digitulart · 25 days
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*cooks your companions* ermmm did i just do that 🤣
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cookimint28 · 21 days
Different Pansexual people:
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yourfavehasautism-og · 2 months
ryna/raspberry from cooking companions is autistic!!! :33
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Ryna/Raspberry from Cooking Companions has autism!
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Dani, setting down a card: Ace of spades. Bruno, pulling out an Uno card: +4! Amy, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you! Ryan, trembling: What are we playing?
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sovereignofsleep · 11 months
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Meet one of the main cast, Ryna! After everything went south, they abandoned a life of crime to start fresh, still a life of crime but they're better crimes now.
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the-chaos-katzlein · 2 years
So this is the first request I've made, and fair warning this will contain spoilers for the Chompettes DLC and the lore that recently came out. So don't read this till you've played/watched the DLC. May I request a scenario/story (Can be fluff or have a darker twist like the main game) where the MC/Reader is childhood friends with the Chompettes (Including Cornbread/Razael if you wish) during their childhood when they were still alive.
I went with both a dark part and a bit of fluff, if you can consider a sentence that.
But here you go: Reader & Chompettes
Totally didn’t go overboard
Story under the cut
It was a cloudy day in the little village you called home, roosters constantly crowing as if they were trying to one up each other tended to awaken the entire town, no matter how much distance was between them.
You awaken to the morning sun in your eyes, so you turn into your pillow before pushing yourself off of your mattress.
Your family owned the most popular (and only) general store in town, usually selling the leftover products from various small farmers throughout the region.
Many people thought that your family was inspiring, others looked upon you with scorn, and yet, recently, the friends you had made never thought of even being jealous about how much more your family makes than theirs, or that they can afford separate beds for all of you.
And it was these friends that usually found themselves peering into your ground level bedroom window, typically with Bolek somewhere in your family’s tomato garden.
“Wake up sleepy head! We’re going to that old cabin that we found!” Celina says as she leans partly over your window frame.
“You forget-“ A yawn and a stretch interrupt your sentence “-I still have to help my folks and sweep the store.”
“Oh boooo!” Oleg says before giggling to himself.
Ryna spoke in her usual down to earth monotone voice: “We’ll just meet you up there if you want.”
“Actually yeah…you guys go do that.” You say before standing out of your bed and making your way to the kitchen.
“Crew, let’s rooooolllll out!” Celina says before they all leave for the cabin in the woods.
Your morning goes by mostly the same as normal, you have something to eat, clean the store for your parents and say goodbye before leaving.
Unknown to you however, a stranger had been trailing your friends up to the cabin they intended to investigate, they thought they had lost him…
You began your ascent to the location your friends had discovered the day prior, you all had been wandering through the woods but now there was a path of exposed dirt to follow.
You passed by many things on the way up however, random chicken, and what you assumed to be a pigs femur all strewn in the grass alongside the path.
The sky seemed to darken as you walked, a storm seemed to be approaching, or perhaps you were walking into it, you weren’t sure.
You passed by a rotting fence, and a metal object caught your eye, it was rusted and well worn, but it piqued your curiosity to the point where you stepped off the path to pick it up.
It sat in the grass that came no higher than your ankle, the handle was covered in dirt and looked like it could splinter you if you weren’t careful.
You lifted it to eye level to get a better look at the object, it was a mattock, a digging tool.
“I guess they were digging holes for the fence posts…but gave up?” You say to yourself, and upon hearing your own voice upon the hillside you notice, it’s gotten eerily quiet.
The birds that once sung their songs have all gone quiet, the wind that once rustled trees and blew against your ears has been standing still for the better half of a few minutes.
You began walking towards the cabin once more, quickening your pace for some reason, you didn’t know why.
Upon approaching the cabin you saw a raven with a pebble in its mouth tapping upon the window, another croaked upon the half destroyed wooden door that seemingly lead to an underground storage area, and lastly a raven landed upon your shoulder and began preening itself as the thunder rolled overhead.
Your curiosity had once more gotten the better of you, and you descended into the underground area, the stairs creaked as you walked, the air seemed almost stale…and metallic.
You descended deeper and deeper into the underground area and when you finally reached the bottom you saw three doors, the left and middle ones were closed, the right was open and there stood an older man, a lantern in one hand, knife in the other.
You saw Celina standing in front of her friends, trying to defend them…you don’t know what controls your body at this point, but you lunge forward with a “No!” And drive the pick end of the mattock into the man’s neck, before pulling him to the ground.
The older man looked up at you without fear, in fact he seemed rather impressed judging by his gaze.
“Well?” He asked, laying on the floor, blood spilling from his neck, and a crooked smile on his face.
Without a seconds more of hesitation you slammed the axe end down into his skull, once, twice, thrice, four times, before Ryna the usually quiet one grabs onto your arms to stop you.
“He’s dead.” She’s says, and you drop the weapon, collapse onto your knees and sigh, exhausted.
Bolek and Oleg tackle you to the ground in tear filled happiness, Celina and Ryna join soon after.
All of you embrace in the dark, dirty, musty, blood smelling basement as the old man finally dies, after all these years.
You’re glad that your friends are safe once again and you all rush back to your village to tell the adults what happened.
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sagilsnonsense · 10 months
My partner has made petali Milo's shroom family!
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The one in the dress is his mom Ryna and the one holding Milo is his dad Migo.
The mom is a purple brittlegill
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And the dad is a Mycena interrupta
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rowatine · 5 days
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Dion J. Pierre
A prominent international law firm based in Chicago has rescinded an offer of employment to a law student at New York University who sent a message to the school’s Student Bar Association (SBA) expressing “absolute solidarity” with Hamas’ terrorist onslaught against Israel.
“Winston & Strawn learned that a former summer associate published certain inflammatory comments regarding Hamas’ recent terrorist attack on Israel and distributed it to the NYU Student Bar Association,” the law firm said in a statement. “These comments profoundly conflict with Winston & Strawn’s values as a firm. Accordingly, the firm has rescinded the law student’s offer of employment.”
The student — Ryna Workman, president of the SBA — had sent a message to the NYU student group on Hamas’ invasion of Israel, which resulted in more than 1,000 Israeli deaths. Thousands of Israelis were also injured, and dozens were kidnapped and taken as hostages to neighboring Gaza, the Palestinian enclave controlled by Hamas.
“I want to express, first and foremost, my unwavering and absolute solidarity with Palestinians in their resistance against oppression,” Workman wrote. “Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life … I will not condemn Palestinian resistance.”
Workman went on to accuse Israel of “apartheid” and “settler colonialism” before concluding, “Palestine will be free.”
Winston & Strawn said in its statement that the firm remains “outraged and deeply saddened by the violent attack on Israel over the weekend. Our hearts go out to our Jewish colleagues, their families, and all those affected.” The firm added that it “stands in solidarity with Israel’s right to exist in peace and condemns Hamas and the violence and destruction it has ignited in the strongest terms possible.”
New York University’s Law School on Tuesday released its own statement disavowing Workman’s comments, which widely circulated on social media and triggered an uproar demanding that the school clarify its position on them.
“Some of you have seen a message from the president of the Student Bar Association regarding the horrific conflict in Israel and Gaza. This message was not from NYU School of Law as an institution and does not speak for the leadership of the Law School,” wrote Troy McKenzie, dean of the law school. “It certainly does not express my own views, because I condemn the killing of civilians and acts of terrorism as always reprehensible.”
NYU isn’t the only university to have law school students support Hamas and condemn Israel. On Tuesday, amid the circulation of footage showing gruesome acts of violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians, the City University of New York (CUNY) Law School’s Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) shared a tweet containing instructions for making Molotov cocktails while appearing to defend Hamas’ terror campaign.
“Soak a cloak in flammable liquid … resoak [sic] the exposed wick and light it,” the text said. “Target a hard surface, such as an engine grill. Repeat until the invading occupiers retreat.”
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oribu-the-loser · 10 months
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Some older digital art I made from may this year 👍
I still like how these look 🫶
Cooking companions deserves way more attention, if you like horror & visual novels please go check it out :)
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stupidlysunny · 3 months
She literally has autism im the cockroach in deer dreams studios house and i overheard he said ryna has autism yep
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apollotronica · 3 months
Hiiihigigi its Toma/1228555 alt umm ill do this since i cant comment pr tag u
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This is Agape
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They live in a computer and Agape is a virus and Goyou is tryna get rid of him … anndnamsna ywah . THUMBS UP!!!
THEYRE SO CUTENESS OH MY GOSH are theyin yaois . goyou is so prettyness
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socialjusticefail · 8 months
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I found this thread through a quote tweet of an interview with the person in question.
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inferior-fairy · 1 year
Okay HOW COME no one has done an Alpha x Alpha Obikin on AO3 yet?! That’s not fair. I want feral alphas, RAGH
Babe now I know that's not true!! I didn't search very deep, but here are two: Awaken the Storm by Saratutti and all the better to love you with by y0u_idjits
And two more bitching fics (the changing of the secondary gender from alpha to omega): Alpha in Retrograde by Fandommember, JSwander, Saratutti, Space Mace (LoveNLols), Why_is_my_nose_a_carrot, and afterglow by demi_fae (aka me)
Now tbf Idk if any of these have feral alphas either.... but it's something! And if anyone else has any recs, it'd be greatly appreciated :)
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swan2swan · 1 year
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I am the only one who ships it but I will live
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starlightfreed · 1 year
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@starlcved​​ is getting treats for mar.
her hood is pulled up in a smooth motion,   head turning only briefly to glance over her shoulder.   at the sight of a purple helmet,   she goes still for a moment,   having to force herself to keep walking after the brief lull.   it jogs a memory,   of a mandalorian apprentice she had met when she was but a youngling herself.   in another time,   she might’ve approached him based on that shared history,   but her best protection is the belief that she’d died in the wake of the clone’s attacks.   this jeopardizes that protection in the highest degree.   hoping that she might avoid an encounter,   she weaves amongst the crowd at an only slightly increased pace,   not wanting to attract the attention of any patrols either given the disturbance that’s only moments away from breaking out.   on the off chance he might’ve noticed her,   she darts down side streets and cuts the corners as quickly as possible without fully running.   wanting to be off the streets when the panic starts,   she finally ducks into a cantina,   slipping into a darker corner with a sightline of the door,   trying to appear casual despite the tension in her muscles as she watches and waits.
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