fluideli123 · 3 months
[Original Ask Post]
🦈Tell us the name of your/one of your WIP(s)
While my inspiration has been low these past few years (2021 doesn't feel like 2-3 years ago) and I've been bouncing through different fandoms, there are SO many WIPs that have sprouted up, half formed. Some are short stories such as Alberto (Luca) learning the violin and working through his trauma through the art of music, fics about Macaque and MK (Lego Monkie Kid) and how their relationship is the most profound. To long fics of diving into Sonic Prime's world-building through deeper lore and shit gets explained across multiverses as to why the franchise's multiverses are as they are. Not to mention the original stories such as The Fox and Eagle.
But one I'd like to share is my one and only (started) fic idea for the video-game series God Of War that is placed between GOW 2018 and GOW: Ragnarök. It would follow the side quest of the Ring Of Andvari that would follow how Sindri and Atreus lost the ring between games, as mentioned during a battle with a Soul Eater in Vanaheim within GOW: Ragnarök.
The title is "All That is Gold Does not Glitter" which is not only a connection to my other obsession's poem (Lord of the Rings) but also to a saying that means in one way or another that "something may not be as good or as valuable as it first appears." Which ties into why Sindri and Atreus lose the ring, what causes these events to unfold in the first place and how they connect to how Atreus had found the ring in GOW 2018.
I obviously am not a complex writer who researches lore and connects things a lot, what do you mean./s
Anyway, just because I can, I'll share what I wrote last October. Enjoy!
When Atreus had planned all of this from a small, fresh idea that bloomed in the back of his mind. He had never once planned on battling a soul eater in the middle of the night while a dwarf shouts weak encouragement from somewhere hidden between realms. Because no matter how much he adores Sindri to death-- and he really, really does --now was not the time to have the dwarf nauseous from nerves while Atreus concentrates on trying not to get incarcerated.
In fact, Sindri was not the best person to be at his side when swiftly dodging a cascade of fire shards with only enough time to leap behind a pillar to protect him from the following searing heat of a beam of pure, concentrated flame.
Even though he'd get a glare and a lecture of a lifetime from his father, he was definitely missing his combat support.
The ring shouts heatedly at him from its place in Atreus' small pack, and it's enough for the kid to growl and shoot a few arrows into the soul eater's opened chest to release the frustration into something useful. "I know, I know, now shut up! You got me into this!"
"Well, technically-"
"Not now, Sindri!"
"Yup, got it!"
Atreus rolls away from the pillar and past the crumbling walls, fire licking at his heels before pressing his back firmly against the chilled, chiseled wall. The Soul Eater's thundering footsteps shake the world around him as it stalks closer, trying to set eyes on the boy's soul once more.
"Why did I ever trust you?" The boy bites into the frosty night air, the heat of battle keeping him from shivering his furs right off as a particularly nasty bellow of air hits him, sending snowflakes clashing onto his bare face and hands like needles.
The ring doesn't answer, its aura darkening in anger and guilt. Atreus can't bring himself to care all too much as he sucks in grounding breaths. Allowing the sharp shards of freezing Fimbulwinter air to soothe his racing heart.
It was supposed to be simple.
This was all supposed to be for his father. A father who would now be sorely disappointed in him.
Atreus hits the back of his head against the wall, squeezing his eyes shut.
It wasn't entirely unusual for Atreus to spend his early morning slowly digging through old gear and equipment from his and his father's journey to Jotunheim. But it wasn't entirely something he did often, either. In fact, it was something he hadn't done at all in the way he was now until now. 
Was it unusual for Atreus to be doing it in general? No, not really, if you think about all the times he has looked through their things for the usual training session and favor from Brok and Sindri. But was it weird he was looking through it for nostalgia's sake after months and months of never having it cross his mind? Yeah, probably. 
But, while his father worked outside and Mimir sat at his designated table reading through tales, Atreus went on to indulge himself anyway. 
It still felt so weird that it had been so long since he and his father sat atop that mountain, raised Mother's ashes into the sky, watched her settle against the peaks of her land, and danced across the remains of her people and the place she once called home. And from that day onward, they found new people to take place in their lives, new voices, new stories, new everything. 
He didn't know how Father felt about it, but it was like Mother brought them all together. She wanted more people for Atreus to learn from and grow from. It felt like their family had grown, and his mother had planned all of it, planned it all for them, so they wouldn't be lonely. Because really, Atreus definitely didn't feel lonely anymore. Not in the way he once was.
The bag that once held his mother's ashes was still rough against his fingers, the fibers well taken care of, the rope barely frayed as the young archer ran the pads of his fingers across it.
It feels as though the first memory he should recall would be his father collecting her ashes in it, even the sight of it hanging off his hip as they made their way across familiar grounds to enter ones he could have never dreamed of. 
But, no, the first memory to appear leaves him smiling, fondness, pride, and determination warming him from the inside out as he remembers the moment his father held her out to him, entrusting her with him, charging him with so much more without a single word despite everything he'd done to leave his father angry and disappointed. It was a step in the right direction, one Atreus takes strength from. 
His father trusts him, and he will make sure that he continues to make him proud, just as much as Atreus tries to make his mother proud with everything he is.
Atreus brings the tattered bag to his forehead, closing his eyes and muttering quiet phrases, a greeting, and a promise before settling it carefully out of the way as he dips his arm deep into the fits of armor and ruins. 
He looks through each thing carefully, soaking in the reminders and memories, careful not to lose the ruins under his bed and between cracks of wood where some of the smallest could disappear when the tips of his fingers find something peculiar. 
Atreus stretches to reach for it between his father's beautifully crafted furs and metal, tongue sticking out as he fiddles with the thing, exclaiming in victory once he's finally grabbed it. 
"What'd you find laddy?" 
Atreus beams down at the little ring in the palm of his hand, shifting it around with a finger as he leans back to answer Mimir, "Nothing! Just looking through father's things!"
"Your father's things, eh? Sure he wants you to go snoopin'?" 
"Oh, don't worry about it, Mimir. I'm just looking!"
"Sure sounds like it."
Atreus can't help but roll his eyes at Mimir's sarcasm, grinning at the sound of the head's quiet chuckle. 
Before the boy can continue, the door opens, and the young tween quickly tosses the ruins back into the chest, closing it shut as he stuffs the ring into his pack, whirling around to meet his father's amber eyes.
"Let me guess, training?"
A grunt is Atreus' only response, and it's the only one he needs as he plucks his bow and quiver from off the wall and rushes toward the direction of deer. 
As Atreus leads the way through the freezing woods, Kratos' gaze is a sturdy reminder. 
He will make him proud.
“Mimir, can you tell me Andveri's story again?” Atreus settles against the wall facing the head, crossing his arms and lightly kicking at the ground.
”Of course laddy,“ The head looks towards the young boy. “But why the sudden interest?”
(Atreus tries to get the ring to talk to him again, gets Sindri in on it, they go on an adventure that the ring takes them, one Atreus wants to go through to get something for his father, it goes unexpectedly and with the ring getting lost)
Kratos quickens his pace down the forest's worn down trail to the obstacle in their path, skillfully lifting the boulder up and around them without dropping their hunt as Atreus continues to jog forward, scanning the frosty forest area, glancing back over to Mimir when the coast is clear.
The former-counciler let's out a curious hum and a amused snort, “Well, I'd be glad to laddy, but I must wonder, why the sudden ask? You know your father wants you focused and I'm sure I can scrounge up a better story you haven't heard yet, little brother.”
Atreus pointedly looks at the visiable runics worn upon his father's armor and weaponry. ”Well, ever since we helped Brok find his hammer and Father's kept him for when he's useful, I've been wondering about him?“ Atreus falls back at his father's side as they crawl under a freshly fallen collection of trees and rock.
”You've been thinkin' about 'im for that long?“
”Well, no, not really,“ Kratos glances Atreus' way, and the boy doesn't miss the warning in his eyes as they leave the tunnel and lightly dash for the snowy banks. ”I was just looking through my things and found my old armor from when we went on that adventure for mom, and than I remembered him.“
”Discuss this later,” Kratos grunts, sending another look his son's way. Atreus nods, sighing.
”Yes, father.“
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moonandinternet · 5 months
Best Albums of 2023+よく聴いた旧譜とか
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Anagrams - Blue Voices [Balmat] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Avalon Emerson - & The Charm [Another Dove] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Baba Stiltz - Paid Testimony [Public Possession] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Beat Happening - We Are Beat Happening [Domino] (2019)
Apple / Spotify / Bamdcamp / Domino
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DJ Trystero - Castillo [Incienso] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Doc Sleep - Birds (In My Mind Anyway) [Tartelet Records] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Earth Trax - Closer Now [Lapsus] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Greg Foat & Gigi Masin - Dolphin [Strut] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Herbie Hancock - Maiden Voyage [Blue Note] (1965)
Apple / Spotify
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吉村弘 - Soundscape 1: Surround [Misawa Home] (1986)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Huerta - TV Slang [R&R] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Joe Zawinul - Zawinul [Atlantic] (1971)
Apple / Spotify
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Khotin - Release Spirit [Ghostly International] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Other Lands – Archipelagos [Athens Of The North] (2022)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Pharoah Sanders – Pharoah [India Navigation] (1977)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Sensorama - Where The Rabbit Sleeps [Bureau B] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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SG - For Lovers Only / Rain Suite [Faitiche] (2023)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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本多信介 - サイレンス(夕映え) [ALTY] (1983)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Solitaire - S.T. [Fax +49-69/450464] (1995)
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Touch Of Noise - Percussionproject [Mikado Records] (1995)
Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
吉村弘(未発送)のほかは、すべてレコードで手に入れた。特にお気に入りがSensoramaとBaba Stiltzなのでぜひ聴いていただきたい。
Roman FlügelとJörn Elling WuttkeによるSensoramaは、90年代後半〜00年代はじめにハンブルクのレーベルLadomat 2000からリリースしていた。Roman Flügelが複数の名義で多様な作品を産んできたのと同じく、SensoramaもAlter Ego、Acid Jesus、The Primitive Painterなどの変名を持っている。なかでもSensoramaはテンポはゆったり、音は少なめに手づくり感にあふれていて、優しい温もりがある、でもちょっと風変わり、ときどきとんがり。初めて聴いてすぐに魅せられリピートしまくった。
ふたりともハンブルク出身でも拠点でもないのだが、ライナーノーツを読むとこのアルバムはハンブルク人脈に愛されていたからこそ作られたようだ。Golden Pudel Club(いつか行きたい)のブッキング担当/DJであるRalf Kösterによってコンパイル、Bureau Bからリリースされた。リリース・パーティは当然Pudelで行われ、JörnのSoundcloudでは当日の楽しそうなmix(Part 1とPart 2)を聴くことができる。
待ちに待ったBaba Stiltzのセカンド・アルバムは、その名で人気を獲得したハウスから離れ、近年のシングルの延長で、The Folk ImplosionやBeckの地味目の曲を思い出させるローファイ・フォークという趣。それがほんっっと好み。彼はグランジ風の服装をしていて、Our Legacyのランウェイではモデルとして歩き、VOGUEにスナップされ、DAZEDで特集を組まれるおしゃれさんだ。2018年にInstagramでDinosaur Jr.(私がいちばん好きなバンドのひとつ!)のTシャツを着ているのを目撃して勝手に喜び、それはジョークでもハズしでもなく本当に好きらしく、レジデントを務めるNTS RadioではSonic YouthやPJ Harveyなどオルタナをたくさんかけていたのでずっと共感していたのだった。レーベルのPublic Possessionは、ハウスを通過しつつインディ~オルタナ的表現をするアーティストを紹介してくれるのでよくチェックしている。
このTumblrにお気に入りの音楽リストを投稿し始めたのは2014年だから、もう10年目になる。よく聴いていたアルバムにRoman Flügelの『Fatty Folders』(2011年)や『Happiness Is Happening』(2014年)、ベスト・トラックのひとつにBaba Stiltz“Palats”を挙げていた。それまで好んでいた王道のロックやインディ・ロック、ポップスにプラスして、同世代の友達が聴いてなさそうなエレクトロニック・ミュージックこそが、ひとり暮らしの日常の気分を整えてくれる居心地のよいものとなっていった時期だった。居心地のよさを知ったとして、たいていは自分もアーティストも年月を経て変わっていくことが多いだろう。変わっても認められる、ずっと好きで自分の核というか心の支えになる――大切な存在の音楽を作ってくれるアーティストがいるのはありがたいことだ。
毎年恒例、FRENCH BLOOM NETのベスト音楽に寄稿しました。プレ��リスト2023 Best 100+ Tracks(Apple / Spotify)を作ったので聴いてみてください。ライヴとDJ mix音源を詰め込んだプレイリスト2023 Fav Mix & Live(Soundcloud)もどうぞ。
※タイトル、レーベル、リリース年はオリジナルを表記。ジャケ画像はリイシューも使用。Beat Happeningは全部入り的BOXのため、サブスクのリンクはアーティストページにしています。
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bumbleboarhd · 8 months
Current ask game
@leoparddoodle tagged 1000 years ago so here goes.
Current time: 1:39AM
Currently thinking about: how angry the sonic dlc has made me, college debt, job applications and whether or not I shall be allowed to work, my friends wedding! But also existentially if I'm enough. I know the answer yes but though I enough that doesn't mean I can't be more I suppose. Generally philosophy and self improvement!
Current favorite song: ooooo finally an excuse to talk about some JAMS!!! Rn I absolutely love cheem's new deluxe album. Especially the new song EOE! I also really like heart attack man's new album "freak of nature" (do not listen to it in an airport lmao) it's very cathartic and validates my rage. The new sonic dlc music is also pure bliss. Shoutout to tails mvmt, knuckles movement, hype street remix, and second wind! Absolute ear porn!
Currently reading: I'm reading deep work by cal Newport. It was suggested to me by my college professor in 2018 and I've stalled on reading it for 5 years lmao. I'm also reading blue lock (SO FUCKING GOOD) and gearing up for grant Morrison's animal man and zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance! Also I'm reading through witch on the holy night (I'll talk more about it more later)
Currently watching: watching kare Kano for the first time with the fucking fam (I wish I had what they have T-T) also watching haruhi for the first time. Hoping to get on the succession hype train soon! Also good doctor shitpost watch through 🤔🤔🤔
Current favorite character: idk what this means. Like hyper fixations????? Uuuuh Nagi (blue lock), 621, Handler Walter, soundwave, Starscream, Aoko, Alice, super sonic 2.
WIP: two short stories connected to something, a pilot, short film script, concept for short film pitch, a few video essays. Many things that will wilter but other things that will bloom.
Okie doke it's your turn @lifehasmanydoorsfuckboy
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ao3feed-sidlink · 2 years
Multiverso Mágico
Multiverso Mágico
by KittyPasta
Una serie de crossovers entre el mundo mágico de Harry Potter y algunas de mis series, películas, animés, cartoons y juegos favoritos. Cada capítulo es individual y puede leerse como si fuera un oneshot. Ninguna de las obras originales me pertenece, solo las estoy tomando prestadas para su entretenimiento.
Words: 1689, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: My Little Pony, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Gravity Falls, The Owl House (Cartoon), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), The Simpsons, Futurama, SPY x FAMILY (Anime), プリパラ | PriPara | Prism Paradise, 美男高校地球防衛部LOVE! | Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE!, Our Flag Means Death (TV), Good Omens (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Winx Club, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, 転生したらスライムだった件 - 伏瀬 | Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken | That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - Fuse, Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates, The Mentalist, Destripando la Historia | Gutting History (Web Series), Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse (Cartoon), X-Men: First Class (Comics), Disney Fairies, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sky High (2005), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, South Park, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tony Stark, Dipper Pines, Stede Bonnet, Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Lenny Lino, Patrick Jane, Link (Legend of Zelda), Philip J. Fry, Kenny McCormick, Luz Noceda, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charlie Spring, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Adora (She-Ra), Anya Forger, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Turanga Leela, Hank Scorpio, Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2020), Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Barbie Roberts, Elise (Fire Emblem), Anakin Skywalker, Tsukino Usagi, Bloom (Winx Club)
Relationships: Applejack/Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Starlight Glimmer/Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Link/Prince Sidon, Philip J. Fry/Turanga Leela, Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak, Kenny McCormick/Leopold "Butters" Stotch
Additional Tags: Crossover, Multiverse
From https://ift.tt/VYT8B9t https://archiveofourown.org/works/42064155
0 notes
ironstrangeao3 · 2 years
Multiverso Mágico
by KittyPasta
Una serie de crossovers entre el mundo mágico de Harry Potter y algunas de mis series, películas, animés, cartoons y juegos favoritos. Cada capítulo es individual y puede leerse como si fuera un oneshot. Ninguna de las obras originales me pertenece, solo las estoy tomando prestadas para su entretenimiento.
Words: 1689, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: My Little Pony, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Gravity Falls, The Owl House (Cartoon), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), The Simpsons, Futurama, SPY x FAMILY (Anime), プリパラ | PriPara | Prism Paradise, 美男高校地球防衛部LOVE! | Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE!, Our Flag Means Death (TV), Good Omens (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Winx Club, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, 転生したらスライムだった件 - 伏瀬 | Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken | That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - Fuse, Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates, The Mentalist, Destripando la Historia | Gutting History (Web Series), Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse (Cartoon), X-Men: First Class (Comics), Disney Fairies, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sky High (2005), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, South Park, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tony Stark, Dipper Pines, Stede Bonnet, Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Lenny Lino, Patrick Jane, Link (Legend of Zelda), Philip J. Fry, Kenny McCormick, Luz Noceda, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charlie Spring, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Adora (She-Ra), Anya Forger, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Turanga Leela, Hank Scorpio, Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2020), Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Barbie Roberts, Elise (Fire Emblem), Anakin Skywalker, Tsukino Usagi, Bloom (Winx Club)
Relationships: Applejack/Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Starlight Glimmer/Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Link/Prince Sidon, Philip J. Fry/Turanga Leela, Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak, Kenny McCormick/Leopold "Butters" Stotch
Additional Tags: Crossover, Multiverse
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42064155
0 notes
Multiverso Mágico
by KittyPasta
Una serie de crossovers entre el mundo mágico de Harry Potter y algunas de mis series, películas, animés, cartoons y juegos favoritos. Cada capítulo es individual y puede leerse como si fuera un oneshot. Ninguna de las obras originales me pertenece, solo las estoy tomando prestadas para su entretenimiento.
Words: 1689, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: My Little Pony, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Gravity Falls, The Owl House (Cartoon), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), The Simpsons, Futurama, SPY x FAMILY (Anime), プリパラ | PriPara | Prism Paradise, 美男高校地球防衛部LOVE! | Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE!, Our Flag Means Death (TV), Good Omens (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Winx Club, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, 転生したらスライムだった件 - 伏瀬 | Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken | That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - Fuse, Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates, The Mentalist, Destripando la Historia | Gutting History (Web Series), Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse (Cartoon), X-Men: First Class (Comics), Disney Fairies, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sky High (2005), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, South Park, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tony Stark, Dipper Pines, Stede Bonnet, Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Lenny Lino, Patrick Jane, Link (Legend of Zelda), Philip J. Fry, Kenny McCormick, Luz Noceda, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charlie Spring, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Adora (She-Ra), Anya Forger, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Turanga Leela, Hank Scorpio, Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2020), Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Barbie Roberts, Elise (Fire Emblem), Anakin Skywalker, Tsukino Usagi, Bloom (Winx Club)
Relationships: Applejack/Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Starlight Glimmer/Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Link/Prince Sidon, Philip J. Fry/Turanga Leela, Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak, Kenny McCormick/Leopold "Butters" Stotch
Additional Tags: Crossover, Multiverse
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42064155
0 notes
Multiverso Mágico
Multiverso Mágico
by KittyPasta
Una serie de crossovers entre el mundo mágico de Harry Potter y algunas de mis series, películas, animés, cartoons y juegos favoritos. Cada capítulo es individual y puede leerse como si fuera un oneshot. Ninguna de las obras originales me pertenece, solo las estoy tomando prestadas para su entretenimiento.
Words: 1689, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: My Little Pony, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Gravity Falls, The Owl House (Cartoon), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), The Simpsons, Futurama, SPY x FAMILY (Anime), プリパラ | PriPara | Prism Paradise, 美男高校地球防衛部LOVE! | Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE!, Our Flag Means Death (TV), Good Omens (TV), Shark Tale (2004), Winx Club, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, 転生したらスライムだった件 - 伏瀬 | Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken | That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - Fuse, Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates, The Mentalist, Destripando la Historia | Gutting History (Web Series), Sonic the Hedgehog (2020), Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse (Cartoon), X-Men: First Class (Comics), Disney Fairies, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sky High (2005), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, South Park, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tony Stark, Dipper Pines, Stede Bonnet, Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Lenny Lino, Patrick Jane, Link (Legend of Zelda), Philip J. Fry, Kenny McCormick, Luz Noceda, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charlie Spring, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Adora (She-Ra), Anya Forger, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Turanga Leela, Hank Scorpio, Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog 2020), Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Barbie Roberts, Elise (Fire Emblem), Anakin Skywalker, Tsukino Usagi, Bloom (Winx Club)
Relationships: Applejack/Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Starlight Glimmer/Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Link/Prince Sidon, Philip J. Fry/Turanga Leela, Craig Tucker/Tweek Tweak, Kenny McCormick/Leopold "Butters" Stotch
Additional Tags: Crossover, Multiverse
From https://ift.tt/zgSVCEI https://archiveofourown.org/works/42064155
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luuurien · 2 years
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Astronoid - Radiant Bloom
(Post-Metal, Noise Rock, Blackgaze)
Astronoid's first album since the departure of guitarist Mike DeMellia shows them further improving on their shiny, pastel brand of post-metal with the chops to prove that it works. Where other metal bands go deeper and darker, Astronoid looks to the stars on Radiant Bloom, resulting in their best album to date.
What does it say about a band when they decide to step outside the thematic and stylistic norms associated with their genre of music? Is it just an attempt to garner attention with an unusual sound, or a genuine attempt to try something new and exciting that others haven't dug into yet? For Astronoid, the answer has always been the latter. One of the newer faces in the post-metal and noise rock scenes, their mix of post-rock textural depth underpinned by the intensity of styles like djent and black metal allowing them more room than usual to play with atmosphere and instrumental colors more than most other bands within their sphere. With their third album Radiant Bloom, their first without guitarist Mike DeMillia who left the band in late 2018, they've finally found their comfort zone within their sound, creating a melodic, yet heavy and brooding album that has both space and fervor, not compromising one side of their music for another and instead blending them into a colorful and hypnotic swirl of noisy guitars, pummeling drum fills, and heavenly musical environments that never stop sucking you in. Led by the gleaming voice of Brett Boland, the shimmering glow of Radiant Bloom makes for one of the most distinct metal albums this year, on the further ends of the metal spectrum compared to their darker and gruffer peers but possessing just as much fervor and passion in their songs. Filling up each of their songs with the usual metal calling cards - distorted riffs, brute force drum fills from Matt St. Jean, fiery tremolo guitar picking - but Astronoid throw the same kind of huge builds and impressive instrumental textures you'd find on any number of post-rock records, opener Admin focused on a drawn-out crescendo of gauzy synths and thrumming guitars more than trying to get you to an end destination in mind, and it's the perfect way to get you enraptured with what they're doing here so that the rest of the album can unfold exactly how they want it to. From there, they hit everything from their traditional melodic metal in the forms of tracks like Eyes and Orchid to some cleaner tracks like Sleep Whisper that sound closer to an edgy indie rock song than anything else, Astronoid fully committing to their cleaner brand of metal here and polishing it so much that you don't miss the genre's usual dirtiness and grit even a little. All these different sonic qualities also help avoid the fatigue that can often arise from metal albums that don't have enough variation in mood and tone to make each song feel distinct from the next. While all of Radiant Bloom's nine songs fit together with their saturated mixes and blindingly-bright sound, each of them is memorable for a different reason: the wild guitar solo that lights up the second half of Eyes, Boland's electric vocal swells in back-end highlight Drown, the seven-minute finale Decades that turns the post-rock notch up to fifteen and delivers one of the band's most euphoric songs to date. Because they don't force themselves into the stylistic barriers often associated with the metal subgenres they play with here, Radiant Bloom turns out one of the most free-flowing and genuinely fun rock albums this year, showing off Astronoid's distinct style while keeping the music incandescent and powerful along the way. Sleep Whisper throws down these sharp metallic drum clangs that make the song one of the sharpest and most cutting tracks on offer without getting so heavy that it weighs down Boland's soaring vocals and Casey Alyward's churning guitars, and even though the following Sedative switches up the energy with blistering guitars and smashing drum fills, it never feels like Radiant Bloom comes unwound or loses its identity because of those intense changes. Astronoid know how to make their style work for them, and it's never sounded this good. For metal bona-fides looking for the most heart-stopping and demanding albums this year, Radiant Bloom is not the kind of album - nor Astronoid the band - to deliver the kind of experience to you. What they are here for is a bright and welcoming form of metal, songs that soundtrack the galaxy with their twinkling guitars and expansive sound that could circle around an IMAX screen fourteen times over. Radiant Bloom is an album of energy and color, metal that's been thrown around in a kaleidoscope and comes out on the other end with so much heart and vibrance that you can't help but love it entirely. They carry their music high and never let it fall down, and that alone is enough to make Radiant Bloom a massive success. Astronoid are one of the most uplifting, creative, and joyful metal bands doing it right now, and Radiant Bloom sees them at the peak of their artistry thus far - rock music this bright and effusive could never be anything less than great.
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festfashions · 6 years
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Just look how happy that guy is...
Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC), Las Vegas, 2018
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nikkioohs · 6 years
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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4/4/21-Easter Sunday part 2 of 2: Lymington walk (Swallow, Sandwich Tern, Spotted Redshank and more) 10 more different pictures in this photoset to those I tweeted tonight 
We then this afternoon came to the same nature reserve that we came to yesterday, instead of the Pennington part of the site (Lymington-Keyhaven nature reserve) the Lymington or Normandy lagoon/marshes end. This was great to come here again guided by a bird we were trying to see both days which we did not and it meant we had really walked most of the coastal path within the reserve in two days the only bits we didn’t touch was the first bits of Keyhaven yesterday and the same for the real first bits of the Lymington walk today but we certainly coveted most of it. We have only walked from one end to the other from Lymington to Keyhaven and back once before. I took the first three and sixth, seventh and ninth pictures in this photoset of beautiful views here today.
And as the places looked so beautiful and serenely blue drenched in the sunshine we were so lucky to have again it was very similar to yesterday with the birds we saw with many Avocets that it was a true delight and honour to see with some really special views, Shelduck, some straggling Brent Geese and others all frequent sightings this afternoon. By contrast in Normandy lagoon and the water by the bridge and gates especially there were many Black-tailed Godwits again for me lately with most of them looking exquisite and very beautiful in their bronzed brown summer plumage they really were so appealing and lovely to look at a special few moments to see them. I took the fifth picture in this photoset of one and there were another two I tweeted on Dans_Pictures one I made into a “Where’s Wally” type picture as it was a whole group of them together most of them with heads on their back. I took a picture and wanted just one bird with its beak visible and for this one there was but it was actually a lone Redshank with them all. We also saw a great deal of Spotted Redshanks a key bird for this part of the reserve a stronghold for them I tweeted a picture of one of those too, we got some top views of their bright, shining, distinctive and impressive scarlet, grey and black markings we got some great up close views of them today. I also adored as we did a couple of weeks back seeing the iconic Lapwing in flight driving right over our heads, not only screaming their delightful “pee-wit” call which gives them another of their names but we heard the almost sonic boom-eque drum of their wings beating surrounding us as it passed over a a sensational natural experience. Also known as the green plover and right at home as one of my stars of an amazing wildlife and photography Easter weekend which was especially a memorable one for plovers. I also enjoyed seeing the flowers shown in the fourth picture in this photoset, more lovely gorse in bloom all over the place shown in the eighth picture in this photoset and some fumitory not a flower I had ever noticed before which I loved seeing and tweeted a picture of. 
As we walked on I was thrilled to spot a Swallow flying over it was in a group and we saw others as the walk went on. My first of the year and always one of the most crucial year ticks in spring my second hurundine in as many days and this year at this reserve it was so great to see them. It became probably my best ever day for seeing Swallows for the first time in a year I think with rather than the usual one a very decent few seen and some very close really getting to make our their fairly exotic colours and strong features with those iconic long tale streamers it was the perfect place for it. The saying “one swallow does not a summer make” seems apt today with the apparent imminent plunge into lower temperatures.
But my second hurundine of the year has now been a year tick for me on Easter Sunday three times after 2015 and 2018 and I saw my first of 2020 a year ago today alongside my first Orange Tip and Comma butterflies of 2020 on a lockdown walk along the river Itchen where I was on Tuesday so (whilst I obviously know Easter Sundays fall on different dates each year) a Swallow was expected about now and I was so thrilled and pleased to see them today. That’s ten year ticks in three days now taking my year list to 129 now level with how many I had seen at this stage in 2017 making my year list the joint fourth highest a year list of mine had been on on this date behind the past three years which I am so thrilled with my year list is booming so much. The only time I remember anything like this happening with the amount of year ticks in quick succession in spring so not the first days and weeks of the year in winter with so many birds to see was on the first May bank holiday of 2014 at RSPB Weymouth’s Radipole Lake and Lodmoor reserves in Dorset where I got ten year ticks in a day which is always notable to see when comparing current year lists to past ones so this will live so long in the memory too.
As we walked on I loved seeing a bold and large Sandwich Tern dash over us fishing over the sea. It flew up the coast and flew back round again, a brilliant showing and this was a fantastic fresh nautical moment. It wasn’t a year tick as one of the best moments of my week off in January was catching an overwintering one on a coastal walk just before my birthday. But this was my first summer plumage one of the year with the jet black feathers on its head going so sweetly with the bright yellow tip of the black beak I always find. I had hoped to sneak a tern today Lymington is so good for them. I reflected when seeing this at how much this reserve and generally Sandwich Terns have become easier for us to see the past few years. There was a time when it wasn’t a given we would see one so easily in a year or at least not within our real regular haunts (in normal times) perhaps. But the last few years we have seen delightfully so much of this B list favourite bird of mine and I love that. I really liked spotting this one today.
 As we walked on back I liked seeing an Oystercatcher wading in noticeable deep mud which I also tweeted a picture of, Meadow Pipit really well too shown in the tenth and final picture in this photoset and we got cracking views and heard their wonderful call so loudly of smashing Skylarks too which was fantastic. A memorable and very enjoyable Easter Sunday today with some very enjoyable and productive time this morning at home too. I hope you all had a good one.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Swallow of the year, three of my favourite birds the Shelduck, Brent Goose and Little Egret, Grey Heron, Cormorant, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Sandwich Tern, Spotted Redshank, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Avocet, Turnstone, Mute Swan, Canada Goose, Mallard, so many Teals, Shoveler, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Woodpigeon, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Blackbird, Robin, a couple of butterflies flying so quickly I couldn’t quite see what they were but likely Small Tortoiseshell or Peacock and it was great to hear Mediterranean Gulls so well again.
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Arian Shafiee — Pastorale (Constellation Tatsu)
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constellationtatsu · Arian Shafiee - California Pastorale (ft. claire rousay)
Arian Shafiee first came to prominence as the guitarist for Guerrilla Toss, a smart but antic dance punk outfit that shoehorned jazz, trance, funk and jamming into the smallest possible sonic space. He has since turned to more experimental work, as in the guitar-centric Scarlet Fail from 2018, where he tilted folk-picked meditations in unexpected directions by incorporating middle eastern tunings and sonorities. He seems to be in the process of cutting back to essentials, and this latest album is yet again more spacious and calm. Working with minimalist drone artists including claire rousay, Chuck Johnson and John C. Jones, he drifts free of obvious melody or meter, wafting long, indefinite sustained tones over one another and giving them time to bloom.
rousay’s piece, characteristically, incorporates sounds that are not traditionally considered music, some rattling, shuffling, clicking elements that infuse “California Pastorale”’s limpid surges of sound with a bit of tension and pace. Even so, this track progresses like a breathing animal, the sound swelling and receding in a regular way, so that you can almost imagine the rise and fall of a furry chest. “Luscher Cascades,” with Chuck Johnson, is likewise radiantly still, employing the silvery, disembodied steel guitar sounds that made Cinder Grove such a listening oasis. Here, too, more frictive sounds are layered into tranquility, some scrapings, some distant horn-like blasts, the hiss and twitch of static. And yet, they melt into the overall atmosphere of calm like rain falling into the ocean, losing their form as they slip into a universal hum.
In most of these tracks, it’s not easy to connect the sounds you hear with the instruments making them, but “Public Life,” near the midway point makes evocative use of piano. Simple patterns of keyboard notes are heard through a hushed, echoey space, as line of static rattles on at the baseline and big swooshes of cyber-altered sound come in at intervals from the sidelines. It has the effect of distancing the recognizable piano sounds, so that it’s a piano you dreamed or a piano you remember rather than the instrument itself. There’s an unearthly melancholy to it.
Not much happens across these seven tracks, in the sense of melodic development or narrative, and yet they demand attention. There is a quiet beautiful place in them, that you can enter but not really understand, and while elements of the ordinary creep in at the edges, this is not the world you live in.
Jennifer Kelly
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
Pitch Me your thing!
HELLO HELLO MY SUNBEAMS. For most every category, there was an impressive turn-out for pitches, so I thought we’d utilize the weirdness of this year’s GIFTENING to give something new a try. The popular vote winner for each category will happen on the first day, but on the second, the winner will be chosen from YOUR PITCHES. Mostly those pitches will be to me. The exception is in Miscellaneous, where you’ll be pitching to my family, because what I want to do and what is most entertaining isn’t necessarily the same thing.
So! How will we do this thing? GLAD YOU ASKED. I’ll link you to a form in a minute with space for one pitch. Once you fill it out, you’ll be asked if you want to do another. There’s no limit to the number of pitches you can send in! But remember that if you submit multiple entries for the same category, you’ll basically be competing against yourself.
NOW WE’VE GOT SOME RULES FOR DOING THIS (which I mostly stole from Holligay, because I have no creativity this year). Please read them carefully! I’ll toss pitches that break any of these, and I’d rather your hard work not go to waste.
Pitch Me is open for your submissions from RIGHT NOW (22 December) through the very last day of this hellyear (31 December) at 11:59pm MT.
The thing you pitch must have come from what was nominated for THE GIFTENING 2020. (Full list of those nominations in every category below the cut on this post.)
Entries must be unsigned! I’m looking to chose based on the pitch alone, regardless of who submitted it.
The pitch itself must be 100 words or less. HAVE PITY ON ME I CAN ONLY CONSUME SO MUCH.
If you’d like to get some help, ideas, feedback, all that good stuff, the Discord is a FANTASTIC resource I encourage you to use.
And, as promised, below the cut you’ll find the list of all the nominees in every category you guys sent in this year. IT’S A LONG LIST HAVE FUN WITH THAT
A Place Further Than The Universe/Sora Yori mo Toi Basho Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban) Action Heroine Cheer Fruits Aggretsuko Aho Girl Air Master Akuma No Riddle Alien Nine Angel Beats! Angelic Layer Appare-Ranman Aria Aria the Animation Arrietty/ The Secret World of Arrietty (Ghibli film) Ascendance of a Bookworm Azumamga Daioh Baccano! Beastars Black Cat Blood + (the series) Bloom Into You Blue Drop/Tenshitachino Gikyoku Bodacious Space Pirates (starting right where you left off) BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense Boku no hero academia Bubblegum Crisis Card Captor Sakura: Clear Card Cardcaptor Sakura Castlevania the Animated Series Cells at Work Chaos; Head Chihayafuru Code Geass cowboy Bebop Cyborg 009 Death Note Death Parade Deca-Dence Demon Girl Next Door Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) Diebuster: Aim For the Top 2 Dog Days dorohedoro Dot Hack//SIGN Dr. Stone Elfen Lied Erased (Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi) Escaflowne Excel Saga Fantastic Children Fate/Zero Flip Flappers Fresh Precure Fruits Basket 2019 Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Ga rei Zero GaoGaiGar gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex Ghost Stories (dubbed) Girls' Last Tour Great Pretender Hoseki no Kuni/ Land of the Lustrous House of Five Leaves/ Saraiya Goyou Inari konkon koi iroha Interviews with Monster Girls Inuyasha Isekai Izakaya "Nobu" Jellyfish Princess/ Kuragehime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable Kaguya-sama Love Is War Kaleido Star Kannazuki no Miko Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! Kemono Friends Kiki's Delivery Service Kimi ni Todoke: From Me To You Kino's Journey/Kino no Tabi (2003) Land of the Lustrous (Houseki no Kuni) Little Witch Academia Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files EP0 {"A Grave Keeper") Love is Hard for an Otaku Love Live! Sunshine!! lupin the 3rd part 4 Madoka: The Rebellion Movie Magic knight rayearth Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha March Comes in Like a Lion Mardock Scramble Master of Martial Hearts Mawaru Penguindrum Megalobox Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Mob Psycho 100 Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) Monster Mushishi My Bride is a Mermaid (Seto No Hanayome) My Love Story!!! My Neighbor Totoro My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom My Roommate is a Cat NANA Naruto Natsume’s Book of Friends Neon Genesis Evangelion (hateblog) New Cutey Honey Nichijou Ōban Star-Racers One Piece Ouran High school Host club Outlaw Star Paranoia Agent Perfect Blue Please Save My Earth Pop Team Epic Pretty Cure Fresh Princess Jellyfish/ Kuragehime Princess Mononoke Princess Principal Princess Tutu Project A-Ko promised neverland (/yakusoku no neverland) Psycho-Pass Ranma 1/2 Re: Cutie Honey Re:Creators Read or Die (OAV) Red Garden relife Revolutionalry Girl Utena Rose of Versailles Ruroni Kenshin Sailor Moon Sailor Moon (viz dub) Samurai Champloo (english dub) Sarazanmai School Days School-Live! Scum's Wish Senki Zesshou Symphogear (listed as just "Symphogear" on Crunchyroll.) Serei no Moribito (Guardian of the Spirit) Shin Sekai Yori (From The New World) Shirobako Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle Smile Pretty Cure (Japanese original)/ Glitter Force (english adaptation) Snow White with the Red Hair Sound Euphonium Strawberry Panic (yuri) Sweetness and Lightning The Devil is a Part-timer The Devil Lady The disasterous life of saiki k (saiki kusuo no Sai Nan) The End of Evangelion (movie) the Promised Neverland The Twelve Kingdoms Tiger & Bunny Tokimeki Tonight ToraDora Tsubasa Chronicle Umineko When They Cry Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid Vinland Saga Violet Evergarden Whispered Words (Sasameki Koto) With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun Yona of the Dawn Yu Yu Hakusho Yugioh Duel Monster Yuki Yuna is a Hero Yuri Kuma Arashi Yuri On Ice!!! Zoids: Chaotic Century Zombie Land Saga
Non-Anime Animated
Adventure Time Amphibia Animainiacs (Original) Animaniacs (Reboot) Archie's Weird Mysteries As Told By Ginger Barbie Life in The Dreamhouse Batman the Animated Series Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot Big Mouth Bob's Burgers Bojack Horseman Bravest Warriors Captain N: the Game Master Carmen Sandiego (1994) Carmen Sandiego (2019) Castlevania (Netflix) Cats Don't Dance Coco Courage the Cowardly Dog Craig of the Creek Cyber Six Daria Darkwing Duck Dragon Booster Dragons: Riders of Berk DuckTales (2017) Exo-Squad Fern Gully Fillmore! Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Futurama Gargoyles Glitch Techs Godzilla: The Animated Series Green Lantern the Animated Series Hedgehog in the Fog (Ёжик в тумане) Hey Arnold Hilda Infinity Train Iron Giant JEM Kim Possible Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts Legend of Zelda animated series (1989) Legion of Super-Heroes Liberty Kids Magical Girl Friendship Squad Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart The Legend of Korra Moominvalley Motorcity My Little Pony (Classic, NOT FiM) My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Onyx Equinox Over the Garden Wall Over the Moon (2020 film) Owl House Primal Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure Redwall Rise of the TMNT Roco's Modern Life Rugrats RWBY Samurai Jack Seis Manos She-Ra (1985) She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Sonic Boom Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse Star vs. the Forces of Evil Strange Magic Super Mario Brothers Super Show Superman: The Animated Series Teen Titans The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo The Animals of Farthing Wood The Dragon Prince The Hollow The Legend of Tarzan (TV series) The Magic School Bus (1994) The Mysterious Cities of Gold The Pirate Fairy (Disney Fairies) The Powerpuff Girls (1998) The Real Ghostbusters Thundercats (1985) Thundercats (2011) Transformers: Prime Tuca and Bertie Twelve Forever Undone Venture Bros Wakko's Wish Wakfu Wander Over Yonder We Bare Bears (TV) Winx Club Wreck-It Ralph (2012) X-Men Evolution X-Men: The Animated Series Xiaolin Showdown
Live Action
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 28 Days Later 3rd Rock from the Sun A Series of Unfortunate Events American Horror Story: Asylum Babysitter's Club (2020) Batman (the old Adam West version) Better Call Saul Black Mirror Blackbeard's Ghost (Peter Ustinov) Boston Legal Boy Meets World Boys Over Flowers Bromance (Taiwanese tv series) Brooklyn 99 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Cadfael Cagney and Lacey Charmed (2018) Chopped Cleopatra 2525 Cloak and Dagger Clue (1985) Community Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Dead Like Me Dead To Me Deadwood Death Note (Netflix) Derry Girls Dimension 20 - The Unsleeping City Doctor Who (New) Doom Patrol Dracula's Daughter (1936) Escape to the Chateau Farscape Fingersmith Galavant Godzilla (2014) Gokushufudo (2020 Japanese TV drama) Golden Girls Good Omens H20: Just Add Water (somewhere in seasons 1-2) Happy New Year Harley Quinn movie Hateblog a REALLY STRAIGHT soap opera. Haunting of Bly Manor His Dark Materials (HBO series) Holes Hot Fuzz House Inception Inside No. 9 Iron Chef America Joan of Arcadia Julie and the Phantoms Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Kamen Rider Build Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Kamen Rider Fourze Killing Eve Knives Out Letterkenny Leverage Little Women (2019) Lucifer Matlock Majisuka Gakuen MASH Merlin Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol Money Talks (1997 film) Motherland: Fort Salem Murder She Wrote Mythbusters Nailed It! Never Have I Ever Once Upon a Time Orphan Black Pen 15 PGSM Pi (1998) Picnic at Hanging Rock (2018) Pride and Prejudice: A New Musical Puppy Bowl Pushing Daisies Rome (hateblog) Russian Doll Sabrina Sense8 Sera Myu: Un Nouveau Voyage Shameless Sierra Burgess Smallville So Weird Star Trek: TOS (or their films) Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Star Trek: Voyager Stargate Atlantis Suckerpunch Supernatural (out of context speedrun the last three episodes) Sweetheart Switched at Birth Tall Girl Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles The Addams Family (1964) The Big Flower Fight The Booth at the End The Bride With White Hair The Crown The Fresh Prince of Bel Air The Good Place The Kissing Booth The L Word The Librarians The Magicians The Muppet Show The Pregnancy Pact The Room The Steve Harvey Show The Stranded The Untamed The Witcher The Wolfman (1941) Torchwood Twilight Zone (original) Twin Peaks Ultraman Nexus Umbrella Academy Van Helsing Warehouse 13 Warrior Nun What We Do In The Shadows (tv show) Will & Grace Wynonna Earp X-Men 2: X-Men United Xena: Warrior Princess
Alpha Flight #41-62 Anime music dance party, the logistics of which are to be determined! Ask Hot Pocket and/or Mina-pup AskSharknado: Giftening Edition Attempt to make French macaroons Commentary on old Goggles Critical Role Crowdsourced: A Black Mirror-style day where Jetty has to ask what her choices are of the audience for everything! I give you a menu, you decide what she has for dinner? What does she wear? Does she walk on the track or do the eliptical? Does she go to a movie with Doc or play a video game with Mike? Can be done alongside other stuff. Doodle Day Dramatic readings of fan fiction! Drunk History (or whatever your favorite subject would be) with Jet Wolf! Drunk Sailor Moon Exorcising Closet Ghost Fic Prompts Day Figuarts Day! (Not specifically freeing anyone, just various fun poses and such) Guess the plot of a show based on its opening Her Shim-Cheong (manhwa) House of X/Powers of X Hubby's Choice IDW Jem comics liveblog Intros Only (watch show openings, give commentary, guess what show is about, etc.) Jackbox Games Jet Wolf paints along with Bob Ross Jet and Doc go to Heaven/Hell, respectively: Jet gets to write reams of words about the awesomeness of Rei Hino and Doc has to read all of them and say ONLY NICE THINGS. Jet does Tiktok dances Jet Liveblogs Holligay: A Nature Documentary Jet Ranks Sailor Moon Image Songs Jet Reads Goosebumps Jet Reads Legion of Super-Heroes Jet redesigns the Wolf and Gay offices! Jet shows off her knitting Jet Wolf attempts to recreate scenes from Sailor Moon with Mina and Hot Pocket and/or whatever is in the house Jet Wolf reacts to Sailor Moon tiktoks (in blog form) Jet Wolf reads Love and Rockets. Jet Wolf reads the Jem comics by IDW Jet Wolf reviews her old top 100 Sailor Moon moments list Jet Wolf talks about Archie Comics Jet Wolf talks about each cel she owns and why they are so awesome. Jet Wolf writes Poetry Jet Wolf's Top 5's Jet, Hubby and/or family play board games Jetty Rants and Raves Jet Wolf tries to crack the Gravity Falls Codes Kiwi Blitz on Hiveworks Let's Play on Webtoon Liveblog: Favorite X-Men comic book arcs Livestream Pathfinder one-shot LOONA (Collection of music videos with an ongoing story/universe about GIRLS who are FRIENDS and SAVE THE UNIVERSE) Lore Olympus on Webtoon Mike regales us with "the story of your love" while you get increasingly embarrassed Mina and Hot Pocket day - liveblog like a nature documentary Mister Tsukino Does His Taxes and the Household Budget (Sailor Moon fan comic by Shadowjack) Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake Not So Shoujo Love Story on Webtoon Pitch Mishaps for Untitled Senshi Game (it is a lovely day in Juuban, and you are a Horrible Minako.) Pitching hubby's favorite media at (readers/holligay/jill/momigay) Playing with dolls (because how could 3 women not have any dolls between them) Re-Take By Studio Kimigabuchi (All Ages Version) Real or Fake Anime (people submit descriptions of anime you guess if it is an anime that actually exists or not) Reviewing succulents Scavenger hunt! Not entirely sure how it would work, maybe folks could send in asks for you to show things like your favorite Rei Hino object, or the thing that's been with you the longest, etc. sewing/knitting/baking tutorial Share or rant about a Roman history topic Sleepless Domain on Hiveworks Talking to Docholligay 2: Doc Harder (basically you talking to Doc's future womb evictee while still in there and telling them stuff like say the greatness of Rei Hino) The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess (manhwa) The Polar Bear Plunge--I take Jetty to our finest Lake Elmo in January, and she jumps in! Note: THIS IS NOT DANGEROUS, WORRYWARTS. I'll bring a life preserver, I've done it before, and I would do it with her if I weren't pregnant. The Senshi Helpline--The Senshi, taking your advice questions, here and now! The World of Moral Reversal Virtual knitting/crafting circle! Let us craft and chat with you! What-If #24 Gwen Stacy Lived Worm the web serial Write an explanation for a drawing we send you! Yuri Hell's Kitchen
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waterparchive · 5 years
Track By Track: ‘FANDOM’ with Waterparks
Brii Jamieson – October 21, 2019
Because who better to explain 'FANDOM' than the lads in Waterparks?
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So now that we've all had a chance to listen to Waterparks' new album 'FANDOM' and properly mull it over and digest it, we thought that this would be an opportune moment to go through the album in more detail. But rather than us explaining the themes and nuances of the songs on the album, we asked Waterparks to talk us through each track on 'FANDOM'. Here we go.
01. ‘Cherry Red’ Awsten Knight: “I had another demo that I was doing of [‘Cherry Red’], and the file got corrupted. And I was like, ‘Fuck’. I couldn’t open it anymore, and dragged in all the pieces of audio, and just made new tracks of audio. I was going to try and rearrange it to the way I had it, but I pressed play and it sounded like ‘Cherry Red’ when it kicks in. I was just in my room like, ‘Oh shit!’ I was like, ‘Well that’s that’.
“That was fucking wild - but that’s the start to the best album in the world. It gives hints to the last song, because that last song goes, ‘So I must be dead’, and this one’s like, ‘You know I’d die for you’ - get it?”
02. ‘Watch What Happens Next’ Awsten: “‘Watch What Happens Next’ is me just being all, ‘Fuck y’all’. Not all of y’all, just like, a lot of y’all. Most of y’all. All of y’all!
“I overthink shit, a lot of shit. I’m in a band. I overthink being in a band a lot. And one of those things that I’ve overthought is how most other genres are able to celebrate their successes, and it’s a very looked-down-on thing in ‘band world’ to talk about most shit besides feelings. It’s really weird, and it doesn’t really make sense. It’s naïve to pretend that that’s the only thing that exists, and also kind of bad because it panders to people that are just stuck in this cycle of being fucking sad all the time. It makes for mopey high school kids - like me!
“It’s about, in the same regard, how bands aren’t allowed to experiment as much with music as other kinds of people. This isn’t me shitting on it - this is me saying we should be allowed to do it. But hip-hop albums that I really love are super fuckin’ artsy, and if a band were to do that it would be like, ‘What the fuck are y’all doing?’ because when a band switches up the tiniest little thing, [fans] are not about it at all. And it’s super dogshit, it’s very weird, and I think it holds the genre back as a whole, so it was a very frustrating thing for me. So I wrote about it, as I tend to do.”
03. 'Dream Boy' Awsten: “‘Dream Boy’ is about fan expectations. It’s about being built into something, based on an idealised version of you - an unwarranted one, at that - where people look at you as a certain thing. They see you online as, ‘Oh, he’s this and this and this’, and they put what they need you to be into their heads. It’s built into this thing that you cannot live up to, and it’s ultimately going to lead to disappointment - on their end, and my end, because it doesn’t feel good to let people down. But that’s just what happens. Pop banger, dude!”
04. 'Easy To Hate' Awsten: “That one was a ‘Friendly Reminder’ song actually, but it was just a really good song and everyone said I should keep it, and I was just like, ‘Yo, you’re right’. It’s about a break up. Yeah.”
05. 'High Definition' Awsten: “You guys are gonna make me cry by the end of this, and I’m gonna be like, ‘I hope you’re happy with this feature and you get your clicks’. Here we go.
“‘High Definition’ was the latest set of lyrics written for the album - it was the last thing. It’s about not being able to get close to people, because of what we do, being gone all the time. Or, you know, starting to have some kind of stature and not trusting the people who hit you up, because people may not have done so much before.
“There’s a song that’s all, ‘Back then hoes didn't want me, now I'm hot hoes all on me’ [Mike Jones’ ‘Back Then’] - but not in like a bragalicious way. It’s an, ‘I’m like really lonely, I hate all of this’, kind of way. It’s like that.”  
06. 'Telephone' Awsten: “‘Telephone’ was written when I was super fucking depressed - surprise - and I was at Target. I saw a cute girl at Target, and instead of being like, ‘Sup’ - I would have never done that anyway - I went home and wrote a super obsessive love song, and it was so tight.”
Geoff Wigington: “He called me and was like, ‘Dude, I’ve just seen the prettiest person at Target, I don’t even know what to do - I can’t find them now. I think I’m just gonna go home and write about it’.”
Awsten: “Did that happen?”
Geoff: “Yeah!”
Awsten: “Alright. Either way, I also don’t remember what they look like anymore. Because I saw the responses when I said that were like, ‘What does she look like, blah blah blah missed connection’, and I honestly don’t remember. It was like, January 2018. Yeah, so that song’s that.
“There’s another reason that it almost wasn’t on the album - the original version was kind of pop-punk sounding, and I was like, ‘Fuck that’. But the other reason is, I was trying to decide if it takes away from the album - but it doesn’t though. Because with some of the other themes of the album, it counts as the sugar-spike in [‘Fandom’]. Because when you’re dealing with some shit, you have hard ups and downs, and it’s kind of like a manic thing. It’s lodged between ‘High Definition’ which is a very lonely, isolating song, then you’ve got the ‘AAAAAAH!’ (we pretend that ‘Group Chat’ isn’t a thing for a second), and we have ‘Turbulent’. So it’s between those guys. That’s how it’s meant to be. It’s like, low - very high - very low.”
07. ‘Group Chat' Awsten: “Let’s talk ‘Group Chat’ dude.” [They literally just performed ‘Group Chat’ here. That’s the whole thing].
08. ‘Turbulent’ Awsten: “I was like, ‘I’m done with break up songs dude, I’m over it’. Then I got re-mad at some new shit. Then I was like, ‘You know what though, if we’re gonna do this, it’s gotta be crazy different from everything else, sonically and lyrically’, so instead of approaching it like, ‘Eh’, it was like, ‘Fuck you nerd, I’m way tighter than all of this shit’. Oh my god, and then sonically it was just so dark and shiny and fast, and I was like, ‘This is the best’. [‘Turbulent’] was the turning point for ‘Fandom’ - that was the first thing made after being like, ‘You know what, that one is not going to work, we’re gonna start over’. That was the first thing, and then I was like, ‘Oh, this is what we’re supposed to be doing, alright’.”
09. 'Never Bloom Again' Awsten: “That song has been in the process of being written since 2015. I’ve got real old versions of that. But the thing is, it just kept evolving - I kept doing new verses, and changing things in the hook and stuff like that. And there was a version of it that was ready around the time of ‘Entertainment’ - it wasn’t quite the same, but the reason it wasn’t on there was because I was like, ‘If it’s only 10 songs, there shouldn’t be two acoustic. That might be overkill’.”
10. 'I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don't Wanna Die Anymore' Awsten: “‘I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don’t Wanna Die Anymore’ is about missing having sex… but not wanting to die anymore. In the verses, I was just trying to talk directly to the fans - the first one that’s like, ‘Stop asking me that, don’t ask me that, I don’t wanna do that, I don’t wanna do that either’. It’s always somebody’s birthday. Always. But that song leaves nothing to be imagined… If somebody is like, ‘What’s that line mean?’, I’d be like, ‘Can you read?’. When I say all the lyrics in this album are a lot more blunt, this one is the perfect example of that.”
11. 'War Crimes' Awsten: “Oh. Bud-dy. Oh my lord. What a crazy song. Initially there was another version - or when I first started doing it, it was like a girly base and I was like, ‘Shut up Awsten! We’ve got way tighter shit to say’. It’s me venting about the past year and a half, but it’s like an overview of that time, and is just me bitching about all of it, because bitching is great.
“I mean, we’ve toured a lot, so we’ve experienced a lot with other bands. We’ve experienced a lot just with other people in general and how they are, and how they treat you when things suck - or when things are tight. Or how they treat me because I’m the singer, and he’s just the drummer!”
12. ‘[REBOOT]’ Awsten: “Oh man, that’s like the pettiest breakup song, but it’s so great. I sing so quick in that song, it’s really fun. I wanted that one to come out before [the album] because I worry when songs are towards the back of the album that they’re just not gonna be heard as much, and it’s just a little more sonically… I don’t wanna say low-key - but other songs slam, or I’m like screaming and shit. I wanted to make sure it got its highlight.
“And plus, shout out to those Marilyn Manson-sounding vocals in the chorus - because I didn’t want it to stay the same dynamically, but when we tried to make it go up it just sounded dumb. I was like, ‘Do you know what we have to do? We have to go gloomier. Just sink that bottom half with some real dark shit, some real minor stuff in there’. We made it sound just like Marilyn Manson and it was crazy, and I was like ‘there it is! Bop!’.”
13. ‘Worst’ Awsten: “‘Worst’ was written in March 2019. That’s a lie.
“‘Worst’ started the way most demos do - on the laptop. But then I got upset! And I went and walked to Starbucks and put it on YouTube one morning after seeing some stuff online, and left it unlisted for a minute because I knew our old label would be like ‘waaa’ about it. So I left it up for a minute on unlisted so if people had the link they could find it, but then I deleted the tweet. So I just let it circulate, and dude that shit had like 30,000 views, which back then was like, a lot - because that was back before ‘Entertainment’. Then they made me put it on private, because they found that and Felony Steve: rest in peace Felony Steve (he’ll be back). But then people kept re-uploading it, and one of them has like 400,000 something views right now, which is crazy. So I was just like, ‘I think I can do that song way fucking better’, and sonically it’s completely different now. Yeah, that song is fuckin’ tight. It’s one of the more genre-unique songs on the album.”
14. ‘Zone Out’ Awsten: “‘Zone Out’ came before ‘Dream Boy’ - it was stuck in my head for a long time, and finally I just recorded that chip-tune version of it, for me. But it was kind of ad-libby and shit. So once I got more of the lyrics together I did that. I was just listening to it on repeat because I was like, ‘This is so beautiful’, but then I was like, ‘You know what, this song should be like a full-on pop banger’, and then ‘Dream Boy’ happened. But it’s meant to be like a reflection at the end of the album, kind of like, after all this shit. And it’s kind of more shaky sounding, low… a little more sarcastic at that point.”
15. ‘I Felt Younger When We Met' Awsten: “What a fuckin’ hit. Yeah, that song, there was a version of it for ‘Friendly Reminder’, but it was just super light and it just didn’t do its job. I was like, ‘It’s just not impacting the way it needs to, so it needs to be rewritten’, and now it’s the fucking most insane intro on the entire album - oh my god. When we first got that at the studio, I was in the car with it and I was just like, ‘Woah’, turned it up way to loud, and just started it over when it got to the verse. So crazy.
“That song lyrically links back in to ‘Cherry Red’ - because it’s all meant to be very cohesive, even with the album art and stuff like that. Like the clock hands on the orange - that’s supposed to be the visual, and the ticking at the end represents that it’s about to start over again. Because it’s cyclical! Because guess what, dude? One of the fucking themes, part of the concepts of ‘Fandom’ is grief, and grief is a fucking loopy thing, it’s not a straight path - sometimes you gotta start over again. And you know what? The album did that: sonically, visually, conceptually. It’s a concept album, give us a five.”
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bloomyex-art · 6 years
dear dream diary
Ayy!! Last night I had a dream where I was racing against Sonic characters and other characters I didn't know and won but at the second race I didn't get there in time so I would just chill outand I could also fly well!!!
It didn't exhaust me and I had full control over where I would goI even hovered!! ! And at some point I got out of a school building ( school was over I guess ) and I walked out into a big place surrounded by metal fences ( usual school shit ) and a bunch of transports and I was like '' lmao nah I'm lucid so might as well do as I please also I hate school '' and so I went towards what I thought was an exit but it was a closed door and I didn't want to waste my time going there if it's locked so I just rushed over to the fence and jumped in a sortof 360 acrobatic spin
And then there was Shadow a couple of meters/feet from me and he called me Sonic???
so I was just like mmkay might as well play pretend againand he asked me something about going at his place to do something?? play videogames idfk man I couldn't hear the last partand I was like '' nah I just feel like taking a relaxed walk instead '' so I went and he just followed me it was kinda cute tbh (they were probs friends or something more but idk) until I came in with my 'accidental identity theft' I can't tell
anyway as I said at the beginning I managed to fly and maintain myself up in the air with barely any effort ( Of course I had to keep contracting my back muscles for the effect or else it wouldn't work bc I like realism ) It was fun! 
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More sonic warmth to carry your days. Hope the sunshine and fresh spring air has blown through your open windows. Thanks to all who’ve taking some time to listen with me.
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Cover from the newest release by Havenaire out on Polar Seas Recordings
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