#SSL Tips
kedama-mz · 8 months
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freelancetips24 · 1 year
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The Top 5 Hosting Providers of 2023 - 5 Best Web Hosting Services All Time
We collected the top 5 Hosting Websites.
⭕NameCheap ⭕Bluehost ⭕Hostinger ⭕Hostgator ⭕GoDaddy
1. NameCheap: Best for Beginners
NameCheap is one of the most popular WordPress hosts out there.
They provide an excellent product which greatly optimized for WordPress websites. If you want all the Storage, you can get it for your WP blog or online store. It is the best host for you.
They provide the lowest-priced plan is $23/Year, and only for one 10GB site with a max of 25,000 visitors/month. 2. Bluehost: Best for new websites
Bluehost is one of the best web hosting companies in the world, especially among people launching their WordPress websites. Bluehost is the hosting industry officially recommended by WordPress.
If you get stuck or have a problem, Bluehost has 24/7 support by phone or live chat. 3. Hostinger: Best for content-heavy sites
Hostinger offers reliable web hosting at a budget-friendly price. Shared hosting plans start at $1.99 per month, which includes free weekly backups and enough bandwidth for 10,000 visitors to your site.
The most popular option is the Premium Shared Hosting plan which costs only $2.99/month. It lets you create up to 100 websites and host 25,000 visitors/month. 4. HostGator: Best for perks
HostGator offers all the hosting essentials you need at a great price and also comes with a 45-day money-back guarantee. If you need a standard business info website with e-Commerce, services, story, and so on, HostGator makes it as easy as possible.
You can also purchase optional services like their SEO package, which is especially helpful for those Who are not sure to optimize their website. 5. GoDaddy: Best for easy site setup
GoDaddy is one of the most well-recognized names in the web hosting industry, servicing millions of customers worldwide.
They offer services ranging from website builders and professional email to domain registration and web hosting.
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dixmata · 1 year
Install Let's Encrypt Wildcard Certificate Nginx & Apache
Install SSL Let's Encrypt Wildcard. Merupaka sebuah Layanan otoritas yang gratis menyediakan SSL/TLS Certificate. Dengan menggunakan SSL dapat membuat layanan dan lalu lintas Website terenkripsi di Internet. Menggunakan SSL memungkinkan untuk meminimal resiko kehilangan data atau tercurinya data, karena menggunakan SSL yang dipasang di Server memastikan koneksi aman.
Apa itu Wildcard Domain? Wildcard domain merupakan merangkup semua jumlah subdomain yang terkait dengan Domain. Jadi jika menggunakan SSL Wildcard mengurangin pekerjaan pemilik Webserver dalam melakukan Installasi. Berikut Kami Dokumentasinya Cara Install Let's Encrypt Wildcard on Nginx & Apache.
Baca Juga : Install Let's Encrypt | Dixmata Labs
Langkah 1 - Install SSL Let's Encrypt Wildcard Nginx
Berikut perintah yang akan digunakan untuk melakukan Installasi SSL Wildcard Nginx
Install Certbot
Sebelum melakukan Installasi, pastikan melakukan update System Server terlebih dahulu
apt update
Lalu Install Certbot Nginx, ikuti command berikut ini
apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
Generate SSL, lalukan Command berikut untu Generate SSL *.example.com
certbot certonly \  --agree-tos \  --email [email protected] \  --manual \  --preferred-challenges=dns \  -d *.example.com \  --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
Enter, dan akan ada Notifikasi Bahwa IP yang digunakan ini adalah bersifat publik, dan memintah persetujuan dari Anda, dan pilih > "Yes"
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log Plugins selected: Authenticator manual, Installer None Obtaining a new certificate Performing the following challenges: dns-01 challenge for example.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE: The IP of this machine will be publicly logged as having requested this certificate. If you're running certbot in manual mode on a machine that is not your server, please ensure you're okay with that. Are you OK with your IP being logged? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Y)es/(N)o: Yes
Enter, dan Anda harus memasukan code DNS TXT kedalam DNS Server, agar Let's Encrypt Wildcard dapat memverifikasi Domain Anda. Berikut Output permintaaan Deploy DNS TXT
Please deploy a DNS TXT record under the name _acme-challenge.example.com with the following value: Vcxj5B9qKpTupe7aPw9V7-rWuPFhK8J_92q_qtJHfxw Before continuing, verify the record is deployed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Press Enter to Continue
Sebelum Melanjutkan atau "Continue", pasitkan DNS TXT sudah di Deploy ke dalam DNS Server. Berikut tampilan jika sudah di Deploy kedalam DNS Server.
_acme-challenge.exmaple.com    IN      TXT     "e80Zxtsdkifhiadsjhkadksalkdeo2Oxco1o"
Untuk Konfirmasi bahwa di DNS sudah terdaftar, gunakan perintah berikut ini
nslookup -type=TXT _acme-challenge.example.com localhost
Output jika berhasil
Server:         localhost Address: _acme-challenge.example    text = "e80Zxtsdkifhiadsjhkadksalkdeo2Oxco1o"
Jika sudan terverifikasi Anda bisa Lanjutkan dan akan mendapatkan Cerfitficate SSL
IMPORTANT NOTES: - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:  /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem  Your key file has been saved at:  /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem  Your cert will expire on 2022-02-15. To obtain a new or tweaked  version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot  again. To non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run  "certbot renew" - If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by:  Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt:   https://letsencrypt.org/donate  Donating to EFF:                    https://eff.org/donate-le
Certificate berada pada Directory /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 14 18:35 . drwx------ 3 root root 4096 Feb 14 18:35 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 44 Feb 14 18:35 cert.pem -> ../../archive/example.com/cert1.pem lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 45 Feb 14 18:35 chain.pem -> ../../archive/example.com/chain1.pem lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 49 Feb 14 18:35 fullchain.pem -> ../../archive/example.com/fullchain1.pem lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Feb 14 18:35 privkey.pem -> ../../archive/example.com/privkey1.pem -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 682 Feb 14 18:35 README
Configuring Nginx WebServer SSL Let's Encrypt (Install SSL Let's Encrypt Wildcard)
Sekarang jika sudah mendapatkan SSL Let's Encrypt Wildcard, lalukan Setup kedalam Webserver Nginx. Kita perlu mengedit file Virtualhost Nginx.
Copykan konfigurasi berikut ini, Anda hanya perlu menambakan pada baris SSL, Ingat sesuai kan Subdomain dengan yang Anda gunakan, disini kami menggunakan contoh example.example.com
server {    listen 80 ;    server_name example.example.com;    location / {    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;    } } server {    listen 443 ssl;    server_name example.example.com;    ssl_certificate  /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem;    ssl_certificate_key  /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem;    access_log /var/log/nginx/example.example.com_access.log;    error_log  /var/log/nginx/example.example.com_error.log;    include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf;    ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;    root /var/www/exmaple.example.com;    index index.html;    location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404;  } }
Lalukan Ujicoba pada Nginx, apakah pengaturanyang dibuat berjalan baik.
nginx -t
Output jika berjalan baik
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
Lalu jika berjalan baik dan Aman, Restart server Nginx
systemctl restart nginx
Langkah 2 - Let's Encrypt SSL Wildcard Apache2
Berikut perintah yang akan digunakan untuk melakukan Installasi SSL Wildcard Apache2
Install Certbot
Sebelum melakukan Installasi, pastikan melakukan update System Server terlebih dahulu
apt update
Lalu Install Certbot Nginx, ikuti command berikut ini
apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache2
Generate SSL, lalukan Command berikut untu Generate SSL *.example.com
certbot certonly \  --agree-tos \  --email [email protected] \  --manual \  --preferred-challenges=dns \  -d *.example.com \  --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
Enter, dan akan ada Notifikasi Bahwa IP yang digunakan ini adalah bersifat publik, dan memintah persetujuan dari Anda, dan pilih > "Yes"
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log Plugins selected: Authenticator manual, Installer None Obtaining a new certificate Performing the following challenges: dns-01 challenge for example.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE: The IP of this machine will be publicly logged as having requested this certificate. If you're running certbot in manual mode on a machine that is not your server, please ensure you're okay with that. Are you OK with your IP being logged? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Y)es/(N)o: Yes
Enter, dan Anda harus memasukan code DNS TXT kedalam DNS Server, agar Let's Encrypt Wildcard dapat memverifikasi Domain Anda. Berikut Output permintaaan Deploy DNS TXT
Please deploy a DNS TXT record under the name _acme-challenge.example.com with the following value: Vcxj5B9qKpTupe7aPw9V7-rWuPFhK8J_92q_qtJHfxw Before continuing, verify the record is deployed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Press Enter to Continue
Sebelum Melanjutkan atau "Continue", pasitkan DNS TXT sudah di Deploy ke dalam DNS Server. Berikut tampilan jika sudah di Deploy kedalam DNS Server.
_acme-challenge.exmaple.com    IN      TXT     "e80Zxtsdkifhiadsjhkadksalkdeo2Oxco1o"
Untuk Konfirmasi bahwa di DNS sudah terdaftar, gunakan perintah berikut ini
nslookup -type=TXT _acme-challenge.example.com localhost
Output jika berhasil
Server:         localhost Address: _acme-challenge.example    text = "e80Zxtsdkifhiadsjhkadksalkdeo2Oxco1o"
Jika sudan terverifikasi Anda bisa Lanjutkan dan akan mendapatkan Cerfitficate SSL
IMPORTANT NOTES: - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:  /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem  Your key file has been saved at:  /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem  Your cert will expire on 2022-02-15. To obtain a new or tweaked  version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot  again. To non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run  "certbot renew" - If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by:  Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt:   https://letsencrypt.org/donate  Donating to EFF:                    https://eff.org/donate-le
Certificate berada pada Directory /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 14 18:35 . drwx------ 3 root root 4096 Feb 14 18:35 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 44 Feb 14 18:35 cert.pem -> ../../archive/example.com/cert1.pem lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 45 Feb 14 18:35 chain.pem -> ../../archive/example.com/chain1.pem lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 49 Feb 14 18:35 fullchain.pem -> ../../archive/example.com/fullchain1.pem lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Feb 14 18:35 privkey.pem -> ../../archive/example.com/privkey1.pem -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 682 Feb 14 18:35 README
Configuring Nginx WebServer SSL Let's Encrypt
Untuk Konfigurasi Apache2 WebServer sama dengan Nginx, hanya saja lokasi file yang berbeda. Berikut tampilan Konfigurasi WebServer Apache2
Tambahkan Code berikut ini kedalam Virtualhost example.com.conf
SSLCertificateFile      /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/cert.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile   /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem
Berikut tampilan Virtulhost WebServer jika sudah di konfigurasi
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>        <VirtualHost *:443>        ServerName ex.example.com        ServerAlis www.ex.example.com        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost        DocumentRoot /var/www/html/        Alias /public "/var/www/html"        <Directory /var/www/html/>            AllowOverride All            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews            Order allow,deny            allow from all        </Directory>        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined        SSLEngine on        SSLCertificateFile      /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/cert.pem        SSLCertificateKeyFile   /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem        SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem          </VirtualHost> </IfModule>
Lalu Restart WebsServer Apache2
systemctl restart apache2
Terimakasih telah mengikuti Dokumentasi SSL Let's Wildcard Certificate Nginx & Apache. Semoga enjoy dan Berhasil menerapkannya :)
Alternatif : Link Dokumentasi
Source : Install SSL Let’s Encrypt | Dixmata Labs
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sagenciadigital · 2 years
Debemos concebir la información digital de nuestra Página Web como un activo de nuestra empresa y convertir la seguridad en una prioridad. Hemos recopilado algunos consejos y buenas prácticas que podrás aplicar en tu empresa...
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castleaudios · 11 months
My personal headcannons for Ranger <3
Ranger is fluent in SSL(Spanish sign language) because her mama is deaf
If it has a wheel Ranger can drive it. Her dad taught her how to drive all sorts of cars and boats
Whenever there's a birthday or party being planned for someone at the station Ranger is always the one who has to bake the treats
Rangers love for baking comes from her dad, they would always bake together
When Ranger is really focused she sticks her tongue out(subconsciously)
Children ADORE Ranger, Ranger just has that vibe that all kids love
Ranger has a cowlick
Ranger has a younger sister who is super Rock n Roll, from the music to the outfits. Ranger helps her sister get new clothes, along with dying and cutting her sisters hair
Rangers dad taught her how to fight
When Ranger was a teenager she decided to try smoking the green leaf with her friends, she smoked to much and woke up stuck in a tree with a missing shoe
Because of the tree incident Ranger took rock climbing lessons so she wouldn't get stuck anywhere up high again
Ranger is amazing at guitar, she can play any song you throw at her
Rangers little sister loves to roller skate, so Ranger is really good at roller skating because of how many lessons she took with her sister
Ranger is a sucker for gentle hugs and people playing with her hair
Ranger impulsively got a tongue piercing as a teen and has never taken it out, only a handful of people know or have seen it
When Ranger lies the tip of her ears go a little red
Ranger is one of those people who go bright red when they get Flustered
Ranger might as well be the human embodiment of Hyperfixating
When Ranger laughs to hard she starts to snort
Rangers bedhead defys logic and gravity. So Ranger has now learnt to braid her hair before bed so it's not a battle of will when she wakes up
Ranger gets hiccups randomly all the time. Sitting in the office only doing work? Hiccups. Talking to a friend? Hiccups
Ranger is consistently the listener that people have the most fun with and it just makes my day every time. These are all so fun!!!
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asagitori-blog · 5 months
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Introducing my Touken Ranbu OC Yamatonokami Minomoto no Hidekuni (大和守源秀國) Hijikata Toshizo's 3rd Sword! 💕
A bit of history behind the sword
At the time Hidekuni swords were said to have been suitable for actual combat and easy to use. Kondo Isami the Shinsengumi's commander bought three of them as souvenirs with his corps funds.
Hidekuni is slightly shorter than Hijikata's other favorite swords. The tip is made to be light as it was designed to be usable with one hand, making it practical for combat.
Hijikata later gave Hidekuni to Akizuki Taneaki one of Aizu's retainers. Akizuki Taneaki fought alongside Hijikata at the Battle of Utsunomiya Castle in April 4th year of the Keio era, which is why there is the inscription [大和守源秀國(秋月種明懇望帯之)] "Yamato no kami Minamoto Hidekuni (Akizuki Taneaki Kanbou Obiyuki)"
The scabbard is coated with a special paint that has crushed sea shells mixed into it creating this glittery texture as well as Hijikata's favorite plum blossom depicted on it suggesting he was using it. The sword was later passed through the hands of freedom and civil rights activists and was then owned by a Shinsengumi researcher in Tokyo until finally being purchased by the Ryozan Historical Museum, which remains on permanent display and can be viewed at any time
(I got all this info from Google Translate so some stuff might be wrong)
Source: Here
Anyways, WOOOOOO I got this done, and...man I really need a better way to do lineart.
For Hidekuni I based him more on off real-life Hijikata rather than Hakuouki Hijikata. I wanted to do this "Kane-san is Kyoto winds while Hidekuni is Edo Blossoms" kinda thing with him. I know that the real-life Hijikata did use a gun at some point but I couldn't find whether he used a rifle or pistol so I just put an empty gun holster on him. I also included Hijikata's pocket watch. I wanted his hair to look like real-life Hijikata's but with Kane-san styled bangs.
I imagined if Touken Danshi existed in Hakuouki it would look like Kondo was adopting a bunch of kids when he bought those 3 Hidekuni swords ( ̄▽ ̄*)
Also, I imagined SSL Hijikata would be a single dad raising 3 kids on his own if Kane-san, Horikawa, and Hidekuni existed in SSL 🤣LOL
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Web Design Mississauga Ontario: Elevating Your Online Presence
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In today's digital age, having an impactful online presence is crucial for businesses in Mississauga, Ontario. A well-crafted website not only enhances your brand image but also attracts potential customers. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of web design Mississauga Ontario, offering insights and tips to help you establish a formidable online presence for your business.
Understanding Web Design
Web design encompasses more than just aesthetics; it's about creating a seamless user experience that captivates visitors. The importance of web design cannot be overstated. It serves as the virtual storefront for your business, shaping the first impression that visitors have. Elements such as layout, navigation, and visual appeal play a pivotal role in engaging users and encouraging them to explore further.
Finding the Right Agency
Choosing the right web design Mississauga Ontario agency is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your online venture. Start by conducting thorough research to identify reputable agencies in Mississauga, Ontario. Evaluate their portfolios to assess the quality of their work and ensure that their design style aligns with your brand's vision. Additionally, seek out client testimonials to gauge customer satisfaction and overall experience.
Designing a Responsive Site
In an era where mobile usage is ubiquitous, having a responsive website is imperative. A responsive design ensures that your site adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing experience for users across devices. Employ techniques such as fluid grids and flexible images to achieve responsiveness and enhance user engagement.
SEO Integration
Incorporating search engine optimization (SEO) into your web design strategy is essential for improving visibility and driving organic traffic to your site. Implementing SEO best practices, such as optimizing meta tags, enhancing site speed, and creating high-quality content, can significantly boost your search engine rankings. Additionally, leverage local SEO techniques to target potential customers in the Mississauga area and enhance your online presence within the local community.
E-commerce Considerations
For businesses in Mississauga, Ontario, with e-commerce aspirations, designing an effective online store is paramount. Stay abreast of e-commerce trends and integrate features such as product catalogs, secure payment gateways, and intuitive checkout processes to streamline the buying journey for customers. Providing a seamless shopping experience not only fosters customer satisfaction but also drives conversions and boosts revenue.
Maintenance and Updates
The work doesn't end once your website goes live. Regular maintenance and updates are essential to ensure optimal performance and security. Implement security measures such as SSL encryption and routine backups to safeguard sensitive data and protect against cyber threats. Furthermore, regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant, demonstrating your commitment to providing value to your audience.
Future of Web Design
As technology continues to evolve, so too does the field of web design. Stay ahead of the curve by embracing emerging trends and technologies that have the potential to reshape the digital landscape. From AI and machine learning to virtual reality and immersive experiences, the future of web design holds exciting possibilities for businesses in Mississauga, Ontario, looking to stay ahead of the competition.
How long does it take to design a website?
Design timelines can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the agency's workload. On average, expect the design process to take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
What should I look for in a web design portfolio?
When evaluating a web design portfolio, pay attention to factors such as visual appeal, usability, and variety of projects. Look for examples that resonate with your brand's aesthetic and objectives.
Do I need a mobile-friendly website?
Absolutely! With mobile usage on the rise, having a mobile-friendly website is essential for reaching and engaging a wider audience. A responsive design ensures optimal user experience across all devices.
How can I improve my website's search engine rankings?
Enhancing your website's search engine rankings requires a multifaceted approach, including keyword optimization, content creation, link building, and technical SEO improvements.
What security measures should I implement on my website?
To safeguard your website against cyber threats, implement measures such as SSL encryption, regular security audits, strong password policies, and software updates.
What are the benefits of integrating e-commerce functionality into my website?
Integrating e-commerce functionality allows you to expand your reach, attract new customers, and capitalize on the growing trend of online shopping. It also provides convenience for your existing customer base and opens up new revenue streams.
Elevate your online presence with expert web design Mississauga Ontario services tailored to your business needs. From responsive design to SEO integration and future-proofing strategies, empower your brand to stand out in the digital landscape. With the right approach and a trusted partner, your journey to online success begins here.
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melharrisondesign · 5 months
Spritely Shawl
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Photo Credit: Tracey Whiting
The design:
Spritely is a fun and happy Lacey floral repeating triangle design. It makes for a lovely summer shawl to brighten up your day.
Materials needed:
Spritely was designed using for any gauge. Meterage, hook size and final measurement will vary depending on your yarn choice.
This is an expandable pattern so you can make it as large as you like with any yarn you desire.
Stitch markers
Wool/darning needle
Recommended Hook size:
2.5-3mm for 3ply
3-3.5 mm for 4ply
3.5-4 mm for 8ply
Or hook appropriate for your chosen yarn weight
Stitch abbreviations:
(American Terms)
Pm: Place marker
Dc: Double crochet
Sc: Single Crochet
Tr: Treble crochet
Ch: Chain
Skp: Skip stitch
Sl st: Slip stitch
Ch-sp: Chain space
Vst: Dc1, ch1, dc1 (counts as 3 sts)
Stitch tips:
Don’t skimp on the stitch markers they are your friend
Anything between *..* worked the amount indicated x..
Anything between {…} is worked into the same stitch. Eg. {dc5} in the next ch2-sp is a fan of 5 dc in the one space.
Anything between […] is worked within a *…* the amount indicated x..
Please read the stitch abbreviations and stitch tips before continuing.
Ch 6, sl st the first ch to the last to form a ring
Row 1: ch5, pm in the 4th ch, working in the ring, dc5, ch2, dc5, ch1, tr1, turn(12)
Row 2: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1 } in the next st, skp2, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the ch2-sp, skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (14)
Row 3: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch8, skp6, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, ch8, skp6, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (10)
Row 4: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch12, skp4, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, ch12, skp4, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (10)
Row 5: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, dc2, dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp of row 2, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc2, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, dc2, dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp of row 2, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, {dc2}, dc2 in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (32)
All ch1s made in this row are counted as a stitch, including the one in the centre of the vst ie: vst counts as 3 sts
Row 6: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, dc2, vst1 in the ch4-sp, ch1, skp1, vst1 in the next ch4-sp, dc2, skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, dc2, vst1, in the ch4-sp, ch1, skp1, vst1 in the next ch4-sp, dc2, skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (40)
The dc7 in this row is worked dc1 in the next st, *dc1 in the ch1-sp, dc1 in the next st* x3
Row 7: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch8, skp6, dc7, ch8, skp6, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, ch8, skp6, dc7, ch8, skp6, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (24)
Row 8: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch12, skp4, dc3, ch12, skp4, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, ch12, skp4, dc3, ch12, skp4, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn(16)
Row 9: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, dc2, dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp of the 4th row down ,catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc3, dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp 4th row down, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc2, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, dc2, dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp 4th row down, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc3, dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp 4th row down, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc2, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (52)
Row 10: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, [skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, dc2, vst1, in the ch4-sp, ch1, skp1, vst1 in the next ch4-sp, dc2] x2, skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, [skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, dc2, vst1, in the ch4-sp, ch1, skp1, vst1 in the next ch4-sp, dc2] x2, skp2, {tr1, ch4, tr1} in the next st, skp2, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (66)
Row 11: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, [ch8, skp6, dc7] x2, ch8, skp6, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, [ch8, skp6, dc7] x2, ch8, skp6, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (38)
Row 12: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, [ch12, skp4, dc3] x2, ch12, skp4, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, [ch12, skp4, dc3] x2, ch12, skp4, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 ch with the marker, turn (22)
Row 13: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, dc2, [dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp 4th row down, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc3] x2, dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp 4th row down, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc2, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, dc2, [dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp 4th row down, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc3] x2, dc3 in the ch12-sp, ch4, sc1 in the ch4-sp 4th row down, catch the chain 8 and chain 12 as you work, ch4, dc3 in the ch12-sp, dc2, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn (72)
Repeat rounds 10-13 increasing the […] x by one number each repeat e.g […] x2, […] x3, […] x4 and so on. When you are happy with the size move on to the finished row below. When working the finishing row replace the value x? with the number you are up to in your repeats -1.
Row 1: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, dc7, [vst1, in the ch4-sp, ch1, skp1, vst1 in the next ch4-sp, dc9 ] x?, vst1, in the ch4-sp, ch1, skp1, vst1 in the next ch4-sp dc7, {dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, dc7, [vst1, in the ch4-sp, ch1, skp1, vst1 in the next ch4-sp, dc9 ] x?, vst1, in the ch4-sp, ch1, skp1, vst1 in the next ch4-sp dc7, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn
Row 2: ch5 pm in the 4th ch, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, dc1 in each st until the next corner (dc2, ch2, dc2} in the next ch2-sp, dc1 in each st until the next corner, {dc2} in the ch1-sp, ch1, tr1 in the ch with the marker, turn
Sew in your ends and block if needed
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markitspace · 1 year
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MarkIT Space Web Development Top Tip #1
Keep track of all the expiry dates associated with your website, including your domain name registration, SSL certificate, website hosting, and other subscriptions, such as plugins. If any expires without renewing, it may cause your website to no longer work and cause a loss in income.
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techtuv · 5 months
Remixable Review: Navigating Internet Marketing with AI-Driven Insights
In the fast-paced world of internet marketing, staying updated with the latest strategies is key. Remixable emerges as a revolutionary tool, offering comprehensive insights into internet marketing realms such as product creation, website development, traffic generation, and monetization. With the power of AI, Remixable simplifies and streamlines marketing strategies, making it an invaluable asset for both beginners and seasoned marketers.
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Unlocking Marketing Potential with Remixable
Remixable is not just a tool; it's a complete guide for internet marketers. Whether you're starting out or looking to enhance your existing strategies, Remixable provides expert guidance and bespoke information to meet your specific needs. This platform empowers you to make informed decisions, crafting effective digital marketing strategies.
Embracing Remixable for Digital Marketing Success
Leveraging AI, Remixable is your ultimate source for adapting to the dynamic digital marketing landscape. Utilizing this cutting-edge platform lays a solid foundation for your business, boosting your chances of success in today's competitive online market. Remixable is not just a tool; it's your gateway to unlocking opportunities in internet marketing.
Website Building and Design: A Key Aspect of Internet Marketing
A successful website is a blend of user-friendly design and aesthetic appeal. It should offer a seamless user experience (UX) while being visually attractive. This balance ensures that your site is both accessible and engaging for visitors.
Responsive Design and UX Principles in Web Development
Responsive web design is crucial in today's mobile-dominated world. A website that adapts to various devices and screen sizes provides a consistent experience for all users. Additionally, applying UX principles like intuitive navigation, structured content presentation, and clear labeling enhances usability.
Tips for Enhancing User Experience on Your Website
Utilize headers and subheaders to organize content.
Implement a clear menu and site structure.
Choose readable typography and font sizes.
Ensure fast loading times to prevent user frustration.
Optimizing eCommerce Websites
For eCommerce sites, the focus should be on optimizing the purchasing journey:
Use high-quality product images with detailed descriptions.
Streamline the checkout process.
Offer multiple payment options and display trust signals like SSL certificates and customer testimonials.
By incorporating these design principles, you're on your way to establishing a strong online presence. Remixable AI stands as a resourceful guide in exploring internet marketing aspects and monetization strategies. With this tool, you're equipped to create a functional, appealing, and user-friendly website tailored to your audience's needs.
This article provides a fresh, SEO-friendly perspective on Remixable, emphasizing its significance in internet marketing and website development.
Click for more details
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d-r-a-w-k-w-a-r-d · 5 months
Crusty Engineer Advice Pt I?
The first thing about being an engineer is this: it's all about the artist. Everybody new to the game wants to know "what's the magic plugin?" "what are the settings that make a vocal pop?" and a whole bunch of other questions like that. And -to a certain extent- these things are important. But they're not things that get you repeat clients right away. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou said that, and it's true. In the end, 90% of your clients won't hear that 3dB that you added to the final mix. They'll remember how they felt in the vocal booth. They won't care that the computer hard drive was almost full, leading to fragmentation, or that some newbie saved all his sessions on the desktop, slowing the whole system down. They won't care that a fuse in the power supply blows, or that there aren't multiple hardware headphone likes run to the vocal booth, or whatever. What they WILL remember is how you handled the session. EVERYTHING that happens is on you. Even if it's a hardware failure, even if there's "no way someone could reasonably expect this" or whatever excuse you're using.
If you're a pro, there ARE NO excuses. Period.
The job of an engineer is this: to remove obstacles between the artist's vision and the final music. That's why you're there at all. Your job is to anticipate issues before they happen.
Here is a bit of advice I gave another fellow: Many, MANY young folks ask about assisting, interning, etc. All the time. Maybe they're a musician on the track, maybe they're a friend of the artist. But when they hear good things being done with the music, they start asking, "hey, what compressor are you using? Is that the SSL EQ? Hey, man, can I sit in on your sessions? Like, assist you?"
The vast majority of these people are looking to GET something. They want free lessons on how to be an engineer. They want tips, names of plugins, lists of "presets" (don't get me started!) and to tell their friends that they are "working" in Xyz Studio. These people get told to leave their info with the front desk.
Every once in a while, you come across somebody different. Very seldom, maybe only once or twice a year, you meet somebody who wants to GIVE something. That's a different thing. Now hang on— I'm not talking about taking advantage of somebody. What I mean is, for example: The artist's friend Billy (who played keys on a couple of songs, or whatever) is at the sessions. Many artists like their people there for vibe. Whatever. But let's imagine that Billy comes up to me and says, "Hey, I notice that every time you come in, you switcf each phraseto the chair without the little armrests, and you put the pop filter on a separate stand. Are you interested in having me take care of that next time?"
Now, that is the sort of job that interns get to do: move mic stands, brew coffee, run headphone lines, and so on. And ANY intern will do that, when you tell 'em "hey, I need some more coffee. And can we get TWO sets of cans in the booth for those harmony singers, please?" But the guy or gal who already HAS the other headphones ready just in case, or who starts the coffee when your mug is getting cold, that shows that they care about contributing to a creative and technical environment. It's not all about THEM, it's about the session. About the music. These people's numbers go into my phone.
For example, I was working in Studio A where everything was hardwired and mounted in the walls. Big Name Vocal Talent wanted super-loud headphones. But there's just the jack in the wall. So I wanted to put a headphone amp right next to him so he can crank it up when he wants to. (a good idea in many cases anyway, but it wasn't my job there to tell the studio owner to rewire his room while the talent was waiting. It's my job to fix the damn problem as quickly as possible and not make anybody think about technical issues.)
I had two interns in the room. I said to both of them, "I need to run an extra feed into the big room. Please find me a couple of XLR-phono adapters so I can just use the direct lines." (Again, this place's choice of wiring connectors is not the issue here.)
First dude comes back in a few minutes, "Nope, we don't have any of those in the supply room." Really? Ack! I grab a couple of cables from my go bag and run a feed from the drum room to the vocal room. It ain't pretty, but it'll get the job done. Time for mic check.
Maybe twelve minutes after that, the second intern comes in, all sweaty. "Hey, man, we didn't have any of those, but check it out: can you just plug in to the MIC lines (backward!) and use these gender changers I found, hooked up to direct boxes to switch it back around in the vocal room? Here are phono cables already hooked up." My man.
The first guy got to go back to his Xwitter at the front desk without being inconvenienced, the second guy had an unexpectedly long night because I requested that he assist me for the remainder of the sessions. He's now an engineer in his own right.
TL;DR: Have something to offer, even if it's just the fact that you know you'll need to bring napkins when you walk the pizza back to the lounge room. Or be WILLING to watch for what the SESSION needs (not just what YOU need as info to work on your own tunes.) Too many interns/assistants do only what they're told, only when they're told it. Don't go off doing things without asking the engineer or confirming that it's the right time. But damn, show that you're about something besides yourself.
I can't remember the last time I looked at somebody's resumé first thing. Lack of knowledge and experience can be worked around. But lack of work ethic is a serious flaw. Some of the worst people I've worked with have had degrees from Big Name University and have been unwilling to even consider the possibility that there's another way than theirs. A couple of the best have been mostly self-taught.
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Factors to Consider When Creating a Jewellery Website
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In today’s digital age, having a well-designed and functional website is crucial for the success of any business, including jewelry stores. 
A well-crafted online presence can significantly impact customer engagement, sales, and brand reputation. 
When creating a jewelry website, there are several important factors to consider to ensure its success. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
1. User Experience (UX)
Focus on providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. 
Make sure the website is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for different devices (mobile-friendly). Use high-quality images that showcase the jewelry effectively.
2. Clear Product Presentation
Display the jewelry products prominently, with detailed descriptions, multiple angles, and zoom capabilities. 
Provide information about materials, sizes, and any customization options available. Incorporate product reviews and ratings to build trust and confidence.
3. Secure E-commerce Platform
Implement a secure and reliable e-commerce platform for smooth online transactions. 
Ensure that the website uses SSL encryption to protect customer data during checkout and integrates with trusted payment gateways.
4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Optimize the website’s content and structure to improve visibility in search engine results. 
Conduct keyword research and include relevant keywords in product descriptions, titles, meta tags, and URLs. 
Create unique and compelling product descriptions to differentiate from competitors.
5. Customer Engagement
Incorporate features to engage and interact with customers. Include a blog to share jewelry trends, care tips, and industry news. 
Integrate social media sharing buttons to encourage customers to share their favorite pieces. Provide a newsletter signup option to capture visitor email addresses for future marketing campaigns.
6. Trust and Security
Establish trust with potential customers by including trust badges, customer testimonials, and guarantees of product authenticity. 
Display clear contact information, including a physical address and customer support options. Ensure that the website is protected against malware and regularly backup data.
7. Responsive Customer Support
Offer multiple channels for customer support, such as live chat, email, and phone. 
Respond promptly to inquiries and provide detailed and helpful responses. Make it easy for customers to track their orders and provide order updates via email.
8. Easy Checkout Process
Simplify the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment rates. Implement a streamlined, step-by-step checkout flow, allowing customers to review their order, select shipping options, and input payment details effortlessly. 
Provide guest checkout as well as account creation options.
9. Marketing and Promotion
Plan a marketing strategy to drive traffic to the website. Utilize social media marketing, influencer collaborations, search engine marketing (SEM), and content marketing to increase visibility and reach the target audience. 
Consider running promotions, discounts, or loyalty programs to incentivize purchases.
10. Analytics and Conversion Tracking
Set up analytics tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. 
Use the insights gained to optimize the website and marketing strategies, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
Creating a successful jewelry website requires careful consideration of various factors. By incorporating eye-catching visuals, intuitive navigation, detailed product information, trust-building elements, and secure e-commerce functionality, you can enhance the overall user experience and increase customer trust and engagement. 
Remember, a well-designed website not only attracts customers but also reflects your brand’s values and professionalism, setting you apart from the competition in the competitive jewelry market.
Contact Weingenious Technocrats, a leading jewelry website development company in Surat, India to discuss your e-commerce website needs.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki SSL Stellaworth Bonus SS - Saito Hajime
Okay. Got another translation from SSL... this time it’s the Saito story from the 薄桜鬼SSL ステラセット特典小冊���. Unfortunately (or perhaps predictably?), this was the only story I saved... if anyone wants to translate the rest of these, you can contact me and I’ll scan the rest of them as I can no longer access the tl of these. 
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Hakuoki SSL Stellaworth Bonus SS - Saito Hajime
Translation by KumoriYami
" ——That's how it is, Ibuki. According to Article 8 of the Disciplinary Committee, this pile of items will be temporarily handed over to the Disciplinary Committee for safekeeping."
Looking at Ibuki, whose shoulders had weakly slumped, Hakuo Gakuen Disciplinary Committee member, Saito Hajime... that is to say me, sighed softly.
It was said recently that some students have been bringing in items that are not related to their studies at school to exchange for cafeteria vouchers from their classmates... I never thought that this would actually be someone I know.
"After submitting the report to Hijikata-sensei, I will return your things to you. Accompany me through the necessary procedures. That will be all.
"Wa-Wait, Saito-senpai! These things have the power over my life and death! There's also an elderly father and children waiting for me to return...!"
"Although I am not unsympathetic to your circumstances, I must still do these things as a member of the Disciplinary Committee.... Furthermore, your adoptive father is Serizawa-san. Even if it's as a joke, is it really okay to use the world old to describe him?"
"Uwah... you, you heartless bastard!"
After returning to the science lab that was was used as as the activity room for the Disciplinary Committee, I sighed and put the confiscated items onto the table.
Manga, DVDs, snacks, and so on... He carries so many things that have nothing to do with learning.
It was said that Ibuki was struggling for his livelihood, had set up a location or something at school, and was doing business everyday to exchange for rations."
"Perhaps, Ibuki has an unexpected mind for business."
As I smiled wryly while confirming the confiscated items, I suddenly found a black envelope mixed into the pile of items, and doubtfully tilted my head.
This suspicious envelope had the word "secret" written on it, and since I felt that there was something strange about it, I opened the envelope cautiously.
Inside the envelope was——
"Yu-Yukimura..!?" Several photos with mixed with name cards that read "The school's red flower · Portraits of Yukimura Chizuru" slipped out of my hand.
A smiling Yukimura. The side of her face during class. A happy file while eating.
My hands were shaking from being shocked by something so unexpected.
"Ibuki, that bastard, to actually have this sort of thing hidden on him... what should I do about this..."
"——Excuse me, Saito-senpai?"
"!?" The unexpected voice startled me so much that I quickly put the photos away and panicked as I looked up.
Standing there, was none of then Yukimura Chizuru herself.
"Yu-Yukimura, when did you come in...!?"
"I just came in... is something wrong?"
"No, it's nothing. Don't mind it."
How would she react if she saw me holding these pictures?
I obviously haven't done anything bad, but I was frightened and felt like I was drenched in cold sweat.
——Anyway, let's get rid of these photos first.
Afterwards, question Ibuki.
After silently coming to a decision, in order to get out of my current situation, I turned to Yukimura with an inquisitive expression.
Then, once school ended——
I stood at the door to the 1st year classroom. It was simply to question Ibuki about the photographs from this morning.
This pile of photos was likely just the tip of the iceberg. There must be more photos of Yukimura that had sold.
It is necessary to prevent Yukimura's photos from falling into the hands of a third party... Obviously, even if I haven't obviously didn't obtain these through improper means... I won't allow for such improper acts to happen.
Just as I made up my mind to open the door.
"Yu-Yukimura.... Er, no, I have something to ask Ibuki. Is Ibuki still here?"
Yukimura appeared in the front of the open classroom door.
All that had been on my mind was her, so I couldn't help but feel surprised... However, it appears that my response to her was still very calm.
"Ibuki-kun immediately went home after class ended."
"I see... it looks like I was one step too late. It can't be helped, I'll come back tomorrow."
"I can help pass [whatever it is] on to Ibuki-kun."
"Nn. That would be a big help. Anyway... Have you, uh... ever been photographed before?"
Upon hearing my question, she looked puzzled.
"Speaking of photographs... Okita-senpai actually frequently took pictures...." It was impossible to think that Souji would have given Ibuki such pictures.
Additionally, Souji took pictures directly in front of her out in the open. Obviously, I haven't even taken a photo of her...
In comparison, these photos taken from Ibuki this morning were secretly taken at an angle.
I'm afraid that these photos were secretly taken by someone around Yukimura when she hadn't been paying attention, if that person was that person was Ibuki... he would be able to do that.
"Speaking of which, Ibuki-kun has also been taking photos recently. He said that he was going to take class photos or something... is there anything wrong with that?"
"Class photos..."
In that case, such an excuse would work... No, maybe it really is for a class photo.
If that is true, the speculation of Ibuki taking illegal photos without consent [yeah it says "illegal" couldn't think of some other way to reword this] would also be too arbitrary, no, it would simply be shameful to accuse him of such a crime.
"Hopefully good photos will be taken. Once those photos are developed would you show them to me?"
Seeing that Yukimura who had responded to me with a smile, the discomfort I had felt suddenly disappeared.
"Then, I'll be going first."
After saying that, I said goodbye to Yukimura and prepared to leave.
"So, may I ask if you found some thing that had been lost this morning?"
By lost items, she meant the photos. I had used the excuse of looking for lost items to disguise them... In fact, they were in the pocket of my uniform. Of course, there was no way that this could be mentioned.
"No, not yet..."
"I see. Then, allow me to help you find it. "
"That... don't you have anything else to do?"
"No, I just need to go home so there's nothing else to do. The item was lost near the science lab, right?"
"I'm grateful for your intentions... but, the Disciplinary Committee will take it from here."
"....I see. It's won't be good to interfere with them. That's how it is.... Ah, if the Disciplinary Committee will be working soon, is Kaoru included?"
"Well, um... I'm afraid so..."
"I have something I want to ask Kaoru for help with, so I'll go together with you."
"No, perhaps [his] work or the meeting has already begun. I'll tell Nagumo that you're waiting for him here. Is it okay... if you wait here?"
"...? Yes, Then, I'll wait here."
"Nn. I need to pass this on to Nagumo immediately."
After saying this, I began walking forward.
First, Nagumo must be found...
Where are you, Nagumo...!
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Boosting Visibility: SEO Tips for Adult Websites
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for any online business looking to improve its visibility and attract organic traffic. Adult websites are no exception. While the adult industry may face unique challenges and restrictions compared to other niches, it's still possible to optimize your website effectively for search engines. In this article, we'll explore some SEO tips specifically tailored for adult sites.
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Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Before diving into SEO strategies, it's vital to ensure your adult website complies with all relevant laws and regulations. Be aware of age verification requirements and content restrictions in your region and target audience's location. Failing to comply can lead to legal issues and penalties.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Identify relevant keywords and phrases that potential visitors might use to find adult content. Use tools like Google's Keyword Planner to uncover search volumes and competition levels for your chosen keywords.
High-Quality Content
Create high-quality, engaging, and unique content for your adult website. Search engines value originality and relevance. Make sure your content aligns with your target audience's interests and desires. This will encourage users to spend more time on your site and reduce bounce rates, positively impacting your search rankings.
On-Page SEO
Optimize your on-page elements, including titles, meta descriptions, and header tags. Incorporate your target keywords naturally within your content. Remember that keyword stuffing can lead to penalties, so maintain a balance between optimization and readability.
Mobile Optimization
Ensure your adult website is mobile-friendly. Mobile optimization is essential as a significant portion of traffic comes from smartphones and tablets. Responsive design and fast loading times are crucial for a positive user experience.
Link Building
Link building is a crucial component of SEO. However, building backlinks for adult websites can be challenging due to restrictions on linking from certain websites or platforms. Focus on building high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative sources within your niche.
Social Media Promotion
Leverage social media platforms to promote your adult content. Create profiles on social networks that allow adult content and engage with your audience. Sharing your content on these platforms can drive traffic to your website and improve your SEO indirectly.
User Experience and Speed
User experience is a vital ranking factor. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, with intuitive menus and clear site structure. Fast-loading pages are essential, as slow websites can lead to high bounce rates and lower search engine rankings.
SSL Encryption
Implement SSL encryption (HTTPS) on your website to provide a secure browsing experience. Google and other search engines prioritize secure websites in their rankings, making this an essential step for SEO.
Regular Updates
Frequently update your content to keep it fresh and relevant. Search engines favor websites that consistently provide new, valuable information. Regular updates also encourage repeat visits from your audience.
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SEO for adult websites requires a combination of traditional SEO techniques and an understanding of the unique challenges and restrictions in the adult industry. By following these tips, you can improve your website's visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately grow your adult site's online presence. Remember that ethical and legal compliance should always be a top priority when working in this industry. Below are few successful sites url :
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Fraud Prevention and Security for Ecommerce: Safeguarding Your Online Business
The rapid growth of ecommerce has revolutionized the way we shop, enabling us to browse and purchase products and services from the comfort of our homes. However, with this convenience comes the risk of fraud and security breaches that can have a devastating impact on businesses and consumers alike. To protect your online business and maintain the trust of your customers, implementing robust fraud prevention and security measures is essential.
The Importance of Fraud Prevention
Fraudulent activities in ecommerce can take various forms, such as identity theft, credit card fraud, and account takeover. The consequences can be severe, including financial loss, damage to your brand reputation, and legal liabilities. Therefore, it's crucial to prioritize fraud prevention to safeguard your business and create a secure environment for your customers.
1. Secure Payment Gateways
One of the first steps in fraud prevention is to ensure that your payment gateways are secure. Partner with reputable payment service providers that comply with industry standards and offer robust security features, such as encryption and tokenization. Implementing additional layers of authentication, such as two-factor authentication, can further enhance the security of online transactions.
2. Data Encryption
Protecting customer data is paramount in ecommerce. Utilize secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates to encrypt sensitive information transmitted between your customers' browsers and your website. This encryption makes it significantly harder for hackers to intercept and access confidential data, providing an extra layer of security.
3. Fraud Detection and Monitoring
Implement fraud detection and monitoring systems that can identify suspicious patterns and behaviors. Utilize machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and detect anomalies that may indicate fraudulent activities. Set up alerts for unusual activities, such as multiple failed login attempts or sudden changes in purchasing patterns, to respond promptly and mitigate potential risks.
4. Strong Password Policies
Encourage your customers to create strong passwords and regularly update them. Implement password strength requirements, such as a minimum length, a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Educate your customers about the importance of using unique passwords for each online account and provide tips on creating secure passwords.
5. Regular Software Updates and Patching
Keep your ecommerce platform and associated software up to date by installing the latest security patches and updates. Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software versions. Regularly monitor security advisories and subscribe to notifications from your software providers to stay informed about potential vulnerabilities and apply the necessary patches promptly.
6. PCI Compliance
If your ecommerce business handles credit card payments, it's crucial to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Ensure that your systems and processes adhere to the PCI DSS requirements to protect cardholder data. Conduct regular audits and vulnerability assessments to maintain compliance and minimize the risk of security breaches.
7. Educate Your Customers
Empower your customers with knowledge about online security best practices. Provide educational resources, such as blog articles or FAQs, that cover topics like recognizing phishing attempts, protecting personal information, and avoiding suspicious websites. By raising awareness, you can help your customers make informed decisions and protect themselves from fraudulent activities.
8. Ongoing Monitoring and Review
Fraud prevention is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and review. Regularly analyze your transaction data, review security logs, and conduct periodic risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities and adapt your security measures accordingly. Stay updated on the latest fraud trends and security practices to proactively respond to emerging threats.
As ecommerce continues to thrive, fraud prevention and security must remain top priorities for online businesses. By implementing secure payment gateways, encrypting customer data, detecting and monitoring fraud, enforcing strong passwords, staying updated with software patches, complying with PCI standards, educating customers, and maintaining ongoing vigilance, you can fortify your ecommerce business against fraudsters and build trust with your customers. Remember, protecting your business and customers from fraud is a continuous effort that requires constant adaptation to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.
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