#Samuel Marty
quiredaragoff · 2 years
Depredador: La Presa | República Cinéfila
Depredador: La Presa | República Cinéfila
Esta precuela donde el Depredador llega a la Tierra en el año 1719 y se encuentra con unos cazadores tan expertos como él, le da un giro ciertamente renovador a la franquicia, aunque sus méritos, atendibles, no dejan de ser algo limitados, ya que la euforia que se desató alrededor de Depredador: la presa me parece algo excesiva y creo que quizás tuvo que ver la decepción generada por El…
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Oratorio (2008) // dir. Stéphane Marti
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hogwartsmysteryho · 2 years
now that i’m updating everyone’s profiles, i have to admit that i fell very behind in adding friendships to some of these guys’ profiles 😅. i’d really appreciate reminders if any of ur ocs were friends with the following, and also if they weren’t already friends feel free to comment to start a new friendship!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marty Raymond- a hufflepuff who follows the game’s canon. he’s open for mc friends during hogwarts although most of his besties will just be the game characters. he’s open for meeting people post-hogwarts too; he’ll be a herbologist at a general conservatory after he graduates, go into hiding when the ministry is taken over and eventually imprisoned then rescued from azkaban. post-war he’ll work as a pi of some type, while maintaining herbology as a hobby
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Samuel Murad- a mysterious Slytherin boy with strange rumors circulating him, who has been spotted talking to himself on more than one occasion. he tends to stick to himself but does enjoy interactions that shake him from his boredom.
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ryan oakley- an intelligent and kind girl with a tendency to overthink things, ryan is a ravenclaw with a love for research. although friendly, ryan has a hard time making friends because she’s cursed to always tell the truth, so people aren’t exactly eager to share secrets and bond as most school kids do.
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ciochinaflorin · 2 months
89 I 2024. ATUNCI CÂND UN CREȘTIN NU POATE ÎNVINGE ÎNTUNERICUL [ Luca 9.46–47 I Proverbe 11.14] 29 Martie 2024
89 I 2024. ATUNCI CÂND UN CREȘTIN NU POATE ÎNVINGE ÎNTUNERICUL I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Luca 9 : 46 – 47 I Proverbe 11 : 14 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 29 Martie 2024 I Atunci când un creștin nu poate învinge întunericul. Când credinciosul sincer ori nu poate învinge ori chiar este înfrânt în lupta cu puterile întunericului (care i-au atacat viața), el trebuie să vadă unde a…
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
Master list part 3/MONSTER MASH
Universal monsters
Oc: Harry Taint:
Invisible man:
The Mummy:
Oc: Lucas "Lucky" Crookshanks:
Oc: James "Jimmy" Boone
Oc: Shane Ray:
Oc: DW Ray:
Oc: Tommy Shane:
John Cooper:
Ben Sherman:
Police Academy (All)
Oc: Cadet/Cop "Grape" :
Day of the dead(1985)
Oc: Mikey Red:
Billy McDermott:
OC: Staples Stones:
Fred Andrews:
Fp Jones:
Hal Cooper:
Mary Andrews
Tom Keller:
The Quarry
Oc: Casey Jay: 1, 2,
Oc: Jedidiah "JJ" Hackett Jr:
Oc: Fredrick "Freddie" Hackett:
Oc: Marty Nettie:
Oc: Dani Avalanche:
Oc: Gemma Taylor:
Travis Hackett:
Chris Hackett:
Oc: Reg:
Oc: Arcra High-Born:
Oc: Shae Stormcloak:
Disco Elysium
OC: JJ, Just JJ:
OC: Chimeul Baetba:
Oc: Jace Hues:
Oc: John Ray Rocks:
Oc: Ken Rocks
Kim Kitsuragi:
Jean-Heron Vicquemare:
Oc: Talon:
Oc: Vidar:
Oc: Levon Stones:
Oc: Flynt:
Oc: Samuel:
Criminal Minds
Oc: Donny French:
Oc: Jackson Knolls
Oc: JJ Janette:
St Elsewhere
Oc: Jasper Craig: 1, 2,
Oc: Danny stones:
Oc: "Lucky":
Oc: Andrew Ray:
Oc: David Rosenthal:
Oc: Noah Westphall:
Oc: Benedict "Benny" Cran:
Oc: Casper Auschlander:
Oc: Vinny Cooper:
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simpleskull200 · 1 month
I would like to think that if Sun and Moon were human that they’d have normal names with Sun and Moon being their stage names, so I present Samuel and Martin or Sam and Artie for short. Other nicknames including Sammy, Sunny, Sundrop and Sunrise for Sun and Marty, Moonie, Moondrop and Moonrise for Moon. Obviously the boys would have their own bodies and would likely be twins.
This was just a little idea I had while working on the concepts for my circus AU that I’m putting together. Maybe if people are interested enough I’ll drop their circus skills once I finish getting them sorted out into something more than nearly unreadable scrawl in my notebooks.
Reblogs are always appreciated as they help more people to find my posts!
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dotthings · 1 year
No, if you're saying the photo of Dean is missing Sam is because of Back to the Future style, characters fading from photos due to timeline alterations, you absolutely did not "call it"
The photo in the episode isn't intended as an existing photo of Sam and Dean with the Impala, where Sam is faded out like Back to the Future did with Marty's siblings in photos.
Production used a still from a S6 episode and altered it in photoshop with edits to the background and the crowd and removed Sam, because Dean is the time traveler, and Samuel's camera captured time traveling Dean. It's not intended as a photo that already existed in the spn universe where Sam is fading from it.
It's a photo of Dean, caught accidentally in background while Samuel was doing recon, and John recognizes Dean as the man who gave him the letter.
It's not a family snapshot.
How about you let Dean's story actually breathe and accept he has his own plot role here and not everything about Dean has to be 100% about Sam at all times or the entire spn universe is ruined.
How about you just accept production used a production still and photoshop for the purposes of creating a prop for this episode that is not intended to be a Sam removal. It's not an insult to Sam. The counter to the accusations that it's somehow an insult to Sam or Jared is not denying Dean's story role or OBVIOUS PLOT ROLE OF THAT PROP.
Only Dean was present when Samuel took the photo, in-story.
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nerds-yearbook · 11 days
The final film of the devisive Star Wars prequel trilogy was released on May 19, 2005. Of the first 6 Star Wars movies, Revenge of the Sith was the first Star Wars movie to be rated PG-13. It was also the first Star Wars film to not recieve a nomination of Best Visual Effects. The original cut of the movie tied directly to the end of the Genndy Tartakovsky animated Clone Wars (2003 - 2005) shorts and showed Shaak Ti (Orli Shoshan) being executed after failing to protect Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). The animated shorts also introduced General Grievous (Matthew Wood) and explained why he had respratory problems. The title was simular to the original title of episode 6 Revenge of the Jedi (1983), which was turned to Return of the Jedi as Lucas felt revenge was not a Jedi trait. The title was changed late enough that it altered the title of Vengeance of Khan (1982) to Wrath of Khan as Star Trek producers felt Vengeance sounded too close to Revenge. Lucas finally worked in a Wookie planet battle that was originally in the script for episode 3 Star Wars A New Hope (1977) and reworked as Ewoks in Return of the Jedi. Originally, George Lucas planned to write and direct the first movie and then story and executive produce episodes 2 and 3, like he did with 5 and 6, but after the panning the first prequel got, he wrote and directed 2 and 3 himself. The movie had the key points of ending The Clone Wars, turning Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen and James Earl Jones) into Darth Vader, the fall of the Jedi and the Republic, the creation of the Empire, the revelation of the Emperor and his disfiguration, the duel between Vader and Obi Wan (Ewan McGregor) that disfigured him, the death of Padme (Natalie Portman), the birth of Luke Skywalker (Aidan Barton) and Princess Leia Organa (also Aidan Barton), Luke's adoption by Owen (Joel Edgerton) and Beru Lars (Bonnie Piesse), Leia's adoption by Bail (Jimmy Smits) and Breha (Rebecca Jackson Mendoza) Organa, Yoda's (Frank Oz) exile to Degobah and Obi Wan to Tatooine, and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) getting his memory wiped. The movie introduced the planets Utapau, Mygeeto, Felucia, Saleucami, Kashyyk (though technically this first appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special - 1978), and Mustafar. Action also took place on established planets Coruscant, Naboo, and Tatooine. Noteable deaths in the movie were Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), General Grievous, Padme, Agen Kolar (Tux Akindoyeni), Saesee Tiin(Kenji Oates), Kit Fitso (Ben Cooke), Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson), Boga, Ki-Adi-Mundi (Silas Carson), Aayla Secura (Amy Allen), Plo Koon (Matt Sloan), Stass Allie (Nina Fallon), Zett Jukassa (Jett Lucas), Whie Malreaux (Coinneach Alexander), Bene (Olivia McCallum), Cin Dralling (Nick Gillard), Nank Tun, Passel Argente (Marty Wetherill), Po Nudo (Paul Nicholson), Poggle the Lesser (Richard Stride), Rune Haako (Jerome Blake), Rute Gunnay (Colin Ware), Nute Gunray (Silas Carson), Tikkes , Cat Miin, Shu Mai, San Hill, and Wat Tambor (Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood). Characters that continued on to the original trilogy were Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, the Emperor, Yoda, C-3PO, Tarkin (Wayne Pygram), R2-D2 (Kenny Baker), Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Owen and Beru Lars, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa. Critically, Revenge of the Sith is often called the best of the prequel trilogy and was the highest domestic grossing film in year release of 2005. ("Revenge of the Sith", Star Wars Movie Event)
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spinningerster · 1 year
fellow fansies - I have complied a (hopefully) comprehensive list of cast members for anyone new to the fandom or for those who may like a refresher on the casts. I've not included every single character, just the main ones, so if you'd like a character adding just ask; also if you notice any cast members are missing or have been labelled incorrectly in any way, please let me know, I want this list to be as accurate as possible. characters with a dash (-) for any of the categories I wasn't sure if they were included in that production or not. if you're able to fill in any of the blanks that would be much appreciated. any questions, please let me know <3
1992; Christian Bale
Workshop; Jay Armstrong Johnson
Paper Mill; Jeremy Jordan
Broadway; Jeremy Jordan, Corey Cott, Mike Faist (u/s)
Tour; Dan DeLuca, Joey Barreiro
Proshot; Jeremy Jordan
UK; Michael Ahomka-Lindsay, George Crawford (u/s), Matt Trevorrow (u/s)
1992; Robert Duvall
Workshop; Shuler Hensley
Paper Mill; John Dossett
Broadway; John Dossett, Rob Raines, John E. Brady (u/s)
Tour; Steve Blanchard
Proshot; Steve Blanchard
UK; Cameron Blakely, Ross Dawes (u/s), George Crawford (u/s)
1992; N/A
Workshop; Meghann Fahy
Paper Mill; Kara Lindsay
Broadway; Kara Lindsay
Tour; Stephanie Styles, Morgan Keene
Proshot; Kara Lindsay
UK; Bronté Barbé, Bobbie Chambers (u/s)
1992; David Moscow
Workshop; Jason Michael Snow
Paper Mill; Ben Fankhauser
Broadway; Ben Fankhauser, Ryan Breslin (u/s), Garrett Hawe (u/s)
Tour; Jacob Kemp, Stephen Michael Langton
Proshot; Ben Fankhauser
UK; Ryan Kopel, Alex James-Hatton (u/s)
1992; Ann-Margret
Workshop; Liz Larsen
Paper Mill; Helen Anker
Broadway; Capathia Jenkins, Caitlyn Caughell (u/s), Julie Foldesi (u/s)
Tour; Angela Grovey
Proshot; Aisha de Haas
UK; Moya Angela, Kamilla Fernandes (u/s)
1992; Marty Belafsky
Workshop; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Paper Mill; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Broadway; Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Andy Richardson, Garrett Hawe (u/s)
Tour; Zachary Sayle
Proshot; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
UK; Matthew Duckett, Alex James-Hatton (u/s)
1992; Luke Edwards
Workshop; Matthew Gumley
Paper Mill; R.J Fattori, Vincent Agnello
Broadway; Lewis Grosso, Matthew Schechter
Tour; Vincent Crocilla, Anthony Rosenthal, Ethan Steiner (alternate), Jonathan Fenton (alternate)
Proshot; Ethan Steiner
UK; Nesim Annan, Haydn Court, Oliver Gordon, Ethan Sokontwe
1992; Max Casella
Workshop; Robert Hager
Paper Mill; Ryan Breslin
Broadway; Ryan Breslin
Tour; Ben Cook
Proshot; Ben Cook
UK; Josh Barnett
1992; N/A
Workshop; Jordan Nichols
Paper Mill; Garrett Hawe
Broadway; Garrett Hawe
Tour; Sky Flaherty
Proshot; Sky Flaherty
UK; Jacob Fisher
1992; Mark David
Workshop; Jordan Samuels
Paper Mill; Ryan Steele
Broadway; Ryan Steele
Tour; Jordan Samuels
Proshot; Jordan Samuels
UK; Samuel Bailey
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Kyle Coffman
Broadway; Kyle Coffman
Tour; DeMarius Copes
Proshot; Michael Rios
UK; Matt Trevorrow
1992; N/A
Workshop; Bobby List
Paper Mill; Aaron J. Albano
Broadway; Julian DeGuzman
Tour; Julian DeGuzman
Proshot; Iain Young
UK; Damon Gould, Zack Guest (swing)
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Andy Richardson
Broadway; Andy Richardson
Tour; Nico DeJesus
Proshot; Nico DeJesus
UK; George Michaelides, Jordan Isaac (swing)
1992; Gabriel Damon
Workshop; John Arthur Greene
Paper Mill; Tommy Bracco
Broadway; Tommy Bracco
Tour; Jeff Heimbrock, Anthony Zas
Proshot; Tommy Bracco
UK; Clarice Julianda
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Thayne Jasperson
Tour; Josh Burrage
Proshot; Josh Burrage
UK; Mukeni Nel
Tommy Boy
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; Michael Dameski
UK; Jack Bromage
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; Jacob Guzman
UK; Mark Samaras
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; David Guzman
UK; Arcangelo Ciulla
1992; Aaron Lohr
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Ephraim Sykes
Tour; Jack Sippel
Proshot; Nick Masson
UK; Joshua Denyer
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Evan Kazprak
Tour; Anthony Zas
Proshot; Anthony Zas
UK; Joshua Nkemdilim, Bradley Trevethan (swing), Rory Shafford (swing)
1992; Michael Lerner (Weisel)
Workshop; Robert Creighton (Weisel), Tom Alan Robbins (Jacobi)
Paper Mill; John E. Brady
Broadway; Michael Gorman
Tour; Michael Gorman
Proshot; John E. Brady (Wiesel & Jacobi), Michael Gorman (Mayor)
UK; Jamie Golding (Wiesel), Alex James-Hatton (Wiesel u/s)
1992; David Sheinkopf
Workshop; Corey March
Paper Mill; Mike Faist
Broadway; Mike Faist
Tour; Michael Ryan
Proshot; Devin Lewis
UK; George Crawford, Zack Guest (swing), Jordan Isaac (swing), Bradley Trevethan (swing)
1992; Shon Greenblatt
Workshop; Ben Thompson
Paper Mill; Brendon Stimson
Broadway; Brendon Stimson
Tour; Jon Hacker
Proshot; Anthony Norman
UK; Alex James-Hatton, Zack Guest (swing), Jordan Isaac (swing), Bradley Trevethan (swing)
1992; Charles Cioffi
Workshop; Bill Nolte
Paper Mill; Mark Aldrich
Broadway; Mark Aldrich
Tour; Mark Aldrich
Proshot; Mark Aldrich
1992; N/A
Workshop; Mark Price
Paper Mill; Nick Sullivan
Broadway; Nick Sullivan
Tour; Bill Bateman
Proshot; Bill Bateman
UK; Siõn Lloyd, George Crawford (u/s)
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Laurie Veldheer
Broadway; Laurie Veldheer
Tour; Meredith Inglesby
Proshot; Meredith Ingleby
UK; Bobbie Chambers, Lindsay Atherton (u/s)
1992; Kevin Tighe
Workshop; Marcus Neville
Paper Mill; Stuart Marland
Broadway; Stuart Marland
Tour; James Judy
Proshot; James Judy
UK; Ross Dawes, Alex James-Hatton (u/s), George Crawford (u/s)
Nunzio/Teddy Roosevelt
1992; N/A
Workshop; Tom Alan Robbins
Paper Mill; Kevin Carolan
Broadway; Kevin Carolan
Tour; Kevin Carolan
Proshot; Kevin Carolan
UK; Barry Keenan, George Crawford (u/s)
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aliengirl · 1 year
as you guys know, jade is freaking pregnant with their fouth child, and spoiler: its a boy, and i wanted to name him like i named his siblings:
amanda because mindy sounds like minty to me
theodore because theo sounds like teal to me
samuel because sam sounds (a bit) like cyan to me
The forth i was going to name him martin, because the way marty is spelled reminds me of minty too
But now i kinda want to name him luca, because i am watching the movie and tell me if this cute little bean doesn't look very green-blue-turquise for you
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watchingspnagain · 1 year
Rewatching In the Beginning
Welcome to “‘1.21 Gigawatts!’ ‘You are my density!’”: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s4e3: In the Beginning.
  Cas sends Dean back in time to meet his parents and his grandparents and to witness the moment when the Yellow-Eyed Demon sinks his claws into Mary.  Dean decides to try to kill YED so that he and Sam can have a normal childhood, but, of course, that doesn’t work out. We also find out that Cas likes watching Dean when he’s sleeping. But they’re just friends. Uh-huh.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
ngggggg Cas
his LIPS
 I mean, honestly
tsk, Sammy, sneaking out while Dean is sleeping
oh Sammy, sneaking out
aw, Dean, get under the covers, baby
"Hello, Dean"
“hello, Dean”
no Dean, he only likes to watch YOU sleep
 Marty McFly vibes
the little nods are SO GOOD
oh look, young John takes care of strangers better than Dad!John will take care of his own kids
I love that it takes Dean a minute
probably because based on the furniture in any house of anyone he's every liked, it still is the 70s
 omg yes, and all the motels
I love the screaming angel wings title card
me too!
 we’ve moved into the seizure-inducing era of the openings
LOL yep
 Cas’s HAIR
"well bend it back!"
 I would LOVE to have that van
though I would take the Impala first
 of course
Dean Van Halen haaaahahahaha
"been any cattle mutilations in town lately?"
I love him
smooth, Dean
oh yes. super smooth, super subtle
 omg Dean in a mirthmobile I LOVE IT
I love Mary's shirt
"I'm going to hell. again."
 that’s hilarious because I was just thinking in the last scene, “Is John…attracted to Dean here?"
 oh look, Dean’s now been abused by both parents
"are you a hunter?" poor Dean. just upending his WHOLE life
"we're practically family"
"clearly not enough"
"Samuel and... Deanna?"
 omg, I don’t think I caught that the first time around
I LOVE that Mary named her firstborn son after her MOTHER
omg Dean's face
"the web of information you have assembled"
OMG I forgot they both showed up separately in priest outfits!
"Father Chaney" haaaahahahaha
 he looks SO GOOD in that suit
 and I want Mary’s coat
dun dun DUN
that is SO MUCH fruit salad for four people
 “who, where, and when” “why?” HAHAHA
you do not, Dean
"what's he like?" oh, Dean
his FACE
yeah, Mary, outsiders can’t break in
him trying to make her not get killed in the future I CANNOT
 oh DEAN
"Sam is not looking for you" OOOOF
"oh, I care"
 he’ll feel guilty about it always of course
of course
god Dean's green eyes
 right?! He looks SO GOOD in this episode
man, I LOVE when he lays it all out for someone and then lowers his gun
Samuel, you deserve everything you get, you putz
is bobby the ONLY father figure who ever tells Dean he's proud of him or similar when he's NOT possessed by a demon?
omg right?!
 Dean is SUS
aaaaaand now he gets to be assaulted by his grandfather. this boy needs so much therapy
oooh Angry Dean Thrown Against a Wall
the way this is almost sexual
 yeah it’s...weird
god Dean's ANGER
Jensen kills this
he does
 oh Mary, you dummy
also, why does she not remember?
the Dean stuff gets wiped, but she should remember the demon deal?
you don't just forget that?
O.M.G. the way Cas and Dean look at each other there
the look on Dean’s face
"destiny can't be changed, Dean"
they way this becomes the theme of the whole SHOW
I love it
then why say “you have to stop it” Cas?!
so he would try, I guess?
 oh wait it was a reference to Sam I guess
I guess
 but it’s still bad writing
I feel like sometimes Cas wakes Dean up in the night now to apologize for doing this to him
i mean, it's so CRUEL. it definitely plagues Cas
yeah, it feels like the writing there is supposed to make you go "oh! i see" and instead you just go "eh?"
yep. I think we’re supposed to think it’s clever in hindsight, but instead it’s just slipshod and clumbsy
 wow, that b does not belong in there
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ciochinaflorin · 2 months
88 I 2024. SĂ BEAU PAHARUL AMAR AL ALEGERILOR MELE GREȘITE [1 Samuel 17.1-2] 28 Martie 2024
88 I 2024. SĂ BEAU PAHARUL AMAR AL ALEGERILOR MELE GREȘITE I Podcast I Pasaj Biblic : I Samuel 17 : 1 – 2 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 28 Martie 2024 I Să beau paharul amar al urmărilor alegerilor mele greșite, ca sorbind amarul, pe viitor să nu mai fac așa ceva. Înțelept este omul care învață din greșeli și care își bea și paharul amar al urmărilor alegerilor lui greșite. El are…
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jackstanleyroberts · 7 months
The Characters in the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) Part 2
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Hello everybody if you like the idea that I pulled out about the new characters of the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) here's more of the new & additional characters in the franchise:
Melissa Collazo as Isabella "Izzy" Yales
Hayden Byerly as Damian "Dame" Yales
Annalise Basso as Andrea Lewis
Jodelle Ferland as Joanna Thompson
Katherine Langford as Jennifer Annie "Jenny" Kincaid
Charlie Plummer as Samuel Jonathan "Sam" Kincaid
Karan Brar as Craig Karbar
Akiel Julien as Malik Hubar
Ed Speleers as Alexander "Alex" Miller
Jimmy Bennett as Andrew "Andy" Anderson
Odessa A'zion as Susan Winters
Logan Miller as Lincoln Jefferson
Madison Davenport as Gabrielle "Gabby" Stafford
Madison Iseman as Alexandra "Allie" Miller
Rachel Fox as Angela Stewart
Mackenzie Foy as Luna Stewart
Natalie Alyn Lind as Natasha Longwood
Emily Tennant as Cynthia Cooper
Tequan Richmond as Maurice Lakewood
Zac Godspeed as Tyler Ferguson
Daniel Sharman as Kurt Parker
Rachel Zegler as Emily Jones
Finn Wolfhard as Stanley Lance "Stan" Williams
Brianne Tju as June Dawson
Rachel Sennott as Theresa "Tree" Hicks
Holland Roden as Gloria Smith
Violett Beane as Eleanor "Ellie" Winters
Spencer Locke as Ellen Hoffman
Anjelica Bette Fellini as Dorothy Johnson
Ryan Lee as Marty McCreary
Lewis Pullman as Richard Jackson
Stella Maeve as Nicole Kennedy
Talitha Eliana Bateman as Yolanda Preston
Gabriel Bateman as Philip "Phil" Preston
Megan Stott as Kimberly "Kim" Watson
Addison Rae as Natalie Foster
Emily Alyn Lind as Audrey Owens
Sarah Bolger as Simone Martin
Elizabeth McLaughlin as Jessie Crane
Brandon Soo Hoo as Takahashi Bradford
Mickey Nguyen as Sylvester Bradford
Denyse Tontz as Laura Morris
Milo Manheim as Zachary "Zack" Feldman
Stefanie Scott as Caroline "Carol" Feldman
Anna Sawai as Alexis Williams
Mekai Curtis as Reginald "Reggie" Stark
Haley Lu Richardson as Bethany "Beth-Ann" Lewis
Kaia Gerber as Taylor Swanson
Jaeden Martell as Landon Andrews
Jeremy Ray Taylor as Maurice Thompson
Anthony Ramos as Nicholas "Nick" Rodriguez
That's it for the new & additional characters of the franchise.
More quality content for Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) is coming soon.
Stay Tuned! & by the way:
What's your favorite scary movie?
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
Warning! This story contains a graphic image.
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire]
??: [coughing]
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King George: [coughing continues]
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King George: [gasps]
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King George: [spits]
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King George: [washing hands]
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Samuel Connelly [Equerry]: HRH The Duke of Kent.
Prince Louis: (bowing) Your Majesty.
King George: ‘Marty!’
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Prince Louis: “You and mom are the only people who still call me Marty!”
King George: As we should! How are you? I wasn't expecting to see your request for an audience. I always have time for you! Is everything okay? Come sit down.
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Prince Louis: The time has come. Anna is ready to move out of Kently. Right now, she receives roughly §300k a year from the duchy, as a junior working royal that would cover her own place and security.
King George: This sounds like a matter for Kent Office, unless you’re looking at a royal residence but what’s vacant is either far too big or far too small for Anna and the kids.
Prince Louis: Well (pauses) Anna and Lara talked and have come up with an option that we believe would benefit the palace, Kent Office and the newly formed Boykins Office!
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King George: (chuckling) If Lara is involved, I can only imagine what this proposal is.
Prince Louis: As you know, Lara has openly expressed her hatred for moving to Kently after being promised Broderick. I don't blame her but I understand the financial upkeep. Lara and Anna are proposing they both move to Royal Lodge. I think it’s a great idea also and wanted to make a formal request.
King George: That’s actually not a bad idea, Louis!
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Prince Louis: Plus, Royal Lodge is on palace grounds so that would eliminate the need for hiring additional security for either. This would also allow Anna the privacy of life she needs to focus on the children. Lara and Anthony would also be closer to the palace to continue royal duties, as new Senior Royals. 
King George: It sounds like you have thought this through.
Prince Louis: They could each occupy two of the three vacant townhomes. Kent Office would cover Anna’s expenses from the duchy.
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King George: Great! I will get the process started but consider Anna’s move there approved.
Prince Louis: Thank you, Your Majesty.
King George: Lara requested an audience with me later today. I assume she will be seeking approval for Boykins Office to move to Royal Lodge instead of Kently.
Prince Louis: (gasp) Oh! How was your trip to San Myshuno? I thought you would have called me as soon as you returned!
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King George: I got home after midnight, but (excited) there was a hidden wall in the basement of that church! It revealed a door to a room that had this weird fountain on the wall and a treasure chest!
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Prince Louis: No way!!
King George: It was all Will! He deciphered Isabella’s diary and discovered the hidden wall.
Prince Louis: Well, what was inside the chest? Was it the Amulet of Amethyst?
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King George: Even better! A handwritten note from Isabella herself! It was as if time stopped. She was clearly smart! She knew someone would come looking for the amulet so her letter was a riddle that only her descendants would be able to decipher! The riddle said the treasure never left home. So, the amulet is hidden, I think, at one of the royal residences! We have to find it, Marty!
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Prince Louis: Don't kill yourself trying to find this amulet, brother! You still have a kingdom to rule. Kate and I can’t continue filling in for your engagements much longer without the public beginning to speculate. Find the amulet or let it go. You’re still not strong enough from heart surgery to keep going this hard, and you look even thinner!
King George: I’m fine. We’re close to finding it. You should stay for lunch. I’m sure mom would love to see you!
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Prince Louis: I don't have time. I’m flying to Camp Conrad tomorrow for a two-day military base tour; another engagement of yours the palace asked me to take. Also, mom spent last week with me, while you were gone.
King George: That’s right! Thank you, Marty. I’ve neglected everyone, these last few weeks, Rowena too. I have some making up to do with her so we may get away for a few days. You and I should catch up more when I get back. There’s something about the Amulet I need to share with you.
Prince Louis: When you and Rowena get back, we’ll have more time.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
From one of my clinic preceptors:
Dr. Marty Samuels, who was the head of neurology at Brigham and Women's for many years, and is probably one of the very best neurologists in Boston (close to retirement age, probably, and practically a concert classical pianist) encourages us to keep the assessment of "dizziness" relatively simple and feels the complaint can be divided into 4 basic types:
Vertigo (a true subjective sensation of motion outside, usually spinning, but also pitching or rolling)
Syncope and near-syncope ("I feel like I might faint, or I have fainted")
Proprioception ("I feel like I might fall, cannot tell where my feet are, often feel unsteady walking inside from the garage"), Gait and balance problems.
Anxiety: Sensation of anxiety, generalized or even panic, is often described as "dizziness" for lack of a better description. This may be between 40-60% of all cases of dizziness.
We should avoid "telling the patient what their dizziness is" by using Rogerian interviewing techniques allowing and encouraging the patient to describe what they experience.
Usually allowing the patient asked to describe, with prompts, exactly what they experience, can guide therapy.
How long that the spells last? How frequent are they? What brings them on, what gives you relief?
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vague-humanoid · 2 years
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The map above visually represents the likely conditions for abortion access in all 50 states in a post-Roe US. This map does not visually represent the current status of abortion laws and restrictions in each state, and it is likely that many states will change their laws in the near future. (If you are currently trying to seek an abortion, ineedana and Abortion Finder can direct you to information about current state laws and to the nearest clinic that can serve your needs.) To see the state-by-state breakdown of abortion restrictions after the Supreme Court’s expected overturning of Roe v. Wade, click here.
On May 2, 2022, POLITICO published a bombshell leak of justice Samuel Alito’s draft majority opinion in the Supreme Court’s expected decision in Jackson Womens’ Health Organization v. Dobbs—a decision that would completely overrule Roe v. Wade and kick all decisions on abortion back to the states. In the wake of the leak, the media focused intently on the contents of the draft opinion, the source of the leak, and the public outcry that ensued, but struggled to provide accurate, practical information regarding the impact that this decision will have for people around the country seeking abortion care if, indeed, the expected ruling comes. The difficulty in providing such information is due, in part, to the current patchwork of federal and state laws that make up the landscape of abortion access in the US—ranging from new bans in Texas and Oklahoma to some states allowing for abortion at any stage in pregnancy—but it is also due to the intricate ways a reversal of Roe would trigger a Rube Goldberg-style series of shifts in state laws and court decisions. 
Each state’s laws on abortion are different, which means the effect of the expected decision will also vary state by state. The scope and severity of said effects will depend on which of the following four categories your state falls into: 
1) States where abortion will be effectively outlawed (with some states having exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, danger to the mother’s life, or fetal anamoly);
2) States where abortion will remain legal but some new abortion restrictions will be implemented, with more restrictions likely to come in the future;
3) States where abortion will remain legal but could face more restrictions in the future;
4) States where abortion will remain legal, and where it is unlikely that there will be new restrictions in the future.
States in the first category—where abortion will be outlawed as soon as Roe is overturned—are often referred to as states with a ‘trigger ban.’ “Trigger states are states where, from the moment that the Supreme Court says that Roe v. Wade is officially overturned, some sort of mechanism goes into effect without the legislature usually doing anything,” Robin Marty, operations director of West Alabama Women’s Center and the author of The New Handbook for a Post-Roe America, told TRNN. “Trigger states have become this catch-all for the idea that abortion laws will automatically go into effect. But what I am trying to make clear is that every trigger is a little bit different.”
There are 17 trigger states where all or nearly all abortions will be banned outright if Roe is overturned; how these bans will be triggered, though, can vary from state to state. Once the expected decision is handed down from the Supreme Court, these 17 trigger states either already have some form of post-Roe law that will kick into effect, or they have pre-Roe “zombie” laws—laws that were made effectively obsolete after Roe but were never formally excised from state ledgers—that will be re-implemented. (There are more states that are regularly included on such lists, like Michigan and Iowa, but one of the exceptional difficulties with pinning these details down is that the details are currently being legally challenged or changed, or they are subject to change pending executive action or judicial or legislative review of existing trigger laws once Roe is overturned.) To review the laws in each state as they currently stand, see the state-by-state breakdown below. 
Marty’s clinic in Alabama would be immediately impacted by Alabama’s zombie law, which would go into effect as soon as a decision is handed down. “If we talk about what happens within the first ten minutes, every person who is not already in the process of having an abortion—by which we mean ‘is already dilated’—essentially has to go home,” Marty told TRNN. “So if you are sitting in a waiting room, you have to go home. If you are in the back room with a cup full of water, waiting to get the pill handed to you, you have to go home. If you are on an exam table but it hasn’t started yet, you have to put your clothes back on and go home.”
Marty hopes that her clinic can continue operating, and she has prepared by saving up enough to continue paying employees, vendors, etc. for three months after the expected overturning of Roe. Her clinic has been gearing up to provide care for a variety of other reproductive health needs, and they also hope they can provide abortion aftercare to individuals who decide to manage their own care or go to other states to get an abortion before returning to Alabama. “People have always managed their own care—clinics are hard to get into, there’s too many restrictions, it’s too far away, it’s way too expensive,” said Marty. “They manage their own care, they get herbs, they take pills, they do all of these things, but now, because abortion is going to be illegal here, they are at risk for some sort of arrest.”
Marty and abortion funders on the ground in Alabama hope that large reproductive rights organizations and people who reside in safe states will focus their attention on states with bans, helping to provide resources for out-of-state travel as well as in-state care for individuals who choose to self-manage their own abortions. “Providing resources locally on the ground to the places that are already established—places that already exist and just need assistance—is the best way to invest money at this point because it is the most resourceful,” Marty told TRNN. “But we instead are seeing investment in New York, in Illinois, in California. I’m not saying these things aren’t needed; I’m saying these places already have donors, they have resources.”
“We need to find a way to support people here, where they are,” Marty continued. “As a movement, we keep saying that we are interested in doing everything we can to protect the most vulnerable. But the most vulnerable are going to be the people who are unable to ever pull together enough resources… to be able to leave a state in order to be gone a week to get an abortion.”
While trigger ban states encompass most of the South, three states (Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina) do not yet have a trigger in place. Each of these states have passed restrictive abortion regulations that have either been overturned or have a stay on their implemenation by the federal judiciary. However, these regulations would go into effect if the ruling articulated in Alito’s draft opinion becomes the law of the land. While these regulations do not ban abortion completely, they will make it much more difficult to obtain an abortion. The legislatures in all three of these states, moreover, have shown an interest in banning abortion in the near future, and it’s still possible that they could enact trigger bans before a ruling on Dobbs is announced.
“While abortion would still be legal in Florida with the overturning of Roe, the combination of the waiting period and the 15-week ban places additional undue barriers on pregnant people in need of abortion care,” said McKenna Kelley, a media relations volunteer with the Tampa Bay Abortion Fund, while addressing the ban that Florida legislators passed in April. “Many people seeking abortion care already face barriers to access, such as lack of funding, lack of transportation, a lack of child care and a lack of nearby abortion care.”
Kelley told TRNN that abortion providers and activists in the state are also preparing to face even more restrictions on abortion access. “During the most recent legislative session, many state legislators who voted for the 15-week ban expressed openly on the state House and Senate floor that they wished they could ban abortions at an earlier stage,” she said. 
Even if the state of Florida passes more restrictive abortion laws, Kelley noted, the Tampa Bay Abortion Fund intends to continue to provide services to people in their area, including assistance with travel and an education campaign about self-managed abortions. “[We will be] providing pregnant people in the Tampa Bay area with comprehensive, evidence-based best practices for ending a pregnancy via the use of abortion pills,” she said. “Whether a person obtains their medication from a local abortion provider, or purchases them from a verified provider, the dosage, instructions, and potential medical risks are all identical… We are determined to get this information in the hands of people who need it, especially as it becomes increasingly difficult to access in-clinic abortions.”
Unlike the states with a trigger ban or new restrictive regulations already in place, some states do not currently have any laws on abortion that will immediately take effect, but that doesn’t mean they’re safe from the threat of future restrictions. Such threats range from the potential election of new state legislators who will be hostile to abortion rights to current state legislatures passing new trigger bans in the coming weeks. As best they can, activists and providers in those states are trying to prepare for all potential outcomes. 
Sandy Brown, president of the Kansas Abortion Fund, which has assisted Kansans in obtaining abortion care since 1996, is one of many people in this unique position. The Supreme Court of Kansas ruled in 2019 that the Kansas Constitution protected the right to abortion, a ruling that means Kansas abortion services will not change immediately upon a rendered ruling on Dobbs. But, Brown pointed out, there is an election in Kansas that may change all of that in the near future. “There is a constitutional amendment that the legislature has passed and it goes up for a vote in a very unfortunate time, which is Aug. 2,” Brown said. “Immediately, we will not be affected, but thereafter we will—and it will definitely depend on what happens with that vote.”
Brown told TRNN that a new coalition, the Kansans for Constitutional Freedom, consisting of representatives from various reproductive rights groups in Kansas—including Planned Parenthood, Trust Women, and the Kansas Abortion Fund—has been fighting back against the amendment. However, given the current political climate, Brown is not sure about their chances for success. “After what just happened with [the Supreme Court] and what has happened in our country—what we are seeing with the right, the far right and the anti-abortion movement—I’m not holding my breath that we will win,” she said. “The pro-lifers here in Kansas, Kansas for Life, are well organized, they are well funded, they have the ear of the Kansas GOP legislators.”
If abortion is outlawed in Kansas, Brown is worried that organizers on the ground may not have the capacity to meet all of the need that will arise. The Kansas Abortion Fund, which has never denied a Kansan financial support for an abortion, is worried about what will happen if they need to support people going to other states for care. “One thing that we are not able to do … is we cannot supply practical support, meaning transportation, lodging, childcare for people who have to travel,” she said.
Even if the constitutional amendment is defeated, Brown said that she worries the cost for an abortion may go up, especially if Kansans suddenly have longer waiting times and experience an influx of out-of-state abortion seekers looking for care as abortion rights in states across the country are being stripped away. “What happens in this case is that those people who are further along in the first trimester—if they have to wait two weeks, if they have to wait a week, then this will push them into a different trimester, and the cost goes up significantly,” she said. 
Unlike the precarious situation in Kansas, many states will not be legally affected by the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Dobbs case, no matter the outcome, because abortion care is protected by state laws that are not likely to change or rolled back in the near future. However, not being legally affected themselves does not mean these states will not be affected in other ways by a decision that will cause more than half the country to lose abortion services. Longer wait times, the need to provide more complicated procedures, the imperative for funds to help assist people traveling to get abortions—these compounding realities will impact every abortion care provider in the country. Furthermore, many analysts, activists, and healthcare providers have expressed serious concerns that Republicans will push for a nationwide abortion ban if they are able to re-capture the US Congress in the next election. 
Lynn M. of the Baltimore Abortion Fund—“a nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance and practical support to individuals who live in or travel to Maryland for abortion care”—says that Maryland clinics are already feeling the impact from the new laws in Texas and Oklahoma, even though Maryland is a state that is unlikely to pass new abortion restrictions. “From our perspective, the number of people who are traveling to Maryland from out of state is… definitely increasing. It is up to about 50% of the total call volume that we see,” she told TRNN. “I believe in the past, when clients would be referred to a clinic or get in contact with us after being referred to a clinic, we would typically see clinic wait times being two to three weeks. Now they are kind of in that four to six week range, so it definitely speaks to clinic capacity being strained.”
Due to its proximity to states with a trigger ban in place, Maryland will likely be a target destination for many people who are denied abortion care where they live. To prepare for this eventuality, Lynn said that they have been working across state lines to help with abortion access. “We have been involved in a regional pilot program called Operation Scale Up… The [impetus] for this kind of program is knowing that people will be increasingly traveling to our region because they have no choice for abortion care and no access to abortion care in their own state,” Lynn told TRNN. “We are building up organizational capacity proactively (with staffing, fundraising, volunteer capacity, all of that)… ahead of a Roe decision, so that we are ready with resources, funding, and support for all the people who will be coming to Maryland and our area.”
Even states without neighbors facing abortion bans will likely feel the impact of Roe being overturned. Catherine Coteus, a Vermont Access for Reproductive Freedom board member, told TRNN that Vermont, which is surrounded by states that do not and will not have new limits on abortion access, is already feeling the effects of abortion restrictions in the rest of the country. “Although we are geographically isolated from states with trigger bans, we are already seeing changes,” she said. “Patients are noticing that clinics are very full and they are not able to get care within the time period that they need care, so they are having to travel farther distances in order to access their care—and they’re finding themselves in Vermont.”
Coteus said that her organization has been working on meeting the increased need. “We are thinking about ways to ramp up our capacity to assist in different and new ways,” she said. “Traditionally, we funded abortions themselves… In the past, there have been moments when we have assisted with transportation or a hotel room if someone needs to travel a far distance, and now we feel like that kind of logistical support is going to be more important.”
Coteus thinks that what people in safe states can do to help is form lasting relationships with organizations, providers, and activists in states that have banned abortion. As she told TRNN, “A lot of [what people in safe states can do] is resiliency planning… thinking about how we will be able to support people who are seeking care from other states, how we can best provide for them from a practical standpoint, and then what sort of networks of community and care we can stand up.”
Coteus and Lynn also argue that pushing for expanded abortion access in safe states is crucial, including economic assistance for people seeking abortions in their state. Lynn points to Maryland’s recently passed Abortion Care Access Act, which allowed for more coverage of abortion care by Medicaid and expanded the kinds of providers who could provide abortion services, as a model for the kind of legislation that safe states can be pushing through right now. Coteus points to Proposition 5 in Vermont, which would amend their constitution to specifically enshrine reproductive freedom, as another way to ensure that abortion access is secure.  
To be clear: Every provider and funder who spoke to us for this piece is emphatic that, no matter what the Supreme Court or the states do in regards to abortion, they will still be there providing care to clients who need them. “Our first priority is always to serve our clients,” said Kelley. “Our plans to help clients will not change.”
This list is a political analysis of likely abortion access in a post-Roe future. Information for this list and map was compiled from the local reporting in the linked stories and USA Today, as well as information from The Guttmacher Institute. 
This list does not tell you the current status of abortion laws in each state, and it is likely that many states will change their laws in the near future. If you are currently trying to seek an abortion, ineedana and Abortion Finder can advise you on current restrictions in your area as well as direct you to the nearest clinic to serve your needs.
States where abortion will be effectively outlawed (with some states having exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, danger to the mother’s life, or fetal anomoly)
Alabama: A pre-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately from conception with exceptions for fetal anomalies and threats to the life of the mother. 
Arizona: A pre-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger. While this ban is over 100 years old, some Arizona legislators and prosecutors have indicated that they intend to enforce it, whereas the governor has said that the recently passed 15-week abortion ban will supercede the pre-Roe ban. It is unclear what the ultimate outcome will be regarding enforcement. Arizona Democrats have also announced their intention to push a ballot initiative for a constitutional amendment codifying Roe, but such a push will face significant hurdles. 
Arkansas: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger. Arkansas also had a pre-Roe ban on abortion.
Idaho: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion 30 days after a Roe decision comes down (with some exceptions for rape, incest, and threats to the life of the mother). It is also possible the state will outlaw abortion without any exceptions in the future.
Kentucky: A post-Roe abortion ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger (although the law is very vague in defining what that may mean and likely will be subject to challenges in court).
Louisiana: A post-Roe abortion ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger. Louisiana Republicans recently tried to make abortion punishable as a homicide; however, that bill was withdrawn and they instead are trying to impose more penalties on providers.
Mississippi: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion except in cases of rape or if the mother’s life is in danger. It will go into effect 10 days after the Supreme Court decision comes down. Mississippi also had a pre-Roe ban on abortion. 
Missouri: A post-Roe ban would immediately outlaw abortion (with an affirmative defense created if the mother’s life was in danger) if “triggered” by the state legislature, governor, or attorney general. All three entities have committed to doing so. 
North Dakota: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion 30 days after the Roe decision comes down with exceptions for rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is in danger.
Oklahoma: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger. Oklahoma also just passed a bill that bans any abortion from fertilization onwards (although the bill specifically excludes contraception methods) with an exception for the mother’s life. This ban could possibly ban or restrict in vitro fertilization procedures (IVF) in the state. This ban, unlike the other trigger bans, went into effect immediately, and, barring court action, has made Oklahoma the first state in the country to ban abortion outright since Roe. Oklahoma also had a pre-Roe ban on abortion. 
South Dakota: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger.
Tennessee: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion 30 days after a Roe decision comes down, unless the mother’s life is in danger.
Texas: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion 30 days after the Roe decision comes down (but some restrictions may go into effect immediately), unless the mother’s life is in danger. Texas also had a pre-Roe ban on abortion.
Utah: A post-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately with exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, fetal anomaly, or if the mother’s life is in danger.
West Virginia: A pre-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger.
Wisconsin: A pre-Roe ban will outlaw abortion immediately unless the mother’s life is in danger; however, it is unclear how this will be enforced. Wisconsin’s attorney general says that he will not enforce the law but cannot stop local jurisdictions from doing so. 
Wyoming: A post-Roe ban will go into effect five days after Roe is overturned, with exceptions for rape, incest, and threats to the life of the mother. 
States where abortion will remain legal but some new abortion restrictions will be implemented, with more restrictions likely to come in the future
Florida: Abortions will be outlawed after 15 weeks, and it is likely the state Supreme Court and legislature will allow for a total ban in the coming months.
Georgia: “Heartbeat” ban will go into effect, and it is likely that the state will outlaw abortion altogether in the coming months.
South Carolina: “Heartbeat” ban will go into effect, and it is likely that the state will outlaw abortion altogether in the coming months—although it is unclear if the legislature will be able to do so in a special session before the ruling in Dobbs comes down. 
States where abortion will remain legal but could face more restrictions in the future
Alaska: Abortion has been found to be protected throughout pregnancy by the Alaskan Constitution, but a possible constitutional amendment outlawing abortion has been proposed.
District of Columbia: Abortion care will remain legal throughout pregnancy; however, there is concern that a future Republican Congress could step in and make abortion illegal in the District.
Indiana: Abortion care will remain legal up to 20 weeks; however, it is likely that the state legislature and governor will pursue a total abortion ban in the near future.
Iowa: Abortion care will remain legal up to 20 weeks and is protected by the Iowa constitution; however, pressure on the state Supreme Court and a possible constitutional amendment may lead to a total abortion ban in the future.
Kansas: Abortion care will remain legal up to 20 weeks and is protected by the Kansas constitution; however, there is a referendum on a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion scheduled for Aug. 2.
Michigan: A pre-Roe ban that would have outlawed abortion immediately unless the mother’s life was in danger was recently struck down under the Michigan Constitution. The Democratic attorney general has said she will not appeal the decision in this case, but it is likely that further court challenges could follow from other parties. In addition, Michigan Republicans have indicated that they want to pass a constitutional amendment banning abortion in the state. 
Montana: Abortion will remain legal until viability under the Montana Constitution; however, the state’s Republican legislators have indicated a willingness to challenge the Montana Supreme Court’s ruling. 
Nebraska: Abortion will remain legal until 20 weeks, but the state legislature is calling for a special session to pass a trigger bill. A similar bill failed to garner the supermajority required to pass in the last legislative session. The trigger bill that is being called for by the governor contains no exceptions for rape or incest. 
North Carolina: Abortion will remain legal through viability; however, the Republican legislature has shown a desire to place more restrictions on abortion. They currently do not have the numbers to overturn a veto by the Democratic governor, but they may gain enough seats to do so in the 2022 election.
Ohio: Abortion will remain legal up to 20 weeks, unless the state legislature manages to pass a trigger ban prior to Roe being overturned. The current trigger ban they are trying to pass only contains an exception for threats to the life of the mother. Any ban would take effect 90 days after the law is passed. The Ohio State Senate president currently states that he will not pursue this trigger ban until after a decision is made in the Supreme Court; however, it is possible that he could change his position, and is facing pressure from some members of his own party to do so.
Pennsylvania: Abortion care will remain legal through 24 weeks; however, the state’s Republican party has indicated that they will pursue an abortion ban if they secure the power to do so in this year’s elections. 
Virginia: Abortion care will remain legal up to third trimester of pregnancy; however, Republican legislators have indicated that they will attempt to put more restrictions on abortion. Republicans currently control the Virginia House and the governor’s office, while Democrats control the Virginia Senate. The next legislative elections will take place in 2023. 
States where abortion will remain legal, and where it is unlikely that there will be new restrictions in the future.
California: Abortion care will remain legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change.
Colorado: Abortion care will remain legal throughout pregnancy, and is unlikely to change.
Connecticut: Abortion care remains legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change. Connecticut also recently passed a law giving protection to people who travel from out of state for an abortion. 
Delaware: Abortion care will remain legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change.
Hawaii: Abortion care will remain legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change.
Illinois: Abortion care will remain legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change.
Maine: Abortion care will remain legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change.
Maryland: Abortion care will remain legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change.
Massachusetts: Abortion care will remain legal up to 24 weeks, and is unlikely to change.
Minnesota: Abortion care will remain legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change under current state leadership, but there is a slight possibility that this could change if Republicans gain control of the governorship or legislature.
Nevada: Abortion care will remain legal up to 24 weeks, and is unlikely to change.
New Hampshire: Abortion care will remain legal up to 24 weeks, and is unlikely to change, but it should be noted that New Hampshire did recently pass a post-24-week ban—the first abortion ban in the state’s history.
New Jersey: Abortion care will remain legal throughout pregnancy, and is unlikely to change.
New Mexico: Abortion care will remain legal throughout pregnancy, and is unlikely to change, unless the Republicans win several state elections.
New York: Abortion care will remain legal up to 24 weeks (and beyond if there is a fetal anomoly or threats to the life of the mother), and is unlikely to change.
Oregon: Abortion care will remain legal throughout pregnancy, and is unlikely to change.
Rhode Island: Abortion care will remain legal through viability, and is unlikely to change. 
Vermont: Abortion care will remain legal throughout pregnancy, and is unlikely to change.
Washington: Abortion care will remain legal up to viability, and is unlikely to change.
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