forever mad about how dirty they did aveline from act 2 onward
#thinking way too much abt it rn cus i just finished her quest today#she is important to liam and i enjoy their relationship a lot & also her character in general in the earlier acts#but MAN i hate what they did to her in acts 2 and 3#laya plays dragon age#feels like there is such a disconnect from her attitude between acts 1 and 2?#or well. maybe not disconnect exactly but even so there is an important shift there and we never even get to see it OR question it#she could have been such a good contribution to the story and the themes by putting her at a crossroads of#do i keep following what i know and become another cog in the system or do i challenge them and break out of it#cus like. in act 1 she is not above going against laws when her own morals (or even just biases) go against them#but is generally still in favor of ''regular'' law and order (which does get challenged by characters sometimes which is nice!)#(sort of) blind loyalty is already a fault of hers and now her loyalty is understandably mostly towards her guards#but then her companion quest is not in fact about herself but about frickin. courting the guy she likes???????#full on i thought this was a silly quest for levity in an act that has a lot of dark moments#but no it is Her Important Quest TM and not only does she not get with him if you dont do the quest#but her entire attitude and happiness going forward depends on it????? what the hell#also fun fact first time playing act 2 i thought that there was a lot going over my head and like#and some of it did yeah but i also just Assumed that bc the way aveline acted/ the guards actions were presented through her#didnt line up with what actually happened#(& her being so defensive and dismissive didnt line up with the impression i got of her before that)#sorry for the rant im just once again mad about cool characters being screwed over by the writing
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saintobio · 3 months
Omg ok ok hello! I had this huge rant in my head about sy and sn so pls feel free to ignore it, but I love your writing so much and it gives me some STRONG FEELINGS. First of all it surprised me that I like the way you write y/n cuz she doesn't become a "bitch" after the whole deal with Gojo and have some elaborate revenge plan, but she is also not a goody two shoes (even if she stayed with Gojo earlier but she had a lot of external pressure to stay in the marriage). Not that those tropes are necessarily bad but it's just more realistic this way. She's just a person who has been deeply hurt and is trying to do right by others. Even if she has made big mistakes, she still wants to make up for them cuz she's not completely in the right either. Also getting bashed by everyone for trying to make amends/ not following their advice regarding you own life; while very triggering for me (lol) is also just such a natural reaction. Not right, just natural. When things get out of people's hands and they want to blame someone for it, they often go for the one who is actually trying and won't retaliate if for nothing than to just keep the peace. Also wanting people to understand your side of the situation yet feeling undeserving of it at the same time because of your mistakes is UGHHH I feel like you do that so well! It's amazing but genuinely heartbreaking to see how far Satoru has come as a person too. Also when he thinks about how he wants to be a better person for Akemi IT MADE ME WANT TO PUT MY HEAD THROUGH A WALL... cuz WHY COULDN'T HE BE LIKE THAT FOR US!!! At the same time we have moved on without him, so if we are allowed that luxury then why isn't he? It's just so ANGSTY AND SO SO GOOD! Because we love Satoru we always will but he had a chance and he fricked it over terribly! So it would be idiotic to go back to him but at the same time the heart yearns for him. This is a side tangent but whenever any character says "this is not like you", "you have changed, this isn't how you'd act" makes me so MAD lol (maybe bc I am triggered?) But these guys WATCHED MY GIRL GO THROUGH SOME HORRIFIC SHIT AND STILL EXPECT HER TO NOT BE PERMANANTLY AND IRREVERSIBLY CHANGED???!! ;-;; IDK what they want from her oof >.< I do think Akemi is a shitty friend but I can't bring myself to hate her completely. Seeing them together is so ANGER INDUCING AAAAA (and her wanting a family with him is fine BUT THIS EARLY?!JUST AFTER ADMITTING YOU FEEL "SORRY" FOR BETRAYING US?! IT MAKES ME WANNA HURL HER TRHOUGH CONCRETE) but at the same time Satoru and Akemi both deserve someone who can love them. It feels hypocritical to be angry when we ourselves told him to move on and find someone who can love him the way he deserves. It's just very very shitty it had to be them. Sera is also such an interesting character. She has a lot of traits that I admire a lot. Her resourcefulness and complete and utter pride/confidence and being unashamed to ask for things/ stand up for herself (even when she is wrong) is something I wish I had sometimes. Still wanna stick her head through a toilet tho and yet when a person who slept with a married man can see the bloody violation of girls' code that is sleeping with your bff's EX HUSBAND oh BOY you should KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG. I have no strong feelings for Toji (cuz I don't like him much anyways but that's just personal bias XD )but I do think his anger and frustration is well founded especially since he runs over whenever the reader needs him. He's so supportive and invested and honestly he deserves someone who can give that back to him. It's kinda sad but then again I don't like him much to begin with lol.
All in all I hate how much I love this series and love to hate these characters and take out my repressed anger on them cuz I can't do that irl. This series is my Roman Empire lol. It's so painful, yet so beautiful and it makes you FEEL so many things and yet hold out hope for things to become better. I love this, love you and your writing- ok mwah bye bye (and thank you if you read this rant put together by my post nap, barely coherent brain) I have so much more that I want to say. I can write essays about this series and how it uses so many technically "cliche" tropes but it is anything but cliche . Truly some of the best angst I have read like ever!
oh wow !! i don’t even know what to say, this feels like such a comprehensive review of the sy series sdksks but i think many readers could definitely relate with some of ur points here :D this is such a nice perspective to read, thank you so much for sharing and tysm for reading sn/sy aaaaa i’m happy u enjoy the angst as much as i do <3
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yuckyygutz · 11 months
♡ everybody's falling in love , and i'm falling behind ♡
summary : angst, miles picking gwen over u, i was feeling sad today that's my only reason for writing this, ily ♡
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miles morales, the boy you crushed for but sadly, he didn't crush for you back. it started with the end of the events concerning the collider, and somehow all he spoke about was this gwen girl.
he spoke of her as if she was this goddess sent down from heaven to earth, in full honesty, it was getting annoying. you could possibly be doing whatever and gwen would be mentioned.
you minded it, but never showed signs of it, you didn't want to hurt him, now did you? you didn't want to cause problems and accidentally revealed your crush to him, did you? but that's what happened that very afternoon.
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"yeah, and she has the coolest hairstyle ever! it's my fault that most of her hair is gone.. but it looks so sick." Miles ranted about gwen and only gwen. damn, it's like a kid talking about some action movie that he watched last weekend, and it sure did annoy you.
"this is like.. the ninth time you're telling me about her." you spoke back, eyes staring at the sunset sky, the both of you sitting on the rooftop of miles home," it is? sorry.. it's just.. gwen is like.. perfect..." he swooned, that look of love in his eyes sickening you.
a sickly romance in the air..
"of course she is." *I mumbled, sounding sort of passive-aggresive. Of course, miles heard you. he had heightened senses from his powers,"hey, what's wrong? you haven't been talkin' for a while now. you mad or something? did something happen earlier today?"
"what do you mean 'maybe'?"
"i mean maybe something happened."
"Well, maybe, you could tell me what happened?"
"maybe not."
"maybe you should."
"maybe I shouldn't." I said, finishing our 'maybe' thing. you wanted to tell him that you like him, you wanted to tell him so bad, the pain was ripping your chest. but you couldn't, not with whoever gwen was, you couldn't do that to miles. you couldn't do that to.. her.
"dang, well, can you atleast gimme a hint? no names need to be said." Miles said, a smug grin on his face, knowing that you'd comply. you groaned, rolling your eyes and took a deep breath," my crush.. he's always talkin' bout this girl."
miles face suddenly dropper, he felt terrible for you,"man, have you tried atleast telling him? i'm sure that girl is maybe just a good friend of his, don't get too jealous now." He relied, nudging your shoulder playfully but you weren't having it.
"it just hurts me a lot, i've known him longer than she has and suddenly, she's all that comes out his mouth." He wrapped his arm around you, massaging your shoulder with his hand as he gave you a pitiful expression," well, sometimes.. you can't get everything you want in life, so, if he really like her, you gotta accept it. it hurts, for sure, but you gotta.. you know.." he said, trying to soothe you but it clearly wasn't working.
"i just.. really like him..and all he talks about is his stupid girl.. i've got her name in my head because of how much he talk about her. her this, her that, it makes me so damn mad." you said, crossing your arms as you glanced over at him.
"i get what you mean.. i hope everything gi fine for you and him, like how things are doing for me and gwen." and that was it, that's when you snapped. you forcefully took his hand off your shoulder and he was confused to see you back away.
"what's wron-"
"what's wrong is you! you! you and your little obsession with this gwen chick, are you blind?! i like YOU!" you yelled at him, clearly angry. you wanted him to realize you were right there, you were there unlike gwen. heck, she's dimensions away and she's all he cares about.
"you know what, i don't wanna continue this. go with your gwen girl and have fun, bye." you said, slamming the door of the rooftop open and walking down the stairs, walking pass the kitchen and rio noticing how angry you were.
"cariño, ¿qué pasa? why are you leaving so early? are you going home? should i get miles yo accompany you?" she wiped her hands with a cloth on the kitchen counting, walking towards you and looking at you up and down, wondering if you were uncomfortable or hurt.
"i.. just wanna go home. things went down with me and miles and i don't wanna talk about it, please." You mumbled, staring at the ground in embarrassment of letting her catch you.
"Veo. Yo... Hablaré con él, querida. Por favor, ve directo a casa y descansa, amor, que tengas un buen día." (i see.. i'll.. i'll talk with him, dear. please, go straight home and rest, love, have a great day.)
You nodded, picking up your bag from the door hook and left rhe home, waving goodbye to her as you walked away. Now, normally, Rio would have been furious that miles just let you walk out like that without even a goodbye, but she just knew that there was more to that.
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that stupid afternoon where everything fell. your relationship, you were barely in contact anymore, you barely even saw him apart from at school.
for you at least, it was going absolutely wrong, not for the spiderman swinging in the air with some spider girl beside him. Gwen, right?
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 9 months
Steve's Version.
Final part.
Warnings: Angst to fluff.
Eddie's Version ( final part) will be posted soon. What would you all like to see in it? 💕
"You're an idiot Steve Harrington" It's not the fist time Nancy has said it to him, it's the first time it's 100% true though.
She's glaring at him, pissed off at him. Robin has already declared he's a dingus as well.
Nancy had came from yours after girls night to find you growing upset at the romantic movies you were watching with her and Robin.
That lead to her finding about you and Steve and what happened two nights ago, to say she was annoyed at Steve was an understatement.
"Why couldn't you let her down gently. You acted like an asshole Steve and that's not you, not anymore" Robin rolls her eyes at him.
"The dingus is totally crazy about her but thinks she only has eyes for Eddie because she had like a super crush on him for a long time. Steve, anyone with eyes can see that she's smitten with you now"
Nancy turns to him, folds her arms and gives him her best disappointed look.
"If you want to know how she feels then ask her. She's not a mind reader, she doesn't know why you're upset"
Nancy's words ring in his head and he knees he needs to speak with you. He will do it.
Steve didn't expect Eddie to visit him at home but the metalhead barged in glaring daggers at Steve.
"You know yn is trying to put on a brave face but I caught her crying earlier. I don't like seeing her cry, you better have a good explanation for the other night dude?"
Steve doesn't know what to say. He can't tell Eddie how you feel about him? Still feel for him?
"Just butt out man okay. It's between me and her. I'll fix it" Eddie's eyes narrow at him and he stalks forward, anger all over his face.
"I won't have you mess her about Harrington. This is what I was worried about. You fucking with her because you're still in love with Nancy"
Steve snaps then. He's tired and misses you, Eddies comment sends him over the edge.
"I'm not in love with Nancy. Not anymore, I'm in love with yn" Steve yells back and Eddie stops ranting and cocks his head and looks sheepish.
"Oh... Then you need to tell her this dude. She needs to know, instead of worrying herself sick that you have gotten bored of her"
Steve stiffens. He never wants you to think that. Doesn't want to be one of those assholes who mess with people's feelings.
"Where is she?" he needs to see you, clear the air and hope you forgive him for being an idiot.
"She's at home. Don't fuck this up Steve. I mean it"
When your doorbell rings you expect it to be Eddie or maybe Nancy and Robin.
It's Steve, he's holing a bunch of flowers and your feeling of joy is dampened by your annoyance and hurt of the other day.
"What do you want Steve?" he holds out the flowers to you and you take them, smiling a little. They are beautiful, you thank him but you're still mad and want answers.
"I'm sorry I've been a jerk. I can't apologise enough honey. The truth is I realised something a few days ago but I was worried you still had feelings for Eddie"
This softens you just a teensy bit and you shake your head.
"Not anymore. I should have told you but I thought maybe you were still hung up on Nancy" theres a spark of hope inside of you when he shakes his head.
"Fuck no, not anymore. God all of this stupid shit wouldn't have happened if I just talked to you. If we both just communicated"
"I agree. We need to communicate more Steve, we're so good at it usually but with you being distant and saying this is just sex it's made me anxious to try and talk to you"
He gives you a look full of determination and nods.
"That was a lie. This is more than just sex to me sweetheart, when I heard Chrissy and Eddie broke up and I seen you two so close the other night, I got scared that I'd lose you"
Shaking your head you gently rest your palm on his cheek, heart aching he's been so worried. You wish he had just told you this, things could have been resolved quickly.
"I want to be with you Steve, the truth is I'm in love with you and I understand if you don't feel that way I just...
You're cut off as his lips press to yours, he's smiling and looking at you with adoration.
"I love you too honey, I've fallen head over heels for you" the both of you are giddy at this point, the angst of the last few days vanishing.
Steve kisses you sweetly, pulls you close. Whispering words of love and you can't belive this is real.
Just weeks ago you were heartbroken over Eddie, yet in such a short space of time you've fallen in love with the most amazing man.
You're happier than you ever thought possible, all thanks to one drunken night all of those weeks ago.
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stargirlaveblog · 3 months
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Chapter 18
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•Previous Chapter: Chapter Seventeen
•Next Chapter: Chapter Nineteen
•Chapter List
•New chapters every Thursday
•Content: Levi Ackerman × OC female. Slow Burn! Canon verse!
•Word Count: 3.2k
•Warning: This content may not be suitable for all readers. If you've watched all of AOT then you will understand that the show handles heavy subjects such as abuse, racism, violence, and other heavy subjects. This fanfiction will also have the same heavy themes. Chapters with heavy themes will be marked with (*) at each chapter.
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A/N: hey....
So I absolutely hate this chapter with all my soul. It took me a whole month to write. I'm so mad about how things turned out! Totally understand if y'all don't like it. I restarted and deleted this chapter so many times. Also super mad about how I wrote Levi in this chapter. I just want to hurry up and get to the 104th introductions but I have some more writing left before then. bare with me y'all. Sorry for the rant<3 (3-29-24)
I staggered into the pantry, my fingers fumbling over the shelves in search of something to drown out the chaos of my thoughts. But alas, Elenor had beaten me to it, leaving me to grumble under my breath about the injustice of it all. If only I hadn't spilled my flask earlier, I wouldn't be in this sorry state.
Elenor's grip on my ear was like a vice, yanking me away from my futile quest for solace. She muttered something about stains and salvaging, but her words were lost in the haze of my alcohol-addled mind. I stumbled along behind her, my steps unsteady and uneven.
"I can't believe you," she muttered, her disappointment evident in the furrow of her brow. "Do you have any idea how long it'll take to fix this mess?"
"Just dye it black," I suggested with a careless shrug, my focus already drifting elsewhere.
"You are not wearing black to the ball," she insisted, her tone brooking no argument.
"How about we just skip the ball altogether?" I proposed, hoping to evade the impending disaster. "I do it every year. Why change now?"
"You're going and that's an order."
Levi's voice pierced the air, sharp and commanding. Somehow he still managed to slice through the atmosphere even without the precision of a blade at hand. When he spoke, it was all eyes on him no matter where we were.
Startled, I spun around to face him, only to find his formidable figure looming behind me like the specter of authority he was. His expression was etched with a scowl, a silent warning of his displeasure. With his sleeves rolled up, his muscular forearms were on display, revealing how his time and effort had paid off. I couldn't help but notice the way his veins snaked beneath his skin. I watched his finger tap rhythmically against his bicep, a habitual gesture of restraint, he exuded an aura of controlled power that left me momentarily breathless.
I sensed the undercurrent of his pent-up frustration, knowing all too well that I was only adding fuel to the fire. Where had he disappeared to earlier that had left him in such a state of anger? Despite his efforts to conceal it, I could see right through him; after all, I knew Levi better than he knew himself.
"This early?" he remarked, striding closer to inspect the wine stain on my dress. "You're a mess."
"That's rich coming from you," I shot back, my words laced with a hint of defiance as I couldn't help but sneak a glance at the way his arms flexed with each movement. The faint traces of blood stained his sleeves, stark against the crisp white fabric, painting a picture of a man accustomed to trouble. Levi was like a magnet for chaos, and I couldn't shake the nagging thought of whose blood might be clinging to his clothes this time.
"I'm not trying to hide anything," he insisted, his tone laced with irritation. "Unlike you, I wasn't trying to flaunt it."
"Iris," Elenor chided, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Mind your manners. You drunk fool."
"I'm not even drunk!" I protested though the warmth in my cheeks betrayed me. In reality, I had indulged more than I should have, the remnants of last night's revelry still lingering in my system.
"Your cheeks say otherwise," Levi observed, his gaze piercing as he met my eyes. "Not to mention how boldly you're speaking to your captain right now."
"Cry me a river, we're off duty," I shot back, my defiance fueled by the liquid courage coursing through my veins.
"Iris!" Elenor's voice rang out, a note of panic creeping in as she attempted to salvage the situation. "I'm so sorry, Captain Levi. She's been drinking since she woke up. She's been nothing but defiant."
"Let's be honest, she probably never went to sleep after what happened last night. " Levi remarked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he assessed me from head to toe. There was a flicker of something in his gaze, a complex blend of disdain and... another emotion that eluded my drunken mind.
Last night?
"Oh, whatever," I huffed, spinning on my heel to stride away from the brewing tension. I refused to linger and subject myself to their judgmental gazes any longer. After all, it was just a minor mishap with some wine. What's the worst that could come of it?
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The sun hung lazily in the sky, casting a warm glow over our garden as I sprawled on the grass, my mother's voice fading into the background as my thoughts wandered to places they shouldn't dare tread.
"Iris," my mother's voice cut through the haze of my daydreams, pulling me back to reality with a jolt. I blinked, momentarily disoriented, before focusing on her expectant gaze.
"Yes, mother?" I replied, my tone innocent but my mind racing to come up with a suitable explanation for my absent-mindedness.
"What has captured your attention so thoroughly?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in the furrow of her brow. I hesitated, unsure how to articulate the forbidden desires that swirled in the depths of my mind.
How could I tell her that my thoughts had strayed to the forbidden realm beyond our walls? I longed to explore the unknown, to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden in the world outside. The very notion was absurd, blasphemous even. But the urge burned within me, impossible to ignore.
"Iris," my mother's voice snapped me out of my reverie once again, her tone firm but not unkind. I swallowed nervously, my mind still racing as I struggled to find the right words.
"I was just... thinking," I mumbled, my gaze fixed on the ground as I avoided her probing stare.
"About what?" she pressed, her patience wearing thin as she awaited my response. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for her reaction.
"Beyond the walls," I admitted, the words tumbling from my lips in a hushed whisper. My mother's gaze softened, her eyes following mine as we both turned to face the looming structure that cast a shadow over our lives.
The weight of my mother's disappointment hung heavy in the air, she gazed at me, as if realizing a truth she had long hoped to avoid. I could see the reluctance etched in the lines of her face, the weariness of someone who had fought against inevitability and lost.
"I didn't expect you to be interested so soon," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of regret as she set aside our books, her movements slow and deliberate.
"But it seems the time has come for you to learn one of life's most important lessons, Iris."
"Are those ugly things truly that important?" I frowned, gesturing towards the looming walls that loomed on the horizon, their imposing presence a constant reminder of the boundaries that confined us. My mother's gaze hardened, her eyes narrowing slightly as she fixed me with a stern look.
"You must take this seriously, Iris," she admonished, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"Yes, Mother," I replied, my voice tinged with defeat as I slumped back against the grass, the weight of her expectations pressing down on me like a heavy burden. Why couldn't this be a simple answer, a straightforward explanation that made sense to my young mind?
"Good, now listen closely," my mother began, her voice carrying the weight of centuries-old wisdom. "Those walls represent safety and security to all of us. They protect us from the dangers lurking beyond. It's only natural to be curious, but it can also be deadly. We must remember the blessings we have within these walls."
"What's out there that's so dangerous?" I interjected, unable to contain my curiosity any longer. The thought of unseen dangers lurking just beyond our reach sent a shiver down my spine.
My mother took a long, deep breath, closing her eyes briefly as if gathering her thoughts. I watched as her hands tensed up before she released her breath, her gaze meeting mine with a solemn intensity I had never seen before. It was a look that spoke of fear, of caution, of a mother's desperate plea to protect her child from the harsh realities of the world.
"Iris, dear," she started, her voice a soft murmur carrying the weight of untold history, "what lies beyond these walls is a realm of nightmares. Creatures known as Titans roam freely, devouring anything in their path. They're not merely monsters; they're the harbingers of chaos, the embodiment of primal fear."
Titans. The word hung in the air, heavy with the weight of the unknown. I felt a thrill of excitement course through me, mingled with a hint of fear. How had I never heard of these creatures before? What other secrets lay hidden within the confines of our walls, waiting to be discovered?
"Have you seen one?"
"Iris," my mother's voice cut through the air like a knife, sharp and cold. It was a tone she rarely used. I felt my excitement retreat, replaced by a somber silence that enveloped us like a heavy fog.
"No, I have not," my mother finally replied, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I've only heard stories."
"Stories?" I echoed, leaning in closer, eager for any scrap of information about these elusive creatures. "What kinds of stories?"
"The gruesome kind," she answered curtly, her gaze distant as if she were reliving memories best left forgotten.
"So these Titans, they're the reason we can't go beyond the walls?" I pressed, my mind racing with questions and possibilities.
"Exactly," my mother confirmed, her voice firm. "That's why we must stay inside the walls. We are safest within the confines of Wall Sina."
"Has anyone ventured outside the walls?"
"Yes, the Scouts."
"Do you think I could ever—?" I began, only to be swiftly cut off by my mother's stern interjection.
"It is forbidden," she stated firmly, her tone brooking no argument.
"But what about Father?" I persisted, determined to uncover the truth behind my father's mysterious comings and goings. "He always talks about protecting the walls. Is this why? Does he go beyond them?"
A shadow passed over my mother's features, her expression clouded with sadness as she spoke of my father's unwavering dedication to his beliefs. "Your father serves the walls in his own way, my dear," she explained gently. "But his duty lies within these walls, among the faithful who uphold the sanctity of our home."
"Swear on your life, Iris, that you will never attempt to breach the walls."
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The wind howled mournfully, chilling me to the bone as I stumbled through the neglected garden. Dead bushes clawed at my clothes, snagging on the fabric as I pressed forward. The iron gate groaned in protest as I forced it open, the rusted hinges screeching in the darkness. The darkness swallowed the stars, leaving me to navigate by instinct alone. Despite the absence of the moon's guiding light, I pressed on, my steps unsteady and my mind clouded by one too many glasses.
I felt like a lost soul navigating the depths of hell. The darkness was all-consuming, swallowing the stars and leaving me to fend for myself in a world devoid of light.
As I collapsed onto the unforgiving marble bench, the cold seeped into my bones, a cruel reminder of my frailty. My mind was a whirlwind of confusion, my thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind.
Why did I drink this much? What was I trying to forget?
"Get up," Levi's voice pierced through the fog of my thoughts, his tone as sharp as a blade but I refused to yield. His hand reached out to help me, but I recoiled instinctively, my body tensing at the thought of his touch.
"No," I protested, my voice a defiant whisper as I clung to the bench for dear life. "I'm fine."
But the darkness pressed in, weighing me down like an anchor, my limbs heavy with exhaustion and regret. With a frustrated grunt, Levi hoisted me to my feet, his grip around my arm as he dragged me from the bench.
"You're a mess. A sloppy fucking mess," Levi muttered under his breath, his irritation palpable as he struggled to keep me upright. I leaned into him, my head spinning with each faltering step.
"You sound just like him," I muttered, my words slurred and barely coherent as I stumbled alongside him. Levi's touch felt suffocating, his fingers digging into my sides like claws as he propelled me forward.
"Let go," I pleaded weakly, but Levi remained steadfast, his determination unyielding as he pulled me closer. "Please."
But my protests fell on deaf ears, Levi's grip unrelenting as he guided me toward the safety of the house. With each step, I felt the weight of my past bearing down on me, the memories clawing at my consciousness like a ravenous beast.
My breath was taken away as I flung myself out of his grip and on the cold cement.
When will I stop flinching at the slightest brush of a hand, my body recoiling instinctively from any hint of closeness? When will I shed this suffocating cloak of fear that wraps itself around me like a second skin, a constant reminder of the horrors I've endured? When will I find the strength to stand tall, to reclaim my body as my own, untainted by the memories of pain and betrayal? When will I stop cowering from a man's touch, and learn to trust again?
After four years, I'm still fighting for peace.
"I said let go," I whimpered, my voice trembling with fear as Levi knelt beside me, his touch gentle against my clammy skin. "Don't touch me."
But Levi ignored my pleas, his patience wearing thin as he lifted me off the ground once more. I felt his strong arms snake underneath me, effortlessly hoisting me off my feet once again. My head bounced against his chest as he carried me, his expression stoic as ever. Despite my resistance, I couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude towards him, a flicker of warmth in the cold darkness that threatened to consume me.
"God, you smell like a bar," he groaned as he carried me into the house, his voice tinged with annoyance.
Levi's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he carried me up the stairs to my room, his steps deliberate and measured. Despite my drunken haze, I couldn't help but sense the tension radiating from him, like a storm brewing on the horizon. But I was too preoccupied with the swirling chaos in my mind to dwell on his mood.
As he deposited me onto the bed with more force than necessary, I let out an indignant grunt, my limbs splayed out like a ragdoll. Levi's jaw clenched with barely contained anger, his eyes flashing with a mixture of concern and irritation. But I was too intoxicated to notice, too lost in my world of blurred lines and fragmented memories.
"You're a damn fool, Iris," he muttered under his breath, his tone laced with exasperation. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to drink yourself into oblivion like this?"
I waved his words away dismissively, my mind drifting in and out of consciousness. "Relax, Captain," I slurred, a lazy smirk playing on my lips. "It's not like I'm the first soldier to drown their sorrows in a bottle."
Levi's expression darkened at my flippant response, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.
"You think this is funny, Iris?" he snapped, his voice sharp and cutting. "You could have gotten yourself killed out there tonight."
I blinked up at him, the severity of his words finally registering through the fog of alcohol. For a brief moment, I saw the worry etched into his features, the genuine concern that lay hidden beneath his gruff exterior.
But then the moment passed, and I was back to see him as just another authority figure trying to control my every move.
I was in Wall Sina, what's the worst that could happen to me? It's not like a Titan is going to appear randomly here.
"Always the overprotective captain, aren't you?" I teased, a mischievous glint in my eye. "What are you gonna do, put me on kitchen duty for a month?"
Levi's reaction was immediate, his jaw tensing as a flicker of annoyance danced in his steel-gray eyes. He let out a heavy sigh, his frustration palpable as he reluctantly took a seat beside my bed.
"Your insolence knows no bounds," he muttered, his tone laced with a fit of simmering anger. "Perhaps scrubbing the mess hall will help rein it in. Your behavior has been unacceptable."
"Do you even realize how reckless you've been?" he chastised, his voice tinged with exasperation. "You're a walking disaster, leaving a trail of chaos everywhere you go. It's exhausting having to clean up after you time and time again."
"Then don't."
"I'm your Captain. It's my job."
I watched him with bleary eyes, the room spinning around me in dizzying circles. Despite my best efforts to focus, everything seemed to blur together in a haze of confusion and disorientation. Levi's presence beside me was both comforting and unsettling, his silent vigil a stark reminder of how much I had let him down.
"Why are you still here?" I slurred, my words barely audible above the pounding of my own heart. "Shouldn't you be off saving the Walls or something?"
Levi's gaze bore into mine, his frustration seeping as he held my drunken gaze.
"We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning," he reiterated his tone firm but tinged with a hint of concern that he couldn't quite conceal.
"I don't have time to babysit a drunken fool."
I chuckled, the alcohol dulling the sting of his words. "Well, lucky for you, I'm a pro at taking care of myself," I quipped, my words slurring slightly as I struggled to maintain my composure.
Levi's expression softened for a moment, a flicker of something akin to amusement dancing in his eyes before it was replaced by a mask of stern resolve.
"This isn't a joke, Iris," he insisted, his voice cutting through the haze of my inebriation. "You need to take this seriously."
I waved him off dismissively, my hand swatting at an imaginary fly as I leaned back in my seat. "Relax, Captain," I replied, a lazy grin spreading across my lips. "I've got it all under control."
Levi's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin as he struggled to rein in his frustration.
I shrugged nonchalantly, my gaze drifting lazily around the room.
"Hey, we're still alive, aren't we?" I countered, my tone flippant as I brushed off his concerns. "What more do you want?"
Levi opened his mouth to respond, but I was already drifting off, the weight of exhaustion pulling me into its embrace. His words faded into the background as sleep claimed me, leaving me to drift away into a sea of dreams.
When will this end?
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
Can I pls get hcs of Law & Kid with an s/o that mocks them when upset. Ex: the captains be like “don’t do this or this” and their s/o makes a funny face and repeats their words “dOn’T dO tHiS oR tHaT” I woke up giggling imagining their reactions 😭
a/n - I’m dying oml 😭 this was so funny to write istg you anons have the best ideas ever-
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, I bully kid a lot so I’m sorry in advance 💀
Mocking Law & Kid <3
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- “Y/n! Are you even listening to me?? What you did was absolutely dangerous and stupid!”
- Law was on another rant to you about how you have to be more careful, and less “carefree”
- “You always put yourself in danger, don’t do that again!” He shouted angrily, sighing with frustration
- You were fed up, you heard this every single damn time you screwed up something (which may I say was quite frequently- I’m sorry I’m rlly mean wth 💀)
- you made a face, trying to make the same brooding, rbf expression Law always had
- You made your voice go deeper, trying to impersonate him
- “YoU alWaYs puT yoUrseLf iN daNgEr, dOn’t dO thAt evEr aGaiN-“ You said, mocking his tone of voice, crossing your arms with a pout
- He immediately turned around, this man was speechless
- did you just try to impersonate him?
- first off he was screaming inside because he was questioning if he actually sounded like that or not
- secondly, wtf did you just say to him???
- He literally just left the room, leaving you alone and pouting about what he was telling you earlier before your impersonation of him
- Throughout the rest of the day, he didn’t talk to you at all, in fact you really didn’t even see him much
- You started to feel bad.. You knew all he wanted was for you to be safe since he cares about you so much
- So you decided to go look in his office, and when you found him, he didn’t look at you at all
- “Law- I’m sorry about earlier- I know you just want to protect me.”
- “… Do I really sound like that?” He asked with a disgusted looking expression on his face
- If that’s what he actually sounded like, I think he’s gonna puke
- You froze, that’s what he was mad about??
- You laughed, that’s literally the only thing he was mad about-
- “Law- no you don’t sound like that- dummy.” You said, bonking his head with your fist with your signature smile he always loved to see
- He smiled softly, sighing as he got back to working
- You ended up keeping him company for the rest of the day while he worked <3
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- your ass had just been saved by kid.. yet again
- It wasn’t your fault that he was always the one to come rescue you! (It kinda is but nvm that rn 👍)
- “I always have to come save your ass! Just don’t get captured next time!” He shouted with frustration, sitting down in his chair with a sigh
- You huffed, crossing your arms at his reaction
- Didn’t he care about saving you? Was it all just a burden for him?
- You made his signature angry face, showing all of your teeth at once like he did
- “I aLwaYs hAvE to CoMe aNd sAve YoU! dOn’T gEt cAuGht nExT tiMe- yeah that’s SUPER easy Kid.” You said, storming out of the room, leaving Kid alone to contemplate what the fuck just happened
- Math was not computing in his head right now
- Did you just try to impersonate him?
- Huh?
- what?
- confusion
- then anger
- then yelling, “I DON’T FUCKING SOUND LIKE THAT!” Loud enough for you to hear all the way down the hallway
- You couldn’t help but snicker a bit at his reaction, hiding out in your room
- oh hell nah Kid’s angry now
- He started to make something that you absolutely despised, loathed with your entire existence
- he spent around two hours making 15 of them, and once he was finished he chuckled pridefully
- They we’re cockroaches, 15 robotic cockroaches that he could control with a remote
- He immediately took them all towards the closed door of your room
- He placed them through the space between the ground and the door, making them crawl inside all at once
- At first you didn’t notice, you were reading a book, relaxing on a chair in the corner of your room
- You heard the little tapping of the legs on the ground, and then you saw them
- You screamed, seeing 15 of the hugest cockroaches you’ve ever seen start to crawl towards your way so quickly
- Kid could barely contain his laughter from outside your door
- “SOMEONE- KID! HELP ME-!” You screamed, trying to throw different things at them.
- He chuckled, opening the door and lifting you up, letting you hide your vision from the cockroaches
- While you couldn’t see, he used his abilities to be able to grab them all at once, then throw them out the window quickly
- “Look at this.. I had to save you again, dumbass.”
- “Be quiet Kid!” You shouted with a frustrated look on your face
- He laughed at your reaction, but when you found out what he actually did I think you beat his ass so fucking hard 💀
- man couldn’t breathe for a minute after you whooped his guilty ass
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a/n - moral of the story, don’t impersonate these dudes 💀
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 6 months
rant abt my mom bc I am. actually going to Kms ↓ ( it's 10 PM and it's safe to say that since around 1 PM I've been crying. yeah. )
I don't want to cry AGAIN so I'm not going too far but I actually need to let this out
My Mother Dearest might actually have a thing for showing me off to random men at this point. She explicitly uses any opportunity where my dad or brother aren't present to get me in the most stupid horrible situations with disgusting old men.
I don't like makeup or going to the saloon or any of those stereotypical feminine things... but she's OBSESSED with them and
Has a mid life crisis so she's trying to use me to get all the male attention she lives for
Hours earlier, I was getting a picture taken because ?? my mom wanted to? although it's really useless and
I was wearing a really tight sweater UNDERNEATH a really big, comfy jacket.
It is The End Of December so it's pretty cold, and I never take the jacket off on purpose !! but bc I'm wearing a huge comfy jacket It'll be uncomfy to wear something oversized underneath ( which is what I wear when I'm wearing only one layer... listen idk how to explain. U get me )
but now. my Mother dearest. Knowing this. told me to get undressed :))))) Infront of the guy and his camera :))"(+((1!((2(4((£+£33
the situation was so humiliating.
it perfectly showed my body and I DONT LIKE THAT. ESPECIALLY When I'm in a closed room with a man and a camera like what the fuck ??? this is literally a p/rno set up
and my mom actually got mad at me, yelled, and hit me with a hair brush to take the jacket off.
I did end up doing what she told me but I ended up crying so much as she's just yelling at me and insulting me. she kept saying how I need to be beat TO act right and she laughed and made jokes of, and I directly quote "a big masculine black guy beating me so I'll act right"
I've had a massive headache and actually ate close to nothing all day and even now I feel more nauseous than anything. but after we came home and ate she hugged me and said "oh I'm sorry but yknow sometimes U just gotta listen to me!!" you don't KNOW BEST YOU ARENT. god. to tell me what to do. sorry.
my mom wants to be worshipped and for her word to be absolute but... no. very unfortunately for her I have a spine and also I am religious.
she told me "oh just do it !! undress!! and god will forgive you later. just ask for his forgiveness" wtf. also fuck off you're the one going to hell for this ? she may think she escaped or evaded the Very Factual and Actual Sin of NOT DRESSING PROPERLY IN PUBLIC SPACES But I. wasnt. at fault.
her way of speaking was really annoying too... you can't just do something that you know is very much haram and a sin and go "oopsies teehe' like
for her she may have no morals and she evidently did say "I don't care about anything but how good the picture looks." but I do
and i
am tired of being forced to do things against my will, comfort and beliefs.
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goldenflurry · 2 years
“I’m sorry..” Tango’s voice came out softly, if you could see guilt it’d have been draped over each letter. He and Jimmy where in the remains of the ranch house, that was mostly burned down by Scar earlier that day. The cobblestone walls being wht held up the buts of wood they could save, and the only thing keeping the cows from running away, or being stollen. Tango had Jimmy’s burnt hands in his, he had begun carefully wrapping them up, they had been burnt from a mix of putting out the house fire, and Jimmy stopping Tango as he lit up in anger.
“There’s no need to be sorry big man, it was an accident, it’s completely understandable-“ Jimmy trued to defend but, Tango looking up quickly cut him off.
“I’m supposed to be helping my soulmate not hurting them!” Tango exclaimed quickly, he could feel tears forming at the sides of his eyes, which were swiftly wiped away with one of his hands.
Jim’s gaze fell, unsure of what to say, looking at their hands, Tango had carefully wrapped up the burns he had gotten. Jimmy didn’t blame Tango for the extra burns, it was completely understandable to him that Tango would be angry at the ranch house being burnt down. Tango had spent so long making it a nice place for them to live, even adding on a tower. Yet it was burnt up by a simple mistake of taking Scar’s horse. Jim couldn’t, no, he wouldn’t, blame Tango at all. It was his fault the place was lit on fire, he was the one that took the horse. Jim couldn’t blame Tango no matter what happened, it wasn’t Tango’s idea, even if he helped. The two sat in silence as Tango finished wrapping Jimmy’s hands, Tango cared for the burns as well as he could with what little they had in the house, they were poor after all.
“Sorry- I just… it’s not fair to you, I keep hurting you and, there’s nothing you can do about it..” Tango said breaking the silence, he did his best to cover up a waver in his voice.
“Tango..” Jimmy softly called, the sound of Tango’s voice hurt his heart, he could see how distressed the other was.
“You can try to tell me it’s fine- or it isn’t a big deal but, we both know that’s wrong. We both know I am the one continuing to be the reason we’re hurt. I stole away your first life by a stupid accident! Then I burned your hands because I couldn’t control my anger!” Tango continued his rant, his voice breaking as a lump appeared in his throat. Tango couldn’t help but feel emotional, feeling that he wasn’t doing enough, feeling like he was only causing more harm than good. These life series always seemed to have that affect on him, his emotions becoming less controllable. Each season seemingly making it harder to control them, or simply keep them in line.
“Yeah, it’s true. You did burn my hands because you got upset. You built us a home to live in, and it got burned, it’s perfectly understandable that you got mad! Plus, even if you have hurt me you have wrapped up my hands, you’re doing more good than I think you’re giving yourself credit for.” Jim shot back quickly.
Tango looked up at Jim, taking a deep breath, laughing lightly, “I could easily say you’re doing more than I am, you brought the cows, made a whole wheat field, and had the brilliant the idea for a wall so we would be safer.”
“Maybe we’re doing better than we thought.” Jimmy laughed pulling Tango into a hug, “we can’t really blame ourselves, I think we should look at it this way, you made a house, and I filled it. Maybe it got a little burned but, nothing is stopping us from fixing it, like we pick ourselves up, we can pick up the house from the ashes!” Jimmy finished, giving Tango a smile, glad to see a small one returned from the fiery male in his arms.
Tango hummed lightly in agreement, snuggling into the gentle hold Jim had on him, things couldn’t be that bad. “Yeah, you’re right.. things could definitely be worse.” He agreed, letting out a sigh.
“Exactly! We’re a team here and together we can figure things out, so don’t worry about it so much my man.” Jimmy said happily relaxing on the bed, Tango’s natural body heat was soothing, slowly lulling Jim to sleep, Tango following soon after.
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timeoverload · 3 months
Today was a pretty easy day for me. I had 29 cases but it wasn't as stressful because they weren't moving too fast. Nothing bad happened except I still haven't found that muscle hook. Hopefully it turns up tomorrow. I was happy that I got to eat breakfast and lunch and it wasn't terrible.
I did get very angry with the morning team lead earlier. He started telling me how he feels about trans people and I do not agree with his opinions. I told him I didn't want to have a debate about it but he wouldn't stop so I sort of blew up on him. He was telling me that he thinks trans people are mentally ill and he refuses to treat them with respect because he doesn't believe in that. He's always preaching about God and going to church every Sunday but obviously it hasn't taught him how to be a compassionate person. I remember a verse from the bible that says, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." I think he needs to read the book again. I believe if God exists then they created trans people and Jesus loves everyone. They have always existed and it's not a trend. He tried to argue that they are just "seeking attention" but I don't believe that's the case. I think all humans can be attention seeking and that's just the way we are. He needs to stop hating people just because he doesn't understand them. He said that we will have to agree to disagree and I was so mad that I had to leave the room. I also don't think that was an appropriate conversation to be having at work period. I don't want to be forced to be around a transphobic asshole. I barely said a word to him the rest of the day. He says so many horrible things and thinks it's funny. I don't think he realizes how mean he is. He was talking about one of the surgical techs and couldn't remember her name so he referred to her as "the ugly bridge troll". He makes so many disrespectful comments about women. He told me he would leave his fiancée if she didn't shave her legs and I think that's shallow as fuck. He believes a man should make all of the decisions in a relationship and I don't agree with him. He is just so rude and has the biggest ego. He's always pissed about something. I know I have been complaining about him a lot but I am forced to spend hours of my life working with him by myself. I hate coming in to work in the morning now. I think maybe karma is starting to catch up with him because he has been having a lot of bad things happen to him. He has been having a health issue and may need to go on leave. I don't want anything bad to happen to him just because I don't like him but it would be nice to not be around him for a while. He said he is going to come back to work the next day after his procedure because he "lives to work". He's crazy and irresponsible. He also spends at least half of his day talking instead of working anyway. I already know his doctor isn't going to let him do that. He thinks it's fine for him to come in to work anyway and is expecting everyone else to wait on him and bring him stuff to do while he sits. I'm not doing that and that's a bad idea for so many reasons. I really need to stop talking about him but I have been bottling it up and he has been driving me bonkers. I am going to try to stay away from him as much as possible. I'm sorry for going on a rant.
Anyway, there was an add-on at 4:15 and that didn't get done until 4:45. I didn't leave on time because it took me a while to get everything cleaned up but it's ok. I'm so glad I'm home and that it's almost the weekend. I am feeling strange right now. I think I might be getting sick but I can't tell. I have a sore throat but it's not that bad so maybe I will feel better in the morning. I am very tired and achy though. I'm sorry I haven't been on here as much. It's hard to use my phone at work and when I get home I am so sleepy. I am probably going to order a new phone on Friday. I have fallen asleep several times lately with the light on and my keyboard in my lap. I think I need to go eat something really quick and get ready for bed. I need to relax because I have 32 cases tomorrow and it might be a rough day but I hope it isn't. I don't like Thursdays very much but I will try my best to make it a good day.
I hope everyone else has a wonderful day tomorrow!!! Thank you for listening to me vent because that means a lot to me. Talking about stuff usually helps me feel better. I love you all!!! :) 💖💖💖
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cursedvibes · 1 year
Sorry I have to rant, I just saw post on reddit about how Gege hates his main trio and has completely destroyed them(I'm paraphrasing) and I get it everyone has their own opinions and they can complain etc etc but the whole thing was so dumb!😭 Literally stupid reasons only because they have made so many assumptions about how the story would/should go. These last two chapters have caused such a mayhem in the fandom. People are impatient, quick to make predictions, and get upset when they things don't happen their way. And that's one thing I really don't understand and absolutely hate, how fans of a media think that they know how the story should go better than the creator itself, especially if it's something like a manga which is released on a chapter by chapter basis. Only two chapters have been out! There is more to come! Don't be hasty to judge and please have some patience! Hell! even the shippers are mad I don't know if you ship fushiita, sukuita or sukufushi but it's really chaotic right now. Fans seem to think Yuuji's only purpose was being a vessel(which is a pretty gross way to think about him in my opinion) and now he's useless. Btw thanks for the earlier ask you answered about this because I was also upset about it but that had more to do with 'megumi is the perfect vessel actually' and not Sukuna being separated from Yuuji, anyway you really helped me deal and understand it. Thank you for that! Your blog feels like a safe haven for Yuuji and Kenjaku fans. They're both so underrated and completely overshadowed by other flashier characters (megumi, Yuuta and getou respectively) I cannot tell you how happy I was that I've found like-minded people like you. They're both my faves and I feel so sad that they're ignored by most of the fandom especially Kenny who's only misfortune is being in gojou's ex's ex body.
Well, I got completely derailed and this is more of a rambling than a vent. Sorry for sending such a long ask😅. Thank you for being a part of this fandom. Also, you are very funny even your tags are so hilarious, they make my day. Keep up the good work! And have a good morning/night!
Thank you for the nice words! Funny on the internet and having correct takes on fictional characters, such high praise 😌 I'm gonna add it to my CV
It is quite a shame that Kenjaku is so unpopular. Honestly don't know why? They have the looks, the smarts, the connection to the main character (although somehow that often gets overlooked beyond the milf jokes), they drive the entire plot and have an entertaining personality. But most of the time people don't even notice that. They're just Geto 2.0.... Or a grumpy conservative old man. No idea where that characterization came from or why it's so prevalent, but especially in fanfics I see it a lot.
Yuuji is very popular, but he's often turned into Pink Naruto, despite them being very different besides some standard shonen tropes. Naruto without Kurama is unthinkable (well until Boruto happened, but that was after Naruto's main development was already over), so the same must apply to Yuuji, right? If Yuuji doesn't have Sukuna, what's the point?
Also, I don't know what it is with this fandom and going off the rails every break week. Like clockwork the "Yuuta is the real mc because he stronk and his laser beam go pew" take comes back every time and people make up the wildest stuff. I'm surprised by how many genuinely think Yuuji is dead dead. Done. Story over I guess. Megumi hasn't gotten any points, so that's clearly not the case yet. If not, he obviously has to throw around some Infinity-level technique to "prove" he's the mc. They also already see Hana at the bottom of Megumi-Sukuna's stomach I guess and/or Yuuji as Angel's new host. Somehow...how would she even get to him so fast? And sure, switch one manipulative 1000 yo sorcerer for another...what a fun and unique concept. At this point I'm more looking forward to the next leaks because it will give people something meaningful to talk about than the story (not true, I really want to know what happens next, but these takes are very annoying).
I haven't heard that Gege hates the main trio before, but I certainly see it paraded around a lot in regards to Yuuji, even though Gege clearly says in the fanbook that that comment was simply about how he is hard to write and they want to make sure to do him justice. Of course an author can get a bit exasperated, but that doesn't mean they hate the character. If that was the case, Gege wouldn't put this much thought into Yuuji.
In regards to the trio, with how jjk works and everything that's been happening, there was no way they would stay together (assuming that's what people take issue with). It's basically a tradition. Sashisu, Nanami & Haibara, Maki's group, the Kyoto gang, they all got separated, some even died. Honestly, it would be pretty unrealistic for the Tokyo trio to stay together. And as you said, things just started to pick up, much can happen. Megumi is probably gonna resurface for at least a little bit before he dies - or not who knows. Nobara's situation is a bit iffy, but she was never as important as Megumi or Maki so eh. If she comes back, I need her to be properly integrated into the story. She has no connection to the current plot, any of the main villains or adds to the lore. Her coming back with some new strong technique would be nice, but what's her function gonna be besides moral support for Yuuji and killing some less important enemies? So far I don't feel like she needs to come back for parts of the plot to progress. If she doesn't, it wouldn't be a huge loss. Therefore, if it happens, I need some character exploration for her. I still think it would be neat if her grandma somehow shows up and does...idk something, but she sounds awesome (knew from the start not to trust Jujutsu Tech, best woman) I want to know more about her.
I don't really ship any combination of Yuuji-Sukuna-Megumi, so I don't know what happened on their side. Fanartists have put out some very dramatic, traumatic and bloody ItaFushi art recently, which I appreciate, but that's all I know. After ch 212 I got the impression shippers liked the new development for the angst. Didn't know that changed, but I'm really not that in touch with that side of the fandom. Either way, Yuuji not being a vessel anymore sounds more like it would be beneficial for them (separate bodies and all) unless you're really into the possession trope.
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mortemoppetere · 1 year
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TIMING: early april PARTIES: @rhythmicmeow & @mortemoppetere SUMMARY: leticia rescues emilio from a chatty bar patron and decides he's her friend now. he doesn't get a say. for once, he's not mad about it. CONTENT WARNINGS: alcohol consumption
It wasn’t exactly rare for Emilio to find himself sitting at the bar. While he did enjoy cheap whiskey in the comfort of his own living room more than a bar full of strangers, it was important to… unwind, sometimes. Talk to someone who could talk back, even if it only served to irritate him. And right now? It was irritating him.
The man had slid next to him and just started talking. Another night, Emilio might have found some way to shut him up — a punch to the face, or maybe an offer to get out of there that would at least make the man’s company a little more bearable — but he found he wasn’t in the mood tonight. He should have stayed home, really; all he wanted was to drink in peace. But here was this man, rambling on and on about something Emilio couldn’t even keep up with anymore. He dropped his head against his fist, eyes screwed tightly shut. Fucking Wicked’s Rest. 
Leticia ducked into a bar after work. The shop had been open for just a week and the store had been swarmed with teenagers and young college students from the local campus - it had been a lot. And after the closed sign had been flipped over, she had been left with a lot of extra energy and no place to direct it. At least until she saw an overly exhausted man sitting at the bartop and someone else, a few seats down, yell-talking to the other man. A life story that no one had signed up for, it seemed. 
Taking a seat next to the exhausted man, Leticia shrugged off her jacket. “Sorry, I didn’t realize how late it was but you know teenagers, you say the shop is closing and suddenly they’re invested in the fly on the wall and won’t leave.” She flashed the man who had been ranting earlier a bright smile. “Thanks for keeping him company! Lord knows he would have died from boredom without you.” She had dismissed the stranger in the friendliest of ways, she just needed her new friend to play along unless he wanted to suffer through another rambling story. 
For a moment, Emilio thought the stranger who slid onto the barstool next to him had mistaken him for someone else. She spoke with a familiar tone, as if they knew each other well and planned on meeting up here tonight. He was about to let her know she had the wrong guy when she turned to the man who’d been talking his damn ear off and things clicked into place. Ah. Not a case of mistaken identity — a rescue attempt. Emilio hid a smile behind his glass, taking a swig of whiskey and offering the woman a nod. “No problem. It happens.”
The stranger on his other side looked disappointed, something flickering across his face as he glanced between Emilio and the new addition. “Ah, my bad, bro,” he said, shaking his head. “Didn’t realize you were meeting a date here. Hey, if you want my number —”
“I don’t have a phone,” Emilio deadpanned, sliding his phone off the bar and into his pocket. The man looked a little offended, but seemed to have gotten the idea. With a shrug, he slunked away, off to find another victim. Emilio let out a small sigh of relief, turning to face the woman who’d ‘saved’ him from a very boring fate. “Appreciate the assist. Five more minutes and I think I would’ve put my head through the bar.”
Covering her mouth, Leticia hid an ill placed laugh as her newfound companion claimed to not have a phone. It was cold and brilliant all in one. “I’ll have to remember that line, that was good,” she whispered. Though considering how many times she had been in this position, where someone had asked for her number and refused to take a hint - it wasn’t as funny as the moment felt. A simple no should have been enough, but considering the short snapshot that Leticia had seen of their behavior, a no would have led to some uncomfortable begging. 
Some people refused to take a hint. No matter how obvious it was. 
“I wasn’t sure if you were going to fall asleep or yeah - put your head through the bar. Wouldn’t blame you either way. Five minutes is longer than I would have lasted. But mom always did say I lacked patience.” Leticia huffed a laugh and waved down the bartender, ordering a drink before turning back to her ‘date.’ “Leticia,” she offered. “And I’m… well, I’m new in town. Please tell me this isn’t the bad bar in town and that it’s just that one guy who is ruining it.” 
“Gets the hint across,” Emilio replied with a shrug. It wasn’t a position he was in often, of course; he got the feeling she dealt with things like that a lot more than he did. Maybe that was why she’d stepped in as she had — maybe she was returning a favor someone had done for her once, when she’d been in such a position. Emilio wondered if he’d be expected to do the same now, if there was some chain reaction he’d unwittingly become a part of. He’d do it, but Christ, it was annoying that such a thing was necessary. 
At least this conversation was better than the one that had preceded it. So far, she was much less annoying than the man she’d chased away. It wasn’t saying much, of course. Most people would fall farther back on the ‘annoying’ scale than that guy had. But it was something, at least. A way to pass the time. He needed that, sometimes. “Ah, you don’t think it’s a virtue?” His tone was dry, with a slight teasing lilt. He’d never been particularly good at patience himself, truth be told. Five minutes might have been a generous estimate. “Emilio. Not here long myself, but it usually isn’t so bad here. Better than other bars, at least.”
The word risky hung on the tip of Leticia’s tongue, but maybe, in this scenario, it wasn’t. He had her as backup, so if the man had pushed any further, there would have been a witness - and it would have been messier than the usual brand of uncomfortable. But there was an ease in the transition from creepy unwanted conversation to something lighter. A shade friendlier than Leticia had expected. “A virtue, yeah. And humility. Both I’ve, uh, failed on several fronts?” In her line of business, humility might have been good in some cases, but in most? It was a weakness that critics would have used to tear her down. A crack in the armor that would have been exploited. And seeming to be untouchable was preferred to looking vulnerable. 
Words hurt less when you pretended they meant nothing. 
Funny, coming from a musician. 
“And it looked like you were suffering for your virtue. And dying of boredom? Worst way to go.” Leticia let out a small, dramatic whistle, all the while smiling. “Emilio?” She repeated, committing the name to memory. “Not the tour guide I was looking for then.” Regardless, he had a view of this place that Leticia didn’t. A different experience. And if nothing else, a companion to waste the night with in a bar. “What made you pick Wicked’s Rest? The amazing company and conversation?” She teased lightly. 
“Humility is overrated,” Emilio replied, smiling faintly. That was one virtue his mother hadn’t cared for. If you were good at something, she’d said, make it known. Humility served no purpose when lives were on the line. It hadn’t come up as often with Emilio as it had with his siblings, of course. He’d never had to worry much about humility because he’d never been good enough at anything to inspire it. His siblings were better hunters than he was, his sister a better parent. It was only humble to claim you weren’t the best if it wasn’t true. 
Not that it mattered now, he supposed. Mexico was a world away, and no one was left to comment on his feelings outside Emilio himself. And, for the moment at least, he’d rather drink than dwell on them. Maybe that would be different tomorrow. The possibility made him think he ought to enjoy tonight while he could.
“Ah,” he said, clicking his tongue and shaking his head, “I’m nothing if not a martyr.” It was funnier if you knew him, he thought, if you knew just how badly he wanted it to be true. Or maybe it wasn’t funny at all. His sense of humor had never been a universal thing. “Not much of a tour guide, I’m afraid. But I can tell you which bars won’t kick you out for not paying your tab.” It was, in his opinion, very useful information to have. At the question, he shrugged a shoulder and lifted his glass to his lips again. He knew the answer, of course, but telling a stranger that you were a vampire hunter who’d moved to this town because it seemed like there was a high probability of dying for your cause there was probably not the best idea. “No specific reason, I think. It just… seemed like a good place to rest for a while. How about you?”
“My mother would hate you,” Leticia huffed a laugh, but that warm feeling of familiarity was fleeting. It was too soon to be happy and mention her family. Too soon to think about her mother, who was running with the wind, and be comfortable. Grief was quick to pull down her mood, but Leticia covered her mouth and coughed, pretending like it was a passing moment - just something stuck in her throat. Nothing more. Humility would keep her alive, her mother would say. It would keep the rangers from sniffing her out, it would keep her safe - it would keep her unknown. Something that she had echoed time and time again. And Leticia had ignored her every time. Maybe she should have listened. Maybe things would have been different.
Taking a quick sip of her drink, burying the grief as deep as she could. Drowning it in whatever she could find. She needed this more than she realized. 
“Very noble of you. Your drunk brethren are eternally grateful, I’m sure.” But the dry humor was enough to cut into the thoughts she had given more life to. “Can you tell me which bars have an open mic?” It’d probably be the kind of bar that Emilio didn’t enjoy, but he would be sure to remember it as one to avoid. “Ha, rest.” It likely wasn’t the joke that Leticia made it out to be, but she snickered nonetheless. The question turned on her, and she should have expected it - should have prepared a lie that was convincing. Instead, she looked at her drink and shrugged. “Seemed like a good idea at the time. It was one of those… throw a dart at a map and just go sort of moves, ya know?” 
“Eh, most mothers do.” His own had never been his biggest fan, and Juliana’s mother had soured on him over time, too. He glanced to the woman at his side, recognizing that look on her face in spite of how fleeting it was. Emilio knew grief well enough to pick it out of a crowd. It was like an old friend, one so familiar to you that you knew their face with as much surety as you knew your own. No more talk of mothers, then. That was preferable to him, too. Thinking of his own still hurt in ways he couldn’t quite wrap his head around, for reasons he wasn’t sure he understood. There was a selfish sort of comfort in knowing he wasn’t the only one sitting at this bar that felt such a way.
Her next question caught him off guard. Looking at her, he wouldn’t have taken her for the sort of person who might enjoy an open mic… but, in all fairness, Emilio didn’t know enough about karaoke to know what kind of person would. Maybe it would have been obvious to him if things like that were things that made more sense in his mind. “Maybe a place downtown. College kids like that, ¿sí?” Emilio tended to avoid such scenes. He preferred dive bars, where the drinks were cheap and the questions came few and far between. He furrowed his brow, taking a moment to understand what she was laughing at but huffing a quiet chuckle when it dawned on him. “Guess I walked into that one.” He nodded as she told her own story, though he suspected it was abridged. “Might not be the best place for a dart to land.”
It would be a stranger in a bar she randomly decided to stumble into that would make Leticia think. He hadn’t pressed any buttons, it was entirely her own doing. But between the sadness and the grief, she didn’t feel the judgment she had expected from the wider world. A blessing, perhaps, that she was just another face in the crowd in this town and not the girl who shifted on stage. Maybe she was no better than that ranting man who was sitting in the corner now, unloading his entire life on Emilio just a few moments before. 
But if Emilio felt the same way about her, he was doing a masterful job of hiding it. 
Leticia wrinkled her nose, imagining a bar filled with the same young adults she had been dealing with for the better part of the morning. Probably not a good idea to hang out with the same crowd after hours. “Gross,” she mumbled, before quickly going to correct herself. “I mean, yeah I’m sure that’s where some might be. I just see a lot of that crowd at my shop,” she quietly admitted. “So, spending after hours with them too? Not high on the list. Oh well.” It took him a moment but eventually the joke landed and Leticia chuckled again. “Well, there are worse places to be, believe me.” Caught in the woods. Back home, in an empty shell of a house. “Besides, you came here for no reason. Don’t think you’ve got the high ground on this one.”
He huffed a surprised laugh at her response to his suggestion, shaking his head. “No, I think gross is right. Those kids are always so…” He trailed off, making a vague gesture with his hand. “Llenos de energía. Makes me tired just looking at them.” Certainly not something he wanted around when he was trying to unwind with a drink. Emilio liked kids, he did. But there were times when he would rather be in adult company. Like here, like now. This conversation wasn’t one he could see himself having with a college student looking to test the limits of their fake ID. 
“You have a shop? What kind?” It caught his attention a little, if only because of the nature of many of the shops in Wicked’s Rest. If she owned a magic shop or a weapon store, it would tell him a thing or two about her. It might also come in handy if he needed something in that area in the near future. Befriending someone who sold weapons would be a wise move for someone who went through as many knives as Emilio did… but if most of her clients were college kids, he doubted Leticia was slinging blades. “Ah, but there were no darts involved. I think that gives me some high ground.”
Snorting, Leticia covered her mouth to muffle a laugh. He wasn't wrong. There were times where Leticia wasn't sure how the hell they managed to keep up the energy - it was as if there was an endless stream of energy that only they could touch. There was a time when she had been able to bounce off the walls and use that energy to perform, but that was so long ago. (Was she getting old?) "A shame we outgrew that trick."
Though, if she had that kind of energy now, would it be any good? Or would it be just a path quicker to death?
"A record shop, The Vinyl Countdown. Doubles as a radio studio." It was the most mundane business to have in a town like Wicked's Rest. But Leticia was clinging to normalcy. And the fragile memories of her father. "I actually think not using a dart is worse. I came here by the pure will of God. You chose to come here. We are not the same," she teased. 
“Ah, speak for yourself. I’m young and spry.” He wasn’t. He hadn’t been full of college kid levels of energy since before he became a father, and he’d certainly lost whatever was left of it when he stopped being one. But he thought the joke might be funny, anyway, even to someone he’d only just met. 
A record shop. Nothing of interest to Emilio, really, though he tried not to let the disappointment show on his face. He didn’t want to be rude, after all; he just didn’t have much use for music. It wasn’t something his mother had found particularly important growing up, for a lot of reasons, so there was none of the nostalgia that most people felt when a tune started to play. It was just… one of many, many things that Emilio didn’t quite understand. “Sounds nice,” he offered, because it seemed the polite thing to do. He snorted at her insistence that ending up here by chance was far more understandable than coming here intentionally, because… well, she wasn’t entirely wrong, was she? “Okay, fair enough. You regretting that dart practice yet?”
Another laugh came as easily as the last, and for a moment, all the shit in the world felt further away. The exact thing Leticia had been looking for when she stepped into the bar. It felt like ages since she was able to simply exist in her body around someone. "I'm sorry young man," Leticia teased. "When you get to be my age, it's hard to tell the age of anyone. All you kids look the same. You'll understand when you're older."
There was no excitement in his voice when he replied and Leticia found herself wondering why there was a distance between himself and music. Most people would share their favorite bands or something else - but sounds nice? She thought about raising the question, but thought better of it. The last thing that Emilio likely needed tonight was an impromptu interrogation about music of all things. "You know..." Did she regret it? Leticia had never given herself a moment to think about it, if this was the place she wanted to land and come home to. "Of all the bullshit I do regret, I think ending up here is pretty low on the list. Save the self pity for the big problems, right?" 
A smirk ghosted across Emilio’s face, rare but genuine. It was always better when someone played along with your stupid jokes, even for someone like him whose jokes were often little more than dry remarks or wry comments. “No, no,” he said, waving a hand. “I’ll be young forever. You know how it is.” Maybe that joke was funnier in a town like this, where a decent size of the population really didn’t age. 
Something seemed to cross her face at his response, which wasn’t entirely surprising. Music was important to people, and they often didn’t understand why it wasn’t important to Emilio. It was one of those many, many things that set him apart from other humans, one of those little quirks his mother had beaten into him to make sure he’d always be just a little different. He wasn’t sure how much of it was intentional and how much of it was a strategy to ensure he wouldn’t find himself too ingrained in the portion of society she’d thought he had no business being a part of. He wasn’t sure how much it mattered. He studied Leticia as she spoke, nodding his head thoughtfully. Save the self pity for the big problems. Not bad advice. “Think that’s a nice way of thinking of it,” he offered. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think this is the worst place you could have ended up.” Not bad for him, either. She was a decent conversation partner, at least.
Young forever. On the surface, that seemed like a dream. People loved their youth, wanted to stay in that same frame of body for their entire lives. But forever was a long time. Even longer with the mental struggles of dealing with... everything. Leticia didn't envy those who did have an eternity here. But still, she laughed. The ache that came with the idea of eternity felt further away in his company. It was strange that a stranger could keep the darkness away while playing with it in the same motion. "That's what they all say. Call me when you get your first gray. I'll give you the over the hill speech."
Irrational optimism was something that Leticia had mastered early in life. She had to focus on the silver linings otherwise she'd lose control and be the monster that rangers hunted and humans feared. Control over her outlook was the one thing she had, and nothing could make her give that up. Meeting his gaze, she returned the nod with a slight shrug, a smile in the corner of her mouth. "This place isn't boring at least," she replied, eyeing the man who had been rambling to Emilio earlier. It felt like such a shift, now that she was sitting down and thinking about it. Her life on stage. In New York - around the world. And this is where she ended up. "You know, for someone who wanted to drink in peace, you sure are making me think a lot." 
“You’ll be waiting a while for that call.” And that, at least, was probably the truth. Hunters didn’t tend to end up with gray hair and wrinkled skin, though not because they were immortal. Dying young was its own kind of loophole to aging, and hunters were good at that. Emilio had already made it far longer than he’d ever expected to. If he was being generous, he figured he had a year or two left. Probably less. Not enough time to end up with gray hairs to call strangers about, in any case. 
Not boring was certainly one way to describe Wicked’s Rest. There was always something going on, always some strange event twisting the town up into something else, something different. Emilio had only been there a short time, but he’d already taken notice of it. It was an easy place to disappear, if you weren’t human. It was an easy place to die, if you were. His answer for which option was the most tempting seemed to change day to day now. He huffed a quiet laugh as Leticia said he was making her think, shrugging a shoulder. “What can I say? Soy perspicaz. I have lots of interesting things to say.” He paused, picking up his glass and swirling the liquid around. “But drinking in silence could be fun, too.”
Wrinkling her nose, Leticia leaned to the side, looking over his face carefully. Leaning back into her seat, she made a noise and then shrugged a shoulder. "I think it might be coming sooner than later. But don't worry," she offered with a smirk. "I'll make sure to have some options for you. Hair dye - some face cream. You won't look a day over twenty." Part of her had felt the need to tell him that aging wasn't the worst thing that could happen to him, but judging by the way he drank, maybe that wasn't what he was talking about at all.
But who was she to judge? He was doing exactly what she had wanted to do. But Leticia was too scared of losing control again. Too scared of her own shadow to breathe properly. Maybe another drink would settle her mind, so she waved slightly to the bartender, silently ordering another drink.
"Uh huh," she murmured. "I could always call your friend back over if you need more conversation. Maybe he'll appreciate your perception." There was no heat behind the threat, but Leticia wiggled her eyebrows and pretended to look half interested in calling them back over. "Too late for that," she waved her hand at his glass. "It's your turn. What do you do for a living here?" 
Faint amusement danced in his eyes as she looked him over, brows shooting up when she insisted that old age was coming for him sooner or later. The idea of putting cream on his face or dyeing his hair to stop it seemed laughable. If a hunter did grow into a wrinkled, gray-haired thing, they tended to wear it as a mark of pride. A trophy of sorts, for surviving against all odds. It wouldn’t be Emilio, but he’d seen others get there. His mother, his uncle, Rhett. “I think I’d rather… ah… age gracefully. No dye or cream for me. No shame in looking your age, is there?” 
He leaned back in his seat as she ordered another drink, taking the opportunity of the bartender’s attention being turned in their direction to do the same. He’d had enough already that the bartender gave him a dubious look, but not so much that they refused to serve him. A few more, and he knew that would be the case. Until then, he’d take what he could get.
“Ah, let him move on. You’re going to serve him a broken heart, letting him get hung up on me.” He knew there was little chance of her actually calling the man back over, despite not knowing her well. Detectives were perceptive, after all, and he could tell that Leticia wasn’t the sort to engage in such ‘punishments.’ Even if Emilio might deserve it for the comment. Huffing another quiet laugh, he tapped his finger against his glass. “Private investigator,” he replied. “You’d think that would mean less college kids bothering me. Not always true.”
Leticia moved on without lingering on why he was so adamant that he wouldn't switch grays up and that if he did he wouldn't hide them. Hoping he'd see it for what it was, a buffer of respect. Not disinterest. "Maybe you'll get lucky and it won't be just one random white spot on your head. Could end up with a skunk stripe. Might look cool, actually."
She held in a laugh again, pulling her gaze away from the man before he noticed the pair eyeing him again. Not to spare the man from another ‘broken heart,’ but to spare herself from having to look him in the eyes again and say no, it wasn’t an invitation for conversation. “Wouldn’t have pegged you as the heartbreaker type. Besides, I think I broke his heart for you last time. I’m due some credit here.” Leticia noticed the look that Emilio got from the bartender, and she shot him one herself. An arched brow and a silent question. Were they going to get kicked out because of him?
A private investigator. Leticia found herself ready to ask Emilio his rates and see if he was taking on more cases. The only thing that held her back was the reality of who she was and what she was. Could she ask a human to help her? Would he be able to if she had to censor half the important information? She bit her tongue but kept his profession in mind. If she couldn’t make any headway in the next few months - turning to a human wouldn’t be the worst idea she’s had. “What do teenagers need help with so much they need a PI? Rich kids mad the poor kid scored higher than them and need dirt on them?” 
“I don’t think that happens to people,” Emilio protested. He’d never seen anyone with a single stripe of white in their hair before, but, to be fair, he hadn’t seen many people with white in their hair at all. Growing up exclusively around hunters would do that to a guy. “Maybe you’ll get a skunk stripe.” 
Smirking, Emilio looked at his glass on the bar to avoid the urge to look at the man they were speaking of. He was the type who’d take it as an invitation to rejoin them, Emilio could tell. And neither he nor Leticia wanted that. In fact, he doubted anyone wanted this particular man engaging them in conversation if all his attempts were like what he’d subjected Emilio to. Getting stabbed sounded like more fun. “Ah, I’ve broken plenty of hearts.” Absently, his thumb rubbed against the wedding band still sitting upon his finger, the one he’d never managed to convince himself to take off. He was good at breaking things. Hearts included. “Okay, you want to be the heartbreaker? I’ll let you have it all to yourself.”
Something seemed to cross her face, though not the usual curiosity people seemed to carry when they heard what he did for a living. Most people were curious because they assumed it was something more exciting than it was. Leticia seemed curious in a much more personal way. But she didn’t voice whatever question was on her mind, and Emilio decided to respect it. If she wanted to ask whatever it was, she’d ask it. If she didn’t, he wouldn’t get anywhere by forcing the subject. “Had one come to me about a lost cat. Another had someone blackmailing her, wanted me to look into it. And… a few do want dirt on their classmates. I usually tell those no.” Digging up dirt on adults was one thing, but kids? Emilio couldn’t justify it, no matter how much he needed money.
“It absolutely happens to people. Just because you haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it’s never happened.” Leticia brought two fingers to her eyes and then pointed them at Emilio’s, “You better watch out or your first experience with it is going to be you.” Taking a glance at her own hair, she frowned. “I could pull it off. You might come out blotchy, but I’ll age like fine wine, thanks.” The words came out easily, like they had been friends for a few decades and not for under an hour. It was strange. But a good kind of strange. 
“I don’t want to be a heartbreaker out of pity. That’s insulting.” Leticia had broken the hearts of fans before, she was sure. A romantic connection, though? Never. Fame had put her out of touch with most people and out of reach of anyone she might actually want to talk to. It… muddled things too much. And Leticia had never been sure if the highs of having a partner would be worth all the risk that came with it. Even without the fame, she wasn’t sure how to open that door without revealing too much. Shit was complicated. But wasn't everything?
“Tell me you found the cat,” Leticia said quickly. Clearing her throat, she leaned back in her chair and then shrugged. “I mean. Pets are important, you know? They’re like family.” The college students blackmailing each other was just as alarming, but it only brought one thought to the forefront of her mind: “Glad I skipped college if that’s how they act. Christ.” It was an interesting occupation. She couldn’t imagine he was ever bored - but that was likely why he was there, drinking himself numb with a bartender giving him glances that looked like harsh warnings. Too much to drink or was the bill too high. Leticia made brief eye contact with the bartender again before awkwardly looking away. “I thought high school drama was bad. Where do these kids have all this free time to have a job and go to college and blackmail?” 
“Have you ever seen it?” He challenged, raising a brow and crossing his arms over his chest. She’d probably seen old age more often than he had, though he wasn’t entirely sure she wouldn’t say yes just to make herself look more reliable here regardless of whether or not it was the truth. “I don’t know about that. I think you’d look more like a skunk than I would, with the long hair. I could make mine look like a choice, if I wanted.” As if anything about Emilio’s appearance was a choice instead of just something that happened. Even his clothing style was limited to what he could ‘find.’ He’d gotten lucky that someone in his building had been throwing out a few trashbags full of clothes that fit him shortly after he’d moved in.
She was easy enough to talk to, which was odd. Most people weren’t, especially for Emilio. But Leticia responded to everything like it was a joke, like it didn’t matter, and there was something relaxing about that even if it was all for show. Sometimes, you needed something light to keep you on your feet. “If you stop taking things out of pity, you might not be left with much,” he warned her, tone dry even as amusement sparked behind his eyes. 
Uncrossing his arms to take his glass in his hand again, he smiled faintly. “Never even had to leave the kid’s apartment. It was under her couch the whole time, just hiding out. Couldn’t make myself charge her for it.” That was the problem every time he took a case that wasn’t the usual fare — he always had a hard time taking money for them. When a case was important, when it meant something, there was a strange sense of guilt that came with the concept of making someone pay for it. Something that stemmed from his upbringing as a slayer, he suspected, from that old idea that everyone and everything with a heartbeat was so much more important than he was. “Eh, half of them don’t work. Live off their parents’ dime, you know? Easy taking money from those ones.”
“I don’t see how that’s relevant,” Leticia retorted quickly, pretending like that didn’t reveal everything at the same time. It was the equivalent of saying no comment and pretending that it was enough to rebuff the question. Leticia only made it more convincing when she shrugged a shoulder and took a long sip of her drink. Far more important than answering the question, wasn’t it? “You said that with your full chest not realizing I could just… cut my hair. You know that, right? Or I might get really lucky and have it only on one side of my head so I can use it like an accent piece to frame my face.” 
Wrinkling her nose, Leticia gave Emilio a look. “Fine,” she accepted. “But that means I’m going to pity you too. Fair is fair.” He wasn’t far off the mark, though. The only reason she had landed on her feet here had been a helpful fae that Leticia had given a promise to. It wasn’t so much pity as it was an exchange, but she knew that anyone standing on the other side of that promise would be standing tall and claiming that they had taken pity on her. It was only a matter of time before that pit  came back around for collection to a debt owed. 
Letting out a slow breath, Leticia nodded her head. “Good.” Not that he hadn’t made any money from it, but that he had found the cat. And maybe the kindness he showed too - it was refreshing. Was that normal in Wicked’s Rest? She didn’t know a soul in the city that would be as generous as to find a cat for free, even if it was in the same room as the person. People here could be equally cold, but the warmth was easier to find. “And they have the audacity to look at other people’s problems to use against them?” She shouldn’t have been shocked. In New York, she wouldn’t have bat an eye at the comment. But as different as this place, it wasn’t as different as she had hoped. “Couldn’t be me. Ma would have kicked my ass if she got a whisper of me acting that way.” 
“I knew it,” Emilio scoffed, looking pleased with himself. He took a celebratory sip of his own drink as if he’d achieved some great victory, ignoring the fact that Leticia did the same. One thing he’d learned through the art of having three older siblings was that if you acted like you’d won with enough gusto, it would eventually become the truth. “I could shave my head, then,” he replied quickly, because two could play at that game. If she could find a loophole, so could he. Never mind that he hated the idea of shaving his head; it was all hypothetical, anyway. “That a thing? Using hair as an… accent?” His brow furrowed, confusion clear in his expression. Fashion, unsurprisingly to no one, wasn’t something in Emilio’s wheelhouse.
Immediately, he wanted to argue. Pity wasn’t something he wanted or needed, made his chest feel tight with the thought of it. Best case scenario, pity got someone killed. Emilio didn’t want that. But, at the same time, he could recognize that it was a joke. In an easy, lighthearted conversation like this one, there was no need to catastrophize even if his addled mind so badly wanted to do just that. He shook away the thought, shook away the argument, replaced it with a deadpan expression that was only half-forced. “No reason to pity me. I’m doing great.” He took another swig of his drink, as if to prove it.
He nodded in silent agreement to her statement. He was glad he found the damn cat, even if he didn’t get paid for it. Most of his cases were depressing stories with sad endings. It was nice to have a happy one, even if it was something small like a cat. It was big to someone. Huffing a laugh as she continued, he nodded his head. “Eh, people are assholes.” That didn’t surprise him anymore. People would always do whatever they had to do to get ahead. Emilio knew that. “Your mom seems smart, then.”
Leticia clicked her tongue and huffed, letting Emilio have the temporary victory. There was no doubt in her mind that she’d turn it around. Maybe even pass off someone’s intentional hair coloring and pass it off as proof that she was right. Was that lying? Only if he found out. “What if your eyebrows turn white? Are you going to shave those too?” It was a pointless argument, but Leticia wasn’t backing down. She held up her hand, covering the top part of his face. “You’d be dangerously close to looking like a cartoon villain if you did that.” An unexpected laugh escaped her. “Sorry — yeah. I’m more surprised you haven’t seen it in person. A lot of people use their hair, kinda like tattoos, another form of self expression.” 
Shaking her head, Leticia frowned again. “No, that’s not how it works. Two way street, buddy. If you don’t want the pity, you have to stop giving it away too.” Grabbing her own glass, she turned towards him more fully, arching a brow as he took another sip. If he was hoping she’d drop it there… well, unfortunately and fortunately for him, he had no idea how stubborn she could be. “Here’s to new friends, a well pouring bar, and no pity— okay drink up.” She lifted her glass quickly and put her hand out, tipping his glass up to, trying to force him to drink in acceptance to her claims.
People were assholes. There was no disagreeing to that statement. Years ago she would have said there was a light in everyone, you just had to find it. That being an asshole was usually just a defense mechanism — used like an impenetrable mask to hide. But grief had a funny way of muddying her thoughts. “Human nature, I suppose.” With a thin smile, Leticia nodded. “She is. But she’s also, maybe, the dart that chose Wicked’s Rest as the landing place.” 
“My eyebrows aren’t going to turn white. Where do you come up with this shit?” She seemed to have an endless supply of ‘what ifs’ for him here, and they only seemed to be getting more ridiculous. Was baldness a common feature of cartoon villains? Emilio wasn’t even sure. “Maybe I have seen it in person,” he replied, “but I wouldn’t know it. I don’t really, ah, keep up with those things.” Fashion trends were not something Emilio understood in the slightest. No one he’d known growing up had ever been concerned with them, and he didn’t think any of the people in his life with long hair had ever cared about how it framed their faces.
At least she was funny. Between the friendly conversation and the alcohol, Emilio felt more relaxed than he typically might, more at ease. Leticia wasn’t so bad, even if he’d never tell her that. “All right, all right, fine. I’ll drink to that. But only because I’ll drink to anything.” He clinked his glass against hers with a roll of his eyes, draining the whiskey from the glass.
Human nature. Not the best way to phrase it, given the significant population of assholes in Wicked’s Rest who weren’t human, but Emilio made no argument. It took him a moment to understand what Leticia meant when she admitted her mother was the ‘dart,’ and he huffed a quiet laugh. “Now that makes more sense.” But maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing.
Cracking a smile, Leticia quickly bit it back down. Pretending not to be thrilled at his reaction. “I am just a curious person. So naturally, I ask questions and contemplate the existence of others in broad ways. It’s good for expanding the mind.” It was a PR answer, and if her manager could have heard her now, he would have thought that maybe she had learned something. “Fashion trends tend to change rapidly too, so I’ll give you a pass this one time.”
Leticia should have protested his reasoning. Any reasonable person would have. Instead, she looked smug. “A win is a win, Emilio. I’ve learned to take ‘em where I can get ‘em.” And this, everything about it, was a win. It brushed against the feeling that she had been looking for since she had come into town. Being known without being known. Emilio chose to keep talking to her, even without the pretense of being a rockstar. If anyone knew who she was, would they choose to be her friend? Or would other motivations muddle it? 
Or would her emotions muddle it?
When the bartender passed again, Leticia clicked her tongue and sighed, covering the top of her drink. She was starting to feel it - not drunk in the way most people felt, but the humming of the spirit she shared this body with. It wasn’t a line she wanted to toy with. “Hate to be a party pooper, but I have to tap out. I’ll pay off the tab. Consider it a thank you. Or a fuck you, I hope your hair turns white first.”
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lemonthepotato · 1 year
The Scott Situation Retrospective / Rant
I think the Scott Cawthon situation that happened was an example of people repeating the same stuff over and over again. That he didn’t deserve to be harassed. Which no one was advocating for. I and many others merely criticised his choices. Some harassed his family. There’s a difference. A massive difference. People online conflate criticism with wishing ill on others, which is madness. There are four main camps of belief on the Scott Cawthon situation, I call it Scott temperaments: critical-civil, critical-harasser, supportive-civil, supportive-harasser. Critical-civil people are those who don’t agree with his donations but do not harass anyone about it, critical-harassers are those that did harass his family about it. Supportive-civil are Scott defenders who don’t harass those who don’t support his decisions, and supportive-harasser are the incredibly annoying ones who do. To give a personal example…
I got tagged in a mass apology back in the day, but I am not sorry, and never will be sorry, for saying simply that I didn’t agree with him donating to politicians that want to restrict the most basic of human rights. Being a victim of harassment does not mean you are immune to criticism. I was in the critical-civil camp, and I am not going to apologise considering the following facts everyone ignores. These are not opinions I hold, these are facts. Scott donated over ~$20,000 to politicians. These politicians I have looked over hold these opinions: (excluding trump because well… we all know his opinions…)
5 against
Gay rights
1 supporter
4 against
4 ambiguous
4 against
1 supporter
Climate Change Denial
2 Truthers
4 Deniers
1 ambiguous position
Free Healthcare
6 against
1 ambiguous
1 support
A defence I have heard is that Scott donated to a democrat (one I think he used himself as a defence) and a black man. That ‘democrat’ in question was hardly progressive, and is now independent. Even then, she’s always been flip-floppy with her opinions on abortion & queer issues. And that black man in question compared abortion to slavery, denies climate change, denies evolution, compared Obamacare to slavery, and called refugees ‘rabid dogs’. And made a slippery slope argument for homosexuality. He’s a walking contradiction. Neither of these are good examples of ‘progressive’ politicians. Now, let me be clear. It’s obvious what positions Scott holds. He has been open in his Reddit post.
Oh, *sigh* I forgot. Another ‘hey I also donated to THIS black politician’. I don’t know enough about this person because I’m not an American and there’s hardly any information about her online, so fine, Scott gets this one. Fallacies aside…
His sentiment that Trump would have dealt with ‘America’s Enemies’ is the biggest nationalist dogwhistle I have ever heard. I hardly consider it a dog whistle. As for Trump’s economic policies… ehhh, as someone who has had to live in the “country” with the most b$ economy ever, I won’t really criticise it here… moving on.
I’m confused on how exactly he believes that other politicians would have worse perspectives on queer issues. I mean, again… look at the statistics I provided. 4 were staunchly against queer people.
Ah, the infamous line. He’s a Republican. He’s a Christian. He’s pro-life. He believes in God. He believes in equality and… science? Guess the 4 climate change denial thing I put up earlier is kind of ironic now. The people he voted for sure didn’t believe in science.
I just… the counter arguments for this are so silly. It doesn’t matter what Scott believes on a personal level. It doesn’t matter that he donated to the Trevor Project. It really doesn’t. If you slap an old man across the face but save a woman’s child from a car coming their way, that doesn’t mean slapping the old man was okay, you know?
The amount of YouTubers who upon hearing Scott’s retirement tried to play off his actions and celebrate him is disgusting. Scott donating to LGBTQ+ charities does not exonerate him of his actions. If Jack The Ripper donated to a woman’s rights group, would that suddenly make him a good person? (I am being hyperbolic. It’s called a joke. I know Jack The Ripper is worse that Scott by a long comparison. Don’t even start.)
To use a less example, would a politician who voted for LGBTQ+ rights be free from criticism even if they no longer support it? Not thinking of anyone specifically relevant here (lie). Most people would say the damage is still done.
And yes, it’s his money and he can do what he wants, that doesn’t mean that it’s okay. He didn’t just donate a few dollars to these people, he donated thousands that would go towards their campaigns of vitriol and hate. No one is immune from criticism. No one.
This situation is old but still annoys me. Let me make this clear. Scott’s family didn’t deserve to be harassed. No one is saying they did, and I am not. You cannot say that the only thing that happened was harassment. You can’t justify someone’s actions just because they’re a victim. Why were people so salty back in 2021 about people choosing to NOT support someone? Scott isn’t going to lose money because someone didn’t buy something from him. And frankly? No one is owed like… people buying your stuff. Even if everyone of his fans stopped supporting him, it’s not like… anyone’s job to give him money. He’s a (retired) game developer. It’s not like he’s a Tesco employee where he’s owed a weekly salary. I don’t get the weird guilt tripping if ‘oh so you’re going to cancel and ruin someone’s career over opinions’ like my brother in Christ he RETIRED. And how was he ‘cancelled’ when he has thousands of supporters and his games are still doing well? The man has a lot of money to last his life. How come it’s about ‘personal choice and opinions’ when it comes to Scott voting for vile politicians, but you voice an opinion against Scott, that’s suddenly heresy? He can hold whatever beliefs he wants, and he can be criticised. If he has the freedom of speech and expression to vote and believe what he wants, so do I and others have to criticise it. This is just a quick rant post, and I do not have time for people who will argue in bad faith.
Is Scott a terrible person individually? Maybe. We don’t know him. Considering he does donate to charities, even if it doesn’t absolve him of his responsibility, still is an indicator he’s probably not a terrible person. Are the actions he has taken detrimental to queer people, women and minorities? Yes. Absolutely. At the very least, Scott isn’t as bad as someone like JKR, who actively uses her platform to promote her bigotry. Overall, I believe Scott deserved and still deserves criticism for his donations in the same way your homophobic uncle does. Not quite a massive deal, but still kinda an issue. Did his family deserve to be harassed? No, obviously not. Not only were they completely uninvolved, but harassing someone just makes them able to form a blanket statement that all critics are ‘cancellation’ and that every argument is in bad faith. This is what happened. Because of the spineless few who harassed Scott’s pregnant wife and kids, as well as him, him and his supporters were able to make this a very open and shut case of him ‘doing nothing wrong’. It’s a tricky situation. Still, Scott retired ages ago when this all happened. So it’s not really as big of a deal as if he actively used his platform to promote these harmful ideas. It’s just kinda a shitty situation all around looking back on it. There was no room for civil discussion, the Reddit thread on his post had to be locked by moderators… yikes… 2021 was a pretty boring year for me, but that sure was a massive event in FNAF history.
Scott is a person. He’s not perfect nor above criticism. And you don’t know him as a person. If I claimed he was an evil mastermind all along that would equally be as weird. He just has some shitty positions. I wish people wouldn’t worship him or attack his family. There’s a middle ground.
Edit: Hello. It’s been over a year since I posted this, I think. I just want to say that in a server I was in a long time ago, someone once remarked that they “thought the drama was stupid.” I.. it saddens me to hear people chalk this up to drama. It is not drama to endorse policies that can harm the lives of minorities, regardless of whether you are one or not. It’s actually a very serious topic. No ill will to anyone who has said this, and trust me, I’ve heard many people say this, but it’s very insensitive to chalk such a serious matter up to ‘drama’ when real lives are at stake. That’s all.
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updownlately · 10 months
With the post you made with Spain i just wanted to give an example of a team that got rid of their coach recently with players boycotting. France. While the issues may have been different Frances captain Wendie Renard was the first to say she wasn’t playing until something was done, the next were three big names, followed by more big names who said they would sit out if nothing was done about the coach. Mind you this is a coach they had been complaining about and wanting to get rid of for a long time. Had they not stuck together had the TEAM CAPTAIN at the time not made the first move and show solidarity nothing probably would have been done. Alexia Putellas at the time was team captain but saying you stand with people who are striking and ACTUALLY doing and saying what they did is vastly different. I respected some of these Spain players but finding out that some of them decided to go back(while I understand) is just not something I can get behind and respect. And then to top it off you’re celebrating with the man you want gone and your new team captain is saying the federation is wonderful. Like maybe I’m petty, maybe I’m mean and bitter but if I had ever called them “my friends” we wouldn’t be friends anymore. Especially after I stuck my neck out to make a better environment for everyone and not just myself, especially if my career was threatened but I still stuck by my word because I knew my friends and future generations deserve better.
Barca to my understanding is getting hate because most of the players on the team are from Barca and are usually the subs from the players who sat out. Success unfortunately does not equal benefits and rewards if the people at the head of the table are also the ones who aren’t listening and know the problem but continue to support the problem. Saying the 15 didn’t or were never going to work is false it would have if the federation president weren’t also toxic. The 15 didn’t work because the federation already knew and they blatantly didn’t care and after watching the ceremony I know and see why. But if team captains don’t speak out or stand behind their players and teammates nothing and I mean nothing will likely happen. If you have a player who has attention and is like the higher ups “princess” maybe they’ll get something done for you but otherwise nope.
I’m with you on this while Spain did well and deserved the win for their performance im not going to celebrate it, and I don’t feel much will to support them either. I backed them during the strike and I was here for it but wow do i feel like a clown now for wanting to support them in getting better working conditions and a better coach. Like congrats Spain have a good day but um should you suddenly go on strike again and suddenly stick by what you say I’m only going to support the three that we’re doing it the whole time. Like sorry not sorry. Sorry for ranting it just went with what you were saying and I felt the need to point out how France went about it and something happened.
sorry for the late response- i was at work earlier and i wanted to give this my full attention! and please don't apologize for ranting! this was a really good insight imo! thanks for sending this in amigo!
i personally vibe with a lot of what you said :)
i'm not as familiar with the french situation so i've chosen not to comment on it but i have heard about their old coach being replaced, which like you said, is a great example! honestly it just shows how much can change if everyone works together! mad respect to the french team and all the players that worked together to make this happen!!
tbh i can't even find myself to say congrats to the spain team. i understand i may come off as petty, but i just can't cheer for someone i can't really respect. idk, maybe it's just me,
again, thanks for sending this in!
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stopscammingartists · 10 months
(This went on longer than I thought please forgive me for making you read so much junk)
Here's something that's always been burning in my mind ever since seeing all the bullshit Glip and their collection of goons have done to people: How the fuck do they even get new members nowadays?
I know the answer is "Through the comic itself and the chance to have your own OCs be part of it" but why would anyone want to take part in such a erratic low quality piece of fiction? The story is a completely jumbled mess, most of the characters that get the spotlight are either just Glip self inserting into their new Sona of the week or someone else's OC used as a punching bag, and especially the severe degradation of the comic's art that went from a pretty cool cartoonish almost psychedelic aesthetic into middle school computer lab edgy MS Paint tier trash??? (It's been a while since I've seen any new stuff by Glip; last things I remember were those bdsm vent pieces and the covers for VNs actually looking similar to the stuff they made more of back then)
I can understand the poor people that have been suckered into liking Glip's bullshit ever since PMD-E, but what about Floraverse NOW is bringing people into it? Is it just people from the Discord just inviting their friends in? No way in hell can I believe that it's because they found the comic itself out of nowhere!
After attempting to read that shit a few times all it did was just keep me so fucking confused about everything, and then after seeing the art downgrade I can't even see anyone say "Well yeah the story's kinda trash but at least the art is cool!" It's all just this big burning pyre of shitty scribbles that just wants to scream at the OCs of people that dare insult the Golden Dogfucker Glip and their revolving motley crew of degenerate assets!
Ugh I'm so sorry for this being more of a rambling rant than just an ask, but holy shit man it boggles my mind still that this shitsmear of a comic can get anyone's attention nowadays that isn't related to the cult drama madness.
The Eastar server has people who joined hidden and you need to have a filled out character sheet so I'll only be looking at Owel for this exercise.
In Owel, 4 people have joined and introduced themselves in the past week.
An alt account of Iz, the wannabe rapist
A 19 year old who joined from the latest VN
A 21 year old who just started reading the comic and loves Andre
A writer who was working on a floraverse story
We can disregard the alt of the wannabe rapist. Person 3 joined because they started reading at the start of the comic. Which, makes some form of sense as the comics earlier material doesn't require knowledge on drama to understand and the art then was serviceable. Person 4 has already left or was kicked from the server (lol). Person 2....you got me, no clue why any of the latest VNs would attract someone.
Needless to say, 3 people joining a week isn't much and as person 4 shows, a person joining doesn't necessarily mean they will be staying. I would hazard a guess that more people end up like person 4 or end up just lurking then full on joining. Which is a good thing.
I checked back in April and there was about 450ish people in both servers. This remains true now in August.
I do think that, generally speaking, they aren't really gaining the dedicated sort of people.
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stevishabitat · 2 years
Sunday, September 18
The councilwoman came down the street today, handing out flyers about a free food giveaway next Friday. I was on the porch with mum, in the heat and both of us wearing masks because we've all been sick and my covid tests still haven't arrived, so idk what kiddo and I have, but my mum is still recovering from an almost two week long illness, so she doesn't need to get this too.
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I took the flyer and tried not to think about how long Friday is from now. At least it's something to look forward to. I hope I feel well enough to go, we desperately need the food.
Kiddo had a meltdown while we were sat out there. They went in the house and started throwing things, almost broke a window.
We have to skip therapy tomorrow, due to the mystery illness, which is good, because I know the payment would bounce again. How many times will they let that happen before they kick us out of the program, I wonder?
And I thought, as kiddo chucked who knows what at the window, what if it breaks? What if we end up at the hospital needing stitches for someone? Would they call CPS on us?
And what if this is covid? What if the pain in my chest makes it too hard to breathe? My mum went home, and what could kiddo do if I couldn't get out of bed? What if I can't work this week?
My mum texted me to ask if I'd fed kiddo, if maybe the meltdown was due to hunger. Idk. I made ramen earlier. We still have some eggs. There's a few slices of bread and an outrageous amount of american cheese (kiddo hates american cheese). I can't make myself eat, my mouth is so dry I can barely swallow anything. But I think kiddo ate the ramen. Kiddo is so tired of ramen.
Kiddo needs to go to therapy. I realized today how very long it's been since kiddo got to play with any other kids. The neighbors have all kind of retreated since the flood. We're all just struggling to survive. But at least at therapy, kiddo gets to talk to someone outside the family and do some fun games.
They were supposed to be observed by a speech therapist this week. Kiddo gets so mad when alexa and google don't understand what they're trying to say. When speech-to-text doesn't provide the right words.
The light bulb went out in kiddo's room. The tall ladder was broken in the flood. So I would have to stack some things to change the bulb. I said I couldn't do it today. Too lightheaded. I still haven't eaten today.
So kiddo is collecting lamps and things that glow. Supposedly kiddo is cleaning their room. I just hope the bed is cleared by bedtime.
Friday, September 23
I got home from the "food giveaway" and this is what's in the box.
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I mean, thanks, but I can't feed this to my kid.
They gave me an air purifier, a flat of water, and some more disinfectant.
I went back, to be sure I didn't miss anything, and they said "yeah the food went in the first half hour" and then gave me a few food pantry suggestions - open on Tuesday (Blessed Theresa) and Friday mornings (behind city hall).
And as I'm putting the car in drive with tears running down my face because clearly I'm not getting food today, this older man shouts after me me to pray about it. Didn't offer to pray for me or with me. Just said "pray about it".
Absolutely patronizing. Miserable experience.
I don't have heat in my house, or healthy food, but I have a flat of water, two gallons of disinfectant cleaner, and an air purifier.
Those things would have been helpful the first month after the flood. Instead *I* paid for those types of things and now I don't have money to feed my kid.
Sorry to rant here, I just don't have anyone irl to vent to.
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fuckitiguessmandy · 26 days
I don’t even know what I fucking did wrong. I tried to ask my mom and she told me to get out of her room. Like I’m sorry I had to sleep earlier as much as we joke that I’m a vampire I do actually need sleep. I really just don’t want to be alive anymore at this point. I feel like everyone’s mad at me. I’ve barely spoken to my dad since he left for his surgery bc my sleep schedule is messed up. My best friend is mad at me cause I ranted to her like shit sorry this is my safe space and you are the only person I really have in my life that isn’t my parents.
Like I feel like I’m such a fucking burden to everyone. Literally had to make a new page so I could have somewhere to rant cause I need to get it out of my system since I clearly can’t rant to my best friend. I just want to die already. Like fuck man this shit sucks. I just wish someone would actually care enough to listen to me.
I feel like all my friends aren’t really even my friends at this point I feel like they just see me as an acquaintance or something. Like the only person that I tell everything to is mad at me. I’m miserable and I feel like I’m slowly drowning. I’m getting just enough air to survive but it’s be coming less and less.
I’ve thought about cutting again which isn’t something that’s happened in a long ass time. I don’t want to but I also just want some kind of release which is so fucking stupid cause I know it won’t help anything. 
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