told her to stay put, they whispered maliciously. This is your fault.
No. He’d told her to hide in the closet for just a few minutes. He’d always intended to come back for her. He didn’t mean to leave his sister behind. He thought she’d be safe!
He had to get to Lamie!
There! The closet was straight ahead! He could hear Lamie inside, screaming for her big brother to save her.
He flung open the door only to find a woman with dark, curly hair and a bandana staring up at him instead.
“Law, it’s me…”
Taking in his pained and panicked expression, it was clear that Law was in the clutches of a pretty intense nightmare, and Ikkaku wasn’t the kind of woman who stood idly by while her captain was suffering.
Grateful that he didn’t have Kikoku on him to slice her to bits if he woke up in a hostile mood, she grabbed his shoulder and shook hard. “Law, it’s me. Hey, wake up!”
“Lamie?” he asked, eyes bleary and unfocused.
“Law, what’s—” Ikkaku started, only for her captain to grab her shoulder and pull her in for a hug. Immediately, she stiffened. Law was not a hugger. Sure, on good days he deigned to be hugged—mostly by Bepo—but he wasn’t the sort to initiate platonic, physical displays of affection.
“You’re ok,” he gasped. He squeezed her tightly and buried his head in her shoulder, breathing deeply. She didn’t smell like smoke or sickness or death.
She smelled like engine oil and coffee, though, with a hint of ginger lotion underneath. Scents that could never be associated with Lamie.
Reluctantly, he became aware of his surroundings. He wasn’t in the charred remains of the hospital. Wasn’t surrounded by the bodies of his friends and family, or soldiers pointing guns at him.
He was in his ship’s library, alone with his mechanic, who was staring at him in shock because he was practically crushing her to his chest.
Law mentally berated himself as he pushed Ikkaku away, brain finally catching up to his body. He’d fallen asleep, had a nightmare, and like some frightened child had latched onto the first person he saw upon being awoken. Disgusting, uncaptainlike behavior that never should have been witnessed by his subordinate.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes while trying to play it cool to retain some dignity. “I…thought you were someone else.”
“Someone named Lamie,” Ikkaku pressed, taking the seat beside him and reaching for his hand. “Law, please; I know I’ve only been around for a year, but if something’s bothering you—”
“It’s nothing.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Bullshit. ‘Nothing’ doesn’t cause nightmares. You can talk to me.”
“Fine, it’s not nothing, but it’s none of your damn business,” he growled, refusing to look at her. He felt irrationally angry; in his dream, he’d been so close to saving his sister, only for Ikkaku to replace her. Then, upon awakening, he’d had a faint moment of delusional hope that maybe Lamie really was alive, only to be replaced again.
Ikkaku recoiled, his harsh tone stinging as much as his words. It wasn’t any of her business because she was just his subordinate. Yet despite his creepy and sadistic tendencies, over the past year, she’d grown attached to him. He was caring and honorable and protective; everything she’d wished her brothers had been. In fact, she’d started to wonder if he felt a hint of brotherly affection towards her; he never seemed to give her more than a slap on the wrist for backtalk. Was quick to scare off unsavory men in taverns. Trusted her judgement when it came to the submarine’s engine, even though she’d been just an apprentice mechanic when he’d hired her.
Clearly, she’d looked too deeply into his actions. He tolerated her sass because he was too busy to reprimand her. Protected her because he couldn’t risk something happening to his mechanic. Accepted her input because he didn’t know enough to contradict her.
Ikkaku wasn’t anything special to him. Everything he did was for practical reasons.
Pulling away before she broke her own heart, she grumbled, “Fine, but I’m telling Penguin about this. You need to talk to someone, and if you don’t trust me—”
“I trust you,” Law stated, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, brow furrowed in confusion.
“You trust me to keep the Tang sailing. To tell you if the engine needs repairs or if there’s a maintenance issue. To have your back in a fight. You trust me like any captain should trust his subordinate.” As she stood up, she forced a smile; something she hadn’t had to do since joining his crew. “That’s the kind of trust that matters, right? That we both know how to do our jobs and keep each other alive on the treacherous, unforgiving sea. Anything else…well that’s just gravy, right?” Despite herself, her lip quivered slightly, forcing her to pretend to organize some of the books on the table so he wouldn’t see her moment of weakness.
From his seat, Law stared at her. In the year she’d been onboard, he’d determined his mechanic to be reckless, outspoken, and loyal. Compassionate to those she considered friends. Genuine. Determined. Intelligent. Vibrant.
Everything he’d imagined his sister would become.
Coming to a decision, Law grabbed Ikkaku’s forearm to get her attention. “Lamie…Lamie was my sister. She died in a hospital fire when I was a kid.”
“Oh gods,” Ikkaku whispered, free hand covering her mouth in horror.
“She wore pigtails,” he admitted, glancing at the twin bunches of hair. “Some days, it’s hard to remember her face, but I can always picture those.”
“I…shit, Law, I’ll take them out,” she offered, immediately reaching up to release the ties.
“Don’t. It’s fine. It just confused me. In the dream, I was searching for her. Everyone else was dead, and the hospital was burning all around me, but I had to find her. I’d told her to hide in a closet while I went to find mother and father, but they were already dead—”
“It’s ok,” she whispered, instinctively sitting back down so she could pull him into a hug. “You don’t need to tell me. I’m…that wasn’t your fault.” No wonder he was so reluctant to let people in. She’d heard about things like survivor’s guilt, and Bepo had implied that he’d lost a lot of people in his short life.
Ikkaku suddenly felt guilty for overstepping her boundaries. She should have let him come to her when he was ready instead of forcing her way in. Hell, she shouldn’t even be hugging him without permission!
But when she tried to pull away, she felt Law’s hand on her back, refusing to let her move an inch.
“You…make me miss her less. Her smile always brightened up the room. When she was sick, I spent a lot of my free time trying to cheer her up. To make her laugh. Sometimes, when you laugh, I close my eyes and pretend it’s hers. That I hadn’t failed, and she’d grown up to become a smart, vibrant young woman like you.”
Ikkaku worried her lip, mulling over his words and debating how she should respond. He’d opened up to her. Trusted her as more than a subordinate. She was something special to him.
He deserved to know she felt the same.
“Law, I…I grew up with four older brothers. All of them were dicks who wanted nothing to do with me. They’d cut my hair off, break my stuff, mock me for wanting to be a mechanic—hell, they once tried to abandon me in the woods.” She looked up at him with a small, sad smile. “So believe me when I say you didn’t fail. You did everything you could. Lamie was damn lucky to have such a loving, protective big brother.”
Law’s heart clenched. Honestly, he’d felt guilty, pushing his feelings for his sister onto Ikkaku. Partially because he felt like he was replacing Lamie; like he was trying to erase his mistakes. And partially because he knew it was unfair to Ikkaku. She deserved to be appreciated for herself, not as some substitute for a girl who died years ago.
But…she didn’t seem to mind. Considering her own brothers, perhaps Ikkaku had secretly appreciated those moments where he’d been a bit overprotective, or unconsciously spoiled her in some way. Perhaps Lamie would even approve of this coping mechanism. Perhaps his subconscious had put her in his dream to show him that, while it was too late for his sister, there was another girl he could still protect.
Such thoughts were better analyzed when he was less tired.
Arm dropping from its place at her back, he pulled away from the embrace. “Help me get to my quarters. Penguin will bitch for hours if he finds out I fell asleep in the library again.”
“Sure thing, Boss,” Ikkaku said, tugging him to his feet. It seemed their little moment was over, but she didn’t mind, especially if it meant Law would actually get some rest. “Want me to call Bepo? He’d be happy to let you use him as a pillow.”
“No. He needs his rest. We’ll surface first thing in the morning—the sub’s getting too stuffy.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, wrapping one of his long arms around her shoulders to better support his lethargic body as they walked down the hall in comfortable silence.
When they arrived at his quarters, she asked, “Sure you don’t need anything? I drank too much coffee, so I’ll be awake for a while. I could clean up the library, or—”
“If you want to help…” Law trailed off, hesitating. He internally debated voicing his request before finally swallowing his pride. “Stay with me a bit. To make sure I actually do fall back asleep. If it’s not too much trouble.”
“Yeah. Sure, I can do that,” she said with a surprised smile.
Stepping aside, he let her into the room. “Just so you know, if you tell anyone about this, I’ll cut out your tongue and preserve it in formaldehyde.”
Her grin sharpened into something a bit more teasing. Ah, there was the creepy captain she knew and loved. “As if anyone would believe that the big, bad Surgeon of Death needed someone to hold his hand and scare the nightmares away.”
“I never asked you to hold my hand.”
She giggled before dragging his desk chair over to his bed while he kicked off his shoes and crawled under the covers.
“Did you check under the bed for monsters?” he asked dryly, a hint of his sarcastic smirk lifting his lips.
She rolled her eyes. “Please, like there’s anything scarier than you on this ship.”
“Damn straight,” he replied, letting out a jaw-cracking yawn. His eyes drooped a bit as his head sank into the pillow. “Know any lullabies?”
“A few. You really want one?”
“Could be nice, especially if it’s the last time I hear your voice should you not manage to keep your mouth shut about this.”
Sniggering, Ikkaku tousled his hair before clearing her throat, softy singing as her captain gradually drifted off.
“Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more.”
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Qualm (Tales From The Heart)
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Gen Warnings: None Characters: Bepo, Penguin, Law, Shachi, Ikkaku
Bepo was getting in some mapwork before breakfast, watched by Ikkaku, when Penguin stumbled into the room. He didn't look well, hat missing and skin ashen, and Bepo abandoned the maps to wrap his nakama in his arms, pulling him into his lap and holding him securely as he squirmed, startled.
"Let me go!" he demanded, but he'd never been able to physically overpower Bepo, and the mink had no intentions of releasing him until he knew what was wrong.
"You don't look well," Ikkaku observed, crouching down in front of them and resting a hand on his forehead. He shook his head to dislodge her. "I'll get Captain."
"No!" The woman froze, halfway to her feet, at Penguins unexpected outburst. "No," he repeated at a more normal volume. "Don't."
"Why not?" Bepo wanted to know, nuzzling against his cheek lightly. "Did you remember something?" While Penguin's memories had returned enough to finally convince him he was one of them, the last few gaps were, to Bepo's knowledge, still filling in.
Penguin nodded, drawing Ikkaku to abandon her silly halfway up stance and settle into a crouch in front of them.
"What did you remember this time?" she asked, and Bepo nudged Penguin again, also interested in the answer. He couldn't think of any reason why that would have the man so against going to see Law.
"I think… everything important," Penguin admitted slowly. "Everything makes sense now, like I've got all the context."
"That's great!" Ikkaku gushed, lunging forwards and hugging him tightly, resulting in an extra body in Bepo's lap. He didn't mind, shifting his hold until he was holding onto both of them.
"So… why won't you see Captain?" he asked, confused. Penguin shook his head again. "If there's something wrong-"
"I called him a freak!" Penguin wailed, burying his face in Bepo's boiler suit. "I called him a freak, and his face. He looked like he was about to cry! How am I supposed to face him now?"
"You didn't remember him," Ikkaku said sensibly, and Bepo was glad she was there because he could do hugs but not words. "It's not your fault."
"But it is," Penguin insisted, inconsolable. "I was awful to all of you, and I made Shachi cry. I didn't stop him hurting himself, even though he did it all for me. And Law. How am I going to look them in the eye ever again?"
Bepo had had enough. There was only one way he could see to fix this, so with an apology he stood up, both humans securely in his arms as he followed Law's familiar scent to find the captain in his room. Shachi's scent was there, too, and as he neared – Penguin squirming wildly and Ikkaku trying to hold him back with minimal success – he heard the ginger talking.
"-just left without a word this morning. What am I supposed to do, Law?"
Hefting Penguin onto his shoulder as the man made an almost successful bid for freedom, Bepo strode over to the door and pushed it open.
"Sorry," he mumbled as he walked in, seeing both Law and Shachi staring at him, or more likely the wriggling mass of Penguin on his shoulder.
"Penguin!" Shachi was the first to speak, heading straight for Bepo and the nakama on his shoulder, who had stopped fighting and was now slumped bonelessly on Bepo's shoulder. "Are you okay? You left so suddenly this morning and I was worried you were sick but you didn't go to the infirmary either."
"He's got the rest of his memories back," Ikkaku told them, and Law was up in an instant, joining Shachi in crowding the older man. Bepo refused to let him retreat.
"That's great!" Shachi beamed, reaching to hug Penguin. The man recoiled and Shachi froze. "Penguin?"
"How can you be so… happy?" Penguin mumbled, and Bepo shifted until he was sitting on Law's bed, pulling the man firmly back into his lap and pinning him there. Without his hat to hide behind, it was easy to see the way he was avoiding looking at anyone in the room. "I was awful to you. How are you just brushing that off?"
This time when Shachi lunged for him the ginger didn't back off at the flinch.
"Oi," the ginger said, mussing his hair. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't remember us."
"Well, yes," Penguin admitted. "But-"
"But nothing," Law interrupted, nestling his way into Bepo's lap until he was shoulder to shoulder with Penguin. "You did nothing wrong, Penguin."
"How can you say that?" Penguin exclaimed. "I called you a freak, I agitated Shachi's snowblindness. I made you both cry, didn't I?" Law's mouth opened, but Penguin kept going. "I hurt you and you're just writing it off as nothing?"
"It wasn't your fault," Law said firmly. "Being unable to help you was what upset me, not what you said and did."
"So stop blaming yourself," Shachi added, and suddenly Bepo had a lap full of nakama as all four of them – Ikkaku included, letting the others speak but still there – managed a group hug, Penguin at the centre.
"But-" Penguin tried one more time, only for three hands to clamp over his mouth.
"No buts," Law repeated.
"And no beating yourself up over it," Shachi added, putting his own hat on Penguin's head.
Penguin made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a sniffle, hiding under the hat as his nakama embraced him.
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In Chains (Chapter Two) Bound by Misery (Trafalgar Law)
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As fate would have it – sarcastically speaking – she hurtled like a fallen angel back into his life. It was a little strange, when he took the time to think about it, but not as much as it first appeared. Samira was intended to cross paths with him, which was funny, because he never believed in destiny before.  
And yet, something powerful was at work here; something that wanted him to meet her.
That’s why he thought she was an angel; no two people just casually found one another after deviating paths. He was meant to be far away from this place, and she was meant … well to be a figment of his imagination. His crew thought he was drunk – thanks to a certain loud mouthed woman he wanted to rope up and use as Sea King bait.
Which came as a shock to them whenever Shachi brought her on board; she was not a delusion caused by his intoxicated mind. She was real – out cold, but real. The cheeky man wanted to rub this fact deep into their unintelligent faces, but he could wait. His angel was in serious need of medical attention.
She had a broken arm – the skin was swollen and the bone was close to breaking through. Shachi figured she landed roughly when she hit the water. It made him nervous to think that she may have slammed into the rock face on the way down. Although the drop wasn’t fatal, approximately 20 meters above the water – if Shachi had to guess – a height such this was still powerful enough to shatter bone. Her condition might be worse than he originally thought, and with little time to take her to the doctor on the island, a dicey idea came to mind.
“Captain … the Captain. Someone go and call for him,” he cried out in haste. Shachi honestly didn’t care who; he simply wanted it done.
Bepo – who was on deck – went to retrieve him, uttering a noise of concern beneath his breath as he descended into the mechanical bowels of the Polar Tang. Everyone else – Penguin included – stood and watched; as to why, it was obvious.
Law was repulsed by the notion of helping people. The exception, of course, was his crew and those who benefited him by doing so – Monkey D. Luffy for example.
Relying on his connection with Law – as a member of his crew – he hoped that the doctor would mend her broken bones; no favor included.
But just in case, he had something to sweeten the pot.
Her wanted poster was hidden in the lining of his suit. He kept it because Ikkaku never would have believed him otherwise; she denied it despite the proof and thus the rumor of him being drunk was made. Oh how sweet the rights to boast would be, if only again would Samira open her sad eyes. Her smile was all he wanted, but that depended on his Captain.
Her life was literally in Law’s hands.
Which is why he felt nervous as said man walked out onto the deck – Bepo followed closely behind him. He met his Captain’s tired stare, determined to put up as much of a fight as he could, but Law didn’t seem like he was in the mood to deal with this right now. Knowing that he’d fail to reason with the man, Shachi bit his bottom lip between his teeth.
“It’s all my fault this happened. I got her involved with the bounty hunters in town,” he explained. His fingers brushed her damp wet hair from her troubled face. She was warm; a fever, he assumed.
Law grunted; his crew was bad about getting into trouble. It was not his problem what became of the girl, but Shachi seemed to be terribly concerned about her safety. It annoyed Law; his crewmate probably would not let her go without seeing her well.
“Jean … how soon can we leave this island?”
Law kept his stern gaze on the girl. He failed to notice the troubled look his red haired crewmate gave.
A mountain of a man quietly answered him. “Right now; on your order, Captain.”
“Then let’s make haste. Get ready to submerge.”
His crew – everyone but Shachi – quickly began to prepare, withdrawing into the sub. Law himself wanted to go back to his studies, but stopped short of doing so and looked over his shoulder. He felt like chores were a suitable enough punishment for dragging him into this mess.
“We’ll talk about your punishment later,” he stated with a grin. “For now, take her to operating room so I can have a look at her.”  
Shachi nodded with a frown – punishments when given by his Captain were the worst; weeks’ worth of hard labor – and lifted her into his arms. She was a tiny thing compared to him, which made him coo in delight as he followed his crew into the sub.
The door was sealed behind him; the sun replaced by the dim flicker of lamp light as he navigated through the narrow corridors. Reaching the medical room, Law was already there, wearing a pair of white surgical gloves.
He motioned to a bed made with clean sheets and let Shachi place the girl down. She was quickly hooked up to a series of machines – an IV and pulse oximeter; including many others. Her shallow heart rate alerted Law, but to figure out why, he needed to strip her of the clothing that restricted his view.
“Put on a pair of gloves and open her cloak,” he ordered his crewmate.
He wants me actually stay and help? As much as Shachi wanted to know why he didn’t want to miss the chance to see his angel without her cloak on. He was not a pervert – Ikkaku would say otherwise – and no harm came from looking. So without thinking too much into it, he did as his Captain had asked.
“What’s her name?”
Shachi glanced at the tired man in shock before he realized that Law was recording her information down. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking; perhaps small talk to lighten the mood.
“Amunet Samira,” he answered with a brief smile. Foreign as her name was, it was no less beautiful. “She is … an outsider I believe. When I knocked her over in the bar she hissed something at me in a language that I had never heard before.”
“She’s bilingual then?”
Nodding in agreement, Shachi laughed softly. “Yeah, and not bad with a baton either. She knocked a bounty hunter completely out before I came to her rescue.”
Not just another pretty face. Law cautioned himself; she was attractive, of course, but the hunters were after her for some reason – he’d find out sooner or later, he’d be sure of that.
“How did you meet her? I want to understand how she came to be on my sub.”
“At the bar; I met her there,” Shachi answered. His face exploded with embarrassed heat as he recalled the way she looked at him so hatefully in that moment. He’d been awestruck. “I dropped my newspaper and her bounty poster was amongst the others.”
Bounty poster? Law glanced down at the girl. This frail looking thing? He hadn’t the time to look through the new batch he got from Uri earlier, which annoyed him, because had he known that she was trouble, he would have demanded she be removed from his sub immediately. He pinched the bridge of his nose and forced himself to continue listening to the story – sometimes his eagerness to plan ahead landed him an even bigger headache when life threw a kink at him.
“… I like blew her mind with my style of martial arts – she was so amazed that her eyes lit up – but she insisted we part ways; places to go is what she said. I lost track of her after that and returned to my duties,” the prattling red head explained. He sighed in pity and took her limp hand in his. “But then she fell off the cliff side. I heard Penguin yell when it happened and before I even understood what I was doing, I leapt into the water. Imagine my surprise when I pulled her from the depths; it was like fate.”
Law wasn’t sure fate was the word to describe it; dumb luck was more like it. The girl couldn’t have known his crew had moved the Polar Tang from the port once they were stocked up on supplies. Her timing was impeccable. One minute later and they would have submerged; Amunet Samira would have drowned.
One little thing still eluded him, however. Shachi had to have worked on her when he pulled her from the water; she was breathing and the machines showed that her pulse was there, but something was keeping her from regaining consciousness. Law wasn’t sure just what had happened to her, but he had a hunch that she was still awake before she hit the water. Her body was much too tense for a person who was supposed to be unconscious.
As a doctor, Law had to know why, even if he had to disassemble her body to find out. He tapped her chart against the machine next to him and gestured for Shachi to remove her cloak – it was not good for her to still be wrapped up in it.
“Let us make haste. She may be in a lot worse shape than either one of us had first thought.”
Shachi nodded in agreement. He quickly unfastened the press-stud beneath her chin and opened up the thick, ruined fabric. The ink on her waist was nearly exposed; he was truly eager to see it.
Only, what he saw was far more than he originally expected. A rocking body with a cute tattoo was one thing, but this; this was a gold mine.
“Is … is that––
Law could not believe his eyes. Shimmering jewels; her clothing was decorated with them. There were so many, he surmised that his crew might be able to live comfortably on them for a while. Even her wrists and ankles were adorned with gold and silver bangles.
“Can we … I mean … should we take them?”
Law grinned; of course they should.  
“Later; ignore them for now. I’ll have Ikkaku collect them once we’re done,” he ordered. Her safety came first; payment later. It was the least he could do.
Furthermore, her tattoos interested him. Law traced a gloved finger across a series of blue dots and lines that covered her left wrist down to her knuckles. He had never seen markings like this before; they were unique.
“What do you think it means?”
Law narrowed his eyes. “This particular method looks ancient; indigenous even. Frankly, I’m not sure.”
What captivated him the most was the other tattoo; a serpent coiled freely around her waist.
It was different than the previous one; not as unique, but more of an attention grabber. The drawing was very detailed, all down to the very last scale. Many of them were hatched with a wide black edge so that the scales aligned to form broken V-shapes of uneven length. This led him to believe that the scarlet eyed snake was meant to be painted as a warning for those who saw it; a warning to keep away from this girl.
The idea of something so innocent being so fatal unsettled Law. He figured the only way to insure the safety of his crew was to lock her away until he knew she would not be a threat.
“What’s this thing?”
Law glanced at the long, thin object his crewmate was holding. It appeared to be a dart attached to a transparent base that was shaped like the head of a frog. Inside the base was a mucus like substance that until tested he didn’t want Shachi to tamper with.
“Where did you find that? And be sure not to pierce your skin with it; the liquid could be poisonous.”
Shachi went pale and set the object into a small metal dish. “I pulled it from her leg.”
Did someone try to kill her with poison? It made no sense to the concerned red head. The disclaimer on her bounty poster suggested that whoever was looking for her wanted her alive. Why do it? Why attempt to kill her? So much belly was involved; more than enough to keep a small crew comfortable for months.
“I don’t understand,” Shachi groaned. She was more valuable alive then dead.
Strangely enough, neither did Law. He was clever, but this girl was an mystery. What secrets did she hide?
“Leave us,” the Captain ordered. “Return to your duties, and when I’m done you can move her to my room. She’s too much of a threat to allow unsupervised.”
Puckering out his bottom lip, Shachi agreed with a nod. He saw her first – she kissed his cheek – but he understood the concerns of his somber captain. The crew and it’s safety came first. Yet, her safety was all he could think about.
He just hoped Samira wasn’t beyond help.
Waking suddenly, her eyes moved frantically around the room. It was unfamiliar to her; nothing was how she remembered it.
Samira tried lifting up, but her body felt weak. Therefore, she rested into the mattress of the comfy bed and found her bearings. What did she know? She knew that demons from her past resurfaced and tried to drag her back to hell with them – metaphorically speaking. They almost succeeded, but her strange power saved her.
But then how did I get here? Where was here? From her position on the bed – if she glanced to the right – she could see a metal desk; barren with the exception of a stack of thick books on its glossy surface. There were no pictures on the walls, nor any keepsakes to articulate the interests of the person whose bedroom she was inhabiting, but she could tell that whoever they were – he or she – kept the room clean and private.
To be honest, it was more like an office than a bedroom.
Someone’s bedroom, she thought. As startling as this was to her, Samira had figured out the where to her question. But how? Did the owner of this room find her? All she could remember was falling; that and whatever illness became of her before she passed out. Strange. The illness was gone.
But then why did her body feel so heavy and weak? I could almost go back to sleep. This bed is wonderful. Samira sighed in bliss and closed her tired eyes. Maybe she would; just for a little while anyway. She still needed to figure out who saved her and where they had taken her.
Before she drifted off to sleep, the door across the room opened with a loud creak and someone came in. Samira kept her eyes shut, but she could hear them move around, like they were familiar with the layout – probably the owner of the room, she speculated. Once they left, she peaked across the room and noticed a tray on top of the desk; a tray that wasn’t there before. A bowl of something warm sat on top of it.
Her stomach felt empty. When was the last time she had eaten? Samira couldn’t remember. She was hungry, though. All thoughts of sleep had left her.
Trying again, she all but threw herself in the floor to get up. She was able to pull the covers back and move into a sitting position with her feet on the floor, but something caught her eye and stopped her progress. She was dressed in a fresh set of clothing; a basic colorless shirt and a pair of cotton sweatpants. Where was her previous set? Even the bangles around her wrists and ankles were missing.
They wouldn’t have taken them … or would they have? None of that mattered right now. Baby steps.
Samira pushed herself onto her feet and moved slowly over to the desk; her legs were shaky and numb. She managed to make it, but figured that eating at the desk would be a lot easier than moving the tray back to the bed – that was a risk she did not want to take. Resting in a plush swivel chair, she began to down the warm broth.
Before she finished, and without warning, the door swung open again. A gasp of shock escaped from her as she was caught off guard and in mid swallow. Samira choked on the broth, covering her mouth so not to spit it out and onto the desk. It took her a minute, but she was able to catch her breath and shoot a frustrated glare at the person who dared to sneak up on her.
He was a slim man; one of tall stature, dressed in a yellow hoodie with black sleeves that he kept rolled up. Several tribal styled tattoos decorated his arms, but what concerned Samira the most was the emblem printed on his chest. It looked familiar to her; not this design – with its six T-shaped protrusions – but something close to it. She couldn’t quite remember were she had seen it before, but something about it brought dread to her.
A pirate … that’s what he is. That was the reason her bangles were missing; he stole them.
Samira cursed in her native language and spat at him. Whatever he wanted from her, couldn’t have been good.
“That’s not a polite way to thank someone who just saved your life,” he said in a casual tone.
She snorted in appall. “Not without a price. I have sympathy for the souls who fall victim to your good will; unconscious or not.”
A smile lifted his lips. “I never claimed to be a generous man, Amunet-ya. You just had the terrible luck of falling into my care.”
He knows my name. The alarmed expression on her face made his smile grow.
Law sat on the edge of his bed and gave her a quick glance over. She looked better, although her eyes were clouded with exhaustion and fear.
“That is your name, right? Amunet Samira; at least your bounty poster says it is.”
“It tells the truth,” she confirmed. Toying with the edge of her top, Samira tried to figure out a way to evade the questions she knew he was going to ask. He may have saved her, but somethings were better left unsaid.
“Do I get to know the name of the man who saved my life?”
Yes, her mood corrected, but only because she knew that she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Pirates rarely ever listened to sense, or took well to being yelled at. He saw her bounty poster, so he knew just how important she was. Maybe she could use that to her advantage.
“Trafalgar Law,” he answered curtly. “But it wasn’t me who saved you; not solely. A crewmate of mine, Shachi was. He fished you from the ocean and brought you aboard my sub.”
Sub … what the hell is that? And did he say that Shachi was the one who saved me? Her eyes widened in admiration; beldi al-shajaan (my brave).
“I am thrilled to hear that; he is a good man. Mester (mister) Trafalgar, was it? If you would allow it, I’d like to thank him properly.”
Law sighed in displeasure. She was good at changing the topic when it suited her; it annoyed him. He’d definitely have to keep her on track if he wanted to learn more about her. It felt strange for him to admit this, but something about Samira interested him. Her eyes held a sense of understanding in them – tragedy that he was all too familiar with.
“Another time perhaps,” Law replied as he stood up. “Use my room until you get better. The next island is about a five day sail from here.”
Samira brushed her bristly white hair behind her ear – she really needed a warm bath. “What then? What do you and your crew plan to do with me once we arrive?”
“Turn you in,” he said with a controlled smile. “But until then, enjoy your stay aboard my sub, Amunet-ya. I look forward to collecting your bounty money.”
Her face paled. Every nerve in her body was screaming for her to act; escape before it was too late. She could use her power, but with little knowledge of the crew’s whereabouts, she might end up killing a few. A controlled blast was out of the question. What could she really do? Maybe she could get him to sympathize with her.
“You don’t understand,” she said with a gloomy sigh. “I can’t go back, and I can’t explain why, but if he finds me, everyone is as good as dead.”
As good as dead? And who is he? Law was confused. He shed a little light on the mystery of why someone put out a bounty poster for her, but at least a hundred more questions came to mind. Just who the hell was she? What trouble did Shachi bring aboard his sub?
“Get some rest, Amunet-ya.”
With this, he left her to her thoughts. A smile grew on his face as he ambled down the empty corridor towards the galley. She was a mystery indeed. A possible danger to his crew and to him, but either way, he was going to make a lot of belly off her.
“Lost her, you said?”
Mariposa pressed her lips together. Her tiny wings fluttered in anticipation, but she doubted she’d get a slap on the hand for her resent mess up.
Again she failed to capture the brat. Stupid … so very stupid.
“She used her power on us. Mr. Toad got the worst end of it, but he managed to paralyze her with one of his Froggie Darts before she fled into the woods,” she explained softly.
A soft hum filled the line. The baby transponder snail mocked this gesture; it’s black painted lips pressed into a thin line.
“I fail to see how you two lost her then? You do understand that she is a valuable asset to us? The buyers have been asking for another demonstration of her power, and we have nothing to show them.”
The small woman frowned. It wasn’t her fault the brat escaped. Arsenio was supposed to capture her; she was only meant to spread her scales in case she fled again, so they could easily track her.
“Are you having trouble hearing me, Mari? I believe a question was asked.”
“No sir. We lost her the moment she was picked up by a crew of pirates in a yellow submarine. My scales can not be tracked beneath the ocean, so I am having trouble confirming a location,” she chirped in fear. This man caused her skin to crawl.
The transponder snail hummed again. “A yellow submarine, you said?”
Again she fluttered her wings in anticipation. “Yes sir. Do you know of it?”
“Only in rumors,” the deep and calm voice said with a sigh. “It is navigated by a crew whose captain is famous in the north; a man named Trafalgar Law. He is a dangerous and crafty pirate. It is unfortunate that the asset landed in his care.”
Law; she wasn’t familiar with the name. “On a brighter note, I know which port this Trafalgar will be anchoring in next. In two days’ time Mr. Toad and I can intercept them and take back the asset.”
“That is not necessary,” her boss stated. “Use the Eternal Pose and return back to the Isle. I have another job for you. Arsenio will be fine on his own. Tell him not to fail me this time. Do I make myself clear?”
She agreed with a nod. “Yes sir; crystal clear.”
The line immediately went dead, and the transponder snail went back to sleep. Mariposa bit her bottom lip – warm tears fell down her rosy cheeks.
I can’t afford to bomb this mission. I don’t want to go back to that factory and end up a slave to that man again. Not like those weak fools and their sad excuse for a princess.
She took a deep calming breath. Now was not the time to cry. She had an important job to do. Her freedom depended on it.
15 notes · View notes
lululawlawlu-writes · 5 years
Softly Stained with Spring
Part 4: Rivals
note:  This fic was written for @lawlu-week!!  But I couldn’t keep up so I’m planning for updates to happen weekly instead~
rating: T
tags: canon universe, fluff and angst, hanahaki
Chattering voices pull Luffy from his dreams. He doesn’t want to wake up, not yet. It feels like he’d fallen asleep stargazing with Law just seconds ago.
Even though sleeping outside on the ground has never been uncomfortable for him and his body does feel like it’s not ready to get up, he mostly wants to savor a few more minutes of being cuddled up with Law. Law’s body is warm, the sound of his breath soothing. He even smells nice with the smoke from last night’s grilled meat still clinging to his clothes.
“Aww, aren’t they the cutest?” someone coos, almost mocking in tone. Sounds like one of Law’s crew although he can’t place exactly whose voice it is.
“I never thought I’d ever hear anyone call Captain ‘cute’,” someone else remarks.
Luffy would agree, but come to think of it Law could be cute at times. The way he tugged the brim of his hat down to try hiding his face—that was cute. And the tiny smile Law sometimes wore when it was just the two of them—the kind of smile that was there and gone in an instant like Law was trying to hide it—that was cute too. As much as Luffy wanted to know Law’s feelings, it was pretty cute when he tried to hide hem.
“You think they meant to sleep out here?” came a voice a little too close.
“Shut the hell up, Penguin. You’re gonna wake them!” another scolds.
Luffy’s already awake. He just doesn’t want to be yet, and it’s seeming like he won’t get to drift back to sleep again.
“At least wait until Nami takes a picture.”
“Huh? What’s Nami taking a picture of?” Luffy yawns, blinking his eyes to adjust to the morning sun. It’s no use fighting to sleep. He really can’t ignore all their voices. Besides, he’s awake enough now to feel his stomach starting to grumble.
“Never mind it,” Nami tells him.
Stretching, Luffy sits up just in time to see her palming something suspiciously snail-like and tucking it away in a woven basket. But the snail isn’t really what concerns him so much as his curiosity about what else is in that basket. His meat-detecting instincts are cuing him into something salty, fried over flame and dripping with juicy, cured flavour.
“Did you bring breakfast?” Luffy asks, and the answer better be ‘yes’ because he’s had more than his fill of deceptive flowers.
“We came up here ‘cause we thought it would be a nice day to have a brunch picnic in the wildflower field,” Ikkaku discloses, pulling out a large plaid picnic blanket. It’s not really an answer to his question but close enough.
“Imagine our surprise when we found you two.” Robin smiles at him discreetly, knowingly as though she’s keeping a secret of his. She sprouts a half-dozen hands to help Ikkaku set out the blanket on the lush grass.
“Our lovely high-class ladies-only brunch picnic has already been infiltrated by uncouth men,” Sanji grumbles, pulling dishes from a large covered basket, “so you may as well wake up Torao and get your asses over here too.”
“Oh, Sanji, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Ikkaku quips, “you’re not that uncouth.”
“And if you were talking about Shachi and Penguin, judging by how they act, I’d say they’re just kids,” Nami adds. She and Ikkaku give each other appreciative glances, giggle at each other’s wittiness.
Shachi just looks to Penguin who stops helping Sanji long enough to give a quick shrug. He doesn’t deny they act like they’re half their ages half the time.
“Hey, Torao, wake up,” Luffy says, shaking his shoulder with one hand, body already up and closing the distance to the food.
“That’s not gonna work,” Penguin notes, handing a cup to Shachi who shouts “Wake up Captain, we’ve got coffee!” as he pours the dark, steaming liquid into the cup.
Law does this weird little sit-up, folding in half with his body stiff like he’s being sat up in a hospital bed. His hat tumbles from his head, but he doesn’t pay it any mind. Groaning out like a zombie, he pulls himself off the ground to stumble the few steps to the picnic and throw himself back down next to his crew mates.
Luffy grabs a fistful of bacon and scoots closer to him.
“There, there, drink your coffee,” Penguin tells Law, almost patronizing, putting the cup in his captain’s hands.
Law mumbles something, head lolling forward to sip from the cup in his hands.
“That’s a good boy,” Shachi encourages mockingly, going so far as to ruffle his hair.
Law just grumbles incoherent, lazily smacking his hand away.
He really is funny when he’s just woken up Luffy decides, adds one more thing to his mental list of things that’s cute about Law.
“So what were you two lovers doing sleeping out here?” Ikkaku asks, passing Luffy a plate of sandwiches and a hearty helping of sausages.
He’s almost persuaded to start a list of reasons why she’s his next favourite of the Heart Pirates.
“Rivals,” Law interjects with half-asleep muttering. “We’re rivals.”
“You and me?” Luffy asks. He’s never thought of them as rivals and he’s sure he never will. They’re allies technically, friends definitely, and maybe they could be lovers. The word does have a nice sound. Come to think of it, it would be pretty nice if Law loved him enough for that. Something stirs in his heart at the thought—that light, happy fluttering.
“We may have an alliance now,” Law states from behind his steaming cup “but we’re both after the one piece.” He gives Luffy a little less than a glance, goes back to his coffee, staring at it like it’ll telling him the secrets of existence.
“That doesn’t mean you guys can’t be more than one thing,” Penguin notes.
“Yeah, don’t you want to be lovers too, Torao?” Luffy asks, leaning close, stretching a little to wrap an arm around Law in a sort of hug. He does wish Law would love him, but the thought that he might not does stick Luffy with a slight twinge of pain. Still, he wants to know if it’s possible.
“They do say that rivals make the most passionate lovers,” Robin concurs calmly.
Their crew members, especially Law’s have a laugh at his expense.
Law’s efforts to retort while mid-sip send him choking on his coffee, sputtering, coughing which only has them laughing harder.
Luffy can’t help but join in with them as he takes his arm from around Law. He smacks him on the back just like Law had done for him before.
“Yeah, laugh it up. I should cut your hearts out,” Law mumbles his threat which doesn’t seem to carry any weight, downs the rest of his coffee.
Luffy’s about to offer a ‘sorry’ once he can manage to stop laughing but a sharp pain in his ribs cuts off his breath. A tickle rises to his throat, only allows him a few short coughs before flower petals, the same as before, start to spill from his mouth.
This shouldn’t be happening. He thought he’d gotten them all out last night when he spewed the flowers onto the floor of the meat restaurant.
“What the hell?” Sanji mutters under his breath.
“Mugiwara, are you ok?” Ikkaku gasps, passing him a cup of tea Shachi’s poured out.
“Luffy, what did you do now?” There’s worry in Nani’s voice.
“I only-“ Luffy’s cut off by a stab through the chest again. He doubles over, leaning in to Law as the pants in shallow breaths, eyes squeezed shut trying to concentrate on making the pain go away.
“He ate poisonous flowers that happen to smell like meat. He’s been coughing them up ever since,” Law supplies. “I didn’t think he ate that many.”
“I didn’t,” Luffy confesses, “only a few.” That’s not his biggest problem right now. He’s more inconvenienced by whatever it is he feels attacking him from the inside.
“On the way to this island I was looking up information. I recall coming across a tale about a curse carried by such flowers,” Robin discloses. “I’ll try to find the book again.”
“But my heart hurts now,” Luffy tells them. That’s what he wants to fix most of all.
“It’s going to be alright,” Law tells him, stoking Luffy’s back soothingly. “For now just concentrate on my voice.”
“Tell me what things we are,” Luffy demands weakly.
Law just looks down at him, hums.
“More than rivals,” Luffy asserts. He wants to know what Law defines them as.
“Ok,” Law consents, “We are rivals to an extent still, confirmed allies, and I suppose we might have established a fairly friendly rapport-“
“Just say ‘friends’, Captain,” Shachi urges.
“And then say ask him to be your boyfriend,” Ikkaku suggests, “We see the way you look at him.”
“Like the way you look at her?” Law asks, gesturing to Nami.
Ikkaku blushes a deep shade of red. The rest laugh.
“You should have seen her buying her drinks all night last night,” Penguin chimes in.
“It was sweet,” Nami says, patting Ikkaku’s hand.
Thinking about other things, like what Law thinks, being able to laugh with everyone, the comfort of having Law’s hand on his back, it’s helping. Luffy’s pain is fading into just a little tightness in his chest now. Even so, he doesn’t want it to come back.
“Torao,” Luffy nudges Law, “What about my heart hurting. Relaxing isn’t fixing it for good.”
“I’ve got another suggestion for how to help you then,” Law says, “but it’ll make us rivals only.”
“Not funny,” Sanji snorts. “Luffy is gonna take you seriously.”
“I’m not joking,” Law says plainly. “It’s only temporary. He’ll see what I mean.”
“But-“ Luffy tries to protest.
“Yes we can still be more than one thing afterward,” Law answers, looks away from him.
Luffy thinks he catches a faint smile on Law’s lips before his hand moves to mask it, chin propped on this palm, fingers covering his mouth in a mock display of contemplation. He really is kind of cute when he tries to hide his feelings.
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Side To Side
Chapter 164: Old Pine
Notes: Characters: Shachi, Ruby, Law, Penguin Rating: Teen Warnings: Depression, Language Notes: Originally, this was going to be two chapters, but I cut some stuff out and edited it so it would flow better as one. Full Story
Shachi stared at Ruby’s shaking hands. He sighed. She may be getting better, but she was still shaky. She still wasn’t sleeping through the night. He watched her fail spectacularly at braiding her hair, clenching her fist as it fell apart.
“Alright,” he spoke up. “I’ll do it.”
Ruby looked over and Shachi almost felt bad for her. He stood up from his bed and walked over to her. “Do what?”
“I’m going to braid your hair.” He pushed her aside and say behind her on her bed. “Don’t complain and don’t fight.”
“You’re just here to lecture me.”
“No, I’m also here to braid your hair.” He gently tugged at it. “But yes, I’m here to lecture you.” Ruby sighed and deflated. “You need to pull yourself together. With Law trying to figure out his brain, you’re the main person for our defense.” She didn’t answer. “I feel for you, Ruby, but you need to be a person again.”
“I am a person.”
“You’re not acting like one. You’re acting so dependent on one person you’ve practically lost yourself. Just because what you’re going through is painful, doesn’t mean you don’t need to pull yourself together. You’re supposed to be independent and confident. You strike fear in men’s hearts when they hear your heels!”
“I’m hardly that person anymore,” she spoke up. “I’m not intimidating and I can’t wear heels for more than a couple hours anymore. You know as well as I do that my confidence was mostly a front.”
“Except when it wasn’t.” Ruby sighed and he let go of her hair. “You shouldn’t lose your personality because of a break up.”
“It wasn’t…” she sighed sadly. “I know.” She pulled away from him. “But I still miss him.” She brought her knees up to her chest and sniffed. “I think if it was an actual break up it would be easier.”
“You think?” She shrugged. “I don’t think so. In this scenario, you can start over, if it was a break up then there wouldn’t be the chance.”
“That’s what makes it hard. I don’t want to hope that it’ll just happen again because what if it doesn’t?”
“Guess you’ll have to find out.” He patted her head and got out of her bed. “First step is to be yourself.” She rolled her eyes. “Right let me phrase that better. Be your own human again. Be a person who has a personality and more feelings than depression and insomnia.” Shachi placed his fists on his hips. “Not just for the sake of your relationship status, so you can be happy with yourself again.” Ruby was silent. She didn’t move either. Shachi sighed sadly. “I don’t want you to get so depressed that you start to hate yourself again.” Ruby sniffed.
“I know,” she squeaked. “I’m so frustrated with myself.” She sighed roughly.
“I know.” He petted her hair. “You’ll figure it out.”
He hoped she did at least.
“You’ve been staring into space for 20 minutes now,” Shachi said and Law blinked.
“Have I?”
“Yes, I’ve kept track.” Law groaned. “What’s on your mind?”
“Besides the obvious?”
“If you say that Ruby’s on your mind, I’ll smack you.”
“Okay.” He smacked him anyway. “Oi!”
“Stop worrying about her. Worry about yourself, you love-struck asshole.”
“I’m not love-struck, I’m worried about my crew member. It’s my job.”
“Just focus on yourself. There’s no point in worrying about someone who’s more than capable of taking care of herself.” Law grumbled something and Shachi sighed. “You clearly need a break.”
“Everything. Look, Bepo said we’re close to an island. We’re going to take you out.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“Yes it is. You don’t need to get back into your habit of ignoring your health, again.”
“I’ve never-”
“Bullshit,” Shachi interrupted him. “You don’t take care of yourself and you ignore your own advice. You’ve gotten better about it, but that doesn’t mean that you’ve stopped. We’re taking you out, whether you like it or not.”
“That’s the opposite of making me feel better.”
“Too bad.” Shachi gave him a toothy grin. Law scoffed and rolled his eyes, but he had already given in. Good. It would’ve been a pain in the ass to actually have to drag him out of the sub.
“So then,” Shachi laughed. “You drank is both under the table, since you always have to be right.” Law smirked and took a sip of his beer. “Well, I suppose losing your memory could be worse. You could’ve totally forgot all of us.”
“That’s true enough,” Law sighed. “I do appreciate you guys taking me out tonight, afterall.”
“We’re nakama aren’t we? We want your memories back, too.” Penguin said. “And if you don’t, well,” he shrugged. “You’re still our beloved captain.” Law snorted and took another sip. “What else do you want to know? We can keep telling you fun stories, too.”
“I don’t mind,” he smirked. “I just need to…”
“Get used to it?”
“Find your bearings?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Well that’s what we’re here for,” Penguin picked up his glass and held it up. Shachi followed suit and they tapped their glasses together, and Law did the same. He let himself relax. Things didn’t have to be so anxiety ridden. He was surrounded by his nakama , and they would help him in any way they could.
Law heard a snort followed by light laughter. He looked over and felt his heart speed up.
“Oh, hey. Ikkaku managed to convince Ruby to come out,” Shachi said fondly. Law looked at the four women of his crew and Jean Bart converse. He swallowed when Ruby moved hair behind her ear. She looked nice. He actually recognized that dress, the white one where she said it wouldn’t suit her because of her arms. She did end up looking nice in it, after all.
Jean Bart handed Ruby a soda and she grinned at him. Law hadn’t seen her look this relaxed in some time. She looked better. He hoped that over time she would return to her usual self. He didn’t like seeing her depressed. Shachi cleared his throat and Law looked over to the two grinning idiots at his table (Bepo looked clueless).
“You’re love-struck,” Shachi snickered. Law scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Hey, it's a good thing! Why don’t you buy her a drink?” Penguin suggested. “It wouldn’t hurt to get to know her, uh, again.” Law shook his head and drank from his bottle.
“This is the first time that I’ve seen her look not completely depressed,” he said. Law studied her for a moment. She had makeup on, but he could still see the bruising under her eyes. That smile wasn’t one of her bright ones, but a tired one. She was still depressed, no matter how good she looked. No matter how badly he wanted to buy her a drink and talk to her. “If she can relax for a moment, then…”
“As I said, love-struck.” Law rolled his eyes and looked at Ruby for a moment more, before turning his attention back to the table.
“Law,” Ruby blinked at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Don’t I usually check up on everyone? Did I stop that?” He stared at her confused.
She shook her head. “Uh, no. I guess I just wasn’t thinking about it,” she wiped her forehead with the back of her dirty hand.
“There’s dirt on your forehead.”
“Ah, crap,” she sighed and walked towards her sink. She turned on the water and shoved her hands under it. “So, what can I do for you?”
“I need an update on everything you’re working on and I wanted to see how you were doing.”
“Well,” she shook her hands dry before grabbing a hand towel. “As of right now, I’m primarily growing broccoli and oranges.”
“For immune systems?”
“Yup,” she grinned. “Also, I’m probably going to switch out some plants around the sub, but that’s unimportant,” she waved her hands. “As far as how I’m doing, I’m fine.”
“Which is why Penguin has said you’re still not sleeping?” Her grin stayed on her face.
“I’m fine,” she repeated. Her face was tight and unflinching, and Law felt his heart squeeze. She still didn’t feel comfortable consoling in him.
“I’m your doctor,” he tried. “Your health is important to me.”
“I’m not sick,” she chuckled. “And my foot is fine.”
“You’re not sleeping, that’s cause for concern.”
“Law,” she sighed with a tired smile. “Don’t worry over me. You have enough on your plate to deal with than my sleeping patterns.” She threw the hand towel in a bin and he sighed.
“You still have dirt on your forehead.”
“Oh!” She grabbed the hand towel from the bin and wiped her forehead. Law stared at her as she cleaned her face.
Law stared at the monitors boredly. His crew had unanimously agreed that he wasn’t allowed to do more than check ups and control room duty. It was so boring. He hadn’t lost his skills, just his memories. He watched each screen. Clione prepping dinner, Ikkaku in the boiler room, Ruby was in the common room messing with a plant.
He watched her drop her watering can and sigh. Law frowned as her hand shook. She grabbed it tightly with her other hand and took a deep breath. She kneeled down and picked up the watering can. She tried to pour water on her fig tree but nothing came out. She shook it desperately over and over until she threw it to the side roughly, severely denting the metal. She breathed heavily for a moment before crumbling to the ground and covering her face with her hands.
Law felt his heart squeeze as she dissolved into sobs. He was glad he couldn’t hear her and he wasn’t brave enough to turn on the audio. Every ounce of his body screamed at him to go and comfort her, but he didn’t move. He was sure that if he did go, he could only make it worse. His memory loss was the reason for her distress.
Suddenly Bepo rushed in with an incredibly worried expression. He kneeled down beside her and started to pet her hair. Ruby hugged him, finally revealing the desperation and pain on her face. She cried into the Mink and Law stood up, no longer willing to watch her break down.
“Ruby,” he called her quietly and she looked up from the hand towel. “Don’t hesitate to come to me for anything.” She stared at him curiously for a moment before sighing with a sad smile. “I am your friend.”
“I know.” She looked down at the towel. “Thank you, Law. I’ll come to you if I need to.”
“Good.” He checked his watch. “I’ll leave you to it, then.” Ruby continued to smile as she nodded.
“See you later, captain,” echoed down the hall, along with his footsteps, as he walked away.
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op-sheepy · 3 years
6. dark law, 19. Davy Back, 36. the whimsical captain trafalgar law, 55. marine pet AU!
 Oh, good eye. Those are some of my favorites.. Here is another long one under the cut. Also sorry for the late response. :D
6. Dark Law
Essentially my take (one of them at least) on what would have happened had Corazon not taken Law from the Donquixote pirates but left anyway when he thought Law had ratted him out.
Some details regarding this:
Rocinante returns to the marines and was able to submit the intelligence he'd gathered. This doesn't do much except inconvenience Doflamingo, as already acknowledged during Law and Doffy's fight.
Vergo gets discovered so he just goes back to the family.
Law does not eat the Ope Ope no mi since Doflamingo never intended for him to. At least, initially.
Because, I'm assuming, not everyone can perform the "Perennial Youth Operation," as it was stated they needed to be 'wise' or 'knowledgeable' and being a doctor does not really automatically equal that, Doflamingo had to kill the users he had chosen when none of them could do it so the fruit could go back to the circulation and he could feed it to the next potentially qualified person he could find.
Law's Amber Lead Syndrome got healed by one of these users though it was only because Law, himself, taught them how to (being familiar with the disease through his father's research as well being a good doctor)
Eventually, everyone realizes that Law is actually the most suited to wield the fruit (all the other smart doctors either having a fruit already or are simply inaccessible), certain that Law would be able to figure out how to do the ultimate technique. So, reluctantly, because he does care in his twisted conditional way, Doflamingo gives the Ope Ope no Mi to Law.
Law at this point had been raised as Doffy's right hand, all according to his plan. While he truly considers Law family and might genuinely regret making him give up his life, Doffy would still ask it from him because there is nothing more important than Doflamingo and his goals. A sentiment that almost everyone in his family considers true.
And Law... well...
Doflamingo rested both hands on Law's shoulders. His tinted glasses peering down, voice heavy with regret, "I wish there was another way."
Law's face remained impassive only broken by a small wistful twitch of his lips. It almost looked like a smile. He grasped Doflamingo's arm and directed him towards the operating table.
"You have taught me many lessons one of which was the futility of wishing for better circumstances." Law seated him and prepared his equipment.
"You taught me to take advantage of any situation by using whatever it is at my disposal." Carefully, he opened a package of sterile gloves. It wasn't really needed but the ritual of opening the pack and putting the gloves on one hand at a time always helped settle his nerves.
"I had expected you to do the same so I'd been prepared for this even before you gave me the fruit." Law lifted his eyes as he slid the first glove in place. "Don't feel too bad. I really am grateful for everything you've done for me. This is just me returning the favor."
He slid the other glove and stretched it over his hand. Softly, almost a whisper, without taking his eyes off his would-be patient, "I wish there was another way too." The snap that followed the release of the glove was too loud in the small operating room.
19. Davy Back
Early Heart Pirates stuff. And another workaround for writing with at least one of the nameless Heart Pirates.
A Davy Back Fight is initiated for an abused crew member of the opposing crew because Penguin couldn't help himself. The rules are a work in progress, hence this fic's state in limbo.
I really like writing about how these guys were when starting out. They probably looked too adorable, to be honest, so in the harsh North Blue they must have had a hard time getting treated seriously. Not that that would have bothered them (I honestly think they exploited it a lot.)
The enemy captain stared intently at each Heart Pirate then at the list of members given to him. The man didn't bother controlling the upward curl of his mouth.
"No powers. No weapons. Sumo wrestling with your navigator and hand-to-hand combat with your doctor."
Shachi choked and struggled a little bit to get his breathing back to normal. He waved away Penguin's hands patting his back. The pats were a little too harsh, clearly an admonishment if the accompanying glare was anything to go by.
Penguin almost felt sorry for whoever it was being matched against Law. Bepo, while just as incensed by the other crew, was way too conscious of controlling his strength to ever really hurt anyone too badly. The captain, on the other hand, could turn someone into a useless writhing lump of agony by systematically dislocating joints Penguin hadn't even known could be dislocated. Gruesome as severed body parts looked, the powers could at least make it painless.
36. The Whimsical Captain Trafalgar Law
More Heart Pirates stuff though would feature some of the allied crews as well. This is actually a series/multi-chaptered (or would be).
A Heart Pirates adventure fic where they all go along with their captain's whims all while trying to figure him out. His crew is so used to it they barely even flinch anymore.
Not to say they understand him because who knows what goes inside their captain's head. In fact, they debate that sometimes (a lot of times) the crew being divided among those who think Law has got a plan and those who think he's winging it (often switching really).
"You can't possibly tell me there's some sort of plan behind this."
More than half of the crew looked a bit skeptical, the rest looked defensive.
Clione held up his hands. "Hey, I'm not complaining. I'll follow the captain wherever same as you. But you gotta admit that there isn't always a method to his madness. He really does do things on a whim."
"I disagree. The captain's just saying that but he knows what he's doing. Pretty sure there's a reason behind all his actions..." Protests started, so Penguin amended, "...that isn't just him being a bastard on purpose because he hates someone. Which is a pretty valid reason since we are pirates."
"How about that time we raided the flour factory?" Ikkaku asked.
Penguin's reply came immediately. "Discreet incendiary." A beat. "...also he hates bread."
Before they could celebrate, Shachi interrupted, "His dislike of bread counts as a reason and since it's incidental it doesn't count as a whim."
With narrowed eyes, Clione tried again. "The monastery? Dressing up as monks."
"Medicinal plant in the courtyard bred by this one priest."
"Allowed us to get intel and allies."
"And the emergency operations without anesthesia?"
"Possible drug interaction. Emporio Ivankov and their hormone powers."
So continued their back and forth. By the end of it, Penguin and Shachi looked way too smug. Truthfully, they both agreed Law was more impulsive than he let on, often unaware of it himself. But they knew the man they chose to follow always had a plan and purpose (though not necessarily present at the start, but semantics)
55. Marine Pet AU
Haha... Another one of those difficult to explain ones. Starring the Marines (particularly the original three admirals and Sengoku), and the Shichibukai.
Uhm... So everything's the same except the Shichibukai aren't pirates. They're animals. That's it.
It starts with a wayward flamingo wearing eyewear harassing officers near one of their HQs. Also the Marines need to improve their public image. For some reason, the best they came up with is to get a mascot. Hitting two birds with one stone. (Except they can't really hit the bird. They tried)
So the Marines build a zoo or a habitat. Here are the only types of pirates the World Government can tolerate. Aren't they cute and fluffy?
The public eat it all up. It's popular so now they have to commit. And really, these animals become so important their safety and wellbeing become the higher-ups' problem.
Kizaru is having fun. Aokiji is resigned. Akainu tries (he doesn't quite know what but he'll do what's best for the Marines even if that's getting that damn flamingo away from the reptile enclosure for the tenth time that week on a Tuesday.)
Will feature other marines as well as all of the Shichibukai. All of them.
He checked the schedule and sighed deeply.
Boa, Doflamingo, Mihawk.
He had the most troublesome ones. Briefly, he contemplated just letting his subordinates handle them but quickly scrapped the idea.
He wouldn't say these animals were attached to him and the other admirals but they got more difficult to handle the lower the rank as though these creatures' egos get ruffled. It wasn't a matter of ability. It was perhaps more accurate to say that they had respect. A modicum of it.
It should be Boa's feeding time. Another sigh escaped him as he headed towards the grooming room, a room specifically made to groom Boa's food.
It took them a while to figure out the snake's preferred diet but they found it out when a stray kitten had snuck in and Boa swooped in to swallow it whole. From there they determined that she would only eat cute animals--any less adorable and she doesn't even look at it. So puppies and kittens. And maybe bunny rabbits. Which was bad from a PR perspective so they've taken to grooming rats. Put a nice lovely ribbon and brushed them so they're all fluffy.
He entered the grooming room and one of the officers assigned there took a quick look at him, glanced down the rat they were grooming, then burst to tears (they tended to get attached.) He pressed his hand to his head letting the ice cool down his budding headache. Why couldn't he have gotten Jinbe?
Thank you for playing. :)
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Intimidate (Tales From The Heart)
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Teen Warnings: Blood, injury, minor character death(s) Characters: Shachi, Penguin, Law, Ikkaku
The Heart Pirates avoided frontal confrontation when they could. There was rarely any point to them; subterfuge worked so much better and also had the added bonus of not showing their hand to anyone that might be watching.
But they couldn't be avoided forever. Sometimes a battle loomed ahead and there was no real way to escape it. It was those occasions, when Law had enough warning, that he had taken to withdrawing his nakama's vital organs – heart, lungs, liver, kidney, stomach, and whatever else he had time for – from their bodies and depositing them in a secure vault he'd installed inside the Polar Tang for that exact reason.
It was one such day. While there was no guarantee of a fight, and Law hoped it wouldn't come to it, as they approached the docks of the next island there were a few too many pirate flags flying for him to take the risk. Organless, the Heart Pirates had disembarked and gone about their business, procuring supplies and keeping an ear out for any information uttered by a passer-by. Usually there was little to nothing, and this was no exception, to their private disappointment.
While information was scarce, conflict was not.
Shachi surveyed the scene in front of him with ill-concealed exasperation. He just wanted to get back to the Tang, call it a day and flop after reporting back to Law. Having his path blocked by several members of a crew whose flag he vaguely recognised – one of the not-quite Supernovas of that year, weren't they? Nothing special in the New World – was not part of his plan and he yawned, irritated. Unsurprisingly, the other crew weren't too impressed at his less than pleased reaction and took offense.
"Don't you know who we are?" one exploded, and Shachi shrugged noncommittally, somewhat amused by the hypocrisy, especially as at least he was wearing his jolly roger proudly on his chest where it should be clearly visible to the goons in front of him. If they'd seen it, they were ignoring it. Then again, they did have him outnumbered, from appearances (Shachi was well aware of Penguin trailing behind in the previous alley, Ikkaku just around the corner and Law himself a little way up the street). Taking his reaction to mean he didn't, he was subjected to a proud tirade of their identity, the identity of their captain, and some of their more 'impressive' feats.
Shachi had never understood the need for posturing. It just came across like a load of hot air to him, no matter what the crew's strength was. Then again, the first time he'd heard a bunch of pirates posturing it had been accompanying a slaughter he was never going to forget, so that probably contributed to his distaste.
"You've made your point," he drawled when they paused for breath. "Now are you going to let me through? I have better places to be." Things rubbed off on you when you spent twelve years with Trafalgar Law, including the penchant for winding annoying people up.
They were distressingly predictable, drawing hidden weapons and charging him as one. For a crew in the New World, it was hardly impressive, although as Shachi evaded the first strikes he had to admit that they did have the prowess to back their boasts up. Law wasn't going to be happy about him biting off more than he could chew, again, but Shachi knew his nakama would be drawn by the commotion so he was hardly worried.
Keeping his own blade sheathed for the moment, he swung out with a leg, turning the movement into a backflip as the first pirate dodged and another charged at him in a co-ordinated attack. There was an exasperated noise from behind him as he leapt up, directing the next pair to charge him towards each other. Annoyingly, they were experienced enough to not hit each other, but Shachi really needed to stop expecting that in the New World.
"You bitch!" he heard one of them curse, and grinned as Ikkaku's response was an impressive roundhouse. Penguin was also running towards the commotion, and as Shachi landed from his latest aerobatic stunt he found himself back to back with the older man.
"What did you do?" Penguin complained as the pair of them drew their knives simultaneously to parry the blades aiming for their faces.
"Nothing!" Shachi defended himself, pushing his initial attacker back and lashing out with his foot at another's abdomen. The connection was solid and he grinned as the man skidded back, clutching at his stomach while throwing Shachi a murderous look. Such things had stopped intimidating Shachi long ago and he just gave a cheeky grin in response before going on the offensive, catching his target off guard and slamming him to the ground.
"I don't believe that for a second," Penguin retorted, his blade coated black as he drove it between the third and fourth ribs of his current opponent. The man dropped and he turned his attention to the next pirate.
"You bastard!" The call was accompanied by the sound of a gunshot and Shachi scowled as he sidestepped the bullet. Bringing guns to a knife fight was cheating.
Even with one already down, and Ikkaku and Penguin backing him up, they were still outnumbered. Of course, being outnumbered meant nothing by itself, but while weaker than the Heart Pirates, the crew were no slouches and it wasn't long before the blood was flowing on both sides. Ikkaku was holding her left arm whenever the chance arose, while Penguin was favouring his right leg and Shachi was cursing the gash in his right shoulder, which was particularly annoying when he had to parry rather than dodge.
However, the Heart Pirates had one advantage over the other crew, and Shachi was the lucky – unlucky? Law was going to be mad – one that got to demonstrate as his shoulder gave out at the wrong moment and a knife buried itself firmly in his chest. He jerked, his body reacting to the fatal wound as if it was actually fatal, and he saw the other pirate's face split into a grin as he stumbled back a step.
The grin faltered when Shachi didn't topple, but rather straightened and transferred his knife to his left hand, dismissing his right shoulder as useless until Law got his hands on it.
"What was that supposed to be?" he asked, spinning the knife in his hand for a moment before finding his grip on it. Blood gathered in his mouth and he spat it out, his lips stretching into a grin. A single drop of the blood trickled down his chin, and the man stumbled back.
Another knife plunged into his back, and Shachi laughed, turning around to kick the culprit away.
"What's that face for?" he asked the first one to stab him, who looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Don't you know what I am?"
"If you can bleed you can die!" one of the pirates declared. Shachi neatly side-stepped his lunge and brought his own knife down on the man's back.
"A little scratch like this isn't going to do anything," Shachi helpfully informed the one still standing, stepping forwards into his reach. Instead of taking advantage of Shachi's proximity, the man stumbled backwards, face white as a sheet.
"Y-you-" he spluttered. "You- You're- M-Mon-"
"I'm a Heart Pirate," Shachi grinned, stepping forwards again. "It's going to take more that this to stop me." He put the man out of his misery with a neat slash to the throat before turning back to see how Penguin and Ikkaku were doing.
"You spent too long playing around," Penguin scolded, wiping his knife on one of his fallen opponents' tops. Shachi shrugged and immediately regretted it. His shoulder protested loudly, and while he'd hidden it from his opponents, getting stabbed hurt. He sheathed his knife before pressing his left hand to the wound in his chest, feeling the blood still trying to gush out. His heart might not be where it should be, but that didn't mean his blood vessels were all absent too.
"I can't take you anywhere," Law complained, finally arriving at the scene and heading straight for Shachi, nudging his hand out of the way long enough to assess the wounds. "Back to the Tang with you before you faint." Shachi had no complaints with the order, considering he was starting to get light headed – maybe one of the knives had caught an artery, that would be annoying – and started to head back to the submarine, accompanied by his nakama.
He didn't quite make it back before the dizziness got too much, but that was okay because Law was there.
"I don't do this so you can pull suicidal stunts," he heard his captain grumble. Shachi just laughed as warm arms caught him and everything went dark.
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