#Rockfeller Center
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Au Rockefeller Center pour faire un peu de roller 5 juin 2022
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l-egionaire · 5 months
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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wingedalpacacupcake · 3 months
Mass arrests at NYC protest against US President Joe Biden's Israel policy
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multicolour-ink · 11 months
I bet no one would be more excited to celebrate Christmas than Peach, who's most likely never experienced the holiday. Similar to that one scene in the movie Elf, Mario and Peach skip through midtown Manhattan, stopping every few feet to admire the Christmas trees on display, and then Mario decides to show Peach the biggest Christmas tree in the city: the one on display at Rockefeller Center.
Honestly, the only thing I immediately thought of when you mentioned that scene, is Mario spinning around in the rotating door of the department store, like Buddy does in the movie 😂
Peach would stand there smiling awkwardly, wondering if this is a normal human custom ^^;
Mario would also of course give her all the delights of the holiday. Taking her ice-skating and holding her hand tight as they skate around the edge, going around a Christmas market and treating her to mulled wine, going to a toy store and showing her the giant teddy bears ❤️💗
And of course, showing her the Rockfeller Centre Christmas tree! Peach would gaze in awe at the sheer beauty of it, while Mario would turn to her smiling, and notices how the lights sparkle so beautifully in her eyes...
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gacougnol · 2 years
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Ernst A. Heiniger
Rockfeller Center
New York 1950
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sankt-jesper · 9 months
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The Archmage of the Gramercy Occult Society ✨
ID under the cut
dimension 20 fandom! where are you! i'm new and devouring seasons after seasons and i can't find you :(
[ID: Fanart of Esther Sinclair from Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City. Pastiche of Janelle Monáe's The ArchAndroid. Esther has the same expression; her eyes are glowing gold. Her "crown" is round, with many moons surrounding three buildings, from left to right: the Chrysler, the Empire State and the Rockfeller Center. Between the buildings, Orlando and Rovias sit on top of Esther's hair. /END ID]
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scoprendonewyork · 2 years
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Rockfeller ❤️ #igersnewyork #newyorkfood #instanewyork #instanyc #instagramnyc #scoprendonewyork #loves_nyc #iloveny #unlimitednewyork #nycgram #nycskyline #nyc_explorers #newyorker #nycgo #explorenewyork #nycstreets #newyorknewyork #newyorkphotographer #picturesofnewyork #newyorkornowhere #newyorkforever #scoprendonewyork #newyorkcitylife #nyc_instagram #mysecretnyc #newyorklovers #newyork #nyc #igersnyc (presso Rockefeller Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3EvyPs1eA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mcmxcvixi · 1 year
my sweet boy
despite what happened the night before of her first public event (without anyone on her side), jes pulled everything together perfectly. of course did not forget to apologize as it had been stuck in her mind the moment she woke up, remembering what she did trying to run outside in the freezing cold night, threw up all over the floor in attempt to set herself free from her bodyguard— seymour accepted her apology with a chuckle.
jun called his daughter the same night at the event, congratulated her on her work well done, with some little 'demand' squeezed in between praise. but she made her choice and it's there's not going to be indecisive when it comes to her son.
she promised a month ago to take the boy to see the rockfeller christmas tree, ken always go wide eyed when he sees something bright, jes knows he will love it. when he smiled and tried to repeat after her over the words that difficult for him to pronounce, she would do anything for him, anything to make him happy.
"okay, we're ready!" she puts the hoodie up to ken's head, adjusting his little gloves when he runs off of the bedroom, resulting jes to chuckle at such an adorable excitement, following the small boy to where he's going, waddle himself away grabbing his frog plushie. ken holds it up, staring at both his mom and then the toy frog then slowly bringing it to his chest, asking jes if he can bring the toy with him.
crouching down to fix his clothing, making sure the cold won't get into him, "there are many space in mommy's car, so, yes, you can bring your friend with you." she sweetly answer her son, touching the tip of his nose. "but you have to make sure to take care of him, okay? keep him close, so he won't get lost." ken smiles then nods at her, little arms are open to let her carry him up. it takes no hold back when she showers ken with kisses to his face, to have such a cute angel in front of her, everyday she is reminded how lucky she is.
rockfeller center isn't so far away from where she's resided in new york but bringing ken she feels more safer to drive away with a car and it's freezing outside, if it's only her all alone, she'd rather walk. while ken isn't a very fussy kid, he is easy to get occupied with something and will takes him long to get bored. the amount of ken being quiet sure once brought a worry to jes, in the end, it has nothing to do with all her worry. some other time he gets to it, moody and talkative. he's only three, it's normal as they said it. probably god has make it easy for jes to go through parenthood all alone however she doesn't want to be proud, afraid that it will bring something bad. though overall she is nothing but grateful.
as she parked her car, jes looks to her left spotting the black audi parked at the same time and walked out seymour, insisted he needs to look after where she's going though jes had told him numerous time to take the holiday, the man stands to his words and jes doesn't really want to get into it anymore.
ken's eyes are quick to spot the glowing lights around him, a definition of jaw drop when his mouth shaped 'o' and eyes not leaving the glowing tree the moment he set eyes on it. jes brings him up to her chest, carrying him close as she smiles up at the sight of her son's face, his chubby cheeks and nose are turning red.
"you wanna get closer to the tree?" she points at the tree, ken holds her toy tightly to his belly. he looks at her for a moment then nods his head.
a hand presses to the center of her back, seymour is keeping a very close distance as the place is a bit crowded, they can only move forward not far away from the previous spot as jes does not want to risk squeezing in the crowd with ken in her arms.
"can we get a big tree in our home? like this?" he points at the glowing tree, asks her so innocently with eyes so big like he is hoping she would say yes.
"does ken wants a tree like this at home?"
"okay, but it will not be this big, it will still be bigger than you, though!" she softly and playfully scratches his belly resulting the boy to laugh and latching to jes' front, "but, we can make our tree at home glow just like this one."
"with so many light?" ken tilts his head as he looks back again at the three, eyes bright from the amount of light reflecting into his pair of orbs.
"with... with the big star?!" he squeaks, face not believing his mommy's answer to his question.
"yes!" she laughs at the adorable reaction, kissing his cold blushing cheek.
ken spends what's left in his mind probably thinking about the tree they're going to set up (again) at home with a star just like the one he is looking now be put on top and jes admires the view of her son staring at those lights. a simple thing to make him happy, but jes feels that it's a thousand years worth of happiness on her part.
she looks up to the tree, then to ken who's still staring up, squeezing him into her embrace, "merry christmas, my sweet boy."
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withmyeyes · 7 months
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Rockfeller Center - New York - September 2014
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vatt-world · 1 month
eat exercise buy cookie
5th avenue dumbo bryant park grandcentral union sq tribeca hall de lumeries - wtc -city hall park-- woolworth building wtc memorial battery park hb studio new york stock exchange to bull seaport astoria eastvillage Central Park,NY.102nd st and sixth avenue noho rockfeller center flatiron district soho macy's 7th ave lexingtona venue chelsea madison ave hudson river park high line chinatown hell's kitchen greenwich village hudson yards soho nolita washington sq park
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Salvatore Esposito si sposa, romantica proposta di nozze a Paola Rossi
02 gennaio 2024 11:10 Si è inginocchiato davanti alla sua compagna sulla pista di pattinaggio sul ghiaccio del Rockfeller Center di New York   Tgcom24   La proposta di nozze   Sui social Salvatore Esposito e Paola Rossi hanno condiviso le immagini romantiche della proposta di matrimonio. Con il mastodontico albero di Natale sullo sfondo, l’attore si è inginocchiato in mezzo alla pista…
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Statue d'Atlas devant le Rockfeller Center
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October 10 2022
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conexaoamerica · 7 months
Rockfeller Center 🗽🍎 @rockefellercenter
Only two months ‘til Christmas!
…but we’re not counting or anything 😏
➢ Credit 👉🏆🎥 @boubah360
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➢ Alliance @america_states @enjoy_la_ @latinbrazil
#newyork #rockfellercenter #christmas #manhattan
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lilianvoyage · 9 months
From New-York to Chicago - jour 4
What a day !
Nous avons débuté tranquillement la journée sans nous presser. Nous avions un objectif en tête : trouver des billets à bon prix pour une comédie musicale sur Broadway !
Mais pour commencer, une balade originale s'est imposée en fin de matinée, l'une des nombreuses curiosités de New-York, la High Line. Il s'agit d'une ancienne ligne de chemin de fer (en hauteur), traversant un quartier de la ville et reconvertie en un parc linéaire.
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Après cette petite balade, nous nous sommes attelés à la tâche et avons rejoint Times Square (en croisant au passage le fameux Naked Cowboy) pour obtenir nos billets. Après un peu plus d'une heure d'attente, nous avons eu nos places pour Chicago, ce soir à 20h00 ! Un classique du genre et nous sommes très excités à l'idée d'assister à la représentation !
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En attendant le soir, nous nous sommes dirigés vers le Rockfeller Center et ni une ni deux, nous avons eu notre gros "wouah" de la journée en faisant le "Top of the Rock". Autrement dit, 69 étages plus haut, nous avons eu la chance d'avoir une vue imprenable sur New-York. C'est l'une des attractions touristiques fares de la cité mais nécessaire à mon avis. On se rend compte de l'immensité de cette jungle urbaine, difficile de décrire le sentiment éprouvé tant c'est impressionnant.
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Après être resté plus d'une heure au sommet (on a bien profité !), nous nous sommes dirigés vers l'Ambassador Theatre pour assister à Chicago.
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Et là, que dire si ce n'est que c'était magnifique. Le chant, la danse, la mise en scène, les musicien.nes, les lumières, une vraie Masterclass de A à Z. Je pense que c'était LE spectacle de Broadway par excellence et nous avons été absorbés par les artistes plus de 2h00 durant.
Une fois le show terminé on retrouve l'euphorie de Times Square et au détour d'une station de métro, un batteur au groove incroyable.
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What a day... !
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hshouse · 1 year
I was right there the first time harry ever played a 1d song and it was stockholm syndrome and I cannot explain to you all the divine experience I had that cold 9 am in may 2017 in rockfeller center
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highlydetailed · 1 year
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Spidey: "This year, the Christmas tree at Rockfeller Center is just...amazing! The view is so nice from up here..." 🎄🌟❤
#spiderman #marvellegends #actionfigure #toyphotography #toypics #toyart #christmas2022 #fanart #tomholland #rockefellercenter #christmastree
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